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A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the award of the Degree of


Vaibhav Shinde 69009

Yuvraj Prajapati 69031

Under Esteemed Guidance of

Mrs. Sayli M. Bhosale



(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
PALGHAR, 401404


(Note : All entries of the proforma of approval should be filled up with appropriate and
complete information. Incomplete proforma of approval in any respect will be summarily

PRN No. : 2019016401216704 Roll No. : 69009

1. Name of the Student :


2. Title of the Project :


3. Name of the Guide :


4. Teaching experience of the Guide :

5. Is this your first submission ? Yes No

Signature Of the Student Signature Of Guide

Date: ______________ Date : ______________

Signature of the Co-ordinator :

Date: ______________

~ ii ~
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)



This is to certify that the project entitled, " Online Season & Pass Ticketing System ",
is the bonafied work of MR. VAIBHAV SHINDE bearing Seat No. : 69009 submitted
in partial fulfilment of therequirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY from University of Mumbai.

Internal Guide Coordinator

External Examiner

Date: College Seal

~ iii ~

Although, the era of technology has opened a wide range of ideas for Android app
development as well as Software development, however some parts in the society remain
unaware & untouched by technology. One of the phenomena is the Pass System of Bus
Services in Maharashtra. Currently, the existing Pass issuing System of Maharashtra State
Rural Transport Corporation (MSRTC) has become outdated. Even today, MSRTC is
practising traditional pass system. In order to acquire Pass, passengers have to approach the
respective Depot Office, fill the form and then submit it to the counter, pay the fare and get a
paper printed pass ticket. These paper tickets are ought to gets damaged when in use; if this
paper ticket is damaged and he/she fails to show it to the conductor, then the respective
passenger have to purchase a new ticket on board; which is too wrong. Now-a-days, number
of people prefer travelling on pass tickets everyday either because of their work or education
(school/college students) which consumes lot of paper. Nearly every sector is adopting
paperless ticketing, then why not the State Transport system? Hence, there is a need to make
the current pass system digital & accessible to all the citizens.

Therefore, we came up with this idea to make Season & Pass Ticketing digital. This
project is an approach to reduce the fuss, confusion & to make it convenient for passengers to
access and take advantage of this service. Our system will not only be helpful for MSRTC but
also for the other existing bus services across India, such as Brihanmumbai Electric Supply
and Transport (BEST), Navi Mumbai Transport Corporation (NMTC), Thane Municipal
Transport (TMT), Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML), Delhi
Transport Corporation (DTC), and many more.

~ iv ~

Although we have taken efforts in this project, however, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We would like to
extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to our HOD of IT Department, Mr. Ashwin Bhagat for his
guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project & also for their support & co-operation in completing the project throughout this
We would like to express my gratitude towards our other respective faculty & our
Project in-charge Mrs. Sayli Bhosale of SDSM’s College, Palghar for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which helped us in completion of this project.
We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to the organization personals
for giving us such kind attention and time from their busy schedule to apprise us about the
current situation.
Our thanks and appreciations also go to all the people who have willingly helped me
out with their abilities….


I, hereby declare that the project entitled, “ ONLINE SEASON OR PASS

TICKETING SYSTEM” done at Palghar where the project is done, has not been in
any case duplicated to submit to any other university for the award of any degree. To the
best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree
be submitted as final semester project as part of our curriculum.



I, hereby declare that the project entitled, “ ONLINE SEASON OR PASS

TICKETING SYSTEM” done at Palghar where the project is done, has not been in
any case duplicated to submit to any other university for the award of any degree. To the
best of my knowledge other than me, no one has submitted to any other university.

The project is done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree
be submitted as final semester project as part of our curriculum.

