Customer Churn Prediction
Customer Churn Prediction
Customer Churn Prediction
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Wadikar, D. (2020). Customer churn prediction. Masters Dissertation. Technological University Dublin.
Deepshikha Wadikar
Jan 2020
I certify that this dissertation which I now submit for examination for the award of
MSc in Computing (Data Analytics), is entirely my own work and has not been taken
from the work of others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and
acknowledged within the test of my work.
This dissertation was prepared according to the regulations for postgraduate study of
the Technological University Dublin and has not been submitted in whole or part for
an award in any other Institute or University.
The work reported on in this dissertation conforms to the principles and requirements
of the Institute’s guidelines for ethics in research.
Churned customers identification plays an essential role for the functioning and growth
of any business. Identification of churned customers can help the business to know the
reasons for the churn and they can plan their market strategies accordingly to enhance
the growth of a business. This research is aimed at developing a machine learning
model that can precisely predict the churned customers from the total customers of a
Credit Union financial institution.
A quantitative and deductive research strategies are employed to build a supervised
machine learning model that addresses the class imbalance problem handled feature
selection and efficiently predict the customer churn. The overall accuracy of the
model, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and Area Under the Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve is used as the evaluation metrics for this research to
identify the best classifier.
A comparative study on the most popular supervised machine learning methods –
Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural
Network were applied to customer churning prediction in a CU context. In the first
phase of our experiments, the various feature selection techniques were studied. In the
second phase of our study, all models were applied on the imbalance dataset and
results were evaluated. SMOTE technique is used to balance the data and then the
same models were applied on the balanced dataset and results were evaluated and
compared. The best over-all classifier was Random Forest with accuracy almost 97%,
precision 91% and recall as 98%.
I would also like to thank DIT and Prof. Luca Longo, M.Sc. thesis coordinator, for
providing me with the opportunity to work on this thesis.
Finally, I would like to thank all my friends and family for all their encouragement,
support and motivation during my studies. Special gratitude to my parents Pradeep
and Chetna, and my husband Nitin for their love, support and encouragement
throughout my studies. This accomplishment would not have been possible without
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ II
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1
2.6 MODEL EVALUATION ....................................................................................... 20
2.7 HISTORIC CUSTOMER CHURN PREDICTION ....................................................... 20
2.9 APPROACHES TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM ............................................................. 22
4.2.6 Data Splitting ........................................................................................ 54
4.3 MODELLING ..................................................................................................... 55
4.3.1 Logistic Regression............................................................................... 55
4.3.2 Random Forest...................................................................................... 56
4.3.3 Support Vector Machine ....................................................................... 57
4.3.4 Neural Network..................................................................................... 57
4.4 RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 59
4.5 SECONDARY RESEARCH ................................................................................... 60
6. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 66
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 70
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................. 76
CU Credit Union
CRISP-DM Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
BOI Bank Of Ireland
AIB Allied Irish Bank
ILCU Irish League of Credit Union
SVM Support Vector Machine
CRM Customer Relationship Management
SMOTE Synthetic Minority Oversampling technique
AUC Area Under Curve
ROC Receiver Operating Curve
ANN Artificial Neural Network
SOM Self Organizing Map
DT Decision Tree
MLP Multi Layer Perceptron
TDL Top Decile Lift
EDA Exploratory Data Analysis
RBF Radial Basis Function
RELU Rectified Linear Unit
TP True Positive
FP False Positive
TN True Negative
FN False Negative
TPR True Positive Rate
FPR False Positive Rate
1.1 Background
A Credit Union (CU) is a non-profit organisation which exists to serve their members
in Ireland since 1958. They have more than 3.6 million members in Ireland. CUs
functions the same as banks, they accept deposits, provide loans at a reasonable rate of
interest and offer a wide variety of financial services. A CU is a group of people
connected by a ‘common bond’ based on the area they live in, the occupation, or the
employer they work for, who can save together and lend to each other at a fair and
reasonable rate of interest.1 There is CU present based on geographical areas. In every
area, there is one CU present for its members.
CU is different from the banks (BOI, AIB, Ulster bank) in many ways –
The Irish League of Credit Union (ILCU) describes CU as “a group of people who
save together and lend to each other at a fair and reasonable rate of interest”. CU offers
their members the chance to have control over their finances. Regular savings form a
common pool of money, which provides many benefits for members.
The ILCU has an affiliated membership of 351 CUs – 259 in the Republic of Ireland
and 92 in Northern Ireland. In this research, we are using the member/customer data of
one of these CUs to predict customer churn.
Supervised machine learning techniques have been used in customer churn prediction
problems in the past with SVM-POLY using AdaBoost as the best overall model
(Vafeiadis, Diamantaras, Chatzisavvas & Sarigiannidis, 2015). The most common
techniques applied for predicting customer churn are Decision tree, Multilayer
perceptron, and SVM.
Techniques that are most commonly used to predict customer churn are neural
networks, support vector machines and logistic regression models. Data mining
research literature suggests that machine learning techniques, such as neural networks
should be used for non-parametric datasets because they often outperform traditional
statistical techniques such as linear and quadratic discriminant analysis approaches
(Zoric, 2016).
Based on the previous literature in this area and for reasons mentioned further on in
this section, four supervised machine learning techniques will be compared when
aiming to predict customer churn, the four techniques are logistic regression, random
forest, SVM and neural network.
Currently, the customer churn is not predicted using any of the machine learning
algorithm techniques for CU members’ data. The Logistic regression model is selected
and in the previous research, it has been observed that SVM and random forest
outperformed logistic regression when predicting customer churn.
The research question is framed as:
“Which supervised machine learning: Logistic regression, Random forest, SVM or
Neural network; can best predict the customer churn of CU with the best accuracy,
specificity, precision, and recall?”
The key objective of the research is to identify whether the Supervised Machine
Learning will help to predict the customer churn rate on CU customer data precisely.
Currently, no specific method has been adopted by CU to identify the customer churn
rate. This research help identify the customers which are more likely to churn and then
in turn the customers can focus more on those customers and thus can retain their old
customers which leads to the growth.
1) To collect the required customer data from the business for the research.
2) Understanding the data, identifying any data issues and then rectifying those to
apply machine learning algorithms.
3) Preparing the data using sampling, encoding, feature selection and splitting the
5) Validating the models on the Validation data set and based on evaluation
metrics identifying the best model among all for predicting the customer churn.
6) Then testing the best performance model amongst all supervised models on the
Test data set and then evaluating the results.
Primary Research is also known as field research. The research is done in this to
collect the original data that does not already exist. Secondary research is also known
as desk research which involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing
Here in this research of customer churn prediction of CU, this is a primary type of
research as the research has been done to collect the original data from the financial
institute. This research is unique as no such work has been performed on the CU
member dataset.
The current research is Quantitative research which uses data mining, involves the
systematic investigation of customer data and is aimed at developing models, then
verifying the results and then either the hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the
customer churn precision (Borrego, Douglas & Amelink, 2013).
In Exploratory research, the research is being carried out for a problem that has not
been clearly defined. It helps to determine the best research design, data collection
method. Constructive research referred to a new contribution. A completely new
approach or new model or new theory is formulated in this research. It often involves
the proper validation of the research via analytical comparison with predefined
research, benchmark tests. Empirical research refers to the way of gaining knowledge
through direct observation or experience. It involves the process of defining the
hypothesis and then the predictions which can be tested with a suitable experiment.
A deductive approach is a top-down approach which is from the more general to more
specific in which based on the pre-defined theory the hypothesis is defined and then
the conclusion is drawn based on the research.
In Inductive research also known as a bottom-up approach which goes from specific
observation to broader generalizations of theories.
and the Supervised Machine learning models were built on the CU customer data to
predict the churned customers. Then the champion model is selected based on the
accuracy of the model.
