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A Research Proposal

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The key takeaways are that this research aims to investigate the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in enhancing students' vocabulary knowledge compared to traditional teaching methods.

The main purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in vocabulary learning.

The objectives of this research are to examine whether vocabulary games can be an effective means of instruction, whether games are preferable to traditional methods, and whether feedback in games improves attitude and motivation.



This research attempts to investigate the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in enhancing students vocabulary knowledge. It outlines the background of the research, statement of the problem, purpose of the research, significance of the research, limitations of the research and definition of terms.


Based on English Language Syllabus for Secondary Schools, English is taught as a second language with the aim to equip students with the ability to communicate accurately and effectively, both orally and in writing in various situation in and out of school. All the programmes planned are in accordance with the goals of the National Education Philosophy. Students are hoped to develop the intellectual, spiritual and emotional in contribution for a better society and nation. It is also contributing in achieving the objectives of making Malaysia a fully developed

nation. It is emphasized that the vocabulary taught should taking into account of the students ability and rate of progress.

A list of words or vocabulary suggested are topic-based and have been drawn from textbooks, grammatical structures and other references. Students should be able to master all the vocabulary and teachers are encouraged to widen the suggested word list to suit their students.


The teaching and learning of vocabulary is a rather neglected area within language testing. Scholars and educators are more interested in grammatical competence, contrastive analysis, reading and writing. As for the vocabulary teaching, there are times when words are taught in isolation and in this case, it is often become meaningless for the learners as they face difficulties when using the language. In learning foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is an element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in foreign language, students should acquire adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately. Most students learn passively due to several factors. To help students find language classes, especially vocabulary lessons

more interesting, and to achieve more from games, a research will be conducted to investigate the effectiveness of using vocabulary game


The present research is an attempt to establish the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in vocabulary learning compared to the traditional method of teaching vocabulary. The conceptual framework of the research is shown in Figure 1. The research will be carried out using an experimental design, in which the subjects will be divided into the experimental group and control group. The subjects in the experimental group will be using the vocabulary games while those in the control group will be using the traditional method. The outcomes of the research will be the students performance, preference towards method, opinion on vocabulary games feedback and attitude and motivation towards learning. It is hoped that this reseach will determine whether the use of language games will be more successful in enhancing students vocabulary knowledge than using the traditional method. Games are not only fun but they but they are hoped to help students learn vocabulary faster and better.

Experimental Group Treatment Using Vocabulary Games

OUTCOMES Vocabulary learning Students attitude

Control Group Using TraditionalMethod


The main purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in vocabulary learning.

1.5.1 Research Objectives This research intends to meet the following objectives: 1. To examine whether vocabulary games can be effective means of instruction. 2. To examine whether vocabulary games is preferable in teaching and learning compared to traditional method. 3. To examine whether the feedback system in using vocabulary games can contribute to the successful development of vocabulary learning. 4. To examine whether vocabulary games can solve attitude and motivation problems of the students towards learning a language specifically in vocabulary areas.

1.5.2 Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated in order to meet the research objectives: 1. Can teaching using vocabulary games be considered as an effective means of instruction? 2. Which method (using vocabulary games or without vocabulary games) is preferable in teaching and learning? 3. How and to what extent the feedback system using vocabulary games can contribute to the successful development of vocabulary learning. 4. How and to what extent can vocabulary games solve attitude and motivation problems of the students towards learning a language specifically in vocabulary area?

1.5.3 Research Hypotheses

Four hypotheses are constructed to answer the research questions. They are: 1. The number vocabulary items learnt through the activities in vocabulary games and without vocabulary games. 2. Using vocabulary games and traditional method will be given equal preference in vocabulary teaching. 3. The feedback system in using vocabulary games will contribute more to the development of vocabulary acquisition as compared to the feedback system of the traditional method. 4. Vocabulary activities can retain students attention longer and create more motivation towards learning a language as compared to the traditional method.


Vocabulary learning is one of the most important steps towards getting to know and learn a second language. It also requires a very complex task. It has not been given enough attention and emphasis to make the subject area the main focus in language learning. This research hopefully will assist teachers to seek ways in reducing the problem of learning English lexis among students and

propose other alternative in teaching by using vocabulary games. This study would also provide significant insight in explaining the promising role of vocabulary games in language teaching and learning in the context of Malaysian classroom.


Some problems might arise when the research is conducted. Whenever a game is to be conducted, the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic and the classroom settings are factors should be taken into account.

1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS The definition of some important terms used in this study is given below: (a) Vocabulary Games The term game is used whenever there is an element of competition between individual students or teams in a language activity. It can contribute a healthy competition providing an outlet for the creative use of the natural language in a non-stressful situation. Teacher can get immediate feedback from the students.

Vocabulary games are interesting activities, lively and motivating lesson and in creating the opportunity for spontaneous, authentic language practice in the classroom. It contains a number of ideas for games and activities which are group together under themes, for example occupations, objects, people etc.

