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The Use of Multimedia Authoring Tool in English Test Development

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1.1 Background

English is used as a second or third language and for some people the first
language. With the spread and development of English around the world, it has

become an important means of communication among the people of different cultures

and languages. The government of Indonesia has put English as an essential subject

to be learned from elementary school up to university school.

Technology isn’t something that students need to be separated from; rather it’s

something that students need to embrace.1 The development of technology already

effects most of the human activity nowadays. The development is very fundamental

and has brought many significant changes in velocity and innovation of education


Today, the use and variety of computer and internet technologies in

educational settings to support teaching has become increasingly popular. 3 Lately, the
utilization of computers in measurement or testing is trending. Whittington, Bull &

Min Pun, " The Use of Multimedia Technology in English Language Teaching: A Global
Perspective" (Crossing the Border: International Journal Interdisciplinary Studies, vol.1, no.1,
December 2013), p.29.
Muchamad Suradji, “Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Di Bidang

Kesiswaan, Kepegawaian Dan Keuangan Di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik” (Master thesis; Program
Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam UIN Sunan Ampel: Surabaya, 2012), p. 2.
Ahmet Basal, “Authoring Tools For Developing The Content In Language Education”

(International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, vol.8, no.4, October
2012), p. 164.

Danson defined Computer-Based Testing are the form of assessment in which the

computer is an integral part of question papers' delivery, response storage, marking of

response or reporting of results from a test or exercise. It allows teachers or

instructors to organize, schedule, execute tests, send data and reports easily. One of

the examples of the utilization of computers in measurement was in Candidate Civil

Servants (CPNS) recruitment. The program that used in that recruitment is called

Computer Assisted Test (CAT). Almost all institutions in Indonesia had used it in
their candidate civil servant recruitment. This method is considered to be more

practical, effective and efficient.4 Since 2016 the government had decided to apply

Computer Based Test in the final examination. It aimed to ensure the implementation

of keeping cost down and honest, net, and flexible and also to increase the quality,

flexibility, and reliability of the final examination.

Dealing with researcher observation in the preliminary study found that

SMPN 2 Pinrang was one of the schools that suitable for developing English test by

using Multimedia Authoring tool software. It has an available computer laboratory

which could be used to conduct examination by using computer-based test. In

addition, using a computer in learning activity is a usual thing for students and

Based on the explanation above, the researcher interest to do the research in

developing English test by using Multimedia Authoring tool software at second grade

students in SMPN 2 Pinrang. It was expected that it could help both students and

Situs Informasi Pendaftaran CPNS dan Loker 2014,"Pengenalan Sistem dan Software Cat
CPNS Tahun 2014", Official Website Situs Informasi Pendaftaran CPNS dan Loker 2014. (May 5th,

teacher for encountering the development of information and technology and to

increase the quality of the evaluation.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background of the research, the problems of the research are

formulated as follows:

1.2.1 How is the valid profile of english test that has been developed by using
Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2 Pinrang?

1.2.2 How is the teachers valuation toward english test that has been developed by

using Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2


1.2.3 How is the students response toward english test that has been developed by

using Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2


1.3 Objective of the Research

The following are objectives of the research:

1.3.1 To know the valid profile of english test that has been developed by using

Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2 Pinrang.

1.3.2 To know the teachers valuation toward english test that has been developed by

using Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2


1.3.3 To know the students response toward english test that has been developed by

using Multimedia Authoring Tool at second grade students in SMPN 2


1.4 Significance of the Research

The result of this research is generally to develop English test and particularly

this research is expected to give a valuable contribution to both the teachers and the

students. For the teachers, it will help in creating and taking a test for their evaluation.

Whereas for the students, it can train them to do the test by using a computer, so they

get accustomed to using it. And also for the researcher, it can be used as an
alternative source and references to other researchers to study Multimedia Authoring

Tool as English Test Development.


This part presents related research findings, some pertinent ideas, and

conceptual framework

2.1 Preview Related Research Findings

Some researcher had conducted a few studies and found related results of the

research. First Wahyu Hidayat in his research entitles Development of Based

Computer Test Subjects in Methodology of Research Subject found that a test can be

done using a computer. The use of the computer as a replacement test using paper and
pencil is more efficient and effective.5

Next, Rahmat Amiruddin in his research concludes that English test could be

developed by using a software as a replacement for English test using paper and

pencil is more effective and efficient. In addition, using Computer Based Test in

Wahyu Hidayat, "Development of Based Computer Test in Methodology of Research
Subject” (Laporan Hasil Penelitian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat STAIN
Parepare; Parepare, 2013), p. 1.

examination would not distract participants or reduce the participant's concentration

and even could make participants enthusiastic in answering the question. Then using

