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Important Multiple Choice Questions: Computer System

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UNIT 1 - Introduction to Computer System

A computer along with additional hardware and software together is called______

a) Computer Set
b) Hardware System
c) Hybrid System
d) Computer System

The first binary programmable computer based on Von Neumann architecture.

a) LSI
d) None of the above

Very high speed memory is placed between the CPU and the primary memory
a) Ram
b) Rom
c) Cache
d) Hdd

ENIAC stands for

a) Embedded Numerical Integrator And Computer

b) Electronic Number Integrator And Computer
c) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
d) Electric Numerical Integrator And Computer

Organized or classified data ,which has some meaningful value to receiver

a) Data
b) Information
c) Raw data
d) Both a and b

The computer’s main circuit board is called a .

a) Hard Disk
b) Motherboard
c) CPU
d) Blue Tooth
Which of the following is a type of Main Memory?

a) Bus
b) Hard Disk
c) CPU
d) RAM

Which components of a computer connect the processor to the other hardware?

a) System Bus
b) CPU
c) Memory
d) Input

Which of the following is referred to as the brain of computer?

a) CPU
b) RAM
c) ROM
d) Hard Drive

The Physical component of computer are called:

a) Software
b) Hardware
c) ALU
d) CPU

Which smaller unit of CPU directs and coordinates all activities within it and
determines the sequence in which instructions are executed , sending instructions
sequence to other smaller unit
a) CU
b) ALU
c) Processor
d) All of these

Which smaller unit of the CPU performs all arithmetic and logic functions in
a) CU
b) ALU
c) Processor
d) All of these

Component of CPU which is responsible for comparing the contents of two pieces
of data is
a) ALU
b) CU
c) Memory
d) Register
In a computer, CU stands for
a) Control Unit
b) Cache Unit
c) Calculating Unit
d) Communication Unit

Arithmetic and logic unit along with control unit of a computer, combined into a
single unit, is known as
a) Central Processing Unit
b) Memory Unit
c) I/O unit
d) Operating Unit

Two basic functions of a computer system are:

a) Word processing and Spreadsheet
b) Sending email and web browsing
c) Sending and receiving information
d) Mouse and keyboard

Any data and instruction entered in the memory of a computer is

a) Storage
b) Output
c) Input
d) Information

Which of the following is not an input device?

a) Keyboard
b) Monitor
c) Joystick
d) Microphone

What is a function of a keyboard in computer?

a) Print
b) Input
c) Type

The general method for to input the text and numerical data in computer is by ?
a) Keyboard
b) Scanner
c) Printer
d) Plotter

What type of device is a computer printer?

a) Input
b) Output
c) Software
d) Storage
Which keys enable the input of numbers quickly?
A) Function keys
B) The numeric keypad
C) Shift and alt
D) Arrow keys

is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means

and method of making computers think like human beings.
a) Block chain
b) VR
c) AI
d) Cloud computing

Which of the following could be digital input devices for computers?

a) Digital camcorder
b) Microphone
c) Scanner
d) All of the above

Which of these is a point and draw device?

a) Mouse
b) Scanner
c) Printer

IBM Series computers belongs to :

a) First Generation Computers

b) Second Generation Computers
c) Third Generation Computers
d) Fourth Generation Computers

A term in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was

being used.
a) development
b) generation
c) advancement
d) growth

The generation based on VLSI microprocessor.

a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
The period of generation was 1956-1964.
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 5th
d) 4th

What was the name of first computer designed by Charles Babbage?

a) Analytical Engine
b) Difference Engine
c) Colossus

Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device?

a) Analytical Engine
b) Difference Engine
c) Colossus

HLL stands for?

a) High Level Language
b) High Layman’s Language
c) High Level Lesson
d) High Layman’s Lesson

In 5th Generation of computers , came into existence:

a) Micro Processors
b) Vacuum Tubes
c) Pentium
d) Robotics Devices

is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means

and method of making computers think like human beings.
a) Block chain
b) VR
c) AI
d) Cloud computing

ENIAC stands for _ .

a) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

b) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
c) Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Computer
d) Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Calculator
Rohan has been researching into the use of games consoles and special input
devices to increase children’s participation :
Identify special input devices that would involve players directly in exercise
while using games consoles

a) Light Pen
b) Keyboard
c) Joystick
d) Mouse

The Fun Gym website has a ‘news’ section that includes photographs and articles
about the instructions and special events.
Identify one input device that can be used to capture photographs to use on the
websites :
a) Scanner
b) Web Cam
c) OCR
d) All of above

What is the full form of SSD in context of computer memory?

a) Single sided device
b) Solid State Drive
c) Solid Single Disk
d) State Solid Drive