(b) The Traditional Method It is a method that employs teaching aids in establishing the clear meanings of words. They can appear in the forms of chalk and talk, chalkboard, pictorial and non-pictorial materials, word cards etc. In other words, it refers to the conventional method of teaching.


The present research was an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of using vocabulary games in vocabulary teaching. The objectives of the research were to determine whether vocabulary games can be an effective means of learning vocabulary and also foster positive attitude while learning a language especially in vocabulary learn




This chapter presents the related literature and research in the used of vocabulary games in language teaching and learning. It addresses the advantages of using vocabulary games in teaching and learning and its contributions to learning motivation.


The focus on vocabulary in language teaching has varied over the years. With audio-lingualism, grammar was stressed and vocabulary was regarded as less important. With the shift to communicative language teaching in the 1970s, vocabulary teaching has become more important. Comprehension-based

approach such as Natural Approach have also emphasized the importance of vocabulary in the early stages of language learning. Rivers ( in Nunan 1991: 117 ) notes that adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language. Without vocabulary, structures and functions cannot be used for comprehension


and communication. This view that vocabulary is an important aspect of second language learning is reflected in the Malaysian syllabi for English at both the primary and secondary levels. A word list comprising key vocabulary items relevant to specific topic areas forms part of the content recommendations in the syllabus.



Vocabulary games are fun, highly motivating as they are amusing and

interesting. Students like to play them. Through games, students experiment, discover and interact with their environment. (Lewis,1999) 2. Vocabulary games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by

providing a plausible incentive to use the target language. 3. Vocabulary games context make the foreign language immediately useful

to the students. It brings the target to life. (Lewis,1999) 4. Vocabulary games make the reason for speaking plausible even to reluctant

students. 5. Through playing vocabulary games, students can learn English the way

they learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot. Even shy students can participate positively.



In recent years (1970s), communicative language teaching ( CLT ) has been applied in Malaysia. It has shown its effectiveness in teaching and learning language. CLT is an approach that helps students be more active in real life situations through the means of individual, pair and group work activities. It encourages students to

practice the language they learn in meaningful ways. In a CLT classroom, playing vocabulary games is one of the activities which require students to actively communicate with their classmates, using their own language.


Some experts have figured out characteristics of games that make vocabulary learning more effectively. Lee (1995:35) list several main advantages when games are used in the classroom, including a welcome break from the usual routine of


the language class, motivating and challenging, effort of learning and language practice in the various skills. According to Richard Amato (1988 : 147),games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition of input more likely. Games are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. (Hansen 1994 :118). Zdybiewska believes that games is one of a good way of practising language, for they provide a model of what learners will use the language for in real life in the future.(1994:6). It is possible to learn language as well as enjoy oneself at the same time. Students wont remember everything, but they will be interested to hear the correct answers. They are hoped to remember many new things which will help them to improve their English vocabulary knowledge. There are many advantages of using games in the classroom: 1. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class. 2. 3. Games are motivating and challenging. Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning. 4. Games provide language practice in the various skills-speaking, writing, listening and reading. 5. 6. Games encourage students to interact and communicate. They create a meaningful context for language use.


2.6 THE TEACHER Vocabulary games are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is some time left at the end of the lesson. Yet, as Lee observes, a game should not be regarded as a marginal activity filling in odd moments when the teacher and class have nothing better to do (1979:3). Rixon suggests that games be used at all stages of the lesson, provided that they are suitable and carefully chosen. At different stages of the lesson, the teachers aims connected with a vocabulary game may vary: 1. Presentation. Provide a good model making its clear; 2. Controlled practice. Elicit good imitation of new language and appropriate responses. 3. Communicative practice. Give students a chance to use the language (1981:70) Silvers says many teachers are enthusiastic about using games as a break from monotony of drilling or frivolous activities. He also claims that many teachers often overlook the fact that in a relaxed atmosphere, real learning takes place and the students use the language they have been exposed to and have practiced earlier (1982:29)


2.7 THE STUDENTS In the easy , relaxed atmosphere which is created by using games, students remember things faster and better ( Wierus and Wierus 1994:218 ). Games also lend the students well to revision exercises helping learners recall material in a pleasant, entertaining way. Even if games resulted only in noise and entertained students, they are still worth paying attention to and implementing in the classroom since they motivate students, promote communicative competence and generate fluency.


Recently, using vocabulary games has become a popular technique exercised by many educators in the classrooms and recommended by methodologists. Many sources, including the one quoted in this work, list the advantages of the use of vocabulary games in foreign language classrooms. In this case, it is usually found students who practiced vocabulary activity with games felt more motivated and interested in what they were doing.



The present research attempts to investigate the effectiveness of vocabulary games, an innovative and sophisticated mode of instruction. This chapter outlines the methodology employed in the research which includes the research design, population and sample, research instruments, procedure for data collection and the procedure for data analyses.


