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Sustainable Transport by World Bank (1996)

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Sustainable Transport
Other Recent Development in Practice Books
Improving Women's Health in India

Sustainable Transport: Priorities for Policy Reform

Priorities and Strategies in Education: A World Bank Review (also available

in French and Spanish)

Better Urban Services: Finding the Right Incentives (also available in French
and Spanish)

Strengthening the Effectiveness of Aid: Lessons for Donors

Enriching Lives: Overcoming Vitamin and Mineral Malnutrition in Developing

Countries (also available in French and Spanish)

A New Agenda for Women's Health and Nutrition (also available in French)

Population and Development: Implications for the World Bank

East Asia's Trade and Investment: Regional and Global Gains from

Goverance: The World Bank's Experience

Higher Education: The Lessons of Experience (also available in French and


Better Health in Africa: Experience and Lessons Learned (also available in


Argentina's Privatization Program: Experience, Issues, and Lessons

Sustaining Rapid Development in East Asia and the Pacific

Sustainable Transport
Priorities for Policy Reform

W A S H I N G T O N, D. C.
(C 1996 The International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development / THE WORLD BANK

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America
First printing May 1996

The Development in Practice series publishes reviews of the World Bank's

activities in different regions and sectors. It lays particular emphasis on the
progress that is being made and on the policies and practices that hold the most
promise of success in the effort to reduce poverty in the developing world.
This report is a study by the World Bank's staff, and the judgments made herein
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Executive Directors or of the
governments they represent.

Cover photo: Curt Carnemark, The World Bank.

Libranr of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sustainable transport : priorities for policy reform.

p. cm. - (Development in practice)
Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
ISBN 0-8213-3598-7
1. Transportation and state-Developing countries.
2. Transportation-Environmental aspects-Developing countries.
3. Sustainable development-Developing countries. 4. Environmental
policy-Developing countries. 1. World Bank. 11. Series:
Development in practice (Washington, D.C.)
HE148.5.S87 1996
388'.068-dc2O 96-516621




I Refocusing Transport Sector Policy 13

The World Bank Group's Experience in Transport
Lending 15
Challenges for Transport Policy 21
Sustainability as the Basis of Transport Policy 28
The Need for Policy and Institutional Reform 31
Notes 32

2 Economic and Financial Sustainability 33

Competition in the Market: Private Ownership
and Operation 35
Competition for the Market: Private Operation within a
Framework of Public Control 37
Making Public Sector Management More Market
Sensitive 44
Setting Efficient Prices 48
Notes 49

3 Environmental Sustainability 50
Combining Reduction of Transport Costs
with Environmental Awareness 54
Priority Components of a Transport Strategy 55
Addressing High-Priority Problems 64
Notes 70


4 Social Sustainability 72
Designing General Transport Policy to Help the Poor 73
Addressing the Particular Problems of the Rural Poor 79
Mitigating the Unwanted Social Effects
of Transport Policies 82
Note 84

5 Redefining the Role of Governments in the Transport

Sector 85
Establishing a Strong Institutional Framework 86
Setting Charges for Use That Reflect Costs 87
Strategic Public Planning to Complement the Market 93
Community Participation: A Necessary Complement to
Markets 99
Notes 101

6 The Role of the World Bank Group in the Transport

Sector 102
Improving the Performance of Transport Sectors 102
Partnerships in Transport Reform 112
Learning Systematically from Experience 116




2.1 Expanding the Scope for Private Sector Finance and

Management in Transport 40
2.2 Privately Financed Transport Infrastructure, 1982-94 42
2.3 Potential for Private Financing of Transport Infrastructure in
Developing Countries 46
3.1 Ambient Air Quality Indicators for Selected Cities,
1987-90 51


1.1 Estimated Rates of Return on World Bank-Financed

Projects 14
1.2 Modal Distribution of World Bank Lending for Transport,
Funds Committed, 1947-94 16
1.3 Major Components of World Bank-Supported Highway
Projects, 1988-93 17

1.4 Estimated Growth in Ownership and Use of Motor Vehicles

since 1950 24
1.5 Three Dimensions of Sustainable Development: Synergies and
Tradeoffs 28
3.1 Transport and the Global Environment: Carbon Dioxide
Emissions, 1986 and Projected for 2010 53
3.2 Program to Reduce Air-Polluting Emissions from Transport
in Mexico City, with and without a Gasoline Tax 56
3.3 Gasoline Consumption versus Urban Density 61
3.4 Road Accident Rates, by Country Income Group 65
4.1 Comparison of Vehicle Composition in Eight Asian
Cities 75
5.1 Pump Prices for Premium Gasoline 92


1.1 Institutional Reform and Railway Performance 21

1.2 Integrated Policy Development: Urban Transport in
Tunis 22
1.3 Indirect Effects of Transport Investments: Lessons of
2.1 The Costs of Intervention: Maritime Transport Flag
Protection 35
2.2 Designing an Effective Competitive System: Buses in
Santiago, Chile 41
4.1 Overcoming the Problem of Financing Nonmotorized
Transport: Some Possibilities 76
4.2 The Informal Transport Sector as an Economic Force:
Rickshas in Bangladesh 77
5.1 Why a Strategic Government Role is Necessary: The Case of
Bangkok 94
6.1 Selected Recommendations in Support of Economic and
Financial Sustainability 104
6.2 Selected Recommendations in Support of Environmental
Sustainability 106
6.3 Selected Recommendations in Support of Social
Sustainability 108
6.4 Onlending Arrangements for Nonmotorized Transport 111
6.5 Collaboration among Donors 114

During the past twenty-five years, detailed policy studies have been
prepared for specific subsectors, such as urban transport (World Bank 1986c),
and on specific topics, such as road maintenance (World Bank 1988a). Since
1972, however, there has been no review of the transport sector as a whole.
During this period, and in the past decade in particular, rapid changes in the
global economy have increased the need for flexibility and reliability in trans-
port services; growing individual aspirations for more access and mobility have
generated the need for a greater variety of transport services; and mounting
social concern about the degradation of the environment have increased the
need to evaluate transport strategies more carefully. The Bank has already
responded to some of these needs both at the project level (for example, by
introducing the environmental assessment of projects) and at the policy level
(for example, by expanding the role of competitive markets in transport).
This book distills the lessons of Bank experience and relates them to the
emerging problems of developing and transition economies. There is a wide
diversity of problems and experience; no simple solution fits all countries.
Nevertheless, some generally applicable principles and best practices can be
identified as the basis of a policy for more sustainable transport.
In preparing this book, a wide range of groups was consulted both inside and
outside the Bank. Within the Bank the draft was circulated to professional staff
for comment and to participants in a review meeting held in September 1994.
The draft was also circulated to professionalsand academics, to nongovernmen-
tal organizations (NGOS), and to other aid and lending organizations. Consulta-
tion with advocacy NGOS and operational organizations in borrowing member
countries was greatly assisted by Dutch trust funds. Meetings were held in
October and November 1994 in Bangkok, Brussels, Budapest, London, Nairobi,
Paris, and Santiago. Consultation with U.S.-based international NGOS was facili-
tated by a task force established by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The
document has been enriched by the constructive comments received during the
consultation process. A serious effort was made to incorporate these comments


into the book in order to establish a coherent yet broad-based framework for
reforming transport policy and practice.
Kenneth Gwilliam and Zmarak Shalizi prepared the book, which has
benefited from in-depth comments from colleagues in the Transport Division
of the World Bank's Vice Presidency for Environmentally Sustaioable Devel-
opment. Jerry Lebo provided research assistance, and Barbara Gregory, Emi-
lie Fernandez, Arlene Elcock, and Susanne Holste were responsible for pro-
duction. Elizabeth Forsyth edited the final version. Alison Pefia was the proof-
reader. The work was carried out under the direction of Louis Y. Pouliquen,
director of the Transportation, Water, and Urban Development Department,
and his successor, Anthony J. Pellegrini.
Abbrev iations

AGETIP L'Agence pour l'Execution de Travaux d'Interet Public

contre le Sous-emploi
BOT Build-operate-transfer
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
EDI Economic Development Institute (of the World Bank)
ERR Economic rate of return
GEF Global Environment Facility
GDP Gross domestic product
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDA International Development Association
IFC International Finance Corporation
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
NAFTA North American Free Trade Association
NGO Nongovernmental organization
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
POLONOROESTE Northwest Integrated Rural Development Scheme (Brazil)
PSO Public service obligation


Transport is central to development. Without physical access to

jobs, health, education, and other amenities, the quality of life suffers; without
physical access to resources and markets, growth stagnates, and poverty re-
duction cannot be sustained. Inappropriately designed transport strategies and
programs, however, can result in networks and services that aggravate the
condition of the poor, harm the environment, ignore the changing needs of
users, and exceed the capacity of public finances.
World Development Report 1994, which focused on infrastructure, stressed
the importance of expanding the role of competitive markets and the involve-
ment of the private sector to increase efficiency in the provision and operation
of infrastructureand services. The report noted that this was easier to implement
in some sectors, such as telecommunications, than in others, such as transport.
This book endorses that general message and elaborates on how the specific
characteristics of the different transport subsectors affect the potential for ex-
panding the role of competitive markets. It also attempts to set the expanded
role of markets explicitly in the broad framework of sustainable development.
Macroeconomic cross-country studies by the World Bank show that in-
vesting in transport promotes growth by increasing the social return to private
investment without crowding out other productive investment. Microeconomic
analysis confirms the high social value of transport. The estimated economic
rate of return on transport projects at completion is 22 percent, half as high
again as the Bank average. Improvements in rural transport have lowered the
costs of agricultural production directly, by increasing access to markets and
credit, and indirectly, by facilitating the development of the nonagricultural
rural economy. Improvements in urban transport have increased labor market
efficiency and access to amenities, making changes in the scale and form of
urban agglomerations possible. Improvements in interurban transport have
facilitated domestic and international trade and sped the movement of freight,
as well as of people.

Leariiing l'in-oi Expeniiice

The World Bank Group has been active in transport lending since the late 1940s.
Nearly $50 billion in loans and credits has been committed exclusively for
transport sector development through more than 1,000 projects, and $12 billion
more has been committed for transport components of other lending operations
in support of agricultural, industrial, and urban development.' Lending exclu-
sively for transport projects peaked at 40 percent of the Bank's overall lending
between 1956 and 1965. During the late 1980s and early 1990s the share fluctu-
ated between 13 and 16 percent, and some transport issues have been addressed
through public enterprise reform loans and adjustment loans rather than trans-
port loans. Rail and port lending has declined from two-thirds of the portfolio in
the period of postwar reconstruction to about 15 percent at present, while urban
transport lending has increased from a very low level to about 15 percent of the
transport portfolio. Highway lending has stabilized at about 60 percent of the
transport portfolio; 70 percent of highway lending is now devoted to rehabilitat-
ing rather than expanding networks. Transport accounted for nearly 4 percent of
projects approved by the International Finance Corporation (IFc) in 1994 and
1995. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has also recently
commenced operations in the sector.
The Bank has successfully financed the construction of physical infra-
structure and the acquisition of transport equipment, increased the construc-
tion and engineering contracting potential in borrowing countries, and as-
sisted in establishing technical capabilities. However, it has learned from
experience that physical completion of projects does not in itself generate the
expected benefits if institutions are weak and the policy framework is inad-
equate. This has frequently been the case where the state is the sole provider
of transport infrastructure and is either a monopoly supplier or a strongly
interventionist regulator of the provision of transport services.
The dominance of the public sector in the operation of transport services
has had several adverse effects. Costs have been too high (for example, road
haulage costs are five times as high in the heavily controlled transport sectors
of some West African countries as in the liberalized transport sector of Paki-
stan), and tariffs have been too low, resulting in high public deficits. For
example, for some years before rail services were granted as a concession to
the private sector in Argentina, the deficit of the state-owned rail enterprise
was between 1 and 2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Despite the high
costs, assets were not maintained, and service did not respond flexibly to
rapidly changing demand.

Challenges for the Transport Sector

Continued improvement of transport systems requires completion of some "un-

finished business" of extending basic infrastructure networks and providing for

their adequate maintenance. But it also requires attention to the new problems
posed by user aspirations for better-quality services, by participation in the
opportunities and risks of a competitive global marketplace, and by the adverse
consequences of rapid motorization. Appropriate strategies and actions will be
required both to improve provision and maintenance of transport infrastructure
and to improve the provision of transport services using that infrastructure.

Addressing Unfinished Business


increase the access of the rural poor to markets and amenities. To do this,
secondary and tertiary transport networks will have to be expanded and addi-
tional public transport services created. Thirty-three percent of China's popu-
lation and 75 percent of Ethiopia's population still do not have access to all-
weather transport. Walking more than 10 kilometers a day each way to farms,
schools, and clinics is not unusual in rural areas, particularly in Sub-Saharan
Africa, but also in parts of Asia and Latin America. Commuting (whether
walking or taking public transport) also absorbs a large part of the time of the
urban poor. Commuting by public transport is very costly for the urban poor,
taking, for example, 14 percent of the income of the poor in Manila compared
with only 7 percent of the income of the nonpoor.

CONFRONTING THE MAINTENANCECRISIS. Over the two-decade period 1964-

84, $45 billion worth of road infrastructure assets was lost in eighty-five
developing countries because of inadequate maintenance. Every dollar of
essential maintenance postponed increases the costs of operating a vehicle in
the current period by more than $3. The postponed maintenance also increases
the costs incurred by road agencies in the long run.

Meeting New Challenges


comes and rapidly changing markets are generating demand for a greater variety
and a higher quality of transport services than are currently available in most
developing and transition economies. Higher priority is being attached to mov-
ing people rather than vehicles, ensuring greater safety in transport, minimizing
adverse effects on health, paying more attention to amenities and aesthetic
issues, and reducing adverse impacts on the environment and ecology that result
from improperly designed and executed transport development strategies.

ADJUSTING TO GLOBAL TRADE PATTERNS. Domestic and international trade

liberalization is bringing about the movement of larger volumes of goods (par-
ticularly intermediate goods) over longer distances than was the case in the past.

The Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan (China), and Thailand have based
their rapid growth on the export of their manufactured goods through participa-
tion in globally integrated production and assembly chains. Even in low-income
developing countries (excluding Sub-Saharan Africa), manufactured goods ac-
count for more than half of exports. Many countries have difficulty competing
for increasingly mobile production and assembly processes because the admin-
istrative arrangements and regulations that govern freight and passenger trans-
port are inefficient. Bottlenecks in transport infrastructureare constraininggrowth
in some rapidly growing countries, such as China. Economic reform and politi-
cal realignment in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and emerging
free trade areas and customs unions in Latin America, also promise to generate
a need for investment in transport and for harmonization of regulations to
facilitate new patterns of trade and transport.

COPING WITH RAPID MOTORIZATION. Cities are major engines of growth in

most developing countries, and urban populations are expanding at a very
high rate (more than 6 percent annually). At comparable levels of income,
industrial countries had few motorized vehicles. However, stimulated by grow-
ing per capita income in urban areas, ownership of motor vehicles is increas-
ing in developing countries at a faster rate than the proportion of central urban
space devoted to roads. This proportion is very low in many developing
country cities-in the 7 to 11 percent range in Bangkok and Calcutta, for
example, compared with 20 to 25 percent in most European cities with fully
developed transit systems and more than 30 percent in Manhattan.
As in industrial countries, the increased dependence on automobiles in the
developing countries is reducing both the diversity and availability of
nonmotorized public transport services for the public, particularly the poor. It
has also generated three transport-related problems that are qualitatively differ-
ent from their counterparts in industrial economies. First, roads in cities such as
Sao Paulo and Seoul are much more congested at lower rates of car ownership
than in industrial countries. Second, slow-moving traffic, combined with an ill-
maintained stock of vehicles, is making the megacities in developing countries,
such as Bangkok, Mexico City, and Tehran, the most polluted in the world.
Third, sprawling, land-consuming urban structures are making the journey to
work, particularly for some of the very poor, excessively long and costly. With
vehicle growth rates of 15 to 20 percent a year in many cities in developing
countries, these problems will emerge rapidly in other cities-if they do not
already exist-under "business-as-usual" policies.

Sustainabilitv' as the Basis of a NMoreDemiaiidifn Transport


Together, these challenges highlight the need to reform transport policy in

order to support a better quality of life on a sustained basis. Economic and

financial sustainabilitv requires that resources be used efficiently and that

assets be maintained properly. Environmental and ecological sustainabilitv
requires that the external effects of transport be taken into account fully when
public or private decisions are made that determine future development. So-
cial sustainabilitx requires that the benefits of improved transport reach all
sections of the community. Economic and financial considerations have a
pivotal role to play. Rigorous economic appraisal of investment in infrastruc-
ture, appropriate price incentives for its efficient use, and adequate financial
and fiscal provisions for its maintenance remain crucial. Road or public trans-
port systems that fall into disrepair because they are economically or finan-
cially unsustainable fail to serve the needs of the poor and often damage the
environment. But tradeoffs also occur. For example, if environmental and
social impacts are not fully addressed in both private and public decisionmaking,
expansion of motorized transport can have unacceptable negative environ-
mental and social effects.
Three types of Bank action are most important in support of policy and
institutional reform to enhance sustainability. First. actions that involve syn-
ergy among the different dimensions of sustainability are pivotal to the whole
strategy. The most critical of these are the introduction of economically effi-
cient charges for infrastructure and the development of competitive market
structures within the sector. Second, some actions are urgent, either because
they are basic to reform (such as actions to establish the institutional basis for
a more competitive and commercial transport sector) or because they address
problems that have already become critical (such as road safety and the most
serious health-threatening aspects of urban air pollution). Third, some actions
are relatively novel. These include measures to assist nonmotorized transport;
to mobilize the potential of local authorities, communities, and nongovern-
mental organizations; to improve maintenance through more secure and par-
ticipatory financing arrangements; and to accelerate improved public sector

Economic and Financial Sustainability

The primary economic and financial objective is to make transport more cost-
effective and continuously responsive to changing demands. The strategy for
achieving this involves creating competition in those parts of the sector where
a commercial market can operate without significant adverse spillover and
distributional consequences, and enhancing user participation in those parts
where it cannot. Competition must be facilitated by regulatory reform to
enable private firms to enter and exit the market freely. Where social or
environmental consequences are important, as for infrastructure with signifi-
cant economies of scale, competition for the market through tendered fran-
chises may be more appropriate than free competition in the market. The com-
mercialization of remaining public sector firms can also contribute significantly

to economic and financial sustainability. In all these cases, markets will not
work properly unless users are charged the full cost to society of their use of
transport infrastructure (see the last bulleted point, p. 9).
The objective is to increase the responsiveness of transport supply to user
needs by creating competition and by enhancing user participation. The World
Bank Group can assist countries in the following ways.

1. Increase the use of coIp)etitive mar-ket structures in transport seruices.

* Encourage the private operation of road, rail freight, air, and maritime
* Discourage cargo reservation and flag discrimination in the absence of a
comprehensive assessment of net benefits to the country.
* Develop betterfranchise and concessionary arrangements to ensure com-
petition for the market.
2. Incre.ise efficiency in the use, provisio, fiiiaiiciiig, aI(l management of
transpor t infraslruicture.
* Introduce direct charges for infrastructure that closely reflect costs, in-
cluding the opportunity cost of nonmarketed effects.
* Explore actively the potential for corporatizing infrastructure agencies.
* Introduce proxy user charges based on earmarking taxation to provide a
cost-effective framework for maintaining infrastructure where there is a main-
tenance crisis and no direct user charges.
3. Establish an enabling framniework for compn)etition.
* Create or strengthen regulatory institutions and perfornance standards for
transport to ensure fair competition. to avoid predation and cartelization, and
to protect the public interest.
* Unbundle and restructure agency responsibilities to enhance the potential
for the sale, lease, or subcontracting of the provision, operation, and mainte-
nance of transport infrastructure.
* Increase the capacinyfor creating private-public partnerships by defining
more clearly and sharing more fairly the liabilities, risks, and returns in build-
operate-transfer and concessionary contracts for transport infrastructure.
4. l)eelol) the necessarN strategic planning an(l svstemimatnagement ca-
pabilities to coml)lemIent the market.
* Create or strengthen the public strategic planning capabilities necessary to
complement and underpin a more competitive transport network.
* Establish processes for the effective participation of users and affected

communities in making decisions on the design, management, and mainte-

nance of transport infrastructure and publicly sustained services.

Environmental Sustainability
More than half a million people are killed in road accidents each year. In
recent years in India only 5 percent of those killed were in vehicles; the rest
were pedestrians and cyclists. In Kenya, losses associated with road accidents
amount to 1.3 percent of GDP. In some large city centers, road traffic accounts
for 90 to 95 percent of health-threatening lead and carbon monoxide in the air
and a major share of suspended particulate matter. Reducing the threats to life
and health is the highest priority. Cost-effective (rather than state-of-the-art)
technology is necessary, but not sufficient, for transport to be environmentally
sustainable. Strategic action is also required in the form of better-directed
planning of land use, stricter management of demand, and greater incentives
to use public transport through efficient pricing for congestion and pollution.
The objective is to ensure that environmental issues are addressed as an
integral part of the formulation of transport strategy and project design through
actions that have a high ratio of benefit to cost or are cost-effective. The
World Bank Group can assist countries in the following ways.

1. kddress heaIlth-tlhreatening impacts as a plriorith.

I Initiate benchmarked safety programs. particularly in road transport.

* Adopt cleanerfuel standards to eliminate lead and sulfur emissions, com-
bined with fuel supply and pricing policies that encourage the use of cleaner
2. Integirate cii ir-ouiiiieiital antil ecolloiiic eleiiieiins ill project appraisal.

I Encourage the preparation of implementable strategies for national or

local transport that take into account environmental and economic consider-
I Encourage more svstematic estimation of the impact that transport pro-
grams and projects have on safety and air pollution (including, where pos-
sible, a monetary valuation in economic rate-of-return calculations).
* Assist efforts to use the most cost-effective rather than the most technologi-
callv advanced solutions to environmental problems.
* Ensure that the effects on nonmotorized transport are considered in the
design and evaluation of road and rail projects.
* Protect against the adverse environmental impact of developments in-
duced by roads and other transport networks on forests, wetlands, and

other natural habitats, as well as on cultural heritage sites, by requiring

that the correct framework for protection be in place before the project is
There is also a need to pay special attention to spatial issues and modal options
now even though their benefits may only be realized in the long run. These
include the following actions:

3. Developan enironinientall% seiisiti%cstiategic fraineNeork.

* Better integrate the provision of circulation space and transport capacity
with land-use development, particularly in rapidly growing areas.
* Develop local standards for the provision of nonmotorized transport.
* Develop strategies that enable urban mass rapid transit projects to be incor-
porated, in a cost-effective way, in the long-term development of growing
* Establish road-user charges that reflect externalities (road damage,
air and noise pollution, congestion, and safety); where fuel taxation is
used as a proxy, Western European levels are a more appropriate bench-
mark than U.S. levels for developing countries on the threshold of rapid

* Establish a general urban transport fund to which revenues from the

fuel surcharge are assigned in support of expenditures on the most sus-
tainable means of improving the performance of the urban transport
* Ensure that urban public transport fare, service, and finance policies re-
flect the need to maintain a balanced, sustainable urban transport system,
while avoiding an excessive shift to private automobiles.
* Be sensitive to the obligations of member countries under international
environmental agreements. such as the International Maritime Organization
Convention on Maritime Pollution, in preparing lending operations in the
relevant sector.

Social Sustainability
Meeting the transport needs of the poor requires more attention to the roles of
the informal sector and of nonmotorized transport and to the maintenance of
rural access facilities, particularly with the use of labor-intensive techniques.
Specific provisions are sometimes necessary to offset the effects of commer-
cialization on the price of transport and the level of service and to mitigate the
effects of occupational and spatial dislocation.

The objective is to increase the social sustainability of transport by mak-

ing poverty reduction an integral part of national and local transport strate-
gies. The World Bank Group can assist countries in the following ways.
1. lar'et tl tralinsl)ort problem" (1I the pool
pll lpar'liclall tlh uirba1t

* Improve their physical access to jobs and amenities and reduce "excessive"
time spent walking.
* Reduce barriers to the informal supply of transport (subject to reasonable
and enforceable levels of safety).
* Enable greater use of nonmotorized transport by improving rights-of-way
and interchange infrastructure and eliminating fiscal and financing impedi-
ments to vehicle ownership.
* Eliminate gender biases by integrating the transport needs of women into
the mainstream of transport policy and planning.
2. ImproNe I he approach and
11cr1 iteria for adr((1iessing tile Ira Ilsmport
i pl or.
proIb lems of' tile 1-cii-

* Emphasize access (for example, by ensuring that bridges and culverts are
durable and do not collapse or wash out) rather than high standards of perfor-
mance (for example, by paving surfaces to increase speed) in rural transport
* Support cost-effective, labor-intensive methods for constructing and main-
taining subsidiary roads
* Ensure community participation in decisionmaking on local transport
investment and maintenance, establish extension services to provide neces-
sary technical advice and training, and support the development of rural
3. IPlrotectthe poor iagaiilst the ad(erse ltetels (of'chlangesif] genlel-.
transport policies and prograins.

* Minimize the amount of resettlement and, where unavoidable, mitigate the

effects of resettlement by ensuring that people displaced by transport projects
are resettled expeditiously and fairly.
* Mitigate the effects of redundancy in overstaffed transport enterprises and
agencies by ensuring that constructive reemployment and severance financing
arrangements are in place.
* Develop efficient subsidy schemes for "social service" public tranis-
port by defining public service obligations (PSos) and establishing fis-
cally sustainable contractual compensation arrangements.

RedefiningFthe Role of Governmients and tie WN'or-ld

Group in the Ira-iisport Sector-

The change of focus in transport policy toward a market-based approach

implies a radical change in the role of government. The private sector can take
on more of the responsibility for providing. operating, and financing transport
services and even some transport infrastructure through concessionary ar-
rangements. Thus. the role of the government as supplier or quantitative
regulator will decline, but its importance as the enabler of competition and the
custodian of environmental and social interests will increase. Cost-benefit
analysis remains the preferred method for allocating public resources eco-
nomically (both for investment and for purchase of social services). Setting
efficient charges for the use of publicly provided infrastructure, maintaining
the competitive environment in the sector, and increasing community and
user participation in decisionmaking, particularly in those areas where mar-
kets do not function adequately, will become more important.
There are a number of ways in which the World Bank Group can help
governments develop a sustainable, well-functioning transport system. which
is a crucial determinant of a country's competitiveness. Bank country strategy
papers that assume moderate or high growth of GDP for an extended period
must take into account that most developing countries are still at a stage where
demand for freight transport grows more rapidly than GDP and that demand for
passenger transport grows at least as fast as per capita GDP and substantially
faster in growing urban areas. Failure to pay attention to these consequences
can result in bottlenecks and problems in the performance of the transport
Institutional and policy reform should be the primary focus of the World
Bank Group's efforts to make transport services more sustainable. In the
absence of extensive reforms to deregulate and open up the sector and to
strengthen its institutional capacity, projects are not likely to achieve their
goals. The Bank can help governments to fulfill their enabling and supervi-
sory role in a freer transport market through more selective and focused
technical assistance for building the capacity and skills needed by the public
A continued strong lending program in transport is essential because lend-
ing is complementary to policy and institutional reform: investment require-
ments in transport will continue to grow: and the private sector cannot supply
all the transport infrastructure financing that is needed. By and large, existing
lending instruments allow the freedom necessary to design and finance opera-
tions that support a reform agenda. Greater private sector involvement in
financing transport infrastructure can be stimulated by IFC loans, equity par-
ticipation, and capital market activities and by Bank and MIGA guarantee
arrangements. There is also a need to explore further the potential of extended

onlending arrangements to facilitate the involvement of community and non-

governmental organizations.
Partnerships are increasingly important and should be fostered by the
Bank at the country level between the various actors and stakeholders; at the
international level between the development community and the country;
between the financial community and the sector; and between all those who
are addressing the challenges of improving transport.
Lessons from experience must be learned more systematically. Much can
be learned directly from the Bank's portfolio of activities in transport. Expe-
rience needs to be carefully monitored on a number of important topics,
including attempts to implement more explicit road-user charges; improve the
maintenance performance of road administrations; increase the participation
of beneficiaries in formulating and implementing transport policies and pro-
grams, develop and structure infrastructure concessions; devise methods to
value time savings and environmental and long-term structural effects for
improved project appraisal; and develop mechanisms (including tax and sub-
sidy schemes) to sustain transport services for the poor.
Developing a strategic approach to motorization is an increasingly critical
task. The growth in demand for mobility in developing countries has been
satisfied primarily by an increased reliance on automobiles and trucks. The
centrally planned economies tried to avoid this trend by imposing restrictions
on motorization, but these restrictions now hamper their ability to respond
with the flexibility needed to compete in market economies. Many developing
and transition economies are not yet locked into a system of motorized trans-
port but are already entering a phase of accelerated growth in motorization. As
a result, many cities and interurban networks in these countries are experienc-
ing severe congestion, safety problems, and pollution at earlier stages of
development than their industrial-country counterparts. This suggests some
urgency in identifying and implementing an alternate strategy with higher net
benefits. Two different, but potentially related, issues must be addressed: the
need to develop a more appropriate pace for motorization (that is, to balance
decentralized private decisions on small capital outlays, such as the acquisi-
tion of a vehicle, with society's ability to mobilize resources and implement
large capital investments to expand road networks) and the need to identify a
more balanced multimodal transport network, with fewer implicit or explicit
subsidies, that could become the long-term objective of transport policy. The
central problem is to identify one or more strategies within a market frame-
work that are capable of generating efficient and sustainable spatial structures
and multimodal transport systems while accommodating significant economic
and population growth. More research is necessary on this topic. given that
hundreds of billions of dollars are likely to be invested in surface transport
over the next two to three decades in developing and transition economies. It
would also be appropriate to initiate a process of consultation with various

stakeholders, through workshops and conferences on motorization, as a basis

for gaining widespread commitment and contributions to an international
effort aimed at developing and nurturing more sustainable alternatives to the
dependency on automobiles. In particular, the consistency between transport
policy (focusing on managing the rate of motorization) and industrial policy
(focusing on developing the domestic automobile and bicycle industry) should
be addressed at the level of country strategy.


1. All dollars are U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. A billion is 1.000 million.

Refocusing Transport Sector Policy

World Bank operations have contributed to the creation of essential transport

infrastructure in developing countries, with the aim of improving access to
jobs, education, and health facilities and offacilitating domestic and interna-
tional trade. However, new challenges associated with the changing charac-
teristics of global production and trade, as well as people's growing aspira-
tions for a better quality of life, will require developing and transition coun-
tries to adopt transport policies that are more sustainable economically and
financially, as well as environmentally and socially.