Python programming language is used for statistical exploration of data, data cleaning,
data preparation, building supervised machine learning models and evaluation of those
The scope of this research is to develop a machine learning model using the CU’s
customer data to predict the customer churn.
The main limitation of the research is that the customer data is obtained from one CU
only so it cannot be the representative of the other CU financial institutions. The
customer base would be different for different CU institutions.
The other limitation of the research is that there are so many DateTime data type
variables present which are not considered for building the classifiers. Also, the data
imbalance is another limitation to overcome as the churned customers were less
common, so less data was provided to the classifiers to study the features of churned
This thesis report starts with defining and explaining the research problem and
providing the importance of the research problem with the methodologies adopted,
exploiting the problem and purpose of the problem with the proper research question.
Chapter 3 (Design and Methodology) describes the design and methodology adopted
to solve the research problem in detail. It follows the CRISP-DM methodology and
each step is carried out and explained in detail in this chapter.
Chapter 4 (Implementation and Results) presents the implementation details and the
results of the implementation. It describes in detail which models are chosen and
which models have performed with proper justification. The hypothesis of the research
is considered, and results are compared, and the hypothesis is evaluated.
Chapter 6 (Conclusion) discusses the research problem with the result obtained and
evaluation. It summarises the research, discusses the contribution of the research
towards the research question. Also, it recommends some future research work in a
similar area.
This chapter provides a review of the literature available on CUs, Customer Churn
prediction methods, various approaches adopted to solve the problem and evaluation
metrics used for evaluating the models. The chapter concludes with the gaps in the
existing research and forms the objective for the research.
2.1 Background
The term Customer Attrition refers to the customer leaving one business service to
another. Customer Churn Prediction is used to identify the possible churners in
advance before they leave the company. This step helps the company to plan some
required retention policies to attract the likely churners and then to retain them which
in turn reduces the financial loss of the company (Umayaparvathi & Iyakutti, 2012).
Customer churn is a concern for several industries, and it is particularly acute in the
strongly competitive industries. Losing customers leads to financial loss because of
reduced sales and leads to an increasing need for attracting new customers (Guo-en &
Wei-dong, 2008).
customer churn due to the sparsity of the data as compared to another domain. This
requires longer investigation periods for churn prediction (Kaya,, 2018).
The economic value of customer retention is widely recognized (Poel & Lariviere,
(1) Successful customer retention allows organizations to focus more on the needs
of their existing customers instead of seeking new and potentially risky ones.
(2) Long term customers would be more beneficial and, if satisfied, may provide
new referrals.
(3) Long term customers tend to be less sensitive towards a competitive market.
(4) Long term customers become less expensive to serve due to the bank’s
(5) Losing customers leads to reduced sales, and increased sales to attract new
Customer Churn has become a major problem in all industries including the banking
industry and banks have always tried to track customer interaction so that they can
detect the customers who are likely to leave the bank. Customer Churn modeling is
mainly focusing on those customers who are likely to leave and so that they can take
steps to prevent churn (Oyeniyi & Adeyemo, 2015).
In an era of the competitive world, more and more companies do realize that their most
precious asset is the existing customer base and their data. We mainly investigate the
predictors of churn incidence as part of customer relationship management (CRM).
Churn Management is an important task to retain valuable customers.
Previous research indicates that there were two types of targeted approaches to
managing customer churn: reactive and proactive. In a reactive approach, the company
waits until the customer asks to cancel their service. In a proactive approach, the
company tries to identify customers who are likely to churn. The company then tries to
retain those customers by providing incentives. If churn predictions are inaccurate then
companies will waste their money on customer churn so the customer churn should be
accurate (Tsai & Lu, 2009).
Data Exploration is required to gain further understanding of the data and business
problem. The CRISP-DM methodology is widely accepted for the Data mining model.
It is mainly for conducting a data mining process, whose life cycle consists of six
phases as shown in the below figure.
task includes selecting relevant data, attribute selection, removing anomalies,
eliminating duplicate records. This stage also deals with filling the missing values,
reducing ambiguity and removing outliers (Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2003).
This stage is of high importance due to the following:
(1) the real data is impure;
(2) high-performance mining requires quality data;
(3) quality data yields high-quality patterns
As seen in research by Guo-en & Wei-dong (2008) class imbalance has become a
common problem within datasets in data mining. This is a common problem in
customer churn prediction area. In such a problem, almost all examples are labelled as
the not churned class, while fewer examples are labelled as a churned class, the most
important class.
One remedy to deal with the problem of class imbalance was using Under-Sampling,
Random Sampling and Over-Sampling suggested by Bin, Peiji & Juan (2007). In their
study on Customer Churn Prediction on Personal Handyphone System Service, the
proportion of nonchurn and churn was set as 5:1. Models were trained using three
different sample methods and better performance was observed using a random
sampling method. The below figure depicted the performance.
From the above figure, it was concluded that random sampling yielded the best results
for a Decision Tree model.
It has been observed in the previous research by Maheshwari, Jain & Jadon (2017)
detailed description of various approaches was discussed to handle class imbalance.
The various approaches for handling class imbalance were – Data Level approach,
Algorithm Level approach and Cost-sensitive approach. In the data level approach,
various methods were – Under sampling, oversampling and hybrid sampling. The
under-sampling leads to losing potentially useful data while oversampling leads to
overfitting and increases learning process time if data is large. Another data level
approach for handling class imbalance was to use SMOTE technique which yielded
better accuracy as compared to other methods. Algorithm level approach for handling
class imbalance are – bagging and boosting methods. For bagging method, the
algorithms were Decision tree (C4.5) and Random forest, for boosting method
AdaBoost and SMOTEBOOST algorithms were used. Bagging algorithms may lead to
overfitting and boosting ignores the overall performance of the classifier. The cost-
sensitive method incorporates both data and algorithm level approach. As per the
research, it was evaluated that the Data Level approaches were the best approach to
handle the class imbalance.
In research by Kaya, et. al. (2018) it was observed that the SMOTE technique yielded
the best results for SVM in predicting customer churn. SMOTE generates minority
classes by interpolating instead of replication and avoided over-fitting problem hence
provided better results.
Imbalance problem can be solved at the algorithm level also. Cost-Sensitive Learning
is a type of learning that considered misclassification costs. A cost-sensitive learner
assigned a greater cost to the false negatives compared to the false positives. However,
it was not a very feasible approach, as the cost information was dependent on many
other factors (Ganganwar, 2012). Another algorithm-based approach was one class
learning which follows the separate-and-conquer approach in which the classifier was
modelled only on minority class. This approach was useful for highly unbalanced data
sets composed of a high dimensional noisy feature space (Kotsiantis, Kanellopoulos,
& Pintelas, 2006).
2.3.2 Feature Selection
Feature Selection is the process of identifying the fields which are the best for
prediction as a critical process (Hadden, Tiwari, Roy & Ruta, 2005). This step is
important in customer churn prediction. Feature selection is a process of selecting a
subset of original features is an important and frequently used dimensionality reduction
technique for data mining.
In one of the researches done by Khan, Manoj, Singh & Bluemenstock (2015) t-test
was performed separately for each feature, which indicated the extent to which a single
feature can accurately differentiate between people who have churned or not. A Tree-
based method was used for feature selection. This method was useful in producing a
list of correlated predictors.
The feature selection was categorized into two categories based on Label Information
and Search Strategy. The below diagram will detail the division.
performance as an evaluation criterion to select features. Algorithms with an embedded
model, e.g., C4.5 and LARS, were the examples of wrapper models which incorporate
variable selection as a part of the training process, and feature relevance was obtained
analytically from the objective of the learning model (Miao & Niu, 2016).