CBT in the examination could reduce expenditures in preparing to face test either

time or money and the students could use CBT easily.6

And the last Simhachalam Thamarana in his paper entitle Role of Multimedia

Resources in Teaching and Learning of English Language conclude that Multimedia

Offers teacher enermous opportunities for making learning and teaching

environments meaningful and effective. The one of the ultimate goals of multimedia

language teaching is to promote students’ motivation and learning interest, which can

be a practical wayto get them involved in the language learning.7

2.2 Some Pertinent Ideas

2.2.1 Introducing to Assesment Definition of Assesment

Generally, Assesment is the act of judging or deciding the amount, value,

quality, or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made.8 There

are four overlapping domain of assessment:

1. Educational assessment includes academic tests that measure academic

achievement or performance, like math or English language literacy test and

Rahmat Amiruddin, "The Use of Various Softwares in English Test Development at Second
Grade Students in SMAN 1 Pituriawa (A development Research)" (Unpublished scrips; English
Program of Tarbiyah Department STAIN Parepare; Parepare, 2015), p. 126.
Simhachalam Tamarana, “Role of Multimedia Resources in Teaching and Learning of
English Language”. Teaching English Language and Literature Challanges and Solution, p. 171.
(Accessed on May 5th).
“Assessment” Cambridge Online Dictionary. (Accessed on may 5th 2018).

cognitive ability tests that measure intellectual skills or diagnose

neuropsychological issues as learning disabilities.

2. Vocational assessments measure career interest, job aptitudes and skills, and

work capacities; occupation-specific skill certification is also included.

3. Psychological assessments measure neuropsychological, behavioral, social,

and emotional skill and abilities, mental health screening and chemical

dependency tests are also included in this category.

4. Medical assessment measures physical and functional capabilities such as

vision or speech, and may also include drug testing.9

Assessment really is the bridge between teaching and learning.10 No matter

how carefully the instructional design and implement, what students learn cannot be

predicted with any certainty. It is only through the assessment that teacher can

discover whether the instructional activities in which teacher engaged their students

resulted in the intended learning. Then according to Imran Hameed “Educational

assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge,

skills, attitudes, and beliefs". Furthermore, Maria Arias Cordova says that Assessment

is generally used to refer to all activities teachers use to help students learn and to
gauge student progress. 11

Whereas according to Harlen, Gipps, Broadfoot, Nuttal Assessment in

education is the process of gathering, interpreting, recording, and using information

Federation for Children with Special Needs, “Assessment”, Federation for Children with
Special Needs, Website. ( Accessed on May 4th).
Dylan William, “Assessment: The Bridge between Teaching and Learning” (Voices from
the Middle, 21 no. 2, December 2013) p. 15.
In Arburim Iseni, "Assessment, Testing and Correcting Students' Errors and Mistakes"
Language Testing in Asia Vol. 1, Issue 3 (October 2011), p. 61.

about pupils’ responses to an educational task.12 Then, Mohammed Najib Abdul

Gafur, Adibah Latif, and Cristal Joan Peter defined that Assessment is the process of

making judgment or producing values involves assessment (gathering evidence) and

evaluation (analysis and reflections) based on data gathered (measurement) through

any instrument (test).13

Based on the definitions above, the researcher concluded that assessment,

especially in education, is systematic process of collecting data or information (about

students' knowledge, skill, attitude, beliefs and also the effectiveness of teaching and

learning process) for analyzing, interpreting, and making judgment or producing

values by using any instruments. The purpose of assessment is to determine teaching

and learning effectiveness, the level of success on the aims and objectives and help

individuals for future actions, remediation, and advancement. Difference between Assessment, Evaluation, Measurement, and Testing

Some people frequently had confused to distinguish between assessment,

evaluation, measurement, and testing. Most of them ended up thinking that it is just

the same. But actually, the case is different. Assessment, evaluation, measurement,

and testing are different.

According to Herman and Knuth, assessment is used to determine what a

student knows or can do, while evaluation is used to determine the worth or value of

Harlen, Gipps, et al., Linguistics and language learning. Modern Linguistics (New York:
St.Martin's Press 1993), p. 219.
Mohammed Najib Abdul Gafur, Adibah Latif, and Cristal Joan Peter. “Assessment in

Language Teaching” (Naskah presentasi yang disajikan pada International Seminar di UNISMUH
Makassar: Makassar, November 30th, 2013), p. 2.

a course or program. Assessment data effects student advancement, placement, and

grades, as well as decisions about instructional strategies and curriculum.14

Whereas Dr. Bob Kizlik said that Measurement refers to the process by which

the attributes or dimensions of some physical object are determined. One exception

seems to be in the use of the word measure in determining the IQ of a person, while

the assessment is a process by which information is obtained relative to some known

objective or goal. Assessment is a broad term that includes testing. A test is a special
form of assessment. Tests are assessments made under contrived circumstances

especially so that they may be administered. In other words, all tests are assessments,

but not all assessments are tests. Then, Evaluation is perhaps the most complex and

least understood of the terms. Inherent in the idea of evaluation is "value." When we

evaluate, what we are doing is engaging in some process that is designed to provide

information that will help us make a judgment about a given situation.15

Then, Terry Overton made the definition for each are:

1. Test: A method to determine a student's ability to complete certain tasks or

demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content. Some types would be

multiple choice tests or a weekly spelling test. While it is commonly used

interchangeably with the assessment or even evaluation, it can be

distinguished by the fact that a test is one form of an assessment.