Transport is crucial to development. Without access to jobs, health,

education, and other amenities, the quality of life suffers; without access to
resources and markets, growth stagnates, and poverty reduction cannot be
sustained. Inappropriately designed transport strategies and programs, how-
ever, can result in networks and services that aggravate the condition of the
poor, harm the environment, ignore the changing needs of users, and exceed
the capacity of public finances.
Studies by the World Bank have shown that transport generates growth by
facilitating trade, both nationally and internationally, and by increasing ac-
cess to health and education facilities, as well as to local and national ameni-
ties. At the macroeconomic level, cross-country studies have confirmed that
investment in transport raises growth by increasing the social return to private
investment without crowding out other productive investment and that inad-
equate transport infrastructure is an important constraint on aggregate agricul-
tural productivity. At the microeconomic level, improvements in transport
directly lower agricultural input prices and hence the costs of production,
increase access to markets and hence diversification of output, and indirectly


Percentage rate of return





At appraisal At completion

_ Bank average = Transport sector

Source:World Bank 19 5a.

facilitate the development of the nonagricultural rural economy. In urban

areas, the quality of transport infrastructure and public transport service af-
fects the locations chosen by firms and individuals, the scale and form of
urban agglomerations, the efficiency of the labor market. and the costs at
which labor is obtained.' At the project level, reports by the Operations Evalu-
ation Department of the World Bank (OED) have shown that the performance
of the Bank's lending in the transport sector is above average, both at ap-
praisal and at completion (see figure 1.1).2
The importance of transport does not diminish as countries industrialize.
International trade in merchandise, and by implication the movement of goods,
grew, on average, throughout the world by 5 percent annually between 1980
and 1992, compared with income, which grew by only 3 percent a year. Japan
and Korea have based their rapid growth on the export of their manufacturing
goods, and economies such as Malaysia, Taiwan (China), and Thailand have
benefited from participating in globally integrated production and assembly
chains (World Bank 1993b). This could not have occurred without high-
quality domestic, regional. and international transport.
Until the 1980s, transport infrastructure (rights-of-way, track, terminals,
and associated traffic management) in developing countries was provided pri-
marily by the public sector for all modes of transport (road, rail, air, and mari-
time and inland water) and at all levels (international, national, regional, and
local, both urban and rural). In the provision of transport services (conveyance

of passengers and freight), railways were usually a public sector monopoly.

while in air and maritime transport, national-flag carriers were also usually in
the public sector. In contrast, in trucking, bus, and inland waterway transport,
the private sector was predominant, even though state-owned enterprises for
transport existed in many countries and nontransport state-owned enterprises
often possessed their own fleets. Even in these subsectors, however. govemn-
ments have usually played a critical role by setting charges for the use of public
infrastructure and by regulating the type. quantity, and prices of private sector
services (Armstrong-Wright and Thiriez 1987).

';' 1 Hlt;,
r g~~~~~~~~C .ks;
I,wi>alsoil .,E 40A.5

Within this context, the World Bank Group contributed to the development of
the transport sector in its borrowing member countries by finanicing the con-
struction of physical infrastructure and equipment. technical assistance to
evaluate and implement required reforms and adjustments in sector policies
and management practices, and traininig programs to facilitate human re-
source development. It has also engaged in a continuing dialogue with gov-
ernments to assist policymaking.

Sectoral Composition of the Lending Program

Since it started lending for transport in the late 1940s. the Bank has provided
nearly $50 billion in loans and credits through more than 1,000 projects in
direct support of transport sector development. Additional funding, amount-
ing to roughly $12 billion up to 1994, was provided through the transport
components of lending operations for agricultural and industrial develop-
ment. The share of transport lending in the Bank's overall lending has varied
substantially. Through the end of 1955 it averaged 18 percent, increasing to
40 percent between 1956 and 1965 and then declining to 30 percent between
1966 and the early 1970s. Since then it has fluctuated between 13 and 16
percent. The composition of transport lending has also changed substantially
(see figure 1.2). with the share of road and urban transport lending increasing
at the expense of railway and port lending.
Railway anitldwaterborne transport lending accountedfor abouttwo-thirds
of the Bank's lending for transport up to 1960. largely in loans to Japan and
European countries for equipment to make up for the replacement lag and
prolonged shortages following World War II. These loans could be disbursed
quickly and needed little supervision. After 1960 the emphasis shifted to
building infrastructure in the developing countries. including the newly inde-
pendent African countries. Beginning in the mid-1970s the emphasis in both
subsectors moved to institutional reform, and during the 1980s the Bank
began to engage in much broader policy dialogue with borrowers. For ex-
ample, the Maritime Sector Development Program in Indonesia covered a

of passengers and freight), railways were usually a public sector monopoly,

while in air and maritime transport, national-flag carriers were also usually in
the public sector. In contrast, in trucking. bus. and inland waterway transport,
the private sector was predominant, even though state-owned enterprises for
transport existed in many countries and nontransport state-owned enterprises
often possessed their own fleets. Even in these subsectors, however, govern-
ments have usually played a critical role by setting charges for the use of public
infrastructure and by regulating the type, quantity, and prices of private sector
services (Armstrong-Wright and Thiriez 1987).

1'lhe \'orld Bank Groul)'s Experience in rransport I.dn(linlg

Within this context, the World Bank Group contributed to the development of
the transport sector in its borrowing member countries by financing the con-
struction of physical infrastructure and equipment, technical assistance to
evaluate and implement required reforms and adjustments in sector policies
and management practices, and training programs to facilitate human re-
source development. It has also engaged in a continuing dialogue with gov-
ernments to assist policymaking.

Sectoral Composition of the Lending Program

Since it started lending for transport in the late 1940s, the Bank has provided
nearly $50 billion in loans and credits through more than 1,000 projects in
direct support of transport sector development. Additional funding, amount-
ing to roughly $12 billion up to 1994, was provided through the transport
components of lending operations for agricultural and industrial develop-
ment. The share of transport lending in the Bank's overall lending has varied
substantially. Through the end of 1955 it averaged 18 percent, increasing to
40 percent between 1956 and 1965 and then declining to 30 percent between
1966 and the early 1970s. Since then it has fluctuated between 13 and 16
percent. The composition of transport lending has also changed substantially
(see figure 1.2), with the share of road and urban transport lending increasing
at the expense of railway and port lending.
Railwtavand waterborne transport lending accounted for about two-thirds
of the Bank's lending for transport up to 1960, largely in loans to Japan and
European countries for equipment to make up for the replacement lag and
prolonged shortages following World War 11.These loans could be disbursed
quickly and needed little supervision. After 1960 the emphasis shifted to
building infrastructure in the developing countries, including the newly inde-
pendent African countries. Beginning in the mid-1970s the emphasis in both
subsectors moved to institutional reform, and during the 1980s the Bank
began to engage in much broader policy dialogue with borrowers. For ex-
ample, the Maritime Sector Development Program in Indonesia covered a






1947-56 1957-61 1962-66 1967-71 1972-76 1977-81 1982-86 1987-91 1992-94

= Highways = Railways = Ports I= Other

Notle:Before about 1975,largely pipelineand aviation prqjectsandengineeringloansand credits;thereafterurbantransportprojectsand sectorloansand credits.

Source:World Bank data.

broad spectrum of ocean and inland waterway transport, port, and trade logis-
tical issues. The successful concessioning of Argentina's railways is a broad
spectrum of ocean and inland waterway transport, port. and trade logistical
issues. The successful concessioning of Argentina's railways is a case in
which the Bank played an important role in assisting a government that was
already committed to institutional reform. However, as experience with Bra-
zilian ports and Pakistani railways shows, Bank lending operations aimed at
facilitating institutional reforms have not been that successful in the absence
of government commitment.
Highway sector lendinigincreased steadily until the late 1970s, by which
time it accounted for two-thirds of the transport portfolio. It now accounts
for about 60 percent of transport lending. In earlier years the emphasis was
on the creation of a basic road network. During the 1970s and 1980s atten-
tion was directed more toward rehabilitation and maintenance, which ac-
counted for 70 percent of highway sector lending between 1988 and 1993
(see figure 1.3). Concerted efforts to establish effective maintenance organi-
zations and budgetary commitment gained momentum only in the late 1970s.
Lending in the sector has not been confined to principal roads. In most
countries the total length of the network of rural roads, paths, and tracks is


New construction Rehabilitation
122% 56%


Project preparation
and implementation

Policy support


maintenance Routine
10% maintenance

El Civil works * Equipment n Technical assistance

Source: Analysisof data from World Bankstaff appraisals1994.

five or more times that of the primary interurban highway network. For
example, during the twenty-five years from 1964 to 1989 the Bank provided
about $1.7 billion in loans and credits to construct, rehabilitate, or maintain
more than 160,000 of the 880,000 kilometers of classified rural roads in
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Urban transport lending began in the mid-1970s. A sector policy paper
published by the World Bank in 1975 emphasized the need to rationalize the
use of transport facilities, promote efficient public transport companies, and
devise patterns of spatial development to reduce transport requirements. Al-
though the paper placed a heavy emphasis on increased charges for road use in
congested areas, much of the effort in Bank projects, and much of the atten-
tion of the subsequent 1986 policy paper, was devoted to traffic management
and the development of public transport (World Bank 1975, 1986c).3 In some
Latin American countries radical measures to give buses priority over private
cars were successfully implemented.4 In East Asia measures to assist private
sector minibuses in Kuala Lumpur and jitneys in Manila improved the quality
and affordability of public transport.
Aviation sector lending funded the construction and rehabilitation of some
international airports in the postwar period and of local airports from the
1970s on, but such lending is now negligible. It is likely that future investment
needs in airports and air navigation facilities will be met predominantly by the
private sector. More recently, the Bank has been involved with airport
privatization and with the privatization or restructuring of airlines on a na-
tional or regional basis to eliminate major drains on public finance (in Angola.
Bolivia, Cameroon, Jamaica, Poland, and Sri Lanka).

The Changing Focus of Transport Lending

Fiscal crises in many developing countries since the early 1980s, and more
recently in the transition economies, have reduced the resource base for trans-
port sector funding. This has highlighted the need to use existing resources
more efficiently. Development may still be constrained by inadequate trans-
port infrastructure in some transition economies, in China, and in some other
Asian countries with rapidly growing economies, but the main near-term
problem in many countries is the inadequacy of management and mainte-
nance of both infrastructure and service. This shortcoming is often exacer-
bated by unwieldy regulations and managerial practices.
To address this problem, the Bank has used a variety of instruments.
Sector loans, such as the highway sector loans to Indonesia and Thailand in
the early 1990s, have supported multiyear public investment programs based
on prior mutual agreement on the objectives, general composition, and
priorities in the sector. By contrast, sector adjustment loans, such as those
made to Burkina Faso in 1992 and Senegal in 1994, have focused on policy
reform rather than on the investment program. Sector adjustment loans have

addressed a wide range of sector policy and management issues, often cov-
ering several transport modes within a single lending operation.
Bank financing of transport vehicle fleets has been decreasing as the Bank
has concentrated on assisting the transfer of transport enterprises from the
public to the private sector (particularly in road freight haulage and air trans-
port) and on reducing constraints on private initiative (as in the case of the
Mexican trucking industry). This approach has been pursued through nar-
rowly targeted policy reforms in the context of investment projects (for ex-
ample, as in road freight haulage privatization in Yemen) or, more usually, as
an integral part of broader structural adjustment loans (as in the privatization
of air and urban transport in Peru). or public enterprise reform adjustment
loans (for example, Argentine railways). In other cases, such as the privatization
of trucking in Hungary, Poland, and Russia, the Bank has had an indirect
influence through its participation in the general policy dialogue on reform of
the transport sector.
Transport policy and management issues have also been addressed in
public expenditure reviews, in fiscal studies, and in reforms associated with
structural adjustment lending and public enterprise reform projects. These
new-style operations have been particularly successful in Argentina, Chile.
and Mexico. where governments adopted liberal economic management poli-
cies to redress the failure of protectionist regimes. In some countries, the Bank
has supported institutional development, such as the creation of a national
highway maintenance organization (as in Chile), metropolitan planning orga-
nizations (as in several Brazilian cities), and traffic management organiza-
tions (as in Tunis).

Increased Cooperation with the Private Sector

Historically, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

and the International Development Association (IDA) have been the most
active parts of the World Bank Group in the transport sector. However, since
1992. when the IFC'S infrastructure department (including a transport divi-
sion) was created, the IFC has made a range of direct investments on its own
account (debt, equity, and quasi-equity) and has organized syndication of debt
in the sector. Individual loans have reached $50 million, with participation
generally structured as part of a larger project finance package. By the end of
1995, fifteen projects had been approved, all in Asia or Latin America, in
ports, airports, rail, mass transit, airlines, and shipping. The IFC has also been
involved in setting up regional infrastructure funds to facilitate the flow of
private sector equity into developing countries: a fund for Asia now has a
capitalization of $700 million. Such funds have been able to identify suitable
investment opportunities, particularly where there is an appropriate enabling
environment to facilitate complementary long-term loan financing. More re-
cently, MIGA has also begun operating in the transport sector.

Learning from Experience

In general,the Bankhas been successfulin assistingthe establishmentof basic

transportinfrastructureand in improvingthe treatmentof environmentaland
resettlementissues in clientcountries.In public transportit has also supported
the pioneeringof new modes (such as minibusesin Kuala Lumpur and Sri
Lanka) and the developmentof cost-effectivemass transportfacilities (such
as the buswaysin several South Americancities). Through its lendingpro-
gram, the Bank has supporteda wide variety of technologiesranging from
low-technologyoptions (for example,bicyclesin Peru,jitneys in the Philip-
pines, and rural roads and tracks in Sub-SaharanAfrica)to high-technology
options, such as high-speed rail (the Japanese Shinkansen), interurban
motorways,and containerports (Nava Shevain India).
Someinvestmentsfailed.In some cases this was attributableto bad fore-
casting,as in the case of the SecondCongoRailwayLoan of 1976-80,where
critical rail traffic did not materialize,costs escalated,and the fundamental
premisethat the old line would be replaced by the new was not realized. In
mostcases it was due to insufficientattentionto institutionsand incentives,as
in the case of the Colombianand Argentinerailways,which, despite a series
of loans, did not significantlyimprove until they were privatized.The Bank
has learned from this kind of experience(see box 1.1). In particular,it has
begun to address the institutionalweaknessesthat causedmany of the prob-
lems in past lending for infrastructureprojects by patient and persistenten-
couragementthroughredesignedtransportsector loans and project loan con-
In many cases the problemis not to reforma singleagencybut to develop
a coordinatedapproachby several institutions.The need for an integrated
policy has become particularlyapparent in urban areas, where attempts to
manage traffic have often failed due to politicalunwillingnessto implement
and enforce policies, lack of staff for design and enforcement,and lack of
public transportalternatives.To be effective,a range of interventionsneeds to
be coordinatedas part of a comprehensivestrategy for integratingtransport
into land use and developmentprograms. This inevitably takes time and
continuing,consistentcommitment(see box 1.2).
In other cases, even broader policy coordination is necessary.For ex-
ample, the transportinfrastructureloans to Brazil in support of the Carajas
IronOre Projectandthe POLONOROESTEprogramfinanceddevelopmentprojects
that were successfulin engineeringterms but were inadequatelysupportedby
other actions to preventecologicallyand sociallydamagingexploitation(box
1.3). The introductionof systematicenvironmentalassessmentsin 1989has
helped prevent direct harm from Bank-fundedprojects, but difficultiesre-
main, particularlyin respect to the longer term and the less direct conse-
quencesof projectsthat are potentiallybeneficialbut requirecontinuedmoni-
toring, management,and control.

BOX 1.1 INSTITUTIONAL REFORM AND the new responsibilitiesand authori-

RAILWAYPERFORMANCE ties of restructuredrailways;and (f)
obstaclesto change,such as redun-
Untiltheearly 1980s theWorldBank's dant labor,excessivedebt,or uneco-
lendingto railwaysoftenfailedto gen- nomictrackage,needto be removed.
erate the expected improvementin These lessons have been reflected
railway performance in developing in the Bank's railway lending since
countries.Projectsfrequentlyfellshort the 1980sin the followingways:
of their objectivesbecausethe Bank
attemptedto treat poor performance U Performanceagreementshave
by setting operationaltargets rather been adopted in many countriesto
than by focusing on the underlying clarify the relationshipbetweenthe
institutionalcausesand the meansof railwayand the government.
alleviatingthem. The essenceof the
problemwasthatthe governmentwas * The privatesector's role has in-
able to interfere in the management creasedsignificantlyinArgentinaand
of the enterprise.This led to poorly Peru (franchisingof individualfreight
definedgoals,relativelypassiveman- and passengerlines).
agement that was unresponsiveto a Private sector participationhas
changing conditions in the market, increasedin Mozambique(warehous-
inadequatefunding, and lack of au- ing and container freight stations),
tonomy.Evidencemountedduringthe Poland (manufacturing and repair
1970s and 1980s of the potentialben- subsidiaries),and elsewhere.
efitsfrom fundamentalreformof pub-
lic enterprises and their operating a Competitionhas been promoted
environment.Experienceshowedthat and publicinterferencehas been re-
(a) the functionsof railwaysneed to duced through regulatory reform in
be clarified and divided into market- Colombiaand Morocco.
driven and socially driven compo- * Explicitattentionhas been given
nents; (b) public service obligations to reducinglabor redundancy,most
shouldbe definedin a centralizedar- notablyin Argentinaand Poland.
rangement with explicit negotiated
paymentsfrom the government;(c) w In countrieslike China and India
railwaysshouldbe organizedin profit whererailwaysstill operatein a strong
centers along their lines of activity; planning context, the focus has
(d) railwaysneed to be given effec- shiftedtowardfacilitatinginstitutional
tive incentivesand clear authority;(e) changeand a market orientation
changesin regulationand othergov-
ernment intervention should reflect Source: Galenson and Thompson 1994.

(hallefles to'- 'I traIspolrt l'olik

Within existing institutional and policy frameworks, a core network of transport

infrastructure and associated conveyance services has been put into place. How-
ever, political and economic liberalization has created more freely functioning

BOX 1.2 INTEGRATED POLICY DEVELOP- transport by creating a technical

MENT: URBAN TRANSPORT IN TUNIS group in the Tunis District.
In road investment the government
In 1972 Tunis suffered from acute traf- agreed to limit the expansion of traf-
fic congestion, poor-quality mass fic capacity for the duration of the
transport services, and a deteriorat- first urban project to give traffic man-
ing environment for pedestrians. agement methods a chance to re-
Since 1973, the World Bank has duce congestion. Only after the es-
helped address these problems tablishment of a traffic management
through a series of lending operations, regime was a program of strategic
including two urban transport projects, road investments implemented to pro-
a municipal sector project, and a pub- vide expressway-level routes for long
lic enterprise reform loan. Together and interurban trips, in parallel with a
these operations have supported a second-phase traffic management
strategic combination of traffic man- program focusing on traffic restraints.
agement measures and low-cost in- In mass transport the Bank as-
vestments, large-scale road and mass sisted the rehabilitation of the pub-
transport investments, regulatory re- licly owned company, Societe
forms, and institutional growth. The Nationale des Transports, that served
program is not yet completed. Greater Tunis. Investments were
In the area of traffic management made in the bus fleet in Tunis and in
the Bank assisted in establishing the the 20-kilometer urban railway line
Tunis District's regional planning connecting downtown Tunis with sub-
agency and in setting up a traffic urban townships along the Bay of
management unit in the municipality Tunis. Asubsequent public enterprise
of Tunis. This unit (which grew to reform loan supported the establish-
about fifteen professional staff, all ment of a contractual relationship
Tunisians, with a stable managerial between government and mass tran-
and technical nucleus) implemented sit operators as a means of improv-
a centrally controlled system of traffic ing efficiency in management and
signals, minor works for improved in- service delivery.
tersections, pedestrian-only areas, Twenty years after the commence-
and reserved bus lanes. All but the ment of this program, traffic flow in
bus lane subproject were successful Tunis is smooth, pedestrians have
and have been sustained. A second reclaimed many subareas of the
phase of work, including a cell-based downtown, and the supply of mass
traffic-restraint system for the down- transport services has been vastly
town area, expansion of the intercon- improved and diversified. This has
nected network of traffic signals, fur- been achieved through a comprehen-
ther improvements of intersections sive approach, fostered by partner-
and pedestrian areas, and metered ship with interested and activist local
parking, was partly financed by a sec- and national governments, developed
ond urban transport project, which over a protracted period, and lever-
also funded technology transfer in the aged through a substantial invest-
area of strategic planning of urban ment program.

BOX 1.3 INDIRECTEFFECTS projected; counterpart funds were in-

OF TRANSPORT INVESTMENTS: LESSONS sufficient due to the economic crisis;
OF POLONOROESTE investment credit for perennial crops
was inadequate; and management
In 1981 the Brazilian government was overcentralized, with inadequate
launched the Northwest Region Inte- integration of participating agencies.
grated Development Program, or When the Bank recognized these
POLONOROESTE, to expand infrastruc- problems, disbursements were sus-
ture and raise agricultural productiv- pended in March 1985 until the fed-
ity, rural incomes, and social welfare eral authorities took steps to
in the agricultural frontier areas of strengthen the institutional structure
Rond6nia and northwestern Mato and redirect program funds to pro-
Grosso. The World Bank made loans tect vulnerable Amerindian areas.
to support the federal highway be- Much of the environmental degra-
tween Cuiaba and Porto Velho, to ex- dation that has been subsequently
tend the feeder road network, to im- associated with POLONOROESTE re-
prove rural, social, and health ser- flects a failure to predict the scale of
vices, and to protect the environment migration and to control the expan-
and indigenous peoples. The start of sion of urban and rural settlement so
the program coincided with an acute that migrants did not exploit the very
economic crisis, which encouraged areas the program was designed to
urban emigration and fueled the pro- protect. The primary lesson from this
cess of migration stimulated by the experience is that both the Bank and
road developments. its member countries need to antici-
Road investments under POLONO- pate the possibilities of environmen-
ROESTE were implemented success- tally undesirable consequences and
fully, providing settlers with improved to have a strong commitment to (and
access to markets and services. improve the phasing of) associated
Moreover, their design contained pio- measures of amelioration and con-
neering environmental and social pro- trol. An appropriate framework for
tection components. But agricultural protection must be in place before a
support services, community facilities, project is implemented.
and environmental and Amerindian
protection measures lagged behind;
there were many more migrants than Source:World Bank 1992b.

markets for labor. capital. and goods and services, and spatial and industrial
structures are changing as a consequence. In particular. labor continues to shift
from agricultural employment in rural areas to industrial and service sector
employment in urban areas. It is estimated that by 2000. 38 percent of the
population of Africa and Asia. 67 percent of that of Eastern Europe, and 77
percent of that of Latin America will live in urban areas; a large proportion of
these people will live in megacities.5
On present trends, demand for both freight and passenger transport will

continue to grow faster than population and GDP in most developing countries.
Although developments in telecommunications may bring about some
substitution of movement of information for movement of people (for ex-
ample, increased telecommuting). in other ways they may increase the move-
ment of goods by making longer-distance international outsourcing of manu-
facturing processes easier (for example. through improved ability to track,
trace, and control freight movements). The bulk of the expected increase in
demand will be for road transport. The worldwide fleet of road motor vehicles
is expected to grow 34 percent between 1989 and 2000, from 557 million to
745 million. This rapid growth will occur particularly in countries that are on
the threshold of industrialization. For example. a tripling of the vehicle fleet is
expected in China in the decade 1990-2000 (see Daimler Benz 1990). The
number of car-miles traveled tends to grow even faster than the number of cars
owned (see figure 1.4). Demand for freight transport in industrial countries
typically grows less rapidly with GDP than does demand for personal transport.
In the developing countries, however, the growth rate expected for the move-
ment of road freight (and hence for trucks) is close to that expected for the
movement of people (automobiles). The highest growth rates for road freight


Index (1950 = 100)

2,200 - Useof automobilesa

1,800 _
1,600 - Motorvehiclefleet
1,400 -
1,200 -
1,000 _ A

800 Urbanpopulation*
600 - A

400 -o . 0Total population

200 0 0

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

a.Extrapolatedfroii OECDdata.
Source:Faiz 1993.

are expected in the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe,
where trucking activity is expected to triple within twenty years.
The world growth rate of air travel now exceeds that of car travel (Schumann
1992). In China the growth rate for the past few years has been 20 percent a
year. In the maritime sector, aggregate movement of tonnage for all cargo
classifications is expected to grow at average annual rates of around 3 percent
to reach about 5 billion tons at the beginning of the next century. The trans-
pacific and transatlantic routes will remain important, but movement within
Asia will grow most rapidly, and significant increases in movement between
Asia and Europe can be expected. Inland waterway transport, particularly of
freight, has a long tradition in countries with extensive river systems (for
example, Brazil. China, Russia, and Vietnam). In these countries, and in
several others in South America and West Africa, further development of
inland waterway transport is likely. Rail transport will continue to play a very
important role in China, India, and some smaller countries with substantial
bulk freight movements. The absolute decline in rail transport that has oc-
curred in Central and Eastern European countries in the past five years has
bottomed out in some countries, and traffic should recover with economic
growth. Nevertheless, given present trends, the share of rail transport in tran-
sition and developing countries may decline. Within nonmotorized transport,
animal-drawn transport is generally decreasing. The ownership and use of
personal bicycles are currently high and increasing in China and some other
Asian countries, and low and stable in Latin America, but have been declining
in Africa over the past decade (Doulet 1994). In poorer countries the role of
cycle rickshas has also been increasing.
These "business-as-usual" projections imply a continuing high demand
for investment in transport infrastructure. In countries with high per capita
GDP growth rates, much investment will be needed to eliminate emerging
bottlenecks in interurban transport. For example, in Asia the share of infra-
structure investment in GDP is expected to rise from 4 percent at present to
more than 7 percent by 2000, with transport and energy expected to demand
the most resources. Even in countries with low per capita GDP growth rates.
transport infrastructure will be increasingly congested in major cities, where
an average population growth rate of 6 percent a year is often associated with
high rates of local income growth.

Unfinished Business
Continued improvement of transport systems requires completion of some
"unfinished business" of extending basic infrastructure networks and provid-
ing for their adequate maintenance.

INCREASING ACCESS AND AFFORDABILITY. Increasing access for the rural

poor requires the expansion of secondary and tertiary transport networks and

the provision of more public transport services. Thirty-three percent of China's

population and 75 percent of Ethiopia's population still do not have access to
all-weather transport. Walking more than 10 kilometers a day each way to
farms, schools, and clinics is not unusual in rural areas, particularly in Sub-
Saharan Africa. Commuting (whether walking or taking public transport) also
accounts for a large part of the time of the urban poor. Despite the prevalence
of foot travel and cheap informal means of transport, the financial cost of
commuting for the urban poor can be high (14 percent of the income of the
poor in Manila compared with only 7 percent of the income of the nonpoor).

CONFRONTING THE MAINTENANCE CRISIS. Transport infrastructure and ser-

vices deteriorated during the 1980s in most African and Latin American
countries. In the past two decades $45 billion worth of road infrastructure
assets has been lost in eighty-five developing countries owing to inadequate
maintenance. Deferring maintenance expenditures is self-defeating in two
ways. In the short run, it increases the costs of operating vehicles. For ex-
ample, on an annualized basis, every extra dollar not spent by the road agency
to maintain in fair or poor condition a road carrying 500 vehicles a day will
increase road-users' costs of operating vehicles by between $3.4 and $6.1. In
the longer term, rehabilitating paved roads every ten to twenty years is more
than three times as expensive for the government, in cash terms, as maintain-
ing them on a regular basis, and it is 35 percent more expensive in terms of net
present value discounted at 12 percent a year (Paterson and Archondo-Callao

Meeting New Challenges

Effective performance of the economic and social role of transport also requires
attention to the new problems posed by participation in the opportunities and
risks of a competitive global marketplace, by user aspirations for better-quality
services, and by the adverse consequences of rapid motorization.


terns of demand associated with political and economic reform (as in the cre-
ation of new sovereign states in Central Asia and Europe) and with emerging
regional free trade agreements and customs unions (such as the North American
Free Trade Agreement-NAFrA; the Southern Cone Common Market: and the
Andean Pact) are reorientingtrade flows. Parallel technologicalimprovements in
production, information, and international transport have allowed developing
countries to be increasingly integrated into a global industrial structure, produc-
ing intermediategoods. such as electronic components,or final products, such as
fashion goods. to demand and strictly to time within tightly controlled and
globally integrated logistical distribution channels (Ewers and Fonger 1993).

Industrial production and assembly processes have become increasingly mobile,

as exemplifiedby the movement of electronic component assembly and clothing
manufacturing from country to country (Savy 1992). Already, manufactured
goods account for more than 50 percent of the exports of the low-income devel-
oping countries (with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa), more than 60 per-
cent of those of middle-income countries, and more than 90 percent of those of
Asia's newly industrialized economies.


manufacturing business has arisen partly from the development of a transport-
intensive and inventory-sparse logistical structure. More and more, success in
international competition requires fast and reliable international movements
of freight in smaller consignments using a combination of modes (Peters
1992). Maritime transport, port. and hinterland transport facilities must be
better integrated. Harmonized documentation arrangements and good infor-
mation technology become crucial, as shown in some Sub-Saharan Africa
traffic corridor studies (World Bank 1994a). In countries like India, outmoded
administrative arrangements and regulations still govern the conduct of trade
and transport, imposing delays that damage the countries' potential place in
world trade. Requirements for passenger transport also change. Increasing
urbanization generates new needs, often in informal settlements in peripheral
locations not served by traditional transport operators. Failure to satisfy these
needs harms the poor but also harms industrial competitiveness through its
adverse effect on the availability of labor. At the other end of the spectrum.
higher incomes may generate demand, and willingness to pay. for higher-
quality public transport service than has traditionally been offered. Expecta-
tions also increase with respect to the safety, convenience, and environmental
impact of public transport.

COPING WITH RAPID MOTORIZATION. Cities are major growth centers in

most developing countries. However, the process of rapid urbanization has
frequently been associated with increasing ownership of motor vehicles, a low
proportion of urban space devoted to roads (1 percent in Bangkok. for ex-
ample, compared with 20 to 25 percent in most European cities with well-
functioning transit systems), very mixed traffic composition, and an aging and
ill-maintained stock of vehicles (Stickland 1993). These characteristics gener-
ate three transport-related problems. First, roads tend to be very congested
despite moderate per capita ownership of cars (Buenos Aires. Mexico City.
and Seoul are saturated even though their levels of car ownership are only
one-third of those of Western Europe). Second, automobile traffic contributes
to urban air pollution (as, for example, in Bangkok, Mexico City, and Tehran).
Third, the ensuing sprawl means that the poor have to travel a long way. and
pay a high price in relation to their income and time budgets, to get to work.

Even where these conditions do not already exist-for example, in many

rapidly growing primary and secondary cities in both developing and transi-
tion economies-there is a danger that they may emerge very soon.

Sustaiiiabilitv as the Basis of Transpoit Policy

To be effective, transport policy must satisfy three main requirements (figure

1.5; see also Munasinghe 1993). First, it must ensure that a continuing capa-
bility exists to support an improved material standard of living. This corre-
sponds to the concept of economic and financial sustainability. Second, it
must generate the greatest possible improvement in the general quality of life,
not merely an increase in traded goods. This relates to the concept of environ-
mental and ecological sustainability. Third, the benefits that transport pro-
duces must be shared equitably by all sections of the community. This we
term social sustainability.
Economic, environmental, and social sustainability are often mutually
reinforcing (Munasinghe 1993). Road or public transport systems that fall into
disrepair because they are economically unsustainable fail to serve the needs
of the poor and often have environmentally damaging consequences. Hence,
there are some policy instruments that serve all the dimensions of sustainability
in a synergistic way, generating win-win solutions. These instruments include



../ \


//t f ,Re Safety \t

,# 0.>/ / iEfficient' pnlc ng b

/ J wS < / Asset maintenance \ \
/ at S4* / ~~Efficient
service operation \ \
.. ' i:>
< / Efficient contract design
Efficient infrastructure Investment

/ ENVIRONMENTAL Infomtal sector transport SOCIAL AND \

/ AND ECOLOGICAL Two-wheet motorized vehictes DISTRIBUTIONAL \
/ X

measures to improve asset maintenance, technical efficiency of supply, safety,

contract design, and public administration, as well as charges for external
effects. However, that convenient synergy does not always hold. Increased
mobility, particularly private motorized mobility, typically increases mea-
sured GDP but damages the environment. Although global sourcing of manu-
facturing industry and "just-in-time" logistics reduce the costs of products,
expenditures on transport tend to increase as many more goods are transported
over longer distances. These shifts to movement by faster modes (air) or in
smaller batches with greater flexibility in frequency of schedule and variety of
routes (road) also have potentially adverse environmental implications (par-
ticularly noise and air pollution). Improvements of transport infrastructure
may involve involuntary resettlement. More efficient provision of transport
services in a competitive framework may involve loss of jobs, imposing social
costs and restructuring of prices and services that may hurt some users.6 Public
transport provided cheaply by the informal sector and motorized two-wheel-
ers may meet the transport needs of the poor but be environmentally damag-
ing. All these phenomena involve tradeoffs that governments must face. A
policy for sustainable transport is one that both identifies and implements the
win-win policy instruments and explicitly confronts the tradeoffs so that the
balance is chosen rather than accidentally arrived at. It is a policy of informed,
conscious choices.