According to researchers Cai, Luo, Wang & Yang (2018) Supervised feature selection
for classification problem using the correlation between the feature and the class label
as its fundamental principle. The correlation between the features were determined and
compared to the threshold to decide if a feature was redundant or not. This method was
an optimal feature selection method which maximized the classifiers accuracy.
Figure 2.4: Machine Learning Techniques – Unsupervised and Supervised Learning3
Figure 2.5: Supervised Machine Learning Model
(Source: Vladimir, 2017)
Several machine learning techniques have previously been used in similar customer
churn prediction problems.
Logistic Regression was very widely used statistical model used for Customer Churn
and has been proven a powerful algorithm.
The formula in figure 7 below represents logistic regression where 𝑝𝑖 is the probability
and 𝑥𝑖 is the independent variables which predicted the outcome 𝑝𝑖.
(Source: Nie, 2011)
Support Vector Machine model is a supervised machine learning model which can be
used for classification as well as regression problems. SVM is mostly used in a
classification problem as it can separate two classes using a hyperplane. The objective
of SVM is to find a hyperplane that can distinctly classify the data. Hyperplanes are
decision boundaries that help classify the data points. Support Vectors are data points
that are closer to hyperplane and influence the position and orientation of the
Neural Networks are a set of algorithms, that are designed to recognize patterns. The
basic building blocks of neural network is neurons. The output depends on the
activation function of the neuron.
The researcher Zoric, 2016 have used neural network model within the software
package Alyuda NeuroInteligence for his research on customer churn prediction in
Banking industry because neural network worked well for pattern recognition, image
processing, optimization problems etc.
Another group of researchers Huang, Kechadi, Buckley, Keirnan, Keogh & Rashid,
2010 have proposed the comparison between the popular modelling technique –
Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and Decision Tree with the innovative
modelling technique – SVM (Huang, 2010) for customer churn prediction in the
telecom industry. MLP and SVM were more efficient than Decision Tree.
According to researchers, the evaluation strategies were of two types – filter and
wrapper. In wrapper evaluation method, evaluation was performed on a subset of
features using a learning algorithm whereas in filter evaluation, the evaluation was
done on a subset features external to the classification design (Hadden, Tiwari, Roy &
Ruta, 2005).
Customer churn prediction problem is a classification problem and to evaluate the
performances of the supervised machine learning models, precision, recall, accuracy
and F-measure were calculated using Confusion Matrix (Vafeiadis, Diamantaras,
Sarigiannidis & Chatzisavvas, 2015).
Apart from confusion matrix, many researchers have used the AUC (Area Under
Curve) also for evaluation of the model. The AUC is the area under the Receiver
Operating Curve (ROC) curve. ROC is a plot between true positive rate versus false
positive rate. Another evaluation metrics was TDL (top-decile lift) which focuses on
the customer most likely to churn (Ali & Ariturk, 2014)
(2) Predictive Analytics – In this, the retention of customers was focused.
The Predictive Analytics is the customer churn analysis which mainly focuses on
retaining the customers.
Now as the time passes the data increases and due to the volume of data is immense it
becomes a daunting task for the data analysts to analyse such huge data. So, then the
customer churn prediction using machine learning and data mining techniques played a
significant role.
Customer churn prediction using machine learning models follow a set of steps. The
data is collected, next, the selected data was pre-processed and transformed into a
suitable form for building a machine learning model. After modelling the testing was
performed and then finally the model was deployed (Kim, Shin & Park, 2005). The
machine learning investigated the data and detects the underlying data patterns for the
customer churn analysis (Kim, Shin & Park, 2005). Using machine learning the
prediction of customer churn was more accurate than the traditional approach.
Figure 2.7: Churn Rate Prediction using Machine Learning
(Source: Beker, 2019)
Several features were involved as variables in customer churn analysis. The various
category of variables was customer variables of recency, frequency and monetary
value (RFM), demographic features like the geographical details, cultural information
and age (Senanayake, Muthugama, Mendis & Madushanka, 2015).
Many researchers have worked on the prediction of customer churn. Most of the
research was based on applying machine learning algorithms on customer data and
predicting the customer churn rate. A few of the studies are discussed in this section.
Researchers Guo-en, & Wei-dong, (2008) have applied the machine learning method
SVM on structural risk minimization to predict the customer churn on telecom industry
customer data set. They have analysed the results of the SVM model with an artificial
neural network, decision tree, logistic regression, and naïve Bayesian classifiers. In the
experiment it was found that the SVM has outperformed with best accuracy rate, hit
rate, covering rate and lift coefficient. There were two datasets used in the research and
for SVM model the kernel function was selected using MATLAB 6.5. For the first
dataset the SVM has acquired good results using kernel function as radial basis
function and for the other dataset Cauchy kernel function was used. The SVM model
accuracy was calculated as 90% and 59% for dataset 1 and dataset 2 respectively.
Decision Tree C4.5 had the least performance for both the datasets with accuracy as
83% and 52% respectively.
Another study on European financial bank customer data was conducted by Poel &
Lariviere, (2004) using the Cox proportional hazard method to investigate customer
attrition. The focus was on churn incidence. The SAS enterprise miner was used in this
research. They performed the research by combining several different types of
predictors into one comprehensive proportional hazard model. By analysing this bank
customer dataset two critical customer churn periods were identified – firstly the early
years after becoming the customer and a second period is after some 20 years.
Demographic and environmental changes were of major concern and have a great
impact on customer retention. In this research, four retention predictor categories were
used it would have been more advantageous if the data obtained were merged and
would have incorporated in a single retention model instead of four different models.
Hybrid neural networks were built, and the performance was compared with the
baseline ANN model by the researchers Tsai & Lu (2009). The customer churn was
predicted on the American telecom company data. In this research, they have built one
baseline ANN model and two hybrid models by combining the clustering and
classification methods to improve the performance of the single clustering or
classification techniques. It comprised of two learning stages, the first one, was used
for pre-processing the data and the second one for the final output prediction. The two
hybrid models built were ANN+ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and SOM (Self
Organizing Maps) +ANN. These models were evaluated based on the Type I and Type
II error rates and the accuracy of the models. In statistical hypothesis testing a type I
error was the rejection of a true null hypothesis, while type II error was the non-
rejection of a false null hypothesis. The actual results showed that the ANN+ANN
model performed better than both the ANN and SOM+ANN models in terms of Type I
error rates. Also, the prediction accuracy for ANN+ANN hybrid model was better than
that of ANN and SOM+ANN models. Thus, in this research paper hybrid techniques
were performed. The hybrid model with two ANN has performed better when
compared to SOM+ANN hybrid model. Feature selection was not considered in this
In one of the research papers on customer churn in the financial industry by researchers
(Kaya, et. al., 2018) they have emphasized more impact on Spatio-temporal features.
They have adopted Random Forest as the classification model for their study and
trained the model with 500 trees and maximum of 2 features per tree. Stratified 8-fold
cross-validation was adopted for evaluation. In this research, Spatio-temporal and
choice features were found more superior than demographic features in financial churn
decision prediction. In this research, it was observed that young people were more
likely to leave the bank. The results of this research suggested that based on mobility,
temporal and choice entropy patterns which can be extracted from customer behaviour
data we can predict the customer churn rate. The evaluation was performed using AUC
ROC evaluation metrics.
Researchers Oyeniyi & Adeyemo (2015) have predicted the customer churn problem
on one of the Nigerian bank datasets and they have used WEKA tool for knowledge
analysis. K-means clustering algorithm was used for clustering phase followed by a
JRip algorithm rule generation phase.
Customer Churn prediction was performed on Personal Handy Phone System Service
by researchers Bin, Peiji & Juan, (2007). They have built a Decision tree and three
experiments were conducted to build an effective and accurate customer churn model.
