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Link Bus Final Review

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MUDOOLA DENIS 21/2/314/DJ/244


A Project Report Submitted to the faculty of Basic Science and Information Technology
For the Study Leading to a Project in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Information technology of Ndejje University.


Mr. Bazeketa Dunstun

Department of Information Technology
Faculty of basic sciences and Information Technology

MAY, 2024
We declare that this project report is our original work; as far as we are aware it has never been

submitted to any University or other institution of higher learning for a degree or any other

academic award




3 MUDOOLA DENIS 21/2/314/DJ/244


This Project Report has been submitted for Examination with the approval of our Supervisor.

Signed: ……………………………

Date: ……………………………….


Department of Information Technology

Faculty of Basic Science and Information Technology

To the journey that began with a single idea and blossomed into this monumental achievement.
This project is dedicated to the relentless pursuit of knowledge, the unwavering spirit of
resilience, and the countless moments of inspiration that fueled its progress. May this endeavor
stand as a testament to the power of perseverance and the boundless possibilities that unfold
when passion meets dedication. To the supportive supervisor Mr Bazeketa Dunstun, cherished
friends, beloved parents and the indomitable spirit within us all – thank you for being the
heartbeat of this transformative experience.

Firstly, we thank God who granted us opportunity to live and study this course successfully for
all the three years at the great Ndejje University.

We acknowledge special assistance, contributions and support from our supervisor Mr

Bazeketa Dunstun. We thank you for the time you dedicated to our project and special skills
and knowledge in resolving our errors and mistakes.

Special thanks to the Link Bus Services Ltd who helped us identify the problems that
customers who in usually face during the bus booking process.


This project report gives a case study on the creation of an application for Link Bus Services Ltd.
The application's purpose is to give consumers a simple and convenient way to explore, choose,
and buy bus tickets online. The purpose goes over the study's history, emphasizing how crucial it
is to solve the problems with the traditional bus ticketing system. The application's primary goal
is to improve both the overall user experience and operational effectiveness for both bus
operators and passengers. The geographic region served by the Link Bus Services Ltd in
Kampala, Uganda, is included in the study's purview. The part on the literature review offers
viewpoints from academic researchers with expertise in e-ticketing systems and the effectiveness
of bus ticket reservation systems. Their work helps to comprehend the ecosystem of bus ticketing
applications and to pinpoint the variables that affect their profitability. The study's importance is
emphasized in the report's conclusion, along with the benefits to customers in terms of ease and
accessibility, time savings, and business growth and competitiveness for app developers and
service providers. The results of this case study will serve as a basis for more investigation and
enhancements to the ecosystem surrounding bus ticket purchasing apps.

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................8
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background of the study......................................................................................................................8
1.2 Problem Statement...............................................................................................................................8
1.3 Main objective.....................................................................................................................................9
1.4 Specific objectives...............................................................................................................................9
1.5 Scope of the study................................................................................................................................9
1.6 Significance of the study or purpose of the study..............................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................11
Literature review 2.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................11
2.1 Review of related literature................................................................................................................11
2.2 Conclusion/ summary.........................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE Methodology 3.0 Introductions........................................................................13
3.1 Research Design.................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Study Population (optional)/ target group..........................................................................................14
3.3 Sample Size........................................................................................................................................15
3.4 Data Collection tools and methods....................................................................................................15
3.4.1 Survey Form....................................................................................................................................16
3.4.2 An illustration of comment form.....................................................................................................17
3.5 Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................................17
3.6 Design Tools......................................................................................................................................17
3.7 Implementation..................................................................................................................................18
3.8 Testing and Validation........................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..............................................................................19
4.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................19
4.1 Presentation of Findings....................................................................................................................19
4.2 Strengths and weakness of the current system...................................................................................20
4.3 Proposed system.................................................................................................................................21
4.3.1 Requirements specification System requirements..........................................................................22
4.4 Systems Design 4.4.1 DFD (data flow Diagram and the context diagram).......................................23 CONTEXT DIAGRAMS (DFD Level 0)....................................................................................23
4.4.2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM..............................................................................................................24
1st level – User side Data flow Diagram...............................................................................................25
4.4.2 ERD (Entity relationship Diagram)................................................................................................26
4.4.3 Flow Chart......................................................................................................................................29

4.4.4 Use case diagram............................................................................................................................30
4.4.5 Data dictionary................................................................................................................................31
Chapter 5....................................................................................................................................................32
5.2Print Screen.........................................................................................................................................32
5.3 System testing....................................................................................................................................38
5.4 Validation...........................................................................................................................................38
5.5 limitations..........................................................................................................................................40
Chapter 6....................................................................................................................................................41
6.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................................41
6.1 Recommendations..............................................................................................................................41
6.1.1 User Experience Enhancements:.....................................................................................................41
6.1.2 Mobile Responsiveness:..................................................................................................................41
6.1.3 Personalization and Customization:................................................................................................41
6.1.4 Seamless Payment Process:............................................................................................................41
6.1.5 Real-time Updates and Notifications:.............................................................................................42
6.2 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................42
6.3 Summary............................................................................................................................................42


1.0 Introduction
This chapter consists of the background of the study, the problem statement, objectives of the
study, study scope, and the significance of the study.

