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The Impact of Hotel Customer Experience on Customer Satisfaction through

Online Reviews

Article  in  Sustainability · January 2022

DOI: 10.3390/su14020848


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Hak-Seon Kim
Kyungsung University


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The Impact of Hotel Customer Experience on Customer
Satisfaction through Online Reviews
Yae-Ji Kim 1 and Hak-Seon Kim 2,3, *

1 School of Global Studies, Kyungsung University, 309 Suyoungro, Nam-gu, Busan 48434, Korea;
2 Wellness & Tourism Big Data Research Institute, Kyungsung University, 309 Suyoungro, Nam-gu,
Busan 48434, Korea
3 School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Kyungsung University, 309 Suyoungro, Nam-gu,
Busan 48434, Korea
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-51-663-4473

Abstract: With the growing popularity of the internet, customers can easily share their experiences
and information in online reviews. Consumers recognize online reviews as a useful source of infor-
mation prior to consumption, and many online reviews influence consumer purchasing decisions.
Understanding the customer experience in online reviews is thus necessary to maintain customer
satisfaction and repurchase intention for the sustainable development of the hotel business. This
study assessed the fundamental selection attributes of customers from online reviews reflecting the
hotel customer experience, and investigated their association with customer satisfaction. A total of
8229 reviews were collected from Google travel websites from December 2019 to July 2021. Text min-
ing and semantic network analysis were adopted for big data analysis. Factor and regression analyses
were then used for quantitative analysis. Based on linear regression analysis, the Service and Dining
factors significantly affected customer satisfaction. Service is a critical selection attribute for cus-
 tomers, and the provision of more particular services is necessary, especially after COVID-19. These
 results indicate that understanding online reviews can provide theoretical and practical implications
Citation: Kim, Y.-J.; Kim, H.-S. The for developing sustainable strategies for the hotel industry.
Impact of Hotel Customer Experience
on Customer Satisfaction through Keywords: online review; customer experience; customer satisfaction; selection attribute; text mining;
Online Reviews. Sustainability 2022, semantic network analysis
14, 848.

Academic Editor: Ja-Shen Chen

1. Introduction
Received: 27 October 2021
Accepted: 7 January 2022
When tourists plan to travel and book accommodations, they often search for hotels
Published: 12 January 2022 they have never been to before. Acquisition of hotel information can reduce the risk of
choosing poorly. Traditionally, word of mouth (WOM) from friends has been used to
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
reduce risks, and with the popularity of the internet, electronic word of mouth (eWOM)
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
is becoming important [1,2], as consumers begin to trust in WOM transmitted over the
published maps and institutional affil-
internet [3,4]. Commonly, consumers want to express or share their opinions and seek
information via digital means [5,6]. Filieri and McLeay [7] found that 96.4% of their
respondents (7000) had used the internet as a source of information in the travel planning
stage, and 90% referred to other customers’ reviews.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Because the characteristics of the service field are not like those for tangible products,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. it is difficult to determine the actual situation of a hotel until the customer has experienced
This article is an open access article it [8]. Here, eWOM provides rich data that reflect consumer characteristics and perceptions
distributed under the terms and of service satisfaction. The experience of the service mentioned in eWOM thus implies
conditions of the Creative Commons the main attributes and quality levels of the product or service considered by the cus-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// tomer [9], and eWOM can significantly affect tourists’ purchase decisions and the business performance of hotels [10].

Sustainability 2022, 14, 848.

Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 2 of 13

Many researchers have conducted surveys to investigate customer satisfaction and

hotel selection attributes in the hotel and hospitality industry [11–13]. Although the survey
method has the advantage of being able to elicit answers to the desired questions, there may
be limitations due to factors that might cause measurement errors, such as the form of the
questionnaire, the survey term, the response category, and the order of the survey [14]. To
address this gap, online review mining was conducted to gain more accurate and detailed
customer information through the application of big data analytics in the hospitality
sector [15–19]. Filieri and Mariani [16] adopted big data analytics to examine how reviews
from different countries evaluate the helpfulness of online reviews. Ban and Kim [19]
analyzed user reviews to understand various airline passenger satisfaction attributes using
text mining analysis.
However, there are still only limited studies on the online reviews of hotel cus-
tomers that use big data analytics, explore the factors reflecting customer experiences
based on these review data, and then verify the relationship between the extracted fac-
tors and customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study sought to derive meaningful im-
plications by analyzing online reviews of hotels and exploring which attributes affected
customer satisfaction.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Electronic Word of Mouth
E-commerce has a strategic emphasis for business and consumers, and WOM has been
reconceptualized as eWOM since traditional, face-to-face WOM is changing into eWOM, as
consumers can obtain information regarding products or services online before making
a purchase decision [20,21]. When purchasing intangible products or services, consumers
tend to rely more on eWOM for products or services they have not used or experienced
before [22], as this helps customers obtain specific information influenced by customers’
selection attributes and shared personal experiences, opinions, photos, hotel reviews, and
vacation suggestions [23].
Online review websites such as Tripadvisor serve as an essential platform for con-
sumers to share purchasing experiences and express their opinions about products and
services [24]. Reviews exchanged among consumers contain information about the user’s
experience and how that experience is perceived [25], such that customers are more likely to
trust eWOM than information provided by sellers [22]. By reading other people’s reviews,
potential consumers better construct their interpretation of the product and become more
aware of the risks to their transactions. Vermeulen and Seegers [26] found that consumers’
exposure to online reviews improved the probability of booking a hotel. Stringam, Gerdes,
and Vanleeuwen [27] analyzed reviews on, an online travel agency platforms,
and found that the overall satisfaction evaluation had a high correlation between recom-
mendation intentions. Ban and Kim [19] analyzed the online reviews on
and quantitatively identified the relationship among six evaluation factors (seat comfort,
staff, F&B, entertainment, ground service, and value for money), customer satisfaction,
and recommendations.
This study thus investigates customer experience through text-mining analysis of
reviews of hotel products, which are representative experience goods greatly affected by
online reviews.

2.2. Customer Experience and Satisfaction

Customer experience, which means that an individual has experienced the goods or
services of a company as a consumer, was first conceptualized by Schmitt [28] as being
composed of sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relational experiences. Meyer
and Schwager [29] defined customer experience as the customers’ personal/subjective
response to direct/indirect contact with a firm in any form. Customer experience is
remembered positively or negatively depending on the customer’s situation, which leads
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 3 of 13

to customer satisfaction, and customers who positively evaluate the experience can be said
to feel satisfied [29].
Customer satisfaction is a complex experience in the hospitality industry, and assessing
what the customer has experienced is complicated [30]. Focusing on customer experience
and satisfaction has inevitably increased as the market has changed from a producer-driven
market to a buyer-driven one [20]. Customer-satisfaction management is the only strategy
that can respond to such market changes. Corporate marketing activities have made it
a fundamental goal to focus on customer satisfaction, which, through customer experience,
can increase customer loyalty, repurchase intention, positive WOM, and consequently,
contribute to higher profitability [31].
Customers prefer and think about hotel selection attributes, which play a critical role in
the information search and alternative selection process and is thus a target for evaluating
hotel satisfaction and dissatisfaction [32,33]. Identifying the customer’s hotel selection
attributes is essential for improving service quality and increasing customer satisfaction to
gain a competitive advantage [34].

2.3. Big Data Analysis

Big data analysis of online-generated data to predict consumer behavior and psycho-
logical is an emerging topic in the hospitality industry [19]. It is necessary to extract and
convert data from online reviews before analysis, and text mining and semantic network
analysis play an important role in big data analysis due to the large and unstructured
nature of consumer-generated data. This study employed text analytics to deconstruct
numerous customer reviews collected from, which was followed by semantic
network analysis to examine the association with extracted keywords [19,22].
Text mining for knowledge discovery based on text databases was first mentioned by
Feldman and Dagan [35], and is the discovery of valuable unknown patterns in text using
information retrieval and extraction and natural language processing (NLP) techniques [36].
Text mining involves data collection, data refining, data analysis, a management informa-
tion system and knowledge generation [37], as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Text mining process, source Ban and Kim [19].

