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Teaching Vocabulary Through Games To Young Learners

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Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research Teaching English to Young Learners has become a phenomenon in Indonesia nowadays. English is taught as one of the main subjects in most of Kindergarten and Elementary schools. Teaching young learners is obviously different from teaching adults. Children are easy to accept new foreign languages. The problem is they tent to get bored if the teacher uses conventional technique and method in teaching. It is the role of teachers to use interesting teaching method to motivate their students. Harmer (2008) says: Teachers of young learners need to spend time understanding how their students think and operate. They need to be able to pick up on their students current interests so that they can use them to motivate the children. Since children like to play and have fun, the learning and teaching process should be suited with the nature of the children themselves. One of the methods that can be used to avoid boredom for children is using games. Games actively involved children and create a fun learning condition. Through this paper, the writer wants to show that through games, children could enhance their language skill, such as speaking.

1.2 Research Questions This research is organized based on the questions formulated as follow: 1. How is the implementation of using games in teaching vocabulary to young learner? 2. In what way are the using of games helpful in teaching vocabulary to young learner? 3. What are the practical challenges of implementing games in teaching vocabulary to young learner?

1.3 Purpose of the Research This research is aimed to: 1. To investigate the implementation of using games in teaching vocabulary to young learner. 2. To investigate in what way the using games are helpful in teaching vocabulary to young learner. 3. To investigate the practical challenges of implementing games in teaching vocabulary to young learner.

1.4 Significance of the Research This research purposes initially to give some contribution for teachers in teaching vocabulary especially for young learners. It will give some further information of alternative teaching technique in teaching vocabulary for young learners, in this case the use of games.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learner

Vocabulary is an important part in learning English. It is plays as the basic element of the language and as the main tool to understand the meaning of the language. As supported by Cameron (2001): Vocabulary has been seen as a major resource for language use. Early Foreign language learning offers the chance for learners to build up a solid core of words useful for further learning, together with words that are learnt because they interest excite young learners at that age. However, early vocabulary learning may be ineffective if words are not consolidated and used regularly. Further more it is supported by Linse (2005) that vocabulary development is an important aspect of language development and the research that has been conducted in recent years is very exciting. A variety of studies have proven that appropriate vocabulary instruction benefits language students, especially schoolage learners. Word memorization is important in language learning, and memorization is helped when words are recycled regularly. Vocabulary development is a continuous process, where learners meet the words many times in their learning to increase and deepen their knowledge and their use of words in the foreign language (Cameron, 2001). It is also facilitated through using meaningful activities to practice vocabulary, as it provides the learners with opportunities to memorize the words effectively, more than if they just practice them orally by drilling or by using flashcards. Activities which involve learners in thinking about

the words and making decisions about them allow learners to remember the words effectively.

2.2 Characteristics of Young Learners Learning According to Brown (2001) children will be successful in learning a new language as long as the teachers takes into consideration their characteristics and intellectual development in teaching learning process. As a teacher we should be able to recognize our students characteristics to create good learning environment. They cannot be expected to sit down and do particular activity for long time. They learn by having fun (Pinter, 2006). They love to play and learn best when they are enjoying the activity (Scott & Ytreberg, 2004). It is because they still have limited reading and writing skills even in their first language (Pinter, 2006) So, playing is the most common activity for them to gain knowledge. Harmer (2008) describes different characteristics of young learners as follow: Children respond to meaning even they do not understand individual word. They often learn indirectly rather than directly that is they take in information from all sides, learning from everything around them rather than only focusing on the precise topic they are being taught. Their understanding comes not just from explanation but from what they see and hear, and crucially, have a change to touch and interact with Generally, they display an enthusiasm for learning and a curiously about the world around them. They have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher. They are keen on talking about themselves and respond well to learn that uses themselves and their own lives as main topics in the class room.

They have a limited attention span, unless activities are extremely engaging they can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so.

Piaget (1976) categorized characteristics of childrens development. Children between the age of five to eleven all develop formal thinking in their schooling even is not actually fully and automatically achieved by all teenagers or even adult. They are flexible in teaching learning process. They are easy to add and subtract something based on what they hear and see.