~ vi ~

CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability ..................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Purpose.........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Scope............................................................................................................................3
1.3.3 Applicability ................................................................................................................4
1.4. Achievements ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. Organization of Report ...................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2 : SURVEY OF TECHNOLOGIES......................................... 6
CHAPTER 3 : REQUIREMENTS AND ANALYSIS .................................. 8
3.1 Problem Definition ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Requirements Specification ............................................................................................... 9
3.3 Software & Hardware Requirements ............................................................................. 10
3.3.1 Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Software Requirements .............................................................................................. 11
3.4 Conceptual Models........................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 4 : IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING ............................. 20
4.1 Code Testing ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Approach .......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Unit Testing ....................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Integration System ............................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER 5 : RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ........................................ 21
CHAPTER 6 : CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS ......................... 22
REFERENCES............................................................................................. 23

~ vii ~

Figure 3.4.1. Gantt Chart 12

Figure 3.6.1. ER Diagram 14
Figure 3.6.2. Use Case Diagram 15
Figure 3.6.3. Super Admin Role 15
Figure 3.6.4a. Employee Registration Activity 16
Figure 3.6.4b. Adding Route Activity 16
Figure 3.6.5. Conductor Role In Android Application 16
Figure 3.6.6. Passenger Activity In Android Application 17
Figure 3.6.7. Employee DFD Model 17
Figure 3.6.8. Pass DFD Model 18
Figure 3.6.9. Verification DFD Model 19

~ viii ~

1.1 Background

The Indian sub-continent is a land diverse in geography, people, language, and

culture. India is the seventh largest country by areas and second most populous country in
the world. While the nation has made great economic progress in recent decades, some
areas of the society find it difficult to adopt the technology; as a result, they fail to upgrade
their system according to the rapid social changes. Some organizations think that their
company is working fine without the technology then why should they upgrade? Many of
the organizations even fail to upgrade with the new technology because of high costs, lack
of correct knowledge, illiteracy & so on.

The population of India is increasing rapidly. According to the CIA World

Factbook, the population of India was 1.28 billion in 2017. The Asian Development Bank
reports that the country’s population density is 395 people per square km. 33.5% of the
population lives in urban areas while 66.5% still live in rural areas. 21.9% live underneath
the poverty line and only 71.2% of the population is literate.

Hence, this rapid growth in population is directly proportional to the number of

travellers within the country. As the population increases the number of passenger footfall
also increases. Many of these increasing number of passengers are daily commuters. They
commute everyday maybe either because of their job or schools/colleges. In India, almost
every corner is connected by the Railways, but trains cannot reach everywhere. This
problem is overcome by the roadways network. In India, bus is also considered as the
major mode of transport along with the railways. Many people prefer bus for their
commutations because there is always a bus stop near their offices, schools, colleges or
any other destinations. In the rural areas where buses are the only mode of transport, people
rely on them.

Instead of purchasing a new ticket every day, these daily commuters have to
purchase a Pass or a Season Ticket for travelling. Now, the problem arises when they have
to visit the main bus station or the depot for purchasing their passes in spite of their busy
schedules. Also, in the metro cities like Mumbai & Pune, there is a huge queue of

passengers for purchasing a pass/season pass tickets. This process consumes more time.
Even today, these Passes / Season tickets are usually made up of paper. These paper tickets
are somewhat difficult to maintain, they can easily get damaged because of its daily
carriage by the commuters. Carrying & taking care of paper pass tickets throughout its
expiry is hectic. As there are more daily passengers, more passes are needed which requires
more paper. In this era, where almost everything is gradually going paperless & getting
digitally upgraded with technology, then we can definitely make Pass / Season ticketing
fully digital & easily accessible to all the citizens.

1.2 Objectives

▪ To make Season & Pass ticketing paperless.

▪ To avoid confusion and fuss during travelling.
▪ To make Season & Pass ticketing convenient, easy & cashless.
▪ To make the ticket checking process faster & effective.
▪ To identify and study the passenger fleet behaviour during different timestamps &
▪ To make analysis of the average passenger footfall & average travelling distance
per passenger.
▪ To make the system accessible right from any smartphone at home convenience.
▪ To provide a reliable ticketing service which is easily accessible for passengers in
various metro cities such as Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru, Jaipur, etc.

