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Mydens 60t 280t Manual

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62403578 - R01 09-12-2016_UK


Installer: Read all instructions, Explosive or highly flammable Defects: If you find any defects, you
including this manual, before products must inform the owner of the system
installing. Perform steps in the order Do not store or use explosive or highly of the defect and the associated
given. flammable materials such as paper, hazard in writing.
solvents, paints, the same room
User: This manual is for use only by where the appliance is installed. When servicing heater, to avoid electric
a qualified heating installer. Refer to shock, disconnect electrical supply
the User’s Information section for If you can smell combustion products before performing maintenance.
your reference. 1. - Switch the appliance off.
2. - Ventilate the room. When servicing heater, to avoid
Maintenance: at least once a year the 3. - Call a professionally qualified severe burns, allow heater to cool
user must call a Qualified installer for technician. before performing maintenance.
routine maintenance.
Qualified installer: qualified installer Label all wires prior to disconnection
If you smell gas is an individual with specific, technical when servicing controls. Wiring
1. - Close the gas cock. training in space heating systems, errors can cause improper and
2. - Ventilate the room. domestic hot water systems, fuel dangerous operation. Verify proper
3. - Do not switch on any electric device, gas systems and electrical systems. operation after servicing.
telephone included. This individual must have the legally
4. - From another room, call a required qualifications. Correct Use:
professionally qualified technician This heater must only be used for
immediately or the gas supply Installation and Modifications: Only the purpose for which it has been
company. Call the Fire Service if the a Qualified installer must carry out expressly designed: Heating of water
former are not available. the installation and calibration of the for closed circuit systems for central
heater. Never modify the heater or its heating.
Carbon Monoxide. flue gas carrying components in any Do not use this appliance if any part
Every year deaths and serious way. This heater must be properly has been under water. Immediately
injuries occur due to carbon monoxide vented. call a licensed authorized technician
poisoning. This tragedies are avoidable to inspect the appliance and to
if certain preventative measures such Flue gas/air intake: replace any part of the control system
as the following are undertaken: - You are only permitted to operate and any gas control, which has been
Ensure that all boilers, water heaters, this appliance with the combustion
air/flue gas system that has been
under water.
Ensure the heater and its controls are
room heaters, stoves and hobs
which burn oil, natural gas, LP gas, specifically designed and approved. protected from dripping or spraying
coal, peat, wood and wood pallets - Do not obstruct the air intake or vent water during normal operation or
are serviced regularly. Servicing is pipe terminals. service.
needed at least once per year to - If heater installation is provided as
ensure safety. the service person replacement heater, DO NOT connect Only use the heater in the combinations
should be qualified and trained new heater venting to an existing and with the accessories and spares
to service the specific types of vent system, if it is shared with other listed in this manual.
appliance appliances. For safety and environmental
- Do not restrict or seal any air intake or reasons, the packing materials
If an appliance is fitted in a dwelling, outlet openings (terminals). must be properly disposed of. Any
then a carbon monoxide detector replaced part or packaging should
should always be fitted. There are Hazards and Your Safety - Hot Water Can never be left within the reach of
two types available: a simple detector Scald! Water temperature over 125°F children.
works like a fire alarm to emit a loud (52°C) can cause severe burns instantly,
noise and flashing light if carbon or death from scalds. Children, the
monoxide is detected or a more disabled, and the elderly are at highest
sophisticated version which will also risk of being scalded; see instruction
switch off the appliance to provide manual before setting temperature at
more safety. heater! Feel water before bathing or

60T - 280T 2 COSMOGAS




This appliance is not intended for NOTICE!

Installation location: The heater use by persons (including children) Local approval of the flue system and
must be located in an area where with reduced physical and sensory the condensate connection to the public
leakage of the tank or connections conditions or lack of experience and sewer system may be required.
will not result in damage to the area knowledge, unless they have been
adjacent to the heater or to lower given supervision or instruction The local building regulations stipulating
floors of the structure. When such concerning use of the appliance by the installation rules at the time of
locations cannot be avoided, it is a person responsible for their safety. installation.
recommended that a suitable drain
pan, adequately drained, be installed  This manual is an integral and When calling or writing about the heater
under the heater. The pan must not essential part of the product and – Please have the heater model and
restrict combustion air flow. must be kept carefully by the user, serial number from the heater rating
for possible future consultation. If the plate.
Installation location: The heater must appliance must be transferred or if
not be installed on carpeting. you should move and leave the unit Any claims for damage or shortage in
to another user, always ensure that shipment must be filed immediately
In the event of a breakdown and/or this manual remains with the new against the transportation company by
malfunction of the heater, turn off the user and/or installer. the consignee.
unit and do not make any attempt to
repair it. The heater must be serviced Do not use “homemade cures” or The manufacturer declines all liability,
exclusively by a Qualified installer “heater patent medicines”. Serious contractual or otherwise (warranty
using original spare parts. damage to the heater, personnel, and/ included), for any damage to people,
or property may result. animals property or this same appliance,
Installation, modifications caused by:
Do not use petroleum-based cleaning a) - incorrect installation;
 Seal the adjustment devices after or sealing compounds in the heater b) - failure to comply with this or any
every calibration. system. Gaskets and seals in the other instruction provided by the
 In agreement with the provisions system may be damaged. This can manufacturer;
for use, the user must keep the result in substantial property damage. c) - failure to comply with the applicable
installation in good working order and local and/or national regulations in
guarantee reliable and safe operation Technical drawings force;
of the appliance. All drawings in this manual relating d) - incorrect use of this appliance
We also highlight the importance of to electrical wiring, hydraulic and gas
layouts are purely indicative. The
e) - inadequate or incorrect service
an annual scheduled maintenance f) - inadequate or incorrect maintenance.
external services such as electrical
contract with a professionally
cable types and sizes, water pipes and
qualified technician.
gas pipes must always be checked by
The end user must have maintenance a professionally qualified technician or
performed on the appliance only by engineer to verify compliance with all
professionally qualified technicians relevant standards, Laws and codes of
in accordance with this manual and good practice.
in full compliance with both local and
national standards.
 Before performing any cleaning
or maintenance, disconnect the
appliance from the mains power
After any cleaning or maintenance,
before reconnecting the power
supply, make sure that all internal
parts are properly dry.

COSMOGAS 3 60T - 280T

SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................................................................... 2
1 - CODE REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 - National laws and regulations................................................................................................................................... 7
2 - GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 - Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 - Overview of the models............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 - Included accessories................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 - Manufacturer............................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 - Meaning of the symbols used................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 - Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
3 - MAIN COMPONENTS................................................................................................................................... 10
4 - OPERATION.................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1 - Operation and intended use.................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 - Boiler operation and intended use............................................................................................................. 22
4.1.2 - Wide range of modulation and maximum performance ............................................................................ 22
4.1.3 - Main circuit pump ...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.4 - Heating circuit pump ................................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.5 - Domestic hot water circuit pump ............................................................................................................... 23
4.1.6 - Hydraulic separator ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.7 - Boiler domestic hot water production ........................................................................................................ 23
4.1.8 - System types ............................................................................................................................................ 23

4.2 - Precautions when installing..................................................................................................................................... 23

4.3 - Anti-legionella.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
5 - INSTALLATION - Installation site................................................................................................................ 24
5.1 - Choosing the installation site.................................................................................................................................. 24
5.1.1 Requirements for proper ventilation............................................................................................................. 25
5.1.2 - Preventing combustion air contamination.................................................................................................. 25
6 - INSTALLATION - Setup................................................................................................................................ 26
6.1 - Setup....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.1 - Moving the appliance................................................................................................................................. 26
6.1.2 - Opening the package................................................................................................................................. 26
6.1.3 - Lifting the appliance................................................................................................................................... 26
7 - INSTALLATION - Minimum distances to respect....................................................................................... 27
7.1 - Dimensions and minimum distances to respect...................................................................................................... 27
8 - INSTALLATION - Dimensions and centre distances - Boiler.................................................................... 28
9 - INSTALLATION - Dimensions and centre distances table - Boiler ......................................................... 29
10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler .................................................................................... 30
10.1 - Boiler gas and hydraulic connections................................................................................................................... 30
10.2 - Boiler safety valve (installer’s responsibility) ........................................................................................................ 30
10.3 - Examples of boiler installations ............................................................................................................................ 30
10.4 - Boiler INAIL safety devices .................................................................................................................................. 32
10.5 - Expansion tank connection .................................................................................................................................. 33
10.6 - Supply and return ................................................................................................................................................. 33
10.7 - Boiler water supply ............................................................................................................................................... 33
10.7.1 - Recommendations on the characteristics of the water used in the system ............................................ 33
10.7.2 - For the system to operate properly, you must make sure that: .............................................................. 33
10.7.3 Treating water in heating systems for civil use.......................................................................................... 34
10.8 - Draining the boiler heating circuit ......................................................................................................................... 34
10.9 - Boiler low temperature (or floor) systems ............................................................................................................ 34
10.10 - Manifold probe ................................................................................................................................................... 34

11 - INSTALLATION - Characteristic curve of the boiler head loss .............................................................. 35