In this experimental research, the researcher will first observe an on-going English language teaching session in the classroom. After completing the classroom observation, a set of questionnaire will be given to all the students involved in the research. Its main purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain students background information and their learning process will take place in the language classroom. Later, the researcher will administer the pre-test to both the control and the

experimental groups. The main purpose for its administration is to check for students word knowledge. Then, both groups will carry out the activities prepared


by the researcher. After accomplishing the task, a post-test will be given to both groups to determine their progress. Finally, the questionnaire forms will be distributed to the students in the experimental group to obtain information regarding the effectiveness of vocabulary games.


The subjects of this research will be drawn from Form One classes of Sekolah Menengah Batu 5, Jalan Jeniang, Gurun, Kedah. As for the experimental group, students will be randomly chosen from the two classrooms consisting of high and average achievers. The ability levels of the students and the type of school chosen are simply to fulfill the requirements of the research that is to see the effectiveness of using vocabulary games. For the average achievers, they need to be exposed to the new techniques that will facilitate their learning. The high achievers are included in the research for the purpose of observing the effects of using vocabulary games on them.


Several instruments will be employed in this research, namely, observation, pretest, post-test, and questionnaires The first instrument to be used in the study is


the questionnaire. The purpose is to gather their background information and to seek out details on how they go about learning the language, especially in vocabulary area. The final set of questionnaire is designed for the experimental group to seek out some information about the effectiveness of using vocabulary games.The next instrument to be used is the test. There are two tests designed, pre-test and post-test. The aim of the pre-test is to determine students word knowledge in the relation to the lesson designed for this research. Later, vocabulary games will be used for the experimental group. The purpose is to determine students reaction towards vocabulary games activities. Finally, the instrument to be used in the data collection is observation which to observe the students attitudes and behaviour.


As mentioned earlier, questionnaire, pretest, post-test observation and interview techniques will be used to collect the data for this research. The details of the procedures will be further explained in this section. There are three types of questionnaire to be used in the research. The first set will be given on the first day when the research is carried out.


The second set will be given to the experimental group, after they have gone through the experiment. The pre-test will take 30 minutes and will be administered in the two classes on the same day. Then, a post-test will be given to the students both in the control and experimental group.


The researcher needs five sets of information that will be used for writing the final report of the research. The first set of information is required to describe the profile of respondents and the other four sets are required to answer the four research questions. The researcher will make sure that all students answer all items in the questionnaire forms and in the test and the data from interviews and observations are well recorded.


This research is carefully devised to motivate the students to learn English in a fun way. Therefore, opportunities for vocabulary learning occur in practically every language lesson. It is hoped that the data obtained would allow the researcher to


examine the effectiveness of using vocabulary games, which the researcher considers it as an innovative form of language learning.


Hansen, M.(1994). Grajmy w jezyku francuskim. Jezyki Obce w Szkole. MarchApril, pp.118-121. Lee, W.R. (1979). Language Teaching Games and Contests. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. (1991). Second Language Teaching and Learning. New York : Prentice Hall. Richard-Amato, P.A. (1988). Making it Happen: Interaction in the Second Language Classroom : From Theory to Practice. New York : Longman. Rixon, S. (1981). How To Use Games in Language Teaching. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Silvers, S.M. (1982). Games For The Classroom and The English Speaking Club. English Teaching Forum, 20, pp. 29-33. Wierus, B. and Wierus, A. (1994). Zagraj razem a nami. Czesc I. Jezyki obce w szkole. May- June : pp. 218-222. Zdybiewska, M. (ed.). (1975). One Hundred Language Games. Warszawa : WsiP.



This set of questionnaire is to obtain information regarding your background. Your full cooperation is needed to answer the questions designed. Please write all the information required in the blank spaces.


Name : ................ Age : .

Form : .. Gender: Race : .. Latest English Result :... Fathers Occupation : Mothers Occupation : Spoken Language at home :


Language Preference : .



This set of questionnaire is distributed in order to obtain information regarding your responses toward the application of vocabulay games. Your full cooperation is needed in answering all the questions designed. Please circle your choices in the options provided and write your response in the space given below.

THE EXPERIMENTAL GROUP OF STUDENTS 1. Have you been introduced to vocabulary games before ? A. Yes B. No 2. Do vocabulary games help you in remembering certain words better? A. Yes B. No 3. What do you think of vocabulary games ? A. Interesting and useful


B. Boring


Do you find vocabulary games contribute successfully in enhancing your vocabulary knowledge ? A. A lot B. A little





BUILDING BLOCKS for ENGLISH Match these syllables correctly. It can be a two or a three syllables word. Write down as many vocabulary as you can in the spaces provided. Car po el e na ga guese ter ball en doc gi zil key roo


ba kan mon Bra It po

a ta gi ket pu tu

raffe tor lice rot ly neer

bas com Por

na phant to

My Vocabulary

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9.. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.










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