1.3 Purpose, Scope and Applicability

1.3.1 Purpose
In our day-to-day life we’ve seen and even some of us may have
experienced some difficulties while purchasing a pass ticket. Although, we get
it instantly then too we have to approach the respective Bus stop or Depot even
during your busy schedules. When the Pass or Season Ticket gets expired & we
are uninformed or unaware about its expiry; if we travel in such situation then
we are ought to get fined by the officials. Sometimes, we get aware about the
expiry on the same day, but its too late to renew the pass because he/she have to
travel to reach his/her offices or workplaces. For a daily travelling worker or

employee gets tired because of his/her job, in these circumstances he/she may
forget to renew the pass.

On studying the above consequences, the State Transport Corporation &

other Government Transport Corporations not only in Maharashtra but also in
other states in India must have a system which can overcome these problems
effectively. So, we came up with this green solution which will prove to be
beneficiary for the officials as well as the passengers in many ways.

The goal of this project is to provide a system for our passengers and
coordinators so that they can avail the facility to opt for season tickets as well
as pass tickets much more quickly and effectively right from their smart phone
irrespective of their geographical location. We aim to accomplish this project
by the end December 2021.

1.3.2 Scope
This project consists creation of a Website along with an Android
Application. The android application will allow the passengers to access our
service right from their home convenience.
This project mainly focusses on the Government Transport Corporations
across India; however, this project can also be used for the other Private
Transport systems as a whole.
We’re initially making this Project especially for the Maharashtra State
Rural Transport Corporation (MSRTC) in this phase. We all must be knowing
that MSRTC was under developed until few years ago. This underdevelopment
of MSRTC was either because of lack of funds or expensive technologies. But,
today MSRTC is gradually adopting new technologies for better passenger
travelling experience. Online Reservation System (ORS) is one of them, ORS
has been already introduced by the organization a few years back. However,
there is no such system which provides online Passes and Season tickets until
today. Hence, we plan to make an inexpensive system which will prove to be a
cheap solution for the existing expensive technologies.
Some of the constraints of our system are :
• The system should follow the guidelines of State Transport
Corporation (MSRTC).
• Implementing the necessary requirements without any glitches.

• The System should be able to upgrade according to the future
• Maximum output in minimum budget.

1.3.3 Applicability

This project is designed for the MSRTC in the first phase; however, it
can also be useful to other Government State Transport Corporations in India,
we can design & build similar websites or apps for the other corporations also.

As conveyed earlier, our project consists of a website along with its App.
These components will be synced & connected to each other. Both the
components will provide a user-friendly interface with which the end user (i.e.,
the Passenger) as well as the employees and the administrator will be able to
interact with the system in a better and easy way.

Our System can even help in finding crowded routes among the other
routes in the future. The Official Management Team can introduce new services
on the existing routes or can introduce a new route based on this information
and passenger fleet trends.

1.4. Achievements
✓ While designing the project outline, we were able to study the different
challenges faced by the State Transport Corporations’ personals during their
fleet management.
✓ We came across the different passenger behavioural models during their transits.
✓ While implementing the proposed system, we came across a number of errors
& bugs; here we learnt how to debug & remove errors, hence improving logical
✓ We learned how to solve the real-world problems with the help of different
applications of IT.
✓ We gained experience of working in a team & importance of team spirit.
✓ We also learned how an actual project is implemented in the real world.

1.5. Organization of Report
Until now you must be having an idea of what our project is all about. Now, here
the question may arise that what we have exactly implemented in our project & how it is
going to solve the current problems of State Transport Corporation.

Well, you will get to know how the things work while you go across the further

Let us look a quick overview of the further chapters :

In the 2rd chapter, the survey of technologies of the proposed system is defined. It
consists of what work is already done in the field of this system, the exact information
about the past researches & what are the drawbacks or limitations of the previous project
works in this field & many more.

In the 3rd chapter, the analysis of the system is defined. It consists of what is the
existing system & problem definition, the exact solution to the problem & introduction
about the proposed system, what are the Software & Hardware requirements for
implementing the proposed system and also what technologies are used in this system.


