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ZeroFeedIn PL en 11

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Planning Guidelines

PV Systems with Zero Export

ENGLISH ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 | Version 1.1

Table of Contents SMA Solar Technology AG

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................. 3
2 Solution 1: Direct Self-consumption with Zero Export .......... 5
2.1 System Configuration................................................................................................. 5
2.2 System Requirements for Zero Export ....................................................................... 6

3 Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage system

and zero export .......................................................................
3.1 System Configuration................................................................................................. 7
3.2 System Requirements for Zero Export ....................................................................... 9

4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-

consumption with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems.........
4.1 System Configuration................................................................................................. 10
4.2 System Requirements for Zero Export ....................................................................... 11

5 Setting Zero Export.................................................................. 14

2 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 1 Introduction

1 Introduction
Zero-export systems are systems that consist of power generation units and, if applicable, battery-
storage systems. Such systems are not designed for feeding into the utility grid and they actively
prevent this. The zero-export system from SMA maximizes self-consumption and uses 100% of the
self-generated solar power. Our system lets customers expand the solar energy without high
additional investments in the utility grids. This is necessary if the grid operator does not allow grid
feed-in because of a weak infrastructure and possible overload, for example.
SMA offers a variety of solutions especially for PV systems that are no longer allowed or intended
to feed solar power into the grid due to restrictions imposed by the grid operator:
• Solution 1: Direct self-consumption with zero export
An intelligent PV inverter is installed in the system. This inverter is configured for zero export
and dynamically limits the power if it cannot be consumed in the household at the same time it
is generated. Direct self-consumption can cover 30% to 40% of power consumption in a
typical household.
• Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage system and zero export
This system is equipped with a storage system so that a larger proportion of the consumed
power can be covered by electric current from the customer's own PV system. It also requires
an intelligent PV inverter that can regulate the power. 1 Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H or
1 Sunny Boy Storage 2.5 / 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 can be installed as the battery inverter. As an
alternative to an intelligent PV inverter and an additional battery inverter, an intelligent hybrid
inverter may be used. In a typical household, the proportion of self-generated solar power
after installing such a storage system is 50% to 70%.
• Solution 3: Retrofit a battery-storage system for self-consumption with zero export in
existing PV systems
If a PV inverter from another manufacturer is installed in the existing system or the existing
inverter cannot be regulated, the system can be upgraded to a zero-export system by adding
a storage system. Any PV inverter can be used in the system in combination with a compatible
lithium-ion battery. 1 Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H must be installed as the battery
inverter. The proportion of self-generated energy in the power consumption is 50% to 70%.
SMA PV inverter Storage system Additional components
Solution The inverter must be able - Components for intelligent
1 to regulate the power. energy management
Optional upgrade by
adding components for
charging electric vehicles

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 3

1 Introduction SMA Solar Technology AG

SMA PV inverter Storage system Additional components

Solution The inverter must be able 1 Sunny Island 4.4M / Components for intelligent
2 to regulate the power. 6.0H / 8.0H or 1 Sunny energy management:
Boy Storage 3.7 / 5.0 / Sunny Home Manager 2.0
6.0 or 1 Sunny Tripower Optional upgrade by
5.0 / 6.0 / 8.0 / 10.0 adding components for
Smart Energy with compat- charging electric vehicles
ible lithium-ion battery Optional system upgrade
by adding a battery-
backup system
Solution Any inverter can be used. Upgrade of the existing PV Components for intelligent
3 Make sure that the AC system by adding 1 energy management
power of the PV inverter is Sunny Island 4.4M / Additional contactor for
not greater than the rated 6.0H / 8.0H and a bat- disconnecting the PV in-
power of the battery in- tery-storage system. A verter
verter. compatible lithium-ion bat- Optional upgrade by
tery can be used for this. adding components for
charging electric vehicles

4 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 2 Solution 1: Direct Self-consumption with Zero Export

2 Solution 1: Direct Self-consumption with Zero Export

2.1 System Configuration
Systems can be operated as zero-export systems even if grid feed-in is not possible or desired, as
long as 100% of the generated energy is self-consumed. Here, it is important that the PV inverter
can regulate the generated power so that only so much energy is generated as is currently
consumed and in total no energy is fed into the grid. The amount of self-consumption can be
increased by adding controllable loads. For instance, the generated energy can be used to charge
an electric vehicle.

