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Module 6

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Module 6: E

Principles of D
Effective Teaching S
Faculty of Education


In this module, you will be introduced to some of the principles of effective

teaching, such as working effectively with diverse learners, creativity and
innovation, and scholarship of teaching and learning. As educators, you will
cater, whether directly as teachers or trainers, or indirectly as instructional
designers or instructional material developers, to learners with varying
backgrounds, characteristics, capacities, entry levels and prior knowledge,
gender, socioeconomic status, and sometimes, races. It is, therefore,
necessary that educational professionals are prepared and equipped to work
with diverse learners.

Asian Development Bank. (2017, June 5). Teach for the Philippines, teach for development. Asian Development Bank.
Unleashing the creative and innovative potential of educators is also essential
to solving educational problems and to making educational decisions that
would result in students’ optimized learning. All of these are supported by
educators’ engagement in gathering data about teaching and learning,
analyzing these data, and forming decisions based on these. The ability to
expand and generate new knowledge is equally important to advance the
quality of education and practices, and the teaching profession. Therefore,
action research or scholarship of teaching and learning is a necessary and an
important work of education professionals if we hope to improve and solve
problems in our practices, the students’ learning, the education profession, E
and the educational system. While reading the resources in this model,
ponder on how you can adopt the principles discussed into your work (or
future work) or modify the strategies presented to fit the context of the field S
of education you belong (or would like to belong to). 111

By the end of this module, you are expected to have accomplished the
1. study the resources in this module;
2. complete the module’s learning tasks; and
3. write your eJournal entry for Module 6.

After studying the resources and accomplishing the activities in this module,
you should be able to:
1. discuss ways teachers can work with diverse learners;
2. describe creative teachers and creative teaching; and
3. explain how professional knowledge can be constructed and developed.

Faculty of Education
All throughout the course of your teaching career, you will have the
opportunity to meet and work with learners that come from different
backgrounds, possess different abilities and personalities, and have various
needs. It is, therefore, important that you equip yourself with the knowledge
of student diversity and with the skills and strategies that will allow you to
teach diverse learners.
To introduce the topic about teaching diverse learners, view the video
resource below:
Strategies for Teaching Culturally Diverse Students E
(Dr. Sherri. (2014, April 4). Strategies for teaching culturally diverse students [Video file].)
Video length: 4:26

Now that you have viewed the
introductory video on teaching diverse Study Questions
learners, let us now study the first As you read the Resource 1, try to
resource in this topic. Resource 1 answer the following questions.
These questions should guide you
discusses the what’s, how’s, and whys of
in your study of the text.
creating an instruction that is culturally
responsive. Our classrooms, training 1. Why do we need to address
centers, and community learning centers 2. What must the educational
are filled with students from different system do?
3. How do teachers become
regions with their own cultural identities culturally responsive?
and ways of living, socio-economic status, 4. What are the specific
activities for becoming a
family background, age, gender, styles of culturally responsive teacher?
learning, personalities, and abilities. This 5. How does instruction become
culturally responsive?
resource provides us with principles and
6. What are the activities for
strategies that we could adapt and employ culturally responsive
in our work as education professionals. instruction?
7. What are the implications of
Click the Resource 1 link to download the culturally responsive
document. Please study the resource pedagogy?

Resource 1: Addressing Diversity in Schools: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
(Richards. H. V., Brown, A. F., & Forde, T. B. (2004). Addressing diversity in
schools: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Denver, CO: National Center for
Culturally Responsive Educational Systems.)
Estimated Time Required: 30 – 40 mins

Faculty of Education
To reinforce the concepts from Resource
1, Resource 2 shall discuss how inclusive,
learning-friendly environment (ILFE) can
Study Questions
be developed. As you study this material,
The following questions intend to guide you in
think about the answers to the questions your study of the Resource 2.

in the resource. Furthermore, contemplate 1. What do “inclusive” and “learning-friendly”

on how the strategies discussed in the 2. What are the characteristics of an inclusive,
learning-friendly classroom (ILFE)?
document can be adapted to suit the 3. What are the important elements of an ILFE?
Philippine context or the context of the 4. What are the benefits of an ILFE?
5. How do we include different kinds of thinking,
country where you are located. Click the learning, and knowing in the classroom?
6. What are the challenges to diversity?
link for Resource 2 read pages 3 – 18 of 7. What are the actions that teachers can take
against bullying?
Booklet 1, Becoming an Inclusive, 8. In what way can curriculum and learning

