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Rizki Nurul Nugraha Analysis of Service Quality

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West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship

Vol. 2, No. 02, May 2024, pp. 222~232

Analysis of Service Quality on the Best Hotels in Kalimantan Based on Website

Rizki Nurul Nugraha

Nasional University

Article Info ABSTRACT

A hotel must certainly provide the best service in order to provide a satisfying
Article history: and pleasant experience for guests. If the quality of service provided is not
satisfactory for guests, it will get negative feedback, so that the image of the
Received May, 2024
hotel decreases. This study aims to analyze the quality of service at the best
Revised May, 2024
hotels in Kalimantan based on guest reviews from website. This
Accepted May, 2024
type of research is qualitative, with qualitative descriptive analysis methods.
Data collection was carried out by observing guest reviews in the top 5 hotels
from the list of the best hotels in Kalimantan based on the website
Keywords: The results showed that the analysis of the service quality of the five best hotels in Kalimantan based on website, what needs to be considered is
Hotel the quality of cleanliness, staff service, guest comfort, adequate facilities, and
Kalimantan strategic location are the added points of the hotel.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Quality of Service

Corresponding Author:

Name : Rizki Nurul Nugraha, S.S.T.Par., M.M.Par

Institution : Universitas Nasional, Jl. Sawo Manila No.61, RT.14/RW.7, Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Daerah
Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12520
Email :

1. INTRODUCTION important aspects of service quality, such as

One of the largest islands in Indonesia, consistent reliability in providing promised services,
Kalimantan, offers a variety of interesting tourist reliability in helping customers, certainty of
destinations and amazing natural wealth. With the knowledge and hospitality of staff, personal
increase in the number of tourists visiting, the need empathy to customers, and tangible aspects such as
for quality accommodation is also increasing. Service good facilities and infrastructure [4]. With these
quality is key to a hotel's success, based on guests' aspects, it can improve the quality of better service,
stay experiences [1]. The website, one as well as increase customer satisfaction, customer
of the most popular hotel booking platforms in the loyalty, and added value for the company.
world, provides reviews and ratings that become In recent years, the hotel industry in
valuable references for potential guests in choosing a Kalimantan has experienced significant
hotel with the best quality of service [2]. development. This development was driven by
Service quality is the level of excellence of a increased investment in the tourism sector as well as
service which is measured by how far the service supporting infrastructure such as transportation and
meets or exceeds customer expectations [3]. Some public facilities that were quite complete [5]. New

Journal homepage:

West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship  223

hotels are emerging offering the best range of 2.2 Quality of Service
facilities and services to attract domestic and Quality of Service is a concept that gives an
international tourists to stay. However, the idea of how well a service provided matches
increasing number of hotels creates increasingly customer expectations, covering various aspects of
fierce competition. Hotels are competing to improve interaction from response to requests to overall
the quality of their services, in order to provide customer experience. Important factors that measure
positive satisfaction for guests, thus attracting more a quality of service consist of, reliability,
guests [6]. Therefore, guest reviews from booking responsiveness, certainty, empathy, and physical
websites such as, become very manifestity [11]. The quality of service at the hotel
important as a guideline for evaluating the quality of consists of various aspects that are designed to
services offered by all hotels. provide guests with a satisfying and highly
This study aims to analyze the quality of memorable experience. Key factors such as reliability
service at the best hotels in Kalimantan based on in providing competent service, quick
guest reviews from website. With this responsiveness in responding to guest requests and
analysis, we hope to provide an overview of the complaints, assurance of professionalism and
standard of service offered by hotels in Kalimantan, competence of hotel staff, empathy with attention
as well as what factors affect guest satisfaction [7]. and concern for guest welfare, and physical
This research also identifies the advantages and manifestation that includes cleanliness and comfort
weaknesses of the service quality of each hotel, of hotel facilities. Quality of service is essential to
which is a benchmark for hotel managers in increase guest satisfaction and loyalty, provide a
improving the quality of their services. The results of competitive advantage, reduce future complaints,
this analysis are not only useful for guests in finding and increase the profitability of a business [12].
references for accommodation options, but also for
the hospitality industry in improving 2.3 Customer Reviews
competitiveness and service quality in market Customer reviews are comments given by
competition [8]. In addition, it can also provide customers after using the products or services of a
valuable insights for all stakeholders and hotel business. Usually reviews are submitted through
management can improve their service standards. online platforms such as websites, social media, or
specialized applications. These reviews are in the
form of personal customer experiences, positive or
negative ratings, and assessments regarding the
2.1 Hospitality Industry
quality of products or services received by customers
The hospitality industry is part of the [13]. Customer reviews are very useful for a
tourism sector, which provides a wide range of business, because they can find out the level of
lodging services and facilities, food and beverages, customer satisfaction, identify problems that must be
recreation, and other services. This industry includes fixed, build trust with potential customers, and can
hotels, motels, resorts, and various other types of improve the quality of service [14].
accommodation. In addition to providing temporary
housing, the hospitality industry also offers other
additional services, such as restaurants, spas, fitness
centers, conference rooms, and entertainment This research was conducted by observing
activities to meet guests' needs and comfort [9]. This and analyzing guest reviews how the quality of
industry is one of the industries that plays an service from the list of the best hotels in Kalimantan,
important role in the global economy by creating based on the web from this link
jobs, supporting the tourism sector, and contributing
to local revenues through taxes and tourist spending The number of hotels from the list is 30
[10]. hotels, but the author only chooses the top 5 hotels
from the list, to find out how the quality of service