2. Assessment: The process of gathering information to monitor progress and

make educational decisions if necessary. As noted in my definition of the test,

Connoley, R., Criterion-Referenced Assessment. (Australia: Deakin University,2004), p. 62.
Bob Kizlik, “Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in Education". (May 5th, 2018), p. 2-3.

an assessment may include a test, but also includes methods such as

observations, interviews, behavior monitoring, etc.

3. Evaluation: Procedures used to determine whether the subject (i.e. student)

meets preset criteria, such as qualifying for special education services. This

uses assessment (remember that an assessment may be a test) to make a

determination of qualification in accordance with a predetermined criterion.

4. Measurement, beyond its general definition, refers to the set of procedures and
the principles for how to use the procedures in educational tests and

assessments. Some of the basic principles of measurement in educational

evaluations would be raw scores, percentile ranks, derived scores, standard

scores, etc.16

For the purpose of schematic representation, the three concepts of evaluation,

measurement, and testing have traditionally been demonstrated in three concentric

circles of varying sizes. This is what Lynch has followed in depicting the relationship

among these concepts.17

Terry Overton. Assessing Learners with Special Needs An Applied Approach, Seventh
Edition. (New York: Pearson Longman.Inc,) p. 43.
Lynch, Bryan. K. “Rethinking assessment from a critical perspective”, Language Testing

Vol. 18 No. 4 (October 2001), p.351.

From-a-Critical-Perspective (Accessed on May 4th, 2018).

Figure 1- Assessment, measurement, and testing adopted from Lynch (2001)

So it can be concluded that differences between assessment, evaluation,

measurement, and testing is testing as a method for determining, measurement as the

principle how to use the procedure in the test, evaluation as the procedures used to

determine subject and assessment as the all process of gathering information to

monitor progress and make decisions. Types of Assessment

Numerous terms are used to describe different types of learner assessment.

Although somewhat arbitrary, it is useful to these various terms as representing

dichotomous poles.18

Mhairi Mc Alpine, Principles of Assessment. (Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Robert
Clark Center for Technological Education, 2002), p.4-10 (Accessed on May 5th, 2018).

Formative <---------------------------------> Summative

Informal <---------------------------------> Formal

Continuous <---------------------------------> Final

Process <---------------------------------> Product

Divergent <---------------------------------> Convergent

1. Formative vs. Summative Assessment

Formative assessment is designed to assist the learning process by providing

feedback to the learner, which can be used to identify strengths and weakness and

hence improve future performance. Formative assessment is most appropriate where

the results are to be used internally by those involved in the learning process

(students, teachers, curriculum developers).

Summative assessment is used primarily to make decisions for grading or

determine readiness for progression. Typically summative assessment occurs at the

end of an educational activity and is designed to judge the learner’s overall

performance. In addition to providing the basis for grade assignment, summative

assessment is used to communicate students’ abilities to external stakeholders, e.g.,

administrators and employers.

2. Informal vs. Formal Assessment

With informal assessment, the judgments are integrated with other tasks, e.g.,

lecturer feedback on the answer to a question or preceptor feedback provided while

performing a bedside procedure. Informal assessment is most often used to provide

formative feedback. As such, it tends to be less threatening and thus less stressful for

the student. However, informal feedback is prone to high subjectivity or bias.

Formal assessment occurs when students are aware that the task that they are

doing is for assessment purposes, e.g., a written examination or OSCE. Most formal

assessments also are summative in nature and thus tend to have greater motivation

impact and are associated with increased stress. Given their role in decision-making,

formal assessments should be held to higher standards of reliability and validity than

informal assessments.

3. Continuous vs. Final Assessment

Continuous assessment occurs throughout a learning experience (intermittent

is probably a more realistic term). Continuous assessment is most appropriate when

student and/or instructor knowledge of progress or achievement is needed to

determine the subsequent progression or sequence of activities. Continuous

assessment provides both students and teachers with the information needed to

improve teaching and learning in the process. Obviously, continuous assessment

involves increased effort for both teacher and student.

Final (or terminal) assessment is that which takes place only at the end of a

learning activity. It is most appropriate when learning can only be assessed as a

complete whole rather than as constituent parts. Typically, the final assessment is
used for summative decision-making. Obviously, due to its timing, final assessment

cannot be used for formative purposes.

4. Process vs. Product Assessment

Process assessment focuses on the steps or procedures underlying a particular

ability or task, i.e., the cognitive steps in performing a mathematical operation or the

procedure involved in analyzing a blood sample. Because it provides more detailed

information, process assessment is most useful when a student is learning a new skill

and for providing formative feedback to assist in improving performance.

