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International Journal of Education, Information Technology and

Others (IJEIT)
Vol. 3, No.2, Agustus 2020

The Use Of Games In Learning English Grammar

Marcy S. Ferdinandus

FKIP-Universitas Patimura
Article Info Abstract:
Article History: Grammar is perhaps so serious and central in learning another
Received: June 29, 2020 language that all ways should be searched for which will focus
Revised: July 19, 2020 student energy on the task of mastering and internalizing it. One
Published: August 1, 2020 way of focusing on this energy through the release offered by
e-ISSN: 2623-2324 games. Miscellany game is a ragbag of useful grammar activities
p-ISSN: 2654-2528 which I find it to classify properly. In this research is carrying
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3975099 out to find out whether or not the miscellany game can be used
as a game in the teaching learning process and as a modified
technique in increasing students' irregular verbs. In teaching
irregular verbs with using game influence standards test 5 % or
1 %. Thus, H1 can acceptable whereas H0 cannot accept.

Keywords: Games, Learning, English Grammar

Grammar has been a basic problem for the Indonesians who learn English, especially
dealing with the usage of verbs. Verbs are very crucial since they change according to the
person (subject)-singular or plural verbs and according to the time- present, past, or past
participle. There are regular and irregular verbs, some example:
-"Draw-drew-drawn" -"Give-gave-given"
-"Ride-rode-ridden" -"Know-knew-known"
-"Break-brook-broken" -"Come-came-come"
The common way suggested by teachers is to learn the irregular verbs through learning
by heart. Yet, there is a tendency of boredom among learners (student). In her writing, the
writer wants to put forward the learning of mastering of irregular verbs through games, as Julia
Dobson in "Reading on English as a second language"(l 972:36) states: A good language game
is a wonderful way to break the routine of classroom drill because it provides fun and relaxation
while remaining very much within the framework of language and even reinforce that
A game is an activity with rules, goals and element of fun. In everyday life, we can see
how people are never tired of playing. In playing, people will be able to get happiness and
experience as Dra. Mariana Karim, M.A, says: "Apabila seseorang sedang bermain, ia akan
merasa terlibat, senang, berusaha mengatasi kesukaran yang dihadapi tanpa merasakan waktu
ia lalui: Dengan kenyataan ini, permainan juga dapat dipergunakan dalam proses belajar
mengajar untuk mengembangkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar dalam hal ini tuk belajar
bahasa" (1986:5.33) miscellany game can be played with the irregular verbs. This game
is useful for improving their knowledge in irregular verbs. The teacher chooses a large number
of irregular verbs.
The teacher writes down a large number of irregular verbs buried in the sheet and she
tells her learners to find infinitive, past, and past participles. Their task is to unearth us many
verbs past as fast as they can. Every time they unearth verb parts they are to jot it down and
also jot down the other two parts and its meaning in their language. Warm them, they may find
verb parts going horizontal, vertically, and diagonally as well as backward.
As we know, the relation between giving the game and teaching the learning process
especially in learning English can't be divided. Giving a game is necessary for the students to
decrease the boredom and to increase their enthusiasm for learning irregular verbs.
The writer wants to find out: How a game can help the students in improving their
understanding or usage of irregular verbs. The advantages and disadvantages of using irregular
verbs game in the learning process.
Besides using the right diction, to write well also means to avoid making a mistake in
grammar. Harry Shaw and Richard Dodge write: "Grammar is the science that deals with
word and their relationship. It is a statement, or a series of statements of the way of saying
discussion of the form of words, the use in phrases, clauses, and sentences, their tense, cases
and the other changes in the form".
The above question gives an idea that grammar is a science that deals with words and
their relationship, it will show what is correct and what is incorrect about using certain words.
In other words, grammar provides a common pattern of rules for everyone to follow and assures
that people will understand each other.
Robert Lado gives further definition concerning grammar, the patterns of arrangement
of words info word are grammatical structure. The grammatical structure may take either or
both form syntax and morphology.
Syntax and morphology together constitute the grammar of the language. Different
make use of different words symbols or sounds sequences, they also differ in their morphology
and syntax. Almost all aspects of the language of English are different from Bahasa Indonesia.
For example:
-Andrew studies English - Andrew belajar Bahasa Inggris
-Andrew studied English -Andrew belajar Bahasa Inggris