When collecting data, researchers identify the type of information they want, clarify
concepts, limit the scope of what they want to collect, and familiarize themselves with
the characteristics of the keywords. Data refining and preprocessing involves converting
unstructured textual data into structured forms. For accurate results, sophisticated pre-
treatment is essential. As a step to analyze text-based technologies such as information
extraction, document summary, and clustering are involved in the next step for analyzing
text-based data, and analysis methods suitable for research purposes are then applied to
manage information systems at worksites and to accumulate knowledge [19,38].
Text mining for the hospitality industry has recently been the subject of active research.
Boo and Busser [8] qualitatively and quantitatively investigated meeting planners’ online
reviews of destination hotels. The results yielded insights to respond to the online reviews
and formed the basis for hotel evaluation criteria. Stepchenkova and Morrison [39] analyzed
Russia-related texts on 212 websites, measured Russia’s tourist destination image, and
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 4 of 13

identified the differences between US and Russian websites. He, Zha, and Li [40] described
an in-depth case study that applied text mining to analyze text on the Facebook and Twitter
sites of three pizza chains: Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza, and Papa John’s Pizza, which are
representative franchises in the industry. The results confirmed the value of social media
competitive analysis and the power of text mining as an effective technique for extracting
business value from the vast amount of available social media data. The formation of
social issues through SNS (Social Networking Service) is accelerating in various fields.
With the development of SNS, network analysis is becoming essential to extract different
meanings and concepts inherent in text-based messages and to understand their relational
characteristics [41]. Semantic network analysis assesses the structure of a semantic network
retrieved according to the given text, and it also explores meaning through the structural
relationship of words as message components, rather than lexical units [42].
Semantic network analysis uses individual words to clarify network structure and
meaning within a text. Selecting a specific term and repeatedly using it when emphasizing
a particular meaning is one method for content analysis of the relationship between words
that appear simultaneously in a sentence or paragraph. The core of semantic network
analysis is indicating the influence of words, and analysis based on structural identity
consists of an index for classifying subgroups based on word similarity [19,30,43].

3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
The data collection procedure for this study is as follows. Hotel reviews were collected
from Google Travel (, the largest search engine globally. Google
hotel reviews include detailed information about the hotel brand used by the customer, the
reviewer’s ID, review date, comment, rating, and type of trip. Figure 2 shows a specific
example from Google Online Reviews. SCTM (Smart Crawling & Text Mining, developed
by the Wellness and Tourism Big Data Research Institute at Kyungsung University) and
TEXTOM (a big data analysis solution to collect and refine data and generate matrix data)
were used to collect and refine online data.

Figure 2. Screenshot of customer review on Google Travel.

Words were ranked according to the frequency of their occurrence, to analyze the
unstructured data. Table 1 shows the 25 recommended hotels and the number of reviews for
each hotel. A total of 8448 reviews were collected, and 8229 reviews and 314,813 words were
extracted, excluding data that were not readable or had only ratings with no review content.
The data collection period was from December 2019, when COVID-19 first appeared, to
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 5 of 13

July 2021, to determine if there were any different implications from a prior study of Ban,
Choi, Choi, Lee, and Kim [44], who conducted research using online hotel reviews before
the COVID-19 pandemic, making this a longitudinal study.

Table 1. Number of reviews according to 2021 Hotel ranking source from Tripadvisor website.

Rank Hotel Count Rank Hotel Count

1 Hotel Colline de France 332 14 The Ritz-carlton Macau 155
Sukhumvit Park, Bangkok Marriott
2 THE OMNIA 158 15 336
Executive Apartments
3 Sani Dunes 84 16 Hotel Ambiez 72
4 Kandolhu Maldives 45 17 Hamanasi Adventure & Dive Resort, Belize 186
5 ACHTIS HOTEL 65 18 Mint House at 70 Pine NYC 138
6 Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve 382 19 Jaya House River Park Hotel 183
7 The Legian Seminyak, Bali 318 20 Gran Hotel Ciudad de México 2064
8 Gardena Grödnerhof Hotel & Spa 52 21 The Hari 210
9 Tulemar Bungalows & Villas 55 22 Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam 225
10 Hacienda Beach Club & Residences 259 23 Corpo Santo Lisbon Historical Hotel 333
11 Club Prive by Rixos Belek 38 24 Villa Rosa Kempinski 2123
Chandys Windy Woods
12 525 25 Tokoriki Island Resort 83
5 Star Resort Munnar
13 Mirihi Island Resort 27 Total 8448