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from these hotels. This type of research is qualitative, is one of the largest online
which is research that focuses on deep travel agencies in the world, founded in 1996 by
understanding and interpretive of a phenomenon Geert-Jan Bruinsma, a student of Universiteit
[15]. The analysis method used is descriptive Twente. At first was called
qualitative, which describes the data that has been, and in 2000 merged with
collected, without the intention to make conclusions Bookings Online, which operated as
where this is general [16]. Data collection was carried Eventually the name and URL were changed to
out by observing guest reviews in the top 5 hotels In 2010-2012, launched
from the list of the best hotels in Kalimantan based mobile apps for iPad, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch,
on website. The author accessed the Windows 8, and Kindle Fire. offers a
website on May 15, 2024. range of features and services for accommodations,
including the ability to fully manage properties,
manage prices, and accept direct bookings [17].
4.1 Profile

Figure 1. Website

Source :

The picture above is the homepage of In this study, the author chose the list of 30 website, where website visitors are Best Hotels in Kalimantan from the
greeted with various choices of information they website from the following link
want. Not only information, website visitors can also
book tickets, hotel rooms, restaurants, and more However, the author only chooses the top
through the website, by creating their own account 5 from the list to analyze how the quality of service
in order to use the website as a at these hotels. Here are the top 5 Best Hotels in
platform for online booking about travel and Kalimantan based on website:
tourism. 1) Ibis Samarinda Hotel
4.2 Top 5 Hotel in Kalimantan According to 2) Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention
3) Mercure Samarinda Hotel make a list of the best places 4) Platinum Hotel and Convention Hall
that people can come, one of which is a list of the best Balikpapan
hotels in an area. They made a list of the best hotels 5) Ibis Pontianak City Center
based on the reviews of the hotel's original guests.

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Ibis Samarinda Hotel Aston Samarinda Hotel and Mercure Samarinda Hotel
Convention Center

Platinum Hotel and Convention Ibis Pontianak City Center

Hall Balikpapan
Figure 2. Top 5 Hotel in Kalimantan According to
Source :

4.3 Service Quality Analysis Not only five ratings, also
provides reviews based on the quality of hotel always make a list of the best
services which are divided into 7 categories, namely
hotels in several regions to be a reference for its users
staff service, facilities, cleanliness, comfort, value for
if they want to book a hotel room. They created the
money, location, and Wi-Fi. The results of the review
list not based on personal opinion, but based on
will display the score by showing a 3-color graph,
reviews from users of their website or mobile app.
namely green with a high score, blue for average,
For reviews in divided into five
and red for low scores. By displaying these reviews,
ratings, namely:
users can search for hotel references
• Excellent with a score of 9+
with good quality. The following is an analysis of
• Good with a score of 7-9
consumer satisfaction from the 5 Best Hotels in
• Not bad with a score of 5-7
Kalimantan based on guest reviews of hotels in
• Bad with a score of 3-5
• Very Bad a score of 1-3
1) Ibis Samarinda Hotel