-Andrew is studying English -Andrew sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris

The word "belajar" and "study" are verbs. Verbs in Indonesia never change by the time
of the activity. On the other hand, the English verb always changes over time.
So, if we are learning grammar, we must know the verbs because verbs are important cases to
be mastered in learning English.
If in English sentence a predicate is not a verb, so that sentence has no meaning. Every
sentence in English should contain one verb, because without the verb, what or say will not
have a meaning (except only group word). A verb is a word that shows action on more
activities, for example: see, hear, write, read, and run.

The Application of the Game in Teaching English
One of my strongest beliefs about foreign language teaching is that the whole process
of teaching and learning should be fun. This self-developing motivation can be enhanced by
using it in the classroom.
The students have such a high competitive spirit that nearly any type of practice can
become a context in which the participants learn, almost without realizing what is happening
to them. The teacher can also use games as an enjoyable and profitable form of practice to
reinforce what has already been taught more formally.
Practically, games may be played in the classroom with the entire class. Few games are
limited to smaller of the classroom while the other student watches and listens. Everyone
eventually has an opportunity to participate. The games are also useful for English classroom
meetings and other extracurricular activities.
Almost all language games with very little preparation from the teacher can be turned
into lively and effective grammar practices. Most students particularly in schools would rather
play games that do grammars practice. Teachers should remember that if the students are
enjoying what are doing, and it has an underlying serious language teaching purpose, it's more
to be effective than more conventional practice.
Many teachers of English as a foreign language who use games with children and
teenagers and even adults are extremely pleased with the result. Game is a wonderful way to
break the routine of classroom drill because it provides fun and relaxation while remaining
very much written the framework of language and may even reinforce that learning.
It is important to know what the meaning of the game is. According to J. Coulson, et.
al., a game is "A contest played according to rules and decided by, strength, or luck" (1975:
343). Although games have been grouped according to the aspect of language that they
emphasize, this grouping is somewhat arbitrary, since no game can be played orally without
involving at least grammar and vocabulary. The majority of the games have been marked as
suitable for "any" level. The teacher must be, always limiting them from choosing the language
materials involved, always limiting them to the knowledge and skill of the student at the game
is not be played. This, a given game may be repeated from time. Each repetition including
more advanced materials.
Many games cause as much density of practice as more conventional drill exercises,
some do not. What matters, however, is the quality of practice.
The contribution of drilling lies in the concentration on language form and its frequent
use during a limited period. Many games provide this repeated use of a language form. By
making the language convey information and opinion, games provide the keys feature of "drill"
with the opportunity to sense the working of language as living communication.
Games can be found to give in all the skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking),
in all stages of the teaching/learning sequence.
Who are the games for? The enjoyment of games is not restricted by age. Some
individuals, regardless of age, maybe found of games than others. But so much depends on the
appropriateness of the games and the role of the player.
It is important to note that the most advanced and dedicated students can enjoy and
value games if the content and language used are relevant to them.
This is not to say that language is not practiced in English games. On the contrary, each
game by its nature will focus on one or more aspects of English, say grammar points, a
vocabulary area, or communication skills. Teachers may expect their students to be concerned
not only with the object of the game but also with the correctness of their language, at least in
those aspects which the game is intended to practice. In this way, a game can be the logical
follow-up after students have been given an explanation and drill on a particular point, the
game is a good deal further towards communication on Prator's Manipulation Communication
scale (PRATOR, 1965) than most other language classroom activities.
Thus, games should be more than something which teachers use to provide relief from
the classroom routine, to get their student's attention, or to make up the extra minutes at the
end of the class. The game can be used in teaching, and there is no reason why they cannot be
legitimately included as an integral part of a lesson.

