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Quarter 1

Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to demonstrate an understanding on the

characteristics, strengths, weakness, and kinds of quantitative research.

Activity #1: Vocabulary Improvement

Direction: Based on your previous knowledge, write inside the boxes the
terms that you may associate to the words presented below.

I What is new?

Activity 2: “I LIKE TO PROBE IT”

Directions: By using your previous knowledge, explain what research is and

how it is done by using the words in the semantic web below. You may
choose as many words as you can as long as it is significant in your
explanation and understanding.

You may write your answer in 3 – 5 sentences.


D What I know?

Activity #3: “WHEN YOU SEE IT”

Direction: Distinguish the difference between the given research abstracts,
compare and contrast its commonalities and difference by answering the
guide questions below. Write your answers on the Venn Diagram below.

Abstract 1 Abstract 2

Differences Differences

Guide Questions :

What kind of data were gathered in each research?

What kind of research methods were utilized?
How many respondents were involved in the studies?
What instruments were used in each study?
What do you think is the significance of the study?

D What I know?

Development and Evaluation of Online Enrollment

Abstract # 1

Enrollment has always been a struggle for every student. Collecting the data from
enrollment forms become a difficult task for the registrar and class advisers. To have an
organized system of consolidating and sorting students' registration form, the researchers
designed and developed an online enrollment system. Through the online enrolment
system, students can enroll and fill out forms at the comfort of their homes. The registrar
and the class advisers are authorized to retrieve, consolidate, and sort the data submitted
by the students online. This program also brought convenience in accomplishing clerical
works for both advisers and registrar.

This research utilized descriptive developmental approach. The researchers designed and
developed an online enrollment system and asked for the evaluation of the students. To
determine the effectiveness of the program, the re-searchers conducted pilot testing by
asking all the grade 12 ICT students to use the online enrollment system. The data were
gathered through a survey questionnaire during the ICT expo where the researchers
presented their pro-gram to the students. Convenience sampling was utilized by asking
students who tried the program to evaluate the online enrolment system.

Based from the results the respondents strongly agree that the program developed meets
the standard specified in the questionnaire. The program's aesthetic GUI, efficiency,
reliability, usefulness, and user friendliness was rated by the respondents with a weighted
mean of 4.7 and can be interpreted as strongly agree. Moreover, respondents believed
that the developed program has a suitable icon for the application, appealing graphic user
interface has an accurate content and is very responsive, useful, and user-friendly.

Generally, the participants believed that the online enrollment system is de-signed
appropriately, efficiently, reliably, usable, and user-friendly. Thus, the developed program
can be an effective tool in improving the enrollment system of Cainta Senior High School.
The School administration may consider adopting this enrollment system since the school
is into computerization pro-gram. The program can be further improved by allocating
enough funds to pay for the domain of the program. To increase the accessibility of the
program, the link to the program can be added to the official web page of the school and
of the other school-based developed programs.

D What I know?


Abstract # 2

As per D. O. 30 s. 2017, senior high students must have at least 80 hours of work
immersion. Work Immersion sought to prepare the learners for their preferred exit after
senior high school namely Trabaho (job), Negosyo (business), and Kolehiyo (college).
These have been dubbed as the end goal of each student after senior high. In fact, it has
been promoted in the Career Guidance Program of the This study explored the work
immersion experiences of the students and its impact on them; unfolded the significant
human experiences of the learners in a workplace; and delved into their perceptions,
perspectives, understandings, and feelings during their work immersion. This study
sought to answer the following questions: how can the students describe their work
immersion experiences, how do the students perceive the role of Work Immersion in
SHS, what are the challenges encountered by the respondents during their work
immersion, how can the students describe and relate Work Immersion to their work-
related maturity, and what are the lessons learned by the students from their significant
experiences in work immersion.

This study employed qualitative phenomenological approach. A phenomenological study
attempts to set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about hu-man experiences,
feelings, and responses to a particular situation. It allows the researcher to delve into the
perceptions, perspectives, understandings, and feelings of those people who have actually
experienced or lived the phenomenon or situation of interest (Baraceros, 2016). This study
involved seven (7) grade 12 students who graduated from Cainta Senior High School
who are purposively selected to represent the seven strands offered by CSHS. To
gather the necessary data, focus group interview was con-ducted. The researcher kept
the anonymity of the respondents by giving them codenames or respondent number
during the interview. The researcher transcribed the interview with the respondents by
listening to the audio files record-ed. Themes were extracted through color coding. The
researcher used the 7 steps in phenomenological data analysis.


The following themes were extracted from the answers of the respondents during the focus
group discussion. How can the students describe their work immersion experiences?
Worthwhile Experience. Most of the respondents expressed their gratefulness for letting
them experience the world of work even for just two weeks. They also consider this
experience as one of the most fun and significant learning activities they had in their basic

D What I know?

They have this fear of making mistake and putting the name and the reputation of the
school on the line.

How do the students perceive the role of Work Immersion in SHS? Defining Moment. The
respondents said that work immersion has become the avenue for their defining moment.
During their work immersion, it made them realize whether they are really passionate on
that field of work or should they change the path they are going to pursue.

What are the challenges encountered by the respondents during their work immersion?
Time. In many different ways the respondents considered time as their problem
encountered during their work immersion. Enough time. Respondents said that if they were
able to prepare a lot for work immersion, they might be able to do well a lot during their
turn. Expectations are higher than they thought so they take time to figure things out on
their own. Overtime. Some respondents said that working overtime taught them patience
and love for work. The respondents shared that they fully understand that they have to do
home service and go far places especially when their service is needed. This caused them
to go home late. The only concern that prohibits them to work beyond the official time is
that their parents are looking after their safety and they are bothered if the respondents are
not home on time.

How can the students describe and relate Work Immersion to their work-related maturity?
Be assertive. Do not be shy to ask questions and clarification to do the work efficiently.
Pakikisama. Being easy to go with is something that respondents stressed during the
interview. They said that the people around them will not adjust to their attitude, demeanor,
and capabilities, rather, as newbies at work, they learned that they should adjust. They
added that there is no such thing as easy work so they believe they should endure whatever
task is given to them and pull off a good result.

What are the lessons learned by the students from their significant experiences in work
immersion? Discipline. Everyone agreed that work immersion taught them discipline in
different aspects. From reporting for work on time, dressing up appropriately, keeping
things confidential for work, up to respecting other’s time are all part of what they took
home after their work immersion. Love for work is something that amazed that respondents
which are manifested by the other employees during their immersion. They said that this
attitude is something worth keeping and imitating. Respect the work no matter how big the
responsibility given. Regardless of the position held by a person in a company, he/she
deserves respect for the work he/she has done for the company. These themes are
supported by experiential learning which suggests that an individual will learn from doing
or from partaking in a direct experience with an activity. The experiential learning theory
applies theory to practice through career and technical education programs.

D What is in?

Activity #4: “Check Me”

Direction: Put a check (/) if it describes the characteristics of a Quantitative


1. Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects.

2. The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments.
3. It is not based upon numerical measurements and does not use
numbers and statistical methods as key research indicators
4. It tends to be associated with small-scale studies and a holistic
perspective, often studying a single occurrence or small number of
occurrences/case studies in great depth.
5. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its
high reliability.
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in
tables, charts, figures, or other non-textual forms.
7. Emphasis is on discovery rather than proof.
8. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative
of the population.
9. It tends to be associated with emergent research design, using
a wide range of approaches.

10.Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which

objective answers are sought.

D What is it?

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is objective, only the real or factual, not the emotional or
cognitive existence of the object matters greatly to the artist, quantitative re-
search is analogous to scientific or experimental thinking. In this case, you just
do not identify problems but theorize, hypothesize, analyze, infer, and create as
well. Quantitative research usually happens in hard sciences like physics,
chemistry, biology, and medicine; qualitative research, in soft sciences such as
humanities, social sciences, education, and psychology, among others.

The data is usually gathered using structure research instruments. The results are
based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population. The
research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high reliability.
Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective answers
are sought.

All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data is collected. Data are
in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or
other non-textual forms. Project can be used to generalize concepts more widely,
predict future results, or investigate causal relationships. Researcher uses tools,
such as questionnaires or computer software, to collect numerical data.

The following are examples of numerical data that can be gathered through
Quantitative Research
• The weight of a person (in kilograms)
• The height of a person (in meters)
• The age of a person (in years and months)
• The gender of a person (using a numerical system of categorization, e.g.
1 for female, 2 for male)
• A person’s education (e.g. number and grade of school certificates;
classification of undergraduate degree)
• A person’s political views (e.g. using a scale that goes from 0 for extreme
left-wing to 10 for extreme right-wing)

D What is it?