60T - 280T 4 COSMOGAS

12 - INSTALLATION - Eliminating condensate ............................................................................................... 36
12.1 - Condensate drain ................................................................................................................................................. 36
13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections ................................................................................................. 37
13.1 - Electrical connections: general information.......................................................................................................... 37
13.1.1 - Connecting the power cable ................................................................................................................... 37
13.1.2 - Choosing the room thermostat/time-programmable thermostat ............................................................. 38
13.1.3 - Connecting the room thermostat/time-programmable thermostat .......................................................... 38
13.1.4 - Installing the external temperature probe ............................................................................................... 38
13.1.5 - 885 IF board connection (on request) ..................................................................................................... 39
13.1.6 - Alarm contact .......................................................................................................................................... 39
13.2 - Connecting boiler to the storage tank .................................................................................................................. 39
13.2.1 - D.H.W. production priority ....................................................................................................................... 39

13.4 - Connecting cascade appliances .......................................................................................................................... 43

14 - INSTALLATION - Air intake and flue exhaust ducts ............................................................................... 44
14.1 - Flue exhaust and combustion air intake duct ....................................................................................................... 44
14.1.1 - B23 suction/discharge type ..................................................................................................................... 45
14.1.2 - Split system............................................................................................................................................. 45
15 - COMMISSIONING ...................................................................................................................................... 46
15.1 - Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
15.1.1 - User instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 46
15.1.2 - Filling the condensate drain siphon ........................................................................................................ 46
15.1.3 - Filling the heating system ....................................................................................................................... 46
15.2 - General warnings on the gas power supply ......................................................................................................... 47
15.3 - Type of gas for which the appliance is regulated. ................................................................................................ 47
15.4 - Converting 60T and 70T model appliances from one type of gas to another....................................................... 48
15.5 - Converting appliance models from 100T to 280T from one type of gas to another ............................................. 49
15.6 - Ignition.................................................................................................................................................................. 52
15.6.1 - Boiler ignition .......................................................................................................................................... 52

15.7 - Checking the supply gas pressure and any adjustments ..................................................................................... 52
15.8 - Checking the CO2 seal and any adjustments ...................................................................................................... 53
15.8.1 - Checking the CO2 seal and any adjustments on 60T and 70T model appliances.................................. 53
15.8.2 - Checking the CO2 seal and any adjustments on appliance models from 100T up to 280T ................... 54
15.9 - Checking appliance output heat ........................................................................................................................... 54
15.10 - Minimum water flow rate .................................................................................................................................... 54
16 - USE ............................................................................................................................................................. 55
16.1 - Checking water pressure ..................................................................................................................................... 55
16.1.1 - Checking boiler water pressure .............................................................................................................. 55
16.2- General information............................................................................................................................................... 56
16.3 - Display ................................................................................................................................................................. 56
16.4 - Ignition and shutdown procedure ......................................................................................................................... 56

16.5 - Boiler domestic hot water adjustment .................................................................................................................. 56

16.6 - Boiler heating adjustment..................................................................................................................................... 56
16.7 - Thermostat type heating adjustment .................................................................................................................... 56
16.8 - Climatic adjustment .............................................................................................................................................. 57
16.8.1 - Climatic adjustment: setting the parameters ........................................................................................... 57
16.8.2 - Climatic adjustment: switching the heating system on and off ................................................................ 57
16.9 - Timing of the various functions........................................................................................................................... 57
16.10 - Pump anti-locking ............................................................................................................................................... 57
16.11 - Antifreeze protection .......................................................................................................................................... 57
16.12 - Energy Saving .................................................................................................................................................... 57
16.13 - “User menu” ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
16.14 - “Installer menu” .................................................................................................................................................. 60
16.15 - Diagnostics......................................................................................................................................................... 61
16.15.1 - Diagnostics: “Loc” lock .......................................................................................................................... 62
16.15.2 - Diagnostics: “E” errors .......................................................................................................................... 63
17 - MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 66
17.1 - General warnings ................................................................................................................................................. 66
17.1.1 - Gas leak check ....................................................................................................................................... 66

COSMOGAS 5 60T - 280T

17.1.2 - Making sure the air intake and flue exhaust ducts are in good conditions.............................................. 66
17.1.3 - Checking the system water pressure ...................................................................................................... 66
17.1.4 - Checking the ignition and detection electrodes ..................................................................................... 66
17.2 - Disassembling the casing and accessing the inner components ......................................................................... 67
17.3 - Disassembling the burner fan unit........................................................................................................................ 67
17.4 - Cleaning the burner and the primary exchanger, flue gas side ............................................................................ 68
17.4.1 - Thermal insulations ................................................................................................................................. 70
17.5 - Positioning the ignition and ionisation electrodes properly ................................................................................. 70
17.6 - Cleaning the air intake filter.................................................................................................................................. 71
17.7 - Condensate drain system maintenance and cleaning ......................................................................................... 71
17.8 - Connecting the Display to the other burners ........................................................................................................ 72
17.9 - How to move a control board ............................................................................................................................... 73
17.10 - Emptying the appliance ...................................................................................................................................... 75
17.11 - Minimum and maximum output heat ................................................................................................................. 75
17.12 - Checking the ionisation current .......................................................................................................................... 75
17.13 - Checking combustion performance.................................................................................................................... 75
17.14 - Temperature and water measurement probes ................................................................................................... 75
17.15 - External temperature probe ............................................................................................................................... 76
17.16 - 60T and 70T models multi-line wiring diagram................................................................................................... 77
17.17 - 100T, 115T, 140T, 180T 210T and 280T models multi-line wiring diagram ........................................................ 79
18 - TECHNICAL FEATURES ........................................................................................................................... 83
18.1 - TECHNICAL FEATURES MYDENS ..................................................................................................................... 83

19 - FORCED MENU.......................................................................................................................................... 87
20 - CONTROL MENU DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................... ..89
21 - BOILER OPERATION SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................ ..90
22 - CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ......................................................................................................91
23 - ErP PRODUCT FICHE MYDENS ............................................................................................................... 92

60T - 280T 6 COSMOGAS

1.1 - National laws and regulations
- BS 6700 - Design, installation, testing and maintenance of
- M.D. no.37 dated 22/01/2008 (former Law no.46 dated services supplying water for domestic use within buildings
05/03/90) and their cartilages - Specification.
- Law no.10 dated 09/01/91
- UK Health and safety at work Act.
- Presidential Decree no.412 dated 26/08/93
- Presidential Decree no.551 dated 21/12/99 - All relevant Building Regulations.
- Legislative Decree no.192 dated 19/08/05
- Legislative Decree no.311 dated 29.12.06 - Local Water Byelaws.

- UNI 7129 Standard - Water Regulations.

- UNI 7131 Standard
- UNI 11071 Standard - Health & Safety legislation.
- IEC 64-8 Standard
Failure to install this appliance correctly could lead to
All the gas appliances must be installed by a competent and prosecution. It is in your own interest and in the interest of
qualified person, in accordance with the relevant clauses of safety to ensure that the law is complied with. Manufacturer’s
applicable standards and recommendations. These include instructions must not be interpreted as over-riding statutory
but may not be limited to the following: obligations under any circumstances.

- I.S. 813 Domestic gas installations.

- I.S. 820 Non-Domestic gas installations.

- IEE Wiring Regulations.

- BS 5546:2010 - Specification for installation and maintenance

of gas-fired water-heating appliances of rated input not
exceeding 70 kW net.

- BS 5440-2:2009 - Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances

of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family
gases) specification for the installation and maintenance of
ventilation provision for gas appliances.

- BS 6644:2011 - Specification for the installation and

maintenance of gas-fired hot water boilers of rated inputs
between 70 kW (net) and 1.8 MW (net) (2nd and 3rd family

- BS 6891:2005+A2:2008 - Installation of low pressure gas

pipework of up to 35 mm (R1 1/4) in domestic premises (2nd
family gas) specification.

- BS 5482-1:2005 - Code of practice for domestic butane and

propane gas burning installations. Installations at permanent
dwellings, residential park homes and commercial premises,
with installation pipework sizes not exceeding DN 25 for steel
and DN 28 for corrugated stainless steel or copper.

- BS 5482-2:AMD 12046: June 2001 - Domestic butane and

propane gas burning installations. Installations in caravans
and non-permanent dwellings.

- BS 5482-3:2005 - Domestic butane and propane gas burning

installations. Installations in boats, yachts and other vessels.

- Building regulations issued by the Department of the

Environment and Building Standards Regulations.

- Gas safety (Installation and Use) Regulations current issue.

COSMOGAS 7 60T - 280T


2.1 - Introduction
Congratulations! You have purchased truly one of the best products on the market.
Every single part is proudly designed, built, tested and assembled at the COSMOGAS plants, thereby ensuring
the best quality control.

2.2 - Overview of the models

v = Appliance with 2-way valves
s = Appliance with stainless steel manifold
sv = Appliance with 2-way valves and stainless steel manifold
c = Appliance with carbon steel manifold
cv = Appliance with 2-way valve and carbon steel manifold

“60T” = Floor standing appliance with 60kW maximum heat output;

“70T” = Floor standing appliance with 69,9kW maximum heat output;
“100T” = Floor standing appliance with 100kW maximum heat output;
“115T” = Floor standing appliance with 115kW maximum heat output;
“140T” = Floor standing appliance with 140kW maximum heat output;
“180T” = Floor standing appliance with 180kW maximum heat output;
“210T” = Floor standing appliance with 210kW maximum heat output;
“280T” = Floor standing appliance with 280kW maximum heat output;

“MYDENS” = Indoor gas condensing boiler with low emission pre-mixed burner.