3.2. Data Analysis

The analysis was conducted according to previous studies [19,30,43,44]. Big data
analysis was performed in two parts: text mining and semantic network analysis. Factor
and linear regression analyses were then used. First, the top 90 most frequent words were
extracted through the text mining refining process. The Python-based Natural Language
Toolkit was used. A stop word refers to commonly used word (e.g., “the”, “a”, “an”,
“in”). The program ignores stop words both when indexing entries for searching and
when retrieving them as the result of a search query. Through the refinement process,
pronouns, prepositions, and meaningless words were removed, and the generated data
included only words related to the hotel experience. The word matrix (word × word) was
then deduced. To assess the overall satisfaction with the hotel experience, a distribution
of hotel experience evaluations based on the rating score was used, and this ‘overall
rating’ was used as a dependent variable, because the value can be treated as the primary
output variable [43].
Second, based on the matrix data, the network of words was visualized using Ucinet 6.0
to clarify the connection structure and connectivity between nodes. Semantic network
analysis focused on degree and eigenvector centralities, which are indicators quantified
based on the centrality concept arrangement and measurement method. Freeman proposed
eigenvector centrality as a measure of the influence of a node in a network [19,30]. Relative
weights are assigned to all nodes in the network, based on the idea that connections to high-
scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node in question than an equal number of
links to low-scoring nodes [45]. Finally, CONCOR (CONvergence of iterated CORrelation)
analysis was conducted to segment the words and acquire the dimensions of hotel customer
experience. CONCOR analysis was performed repeatedly to find the connections and
relationships between the words and similarity groups by forming clusters including
keywords [42]. The results were visualized with Netdraw to provide a more intuitionistic
visualization of the segmentation of the top-frequency words used by customers.
Finally, quantitative analysis was performed. By integrating the results of the CON-
COR analysis and a comparison of word frequency and centrality, words were selected for
further factor and linear regression analyses using dummy variables. Tao and Kim [43]
investigated customer experience-related words with the highest explanatory power for
customer satisfaction, and conducted a study on words with high frequency. These high-
frequency words were ultimately judged to be appropriate because of Freeman’s high
centrality in demonstrating word relevance and variables focused on revealing communi-
ties in combination with key items in the CONCOR results.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 6 of 13

Factor analysis was performed to retrieve the main factors affecting hotel customer sat-
isfaction, using 55 out of the 90 top-frequency words. In addition, linear regression analysis,
which consisted of four independent variables derived from the factor analysis and overall
ratings as a dependent variable, was performed to verify the following hypothesis: The
hotel experience shown in the online review can be used to explain customer satisfaction.

4. Results
4.1. Frequency Analysis
The data were transformed from unstructured information such as sentences to struc-
tured data such as single words and their corresponding frequency. A total of 314,813 words
were collected. After deleting repeated, unnecessary, and low-frequency words, a total of
90 high-frequency words were extracted. Table 2 shows the 90 highest frequency words
with Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Figure 3 illustrates the net-
work visibility of these 90 top frequency words.

Table 2. Top 90 frequent words with TF-IDF from the online review.

Rank Word Freq. TF-IDF Rank Word Freq. TF-IDF Rank Word Freq. TF-IDF
1 service 2523 4027 31 waldorf 253 908/33 61 option 120 553
2 ciudad 2104 2892/3 32 quality 252 967 62 coffee 120 550
3 méxico 2085 2882/4 33 astoria 243 873/36 63 window 119 564
4 hotel 1244 2899/2 34 family 238 927 64 variety 119 543
5 restaurant 893 2412 35 people 231 907 65 night 118 545
6 resort 798 2303/6 36 guest 223 893 66 moment 115 555
7 place 701 1865 37 hospitality 216 836 67 villa 114 508
8 experience 671 1892 38 luxury 214 863 68 brunch 112 555
9 breakfast 651 1902 39 belgrave 212 791/43 69 thank 102 471
10 locate 620 1792 40 belize 209 794/42 70 holiday 100 471
11 ritz carlton 572 1510/14 41 custom 209 822 71 park 98 470
12 chandys 551 1509/15 42 island 202 834 72 class 97 449
13 staff 544 1595 43 property 198 817 73 entrance 96 473
14 everything 507 1618 44 ambience 194 742 74 city 95 453
15 trip 478 1364 45 dinner 177 733 75 decorate 94 470
16 attention 458 1571 46 reception 175 745 76 Zermatt 94 504/69
17 mandapa 440 1350/18 47 architecture 172 751 77 Tokoriki 93 429/81
18 lisbon 412 1317/19 48 everyone 166 694 78 amenity 92 430
19 serve 402 1228 49 security 155 667 79 conference 90 428
20 france 377 1202/23 50 history 153 703 80 employee 90 446
21 hamanasi 377 1424/16 51 price 151 667 81 bathroom 89 423
22 seminyak 352 1143/25 52 atmosphere 151 657 82 garden 89 431
23 terrace 341 1284 53 manage 150 657 83 elevator 88 438
24 adventure 314 1179 54 drink 146 636 84 world 86 409
25 room 313 1019 55 build 142 643 85 environment 85 408
26 buffet 311 1243 56 food 142 596 86 stay 84 389
27 facility 278 1037 57 accommodate 131 586 87 excellent 84 384
28 residence 276 941 58 view 129 570 88 wait 83 415
29 amsterdam 275 987/28 59 friend 127 573 89 afternoon 82 422
30 hacienda 264 910/32 60 station 121 577 90 balcony 82 404