Economic Sustainabilitv: Creating Incentives for Efficient

Response to Needs

A sound economic base is fundamental to sustainability. Transport in-

vestments should thus continue to be subject to rigorous cost-benefit
analysis, albeit expanded to encompass environmental externalities. The
need for economic justification applies not only to infrastructure-which
typically accounts for only between one-quarter and one-half of the value
of total capital stock employed in transport and contributes only about 5
percent to the total cost of provision of transport services-but also to
decisions on the purchase and use of vehicle fleets, as well as the organi-
zation of the logistic chain, whether in the public or the private sector.
Ensuring the long-term sustainability of facilities requires that capital
assets be maintained adequately. In infrastructure, this is hampered by
inadequate budgeting and follow-up for maintenance, accentuated when
governments take the "soft" option of deferring maintenance during a
debt crisis. In the supply of transport services, regulated prices are often
set at levels that are too low to provide for the adequate maintenance of
equipment. The costs of maintaining excessively ambitious roads and
other transport networks and the subsidized operations of poorly man-
aged public enterprises in transport also frequently impose unsustainable
fiscal burdens in developing and transition economies. Conversely. where

transport infrastructure is seriously deficient, economic and social devel-

opment will be constrained. This applies both to poor countries with very
sparse networks and to some wealthier and more rapidly growing coun-
tries where inadequacies in transport capacity create severe bottlenecks
in trade flows.
This is not all that is implied by economic sustainability. Changes in
the global economy have altered the nature of the demands that economic
development makes on transport. To take advantage of the benefits of
global trade in manufacturing goods, developing countries must be ca-
pable of providing freight transport that is fast, reliable, and, above all,
flexible in response to user needs (Gouvernal 1988).

Environmental Sustainability: Promoting More Livable

Settlements and Reducing Adverse External Effects

Demands for more flexible transport have increased dependence on road

transport. This dependence tends to raise aggregate energy consumption,
generate air pollution. and have other adverse effects on the environment
that, although not always cumulative and irreversible, are nevertheless
not sustainable in the sense that they do not represent chosen outcomes.
In practice, these adverse environmental (and social) impacts are very
difficult to reverse once personal lifestyles and the location of activities
have been arranged to accommodate a high dependence on road transport.
The challenge is to devise a transport policy which ensures that the actual
outcomes are chosen, rather than being the unintended and unforeseen
consequences of the policies adopted.
Viewing transport within the general perspective of sustainable de-
velopment yields some immediate insights into this process. The weight
placed on the various components of the general quality of life varies
between cultures; hence. borrowing countries must ultimately define their
own path of development. More motorized mobility is neither necessarily
good nor inevitably bad. The relative importance of the components of
the quality of life also varies between stages of development. For ex-
ample. low-income countries may best be assisted by the provision of
infrastructure, while medium- and high-income countries may benefit
more from policy reform or measures that improve the environment.
Whatever the preferred balance, increasing economic sustainability can
advance environmentally sustainable development but does not automati-
cally do so. Failure to incorporate externalities and environmental con-
siderations into the assessment of projects and policies is what creates the
sustainability gap. The policy challenge is to assist countries to recognize
the tradeoffs that they face and to devise instruments that will prevent the
sustainability gap from developing.

Social Sustainabilitv: Reducing Poverty

In rural areas the poor are mainly dependent for their livelihood on their
abilityto produceand marketagriculturalproducts.Increasedaccessto traded
inputs (for example.fertilizers and equipment)and the possibilityof trans-
portingagriculturalproductsto distant marketscreate the conditionsfor cash
croppingto replacesubsistencefarming.This transformationwill also facili-
tate the developmentof nonagriculturalactivitiesin rural areas.
Inadequateprovisionfor vehiclescan be very costly. The commonprac-
tice of head-loadingheavy freight can damage health. Accidentsinvolving
motorizedvehiclesand pedestriansor cyclists are frequent.due to a lack of
shoulderson roadwaysand poor maintenanceof rural roads. 7
In urban areas the principalresource of the poor is their labor, and ad-
equateand affordabletransportto work is thereforea criticalneed. In practice,
individualshave to makeexcessivelylongjourneysto work in major citieson
most continents(for example, in Bangkok, Lagos, and Sao Paulo). Where
incomesare very low in comparisonwithtransportcosts,a high proportionof
long walks to work is found, as in Nairobi(Oudho 1992).
In both urban and rural areas, anythingthat limits the provisionof basic
public transport,or makes it more expensive,is particularlydamagingto the
poor. The ultimatedamage that can be done to the poor is the eliminationof
either the home (resettlement)or the job (redundancy),and these can be by-
productsof rationalizingthe provisionand operation of transport networks
and services. Particular problems arise in meeting the transport needs of
women. Many of the trips made by women are in categoriesconventionally
and often incorrectlyregardedas inessential(that is, trips not associatedwith
formal work). As a result, these needs have received inadequateattention,
both in the planningand in the financingof public transport.
Central to these problems is the failure to provide or maintain those
activitiesand services that are most critical in ensuringthat the poor have
access to markets,employment.and social facilities.Becauseplanning skills
and paradigmsthat are relevantto industrialcountrieshavebeen deployedin
developingcountries,priorityhas beengiven to the provisionof high mobility
rather than basic accessibility. This has favored persons who are already
mobile, particularlyvehicularroad-users.

The Needl ior Palicv anIIdInstitutional Iteforim

The challengeconfrontedin thisreport is to define the strategiesthat countries

need to adopt to increasesustainability.The problemsare very diverse. Defi-
cient infrastructureand lack of basic accessibilitytend to be more dominant
problemsin poorercountries,while poor quality of servicetends to be in the
forefront in the richer developing countries. Nevertheless,there are some

general lessons of wide applicability. Chapters 2 to 4 consider, in turn. the

policy and institutional changes that are necessary for enhancing economic,
environmental, and social sustainability. The new focus does not vitiate the
continuing importance of efficient transport to trade, mobility, and, hence,
economic growth or its contribution to the achievement of environmental and
social objectives. However, it does highlight the frequent failure of the tradi-
tional emphasis on public sector operation and regulation to make that contri-
bution in a continuing, sustainable way. This has been partly a human re-
source problem-because governments do not possess adequate skills for
carrying out tjje demand-responsive operating tasks required of them-and
partly an institutional problem, insofar as governments continue to rely on
mechanisms and incentives that make unrealistic demands on human and
fiscal resources. Chapter 5 summarizes the new demands that the emphasis on
sustainability places on governments. Chapter 6 concludes with the implica-
tions of the new agenda for the World Bank Group's operations.


1. For crowding out. see Easterly and Rebelo (1993), who show that investment
in transport and communication infrastructure does not crowd out other investments
because it is highly correlated with growth but not with private investment. On
agricultural productivity, see Antle (1983); on agricultural input prices and produc-
tion costs, see Binswanger and others (1987): on market access and agricultural
diversification. see Riverson and Carapetis (1991); on urban transport issues. see
Hamer (1986): on labor costs in urban areas, see Lee and Anas (1989).
2. An analysis of the economic rates of return (ERRs) at appraisal and completion
of 1,015 projects between 1974 and 1987 showed that transport and urban projects had
the smallest disparity between the ERRS at appraisal and completion (4 percent for
transport and 2 percent for urban projects) and that the average reestimated ERRS for a
transport project appraised at 10percent would also be 10percent. (See Pohl and Mihaljek
3. World Bank (1975. p. 60) states that "demonstrable willingness to advance in
this direction [pricing] must be regarded as a sine qua non for Bank support."
4. World Bank (1986a) states that "the [Brazil Urban Transport] Project was
successful in implementing some of the most imaginative and radical bus priority
measures carried out anywhere in the world."
5. HABITAT (1987). Of twenty-three cities expected to have populations larger
than 10 million by the year 2000, seventeen will be in developing countries, which are
expected to have a further eighteen cities with populations greater than 5 million.
6. Economic efficiency is not synonymous with technical efficiency. A techni-
cally superior infrastructure is only economically superior if the extra benefits accru-
ing from its technical superiority outweigh the extra costs of its construction.
7. A study of urban road accidents in Cote d'lvoire found that 60 percent of
pedestrian accidents and 40 percent of all accidents were related to a lack of pedestrian
facilities. An additional 20 percent of accidents were related to deteriorated road sur-
faces. (See Saad 1989.)

Economic and Financial Sustainability

To be economically andfinancially sustainable, transport must be cost-effec-

tive and continuously responsive to changing demands. Competition, facili-
tated by regulatory reform to enable private firms to enter and exit the market
more freely, forces transport suppliers to respond to users' needs at lower
costs. Charges for the use of infrastructure and services that reflect the full
cost of that use to society are necessary for market signals to be meaningful.
The commercialization of remaining public sectorfirms is also necessary for
economic andfinancial sustainabilitv.

T he traditional approach to transport has been based on detailed

government intervention in the sector, ostensibly to protect the public interest.
In the case of infrastructure direct state provision has been the norm. In the
case of the provision of transport services governments have controlled entry,
product characteristics, price levels, and maximum profit rates, through either
regulatory commissions or direct control of state-owned enterprises. Regula-
tion has usually taken the form of protection of a monopoly supplier, often in
the public sector. Although state enterprises are not always or necessarily
technicallyinefficient(in variousways, the performanceof ChineseRailways
matchesthe best in the world),as long as they haverecourseto deficitfinanc-
ing to maintain supply, they have little incentiveto be cost-effectiveor to
respond flexibly to changes in user demand. Even regulatedprivate enter-
prises suffer from governmentinterferencein matters of operationaldetail,
which leads to the enterprisehaving poorlydefinedgoals and relativelypas-
sive managerswho are not responsiveto changingmarket conditions(CEPAL
1992a).This has had three importantconsequences.
First, assetshave not been maintained.In public transportwell-intentioned

attempts to protect the poor by keeping fares at uneconomically low levels have
led to the physical deterioration of the vehicle fleet and to a reduction in the
services provided by many urban bus companies in such cities as Dakar. Panama
City, and San Salvador and by many state-owned railway companies (Siele
1992). Public roads have also deteriorated to the point of collapse in many
countries, particularly in Africa and Latin America. A recent Bank study con-
cluded that 45 percent of the entire network in Latin America and the Caribbean
requires either reconstruction or rehabilitation, at a cost of $2.5 billion a year
over the next decade (Gyamfi 1992).
Second, service has failed to respond to needs. Securely protected mo-
nopolies have failed to satisfy demands for expanded service or improved
quality. For example. they often fail to serve growing low-income peripheral
areas of the megacities. while at the same time making it difficult for informal
transport modes to develop and serve the poor. Similarly, protected trucking
and rail sectors have been slow to develop integrated high-quality logistics
Third. costs have been too high. In Argentina the privatization of the
railways demonstrated that labor costs were more than double those needed to
maintain a financially viable system (Kogan and Thompson 1994). In the
United Kingdom average operating costs per vehicle-kilometer in the bus
industry were reduced by 30 to 40 percent following deregulation and
privatization (Heseltine and Silcock 1990). There is also considerable evi-
dence that road maintenance workforces directly employed by government
departments (known as force accounts) are less efficient than competitive
private sector contractors. In Brazil routine road maintenance costs by con-
tract were 25 percent lower than by force account, and in Colombia. they were
50 percent lower (Gyamfi and Ruan 1992.). International transport is also
affected; in Venezuela. the practice of reserving cargo for national carriers has
increased shipping costs approximately 30 percent (see Peters 1993: see also
box 2.1).'
The critical weakness of the traditional approach is the absence of any
structure of incentives to align the private interests of the supplier with the
public interest. The absence of competition has enabled management, favored
customers, and organized labor to appropriate part of the potential monopoly
profit. The potential loss of patronage, earnings, and, ultimately, employment
resulting from a failure to respond to consumer demand in competitive mar-
kets is the most powerful means of forcing suppliers to respond to consumer
requirements. Thus, the basis for increasing economic sustainability in trans-
port is to create a competitive, market-based transport sector.
Competitive pressures can be introduced in a variety of ways. Where there
is no restriction on entry. competition in the market occurs. This type of
competition can be between individual operators within a mode of transport,
between groups of operators within a mode, or between modes. Even where
entry is restricted, it is possible to organize competition for the market-for

BOX 2.1 THE COSTS OF INTERVENTION: materializeare the cost of crewing

MARITIME TRANSPORT FLAG PROTECTION and managingthe vessel, assuming
that these functions would be fulfilled
In the majority of developing coun- by nationals. A study of Venezuela
tries the policy of preserving trans- concluded that freight rates were
port rights for national-flag carriers is about 30 percent higher than would
misguided. Cargo reservation shields have been the case in a free market.
national-flag carriers from competitive On annual freight expenditures of
pressures in the international market $800 million, the cost to the economy
for ocean transport, with the result was $287 million. Since 70 percent
that the cost of their services is higher of the freight payments were to for-
than that of the international carriers. eign carriers, the extra foreign ex-
The loss to domestic importers and change cost was $187 million. The
exporters is the difference between balance of payments gain from re-
what they pay for the carriage of cargo served cargo, once allowance was
and what they would have to pay in a made for all inputs purchased abroad,
free market. The gains to balance of was only $20 million. Losses were
payments from using domestic ship- therefore 9.4 times as high as gains.
ping are much less than their freight Loss-gain ratios for other developing
revenues because the maintenance countries were 7.4 for Brazil, 4.3 for
and operation of a national fleet are India, 6.1 for the Philippines, and 9.2
usually very foreign exchange-inten- for Turkey.
sive. Without domestic oil resources,
steelmaking, and an efficient ship-
building industry, the only savings that Source: Messerlin and Sauvant 1990.

the right to serve individual routes, for the sole right to provide a whole
network, or for the right to undertake particular functions as a subcontractor to
a monopolist operator.

Conipetition in Ile NI.aiket: IPrkauie t'hNne rship

and Operation

Competition in a market free from barriers to entry is appropriate for the

provision of many kinds of transport services. Where the size of the market is
large in comparison with the minimum efficient scale of operation of a mode
of transport, several suppliers can operate concurTently at an efficient scale
(for example.,in trucking and rural bus operations). Where the optimal scale is
larger, competition in the market can still be effective if there are good modal
substitutes (which is often the case for railways, in contrast to trucks and
buses) or international competitors (which is usually the case for air transport
and shipping services and often also for airports and seaports).2 In such cases
the withdrawal of protective practices, such as reserving cargo for national
carriers or sharing the market administratively, while painful in the short run.

is often the best basis on which to obtain the advantages of competition (as
shown by the experience of shipping deregulation in Chile). More generally,
free entry may be preferable to the alternative of ineffective or corrupt regula-
tion if public administrative skills are scarce, as is the case in many develop-
ing countries (Mwase 1992). In contrast, some transport infrastructure cannot
be efficiently duplicated, and free entry cannot, therefore, be relied on to
prevent a private monopolist from charging unduly high prices.
There are few examples of state-owned enterprises having successfully
shed their privileged financial status vis-a-vis the state budget. The absence of
a genuine arm's-length relationship tends to undermine the development of a
real competitive market. For example, in Odessa a subsidized bus company
run by the public authority responded to the approval of a service to be
provided by a private operator by beginning an unprofitable competitive ser-
vice at one-third the fare of the commercial operator. The key to effective
competition is the ability to fail, without which discipline is weak. Private
ownership tightens the budget constraint and strengthens this threat.
In an unregulated market, profit may be sought through the creation of an
operators' cartel, as occurred in the bus industry in Santiago. or by the combi-
nation of operators with suppliers of vehicles or terminals to exclude competi-
tors from access to crucial supplies or facilities. Controlling anticompetitive
commercial behavior requires a regulatory institution to prevent the acquisi-
tion and exploitation of excessive market power (Henry and Pacheco 1994).
In practice, the regulation of cartelization is not a simple task because some
forms of combination, such as operators' associations in public transport (for
example, in Buenos Aires buses) or strategic alliances in logistics (most com-
mon in Japan and Western Europe), may actually contribute to the efficient
workings of the market (Armstrong-Wright and Thiriez 1987). Even without
cartelization, wherever there is a financially strong incumbent in a market.
there is a danger that anticompetitive (predatory) behavior will occur. It is.
however, almost impossible to distinguish between predatory and strongly
competitive behavior. Pricing close to short-run marginal costs may well be
efficient behavior when a firm has excess capacity. but it might equally form
part of a strategy by a dominant firm to drive others from the market. For
example, following deregulation of the trucking sector in Ethiopia, the state-
owned enterprise was able to maintain parts of its market by continuing to
operate at a deficit and failing to cover its depreciation costs. To minimize
such dangers, it is advisable to accompany privatization and deregulation with
restructuring the industry into a number of smaller firms. Where optimal scale
is very small (as in taxi and trucking sectors), ownership should be frag-
mented, if necessary, by transferring the ownership of assets to former em-
ployees. Competition in transport markets should then be subject only to
general oversight by the competent national authority responsible for ensuring
fair competition.

Competition for the Market: Private Operation withiina

Framework of Public Control
There are three distinct reasons why it can be desirable to retain some public
regulation of the right to supply transport. First, where duplication of supply
would be either wasteful or impractical, as with indivisible infrastructures
(major highways, bridges, seaport or airport superstructures, and railway in-
frastructure), the need to regulate stems from the danger of monopoly exploi-
tation. Second. regulation may be desirable in some cases where an unregu-
lated market process may result in duplication of schedules and potential
excess capacity (for example, in local bus markets); increased pressure to
engage in dangerous practices, such as overloading freight vehicles or racing
buses (often increasing accident rates, as with the "red buses" in Delhi and the
"black taxis" in South Africa); and perceived losses in the stability and reli-
ability of service, with consequent losses in patronage and reductions in ve-
hicle occupancy, as occurred in the bus markets in some British conurbations
after deregulation. Third. although cost reductions resulting from unfettered
competition may allow services to continue that were previously unprofitable,
and may even lead to more frequent services being provided on previously
unremunerative routes by using smaller vehicles that are more suited to low
demand (as happened in the case of Indonesian domestic shipping), social
objectives may sometimes require direct financing of some services that might
otherwise be lost through competition in the market. For example, the elimi-
nation of cross-subsidies may reduce supply or increase the prices of services
affecting the very poor. as in the case of rural bus services in Sri Lanka. In
such situations, making markets contestable, through competition for the right
to provide services at the lowest subsidy, will still allow unremunerative
services to be provided at the least real cost (Gwilliam, Joy, and Scurfield
1994). All these defects of the market process may require qualitative controls
(for example, standards for safe operation). but not necessarily monopoly
franchises and certainly not direct state involvement in service provision
(Darbera 1993).

Competition in Service Provision

Route franchising is a means of maintaining some public control over the
level of services and prices in the public passenger transport market, while
using competitive forces to secure supply at the lowest cost. This can apply
to unremunerative bus services alone (as in most of the United Kingdom) or
for all services (as in London and in Costa Rica), with the supplier either
carrying only the cost risk (as in some cases in the United Kingdom) or
carrying both the cost and the revenue risk (as in New Zealand). Where
fragmented competition is not possible because of the indivisible scale of
operation, market disciplines can still be employed by concessioning facili-

ties or systems. This has been applied to urban and interurban railways in
Argentina and to the management of urban bus systems, particularly in
francophone Africa.
Competition between groups within a licensed franchise system can be
promoted by ensuring that the routes for which monopoly franchises are
granted overlap sufficiently to encourage competition for patronage on com-
mon sections of the route. This approach is practiced to secure competition
among different bus operators' associations in Buenos Aires (and other Latin
American cities) and operators of different kinds of public transport vehicles
in some African countries. It is also common in taxi markets in many coun-
tries where single-vehicle ownership is the rule but where operators combine
in competing marketing groups or in the use of competing radio-dispatching
circuits. This form of competition makes it possible to organize supply to
some degree and limits anticompetitive or chaotic operating practices, so long
as there is a competent franchising authority to prevent the emergence of a
single strong cartel.
Competition between modes can be effective where demand is dense and
varied, as exemplified by the role of privately operated minibuses in Dakar
and Hong Kong. The introduction of some new categories of services at
higher prices may be a means of reconciling the maintenance of a basic low
fare with the provision of adequate total capacity and a sufficiently varied
range of price and quality combinations to meet demand. Within regulated
systems, this can arise either by design (as in the two-tier bus systems in Seoul
and Shanghai) or by default (as in the case of illegal but uncontrolled shared
taxis in many African and Latin American cities). A system allowing the
informal sector to provide a range of services legally is less susceptible to
exploitation by criminal elements. As table 2.1 shows, all services can be
operated by the private sector in some form.

Competition in Infrastructure Provision

The competitive award of long-term concessions, licenses, or facility leases is

the primary means for introducing market forces into the provision and man-
agement of infrastructure with the objective of stimulating efficiency by trans-
ferfing risk to the private sector. It has been applied to toll roads in China,
Hungary, Mexico, and Thailand, to railways in Latin America and Sub-
Saharan Africa, and to ports and airports in many countries. Designing con-
cession arrangements is not easy. Governments must develop effective
prequalification criteria to select reputable firms. They must discourage over-
optimistic bids based on unrealistic traffic forecasts and price setting (as
appears to have happened with several Mexican toll roads) or understated
construction costs (by allowing lenders to lose money when they make mis-
takes rather than renegotiating at any price). But there is evidence of substan-
tial achievement. In the port sector the long-term leasing of berths, either with

or without cargo-handling equipment, has brought about increased efficiency

in the use of labor and equipment in countries such as China. Indonesia, and
Malaysia. In Argentina the concessioned freight railways doubled labor pro-
ductivity, increased traffic, and reduced tariffs but failed to undertake prom-
ised investment expenditures; subsequent passenger concessions show signs
of achieving similar improvements in productivity and patronage despite con-
tracts that are drawn more tightly in order to link payments to performance on
the investment front.
Where entrepreneurial skills are limited, the periodically renewable man-
agement contract, as used in many ports and airports in Africa, may be better
in the short term, although its long-term desirability depends on how quickly
capability is developed in the particular country. The key message is that the
pace of regulatory reform must be tempered by considerations of indigenous
administrative and commercial capability.

The Demands of a Competitive Framework on Public


The provision of competitive services through route franchising requires the

government to exercise substantial skill in designing networks and specifying
tenders (see box 2.2). Franchises should stipulate clearly the service to be
provided, including details of monitoring and enforcement procedures, the
terms of remuneration for the service supplied, and the penalties for failure to
perform (specified in a form that is capable of being legally enforced). Safe
and environmentally acceptable operation must also be monitored and en-
forced, although the more constrained the conditions. the less competition
there is likely to be. This may require some quantitative as well as qualitative
control, as exemplified by the experience in Santiago. Where local services
are concerned, skills are required at the local level that have not yet been
developed even at the national level in many countries. It may, therefore,
sometimes be sensible to combine the existing planning skills of the state-
owned enterprise with the cost-efficiency of private sector supply by allowing
the state-owned enterprise to subcontract (as in Delhi urban buses) or by
retaining only the planning functions of the state-owned enterprise in a new
regulatory role (as in the case of the Compania Municipal de Transporte
Colectivo in Sao Paulo).
The effectiveness of infrastructure concessions also depends on how effi-
cient governments are in designing and implementing contracts. Auctioning
concessions to the highest bidder will give the greatest incentives to cost-
efficient production and market-oriented operations but will result in a mo-
nopoly profit that maximizes the price charged to the consumer. The alterna-
tive of awarding the concession to the supplier offering the lowest price, or the
best combination of price and quality, requires a great deal more sophistica-
tion on the part of the government in appraising bids and monitoring perfor-

Sector Infrastructure Services

Urban roads Although usually free, limited-access expressways, bridges, and All services should be operated by the private sector, with free
tunnelscan be tolled; some concessions are under consideration. entry (subject to safety and environmental standards), competitive
franchising in the bus market, according to local circumstance;
barriers to entry of the informal sector should be reduced.
Iiterurban roads Construction and maintenance are usually publicly owned, but Trucking and intercity buses should be entirely private, with free
should nomially be contracted out to the private sector: competition in the market.
concessionary development of high-volume toll roads and
commercialization of public road agencies are possible for major
Rural roads Scope for commercialization is limited by low traffic volumes, Buses, nonimotorizedtransport, and truching should all be
high transaction costs, and the prevalence of social objectives: exclusively private with free entry to the market.
construction and maintenaniceshould be decentralized, with
appropriate financial allocations.
Urban rail Almost all are publicly owned: concessions are under Concessioning is possible; social objectives should be embodied
consideration in some large cities, but the success of in performance contract arrangements.
concessionary systems has yet to be proved.
Interurban rail Although usually ptiblicly owned, privatization or concessioning Privatization or concessioning should be encouraged.
is recomtenided for freight railways: publicly owned companies
should be commercialized.
Waterborne (maritime Major ports can be privatized or concessioned: public sector Publicly owned fleets should be privatized; cargo reservation
and inland) landlord functions may remain for strategic planning puiposes. should be abandoned.

Air Airports are usually publicly owned but can be concessioned, Nationally owned flag carriers should be privatized.
either for specific functions or through private management

AN EFFECTIVE lar bus fares had increased in real
IN terms to nearly three times their 1977
SANTIAGO,CHILE level (partly due to collusion between
operators), and the differential be-
At the end of 1977,public road pas- tweenbusfaresandtaxibusfareshad
sengertransportinSantiagowaspro- disappeared. The average age of
videdby a publicsectoroperatorwith buses increasedfrom 7.0 to nearly
710 large buses (capacity: ninety 11.6yearsand that of taxibusesfrom
seats) and a numberof strictly regu- 5.0 to 9.5 years between 1980 and
lated private associationsoperating 1986. Congestionin the central city
about 3,167 regular buses (capac- and bus-generatedair pollution in-
ity: seventy-eight passengers) and creased substantially.
1,558taxibuses(capacity:forty pas- Those problemshave since been
sengers).Fares,routes,frequencies, addressed. In 1987 each weekday,
and bus imports were strictly con- on a rotatingbasis,20 percentof the
trolled. vehiclefleet was prohibitedfrom op-
In November1979entryto the sec- erating.In March 1989buses built in
tor was effectively deregulated, al- or before 1966 were banned in the
though a formalpower of regulation city. Most recently,in order to main-
remained.Fares were progressively tain competitionwhile restrictingthe
decontrolledand becamecompletely congestionand environmentaleffects
unregulatedin June 1983. Entry to of buses in the central city, licenses
the taxi businessand taxi fareswere were put to competitivetender, with
also liberalizedover thesameperiod. the qualityand cleanlinessof the ve-
The effects of deregulationwere hicle, as well as the price to be
dramatic.The public sectoroperator charged,being among the decisive
was driven out of the market. Total criteria.In this way, competitivepres-
capacitymorethan doubledover the sure has been retained,while new
next decade, with beneficialeffects environmentaland qualityincentives
on the frequencyof schedulesand have been introduced.
availability of seats. Other effects
werenot so benign.By 1985theregu- Source: Thomson 1992.

mance. If intermodal or international competition is insufficient to prevent the

exploitation of a monopoly franchise, controls have to be built into the con-
cession arrangement (for example, by specifying maximum motorway tolls,
as in Malaysia. or fares, as in the Buenos Aires metro).

