C1 Osg
C1 Osg
C1 Osg
4. To access the services of the operating system, the interface is provided by the
a) Library
b) System calls
c) Assembly instructions
d) API
6. Which one of the following is not true?
a) kernel remains in the memory during the entire computer session
b) kernel is made of various modules which can not be loaded in running operating system
c) kernel is the first part of the operating system to load into memory during booting
d) kernel is the program that constitutes the central core of the operating system
7. Which one of the following errors will be handle by the operating system?
a) lack of paper in printer
b) connection failure in the network
c) power failure
d) all of the mentioned
10. Which one of the following is not a real time operating system?
a) RTLinux
b) Palm OS
c) QNX
d) VxWorks
13. In a timeshare operating system, when the time slot assigned to a process is completed, the
process switches from the current state to?
a) Suspended state
b) Terminated state
c) Ready state
d) Blocked state
14. Cascading termination refers to the termination of all child processes if the parent
process terminates
a) Normally or abnormally
b) Abnormally
c) Normally
d) None of the mentioned
15. When a process is in a “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is
completed, it goes to the
a) Terminated state
b) Suspended state
c) Running state
d) Ready state
16. Transient operating system code is a code that
a) stays in the memory always
b) never enters the memory space
c) comes and goes as needed
d) is not easily accessible
17. The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is
concerned with
a) assigning ready processes to waiting queue
b) assigning running processes to blocked queue
c) assigning ready processes to CPU
d) all of the mentioned
21. Swapping be done when a process has pending I/O, or has to execute I/O
operations only into operating system buffers.
a) must never
b) maybe
c) can
d) must
24. The operating system and the other processes are protected from being modified by an already
running process because
a) every address generated by the CPU is being checked against the relocation and limit registers
b) they have a protection algorithm
c) they are in different memory spaces
d) they are in different logical addresses
25. Using transient code, the size of the operating system during program
a) maintains
b) changes
c) increases
d) decreases
26. The operating system maintains a table that keeps track of how many frames
have been allocated, how many are there, and how many are available.
a) memory
b) mapping
c) page
d) frame
27. To obtain better memory utilization, dynamic loading is used. With dynamic loading, a
routine is not loaded until it is called. For implementing dynamic loading
a) special support from operating system is essential
b) special support from hardware is required
c) user programs can implement dynamic loading without any special support from
hardware or operating system
d) special support from both hardware and operating system is essential
28. The presents a uniform device-access interface to the I/O subsystem, much as
system calls provide a standard interface between the application and the operating system.
a) Device drivers
b) I/O systems
c) Devices
d) Buses
30. Hard real time operating system has jitter than a soft real time
operating system.
a) equal
b) more
c) less
d) none of the mentioned
33. The priority of a process will if the scheduler assigns it a static priority.
a) depends on the operating system
b) change
c) remain unchanged
d) none of the mentioned
36. If the sum of the working – set sizes increases, exceeding the total number of available frames
38. The operating system keeps a small table containing information about all open files called
a) file table
b) directory table
c) open-file table
d) system table
40. The operating system the links when traversing directory trees, to preserve the
acyclic structure of the system.
a) deletes
b) considers
c) ignores
d) none of the mentioned
42. On systems where there are multiple operating system, the decision to load a particular one is
done by
a) process control block
b) file control block
c) boot loader
d) bootstrap
44. The two steps the operating system takes to use a disk to hold its files are and
45. The program initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device
controllers and the contents of main memory, and then starts the operating system.
a) bootstrap
b) main
c) bootloader
d) rom
46. In SCSI disks used in high end PCs, the controller maintains a list of on the
disk. The disk is initialized during formatting which sets aside spare sectors not
visible to the operating system.
a) destroyed blocks, partitioning
b) bad blocks, low level formatting
c) destroyed blocks, high level formatting
d) bad blocks, partitioning
47. Which principle states that programs, users, and even the systems be given just enough
privileges to perform their task?
a) principle of least privilege
b) principle of process scheduling
c) principle of operating system
d) none of the mentioned