The TF-IDF weight model evaluates how important words inside a document are in
text mining. TF-IDF is a value obtained by multiplying TF and IDF, and the higher the
score, the less frequently the word appears in other documents and the more frequently it
appears in the document considered. A word with a larger TF-IDF value is more likely to
determine the topic or meaning of the document to which it belongs, and this can be used
as a measure to extract critical keywords. For example, the words indicating the location or
included in hotel brand, such as “ciudad” or “mexico”, which are second and third in the
frequency ranking, have a TF-IDF of 2892 and 2882, respectively, and the TF-IDF rankings
are also highly ranked, at third and fourth. Words representing the hotel brand or location
were meaningful words in the review data.
It is undeniable but surprising that “service” had the highest frequency, and this
implies that, for hotel consumers, a hotel’s service is the aspect they mentioned most. There
were also words related to service, such as “restaurant”, “experience”, and “staff”, that
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 7 of 13

appeared with high frequency. Referring to the number of online hotel reviews, although
the “Gran Hotel Ciudad de México” ranked 20th in the hotel brand among 25 hotels,
it recorded the highest number of reviews, at 2064, which suggests that the two words
“ciudad” and “mexico” have high web visibility. Words related to location or name of
the hotel were also common, such as “ciudad”, “ritz carlton”, “chandy”, “mandapa”,
“lisbon”, and “france”, as were words such as “experience”, “trip”, “adventure”, “family”,
“security”, and “price”, which could reflect the purpose of the trip.

Figure 3. Keyword visualization.

4.2. Semantic Network Analysis

Semantic network analysis identifies the relationship between words and expresses
their connection in the network [44]. The centrality of the top 90 most frequent words
was calculated, compared with word frequency, and synthesized in Table 3, in which the
top 50 most frequent words are described. As a result, words such as “service”, “hotel”,
“restaurant”, “experience”, and “breakfast” are shown to have both high frequency and
high centrality. To a great extent, this indicated that these words were frequently used by
online users and are closely associated with other nodes in the semantic network.
Words such as “place”, “facility”, and “security” had a relatively lower centrality
ranking relative to their high frequency, which suggests that although these words were
frequently searched by users, their connection and influence relative to other words is low.
Words such as “room”, “adventure”, and “dinner” appeared in the opposite distribu-
tion, as they do not appear as frequently, while they did strongly relate to other terms with
relatively high value. The nodes have great significance in the semantic network because
of their strong connection to and influence over other nodes. Figure 4 illustrates the result
of the CONCOR analysis. Four sets generated from the semantic network analysis were
named based on the notable words and related meaning within the online reviews. Table 4
shows the words grouped in each cluster and the notable words.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 8 of 13

Table 3. Comparison of keyword frequency and centrality analysis.