Increasing the Private Financing of Infrastructure

In the nineteenth and early twentieth century much transport infrastructure

was privately financed. After World War I, public finance of infrastructure
dominated, and prior to 1982 there was virtually no further private financing
of transport infrastructure in developing or transition economies. Since then.
and most notably since 1988, private financing of transport infrastructure has

increased dramatically. This applies particularly to the financing of assets for

which (a) access can be limited (as in airports and seaports, tunnels, bridges,
and major highways, in contrast to urban and rural local roads): (b) the pro-
jected volume of traffic is high (container ports, freight rail, primary roads),
(c) the generation of cash is expected to be reliable (market or regulated tariffs
with reasonable pass-through arrangements, limited exposure to noncommer-
cial risk, and the availability of buyout provisions): and (d) foreign exchange
earnings are possible (ports, airports).
As table 2.2 shows, private financing of transport infrastructure has hith-
erto been most significant in the Latin America and Caribbean region and in
East Asia but has been virtually nonexistent in Europe and Central Asia, the
Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Even in those regions where private
investment in transport has been considerable, the flows have been significant
in only a few countries. Argentina and Mexico, which have made most head-
way in creating an overall enabling framework. have the largest privatization
programs and account for more than 50 percent of the total. China, Malaysia,
and Thailand. where major toll roads have been developed under enclave
arrangements, together account for a further 30 percent. The pattern of private
sector financing of transport closely mirrors the pattern of overall private
sector flows to developing countries.
Private financing of construction is usually associated with continuing
public sector responsibility for strategic network and locational planning. In


(millions of U.S. dollars)
Middle East Europe America
and .Vorth and Central and the
Sector Africa Asica Africa Asia Caribbean Total
Toll motorways 286 6,337 .. 50 12,177 18,850
(1) (14) (1) (24) (40)
Railroads .. 1,142 .. .. 1,379 2.521
(4) (5), (9)
Airports .. 577 .. .. 8( 657
(I) (I) (2)
Ports, 53 2,505 .. 165 1,130 3,853
(4) (46) (6) (51) (107)
Total 339 10.561 ... 215 14.766 25.881
(5) (65) (7) (81) (158)

Note:Nuimbers in parentheses indicate numnberof projects.
a. Cost information is incomplete.
b. Actual financial investment by the private secior, not total project costs.
Source: Pub&ic 8orks Financing 1993, 1994: World Bank data.

the case of toil roads and urban mass transit infrastructure, private firms are
normally given a concession to manage and operate the facility for a period of
years, with ownership of the asset returning at some point to the public sector.
Build-operate-transfer (BOT) is one possibility, with the transfer occurring at
the end of the operational concession period. In ports and airports the public
sector is often primarily a landlord, providing only the basic access services
(such as channel dredging and air traffic control), while the private sector
provides and owns most other facilities. As of early 1994, no less than fifty-
four countries were considering some type of privatization of the national
airport system. The objectives of private involvement are to increase effi-
ciency in service provision, to avoid political interference in operations, and
to circumvent public sector budget constraints.
Supply can be made more efficient by involving the private sector in the
design and construction of infrastructure even when it is owned and managed
by the public sector. Private sector skills can then be used in putting the initial
project together, assembling the necessary partners to complete the scheme,
and managing procurement and operations. Concessioning is. therefore, par-
ticularly appropriate when these skills are scarce in the public sector, which is
even more likely to be the case for urban rail schemes than for roads.
Private sector firms can maintain and manage operations more efficiently
if political interference in their affairs is minimized. Concession schemes can
facilitate this, particularly for enclave projects in situations where a broader
reform of public procedures is difficult. The private sector usually has more
flexible procurement rules than the public sector, and this can speed up imple-
mentation. It is critical to ensure, however, that cost savings from speedier
implementation are not made at the expense of adherence to planning and
environmental assessment procedures. Private provision can be less environ-
nmentallydamaging than public sector provision if the contractual arrange-
ments firmly establish the necessary standards and if penalties for infringe-
ment can be enforced.
Concessions can ease a government's fiscal problems by moving infra-
structure projects off-budget during the years of construction. This advantage
is reduced to the extent that the government makes payments that allow
dividends to be paid to investors before the facility is commissioned or gives
revenue guarantees in excess of the revenue-earning potential of the facility.
Moreover, in principle, a public road administration, if given the status, obli-
gations. and freedom of a commercial corporation, could borrow more cheaply
than a single-project concessionaire because it can spread risk over a number
of schemes or repay over longer periods (Blackshaw, Flora, and Scurfield
1992). Hence the corporatization of the road network, which would also move
road investment off-budget. may in some cases be a better way of mobilizing
private sector skills and incentives than a program of single-project conces-

To date, private funding of transport infrastructure has been limited, and

the problems of attracting private capital should not be minimized. In Central
Europe it has been difficult to attract foreign finance for the most attractive
road projects (such as the Hungarian Ml/M15 motorway) except by providing
generous state contributions. In some cases governments have become disen-
chanted after realizing how much public expenditure or potential public sec-
tor toll revenue would be necessary to attract relatively small amounts of new
private sector investment. Furthermore, because of traffic diversion in dense
networks, the economic benefit may be considerably lower for a tolled than
for an untolled facility.3 If the toll route is private, the social costs of the
misallocation of traffic between the tolled private route and the untolled
public network can far exceed the profit earned by the concessionaires (Newbery
1994). Experience with toll roads in Latin America has also shown that inap-
propriately designed concessions may limit the social benefits obtained from
concession schemes. In Mexico. on the basis of government guarantees of cost
and traffic flows. the private sector invested $14 billion in a 6.000-kilometer
toll road program; despite high tolls, only three of fifty-three concessions had
proved profitable by late 1995, and the government is now having to meet the
costs of its contingent obligations. Despite these important caveats, reliance
on toll-financed private sector projects may be justified if constraints on
public sector finance and borrowing capability preclude the possibility of the
road being provided on an untolled basis.
Private sector financing of transport infrastructure must thus be seen as a
partnership between the public and private sectors. The potential for raising
private finance on both domestic and international capital markets can be
enhanced by making policy reforms that create clear rules allowing investors
to form reasonably firm expectations about cash flows generated in an infra-
structure business. Developing a successful program-as has been done in
Malaysia-depends on a number of important prerequisites: an active govern-
ment role in planning the network: strong commitment to private funding:
steady economic growth; the acceptance of some risk-sharing between private
and public sectors (although govermnents should not guarantee normal com-
mercial risks); strong local capital markets; and an entrepreneurial private
sector (Allport 1994). The selection of a preferred form of public-private
partnership, and of the specific form of private sector participation. should be
based on an analysis of the total social costs and benefits of the alternatives
available (Newbery 1994).

iXlakinig Public Sectoi- Manageiient More Miarket Selnsitive

The private sector can become involved in most modes of transport operation
as long as there is a sound legal framework protecting private property and
contracts. Large efficiency gains are achievable in much transport infrastruc-
ture as a consequence of the absence of efficiency incentives in traditional

supply arrangements, but a number of factors make transport infrastructure

less amenable to private financing than other infrastructures. First. for some
types of infrastructure, like local roads in urban or rural areas, the physical
difficulties of excluding users who do not pay, or the high transaction costs of
implementing direct user charges, make a competitive market difficult to
achieve. Similar problems arise in scheduling the use of shared rail infrastruc-
tures. Second. privatization may not be politically acceptable where there is a
perception of large, uncompensated income transfers. Third. where there are
substantial externalities (such as road congestion and air pollution effects)
that cannot easily be addressed by market-based instruments, there is a greater
likelihood of government intervention. This will reduce the appeal of the
sector to private investors. Fourth, where traffic flows are low, profitability
from user charges is also likely to be low. Finally, some transport infrastruc-
ture is so intertwined with spatial planning that governments are not willing to
leave it entirely to the private sector. The significance of these various effects
differs among modes. The greatest potential for efficiency gains from
privatization lies where monopoly protection has traditionally been strongest,
as in the rail sector. The greater the number of dimensions in which prospects
are good, the lower the risk to the investor, and the greater the probability of
private nonrecourse finance. The ranking of potential in any particular dimen-
sion is arguable. Nonetheless, the pattern in table 2.3 suggests that much of
transport infrastructure is not as attractive to private investors and operators as
power or telecommunications infrastructure. For this reason. the public sector
will continue to bear a primary responsibility for the provision of transport
Where the transport sector has long been dominated by a monolithic
organization (for example. the railway organizations in China, India, and
Russia), it may be difficult to make rapid changes without risking severe
social disruption, particularly where organizations are divesting themselves
of traditional social responsibilities that hamper their commercial potential
and responsiveness to consumers. The first steps toward lowering costs may
have to be limited to the unbundling of functions (between transport and
nontransport activities, between transport infrastructure and operations, and
between different lines of business, functions, or regions) to allow for compe-
tition in the supply of inputs. Those components for which scale economies
are lowest can then be subcontracted on a competitive basis. This already
occurs to a large extent in maintenance (particularly in the contracting out of
road maintenance to the private sector), in vehicle operations (for example,
the separation of rail service provision from infrastructure or of the competi-
tive operations of bus operations from service planning), and in ancillary
service provision (catering and baggage handling in air transport). Although
the benefits may be substantial, the incentives to subcontract may be small
unless there is either an external competitive threat or a legal requirement to

Local facilities Natioinal facilities Power

Local Urban Local Trunk Main Freight Gener- Distri- Telecom-
Potential for roads rail ports roads ports rail ation bution municationzs
Competitive market Low HiLh Low Medium Medium HIIh Hilh Low Medium
Large efficiency gains Medium Ilih HI iI Medium Medium H
Hih HihII Low H ihII
Minimal transfers Low Low Low Low Low Medium Hig-h Medium Medium
Few externalities Low Low Low Medium Medium Hith Low Medium HiLh
Profits from user charges Low Low Low Medium Highl Hilh 1Itc Medium Medium
No spatial plannling effect Low Low Low Low Low I h2h Low Low H,-lI
Overall success Low Low Medium Medium Medium Higlh Hihl Low Medium

by World Bank staff.

Source:DevelopedfroiniMcyer and G6mez-lbhdez1993:judgmentson ratingsmiiade

It is notable that those state-owned transport enterprises that are the most
successful in providing economical and efficient services are also those that
have the greatest degree of commercial autonomy, whether they are operating
in domestic markets (for example, buses in Tamil Nadu and Zimbabwe) or in
highly competitive international markets (for example, Ethiopian Airlines
and the Port of Singapore). Hence, even where the pursuit of environmental or
social objectives implies the need for public transport subsidies (see chapters
4 and 5). the setting of political objectives should be separated from the
management of the enterprise. This can be achieved by combining commer-
cial objectives with management autonomy within perfonnance agreements.
These should explicitly state the public service obligations (psos) and perfor-
mance criteria that the enterprise must meet and the price that the government
will pay to the enterprise for the performance of those obligations. Perfor-
mance agreements are common in the railway sector in such countries as
Bolivia, Ghana, Mexico, and Tunisia but are equally applicable to other
transport activities (Shirley and Nellis 1991).
Experience with performance agreements in developilg countries has high-
lighted some serious problems in implementation. First, it is difficult to specify
efficient performance in a way that suppliers cannot manipulate to their owIn
advantage (unit cost measures may be manipulated easily by changing the
product mix). Second, it is difficult to formulate efficient penalties for failure
to perform (withholding finance may penalize customers more than the sup-
plier if there is no alternative supplier). Third, it is difficult to identify realistic
targets when tastes and technologies are changing rapidly. Performance agree-
ments require discipline on the part of the government as well as on the part of
enterprises. In Senegal the government failed to can-y out its commitments
under a performance agreement with its railway enterprise. In Mexico a series
of convenios (agreements) has failed to improve railway performance notice-
ably because a valid and explicit role for the railways has not been defined
adequately so that clear financial targets and responsibilities can be set. Dis-
appointment with these devices is a major reason for the growing interest in
finding more credible mechanisms to provide finms with appropriate degrees
of autonomy in the process of private sector concessioning.
Where possible. greater market discipline in infrastructure provision is
best achieved by full corporatization, giving the supply agencies a commer-
cial remit and the freedom to set tariffs and determine expenditures. This will
work well where there is a method of pricing directly for use and there are no
externalities. These conditions appear to hold for interurban freight railways
(though not for urban passenger railways. where externality effects may be
large), for selected liks or sparse networks of interurban roads, and, to a
lesser extent, for airports and seaports (because of water. air, and noise pollu-
tion) or for urban and rural secondary roads (where there are both externalities
and a limited ability to price).

Where transport infrastructure is corporatized, revenues are derived pri-

marily from direct user charges. Without corporatization, transport infrastruc-
ture-as in the case of road agencies-depends for funding on budget alloca-
tions unrelated to the revenues derived from road-users. Recognizing the high
costs associated with the propensity of governments to defer funding for road
maintenance in times of fiscal pressure. countries as disparate as Hungary,
Iceland, New Zealand, and Switzerland are adopting a more commercial
approach to road management. The Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean is urging Latin American countries to corporatize their road
systems, and the Bank is helping to develop practical schemes to commercial-
ize road management as part of the effort to improve road maintenance in the
Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program (CEPAL 1992b: Heggie 1995).
There are several requirements for successful commercialization of road
infrastructure. First, the accounts and performance of the road agency must be
made transparent, with the amount of money spent on roads, the efficiency
with which it is expended, and the effects of that expenditure on performance
clearly visible. Second, there must be a clear indication of what constitutes a
charge for roads, with charges being specified separately from general taxa-
tion on use. Charges for road use must be directly transferred to the road
authority. Third. the level of charges and expenditures must be linked. Fi-
nally. the level of charges and the maintenance and operational expenditures
should be determined by representatives both of users and of the groups whose
environment is affected by the roads.
The establishment of a user-managed commercialized road authority does
not automatically resolve the problem of how to treat externalities (which
may require that part of the charge be paid to some institution acting on behalf
of affected third parties such as health or environmental agencies) or strategic
interests (which may require that some lightly used roads be maintained for
social reasons). These considerations may be deferred in the short run if it is
agreed that failure to finance the maintenance of an economically essential
primary road network is of crisis proportions. For a commercialized road
agency to be a continuing element in a transport administration. however, the
satisfactory incorporation of environmental and social issues is essential.

Setting Efficient Prices

Within a competitive market, enterprises have an incentive to set profit-
maximizing prices. So long as all competing and complementary markets are
competitive, and all adverse effects on third parties are charged for, these
prices will also be economically efficient. Given the high level of fixed costs
in many transport modes, efficient pricing may involve extensive differentia-
tion of prices to make the most effective use of capacity. The Bank has long
advocated higher prices for congested facilities (Hau 1992). Peak pricing is
already feasible and is reasonably widely applied in metros, urban and interur-

ban railways, buses, airports, and. in some cases, air transport services. The
important requirement is that the freedom of enterprises to deternine the level
and structure of prices should only be constrained if there is a real danger of
monopoly exploitation. Distributional interests should be handled through
PSOcomponents in contracts between enterprises and government.
Within a competitive transport market, it is also critical that charges for
the use of infrastructure be set correctly. Privatization or commercialization
of public transport without appropriate charges for the use of public infra-
structure may accentuate distortions both within the sector and among sectors.
This danger presently threatens the public transport systems in the larger cities
in transition economies, such as Hungary and Poland. Charges for the use of
road infrastructure are the critical element. The onus for achieving the right
level and structure of charges falls on the government. Because the factors
that determine those charges include both environmental and distributional
concerns (see chapters 3 and 4), we return in chapter 5 to infrastructure pricing
as one of the most important functions of governments in a market-based
transport sector.


1. The validity of this conclusioni depends in good part on the existence of

competition in the international shipping business. For example, Asian countries
depended heavily on the monopolistic Far East Freight Conference duirig the 1950s
and 1960s, before they developed their own carriers.
2. In the case of landlocked countries the effective competition may be between
alternative corridors to the sea via ports in different countries.
3. Construction of a section of the M3 motorway in Hungary would have an
estimated ERR of 29 percent if built as a free road, but only 13 percent if btiilt as a toll
road with toll levels sufficiently high to attract BOT financing. ERRSare reduced in two
ways by the iilpositioni of tolls on new high-capacitv routes. First, some potential
savings in travel time are lost to traffic that is discouraged by the toll from using the
superior route. Second, levels of congestion are higher on the untolled routes than
would otherwise be the case.
4. Where operators interact extensively with one another, it may be difficult to
find an effective way of handling infrastructure allocation issues. For example, the
high transaction costs ot' operating a commercial allocation of paths on networks with
liited possibilities for passing may best explain why the infrastrticture and operation
of railways were historically more vertically integrated than those of other transport

Environmental Sustainability

Transport has significant effects on the environment that should be addressed

explicitly in the design of projects and programs. Reducing life- and health-
threatening effects should be the highest priority. Making better use of readily
available and cost-effective technology is necessary, but not in itself suffi-
cient. More strategic action is also required in the form of better-directed
planning of land use and stricter management of demand, including the use of
pollution and congestion charges to correct the relative prices of private and
public transport.

inappropriately designed transport systems can damage the envi-

ronment in which people live and work. Worldwide, more than half a million
people die each year in road accidents. The air quality in the major cities of
developing countries is already as bad as or worse than that in cities of
industrial countries, despite lower levels of vehicle ownership (see table 3.1).
Road traffic is not the only source, nor even frequently the main source. of air
pollution, but it is a primary source of some categories of pollutants. In large
city centers road traffic may account for as much as 90 to 95 percent of lead
and carbon monoxide, 60 to 70 percent of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons,
and a major share of particulate matter. These emissions damage health,
especially of pedestrians and persons living or working in the open on traffic
thoroughfares. In Mexico City high particulate levels contribute to an esti-
mated 12,500 deaths a year (Serageldin 1993). Lead concentrations in some
areas of Cairo are five to six times as high as the global norms set by the World
Health Organization. and as a result. the lead content in the blood of children
in Cairo is three to five times as high as that of children in rural Egypt
(Stickland 1993). Ground-level ozone accumulation causes major respiratory

(average mean concentration)

Carbon Nitrogen
City Lead' monoxideb dioxidec Ozone

Bangkok o a o O
Beijing 0 0 G
Bombay o a a
Cairo o o
Jakarta o o a a
London a o O a
Los Angeles a o 0 0
Mexico City o O 0 O
Moscow o o o
NewYork 0 C 0 O
Sao Paulo C) o0 0
Seoul o a O a
Tokyo a O
* WHO guidelinesexceededby more than a factorof two
O WHO guidelinesexceededby a factorof up to two
0 WHO guidelinesnornally met
A blank indicatesnot available.
a. 90-100 percentfrom transponsources
b. 80-100 pementfrom transportsources.
c. 60-70 percentfrom transportsources.
Source:WHO and UNEP 1992.

problems in many cities. Transport also causes noise, and insensitively de-
signed transport infrastructure is visually intrusive and, by physically dividing
neighborhoods, can have adverse effects on local amenities (Frybourg and
Bureau 1985; Lambert 1986). While local conditions have improved recently
in many industrial countries, those in many developing-country cities have
continued to decline.
At the regional level, a lack of attention to the impact of transport can
damage habitats and biodiversity. For example, shipping can contribute to
pollution in ecologically sensitive coastal waters, and automotive air pollu-
tion can contribute to acid rain and problems associated with forest degrada-
tion. One of the most contentious issues is the impact of roads-and the
subsequent induced development-on forests and other ecological habitats
and cultural sites. Whether or not to open a new area for settlement (as in the

transmigration program in Indonesia), to provide access to natural resources

(as in the POLONOROESTE program in Brazil). or to connect two areas of
economic activity by crossing a forest or biologically sensitive area (as in the
Zurqui Pass in Costa Rica) is primarily an issue of development policy, not
transport policy. It is critical, however, that roads or other transport links not
be built unless there is some framework for anticipating and mitigating likely
adverse impacts. Current environmental assessments for Bank-supported road
projects do require the inclusion of a regional plan for the area affected. But
even that may not suffice. In the Brazil-Northwest Region Development
Program, it was possible at first to provide access to new areas opened for
agricultural activity (first rubber, then coffee and cocoa) without generating
significant environmental damage as long as farm incomes were adequate.
But with the subsequent collapse of global coffee prices, income in the region
could only be maintained by cutting down trees and transporting the lumber
by road until the area was deforested (World Bank 1994b). In short, induced
development (as a result of the immigration of new settlers) is inherently
fraught with uncertainty regarding environmental impacts over a longer time
horizon. Therefore the decision whether or not to build roads must take these
risks into account. Before action is taken to open access to new areas, satisfac-
tory provisions must be in place to avoid or mitigate adverse ecological and
cultural consequences, even if they appear to have a low probability of occur-
rence. In addition, at the more micro level it is necessary that road design and
construction be sensitive, avoid destruction of habitats or cultural sites, and
not contribute to soil erosion. As many of the poorer countries are the most
vulnerable to these longer term or cumulative impacts, it is important that they
be alerted to the dangers faced.
Transport also damages the global environment. Pollution from motor
vehicles produces about one-fifth of the incremental carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere arising from human activity (which potentially contributes to
global warming), one-third of the chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCS (which con-
tribute to depletion of the ozone layer), and half of the nitrogen oxides (which
contribute to continental scale acidification and ecological damage). The
contribution of transport to ozone depletion is now being reduced by the
elimination of fully halogenated CFCS, which are especially damaging.' The
situation with global warming gases is less favorable. Although global warm-
ing is primarily a result of the levels of industrialization and motorization in
the industrial countries, on which the main onus for mitigation presently lies
(Rommerskirchen and others 1991). developing countries have no grounds for
complacency. If current trends continue unabated, by 2010 these countries
could be the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide and methane (see
figure 3.1; OECD 1992). At present. their main incentive to reduce their output
of global warming gases is the heavy burden that growing oil imports place on
their balance of payments.



Billions of tons



4 3.60

2 1.25 1.451.25 1.10

United OECD CEE and China and Other
States FSU CP Asia developing
0 2010 * 1986

Now:eCEE. Central and Eastern Europe: FSU, Former Soviet Union: cP Asia. centrally plannedAsia.
Source: Faiz 1993.

The environmental effects of transport differ significantly by mode

(PLANCO-Consult1990). Road motor vehicles are the dominant source of the
emissions that have local and continental effects (such as the formation of
acid rain), and they account for more than three-quarters of the transport
sector's contribution to global air pollution. Aviation causes local air and
noise pollution at ground level, and gaseous emissions in the troposphere
deplete the ozone layer and contribute to global warming. Aviation is likely
to become a more important source of pollution because, despite improve-
ments in engine technology, its consumption of fuel has grown more than 3
percent a year and is expected to double every twenty years (Arrhenius and
Waltz 1990). In maritime transport the operational discharging of oil was
reduced 60 percent during the past decade, and shipping now accounts for
only about one-quarter of the oil entering the marine environment. although
major damage still results from tanker accidents (Peet 1994). Rail transport
is relatively benign environmentally, although direct and indirect coal burn-
ing (to generate electricity) and rail-generated noise can have heavy local-
ized impacts. Inland waterway transport is fuel-efficient and rarely has local
environmental impact. Nonmotorized transport is almost entirely environ-
mentally benign.

Combining Redtictioi of Transp)ort Costs

with Environmental Awareness

Most transportimprovementsare designedto reducetransportcostsor improve

the qualityof servicefor transportusers.Theseimprovementsin efficiencycan
often have a beneficialimpacton the environment-for example,by reducing
fuelconsumptionand air pollution(EuropeanConferenceof Ministersof Trans-
port 1989)-but thisis not alwaysthe case.Consequently.sincelate 1989a full
environmentalassessmenthas been mandatoryfor all Bank-assistedprojects
that may have a significantadverse impacton the environment,and a partial
assessmentis requiredfor thoseexpectedto have a minorimpact. 2 The propor-
tion of transportprojectssubjectto fullassessmenthas risen from 10percentof
projects approvedin fiscal 1991 to 20 percent in fiscal 1993.3These have
includedall modes and most regions, with the rapidly developingChinese
transportsectorattractingthe most comprehensiveattention. 4 Almostall trans-
portprojectsare subjectto at leasta partialassessment.The increasinglystrin-
gent applicationof these procedureshas encouragedthe designof projectsthat
are sensitiveto environmentalconcernsand that mitigateany directly adverse
environmentalimpact.In this sense, most Bank-assistedprojectsnow avoid
doingdirect harm to the environment.
Furthermore,more and more transport projects. or project components,
are focusing positively on improving the environment,rather than simply
avoidingdirectenvironmentalharm.The SecondMulti-StateRoadsProjectin
Nigeria,the StateHighwayManagementProjectsin Brazil, and the Highway
ManagementProject in Venezuelaall support the buildingof national and
local technicalcapacity to assess the environmentalimpactof road projects.
The Tehran TransportEmissions ReductionProject in Iran, funded by the
GlobalEnvironmentFacility (GEF), is a comprehensivepackagewith compo-
nents that cover emissionsinventoryand air quality monitoring,vehiclefleet
and fuels improvement,and traffic management.The GEF portfolio also in-
cludes investmentin pilot projectscovering the managementof freshwater
bodiesand river basins, marine pollution,and marine ecosystems.The Bank
recently financedwaste-oilreceptionfacilitiesfor ports in China and an Oil
PollutionManagementProjectfor ports in the Maghrebcountries.
These projectsaddressthe immediateand direct effects of transport.It is
much more difficultto controllonger-termand less directeffects,particularly
when a transportproject is only a subsidiarypart of a broader plan for the
economicdevelopmentof ecologicallyor culturallysensitiveregions(World
Bank 1992b).In such cases the fundamentalquestionsare those of regional
developmentpolicy rather than transportpolicy. But transportinfrastructure
may still be the instrumentthrough which undesirabledevelopmentsoccur
(see box 1.3).Transportdevelopmentsthreateningencroachmenton natural
habitator culturalheritageshouldnot be supportedunlessthe Bankis satisfied

that an appropriate framework of protection is in place before implementation

(Peuker 1992).
Conversely, inaction can also be damaging. For example, in rapidly grow-
ing cities and in conurbations like Bangkok, where networks are poorly devel-
oped. the long-term economic and environmental costs of inadequate transport
capacity can be very high. It is at this strategic level that the Bank has had the
most difficulty in helping countries to implement policy effectively. Thus, a
comprehensive and well-articulated country strategy combining the efficiency,
equity, and environmental objectives of transport development is critical.
A country strategy should, in principle, be based on a full cost-benefit
analysis incorporating both transport and environmental objectives. It should
include short-term management and pricing instrumenitsand long-term strate-
gic planning instruments as the context for identifying investment actions.
Research will be required to identify critical environmental effects and to
determine the efficacy of different intervenltions. In the interim, an appropri-
ate framework would start with a rudimentary setting of priorities based on the
best available epidemiological analysis of the effects of transport on people.
That would be followed by selection of the most cost-effective options for
meeting priorities in the form of targeted goals (see figure 3.2), prior to fuller
valuation (possibly in monetary terms) of an individual project's environmen-
tal impact, as recently undertaken for the Sao Paulo urban transport project.
The priorities in country and sector strategies that emerge from such an
analysis will differ from country to country. But there is already enough
evidence to identify some general priorities. Strategic and structural actions.
including the creation of economic incentives for environmentally sensitive
behavior, are a high priority. Although their effects may be slow to come to
fruition and may be politically and administratively difficult to implement.
they are the critical and pervasive basis for the development of environmen-
tally sustainable transport. Within such a strategic framework, some priority
problems can be identified where the benefits of making improvements are
judged to be very high, particularly because they seriously threaten life and
health. The most appropriate technology should be selected on the basis of
relative cost-effectiveness, in the context of the main problems in the country,
taking into account what the country can afford and effectively implement.
This often means that the actions with the highest priority are not those
attempting to impose state-of-the-art standards or technologies but those mak-
ing more immediate improvements in the way in which existing or easily
implemented equipment is used and capacities are deployed.

Pri i (r itN (O)IIlII ira

Ot'1 $,!| ,3 f"I' '4 S K I,itI-

Addressing the adverse environmental consequences of urban transport is in-

creasingly urgent in the rapidly growing mnajorcities in developing countries.