Strengths Weaknesses
1. Allows for a broader study, 1. Quantitative data is more
involving a great number of efficient and able to test
subjects, and enhancing the hypothesis, but may miss
generalization of the results. contextual detail.
2. Allows for greater objectivity and 2. Uses static and rigid approach
accuracy of results. Generally, and so employs an inflexible
quantitative methods are process of discovery.
designed to provide summaries 3. The development of standard
of data that support questions by researchers can
generalizations about the lead to ‘structural bias’s and false
phenomenon under study. In representation, where the data
order to accomplish this, actually reflects the view of the
quantitative research usually researcher instead of the
involves few variables and many participating subject.
cases, and employs prescribed 4. Results provide less detail on
procedures to ensure validity and behavior, attitudes, and
reliability. motivation.
3. Applying well – established 5. Researcher may collect a much
standards means that the narrower and sometimes
research can be replicated, and superficial dataset.
then analyzed and compared 6. Results are limited as they
with similar studies. provide numerical descriptions
4. You can summarize vast sources rather than detailed narrative and
of information and make generally provide less elaborate
comparisons across categories accounts of human perception.
and over time; and, 7. The research is often carried out
5. Personal bias can be avoided by in an unnatural, artificial
keeping a ‘distance’ from environment so that a level of
participating subjects and using control can be applied to the
accepted computational exercise. This level of control
techniques. might not normally be in place in
the real world thus yielding
‘laboratory results’ as opposed to
‘real world results’.
8. Preset answers will not
necessarily reflect how people
really feel about a subject and in
some cases, match to the pre-
conceived hypothesis.

D What is it?


Quantitative research is of two kinds: experimental and non-experimental.
Experimental Non - Experimental
1. True – experimental 1. Survey
2. Quasi – experimental 2. Historical
3. Single – subject and; 3. Observational
4. Pre -experimental 4. Correlational
5. Descriptive; and
6. Comparative research

There are four (4) main types of quantitative designs: descriptive, correlational,
quasi-experimental, and experimental.
Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an ac-
curate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who
take part in the study.
There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive re-search
project, and they are:
1. Observational - defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants.
2. Case study - defined as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals.
3. Survey - defined as a brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific topic.
4. Correlational study - is a quantitative method of research in which you have 2 or more
quantitative variables from the same group of subjects, & you are trying to determine if there
is a relationship (or covariation) between the 2 variables (a similarity between them, not a
difference between their means). Theoretically, any 2 quantitative variables can be correlated
(for example, midterm scores & number of body piercings!) as long as you have scores on
these variables from the same participants; however, it is probably a waste of time to collect
& analyze data when there is little reason to think these two variables would be related to
each other.
5. Quasi-experimental design - involves selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested,
without any random pre-selection processes. For example, to perform an educational
experiment, a class might be arbitrarily divided by alphabetical selection or by seating
arrangement. The division is often convenient and, especially in an educational situation,
causes as little disruption as possible. After this selection, the experiment proceeds in a very
similar way to any other experiment, with a variable being compared between different groups,
or over a period of time.
6. Experimental research - commonly used in sciences such as sociology and psychology,
physics, chemistry, biology and medicine etc. It is a collection of research designs which use
manipulation and controlled testing to understand causal processes. Generally, one or more
variables are manipulated to determine their effect on a dependent variable. The experimental
method is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researcher
manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other variables.
The word experimental research has a range of definitions. In the strict sense, experimental
research is what we call a true experiment. This is an experiment where the researcher
manipulates one variable, and control/randomizes the rest of the variables. It has a control
group, the subjects have been randomly assigned between the groups, and the researcher
only tests one effect at a time. It is also important to know what variable/s you want.

D What is more?

Activity #5: “We QUANTIFY “

Direction: Read and analyze the research abstract and answer the
questions based on the criteria presented below.

1. What is the research topic?

2. What is the research method used? Is the research method used
in this study appropriate? Why?
3. What is the research instrument used? Is the research instrument
utilized in this study appropriate? Explain.
4. What kind of data were gathered in this study? Why?


The research topic is identified and explained clearly 5

The learner identified the research method used and explained its
appropriateness to the study. 10

The learner identified the research instrument used in the 10

The learner explained the kind of data gathered in the study 5

What is more?

Development and Evaluation of Online Enrollment System

Carlo E. Habahab & Gilbert Y. Bernas
CSHS Grade 12 ICT
Adviser: Marinel Andres
Enrollment has always been a struggle for every student. Collecting the data from
enrollment forms become a difficult task for the registrar and class advisers. To have
an organized system of consolidating and sorting students' registration form, the
researchers designed and developed an online enrollment system. Through the online
enrolment system, students can enroll and fill out forms at the comfort of their homes.
The registrar and the class advisers are authorized to retrieve, consolidate, and sort
the data submitted by the students online. This program also brought convenience in
accomplishing clerical works for both advisers and registrar.
This research utilized descriptive developmental approach. The researchers de-signed
and developed an online enrollment system and asked for the evaluation of the
students. To determine the effectiveness of the program, the researchers conducted
pilot testing by asking all the grade 12 ICT students to use the online enrollment
system. The data were gathered through a survey questionnaire during the ICT expo
where the researchers presented their program to the students. Convenience sampling
was utilized by asking students who tried the program to evaluate the online enrolment
Based from the results the respondents strongly agree that the program developed
meets the standard specified in the questionnaire. The program's aesthetic GUI,
efficiency, reliability, usefulness, and user friendliness was rated by the respondents
with a weighted mean of 4.7 and can be interpreted as strongly agree. Moreover,
respondents believed that the developed program has a suitable icon for the
application, appealing graphic user interface has an accurate content and is very
responsive, useful, and user-friendly.
Generally, the participants believed that the online enrollment system is de-signed
appropriately, efficiently, reliably, usable, and user-friendly. Thus, the developed
program can be an effective tool in improving the enrollment system of Cainta Senior
High School. The School administration may consider adopting this enrollment system
since the school is into computerization program. The program can be further improved
by allocating enough funds to pay for the do-main of the program. To increase the
accessibility of the program, the link to the program can be added to the official web
page of the school and of the other school-based developed programs.

E What is more?

Activity #6: “DETERMINATION”

Direction: Determine if the description given below is a strength or
weakness of a quantitative research. Write your answer on the blank
provided for.

1. The most reliable and valid way of concluding results, giving way to a new
hypothesis or to disproving it. ___________________________
2. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the
expenses will be greater in reaching out to these people and in
reproducing questionnaires. _______________________
3. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be
incomplete and inaccurate. ____________________________
4. Standardized approaches allow the study to be replicated in different areas
or over time with formulation of comparable findings.
5. Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the results gained by a series
of qualitative experiments, leading to a final answer, and narrowing down of
possible directions to follow. _______________________________
6. It is assumed that the larger the sample is, the more statistically accurate
the findings are. ________________________
7. Researchers must be on the look-out on respondents who are just guessing
in answering the instrument. ______________________________
8. It does not consider the distinct capacity of the respondents to share and
elaborate further information unlike the qualitative research.
9. It is real and unbiased. _____________________
10. It is costly. ______________________

E What I can do?

Activity #7: “ I Can”

Direction: Think of any subject/topic for study on the following kinds of

1. Descriptive

2. Correlational

3. Quasi-Experimental

4. Experimental

5. Survey

E What else can I do?

Activity #8: “I Feel”

Direction: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. How can you describe quantitative research?


2. What is the role of research in solving the current pandemic?


3.What is the role of a researcher in making our lives better and easier?

4.How can quantitative research help us understand the world we live in?

A What I have learned?

Activity #9: “I LEARNED

Directions: Read the following carefully. Answer the essays is 3-5 sentences
only. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. What is quantitative research?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research?
3. How can you describe the 4 main kinds of quantitative research?



Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following statements:
I learned that:
I realized that:


Activity # 1 Answers may vary

Activity # 2 Answers may vary
Activity # 3 Answers may vary
Activity # 4 Items no. 2,5,6,8 and 10.
Activity # 5 Answers may vary
Activity # 6 Items no. 1,4,5,6 and 9 are Strengths
Items no. 2,3,7,8 and 10 are Weaknesses
Activity # 7 Answers may vary
Activity # 8 Answers may vary
Activity # 9 Answers may vary

Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to demonstrate an

understanding of the importance of quantitative research across
Activity #1 – PRE – TEST

Direction: Answer the questions below and follow the instruction properly.
Matching Type: Match the item in Column A with those of Column B by
placing the letter of the correct answers in the space provided in Column A
from among the choices in Column B.
1. What effect do Punitive Behavioral A. Anthropology
Control Statement have on
2. The Relationship between the B. Communication
Mushrooming of Fast Food Chains
and Obesity of Children in Kuopo,
Eastern England.
3. Effect of Tourism to the Cultural C. Sports Medical
System of Villagers in Southern
4. Factors Affecting Quality of D. Medical Education
Medical Education in Saint Louis
5. Relationship of Verbally E. Behavioral Science
Aggressive Behavior to the
Physical Aggression of a Person.
6. Factors Affecting Crime Rates in F. Education
Burgos, La Union.
7. Video Integration in Teaching G. Psychology
Science in Grade 12 of Upper
Tumapoc National High School.
8. Communicative Behaviors H. ABM
Associated in Different Stages of
Romantic Relationship.
9. Ethnographic Study: Changes of I. STEM
Aeta Behaviors in past 5 years.
10. Relationship of Physical Activity to
the Amount of Adipose Tissue and
Endurance Fitness of Children
Aged 15 – 22 in Burgos, La Union

I What is new?