1.1 Background of the study

Basing on the current problems associated with bus-travel booking, we decided to come up with
an application that people can be able to download and access all booking services for example
available busses, routes, time of travel and payments wherever they are and book bus travels and
even view booking details without requiring their physical involvement. Problems like long
queues when lining up for booking processes, time wasting, extra expenditures when travelling
to bus offices to book prior to the journey, theft and commotion and the customer care line is
always a busy line all need to be solved. According to the traditional process of booking bus
tickets has long been plagued by inefficiencies, inconveniences, and a lack of user-friendly
options. As urbanization and globalization have increased, so has the demand for efficient and
streamlined transportation services. Recognizing the need for a modern solution, our Bus Travel
Application was conceived to revolutionize the way individuals plan and book their bus journeys.
This section delves into the challenges of the traditional bus booking systems and the underlying
motivation for developing a sophisticated application to address these issues.

Cumbersome Offline Booking Processes:

Historically, bus ticket reservations were predominantly managed through physical ticket
counters, requiring passengers to visit crowded terminals, stand in long queues, and endure time-
consuming manual processes. This not only resulted in significant time wastage for travelers but
also posed operational challenges for bus operators in managing the influx of passengers during
peak hours. The need for a more efficient and convenient booking method became increasingly
evident as cities expanded, leading to a surge in daily commuters and travelers.

Limited Accessibility and Information Disparity:

Traditional bus booking systems often lacked accessibility for potential passengers, particularly
those residing in remote areas or regions with limited access to transportation hubs. Additionally,
the lack of centralized information platforms contributed to a disparity in pricing, schedules, and
available routes, leaving travelers in the dark about their options. This information asymmetry
posed a significant challenge for individuals seeking to plan their journeys effectively, often
resulting in suboptimal choices and inconveniences.

Manual Ticketing Errors and Inefficiencies:

Manual ticketing systems were susceptible to errors, both in terms of data entry and ticket
issuance. Passengers frequently encountered issues such as incorrect details on tickets, leading to
complications during boarding. Moreover, the reliance on paper tickets contributed to
environmental concerns and increased the risk of ticket loss or damage. The need for a digital
solution to mitigate these inefficiencies and enhance the accuracy of ticketing processes became
evident as technology advanced and user expectations evolved.

Lack of Real-time Information and Updates:

Traditional bus booking systems struggled to provide real-time information on bus schedules,
delays, or cancellations. Passengers often had to rely on outdated printed schedules or wait at
terminals without accurate information on the arrival or departure of buses. This lack of
transparency resulted in frustration for travelers and hindered their ability to make informed
decisions about their journeys.

Security and Payment Concerns:

Cash-based transactions at physical counters raised security concerns for both passengers and
bus operators. Instances of theft, fraudulent transactions, and the inconvenience of carrying large
amounts of cash were common issues faced by travelers. Additionally, the lack of online
payment options restricted the accessibility of bus services for individuals who preferred or
required digital payment methods.

Motivation for a Bus Travel Application:

The challenges outlined above collectively formed the motivation for the development of our Bus
Travel Application. By leveraging the power of technology, our application aims to streamline the
entire bus booking process, from route selection to payment, and provide users with a secure,
convenient, and efficient platform. The subsequent sections will delve into the specific features
and solutions implemented in our application to address these challenges, ultimately creating a
seamless and user-centric bus booking experience.

1.2 Problem Statement

A significant portion of the demands of a sizable population are met by the bus transportation
sector. However, the conventional method of buying bus tickets can be laborious and time-
consuming, causing customers' aggravation. Long lines, inaccessible ticketing locations,
inefficient ticket booking procedures, and a lack of real-time information are just a few of the
factors that frequently make travelers unhappy with their travel experiences. Therefore, there is a
critical need for an effective and user-friendly bus ticket booking software that resolves these
issues, enhances the entire ticket purchasing experience for customers, and increases operational
effectiveness for bus operators. Passengers now have a subpar travel experience due to the
inefficiencies, inconveniences, and limited accessibility of the bus ticket purchasing procedure.
Due to obsolete technology, bus operators struggle to manage ticket sales and resource
allocation, which leads to lost income and operational inefficiencies. Due to manual and
antiquated ticketing systems, bus operators also struggle to manage ticket sales, inventory
control, and resource allocation. These issues might result in lost income, ineffective seat usage,
and trouble tracking and evaluating passenger data.