2.3 The Importance of Games in teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners According to Lewis (1999) Games are fun and children like to play them. Through games children experiment, discover, and interact with their environment. Games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus. The game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to life. The game makes the reasons for speaking plausible even to reluctant children. Harmer (2008) says that the ability to speak English fluently is not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot. Therefore, to become a fluent speaker, learner needs so much practice through appropriate and variety techniques which can help them to process information and language in simultaneous operation. Allen (1983: 52) states the importance of games in teaching vocabulary:

Games are helpful because they can make students feel that certain words are important and necessary, because without those words, the object of the game cannot be achieved. Guessing game, for example, create conditions in which the use of the target language is necessary for leading the players to the correct guess. Using games as one of the technique that makes children encouraged to be cooperative in applying the language. According to Huyen, Nga, and Uberman, games bring relax and fun atmosphere for students, thus help them learn and retain new words faster and better. Second they also suggest that games usually involve friendly competition and keep learners interested. These create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. Therefore the games give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings (Huyen ang Nga, 2003, Uberman, 1998). Uberman (1998) states that games help students not only enjoy and entertain with the language they learn, but also practice it incidentally. According to Vernon (2009), games also provide wonderful atmosphere in the childrens language class. It is widely documented that English language games improve learning, and with children, they are one of the most effective classroom tools. Children are willing participants and are not just present in class because they have to be. Students pay more attention because when they enjoy themselves, they do better, feel better about themselves, and do even better. Playing a game has a purpose and an outcome. In order to play, students have to say things. Therefore, they have a reason to communicate and this makes them want to know and learn more. In addition to this, games stimulate and motivate children to a new level. They know that if they do not pay attention, they will not

be able to play the game well and they will let their team down so they make more effort to join in and learn as much as possible. The proverb repetition is the mother of skill becomes very meaningful during the games in childrens language class as students get to use the language all the time with a lot of repetition. Although repetition is boring in some cases, during games it is fun for children. Also because of the fun involved in the game a massive amount of vocabulary and grammar can be revised in a short time because it is very difficult for learners to remember vocabulary if they never use it. Furthermore, the physical movement involved in some of the games also helps keep children stimulated and alert. Children naturally have a lot of energy and are not good at attending formal lessons for long periods, and so if they participate in a game involving physical movements from time to time, they will never get impatient and bored. Most importantly, the philosophy of encouragement incorporated into these games increases confidence in all students. Usually this does not just mean they get better at only English, but in all subjects in school. This in turn makes the teachers more motivated and optimistic, and they can really make a difference in their lessons. Vernon stated that: Apart from all this, language games like any other games involve learners in a healthy competition that can help them learn more. As long as no one is forced to participate, competition can be positive and encourage player discovery, examination and learning. Thus, creating the right type of language games can foster this healthy, beneficial competition in the classroom.

2.4 Types of Language Games Classifying games into categories can be difficult, because categories often overlap. Lewis and Bedson classify language games into 10, they are:

Movement games In these games the children are physically active and the class need to be closely monitored.

Card games Children collect, give away, exchange, sort and count cards. The cards can have a meaning or value in a game, or simply serve as symbols for objects or actions.

Board games Any games which mainly involve moving markers along path. Board games can be made by the children as a fun activity.

Dice games Dice games are incredibly versatile. Dice need not only have numbers on the faces. They can have numbers, colors, letters of the alphabet.

Drawing games Drawing games are special because they span a gap between key functions of brain. On the one hand, drawing requires creativity and a sensitivity towards the world. On the other hand, children must be able to understand instructions and describe their art. Drawing games are particularly helpful with shy children who are reluctant to talk.

Guessing games In guessing games, the aim is to guess the answer to a question of some kind.

Role-play games Role-play games can be seen as simple, guided drama activities. It stimulates a childs imagination and are tests of true communication.

Singing and chanting games Singing and chanting games often involve movement, but we decided to list them separately since music plays such important role in early childhood learning.