Activity #2

Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in 3-5

sentences only on the space provided below.

1. What are the things you still remember in Practical Research 1?


2. What is your idea about Practical Research 2?


3.How do you think your Practical Research 1 can help you in

understanding Practical Research 2?

D What is it


People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones, to problems, in order to
improve or enhance ways of doing things, to disprove or provide a new hypothesis, or
simply to find answers to questions or solutions to problems in daily life. Research findings
can affect people’s lives, ways of doing things, laws, rules and regulations, as well as
policies, among others. Widely, quantitative research is often used because of its
emphasis on proof rather than discovery.
In recent times, research studies are gaining an unprecedented focus and attention.
Then, only the faculty in higher education has so much interest and con-duct researchers,
but now even the teachers in the basic education are engrossed in researches and devote
time and effort in conducting researches to im-prove educational practices that may lead
to more quality learning of the students. Many teachers do action researches because
there is a serious need to identify the problems of the deteriorating quality of education.
By doing so, they can ad-dress systematically and make educational decisions regarding
the problems met. Innovative teaching strategies are product of research.
In the natural and social sciences, quantitative research is the systematic, empirical
investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational
techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical
models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of
measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental
connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative
Health Sciences (Medical Technology, Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, etc.) use
quantitative research designs like descriptive, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, true-
experiment, case study, among others.


Researches can help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed
and ensure the development of product is highly targeted towards de-mand. Businessmen
can also utilize research results to guarantee sufficient distribution of their products and
decide where they need to increase their product distribution. Conducting researches can
also help a business determine whether now is the proper time to open another branch or
whether it needs to ap-ply for a new loan. It may also help a small business decide if a
procedure or strategy should be change to meet the requirements of the customer base.
Research is important for any organization to remain in the market. The primary function
of research in ABM is to correctly determine its customers and their preferences, establish
the enterprise in the most feasible location, deliver quality goods and ser-vices, analyze
what the competitors are doing and find ways on how to continuously satisfy the growing
and varied needs of the clients.

D What is it


Anthropology is a research method of combining qualitative and quantitative research

data. It is concerned with exploring connections simultaneously, amidst cultural
differences, alternatives and identity. In the contemporary aca-demic, socio-cultural and
political climate these concepts have immense symbolic overtones.

Quantitative research is use in Anthropology in many aspects. Like, true experiments

may use in studying people provided that you follow certain steps (Bernard, 2004). This is
to look into the Effects of an intervention in ethnic behavior of a group. In here, you need
at least two groups, called the treatment group and the control group. On group gets the
intervention and the other group don’t. Next, individuals may be randomly assigned, either
to the intervention group or to the control group to ensure that the groups are equivalent.
Then, the groups are measured on one or more dependent variables; this is called the pre-
test. After which, the intervention is introduced. Lastly, the dependent variables are
measured again. This is the post test.


Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a particular

communication phenomenon might generalize to a larger population. For example,
researchers can advance questions like “What Effect do punitive behavioral control
statements have on a classroom? What communicative behaviors are associated with
different stages in romantic relationships? What communicative behaviors are used to
respond to co-workers displaying emotional stress? (Allen, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009)


Quantitative research is used to analyze how sports may be used as an alternative way
of medicating an illness. An example is the research done by University of Eastern Finland
which investigated the relationship between mush-rooming of fast food chains and obesity,
as well as the intervention needed to pre-vent children’s obesity from reaching serious
proportions. The research focused on the children’s physical activity and physical inactivity
and the concomitant im-pact on the children’s amount of adipose tissue (fat mass) and the
endurance fitness. The study is used to analyze certain the effect of physical activity in
weight control.

D What is it?


Quantitative research in medical education tends to be predominantly observational

research based on surveys or correlational studies. The designs test interventions like
curriculum, teaching-learning process, or assessment with an experimental group. Either
a comparison or controlled group learners may al-low researchers to overcome validity
concerns and infer potential cause-effect generalizations. Researchers are using to cope
with the emerging trends in recent times.


Relationship Questions in today’s quantitative trend tend to explore how one behavior
exhibited by people is related to other types of behavior. Examples are verbally aggressive
behaviors related to physical aggression – that is, when a person has a level of verbally
aggressive behavior, does he or she tend to be physically aggressive? Are certain
supervisor communication skills related to the emotional experiences of employees?
Questions of difference explore how patterns of behavior or perceptions might differ
from one group or type of a person to another: Do people with disabilities experience
emotional labor differently from those without disabilities? Do women perceive
talkativeness (or lack of it) differently form men? Do communication styles differ from one
culture to the next? (Alle, Titsworth, Hunt, 2009).
When quantitative researchers explore questions of differences or questions of
relationships, they do so in an attempt to uncover certain patterns of behavior. If the
researcher discovers that a certain relationship exists in sample that she or he has drawn
form the population, she/he is then in a position to draw generalizations about patterns
expected of human behavior.


Quasi Experiments are most often used in evaluating social problems. Suppose a
researcher has invented a technique for improving reading comprehension among third
graders. She/he selects two third grade classes in a school district. One of them gets the
intervention and the other doesn’t. Students are measured before and after the intervention to
see whether their reading scores improve. This design contains many of the elements of true
experiment, but the participants are not assigned randomly to the treatment and control groups.

What is it?


Mertens (2005) says that the dominant paradigms that guided early psychological
research were positivism and its successor, post positivism. Positivism is based on
rationalistic, empiricist philosophy that originated with Aristotle, Fran-cis Bacon, John
Locke, August Comte, and Immanuel Kant. the underlying assumptions of positivism
include the belief that the social world can be studied in the same way as the natural world,
that there is a method for studying the social world that is value-free, and that explanations
of a causal nature can be provided.


Medical practitioners, for example, conduct researches to obtain significant
information about diseases trends and risk factors, results of various health interventions,
patterns of care and health care cost and use. The different approaches to research
provide complementary insights. Researchers help in determining the effectiveness and
even side effect of drugs and therapies in different populations and various institutions. It
is also necessary in evaluating experiences in clinical practice in order to develop
mechanisms for best practices and to ensure high quality patient care. Researchers in
these fields ultimately aim for man’s longevity.
As for engineers, architects, and other builders, research helps in providing designs
which are creatively beautiful and at the same time give more convenience and efficiency
as they utilize modern technology to adapt to the ever changing society. New materials
and procedures may be developed so as to further strengthen the structural materials than
can withstand various calami-ties and disasters.

D What is it?

Activity # 3

Direction: To further develop your knowledge on the importance of quantitative

research, choose at least 3 fields which you seem research is important.

Your task is to collect information on the following fields and explain the
importance of research on these fields.

First Field:

Second Field:

Third Field:
E What is more?

Activity # 4

Direction: Think of a research topic that is related to your strand then

answer the following questions.

1. What is your research topic related to your strand?


2. Is quantitative research applicable to your topic? Why?


3. How important is quantitative research to pursue your topic? Explain.


4. How quantitative research related or important to your field?


E What I can do?


Direction: Discuss the following briefly.

1. How do you think quantitative research can help in your daily life?

2. Cite some instances in the community where you can use research as a tool
in solving problems?

E What else can I do?

Activity # 6
Direction: To further enrich the knowledge and to be aware of the latest
event/news in the community, the learners are tasked to watch the news
on COVID-19. The following questions will be answer by the learners.

1. What is the latest figure of COVID-19 in the world? How many were
able to recover? How may are dead?
2. What is the current number of COVID-19 in the Philippines? How
many were able to recover? So far, how many lives are taken by the

3. Do you believe research plays a vital role on the current issue of COVID-
19? Why?

4. Is quantitative data on COVID-19 important on the actions to be taken

by the government? Why

5. Based on quantitative data on corona virus cases, what is the best

thing that you can do to help prevent the spread of the virus?

A What I have learned?


Direction: Briefly explain what is asked below.