Marginal cost of emission reductions

(dollars per ton)
2,600 -

2,100 improvements

1,600 - I

\\Passenger cars -
1,100 _ Taxis\ _ _ I
\(elcement)\ _Srnte d
\ \ x J in~~~~spection
Gasoln 1\ I
600 Minibu es trucks Inspection of I
M <_ _ ~~~~~passenger
cars | Target
100 Inspection of high-use vehicles' Ireduction

~~~~Retrofitting (natural gas and LPG)!

Cumulative emission reductions 1.2
(millions of weighted tons)

- - - - Technical controls only

Controls, matched with gasoline tax

Welfare cost when tax is excluded

Note: Calculations are based on -0.8 elasticity ot demand for gasoline.

a. Including taxis, light-duty trucks, and minibuses.
Sounrce:Eskeland 1994b.

The key to medium-term environmental sustainability is the integration of

environmental concerns within economic incentive structures. Prices that inter-
nalize environmental effects and market mechanisms (such as trading permits)
should be used more than they are at present.

Introducing Congestion and Pollution Charges

Restricting the size of the fleet has been the traditional approach to demand
management in developing countries. High import tariffs (in the range of 300-
400 percent) performed this function. as many countries did not produce their
own cars and trucks. Trade liberalization will not undemiine this approach if

the import tariff is replaced by a comparable domestic excise or luxury tax.

Limiting the size of the fleet will not be easy as incomes grow and will not be
as effective if vehicle usage grows faster than vehicle ownership.
Market instruments of demand management allow decentralized
decisionmakers to select the type of adjustment best suited to their individual
preferences. In the urban context, increased parking charges have benefited
the environment by reducing on-street parking, as in Tunis. and by rationing
restricted off-street parking spaces. as in Seoul. More sophisticated pricing
approaches, such as the use of tradable permits for environmental emissions,
are being discussed intensively in the industrial countries at present; the auc-
tioning of a predetermined number of licenses to purchase new vehicles in
Singapore has already demonstrated the technical feasibility of such an ap-
proach (OECD 1992). Electronic road pricing (as considered for Hong Kong
and being implemented in Singapore) will have to be monitored closely be-
fore being introduced more widely; at this stage, it is premature and not cost-
effective in many developing countries.
In the absence of direct emission charges. higher fuel prices have already
become a means of mitigating part of the environmental impact of transport in
a few countries, such as Mexico. Although changes in the use of fuel that are
due to changes in price may be small in the short term. longer-term effects on
the choice of vehicles and the location of residences make the ultimate impact
of higher fuel prices considerably greater. The problem is that estimates of the
cost of externalities vary by country and are still controversial (Bleijenberg
1988: Himanen and others 1989). On the basis of a review of recent studies in
industrial countries, a conservative estimate suggested social costs in the
neighborhood of 0.3 percent of GDP for noise and 0.4 percent for local air
pollution (Quinet 1994). The United Kingdom Royal Commission on Envi-
ronmental Protection more recently gave higher estimates of 4.6 percent of
GDP as the lower end of a range of estimates of the cost of air pollution, noise
and vibration, and climate change. Recent U.S. studies estimating the costs of
damage caused by local air pollution have shown a similarly wide range:
lower values-equivalent to less than $0.10 per U.S. gallon of gasoline-for
the national average impact, but relatively high values for major conurbations
(for example, an estimated $0.62 per gallon for Los Angeles: see Krupnick
1995). Accidents in the European countries are estimated to cost an average of
about 2 percent of GDP (some of these costs are already internalized through
insurance). Policy in developing countries should be based on local valua-
tions. In light of the generally inferior vehicle technologies and vastly greater
exposure to environmentally damaging traffic in countries with rapidly grow-
ing motorization, however, some of the major conurbations may suffer envi-
ronmental impacts in excess of the levels experienced in Los Angeles. These
environmental and accident costs should be charged to road-users. Methods of
doing this, and the implications for structures and levels of taxation, are
discussed in chapter 5.

Developing Complementary Policies on Public Transport Fares

and on Road-User Charges in Urban Areas

Fares and service levels for public transport (whether supplied by state-owned
enterprises or by the private sector) should be determined in a systemwide,
multimodal context and be clearly related to comprehensive economic and
social strategies for urban development and transport. Efficient charges for road
use will increase the use of public transport: even if modal diversion does not
occur, they will allow greater cost recovery. The option of charging efficient
prices for the use of scarce urban road space, together with unsubsidized public
transport, is therefore preferable to any alternative involving unpriced road use
and compensatory public transport subsidies. not only because a superior incen-
tive structure is created, but also because a lower fiscal burden is imposed. As
long as road use (particularly the use of scarce road space) is underpriced,
however, the financial viability of public transport will be prejudiced, and a
"second-best" case can be made for setting public transport fares in such a way
as to compensate for the undercharging of private road transport. This would
involve linking moves to recover the full costs of public transport with moves to
set appropriate levels of fuel taxes or road-user charges (as recently proposed in
the strategy for secondary cities in Poland: see Mitric 1995).
Setting public transport fares below cost to countervail undercharging
private road-users raises two major problems. First, fare revenues will be
insufficient to meet full operational and vehicle replacement costs. Financial
sustainability thus requires some other secure source of revenue. This might
take the form of contract payments from government in association with
annual performance agreements financed from general taxation or by ear-
marked taxation (as in Paris). Many municipal governments, particularly in
Eastern Europe. have neither sufficient grant revenue from central govern-
ment nor sufficient local taxing power to satisfy this requirement. In those
circumstances, because failure to sustain the service will also involve failure
to meet environmental and distributional objectives, financial sustainability
must be the preeminent concern.
The second problem concerns management incentives. Where a public
transport mode is expected to help reduce uncharged externalities such as
congestion or pollution, efficient resource allocation does not require that the
full cost of public transport be recovered directly from users. Similarly, exist-
ing facilities that have a large component of sunk cost of infrastructure, such
as metros, may be sustainable, given lower ratios of total cost recovery than
bus operations, although investment in fixed track systems should only be
made in the first place if the expected benefits over the life of the system are
greater than the costs-including the capital costs-of providing them. But in
order to stimulate managerial efficiency and to prevent subsidies from being
appropriated by employees, any support, whether in the form of a capital or an
operating subsidy. must be based on a contract specifying clear standards of
performance and effective penalties.

Managing Demand to Compensate for Pricing Deficiencies

In the absence of appropriate prices for road use. it may be necessary to resort
to direct physical restraint of traffic. In Singapore a strict vehicle licensing
policy, in combination with high import duties on cars, has helped restrain car
traffic to a sustainable limit.5 In Europe car-free central districts have made a
remarkable improvement in the quality of urban life and the attractiveness of
central districts. However, such direct controls are not without problems
(Bleijenberg. Velthuyzen. and Oegema 1990). For example, programs to ex-
clude subsets of vehicles selected by license plate number from being on the
streets on particular days. as in Athens and Mexico City (see Eskeland and
Devarajan 1996), have had the perverse effect of making people reschedule
their activities or buy more cars rather than restraining the total amount of
traffic. In particular, without appropriate alternatives, such as sufficiently
high-quality public transport and adequate facilities for changing from one
mode of transport to another (bus to rail, bicycle to transit), congestion and
adverse environmental effects are likely to spread rapidly to the periphery of
cities (as in Asian cities such as Bangkok and Seoul).
Even public transport may contribute to local impacts enough to justify
specific operational constraints, such as restricting the points at which public
light buses pick up passengers, as in Hong Kong. Direct regulation and legal
enforcement are also likely to maintain safety more effectively than any
market process. Where an excess supply of public transport is damaging the
environment, constraints can be reconciled with market forces by competi-
tively tendered franchises, as applied in the central areas of Santiago. The
environmental quality of the vehicle can then be one of the factors on which
competition is based. The most important point is that the adverse spin-off
effects of competition should be addressed by introducing selective controls.
such as enhanced vehicle inspection and monitoring and enforcement of road
behavior, not by imposing blanket restrictions on entry.

Integrating Urban Structure and Transport Planning

Transport infrastructure can provide access to new areas, thereby enabling

changes in the patterns of land use. Once established, however, land-use
patterns largely determine the demand for transport (Klaasen and van der
Meer 1987; European Conference of Ministers of Transport 1991b; Matsuura
and Numada 1992; Offner 1992). Distortions in land markets, such as existed
(albeit for different reasons) in Russia and South Africa until the late 1980s.
have left a legacy of transport demands that are costly to satisfy. In China,
land-use policies in the 1950s enforced the close juxtaposition of workplace
and residence, thus promoting the use of low-cost transport such as bicycles;
with the liberalization of labor and land markets in the 1980sand 1990s, much
longer journeys are being generated that will, in time. reduce the attractive-
ness of cycling (Doulet 1994). In countries such as Vietnam and secondary

cities in many developing and transition countries that are on the threshold of
motorization, the existing land-use patterns have not yet foreclosed the option
of development structured to maintain a better balance between public and
private transport. as well as between motorized and nonnmotorized modes
(Rizet 1992). This has frequently led to proposals for more extensive control
of land use and, particularly, of residential density. Such controls must be
based on better knowledge of the wider development process.
In this context, it has been observed that low-density Australian and U.S.
cities exhibit much higher fuel consumption per capita than higher-density
cities elsewhere (Newman and Kenworthy 1991). Much emphasis has thus
been placed on avoiding low-density land-use patterns. particularly where
they occur because the private costs of mobility are much lower than the
social costs. In practice, controlling the growth of urban areas is fraught with
problems, which suggests that caution should be used in attempting to impose
any rigid control of urban structure (Hayashi and others 1992; Miyamoto and
Udomsri 1992). First, the relatively lower use of fuel and the high density in
urban areas are usually associated with the disadvantage of high housing costs
and a low level of residential space per person (see figure 3.3). Second, master
plans typically underestimate urban growth and demand, and controls may
prevent densities from growing as they might in some areas, while forcing
them to be too high in others. For example, the demand for the Calcutta metro
has been stifled by regulations effectively limiting development around sta-
tions. Third, master plans to date have not succeeded in controlling overall
urban growth or in ensuring efficient use of urban land and urban transport.
The answer-particularly in rapidly developing cities where land markets
are turbulent and land use can change rapidly-is to recognize and work with
the underlying preferences being exhibited in the market. For example, growth
tends to be concentrated initially in clusters on the major radial routes around
cities. This is generally consistent both with the development of cost-effective
mass transit facilities and with varying preferences for residential density.
Although micro land-use control is neither feasible nor desirable, guidance is
possible by determining the location of major public sector facilities and by
influencing large-scale private sector developments that have a major influ-
ence on the efficiency of urban form (Frybourg 1992). This may include the
development of a clear strategy on the reservation of rights-of-way and ad-
equate space for transport infrastructure (Scholy and others 1993), the provi-
sion of limited-access trunk transport facilities (particularly rail-based sys-
tems), and the structure of public utility extensions (as in city development in
Saudi Arabia). Although attempting to maintain a more localized balance
between job and residence will tend to even out directional flows, this will not
necessarily reduce the length of most journeys to work (Andan and D'Arcier
1992).The combination of a well-functioning land market and efficient charges
for the use of transport infrastructure is essential in this strategy of working
with the market because it will encourage the use of public transport on the

main arterial routes. Conversely, where transport prices do not reflect full
social and environmental costs, the land market can generate inefficient land-
use patterns (Egal 1994).

Changing the Balance of Modes of Transport

Some transport modes are more environmentally damaging than others. The
balance between modes should therefore reflect their environmental, as well
as their economic, characteristics.
particularly the bicycle-can benefit the environment by giving high local
accessibility to the relatively sparse public transport network for longer-dis-
tance movement. Much more can be done at low cost to incorporate
nonmotorized transport into an overall urban transport strategy. Appropriate
measures might include the provision of routes and parking for bicycles and
proper recognition of slow-moving vehicles within traffic management
schemes, as demonstrated in countries like Japan and the Netherlands. The


Gasoline use (megajoules per capita)


Washington, D.C. A

Toronto A,

30,000 A Melbourne

Paris A Stockholm
London *M nich
10,000 Tokyo A msterdam
A Singapore
A Hong Kong
0 l l l l

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Residential floor area per capita (square meters)
Note: Low gasolineuseis associatedwith residentialcrowding;89 percentof the variation in per
capita gasolineuseis explainedby the sqniareof floor areaperperson.
Source:Calculatedfrom data on gasolineusederived from Newmanand Kenworthy 1991anddata on
floor areafronmWorld Bank.

actions necessary to overcome current impediments to nonmotorized trans-

port are discussed in chapter 4.
modes differ in their potential energy efficiency. Inland waterway transport of
bulk freight is very energy efficient and, where there is an appropriate water-
way, should be encouraged. But the disadvantages of its network density will
limit its scope. Rail transport does not appear to have the same limitations. A
fully loaded train requires only one-third of the energy per passenger-kilome-
ter of a fully loaded car and little more than one-tenth as much as a fully
loaded airplane (over distances where substitution between the modes appears
possible; see Kuerer 1993). Because the energy use and emissions of rail
transport are usually less than for road transport. Austria, Hungary. and Swit-
zerland have recently taken steps to divert road traffic onto rail. In general,
however, the potential advantage of rail in energy consumption per ton-kilo-
meter is limited by some characteristics inherent in rail operations. First,
because rail transport has significant fixed costs, the commercial use of rail is
restricted to certain domains where high levels of track and vehicle occupancy
can be obtained. In fact, fully loaded trains are not the rule; rail passenger
services in rural areas typically have low occupancy rates. Second, the quality
of the service is also important. In the freight market the trend toward just-in-
time logistic systems emphasizes the importance of precisely those attributes,
such as flexibility, for which road transport has an advantage over rail. In the
passenger market the importance that travelers attach to travel time, comfort,
convenience, reliability, and flexibility increases as their income increases.
Again, because road transport usually has an advantage in these dimensions,
dependence on road transport tends to increase with income growth.
The actual achievement of the potential energy savings and environmental
benefits of rail transport thus depends on the existence of a market-proven
superiority of the rail mode in meeting customer demands, which only occurs
in well-defined domains of business. Government intervention to expand
those domains is only justified where the financial costs to the operator do not
properly represent the true economic and environmental costs. To invest in
railways that do not attract traffic is not only uneconomic but environmentally
pointless (Gwilliam, Shalizi, and Thompson 1994).
Nonetheless, in any corridor where rail or road (or high-speed rail and air)
are possible substitutes. all relevant cost-effective alternatives must be consid-
ered. In the case of freight, rail can have a clear competitive role, not only within
the traditional market of long-distance movement of low-value products, but
also within combined-transportcontainer systems of high-value, high-bulk prod-
ucts. For example. the Bank is assisting Indian Railways to expand into this
market. Despite its high costs of capital and energy, high-speed rail technology
may be justified, even in relatively low-income countries, because it requires
little space per unit of capacity. This applies particularly in high-density traffic

corridors, such as Beijing to Shanghai, and in high-density population areas

(especially in parts of Asia) where wider corridors present serious resettlement
problems. Suburban rail also has a potentially important role to play in metro-
politan areas, as shown by recent projects in Pusan. Rio de Janeiro, and Sao
Paulo (Nehashi, Ikoma, and Akiyama 1992; Pinheiro 1992).
In practice, many governments have encouraged or required their railways
to perform roles for which they are poorly suited (for example, in low-density
rural areas, buses are a better option for transporting passengers). This has
often created a financially unsustainable burden, which has contributed to the
general decline of railways. The policy objectives should thus be to identify
an appropriate role for railways (taking into account their broad environmen-
tal impacts), to ensure that the market conditions, including charges for the
use of road infrastructure, allow railways to fulfill this role, and to establish
efficient management structures capable of adjusting to changing opportuni-
ties (Baumgartner 1992; Durr 1992). Investments and operational support for
railways should be considered in this context. Restructuring the railways
(whether they are to be privatized or to remain in public ownership) often
means that governments have to make difficult decisions about whether to
abandon lines, shed labor, or restructure liability arrangements. A clearer
separation of regulatory and operational roles will help railways fulfill their
potential within a liberalized transport market.
urban corridors with high traffic volumes, mass rapid transit systems use
space more economically and are less environmentally damaging than sys-
tems relying on the automobile. For medium-size and large cities, such as
Abidjan, Bogota, L_ima,and Sao Paulo, where the bus is the backbone of mass
urban movement. special busways, which other traffic is forbidden to use,
have proved able to carry high volumes (up to 20,000 persons per hour per
lane) at acceptable speed and at a fraction of the cost of metros (Gardner,
Cornwell. and Cracknell 1991). Sometimes, however, as in Sao Paulo. busways
have significant local environmental and blight effects that should be taken
into account in comparing alternatives. Light rapid transit, operating at street
level and with frequent stops. may have less environmental impact but rarely
improves on the capacity of busways (Hugonnard 1994). In contrast, metros
can handle peak flows of 60.000 passengers per hour or more and may be the
only way to handle the heaviest flows in very large conurbations at reasonable
speeds. Unfortunately, when cities are small, the corridor flows are rarely
sufficient to justify the high initial costs of a metro, while by the time the
corridor traffic volumes have reached levels that appear to merit a metro, the
urban structure has developed to the stage at which the superimposition of a
metro is inordinately costly in terms of land acquisition, system construction,
and other capital expenses. This suggests the possibility of a phased approach
(as recommended for Karachi) in which rights-of-way are protected at an

early stage of development. to be used for either busways or rail-based sys-

tems according to the changing volume of expected traffic over time.
This approach requires considerable foresight, capacity to plan, and willing-
ness to commit to an urban structure. Success is possible, as exemplified by
Curitiba, but the danger is that, as in Porto Alegre, subsequent development will
follow an entirely different and unplanned pattern. Increased emphasis on urban
rail thus requires the integration of plans for the rail network into land-use
schemes, public support for direct pricing of the external costs of road use, and
adequate provisions for modal coordination and interchange (Denant-Boemont
1992).The absence of such a comprehensive institutional frameworkhas proved
very damaging in such cities as Bangkok. Caution is also advised on other
grounds. A study of metro systems in developing countries showed that, al-
though metro systems are usually operated fairly efficiently, their finances,
traffic, and impact on the urban environment have tended to fall short of expec-
tations (Fouracre, Allport, and Thomson 1990). Their high initial cost inevita-
bly preempts much other desirable expenditure, which may be of much greater
value in situations with other, more pressing demands. Moreover, the burden of
maintaining a system built at such high cost can cripple municipal finances, as
shown by the experience of even relatively wealthy cities like Pusan. Neverthe-
less, although it may not be cost-effective to build new metros in straitened
circumstances, such as those obtaining currently in Central Europe and the
former Soviet Union, it is usually equally inappropriate to allow existing, func-
tioning systems to fall into disrepair.
As noted earlier, cost recovery need not be based exclusively on fares.
People who benefit from the existence of a public transport system may be
charged in a range of ways. Auto purchasers may be required to buy a public
transport bond, as in Korea. Car users may be required to contribute through
the earmarking of part of the fuel tax for public transport. Property developers
may be required to contribute to the costs of developing public transport, as in
the London Dockland Railways. Employers may be taxed, as in the French
versement transport (Lesne 1992). None of these devices is without difficul-
ties, and any method chosen must have substantial public support and be
compatible with the national legal system. The crucial point is that there
should be a firm commitment, preferably established by law, to a strong
financial instrument that will facilitate capital financing and ensure the con-
tinuing maintenance of rapid transit facilities where they are economically
and environmentally justified.

Addressing High-lPiority Problems

The most damaging environmental impacts of transport are those that directly
threaten life or health. Road accidents and some of the more noxious local air
pollutants clearly qualify on this basis and therefore merit high-priority treat-
inent. There are also many other environmental impacts that, although not

individually crippling, together damage the quality of life severely. Many of

these-noise, visual intrusion, severance of communities, and disruption of
activities-are a function of the level or location of traffic. In the absence of
short-term technical solutions, finding ways to manage and restrain traffic
thus also qualifies as a high-priority issue.

Road Safety
Road safety is a serious problem throughout the world. Each year, more than
half a million people die in traffic accidents, and many more are injured.
Motor vehicles are usually involved. Even in Shanghai, where nonmotorized
traffic dominates, more than 95 percent of fatalities and nearly 75 percent of
all registered traffic injuries involve motor vehicles. Worldwide, however, up
to two-thirds of injuries are suffered by pedestrians, of whom one-third are
children; in developing countries the injury rates of pedestrians and cyclists
are much higher. In India only 5 percent of those killed or critically injured in
traffic accidents were in cars. In addition to the immense human suffering
involved, the economic cost of these accidents is high. In Kenya in 1990, it
was estimated that traffic accident costs were equivalent to about 1.3 percent
of GDP (World Bank 1990).
Fatality rates per capita tend to increase until relatively high levels of


Fatalities per 10,000 vehicles Fatalities per millionpopulation

100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200




I High-income

Source: InternationalRoad Federationi1993.


also be paid to securing the commitment of nongovernmental organizations in

order to create a strong constituency for safety improvements.
rates of pedestrians and cyclists highlight the need to design and manage roads
so as to provide separate rights-of-way for pedestrians and nonmotorized
vehicles and to make better arrangements for traffic flow at points where
different types of traffic intersect. Institutionally this can be facilitated by
conducting a safety audit on new construction and management schemes.
Such approaches can yield significant safety gains at a cost much lower than
would be incurred if problems were to be treated later in "black spot" pro-
grams of remedial works at locations with high accident risk. Safety is an
essential element of environmental assessment.
ization in some countries means that road-users, both drivers and pedestrians.
lack experience in safe traffic behavior. For example, in Dhaka, nearly ten
times as many pedestrians are injured while walking with their backs to traffic
as are injured while facing traffic (Ross and Mwiraria 1992). Many vehicles of
all kinds operate on China's roads without lights after dark. Formal traffic
education is rarely given to children in developing countries. Moreover, as a
study of bus drivers in Pakistan found, driver training and testing are also less
effective in developing than in industrial countries due to poor enforcement
(Downing. Baguley, and Hills 1993). A general improvement in driver behav-
ior thus requires not only training but also motivation, which can be created
through targeted information campaigns, backed by good incentives and en-
tated roads often retain existing poor horizontal and vertical alignments, while
new surfaces, wider seals, and straighter alignments can encourage higher
speed and increase accidents if not matched by appropriate use of signs,
design of intersections, and provision for the large number of vulnerable road-
users common in developing countries (Kosasih. Robinson, and Snell 1987;
Downing. Baguley, and Hills 1993). In these situations black spot programs
can yield high returns. For example, the provision of road signs and markings
and the introduction of traffic circles at intersections halved injuries in a road
project in Papua New Guinea (Hills, Thompson, and Kila 1991).

Cost-Effective Technological Solutions to Automotive Air


Health-threatening air pollution is mainly an urban phenomenon. Although

transport is not always the main source of most pollutants. it does release
some major toxins into the atmosphere. Dramatic improvements in air quality

can be achieved with existing technology. In the case of lead, the necessary
action is to control the quality of automotive fuels that can legally be supplied
to consumers. In developing countries these fuels are generally dirtier than
those available in industrial countries, with a lead content of gasoline as high
as 0.8 to 1.1 granmper liter (compared with 0.15 gram per liter for leaded fuel
in industrial countries). The sulfur content of diesel is more than I percent by
weight in developing countries, compared with 0.5 percent or less in industrial
countries. Additives to diesel can also reduce particulate emissions. Compre-
hensive emergency programs. such as that sponsored by the Thai government,
have introduced lead-free gasoline and low-sulfur diesel, better inspection
and monitoring of vehicles, and high standards for new vehicles. Transport
fuel derived from biomass has substantial environmental benefit but is uneco-
nomic when oil prices are below the peak reached in the early 1980s. It could
only be a main fuel in land-rich countries like Brazil. tn contrast, the substitu-
tion of liquefied petroleum gas and compressed natural gas for gasoline may
be justified, both environmentally and economically, in many countries that
have local gas resources.
The introduction of cleaner fuels must be supported by other policies. Ad-
equate infrastructure is needed. In Jakarta a pilot program to substitute com-
pressed natural gas for gasoline in public transport vehicles has been con-
strained by the absence of adequate filling stations and the perception of only a
marginal advantage to the operator (World Bank 1993c). Relative fuel prices
must also be adjusted to give efficient incentives to use clean technology and
clean fuels. Misfueling occurred in Mexico where. despite annual emission
inspections to ensure the use of catalytic converters, high-mileage-vehicleusers
opted for leaded fuel because it was cheaper. This practice destroyed the cars'
converters, which then had to be replaced at each annual inspection.6
The average age of the vehicle fleet in developing countries is almost double
that in industrial economies. Older vehicles pollute more. In addition, the typi-
cal domestically manufactured vehicle in China, Eastern Europe. India. and
Latin America is only half as fuel-efficient as best-practice vehicles in industrial
countries (automobile fuel consumption rates of 17-20 miles per gallon versus
40 miles per gallon). As a result, emissions characteristics are equivalent to
those of 1950-60 vintage motor vehicles. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides
can be suppressed by the use of catalytic converters, but retrofitting old vehicles
with catalytic converters is often not cost-effective in low-income developing
countries, both because the gases suppressed are not usually the most health-
threatening and because. in the absence of the capability to enforce maintenance
of the equipment, retrofitting becomes ineffective. To be considered as an
option, retrofitting should be focused on high-mileage fleets of taxis and buses,
which can be monitored more easily. In many cases it will be preferable to
introduce policies and efficient fiscal incentives to accelerate the scrapping of
high-pollution, high-use vehicles such as older taxis, buses, and trucks (as in the

Taxi Modernization Program supported by the Bank in Mexico City and in the
renewal of the bus fleet in Santiago) and to limit the second-hand import or local
production of particularly polluting vehicles.
Whether or not retrofitting or scrapping is introduced, maintenance con-
trol remains a major challenge. Enforcement of mandatory regular inspections
has already begun in Chile. and similar provisions are being made in urban
transport projects in Indonesia and considered in Costa Rica. Increasing the
number of random roadside inspections, as has happened in Taiwan (China)
under the supervision of the local environmental protection agency bureaus,
may be even more effective if the combination of inspection rate and penalty
enforcement is well chosen. The Bank has assisted Sri Lanka. Thailand,
medium-size cities in Mexico, and Sao Paulo to develop their capacity to
monitor and control emissions. Success is contingent on strong support for
specialized institutions with adequate equipment and trained staff.
Motorcycles and other simple motorized means of transport represent an
affordable step-up in power, speed, and range from the pedal cycle. In many
middle-income countries in South and Southeast Asia, intermediate transport
vehicles already account for up to three-quarters of the vehicle population.
That trend is being replicated in lower-income cities such as Hanoi and Phnom
Penh and may be expected as more people emerge from poverty in Africa.
Unfortunately, most of these vehicles are powered by two-stroke engines,
which emit hydrocarbons and smoke at up to ten times the rate of modern
four-stroke automobile engines. Thus, the most polluting vehicles are rapidly
replacing the least polluting. To counter this. technical assistance programs
should disseminate best-practice technology (as improved technologies for
motorcycle efficiency and cleanliness are now appearing) and encourage the
development of local conversion equipment.

Traffic Management: A Partial Solution

In the cities of developing countries available technology can improve traffic

management. Sophisticated coordinationl of traffic signaling can increase ef-
fective road capacity by as much as 30 percent and increase speeds to levels at
which emissions per vehicle-mile are much lower (World Bank 1992c). Traf-
fic management can also protect environmentally sensitive areas and certain
categories of road-users from vehicular traffic. In practice, however, imple-
mentation has often been handicapped by weak or nonexistent enforcement
and by staff who are inadequately trained to design and maintain systems. As
a consequence. simple management schemes, such as segregated busways or
basic computer-controlled traffic signals, have often been considered more
appropriate for developing countries. However. developments in electronics
have reduced both the initial cost of equipment and the need for maintenance.
Renewed support for applications such as giving buses priority at traffic

signals. on-line computerized traffic control. traffic enforcement, and elec-

tronic charging is now appropriate.
The weakness of relying on reducing congestion to improve air quality is
that the impact will depend on where traffic is diverted and on the resulting
distribution of traffic speeds (Guensler and Sperling 1994). Moreover, in-
creasing the speed at which traffic moves may simply induce greater volumes
of travel, so that, despite reduced emissions per vehicle-mile, total emissions
are not reduced. The past emphasis on accommodating unrestrained growth in
vehicular traffic on urban roads may be difficult to sustain. The new challenge
will be to focus on moving people rather than vehicles.


1. The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its strengthening revisions in the second
World Climate Conference in Geneva (1990) involved a public agreement in which
fifty-five countries pledged to eliminate the use of CFCSwithin their boundaries. Fully
halogenated cFcs are to be completely phased out of new vehicles by 2000 in indus-
trial countries, while developing countries have an additional ten-year grace period.
2. Other agencies are also adopting formal environmental assessment require-
ments. For example, see Japan International Cooperation Agency (1992).
3. Almost all transport projects get at least a partial environmental assessment;
more than 90 percent of the transport projects approved during fiscal 1991-94 re-
ceived full (category A) or partial (category B) assessments. Full assessments are less
common but are becoming more frequent. In fiscal 1991 only two of the nineteen
projects approved were subjected to full assessments (10 percent). while in 1993 the
percentage rose to 16 percent (five of thirty-two). In fiscal 1994 the proportion was
even higher. with nearly one-fifth of the transport projects approved being subject to
full environmental assessments.
4. Regionally, the majority of full environmental assessments are done in Asia:
between fiscal 1991 and fiscal 1994eight out of fourteen were done in China. The other
Asian assessments were in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Two assessments were done in
Africa (Botswana and Nigeria) and one each in Middle East and Northem Africa (Yemen)
and Europe and Central Asia (Hungary). On a modal basis, however, the split is gener-
ally proportional to the modal distribution of Bank lending, with the greatest number of
full assessments occurring in highway projects (five), followed by railways (three),
ports (two), and urban transport (one). The remaining three full assessments were part of
sector loans. Sctoral environmental assessments are proportionally more common be-
cause they are often used to design sector investment programs and to study sector
investment altematives; the effect of sector policy changes; institutional capacities and
requirements for environmental review, implementation, and monitoring at the sectoral
level; and the cumulative impacts of many smaller. similar investments that do not merit
individual project-specific assessments.
5. However, if the emissions of the existing fleet are not effectively controlled,
high import duties on new vehicles may make matters worse by extending the life of
vehicles and keeping less efficient and more polluting vehicles in operation.
6. For example, in Mexico until November 1991, the price of leaded gasoline was

only 70 percent of that of unleaded. As a consequence, it was more economical to use

leaded fuel, which destroyed the catalytic converter (thus increasing noxious emis-
sions), and to incur the additional cost of a replacement catalytic converter so as to
comply with legal provisions at the annual test than to use unleaded fuel, for which the
device is designed. Since then, fuel prices have increased 55 percent for leaded and 25
percent for unleaded gasoline. There still remains, however, a price difference of 14
percent in favor of leaded gas.

Social Sustainability

Transport strategies and programs c(anbe designiedto provide the poor with/
better physical access to employment, education, and health services. For the
urban poor. adeqtuatepublic transport. including the services of the infornal
sector and noninotorized transport, is essential. For the rural poor, the provi-
sion and maintenance of rural access facilities can be improved by extending
coMMunity participation in decision1making and project implementation7.
Effective arrangements are also necessar-yto address occupational and spa-
tial dislocationt anid an} distributionallY unacceptable consequences of fur-
ther commercialization of transport.

T hrough its effect on economicgrowth, transport improvementshould

be capable of acting as an instrument of poverty reduction. But it does not
always do so. The poor incur high costs in time and money in marketing outputs
and acquiring goods and in gaining access to employment, health services,
education. and other amenities. Lowering these costs contributes directly to
poverty reduction. Narrowly focused strategies oriented to growth of output
tend to increase dependence on the automobile, which, in turn, tends to displace
nonmotorized transport and reduce the variety of public transport available to
the poor. The poor are also disproportionately displaced by the expansion of
rights-of-way for transport infrastructure or are less able to afford higher prices
as the transport sector becomes more commercial. For those reasons, transport
policies and programs must be carefully designed to recognize and respond to
the needs of the poor, differentiating between the urban and the niral poor where
possible. At a minimum, programs must be established to prevent adverse spin-
off effects that aggravate the condition of the poor.


Designing General Transport Policy to Help the Poor

Transport reduces poverty mainly by increasing economic efficiency. It has
no special claim to be a cost-effective channel for redistribution of welfare to
the poor. Nevertheless, there are some ways in which policy can be focused to
give particular assistance to the poorest groups, either directly through con-
centration on the needs of particular social groups (poor workers or women.
for example) or indirectly. through assistance to those modes of transport on
which the poor are known to be particularly dependenit.

Providing Adequate Public Transport to Places of Employment

The high financial cost of journeys to work can be a significant drain on the
income of the poor, whose prospects for employment in cities in developing
countries also suffer from lack of access to transport. This particularly affects
people living on the periphery of cities, where the disadvantage of having a
low income is often aggravated by poor connections to the main radial routes
on which public transport service is concentrated. The high costs of freight
transport also adversely affect the income, as well as the expenditures, of the
poor. whether in urban or in rural areas.
Public transport subsidies are often a wasteful response to the mobility
problems of the poor. First, they do not always focus explicitly on poverty.
The Calcutta metro is a classic example of a subsidized system on which the
poor caninot afford to travel. Second, even where subsidies are targeted in the
form of reduced fares for selected categories of persons, they still often ben-
efit the nonpoor, reduce the return on enforcement of payment (if those re-
ceiving concessions account for a disproportionate share of the patronage),