60T - 280T 8 COSMOGAS


2.3 - Included accessories

The appliance is supplied with the following accessories:

Amount No. Description Code Figure

60T, 100T AND 115T METH GAS-LP gas CONVERSION KIT. 62630197
70T, 140T, 180T, 210T AND 280T METH GAS-LP gas CONVERSION KIT. 62630198

1 10K SENSOR D6X45 L=2500 T 62110071




1P NPT - 1P GAS REDUCTION Only in 100T, 115T and 140T models 60101290
1P1/4 NPT - 1P1/4 GAS REDUCTION Only in 180T, 210T and 280T models 60101289

2 2P NPT - 1P1/2 GAS REDUCTION Only in 100T, 115T and 140T models 60110053

2 EN 1092-1-13 DN65 PN16 NPT FLANGE Only in 180T, 210T and 280T models 60338043

2.4 - Manufacturer
Via L. da Vinci 16
47014 - Meldola (FC) Italy
Tel. 0543 498383
Fax. 0543 498393

2.5 - Meaning of the symbols used 2.6 - Maintenance

It is advisable to follow scheduled annual appliance
maintenance for the following reasons:
ATTENTION !!! - to maintain high output and manage the heating system
Danger of electrical shock. Failure to follow these warnings affordably (low fuel consumption);
can compromise proper appliance operation or cause serious - to reach high work safety;
harm to persons, animals or things. - to keep the level of fuel environmental compatibility high;

Offer your customers a periodic maintenance contract.

General danger. Failure to follow these warnings can
compromise proper appliance operation or cause serious
harm to persons, animals or things.

 Important instruction symbol

COSMOGAS 9 60T - 280T


39 12 13

14 15 16 17



5 4 3 2 1

1 - Air/gas mixing unit 11 - ----------

2 - Gas valve 12 - Plug (not present)
3 - Air inlet manifold 13 - Water pressure sensor (present on the MASTER burner 1)
4 - Hot water safety thermostat 14 - Spark generator
5 - Hot water temperature probe 15 - Ignition cables
6 - ---------- 16 - Water flow rate measuring device
7 - Hot water supply pipe 17 - Motorised 2-way valve (on request)
8 - ---------- 18 - Water inlet pipe
9 - Heat exchanger 39 - Air bleed valve (present on all slave burners)
10 - ----------

Figure 3-1 - Components inside 60T, 70T, 100T, 115T, 140T, 180T, 210T and 280T models

60T - 280T 10 COSMOGAS



32 33 31

27 28


7 18


25 23 21 19

19 - Burner 26 - Water inlet temperature sensor

20 - ---------- 27 - LH ignition electrode
21 - Detection electrode 28 - RH ignition electrode
22 - ---------- 29 - ----------
23 - Burner warning light 30 - ----------
24 - ---------- 31 - Flue gas check valve
25 - Fan 32 - Check valve magnet
33 - Check valve sensor

Figure 3-2 - Components inside 60T, 70T, 100T, 115T, 140T, 180T, 210T and 280T models

COSMOGAS 11 60T - 280T


6 9 10 11 12 13 14







7 4 5 3 2 1

1 - Adjustable feet 14 - Electrical connections

2 - Flue exhaust condensate drain pipe 15 - ----------
3 - Condensate neutraliser 16 - ----------
4 - Burner “1” (MASTER) 17 - Control panel
5 - Condensate drain pipe 19 - Upper front casing
6 - Gas inlet pipe 20 - “Burner 1” command and control board
7 - Hot water supply pipe 21 - Lower front casing
9 - Air intake 24 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
10 - Electrical wire passage 25 - Wiring diagram
11 - Air intake filter 35 - Automatic air vent
12 - Flue exhaust 36 - Water supply connection
13 - 885 IF board (on request) 37 - Water return connection
38 - Drain valves

Figure 3-3 - Components inside 60T and 70T models

60T - 280T 12 COSMOGAS











22 - Upper covering 30 - Flue exhaust manifold

23 - Main ON/OFF switch 31 - Water inlet pipe
27 - Fan covering 32 - ----------
28 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse 33 - Condensate level sensor
29 - Flue exhaust temperature probe 34 - ----------

Figure 3-4 - Components inside 60T and 70T models

COSMOGAS 13 60T - 280T


6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14





7 4 5 3 2 1

1 - Adjustable feet 15 - ----------

2 - Flue exhaust condensate drain pipe 16 - ----------
3 - Condensate neutraliser 17 - Control panel
4 - Burner “1” (MASTER) 18 - “Burner 2” command and control board
5 - Condensate drain pipe 19 - Upper front casing
6 - Gas inlet pipe 20 - “Burner 1” command and control board
7 - Hot water supply pipe 21 - Lower front casing
8 - Burner “2” (SLAVE) 24 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
9 - Air intake 25 - Wiring diagram
10 - Electrical wire passage 26 - Water outlet manifold temperature sensor
11 - Air intake filter 35 - Air bleed valve
12 - Flue exhaust 36 - Water outlet
13 - 885 IF board (on request) 37 - Water inlet
14 - Electrical connections 38 - Drain cock

Figure 3-5 - Components inside 100T, 115T and 140T models

60T - 280T 14 COSMOGAS




22 - Upper covering 30 - Flue exhaust manifold

23 - Main ON/OFF switch 31 - Water inlet pipe
26 - Water general outlet temperature sensor 32 - ----------
27 - Fan covering 33 - Condensate level sensor
28 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse 34 - ----------
29 - Flue exhaust temperature probe

Figure 3-6 - Components inside 100T, 115T and 140T models

COSMOGAS 15 60T - 280T


9 10 11 12 13 14 25

35 020013.01.001

8 17
26 18
4 20


5 3 2 1

1 - Adjustable feet 15 - ----------

2 - Flue exhaust condensate drain pipe 16 - ----------
3 - Condensate neutraliser 17 - Control panel
4 - Burner “1” (MASTER) 18 - Burner “2”-”3”-”4” command and control board
5 - Condensate drain pipe 19 - Upper front casing
6 - Gas inlet pipe 20 - Burner “1” command and control board
7 - Hot water supply pipe 21 - Lower front casing
8 - Burner “2”-”3”-”4” (SLAVE) 24 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
9 - Air intake 25 - Wiring diagram
10 - Electrical wire passage 26 - Water outlet manifold temperature sensor
11 - Air intake filter 35 - Air bleed valve
12 - Flue exhaust 36 - Water outlet
13 - 885 IF board (on request) 37 - Water inlet
14 - Electrical connections 38 - Drain cock

Figure 3-7 - Components inside 180T, 210T and 280T models

60T - 280T 16 COSMOGAS


(Not present on 180T
and 210T models) 29

(Master) 29


22 - Upper covering 30 - Flue exhaust manifold

23 - Main ON/OFF switch 31 - Water inlet pipe
27 - Fan covering 32 - ----------
28 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse 33 - Condensate level sensor
29 - Flue exhaust temperature probe 34 - ----------

Figure 3-8 - Components inside 180T, 210T and 280T models

COSMOGAS 17 60T - 280T

Figure 4-1 key:
1 - Air intake
2 - Flue exhaust
3 - Air bleed valve
4 - Sealed chamber
6 - Water outlet temperature safety thermostat
7 - Water outlet temperature sensor
8 - Water pressure measuring device
9 - Flue exhaust temperature probe
10 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse
12 - Pre-mixed burner
13 - Ignition electrodes
14 - Spark generator
15 - Water inlet temperature sensor
16 - Fan
17 - Flue gas non-return valve
20 - Gas valve
22 - Detection electrode
24 - CRV Heat exchanger
25 - Water outlet
26 - Water inlet
27 - Gas inlet
28 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
29 - Condensate level sensor
30 - Condensate drain
31 - Condensate drain siphon
36 - Condensate neutraliser
47 - Water flow rate measuring device

Figure 4-1 - 60T and 70T model functional hydraulic diagram

60T - 280T 18 COSMOGAS

Figure 4-2 key:
1 - Air intake
2 - Flue exhaust
3 - Air bleed valve
4 - Sealed chamber
6 - Water outlet temperature safety thermostat
7 - Water outlet temperature sensor
8 - Water pressure measuring device
9 - Flue exhaust temperature probe
10 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse
12 - Pre-mixed burner
13 - Ignition electrodes
14 - Spark generator
15 - Water inlet temperature sensor
16 - Fan
17 - Flue gas non-return valve
20 - Gas valve
22 - Detection electrode
24 - CRV Heat exchanger
25 - Water outlet
26 - Water inlet
27 - Gas inlet
28 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
29 - Condensate level sensor
30 - Condensate drain
31 - Condensate drain siphon
33 - Manifold outlet temperature sensor
36 - Condensate neutraliser
47 - Water flow rate measuring device
48 - Motorised 2-way valve (on request)

Figure 4-2 - 100T, 115T and 140T model functional hydraulic diagram

COSMOGAS 19 60T - 280T

Figure 4-3 key:
1 - Air intake
2 - Flue exhaust
3 - Air bleed valve
4 - Sealed chamber
6 - Water outlet temperature safety thermostat
7 - Water outlet temperature sensor
8 - Water pressure measuring device
9 - Flue exhaust temperature probe
10 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse
12 - Pre-mixed burner
13 - Ignition electrodes
14 - Spark generator
15 - Water inlet temperature sensor
16 - Fan
17 - Flue gas non-return valve
20 - Gas valve
22 - Detection electrode
23 - Inlet and outlet manifold
24 - CRV Heat exchanger
25 - Water outlet
26 - Water inlet
27 - Gas inlet
28 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
29 - Condensate level sensor
30 - Condensate drain
31 - Condensate drain siphon
33 - Manifold outlet temperature sensor
36 - Condensate neutraliser
47 - Water flow rate measuring device
48 - Motorised 2-way valve (on request)
50 - Drain cocks