Frequency Degree Eigenvector Frequency Degree Eigenvector

Freq. Rank Coef Rank Coef Rank Freq. Rank Coef Rank Coef Rank
service 2523 1 0.070 1 1.000 1 buffet 311 26 0.012 21 0.242 17
ciudad 2104 2 0.037 3 0.889 3 facility 278 27 0.007 37 0.129 33
méxico 2085 3 0.037 4 0.890 2 residence 276 28 0.004 61 0.048 80
hotel 1244 4 0.036 5 0.569 5 amsterdam 275 29 0.008 33 0.091 48
restaurant 893 5 0.035 6 0.592 4 hacienda 264 30 0.004 62 0.046 82
resort 798 6 0.039 2 0.514 6 waldorf 253 31 0.007 38 0.080 56
place 701 7 0.014 15 0.271 16 quality 252 32 0.010 26 0.181 23
experience 671 8 0.025 7 0.368 9 astoria 243 33 0.007 39 0.076 58
breakfast 651 9 0.024 8 0.392 7 family 238 34 0.011 24 0.163 24
locate 620 10 0.020 10 0.343 10 people 231 35 0.010 27 0.152 27
ritzcarlton 572 11 0.012 18 0.143 29 guest 223 36 0.012 22 0.187 21
chandys 551 12 0.009 28 0.134 31 hospitality 216 37 0.006 43 0.091 49
staff 544 13 0.016 14 0.239 18 luxury 214 38 0.007 40 0.119 39
everything 507 14 0.018 13 0.291 14 belgrave 212 39 0.003 75 0.043 86
trip 478 15 0.020 11 0.307 12 belize 209 40 0.012 23 0.197 20
attention 458 16 0.014 16 0.300 13 custom 209 41 0.009 29 0.186 22
mandapa 440 17 0.012 19 0.138 30 island 202 42 0.007 41 0.094 45
lisbon 412 18 0.008 31 0.152 26 property 198 43 0.008 34 0.127 34
serve 402 19 0.010 25 0.119 38 ambience 194 44 0.003 76 0.052 77
france 377 20 0.008 32 0.146 28 dinner 177 45 0.008 35 0.130 32
hamanasi 377 21 0.024 9 0.375 8 reception 175 46 0.006 44 0.116 40
seminyak 352 22 0.004 60 0.069 64 architecture 172 47 0.005 49 0.123 35
terrace 341 23 0.012 20 0.276 15 everyone 166 48 0.009 30 0.155 25
adventure 314 24 0.019 12 0.310 11 security 155 49 0.004 63 0.058 73
room 313 25 0.013 17 0.198 19 history 153 50 0.005 50 0.123 36

Figure 4. Visualization of CONvergence of iterated CORrelation analysis.

The group names—destination, physical environment, service, and trip purpose—

reflect the characteristics of the words included in each cluster. The destination cluster
includes words related to hotel brands or tour spots (e.g., “France” “waldorf”), as well
as general terms such as “locate” or “station”. The physical environment cluster contains
words related to facilities, such as “balcony” or “garden”. The service cluster contains
concepts: food and beverage (F&B) and staff service. F&B contains words such as “buffet”
and “restaurant”, while staff service includes words such as “attention” and “hospitality”,
and it is important to note that consumers tend to consider staff service and quality of
service when choosing a hotel. The final cluster, trip purpose, contains words relating
to purpose such as “conference” and “adventure”, as well as including words related to
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 9 of 13

sociality, such as “family” and “friend”. After conducting CONCOR analysis, 55 words
were used to determine the main factors affecting hotel customer satisfaction.

Table 4. Result of CONvergence of iterated CORrelation analysis.

Extracted Words Significant Words

astoria/residence/france/villa/world/ residence/hamansi/locate/
amsterdam/island/locate/hamansi/station/ chandys/seminyak/resort/
Destination lisbon/mexico/hacienda/city/belgrave/chandys/tokoriki/ ritz carlton/hotel/place/ciudad/
zermatt/wardorf/mandapa/belize/seminyak/ mandapa/city/hacienda/
ciudad/ritzcarlton/hotel/place/resort mexico/station
elevator/custom/reception/build/park/ entrance/property/facility/terrace/
garden/terrace/room/ambience/architecture/ reception/park/architecture/ambience/
Physical Environment
entrance/balcony/bathroom/environment/ room/bathroom/environment/
window/facility/decorate/atmosphere/property atmosphere/decorate
Service service/attention/security/variety/
Trip Purpose price/accommodate/family/friend/

4.3. Factor Analysis

Many measurement variables can be reduced to smaller variables using the varimax
rotation process through factor analysis. This study adopted the common factorial criteria
for factor extraction. In this study, the standard eigenvalue value is 1.0 or higher, and the
factor loading value is 0.400 or higher. Variables loading onto two factors simultaneously
were dropped. From the results, 10 key words within four factors contributed 18.458% of
all variance, and these were used as the independent variables to derive the key factors
affecting customer satisfaction. According to Table 5, the KMO index was above 0.6,
indicating a high correlation between related variables. In Bartlett’s sphericity test, χ2 was
84,453.902, with the overall significance of the correlation matrix p < 0.001. This means that
these data are suitable for exploratory factor analysis. The four factors were named: Service
(Factor 1), Physical Environment (Factor 2), Dining (Factor 3), and Location (Factor 4).
Factor 1 contains “staff”, “quality”, and “service”, which are related to the core services of
the hotel. Factor 2 contains “facility”, “environment”, and “room”, which are related to
a tangible part of the hotel. Factor 3 contains “restaurant” and “brunch”. Factor 4 consisted
of concrete site names, such as “ciudad” and “mexico”.