1. Why do you think are the reasons why research can be applied to different


Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following
I learned that:
I realized that:


Activity #1

1. B
2. H
3. A
4. D
5. E
6. G
7. F
8. B
9. A
10. C

Activity # 2 Answers may vary

Activity # 3 Answers may vary
Activity # 4 Answers may vary
Activity # 5 Answers may vary
Activity # 6 Answers may vary
Activity # 7 Answers may vary

Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:

I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to demonstrate understanding on the

nature of variables and to differentiates kinds of variable and their uses.

Activity 1: PRE-TEST
Direction: Identify what is being asked in each number. Choose your
answer from the box.

1. It refers to the characteristics that have two or more mutually exclusive

values or properties.
2. Variables that represent categories that cannot be ordered in any particular
way. _______________________
3. Special kind of independent variables that are measured in a study be-
cause they potentially influence the dependent variable.
4. Variables that have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range of
numbers when there is an absolute zero, as opposed to net worth, which can
have a negative debt-to-income ratio-level variable.
5. Kind of variable that are not actually measured or observed in a study. They
exist but their influence cannot be directly detected in a study.
6. It “stands between” the independent and dependent variables, and they
show the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
7. Variables that represent categories that can be ordered from greatest to
smallest. _______________________
8. Kind of variable that probably cause, influence, or effect outcomes. They
are variable called treatment, manipulated, antecedent or predictor variable.
9. Variables that depend on independent variables; they are the outcomes or
results of the influence of the independent variable.
10. Variables that have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range
of numbers. _______________________

I What is new?

Activity 2: SORT IT!

Direction: Categorize the following words in the box. Write your answer
in the table

Male First Teacher Doctor

Small Engineer Medium Second
Third Nurse Female Large

Write the
here à
Write the
here à

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel while doing the activity?

2. What are the categories you write on the table?
3. Do you think the words you write fit to the category?
4. Are the words under each category can be counted?
5. Are the words under each category can be the source of quantitative data?


I What is in?

Activity #3: Take it off

Directions: Read the research report below. Identify the variables used in
the research and the corresponding quantitative data gathered under that
variable then answer the discussion questions.


Researchers: Bautista, Anne Nicole A., Bautista, Homer R., Belen,
Mica Dion H. Bueno, Jhonroe E., Campaña, Bea Zhannen M., Go,
Jenny Phi.
S.Y. 2019-2020

This study identified the level of awareness and participation of the Grade 11
and 12 students of Cainta Senior High School to the verbal bullying. In terms of
profile, most of the respondents are 18 years old and above which is 46% of the
sample. I n terms of gender, most of the respondents are female which is 55% of
the total sample. This study also considered the tracks where the students belong
which are Academic and TVL. Students respondents came from different strands
selected randomly.


Discussion Questions
1. What are the variables you found in the research report?
2. What are the quantitative data under each variable?
3. What kind of variables you found in the research report?

D What is it?


CONTINUOUS VARIABLES – A variable that can take infinite number on the

value that can occur within the population. Its values can be divided into
fractions. Examples of this type of variable include age, height, and
temperature. Continuous variables can be further categorized as:
INTERVAL VARIABLES – It have values that lie along an
evenly dispersed range of numbers. It is a measurement where
the difference between two values does have meaning.
Examples of interval data include temperature, a person’s net
worth (how much money you have when you subtract your debt
from your assets), etc. In temperature, this may illustrate as the
difference between a temperature of 60 degrees and 50
degrees is the same as difference between 30 degrees and 20
degrees. The interval between values makes sense and can be
RATIO VARIABLES – It have values that lie along an evenly
dispersed range of numbers when there is absolute zero. It
possesses the properties of interval variable and has a clear definition
of zero, indication that there is none of that variable. Examples of
which are height, weight, and distance. Most scores stemming from
response to survey items are ratio-level values because they typically
cannot go below zero. Temperature measured in degrees Celsius
and degrees Fahrenheit is not a ratio variable because 0 under these
temperatures scales does not mean no temperature at all.
DISCRETE VARIABLES – This is also known as categorical or classificatory
variable. This is any variable that has limited number of distinct values and
which cannot be divided into fractions like sex, blood group, and number of
children in family.

D What is it?

Discrete variable may also categorized into:

A. NOMINAL VARIABLE – It represent categories that cannot be

ordered in any particular way. It is a variable with no quantitative
val-ue. It has two or more categories but does not imply ordering
of cases. Common examples of this variable include eye color,
business type, religion, biological sex, political affiliation,
basketball fan affiliation, etc. A sub-type of nominal scale with
only two categories just like sex is known as dichotomous.

B. ORDINAL VARIABLE – It represent categories that can be

ordered from greatest to smallest. This variable has two or more
categories which can be ranked. Examples of ordinal variable
include education level, income brackets, etc. An illustration of
this is, if you asked people if they liked listening to music while
studying and they could answer either “NOT VERY MUCH”,
“MUCH”, “VERY MUCH” then you have an ordinal variable.
While you can rank them, we cannot place a value to them. In
this type, distances between attributes do not have any meaning.
For example, you used educational attainment as a variable on
survey, you might code elementary school graduates = 1, high
graduates = 2, college undergraduate = 3, and college graduate
= 4.
In this measure, higher number means greater education. Even
though we can rank these from lowest to highest, the spacing
between the values may not be the same across the levels of the
variables. The distance between 3 and 4 is not the same with the
distance be-tween 1 and 2.

D What is it?


Several experts have lumped together the following as the major kinds of variables:
1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES – Those that probably cause, influence, or affect
outcomes. They are invariably called treatment, manipulated, antecedent or
predictor variables. This is the cause variable or the one responsible for the
conditions that act on something else to bring about changes.

EXAMPLE: A study is on the relationship of study habits and academic performance of

UTNHS senior high school students. STUDY HABITS is the independent variable because
it influenced the out-come or the performance of the students.

2. DEPENDENT VARIABLES – those that depend on the independent variables;

they are the outcomes or results of the influence of the independent variable.
That is why it is also called outcome variable.

EXAMPLE: A study is on the relationship of study habits and academic performance

of UTNHS senior high school students. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE is the
dependent variable because it is depending on the study habits of the students; if the
students change their study habit the academic performance also change.

3. INTERVENING OR MEDLING VARIABLES – Variables that “stand between”

the independent and dependent variables, and they show the effects of the
independent variable on the dependent variable.

EXAMPLE: Consider the given below. Even if farm production is good, if the attitude
towards payment is negative, loan repayment would be low, whereas, if the attitude
towards repayment is positive or favorable, loan repayment would be high.

4. CONTROL VARIABLES – A special types of independent variables that are

measured in the study because they potentially influence the dependent
variable. Researchers use statistical procedures (e.g. analysis of covariance)
to control these variables. They may be demographic or personal variables
that need to be “controlled” so that the true influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable can be determined.

5. CONFOUNDING VARIABLES – Variables that are not actually measured or

observed in a study. They exist but their influence cannot be directly detected
in a study. Researchers comment on the influence of confounding variables
after the study has been completed, because these variables may have
operated to explain the relationship between the independent variables and
dependent variable, but they were not or could not be easily assessed.

E What is more?

Activity # 4: “On the Grid”

Direction: Complete the grid by filling out each box with the definition, example,
and uses of each kind of variables.

Variable Definition Example Uses

1. Dependent

2. Independent

3. Intervening

4. Control

5. Confounding

E What else can I do?

Activity # 5: Individual Work

Direction: Use your research topic from module #2 to enumerate the

possible variables that you will consider in your study then identify its
type and kind. Your output will be graded using the rubric below.

Variables Type Kind
Habits Discrete Independent
Academic Performance Discrete Dependent


Variables Type Kind

Identified the variables in the 4
proposed topic correctly
Identified the type/kind of variable in 4
the proposed topics correctly.
Proposed topics with identified 2

A What I have learned?

Activity #6: POST TEST

Direction: Identify what is being asked in each number. Choose your answer
from the box below.

1. It refers to the characteristics that have two or more mutually exclusive

values or properties. ____________________
2. Variables that represent categories that cannot be ordered in any particular
way. ____________________
3. Special kind of independent variables that are measured in a study because
they potentially influence the dependent variable. ____________________
4. Variables that have values that lie along an evenly dispersed range of
numbers when there is an absolute zero, as opposed to net worth, which
can have a negative debt – to – income ratio – level variable.
5. A kind of variable that are not actually measured or observed in a study.
They exist but their influence cannot be directly detected in a study.
6. It stands between the independent and dependent variables, and they show
the effects of the independents variable on the dependent variable.
7. These are variables that represent categories and can be ordered from
greatest to smallest. ____________________
8. A kind of variable that probably cause, influence, or effect outcomes. They
are variably called treatment, manipulated, antecedent or predictor
variables. ____________________
9. Variables that depend on independent variables; they are the outcomes or
results of the influence of the independent variable.
10. These are variables that have values that lie along an evenly dispersed of
numbers. ____________________

A What I have learned?