Team games Team games can belong to the other categories, but also require cooperative team work.

Word games These games utilize childrens enjoyment of playing with words. They are mostly for older children as they involve spelling and writing.

1.5 Related Previous Study Huyen and Nga (2003) in their research, stated that games have been shown to have more advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. First, games bring relaxation and fun for the students, thus help them to learn and retain new words more easily. Second, games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners interested in the activities. These create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participated actively in the learning activities. Third, vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom and enhance students in using English language in a flexible and communicative way.

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design This research employed a descriptive qualitative design which used case study as the approach is considered appropriate.

3.2 Participant This research was undertaken in an English course in Cibaduyut. The participants of this research were 18 students whose ages range between 6-7 years old. The reason for choosing these participants were that for children of this age games provide fun learning environment and meaningful language which is conform to their characteristics. Secondly students in this class had most the same English language level that was the beginners level since the students had little knowledge of English and can recognize a little number of vocabulary (Phillips, 1993).

3.3 Data Collection In collecting the data, several instruments were utilized. The data were collected through several steps, they are conducting the classroom observation and video recording and interview. The interview intended to reveal the teachers point of view to on the technique of using games in teaching vocabulary to Young learners.


3.4 Data Analysis The data analysis is carried out as soon as the observation is done. On going data analyses and interpretation were based on data mainly from observation that consist of interview transcript, observation notes and students learning record. Data analyses in this research were conducted as simultaneously action during and after the data collection stage.


Chapter Four Research Findings and Analysis

The following findings were obtained from class observation, video recording, transcripts, and the students learning records. The analysis of the findings covers the three research questions.

4.1 The Implementation of Using Games in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners From the class observation and the data of interview with the teacher, t here are three steps used by the teacher in implementing games to teach vocabulary to young learner they are: grouping the students, giving explanation and instruction about the game and conducting the game. It can be seen from the interview with the teacher as well. 4.1.1 Grouping the Students Most of children like to have other children around them, and they also like to sit together in a group. Sitting the children with others can encourage cooperation. It is recommended to group the children together whenever possible, it does not mean that they have to work in groups all the time. (Scott & Ytreberg, 2004). According to Phillips (1993) groups consists of three or more children there are more than five children usually it will be counter-productive. Before the game was started, the teacher divided the students into two groups. The students were asked


to count one until two sequentially and the students with the same number gathered in the same group on the floor. Next they were asked to decide what their group names are and they chose Shaun the sheep and Oscar. The teacher wrote down the two groups name on the white board for recording the score. Since there were 5 students who joined the game, the member of the groups could not be divided in balanced number. Three students were belong to Shaun the sheep and two students to Oscar. After that they are asked to sit on the floor based on their group. By this kind of grouping technique the students needed to make deal with their partner in deciding and choosing their group names. By placing the students into groups could also create a competitive and cooperative atmosphere between the students in the group. It can be seen from the transcript as follow: Teacher: And this is the last one (showing the dining room picture). Student1: Kitchen! Teacher: No Student 2: (showing the word dining room). Teacher: Ok, Andra.. Dining room! Very good! Now, lets see the score! Oscar, (counting) one, two, three, four, five and Shaun the Sheep (counting) one, two three, four, five. Student: Yeay..sama! When the student said Yeaysama! it implied that he was happy not to lose the game. In other words when he was happy not to lose the game it means he has a feeling to compete the other group.

4.1.2 Giving Explanation and Instruction About the Game In this session, teacher plays a very important role. The teacher should be able to give a very clear explanation and instruction about the game technique in order to make the students understand how to play the game. According to the syllabus, this class learned about rooms at home, and it was their second meeting on this topic. It means that the students had been introduced the list of vocabulary


about rooms at home at the previous meeting. After the students were divided into two groups, the teacher gave a short explanation about the game the students going to do. She told the students that she had 2 sets of words list. She mentioned all the words that were used in the game while showing them to the students. The game seemed familiar for the students since this kind of game was not the first time done in the classroom. The teacher gave instruction in English slowly and clearly.