Figure 1: System configuration: Solution 1

If the inverter of your PV system cannot regulate the power, it must be replaced with a new inverter.
Alternatively, you can upgrade your PV system by adding a Sunny Island (see Section 4,
page 10).
The SMA inverters listed below can regulate the power within the allowed time:
• Sunny Boy 3.0 / 3.6 / 4.0 / 5.0 (SB3.0-1AV-40 / SB3.6-1AV-40 / SB4.0-1AV-40 /
• Sunny Boy 3.0 / 3.6 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 (SB3.0-1AV-41 / SB3.6-1AV-41 / SB4.0-1AV-41 /
SB5.0-1AV-41 / SB6.0-1AV-41)
• Sunny Boy 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5 (SB1.5-1VL-40 / SB2.0-1VL-40 / SB2.5-1VL-40)
• Sunny Tripower 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 8.0 / 10 (STP3.0-3AV-40 / STP4.0-3AV-40 /
STP5.0-3AV-40 / STP6.0-3AV-40 / STP8.0-3AV-40 / STP10.0-3AV-40)
• Sunny Tripower X 12 / 15 / 20 / 25 (STP12-50 / STP15-50 / STP20-50 / STP25-50)

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 5

2 Solution 1: Direct Self-consumption with Zero Export SMA Solar Technology AG

2.2 System Requirements for Zero Export

If your PV system is equipped with an inverter that can regulate the power, you can basically
operate your system as a zero-export system without any upgrades.
For zero export, the hardware components listed below must be included in the PV system:
☐ Controllable PV inverter
☐ Sunny Home Manager 2.0 (from firmware version 2.6.6.R)
The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 must provide the measured values from the point of
interconnection every 200 ms so that the required control dynamics can be reached.
Therefore, the setting in Sunny Portal must be changed after registering the system:
– On the Configuration > Device Overview > HomeManager > Characteristics
page, select the [Process] button.
– Select Extended Configuration.
– In the Counter Configuration field, set the measuring interval to 200 ms.
☐ Additional components to increase self-consumption, e.g., radio-controlled sockets or a
controllable heating rod
To charge an electric vehicle with solar power, you need to upgrade the system by adding the
SMA EV Charger.
With this solution, you can always install a storage system at a later time.

6 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage system and zero

3 Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage

system and zero export
3.1 System Configuration
In the case of systems where grid feed-in is not possible or desired, but you want to increase the
proportion of self-generated energy in the consumed power, we advise installing a storage system
in addition to the smart PV inverter. This reduces grid purchase costs to a minimum. To ensure that
the system does not feed into the utility grid, an SMA Home Manager 2.0 must be installed. It
measures the power at the point of interconnection, limits the PV inverter as soon as the battery-
storage system is fully charged, and prevents the electric current from flowing into the utility grid.
Here, it is important that the PV inverter can regulate the generated power so that only so much
energy is generated as is currently consumed. The storage system, consisting of a battery inverter
and battery, supplements the power generators. Alternatively, the system can be designed with a
hybrid inverter to which further PV inverters may be added. The storage system lets you shift the
time of consumption so that your own solar power can be used at night, for example. For instance,
the generated energy can be used to charge an electric vehicle. In addition, installing a battery-
backup system can provide security if the utility power grid fails.

Figure 2: Design of the PV system: solution 2 with PV and battery inverters

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 7

3 Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage system and zero SMA Solar Technology AG





DC AC current AC
COM Speedwire Radio

Figure 3: Design of the PV system: solution 2 with hybrid inverter and optional PV inverters

The SMA inverters listed below meet the requirements of Solution 2 and do not need to be
PV inverter Battery inverter Hybrid inverter
Sunny Boy (SB) Sunny Boy Storage (SBS) Sunny Tripower Smart
Energy (STP SE)
SB3.0-1AV-40 SBS2.5-1VL-10 STP5.0-3SE-40
SB3.6-1AV-40 SBS3.7-10 STP6.0-3SE-40
SB4.0-1AV-40 SBS5.0-10 STP8.0-3SE-40
SB5.0-1AV-40 SBS6.0-10 STP10.0-3SE-40
SB3.0-1AV-41 Sunny Island (SI)
SB3.6-1AV-41 SI4.4M-12
SB4.0-1AV-41 SI6.0H-12
SB5.0-1AV-41 SI8.0H-12
SB6.0-1AV-41 SI4.4M-13
SB1.5-1VL-40 SI6.0H-13
SB2.0-1VL-40 SI8.0H-13
Sunny Tripower (STP)