Figure 4-3 - 180T, 210T model functional hydraulic diagram

60T - 280T 20 COSMOGAS

Figure 4-4 key:
1 - Air intake
2 - Flue exhaust
3 - Air bleed valve
4 - Sealed chamber
6 - Water outlet temperature safety thermostat
7 - Water outlet temperature sensor
8 - Water pressure measuring device
9 - Flue exhaust temperature probe
10 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse
12 - Pre-mixed burner
13 - Ignition electrodes
14 - Spark generator
15 - Water inlet temperature sensor
16 - Fan
17 - Flue gas non-return valve
20 - Gas valve
22 - Detection electrode
23 - Inlet and outlet manifold
24 - CRV Heat exchanger
25 - Water outlet
26 - Water inlet
27 - Gas inlet
28 - Pressure switch against discharge clogging
29 - Condensate level sensor
30 - Condensate drain
31 - Condensate drain siphon
33 - Manifold outlet temperature sensor
36 - Condensate neutraliser
47 - Water flow rate measuring device
48 - Motorised 2-way valve (on request)
50 - Drain cocks

Figure 4-4 - 280T model functional hydraulic diagram

COSMOGAS 21 60T - 280T

4.1 - Operation and intended use 4.1.2 - Wide range of modulation and
maximum performance
4.1.1 - Boiler operation and intended use The appliance management program, depending on the head
This is a gas condensing appliance intended to generate required by the system, provides for the gradual ignition of
centralised heating. It can also be used for domestic hot each single heating element at minimum output (see figure
water production for civil use, but it must be appropriately 4-5). After which, if the head required by the system
connected to a storage tank (see fig. 10-2). Any other use is increases, all the heating elements progressively increase
prohibited. output. This achieves modulated output heat that goes from
Maximum domestic hot water service output heat is always a minimum of 14kW to a maximum corresponding to the
guaranteed as the appliance give priority to said service. architecture of the appliance (figure 4-5 shows a 280T
Follow the procedure described in section 16.6 to adjust the module with 4 heating elements), with maximum efficiency
domestic hot water temperature. consequently maintained for the entire modulation range.
The heating system can be created with heat elements that When the boiler is connected to an external probe, it always
work at a temperature range from 30°C to 80°C. works at maximum output (see section 16.9).
The boiler can be connected to a room thermostat, an
external probe or a 0-10Vdc analogue input.
This boiler must be connected to a heating and domestic
hot water production system with required output heat that
is compatible with the features of the appliance itself.

Figure 4-5 - 280T model appliance modulation

60T - 280T 22 COSMOGAS
This system allows the supply temperature to be managed 4.1.7 - Boiler domestic hot water
automatically based on the external temperature. An
operating example is shown as a graphic in figure 4-6. The
A storage tank must be connected for domestic hot water
graphic shows an example in which the supply and return
production following the diagram referred to in figure 10-2.
temperatures are 55°C and 43°C respectively and the
The domestic hot water temperature is adjusted following the
external temperature is 0°C. The external probe controls boiler
specific procedure in section 16.6.
modulation, progressively reducing the supply temperature
and optimising output. Output changes from 97% when the
external temperature is -15°C to 105,8% with 0°C external 4.1.8 - System types
temperature and up to 109° with 20°C external temperature. The following types of systems can be created with this
- Only centralised heating system (see figure 10-1)
4.1.3 - Main circuit pump - Only domestic hot water production system (see figure 11-1)
The appliance is specifically built without an inner pump
- Centralised heating and domestic hot water production
to give installers the option of connecting it to any pump,
system (see figure 10-2).
even a modulating one. The main circuit pump is part “36”
in figures 10-1 and 10-2. To choose this pump, the designer
must check what is described in section 10.11 as well as the 4.2 - Precautions when installing
system features. For proper appliance operation, respect the following
4.1.4 - Heating circuit pump It must be connected to a heating system and, if necessary,
The heating circuit pump, part “19” in figures 10-1 and 10-2, to a domestic hot water distribution mains, compatibly with
is not supplied to give the installer the option of connecting it the features, performance and output of the appliance itself.
to any pump, even a modulating one. To choose this pump, Check figures 7-1 and 7-2 regarding the minimum distances
the designer must check the system features. to respect for installation and future maintenance.

4.1.5 - Domestic hot water circuit pump 4.3 - Anti-legionella

The domestic hot water circuit pump, part “28” in figure 10-2
Boiler (when connected to a storage tank) have no anti-
and part “36” in figure 11-1, is not supplied to give the installer
legionella protection:
the option of connecting it to any pump, even a modulating
It is the installer’s responsibility to keep the storage tank
one. To choose this pump, the designer must check the
temperature no lower than 60°C to disinfect it or adopt
system features.
equivalent systems.
4.1.6 - Hydraulic separator
If the system needs to be served by a higher water flow rate
than what the pump is able to dispense, a hydraulic separator
must be put between the boiler and the system (see figures
10-1 and 10-2, part “20”).

Figure 4-6 - Example of output diagram / supply and return temperature / external temperature, for a
home in a very cold area and radiator system.
COSMOGAS 23 60T - 280T
5 - INSTALLATION - Installation site
5.1 - Choosing the installation site
ATTENTION !!! Installing the appliance in rooms
ATTENTION !!! Do not store any flammable with thin floors could create resonance noise. Install
material in the immediate vicinity of the appliance. elements that reduce the noise.

ATTENTION !!! Do not install the appliance on ATTENTION !!! Do not allow to much dust to
carpeting. accumulate on the appliance.

ATTENTION !!! The appliance must be installed ATTENTION !!! The appliance must only be
in a room in which it can be supplied with air for installed on solid flooring that supports the weight and
ventilation and combustion, whether that air is taken is level.
from the outside (sealed combustion) or the inside  Before installing, wash the heating system and, if
(combustion in ventilated chamber). necessary, the domestic hot water system thoroughly
in order to remove any residues or impurities that could
ATTENTION !!! Insufficient appliance ventilation compromise proper appliance operation.
can cause high air temperatures. This appliance is not made to be installed in the open.
It must not be exposed to temperatures below zero or
above 50°C. Choose a location inside the home or, in
ATTENTION !!! Make sure the intake and any case, sheltered from elements like rain, wind, sun
exhaust openings are appropriately sized and that and, especially, frost.
there are no obstructions or clogs. If the problem is not
resolved, do not start the appliance. Please keep these This device must be installed in this sort of location so
restrictions in mind, as well as the dangers they can that any water leaks coming from it, from the connections
present to the operator. between the pipes or from potential safety valve drainage
cannot damage materials or things underneath it.

ATTENTION !!! LP gas Liquefied Petroleum Establish the appropriate room and position for installation,
gas - Installation requires special attention: LP gas keeping the following factors in mind:
appliances must not be installed in pits, cellars or - flue exhaust/air intake duct connection;
similar locations where the gas, which is heavier than - gas adduction duct connection;
air, could stagnate. Appliances with this kind of fuel - water supply connection;
must not be installed in spaces under the level of the - centralised heating system connection;
floor or cellars. Failure to respect this precaution could - domestic hot water system connection (if present);
cause explosions and serious harm to people, death or - electrical connection;
enormous material damage. - connection of the condensate drain generated by the
- room thermostat electrical connection;
- safety valve discharge connection;
- any external temperature sensor connection;
- room ventilation.



D 020010.01.012

Figure 5-1 - Disassembling transport pallet screws

60T - 280T 24 COSMOGAS
5 - INSTALLATION - Installation site
5.1.1 Requirements for proper ventilation
The utility room MUST have a properly sized ventilation opening.
To ensure proper ventilation for combustion in compliance with
the national and local standards in force, abide by the following:
At least one direct opening to the outside is required for
combustion, which must have a minimum area of 3000 cm2 of
VENTILATION CENTRAL 5000 cm2 if the appliance runs on LP gas. Said opening must
OPENING HEATING UNIT be positioned less than 30 cm from the ceiling if the appliance
runs on METHANE gas (see fig 5-2) or along the floor if it runs
on LP gas (see fig 5-3).
The openings must communicate directly with the outside. The
requisites described above refer to one appliance; in rooms
where there are several appliances, greater free floor space is
required to provide adequate ventilation for the combustion of
all the appliances.

ATTENTION !!! In no case must the central

heating unit be in a negative pressure state. Therefore,
consider the presence of any discharge fans, ceiling fans,
METHANE dryers, compressors, air heating units, etc. that can take
GAS air away from the appliance.


similar devices to discharge air from the central heating
unit can decrease the ventilation required for combustion
and/or cause vacuums in the ventilation system. Flue
exhaust leaks from the ventilation system in an inhabited
room can cause very dangerous conditions that must be
corrected immediately.
Figure 5-2 Example of ventilation with methane
gas appliance 5.1.2 - Preventing combustion air
Do not position air intake and/or flue exhaust outlets in rooms
where combustion air can be contaminated.

ATTENTION !!! Contaminated combustion air

can damage the appliance.
Make sure the combustion air does not contain any of the
following contaminating agents.

Products that can contaminate combustion air:

- Permanent wave solutions;
CENTRAL - Chlorinated waxes/cleaning products;
HEATING UNIT - Chlorine-based pool chemical products;
- Calcium chloride used for defrosting;
- Sodium chloride used to soften water;
- Coolant leaks;
- Solutions to remove paint or varnish;
- Hydrochloric acid/muratic acid;
- Cements and adhesives;
- Antistatic softeners used in dryers;
- Chloro-type bleaches, detergents and cleaning solvents
found in laundry rooms for home use;
- Adhesives used to secure construction products and other
similar products;


Figure 5-3 Example of ventilation with LP gas

COSMOGAS 25 60T - 280T
6.1 - Setup
To correctly and easily install the appliance, the following steps
must be followed scrupulously.