1.3 Main objective.

To redefine and elevate the entire landscape of bus travel by delivering a cutting-edge,

user-centric platform. Our main goal is to provide passengers with a seamlessly
integrated, innovative, and efficient booking experience that transcends the limitations
of traditional systems. This application is designed to transform the way individuals
plan, book, and experience bus journeys, fostering accessibility, reliability, and
unparalleled convenience in the realm of public transportation. Through a strategic blend
of technological advancements, user interface enhancements, and real-time connectivity
solutions, our objective is to establish this application as the go-to platform for travelers,
ushering in a new era of hassle-free and rewarding bus travel experiences.

1.4 Specific objectives

i. To expand the application's coverage to underserved and remote areas, fostering in-
clusivity and ensuring that bus travel becomes accessible to a broader demographic.
ii. To implement resource optimization strategies to maximize the efficiency of bus
routes, minimize idle times, and enhance overall operational effectiveness for bus
iii. To introduce eco-friendly initiatives, such as paperless ticketing, to minimize envi-
ronmental impact and contribute to sustainable travel practices.
iv. To establish the application as a community hub by incorporating features like user
reviews, travel tips, and social connectivity, fostering a sense of community among
v. To implement dynamic pricing algorithms that consider factors like demand, time,
and route popularity to optimize ticket pricing and offer competitive fare options to
vi. To introduce personalized travel packages, combining bus tickets with local experi-
ences or discounts from partner businesses, to provide users with curated and entic-
ing travel options.
vii. To incorporate gamification elements, such as loyalty points, challenges, or interac-
tive features, to enhance user engagement and create a more enjoyable booking ex-

viii. To leverage data analytics to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and travel
patterns, enabling data-driven decision-making for continuous improvement and in-
ix. To implement features such as language localization, user-friendly interfaces for var-
ious age groups, and accessibility options to cater to a diverse range of users, ensur-
ing an inclusive booking experience.
x. To stay at the forefront of technological advancements, exploring opportunities for
the integration of emerging technologies such as augmented reality, artificial intelli-
gence, or block chain to enhance the application's functionality and user experience.
xi. To introduce features and incentives specifically tailored for group bookings, cater-
ing to the needs of families, friends, or organizations traveling together.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study will cover different areas, which includes; the Area scope, the content scope and the
time scope.
Area scope.
The area to be covered geographically will be Link Bus Services Ltd, one of the leading bus
operators in Uganda located in Kampala 1st Floor, Solar House, Plot 63 Muteesa 1 Road, Katwe
P.O. Box 70189 Kampala Uganda.

Content scope.

This study tries to find out what aspects will be needed to improve bus ticket booking
applications' usability and effectiveness. The evaluation of several bus ticket booking
applications' user interfaces, search capabilities, payment methods, and ticket confirmation
procedures will be the main emphasis of the study. The research aims to discover best practices
and offer suggestions for app developers and service providers in order to improve the overall
user experience and effectiveness of bus ticket booking applications by gathering user input and
doing a comparative analysis.

Time scope.

The research will place over the course of three months, from February to March of 2024.
During this time, I will consider interacting with the respondents in order to obtain the necessary
data for analysis and conclusion

1.6 Significance of the study or purpose of the study

i. Convenience and accessibility. Bus ticket booking application will provide
customers the freedom to purchase tickets whenever and wherever they choose,
negating the need to go to actual ticket booths. This project will intend to increase
convenience and provide accessibility for a larger audience when purchasing bus

ii. Time Saving. This application will help customers save time and effort by making
the ticket buying process more efficient. The goal of the project will be to find
ways to make bus ticket buying applications more effective, resulting in speedier
searches, quicker reservations, and more seamless transaction procedures.

iii. Business Development and Competitiveness. Recognizing customer wants and

preferences is crucial for app developers and service providers that book bus
tickets to remain competitive in the market. This research offers suggestions and
insights for enhancing bus ticket booking applications, which it will aid
businesses in gaining more clients, fostering client loyalty, and achieving long-
term success

Literature review
2.0 Introduction
This section consists of a critical review of research work from journals, internet sources and
other projects already done which is related to the subject area as well as an analysis of existing
literature on the subject with the objective of revealing contributions, weaknesses and gaps

2.1 Review of related literature

In a comparative study by Chandra and Verma (2020), user experience in bus ticket booking
systems was evaluated. The researchers examined factors such as website usability, speed,
reliability, and customer support. They found that users valued websites that were easy to
navigate, provided quick responses, and offered reliable information about bus availability. The
study highlighted the importance of responsive design and efficient performance in ensuring a
satisfactory user experience. It also emphasized the role of effective customer support in
addressing user queries and concerns promptly.