Table 5. Result of the factor analysis.

Words Factor Loading Eigen Value Variance (%)

Staff 0.982
Service Quality 0.968 3.214 6.839
Service 0.661
Facility 0.981
Physical Environments Environment 0.947 2.199 4.678
room 0.654
Restaurant 0.943
Dining 1.645 3.500
Brunch 0.893
Ciudad 0.922
Location 1.617 3.440
Mexico 0.878
Total Variance (%) = 18.458
KMO = 0.671
Bartlett chi-squared (p) = 84,453.902 (p < 0.001)
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 10 of 13

4.4. Linear Regression Analysis

Regression analysis was performed to determine how the independent variables affect
the dependent variable. The hotel customer satisfaction rating was used as the dependent
variable, and the four hotel customer experience factors were used as the independent
variables. The results of refining variables through factor analysis yielded four independent
variables—Service (S), Physical Environment (P), Dining (D), and Location (L)—and one
dependent variable: Customer Satisfaction (CS). As it can be seen in Table 6, the overall
variance explained by the four predictors was 10% (R2 = 0.100), and the standard error of
the estimated value was 0.70347. The correlation between the independent and dependent
variables was relatively low, because the low frequency of online hotel reviews may not
have included any of the four factors affecting customer experience and satisfaction. It
is impossible to include all relevant variables in regression analysis to estimate output
variables, such as opinion, from text-mining data, so the R2 value can be low. According to
prior studies using regression and factor analyses on online reviews for washing machines
and hotels, the R2 values were 12.5%, and 12%, respectively [30,44]. Here, Service (S,
β = 0.027) and Dining (D, β = −0.021) are significant at the p < 0.05 and p < 0.1 level,
respectively. Service (S) is positively related to customer satisfaction, and Dining (D) is
negatively related to customer satisfaction. Based on these results, the regression equation
can be expressed as follows:

CS = 4.733 + 0.019S** + 0.004P − 0.015D* − 0.005L

Table 6. Results of linear regression analysis.

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coef. Coef. p t
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 4.733 0.008 0.000 610.319 ***
Service (S) 0.019 0.008 0.027 0.014 2.449 **
Physical Environments (P) 0.004 0.008 0.005 0.620 0.496
Dining (D) −0.015 0.008 −0.021 0.055 −1.916 *
Location (L) −0.005 0.008 −0.007 0.521 −0.642
Notes: Dependent variable: Customer Satisfaction (CS); R2 = 0.100; adjusted R2 = 0.100; F = 2.573, p < 0.05.
*** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1.

The Service (S) factor holds the highest standardized coefficients, which means staff
service is the essential factor associated with customer satisfaction. The Dining (D) factor
was found to negatively influence customer satisfaction, indicating that customers have
a negative view of the dining factor, which included words such as restaurant and brunch.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

This study was conducted to assess the customers’ experience and satisfaction based
on online reviews. Keywords were derived through text mining, and frequency analysis
was then performed. The top 90 most frequent words were extracted, and degree and
eigenvector centrality analyses were performed to determine the relationship between
keywords. CONCOR analysis was then adopted to generate four clusters: destination,
physical environment, service, and trip purpose.
These results are similar to those found in a previous study by Ban et al. [44], who
named a similar grouping of four clusters—intangible service, physical environment,
location, and purpose. Both that study and the present one found factors related to the
hotel’s essential attributes, which suggests that increasing satisfaction with these attributes
is paramount to forming positive eWOM. Overall, this work established that dimensions
related to various facilities, location, service, and food and beverage significantly contribute
to enhancing hotel customer experience. These findings reaffirm the existing arguments
about the complexity and diversity of the hotel experience, which spans various encounters
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 11 of 13