In this research 180 days data was randomly sampled and utilized in the research for
churn prediction. In the first experiment sub-periods for training data sets were
changed, in the second experiment, the misclassification cost was changed in churn
model and then in the third experiment being conducted sample methods were changed
in the training data sets. In this study in first experiment, the number of sub-periods
were considered as 18, 9, 6 and 3 which means the 180 days call record data is divided
into 18, 9, 6 and 3 parts. In second experiment, the misclassification cost means setting
the proportion of nonchurn and churn customers in training dataset. In third
experiment, various sampling techniques were adopted to balance the dataset. This
research helped in churn prediction and in improving the performance of churn
prediction models. In this study, it has been observed that the performance of the
model was superior when sub-period was set as 18. In the case of misclassification cost
when it was set as 1:2, 1:3 and 1:5 the result was superior and finally in case of sample
method random sample method has yielded the best results in the research.
A comparative study on customer churn prediction was performed by Vafeiadis,
(2016) on telecom data set. The performance comparison of multi-layer perceptron,
Decision Tree, SVM, Naïve Bayes and Logistic regression were compared. All the
models were built and evaluated using cross-validation. Monte Carlo simulations were
used and SVM has outperformed other models with an accuracy of 97% and F-measure
of 84%.
In one of the previous researches, on Customer churn prediction, the researchers have
used the traditional method supervised machine learning algorithms – Decision Tree,
Regression Analysis for prediction and also the Soft Computing methodologies such as
fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms (Hadden, Tiwari, Roy & Ruta,
Sharma & Panigrahi (2011) have performed the customer churn prediction on telecom
dataset using Neural Network. The neural network has yielded better result with
accuracy of 92%. The researcher has focused on changing the number of neurons and
increasing the hidden layers in the neural network model. Feature selection and class
imbalance problem were not considered in the research.
In one of the comparison research paper by Xie, Li, Ngai & Ying (2009) it has been
observed that balanced Random Forest has outperformed the other classifiers ANN,
SVM and DT based on precision and recall.
Most of the research (Xie,, 2009, Sharma, 2011, Vafeiadis,, 2016) were
performed on telecom customer dataset and few research (Oyeniyi & Adeyemo, 2015),
Kaya, et. al., 2018) were performed on financial dataset. Customer churn prediction on
Personal Handy Phone System Service by researchers Bin, Peiji & Juan, L. (2007) was
performed. No research has been focused on the customer churn prediction on CU
financial institute.
Currently, the vital and active areas of research in Customer Churn prediction was
using feature selection for data mining purposes (Guo-en & Wei-dong, 2008). Also,
while implementing SVM how to select fitting kernel function and parameter, how to
weigh customer samples (Guo-en & Wei-dong, 2008). For further research, it would be
a challenge to incorporate customer behaviour, customer perceptions, customer
demographics and macroenvironment into one comprehensive retention model (Poel &
Lariviere, 2004). More focus should be emphasized on the pre-processing stage for
better performance, the dimensionality reduction or feature selection. Also, other
domain data sets for churn prediction can be used for further comparisons (Tsai & Lu,
2009). Research should be aligned towards improving the predictive ability of churn
model by using other data mining techniques, for example, neural net, logistic
regression, self-organizing map, support vector machine and so on (Bin, Peiji & Juan,
Most of the studies were done using archived data. In the existing research not, much
guidance was provided on how to analyse the real-world application dataset. To
address the limitations and research gaps presented in this section, the research was
focused on covering the data pre-processing steps of feature selection by using
correlation technique and extra tree classifier method, handling class imbalance using
SMOTE technique. Further, secondary research was also conducted focusing on a
comparative study on churn prediction of Banking domain dataset (Kumar &
Vadlamani, 2008) with the current research prediction results.
In this chapter, the design of the research and the methodology will be explained in
detail to answer the research question. The experiment design followed the CRISP-DM
process in the research lifecycle. Python programming was used to carry out the
experiments of the research.
This research aimed at building and comparing the supervised machine learning
techniques using a CU customer dataset to predict the customer churn rate. The
Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM and Neural Network supervised machine
learning models were built, and the results were compared. The secondary research
focused on a comparative study of research results with the existing research paper
results on banking domain (Kumar & Vadlamani, 2008).
The thesis followed the CRISP-DM methodology, and each of the phases are described
in detail below.
3.1 Business Understanding
This is the initial phase of CRISP-DM and focuses on understanding the business
problem. In this phase, the problem was studied based on a business perspective. The
business in this research was CU financial institution which have 3.6 million members
throughout Ireland and here in this research 96968 members data were taken into
consideration for the study for a single CU for the years 1911 – 2019.
Machine learning is not currently used in CUs for customer churn prediction.
In this research the main aim was to identify the members which were more likely to
close their membership and to identify this, the supervised machine learning models
(Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network)
were built and the results were compared and based on accuracy, precision metrics the
best model was selected. This research will be helpful for the CU to identify the
members who are likely to close their membership and then they can focus on those
members to retain them. They can communicate with those customers and can
understand their needs and in turn, can reduce the customer churn which in turn leads
to the growth of the institute.
H0: A random forest supervised model build using the CU customer data, will not
achieve high accuracy than the other supervised machine learning algorithms like
Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network, to predict the
customer churn.
HA: A random forest supervised model build using the CU customer data, will achieve
high accuracy than the other supervised machine learning algorithms like Logistic
Regression, Support Vector Machine and Neural Network, to predict the customer
3.2 Data Understanding
The Data Understanding phase deals with the collection of data and data exploration to
get basic insight into the type of data. Some understanding of data was gained in this
The dataset used in this research was the customer data of the financial institute called
CU. The dataset was completely original, and no statistical research has been done on
this dataset. It consists of the data of all customers who have joined the CU from 1911
to 2019. The dataset has 96967 records of distinct members with 48 features. The
customer churn was defined as the total number of customers who have closed their
accounts. In this research, the customers who are not deceased and whose accounts
were either closed or dormant were considered as churned from CU.
The data was loaded using the pandas library of python. The number of records were
explored, using the info() function the datatype of each independent variables were
The basic quantitative analysis of the data was carried out. The measures of central
tendency, range, standard deviation, mean, max, min of the variables was measured
here using Descriptive Statistics. Also, the skew and kurtosis of the variables were
measured to check the normality of the variables. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
was performed. The data visualisation was performed using matplotlib and seaborn
python libraries and histogram, box-plot was created to view the data distribution for
checking the normality and to identify the outliers in the variables.
The correlation matrix was built using the Spearman method to identify the correlation
between the dependent and independent variables and to identify the correlation
between dependent variables to avoid multicollinearity.
In the data preparation phase, all activities were performed to convert the raw data into
the final dataset which we can feed into the modelling algorithms and build models.
Various tasks like data cleaning, removing outliers, imputing missing values,
construction of new attributes, feature selection and transformation of data all tasks
were performed in this phase.
3.3.3 Feature Selection
Feature selection improves the accuracy of the model. It trains the model faster and
reduced the complexity of the model. Another method Tree based classifier was also
implemented to find the most predicting features for feature selection based on a
literature review. It is an ensemble learning method and used to predict the best
features in predicting target.
3.3.4 Encoding
The dataset contains continuous and categorical variables. There are few machine
learning algorithms like SVM and Logistic Regression which accepts only numeric
data. For this reason, the categorical data is converted into 0 and 1 using label
encoding. In this dataset a total of 21 variables were categorical variables with True
and False values or some nominal values. These values were transformed into
numerical using sklearn’s4 LabelEncoder function.
In many real-world application class imbalances is the most common data issue. In
such problems, most of the examples are labelled as one class, while fewer examples
are labelled as the other class, usually the important ones. This problem is known as a
class imbalance. Class imbalance problem exists in lots of application domains (Guo,
The course of action can be taken in the data pre-processing phase of the project was
either the random undersampling or random oversampling which were the data level
methods to handle class imbalance problem. As observed in the previous research by
Maheshwari, Jain & Jadon (2017) both the undersampling and oversampling have
advantages as well as disadvantages. Oversampling can lead to overfitting and lead to
more computation work for large datasets whereas undersampling can lead to the
removal of some significant data records. Here in this research, SMOTE technique was
used to handle class imbalance problem.
from minority class and altered that record one column at a time by a random amount
to balance the data. It simply added the records only in minority class records (Ali &
Ariturk, 2014).
