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Advances in Educational Technology Vol 1 No 1; February 2022 e-ISSN 2828-4674

Developing Mobile Application Based

on Android for Learning Vocabulary for
Grade Ten
Ruth Febry Maharani*; Hesty Puspita Sari

Faculty of English Education, Balitar Islamic University, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:


This study is aim to establish the efficacy of mobile application based on android for learning vocabulary to the
ten level learners. In this point, the product is a mobile application, students’ book and the teacher’s book. The
researchist applies Research and Development (R & D) pattern adapt from Sugiyono (2016). The pattern in
this study research and development (R and D) The subject of this research was 20 students of a random school
from SMAN 1 Kademangan and SMAN 1 Blitar also five teachers for a random school inBlitar Regency. The
results of the first step prove that problem solving and problem-solving abilities are obtained by analyzing
policy research, conducting monitoring, questioning and answering, and questionnaires. The result of creating
problem abilities and solution which become an obstacle in learning vocabulary is the lack of interest in reading
students so that their vocabulary mastery was not much. They have a lot of difficulty remembering foreign
words, if they have difficulty in mastering or mastering the meaning of foreign words. The result of the design
and development shows that the Mobile Application was valid. In general, of the three module validators, 84%
and the three media validators are 86, 9%. The results of the product experiment prove that this form is
appropriate to be applied to students in vocabulary upgrading and is claimed to be sourced in general. While
the result of product test showed the modelwith total student respond 81,43% and with total teacher respond
absolutely agree 88,25%. The research was carried out on five tenth grade English teachers of MA and SMA,
and students from several tenth grade of Senior High School. The product has an important effect on the
vocabulary of students. It is breast milk and can be used as a media in how to practice guiding. The “Vocabulary
App” media improves students' vocabulary.

Keywords: mobile learning, vocabulary learning, english learning.

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. This article is an open access article distributed under the
terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674


Vocabulary is one of the most important parts of teaching English, along with other components such as
structure, pronounciation and intonation. If a student is weak in vocabulary mastery, he cannot communicate
his or her thoughts and ideas clearly both oral and written. Likewise, listening and reading skills will be
constrained by limited abilities. Jeremy Harmer (1991) said that if language is the body, then form is the bone
that makes the framework, whereas vocabulary or speech is the flesh that makes the body form. That way a
person will not be able to speak in the target language if his code ability does not meet. From the above
description can be concluded the inability of most high school students to communicate in English one factor
is due to lack of vocabulary mastery.

Those issues of vocabulary should be solved; as a result, it will be difficulties for the student to continue
consecutive level or grade. Not only that, students have little encouragement in practicing English as a result
they feel English is a burden. Moreover, the student can have dissatisfaction in form. One of the ways in which
to teaching methods that may create students motivated to find out English is sing the acceptable strategy,
like mobile game based on android.

From those issues higher than, the researcher resumes that the teacher desires an answer to resolve the student
issues by developing mobile application supported for learning vocabulary. The name of game is VocApp.
VocApp could is anapplication for the full category that give a support student to analysing their lexicon words.
There are several arguments why I select VocApp because of the media to boost their vocabulary mastery. First,
VocApp may help the students to analysing their lexicon throughout the class. It will enchant the students
concern and their complicity within the teaching and learning method. Second, students will learn the way to
understand one another. Third, VocApp will produce pleasing surroundings. Students will get pleasure from fun
and joyful learning. Fourth, VocApp will facilitate students correct and remember their lexicon one thing that
happened within the application. It should facilitate students keep in mind the language related with it. So,
the students can improve the vocabulary.


The objective of this research is to develop a mobile application for learning vocabulary to the ten level students.
The pattern in this study is research and development (R and D). It discusses the study and development method
which covers approach and research design, research framework and procedures, plan of product design
(analysis, design and product development, hypothetical product and product specification), validations of
design product, trial product (the design of the research, population and sample, data collection technique,
research instrument, data analysis technique) product evaluation, product improvement, and publication.

Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674

Figure 1 Product Design and Development


The results of product development are validated by experts to decide the chance of the product before being
used for product testing. This was declared valid by material experts (vocabulary) and media experts.

1) VocApp

VocApp application is an application that needs student’s ability to receive the word in the board by using the
teacher’s guidance. In this application, the students are encouraging to be active and creative in finding words.
Vocabulary list are divided into small lessons in every day to help students to easily remember.

2) Material

The material contained in the guidebook is definition of “Vocabulary” Application, Learning Objectives,
Specification of Product, Prototype Product, How to Access and Using VocApp, RPP Teacher, Materials of
vocabulary, Questions, Key answer and References.

3) Guide Book

This manual is designed to provide material and information on how to use Vocabulary Application Media.
Researchers designed three guidebooks, student’s guide book, teacher’s guide book, and public’s guide book.
The font used is Times New Roman 12 pt.

The validation results indicate that the product must revise suggestions and criticisms from the validator.

a. Description of Learning Material Validation

Result by legalization material experts was established to test the quality of value, accuracy of coverage, and
language on learning media. The material experts the researcher requested an assessment of three proficient’s
specifically Mr. AF, Mrs.MR, Mrs.EC. Data from material experts’ validation can be seen in the following table:

Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674

Table 1 Result of Material Validation

No Statement Validator 1 Validator Validator Total

2 3 Score
A. Kesesuaianmateridengan KI &
1. Kesesuaianmateridalam media 5 5 4 14
2. Kedalamanmateri 5 4 3 12
3. Kelengkapanmateri 5 4 3 12
B. Materi
4. Kejelasanmaterisecarakeseluruha 5 4 3 12
5. Evaluasidarimateri 5 4 3 12
6. Urutanpenyajian 5 4 4 13
C. PenggunaanBahasa
7. Kejelasaninstruksi / 4 3 3 10
petunjukpenggunaan media
8. Ketepatanpemilihankosakata 4 4 5 13
9. Ketepatanpenggunaantatabahasa 4 4 4 12
10. Koherensikalimat yang digunakan 4 4 5 13
11. Ketepatanpenggunaantandabaca 4 4 4 12
D. Manfaat
12. Kesetaraanpersepsisiswadanmater 5 5 3 13
13. Materidapatmenjadiacuan yang 5 5 4 14
14. Mempermudahpengajardalammen 5 5 3 13
15. Dapatmenjadiacuanpengajardala 5 5 4 14
Account 189
Criterion 225
Percentage 84 %
Based on the evaluation chart, the module validator has a total of 189 and the percentage is 84%. This figure
is concluded in the range of 80%-100% with the evaluation criteria listed in the very appropriate category. As
a result, the Vocabulary Application from the form field and the presentation section is said to be appropriate.
The module validator also provides suggestions and input that are used as the basis for correcting the developed

Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674

Table 2 Results of critical and suggestion by expert of English material

Respondent Suggestion
The Expert of Content First expert Improvements in the
English Material selection of answers for
each question, add a
Second expert Complete the
instructions,increase the
difficulty of the questions.
Third expert Additional types of
questions are required so as
not to be monotonous

a. Description of Learning Media Validation

The results of the validation of the media expert to the upgrading media expert were tried to test the quality
of the content, the positioning rules of the media shape, creativity and presentation of the application of the
learning upgrading media. The media expert researcher asked for evaluations from 3 experts, namely Mr. WI,
Mr. YP, and Mrs. Al.

Information on the results of the instrument's expert approval can be seen in the following chart:

Table 3 Result of media expert validation

No. Validator Validator Validator Total

1 2 3 Score
A. Bentukdantampilan media Game/ Aplikasi
1. Ketepatanpemilihanwarna cover 5 4 5 14
2. Keserasianwarnadantulisanpada cover 5 4 5 14
3. Cover mencerminkanisi 4 4 5 13
4. Cover cocok/ sesuaidenganaplikasi 4 4 5 13
5. Kejelasanseluruhisi layout pada media 3 4 4 11
6. Ketepatanpemilihankarakter media dengankarakteristiksiswa. 3 4 4 11
7. Ketepatanpenggunaankarakter 3 4 5 12
8. Ketepatanpemilihanjenishuruf 4 4 5 13
9. Jenisdanukuranhurufmudahdibacadansesuaidengankarakteristiksiswa 5 4 4 13
10. Ketepatantataletakteks 3 4 5 12
11. Kelancaranpengoperasian media 4 5 5 14
12. Kemudahanpenggunaan media 4 5 5 14
B BentukdanTampilan Guide Books
13. Kesesuaiantampilandenganmateri 4 5 5 14
14. Ketepatanpemilihanwarna cover 5 4 5 14
15. Keserasianwarnadantulisanpada cover 5 4 5 14
16. Cover mencerminkanisi 4 4 5 13
17. Ketepatanpemilihanjenishuruf 4 4 5 13
18. Jenisdanukuranhurufmudahdibacadansesuaidengankarakteristiksiswa 5 4 4 13

Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674

No. Validator Validator Validator Total

1 2 3 Score
19. Ketepatantataletakteks 3 4 5 12
20. Ketepatanukuran media 4 4 5 13
21. Ketepatandanketahanandalampemilihanbahan media 3 4 5 12
22. Kemasan 5 4 5 14
C. Kegunaan / Manfaat Media
23. Media mudahuntukdigunakan 4 4 5 13
24. Media sesuaidengankarakteristiksiwa. 4 4 5 13
25. Media mendukungmateripembelajaran 4 5 5 14
Account 326
Percentage 86,9%
Based on the evaluation chart the media validator has a total of 326 and a percentage of 86, 9%. This number
is listed in the range of 80%-100% in the scoring criteria listed in the very appropriate category. As a result,
the Vocabulary Application media from the field of form and presentation is said to be very appropriate. The
media validator also provides suggestions and input that are used as the basis for correcting the developed

Table 4 Results of critical and suggestion by expert of English media

Respondent Suggestion
The Expert of Content First expert Add time answering
English Material questions at the each
Second expert Make the cover more shows
the contents of the book.
Third expert Add time answering
questions and the audio.
The addition of time at each level has been done and the cover justification that previously did not explain the
contents of the application has also been fixed.

4. Implementation

a. Cover VocApp and first layout. This is the main menu after it was revised. In this layout has been added
how to play button to make it easier for users to run VocApp application.
b. Explanation and How to Play layout. The Explanation page contains the explanation and purpose of
the VocApp application, while for the How to Play page explains how to use VocApp.
c. The Chapter page contains about 15 chapters, themes and content in each different chapter.
d. In each chapter there are Words and Exercise button with 20 vocabulary and questions.

Advances in Educational Technology Volume 1 Number 1; February 2022
e-ISSN 2828-4674

5. Conclusion

Based on the research finding that has clarified by the study above and based on three research problems in
chapter I. There could be shown as follows.The development process of VocApp as a learning media through
several stages, as follows: (1) Analyzing potential and Problem, (2) Data Collection, (3) Product Design, (4)
Students and Teacher Response, (5) Product Revision, (6) Product Validation, (7) Product Revision, (8) Final
Product. The development of the VocApp was used to teach tenth-grade vocabularies. The manufacturing
process was carried out in stages and to produce learning media that was suitable for use in the vocabulary
learning, a series of validation processes were carried out with media experts, material experts, and teachers’
and students’ responses.

The results of the validation of material experts showed that VocApp to improve the tenth-grade students
vocabularies were very good to use. With a percentage, 84% and the value is included 80%-100% the category
score is “Very Good” this material is suitable to be used.The result of the validation of media experts showed
that VocApp to improve the tenth-grade students vocabularies were very good to use. With a percentage of
86,9%, the value is included 80%-100% and the category score is “Very Good” this media is appropriate to be
used as a media for learning vocabulary. The product gave significant effect to the student’s vocabulary, shown
in the assumption test results. It can be concluded in a total way that the product of this research, Audio
Listening Medias, increases the skill of observing students.


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