Product assessment focuses on evaluating the result or outcome of a process.

Using the above examples, we would focus on the answer to the math computation or

the accuracy of the blood test results. Product assessment is most appropriate for

documenting proficiency or competency in a given skill, i.e., for summative purposes.

In general, product assessments are easier to create than product assessments,

requiring only a specification of the attributes of the final product.

5. Divergent vs. Convergent Assessment

Divergent assessments are those for which a range of answers or solutions

might be considered correct. Examples include essay tests and solutions to the typical

types of indeterminate problems posed in PBL. Divergent assessments tend to be

more authentic and most appropriate in evaluating higher cognitive skills. However,

these types of assessment are often time-consuming to evaluate and the resulting

judgments often exhibit poor reliability.

A convergent assessment has only one correct response (per item). Objective

test items are the best example and demonstrate the value of this approach in
assessing knowledge. Obviously, convergent assessments are easier to evaluate or

score than divergent assessments. Unfortunately, this “ease of use” often leads to

their widespread application of this approach even when contrary to good assessment

practices. Specifically, the familiarity and ease with which convergent assessment

tools can be applied lead to two common evaluation fallacies: the Fallacy of False

Quantification (the tendency to focus on what’s easiest to measure) and the Law of

the Instrument Fallacy (molding the evaluation problem to fit the tool).

2.2.2 Language Testing

According to Priscilla Allen, University of Washington, Language Testing is

the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a

particular language effectively.19 Then, Alan Davies, University of Edinburgh, Said

that "The activity of developing and using language tests. As a psychometric activity,

language testing traditionally was more concerned with the production, development,

and analysis of tests. Recent critical and ethical approaches to language testing have
placed more emphasis on the uses of language tests. The purpose of a language test is

to determine a person's knowledge and/or ability in the language and to discriminate

that person's ability from that of others. Such ability may be of different kinds,

achievement, proficiency or aptitude. Tests, unlike scales, consist of specified tasks

through which language abilities are elicited. The term language assessment is used in

free variation with language testing although it is also used somewhat more widely to

include for example classroom testing for learning and institutional examinations."20.

Whereas Carol Chapelle and Geoff Brindley, Universities of Iowa State and

Macquarie told that “In the context of language teaching and learning, Language

testing refers to the act of collecting information and making judgments about a
language learners’ knowledge of a language and ability to use it." And in Wikipedia,

this is its current definition of Language testing: "Language Assessment or Language

Testing is a field of study under the umbrella of applied linguistics. Its main focus is

the assessment of first, second or another language in the school, college, or

Priscilla Allen, “Definition of Language Testing”,


(Accessed on May 5th, 2018).

Alan Davies, “Definition of Language Testing”,

(Accessed on May 5th, 2018).

university context; assessment of language use in the workplace; and assessment of

language in the immigration, citizenship, and asylum contexts."21

So, language testing is the activity of collecting data and determining a

person’s knowledge and/or ability in the language and to discriminate that person’s

ability from that of others.

Actually, there are many types of test. It can be divided based on the way of

scoring and based on the aim to do test.22 Types of Test Based on The Way of Scoring: Objective and Subjective Test

Subjective and objective are terms used to refer to the scoring of tests. All test

items, no matter how they are devised, require candidates to exercise a subjective

judgment. Furthermore, all tests are constructed subjectively by the tester, who

decides which areas of language to test, how to test those particular areas, and what

kind of items to use for this purpose. Thus, it is only the scoring of a test that can be

described as objective. This means that a testee will score the same mark no matter

which examiner marks the test.

Since objective test usually has only one correct answer, they can be scored

mechanically. The fact that objective tests can be marked by computer is one
important reason for their evident popularity among examining bodies responsible for

testing a large number of candidates.

On the whole, objective tests require far more careful preparation than

subjective tests. Examiners tend to spend a relatively short time on setting the

Language Testing and Assessment”, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol. 7,.

(Accessed on May 05th, 2018).

Heaton, J.B. Writing English Language Test: New Edition. (New York: Longman Inc, 1998)
p. 171.

question but considerable time on marking. In an objective test, the tester spends a

great deal of time constructing each test item as carefully possible, attempting to

anticipate the various reaction of the test at each stage. The effort is rewarded,

however, in the case of the marking. Types of Test Based on the Aim to Do Test

Types of test based on the aim to do test can be divided into:

1. Achievement/Attainment Test
This group can be further subdivided into class progress tests and achievement


1. Class Progress Tests

Most teachers are, at some time or other, required to construct such tests. Each

progress test situation is unique and can only be evaluated fully by the class teacher in

the light of his or her knowledge of the students, the program which they have been

following, and the class teacher’s own particular aims and goals.