Teacher: Look! I have two sets of words here, kitchen, dining room, garage, bedroom, bathroom and living room. I will give it to each group. This is for you, Oscar and this is for Shaun the Sheep. Ok, the game is like this, I will show you the picture and what you have to do is take the right one and show it to me. Are you ready? After the teacher explaining the game technique, she gave one set of words to each group. One set of word consisted of five words they were bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room and kitchen.

4.1.3 Conducting the Game This is the main part of the activity that attracted students interest and attention at most. The type of game conducted in the class was the guessing games. As Lewis and Bedson defines that in guessing games, the aim is to guess the answer to a question of some kind. Based on the observation, the teacher started by showing the first picture, it was the picture of kitchen. One of the students from Oscar group raised the word kitchen while saying the sound of the word. The teacher then gave 100 score to his group. After that the teacher showed the second picture, and so on until the last picture. Finally the teacher counted the score for each group. The result was equal, so the teacher showed one more picture to the students to answer so they could get


the winner. The game was won by Shaun the sheep group and the teacher gave reward to the group.

4.1.4 Reviewing the Vocabulary In this session the teacher reviewed all the vocabularies taught from the game. Firstly she did it by asking the students to mention all the pictures that she pointed to. All of the students said the word altogether appropriately while the teacher repeating the words after the students. Teacher: Now lets see the pictures. Ok, what is this? (pointing to kitchen picture). Students: Kitchen! Teacher: Kitchen! Very good! (then pointing to bat room) Students: Bath room! Teacher: Bath room, very good! (then pinting to dining room) Students: Dining room! Teacher: Dining room! very good! ( then pointing to bed room picture) Students: Bed room! Teacher: Bed room! (then pointing to living room picture) Students: Living room! Teacher: Living room. Ok, now together! One, two three! Students: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, now I want to hear Andra! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). After that she asked each student to mention the words she pointed. The student one by one got their turn to say all the vocabulary. Some students successfully saying all the vocabulary but some of them still found difficulties. The teacher helped the students how to say the word correctly. Teacher: Ok, very good! Abrar! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Din..dining Teacher: Dining room! Student: Ding room, Bed room, Living room, (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, very good! Rama! Student: Kitchen! Bath! Teacher: Bath room!


Student: Bath room, Din diningroom Teacher: Dining room! Student: Dining room, bed room, living room. Teacher: What is this? (pointing to bathroom picture) Student: Dining Teacher: No bath Student: Bath room! At the end of the class the teacher also did the vocabulary review by showing the pictures to the students and the students should mention the word without orally. Each student got two chances to answer correctly so who ever could answer the first time he could go home.

4.2 In What Way The Use of Games Helpful in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary to Young Learner. Based on Scott & Ytreberg (1990), the young learners love to play and learn best when they are enjoying the activity. The first thing in what way using games helpful in teaching and learning vocabulary is by applying some games in teaching learning process is that it creates students motivation in learning. The students could be more interested in learning the material. When the students were interested in learning the material, they would give more attention to the lesson given. That condition gave a good chance for both the teacher and the students. We can see from the transcript below: Teacher: One, two, three.. (showing the picture of kitchen). Student: Kitchen! (while showing the word to the teacher). Teacher: Ok.. Oscar first (scoring the Oscar group). Next, (the teacher shows the picture of bathroom). Student: Bathroom! Teacher: Ok, Shaun the Sheep, Bathroom (repeating the students answer). Very good. (scoring the Shaun the Sheep group). Student: Bathroom (repeating the word).


From the data above it showed that the students seemed to be enthusiastic. When the teacher showed the picture of kitchen, the student answer enthusiastically while showing the word to the teacher. The second thing is that it encourages the students to speak. The students even said the word kitchen clearly and correctly even though the teacher only asked them to show the word. It implies that the students are able to do more than what the teachers expected. More over we can see from the transcript that the student repeated the word by himself after the teacher said the word bath room. It indicated that the student like to repeat what the teacher said. By repetition the students also actually practiced and gained the word without realizing it as what Uberman (1998) stated. Teacher: Yes, again. (Showing the bedroom picture). Student 1: Living room! Student 2: Kitchen! Student 3: Bathroom! Student 4: Salah! Itu teh bedroom! Teacher : Very good Amzar, this is bedroom (Oscar group). Next (showing the dining room picture).