Figure 4. Ibis Samarinda Hotel

Figure 3. Ulasan

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The best hotel at the top of the list is Ibis From a total of 96 reviews, Hotel Ibis
Samarinda, precisely located on Jl. Mulawarman Samarinda received 51 excellent reviews, 40 good
No.171, Pelabuhan Kec. Samarinda Kota, Samarinda reviews, 4 decent reviews, and 0 bad and very bad
City, East Kalimantan. The hotel has an average reviews. Here are some examples of
review score of 8.7 from 96 reviews, which makes user reviews of Hotel Ibis Samarinda:
Hotel Ibis Samarinda a great hotel.

User Reviews
Abdenor “Shopping malls and neighborhoods"
"No wifi! or wifi network is not good in gym.”
Andi "Like it here because it is strategic, the room fits. Clean,,,especially the coffee n co in the lobby,
David “Breakfast was average...yes...eggs, toast , fruit was was ordinary...cant believe a country
that grows so much coffee doesn't know how to make a good cup. Hot food was very
ordinary...nothing exceptionally inspiring in there.. the chef looks tired...”
“Wifi was terrible...ok on the ground floor lobby, but useless in the rooms...kept dropping out
constantly...not just me...but others state g in the hotel said same...”
Niko “There is a small mall with many restaurants and a groceries store beside the hotel and a coffee place
with live music on weekend.”

Based on reviews from hotel guests, the hotel, such as the quality of the poor wi-fi signal in
quality of service at Hotel Ibis Samarinda has several the room and the breakfast menu that is considered
advantages and disadvantages. For the advantages ordinary. Overall, the strategic location and
of this hotel, including a strategic location that has cleanliness of the hotel are good points for the htel,
easy access to go to shopping centers and but it needs to be improved again the quality of
restaurants, room cleanliness that gets praise from service from guest wi-fi and breakfast to provide a
guests, and the presence of Coffee n Co in the lobby more satisfying experience.
is a favorite that adds to the attraction. While the 2) Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center
shortcomings that need to be considered from this

Figure 5. Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center

The best hotel in second place is Aston From a total of 105 reviews, Aston
Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center, precisely Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center received 54
located on Jl. Pangeran Hidayatullah, Pelabuhan Kec. excellent reviews, 42 good reviews, 8 decent reviews,
Samarinda Kota, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan. The 1 bad review, and 0 very bad reviews. Here are
hotel has an average review score of 8.4 from 105 examples of some user reviews Aston
reviews, which labels Aston Samarinda Hotel and Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center :
Convention Center as an excellent hotel.

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User Reviews
Dewi “Near SCP mall"
"Towels are not available and the afternoon is just delivered. Uncommon laundry deals”
Maria "Breakfast is great. Clean sheets, clean pillowcases, clean bedcover, clean towels &; clean room.
Strategic location, there is a mall near the hotel."
“The turmeric rice was clotted.”
Priyo “Room is larger than usual, clean and neat, strategic location (near/integrated) samarinda central
plaza mall), spacious parking since sharing with scp mall, large pool, and delicious and various
breakfast menu with affordable price.”
“Since shared parking with mall, sometimes you need more time to find parking slot, and there is
baththub in the bathroom. personally i dont like it since consuming much water.”
Regina “The staffs are nice. Fast check in & check out. Clean rooms.
The air-con control in my room (1524) wasn't functional at all.”
Sebastian “Staff is exceptionally friendly, helpful and professional. Very good breakfast with many options. Very
strategic location.”
“The rooms badly need renovation and the air conditioning system needs renewal. Almost no sound-
proofing whatsoever Smoking areas must be properly separated - indoor smooking is a no-go without
separating walls.”