Activity # 7: Test your DETERMINATION

Direction: Determine the type of variable. Write I if the variable is Interval,

N if Nominal, R if Ratio and O if Ordinal.
_________1. Military Title
_________2.Temperature in degree Celsius
_________3. Birthplace
_________4. Year Level
_________5. Favorite Type of Music
_________6. Clothing such as hat, shirt, shoes
_________7. A score in 5- item quiz in Math
_________8. Feeling for today
_________9. Means of Transportation
_________10. How internet is used at home
_________11. Freshman, Sophomore
_________12. Person’s net worth
_________13. Male or female
_________14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
_________15. Political Affiliation

Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following statements:
I learned that:
I realized that:


Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to design a research used in daily life,

write a research title, and describe a background of research.


Direction: Give your topic on your qualitative research last school semester.

Research Topic :



Answer the following questions properly:

1.Do you think your topic was relevant to your strand? Explain your answer.





2.What are the things you consider in choosing your research topic?





3.Does your topic helpful in our daily life?





I What is new?

Activity # 2

Direction: Look for someone whom you are interested to know more. He/ she
could be a family member, a friend, or a classmate. Think of 5 questions you
want to ask that person for you to get to know him/her more. You may ask
that person orally or written. Be courteous when asking questions.
Afterwards, please answer the following questions:

1. How do you feel while asking questions?


2. How do you feel when you were able to elicit answer from your

3. Are the questions you ask help you get to know that person?
4. Are the data you gathered enough to understand him/her as a
5. Why do you choose that person as your subject or person to interview

Reminders: Just like the activity, you must be interested to your subject or topic
when you want to conduct research. You must ask the right questions to gather
significant ideas you needed in order write your research title.

D What I know?

Activity # 3

Directions: Arrange the jumbled words to make a quantitative research title

and then answer the following discussion questions.

Online Exposure and Negative CSHS Year

The Positive Academic Students in the

Performance of School Effects of 2020-2021

Write your answer here:


Answer the questions properly:

1. What did you consider in formulating the research title?


2. How did you formulate the title?


3. Is the research title a researchable one? Explain your answer.


D What is in?

Activity # 4

Direction: Based from your answers in activity # 3, answer the discussion

questions below.

1. What is the topic all about?


2. What are the variables included in the study?


3. Who is the subject of the research study?


4. When the study was conducted?


5. What do you think was the objective of the study?


6. Why do think the study is important to be conducted?


D What is it?


Research is a systematic process. The first step in research is

identifying a topic. Research topic broadly defines the area of research.
They are not the same as the title of the research study. And there is in
need to further work to become feasible research studies.

Conceptualizing research topic according to Moyer, (2017) would


Finding your focus

• Which aspect of your discipline interest you the most?
• What have you observed that you have questions about?
• What articles that you read that have raised questions in your mind?

What are the gaps in the literature?

• By topic (what is not being looked at?)
• Methods (what is not being done?)
• Populations (who is not being studied?)
• Comparisons (who is not being compared?)

Where to start?
• Read
• Detailed literature searches
• Discuss subject area with peers
• Listen and ask questions

Refining research topics

• Discuss with fellow researchers
• Discuss with stakeholders
• Assess what is the most critical to learn
• Assess research sources available

Questions to ask yourself

• Is this a good idea?
• Who cares?
• Can it be addressed using appropriate research methods?
• Is it feasible/practical/doable?
• Is it fundable?

D What is it?


Here are the basic questions asked about the research title.

• Does the title describe what the study is all about?

• Does the title contain high specificity level?
• Is the title academically phrased and is not verbose?
• Is the title within twelve to fifteen (12-15) substantive word requirement
of the
• American Psychological Association (APA)?


An introduction answers the following questions.

• What is the problem

• Why is it a problem
• How it should be solved?
• Why it should be solved?
• What is the purpose of the study?

E What is more?

Activity # 5

Directions: Read the background of the study below. Identify the essential
parts by filling out the template that follows.


Labagala, Vanessa, Rico, Jorilyn, Tellez, Hanna Sellah

Background of the Study

Nowadays, teenagers like students are into social networking sites be-
cause of its applications, characteristics, qualities that catch their attention
and the idea of an easy access even at home. One of these social networking
sites that launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg together with his roommates
at Har-vard University is known as Facebook which later on becomes popular.
It start-ed with a name “the facebook”. Its name was taken from the sheet of
paper distributed to profiling students, freshmen and staffs (Phillips, 2007). It
limited only its membership to the Harvard students and expanded to other
colleges in the Boston area, Stanford University, and the Ivy League.
According to Pacu-lan (2012), Facebook gradually added support students at
various universities before opening to high school and eventually to anyone
13 years old and above. As of now, Facebook is the most popular social
networking site and has an impact to students’ daily life where they are active
on and let individuals interact with other people.
It is also become popular in the Philippines. Filipinos are using it to
communicate with their loved ones working abroad (Overseas Filipino
Workers). Filipino Facebook users especially students use it to be updated
on what is new and what is trend or popular like fashion, craze, and the like.
It pro-vides many different options for entertainment and social networking.
They can send messages privately or in a group which can be an audio or a

E What is more?

They can post a status that can be a quote, images or a video about
what he/she is thinking, feeling, activities and such that suits to their current
state. They can also join in a page wherein they can express their opinions
in a particular issue being discussed. He/she will be updated about his/her
post through notification popping out if someone reacted or commented on
it. The user can download and upload an image or a video, share a post or
save it and manage his/her own page.
Facebook users are able to see the person’s personal information
through his/her profile or by checking his/her timeline. It includes the person’s
birthday, gender, and contact number. It is one of the most popular and
influential social networking sites of our generation where one has a freedom
to make friends. It provides the freedom to the users to create an identity that
different from his/her true identity. Aside from that, it is also the users’ plat-
form to show their talents and creativity just by uploading it on Facebook.
However, these are not the only thing Facebook does to its user.
Instead of studying, students are spending their time in using
Facebook that may affect their grades. The more the student spend on using
it, the more their grades becomes lower (Helton, 2011). Some of them are
unable to do their projects and assignments. Their habits may also be
affected in using it for a long period of time particularly on their sleeping habit
which may cause them to have lack of sleep and cannot have at least 8 hours
of sleep. Their eating habits may also be affected because of using it. In
terms on their inter-acting with other people, it can lead them to be an online
dependent relying themselves on online chatting instead of talking with them
personally. It may lead them to become more distant towards other people,
hence making them feel isolated. Facebook is mainly used to keep up with
the social aspects of a students’ life and it is a part of a students’ daily routine
(Madge,, 2009).

E What is more?

Based from the above cited on how Facebook molds and affect the lives
and the habits of the new generation, the researchers would like to conduct
a study on how does Facebook affects the students’ school performance and
well-being especially to Grade 12 students of Cainta Senior High School. To
be able to know its effects and what could be the possible outcome of using
the said social networking site. Through this study, students would gain better
understanding on the effects of using it and how they can manage their
studies at the same time.

Research Title:
What is Why is it a How Why it What is
the problem? should it should be the
problem? be solved? purpose
solved? of the

E What I can do?


Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Answer those questions

in the space provided.

1. What should be considered when thinking of a research topic?


2. What are the essential questions that must be asked when writing the
research title?

3. What are the significant parts of the background of the study?


4. How can you relate your research topic in your daily life?

E What I can do?

Activity # 7

Directions: With what you have learned in the previous activities, think of a
topic within your field of specialization that you want to propose. Craft a
research title for that topic and discuss briefly the background of the
proposed study through the template below. Your output will be graded
using the rubric below.

Your Topic:
Your Research Title:

What is the Why is it a How should Why it What is the

Problem? Problem it be should be purpose of
solved? solved the study?

Criteria Points
The topics proposed are valid and within the field of 10
The title crafted follows the principles in writing research title 10
considering the number of words and consciousness. The title
describes what is the study all about.
The background of the study was briefly explained by identifying 10
the possible parts to be included in the writing process.

A What I have learned?

Activity # 8

Direction: Based on your answer in Activity # 7 formulate your own

research proposal indicating your research title and its background of the
study (in formulating the background of the study, use your answer in
Activity #7 but write the content in paragraph form).

Research Title:

Background of the Study


A What I can achieve?


Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Write YES if the

statement is true, otherwise, write No if the statement is false.