Harshshikha Ambasta1, 2020 [1], This paper proposes a smart digital bus pass and payment
system by using android as a platform for development. This digital bus pass system contains
features that would help the daily commuters in their day-to-day bus journey not only with ease
of use, but also is proved to be a cost-efficient approach in comparison to the traditional system.
This work not only contributes to the society but also to the green India campaign eliminating
the use of paper. However, this paper does not show the implementation of QR Code but it
demonstrates the use of android application for pass ticketing that eases the hassle of
passengers travelling across the city, it offers a safe way of travelling.

Prof. Shital Kolte1, Ms. Geetanjali Kale2, Ms. Jayashree Korke3, Ms. Snehal Kandharkar4,
Ms. Pranali Gaikwad5, 2017 [2], According to this research paper, public transport bus
services are generally based on a regular operation of transit buses along a route calling at
agreed bus stops according to a published public transport timetable. So, peoples wait for the
bus on bus-stop as they are unaware about timings of buses which lead to time wastage.
Another is conductor required to conduct fare collection & passenger may face cash problems.
Like these, there are many problems faced by the current system. Public Transport system (PTS)
remains the major source of income in most of the developing countries like India. However,
PTS now faces severe malfunctions and various security problems. First, there is a lot of
confusion between the passengers regarding fares which lead to quarrels and chaos. The bus
ticketing system is expected to be fully automated, reliable, transparent and convenient.

Vasanta Sanga1, Priti Navale2, Mayuri Shirke3, Dhanashri Patil4, 2021 [3], This project
aims to provide an effective solution for maintaining Bus pass information using a database. In
this proposed system user register their details through online and get their unique user-id for
further processing. The bus pass will be differed for different types of users. In this bus pass,
all the required details such as candidate name, address, date of birth, mail id, name of the
school, validity period, amount paid and photo copy of the candidate are provided. Instead of
school details, working organization details will be provided in employees bus pass. User can
easily renew bus pass at the end of every month, if renewal not done by user, then automatically
pass will expire. This research paper does not contain anything about QR Code, but it states

that QR code scanning is time consuming; but that’s not the case. We all know that QR
scanning takes time, but it is less time consuming than the traditional ticketing system. Also
sometimes, there is a problem of currency change either at the conductor’s side or even at the
passenger’s side.

Mrs. Swati Chandurkar1, Sneha Mugade2, Sanjana Sinha3, Megharani Misal4 & Pooja
Borekar5, 2013 [4], This research paper comprises a standalone system which is designed to
display the real-time location(s) of the buses in city. This research enables the tracking devices
to obtain GPS data of the bus locations, which it will then transfer it to centralized control unit
and depict it by activating symbolic representation of buses in the approximate geographic
positions on the route map. Specific software’s will be used to interface the data received to
the map. The main Objectives of this research work are :
1. RTPIS rolling display on bus stops – expected time of arrival in real time.
2. Web based interface for control room to monitor buses in real time.
3. Mobile application for end user to find out bus schedules and RTPIS.

Nikita M. Barshettiwar1, Priyanka S. Yenurkar2, Sejal R. Shukla3, Trupti K. Chillawar4,

Prof. Vishakha Nagrale5, 2019 [5], This research work states that online bus pass generation
is already implemented in Andhra Pradesh as Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport
Corporation (APSRTC). The only drawback is the pass application form is available online it
is to be downloaded, get a print and then it is to be filled and submitted by hand. Online
transaction facility is not available. The proposed system in this work is intended to overcome
the major drawbacks of the existing manual system. This research work mainly focuses on the
students. Initially students need to register with the application by submitting details of photos,
address proof, adhaar card, name, date of birth, bank details & required details and submit
through online. They will verify yours detail and if they are satisfied, they will approve bus
pass. You can even renewal using credit card or other online transfer methods. This research
work does not make use of QR Code by any means.


