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Export Limitation Application Note NA

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Export Limitation

North America
Version 1.0

Important Notice
Copyright © SolarEdge Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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The material furnished in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SolarEdge assumes no
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The content of these documents is continually reviewed and amended, where necessary. However, discrepancies cannot be
excluded. No guarantee is made for the completeness of these documents.
The images contained in this document are for illustrative purposes only and may vary depending on product models.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
l Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
l Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
l Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
l Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance may void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.

1 Export Limitation Guide


Disclaimers 1
Important Notice 1
FCC Compliance 1
Contents 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Chapter 1: Introduction 3
Terminology 3
Chapter 2: Connection Options 4
Single Inverter System 4
Multiple Inverter System 5
Multiple Inverter System with RS485 Meter 5
Chapter 3: Export Limitation Configuration 6
Appendix A: Meter Information Displayed in the Monitoring Portal 8
Appendix B: Example of Total Export Limitation 9
Scenario A 10
Scenario B 10

Export Limitation Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction
The SolarEdge Smart Energy Management solutions allow increasing the self-consumption of a site. One method used for
this purpose is export limitation, which allows installing a larger PV system or a larger inverter without violating grid export
(feed-in) limitations.
For export limitation, a SolarEdge device - inverter or a Control and Communication Gateway (CCG) - dynamically adjusts the
PV power production in order to ensure that exported power does not exceed a preconfigured limit. To enable this
functionality, an energy meter that measures export or consumption must be installed at the site.
To use export limitation, the inverter /CCG communication board firmware (CPU) version must be 2.8xx/3.8xx or higher. If
the CPU version is lower, contact SolarEdge support for an upgrade file and instructions (
This document describes system setup considerations and how to configure the system for export limitation.

Chapter 1: Introduction
The following terms are used in this document:
l Export: The power injected to the grid.
l Import: The power purchased from the grid.
l Export/ Import meter: A meter that is installed at the grid connection point and reads the energy/power
exported/imported to/from the grid.
l Consumption: The power consumed by the site.
l Consumption meter: A meter that is installed at the load consumption point and reads the energy/power consumed
by the site.
l Self-consumption: The PV power consumed by the site and not fed into the grid.
l Production: The PV power produced by the PV system.
l Production meter: A meter that is installed at the inverter output or in the inverter (a built-in revenue grade meter)
and reads the energy/power produced by the PV system.

Figure 1: Terminology

3 Export Limitation Guide

Chapter 2: Connection Options

Chapter 2: Connection Options

Export Limitation is managed either by an inverter or by a CCG, which is the site's smart energy manager. The inverter/CCG
reads the exported power from a meter installed at the grid connection point or reads the consumption from a meter
installed at the load consumption point, and adjusts PV power production according to the preconfigured limit.

Figure 2: Typical installation with export meter

Figure 3: Typical installation with consumption meter

The following sections describe meter types, location considerations, meter data displayed in the SolarEdge monitoring
portal, and the most common connection scenarios for export limitation.
For SolarEdge meter installation, refer to the meter installation guide, available on the SolarEdge website at
Single Inverter System
In a single inverter system, the meter is connected directly to the RS485 port of the inverter, which serves as the smart
energy manager.
If your inverter has a built-in RGM (Revenue Grade inverter), connecting an external meter for export limitation requires an
RS485 Expansion Kit (available form SolarEdge).

Figure 4: Single-inverter connection

Export Limitation Guide

Multiple Inverter System

Multiple Inverter System

Multiple Inverter System with RS485 Meter
When using an RS485 meter for multiple inverter export limitation, two options are available:
l The meter is connected to the RS485 port of one of the inverters. This inverter serves as the smart energy manager.
In this case, as the inverter's RS485 port is occupied by the meter, use the RS485 Expansion Kit (available form
SolarEdge), or ZigBee communication between the inverters.
l The meter is connected to one of the RS485 ports of a CCG. The CCG is the smart energy manager. The CCG’s second
RS485 port can be used to create an RS485 bus for communication between the inverters. This option is illustrated in
Figure 5.

Figure 5: Multi-inverter connection with CCG

5 Export Limitation Guide

Chapter 3: Export Limitation Configuration

Chapter 3: Export Limitation Configuration

This step should be done after installing and configuring a meter.
In a multi-inverter system, the limit is configured in the smart energy manager (the inverter or CCG that is connected directly
to the meter).
The smart energy manager is the device connected to the meter. The manager does not necessarily have to be the
communication master.
Calculated meter readings (also referred to as "virtual meters"), such as self-consumption, are calculated using the
data measured by the meter and the inverters. Virtual meters are only sent when Energy Manager is enabled. If vir-
tual meter information is required, but export limitation is not, the Energy Manager should be enabled without any
site limit setting (default).

To configure export limitation in the SolarEdge device:

1. Enter Setup mode, scroll down to the Power Control menu and select it. A menu similar to the following is displayed:
Grid Control <En>
Energy Manager
RRCR Conf.
Reactive Pwr Conf.
Active Pwr Conf.
Phase Balance <Dis>
Wakeup Conf.
Load Defaults

2. Select Energy Manager. The available Smart Energy Management options are displayed:
Limit Control<Dis>
Energy Ctrl <Dis>

3. Select Limit Control. The following screen is displayed:

Control Mode<Dis>
Site Limit<->

4. Select Control Mode. the following screen is displayed:

Export Ctrl.
Production Ctrl.