The progress test is designed to measure the extent to watch the students have

mastered the material taught in the classroom. It is based on the language program

which the class has been following and is just as important as an assessment of the
teacher’s work as the student’s own learning. A good progress test should encourage

the students to perform well in the target language and to gain additional confidence.

Its aim is to stimulate learning and to reinforce what has been taught.

2. Achievement Tests

Achievement or attainment tests, though similar in a number of ways to

progress test, are far more formal tests and are intended to measure achievement on a

large scale. Achievement test frequently takes the form of secondary school entrance

tests and school certificate examinations.

Several achievement tests are standardized; they are pre-tested, each item is

analyzed and revised where necessary, norms are established and comparisons made

between performances of different students and different schools. A good

achievement test should reflect the particular approach to learning and teaching that

has previously been adopted.

2. Proficiency Test

Whereas an achievement test looks back on what should have been learned,

the proficiency test looks forward, defining a student's language proficiency with

reference to a particular task which he or she will be required to perform. Proficiency

test is in no way related to any syllabus or teaching program; indeed, many and even

language backgrounds. The proficiency test is concerned simply with measuring a

student's control of the language in the light of what he or she will be expected to do

within the future performance of the particular task.

The proficiency test is concerned with measuring not general attainment but

specific skills in the light of the language demands made later on the student by a
future course of study or job.

3. Aptitude Test

A language aptitude test or prognostic test is designed to measure the student's

probable performance in a foreign language which he or she has not started to learn; it

assesses aptitude for learning a language. Language learning aptitude is a complex

matter, consisting of such factors as intelligence, age, motivation, memory,

phonological sensitivity and sensitivity to grammatical patterning.

Aptitude test generally seeks to predict the student’s probable strength and

weakness in learning a foreign language by measuring performance in an artificial


4. Diagnostic Test

Although the term diagnostic test is widely used, few tests are constructed

solely as diagnostic tests. Achievement and proficiency test, however, is frequently

used for diagnostic purposes: areas of difficulty are diagnostic in such tests so that
appropriate remedial action can be taken later. Since diagnostic strengths and

weakness is such an important feature of progress tests and of teaching, the teacher

should always be alert to every face of achievement revealed in a class progress tests.

Note that diagnostic testing is frequently carried out for a group of students

rather than for individuals.

2.2.3 Testing the Language Skills and Language Areas23

Four major skills in communicating through language are often broadly

defined as listening, listening and speaking, reading and writing. In many situations

where English is taught for general purposes, these skills should be carefully

integrated and used to perform as many genuinely communicative tasks as possible.

Where this is the case, it is important for the test writer to concentrate on those types

of test items which appear directly relevant to the ability to use language for real-life


Ways of assessing performance in the four major skills may take the form of

test of:

Heaton, J.B. Writing English Language Test: New Edition. p. 8-9

18 Listening comprehension, in which short utterances, dialogues, talks, and

lectures are given to the testees; Speaking ability, usually in the form of an interview, a picture description,

role play and a problem-solving task involving pair work or group work; Reading comprehension, in which question are set to test the students' ability

to understand the gist of a text and to extract key information on a specific

point in the text; Writing ability, usually in the form of letters, reports, memos, messages,

instructions, and accounts of past events, etc.

It is the test constructor’s task to assess the relative importance of these skills

at the various levels and to devise an accurate means of measuring the student’s

success in developing these skills. Several test writers still consider that their purpose

can best be achieved if each separate skill can be measured on its own. But it is

usually extremely difficult to separate one skill from another, for the very division of

the four skills is an artificial one and the concept itself constitutes a vast

oversimplification of the issue involved in communication.

Whereas in an attempt to isolate the language areas learned, a considerable

number of tests include sections on:

1. Test of grammar and usage: the tests that measure students’ ability to

recognize appropriate grammatical forms and to manipulate structures.

2. Test of vocabulary: a test that measures student's knowledge of the meaning

of certain words as well as the patterns and collocations in which they occur.

3. Test of phonology: a test that designed might attempt to assess the following

sub-skills; ability to recognize and pronounce the significant sound contrast of

a language, ability to recognize and use then stress patterns of a language, and

ability to hear and produce the melody or patterns of the tunes of a language.

2.2.4 Introducing to Computer Based Test

The test is usually associated with the measurement of the mastery of certain

materials. The results one of them is used to make decisions on the institution or from

the teacher to the students. The result of the test is considered as valid evidence of the

individual, which can be used for example for a class rise, promotion, and graduation.
Before the advent of the computer-based test, the test is usually done in writing the

paper (paper-based test), but along with the development of information technology

begins to shift the written test was replaced with a computer-based test even internet-

based test. Computer-based test (CBT) is a method of presenting the test so that the

test taker's response to these tests can be stored and analyzed electronically. In other

words, the computer-based test carried out with the help of computer software.24

The use of computer technology in the assessment has various advantages. In

addition, the assessment also has problems, for example, the technical limitations,

variations in the level of computer skills, the lack of guarantee of authenticity and

security, there is a feeling of anxiety may have difficulty technology, the high cost of
access, and others.25