Learning-Friendly Environment; and 17 –

materials be biased?
9. What are the characteristics of inclusive
47 (you are welcome to continue reading teaching materials?
10. How can you assess whether or not the
the subsequent unit) of Booklet 4, materials you are using reflect gender and
ethnic equity?
Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly 11. In what ways do teachers unintentionally
reinforce gender stereotypes?
Classroom. (You may also read pages 18 - 12. What are some teaching strategies for
students with disabilities?
37 of Booklet 5, Managing Inclusive, 13. What are the two major issues that teachers
face in addressing HIV/AIDS in their schools?
Learning-Friendly Classroom, if you like
some tips on managing diverse classes.)
(When you open the file using Adobe
Reader, click the Bookmarks icon to locate the booklets.) This resource focuses
on teaching school children; thus, if you are a basic education teacher, a
community educator, or a teacher of young learners (or you intend to be one in
the future) this material is appropriate for you. Nonetheless, the fundamental
principles discussed therein may be applied in various teaching-learning
situations or education work. Within the material, you will find Action Activities
which are intended for in-service teachers. If you are already teaching, you may
use or adapt these activities in your institution.
Resource 2: Embracing Diversity: A Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly
(UNESCO. (2015). Embracing diversity: A toolkit for creating inclusive,
environment. Paris, France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization.)
Estimated Time Required: 2 – 2.5 hours

Faculty of Education
After studying Resources 1 and 2, check your understanding of the materials
by doing the task below:
Task 1: Mod 6 Activity 1
Coffee break (Open Forum)
1. In this task, you will engage in a discussion during a coffee break. You
may choose to be an initiator of a discussion, but also you will definitely
participate in a discussion started by your peer/s.
2. If you want to initiate a discussion, add a discussion thread in the Mod 6
Activity 1 Coffee break forum on an issue on inclusive education and in
teaching diverse students. Make sure that your question is relevant and E
thought-provoking since you may only start one discussion thread to give
others equal opportunity to ask a question. (Some issues are presented in
the supplementary resources .) S
3. As a participant, you will join any of the discussion threads that your 111
classmate initiated. While participating in the discussion, you may wear
any hat (according to the 6 thinking hats of De Bono). You may
interchange the hats that you wear as the discussion progresses.
Participants also share the responsibility of ensuring that netiquette and
democracy in the discussion are maintained.
Creativity and innovativeness are among the Study Questions

characteristics that educators should foster within The following questions

themselves. This part of the module shall introduce intend to guide you in your
study of the Resource 3.
you to the qualities of creative teachers and creative
teaching. 1. What is creativity?
2. Why creativity now?
Resource 3 discusses creativity and how educators 3. What is the relationship
can teach creatively and teach for creativity. Ideas of creativity and
from the experts, the teachers in the field, and 4. What can creativity add
students are presented in this video resource to give to your classroom/
instructional design?
you multiple perspectives. In addition, reflective 5. What blocks creativity?
questions are asked after each major theme or idea 6. What do you need to do
to develop the creative
has been discussed. Contemplate on these questions potential of learners?
as you study the resource. To access the video, click 7. What can you do to be
more creative in your
the link for Resource 3 below. own teaching?