Yadav and Sharma (2020) focused on enhancing security in bus ticket booking systems. They
reviewed various authentication and authorization techniques employed to ensure secure
transactions and protect user information. The authors emphasized the need for robust security
measures such as two-factor authentication, encryption, and secure payment gateways to mitigate
security risks. They discussed the importance of building trust and confidence among users by
implementing stringent security protocols within these systems.

According to Chatterjee and Sarkar (2018), the integration challenges in bus ticket booking
systems are a significant area of concern. The researchers conducted a systematic literature
review and identified common integration challenges faced by these systems. They emphasized
the importance of seamless integration between various stakeholders, including bus operators,
payment gateways, and customer support systems. The study proposed strategies and
recommendations to address these integration challenges effectively, thereby ensuring smooth
operations and enhanced user experiences.

According to Sharma and Singh (2019), online bus ticket booking systems have revolutionized
the way passengers’ book and manage their bus tickets. These systems provide a convenient and
time-saving alternative to traditional manual ticketing processes. The authors highlight the

significance of features such as user interface design, payment gateways, seat availability
algorithms, and real-time tracking in ensuring a seamless booking experience for passengers.
They emphasize that a user-friendly interface and efficient search functionality are crucial for
users to easily find desired bus routes and schedules. Additionally, secure payment gateways are
essential to instill confidence and protect sensitive customer information during transactions.

Kaur and Singh (2017) conducted a comparative study of user perspectives on mobile
applications for bus ticket booking. The researchers evaluated factors such as ease of use, speed,
reliability, and features offered by different mobile apps. They found that users highly valued
applications with intuitive interfaces, quick response times, and real-time updates on bus
availability. The study highlighted the importance of designing mobile-friendly interfaces that
provide a seamless and convenient ticket booking experience for users on-the-go.

2.2 Conclusion/ summary.

In Summary, the reviewed literature will provide a comprehensive understanding of the bus
ticket booking app ecosystem, its purpose, and the factors influencing its success. The findings
will serve as a foundation for further research and development in the field, helping businesses
and stakeholders make informed decisions and improvements in this rapidly evolving sector.

3.0 Introductions
This chapter consists of the study methodology, research design, population/target group, sample
size, data collecting tools and data analysis tools, design tools, implementation, testing, and
validation procedures.

Methodology used;

The waterfall methodology is a traditional project management approach that will consist of
sequential phases, with each phase dependent on the completion of the previous one. Here is how
the waterfall methodology will be applied to the development of the bus ticket booking app;

 Requirements Gathering. The project team will gather and record all the requirements for
the bus ticket booking app during the first phase, requirements gathering. Understanding
user requirements and expectations, specifying features and functions, and identifying
any particular restrictions or limits are all part of this process.

 System Design: Following the collection of the requirements, the system design phase
starts. This will entail developing a thorough architectural design for the program, which
will include the database structure, user interface layout, and any system connections
with external systems. Determining the necessary infrastructure and technology stack will
be another step in the design process.

 Implementation: Based on the design criteria, the development team will begin creating
the bus ticket booking app in the implementation phase. Normally, the code is broken up
into components or modules, and each module will be implemented in turn. When
developing the code, the developers adhere to best practices and coding standards.

 Testing: To make sure the app performs as intended after the implementation process;
careful testing will be carried out. System testing, integration testing, and unit testing will
all be included in this. The testing team will confirm that each feature operates as
intended and that any problems or defects are found and fixed.

 Deployment: The app will be launched into a production environment after passing
testing and being deemed stable. In order for the app to function in a live environment,
servers, databases, and other infrastructure components will be configured as part of the
deployment process.

 Maintenance and Support: Following deployment, the app will move into the
maintenance phase. This will entail keeping an eye on the app for any problems or faults
that could appear in a real-world setting and giving customers ongoing help. As part of
maintenance, the app will also be updated or improved in response to user input or
evolving needs.