There are many advantages of the test by using computer, including allowing

perform tests at the right time for the participants, reducing the time for job

assessment tests and make a written report, eliminating the logistical work such as

“Computer-based Testing”, Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia., (Accessed on May 5th, 2018).
In Sapriati, Amalia dan Minrohayati, "Ujian Berbasis Komputer (UBK)”.Jurnal Pendidikan

Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh, vol. 10, no. 2 (September 2009), p. 63-72.

distributing, storing and using the test paper, test participants can immediately know

the result of the test . While the loss is that, the dependence of the equipment such as

computers, requires adequate computer lab (in hardware and software as well as the

amount) if the system of Computer-Based Test has problematic the implementation

of computer-based tests will be delayed, requiring knowledge and computer skills to

the test participants.

2.2.5 Introducing to Multimedia Authoring Tool

Multimedia Authoring tool is also known as Authorware, a program that helps

to write hypertext or multimedia applications. Authoring tools usually enable you to

create a final application merely by linking together objects, such as a paragraph of

text, an illustration, or a song. By defining the objects' relationship to each other, and

by sequencing them in an appropriate order, authors (those who use authoring tools)

can produce attractive and useful graphics applications. Most authoring systems also

support a scripting language for more sophisticated applications.

The distinction between authoring tools and programming tools is not clear-

cut. Typically, though, authoring tools require less technical knowledge to master and

are used exclusively for applications that present a mixture of textual, graphical, and
audio data.

Authoring can be described as creating a highly interactive application in

which the information can flow in both the direction i.e., from application to user and

from user to application. Multimedia authoring tools have helped in creating higher-

quality audio and video application with very little expertise.

Authoring does not require a team of programmers, instructors, corporate

communications, and content specialist with no previous programming experience

should be able to learn and use the authoring environment. At large, authoring

programs could be grouped into the following two distinct types i.e., those that relied

entirely on point and click and those that required simple scripting.

Multimedia authoring tools can be evaluated by performing certain tests,

which include the creation of non-interactive multimedia, computer-based training

(CBT) application, catalog creation and even authoring for the World Wide Web.26 Features of Authoring Tools

1. Editing Features

The elements of multimedia – image, animation, text, digital audio and MIDI

music and video clips – need to be created, edited, and converted to standard file

formats and the specialized applications provide these capabilities. Editing tools for

these elements, particularly text and still images are often included in your authoring


2. Organizing Features

Some authoring tools provide a visual flowcharting system or overview

facility for illustrating your project’s structure at a macro level. Storyboards or

navigation diagram too can help organize a project. Because designing the
interactivity and navigation flow of you project often requires a great deal of planning

and programming effort, your story board should describe not just graphics of each

screen but the interactive elements as well. Features that help organize your material,

such as those provided by Super Edit, Authorware, IconAuthor and other authoring


"Multimedia and It's Application,” (Accessed on May 5th, 2018).

3. Programming Features

Authoring tools that offer a very high level language or interpreted scripting

environment for navigation control and for enabling user inputs – such as

Macromedia Director, Macromedia Flash, HyperCard, MetaCard and ToolBook are

more powerful. The more commands and function provided in the scripting language,

the more powerful the authoring system. Script can perform computational tasks;

sense and respond to user input; create character, icon and motion animation; launch
other application; and control external multimedia devices.

4. Interactive Fetaures

Interactivity empowers the end users of your project by letting them control

the content and flow information. Authoring tools should provide one or more levels

of interactivity: simple branching, which offers the ability to go to another section of

the multimedia production; conditional branching, which supports a go-to based on

the result of IF-THEN decision or events. A structured language that supports

complex programming logic, such as nested IF-THENs, subroutines, event tracking

and message passing among object and elements.

5. Performance Tuning Features

Complex multimedia projects require extra synchronization of events.

Accomplishing synchronization is difficult because performance varies widely among

the different computers used for multimedai development and delivery. Some

authoring tools allow to lock a production’s playback speed to specified computer

platform, but other provides no ability what so ever to control performance on various


6. Playback Features

When developing multimedia project, it will continually assembling elements

and testing to see how the assembly looks and performs. The authoring system should

let to build a segement or part of the project and then quickly test it as if the user were

actually using it.

7. Delivery Features

Delivering project may require building a run-time version of the project

using the multimedia authoring software. A run-time version allows your project to

play back with out requiring the full authoring software and all its tools and editors.

Many times the run time version does not allow user to access or change the content,

structure and programming of the project. If the project is going to distribute widely,

it should distribute it in the run-time version.