1. _______________Your research topic must be your interest within the

aspect of your field of discipline.
2. _______________Research topic must be based on the gaps in literature.
3. _______________You must ask yourself and not your peers when thinking
whether the research topic is valid.
4. _______________The research title describes the study.
5. _______________Research title has a high specificity level.
6. _______________Research title is verbose with intellectual words.
7. _______________Research title is within 12-15 substantial words.
8. _______________The background of the study introduces the problem.
9. _______________Background of the study explained why the identified
problem is a problem.
10. _______________The background of the study states the purpose of the


Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following statements:
I learned that:
I realized that:

Activity #1 Answers may vary Activity #7 Answers may vary
Activity #2 Answers may vary Activity #8 Answers may vary
Activity #3 Answers may vary Activity #9 1. Yes, 2. Yes, 3. No
Activity #4 Answers may vary 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No
Activity #5 Answers may vary 7. Yes 8. Yes 9. Yes
Activity #6 Answers may vary 10. Yes


Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to formulate clearly the statement of
research problem and indicate clearly the scope and delimitation of the study.

Activity #1: Vocabulary Improvement

Direction: Give the meaning of the underlined word in each cluster of words.
Let the other words in the set serve as clues to the meaning of the word. Put
your answer inside the box.

1. Maintain, Assert, Aver, Warrant

2. Perplexities, Difficulties, Problems, Confusions

3. Puzzle, Enigma, Problem, Conundrum

4. Approximate, Near, Close, Adjacent

5. Treasures, Cherish, Nurtures, Sustains

6. Exactness, Peculiarity, Specificity, Definiteness

7. Direct, Geared, Fit, Control

8. Drive, Goad, Urge, Pro

9. Thrust, Dive, Plunge, Jump

10. Think, Mull – over, Ponder, Reflect

I What is new?

Activity # 2

Direction: From the highlighted words from Activity # 1, use at least 3 words
and construct a sentence related to research to exercise the use of new
vocabulary and practice sentence construction.

Word No. 1 _______________________

Word No. 2 _______________________

Word No. 3 _______________________

D What I Know?

Activity # 3

Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the

space provided.

1. What is your first idea when you hear the word “Scope” and

2. What is a Problem?

3. What is the role of problem in conducting research studies?


D What is in?

Activity # 4

Direction: Based on the latest news on radio, newspaper, television or in your own
actual communities or surrounding, think of at least 3 existing problems that you
seem needs to be solved and provide a brief description.

Problem No. 1

Problem No. 2


Problem No. 3


D What is it?


A research problem is something that nurtures in your mind a difficulty or

uncertainty, enough to push you to do an empirical investigation where-by
you search for answers to a problem by collecting and analyzing data or
information through which you can find the right answer or solution.
Requiring you to adopt an empirical attitude toward your problem in a way
that you depend on your sensory experience, conduct experimentation, or
perform a scientific method in arriving at the truth about something makes
your problem a researchable problem. Being researchable, your research
problem becomes a Quantitative.
Research Problem, not a qualitative research problem that people con-
sider not researchable because it is more inclined to explaining or describing
people’s views, values, attitudes, opinions, and other subjective traits. Unlike
a quantitative research problem that is not only characterized by precision,
specificity, or stability, but also geared toward a possible result, qualitative
research problem is described as expansive, widespread, and developing
and it is focused more on processes rather than on outcomes. (Matthews
2010; Schreiber 2012)
Research Questions vs. Quantitative Research Problem
Several reasons prod you to define or finalize a research problem or a re-
search topic. But this does not mean that after spending time thinking about
a research problem, immediately, you plunge into carrying out an
investigation or collecting and analyzing data. Thinking of a research
problem or a topic to research on is a beginning act in research. Another
initial research act is asking a set of specific questions or identifying sub-
problems about your research problem.
Sources of Quantitative Research Problem
What are the things around you that could trigger your mind to mull over one
problematic area in your life that you want to look into empirically? One of
the following could give rise to a quantitative research problem (Edmonds
2013; Punch 2014):

D What is it?

1. Agencies of the government, or any non-government institutions

2. Your own experience or genuine interest in something
3. Previous research findings which you want to validate or consider
studies suffering from some inconsistencies or discrepancies
4. Present political social or economic issues in society
5. Review of related literature

Research Questions vs. Quantitative Research Problem

Several reasons prod you to define or finalize a research problem or a re-search

topic. But this does not mean that after spending time thinking about a research
problem, immediately, you plunge into carrying out an investigation or collecting
and analyzing data. Thinking of a research problem or a topic to research on is a
beginning act in research. Another initial research act is asking a set of specific
questions or identifying sub-problems about your research problem.

These specific or sub questions, called Research Questions to specify the scope
and the method in collecting and analyzing data, give you the right direction in
your research. In addition, they are questions to give further definition or
explanation of the research problem by stressing the fact that they elicit answers
to clarify or solve the research problem, which is the main problem of the
research. Here are examples of statements to show the relationship between a
quantitative research problem and research questions. (Thomas 2013; Layder

Research Problem

Interrogative statement: What percentage of Manila private universities consider

the use of grammar textbooks as the most effective way to help college students
attain communicative competence?

Declarative statement: The main objective of this study is to find out the
percentage of Manila private universities considering the use of grammar text
books as the most effective way to help college students attain communicative

D What is it?

Research Questions

Interrogative statements:

1. What is an English grammar textbook?

2. What is communicative competence?
3. What components of the grammar textbook work for communicative
competence development?
4. How many Manila private universities require the use of grammar textbooks?
5. How many Manila private universities use grammar textbooks as references
6. To what extent do Manila private universities find grammar textbooks effective
in helping college students attain communicative competence?

Declarative statements:

Likewise, this study aims at finding answers to the following specific

1. To define a grammar textbook
2. To explain the meaning of communicative competence
3. To identify the components of the grammar book that work for
communicative-competence development
4. To determine the number of Manila private universities requiring the use of
grammar textbooks
5. To determine the number of Manila private universities using grammar
textbooks as references only
6. To determine the extent of Manila private universities considering gram-mar
textbooks as the means by which they can help the college students attain
communicative competence

Guidelines in Formulating a Quantitative Research Problem and Research

1. Formulate a research problem that is researchable; meaning, open to
empirical investigation.
2. See to it that you state your quantitative research problem clearly, concisely, and
possibly, if under APA referencing style, not beyond 12 words.
3. Have your research problem focus on a general understanding of your research
4. Construct a research problem that mirrors the importance of carrying out the
research for finding answers or solutions to a problem.
5. Let your quantitative research problem state the variables and their relationships
with one another.
6. Construct an introductory statement to present your research problem, which is
the main problem of your research.
7. State your research questions or sub-problems, not in the form of yes-or-no
questions, but in informative questions.
8. Express your research problem and research questions either in an interrogative
or declarative manner, but some research books say that the former is more
effective than the latter form. (Babbie 2013; Punch 2014; Walliman 2014)

D What is it?

Approaches to Quantitative Research Questions

Likewise, you may start asking research problems or research questions
based on any of these two approaches:
1. Deductive Approach
Your questions begin from “hunches or predictions” or expectations about
the outcome of your research. Ask questions centering on a theory or concept,
discover the accuracy of the theory, ponder on variables to represent the extent
of the application of the theory, and make up your mind on which variable to study
through observation, interview, or experimentation. Explaining the meaning of a
variable based on its involvement or role in the research process, particularly, in
the measurement, manipulation, or control of the concept application is giving
such term its operational definition.
2. Inductive Approach
Deductive approach goes from bigger ideas such as theories or concepts to
smaller ideas; conversely, inductive approach starts from smaller and simpler
ideas to bigger or more complex ones. Inductively formulated research questions
focus on description of things to prove an idea or a system. Central to this
approach are specific details to prove the validity of a certain theory or concept.
(Walsh 2009, p. 35)


Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or
thesis. The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area
will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within which the
study will be operating. Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit
the scope and describe the boundaries of the study, such as the sample
size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place,
population traits, etc. Additionally, the researcher might also choose to use
some research tools and methodologies to collect data but not others.
For example, let's say a researcher wants to study the impact of mobile
phones on behavior patterns of elementary school children. However, it is
not possible for the researcher to cover every aspect of the topic. So the
scope will have to be narrowed down to a certain section of the target
population. In this case, the scope might be narrowed down to a group of
50 children in grades 3-5 of one specific school. Their behavior patterns in
school may have been observed for a duration of 6 months. These would
form the delimitations of the study.

D What is it?

These delimitations might be imposed for practical reasons, such as lack

of time or financial resources to carry out a more thorough investigation.
The delimitation section of the study should explain why specific choices
were made while others were excluded and how this might affect the
outcome of the research.

E What is more?

Activity # 5

Direction: Answer the questions by giving explanations on what is asked from the
questions below.

1. Are research questions and research problems the same? Explain


2. What are the factors to consider to make problem researchable?


3. What is the difference of Interrogative and Declarative statement in writing

your question and problems?