Storage of 1 KB means the number of bytes

a) 2056
b) 1000
c) 1024
d) 2000

Which of the following is not application software?

a. Windows 7
b. WordPad
c. Photoshop
d. MS-excel
Dps college decided to computerize all their manual work , for the security purpose
They want to install a system which can record person’s true identity in records for
future references. Suggest them some device which can help them to do so:

a) Scanner
b) Biometric Device
c) Light pen
d) Touch Screen

What is the device shown in the picture?

a. Webcam
b. Microphone
c. Speaker
d. OMR

Consider the following statements:

1. One of the earliest known computation devices is Abacus.
2. French scientist Blaise Pascal had invented the first mechanical calculator.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both
d) Neither 1 nor 2

What is smallest unit of the information?

a. A bit
b. A block
c. A Byte
d. A nibble

Storage which stores or retains data after power off is called

a. Volatile storage
b. Non-volatile storage
c. Sequential storage
d. Direct storage
A permanent memory, which halls (holds) data and instruction for start-up the
computer and does not erase data after power off.
a. Network interface card
b. CPU
c. RAM
d. ROM
Which device is used to back up the data?
a. Floppy Disk
b. Magnetic Tape
c. Network Drive.
d. All of the above

A half byte is known as_ .

a. Data
b. Bit
c. half byte
d. nibble
Main memory of computer is –
a. Internal
b. External
c. (a) and (b) both
d. Auxiliary

What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?

a. RAM
b. ROM
c. CPU

RAM is a ...... memory

a. External
b. Auxiliary
c. Main
d. none of these
Hard disc drives are

a. Flash
b. Non-volatile / Permanent
c. Temporary
d. Non-permanent

Flash memory is also called as _ .

a. Flash RAM
b. Flash ROM
c. Flash DROM
d. None of these

“A flash memory works in a similar way to RAM. The key difference is that data
is retained in Flash memory even when the power is switched off.’
a. True
b. False

“Software is a set of instructions and data that makes hardware functional to

complete the desired task.”
a. True
b. False

“Hardware of a computer can function on its own. It needs no software to be

operational or functional”
a. True
b. False

Which of the following is not an operating system?

a. Windows
b. Linux
c. Dos
d. Oracle
Time taken to retrieve data from a storage device is known as.
a. Arrival time
b. Access time
c. Refresh time
d. Reach time

Which of the following medium is used between CPU & RAM TO speed up the
processing power of a CPU?
a. Virtual Memory
b. D RAM
c. Flash Memory
d. Cache Memory

When data is found in cache, it is called a

a. Cache win
b. Cache hit
c. Cache miss
d. None of above

The physical and tangible components of the computer are known as

a. Hardware
b. Software
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Which of the following software is available without any payment?

a. Freeware
b. Free software
c. OSS

Full form of FLOSS is

a. Free and open source software
b. Free libre and Open Source Software
c. Free liberal open ended system software
d. Free liberty of open software source
Which of the following makes available its source code?
a. Freeware
b. Free software
c. OSS (open source softwares)
d. Proprietary software

Operating System is an example of

a. Application Software
b. System Software
c. Utility Software
d. None of these

Word processor and Desktop Publish program are the examples of

a. Hardware
b. Software
c. CPU
d. None of these

What is the name of programs that control the computer system?

a. Hardware
b. Keyboard
c. Software
d. Mouse

The set of programs necessary to carry out operations/tasks pertaining to a

specific application, are called
a. Application Software
b. System Software
c. Utility Software
d. None of these

“Language processors are a type of Application Software.”

a. True
b. False
is a tailor made software according to user’s requirement.
a. Application Software
b. System Software
c. Utility Software
d. Customized Software

“An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between the user
and the hardware”
a. True
b. False

Which of the following software can’t be categorized application

c. Spreadsheet
d. Word processing

Examples of system programs includes

a. operating system of computer
b. compiler
c. all of above
d. none of above

The memory is a special high speed memory storing the most recently
accessed data.
a. Cache
b. ROM
c. Flash
d. None of above
is a software that is neither open nor freely available.
a. OSS
b. Freeware
c. Proprietary software
d. Application software

is a system software that translates and executes instructions

written in a computer program line-by-line.
a. Assembler
b. Interpreter
c. Compiler
d. None of these

are the programs that store instructions to drive and use different
hardware devices.
a. Device drivers
b. Applications
c. Language processors
d. None of the above

are the software, which permit redistribution but not

modification as their source code is not available.
a. Freeware
b. Free software
c. System software
d. None of above

A disk fragmentor is an example of

a. Application software
b. System software
c. Utility software
d. None of the above
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