8 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 3 Solution 2: Self-consumption with a battery-storage system and zero

PV inverter Battery inverter Hybrid inverter


3.2 System Requirements for Zero Export

For zero export, the hardware components listed below must be included in a PV system equipped
with a battery-storage system:
☐ Controllable PV inverter
☐ Sunny Boy Storage 2.5 / 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 or Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H
☐ Compatible battery-storage system
☐ Sunny Home Manager 2.0 (from firmware version 2.6.6.R)
The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 must provide the measured values from the point of
interconnection every 200 ms so that the required control dynamics can be reached.
Therefore, the setting in Sunny Portal must be changed after registering the system:
– On the Configuration > Device Overview > HomeManager > Characteristics
page, select the [Process] button.
– Select Extended Configuration.
– In the Counter Configuration field, set the measuring interval to 200 ms.
☐ Additional components to increase self-consumption, e.g., radio-controlled sockets or a
controllable heating rod
To charge an electric vehicle with solar power, you need to upgrade the system by adding the
SMA EV Charger.

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 9

4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-consumption SMA Solar Technology AG
with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems

4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-

consumption with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems
4.1 System Configuration
Solution 3 is a zero-export system with a battery-storage system. The system is operated with 1 PV
inverter and 1 Sunny Island. This solution is especially useful for PV systems in which the PV inverter
is not an SMA product, cannot regulate the energy, and should not be replaced by another
In this system, the generated energy is regulated by the battery inverter. If the PV inverter cannot be
controlled by communication, an additional contactor controlled by the multifunction relay of the
battery inverter must be installed. As soon as a defined state of charge is reached in the battery, the
battery inverter opens the contactor and this temporarily disconnects the PV inverter from the
system. When the battery falls below a defined state of charge, the battery inverter closes the
contactor so that the PV inverter can generate energy again.
Here, it is important that the charging power of the battery inverter is at least equal to the maximum
AC power of the PV inverter. This ensures that the energy from the PV system is not fed into the
utility grid but is received by the battery-storage system, or the PV system is disconnected by the

Figure 4: System configuration: Solution 3

The SMA battery inverters listed below can be used in a storage system:
• Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H (SI4.4M-12 / SI6.0H-12 / SI8.0H-12)
• Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H (SI4.4M-13 / SI6.0H-13 / SI8.0H-13)

10 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-consumption
with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems

Only compatible lithium-ion batteries are suitable for this use case (see “TI Batteries in Sunny Island
Systems – List of Approved Batteries” at Lead batteries are not suitable for
this use case.

4.2 System Requirements for Zero Export

For zero export, the hardware components listed below must be included in an existing PV system
equipped with a battery-storage system:
☐ The existing PV inverter is used. Any PV inverter can be used for this.
☐ Additional contactor for closed-loop control of the PV inverter
☐ Sunny Island 4.4M / 6.0H / 8.0H (from firmware version 3.30.12.R). Make sure that the
maximum AC power of the PV inverter is less than or at most equal to the rated power of the
battery inverter being used.
☐ Compatible lithium-ion battery
☐ Sunny Home Manager 2.0 (from firmware version 2.6.6.R)
The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 must provide the measured values from the point of
interconnection every 200 ms so that the required control dynamics can be reached.
Therefore, the setting in Sunny Portal must be changed after registering the system:
– On the Configuration > Device Overview > HomeManager > Characteristics
page, select the [Process] button.
– Select Extended Configuration.
– In the Counter Configuration field, set the measuring interval to 200 ms.
☐ Additional components to increase self-consumption, e.g., radio-controlled sockets or a
controllable heating rod
To use e-mobility as well, you need to upgrade the system by adding the SMA EV Charger.