8. Cross-Platform Features

It is also increasingly important to use tools that make transfer across

platforms easy. For many developers, the Macintosh remains the multimedia

authoring platform of hoice, but 80% of that developer’s target market may be

Windows Platforms.
9. Internet Playability

Due to the Web has become a significant delivery mediumfor multimedia,

authoring systems typically provide a means to convert their output so that it can be

delivered within the context of HTML or DHTML, either with special plug-in or

embedding Java, JavaScript or other code structures in the HTML document.

2.2.6 Adobe Captivate

Adobe is an authoring tool that is used for creating e-learning content such as

software demonstrations, software simulations, branched scenarios, and randomized

quizzes in Small Web Formats (.swf) and HTML 5 formats. It can also convert

Adobe Captivate generated file formats (.swf) to digital MP4 (.mp4) formats which

can be played with media players or uploaded to video hosting websites. For software

simulation, Captivate can use left or right mouse clicks, key presses and rollover

There are five fabulous features of adobe captivate that enhance the

instructional design. They are Adobe Captivate Draft, Device-aware Delivery,

Multimedia Integration, Branch-aware Quizzing, Geo-location Support.28

Next, some introduction displays of English computer-based test that made by

using Adobe Captivate as follows:

“Adobe Captivate”, Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 5th, 2018).
Hema Gopalakrishnan "5 Best features of Adobe Captivate 9" (Accessed
on May 5th, 2018).

Figure 2- Introduction page

Figure 3- Question page

Figure 4- Quiz Results page

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Some experts defined the conceptual framework, Sugiono in his book states

that framework is a conceptual model of how theory relates to a variety of factors that

have been identified as an important issue.29

The following is the conceptual framework which is underlying this research:

Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Kuantitatif Kualitatif, (Cet. 22; Bandung: Alfabeta,
2015), p. 91.

Problem and Potency Analysis

English test (Questions) Analysis

English Test Development by using Computer Based Test

Multimedia Authoring Tool Software


Product Packaging Revision Testing

Figure 5- Conceptual Framework of the Research

The conceptual network above explain that Research and Development in

English test began with analysis of problem that found or faced in the field and the

potencial that can be improved to solve the problem. The next step is analyze the

questions for English testing for second grade students. Then develop the English test

by using Multimedia Authoring Tool with Adobe Captivate Software. This process

produces Computer Based Test Software. Next, the product is then through the

process of validation by material experts, media experts, and practitioners / teachers

to demonstrate the feasibility of the media that has been produced. After the

validation process, then proceed with the product testing process on the learners who

serve as the subject of research. The results of this step become the reference to revise

the lack of product. The last step is product packaging.


3.1 Research Design

The design of this research is Development Research. According to Gay,

Development Research is an effort to develop a product that is effective for the use of

the school, and not to test the theory.30

Seals and Richey defines Development Research as a systematic assessment

of the designing, development, and evaluation of programs, processes and learning

products that must meet the criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness.31

Van den Akker and Plomp describe the Development Research based on two

objectives namely:
3.1.1 Development of a prototype product

3.1.2 Formulation of methodological suggestions for designing and evaluating the

product prototype.32

Gay, L.R. Educational Evaluation and Measurement: Com-petencies for Analysis and
Application. Second edition. (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company,1991), p. 132
Seels, Barbara B. & Richey, Rita C., Teknologi Pembelajaran: Definisi dan Kawasannya.
Penerjemah Dewi S. Prawiradilaga dkk. (Jakarta: Kerjasama IPTPI LPTK UNJ, 1994), p. 279

While Richey and Nelson distinguish two types of Development Research as


3.1.1 The first type focuses on designing and evaluation of the product or specific

programs with the aim to get an overview of the development process and to

study the conditions that support the implementation of the program.

3.1.2 The second type focused on the assessment of development programs carried

out previously. The purpose of this second type is to gain an overview of

designing and evaluation procedures are effective.33

Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that the Development

Research is a process used to develop and validate the products that are used in

education. Products that produced include training materials for teachers, learning

materials, media, test, and learning management systems.

The research will use 4D model popularized by Thiagrajan in 1974. This

model has four steps i.e : define, design, development and disemination.34 Each step

will pass gradually and sistematically to the next step. Every step will pass a process

of structured activities. The implementation of the stage can be adjusted to the

conditions and situations that facilitate the process. For instance in the FGD process
if it is difficult to present all the speakers in one place, it can be conditioned by direct

consultation visits by the researcher. As for the steps of research and development

can be described as follows:

Van den Akker, Principles and Methods of Development J. van den Akker,
R.Branch, K. Gustafson, Nieven, dan T. Plomp (eds), Design Approaches and Tools in Education and
Training (Dortrech: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999). p. 2
Rita C. Richey, J. D. K., Wayne A. Nelson, Developmental Research: Studies of
Instructional Design and Development.(2009), p. 45.
Sugiyono, Metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2015), p.37-38.