The final dataset will then be splited into train and test datasets. The data split was
done as 80% in training and remaining 20% for testing based on the previous research
(Shaaban, Helmy, Khedr & Nasr, 2012). The data was divided using a for loop so that
every time random data was chosen for building the model as well as evaluating the
model in each iteration.
3.4 Modelling
In this phase, the pre-processed data obtained was used to build the machine learning
model to predict customer churn. The main objective of the research was to build
supervised machine learning models to do a comparative study and to find the best
model for prediction. Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM and Neural Network
algorithms were used to predict the customer churn. The four models in detail are –
Firstly, the Logistic Regression model was built. It is the most preferred algorithm for
modelling binary dependent variables. It is a type of probability statistical
classification model mainly used for classification problems (Korkmaz, Guney &
Yighiter, 2012). The technique can work well with a different combination of variables
and can help in predicting the customer churn with higher accuracy. The predictive
power of the variables can be calculated.
It is a statistical model in which the curve is fitted to the dataset. This technique is
useful when the target variable is dichotomous. It is a predictive analysis algorithm
based on the concept of probability. (Singh, Thakur & Sharma, 2016).
Figure 3.2: Logistic Regression
The Logistic Regression uses a complex cost function which is defined as ‘Sigmoid
Function’ or also known as the ‘logistic function’. The sigmoid function was used to
map the predictions to probabilities. It limits the output and returned a probability
score between 0 and 1. Logistic Regression was one of the popular algorithms for
classification problem.
The Random Forest machine learning technique was chosen for predicting customer
churn. It is a combination of multiple decision trees. It is an ensemble (a group of
Decision Trees) learning method for classification, regression problems and used the
bagging technique to generate the results. In ensemble learning, a group of weak
learners come together to form a strong learner. Bagging also known as Bootstrap
Aggregation was used to reduce the variance of the Decision Tree. It is an ensemble
method in machine learning which is used to combine the predictions from multiple
machine learning algorithms together to generate accurate results. The default
hyperparameters of Random Forest gives good result and it is great at avoiding
overfitting (Pretorious, Bierman & Steel, 2016). In Random forest, the most common
output in all the decision trees was selected as the predicted class as the result.
Forest was used for customer churn prediction in this research as it was quite fast and
can deal with unbalanced and missing data as well (Idris, Rizwan & Khan, 2012).
Another machine learning technique that will be evaluated is SVM. SVM is mostly
used for classification problems and it builds the hyperplane margin between two
classes. This algorithm uses a set of mathematical function called a kernel which
transforms the input data into the required form. Popular kernel choices for SVM were
linear, polynomial and Radial Basis Function (RBF) (Tian, Shi & Liu, 2012). Here in
this research linear kernel was used based on the previous researches on customer
churn for linearly separable data (Guo-en & Wei-dong, 2008).
Guo-en, & Wei-dong (2008) have used SVM to determine the customer churn
prediction in telecommunication customer data. SVM solved the nonlinearity, high
dimension, and local minimization problems in customer churn prediction. As per the
existing research SVM can work well with financial customer dataset also (Guo-en &
Wei-dong, 2008).
Finally, the Neural Network was evaluated. Neural Network is a nonlinear predictive
model which learns through training and the structure is like a biological neural
network. Neurons acts as the basic building blocks of the network. The output depends
on the activation function of the neuron. Here in this research relu activation function
was used based on the previous research. The relu (Rectified Linear Unit) activation
function was computationally less expensive. It takes input and then each input was
multiplied by a weight. Then all the weighted inputs were summed up together with a
bias. Finally, the sum was passed through an activation function. The most common
activation function used for Neural Network was ‘Sigmoid’ function. This function is
useful for binary classification as it outputs in the range of 0 and 1 (Zoric, 2016).
In this research, the techniques selected were Logistic Regression, Random Forest,
SVM and Neural Network. All these techniques were used in previous researches on
different datasets for identifying the customer churn problem. This research is adding
value to the previous research.
Here in this research for loop was used to divide the data randomly in train and test
datasets. Each model was fitted every time on the same dataset. The accuracy score
was appended and stored in a list every time the for loop was executed and thus
different accuracy was found each time, we run the model. Finally, the average
accuracy of each classifier was obtained and compared to identify the champion model.
This approach was used so that each model was fitted to the same split of data which
ensured that the model results can be compared. The for loop ensures that the results
were generalised and that the split of data does not have an impact on the model
3.5 Evaluation
Several measures will be used to evaluate the models created in this research. A
confusion matrix was created for each model and then accuracy, precision, recall and
specificity were calculated. The number of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false
positive (FP), false negative (FN) are obtained (Wieringa, Maiden, Mead & Rolland,
Confusion Matrix:
TP (True Positive): In TP, both predicted and actual values are True (1)
TN (True Negative): In TN, both predicted and actual values are False (0)
FP (False Positive): In FP, the actual value is false (0), but it is predicted as true (1)
FN (False Negative): In FN, the actual value is true (1), but it is predicted as false (0)
Specificity: TN/(TN+FP). The total number of customers correctly predicted as true
negative, i.e., retained, out of all the customers.
F1 score: F-measure also called as F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and
ROC curve can also help in evaluating the model performance by graphical
representation. It is a plot between True Positive Rate (TPR) and False Positive Rate
In this section, the strength and limitation of the Design and Methodology are
discussed in brief.
The feature selection was used which eliminates the irrelevant features and thus it
helped in improving the performance of the model. This also helped to reduce the
training time and avoid overfitting. Another strength was that in this research the
customer’s age, gender and area were also considered and they were the prominent
predictors of identifying the customer churn. The main strength was that in this
research CU members data were used to determine Customer Churn prediction and
there was not much research performed in this area.
The main limitation of the research was that the data was very imbalanced and due to
that the classifiers were more likely to be biased towards the majority class. SMOTE
sampling technique was used to overcome this issue. Also, there were so many Date
time datatype variables present in the dataset which were not taken into consideration
in this research. A time-series model can be built for utilizing the Datetime data type
variables. In this research, a single snap of data was used so it was difficult to build a
time-series model for prediction. For time-series modelling different sets of data with
the proper date was required.
This chapter outlines how the experiment was performed, based on the steps mentioned
in chapter three. It includes all the steps of data pre-processing, how the machine
learning models were created. This chapter also covers the details of evaluation
measures of each supervised machine learning model.
The research was carried out using the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data
Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology. It provided a uniform framework and guidelines
for data miners. This methodology consists of six phases or stages – Business
Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modelling, Evaluation and
Deployment. The Business Understanding phase was covered in chapter three – Design
and Methodology section.
Proper planning and a deep understanding of data were required to execute machine
learning research. This is the second phase of the CRISP-DM process which focuses
on data collection, exploring data and checking the quality of data and to get insight
from the data to generate a hypothesis.
The original customer data was collected from one of the CU in Ireland. The complete
data analysis was done using statistical and visual analysis of the data using python.
4.1.1 Dataset
a) Age
Age is a numerical variable which denoted the age of the members of CU. Its range
was from 0 to 119 with a mean of 45.23 and standard deviation of 21.35. This variable
was found to be normal as the skew and kurtosis were in the range of +/-2. Also, by
looking into the histogram of Age variable it depicted the normal distribution curve.
b) AgeAtJoining
Figure 4.2: AgeAtJoining variable Histogram
c) TotalSavings
TotalSavings variable is again a numerical variable which denotes the total savings of
the members of the CU. It ranged from 0 to 74,518.48 with a standard deviation of
4655.26 and a mean of 1764.33. By looking into the below histogram of the variable it
was observed that it was left-skewed and the skew and kurtosis of the variable were not
in the statistical range of between +/- 2. So, the variable was not considered as
normally distributed and hence the standardization was performed on the variable to
make it normal.