and encourage fare evasion by those who should pay. Finally. some of the
benefits of general subsidies on operations go to the management and staff of
operating companies in the form of higher wages and slack operating conditions.
Where the problem is well-defined geographically (as, for example, in the
black townships in South Africa). subsidies may be directly targeted by route.
Where deprivation is geographically more diffused, income supplements are
preferable to payments in kind. However, direct income transfers to the poor
may be difficult to organize where income tax systems are weak (as in most
developing countries) or where there is no adequate basis for recording and
verifying income to support means-tested vouchers. In these circumstances.
subsidies on journey-to-work tickets channeled through the employer may be
a good way of targeting support. Unfortunately. this device, exemplified by
the Brazilian vtaletriaisporltescheme, tends to miss the informal sector, where
many of the very poorest are employed.
Attempts to use the operator of public transport as the instrument with
which to protect the poor frequently fail. Controlling the fares of commercial

companies reduces profitability and normally has the perverse effect of reduc-
ing the amount of service provided (in some cases bankrupting the company).
Restricting competition (often by protecting a state-owned enterprise) to cre-
ate a basis for subsidizing unprofitable services from profitable ones not only
is likely to increase costs but may also create a situation in which services to
poor areas (where residential densities are high and demand is strong) subsi-
dize services to wealthier areas. Periodic competition for monopoly fran-
chises, either for specific routes (which may involve direct payments by the
public authorities) or for specified packages of service designed to have ac-
ceptable cross-subsidy characteristics, may be used either to minimize the
cost to government or to select the best combination of cost and quality of
service. This requires that the public sector be capable of fairly and effectively
administering the tendering and financing arrangements. Operators should
receive transparent subsidies to compensate them for losses legitimately in-
curred on services provided as Psos.

Eliminating the Impediments to Nonmotorized Transport

The balance between modes of transport depends heavily on income, at both

the household and national levels. In Sub-Saharan Africa, where poverty is
greatest, both rural and urban transport are largely nonmotorized (much being
on foot). In medium-size towns in India, between 50 and 80 percent of trips
are by nonmotorized modes (Hierli 1993). In Delhi 65 percent of people living
in squatter areas walk to work compared with 10 percent of low-income and
only 3 percent of middle-income workers. The dominant mode in China and
in some of the smaller, poorer countries of Southeast Asia is the bicycle (see
figure 4. 1). Even in the public transport sector, the cycle is dominant in some
countries (for example, the cycle rickshas of Bangladesh). During the early
stages of development. nonmotorized transport also plays an important role in
the freight market; 90 percent of nonmotorized traffic in rural Africa is lor
freight transport. This includes the use of wheelbarrows, cycle carts, and
various forms of animal power, particularly in South Asia.
One of the best ways to help the poor is thus to improve nonmotorized
transport. For the very poor. transport is walking, the security and conve-
nience of which should be protected and enhanced. Even more dramatic
improvement can be achieved by shifting from walking to cycling. For pas-
senger transport. cycling offers speeds at least three times, and effective
ranges of movement nine times, as great as walking. Both current Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) conventions and recent
Chinese studies estimate that nonmotorized transport flow capacities between
intersections can be high-more than 2,000 bicycles per hour per meter of
road width (Navin 1994: Xiaoming, Shen, and Ren 1993). For a 3.5-meter
lane width, this yields a capacity of about 8.000 persons per hour, which is
similar to that of an unsegregated, frequent-stop bus lane and more than four


Hanoi .'
(Vietnam) t
Kanpur +
Phnom Penh
(Cambodia) , | l
Manila +
George Town
Chiang Mai ._ __*:_-_:_-__ _ l_ l
Surabaya +_____:111_ 1
1 1 1 I l I
o 20 40 60 80 100
Bicyle/tricycle Commercial nonmotorizedvehicles Motorcycle

= 1 Truck/bus/auto = Commercializedmotorcycle

SourcePadecoCo. Ltd. 1995

times that of an auto lane of the same width at normal levels of urban car
occupancy. Recent Dutch studies suggest cycle lane capacities even greater
than this (Botma and Papendrecht 1991). Where corridor traffic volumes are
very high, fully segregated busways or rail lines use scarce space even more
effectively than bicycles. Cycling may then be an efficient complement as a
local distributor, allowing longer spaces between stops and higher speeds and
flows through the corridor. For freight transport. a study in Ghana showed that
it takes two person-days to move I ton-kilometer by head-loading compared
with one person-hour with a bicycle and a trailer (Howe 1985). In low-income
rural areas and in some local urban areas this form of distribution will remain
important and may even grow. although its role in distribution outside local
areas is likely to diminish as incomes increase. On hard-surfaced roads, trucks
can move more than 1,000 tons per hour per meter-lane at an average speed up
to 40 kilometers per hour, while nonmotorized vehicles are unlikely to exceed
a productive capacity of 240 tons in the same road space at a maximum speed
of 10 to 15 kilometers per hour (Padeco Co., Ltd. 1995).

Despite the potential of nonmotorized transport, its users have been disad-
vantaged in various ways. First, they are physically vulnerable, as a conse-
quence of the failure to separate motorized from nonmotorized traffic-for
example, by providing sidewalks for pedestrians and bike paths for cyclists
(Jamieson and Naylor 1992). Even where cycle paths exist, users of
nonmotorized transport are vulnerable to personal attack, which is a problem
in. for example, Lima. Second, governments often discriminate fiscally against
nonmotorized transport. For example, in Africa, the diminishing stock of
bicycles is partly a consequence of high taxation on imports (which treats
bicycles as a luxury). Markups on border prices have ranged between 200 and
500 percent in Ethiopia. Ghana. and Tanzania (see box 4.1). Third. there is
usually no national manufacturing capability. About a dozen countries manu-
facture more than 90 percent of the world's bicycles. Attempts to establish
local cycle industries in the 1970s in Kenya and Tanzania failed due to low
product quality and the high cost of protected manufacturing. After a similar
decline, partly attributable to the rationing of foreign exchange, production in
Mozambique is now recovering. Frames are produced locally and then are
assembled with imports of more specialized parts. Fourth. there is a lack of
financing alTangements. Although the ownership of a bicycle may substan-
tially reduce the real costs to the very pooI of moving both passengers and
freight, typically persons who are very poor cannot raise the capital to pur-
chase a bicycle. Finally. there is the question of image. Nonmotorized trans-
port is associated with poverty, and this association tends to make it some-
thing "planned against" rather than "planned for." The complementary role of
nonmotorized and motorized transport is now being emphasized in high-
income societies as a meanis of dealing with environmental and efficiency
problems: this growing emphasis might be the basis for making policymakers
in developing and transition economies more receptive to the incorporation of
nonmotorized transport in overall transport strategies.

BOX 4.1 OVERCOMING THE PROBLEM OF integrated rural development pro-

FINANCING NONMOTORIZED TRANSPORT: grams. In other cases, such as the
SOME POSSIBILITIES development of credit schemes for
bicycles and trailers in Bangladesh
In 1992 a bicycle cost an average per and Sri Lanka, private sector finance
capita income of seven months in has been involved. The essential fea-
Uganda, ten months in Malawi and tures for success appear to be a high
Tanzania, and more than three years level of decentralization, with nongov-
in Ethiopia. Although arrangements ernmental organizations involved in
to provide relatively poor people with the administration, and the interme-
credit for nonmotorized transport are diation of social or kinship groups to
rare, several recent schemes have assume formal liability for loan repay-
been successful. In Burkina Faso, ments.
India, and Zimbabwe these have been
associated with government-financed S,oure:World Bank 1994c.

BOX 4.2 THE INFORMAL TRANSPORT poor can benefit from the ricksha.
SECTOR AS AN ECONOMIC FORCE: First, despite attempts(as in Jaipur
RICKSHASIN BANGLADESH and Nagpur) to ban the ownership
of multiple rickshas and to provide
There are morethan 4 million hand- cheaperfinancefor owner-operators
pulled or cycle rickshasin the world, (asin the DominicanRepublic),most
mostlyinAsia and LatinAmerica.The operators rent their vehicles from
number is growing, and in several owners who derive high rates of re-
countries, the ricksha plays an im- turn on ownership.Second, restric-
portanteconomicrole. In Bangladesh tive licensing has often been used
it accountsfor morethan 50 percent to encourage the replacement of
of Dhaka'svehicles,70 percentof its rickshas by motorized modes. In
passengers,and 43 percentof its to- poor countriesthis has failed to limit
tal passenger mileage. More than the numberof rickshas but has fos-
1.25 million people are employedin tered systematic corruption, trans-
this business, and 5 million poor ferring incomefrom operatorsto the
people depend directly on rickshas police. It has also workedto the ad-
for their subsistence,more than de- vantage of larger ricksha owners,
pend on the hand-loomtextile indus- who are frequentlybetterableto deal
try or the wholeof the modernindus- with the police.
trial sector.
Two factors limit how much the Source: Gallagher 1992.

Mobilizing the Potential of the Informal Sector

State-owned public transport operators have often failed to maintain an ad-

equate level of service at prices affordable by the poor and at subsidy levels
sustainable by governments. In many countries the transport needs of the poor
would be better met by ensuring that the informal sector is free to operate. The
informal sector already plays an important role in public transport in many cities
in Africa, East Asia. and Latin America and often provides services that are no
longer available from the regulated operator (as in the case of the blue cars in
Dakar, dolmuses in Istanbul. and jitneys in Manila; see Lia Biagone 1984).
Encouraging the growth of the informal sector can also have significant, direct
effects on reducing poverty because of the entrepreneurial and incoine-generat-
ing possibilities that it offers to the relatively poor (see box 4.2). The main
problem with transport supplied by the informal sector is that it often involves
small and old vehicles, which cause congestion and damage the environment.

Elimtinating Genider Bias in the Provision of Transport

In most developing countries a man's primary role is to earn income, and the
trip to work is the major transport activity for men. The concentrated flows of
traffic at peak periods when journeys to and from work are being made are
consequently viewed as more essential than other flows of personal transport.

From the supply side, these flows attract particular attention both because
they define the system's capacity requirements and because they generate the
most revenues.
In contrast, women perform three roles: as workers, as hoinekeepers. and as
community managers. In rural areas most women ace engaged in agricultural
work and some small-scale commodity production and also, particularly in
Africa and the Caribbean, in marketing the produceof the family. As homekeepers
they are responsible for collecting water and ftiel. Poor accessibility necessitates
head-loading the goods to be moved. Studies in Mozambique and Tanzania
show women spending more than four hours a day solely on local transport
(three times the average for a man). As community managers, women are often
instiumental in securing better facilities or making them effective. In urban
areas many women are employed in the service sector. The availability of
relatively cheap female labor in the rapidly developing economies of Southeast
Asia has been an important factor in enabling these economies to enter global
chains of manufacturing production.
Women tend to work nearer their homes than meni do, and, particularly
when they are raising a family. they have to make more trips for educational.
health, and other welfare purposes. Their essential trips are hence more dis-
persed in time and location than those of men.
To date, transport policies have been geared primarily to the needs of men.
Many of the activities with which women are engaged are of low status and
are disregarded in resource allocation and planning. When public transport is
commercialized, rural and off-peak urban services, on which women are par-
-ularly dependent. are sometimes lost. Within the family, women have less
ess than men to bicycles or cars owned by the family and are much more
__.cndent on public transport and walking. In some countries this is accentu-
ated by strong taboos against women riding bicycles or driving cars. Public
transport is often particularly unsafe for women at night and in remote areas.
which restricts their employment possibilities.
Many of the problems that stem from social and cultural norms or the
deterioration of law and order are beyond the reach of transport policy to solve.
Some are not. Using the simplest form of wheeled vehicle would immediately
halve the amount of time that women require for local transport (Philpott 1994).
Making services and comrnodities more accessible in rural areas, either bv
improving the way services are provided or by increasing access to transport.
benefits the whole family by releasing a woman's time so that she can give her
attention to other more important tasks. In urban areas public transport services
can often be provided between peak times at low marginal cost. This both
increases the probability that services can be supplied commercially for lower-
than-peak flows and also means that the real costs of supporting them as a social
service are much less than the costs of providing peak service. Failure to con-
sider these possibilities for improving the lot of women often stems from inad-
equate analysis rather than excessive cost. Adopting a checklist of the effects

that transport projects and policy reforms could have on the socially and eco-
nomically essential functions performed by women would sensitize the main-
stream of transport policy and planning to these needs (Turner and Fouracre

Addressing the Pai-ticulai-Problems of the Rural Poor

In many countries the deepest poverty afflicts rural populations, especially

those living in the more remote and marginal areas of cultivation. Addressing
the needs of these people is a particular challenge.

Emphasizing Accessibility
Trunk roads in rural areas, particularly if designed for limited access, prima-
rily offer mobility benefits to longer-distance traffic, whether originating in
the rural areas or not. For the rural poor, however, the dominant concern is
basic accessibility. both to local facilities and to the primary network. This is
provided by the network of subsidiary (nonprimary) roads, unclassified roads,
paths, and tracks. In many countries most rural roads, whether classified or
not, have an earth or gravel surface and serve motorized traffic flows that are
often exceeded by the flow of pedestrians, cycles. and animals (Riverson,
Gaviria, and Thriscutt 1991). Research in Ghana has shown that the returns to
providing reliable, basic access, even on the simplest of roads, are much
higher than those to improving surfaces on low-volume roads.
Although roads, paths. and tracks are the main element in rural subsidiary
networks, they are not always the only ones. Inland water transport performs
the same function in parts of Brazil. China, and Zaire as does coastal and
maritime shipping in the Philippines and Indonesia. In Nepal and Peru local
air transport is an essential part of the link between remote rural areas and the
main transport trunk routes. Upgrading these transport subsectors can contrib-
ute significantly to reducing poverty in some cases.
The state of these subsidiary networks varies by region. In Asia. particularlyin
China and India, the main problem is how to connect remote villages into a
network to allow them to trade. In Africa and Latin America the main problem is
maintaining the network. Recent Bank studies on Africa show a significantgen-
eral deterioration in these assets (Riverson, Gaviria, and Thriscutt 1991:World
Bank 1992a). The first priority of spending on rural roads should always be to
maintain those roads that form a core network, that have been identified by users
as functionally important,and that are currentlyin reasonablecondition.This may
imply that less can be spent on roads outsidethe core network.Durable alignments
and structures are more importantthan high-speedsurfaces. Given efficient main-
tenance. paving of gravel roads is not economically justifiable with traffic vol-
umes of less than 310 vehicles per day: deficient maintenance may push this
threshold down as low as 80 vehicles per day (World Bank 1988a). Returns are

particularly high to spot improvementsand simple bridging expendituresthat are

critical tomaintainingaccess.In a study of the dense road networkof the Manikganj
Districtin Bangladesh,only 58 percent of the secondcategory of feeder roads and
77 percent of the first category were acttially usable by vebiclesbecause of gaps
caused by incomplete or unrepaired drainage structures.

Enihancing Local Participation in SupplY

Bank-assisted projects have tended to neglect opportunities to invest in

transport at the community level. Although these investments are indi-
vidually modest (for example. the introduction of a foot bridge or the
encouragement of better forms of nonmilotorized vehicles), they could
have a significant impact if applied widely throughout rural areas. How-
ever, evidence in water supply projects indicates that rural communities
are able and willing to sustain essential infrastructure when they are
convinced of the need and the benefits. The Bank has already had some
success in promoting the cofinancing of rural works, including roads, by
a municipal fund and local communities, as in the Mexican Second De-
centralization and Rural Development Project. The ultimate aim of rural
funds is to allow communities to make decisions on the allocation of
resources between transport and other services and between investment
and maintenance on the basis of a realistic medium-term projection of
resource availability. For communities to be responsible for identifying
and implementing projects and accounting properly for resources. they
need technical guidance on the available alternatives, their recurrent cost
implications, and any necessary specialist skills.
In many cases failure is basically organizational. The capacity of coun1-
tries to plan, fund, implement. and monitor rural road works is often inad-
equate because the appropriate local institutions or policy frameworks are
missing. The institutional basis for improvement must be a coherent structure
defining the ownershiipof rural roads and the responsibilities of various insti-
tutions for development, maintenance, and priority setting. The policy basis
ftor improvement should be the simultaneous determination of the overall
level of funding for rural roads and of the balance between new development.
rehabilitation, and maintenance.
It is not realistic to expect the formial private sector to take a leadino role
in this process. However, the participation of local authorities is crucial be-
cause local agencies can generate the necessary informiationthat is not avail-
able centrally and because local ownership of the process will increase the
efficiency of implemenitation and mlaintenance. Furthermore, the participa-
tion of local beneficiaries should also be encouraged in assessing needs and
setting priorities. For example. district development comimiitteeshave been
set up in Ghania, Kenya. and Uganda to strengthenl local coordiniationiand to
give a degree of local autonomy in iiplementation.

Developing Labor-Based Local Transport Programs

Maintaining transport infrastructure using only capital-intensive methods or

investing only in the skill-intensive production of transport equipment and
vehicles does little to increase the job opportunities of the poor. This can be
addressed in the selection and design of infrastructure projects. For example.
the Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme in India successfully tar-
geted the very poor by providing employment in public works, including
expanding the network of rural roads (Ravallion 1990: Goldstein 1993). The
Albania Rural Roads Project generates an estimated 10.000 man-years of
work in the regioniwith the highest unemployment. Although some tasks. such
as compacting of fill, cannot be done adequately by hand methods, for many
tasks labor-based work methods can be cheaper and more reliable than
capital-intensive works. particularly where wage levels are less than $4 a day
(EDI and ECA 1991). In Ghana, small contractors, with about four months of
training in labor-based rehabilitation techniques and two months of trial con-
tracts, were able to produce an average of 2 kilometers of high-quality gravel
road per month at 15 percent less cost and up to 40 percent savings in foreign
exchange over conventional capital-intensive methods. The Kenya Rural Ac-
cess Roads Programiiestablished a rolling contract system. with one-man con-
tractors (lengthmen), recruited from villages along local roads, who were
responsible for the routine maintenance of a total of 7,800 kilometers of
unclassified roads. The system worked so well that it was extended to part of
the country's network of classified roads. Part-time routine maintenance work
near their homes has been particularly popular among women in the Gambia
(Kessides 1992). Experience in South Atrica suggests that labor-based road
work may also be effective in urban areas. Institutional reform and targetedl
technical assistance can help to develop the local techinical and managerial
skills necessary for successful implementation (Bongoy 1992).
These schemes need to be supported by strengthenedimplementationcapabil-
ity, which the Bank has assistedby fundinginstitutionbuildingand innovativepilot
programs and by making funding conditional on institutional reform, as in lue
Integrated Roads Program for Tanzania. Labor-based construction methods are
often highly appropriate for rural road works, both because they are suited to the
limited skills and equipment of local agencies and becatisethey create employnient
for local unskilled workers (including women) while reducing costs. Contracting,
maintenance tasks to local workers can also improve implementationso long as
contractingarrangementsand monitoriiie areefficient.The use of project manage-
menitcontractors,as in the AGETII1(Agence pour L'Execution de Travaux d'lnter&t
Public) ageniciesin several Africancountries.can improve contract manlagemenit at
the local govemmnlenit level. The establishmenitof an independent programwide
audit system. as introducedin Kenya in 1991. can discourage misuse and encour-
age dissemination of best practice at a small proportion of the total program cost
(estimated at 2 percenitin Kenya).

Mitigating the UinwantedSocial Effects

of Transport Policies

Measures to improve transport efficiency can have a number of adverse spin-

off effects, of which physical resettlement, occupational redundancy. and
reduced transport affordability are the most critical. Measures to mitigate
such adverse impacts are an essential component of better transport invest-
ment and policy reform operations.

Managing Spatial Relocation

Transport is now the largest cause of resettlement in the Bank's portfolio.
accounting for 25 percent of projects active in 1993 that involved resettlement
(World Bank 1994d). Resettlement is involved in 20 percent of transport
projects, compared with the Bank's average of 8 percent. Moreover, in a few
cases, displacement has occurred on a large scale due to the sheer size of the
network under reconstruction (Vietnam Highway Rehabilitation), the need for
significant excavation or the impact on land and water resources (Jamuna
River Bridge in Bangladesh), or high population density in project areas
(Jabotabek First Urban Transport Development Project in Indonesia). Trans-
port is often the primary cause of resettlement in urban and industrial develop-
ment projects. For example, 67 percent of the resettlement in the Surabaya
Urban Project is associated with the project's transport components.
The Bank's commitment to assisting resettlers "in their efforts to improve
their former living standards, income-earning capacity. and production levels.
or at least to restore them' aims to encourage sensitive planning, design, and
implementation of projects. Transport projects have already contributed much
to the development of good practice in resettlement, as, for example, in the
income rehabilitation planning in Bangladesh's Jamuna River Bridge, the
development of the first national resettlement policy in Vietnam (in associa-
tion with the Highway Rehabilitation Project), and the baseline surveys and
staff appraisal reports examining the recent transport projects in China. In the
case of the Indian Container Transport Project. redesign established a less
disrLptive option with minimal loss of benefits. Recent guidelines on the
treatment of resettlement for road projects. as set out in a design handbook,
emphasize the importance of continuing to focus on reducing resettlement in
the design of projects and enforcing proper standards of treatment of the
persons affected, even though these activities increase the cost of preparing
and implementing projects (World Bank 1994e).

Managing Redundancv
The productivity gains for the economy (and the enterprise) arising from the
redeployment of redundant labor are analogous to those arising from the

implementation of spatial resettlement. Technological change within a mode

(such as a shift from steam to diesel locomotion in the Indian railways or
containerization in Korean ports) and the increases in the efficiency of re-
source use associated with privatization can reduce the need for labor per unit
of output. If the output of the enterprise is growing as a result of growth of the
economy and diversification in the products being handled (as in the case of
ports in Korea and Thailand), technological improvement can be translated
painlessly into increased labor productivity. If this is not so. or if there is a
protracted reduction in demand for a mode of transport. large-scale labor
redundancy can occur. After being reorganized, railways in Argentina, Brazil,
and Ghana. and both ports and railways in Chile. reduced staff by at least half
with little loss of output (Galenson 1989).
The immediate costs to the national budget of retaining redundant labor in
state enterprises may be very high. For example, the deficit of Argentine
Railways prior to restructuring imposed a cost of I percent of GDP. The longer-
term consequences of retaining excess labor are even more far-reaching. Within
the enterprise. retaining excess labor may lead to a low and compressed salary
structure, thus impairing morale, encouraging moonlighting, and inhibiting
the employment of staff with higher skills. The inability to shed labor may be
a serious impediment to reorganization and. particularly, to privatization.
Although eliminating excess labor is of long-term benefit, the short-term
effects may be to create a new and concentrated pocket of poverty. As in the
case of involuntarv resettlement, therefore. severance of redundant labor should
always be preceded by an exhaustive exploration of alternatives. Several possi-
bilities exist. New products (such as premium services) may be produced within
the organization. Workers may be redeployed to other public sector organiza-
tions, as happened in the Costa Rican and Uruguayan rail reorganizations. In
some cases it may be possible to link private sector development with the
process of eliminating redundant labor from public enterprises by transferring
assets to employees as, for example, in the winding-up of the Jamaica Omnibus
Company or in the privatization of the Ethiopian Freight Transport Company.
Where these possibilities do not exist, the use of voluntary retirement and
limitations on recruitment may still yield substantial reductions over a long
period. The staff of the Brazilian railway system was reduced by 60 percent
over two decades in this way. This approach may sometimes adversely affect
efficiency, however, as the better staff leave and crucial skills cannot be
replaced. It may also prolong fiscal deficits during the long period of adjust-
ment or fail because of a loss of resolve by the government, as in the case of
the plan for reducing staff in the Sri Lanka transport boards and in the staff
retrenchment associated with the abolition of the Marine Transport Authority
in Ethiopia (which led to so much public protest and so many hunger strikes
that the government has been reluctant to restructure other transport parastatals).
In many cases. however, voluntary solutions are not feasible, and the
only way to avoid increasing poverty is by a combination of retraining and

compensation. For example, in the port sector in Benin and Chile, in the
railway sector in Argentina, Brazil. Cameroon. Chile. Ghana. and Sudan.
and, to a lesser extent, in urban public transport in Ghana and Sri Lanka,
redundant labor has been reduced by severance pay arrangements. When
designed carefully, these can have measurable economic as well as social
benefits.' As shown in a study of state-owned transport enterprises in six
countries, the long-run savings on the wage bill may enable governments to
recoup costs in a short time (between four months and four and a half years
in the cases studied), despite high levels of severance payments (Svejnar
and Terrell 1991). Nevertheless, severance payments have to be financed.
Sometimes this can be handled within the enterprise-for example. Mexi-
can railways paid for their compensation payments by selling nonrailway
real estate assets-but often it cannot. Where the cash flow of the enterprise
is insufficient to meet the severance obligations, the enterprise may borrow
for the purpose or, alternatively. look to the government for assistance either
through budgetary transfers or domestic borrowing, with recourse to inter-
national borrowing only where local capital markets are not able to accom-
modate the need. Although it is preferable that such foreign borrowing
should not be tied to specific investments, there may be cases where general
borrowing is not feasible, and governments must explore the potential for
financing severance payments externally within project loans.

Compensating for the Redistributional Consequences

of Commercialization

Commercializing transport services sometimes has adverse consequences for

the poor. For example. in many cities in Eastern Europe. public transport
operators, including tram operators in Budapest and some Polish cities, are
forced to choose between increasing fares and allowing services to deteriorate
because they cannot afford to replace their vehicles. In these circumstances,
subsidies may be justified, at least as an interim solution. The relevant consid-
erations in designing such compensatory arrangements have been discussed.
The essential requirement is to target the subsidies to carefully selected groups
and to prevent them from leaking to unintended beneficiaries.


1. Finding the appropriate arrangement is not easy. For example. Chile's ap-
proach of declaring redundancies with restriction on reemployment and paying sever-
ance prior to privatization appeared to be a good way of making purchase attractive to
the private sector. However. because the restriction on reemployment hampered the
ability of the eventual purchasers to recruit sector-specific skills, with hindsight it
would have been better to have made severance paymenitsonly after the new owner-
ship had selected the workers it wanted.

Redefining the Role of Governments

in the Transport Sector
The changing fi)cus in transport policv imnpliesa substantial change in the role
of government. reducing its functions as supplier, but increasing its functions
as regulator-the enabler of competition and the custodian of environmental
and social interests. This means that governments need to create the proper
institutional framework for competition, set economilicallyefficient charges
for the use of publicly provided infrastructure, appraise the allocation of
scarce public resources carefully (both as an investor and as a purchaser-for
example, of subsidized social services), and increase community participation
in decisionmaking, particularlyvin those areas where markets work poorly.

It was argued in chapter 2 that the supply of transport infrastructure

and services should, wherever possible. be shifted from the government to the
market. The efficient working of a private market in transport depends partly
on the existence of conditions conducive to market behavior, such as well-
defined property rights, the rule of law, and the freedom of individuals and
economic agents to respond to market signals reflecting true economic and
social costs, which are not specific to transport. It also depends on sector-
specific technological and structural characteristics, such as the extent of
externalities, market distortions, and monopoly power in the sector.
These conditions are rarely satisfied. It is, therefore, necessary to redirect the
activities of governments in the sector to make markets effectiveand to do what
markets cannot. To accomplish this, governments must perform three roles. First.
they must establish a market framework that gives efficient incentives to decen-
tralized decisionmakers.Second, because some environmental and social objec-
tives cannot easily be included in economic inducement systems, governments

must make critical judgments on societal objectives that cannot easily be sub-
jected to market processes. Third, because issues regarding the distribution of
welfare cannot always be dealt with through general social and fiscal policies,
governments must protect or compensate those who suffer from the process of
transport development. This may justify their intervention in the sector, both
because general instruments of redistribution may be absent in societies with
weak tax bases and undeveloped fiscal systems and because very specific and
localized redistributioneffects may result from sector policies.
Performing these roles requires that government be active in a wide range
of ways. Establishing an efficient market requires the creation of a competi-
tive framework and the ability to discourage anticompetitive behavior. Creat-
ing incentives for economic efficiency requires the introduction of proper
pricing for public infrastructure. Both because of the high transaction costs of
establishing markets for some infrastructure (such as urban and rural roads)
and because of the strategic and distributional consequences of the absence of
effective markets, governments must also continue to be responsible for struc-
tural, fiscal and investment planninigto complement market activities in trans-
port. Finally, in areas where markets do not operate, governments must estab-
lish effective nonmarket institutions and processes, requiring both decentrali-
zation of political responsibilities and direct involvement of the local coimmu-

Establishing a Strong Institutionial Framlework

Enablincgthe private sector to play a larger role in the transport sector requires
some general institutional and market conditions that are often absent in very
poor countries. The development of an entrepreneurial culture in the provi-
sion of transport service requires that there be well-defined property rights,
well-defined liabilities and risks, strong and visible demand in the sector, and
a viably small scale of entry. Where state-owned enterprises have dominated
the market, both privatization and structural deconcentration of these enter-
prises will be necessary to ensure effective competition. For the private sector
to participate in transport infrastructure, where the viable scale of entry is
greater, there will also need to be either a well-established local capital mar-
ket or the involvement of foreign capital (these enabling conditions are dis-
cussed more fully in World Bank 1994f, ch. 5).
Changing the role of governments from having direct control over state-
owned enterprises to exercising indirect guidance through regulation and
pricing policy is likely to put greater demands on institutional capabilities in
developing and transition economies than can be satisfied immediately. In
some cases (for example. control of road vehicle overloading, vehicle safety
and the behavior of road-users, and civil aviation regtLlationi).improving
regulations is largely a matter of strengtheninlg the existing monitoring and

enforcement capability. In other cases (for example, the environmental ef-

fects of new infrastructure investment), it involves setting up participatory
development and appeal processes. In yet others (control of cartels and
anticompetitive behavior), whether there is a need for transport-specific
institutions will depend on how these issues are dealt with at an economywide
level. Identifying and providing for the necessary human and institutional
development is thus a necessary precursor to major regulatory change (Heggie

Setting Charges for Use IThat Reflect Costs

Although the genera] principles of public sector pricing and taxation are well
known (World Bank 1988b. 1994t), they have been difficult to implement in
transport, particularly in the road sector. Most road infrastructure is publicly
provided. Because of the difficulties of collecting tolls from users of local
urban and rural roads, direct use-related charges have not been the primary
basis of infrastructure finance, as they are in most other sectors. Instead,
revenues are raised from road-users through various forms of taxation, occa-
sionally supplemented by tolls on specific facilities. The way in which these
revenue-raising devices are fixed creates the incentive structure for the behav-
ior of the users and suppliers of roads. Getting this incentive structure right
will increase the efficiency with which resources are employed in operating
fleets of vehicles on the road infrastructure and in allocating traffic between
roads and competing modes. such as rail. It can also provide a better financial
basis for ensuring proper provision and maintenanice of roads.
For purposes of integrating economic and environmental sustainability.
user charges. in addition to their revenue-raising function, should be giving
signals that induce the efficient use of available capacity (including scarce
road space), an efficient choice of vehicles and fuels, an efficient split of
traffic among modes, and the efficient maintenance and management of infra-
structure. For social sustainability, it is usually considered desirable to avoid
regressive taxation structures, as well as to ensure accessibility for the poor,
which may involve providing some facilities and services for which users pay
less than the real costs.
At the heart of the problem of setting efficient charges is the fact that road
traffic exhibits three types of external effects. Congestion externalities occur
mainly in urban areas where the presence of a vehicle on the road slows down
all other vehicles. These externalities are caused by both motorized and
nonmotorized vehicles and directly affect road-users. Environmental exter-
nalities have impacts beyond road-users. These impacts are caused by most
types of motorized vehicles. whose emissions are related directly to the amount
and type of fuel consumed and the technology employed in burning the fuel.
Other effects, such as noise, depend more on the locations and conditions in

which the vehicles are moving. Road damage externalities occur when a
vehicle contributes to the wear and tear of the road, which reduces speed and
increases the wear and tear of the vehicles of other road-users. This occurs
throughout the network and, because damage is approximately proportional
to the fourth power of the axle weight, is caused largely by heavy vehicles.
In practice. few instruments are available for charging directly for road use.
Until recently, direct congestion charges could only be implemented by a cor-
don of toll points around the congested area. This has worked well in Singapore
but is suitable only when the number of toll points is small and enforcement is
efficient and scrupulously honest. Simpler forms of charging vehicles to cross a
cordon into the city (motivated by the potential to generate revenue rather than
by the wish to alter behavior) have been introduced in some Scandinavian cities
in the 1990s. New electronic tolling systems. such as that being introduced in
Singapore, will make more complex time-sensitive applications easier in the
future but are not yet proven for implementation in developing countries. Gaso-
line taxes that apply primarily to light vehicles, vary with use and hence offer a
reasonable proxy for some air pollution effects. They do not, however. vary as
significantly with road damage and as such are poor proxies for that purpose. In
addition gasoline use does not vary much with time, location, and speed and is
therefore a poor proxy for congestion and other location-related effects. Diesel
taxes, which primarily apply to heavy vehicles. vary with distance but do not
adequately reflect the variation in the degree of road damage caused by differ-
ent vehicles. Annual vehicle taxes can be differentiated by type of vehicle,
based largely on axle loading, both to correct for the imperfections of fuel taxes
in allocating variable costs and to distribute fixed costs. In only a very few
countries (for example. New Zealand and Sweden) has the tax related to heavy
vehicles also varied by distance traveled, thereby making it easier to tailor the
taxation burden according to the responisibilityfor incurring costs.' Direct tolls
can be varied both by type of vehicle and by distance traveled but are costly to
administer on a widespread basis.
Currently. despite their limitations, ftueltaxes are the primary instrument