Faculty of Education
Resource 3: Creativity in the Classroom
(American Psychological Association.
(2016, February 22). Creativity in the
Study Questions
classroom [Video file].) Estimated
Time Required: 47:16 minutes The following questions intend to
To supplement the ideas on creativity in guide you in your study of the
resources on PLC.
teaching and learning that you have gained
from the previous material, the resource 1. What are professional learning
communities (PLCs)?
below shall provide you with additional tips 2. What are the attributes of
on teaching for creativity. Click the link PLCs? E
3. How should the view of
below to access the web resource.
school or educational D
Teaching for Creativity: Two Dozen Tips
(Sternberg, R., & Williams, W. M. (2003).
leadership be transformed in
order to support and foster
Teaching for creativity: Two dozen tips.)
Estimated Time Required: 20 – 30 minutes
4. What is the role of reflective
dialogue and inquiry in making
PLCs work?
LEARNING 5. What is the significance of
having shared values and
To be able to grow professionally and to
vision in instituting PLCs
enrich the knowledge base of teaching, 6. What supportive conditions
teachers must engage in continuous should be provided to
educators for PLCs to
learning and scholarly work. In this part of flourish?
the module, you will be introduced to the
concept of scholarship of teaching and learning. So what is scholarship of
teaching and learning (SOTL) and how is it different from scholarly teaching?
View the video below to find out.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning vs. Scholarly Teaching
(CELatElon. (2013, August 16). Scholarship of teaching and
learning vs. scholarly teaching [Video file].)
Video length: 7:48 minutes

To further elaborate the concept SOTL, study Resource 4 (pages 1 – 2, 4 – 7),

whose link appears below. (Click the link to access the resource.)

Faculty of Education
Resource 4: The Scholarship of Teaching & Learning: A
Practical Introduction and Critique
(Haigh, N. (2010). The Scholarship of Study Questions
Teaching & Learning: A practical introduction
and critique. Auckland, NZ.) The following questions
intend to guide you in your
Estimated Time Required: 30 – 40 minutes
study of the Resource 4.

Now that you have an initial understanding of 1. What are the four types
what SOTL is and why it is significant, let us now of scholarships according
to Boyer?
focus on the principles of an effective SOTL. 2. According to Shulman,
Resource 5 shall introduce to you the why should we be
interested in SOTL?
characteristics of a good SOTL practice. Click 3. How do students benefit
the link below to access the resource. Please from SOTL? E
4. What is the relationship
study the material carefully. between the SOTL and D
pedagogical research?
Resource 5: Principles of Good Practice in SoTL 5. What are some of the S
(Felten, P. (2013). Principles of good practice concerns about SOTL as
in SOTL. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1(1), a concept? 111
121–125) Estimated Time Required: 25 – 30

Although Resources 4 and 5 mostly discusses SOTL

as applied in higher education, education
Study Questions
professionals in other areas of education are also
The following questions
expected to conduct scholarship. Here in the
intend to guide you in your
study of the Resource 5. Philippines, basic education professionals are
1. What are the principles actually encouraged to do action research
of good practice in SOTL? (Department of Education [DepEd], 2017), a related
2. What does inquiry
focused on student scholarly endeavor to SOTL. To know more about
learning meant?
3. Why should SOTL be
action research and SOTL, you may access and read
grounded on local Ryan’s (2013) paper, The Scholarship of Teaching
4. What is the importance and Learning within Action Research: Promise and
of the guiding principles
Possibilities (Click the link to access.).
in conducting SOTL?

Faculty of Education
After studying all the resources in this module, do this module’s final task :

Task 2: Mod 6 Activity 2 Help Teacher Juana

1. In this activity, you will be given a scenario with a problem to solve. Your
task, is to help solve the problem given. You may do this individually, with
a partner, or with a group of 3.
2. Use this signup sheet to let me know if you're doing it alone, in pair, or
3. Scenario: A pre-service volunteer teacher in Tawi-Tawi (or in remote
area in your country), who is about to become part of the public school
system, is having hesitations in pursuing the profession. She is afraid that E
she is not equipped enough to handle students with multiple
backgrounds, culture, beliefs, and characteristics (gender, personality,
abilities, and entry competencies). She doubts her creativity as her main S
idea of teaching is transmitting her knowledge to the students by direct 111
instruction and lectures. She also does not have actual practice in
scholastic work and research since producing a thesis is not required in
the bachelors degree program that she took.
4. Problem: How can you help Teacher Juana become more confident in
working with diverse learners, in becoming a creative teacher and a
teacher that teaches for creativity, and in applying SOTL to improve her
Remember that she is in Tawi-Tawi (or in a very remote area in your
country), thus, face-to-face conversation with her could be very difficult.
She would need something that she could constantly refer to, to guide her
in her work as a volunteer public school teacher in Tawi-Tawi (or a remote
area in your country). This is an opportunity for you to practice your
creativity in producing an output that could help address Teacher Juana’s
5. Post a link to your output stored in your Google drive to Mod 6 Activity 2
Forum. Make sure the link can be viewed by everyone to allow your
peers to give feedback. When providing feedback, communicate what
worked well and how they may improve their work. Take note your
output must show creativity, synthesis of learning in the module, and
appropriateness of the output to Teacher Juana’s needs.