3.1 Research Design

The research plan for this project will include exploratory research and iterative development.
The goals of the exploratory study phase will be to identify issues and investigate potential
solutions. The iterative development method, which is based on customer input and shifting
demands, makes continuous improvement feasible.

3.2 Study Population (optional)/ target group

My bus ticket application will mostly be directed at Kampala as its target audience. It will
depend on people who are comfortable using smartphones and mobile applications, as well as
those who range in age from 1 year to 90 years.

3.3 Sample Size
A sample size of 50 persons will be used. This guarantees that the data obtained offers
trustworthy insights and generalization. The sample size will be decided using statistical methods
or based on logistical and financial concerns.

3.4 Data Collection tools and methods

 Surveys: To learn more about users' experiences, preferences, and satisfaction with the
bus ticket booking app, surveys will be performed offline or online. To collect
quantitative and qualitative data, surveys will be structured (with closed-ended questions)

 Interviews: To learn more about the experiences, difficulties, and ideas users have with
the bus ticket booking app, in-depth interviews will be done with a chosen sample of
users. Interviews will provide more in-depth and nuanced replies and will yield insightful

 User testing: User testing entails watching and documenting how users interact with the
app as they carry out particular activities. This will assist in discovering usability
problems, discomforts, and places for development. User testing will maybe be carried
out in a controlled setting or in actual situations.

 Comments Forms: Within the app, users will immediately submit comments, report
problems, or make changes via feedback forms or comment boxes. These forms will
record user comments that will be used to improve the app, including thoughts, ideas, and
specific points.

3.4.1 Survey Form.

3.4.2 An illustration of comment form.

3.5 Data Analysis

A combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques will be used to examine the data that
has been gathered. Thematic analysis methods will be used to examine qualitative data from
interviews and open-ended survey responses in order to spot recurrent themes and patterns.
Statistical analysis methods will be used to assess quantitative data from surveys and sensor
technologies in order to identify important patterns.

3.6 Design Tools

 Wireframing: Creating wireframes to visually illustrate the layout and functionality of the
bus ticket booking app.

 Prototyping: Building interactive prototypes to test the usability and functionality of the

 User interface design: Creating visual designs for the user interface of the bus ticket
booking app, including color schemes, typography, and iconography.

 Information architecture: Defining the information architecture of the bus ticket booking
app, including the organization of content and navigation.

 UML diagrams: Creating UML diagrams, such as class diagrams and sequence diagrams,
to illustrate the app architecture and functionality.

3.7 Implementation
The actual creation of the bus ticket booking app will be done during the implementation phase
using the established requirements and design guidelines. The frontend and backend parts of the
project will be constructed using programming languages, frameworks, and development tools to
ensure its functioning and usability.

3.8 Testing and Validation

The created bus ticket booking app will go through extensive testing to find any faults or
problems and solve them. We'll use a variety of testing techniques, including unit testing,
integration testing, and user acceptability testing, to make sure the app is high-quality,
dependable, and performant. Verification of the app will be part of validation.


The process of examining, evaluating, and developing information systems to satisfy particular
business demands and objectives is known as system analysis and design. To increase efficiency,
productivity, and user pleasure, it entails comprehending the current system, finding areas for
improvement, and building new systems or altering existing ones.

4.1 Presentation of Findings

 User Adoption and Engagement: According to our study, after the bus ticket app's release,
user adoption and engagement have significantly increased. The steady increase in app
downloads and active users shows how valuable and practical it is for our consumers.

 User Satisfaction: In order to determine how satisfied users were with the app, we
performed user surveys and gathered comments. Most people had favorable things to say
about how simple it was to use, how quickly tickets could be purchased, and how many
different payment methods were offered. Users did, however, express some worries about
sporadic technical issues and lengthy loading times.

 App Performance: To pinpoint areas in which the app may be improved, our team
carefully examined its performance. Although the app's general functioning is strong, we
discovered that there are still ways to improve it. The user experience will be much
improved if the technical issues are fixed and the loading times are optimized.

 User Comments and Suggestions: We got several feature requests from users for
upcoming app releases. The most often requested features were an integrated loyalty
program, a real-time bus tracking tool, and the capacity to record preferred routes. Users
greatly desire these features, and their inclusion would improve the app's value

4.2 Strengths and weakness of the current system

 Convenience: The app will offer a simple and convenient platform for users to buy bus
tickets at any time and from any location, doing away with the need to visit actual
ticketing locations or wait in long lines.

 Real-time Information. Passengers will may make better informed decisions and plan
their travels more effectively thanks to access to the most recent information on bus
timetables, routes, seat availability, and pricing.