through which any charge is made for road use in many countries. No unlique
retail fuel price is appropriate to all countries and circumstances. But it is
possible to state the principles on which price should be established. to iden-
tify the components to be included in constructing the price. and to use
international experience to suggest the broad orders of magnitude that this
process of formulating prices will generate.
The following principles should determine fuielprices:
* Users should pay for the resource cost of fuel (generally the intemnational
border price).
* Users should pay for the other costs imposed on society by the consumption
of fuel, such as externalities.

* Any taxation over and above resource and externality costs should be im-
posed on consumption goods but not on inputs to production.
* Any luxury or sumptuary consumption taxation should be set in ways that
minimize the distortion of consumptioni patternls.
These principles suggest that when better and more direct charges for road
use are not available, fuel taxation could be used to cover the resource cost of
the fuel plus some of the environmental costs imposed by consuming the fuel
plus some of the costs of road use (both road damage and occupation of scarce
road space). Although fuel price is generally a very poor proxy for congestion
charges, in cases where congestion occurs systemwide over the whole day. the
fuel price may also be the best available proxy instrument for a congestion
charge. Any additional taxation for general revenue purposes must be viewed as
distinct from user charges and must be consistent with the principles of
The first component in a fuel charge should be the resource costs of the
fuel itself. For internationally traded goods, such as fossil fuels, this is repre-
sented by the price at which fuel is imported (for net consuming countries) or
the price at which it could be exported (for net producing countries). Pricing
below border price (as in Russia) or even below local production cost (as in
Venezuela) is difficult to justify (see figure 5.1).
The second component in setting fuel prices is the environmental impacts
(primarily air pollution) that are presently not directly priced. Gasoline taxa-
tion should be set at a level that internalizes these environmental effects.
Because environmental costs are notoriously difficult to estimate. the level of
this component will have to be determined case by case. If future studies show
high environmental costs related to the use of diesel fuel (for example, the
health effects of particulates), higher charges on diesel may also be justified
on this account.
The third component in a fuel charge is the proxy road-user charge. In the
absence of any direct user charge (such as tolls), this component should retlect
the cost of using road infrastructure. Recent U.S. studies have estinated this
cost to lie in the range of $0.03 to SO.07 per mile, according to location
(G6mez-lbanez 1995). Estimates of the long-run marginal costs of road space
(that is. excluding congestioni costs) for the United Kingdom are of the same
order (equivalent to $0.06 per car-mile on average and up to $0.09 per car-
mile on urbani motorways; Newbery 1994). Assuming that vehicles average
about 25 miles per gallon of gasoline, this suggests a fuel tax equivalent of at
least $1.00 per gallon.
Determniing the appropriate way of charginigfreight vehicles raises some
more difficult problems. Although muchicontroversy remains over the alloca-
tion of total "joint" costs among categories of vehicle and. hence. over the
-right" structule of road-user charges within the road mode. a kevyprinciple is
that no category of vehicle should pay less than the incremental or attributable

costs that it causes. The first requirement for this purpose is that an account of
total road costs should be compiled, accompanied by an analysis of how these
costs can be attributed to different categories of vehicles. Good examples of
how this can be done include the studies undertaken for the World Bank in
Ghana and Zimbabwe and in Tunisia (Gronau 1994; Newbery and others
1988). Some general guidelines for tax and charging policies can also be
derived from these studies. The most germane conclusions are the following:
* Where road damage by heavy vehicles is the primary problem. and heavy
but not light vehicles are predominantly diesel-powered, diesel taxes should
be set at levels that reflect the marginal costs imposed by heavy freight-
carrying vehicles and by buses. These marginal costs can be determined either
from increases in the costs of operating the vehicle associated with increased
roughness of the road or from increased capital costs incurred by road agen-
cies to forestall the former. The precise figures will depend, of course, on the
nature of the roads and the volume of traffic. However, the studies of Ghana
and Zimbabwe suggest diesel taxes of between $0.15 and $0.20 per gallon.

* This level of diesel taxation will not yield sufficient revenues to cover total
maintenance costs because a proportion of the deterioration of roads is related
not to use but rather to weather and subgrade conditions. Moreover. the costs of
road damage caused by heavy vehicles vary more than the diesel taxes paid as
vehicle size increases because larger vehicles use less fuel per ton transported.
Nor are the costs of road capital included in the calculation. Distance-related
axle-load taxes would be the best way of reflecting these considerations in a
charging scheme. In the absence of such a tax. differential annual vehicle taxes
related to gross vehicle weight and axle loads should be used to ensure that the
full maintenance costs are recovered in a way that creates incentives for con-
sumers to choose types of vehicles that minimize the total cost of road and
vehicle use. The implication is that taxation on diesel fuel could be substantially
less than that on gasoline if the costs of road use by heavy vehicles transporting
goods were recouped from other forms of tax (such as annual registration fees).
Among those countries covering costs in total. there will be many for
which charges do not cover costs for specific categories of vehicles (particu-
larly very heavy vehicles), either because axle-related charges are not in use
or, as in the case of Korea. because the tax on diesel is very low compared with
that on gasoline, without there being any other more appropriate direct charge
on heavy vehicles. The main thrust of national policy on transport infrastruc-
ture pricing should be to eliminate such major distortions. The problem for
governments is thus to match a limited range of charging instruments to a
complex set of objectives.
The elements considered so far represent user charges for social costs im-
posed. Wherever possible. these costs should be recouped through direct user
charges. Where that is not possible, fuel taxation may be the best available

proxy. Fuel taxes set as surtogate road-user charges should be clearly distin-
guished from general tax policy. Countries with a weak direct tax base often rely
heavily on gasoline taxation for general revenue. Such taxation is not the subject
of this review. (Sumptuary taxation on gasoline may be politically acceptable.
both because the inelasticity of demand for gasoline limits the distortion it
causes and because, at earlier stages of development, gasoline is consumed
disproportionately by higher income groups.) Ratios of fuel tax to total costs
imposed by vehicles that are higher than unity, particularly for private cars, may
thus be part of general tax policy but must be justified as such.
Broad orders of magnitude may now be put on these components of an
optimum fuel price. The border price of fuel is approximately $1 per gallon
(figure 5.1). As discussed above, road-use costs (primarily road damage but
not congestion) may add another $1. For developing and transition countries,
with rapidly growing levels of motorization, up to a further $1 per gallon may
be needed to cover environmental externalities. as discussed in chapter 3. This
brings the indicative price up to the equivalent of low European levels without
considering any component to proxy a congestion charge or any element of
general or luxury taxation. (As such, this approach to setting fuel plices may
differ from the actual practice in some European countries insofar as the
suggested indicative price does not include a general tax but does include a
Pigovian tax or user charge component.) This price does not include the costs
of accidents or global environmental impacts. If these were included, a recent
calculation suggests that existing fuel prices in Europe would be between 40
and 70 percent of the levels necessary to internalize environmentalexternalities.2
Taken together. this evidence suggests that, if the gasoline price is the only
instrument being used to recoup the costs imposed on society by road transport.
European levels of retail gasoline prices may be a more appropriate benchmark
for gasoline prices in developing countries than those in the United States. Few
developing countnies currently have gasoline prices as high as the European
prices. These calculations are. of course. only indicative: actual prices should
reflect the principles but embody locally based calculations of the magnitudes.
The transition to higher levels of fuel prices may be a source of political
and social disruption, particularly in ftuel-producingcountries such as Nigeria
and Venezuela, where the tradition of low prices for domestic fuel may
be seen as an equitable way of distributing a national natural asset. The
experience of countries that have attempted the tranisition does yield some
lessons on making the shift to a sensible pricing structure for fuel more
* Link the price of fuel to measures that improve the pertformalice of the
transport sector (as in Bolivia, where a fuel tax increase was earmarked for the
establishment of a road fundlto improve road maintenance).

* Increase prices gradually (as in Nicaragua. where small increases were

made each month over a prolonged period).


Developing 5.25 Industrial

economies economies
5.00 - Japan

4.50 -Norway
4.25 -Sweden
=--- Italy
4.00 Belgium - -France, Hong Kong

3.75 WesternEuropeanaverage($3.69)
3.50 - - United Kingdom
Austria ___-Ireland
Uruguay - 3.25 ---- Finland, Luxembourg, Greece
Suriname_ Barbados _ Spain
Republic ot Korea - .00
Argentina --
Hungary--- 2.75
Singapore -
Nicaragua --- 2.50
Peru, Bolivia
Taiwan(China) 2.25 - -Israel
Antigua - New Zealand
Poland, El Salvador 2.00
_Reveloping counry average (1.87) .
Paraguay- ___ Australia
r,renada - __ -Chile 1.75 Canada
Panama - -______
Malaysia, Trinidad - Ghana-
Guatemala _ _Honduras 1 .50
Indonesia, Benin P.i!!Pippnes-Ecuador _ - United States
Colombia CostaRica,Vietnam 1.25 -- -Puerto Rico
MozambiqueThailand- --
China ---- 1.00

Russia 0.50

Venezuela-- 0.00

Enferg Detente (1994): World Banik.

* Avoid unjustified pass-through to public transport fares, possibly by rebat-

ing increases in the fuel tax to public transport. (In Venezuela. bus operators
took advantage of a doubling in the fuel price in 1988 to double fares even
though fuel only accounted for 10 percent of costs).
Some conclusions may also be drawn concerning the way in which rev-
enues and expenditures could be institutionally linked in a more businesslike
way. A basic tenet of price theory is that an excess of reveniuesover costs is a
signal to expand supply. While the government's dependence on fuel tax for
general revenues excludes the interpretation that all taxes on road-users should
be spent on roads. increments in fuel taxes designed to function as proxies for
road-user charges should be linked tightly to the use of the funds generated.
This has some important implications. First, because road wear and tear is
predominantly caused by heavy diesel-fueled vehicles, both diesel taxes and
axle-load-related commercial vehicle taxes might appropriately be assigned
to the road maintenance agency.' Second. because urban congestion charges
relate to the costs of the urban transport system, it would be appropriate for
revenues from a congestion charge or tax to be assigned to an urban transport
fund, to be spent on whatever urban transport expenditures (including public
transport investment or revenue support) appear to be most cost-effective in
improving the quality of the urban transport system. Clear evidence that the
proceeds of a congestion charge are being devoted to improving the situation
might help to overcome the historic resistance to such new charges. Because
gasoline consumption is related to the level of air pollution, fuel taxation may
be viewed as a partial surrogate for efficient environmental charges: some part
of the gasolinie tax revenue might therefore be allocated to the general urban
transport fund. As in the case of road funds., the creation of urban transport
funds must be associated with appropriate, accountable, institutional arrange-
ments that enable the representatives of stakeholders to oversee expenditures
(see the discussion below).

Strategic Public Planning to Complement the Market

The establishment of proper charges for road use will do much to improve the
efficiency of user decisions but will not. by itself, be sufficient to ensure an
optimum disposition of resources. In addition, a number of necessary comple-
mentary actions will remain in the public domain.

Structural Plannling as the Basis jbr Private Sector Entry

Even where the private sector finances transport infrastructure. it will usually
do so only in the context of public sector acceptance of responsibility for
planning the overall structure of the network. The existence of a functioning
land market is not sufficient to ensure an effective balance between the use of

space for private and public purposes (including space for traffic to circulate:
see box 5. 1).
The starting point for designing a project should be the identification of
the problem to be addressed, rather than the presentation of a solution. The
process of preparing a project should include an evaluation of the full range of
modal possibilities, including nonmotorized transport and modal integration
and interchange facilities within the sector strategies. as well as consideration
of a variety of options at the project level. The potential benefits from making
new investments must be compared with those from maintaining existing
capacity. Priorities in maintenance must also be appraised carefully, particu-
larly when (as in the transition economies) the structure of demand is shifting
radically. Most importantly, the rational for public intervention must be clear
and explicit.
In this context, planning complements the market, ensuring that network
effects are considered and that all stakeholders have access to needed infor-
mation on the interrelated elements of a system. It should also provide a forum

BOX 5.1 WHY A STRATEGIC GOVERN- cent in most Western Europeancit-

MENT ROLE IS NECESSARY: THE CASE ies with well-developedmetros,and
OF BANGKOK more than 30 percentin some U.S.
cities).Ownershipof motorcyclesrose
The traffic problemsof Bangkokare an average 34 percent a year, and
notorious.Averagetravel speeds in ownershipof cars rosealmost13 per-
the city are only 10 kilometers per centannuallyduringthe decadefrom
hour, falling to 5 to 6 kilometersper 1982to 1992,encouragedby the de-
hourat thepeak.Congestion-induced velopmentof a local manufacturing
delayscost the city an estimated$4 industryand the reductionof import
milliona day,and water and air pollu- duties on foreigncars from 300 per-
tion cost $2 billion a year.The emis- cent in 1982 to 20 to 60 percent in
sionsof all majortransport-related air 1991. While the roads are clogged
pollutants(carbonmonoxide,nitrogen with traffic,the river,canals,and rail-
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, hydro- way carry very little, and there is no
carbons,and suspendedparticulates) mass rapidtransit systemin the city.
nearly doubled between 1986 and No effective instrument has been
1991. Although lead pollution has adoptedfor restrainingtraffic.In a very
since been reducedby the introduc- active (and, in some respects,very
tion of lead-freefuel, the prospects efficient) land market, rapidly esca-
for removingoverall air pollutionare lating priceshave madeit difficultfor
not bright. the governmentto acquire land for
The explanationof this situationis local distributorroads and have en-
complex. The proportion of urban couraged both high-densitycentral
space devoted to roads is low (11 developmentand periurban sprawl,
percent,comparedwith 20 to 25 per- puttingeven greater strain on the in-

or process for reconciling conflicting interests, including "fair" implementa-

tion of mandatory eminent domain procedures. Furthermore, several compo-
nents of the transport system facilitate "interface" among modes, among
operators, and between the transport and other sectors. These interchanges are
not always easily organized in a private market.

Economic Justification of Public Investinents and Expenditures

Economic considerations should continue to be central in the design, phasing,

and selection of public projects and interventions, with new emphasis put on
some technical aspects of appraisal critical to sustainability. Cross-modal
effects, including those on users of nonmotorized transport, should be in-
cluded (Anderstig and Mattsson 1992).Time savings (correctly valued) are an
important component of the benefits and should consistently be taken into
account. Both the benefits to generated traffic and the effect of new traffic
generation on the level of congestion should be incorporated in the appraisal.4

adequatecapacityof local roads.A * The absence of a strong core of

series of privately financed professionalshas also encouraged
"megaprojects"to increaseroad ca- frequentpoliticalinterventionthat has
pacity and to developa mass rapid discouragedprivate sector commit-
transitsystemhas beenlongdelayed ment(the SecondStageExpressway
(although an IFC investment in the wastakenoutofcommissionforsome
"green" metro line was approved in time aftercompletiondue to an unre-
1995). Failureof the institutionalar- solvedconflictover toll rates).
rangementsto providean appropri- m The high risk of political interven-
ate strategicand structuralframework g
tion discouragesprivateInvestorsand
is at the heartof these failuresto ad- concentratestheir efforts on secur-
dress the desperatesituation. ing returns in ways that are not so
* The lack of infrastructureplanning vulnerable(such as the massivede-
has accentuatedthe failure to pro- velopment rights granted to the
vide adequatespace for transportto HopewellRail and RoadProject).
Withouta resolutionof these institu-
* The diffusion of responsibilityfor tionalweaknesses,includinggreater
transport policy among a numberof willingnessof governmentto provide
ministriesand agencieshasparalyzed some strong and transparentstruc-
attemptsto constructa comprehensive tural guidanceon developmentof the
strategy(a studyof the megaprojects urbantransportsystem,theprospects
revealedthirty-threelocationswhere for improvingthe situationin Bangkok
construction,as designed,would be look bleak.
impracticaldue to conflictsbetween
them). Source: Stickland 1993.

Contextual issues require particularly careful attention. Provision of ad-

equate long-term funding for maintenance should be incorporated in the ini-
tial appraisal. The implications of charging incorrect fees for use should be
considered in assessing the need to expand capacity, particularly in the case of
urban roads. The major dimensions of risk faced by a project. including those
associated with changes in the patterns of world trade, the macroeconomy. the
development of competing or complementary modes, and the inadequacy of
subsequent mainteniance of facilities, should all be assessed in a common-
sense way even when they are not susceptible to formal mathematical preci-
sion. Projects in sectors that are not entirely commercial may have high ERRS,
but any negative fiscal impacts of such projects must be appropriately ac-
counted for in the valuation (World Bank 1991, p. 78).
It is also important that effects on the environment and distributional
effects be systematically taken into account in project design and selection
(Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 1990). Monetary evalua-
tions. using the cost-of-impacts. cost-of-avoidance, or willingness-to-pay ap-
proaches, have been attempted for local and global air pollution and for noise
impacts (Hall and others 1992: Button and Rothengatter forthcoming). Some
Bank-financed project appraisals have already incorporated such valuations.
But in many circumstances, there is still no acceptable basis for monetary
evaluation. In those cases there must be an alternative process. either proce-
dural (as, for example. the use of a well-specified multiple criteria evaluation
fornat) or institutional (as. for example, a formal participation or quasi-
judicial inquiry or review), to ensure that the environmental and distributional
issues are properly considered. Both governments and the Bank should take
these matters into account in interpreting economic evaluations. This may be
particularly important, for example, in considering the changing role of rail-
ways in the transition economies of Eastern Europe.

Fiscal Planning to Ensure Proper Maintenance of Public


Economic sustainability requires that adequate finance be available for main-

taining infrastructure and equipment to ensure that the expected and planned-
for benefits from infrastructure actually accrue. All projects and programs
should, therefore, be accompanied by a committed pricing or financinigpack-
age that is sufficient to ensure that the asset is maintained through its effective
economic life. In the case of ut-ban public transport this sometimes includes
local property or payroll taxes. In the case of roads it typically involves
allocating part of the fuel tax or adding an appropriated charge to an existing
fuel tax. All these devices may appear as forms of earmarking.
The Bank's general position is that the earmarking of taxes hampers
effective budgetary control, leads to misallocation of funds, makes the rev-
enue structure inflexible. and infringes on the policymaking powers of state

executives and legislatures (Deran 1965). However. the Bank makes excep-
tions if there are cogent arguments to the contrary (World Bank 1986b).
Several arguments for automatic assignment of some tax revenues to
specified expenditures are applicable in the transport sector. First, the ear-
marking of taxes on inputs or outputs associated with use of an infrastructure
(for example, fuel taxes allocated to road funds) may be the best available
proxy for user charges. As such, they allow persons who value a particular
service to pay to ensure its continued existence. Where the management of the
funds is partly under the control of paying users of the services, it is less likely
that competing interest groups would argue for overprovision of services that
particularly benefit them. Second, if the budgetary system is weak, earmark-
ing may protect a range of essential allocations, such as road maintenance.
where the returns to public expenditure are often very high (Bird 1984). Third.
earmarking funds for maintenance but not investment may counter a system-
atic bias against maintenance in countries where both are funded from the
same sources. Priority is often given to road investment over road mainte-
nance despite evidence of the high long-term costs associated with allowing
roads to deteriorate to the point at which reconstruction is required. (Research
on Chile and Costa Rica has estimated this to cost two and a half times as
much as a policy of timely and effective maintenance, see World Bank 1988a.)
Fourth, the greater security of funding associated with earmarking reduces
costs by improving work scheduling, ensuring more efficient use of equip-
ment and manpower in force account activities, and facilitating contracting
out of maintenance, as in Ghana (Pankaj 1989; Gyamfi and Ruan 1992).
If governmetit and budgetary systems are good and operational implemen-
tation is effective, there is no justification for earmarking. At the other ex-
treme. where governance is bad and the government lacks self-discipline,
earnarked funds will not be secure. and earmarking serves no purpose. How-
ever. many countries fall in the middle ground. where the benefits of provid-
ing better service may outweigh the adverse effects that earmarking has on the
allocation of resources among sectors. For these cases the issue must be
decided on a case-by-case basis. Earmarking should only be introduced as part
of a general plan either to restore good fiscal governance or to secure greater
reliance on user charges linked to institutional reforms in the administration
of road maintenance. Earmarking funds for road maintenance or other trans-
port purposes is thus particularly appropriate where there is a well-recognized
need to protect a budget item that is highly productive (for example. there is a
maintenance crisis) and where the efficiency of maintenance planning and
implementation has been adversely affected by the insecurity of funding. But
it is not a panacea and should be approached particularly cautiously where
fuel taxes constitute a high proportion of total tax revenue and where many
sectors have equally valid claims for special fiscal treatment.
Above all, whether earmarking is to support the maintenance of infra-
structure or the operating deficits of public transport, appropriate legal and

institutional arrangements must be in place to ensure that the potential im-

provements in efficiency actually accrue. In the case of earmarking for road
maintenance these would include a legal basis to protect against politically
opportunistic raids on the funds; an independent executive authority with the
primary role of formulating maintenance policy (raising and allocating funds)
and ensuring effective implementation of policy; a management or monitor-
ing system involving representatives of users, central government. local au-
thorities, and the contracting industry, all of whom should have a strong
interest in the efficient performance of the agency; and administrative compe-
tence and good operational criteria for expenditure. There should also be
either a mandatory periodic review or a sunset clause causing the arrangement
to lapse if transparent and independently verifiable performance criteria are
not met. Earmarking for public transport provision must be supported by
explicit and carefully monitored performance agreements between the public
authorities and the operator.

Formulating Industrial Development Policy That Does Not

Undermine Sustainable Transport Policy

Many developing and transition countries manufacture transport equipment not

only for the domestic market but also for export (railway equipment in India,
buses in Hungary, ships and cars in Korea, small aircraft in Brazil, and so forth).
This sector is likely to increase in size as home markets expand and as manufac-
turers in the industrial countries outsource to countries with lower labor costs.
There is no inherent reason why developing countries should not be engaged in
this industrial sector if they have a comparative advantage in doing so.
There are, however, some aspects of the engagement of countries in manu-
facturing that affect the sustainability of domestic transport arrangements.
First, insofar as countries protect the domestic market. they are likely to be
increasing the cost of transport and may also be supporting the production of
vehicles that are environmentally inferior (as in the cases of fuel consumption
by Indian cars and the emissions of many Eastern European cars in the late
1980s and of most two-stroke motorcycles in China). Where efforts are being
made to control externalities or to discourage consumption of luxuries, they
should be made through domestic taxation and not through trade tariffs. Sec-
ond, insofar as countries attempt to found an export market on a thriving
domestic market, they may be tempted to pursue policies, particularly with
respect to the domestic costs of motoring, that are inconsistent with the no-
regret principles of sustainable transport development. That appears to have
happened in Korea and is in danger of happening in China in the next decade.
It is therefore important that countries not base the development of their
manufacturing activities on domestic transport policies that are damaging and
unsustainable. Consistency between IBRD/IDA and IFC/MIGA activities is par-
ticularly important in this respect.

Commiiunity Participationi: A Necessary Complemiient

to Markets
Effective market processes do not exist in many poor countries. Even where
they do exist, they have not been used or cannot easily be used in some parts
of the transport sector. This applies particularly to local roads for which direct
charging mechanisms are not feasible and that involve complex balances of
essentially local advantages and disadvantages. Being responsive to user needs
in nonmarket sectors requires that responsibilities be decentralized to levels
where the voices of those affected are more likely to be heard and manage-
ment is not likely to be taken over by special interest groups. This criterion
generally implies assigning responsibility for urban transport to city (or city
region) governmyentsand responsibility for rural infrastructure to the lowest
level of government at which effective implementation can be managed. This
is a necessary condition for improved governance in the transport sector in
many large countries.
In the urban context the major problem is to create the basis for a compre-
hensive policy that provides for integration both among modes and between
transport and land use at the local level. The probability of successfully achiev-
ing and sustaining this integration depends on the creation of institutions and
skills capable of sustaining the activity (Dimitriou 1988). The Bank has sup-
ported very effective institutional reforms and technical assistance to aid the
development of urban transport planning capability in several cities in Brazil
(Belo Horizonte. Curitiba, P6rto Alegre, and Recife), in medium-size cities in
Mexico, and in some North African cities such as Tunis (see box 1.2). Proper
implementation has several dimensions. Responsibilities should be explicitly
and clearly located, with the local responsibility for execution of functions
accompanied by an adequate system of accountability and incentives for effi-
cient performance. Traditional functional rivalries (among land use, public
transport, roads, and traffic enforcement) must be overcome, preferably by the
creation of multimodal, multifunctional urban transport authorities.
In the rural context, the main problem is to bring local knowledge and
skills to bear in the planning, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure.
Evidence from recent studies in Sub-Saharan Africa suggests that highly
centralized administration is an important reason for the failure to maintain
rural transport infrastructure.5 For example, less than 3 percent of public
employment is with local government (compared with 11 percent in the indus-
trial countries), while highly dispersed (classified and unclassified) rural roads
and tracks account for more than 80 percent of the length of the national
transport network. Investments in this network are often centrally or exter-
nally financed without any attempt to identify the institutional basis for the
network's subsequent ownership and maintenance. Local agencies that would
be best placed both to plan and to maintain the infrastructure often have
neither the resources nor the incentive to take up that responsibility. Effective

decentralization requires an initial inventory of the extent and condition of the

rural network, a comprehensive assignment of responsibility for this network,
and procedures to prevent roads from being constructed without the involve-
ment of the agency ultimately responsible for maintaining them.
In both urban and rural contexts, governments typically set national poli-
cies and guidelines for allocating funds among sectors and districts within a
decentralized framework. Local units are responsible for organizing the pro-
vision, monitoring, and maintenance of the facilities within their jurisdiction.
Two resource limitations can subvert efforts to decentralize. First, if ad-
equately trained administrative and professional staff are not available at the
local level, the performance of facilities may actually suffer from decentrali-
zation (as appears to be the case in Zambia). Second. and most important, the
transfer of responsibilities must be accompanied by an appropriate financial
basis for implementation. This might take the form of adequate allocation
from the central budget, assignment of a defined tax base. more revenue-
sharing between central and local governments, or grants from central govemn-
ment to match funds raised locally. Failure to make such provisions is inflict-
ing severe damage on municipal transport in many transition economies in
Eastern and Central Europe.
Direct community involvement is also facilitated by decentralization. This
is particularly important in the rural road sector. Most obviously, community
roads and local paths and tracks are best left totally under the jurisdiction of
the village council or its equivalent, possibly with access allowed to divi-
sional engineers employed by the local government for technical advice if
required (as in Ghana). For higher-grade roads, developing procedures for
consulting people on the design of local facilities, accompanied by adequate
procedures for compensation or resettlement, will usually minimize any con-
flict over new infrastructure that arises in the affected communities. Even at
the national level, the establishment of representative road boards (with some
power to determine both the revenues and the costs of the road authority) can
include representatives of users who are likely to press for more and better
road maintenance.
To maximize the participation of users in transport projects requires insti-
tutional change, more training in the necessary technical and administrative
skills at local levels. and the development of locally based NGOS that encour-
age users to participate. If communities are to take a more active part in the
management of their infrastructure, facilitators at the local level need to be
trained in participatory methods, and trainers need to be identified who can
develop the locally based NGOS that will facilitate greater responsiveness.


1. Good taxes do not necessarily survive. The Swedish kilometer tax on diesel
vehicles, which made it possible to capture the combined effects of differences in axle

weights and distancestraveledusing the sameinstrument.was replacedby a flat tax

on diesel early in 1994. ostensibly to conform with existing EuropeanUnion tax
2. Kageson(1993). Note, however. that few countries currently establish fuel
taxes explicitly on the basisof calculationsof total user costs.
3. This prescription would not apply in countries like Nicaragia, wilere the
differential betweendiesel and gasolineprices has resulted in a high proportion of
diesel-fueled automobiles.
4. Failure to allow for generatedtraffic leadsto an underestimationof the eco-
nomic benefit in uncongestedcases but may lead to an overestimationof rates of
return where congestion is heavy and where charges for using infrastructure are
substantiallybelow marginal social cost.
5. Examplesof institutional weaknesses include overlappingresponsibilityat the
central level, inadequatelocal financing. and a lack of integratedbudgeting,some-
times resultinigin new works at the expenseof maintenance.(SeeRiverson.Gaviria.
and Thriscutt 1991.)

The Role of the World Bank Group

in the Transport Sector
Making transport more sustainable requires major institutional and policv
reform. Private sector involvement can be stimulated by IFC investment and
by guarantees from the Bank or MIGA. Bank lendinigto governments, which
will continue to be necessary in many areas whereprivate finance cannot
meet the pressing needs of transport infrastructure, is an important channel
for broader refrrn, as is Bank-financed technical assistance for institutional
and human resource development. Above all, the World Bank Group must
contittue to learn from its diverse experience and to foster partnerships at the
local, national, and international levels to deal with increasingly varied and
complex transport issues.

T he World Bank Group has an excellent record in the implementa-

tion of physical transport infrastructure projects, which have created a good
basis for development. Nevertheless, it has learned from experience that the
physical completion of projects can fail to generate expected benefits if projects
are undertaken in the context of poor policies or weak institutions. Moreover,
a major transformation is under way in the transport sector worldwide that
presents challenges for which the existing policy and institutional frameworks
in most developing and transition countries are not adequate.

Improving the Perforniiance of Transport Sectors

The objective of a reformed transport strategy is to find more economically.

environmentally, and socially sustainable patterns of transport development.
This book has suggested that creating a transport system with the flexibility to

respond to user needs is the key to success. This goal can be achieved by
increasing the role of competitive market signals and the involvement of the
private sector and by encouraging more direct participation of users and the
community in deliberations on proposed changes to the transport system.
particularly where markets fail. The World Bank Group can continue to play
an important role in the transfonnation of the sector by becoming a financial
catalyst and facilitator of private operation and finance (in which respect IFC
and MIGA have a particularly important role to play), as disseminator of best-
practice approaches to regulatory and concessionary designs, as promoter of
more commercial management of public sector activities. and as appraiser
and lender for major transport infrastructure projects.

Supporting PolicY and Institutional Reforms

Three types of World Bank Group action are most important to support policy
and institutional reform that enhances sustainability. First, actions that in-
volve synergy among the different dimensions of sustainability are pivotal to
the whole strategy. The most critical of these are the introduction of efficient
charging for infrastructure and the development of competitive market struc-
tures within the sector. Second, some actions are urgent. either because they
are basic to reform (such as actions to establish the institutional basis for a
more competitive and commercial transport sector) or because they address
problems that have already become critical (such as road safety and the most
serious health-threatening aspects of urban air pollution). Third. some actions
are relatively novel. These include measures to assist nonmotorized transport
and to mobilize the potential of local authorities, communities. and NGOS.
Economic and financial sustainability in all transport subsectors requires
that, both in selecting new investments and in deciding which assets to main-
tain and operate. resources should be allocated to the uses with the highest
return. Efficient resource use is best achieved in competitive markets so long
as any adverse distributional or spillover effects are corrected by regulatory or
fiscal means. Expanding the role of the private sector as operator and financier
is essential for ensuring competition both for and in the market. Many mem-
ber countries have not yet taken full advantage of the potential for efficiency
that can be generated by competition or by involvement of the private sector
in the transport sector (see box 6.1 ).
Environmental and ecological sustainability has many dimensions. Al-
though it will grow rapidly with unrestrained motorization, the global envi-
ronmental impact (carbon dioxide emissions) of developing-country transport
is currently less pressing than the local environmental effects of transport,
particularly in large metropolitan areas. Available technology can eliminate
much local air pollution. but this will take time and will require a mixture of
market and nonmarket actions. Where there are major distributional or spillover
effects, as is the case with some forms of transport, taxes and subsidies are the

preferable instruments for correcting market signals so long as subsidies are

fiscally sustainable. Qualitative regulation of transport through the establish-
ment of strategic priorities and performance standards is justified when a tax
or subsidy is not feasible because of high transaction costs (such as the costs of
administration). But quantitative restrictions are rarely desirable. The World
Bank Group can assist in establishing these various processes (see box 6.2).
Social and political sustainability requires giving explicit attention to the
needs of all segments of society, particularly those least able to fend for
themselves. The World Bank Group can assist by ensuring that transport
strategies explicitly incorporate the needs of the poor and that transfer pro-
grams are effective and fiscally sustainable (see box 6.3).
The shift in the role of the public sector from controller to enabler, and
from supplier to regulator, will require that the public sector develop new
skills and institutional capabilities and practices. such as conducting strategic
planning as a complement to the market, regulating unfair or noncompetitive
practices, designing and negotiating contracts with private providers of public
services. monitoring performance and enforcing compliance with general stan-
dards. and creating processes for wider participation in developing and imple-
menting transport policies and programs. There will also be a need to strengthen
traditional public investment and implementation skills and capabilities, par-
ticularly to enhance the maintenance culture. Project evaluation and mainte-
nance programming procedures need particular improvement.

BOX 6.1 SELECTED RECOMMENDATIONS * Develop better franchising and con-

IN SUPPORT OF ECONOMIC AND cessionary arrangements to ensure
FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY competition for the market.

The objective is to increase the re- 2. Increase efficiency in the use, pro-
sponsiveness of transport supply to vision, financing, and management of
user needs by creating competition transport infrastructure.
and by enhancing user participation. * Introduce direct charges for infra-
The World Bank Group can assist *Inrdcdiethagsfrnr-
structure that closely reflect costs, in-
countries in the following ways: cluding the opportunity cost of

