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1 - Final-Semester Exam - COSC317 '22-23

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Final Semester Exam for COSC317: COMPUTER HARDWARE
Semester: 1st Semester Level: 300L (Groups A-D & CT) Credit: 2
Time Duration: 2 Hours TOTAL MARKS: 60 MARKS

1: Computer casing is used for ……a) To provide the protection and support b) To provide
an environment designed to keep the internal components cool c) a only d) a & b
2: The other names for motherboard in all, except: a) Main Board b) Computer Board
c) System Board d) Printed Wire Board
3: One of this is not a CPU component
a) Control unit (CU) b) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) c) Registers d) Memory
4: All of these are functions of control units, except: a) It is responsible for directing and
coordinating most of the computer system activities b) It does not execute instructions by
itself c) allocating address to the computer d) It tells other parts of the computer system
what to do.
4: …………..CPU register either stores the memory address from which data will be fetched
to the CPU, or the address to which data will be sent and stored a) Memory Address
Register (MAR) b) Memory Data Register (MDR) c) Memory Buffer Register
(MBR) d) Index Register

5: Collection of 8 bits is called: a) Memory Byte b) Byte c) Instruction d) Bits

6: Rom is a secondary memory a) True b) False

7: What are the types of primary memories a) ROM & RAM b) Primary & secondary
c) Volatile & Non-volatile d) Erasable & Non-erasable

8: All of these affect the speed of the processor except a) Clock speed b) Size of the ROM
c) Cache size d) Number of core
9: Digital-to-Analogue converter cannot be applied in of these……. a) In Analogue Signal
Processing b) In digital power supplies for Micro-controller c) They are used
in all digital data acquisition systems d) In digital potentiometers.

10: Many users can process on a Real-Time Processing system at the same time a) True b) False
11: One of this is not a reason for using MODEM a)It is used to connect a computer to the
Internet b) It is used to establish a dedicated Internet connection with Internet Service
Provider c) It is used to connect devices together d) It is used to translate the
signals to a readable format which the internet and computer understands.

12: The working memory of the computer is known as ………………

a: Motherboard b: Rom c: Ram d: (a) & (c)

13: Modulation is done at the transmitter side while the demodulator is done at the receiver side
a: True b: False

14: Computer input devices does not include one of the following:
a) Keyboard b) Joy stick c) Speaker d) Scanner
15: One of the following is Not an Analogue to Digital Application
a: Used in scientific Instruments b: Used in Cell phones
c: Used to convert Digital to Analogue Signals d: Used in music production technology

16: Configuration of a system refers to only the software components a)True b) False
17: The relationships between User and Hardware is?
a: Hardware & software b: Application & operating system
c: User & application d: Operating system & hardware

18: One of these statement is true about configuration

a: Use of administrative functions provided for specific requirement b: Choice of hardware &
software c: Configuration of a system affects both function & performance
d: Configuration includes changes to the source code

18: Which of the following is a function of in-put devices

a: They display the data stored on the main frame computer
b: They interpret the stored program from the operating system & sound card
c: They print data on DIMN d: They interact with the computer

20: MTBF indicates the level of quality and reliability of assets. a) True b) False
21: Suppose a given piece of equipment has been fully operational for 1,000 hours over a
period of six months. Over the same period, that asset broke down five times. What is the
MTBF a) 100hrs b) 125hrs c) 200hrs d) 250hrs

22: When you start a computer , which type of memory help the booting process
a: storage memory b: RAM c: ROM d: Operating system

23: Time sharing processing system does not include

a: The logical extension of multiprogramming b: The extension of multitasking
c: The performance of task in real time d: The context switching method .
24: The following are merits of time sharing processing system except
a: Consumption of many resources b: Reduction of CPU idle time
c: Improved response time d: Less chances of software duplication

25: One of the statement is not true about multiplexer

a: Serial input, multiple output b: Data selector
c: Used as a transmitter d: Is a combinational logic circuit

26: Types of multiplexing Technology include all, except one

a: Time division multiplexing b: Transverse multiplexing
c: Space Division multiplexing d: Code division multiplexing