The fourth games lead the students to the peer correcting. When the teacher showed the picture of bedroom, the students tried to guess the word, but they failed to give the right answer. One of the student then corrected his friends by saying salah, itu teh bed room. From this we can see how game can stimulus students in correcting other students. Teacher: Ok, next (showing the living room picture). Student: Kitchen! Teacher: No.. Student: Living room! Teacher: Living room very good! (scoring the Oscar group) Student: Lagi! Teacher: Yes, again. (Showing the bedroom picture).


Further more, it is one of the effective method for the teachers in attracting students attention and interest. The student showed that they are interested with the game so that he asked the teacher to give them more pictures to guess. This is one of the benefits for the teacher to teach vocabulary for young learner using game. The teacher does not need to make the students interested in her activity, instead the students will directly draw their attention and interest to what the teachers teach. The games could give the students more chance to learn the vocabulary given because through playing they could learn something without realizing that.


The Practical Challenges of Implementing Games in Teaching

Vocabulary to Young Learner It seems that both teachers and students would not face any difficulties in teaching and learning vocabulary learning using games. However the observation and interviews reveal that sometimes games create challenges for both students and teachers. The first, since games can attract students, most of the time it causes noise and unorganized classroom condition. Sometimes they do too much movement and talk too much. When the students are excited, they become very active and sometimes uncontrollable. In this case, teacher needs to understand very well the students characteristic to work with the students and how to manage the class As stated by Brown (2001) A teacher should be able to recognize her students characteristics to create good learning environment. The second, the teacher needs to be creative in improving variety of games so there is no chance for the students to drag their attention to something else. This


is supported by Harmer (2001), They cannot be expected to sit down and do particular activity for long time. They are very easy to get bored, lose interest after several minutes of the activity. More over as we already known one of characteristics of young learners is they have a limited attention span, unless activities are extremely engaging they can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so. Regarding to this issue variety of activity seems to be an essential part of the learning process. Based on the interview done with the teacher, it showed that teacher needs to be creative in using games in teaching vocabulary besides that teachers peer consultation and searching from internet was helpful in giving more idea of activities. Peneliti : Sumber-sumber apa saja yang Ibu gunakan untuk mendapatkan jenis games yang akan digunakan dalam kelas? Responden: Saya lebih sering improve sendiri atau konsultasi dengan teman yang sudah lebih lama bekerja di sini. Selain itu biasanya juga saya search dari internet. The third, from the researcher observation notes, students tend to speak in their mother language instead of English during the game and also the class session. They often used their mother language (Bahasa Indonesia or Sundaneese dialect) in communicating with their friends and teacher. It can be seen from the transcript bellow: Teacher: Ok, next (showing the living room picture). Student: Kitchen! Teacher: No.. Student: Living room! Teacher: Living room very good! (scoring the Oscar group) Student: Lagi! And also from this following transcript: Teacher: Yes, again. (Showing the bedroom picture). Student 1: Living room! Student 2: Kitchen! Student 3: Bathroom! Student 4: Salah! Itu teh bedroom!


The teacher during the game and the class session most of the time used English, sometimes she explained and said some word in Bahasa Indonesia after she said it in English. The teacher also responded the students with English when they spoke in Bahasa Indonesia. This is the good thing in coping the problem of using mother language in the class, so that the students will be encouraged to speak in English words. The fourth, from the researchers observation notes by doing games the teacher only had a little time to drill the vocabularies given. The students did not have enough time to do repetition and practice in saying the word properly to help them in memorizing all the new vocabularies. So as the result, the students often made mistake in guessing the pictures that were showed by the teacher. The fifth, from the class observation it was found that kind of game implemented by the teacher in the class could lead the students to be reluctant to speak. Sometime the students preferred showing the words to guess the pictures that were showed by the teacher instead of saying them. This gave them a little opportunity practice saying the words since not all the time the teacher help them to say the words.