3.1 Problem Definition

As the population increases the number of passenger footfall also increases. Many
of these increasing number of passengers are daily commuters. They commute everyday
maybe either because of their job or schools/colleges. In India, almost every corner is
connected by the Railways, but trains cannot reach everywhere. This problem is
overcome by the roadways network. In India, bus is also considered as the major mode
of transport along with the railways. Many people prefer bus for their commutations
because there is always a bus stop near their offices, schools, colleges or any other
destinations. In the rural areas where buses are the only mode of transport, people rely
on them.
This is era as technology is growing fast, so we need to update ourselves to be in
touch with new technology. The current process of bus ticketing is very slow and vapid
(tedious) process. For issuing bus pass customer needs to stand in long queue in Depot
which is time consuming and this process is hectic to employees which are in the Depot.
The digital bus pass issue system is in existence, but has same drawbacks. In existence
system the pass is regenerated every time. This is a tedious process, which require to
reprint pass every time. And in existence system does not provide any security option.

Currently, the existing Pass issuing System of Maharashtra State Rural Transport
Corporation (MSRTC) has become outdated, MSRTC is still practising traditional pass
system. Now, the problem arises when they have to visit the main bus station or the depot
for purchasing their passes in spite of their busy schedules. Also, in the metro cities like
Mumbai & Pune, there is a huge queue of passengers for purchasing a pass/season pass
tickets. This process consumes more time. These paper tickets are somewhat difficult to
maintain, they can easily get damaged because of its daily carriage by the commuters.
Carrying & taking care of paper pass tickets throughout its expiry is hectic. As there are
more daily passengers, more passes are needed which requires more paper.

3.2 Requirements Specification
Now-a-days, all processes are getting upgraded with online services to enable
active, effective & convenient option for accessing these processes. The solution for
the above-mentioned problem definition, is the Online Season & Pass Ticketing System.

The requirements of the current Season & Pass Ticketing System are as follows :
1) Avoiding Queues : The Online bus pass generation system should be
introduced that would be useful for all peoples to get bus pass online instead of
standing in long queues to obtain their passes.
2) Reduction in use of paper : Online bus pass generation system can prove to be
helpful because it reduces the paper work, takes less time and makes the process
of issuing bus pass in simple and faster way.
3) User Friendly Interface : User can refill their account and extend the validity
of pass every time when the pass expires. This project aims at providing an
effective solution for maintaining Bus pass information. The system has three
logins, one for user, one for the employee (conductor) and the other for admin.
Online bus pass Generation system is a web as well as android application for
people to get Bus passes online. Our system is intended to perform functionality
like accessing basic information for authentication and provide Bus pass for the
peoples without placing them in long queues. These systems provide security
option for women and provide tracking of smart card if in case smart card is lost.
The official in the bus would be able to verify the authenticity of the pass by
scanning the QR code provided on the pass with a recommended device.
4) Easy Maintenance : Digital bus pass system provides effective software for
maintaining the bus pass. Digital bus pass generating system would be useful
for p/p to get their bus pass online instead of standing in long queues for issues
their pass. This system is helpful as it reduces paper work, time consumption
and makes the process of issuing pass in simpler and faster way. User can use
generated pass for long time, just need to recharge their accounts and extend the
validity every time when pass expires. No needs to print pass every time after
pass recharge.
5) Authenticity : The admin and the conductor of the bus would be able to verify
the authenticity of the bus by scanning QR code which is provided on with the

recommended device like android mobile phone and after scanning it will notify
to user when pass is accessed.
6) Fleet Management : As the scheduled fleet is added by the employee
(conductor) on the day of journey, the respective records will be stored in the
database for further reference. The admin will be able to view the total fleets
managed by his depot.
7) Past Journeys : The passengers will be able to view their past journeys so that
they can get to know their travelling history.

//8) Identification of Crowded Routes : The identification of crowded routes will

be on the basis of the number of cards scanned in a particular fleet in its entire
day of service. At the end of the day the day, the number of cards scanned during
the fleet will be generated. The authorities can not only make use of this daily
information to introduce new services & routes but also to terminate/limit the

existing services.//[This Feature is not confirmed for our system yet]

3.3 Software & Hardware Requirements

3.3.1 Software Requirements
The software requirements of the proposed system are explained as follows :

1. XAMPP :
XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack
package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache
HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the
PHP and Perl programming languages. Since most actual web server
deployments use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning
from a local test server to a live server possible.
We used xampp as our local host for working, implementing & testing the
proposed system on our local computer system. For database, we used
MySQL with xampp’s phpMyAdmin database.