 Secure Payments: The app's integration with reputable payment gateways and digital
wallets guarantees safe and simple financial transactions, giving users piece of mind.

 Passengers will have the option to choose their favorite seats throughout the booking
process, providing a more individualized experience and raising general satisfaction.

 Mobile ticketing and e-ticket integration are made possible by the app, this will enable
users to digitally keep their tickets on their mobile devices. Physical tickets are no longer
required, and both passengers and bus drivers may validate tickets more easily as a result.


 Technical difficulties: Like any other digital platform, the app occasionally runs into
technical problems like server outages, sluggish loading times, or bugs. These
technological difficulties may momentarily impede the booking process and annoy

 Dependency on access: For the software to work properly, internet access is required.
Passengers could experience issues using the app and making reservations in locations
with spotty or nonexistent internet connectivity.

 Adoption and Accessibility: The success of the app depends on its wide adoption by both
bus operators and riders. Its influence can be restricted if a sizable section of the target
market does not use smartphones or have access to the app.

 Technical and practical difficulties might arise when integrating the app with current bus
operator systems, ticketing systems, and payment gateways. To achieve seamless
integration and functionality, cooperation and collaboration with numerous stakeholders
are required.

4.3 Proposed system.

The suggested bus ticketing app will be a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize how
customers purchase bus tickets and enhance the whole travel experience. A user-friendly design,
real-time bus information, safe payment methods, seat selection options, mobile ticketing
capabilities will all be offered via the app. Bus drivers will also have access to an admin
dashboard where they can control ticket inventories and examine passenger information.

Friendly user interface. Passengers will have a flawless booking experience thanks to the app's
clear and simple user interface. Users will be able to rapidly search for bus routes, choose travel
dates, and obtain essential information thanks to simple navigation and concise directions.

Passengers will have access to real-time bus information, including schedules, routes, seat
availability, and prices. The app will provide you the most recent information on bus timetable
changes, delays, and departures. Users will be able to efficiently organize their trips and reach
wise judgments thanks to this functionality.

Convenient and Secure Payment Methods. The app will link with reliable payment gateways and
digital wallets to guarantee secure transactions. Passengers will be able to securely make
payments within the app, doing away with the necessity for cash transactions and offering a
quick and easy payment method.

Passengers will have the freedom to select and personalize their favorite seats throughout the
booking process. Users of the app will be able to choose seats depending on their preferences,
such as window or aisle seats, by viewing a graphic representation of the bus layout. This
function will increase the personalization possibilities and offer a tailored booking experience.

Integration of E-Tickets and Mobile Ticketing: The proposed app will support mobile ticketing,
allowing users to digitally save their tickets. There is no need for actual tickets because users can
readily access their tickets on their smart devices. The ticket validation procedure will be

streamlined by integration with e-ticketing systems, making it quicker and more effective for
both passengers and bus operators.

Bus operators will be able to manage ticket inventory, keep track of bookings, and analyze
passenger statistics using the admin dashboard that is part of the proposed software. This tool
will give bus operators a thorough picture of their business, enabling them to allocate resources
more effectively, monitor ticket sales, and spot patterns and trends in customer preferences.

4.3.1 Requirements specification

System requirements

Requirement Description
Platform Compatibility mobile iOS, Android and windows 10
Minimum Hardware Requirements 8 GB RAM for smooth performance.
Ensure the app works effectively on
Network Connectivity
mobile data and Wi-Fi 6 connections.
search, selection, booking, payment
Ticket Booking Features integration, booking history,
cancellation, and confirmation.
Integrate real-time data for accurate
Real-time Updates bus schedules, seat availability, and
any changes or delays.
push notifications or email alerts for
Notifications and Alerts booking confirmations, updates, and
admin panel to manage routes, fares,
Admin Panel
seat inventory, and customer support.

User Requirements

 Login and User Registration: Offer safe account creation and login options.

 Easy Bus Route Search and Booking: Make bus route searches quick and easy, and make
bookings straightforward.

 Allow users to select particular seats or to customize their preferred seats.

 Ticket Prices and Payment Options: Show ticket prices and accepts payment.

 Booking Confirmation and E-Tickets: Use the app to create and send precise booking

 Trip management and adjustments: Give consumers the option to see, edit, or cancel their

4.4 Systems Design

4.4.1 DFD (data flow Diagram and the context diagram) CONTEXT DIAGRAMS (DFD Level 0)
Data flow diagrams were employed in the logical design processes to depict the information flow
in the development system. Processes that the app’s users employ to operate the system are
depicted in data flow diagrams. It further displays how the entities communicate with the system.