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 11

4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-consumption SMA Solar Technology AG
with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems

Installing a Contactor for Closed-Loop Control of the PV Inverter

The Sunny Island features an integrated multifunction relay that uses a contactor to switch the PV
inverter on and off. The contactor must be installed additionally.






max. 40 A
UTILITY GRID Grid-connection
point with energy
meter of the electric
utility company Existing protective devices

TN or TT system



At connection AC2, NC Relay 1
always connect the N ExtVtg +
DigIn _
neutral conductor to NTT. L
Inventory ComETH BatVtgOut
Radio ComSyncIn ComSyncOut
DC+ cable _
BatTmp DC +
DC– cable
Line conductor
Lithium-ion battery


Grounding conductor
Data cable
Network cable Speedwire (LAN)
F1 Circuit breaker C32A* BATTERY
F2 Residual-current device 40A/0,03A type A* * The indicated values are recommended by
F3 Thermal fuse for protecting the control cables and measuring cables SMA Solar Technology AG. The electrical
and for protecting the multifunction relay in the Sunny Island 1 A, devices must be designed in accordance with
cold resistance at least 0.2 Ω, melting integral max. 1 A2s the locally applicable standards and directives.

Figure 5: Circuitry overview for a system with Solution 3

Requirements for the Additional Installations:

☐ Contactor with 2 make contacts: 230 VAC, 32 A, 2 x S

12 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

SMA Solar Technology AG 4 Solution 3: Retrofit a Battery-storage System for Self-consumption
with Zero Export in Existing PV Systems

☐ The contactor must be connected to the relay 1 and relay 2 connections in Sunny Island. The
contacts C and NC as well as C and NO are used in series connection. For information on
cable requirements and the installation procedure for the Sunny Island, refer to the
Sunny Island operating manual in the download area of our homepage at www.SMA-

Requirements for a single-phase system with Sunny Island:

• A single-phase system with a Sunny Island is only used for increased self-consumption, not as a
battery-backup system.

Adjusting the Parameters via the User Interface of the Battery Inverter
Adjusting the Parameters of the Switching Limits
The following parameters in the parameter group Device > Load shedding 1 in the Sunny Island
must be adjusted via the user interface so that the Sunny Island can control the PV inverter reliably.
• Disconnection of the PV inverter: For relay 1 Battery state of charge threshold for stop
load shedding 1: 85% of the SOC
• Connection of the PV inverter: For relay 1 Battery state of charge threshold for start load
shedding 1: 75% of the SOC
• Relay 2 is closed when Sunny Island is in operation.
• Relay 2 is opened when the Sunny Island is switched off, set to stop, or displays a fault.

Adjusting the Country Data Set

The current country data set must be selected for the system. To do this, the system must be
configured as an on-grid system with self-consumption.
For information on the procedure for changing the settings on the Sunny Island user interface, refer
to the Sunny Island operating manual in the download area of our homepage at www.SMA-

Communication failure between Sunny Island and energy meter or

Sunny Home Manager 2.0
If communication between the Sunny Island and the SMA Energy Meter or the
Sunny Home Manager 2.0 is interrupted, the Sunny Island stops after a certain time and both
multifunction relays switch to the idle state. As a consequence, the PV inverter operation is also
• The time to detect an interruption in the communication can be set in the parameter group
System and device control via the device parameter Communication timeout data
logging energy meter at the point of interconnection (1 to 30 seconds; default setting:
2 seconds).

Planning Guidelines ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 13

5 Setting Zero Export SMA Solar Technology AG

5 Setting Zero Export

☐ All system requirements of the selected solution have been met.
☐ The system needs to be registered in Sunny Portal.

1. Log in to Sunny Portal and call up the desired system.
2. In the menu Configuration > System properties > Parameters, select the button [Edit].
3. In the Limiting of the active power feed-in field, select the subitem Max. ## % of the
nominal PV system power and enter 0.
4. If a battery inverter is present in the system: activate Including the battery inverter.
5. Click on [Save].
6. Log in to the user interface of the battery inverter as Installer.
7. Select User Settings > SMA Grid Guard Login and enter the SMA Grid Guard code.
8. Call up the menu Device parameters.
9. Click on [Edit parameters].
10. Set the parameter Operating mode active power setting to External setting in the
parameter group System and device control > Inverter > Active power mode.
11. Click on [Save all].

14 ZeroFeedIn-PL-en-11 Planning Guidelines

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