6.1.1 - Moving the appliance

A 020021.01.009

ATTENTION !!! Use appropriate forklifts for the

type of appliance to move it. Failure to respect this
could cause enormous damages.
Position the appliance in the area chosen for installation,
handling it with the pallet on which it is secured, making sure
to keep it upright without making any sudden movements that
could cause it to overturn.
To free the appliance from the pallet, unscrew the front (part
“C” in figure 5-1) and rear (part “D” in figure 5-1) fixing screws.

6.1.2 - Opening the package

The appliance is supplied in cardboard packaging secured to a
B pallet for transport. Be careful when opening, lift the cardboard
box upwards after having detached it from the pallet.

6.1.3 - Lifting the appliance

There is a bracket (part “A” in figure 6-1) to facilitate installation
that allows the appliance to be lifted.
remove the upper covering as per section 17.2;
 hook the lifting cables, “B” in figure 6-1, to the bracket, “A”
in figure 6-1, and lift the heating module;

ATTENTION !!! The lifting cables and system

must be suitable to the purpose. In particular, they
A 020021.01.010
must resist the weight of the appliance, which you can
check in section 18.

install the adjustable feet “A” to level the appliance as per

figure 6-2.

Once the appliance has been positioned properly, the lifting

cables (part “B” in figure 6-1) must be removed before applying
the upper covering.
Figure 6-1 - Lifting system

B B = Locking nut

A 020010.01.013 MIN 0
A MAX 0,39 " (10 mm)

Figure 6-2 - Levelling feet

60T - 280T 26 COSMOGAS

7 - INSTALLATION - Minimum distances to respect
7.1 - Dimensions and minimum
distances to respect
Free space must be left around the appliance both for
installation and maintenance, as illustrated in figures 7-1
and 7-2. Figures 8-1, 8-2, 9-1 and 9-2 show the appliance
connection dimensions and centre distances.

Figure 7-1 - Minimum distances to respect for 60T, 70T, 100T, 115T and 140T models

Figure 7-2 - Minimum distances to respect for 180T, 210T and 280T models
COSMOGAS 27 60T - 280T
8 - INSTALLATION - Dimensions and centre distances - Boiler

Figure 8-1 - Fitting dimensions and centre distances for 60T, 70T, 100T, 115T and 140T
models (References in figure 9-1)

Figure 8-2 - Fitting dimensions and centre distances for 180T, 210T and 280T models (References in figure 9-1)

60T - 280T 28 COSMOGAS

9 - INSTALLATION - Dimensions and centre distances table - Boiler

1 2 3 4 5 6
60T 1”1/2 1”1/2 80 mm 80 mm 1” 28mm
70T 1”1/2 1”1/2 80 mm 80 mm 1” 28mm
100T 1”1/2 * 1”1/2 * 110 mm 110 mm 1” 28mm
115T 1”1/2 * 1”1/2 * 110 mm 110 mm 1” 28mm
140T 1”1/2 * 1”1/2 * 110 mm 110 mm 1” 28mm
180T DN65 PN16 * DN65 PN16 * 160 mm 160 mm 1”1/4 28mm
210T DN65 PN16 * DN65 PN16 * 160 mm 160 mm 1”1/4 28mm
280T DN65 PN16 * DN65 PN16 * 160 mm 160 mm 1”1/4 28mm

* Fittings and flanges are not factory assembled

Figure 9-1 - Figure 8-1 and 8-2 connection diameter table

COSMOGAS 29 60T - 280T

10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler
10.1 - Boiler gas and
hydraulic connections ATTENTION !!! Supplying the boiler with
a different type of gas than those provided for is
ATTENTION !!! Before installing, wash the prohibited.
heating system and, if necessary, the domestic hot
water system thoroughly in order to remove any 10.2 - Boiler safety valve
residues or impurities that could compromise proper
appliance operation.
(installer’s responsibility)
The appliance is supplied without an overpressure safety
To identify the position of the fittings, see figures 8-1 and 8-2. valve to all the installer to choose the appropriate valve for
Gas connection the system service pressure (check appliance operation
The gas connection must be done at the corresponding pressure in the technical features). Installation must be
fitting with a rigid metal pipe. The gas counter flow rate must done so as to allow the user to check valve intervention,
be sufficient for simultaneous use of all the gas appliances should it open. The safety valve drain (the installer’s
connected to it. Connect the gas to the appliance according to responsibility) must then be directed in order to avoid
the standards in force. The diameter of the gas pipe coming danger for people in the event it intervenes.
out of the generator does not determine the choice of the
diameter of the pipe between the appliance and the counter;
the latter must be chosen based on its length and head loss. ATTENTION !!! If the safety valve is not directed,
it could harm persons, animals or objects should it
ATTENTION !!! Remember to install a gas shut-
off valve right before the appliance in order to be able
to shut off the gas supply. 10.3 - Examples of boiler installations

Figure 10-1 - Example of boiler connection diagram

Figure 10-1 KEY 16 Low or high temperature heating system
17 System loading unit
1 Boiler 60T-280T model boiler 18 Domestic cold water
2 INAIL safety valve 19 Heating circuit pump
3 INAIL manometer 20 - Hydraulic separator
4 INAIL thermometer 21 Air bleed valve
5 INAIL maximum safety pressure switch 23 ----------
6 INAIL safety thermostat 24 INAIL minimum safety pressure switch
7 Gas cock 36 Main circuit pump
8 INAIL gas shut-off valve 37 Room thermostat or equivalent system
9 INAIL well 56 Balancing valve (necessary if there is a motorised valve,
10 Gas inlet part “17” in figure 3-1, on the appliance and the pump, “36”,
11 Expansion tank is NOT the modulating type)
12 Micro-bubble separator 57 Drain cock (Mandatory in the 60, 70, 100, 115, 140 models )
13 External probe 58 Manifold sensor
14 Filter
15 Electrical power supply

60T - 280T 30 COSMOGAS

Figure 10-2 - Example of
boiler connection diagram
with hydraulic separator and
storage tank

1 Boiler 60T-280T series appliance
2 INAIL safety valve
3 INAIL manometer
4 INAIL thermometer
5 INAIL safety maximum pressure switch
10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler

6 INAIL safety thermostat 24 Heating system return

7 Gas cock 25 Plug for sludge drain
8 INAIL gas shut-off valve 26 Heating system mixing valve
9 INAIL well 27 System drain
10 Gas inlet 28 Storage tank loading pump
11 Expansion tank 29 System loading unit
12 Micro-bubble separator 30 Storage tank safety valve
13 External probe 31 Hot water tank temperature sensor
14 Filter 32 Domestic circuit expansion tank
15 Electrical power supply 33 Domestic hot water supply
16 ---------- 34 INAIL safety minimum pressure switch
17 Air bleed valve 36 Main circuit pump
18 Domestic cold water 37 Room thermostat or equivalent system
19 Heating circuit pump 56 Balancing valve (necessary if there is a motorised valve, part
20 - Hydraulic separator “17” in Figure 3-1, on the appliance and the pump, “36”, is NOT the
21 Shut-off valve modulating type)
22 Check valve 57 Drain cock (Mandatory in the 60, 70, 100, 115, 140 models )
23 Heating system supply 58 Manifold sensor

60T - 280T
10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler
10.4 - Boiler INAIL safety devices
The appliance comes standard supplied without the INAIL
safety devices.

5 6 7 8 2 8 1 ATTENTION !!! All appliances over 35 kW of

output heat must, under the installer’s responsibility,
be equipped with safety devices as provided by Rule
1 2 3 4 “R” issued by the National Institute for Insurance
against Accidents at Work (INAIL).

ATTENTION !!! Installing shut-off elements

between the appliance and the safety valve (part “7” in
fig. 10-3 and “15” in figure 10-4) is prohibited.
To facilitate installation, COSMOGAS provides,on request,
INAIL kits complete with the required devices and a special
pipe to install them.
Figure 10-3 shows the kit for the 60T, 70T, 100T, 115T and
140T models.
Figure 10-3 key
1 = Nipple
16 2 = Gasket
3 = Manifold
4 = Well for Valve probe “11”
5 = INAIL thermometer
6 = INAIL manometer
7 = INAIL safety valve
15 8 = Connection unit
14 11 = INAIL gas shut-off valve
13 12 = Inspection well
12 13 = INAIL safety thermostat
11 14 = INAIL safety pressure switch
15 = INAIL safety pressure switch
Figure 10-3 - 60T to 140T INAIL KIT 16 - Expansion tank connection fitting

ATTENTION !!! The valve sensor “11” (figure 10-

3) goes into the probe carrier well “4” and secured with
the specific anti-slip locking screw.

Figure 10-4 shows the kit for the 180T, 210T and 280T
3 Figure 10-4 key
14 1 = Fixing nuts and bolts
15 2 = Gasket
5 3 = INAIL safety pressure switch
6 2 4 = INAIL safety pressure switch
13 5 = Connection unit
6 = INAIL safety thermostat
7 = Manifold
10 = INAIL gas shut-off valve
11 = Well for Valve probe “10”
12 = Inspection well
13 - Expansion tank connection fitting
14 = INAIL manometer
15 = INAIL safety valve
1 16 = INAIL thermometer
020014.01.012 11
7 10
1 2 ATTENTION !!! The valve sensor “10” (figure
16 10-4) goes into the probe carrier well “11” and secured
with the specific anti-slip locking screw.