E What I can do?

Activity # 6: WRAP IT UP

Directions; Rank chronologically the research process below and give a

simple discussion on the spaces provided below.

_______________ Collecting Data

_______________ Formulating Research Questions
_______________ Stating a Research Problem
_______________ Thinking of a Topic
_______________ Analyzing Data
_______________ Reporting of Findings


________________ Pre – test

________________ Generalization
________________ Treatment or Intervention
________________ Post Test
________________ Issue or Problem Identified


E What else can I do?

Activity # 7

Direction: Based on your research topic and background of the study,

formulate your own research problem and scope and delimitation of the

Research Topic:

Research Problem

Research Questions:

Scope and Delimitation


A What I have learned?

Activity # 8

Direction: From your activity number 6, choose one group and formulate
a graphical presentation that may simply illustrate the process of
conducting a research study.

A What I can achieve?

Activity # 9

Direction: Check the column that speaks of the quality given in quantitative research

Research Problems Researchable Non - researchable

1. What are the viewers thoughts and
feelings about the ending of the movie?
2. What percentage of the movie viewers
find the ending tragic?
3. How many find the movie unrealistic?
4. Does the movie reflect Philippine
5. What fractional number represents the
extent of the movie’s projection of Filipino
6. In the director’s attempt to explain the
cultural impact of the movie, what
reasons did he give?
7. What kind of reasons or causes did he
give to clarify the viewers questions on
Philippine culture in relation to the
8. In terms of frequency of different causes
given by the director, in what rank order
is the reason on lack of intellectual
9. How many causes are attributed to
10. What value system of the director did the
movie reflect?


Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following statements:
I learned that:

I realized that:


Activity # 1 Answers may vary

Activity # 2 Answers may vary
Activity # 3 Answers may vary
Activity # 4 Answers may vary
Activity # 5 Answers may vary
Activity # 6 Answers may vary
Activity # 7 Answers may vary
Activity # 8 Answers may vary
Activity # 9 Answers may vary

Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:

I What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how to formulate clearly the conceptual framework
and define terms used in the study

Activity #1 : Vocabulary Improvement

Direction: Put a plus sign (+) under the heading of a column that is
associated with the given vocabulary word ( Holistically, Cognitive, Nutshell,
Comprehensive, Scheme) ; minus sign (-), if not.

Vocabulary Concrete Trait Abstract Direction Action

1. Holistically
2. Cognitive
3. Nutshell
4. Comprehensive
5. Scheme

I What is new?

Activity # 2

Direction: Please answer the questions below accordingly.

1. What skill must be developed to you if you will be writing a conceptual

framework of a research?

2. In what stage of research is conceptual framework written?


3. Why should a research have a conceptual framework and what if no given

framework to be included? Does it affects the process of the study?

4. What is the difference between the conceptual and theoretical framework?


D What I know?

Activity # 3

Direction: Give your initial idea and write a short detail what is your
understanding what is a Conceptual Framework.


D What I know?

Activity # 4

Direction: Decide whether each set of words make up a conceptual or

theoretical framework. Put a check mark (/) on the space provided.

1. Relationship of
2. Language has a
social bias
3. Einstein’s ideas on
nuclear energy
4. Conducting pre – test
and post - test
5. Analysis of rhetorical
6. Reading as a
7. Universe formation
through explosion
8. Seeing the link
between the Science
book and the CHED
9. Syllabus as the
blueprint of the
10. Testing the effects of
Ebola virus on rats.

D What is it?

The Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a graphical presentation of your concepts or

ideas on the basic structure or components of your research as well as on the
relationships of these elements with one another. It is a graph or non-prose
material, specifically, a schematic diagram that shows a well-ordered elements
of the research. Giving a carefully constructed arrangement of the components
of your study, conceptual framework is abroad outline or plan to give shape to
your re-search. (Shields & Rangarjan 2013).

Purposes of Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework shows the organization, order, and direction of your

research study. It is an essential initial activity of your research because by
means of a schematic diagram, explained verbally as well, it enables the
readers to obtain a general understanding of the research. It gives people a
notion on the research activities you want to perform, on the manner you want
to carry these activities out, and on the knowledge you have to prove your
familiarity with your research topic or research problem. It also serves the
purpose of clarifying concepts and their relationships with one another in a
research study.

Conceptual Framework vs. Theoretical Framework

All your plans, concepts, or ideas about the many aspects of your research
are shown and clarified graphically and verbally in the conceptual framework.
However, looking so broad or numerous, all components of the study, concrete
and abstract, are not extensively and thoroughly explained by the conceptual
framework. Hence, there is this other part of your research paper, called
theoretical framework that gives and explains the theories, principles,
generalizations, and research findings, which have some connection to your
research study.

D What is it?

Conceptual framework enables the readers to clearly see in their minds the
basic structure of the research and the relationships of variables and other
factual things involved in the study. Theoretical framework, on the other hand,
makes people know and understand evidence-based truths, concepts,
speculations, and assumptions underlying each aspect of the research and the
relationships of these research features with one another.

An in-depth knowledge of the theoretical principles governing or control-

ling the things involved in the research makes you think well and accurately of
the varied aspects of your study; thereby, giving you the chance to have a better
view of not only the main problem of your research but also of its other
components. You get to read in the theoretical framework the basis or
foundation of the research; in the conceptual framework, the broad outline plan
to carry out the research on the basis of the theories, principles, or
generalizations proven true by facts and logical reasoning. (Shields & Rangarjan
2013; Walliman 2014)

Pointers in Writing a Conceptual Framework

1. Familiarize yourself with the objective of the conceptual framework.

2. Base the contents of the conceptual framework on your own understanding
of the elements and of the relationships of the research features.
3. See to it that all aspects of the conceptual framework are related to the
objectives of the research.
4. Let others read your conceptual framework for comments or feedback for
improvement purposes.

Terms used either operationally or technically in a research study

Operational- definition based on how a word/s are used in the research study

Technical- definition based on how a word/s are used in a particular field

or specialization

D What is it?

Conceptual Framework vs. Theoretical Framework

All your plans, concepts, or ideas about the many aspects of your research
are shown and clarified graphically and verbally in the conceptual framework.
However, looking so broad or numerous, all components of the study, concrete
and abstract, are not extensively and thoroughly explained by the conceptual
framework. Hence, there is this other part of your research paper, called
theoretical framework that gives and explains the theories, principles,
generalizations, and research findings, which have some connection to your
research study.

Conceptual framework enables the readers to clearly see in their minds

the basic structure of the research and the relationships of variables and other
factual things involved in the study. Theoretical framework, on the other hand,
makes people know and understand evidence-based truths, concepts,
speculations, and assumptions underlying each aspect of the research and
the relationships of these research features with one another.

An in – depth knowledge of the theoretical principles governing or

controlling the things involved in the research makes you think well and
accurately of the varied aspects of your study; thereby, giving you the chance
to have a better view of not only the main problem of your research but also its
other components. You get to read in the theoretical framework the basis or
foundation of the research; in the conceptual framework, the broad outline plan
to carry out the research on the basis of the theories, principles of
generalizations proven true by facts and logical reasoning. (Shields &
Rangarjan 2013; Walliman 2014)

Here is an example of a Conceptual Framework of a research study.

Research problem of topic: “Improving Critical Thinking through Systematic
Functional Grammar”. Systematic Functional Grammar or SFG is a modern
language theory which states that man’s critical thinking increases whenever
he uses language for these reasons: first, for ideational function or for
knowledge acquisition; second, for interpersonal function or creating human
relationships, and third, for textual function or for strategic coherent expression
of ideas. In this case, the independent variables are the SFH components
(ideational, expressional and textual functions) and the dependent variable is
critical thinking. Here is the conceptual framework to present the concepts
underlying this study. (Ravich & Riggan 2012)

D What is it?

E What is more?
Activity # 5

Direction: Examine the given illustration below. What do you think of this
schematic diagram? Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. What can you see in the illustration?

2. Can the concept being shown in the illustration can easily understood?
Explain your answer. ______________________________________________
3. If you are going to write a research paper, how can you make your concept
be easily understand by the readers? Explain your answer.

E What is more?

Activity # 6

Direction: Compose your own conceptual framework using your chosen title
and research problem. Use the diagram presented on page 6.

A What I have learned?

Activity # 7

Direction: Based on the conceptual framework on activity # 6. Write a simple

explanation that discusses the connection of the variables illustrated.


A What I can achieve?

Activity # 8

Direction: Based on the discussion of the concepts behind each given topic in this
module, grade your own understanding from 0 to 100%.