5. Select Export Ctrl.1

6. Select Site Limit and enter the limit value at the connection point, in kW. The default value is none (-), which means that
the system is not limited.
Site Limit[kW]

The value you enter here is the overall limit to which the site export will be restricted, whether you use the Total
or Per Phase limit control modes (as explained in the next step).
7. In the Limit Control menu, select Limit Mode. The following is displayed:

Per Phase

1Production Control, which limits the system production, may also be selected. For more information, refer to the Production Limitation Application Note.

Export Limitation Guide

Chapter 3: Export Limitation Configuration

8. Select the Total option. The Total site limit is the total export power, that is, the combined production minus the combined
For three phase inverter connections, you can select the Per Phase option. The inverter sets the limit on each phase to 1/3
of the total site limit. Use this mode if there is a limit on each individual phase.
For an example of setting the site limit value, refer to Appendix B.

To verify export limitation operation:

1. Press the Enter button or the LCD external button until reaching the Smart Energy Manager status screen, showing the site
level data:
Site Limit: 7.0kW
Site Prod: 10.0kW
Site Export: 4.0kW
Self- consume: 6.0kW

Site Limit: The limit that was defined for the site
Site Prod: The power produced by the site
Site Export: The power that is fed into the grid. This line is displayed only if the control mode is Export
Self-consume: The PV power consumed by the site. This line is displayed only if the control mode is Export
2. Check the Power Control status screen of any inverter:
PWR Limit: 10.04kW
Cos Phi: 0.9
Power Prod:7000W

PWR CTRL: The power control status:

l REMOTE - Communication with the smart energy manager is confirmed/validated. This status should appear in all
l LOCAL - The power is controlled locally (e.g. by a fixed limit), or this inverter limits the PV power production to its
relative portion of the export power limit, as a result of disconnected communication with the smart energy
manager. If this status appears, check the communication to the smart energy manager or the communication to the
Cos Phi: The ratio between active to reactive power
Power Prod: The power produced by the inverter
PWR Limit: The inverter maximum output power set by the smart energy manager

7 Export Limitation Guide

Appendix A: Meter Information Displayed in the Monitoring Portal

Appendix A: Meter Information Displayed in the Monitoring Portal

If your device is connected to the SolarEdge server, you can view the meter’s readings in the monitoring portal. Verify that
the meter type is set correctly in the Admin page > Logical Layout > Meter details:

Figure 6: Setting the Meter details in the monitoring portal

Calculated meter readings (also referred to as "virtual meters"), such as self-consumption, are calculated using the data
measured by the meter and the inverters.
The data from the inverters and from installed meters is displayed in the Dashboard and Charts tabs of the monitoring portal.
The displayed data depends on the meter(s) location: grid connection point (export), or load consumption point
(consumption). The following tables detail the displayed information per meter location.

Export meter:
Displayed in Displayed in
Monitoring Dashboard Monitoring Charts
Production a a
Consumption a(calculated) a(calculated)
Self-consumption a(calculated) a(calculated)
Export X a
Import X a

Consumption meter:
Displayed in Displayed in
Monitoring Dashboard Monitoring Charts
Production a a
Consumption a a
Self-consumption a(calculated) a(calculated)
Export X a(calculated)
Import X X

Export Limitation Guide

Appendix B: Example of Total Export Limitation

Appendix B: Example of Total Export Limitation

The following examples illustrate the behavior of a system with export limitation when using the Total Limit Mode options
described in Export Limitation Configuration on page 6, step 7.
The Total site limit is the total export power, that is, the combined production minus the combined consumption, as
represented in the formula below. Reverse current on one phase will count as negative power and can compensate for
another phase.

The example system has a single-phase inverter with a maximum AC power of 7.6 kW.
In the example, the Site Limit and Limit Mode configuration is detailed. The example includes production and consumption
scenarios and details how the export, consumption and import power values are influenced by the conditions. The tables in
each scenario detail the following values:
l Potential PV Production
l Consumption (load)
l Production
l Export power
l Self-consumption
l Import power
In addition, the Smart Energy Management status screen is presented with the values applicable to each scenario.

In this example, the system export power limit is set to 0% of max DC power, that is, no power is fed into the grid, and the
Total Limit Mode is used.

To configure this setting:

1. Enter 0.0 in the Set Site Limit screen (refer to Export Limitation Configuration on page 6):
Set Site Limit

2. Select Limit Control è Limit Mode è Total.

9 Export Limitation Guide

Appendix B: Example of Total Export Limitation

Scenario A
PV potential is greater than the loads.
The loads are powered from the PV.
PV production is not limited, because there is no export power.

Total power [kW] Total [kW]

Potential PV Production 7 7
Consumption (load) 4 4
Production 4 4
Export Max (∑Production – ∑Consumption, 0) = Max(0, 0) 0
Self-consumption Min (∑Production, ∑Consumption) = Min(4,4) 4
Import ∑Consumption – ∑Self consumption = 4-4 0

The Smart Energy Manager status screen displays the following:

Site Limit: 0.0kW
Site Prod: 4.0kW
Site Export: 0.0kW
Self- consume: 4.0kW

Scenario B
PV potential is lower than the loads.
The loads are powered from the PV and from the grid.
PV production is not limited, because there is no export power.

Total power [kW] Total [kW]

Potential PV Production 4 4
Consumption (load) 7 7
Production 4 4
Export Max (∑Production – ∑Consumption, 0) = Max(-3, 0) 0
Self-consumption Min (∑Production, ∑Consumption) = Min(4,7) 4
Import ∑Consumption – ∑Self consumption = 7-4 3

The Smart Energy Manager status screen displays the following:

Site Limit: 0.0kW
Site Prod: 4.0kW
Site Export: 0.0kW
Self- consume: 4.0kW

Export Limitation Guide


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