In conducting, this research the experimental method is used because the writer wants
to investigate whether or not miscellany can be used as a game in the teaching-learning process
and as a modified technique in increasing students' irregular verbs. The experiment is done at
SMP Negeri IV Ambon the sample is chosen by using random sampling and class I1 and I2
are being the sample. There are twenty-one students in each class.
The data is gathered by (1) Using teaching that the writer divided the sample into two
classes, the first class of an experiment class (I1) by using miscellany game and the second
class or control class (I2) by using memorizing irregular verbs, (2) Using testing that is pre-test
and post-test. A pre-test is given before doing the treatment. There are 15 questions/sentences
which the students must complete. The test is in the multiple-choice form consisting of four
options. Like in the pre-test, the post-test consists of two kinds of tests, they are the posttest
by using miscellany as a modified technique is given to experimental class and the post-test by
using a memorizing technique given to control class.
The data obtained were analyzed by using a variety analyst (Varian analyst) which its
purpose to test each treatment difference. Gomez and Gomes (1995-15-17), proposes that the
steps to find a variety of analyst values are as follows.

Db Total = Total Jumlah Observasi - I

Perlakuan = Total Perlakuan - I
Error = Db Total - Db Perlakuan
Faktor Koreksi = (Total umum)2
Jumlah seluruh pengamatan
JK Total = ∑X - FK

After experimenting, then the data is gathered from both tests, a pre-test (Tl) and post-
test. (2) from the control and the experimental classes. The results are presented in the
following tables.
Table. 1. Pre-test (control class) without miscellany game

No. of Correct In Percent- age Incorrect In Percent- age

Students Answer (%) Answer (%)
1 4 26.7 11 73.3
2 10 66.7 5 33.3
3 10 66.7 5 33.3
4 7 46.7 8 53.3
5 5 33.3 10 66.7
6 12 80.0 3 20.0
7 11 73.3 4 26.7
8 12 80.0 3 20.0
9 3 20.0 12 80.0
10 8 53.3 7 46.7
11 2 13.3 13 86.7
12 3 20.0 12 80.0
13 9 60.0 6 40.0
14 8 53.3 7 46.7
15 7 46.7 ;8 53.3
16 6 40.0 9 60.0 ‘
17 9 66.0 6 40.0
18 10 66.7 5 33.3
19 14 93.3 1 66.7
20 4 26.7 11 73.3
21 5 33.3 10 66.7
50.0 49.5

Table 2. Post-test (control class) using miscellany game

No. of Correct In Percent- age Incorrect In Percent- age

Students Answer (%) Answer (%)
1 11 73.3 4 26.7
2 11 73.3 4 26.7

3 9 60.0 6 40.0
4 7 46.7 8 53.3
5 4 26.7 11 73.3
6 8 53.3 7 46.7
7 6 40.0 9 60.0
8 8 53.3 7 46.7
9 6 40.0 9 60.0
IO 7 46.7 8 53.3
11 6 40.0 9 60.0
12 10 66.7 5 33.3
13 11 73.3 4 26.7
14 11 73.3 4 26.7
15 8 53.3 7 46.7
16 8 53.3 7 46.7
17 9 60.0 6 . 40.0
18 8 53.3 7 46.7
19 12 80.0 3 20.0
20 9 60.0 6 40.0
21 13 86.7 2 13.3

Table.3. Pre-test (control class) using miscellany game

No. of Number of In Percentage Number of In Percentage

Student Students Correct (%) Incorrect (%)
Answer Answer

1 13 86.7 2 13.3
2 13 86.7 2 13.3
3 12 80.0 3 20.0
4 11 73.3 4 26.7
5 9 60.0 6 40.0
6 8 53.3 7 46.7
7 8 53.3 7 46.7
8 5 33.3 IO 66.7
9 3 20.0 12 80.0
10 11 73.3 4 2'6.7
11 6 40.0 8 53.3
12 7 46.7 9I 60.0
13 4 26.7 11 73.3
14 6 40.0 9 60.0
155 IO 66.7 5 33.3
16 4 26.7 11 73.3
17 IO 66.7 5 33.3
18 6 40.0 9 60.0
19 5 33.3 10 66.7
20 7 46.7 8 53.3
21 5 33.3 IO 66.7
51.8 482