Figure 4.3: TotalSavings variable Histogram
d) TotalLoans
The TotalLoans is also a numerical variable which is highly skewed. It ranged from 0
to 282598.30 with mean 690.66 and with a standard deviation of 3783.11. The variable
TotalLoans was highly skewed. By looking into the below histogram of the variable it
was observed that it was left-skewed and the skew and kurtosis of the variable were not
in the statistical range of between +/- 2. So, the variable was not considered as
normally distributed and hence the standardization was performed on the variable to
make it normal.
e) Closed
The ‘Closed’ is the target variable with values as ‘True’ for those who have closed
their membership with CU and ‘False’ for those which are still the members of CU. A
closed account member were the members who were not deceased or dormant and they
were not the member of CU. The data distribution is as shown below:
Figure 4.5: Closed Variable distribution
f) Gender
Gender is a categorical variable with two categories – male and female type of
members in CU. The below graph depicted the distribution of gender in Churned and
retained members.
From the below graph it can be seen that the females were more likely to leave the CU
as compared to the males. Also, the institute has more females than males as the
members of the CU financial institute.
g) MaritalStatus
From the below graph it could be seen that the married couple and singles were more
likely to leave the CU as compared to the other category members. Also, the CU has
more married couples as the members.
h) AccomodationType
From the below graph it could be seen that the Home Owners were more likely to
leave the CU as compared to the other category members. People who had mobile
home accommodation type and people who had to rent accommodation type had an
equal probability of leaving the CU. Also, the institution had more Home Owners
accommodation type of people as the members of the CU.
Figure 4.8: AccomodationType Variable distribution
i) PaymentMethod
From the below graph it could be seen that the members who use Teller payment
method were more likely to leave the CU as compared to the other category members.
Also, the institute has more members who prefered Teller payment method rather than
any other payment methods.
j) Dormant
Dormant is a categorical variable with two values – False and True. If Dormant is set
as ‘True’ then that means that the customer is not active member of CU and if Dormant
is set as ‘False’ that means the customer is an active member of CU. The below graph
depicted the distribution of Dormant in Churned and retained members.
From the below graph it could be seen that nearly 10% of dormant accounts have
closed their accounts from CU.
To obtain a better overview of data, the statistical metrics like count, mean, standard
deviation and measure of central tendency were calculated and shown in below table
From the above table, it was observed that the count is less than 96967 so this means
there were missing values present. It could be seen that the mean for most of the data
features have deviated from the standard deviation so standardization of data was
needed before modeling.
Correlation Analysis of the data was done to analyse the correlation between the
independent and dependent variable and also to identify multicollinearity between the
independent features. The ‘Spearman’ correlation method was used to identify
correlation as the dissertation consists of both continuous and categorical variables.
The correlation heatmap was generated as shown in the below figure and also the
correlation matrix listed in table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Correlation Matrix of the variables
It could be seen from the above correlation heatmap that the variables ‘TotalSavings’
was the most correlated variable with the target variable ‘Closed’. It is negatively
correlated with the target variable. The other variables ‘OptIntoDBI’, ‘Age’,
‘MemberArea’ also had a strong correlation with the target variable ‘Closed’.
The variables ‘Age’ and ‘AgeAtJoining’ were positively correlated with each other. So
AgeAtJoining variable was removed before modelling in order to avoid
The boxplot for only ‘Age’ variable was plotted to find the outliers present in the data.
As the data was highly imbalance, an analysis was done to identify if the outliers fall
into minority class. Any outlier presented in minority class cannot be removed, as it
could lead to information loss. The below boxplot and scatterplot created with respect
to the target variable will give information on outliers.
Figure 4.12: Boxplot of Age variable
Figure 4.13: Scatterplot of Age variable with respect to the target variable
As seen in the above graphs it was observed that the outliers belong to the minority
class, i.e., Closed = ‘True’. So, in this case, the removal of outliers will lead to
information loss hence the outliers were not removed from the data in this research.
4.2 Data Pre-processing
To prepare the final dataset for the experiment, several data pre-processing steps were
carried out based on the understanding of data from the previous phase. The Data Pre-
processing phase included handling missing values, Encoding, Normalizing the data,
feature selection, feature extraction, standardizing the data and finally data splitting.
In CU customer dataset it has been observed that there were 3,138 records present with
‘Deceased’ value set as ‘True’, so all those records were dropped from the dataset
using python drop command.
In the Descriptive Analysis of Customer dataset, it has been observed that there were
missing values present in the dataset.
4.2.2 Normalizing the Data
The skew and kurtosis of the continuous variables were determined. If the value of
skew and kurtosis lied outside the range of +/-2 then the variable was not normally
distributed. Even the histogram plot can determine whether the variables were
normally distributed or not. In the CU dataset, it has been observed that the variable
‘Age’, ‘AgeAtJoining’ were normally distributed whereas the variables ‘TotalSavings’,
‘TotalLoans’ were highly skewed.
In machine learning and statistics, feature selection is the process of selecting relevant
features for predicting the output and useful in model construction. The feature
selection is also known as variable selection, attribute selection or variable subset
selection. Correlation method was used here in this research to identify the best
predicting features to predict the customer churn.
A correlation matrix was used to find the correlation between the independent and
dependent variables and the multicollinearity issue was detected as well as the most
relevant feature in predicting the output was also detected.
Another method based on previous research (Khan,, 2015) was used to find the
top predicting features were also identified using sklearn.ensemble ExtraTreeClassifier
function to identify the top predicting features. This method was used to know the
feature importance ranking for predicting the target. A graph of feature importance was
plotted as shown below:
Figure 4.14: Feature Importance graph with respect to the target variable
As seen from the above graph the most important feature in predicting the output was
‘TotalSavings’ followed by ‘Age’, ‘MembershipType’ and so on.
4.2.4 Encoding
Encoding means converting categorical data into numeric data. A categorical datatype
was the most common type of data present in the dataset. These variables were
normally stored as text values. Machine learning algorithms work only on numeric data
as they are based on mathematical equations. So, it was impossible to keep the
categorical variables as it was and there was a need to convert these categorical
variables into numeric form.
In this research the Label Encoding method was used to encode the categorical
variables. In this method, each category was mapped to a number. Using this method
will not increase the number of columns and thus will not slow down the learning
process. In this research 23 categorical variables were encoded using label encoder.
The variables ‘Gender’, ‘Closed’, ‘IsSoleTrader’, ‘Dormant’, ‘NonPersonalAccount’,
‘IsClub’, ‘IsBusiness’, ‘JointAccount’, ‘BadDebt’, ‘Deceased’, ‘MembershipType’,
‘MaritalStatus’, ‘AccommodationType’, ‘ExemptFromDIRT’, ‘OptIntoDraw’,
‘OptIntoDBI’, ‘PaymentMethod’, ‘Occupation’, ‘NoCorrespondence’, ‘MemberArea’,
‘CommonBond’, ‘BusinessRelationship’, ‘textPersonalPermitted’ were encoded into
numeric form using Label Encoder.
4.2.5 Sampling
The most common data problem is Class Imbalance. The class imbalance can be seen
in the below figure and the distribution table of ‘Closed’ variable.
61391 16769
The Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) was used in this research
to resolve the class imbalance problem based on the previous research (Ali & Ariturk,
2014). In the SMOTE technique, it synthesised new minority instances between the
existing minority instances. Using this function, the data will be balanced. The dataset
was imbalanced with the class imbalance ratio of approximately 18:5 which means
against 18 non churned customers 5 will be churned.