Chapter Five Conclusions and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusions Based on the research findings, this research generally has answered all the research questions as proposed in chapter one. Some conclusions are presented as follows: First, with regard to research question one, the teacher applied some steps in implementing games in teaching vocabulary to young learners they are grouping the students, giving explanation and instruction about the game and conducting the game. Second, from the finding of the second problem it indicates that using games in teaching vocabulary to young learner is very helpful. By applying some games in teaching learning process, the students could be more interested in learning the material. The second is by applying some games in teaching learning process, the teacher didnt need to explain too many materials. The teacher just explained the materials needed by the students because they can understand the material on that day by doing the games. The games could give the students more chance to understand the materials given because through playing they can learned something without realizing it. On the other hand, this research also reveals some challenges issues in teaching vocabulary using games. The first is that students, especially those who speak the same language, prefer using their first language to English. The second, games cannot be successful if the teacher does not explain the tasks and roles of students clearly in playing games.


The third, using games in the classroom sometimes fails due to the lack of cooperation among members of the class. The fourth, The students do too much movement and speak and it caused the teacher difficult to control them. The fifth, by doing games the teacher only had a little time to explain the material and gave some new vocabularies.

5.2 Recommendation Based on the findings of this research, the researcher recommends some ideas for the teacher who wants to use games in teaching vocabulary to young learners. Firstly the teachers need to be creative in improving many varieties of games in order to avoid students boredom and reluctance in saying the words in English. Thirdly drilling needs to be done more often, so that the students have more chance to practice in saying the vocabulary. It means also that the teacher needs to encourage the students to speak English more often to build their confidence in saying the words in English. For further researchers it recommended to work on the curriculum design of using games in teaching vocabulary to Young Learners.



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Pinter, 2006. Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Puchta, H. 2007. More Than Little ParrotsDeveloping Young Learners Speaking Skills. (Online). Available at (November 17th, 2011). Uberman, 1998. The Use of Games for Vocabulary Presentation and Revision. (Online). Available at: html. (November 17th, 2011). Vernon, S. 2009. The benefits of using Games. (Online). Available at: ( November 20th, 2011). Ytreberg, L. H and Scott, W. A. 2004. Teaching English to Children. England: Longman.


Appendix 1 Observation Form Teachers Performance In The Classroom Time Date : 14.30 15.30 :November 14th, 2011

No I 1 2 3 II 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Aspect for Observing Preparation The teacher is well-prepared and well-organized in class The teacher reviews material and looks ahead to a new material. The prepared goals are apparent Presentation The teacher explains the instructions of the game clearly The words on the game were sequence and familiar with students' environment Directions are clear and concise, and students are able to carry them out The game is presented at the students level of comprehension' The game is integrated into the syllabus The students shows an interest and enthusiasm for the games The teacher knows when the students are having trouble understanding the word from the game The teacher answers question carefully and satisfactorily towards students questions about the words meaning in the game Teacher-Students Interaction Teacher encourages and assures full students participation in class The class feels free to ask questions, to disagree or


11 III 12 13


to express their own idea 14 15 16 17 18 The teacher is able to control and direct the class The students are attentive and involved The students are comfortable and relaxed, even during intense intellectual activity The students are encouraged to do their best The teacher is aware of individuals and group needs

(Brown, 1994: 432-434)

Note: 1 = unsatisfactory 2 = average 3 = above average 4 = excellent N/A = not applicable