27: One the this is not true about multiplexing

a: The controlling of multiplexer can be done by adding input/output parts b: Used in
implementing several combinational circuits c: Logic gate design can be simplified using MUX
d: System complexity is reduced as well as cost

28: Hardware is the set of instructions a computer uses to manipulate data

a: True b: False

29: Multitasking is …………….?

a: An operating system functionality that allows more than one user to have access to the C.P.U
b: The ability of a processing element to execute two or more tasks concurrently
c: The ability of two or more processing units to works together simultaneously to execute a single
d: The ability of multiple programs executing at a time on a single device

30 : Most computers are not in embedded system a) True b) False

31: Only all of this statement is true about batch processing

a) It is designed to be completely automated without human intervention
b) Occurs in real time c) Does not waste time d) Used in airline reservations

32: Time sharing operating system does not include

a) The logical extension of multiprogramming b) The extension of multitasking
c) The performance of task in real time d) The context switching method .

33: Each transmission uses different wavelength of light and thereby making multiple channels of
signals simultaneously over the same communication channel. a) Frequency Division Mux b) Time
Division Mux c) Wavelength Division Mux d) Orthogonal Frequency Division Mux
34: The interaction between the input and the output hardware is controlled by ………………. a)
BIOS b) control bus c) Expansion card d) peripheral device

35: The computer components and programs used to translate instructions and information
written for one type of computer into a format that another type of computer can understand
is called ………. a) Bridge ware b) Hardware c) Firmware d) Software
36: The disadvantages of time sharing system includes a) Consumption of many resources
b) Reduction of CPU ideal time c) Improved response time d) Less chances of software

37: One of the statement is not true about Multiplexer a) Serial input, multiple output
b) Data selector c) Used as a transmitter d) Is a combinational logic circuit

38: In batch processing, there is adequate control of the system. a: True b: False

39: Multi-user operating system is similar to the time-sharing processing system in terms of operation.
a: True b: False
40: ---------------------- allows the processor to communicate with the peripheral devices attached to it.
a) Address Bus b) Expansion Bus c) Control Bus d) Expansion card

41: Man-Machine interface is called……………. a) Hardware b) Software c)

Firmware d) Human ware
42: The arithmetic operation of the ALU include: a) Carrying out Logic Operations b)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division c) Sending the basic operations to the
correct address d) Controlling the movement of signals to its location.

43: Assuming we have four pieces of equipment we are testing. The 1st one failed after 5hrs,
the 2nd one failed after 6hrs, the 3rd failed after5hrs, and the 4th one failed at 4hrs.What is the
total uptime? a) 20hrs b)10hrs c)5hrs d) 2.5hrs
44: What is the MTTF of the equipment in question 43 above? a)10hrs b) 8hrs c)5hrs d) 2hrs
45: Mean time to repair does not include the following: a) Time to notify the relevant repair
workers b) Time between the first failure and the second failure c) Time to diagnose the
problem d) Repair the problem.
46: MTTF, is used in scenarios where replacing an item is not mandatory. a) True b) False
Answer question 1 and 0ther 2 questions in this section

Q1: a) As a Computer Scientist, you are asked to carry out a task using various job/task processes.
Which job process will you Choose and why? 4 Marks

b) List 6 reasons why you need to study Computer Hardware? 3 Marks

c) In case you have a business and you are to take into cognizance the economic and technical
considerations, what are the parameters to consider? 3 Marks

Q2 a) To create and disseminate videos, what types of software programs will be needed? 3 Marks
b) Write on any two of the following MTTR, MTBF and MTTR 4 Mark
c) Differentiate between computer hardware and software 3 Marks
Q3 a) When is a system said to be viable? 3
b) In a tabular representation differentiate between Serial and Parallel connection 4 Marks
c) What is multi-core processor? 3 Marks

Q4. a) With the aid of a diagram, write on any one of the following: MODEM. Analogue -to- Digital
Converter, Digital-to Analogue Converter 6 Marks
b) What do you understand by Stream (real-time) processing? 4 Marks

Q5 a) What is fault? 2 Marks

b List at least 8 sources of faults 4 Marks
a) What is the full meaning of the following terminologies: MTTR, MTBF, MTTA and MTTF 4 Marks

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