The final dataset thus obtained was then split into train and test dataset. The final
dataset obtained after handling missing values, normalizing dataset, data sampling is
shown below in the below table.
In this research, the final dataset was splited into 80% training and 20% test data sets
based on the existing researches (Shaaban, Helmy, Khedr & Nasr, 2012). Using for
loop along with sklearn train_test_split function the data was splited into train and test
datasets 40 times. Each time the loop runs the data splited randomly and models were
created and different accuracies were stored in the list. The supervised machine
learning models were compared based on their accuracy score and the champion model
was chosen to predict the customer churn. The data was splited, and the same split was
used for all the models to fit the model and to calculate the score thus it doesn’t affect
the accuracy result of the models.
The experiment was performed with an imbalanced dataset and balanced dataset
(Sampling using SMOTE technique) for better result comparison.
4.3 Modelling
The four proposed supervised machine learning models were created to test which best
predicted the customer churn.
The Logistic Regression model was built using LogisticRegression function imported
using sklearn.linear_model class in python. Sklearn or Scikit Learn is an open-source
Machine Learning library for python. It provides many supervised and unsupervised
learning algorithms.
Only significant variables were included and all insignificant parameters were
excluded from the model and the model was trained and tested using 27 parameters.
The same set of features with default parameter settings were used in all the supervised
machine learning algorithms.
Measures Values
Accuracy 85%
Precision 61%
Recall 87%
Specificity 85%
Table 4.5: Logistic Regression Results for a balanced dataset
Measures Values
Accuracy 87%
Precision 79%
Recall 60%
Specificity 95%
Table 4.6: Logistic Regression Results for imbalance dataset
The Random Forest was built in python using sklearn.ensemble class. Random Forest
algorithm is based on ensemble learning. Ensemble Learning uses multiple machine
learning models to make better predictions on a dataset.
In this research the ‘gini’ criterion was selected which was the by default function to
measure the quality of split, n_estimators was chosen as 100 that means 100 random
decision trees were ensembled together to build the Random Forest. The max_depth
was selected as 10 which means the tree can expand till the maximum depth of 10.
Finally, the class_weight was set as ‘balanced’ which depicted the weight associated
with the classes. In Random Forest by default, the weight is inversely proportional to
the frequency the class appears in the data.
The following results were obtained from the Random Forest.
Measures Values
Accuracy 96%
Precision 88%
Recall 98%
Specificity 96%
Measures Values
Accuracy 97%
Precision 91%
Recall 98%
Specificity 97%
4.3.3 Support Vector Machine
The SVM model was built using svm function imported from sklearn in python. In this
research for SVM model ‘linear’ kernel was selected based on the previous customer
churn research (Cao & Shao, 2008). In the Support Vector Machine model, kernel
function is the most important parameter. In this research as the kernel function was set
as linear and it will separate the class linearly using a single line. It is useful when the
dataset is large. The main advantage of the linear kernel was fast processing.
The following results were obtained from the Support Vector Machine.
Measures Values
Accuracy 86%
Precision 62%
Recall 91%
Specificity 84%
Measures Values
Accuracy 89%
Precision 81%
Recall 65%
Specificity 95%
Here in this research, keras5 sequential model was used to build the neural network in
Python. Keras is a user-friendly neural network library in Python. The Keras sequential
model is a linear stack of layers. Here two hidden layers were added in this model. The
‘Dense’ function implements the following operation:
where activation is the activation function chosen in the hidden layer. Here ‘relu’
activation function was used which means Rectified Linear Unit. It was less
computationally expensive as it involved a simpler mathematical calculation.
Mathematically, it is represented as:
y = max(0,x)
In the output layer, ‘sigmoid’ activation function was used as by default settings.
Measures Values
Accuracy 91%
Precision 72%
Recall 98%
Specificity 89%
Measures Values
Accuracy 91%
Precision 72%
Recall 98%
Specificity 89%
Table 4.12: Neural Network Results for imbalance dataset
The confusion matrix plot was made for all the four models using sklearn.metrics
confusion_matrix function in python. The confusion matrix was often used to
determine the performance of the model. It was used to calculate the accuracy,
precision, specificity and Recall measures of the model in the classification problem.
The below graph represents the confusion matrix of all the four models.
Figure 4.16: Confusion Matrix
4.4 Results
The following results in Table 4.13 were obtained from each supervised machine
learning technique used.
The result in Table 4.13 was obtained from the models built and tested on the dataset in
which the SMOTE technique was used to balance the data. This technique was the data
level algorithm to balance the dataset. The CU customers/members dataset was highly
imbalanced, so SMOTE technique was used to balance the dataset before building the
models. The same experiment was repeated with an imbalanced dataset. For building
the models the train and test dataset both were imbalanced, and the result obtained are
tabulated in below Table 4.14.
The results with imbalanced dataset were better than the results after applying the
SMOTE sampling technique. This is contrary to what was suggested in research by
Guo, X. (2008).
Hence based on this comparison, the result in table 4.14 will be the focus of the
analysis, evaluation, discussion and conclusion that follows.
The above result obtained in this research was compared with the results of the existing
research paper by Kumar & Vadlamani (2008) on Credit card customer churn of a
Latin American bank. The secondary research was performed to compare the results
with the other domain datasets and to comprehend how the results vary from dataset to
dataset and based on different methodologies.
In the existing research on credit card, customer churn on Latin American bank data set
the data was splited mainly using two techniques – Hold out method and Tenfold
cross- validation method. The customer data was highly imbalanced. So for each type
split the models were built. The models were built for Original data, SMOTE data,
Undersampled data, Oversampled data and Combination of undersampling and
oversampling data for hold-out and Tenfold cross-validation techniques and results
were recorded. Multilayer Perceptron, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree (J48),
Random Forest, RBF Network and SVM were built and majority voting ensemble
system was used to determine the best model. It was observed that among various
methods tested, the results show that tenfold cross-validation method on SMOTED
data has yielded excellent results with 92.37% sensitivity, 91.40% specificity and
91.90% overall accuracy. In the existing research, the SMOTED dataset accuracy was
better than the original dataset whereas in this research the unbalanced dataset has
produced better accuracy results when compared to SMOTED dataset.
Also, Random Forest has produced excellent results in the existing research which was
alike to the results of this research where the random forest has yielded better results
when compared to other algorithms such as Logistic Regression, SVM and Neural
This section analyses the results obtained from the experiments done in the research.
This chapter evaluates the predictive power of the supervised machine learning models
built in chapter 4. Each model was compared by its accuracy. A comparison was also
performed with the results obtained with an imbalanced dataset and sampled data using
SMOTE technique.
An experiment was performed to find the best supervised machine learning model in
predicting the customer churn for the CU customer churn dataset. In this experiment,
the same set of experiment was performed twice one with the imbalanced dataset and
the other with balanced dataset using SMOTE sampling technique.
It has been observed that the supervised machine learning algorithms performed better
with imbalance dataset in terms of accuracy, precision and specificity as the evaluation
metrics. In terms of recall as the evaluation metrics, better results were produced with
the sampled dataset as compared to an imbalanced dataset. Imbalance dataset leads to
high accuracy as most of the data belongs to one class. The results were biased towards
the majority class. Once the data was balanced using sampling techniques the accuracy
will be slightly reduced and the recall percentage will be increased as it will balance
the data with both the class values.
In both the experiments, performed in terms of all the evaluation metrics the Random
Forest machine learning algorithm has outperformed the Logistic Regression, SVM
and Neural Network models.
The below graph was a comparison graph based on the accuracy measure of the
supervised machine learning algorithms used in this research – Logistic Regression,
Random Forest, SVM and Neural Network.