Appendix 2 Video Recording Script

Teacher: Natalia Tureay Date: November 14th, 2011 Teacher: Look! I have two sets of words here, kitchen, dining room, garage, bedroom, bathroom and living room. I will give it to each group. This is for you, Oscar and this is for Shaun the Sheep. Ok, the game is like this, I will show you the picture and what you have to do is take the right one and show it to me. Are you ready? Students: Ready Teacher: One, two, three.. (showing the picture of kitchen). Student: Kitchen! (while showing the word to the teacher). Teacher: Ok.. Oscar first (scoring the Oscar group). Next, (the teacher shows the picture of bathroom). Student: Bathroom! Teacher: Ok, Shaun the Sheep, Bathroom (repeating the students answer). Very good. (scoring the Shaun the Sheep group). Student: Bathroom (repeating the word). Teacher: Ok, next (showing the living room picture). Student: Kitchen! Teacher: No.. Student: Living room! Teacher: Living room very good! (scoring the Oscar group) Student: Lagi! Teacher: Yes, again. (Showing the bedroom picture). Student 1: Living room! Student 2: Kitchen! Student 3: Bathroom! Student 4: Salah! Itu teh bedroom! Teacher: Very good Amzar, this is bedroom (Oscar group). Next (showing the dining room picture). Student 1: Kitchen! Teacher: No Student 2 : (showing the word dining room without saying it). Teacher: Ok Andra very good, this is dining room. Student 3: (imitating the word) dining room. Teacher: Again (showing bath room picture), Student 1: Living room! Teacher: No Student 3: (Showing the word bathroom). Teacher: What is it? (reading the word) ok, bath room! Very good! Student 3: (repeating) bath room. Teacher: I have four more (showing the kitchen picture) Student 1: Kitchen!


Teacher: Ok, very good! kitchen! (scoring Oscar group). Next (showing the living room picture) Student: Living room! (while showing the word) Teacher: Ok, Andra. Living room! very good! (scoring Shaun the sheep group). I have two more (showing bed room picture). Student: Showing the word bedroom. Teacher: Ok, Bed room! (scoring Oscar group). Student: (repeating) bed room. Teacher: And this is the last one (showing the dining room picture). Student1: Kitchen! Teacher: No Student 2: (showing the word dining room). Teacher: Ok, Andra.. Dining room! Very good! Now, lets see the score! Oscar, (counting) one, two, three, four, five and Shaun the Sheep (counting) one, two three, four, five. Student: Yeay..sama! Teacher: Ok, I will show you one more picture and who can answer it correctly will be the winner, ok? Ready? You can only read one word, cuma 1 kata aja ya kalau salah nggak boleh diulang-ulang, kalau satu kata salah langsung gagal. Ok, ready? (and then showing the bathroom picture). Student 1: (showing the word bed room) Teacher: wrong! Student 2: (showing the word bath room) Teacher: What is that?.... ok, bath room, very good. (scoring Shaun the sheep group) Andra, Shaun the sheep. So, who is the winner? Student: Shaun the sheep!!! Teacher: yeah...! Shaun the sheep! Congratulation Shaun the sheep! Now, back to seat! (sticking all pictures on the white board). Now lets see the pictures. Ok, what is this? (pointing to kitchen picture). Students: Kitchen! Teacher: Kitchen! Very good! (then pointing to bat room) Students: Bath room! Teacher: Bath room, very good! (then pinting to dining room) Students: Dining room! Teacher: Dining room! very good! ( then pointing to bed room picture) Students: Bed room! Teacher: Bed room! (then pointing to living room picture) Students: Living room! Teacher: Living room. Ok, now together! One, two three! Students: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, now I want to hear Andra! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, Amzar! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, very good! Abrar! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Din..dining Teacher: Dining room!


Student: Ding room, Bed room, Living room, (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, very good! Rama! Student: Kitchen! Bath! Teacher: Bath room! Student: Bath room, Din diningroom Teacher: Dining room! Student: Dining room, bed room, living room. Teacher: What is this? (pointing to bathroom picture) Student: Dining Teacher: No bath Student: Bath room! Teacher: Ok, Adry! Student: Kitchen! Bath room! Dining room! Bed room! Living room! (while the teacher is pointing to each picture). Teacher: Ok, very good! Now I want to see your home work!