Table.4. Post-test (experimental class) by using miscellany game

No. of Number of In Number of In
Correct Percentage
Students Answer Percentage Incorrect (%)
I 6 40.0
(%) 9
Answer 60.0
2 14 93.3 I 6.7
3 13 86.7 2 13.3
4 13 86.7 2 13.3
5 5 33.3 10 66.7
6 15 100.0 0 0.0
7 15 100.0 0 0.0
8 15 100.0 0 0.0
9 8 53.3 7 46.7
IO 12 80.0 3 20.0
11 15 100.0 0 0.0
12 15 100.0 0 0.0
13 15 100.0 0 0.0
14 6 40.0 9 60.0
15 15 100.0 0 0.0
16 15 100.0 0 0.0
17 14 93.3 1 6.7
18 5 33.3 IO 66.7
19 14 93.3 I 6.7
20 14 93.3 1 6.7
21 13 86.7 2 13.3
81.6 18.4

Table. 5. The result of comparing posttest between experimental class (1-1) by using
miscellany as a modified technique and control class (1-2) by using a memorizing technique.

Experimental Class Control Class

Corre Incorr Correct Incorr
No. of ct ect Answers ect
Answ Answe (%) Answe
1 40.0 60.0 73.3 26.7
s 2 ers rs (%) rs (%)
(%) 60.0 73.3 26.7
3 86.7 13.3 60.0 40.0
4 86.7 13.3 46.7 53.3
5 33.3 66.7 26.7 73.3
6 100.0 0.0 53.3 46.7
7 100.0 0.0 40.0 60.0
8 100.0 0.0 53.3 46.7
.9 53.3 46.7 40.0 60.0
10 80.0 20.0 46.7 53.3
11 100.0 0.0 40.0 60.0
12 100.0 0.0 '66.7 33.3
13 100.0 0.0 73.3 26.7
14 � 40.0 60.0 73.3 26.7
15 100.0 0.0 53.3 46.7
16 100.0 0.0 53.3 46.7
17 93.3 6.7 60.0 40.0
18 33.3 66.7 53.3 46.7
19 93.3 6.7 80.0 20.0
20 93.3 6.7 60.0 40.0
21 86.7 13.3 86.7 13.3
81.6 18.4 .62.5 42.2

Table 8. The average of value test

Treatment Average of Value test

Tl 8.44
T2 5.77

Note: Tl = Experimental class

T2 = Control class
It is necessary to find out the test result to compare between experimental class which
uses the miscellany as a modified technique and control class which uses the memorizing
The data acquired has been carefully tallied and arranged into the tables. To compare
the results of the experimental class and control class, she gives the account of the
correct/incorrect answers in percentage.
Varian analyst from table 6 shows that teach the Irregular Verbs with using game
influences on standards test 5 % or 1 %. Thus, H1, can acceptable, whereas H0 cannot accept.
The advantages of the miscellany as a modified technique in teaching and learning
process are: Giving the student's motivation to increase the quality of their practice to increase
their irregular verbs.
Using miscellany games in teaching the English language makes the students interesting in
learning the language.

The disadvantage of the miscellany as a modified technique in the teaching and learning
process is the students can master their Irregular verbs, but in making the sentences, the
students can be confused.


Based on the data showing in both classes, the writer then concludes that, first, using
the miscellany game as a modification in teaching is very important to teach "Irregular Verbs"
as it can create interaction between teacher-student and student-student to fulfill the
instructional goal. Second, he/she uses of miscellany games as a technique that makes the
students more interested in learning the English language. Third, Miscellany is not only applied
as a game in the teaching language process but also used as a modified technique in increasing
the students Irregular Verbs.

The teacher of English must be familiar with ways of teaching English and how to motivate
students from a boring situation. The English teacher needs to be creative and innovative in
her or his job. To develop the technique of teaching English in class, the games as in an integral
part of any language syllabus provide an opportunity for intensive language practice to offer a
context in which language is used meaningfully and means to an act as a diagnostic tool for the
teacher, highlighting areas of difficulty. Finally, one of the most important reasons for focusing
on games is simply that they are immensely enjoyable for both teachers and students to reduce
the boring situation in learning English

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