Based on these reviews, the service quality Overall, Aston Samarinda Hotel and
of Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center Convention Center received positive reviews on the
has several advantages and disadvantages. The quality of their service, it needs to be maintained
advantages of the hotel include: stable. However, some shortcomings of service
• Strategic location, close to shopping quality that need to be improved again such as the
center availability of facilities, food quality, and physical
• Adequate facilities such as large rooms, condition of rooms to improve the stay experience of
large swimming pools, and large guests.
parking areas. 3) Mercure Samarinda
• Varied breakfast menu
• Room cleanliness and quality of sheets,
pillowcases, and towels also received a
positive response
• Hotel staff are very friendly, helpful,
and professional
Some negative reviews to note, such as:
• Guests complaining about the Figure 6. Mercure Samarinda Hotel
availability of towels that were only
delivered in the afternoon The best hotel in third place is Mercure
• There is still a breakfast menu that is of Samarinda, precisely located on Jl. Jl. Mulawarman
poor quality No. 171, Port, Kec. Samarinda Kota, Samarinda City,
• The quality of the air conditioner is not East Kalimantan. This hotel has an average review
working in some rooms score of 8.4 from 111 reviews, which labels Hotel
• Parking that shares land with the mall, Mercure Samarinda as an excellent hotel.
makes guests look for parking longer. From a total of 111 reviews, Hotel Mercure
• Lack of soundproofing in rooms Samarinda received 52 excellent reviews, 53 good
• Distance between smoking area and less reviews, 5 decent reviews, 1 bad review, and 0 very
distant room bad reviews. Here are some examples of

Vol. 2, No. 02, May 2024: pp. 222-232

West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship  228 user reviews of Mercure Hotel


User Reviews
Franco “Location, variety of foods, clean and spacious room.”
“They did not give us a crib for the baby despite having requested it a long time ago”
Ismail “Cool, the commitment to environmental sustainability is great. Marked from the room card using
wood. First time encountered"
"Elevator access at crowded times feels less because only 2"
Raafid “I book 2 rooms for maximum 4 people. I paid the amount for 2 people for each room. But at the breakfast
they only allowed 1 people each room to enter the restaurant.”
Rahmat "Comfortable hotel, friendly and communicative officers, complete facilities, hotel restaurants and
others are available with a variety of menus, comfortable swimming pools and safety, XXI and cafes are
available in 1 location, Children Want to come back to stay... Be a recommendation for friends and
"Don't like it when the stay time is up...."
Soon “Wifi connection is lousy”
“Improve on the wifi network”

Based on these reviews, the service quality 4) Platinum Hotel and Convention Hall Balikpapan
of Mercure Hotel Samarinda has several advantages
and disadvantages. The advantages consist of a
strategic location with XXI cinema and café in one
location, a diverse food menu, complete facilities,
and clean and spacious rooms. Some guests also
praised the hotel's commitment to environmental
sustainability, such as the use of wooden room cards.
In addition, the staff service is also friendly and Figure 7. Platinum Hotel and Convention Hall
communicative, making guests feel at home and Balikpapan
want to stay again. Some shortcomings to note from
the review, such as guest complaints on baby cot The best hotel in order keempad is Platinum
requests not being met, inadequate elevators when Hotel and Convention Hall Balikpapan, precisely
the hotel is crowded because there are only two located at Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.28, Graha Indah,
elevators, complaints about the breakfast policy that Kec. North Balikpapan, Balikpapan City, East
only allows one person per room even though it has Kalimantan. The hotel has an average review score
paid for two people, and poor wi-fi connection. of 8.6 from 67 reviews, which makes Platinum Hotel
With its strategic location, cleanliness, and and Convention Hall Balikpapan a great hotel.
staff service that get positive reviews, this is an From a total of 67 reviews, Platinum Hotel
added point for Mercure Hotel Samarinda. and Convention Hall Balikpapan received 40
However, there are some service qualities that need excellent reviews, 24 good reviews, 2 decent reviews,
to be improved, such as guest request response, 1 bad review, and 0 very bad reviews. Here are some
elevator access, breakfast policies, and wi-fi network examples of user reviews of Platinum
quality that can improve the hotel guest's stay Hotel and Convention Hall Balikpapan:

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User Reviews
Bryan “Quite possibly one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in. I was one of the very few foriengers staying
in BPN and I was happy to stumble upon this hotel. The staff were amazing and very kind as well as
patient with me even when I accidentally tipped over the pot of boiled bananas in the breakfast area
like an idiot. To start off, there's a sky bar on the top of hotel if you're looking to chill by yourself or
hang out with friends and family. The restaurant and bar has decent choices for what to order. The
breakfast has a ridiculous amount of food to choose whether it's western or local indonesian foods.
There's also a fitness room and spa if you're interested in that and the hotel is very close to most places
in the city. I was here in BPN to meet a friend and would definitely stay here again should I visit
“For people who like to use the pool, it was out of order at the time of my stay and don't know if it's
up and running or not.”
Grace “Very comfy beds, pleasant staff, breakfast was great with lots of options. Gym is great with excellent
“We arranged an airport pickup but were disappointed by the car showing up an hour late. When we
asked what happened, they said it was due to traffic- however this didn’t seem to be true as they sent
a message saying be there in 15 minutes (the total travel time) only after we followed after landing
and waiting a while. Apart from that it was a good stay.”
Juliane “A wonderful stopover in a wonderful hotel”
“foc airport shuttle big room wonderful shower fantastic spa nice pool”
“next to a mosque so it was a bit loud from time to time”
Junisa “Breakfast is pretty good, clean room, hot water in the bathroom is very good”
"I'm in room 726. At night at 8.30 I called housekeeping to ask for tissues. It turns out that until
check out is not delivered, service is lacking in my opinion. In the room also noise at 10 pm.. There
was a sound of untech.. tak tek.. super noisy until I can't sleep.. I don't know the sound of electricity...
or there is huka huka nya.. until I open the door.. kirain there are people.. It turned out that there was
no one outside at all. But the sound until dawn was still heard. if there is no sound in the morning..
When taking a bath, there are also those who are stuck 3 times.. It turns out that there is no one.. The
bellboy is also the one.. it's not that I'm stingy.. I was carried with me one of my suitcases... In front
of the door my goods have been entered.. I've said thank you.. I don't want to give tips. But she even
kind of went in deliberately to see my husband. like waiting for tips.. finally given to my husband..
shouldn't be like that.. If in another hotel, even the bellboy deliberately finished putting things. even
we are the ones who call.. this is not.. don't want to go like waiting for something. The location is also
far from the city."
Marc “Massage and sauna facilities”
“Not a cozy bar”

Based on these reviews, the quality of as the swimming pool is not opened when some
service at Platinum Hotel and Convention Hall guests stay, complaints of late pick-up from the
Balikpapan has several advantages and airport for no apparent reason, soundproofing that is
disadvantages. Some of its advantages, such as less than the room, slow housekeeping service,
friendly and very helpful staff; a wide selection of according to guests there are bellboys who seem to
breakfast menus; good gym facilities; free airport wait for tips, complaints that the bar at the hotel is
shuttle service; comfortable and clean hotel rooms; not comfortable enough, and the location of the hotel
hot water in a bathroom that works well; and has a is quite far from the city center.
strategic location close to many interesting places. Overall, the quality of the facilities and some
While shortcomings that need to be considered, such of the staff's services received positive reviews.

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However, some shortcomings that need to be noted, The best hotel in fifth place is Hotel Ibis
such as noise, service delays, and the attitude of Pontianak City Center, precisely located on Jl.
some staff need to be improved, to improve the Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.81, Parit Tokaya, Kec.
destructive experience for in-house guests. Pontianak Sel., Pontianak City, West Kalimantan.
5) Hotel Ibis Pontianak City Center This hotel has an average review score of 8.3 from
141 reviews, which labels Ibis Pontianak City Center
as an excellent hotel.
From a total of 141 reviews, Hotel Ibis
Pontianak City Center received 64 excellent reviews,
66 good reviews, 4 decent reviews, 9 bad reviews,
and 1 very bad review. Here are some examples of user reviews of Hotel Ibis Pontianak
Figure 8. Hotel Ibis Pontianak City Center City Center:

User Reviews
Alawi “The hotel is very simple”
“The noise and sound insulation are poor, there is no refrigerator, and the bathroom is very small”
Indah “Staff so quayet feeling not respecfull check in make it hard time and take to loong. Bathroom fell
like in box like a in airplane the sink was block!! We booking for 5 room Never be back!! Not worth
good experience”
Jiri “good”
“sometimes the air feels stale and uncomfortable especially at night, cannot open a window to let in
some fresh air.”
Keaton “we will not be staying here ever again due to the severa issued caused by the property and staff”
“the song that plays in the elevator, too bad it doesn't play the whole song”
“ants and dirty shower. they offered to switch my room because of the smoke coming through the
vents but i felt like that would not have helped so i declined. the man who checked me in gave me
bad keys which caused confusion for a week”
Khaswan “To improve for more comfortable and satisfactory stay”
“Clean bath room and room, and they have smoking room as I am a smoker”
“Dirty bolsters cover perhap never been change at all, mattress cover and blanket also not change
perhap I only book for a day stay, one card key”
Piliokahe “Room layout is good - outlets for charging,place to open luggage”
Yohantj22 “I like the bed the most. Bed and pillows are comfy. Hotel location is very nice. Easy access to many
“Shower room is a bit narrow. And the water was a bit clogged, so not easily drained”

Based on these reviews, the service quality • Inadequate ventilation

of Hotel Ibis Pontianak City Center has several • Room facilities are minimal, such as no
advantages and disadvantages. The advantages mini bar and small bathroom area
include a strategic location with easy access to many • Some guests' check-in experiences are
places, good room layout, quality rooms that are unpleasant and take a long time
rated clean by some guests, and providing special • Some staff are less friendly and less
smoking rooms for guests who need them. However, respectful
there are some hotel guest complaints, such as: • Some guests who still complain about
• Complaints about poor soundproofing the poor cleanliness of the room

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• Problematic or incorrect room key given of the staff who can assist with guests' needs, will
• Complaints of smoke smell coming from make guests feel appreciated. Guests such as
the vents soundproofing in guest rooms, will give guests peace
To improve the quality of service, Hotel Ibis of mind during their stay. The quality of good and
Pontianak City Center needs to correct some adequate facilities will make guests satisfied staying
shortcomings found from reviews, such as at the hotel. Plus the strategic location, it will make it
improving the quality of sound insulation in rooms, easier for guests to find interesting things around the
improving ventilation, adding more complete room hotel, such as Malls, cinemas, restaurants, and more.
facilities, increasing the hospitality of staff services, By paying attention to these aspects, a hotel is
and ensuring better room cleanliness. That way, the guaranteed to get a positive response from its guests,
hotel can improve the quality of service and increase and allow guests to come back to stay.
guest satisfaction.
5. CONCLUSION The authors would like to express their deepest
Based on the analysis of the service quality gratitude to all those who have contributed to the
of the five best hotels in Kalimantan based on completion of this article. Without the support and website, some service qualities that assistance of various parties, this article would not be
need to be considered are the quality of cleanliness, able to be completed. Thank you to all those who
staff service, guest comfort, adequate facilities, and directly or indirectly participated in the completion
strategic location are the added points of the hotel. of this article. All your contributions are very
Quality cleanliness is very important for the success meaningful for the completeness and quality of this
of a hotel, with good cleanliness guests will feel article. Hopefully this article can provide benefits
comfortable while staying at the hotel and provide a and positive contributions. Thank you all for your
satisfying experience to guests. The friendly service attention and support.

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Rizki Nurul Nugraha, SST. Par., MM.Par, Graduate from master Program Tourism
Administration STP Bandung 2015, Lecture at Nasional University Jakarta. As a tourism
consultant specialist for Tourism Planning and Development.

ORCID: 0009000734368750

Vol. 2, No. 02, May 2024: pp. 222-232

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