2. Visual Studio Code :

For writing the code, we used Visual Studio Code software which is a very
popular coding software today. Visual Studio Code provides an integrated
development environment for developers & it was made by Microsoft for
Windows, Linux and macOS. Its Features include support for debugging,

syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring,
and embedded Git. Users can change the theme, keyboard shortcuts,
preferences, and install extensions that add additional functionality.

3. Browser :
We’ve used Google Chrome browser which is a cross-platform web browser
developed by Google for the testing of our website. Google Chrome features
a minimalistic user interface, with its user-interface principles later being
implemented into other browsers.
It is not only a Cross Platform Browser but it also has Sleek Design, High
Speed, Safety and Security, Synchronization Across Devices, Powerful
Developer Console, Powerful Inbuilt Features & so on.
Hence, among all of the browsers we’ve preferred Google Chrome for
testing the proposed system.

4. Android Studio :
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for
Google's Android operating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA
software and designed specifically for Android development. It is available
for download on Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems or
as a subscription-based service in 2020. It is a better replacement for the
Eclipse Android Development Tools as the primary IDE for native Android
application development.
Hence, we found Android Studio as the best platform for the making of our
Android application for our proposed system. The passengers need to
download & install our “E-Pass” App, to get started with our service.

3.3.2 Hardware Requirements

1. Computer System/ Laptop :
For the making of any IT project, a computer/Laptop is always required.
This project was made on Asus ROG Gaming Laptop with following
specifications :
a) CPU : Intel i7 10thgen 10750H/BGA processor
b) RAM : 16GB
c) Storage : 1TB PCIE SSD (Raid 0)

d) VRAM : 6GB of “NVIDIA GEFORCE 1660ti” Graphics Card
e) OS : Windows 10 Pro 64Bit

3.4 Planning and Scheduling


3.5 Preliminary Project Description

Our System is designed to provide electronically generated digital Card through
our website/app which will contain a QR Code, Passenger’s photo, Age, Card Expiry
Date & College Name (for Concession Students) on it. For generating the digital card,
every Passenger will have to register himself, upload the photo & ID proof and pay for
the required card plan. After successful payment & verification, digital card will be
generated. The scanner device will be installed on the conductor’s mobile phone which
will scan the Barcode on the digital Card when scanned by the mobile scanner device.
All the data of that bus will be fetched from the centralized information system of the
respective Bus facility provider or company, (e.g., Mumbai-BEST, VVMT, TMC,
NMTC; Pune-PMPML, PCMC; Jaipur-JCTSL, Delhi-DTC, etc.). The Mobile Scanner
will check the Card holder’s information from the Database and will give a notification
which will verify that the person travelling in the bus is authorized.

If required there can two types of Cards -
(a) City Travel Permit Card – Allowed to travel within the city.
(b) Multicity Permit Card – Allowed to travel in more than one city.
Every passenger will have to scan his/her digital Card upon boarding the
appropriate bus. The onboard Conductor will scan their card, on successful verification
the passenger will be allowed to travel in the bus & if a passenger’s card fails to get
authorized, then he/she will have to purchase ticket onboard.

To achieve the above mentioned functions to run smoothly, the working will be
distributed among the users as per their category or jobs. There will exist one Super
Admin, Admins, Employees and at last the passengers. Each category personals’ roles
& functions are explained as follows :
1. Super Admin :
i. Super Admin login will be given to the owner of the Transport
Corporation (here MSRTC).
ii. Super Admin will have access to add the Admins.
2. Admins :
i. Admins’ login is for the Depot Managers & Fleet Controllers.
ii. Admins will specify & add the routes on which that respective
depot runs its services.
iii. Admin can not only add routes but can also register (add) the
employee working at his/her depot.
3. Employees :
i. Employees are the conductors in our system.
ii. Before the commencement of the scheduled service, very
employee will first add the bus which is assigned on any respective
route through our app.
iii. After the registration of the fleet (bus) information, the conductor
will get himself assigned for the respective service electronically.
iv. Now, the conductor will be able to scan the passenger cards by
opening the scanner in the app.
v. Every scanned card will be verified by the app & then will be
added to the database containing the fleet information in which the
passenger is travelling.