Front End Analysis

Prototype Flow Chart

Story Board

Revision FGD/ Consultation

Draft I

FGD/ Consultation


Draft II



Draft III

Testing/ Trial


Product Packaging

Figure 6- 4D Model

Furthermore, to be able to understand each step in the design flow can

described as follows:

3.1.1 Define

This step is a very important start in determining the problems and potentials

in the field. This process is a series of needsassement to the needs of the development

of a design or product in the form of models, media, and learning materials. Needs

analysis is based on the problems faced by learner in the field in this context is the
school as a place for the learning process. Then how the solutive plan to provide

alternative solutions in the form of products offered based on existing potential.

3.1.2 Design

The second step after Analyze the needs is design. There are some activities

that will be done as follows: Making Flow Chart, which is a model of framework from media content that

will be produced. Essentially, Flow Chart is a graphical chart showing work

systems or activity trends as an executable system. Writing Story Board, which is the sustainability of the flow chart. If flow

chart contains only the outline of a test from beginning to end, then the
storyboard is a more detailed explanation or detail about the contents of each

media frame to be created. Preparation of materials consisting of list of question, picture, animation,

video, audio to fill the story board that will be created.

3.1.3 Development will done by actualizing the design into a product that will go

through several stages of revision, validation, and field trials. The test that will

be created is Computer-based Test of English for second grade students by

using Multimedia Authoring tool named Adobe Captivate. The validaton will

be done by three experts: one media expert from academics on relevant

studies, one material expert from academics on with scientific specifications

on English, two learning practitioners English teachers. Suggestions by the

validator will be a reference in making revisions and improvements of the

product. This revision process will be done several times until the product is

considered feasible to be tested.

3.1.4 Dessimination

This step is process of product packaging and product dissemination to

students and English teacher either directly or online.

3.2 Place and Time of the Research

This research will be conducted at SMPN 2 Pinrang. The research will use

Development Research. The overall research activity is planned will be last as long as

three months.

3.3 Subject of the Research

The subject of this research are one material expert, one media expert, and

two practitioners/teachers of English. For testing/trial will be done by the second-

grade students of SMPN 2 Pinrang class VIII.1 with twenty five students selected.

3.4 Instrument of the Research

The instruments that used by the researcher in this research as follow:

3.4.1 English test is the main instrument in this research. The tests consist of a set of

questions that are developed from paper-based test to computer-based test by

using Multimedia Authoring tool named Adobe Captivate as main the


3.4.2 Questionnaire is a research instrument which consists of some question and

other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The

researchers will use it to know the students’, experts’, and teachers’ responses.

The data obtained through the quetionnare will be the material in assessing the

quality and feasibility of the english test that has been produced. The
questionnare that will used in this research adapted to the format of learning

media evalution developed by Azhar Arsyad with some adjustment by

researcher.35 The quetionnare developed with reference to Likert scale with

five alternative answers that is strongly agree = 5, agree = 4, slightly disagree

= 3, disagree = 2, strongly disagree= 1.36 The questionnare also contains

suggestion from the experts. The suggestion will be the basis for revising the

products taht has been developed.

3.5 Procedure of Collecting Data

Based on the design of research above, the procedure of collecting data in this

research as follow:
3.5.1 Observation will be done in a preliminary by conductinga direct observation

of the field conditions to find early descriptions of the problems and potentials

(Front End Analysis). The results will become one of the basic research and

development of English Computer-Based Test by Using Multimedia

Authoring Tool in SMPN 2 Pinrang.

Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996), p.175.
S. Eko Putro Widoyoko, Teknik Penyusunan Intrumen Penelitian (Yogyakarta: Pustaka
Pelajar, 2016), p.106.

3.5.2 Questionnare will be used to dig up the experts, teachers, and students

responses toward English Computer-Based Test that has been produce. The

suggetion from responden will be processed as data that showing the

feasibility of English Computer-Based Test by using Multimedia Authoring


3.6 Technique of Analysis Data

The data that obtained in this research are related to data of test results and

data from Questionnaire. The data are gotten from the experts, teachers and students.

Then, the data will be analyzed quantitavily by calculating the answers precentages of

each question given by the respondents. The researcher will use the following

∑ 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟
𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 = 𝑥 100
∑ 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙

The calculation results using the above formula then will be interpreted based on the

respondents’ answers. The interpretation guidelines of the analysis results are based

on the following table:

Category Precentage Qualification

5 80% - 100% Very Good

4 60% - 79,99% Good

3 40% - 59,99% Slightly Good

2 20% - 39,99% Bad

1 0% - 19,99% Very Bad

Table 1- Attitude Interpretation Guidelines adopted from Sugiono (2016)

If the result of analysis is 80% - 100% means that the product is very good or

very interesting. If the result of analysis is 60% - 79,99% means that the product is

good or interesting. If the result of analysis is 40% - 59,99% means that the product is

slightly good or slightly interesting. If the result of analysis is 20% - 39,99% means

that the product is bad or not interesting. If the result of analysis is 0% - 19,99%

means that the product is very bad or very not interesting.


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