Faculty of Education
Video and Other Supplementary Resources:
The following resources provide additional information on the topics
discussed in this module. I encourage you to go over them to gain more ideas
and insights about the module topics.
Inclusive Teaching Strategies
(Center for Teaching Excellence. (2016). Inclusive teaching strategies.)

Good Practice Principles in Practice: Teaching Across Cultures

(Leask, B., & Carroll, J. (2013). Good practice principles in practice: Teaching across cultures.
Melbourne, Australia: International Education Association of Australia.)

Inclusive Education as Strategy for Increasing Participation Rate of Children

(Department of Education. (2009). Inclusive education as strategy for increasing participation E
rate of children.)
Inclusive Education in the Philippines: Through the Eyes of Teachers, Administrators, and
Parents of Children with Special Needs S
(Muega, M. A. G. (2016). Inclusive education in the Philippines: Through the eyes of teachers,
administrators, and parents of children with special needs. Social Science Diliman, 12(1), 5-28.)

How to Use Creativity in the Classroom

(Oxford University Press ELT. (2013, October 9). How to use creativity in the classroom [Video
file].) Video length: 3:27 minutes

Life Skills for Teachers: Creativity

(Macmillan Education ELT. (2015, March 3). Life skills for teachers: Creativity [Video file].)
Video length: 4:57 minutes

Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

(CELatElon. (2013, September 9). Key characteristics of the scholarship of teaching and
learning [Video file].)
Video length: 12:56 minutes

Developing the Scholarship of Teaching Through Transformative Learning

(Kreber, C. (2006). Developing the scholarship of teaching through transformative learning.
Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(1), 88 – 109.)

Research Management Guide

(Department of Education. (2017). Research management guide [DepEd Order No. 16, s.

Faculty of Education
You have learned from this module the other aspects of the intricacies of the
teaching profession. As educators, it is essential that we learn to create
instruction and learning environment that is inclusive and welcoming of
students from different cultures, background, and characteristics. It is
important that education institutions provide quality education for all
regardless of culture, gender, religion, socio-economic status, and differences
in characteristics and abilities. Such endeavor may be challenging, but such
task is not only the responsibility of teachers, but also the school
administration, the government, and the entire community. With such great
task, creative teaching becomes essential. Developing ang utilizing different
methods and strategies to teach diverse learners, and solving barriers to E
inclusive education require creativity. Thus, we must accept the challenge of D
developing creativity within us, take risks, and think outside of the box. S
Consequently, such creative thinking should also be developed among our
students so they themselves will be ready to solve problems in various
approaches and view the world in multiple ways.

Related to solving problems, is the engagement in SOTL. Through SOTL, we

can verify the effectiveness and study the impact of our practices; thus,
enabling us to make improvements. Furthermore, through SOTL, we can find
ways to solve problems and issues in teaching and learning. SOTL need not be
done alone. It can be integrated in our PLC work so that we may solve
educational problems collectively. Teachers and education professionals can
do research together to enhance teaching and learning practices. As what you
have learned in the previous module, part of PLC is analyzing collected data to
solve educational issues. Such inquiry on learning is one of the key principles
of SOTL (Felten, 2013). You may have realized by now that all of an educator’s
work is interconnected, every facet essential to delivering quality education
for all.

Faculty of Education

After studying the module resources and accomplishing all the learning tasks
for this module, evaluate whether you were able to do the following:

describe inclusive teaching, teaching creatively and teaching for

creativity, and scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL)
discuss how education professionals can develop inclusive
classrooms and teach creatively, as well as teach for creativity

explain the importance of SOTL and how it can be done E


Faculty of Education

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