1. Meaning of theoretical framework __________

2. Difference between conceptual and theoretical framework __________
3. Purpose of conceptual and theoretical framework __________
4. Graphical presentation of conceptual framework __________
5. Narrative presentation of conceptual framework __________
6. Analyzation of a Schematic Diagram __________
7. Guidelines in writing a conceptual framework __________


Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following
I learned that:

I realized that:

Answer Key:

Activity # 1 Answers may vary

Activity # 2 Answers may vary
Activity # 3 Answers may vary
Activity # 4 Conceptual – 1,4,8. Theoretical – 2,3,5,6,7,9 and 10
Activity # 5 Answers may vary
Activity # 6 Answers may vary
Activity # 7 Answers may vary
Activity # 8 Answers may vary

Applied Grade 12
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 8 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 2

Development Team of the Module

Layout Artist:
Management Team:
D What I need to know?

In this lesson, you will learn how demonstrate an understanding

of research hypothesis.

Activity #1: Vocabulary Improvement

Direction: Choose the letter of the word that corresponds the meaning from the
underlined word given in the sentence below.

1. The enrolment date given by the registrar is tentative, so we have several more
days to catch up with the deadline of the registration.
a. temporary b. fixed c. slowly d. recorded
2. I’ll try to infer the meaning of your puzzle, but let me be guided by some clues.
a. repeat b. answer c. think d. guess
3. Keep on reading to improve your craft in writing.
a. penmanship and grammar b. time and effort
c. articulation and prediction d. art plus skills
4. Between husband and wife or writing and reading, there is a correlative

a. doubtful b. mutual c. close d. instant

5. Read the memo to ascertain the truth about the new salary scheme.
a. test b. prove c. find out d. reach out

D What is new?

Activity # 2

Direction: Answer each question accordingly.

Why hypothesis is considered a tentative explanation of something?


Is hypothesizing an example of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)? Explain

your answer.

How do you formulate a hypothesis?


Discuss the relationship between hypotheses and research questions.


What is the role of hypothesis in research? Explain your answer.


D What is new?

Activity # 3

Directions: Answer each question accordingly.

1. What is the purpose of conceptual framework in a research study?


2. What is the difference between conceptual framework and theoretical


3. What are the compositional parts of a conceptual framework?


D What I know?

Activity #3

Direction: Complete the following KWL Chart about Hypothesis and

accomplish the last column later on.

D What is in?

Activity #4

Directions: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. What is a research hypothesis?


2. What is the importance of a hypothesis in writing your research paper?


5. Is it necessary to include research hypothesis in your research

paper? Explain your answer.


D What is it?

The Research Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or an answer to a question

about variables, their relationships, and other facts involved in the research.
A research always ends up with a result. However, you are free to
hypothesize; meaning, to infer, propose, or guess about factual things
related to the research. It is an inferential thinking that makes you guess
something based not only on whatever experience or factual knowledge you
have about such thing but also on conclusions that were logically drawn by
other research studies. A hypothesis has to be tested through analytical
investigation to prove how true or false it is. (Creswell 2014; Russell 2013)

Purposes of Hypotheses

Some researchers find hypotheses essential because of the following


They guide you on which aspect of the research to focus on.

They provide opportunities to prove the relationship between variables.

They give the right direction of the research.

They outline your thoughts on your manner of summarizing the results and
of explaining the conclusions.
They push for an empirical study to prove the existence of relationship of

variables and the effects of independent variable on the dependent variable.

D What is it?

The Research Hypothesis

Hypotheses vs. Research Questions

In an experimental research that takes place in a scientific method, one

of your initial acts is formulating these two: research questions and
hypotheses. Both are related to your research but they are not exactly the
same. Their difference lies in the amount of stock knowledge you have about
the focus of your study.
If you know much about the variables or have lots of knowledge about
other factual data involved in the research through your review of related
literature, you can formulate hypotheses. Otherwise, form research
questions. At any rate, the purpose of these two forms of inferential thinking
is to propose possible or probable answers or solutions to the research
problem focused on by the study.
The results of your research or investigation prove whether the
hypotheses are correct, incorrect, or partially correct. (Schreiber 2012)

Categories of Hypotheses

There are two categories of hypotheses: null hypotheses and alternative

hypotheses. A null hypothesis symbolized by Ho, which states the absence
of relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It is
therefore a statement to disprove the fact that the independent variable
(treatment, intervention, or condition) has an effect on the dependent
variable. The opposite of null hypothesis is the alternative hypothesis.
Symbolized by Hi, the alternative hypothesis states the relationship between
the independent and the dependent variables and the fact that the first affects
the second one. (Morgan 2014; Thom-as 2013)

E What is it?

The Research Hypothesis

Types of Hypotheses

Choosing which type of hypothesis to use depends solely on you, the

re-searcher. It does not mean, however, that choosing one of the following
types of hypotheses makes you come out with the best hypothesis because
no type of hypotheses is superior to any hypothesis. (Badke 2012; Morgan

1. Theory-driven vs. Data-driven hypotheses

A hypothesis that is based on existing theory to explain the relationship of

variables and the effects of one variable on the other variables is theory-
driven. But if it is based on the findings of previous research studies, it is a
data-driven hy-pothesis.
Directional (one-tailed) vs. Non-directional (two-tailed) hypotheses
Directional hypotheses state the relationship of two variables as well as of
the relationship of these variables. Non-directional hypotheses, on the other
hand, state the relationship of variables but not on the direction of the
E Descriptive vs. Causal hypotheses

A statement specifying the relationship between two variables due to the

influ-ence of something is a descriptive hypothesis; due to cause-effect
relationship, it is a causal hypothesis. True experimental or quasi-experimental
research such as a correlation study uses causal hypotheses; non-
experimental research uses descriptive hypotheses.

E What is it?

The Research Hypothesis

Guidelines in Formulating Hypotheses

The craft in hypotheses formulation requires you think of the following

pointers (Mc Bride 2013; Lapan 2012):

• Express your hypotheses in a declarative sentence.

• Support your hypotheses with ideas based on theories, known facts,

previous studies, or your own experience and wisdom.
• Establish a logical relationship between the hypotheses and the
research problem.
• Have your hypotheses predict the nature of relationship between or
among variables.
• Ascertain the possibility of having some means of testing, analyzing,
and investigating your hypotheses.

• Avoid wordiness by using clear, exact, or specific language in stating

the hypotheses.

E What is more?

Activity #5

Direction: Complete this bubble graph with the right words to indicate
hypotheses classification.

E What I can do?

Activity # 6
Directions: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. Is it necessary that every quantitative research be provided with

hypothesis? Kindly explain.
2. How can you determine the correctness of a hypothesis?
3. Among the guidelines presented in formulating a research
hypothesis, select at least 2 that may seem important to you and
explain in a short sentence the justification of your answer.

E What else can I do?

Activity #7

Directions: Check the right column to indicate your judgment of the

quality of the given hypotheses.

Hypotheses Good Bad Reasons, Comments

A Can the results of the sur-

vey discourage candidate
Garcia’s supporters

A A survey to get the voters’

election preferences could
indicate candidate Garcia’s
winnable stand.

A The survey results do not

indicate a candidate’s chanc-
es to win

A Definitely, God will make a

candidate Garcia win in the

A Lots of vote buying in Sta.

Fe made Garcia lose his

A What I have learned?

Activity # 8:

Directions : Check the column that speaks of the extent of learning you
have had about hypotheses.

Concepts Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. You can very well compare and

contrast the types of hypothesis.

2. You know very well how to formulate

excellent hypothesis

3. You have learned very well why you

have to formulate hypothesis

4. You have learned very well the

difference between hypothesis and
research questions

5. . You have learned very well the

difference between null and alternative

A What I can achieve?

Activity # 9
Direction: Write Ho on the space provided if the statement is a null
hypothesis for the given statement, Ha, if it is an alternative hypotheses and
X if it is not a hypothesis

Quantitative Research Problem: In what order should the 18 senatorial

candidates be ranked on the basis of their experience on legal management?

_______ 1. One-half of the senatorial candidates are knowledgeable about law

_______ 2. Two-thirds of the senatorial candidates have no knowledge about law.

_______ 3. Being lawyers means having rich background knowledge on law.

_______ 4. The lone lawyer among the candidates will be in rank one.

_______ 5. The only lawyer in the group will not be number one in the rank.


Write your personal insights about the lesson today by completing the following
I learned that:

I realized that:

Answer Key

Activity# 1– Answers vary

1 A

2 D

3 D

4 B

5 C

Activity# 2 Answers vary

Activity# 3 Answers vary
Activity# 4 Answers vary
Activity# 5 Answers vary
Activity# 6 Answers vary
Activity# 7 Answers vary
Activity# 8 Answers vary
Activity# 9 Answers vary

1 Ha

2 Ho

3 Ha

4 Ho

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