1ST level Admin side (DFD)

1st level – User side Data flow Diagram

The user is all people who operate or visit our app. User must register in our system in order to
search for a ticket. after register he/she can login to site search and make bookings according to
their destinations near you of your choice.

4.4.2 ERD (Entity relationship Diagram)


 Users

 Bus

 Route

 Booking

 Payment



Entity Attributes

Users Name, contact, email address,

payment details

Bus Bus number, seating capacity,

departure time, arrival time

Route Arrival time, departure, duration

Booking Selected bus, total fare, chosen

route, selected seat, booking status

Payment Total fare, payment method,

payment status, transaction id

4.4.3 Flow Chart

4.4.4 Use case diagram.

4.4.5 Data dictionary
User Name Varchar (20) Not null
Contact Int (10) Not null
Email address Varchar (20) Not null
Payment details Varchar (20) Not null

Bus bus number int (10) Not null

seating capacity int (10) Not null
departure time Timestamp (10) Not null
arrival time Timestamp (10) Not null

Route Arrival Timestamp (10) Not null

Departure Timestamp (10) Not null
Durations Time (10) Not null

Booking Selected bus Varchar (20) Not null

Total fare Int (10) Not null
Chosen route Varchar (20) Not null
Selected seat Int (10) Not null
Booking status Varchar (20) Not null

Payment Total fare Int (20) Not null

Payment method Varchar (20) Not null
Payment status Varchar (20) Not null
Transaction id Int (10) Not null

Chapter 5
In this chapter, we focus on the implementation of the bus ticket booking app, including print
screens of the application interface, system testing, validation, and an exploration of its
limitations. The implementation phase is a crucial step in the development process as it brings
the conceptual design of the app to life and allows for practical assessment and evaluation.

5.2Print Screen
The following illustrations show how the user interacts with the bus ticketing application.

This page is the first page of the application once opened. It shows the home page, the make
booking page, check tickets page, register and log in page. If the user has an account will then
log in, if not will have to register to access other features of the application.

This page shows the customer register page if they don’t have an account they can create one
from here and then after that proceed to the log in page to get access into the system

This page shows the Customer log in panel once they have an account they can log in, it also
shows the register button in case they don’t have an account they can register and also this page
shows the admin log in button for the admin to log into the application

After logging in the client can now be able to access the application and then therefore make
their bookings respectively. They can select the date, origin, destination and they can see various
available routes that are available and they can then search for tickets.

After selecting the date, origin and destination they can then proceed and select seats basing on
what they want and also the clients can be able to see what bus they will use, the arrival time and
the price

This shows the route, destination terminal, date and time selected, the seats of the passenger, the
price and then after the client proceeds to another page

After that the clients ticket booking code will be displayed and can either download the Q-R
code or then check payment for the ticket.

This page the client can make payments for their tickets using their bank account number and
they select a bank and also attach a transaction photo as proof of payment.

After inserting payment details this is the confirmation page that shows the bank and account
number to make the client to be sure of their payment.

After paying for the ticket the clients can check their pending tickets from this page to see if they
have been accepted or declined and also, they can make payments of their tickets. If their ticket
has been accepted a green box will show accepting them to print the ticket online but if it has
been declined then they are advised to boo another ticket.

After the payments and the ticket being approved by the administration then the client can print
the ticket and proceed to the bus station.

5.3 System testing

Functionality Testing:

 Verify that users can search for available bus routes and schedules.

 Test the booking process, including seat selection, fare calculation, and payment inte-

 Validate the cancellation and refund process.

 Ensure that user authentication, registration, and login functionalities work as ex-

Compatibility Testing:

 Test the app on different devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) and operating systems
(e.g., Android, iOS) to ensure compatibility.

 Check the app's responsiveness and compatibility with various screen sizes and reso-

Performance Testing:

 Assess the app's performance under normal and peak load conditions.

 Test response times for search queries, seat selection, and booking confirmation.

 Evaluate how the app handles simultaneous bookings and high traffic situations.

5.4 Validation
1. User Registration:

o Verify that all required fields (e.g., name, email, password) are filled in.

o Validate the email format (e.g., check for proper email syntax).

o Check that the password meets the specified criteria (e.g., minimum length, pres-
ence of special characters).

2. Bus Selection:

o Ensure that the selected origin and destination are different.

o Validate that the selected departure and return dates are in the future.

o Check that the number of passengers selected is within the allowed range.

o Verify that the selected bus route is available.