4. Passengers :
i. Passengers will have to go through the registration process by
filling their accurate details.
ii. After the registration, passengers need to verify their profile by
uploading their valid Identity proof. (It will take 1-2 Days to verify)
iii. Once the registration is done, the passenger will be able to LogIn
into the system.
iv. After Logging In, passenger can purchase the Pass or Season
Ticket as per his/her need.
v. After successful payment Pass Card will be generated bearing
passenger’s Photo, Name, Pass ID, Route Name, Expiry & Service
vi. Every passenger will have to get their card scanned by the
conductor while travelling onboard.

3.6 Conceptual Models

The Conceptual Models includes the ER Diagram, Use Case Diagram, and Activity
Diagrams which explains the role of every person involved in the entire process of Pass
Card Generation as well as its implementation. The models are further declared according
to their decreasing order of designation as follows :

3.6.1 ER Diagram :


3.6.2 Use Case Diagram :


3.6.3 Super Admin (Owner) Activity Diagram :


3.6.4 Admin (Depot/Fleet Manager) Activity Diagram :


3.6.5 Employee (Conductor) Activity Diagram :


3.6.6 Passenger Activity Diagram :


3.6.7 Employee (Conductor) Data Flow Diagram :


3.6.8 Pass Cards Data Flow Diagram :


3.6.9 Passenger Data Flow Diagram :


3.6.10 (Optional)


4.1 Code Testing

4.2 Approach
4.2.1 Unit Testing
4.2.2 Integration System


Our system can also prove to be applicable for fleet management system, which can
able to track the location of the enrouted buses based on the passengers’ or employees’ location.
In case of any emergency situations, such as bus breakdowns, punctures, accidents, road
closures etc., our system can send an SOS signal to the administrator (i.e., the Depot Manager).
In this way, the Depot Manager can take the necessary action in response to the situation; for
example, he/she can send an extra bus to rescue the broke down bus according to the location.
This will enable to take quick & faster action in accordance to different emergency situations.

1. “Digital Bus Pass and Payment System”, Harshshikha Ambasta1, Department of
Computer Application, Jain University, Jayanagar Bangalore, India.
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD) - Vol. 04
Issue:02, 2020. ISSN : 2456-236X.

2. “A Review on Smart Bus Ticketing System using QR-Code”, Prof. Shital Kolte1
Miss. Geetanjali Kale2, Jayashree Korke3, Snehal Kandharkar4, Pranali Gaikwad5,
Department of Computer Engineering, G. S. Moze College of Engineering, Balewadi,
Pune, India. IJSRD - Vol. 5, Issue 10, 2017. ISSN : 2321-0613.

3. “Digital Bus Pass Generation System”, Vasanta Sanga1, Priti Navale2, Mayuri
Shirke3, Dhanashri Patil4, Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s ICOER,
Wagholi, Pune. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Volume:08; Issue: 01, Jan 2021; e-ISSN : 2395-0056, p-ISSN : 2395-0072.

4. “Implementation of Real Time Bus Monitoring and Passenger Information

System”, Mrs. Swati Chandurkar1, Sneha Mugade2, Sanjana Sinha3, Megharani Misal4,
Pooja Borekar5, Computer Department, MAEER’S MIT AOE, Alandi (D) University
of Pune 411015, Maharastra, India. International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications (IJSRP), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013, ISSN : 2250-3153.

5. “Online Bus Pass System: A Survey”, Nikita M. Barshettiwar1, Priyanka S.

Yenurkar2, Sejal R.Shukla3, Trupti K. Chillawar4, Prof. Vishakha Nagrale5, Department
Of Computer Science & Engineering, RCERT, Chandrapur.
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719.


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