Figure 10-4 - 180T to 280T INAIL KIT

60T - 280T 32 COSMOGAS

10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler
10.5 - Expansion tank connection especially when an automatic filling system is installed. In this
case, installing a counter indicating the amount of water that
is reintegrated is highly recommended.
ATTENTION !!! The appliance does not have Natural or additional impurities in the water. Many types of
an expansion tank. Provide the system with an drinking water can contain even considerable concentrations
appropriately sized expansion tank as required by the of chlorides and sulphates that can increase how quickly
national and local installation standards. the metal surfaces corrode. Other undesirable components
could have got into the system before or during installation
(construction materials, metal shavings, sawdust, grease,
10.6 - Supply and return deposits, and dirt in general). Welding residues can also
cause corrosion, both in new systems as well as in the event
ATTENTION !!! COSMOGAS is not liable for any of modifications or repairs. In old systems designed to work
damage caused by incorrect use of additives in the with radiators, featuring very large pipe diameters, the water
heating system. content is considerable and favours the formation of sludge
and deposits.
Sludge and scale build-up Black deposits (magnetite) indicate
ATTENTION !!! The system downstream of that corrosion is limited. However, the high specific gravity
the appliance must be built with materials that resist of this oxide can create clogs that are difficult to remove,
temperatures up to 97°C and 11 bar of pressure. especially in the hotter areas. Scale build-up is due to water
Otherwise (i.e. plastic piping), the system must be hardness, that is, the presence of calcium and magnesium
equipped with appropriate protection and safety minerals. Calcium, in the form of carbonate, falls on the hotter
devices. areas of the system. Magnetite often contributes in intensifying
the scale build-up. Iron oxide (the water has a reddish colour),
Before making the hydraulic connections, wash the system instead, is a sign of oxygen corrosion.
thoroughly to remove any slag (hemp, radiator foundry Frequent leaks. In the event of frequent leaks, hydrogen and/
sands, etc.) that could damage the appliance. The system or air accumulates on the high part of the exchanger and
must also be washed if an appliance is replaced. the radiators, preventing complete heat exchange. When
You can check the positioning of the supply and return the electrolytic corrosion process begins, the water level in
fittings in figures 8-1 and 8-2. the system goes down, gases accumulate in the high part
Install a metal mesh filter with a 1 mm2 opening on the of the heat exchanger and on the radiators. The presence
return pipe in order to stop any system residues before of air is caused by the fact that the system might not be
they go back into the appliance. perfectly sealed. Slow system pressure loss due to a leak
is often difficult to find, especially when the breach is very
Do not use the appliance to introduce any type of small (during winter, leaks on the radiator valves are often
additives into the system. not visible as the heat generated by the radiator or the boiler
dry them). However, these micro-leaks allow air to get into
10.7 - Boiler water supply the system. The main points that can lead to micro-leaks are
found in the joints and, in particular, on the circulator intake
side (air bleed valve, seals with o-rings, loading valves). In
ATTENTION !!! The system (and, therefore, these cases, to avoid damage, the system must be protected
the appliance) must be connected to the water mains with an appropriate corrosion inhibitor.
interposing a device to prevent backwash into the
potable water system, as required by the pollution
prevention safety standards in force. 10.7.2 - For the system to operate properly,
you must make sure that:
10.7.1 - Recommendations on the 1) the system has no leaks or, at the least, the most evident
leaks have been removed;
characteristics of the water used in the 2) if there is an automatic filling system, a litre counter must
system have been installed in order to accurately know the extent of
Filling the heating system is an extremely delicate operation any leaks;
that must not be underestimated, both when simply replacing 3) system filling and top-ups are done with softened water to
the heat generator as well as for new installations. A mistaken reduce the overall hardness. The water must also be treated
assessment of the system water characteristics can, in certain in order to keep the pH within the required threshold to prevent
cases, lead to damages to the system and heating module. A corrosion;
system is almost never perfectly sealed; at times, there can 4) Both in new systems and for replacements, the system
be water leaks or oxygen inlets. Both of these phenomena must be equipped with efficient devices that eliminate air and
are harmful. impurities: filters, micro-impurity separators and micro-air
Of the parameters that can negatively impact the life of a bubble separators;
system, the main ones are: 5) Avoid draining system water during scheduled maintenance,
- The simultaneous presence of different metals (copper, even seemingly insignificant amounts: for example, to clean
brass, steel and aluminium) that, in a watery environment, the filters, equip the system with specific shut-off valves
lead to galvanic corrosion. upstream and downstream of the filter itself;
- The presence of free oxygen, due to air leaks that form near 6) Always analyse the system water before opening
fittings or gaskets, is a typical corrosive agent, particularly communication between the new generator and the system
active at temperatures between 50 and 70°C. to establish whether the chemical and physical characteristics
- Water loss, leading to frequent top-ups, can lead both to of the water indicate you should completely drain the system,
corrosion as well as scale build-up, depending on the type of use the water already in the system, or chemically wash the
water available for the top-ups. In any case, the extent of the system using water from the mains plus a cleaning solution
leaks (and corresponding top-ups) must be kept under control, when there is the suspicion that the system might be dirty or

COSMOGAS 33 60T - 280T

10 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler
particularly clogged. Then fill it with new treated water. 10.8 - Draining the boiler heating circuit
If the analysis of a sample of water that will be used to fill the In order to avoid constant water top-ups and subsequent
system shows the following values: oxygen and scale, it is advisable to limit draining the heating
circuit as much as possible.
- Hardness from 12°F to 20°F
- 7,5 < pH < 9,5
10.9 - Boiler low temperature
then you can proceed with loading. If the characteristics are (or floor) systems
different, an inhibitor must be used.
ATTENTION !!! If the boiler is installed in a floor
10.7.3 Treating water in heating systems system built with plastic piping, all precautions against
for civil use corrosion due to water oxygenation must be taken:
Water must always be treated in heating systems for civil make sure the system is built with plastic piping with an
use, both when replacing the generator and in the event of oxygen permeability no greater than 0,1 g/m3 at 40°C.
a new system. Should the pipe not meet these features, the boiler radiant
The design stage, based on the characteristics of the raw panel circuit must be isolated using a plate heat exchanger
water, must provide for all the treatment and chemical that can resist the corrosion caused by the oxygen
conditioning systems needed to obtain water with the following dissolved in the water.
- Appearance: clear, colourless and non-foamy;
- pH: from 7,5 a 9,5;
10.10 - Manifold probe
The manifold probe (part 26 in figure 3-5 and 3-7) is factory
- Hardness from 12°F to 20°F;
installed on the boiler manifold. However, that position may
- Conditioners: present within the concentrations prescribed
not be correct in some systems where there is a hydraulic
by the supplier.
separator or plate exchanger (see figures 10-1 and 10-2).
If the water characteristics are unknown, there is a very high
It is advisable to move the probe from the boiler manifold to
probability of encountering the following typical setbacks:
the hydraulic separator as shown in figures 10-1 and 10-2,
part “58”.
30° fr = 300 mg/kg CaCO3
In a system containing 1000 litres of water at 30°CF, the CaC03
content is equal to 300 g. If not appropriately treated, it will ATTENTION !!! For the system to work properly,
deposit on the surface of the heat exchanger as that is the the manifold sensor must be positioned in a point
hottest point of the system, creating concentrated increases of the hydraulic separator/plate exchanger, able to
in temperature and leading to the heat exchanger breaking. detect the correct supply temperature and able to
b. CORROSION be influenced by the secondary circuit water flow
Corrosion is usually facilitated by the presence of oxygen, temperature
by contact between different metals or by the presence of
inorganic insoluble substances.

60T - 280T 34 COSMOGAS

11 - INSTALLATION - Hydraulic connections - boiler

11 - Characteristic curve
of the boiler head loss
The boiler are not equipped with a circulation pump. To size
the pump to use, the designer must consider the hydraulic
resistances of the system and the hydraulic resistances of
the boiler itself. To this end, figure 11-1 shows the hydraulic
resistances of the boiler in graphic form.

Figure 11-1 key

A = Boiler 60T and 70T
B = Boiler 100T and 115T
C = Boiler 140T
D = Bolier 180T and 210T
E = Boiler 280T
Head loss (kPa)

Water flow rate (m3/h)

Figure 11-1 - Boiler “60T-280T” model hydraulic resistances

COSMOGAS 35 60T - 280T

12 - INSTALLATION - Eliminating condensate
12.1 - Condensate drain In particular, the condensate disposal system must:
Inside the appliance, there is a siphon and condensate be made with a pipe that has an inner diameter greater
neutraliser system to evacuate condensate (see figures 3-3, than or equal to 13 mm;
3-5 and 3-7, parts”2”-”3”) and to prevent the combustion
exhaust from escaping, the outlet of which corresponds to
be installed so as to prevent the liquid from freezing;
therefore, be aware of any sections passing outdoors.
duct “5” referred to in figures 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7. This outlet
Draining into gutters or drainpipes is prohibited;
must be directed into another anti-odour siphon (installer’s
responsibility) in order to prevent bad odours from coming be in continuous incline towards the drain point; avoid
back into the room. high points that could put the duct under pressure;
Figure 12-2 shows how a condensate disposal system must
be made downstream of the appliance.