Figure 5.1: Accuracy Comparison graph
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was also plotted for the best
supervised model Random Forest in predicting the customer churn. The Area Under
Curve was calculated as 0.93 which is quite close to 1.
The ROC curve is a plot between true positive rate (Sensitivity) and false positive rate
(Specificity) for different cut-off points of a parameter. The area under the ROC curve
(AUC) is a measure of how well parameters can distinguish between churned and not
churned groups. The AUC is better if it is close to 1.
Here in this above plot, it could be seen that AUC was equal to 0.93 for the Random
Forest model which implies that this model is quite good in predicting the customer
churn for CU customer dataset.
As seen in the above chapter Implementation and Results Random Forest model has
the highest accuracy of 97%, recall as 98%, precision as 91% and specificity 97% so
this model was chosen as the best model for predicting customer churn in this dataset.
In much of the literature reviewed for this research, in few of the papers, it was
suggested that Support Vector Machine has provided better results. In one of the
research Vafeiadis, T (2016) Support Vector Machine has performed better than the
Logistic Regression and Neural Network.
In another research focused (Xie, Li, Nagi & Ying, 2008) on bank real dataset, the
Random Forest has outperformed Support Vector Machine. This research was focused
on a similar kind of dataset with class imbalance.
In a few of the financial bank-related dataset, only Neural Network was used to
determine customer churn prediction.
Thus the hypothesis, a random forest supervised machine learning model build using
the CU customer data, will achieve high accuracy (97%) than the other supervised
machine learning algorithms like Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine and
Neural Network, to predict the customer churn is accepted.
In both the experiments performed the Random Forest was the best model because of
the best parameters chosen for the model building. ‘class_weight’ as balanced was the
most important feature in building the random forest and due to that the Random
Forest was the best classifier for predicting customer churn.
The main strength of the research was its ability to precisely identify the customer
churn. The results suggest that the Random Forest model was the best predictor of CU
customer data when compared to Logistic Regression, SVM and Neural Network.
Another strength in this research was that the customer’s age, gender and area were
also considered, and they were the prominent predictors of identifying the customer
churn. The main strength of the research was CU members data was used to determine
Customer Churn prediction and there was not much research performed in this area.
Feature selection was used in this research which has increased the accuracy of the
The main limitation of the research was that the data was very imbalanced and due to
that the classifiers were more likely to be biased towards the majority class. Supervised
machine learning models have performed well with an imbalanced dataset as compared
to the balanced dataset. Also, there were so many Date time datatype variables present
in the dataset which were not taken into consideration in this research. Time series
model was not supported in this dataset. Another limitation was that the customers’
data of only one CU was used for this research so it cannot be the representative of the
other CU financial institutions. The customer base would be different for different CU
This chapter gives an overview of the research carried out. It summarises the results of
the experiment performed in predicting customer churn. The chapter summarises the
outcome of our research and derives proper interpretation from them. It summarises the
finding with respect to the research question which was set at the beginning of the
research: “Which supervised machine learning: Logistic regression, Random
forest, SVM or Neural network; can best predict the customer churn of CU with
the best accuracy, specificity, precision and recall?”
The goal of this research was to examine the predictive power of Supervised Machine
learning algorithms on CU customer dataset in predicting customer churn. CU is a
financial institution which is owned by its members and it is growing because of its
reasonable rate of interest, as discussed in the literature review. The four Supervised
machine learning algorithms were examined, Logistic Regression, Random Forest,
Support Vector Machine and Neural Network to predict whether the member will be
churned or retained with the institute. These four models were chosen for this research
based on previous research.
The supervised machine learning models aimed to predict whether the customer of CU
will churn or not. Many previous papers were dealt with the customer churn problem
of financial institutions like the bank, telecom industry. The papers reviewed for this
project did not cover CU customer data for churn prediction.
The main objective was to identify the supervised machine learning model with the
best accuracy in predicting the customer churn. Chapter two described previous
research carried out in this area, the various techniques and approaches applied to solve
the problem. Chapter three detailed the method and design approach adopted in the
current research to solve the problem. Chapter four outlined the implementation of the
models. Chapter five outlined the result analysis of the four supervised machine
learning models and compare their performance. The accuracy measure was considered
as the evaluation metrics to get the best model. It was found that the Random Forest
technique outperformed the other algorithms for both the experiments performed one
with imbalance dataset and others with balanced dataset using SMOTE technique. In
this research, it was found that all the models have performed better in the imbalanced
dataset on the contrary to the previous research on imbalance dataset. Therefore, the
alternative hypothesis was accepted that a random forest supervised machine learning
model build using the CU customer data, will achieve high accuracy (97%) than the
other supervised machine learning algorithms like Logistic Regression, Support Vector
Machine and Neural Network, to predict the customer churn.
Customer Churn calculation and monitoring are very important in all sectors of an
industry because it is far cheaper to retain old customers than to acquire new ones. CU
is a financial institution owned by its members so churn prediction will be helpful for
them to try to retain their existing members.
The literature review confirmed that many supervised machine learning techniques
have been evaluated in the research area to predict customer churn. The SVM and
Random Forest techniques were seen to be performed with good results for customer
churn prediction in previous research.
This research aimed to determine which supervised machine learning algorithm would
be best in predicting the customer churn on CU member dataset.
Currently, the CU has not adopted any techniques to identify the members who were
likely to leave the institution. Adopting machine learning technique in building and
evaluating the supervised machine learning techniques for CU member dataset has
contributed to gain further insight into the members and helps the CUs to know the
churn prediction.
The first step was data exploration, data cleaning. Variables with missing values more
than 60% were not considered in the final dataset. Variables with 2% to 30% missing
values were imputed with mean values for continuous variables and mode value for
categorical variables. Feature Selection was also performed using a correlation matrix
and using Extra tree classifier algorithm. The normal distribution of the continuous
variables was also identified using the histogram and by measuring skew and kurtosis.
Label encoding was performed as for machine learning models string data type was not
Finally, the data was divided into train and test data sets with 80% of data as training
and the remaining 20% as test datasets. Four supervised machine learning models
Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM and Neural Network were built on the
training data set. All the models were trained on same train dataset picked up randomly
and iterated for 40 times using for loop. They were tested on the test dataset. These
models were evaluated based on accuracy as the evaluation metrics. A ROC curve was
also plotted for the best model. In this research, Random Forest was the best in
predicting the customer churn for CU dataset.
This experiment was performed twice one for imbalanced dataset and the other for a
balanced dataset using SMOTE sampling technique.
The Random Forest model provided the highest accuracy of 97% in imbalance dataset
and 96% accuracy in a balanced dataset. Even the precision and recall percentage was
better for the random forest as compared to other models. All models performed with
better accuracy on imbalanced dataset instead of a balanced dataset in this research.
However, this was not true in the previous research papers.
Most of the customer churn prediction literature were performed on telecom or bank or
app dataset. In this research, the CU dataset was used which is unique. There is not
much research done on CU dataset to identify the customer churn prediction. The
research about CU churn prediction contributes literature for future research.
From the business point of view, it could be helpful for the institution to know the most
likely to leave members. They can increase customer retention. Moreover, retaining an
old customer is more beneficial financially than getting new customers. Also, in CU as
the members own the institute so it is hard for the institute to get the trustworthy
members, so it is important for the CU to retain their old customers.
Some future work identified throughout the project, which may be carried out. Here in
this research only one branch of the dataset was explored and analysed. In future,
another branch of CU dataset can be explored. Further research is needed to handle
datetime data type variables.
The four machine learning techniques were used in this project on the CU dataset.
Further other techniques can be explored as well. Different machine learning
algorithms can be explored, and data can be analysed.
Further research can be done to build the time-series model to predict customer churn.
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Logistic Regression
Random Forest
Neural Network
Results for SMOTED Sampled data
Logistic Regression
Random Forest
Neural Network