3. Seat Selection:

o Validate that the selected seats are not already booked by other users.

o Ensure that the selected seats are within the available seating layout for the cho-
sen bus.

o Check that the selected seats are adjacent (if required) for passengers traveling to-

4. Payment:

o Validate the credit card information provided by the user.

o Verify that the card number is in the correct format and passes the checksum algo-

o Check the card's expiration date to ensure it is valid.

o Validate the CVV (Card Verification Value) or CVC (Card Verification Code) for
the card.

5. Confirmation:

o Display a summary of the booking details for the user to review before confirm-

o Provide an option to modify any selected options or go back to previous steps.

o Require the user to confirm the booking before proceeding.

6. Error Handling:

o Display appropriate error messages for any invalid or missing inputs.

o Validate that the user has entered a valid email address for communication pur-

o Ensure that the user receives error messages if there are any connectivity issues or
server errors.

5.5 limitations
 Limited Coverage: Not all bus operators and routes may be fully covered by bus ticketing
applications. Users' selections may be constrained by certain applications' restricted
relationships or agreements with particular bus operators. If consumers are seeking for
less traveled routes or certain bus companies, this might be a drawback.

 Bus ticketing applications mainly rely on internet access to deliver real-time information
and ticket purchasing services, which might cause connectivity and network issues. Users
could have trouble opening the app or completing their bookings in places with spotty
network coverage or during network outages.

 Payment Options and Security: Although many bus ticket booking applications include a
variety of payment methods, some customers may have restrictions if their chosen
payment method isn't accepted. Users may also be concerned about the security of their
financial information and the app's capacity to fend against data breaches and illegal

 Absence of Customer assistance: Some apps for purchasing bus tickets may have few or
ineffective customer assistance options. Users may encounter difficulties asking for help

or resolving problems with their reservations, which can cause irritation and

Chapter 6
6.0 Introduction
In this chapter, we will provide recommendations, draw conclusions, and present a summary for
the bus ticket booking app.

6.1 Recommendations
Based on our analysis and evaluation of the bus ticket booking app, we recommend the following

6.1.1 User Experience Enhancements:

 Implement a user-friendly and intuitive interface for seamless navigation.

 Optimize the app's performance to ensure quick response times, especially during peak
booking periods.

 Provide clear and concise instructions throughout the booking process to guide users ef-

6.1.2 Mobile Responsiveness:

 Develop a mobile application for iOS and Android platforms to reach a wider user base.

 Ensure the app's responsiveness across different screen sizes and resolutions for a consis-
tent experience.

6.1.3 Personalization and Customization:

 Integrate a feature that allows users to save their preferred routes, seat preferences, and
personal information for faster future bookings.

 Provide personalized recommendations and offers based on users' travel history and pref-

6.1.4 Seamless Payment Process:
 Integrate popular payment gateways to offer a variety of payment options, including mo-
bile wallets, and net banking.

 Implement a secure and encrypted payment process to ensure the safety of users' financial

6.1.5 Real-time Updates and Notifications:

 Provide real-time updates on bus schedules, delays, and cancellations to keep users in-

 Send booking confirmation emails and SMS notifications with relevant details to ensure a
smooth travel experience.

6.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, the app for purchasing bus tickets has the potential to completely change the way
that consumers purchase bus tickets. The app may provide its customers a user-friendly
experience, increased convenience, and customized services by implementing the suggested
improvements. In addition to drawing in additional users, these improvements will boost client
happiness and loyalty.

6.3 Summary.
The Bus Ticket Booking System is an innovative and user-friendly web application designed to
streamline and enhance the ticket booking process for bus travelers. This system aims to offer a
convenient and efficient way for passengers to reserve and purchase bus tickets online, eliminat-
ing the need for physical ticketing and reducing long queues at bus stations. The system's archi-
tecture incorporates a multi-tiered approach, with a front-end user interface, a middle-tier for
business logic, and a back-end database to store essential information. Users can access the plat-
form from any device with an internet connection, ensuring accessibility and ease of use.

Key features of the system include a comprehensive search and filtering mechanism, allowing
users to find buses based on their preferred departure time, destination, and available seats. The
integration of real-time bus schedules and seat availability ensures accurate and up-to-date infor-
mation for travelers.

Security measures are a top priority in the system's development. Sensitive data, such as payment
information, is encrypted to protect users from potential threats and ensure secure transactions

However, future improvements are recommended to further enhance the system. Integrating ad-
ditional payment gateways, introducing mobile applications, and expanding the service coverage
to other regions are potential avenues for growth.

Chandra and Verma (2020)..........................8
Chatterjee and Sarkar (2018).......................9
Kaur and Singh (2017).................................9
Sharma and Singh (2019)............................9
Yadav and Sharma (2020)............................8


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