Figure 12-1 - Condensate neutraliser

Figure 12-2 key
A = Condensate drain duct start plug;
B = Condensate inlet;
C = Plugs for duct inspection;
D = Anti-odour siphon system;
E = Atmospheric connection (duct bleed);
F = Condensate drain;
G = Condensate drain pipe;

Figure 12-2 - Condensate drain


Figure 12-3 - Proper condensate drain pipe installation

60T - 280T 36 COSMOGAS
13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections
13.1 - Electrical connections: To connect to the electrical mains, provide a bipolar
general information switch near the appliance with a contact opening
distance of at least 3 mm, as required by the applicable
standards in force.
ATTENTION !!! Disconnect power before doing Respect the polarity between phase and neutral when
any operations inside the appliance. connecting the appliance.
Make sure the piping for the hydraulic, heating and gas
ATTENTION !!! During maintenance, label all the systems is not used to ground the electrical or telephone
wires involved in the operation before disconnecting. system. This sort of piping is absolutely not appropriate
for this purpose. In addition, the appliance, the piping
and the radiators can suffer serious corrosion damage in
ATTENTION !!! The appliance is only electrically a short time.
safe when it is properly connected to an efficient
grounding system built as required by the safety
standards in force. ATTENTION !!! The appliance has no protections
against the effects of lightning.
This fundamental safety requirement must be checked.
In you have any doubts, ask a professionally qualified 13.1.1 - Connecting the power cable
electrician to check the electrical system thoroughly. To connect the electrical power cable, proceed as follows
Have a professionally qualified electrician make sure (refer to figure 13-1):
that the electrical system is appropriate to the electrical 1.- use a double insulation tri-rated cable
power required by the appliance, shown on the plate. 2.- access the electrical connection terminal board following
The appliance must be connected to the electrical mains the specific instructions in section 17.2;
with a mobile plug connection. Using adapters, power 3.- lay the power cable using the cable gland near contacts
strips, extension cords, etc. is not allowed. “101”, “102” and “PE”;
6.- strip the cable, taking care to keep the grounding cable
The appliance must be connected to the electrical mains (green yellow) 20 mm longer than the other two;
with a double insulated tri-rated cable with appropriate 7.- connect the green-yellow cable to the ground terminal
cross-section. (“PE”)
8.- connect the brown cable (Phase) to terminal “101”
9.- connect the blue cable (Neutral) to terminal “102”


A = Electrical wire sheath;

B = Line;
C = Neutral;
D = Earth.
Figure 13-1 - Electrical connections
COSMOGAS 37 60T - 280T
13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections
13.1.2 - Choosing the room thermostat/ 13.1.4 - Installing the external temperature
time-programmable thermostat probe
The boiler is equiped to work with any room thermostat or Install the external temperature probe outside the building on
programmable thermostat that has a contact to connect a wall facing NORTH or NORTH-EAST at a height from the
to the cables coming from the boiler, with the following ground of between 2 and 2,5 metres. On buildings with several
characteristics: storeys, install it at about the upper half of the second storey.
- open/closed (ON/OFF); Do not install it above windows, doors or air vents, nor directly
- clean (not powered); underneath balconies or gutters. Do not plaster the external
- closed when heat is required; temperature probe. Do not install the sensor on walls without
- electrical characteristic of 24Vac, 1A. overhangs, that is, that are not protected from the rain.
Should the sensor be installed on a wall that still needs to be
13.1.3 - Connecting the room thermostat/ plastered, it must be installed with an appropriate spacer or
remove it before plastering.
time-programmable thermostat To connect the external temperature sensor cable, proceed
Install the room thermostat in a part of the room in which as follows:
the temperature is as close as possible to the typical 1.- lay a bipolar electrical cable with 1,5 mm2 minimum cross-
temperature in the house and, in any case, in an area that section going from the boiler to the external temperature
is not subject to sudden drastic temperature changes, away sensor. The maximum allowed length is 100 metres; use
from windows or doors that lead directly outdoors (see a shielded cable with shield grounding;
figure 13-2).
To connect the room thermostat cable, proceed as follows
(refer to figures 13-4 and 13-5): ATTENTION !!! As the cables are subjected to
1.- use a bipolar cable with 1,5 mm2 minimum cross- extremely low safety voltage (24Vdc), they must run in
section than goes from the boiler to the room thermostat/ different ducts than 230Vac power cables.
programmable thermostat. The maximum allowed
length is 100 metres; use a shielded cable with shield 2.- connect the bipolar cable to terminals “14” and “15”
grounding; shown in figures 13-4 and 13-5;
2.- disassemble the boiler casing following the specific 3.- connect the bipolar cable to the ends of the external
instructions in section 17.2; temperature sensor.
3.- lay the electrical cable using the cable gland near
contacts “10” and “11”; Set the boiler to recognise the external temperature sensor
4.- use a free cable gland that is not used by other as follows:
conductors; 4.- access the “installer menu” as described in section 16.15
5.- strip the cable;
6.- connect the 2 ends of the cable to terminals “10” and and set the parameter 2003 1
= .
“11” (see figures 13-4 and 13-5).
The icon on the display confirms that the external probe
ATTENTION !!! As the room thermostat/ is enabled.
programmable thermostat cables are subjected to Proceed with the steps in section 16.9.1 to set the correct
extremely low safety voltage (24Vdc), they must run in supply temperature adjustment values based on the external
different ducts than 230Vac power cables. temperature.

Figure 13-2 - Correct room thermostat/controllable thermostat positioning

60T - 280T 38 COSMOGAS
13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections
13.1.5 - 885 IF board connection (on 13.2 - Connecting boiler
request) to the storage tank
The 885 IF board is supplied on request for all models (see In order to generate domestic hot water, the boiler must
part “13” in figures 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7). be connected to a storage tank.
The board allows: The hydraulic connection must be done as per figure 10-2
1.- the appliances to be controlled via 0-10Vdc analogue or the like.
signal; For the electrical connection, proceed as follows (refer to
2.- the appliances to be controlled via MODBUS communication figures 13-4 and 13-5):
digital signal; 1.- disconnect power to the boiler;
3.- up to 8 appliances to be connected in cascade (see section2.- lay a bipolar electrical cable with 1,5 mm 2 minimum
13.4) cross-section going from the boiler to the storage tank
temperature sensor and connect it on the boiler to terminals
0-10 Vdc type dialogue (on request) “12” and “13” (SB);
The 885 IF board allows the appliance to be controlled via 3.- connect the other end of the cable to the storage tank
0-10 Vdc dialogue, proceeding as follows: temperature probe;
1.- Install the board as per the instructions provided; 4.- put the temperature sensor probe inside the storage tank
2.- Access the “installer menu” as described in section 16.15 well (see figure 10-2, part “31”).
and set the parameter 2003 = 4. 5.- set parameter 3012 to “1” (see section 19)
3.- The appliance can now be controlled via 0-10 Vdc signal 6.- electrically connect the storage tank pump to terminals 107
according to the rules in figure 13-3; and 108 of the boiler (see figures 13-4 and 13-5).

MODBUS type dialogue (on request) The temperature of the water stored inside the storage tank
The 885 IF board allows the appliance to be controlled can be selected by the user within a 40-60°C range.
via MODBUS dialogue, proceeding as described on the
instructions provided on request.
ATTENTION !!! A water temperature exceeding
51°C can cause even permanent harm to persons,
13.1.6 - Alarm contact animals and objects.
Alarm contact works only in presence of the 885 IF board Above all, children, the elderly and the disabled must
(see figures 3-3, 3-5, 3-7 item “13”). Alarm contact does not be protected against the potential risk of scalds
react in case a dependent module (burner 2, 3 or 4) is in error. by putting in devices that limit the temperature of
domestic hot water use to the domestic utilities.

13.2.1 - D.H.W. production priority

The boiler comes out of the factory set with total priority
given to domestic hot water production. This means that
the boiler works in domestic mode until the required
temperature in the connected storage tank is reached. For
this reason, said setting could lead to cooling of the room
that needs to be heated. Once the domestic hot water
demand is met, the appliance automatically goes back to
working for the heating circuit.


1.0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Figure 13-3 - 0-10 Vdc analogue input operating rules

COSMOGAS 39 60T - 280T
13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections
13.3 - Connecting water heater
to the storage tank
The water heater must be connected to a storage tank.

The hydraulic connection must be done as per figure 11-1.

For the electrical connection, proceed as follows (refer to
figure 13-6):
1.- disconnect power to the boiler;
2.- Access the connection electrical terminals;
3.- Disconnect the manifold temperature sensor from terminals
“8” and “9”;
4.- use the storage tank probe supplied with the water heater
and connect to terminals “8” and “9”.
lay a bipolar electrical cable with 1,5 mm2 minimum cross-
section going from the water heater to the storage tank
temperature sensor and connect it on the water heater to
terminals “8” and “9” (Manifold temperature sensor);
5.- connect the other end of the cable to the storage tank
temperature probe;
6.- put the temperature sensor probe inside the storage tank
well (see figure 11-1, part “42”).

The temperature of the water stored inside the storage

tank can be selected by the user within a 40-80°C range

using the o heating temperature adjustment

controls, as described in section 16.5.

ATTENTION !!! A water temperature exceeding

51°C can cause even permanent harm to persons, animals
and objects. Above all, children, the elderly and the
disabled must be protected against the potential risk of
scalds by putting in devices that limit the temperature of
domestic hot water use to the domestic utilities.