with food and beverage prices, quality, safety, improved service, overall feeling, image,
comfortable condition, and location [11]. This work adds to the understanding of customer
hotel selection attributes that are a prerequisite for improving service quality and enhancing
customer satisfaction to gain a competitive advantage. Additionally, the keywords were
visualized by drawing networks and nodes using NetDraw in UCINET 6.0. Factor and
linear regression analyses were performed to determine the relationships between extracted
factors and customer satisfaction.
This study provides five academic and practical implications based on the research
results. For the theoretical implications, this study demonstrates the significance of extend-
ing the application area of semantic network analysis. This work extends our knowledge
and serves as a benchmark for researchers and stakeholders concerning the factors that
provide pleasing outcomes within the hotel context. Given the importance of the hotel
sector in the tourism industry, this study empirically explored the hotel experience and
satisfaction through big data analysis. Understanding online reviews as an expression of
customer experience can help the hotel industry identify key attributes needed to achieve
positive repurchase intention and increase revenue. Online reviews provide an efficient
way for the hotel industry to collect feedback from hotel customers and discover how to
generate positive revisit intention after the experience.
Second, the use of a semantic network analysis provides a valuable tool for exploring
customers’ comments about their hotel experiences. This method reveals features that
explain why customers evaluate their hotel experience positively or negatively. By ana-
lyzing customer comments, we can assess the power and meaning of words commonly
used by customers when sharing their experiences and how those word choices can inform
recommendations through online sources. The power expressed in words contains the
customers’ expressions and evaluations of their experiences, and serves as a basis for
understanding the reality of their experience.
Third, in terms of practical implications, “service” is an important factor influencing
customer satisfaction (as in previous studies [46,47]), and a more remarkable result is that
customers expect to receive more attentive service during COVID-19. Thus, managers or
operators in the hotel industry should pay more attention to maintaining the standard
service quality and providing more proactive or extra service to customers during this
pandemic. Offering service with warm and sincere hospitality can create positive eWOM
and satisfaction, as shown in the following quotations from online reviews: “José Luis and
Víctor were always greeting us with a big smile probably one of the best treatment I have
had in a hotel” and “The staff is simply amazing! They make every effort to make you feel
comfortable and welcome.” Appropriate staff service at the service point leads to positive
reviews, which then form a positive image of the hotel. There is a need for continuous and
systematic education and training to motivate employees with customer-centered thinking.
Fourth, it is noteworthy for hotel operators and managers that dining negatively
influences customer satisfaction. One customer mentioned the restaurant and brunch
within their review and stated they were not pleased with the dining experience. This
indicates that customers using the hotel are paying the same cost as before the pandemic,
but they are restricted from using some facilities (such as restaurants) due to COVID-19 or
cannot receive regular services. Due to COVID-19, restrictions on restaurants that confine
many people into a narrow space are unavoidable, but consideration from the hotel is
necessary to ensure that customers do not feel uncomfortable. For example, the hotel
could provide a service where customers can eat all the menu offerings from the restaurant
in the room. Using a mobile app, the hotel could deliver the food ordered to the room
without contacting others. If this exceptional dining service is implemented, it could affect
customer satisfaction, revisit intention, and positive WOM. There is need for a service that
does not cause inconvenience to customers despite the limited availability of F&B services
due to COVID-19. If the hotel minimizes contact with employees and provides a service
that allows the customer to dine in a private space through a delivery service or to order
through a mobile app and watch the cooking process on the screen, no problems with
Sustainability 2022, 14, 848 12 of 13

hygiene or cleanliness that customers are particularly concerned about with COVID-19
would arise.
Finally, online reviews are a source of information for potential customers to make
decisions. Considering that tourism decision making through the internet is rapidly
increasing, this study can guide hotel marketing strategy, facility operation, and complaint
management through big data analysis of online reviews.
This study has some limitations, and results should be interpreted with caution; these
limitations also provide suggestions for future research. First, online reviews were collected
from Google, the world’s largest search engine. However, there is a possibility that using
a specific online channel may not capture all customer preferences, so for representative-
ness, future samples should be based on analysis of various websites and should use data
from many years. Second, it is not easy to understand the additional meaning of words
when analyzing their frequency. Future research should adopt the further analysis of
positives and negatives, and sentimental analysis could better clarify customer experience
and satisfaction. Finally, in this study, reviews of 25 hotels recommended by TripAdvisor
were collected from Google Travel and analyzed. However, the quantity of review data
collected for each hotel differed widely due to the different sizes, types, and average costs
of the hotels considered. Future studies should collect and analyze review data from hotels
that share the same characteristics to derive more meaningful research results.

Author Contributions: Y.-J.K. and H.-S.K. designed the research model, analyzed online review data
and wrote the paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019S1A5A2A03049170).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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