1. Increase the use of competitive mar- nonmarketed effects.

ket structures in transport services. * Explore actively the potential for
* Encourage the private operation of corporatizing infrastructure agencies.
road, rail freight, air, and maritime * Introduce proxy user charges
fleets based on earmarking of taxation to
provide a cost-effective framework for
* Discourage cargo reservationand ifatutr aneac hr
flag discrimination in the absence of therestaumainmaintenance where
a comprehensive assessment of net there IS a maintenance crisis and no
benefits to the country. direct user charges.

These are all areas in which the World Bank Group can be of assis-
tance-for example, through training courses sponsored by the Eco-
nomic Development Institute (EDI) that disseminate best practice among
countries and through reimbursable technical assistance programs. Eco-
nomic and sector work-particularly public expenditure reviews and
fiscal analysis-has a crucial role to play. Many of the reforms pro-
posed in this report-(for example, deregulation of transport operations
and direct charges for the use of infrastructure)-will reduce the fiscal
burden of transport. Some-for example, the replacement of internal
cross-subsidy by direct compensation for a specifically defined Pso-
may increase the burden. Public expenditure and revenue reviews are a
useful instrument for addressing these issues and evaluating priorities
(for example. between transport and other sectors or between mainte-
nance and investment) as well as appropriate financing arrangements
(for example, user charges versus taxes or earmarked revenues versus
allocation of pricing authority). Lending can focus and facilitate the
dialogue on sector reform. which needs to be more rigorously consid-
ered at the project initiation stage. However. the Bank must be willing,
in most cases. to be involved in the reform process on a sustained basis.
Policy reforms, particularly those that require the development of local
institutions and capabilities. may take ten years or more to implement
successfully (see box 1.2 on Tunisia).

3. Establishan enabling framework 4. Develop the necessary strategic

for competition. planning and system management
capabilities to complement the
* Create or strengthen regulatory n- market
stitutions and performance standards
for transportto ensure fair competi- * Createorstrengthenthe publicstra- avoidpredationand carteliza- tegicplanningcapabilitiesnecessary
tion, and to protectthe publicinterest. to complementand underpina more
* Unbundleand restructureagency re- competitive transport network.
sponsibilitiesto enhancethe potential * Establishprocessesfor the effec-
for the sale, lease, or subcontracting tive participationof affectedusersand
of the provision,operation,and main- communitiesindecisionmaking on the
tenance of transportinfrastructure. design, management,and mainte-
nance of transportinfrastructureand
* Increase the capacity for creating pbil utie evcs
private-public partnerships by more
clearlydefiningand fairly sharingthe
liabilities,risks,and returnsin BOT and
concessionarycontractsfor transport

BOX6.2 SELECTEDRECOMMENDATIONS implementable strategies for national

IN SUPPORTOFENVIRONMENTAL or local transport that take into ac-
SUSTAINABILITY count environmental and economic
The objective is to ensure that envi-
isuesare ddrSse as * Encouragemore systematicesti-
ronmental issues are addressed as mation of the impact that transport
an integral part of transport strategy programs andprojects haye on safety
formulation and project design
formughlactions thand
prject a ratio and air pollution (including, where
through actions that have a high ratio possible, a monetary valuation in eco-
of benefit to cost or are cost-effec- nomic rate-of-return calculations).
tive. The World Bank Group can as-
sist countries in the following ways: * Assist efforts to use the most cost-
effective rather than the most tech-
1. Address health-threatening impacts nologically advanced solutions to en-
as a first priority. vironmental problems.
* Initiate benchmarked safety pro- * Ensure that effects on nonmotorized
grams, particularly in road transport. transport are included in the design
* Adopt cleaner fuel standards to and evaluation of road projects.
eliminate lead and sulfur emissions, m Protect against the adverse envi-
combined with fuel supply and pric- ronmental impact of developments in-
ing policies encouraging the use of duced by roads and other transport
cleaner fuels. networks on forests, wetlands, and
other natural habitats, as well as on
2. Integrate environmental and eco- cultural heritage sites, by requiring
nomic elements in project appraisal. that the correct framework for pro-
tection be in place before the project
* Encourage the preparation of is implemented.

Lending for Transport Infrastructure

It is still important for the Bank to continue lending for transport in order to
facilitate reform in the sector and to meet investment needs that will not be
satisfied by the private sector.
rectly involved in preparing and impleinenting transport programs and projects
in the course of defining a lending operation is a good way for the Bank to
identify critical institutional and technical issues in the borrowing country in
question. In this way the Bank can tailor with the borrower a practical strategy
for advancing policy and institutional reform. In fact, the Bank's credibility as
an adviser in any given country arises in part from its association with that
country in lending operations and in part from the experience it has gained
from its lending operations in other countries. Even if project lending ceases
to be the primary element in a policy and institutional reform strategy. it can

There is also a need to pay special than U.S. levels for developing coun-
attention to spatial issues and modal tries on the threshold of rapid motor-
options now even though their ben- ization.
efits may only be realized in the long * Establish a general urban transport
run. fund and assign revenues from the

3. Develop an environmentally sensi- fuel surcharge in support of expendi-

tures on the most sustainable means
of improving the performance of ur-
* Better integrate the provision of cir- ban transport systems.
culation space and transport capac- C Ensure that urban public transport
ity with land-use development, par- fares, service, and finance policies
ticularly in rapidly growing areas. reflect the need to reconcile the main-
* Develop local standards for the pro- tenance of public transport facilities
vision of nonmotorized transport. while avoiding a costly and unsus-
tainable shift to private automobiles.
* Developstrategiesthat enableur-
ban mass rapid transit projects to be * Be sensitive to the obligations of
incorporated in a cost-effective way member countries under interna-
in the long-term development of grow- tional environmental agreements,
ing conurbations. such as the International Maritime
* Establish road-user charges that re- Organization's convention on mari-
fle extemaities (oa eroadaage,thair time pollution (MARPOL),in preparing
flect externalities (road damage, air lending operations in the relevant
and noise pollution, congestion, and sector.
safety); where fuel taxation is used
as a proxy, Western European levels
are a more appropriate benchmark

ensure that the Bank's advice is relevant to local conditions. This is a strong
reason for the Bank to remain involved in the financing of transport infrastruc-
ture. This involvement will have to be selective and vary according to
country-specific priorities.
pricing and the other demand management policies proposed in this book can
reduce the extent to which capacity must be expanded. and. as such, should be
central to a transport reform strategy. Some developments in information tech-
nology (such as telecommuting) may attenuate the growth in demand for pas-
senger transport in developing countries in the very long run. However, in low-
and middle-income countries where demand lor both freight and passenger
movement is growing more rapidly than per capita GDP, continued moderate or
high rates of economic and demographic growth, as well as major changes in the
location of economic activities and population conurbations, make it probable
that the demand for transport services and supporting infrastructure capacity

BOX6.3 SELECTEDRECOMMENDATIONS out) rather than high standards of

IN SUPPORT OF SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY performance(for example,by paving
surfaces to increase speed) in low-
The objective is to increase the social volume rural transport networks.
sustainability of transport by explicitly U Support cost-effective, labor-inten-
making poverty reduction an integral sive methods for constructing and
part of national and local transport maintaining subsidiary roads.
strategies. The World Bank Group can
assist countries in the following ways: * Ensure community participation in
decisionmaking on local transport in-
1. Target the transport problems of vestment and maintenance, establish
the poor (particularly the urban poor). extension services to provide neces-
* Improve their physical access to sary technical advice and training, and
jobs and amenities and reduce "ex- support the development of rural
cessive" time spent walking. funds.
* Reducebarriersto the informal sup- 3. Protect the poor against the ad-
ply of both passenger and freight verse effects of changes in general
transport (subject to reasonable and transport policies and programs.
enforceable levels of safety). * Minimize the amount of resettle-
* Enable greater use of nonmotorized ment and, where unavoidable, miti-
transport by improving rights-of-way gate the effects of resettlement by
and interchange infrastructure and by ensuring that people displaced by
eliminating fiscal and financing im- transport projects are resettled expe-
pediments to vehicle ownership. ditiously and fairly.
* Eliminategenderbiasesbyintegrat- * Mitigate the effects of redundancy
ing the transport needs of women into in overstaffed transport enterprises
themainstreamoftransportpolicyand and agencies by ensuring that con-
planning. structive reemployment and sever-
ance financing arrangements are in
2. Improve the approach and criteria place.
for addressing the transport problems * Develop efficient subsidy schemes
of the rural poor. for "social service"public transport by
* Emphasize access (for example, by defining Psos and establish fiscally
ensuring that bridges and culverts are sustainable contractual compensation
durable and do not collapse or wash arrangements.

will continue to grow in the medium term. This should be recognized in country
assistance strategy documents.
FINANCING REQUIREMENTS. Private financing of transport companies and roll-
ing stock is commonplace in many developing countries. However. private

financing of transport infrastructure has expanded dramatically only since

1988, and then only in a handful of countries in East Asia and Latin America.
Policy reforms that create an enabling framework for the private sector to
invest in and operate transport services and infrastructure will increase the
potential for mobilizing financial resources on domestic and international
private capital markets. This should be a priority objective for governments as
well as for the World Bank Group. The IFC should continue to expand its
activities in this field. Recent reviews suggest that the private sector is inter-
ested in financing future transport infrastructure projects in a much wider
array of countries than in the past (including particularly. Eastern Europe, and
South Asia: see Pub/ic Works Financinig 1995).
In general. equipment and assets that are not long-lived and can be fi-
nanced by suppliers' credits or commercial banking sources should not be
financed by the Bank. Similarly. the Bank need not finance projects or long-
lived assets where private funding is readily available-as in the case of some
container ports. However, notwithstanding the private sector's growing inter-
est in financing transport infrastructure and despite ongoing efforts to increase
the commercialization and privatization of transport activities in many coun-
tries. most of the secondary and tertiary components of the transport network
(such as rural roads. noncontainer ports, and suburban railways) will continue
to be characterized by low volumes of traffic and an inability to restrict
access-characteristics that make them unattractive for exclusive private sec-
tor financing. Improvements in these elements of the transport network will be
critical to any development strategy in which the reduction of poverty is an
integral objective.
With recovery in investment demand in industrial countries and competi-
tion from investment opportunities in other infrastructure sectors such as water,
power. and telecommunications, how much the private sector is likely to fi-
nance transport activities in the future remains a matter of speculation. Accord-
ing to World Dev'elopment Report 1994. developing countries currently invest
$200 billion a year in new infrastructure, some 4 percent of their national
product. Only 12 percent (about $24 billion a year) of this has been funded
through overseas development assistance: one-third of that amount has been in
transport (World Bank 1994f). Private financing only accounts for about 7
percent of the total. The $250 billion of transport infrastructure projects in
which the private sector interest has already been reported is consistent with the
independent projection of a doubling of the private sector share to 15 percent of
total financing requirements if all of the proposals were to come to fruition over
the span of a decade (PuiblicWorks Finaicing 1995). Even in this scenario. the
public sector is likely to continue to have a significant need for transport infra-
structure loans for some time to come. Given the evidence that transport infra-
structure is still a significant contributor to development. continued lending for
this purpose remains consistent with the Bank's mission.

Guarantees and Extended Onlending Arrangements

The broad policy reforms outlined in this book are best promoted by sector
investment loans that are not modal-specific (the Bank finances a time slice of
a sector investment program that has been mutually agreed with the govern-
ment) and, in some cases, by sector adjustment loans. Instruments that are not
sector-specific have also been used to advance transport sector reforms (as
was done in the public enterprise reform loan in Argentina and the structural
adjustment loans in Chile) by creating a financial capability within which
governments can handle difficult problems such as the financing of severance
compensation. In addition, sequences of project loans have been used to
advance components of transport sector reform in countries where no adjust-
ment or general refonn program is under way. as in China. In short, existing
project and other lending instruments can normally be used to anchor a pro-
gram to refonn and to improve the performance of the transport sector.
Thus traditional lending instruments can provide a framework for refonn.
However, encouraging wider participation in the provision and operation of
transport infrastructure and services. which is one of the objectives of sectoral
reform, may be materially assisted by the greater use of instruments such as
various forms of onlending arrangements (to involve lower tiers of govemnment
and NGOS more directly in the provision of transport infrastructure and services)
and guarantees (to catalyze private sector financing of transport infrastructure).
Extended onlending arrangements to local authorities or NGOs may allow
local knowledge and skills to be mobilized in the planning. construction, and
maintenance of local transport infrastructure and services. Participation of
local community groups can improve the setting of priorities and sequencing
of project components and can activate local ownership, accountability, and
willingness to pay. The Bank needs to assist governments to identify financial
and nonfinancial intennediary institutions capable of channeling lending ef-
fectively to local groups (particularly for local transpor-t infrastructure) and
individuals (particularly for vehicles) and to develop their capability to facili-
tate project implementation and monitor project performance. Both NGOs and
municipalities have already been involved in Bank-supported efforts to pro-
vide credit for nonmotorized transport for the poor (see box 6.4). The essential
objective is to make this local finance self-sustaining. Where World Bank
financing is involved thlough onlending arrangements including accounting
and auditing procedures. it will be crucial that local groups develop standard
business capabilities in tracking and servicing debt obligations.
Guarantees can have a useful role in tranisport(World Bank 1995b). Trans-
port infrastructure projects (toll roads. rail systems. or ai- and. water port
facilities) require loans with long maturities and grace periods in order to
ensure that amortization requirements do not necessitate excessively high
user charges. Private funds with the requisite maturities and grace periods
may not be available because of the perceived risk that government may not

BOX 6.4 ONLENDING ARRANGEMENTS women were enthusiasticabout bi-

FOR NONMOTORIZED TRANSPORT cycle-trailers and other intermediate
modes but that their willingness to
The participation of NGOS is exempli- invest their own savings in them was
fied by the World Bank-supported thwarted by inadequate access to
First Ghana Transport Rehabilitation credit.
Project (TRP 1, 1987), which financed Onlending to individuals through lo-
a facility to provide lines of credit on cal agencies was included in the Peru
commercial terms and conditions for Transport Rehabilitation Project
the commercial production and intro- (1994),which finances a nonmotorized
duction of low-cost, nonmotorized transport component involving provi-
transport vehicles (bicycle-trailers and sion of bicycle infrastructure, credit
other adaptations) for use in towns in facilities, and a promotion and educa-
northern Ghana. The Technology tion campaign. The municipality of
Consultancy Centre, a semi-autono- Metropolitan Lima, through its
mous agency attached to the Univer- Nonmotorized Transport Program of-
sity of Kumasi, was the implementing fice, is the implementing agency for
agency.Asubsidiarygrantagreement the component. A subsidiary loan
was signed between the Ministry of agreement was signed between the
Transport and Communications and Ministry of Economy and Finance and
the Technology Consultancy Centre, the municipality,defining project imple-
specifying project implementation ar- mentation conditions and arrange-
rangements and payment terms. Un- ments. A revolving fund to provide
der TRP II (1990), two NGOS bought credits for the purchase of low-cost
bicycles and trailers with their earn- bicycles was established at the Lima
ings from collecting data during project Municipal Bank for Popular Credit,
preparation and distributed the ve- which issued an operational directive,
hicles on an installment basis to vil- approved by the Bank, describing the
lage women. This initiative was based procedures and conditions for approv-
on the experience under TRP i that ing such credits.

comply with its contractual obligations to the developers of the project. The
Bank's partial risk guarantees can protect lenders against this risk and thus
enable the extension of maturities. as well as reduce the costs of borrowing to
the project. Partial credit guarantees can be used directly to extend maturities
by the Bank's assurance of debt repayment in the later years of the debt term.
In all cases the Bank requires a counterguarantee from the host government.
Bank guarantees are available to private lenders (but not to equity hold-
ers). A partial risk guarantee is triggered when a government action contra-
venes its contractual obligations and a default in debt repayment ensues as a
consequence. Contractual obligations of the government may include general
obligations, such as the conversion and transfer of foreign exchange and the
agreement to pay compensation if cash flow is disrupted due to war or other
major events, which might not otherwise be insurable. In the case of transport
concessions, Bank guarantees might also cover government compliance with

its obligations in respect of tariff levels (maintenance of agreed pricing ar-

rangements or freedomto set tariffs), government payments (Pso agreements
or shadow toll commitments for motorways), initial conditions (agreements
on property transfer, site clearance, or settlement of redundancy costs), and
market structure (avoidance of subsidized public sector competition). By the
end of 1995, no transport projects had been guaranteed by the Bank, although
several were under consideration. A pragmatic approach is required that may
involve technical assistance to governments to identify priority projects quali-
fying for guarantees: to develop policies, procedures, and concessionary agree-
ments as a prelude to soliciting proposals; and to determine the scope of
government undertakings for such projects.
MIGA guarantees can be used to mitigate the risk to foreign equity holders
and commercial banks by insuring against the risks of currency transfer and
inconvertibility, expropriation, and war and civil disturbance (as in the case of
the Autopista del Sol toll road in Buenos Aires). Such guarantees also extend
the range of business in which foreign companies are willing to participate
(for example, by reducing the risk attached to long-tenn financing of vehicles
and spare parts and components in Peru). Because of the World Bank Group's
ability to work with governments, guarantees have a highly leveraged effect
in facilitating foreign equity investment and debt finance.

Partnerships in Transport Reform

The World Bank Group should help to promote partnerships at the country
level among the various actors and stakeholders. at the international level
between the development community and the government, between the finan-
cial community and the sector, and among professional and nongovernmental
organizations that are addressing the challenges of improving transport.

Partnerships within Countries

Many of the reformisenvisaged in this book, such as railway and port restruc-
turing, involve government decisions (such as changes in mandates regarding
social obligations and financial liabilities) that cannot be addressed by sectoral
ministries.Others, such as improving road safety or providing adequate rights-
of-way in growing urban conurbations, can only be addressed through wide
interagency collaboration. In such cases the Bank can be a helpful catalyst.
Experience has also shown that those policy and investment initiatives in
transport that are founded on consensus have a greater chance of being sus-
tained. To this end, the Bank can play a constructive role in promoting more
participation by informed and competent local governments and NGOS in de-
veloping and implementing policy and investment initiatives. These groups
are generally closer to the ultinate users and beneficiaries of projects and
policies and can offer more effective channels for improving and monitoring
performance at the local level.

Partnerships with the Development Commiunit'

In recentyears therehas beena proliferationof bothofficialand privatesector

sourcesof developmentfunding. It has therefore become more difficult to
advancethe time-consumingprocessof policy and institutionalreformsolely
throughprojectsfinancedby the WorldBank Group,and it has becomemore
importantthanever to developa wide consensuson how best to assistgovern-
ments, particularlyin small countries. In that context the developmentof a
common programby a group of borrowersand lenderscan exploit the com-
parative advantage of differentlenders or donors at relatively small cost to
each. The Sub-SaharanAfricaTransportPolicy Program/RoadMaintenance
Initiativehas been based on clear recognitionby borrowingcountriesof the
need for such an approach,the backingof a wide range of lendersand donors,
and explicit commitmentto timely steering and program management(see
box 6.5). Muchcan alsobe achievedoutsidethe lendingprogram.EDI'S PROVIAL
programof policyseminarson road managementpolicyhas been largelyself-
financedby programrecipients,while therehas been long-standingcollabora-
tion with such bodiesas the Instituteof TransportationEngineers,the Interna-
tional Road Federation,the Permanent International Associationof Road
Congresses,and numerousother institutionsin trainingand disseminationof
best professionalpractice.

Partnerships with International Capital Markets

and Specialized Vendors

The World Bank Group has a role to play in nurturingand strengtheningthe

links between countries and private capital markets, partly because of the
value that other lendersattachto the specialability of the World BankGroup
to work with governments.It per-formsthis function in a number of ways.
Bankand MIGAguaranteesgive comfortto privatesectorlendersandsuppliers.
enablingthem to enter marketsthat they mightotherwiseavoid. The IFCcan
act as a lead agent in assemblingloans to the private sector,even though its
own commitmentin any individualproject maybe relativelysmall. This may
also be facilitatedby the IFC taking a minorityequity interest(typicallyonly
aboutone-quarterof its commitmentis in equity).The IFC can take the lead in
raisingprivatesectorequity for infrastructure.In the caseof one infrastructure
fund in Asia $450 millionhad already beencommittedby the end of 1995,of
some $700millionassembledin the previousthreeyears.Thirtypercentof the
committedequity has been in the transportsector.The IFC is representedon
the board of the fund and is involvedin makingequity investments.The IFC
can also use its experience to widen local ownershipand commitmentby
helpingcompaniesto go public or to access local bond marketsfor capital.
The World Bank Groupcan also stimulateprivate sector involvementin
less direct ways.In particularit can helpdevelopan environmentthat enables
the private sector to take a larger role in operating or financing transport

BOX 6.5 COLLABORATION AMONG lessons learned in one to be appli-

DONORS cable (with suitable adaption) to oth-
ers and that (b) governments are likely
Projects funded by donors and other to be motivated by evidence of suc-
external agencies without a common cess in other countries where similar
policy objective can confuse or un- conditions prevail.
dermine the process of policy reform. The Sub-Saharan Africa Transport
For example, in the late 1970s and Policy Program is an example of a
early 1980s, many donors were fi- collaborative effort that is managed
nancing new road investments in by the Bank and involves most of the
countries even though the World Bank countries of the region and several
steadfastly recommended, on the multilateral and bilateral development
basis of its assessment of research agencies. The program has now run
findings, that better maintenance of for five years and has a range of im-
existing roads was a much more eco- pressive results to its credit. Under
nomic proposition. The strengthening the Road Maintenance Initiative, in
of maintenance capabilities and the particular, countries are beginning to
necessary reallocation of resources recognize the need to address the
to this purpose did not take place problem of independent road mainte-
becausethecombinationofsoftfunds nance. Ten of them have already
and politically high-profile projects was taken steps to set up road boards.
an irresistible temptation to many Experience is being widely shared,
cash-strapped governments. with the countries themselves setting
To make headway on this issue, it up a road information exchange.
became necessary for governments Donor consultation and coordination
and donor agencies to develop joint have improved, and projects emerg-
regional programs, based on the as- ing from the initiative are readily
sumptions that (a) countries within a financed.
region have enough in common for

investments, including exploring the benefits of and potential for privatizing

transport enterprises. The World Bank Group also has a unique role to play as
an "honest broker" if requested to assist in evaluating strategic options where
the number of competent potential providers is limited, as in the case of high-
speed intercity passengerrail and local metros.

Some Funidamental Challenges for Global Partnerships

Creating a sustainable and integrated multimodal and intermodal transport

system will be a difficult task because a number of problems are poorly
understood, and headway can only be made by a concerted common interna-
tional effort.
most appropriate way of moving people (and goods)-rather than on specific

types of vehicles-highlights the need for more strategic sector work on how
best to improve movement in urban conurbations as well as in major interur-
ban corridors. Country- or locality-specific sector work, while necessary, may
not be enough to address fundamental issues. The response to the growth in
demand for mobility in developing countries has so far followed the pattern
that prevailed in industrial countries and has been satisfied primarily by an
increase in the use of automobiles and trucks. The centrally planned econo-
mies tried to avoid this outcome by imposing restrictions on movement by
road, which now hampers their ability to respond with the flexibility required
in market economies. Now that the transition is under way, motorization is
growing in these countries as well. At low levels of motorization, the benefits
often far outweigh the costs, but safety. pollution, and congestion become
serious problems at higher levels. Unfortunately. incremental investments in
durable and long-lived road infrastructure and facilities create a fiamework
for movement that becomes increasingly difficult to alter.
Many developing and transition economies are not yet locked into a motor-
ized transport system but are entering a phase of accelerated growth in motor-
ization. As a result, many cities and interurban networks in these countries are
experiencing severe congestion. safety. and pollution problems at earlier stages
of development than their industrial-country counterparts. This suggests some
urgency in identifying and implementing an alternate strategy with higher net
benefits. Two different, but potentially related, issues must be addressed: the
need to develop a more appropriate pace for motorization (that is. to balance
decentralized private decisions on small capital outlays. such as vehicle acqui-
sition, with society's ability to mobilize resources and implement large capital
investments to expand road networks), and the need to identify a more balanced
inultimodal transport network, with fewer implicit or explicit subsidies, that
could become the long-term objective of transport policy. To date, industrial
countries have not been much more successful than developing countries in
establishing a long-term transport strategy. The Bank should therefore proceed
on a case-by-case basis and should not expect borrowing countries to achieve
easily what the industrial countries have found so elusive.
The central problem is to identify one or more strategies within a market
framework that are capable of simultaneously generating efficient and sus-
tainable spatial structures and multimodal transport systems and of accommo-
dating significant economic and population growth. Given that hunldreds of
billions of dollars are likely to be invested in surface transport over the next
two to three decades in developing and transitionl economies. it would be
appropriate to commence a process of consultation with various stakeholders
through workshops and conferences on motorization. This would create a
basis for gaining widespread commitment and contributions to an interna-
tional effort to develop and nurture more sustainable alternatives to the depen-
dency on automobiles. The World Bank Group should address the problems of

coping sensibly and successfully with increased motorization through its op-
erations and operationally relevant research. In particular, the consistency
between transport policy, focusing on managing the rate of motorization, and
industrial policy, focusing on the development of the domestic automobile
and bicycle industry, should be addressed at the level of country strategy.
THE TRANSPORT SECTOR. Many countries are experimenting with different
institutional combinations and regulatory and pricing regimes to improve
performance in the transport sector. Robust indicators are not yet available for
the various dimensions of performance. however, and these are needed to
enable different stakeholders-users. regulators, suppliers. and others-to
measure and monitor the performance of the transport sector and the private or
public suppliers involved (Gannon and Shalizi 1995). Comparisons within
and between countries that clearly demonstrate poor performance and its
consequences, as well as those that might help in diagnosing the problem. are
likely to be powerful stimulants to improvement. An international commit-
ment to provide resources for a joint effort to develop. test, and institutional-
ize indicators of the performance of the transport sector would reduce the cost
to individual countries.

Learning Systematically from Experience

The Bank must be able to demonstrate what does or can work by being more
effective in documenting successful interventions or policies. In the past in
the highway sector, the Bank helped mobilize an international effort that
made progress toward the development of the Highway Design and Mainte-
nance Standards Model. It has also encouraged the systematic collection and
use of information at the micro level to support the introduction of pavement
management systems for road maintenance. Attempts to solve the problem of
the underfunding of road maintenance by making institutional changes are
now being undertaken in Africa and Latin America. These experiments need
to be monitored carefully so that the lessons from this experience can be
passed on. There is still much to be learned about many other aspects of
transport in the process of development. These include. among other things. a
better understanding of alternative competitive structures in transport and
their regulatory requirements, better approaches to using and structuring fran-
chises and concessions, better methods for valuing time savings and environ-
mental and long-term structural effects in the appraisal of urban mass transit
investments, better mechanisms (including tax and subsidy schemes) for en-
suring that fiscally sustainable transport services exist to serve the poor, more
effective beneficiary participation in developing and implementing transport
policies and programs, and better approaches to implementing road-usercharges
and allocating road track costs by category of vehicle. To make headway on

these topics, the Bank needs to develop a program of more systematic learning
through its lending activities and through wider dissemination of these results.
In summary. improving the performance of transport will require that the
Bank interact more and more with other organizations and groups to ensure
that policy reforms and investments are instituted that are not only socially
and environmentally sound but also economically and financially sound. Closer
collaboration is also required within the World Bank Group to ensure consis-
tency between how it approaches industrial and transport issues. particularly
with respect to IFC financing of transport equipment manufacturing and IBRD/
IDA activities in the fields of traffic restraint, user charging, and environmental
standards. The criteria for determining the level and nature of the World Bank
Group's own involvement in the transport subsectors should be the clear
contribution of the intervention to improving the quality of life and to increas-
ing productive potential. the sustainability of project or program investments
and policy reforms in financial and economic as well as social and environ-
mental terms, and the comparative advantage of the World Bank Group as the
channel for a particular form of intervention. The operational and budget
implications of this book cannot be quantified explicitly, but the impact on
total resources is not expected to be large. Any changes in the number of
transport operations would be managed within the constraints of the country's
overall program and budget for assistance work. The changed composition of
the program will require the following principal changes:
* A shift in the skill mix in IBRD/IDA through recruitment in favor of special-
ists with experience in reforning transport institutions. sector pricing and
financing, regulatory reform, urban transport, and environmental issues in
* More training of existing staff to upgrade operational skills in line with the
new demands
* More economic and sector work in transport to adapt the recommendations
of this policy review to country priorities.

Administrative market sharing. Allocation of shares of a market to suppliers

through a nonmarket administrative process.
Benchmarking. Establishment of quantitative standards with which to com-
pare performance.
Black spot prograim. Program identifying sections of a road network with high
accident rates. targeted for remedial action.
Build-operate-transfer (BOT). A form of concession involving finance. con-
struction, and maintenance of a facility for a specified period before owner-
ship is transferred to a public authority.
Cargo reservation/flag discrimination. Practice of reserving all or part of the
import or export cargo shipments of a nation to nationally flagged shipping
Coommercialization. Transition of public or nonmarket enterprises to commer-
cial market-based behavior.
Commercial risk. Normal business risks associated with incorrect assessment
of cost, patronage, or revenue.
Comnpetitionjor the market. Competition between operators for the right to
serve individual routes, to serve a whole network. or to undertake particular
Competition in the market. Competition between individual operators. groups
of operators. or modes in a market with no regulation on entry.
Competitive tenderinig. Solicitation of competing bids for fianchise or conces-
sionary rights.


Concession. Grant or sale by a public authority of a right to develop or operate

assets owned by, or reverting to, the ownership of the authority, usually for an
extended period.
Corporatization. Transformation of a state-owned enterprise or agency into a
legal entity subject to corporate laws. including formal separation of owner-
ship and management responsibilities.
Demand management. Use of fiscal or regulatory instruments to reduce the
amount of transport service demanded (usually applied to the control of road
traffic levels).
Earmarking. Guaranteed allocation of all or part of a tax revenue to a specific
agency or expenditure category.
Economies of scale. The decline of average unit costs of production as output
is increased over a large range.
Electronic road pricing/electronic cordon pricing. Electronic technique of
charging road users for occupying road space according to the level of road
Externalit-y. An unpaid-for effect of a transaction or activity on third parties.

Franchising. Giving or selling of rights to provide transport services for a

defined (typically short) period.
Informal transport. Conveyance of freight or passengers by agents operating
outside the corporate sector or the state regulatory and legal framework.
Internalization. Conversion of the effects of a transaction or activity on third
parties into a direct cost to the agent.
Mcfanagementconttract. Agreement by a private agent to supply management
services for publicly owned facilities.
Motorization. Transition to higher levels of ownership and use of road motor
vehicles (motorcycles, automobiles, and trucks).
Noncommercial risk. Risk associated with the impact of specific government
interventions on the profitability of a commercial operation (for example.
political change).
Onlending, pass-thro7ughi arrangement. Lending arrangement whereby the
government acts as an intermediary between the Bank and municipal or state
governments or between the Bank and private organizations or enterprises.

Petformance agreement. An agreement between a government and a service

provider linking financial compensation to the achievement of specified
performance objectives.
Public service obligation (PSO). Obligation placed on suppliers of services to
behave in ways contrary to normal commercial dictates in order to achieve
defined public service objectives.
Regional infrastructurefund. Private financial resource pools established on a
multicountry basis to be invested in commercially viable infrastructure.
Road reconstruction. Renewing the road structure, generally using existing
earthworks and road alignments to remedy the consequences of prolonged
neglect or where rehabilitation is no longer possible.
Road rehabilitation. Selective repair. strengthening, and correction to restore
structural strength and improve the quality of the ride.
Routine maintenance. Local repair of roadways and pavement, grading of
unpaved surfaces, regular maintenance of drainage, cleaning and control of
vegetation, and maintenance of traffic furniture and control equipment.
Secondar, and tertiary netvork. The transport system outside the main net-
work of trunk facilities.
Severance payment. Compensation for job redundancy, typically a one-time
cash payment.
Short-run marginal cost pricing. Pricing at a level reflecting the additional
costs incurred in producing an extra unit of output given a fixed capital stock.
Tradable permits. Property rights or limitations that are conferred by govern-
ments and that can be bought or sold.
Transitional economy. Economy in the process of transition to a market-based
Transport infrastructure. All fixed physical facilities associated with the move-
ment of freight or passengers, such as rights-of-way, track or terminals, and
associated traffic management.
Transport services. All activities associated with the conveyance of passen-
gers or freight.
Unbundling. Dividing an enterprise or activity into smaller, separable parts
that can be provided on a competitive basis.

The word processed describes informally reproduced works that may not be
commonly available through libraries. The source for conference papers is the
sponsoring organization.

Allport, R. J. 1994. "Defining the Role for Private Finance in Transport Infrastructure
Provision: The Asian Experience." Paper presented to the Planning and Trans-
port Research and Computation International Association. London. September.
Andan, O., and B. Faivre D'Arcier. 1992. "La periurbanisation va-t-elle accroitre la
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