Appendix 3 Interview Transcript With the Teacher 1

Nama Guru: Natalia Tureay Hari/ Tanggal: Senin 14 November 2011 Waktu/ Tempat: 16.30/ Speak Up, Cibaduyut

Peneliti Responden Peneliti Responden

Peneliti Responden

Peneliti Responden

Peneliti Responden Peneliti Responden


Responden Peneliti

: Menurut Ibu apakah tujuan dari mengajar vocabulary untuk anakanak? :Untuk membekali anak dengan kosa kata yang cukup sehingga anak dapat siap melakukan percakapan. :Menurut Ibu apakah penggunaan games dapat memudahkan dalam mengajar vocabulary? Dapatkah Ibu jelaskan mengapa? :Iya, karena kalau menggunakan games anak-anak jadi lebih tertarik untuk mengenal vocabulary yang akan diajarkan dan selain itu dapat menciptakan suasana kelas yang fun. Games juga bias digunakan sebagai warmer sehingga anak lebih siap untuk mengikuti pelajaran di kelas. : Menurut Ibu apakah penggunaan games dapat membantu dalam meninkatkan vocabulary anak? dapatkah Ibu jelaskan mengapa? : Iya, karena games itu lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan menghafal dari buku atau kamus. Kalau suasana mengajar itu menyenangkan, anak akan lebih mudah menyerap vocabulary yang diajarkan. : Menurut Ibu bagaimana cara memilih jenis games yang baik untuk mengajar vocabulary untuk anak? : Dilihat dari umur dan kemampuan anak. Jenis games yang dipakai untuk anak umur 6 tahun tidak sama dengan games untuk anak umur 10 tahun. Anak umur 10 tahun biasanya diberi games yang lebih sulit dan menantang. : Jenis games apa yang Ibu gunakan di lembaga ini untuk mengajar vocabulary? : Matching games, Guessing games dan Racing games : Sumber-sumber apa saja yang Ibu gunakan untuk mendapatkan jenis games yang akan digunakan dalam kelas? : Saya lebih sering improve sendiri atau konsultasi dengan teman yang sudah lebih lama bekerja di sini. Selain itu biasanya juga saya search dari internet. : Apakah Ibu mengalami kesulitan dalam menerapkan pengajaran dengan menggunakan games? Jika ya, dapatkah Ibu jelaskan, mengapa? Dan bagaimana cara untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut? : Saya tidak pernah mengalami kesulitan pada waktu menerapkan games di kelas. : Bagaimana cara Ibu menerapkan games dalam mengajar vocabulary?


Responden : Pertama saya menentukan apakah kelas dibagi menjadi per kelompok atau tidak, lalu memberi nama kelompok biasanya anakanak sendiri yang memilih nama kelompok mereka. Kemudian saya pisahkan tempat duduk anak sesuai kelompok (anak-anak boleh duduk di lantai), setelah itu saya memberikan instruksi dan menjelaskan peraturan game nya. Sebelum game dimulai saya beri contoh dulu. Kemudian pada waktu game, saya memberikan score untuk masing-masing kelompok yang dapat menjawab. Setiap kelompok yang dapat menjawab dengan benar saya beri reward, lalu ditentukan siapa pemenangnya dan diberi reward. Peneliti :Bagaimana respon anak terhadap aktivitas pengajaran vocabulary dengan menggunakan games? Responden :Anak-anak senang sekali dan mereka ketagihan. Mereka selalu mengaharapkan ada game di kelas. Peneliti :Bentuk tes apa yang Ibu gunakan dalam menilai kemajuan vocabulary anak? Responden :Setiap di akhir kelas saya me-review semua vocabulary yang sudah diajarkan selama kelas berlangsung. Review itu juga saya lakukan dengan cara menunjukkan gambar dari vocabulary yang diajarkan dan anak diminta untuk menjawab dengan menggunakan kalimat yang sederhana seperti It is my bedroom, it is my bathroom, dll.


Appendix 4 Students Observation Form

Is the student actively engaged in the games used in learning vocabulary? Does the student appear to understand the instruction used by the teacher? Is the student interacting with peers? Does the students manage waiting for their turn during the game? Does the student observe others for what to do during the game? Does the student behavior appropriately after using the game? Y = Yes N = No


Appendix 5 Students Oral Assessment Checklist

c = competence; n = non-competence; w = working on


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