60T - 280T 40 COSMOGAS

13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections

Figure 13-4 - Boiler electrical connections (Example of system shown in figure 10-1)

41 60T - 280T
Figure 13-5 - Boiler electrical connections (Example of system shown in figure 10-2)

60T - 280T 42 COSMOGAS

13 - INSTALLATION - Electrical connections
13.4 - Connecting cascade appliances
Connecting cascade appliances is done as shown in the
diagrams in figure 13-6 (boiler). Preemptively, an 885 IF
board (part “13” in figure 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7) must be
installed in each appliance and an 885 HC cascade
control (see figure 13-7) must be purchased.
At most 8 appliances can be connected in cascade (figure
13-6 show examples with 4).
Follow the 885 HC control manual for instructions on
connecting the appliances in cascade.

885 HC
Cascade sequence

Check Check Check Check

valve valve valve valve



appliance appliance appliance appliance
#4 up to #8 #3 #2 #1

Heating Heating Heating Heating

module module module module Heating
pump pump pump pump heating circuit

Figure 13-6 Boiler appliances in cascade connection conceptual diagram

COSMOGAS 43 60T - 280T
14 - INSTALLATION - Air intake and flue exhaust ducts
14.1 - Flue exhaust and boiler, again under the “type” heading.
The symbols used to define the type of exhaust are shown
combustion air intake duct below:

- B23, room intake and wall or ceiling mounted flue exhaust.

ATTENTION !!! This appliance must be
connected to a flue exhaust system that can bring the
flue gas into the open air outside of the building. ATTENTION !!! If you install an appliance with
a B23 type exhaust, it will extract air for combustion
from the room in which it is located. Therefore, all the
ATTENTION !!! The flue exhaust duct and
precautions regarding room ventilation required by
combustion air intake must be connected in
national and/or local standards must be taken.
compliance with the national and local standards in
- C53, separated with ceiling-mounted exhaust and wall-
mounted intake or, in any case, in two potentially different
ATTENTION !!! This appliance has flue gas pressure points.
temperatures that can reach 90°C under certain - C63, the boiler can be jointed to approved exhaust and
conditions. Therefore, use flue exhaust ducts in plastic intake ducts of other brands.
that can resist said temperature.
ATTENTION !!! With the C63 type exhaust,
ATTENTION !!! This appliance is “condensing”. the condensate coming from the chimney cannot be
To realise a flue exhaust, use materials in AISI 316L directed to the boiler.
stainless steel or polypropylene plastic materials to
prevent corrosion due to condensate acidity. During operation, especially in the winter, it is possible for
To this end, remember that this type of appliances white smoke to come out of the appliance flue exhaust due
must have exhaust and intake ducts supplied by the to high output. This is solely a natural phenomenon and no
manufacturer of the appliance itself. Other types of ducts, if cause for worry as it is the water vapour in the flue gases
used, must be approved for such intended use. The types that condense in contact with the external air.
of exhaust for which the appliance is approved are shown
on the technical features table at the end of the manual, 14.1.1 - B23 suction/discharge type
under the “type” heading and on the plate affixed to the In the event of B23 type combustion air intake/flue exhaust, it is
essential that at least as much air as is required for combustion
and room ventilation can flow through the room where these
appliances are installed. As such, it is a good idea to remember
that the combustion of 1m3 of gas requires 11m3 of air.
The natural inflow of air must be direct through permanent
openings to the outside on the walls of the room to ventilate,
away from sources of pollution like: roof vents of dubious
origin, industrial air exhausts, etc. (see section 5.1.1).

The vents must meet the following requisites:

have net passage cross-sections of at least 0,3 m2;
be made so that the vent openings both on the inside
and outside of the wall cannot be obstructed;
be protected, by example with grids, metal netting, etc.
The net passage cross-section must not be reduced by
these systems;
be located at a height near the level of the floor and such
C53 not to interfere with proper flue exhaust device operation;
should this position not be possible, the ventilation
opening cross-section must be increased by 50%.

Figure 14-1 - Exhaust/intake systems

COSMOGAS 44 60T - 280T

14 - INSTALLATION - Air intake and flue exhaust ducts
14.1.2 - Split system
Flue The appliance is standard supplied with fittings to connect
exhaust to the flue exhaust and air intake. To install, proceed as
shown in figure 14-2.
1.- put duct “D” in fitting “A” and secure it using the
tightening clamp in fitting “A”;
2.- reducer “C” is standard assembled on fitting “B”;
3.- put duct “E” into reducer “C”, being sure that the gasket
in reducer “C” is positioned correctly;
Inlet E It is mandatory to install polypropylene ducts that are
more resistant to condensate formation on the “B” flue
exhaust side.
F Take particular care in installing the ducts in the parts
that cross the wall towards the outside; it must always
be possible to do normal maintenance operations.
D Therefore, install the pipes in a sheath in order to be able
C to slide them out.
A The horizontal sections must always have a slope of at
least 2% towards the condensate drain devices.
The appliance is already equipped with a condensate
collector, which must be joined to an exhaust pipe (see
section 12).

020014.01.006 ATTENTION !!! This condensate drain is

designed to make all the liquid produced by an
individual appliance flow out. Should several
appliances be installed, provide each with its own
condensate drain.
The flue exhaust/air intake system can be extended up to
a maximum distance as instructed in section 18. Each 90°
curve has a loss equivalent to what is described in section
Figure 14-2 - Split system installation 18.

Air Flue
exhaust ATTENTION !!! The flue exhaust outlet must be
appropriately protected against the effects of the wind.

ATTENTION !!! Mechanically secure the

joints between the various exhaust and intake duct
components using fixing or equivalent systems. See
figure 14-4.

ATTENTION !!! The temperature of the exhaust

020014.01.007 pipe during operation can reach 90°C. If they cross
through walls that are sensitive to these temperatures,
put in a protective heat insulating sheath.

ATTENTION !!! If the air intake and flue exhaust

outlets are positioned on the same wall, they must be
at least 1 metre away from each other.

Figure 14-3 - Assembled system ATTENTION !!! The exhaust and intake ducts
must be appropriately supported via rigid brackets
positioned no more than 1 m from each other. The
brackets must be secured to rigid walls that can
support the weight of the duct itself.

Figure 14-4 Securing exhaust and intake ducts

60T - 280T 45 COSMOGAS

15.1 - Commissioning
Before commissioning the appliance, the following operations
must be done. ATTENTION!!! If the boiler stays off for more than
3 months, the siphon must be filled again as explained
15.1.1 - User instructions
Instruct the user on how to properly use the appliance and
the entire system in general. In particular: ATTENTION!!! Once the appliance has been
Give the user the use and installation manual and all the started up again, make sure no flue gases are escaping
documents contained in the packaging. from plug “A”.
Teach the user about the special measures for the flue
exhaust, informing them that they must not be modified. 15.1.3 - Filling the heating system
Inform the user of the necessary water pressure control When the appliance is being powered, if Err 59
in the system and of the necessary measures to fill and appears on the display, it means that the system needs to
bleed air. be filled. Proceed as follows:
Inform the user about properly adjusting temperatures, only use clean water from the water mains.
control units/room thermostats and radiators for energy
ATTENTION!!! Chemicals like antifreeze must
15.1.2 - Filling the condensate drain be added as per the instructions on the product. In any
case, said substances must not be put directly into the
siphon boiler.
The siphon located inside the appliance must be filled with
water to create the stop that can prevent flue gases from
escaping out of duct “5” in figures 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7. ATTENTION!!! for water heaters, adding
To this end, proceed as follows: chemicals like antifreeze is absolutely prohibited.
(refer to figure 15-1) Failure to follow this provision could cause serious
1.- unscrew and remove plug “A” shown in the figure; harm to human health or even death.
2.- put a rubber hose into opening “S” and position a funnel
at the other end of the hose; 1.- open the air bleed valve (part “35” in figure 3-7)
3.- slowly pour about 5 litres of water though the funnel; 2.- open the filling device provided for by the installer
4.- reassemble everything in reverse order. upstream of the appliance and fill the system until the
manometer detects a pressure of 1,5 bar, shown on the
Err 59
display (part “M” in figure 16-1) ( appears on
the display); If you wish to increase the filling pressure
level, parameter 3022 must be set to the desired value
(see section 19);
2.- make sure no water leaks from the fittings;
3.- close the filling device provided for by the installer
upstream of the appliance;
4.- bleed the heating elements;
5.- check the pressure on the display again (part “M” in
figure 16-1). If it has gone down, fill the system to 1,5 bar
again (or up to the set value).


15-1 - Filling the condensate drain siphon

COSMOGAS 46 60T - 280T

15.2 - General warnings on
the gas power supply ATTENTION!!! If you smell gas:
For the first commissioning of the appliance, run the
A - Do not activate any electrical appliances,
following checks:
including telephones or any objects that could
That it is powered for the type of fuel for which it is create sparks;
B - Immediately open the doors and windows to
That the gas supply pressure (with the operating create an air current to quickly rid the room of
appliance stopped) is within the maximum and minimum
values shown in the table in section 18. gas;
That the gas adduction system is equipped with all the C - From another room or from a neighbour’s
safety and control parts required by the national and if there is no other room, immediately call a
local standards in force. professionally qualified technician or the gas
That the flue exhaust outlet and the combustion air supply company. If they are unavailable, call the
intake outlet are free of any obstructions. Fire Brigade.
That the flue exhaust and combustion air intake outlets
are positioned outside the building. 15.3 - Type of gas for which
That the condensate drain connection is connected. the appliance is regulated.
There is a label on the front of the appliance bearing the
gas supply type and pressure for which the appliance is
ATTENTION !!! Supplying the appliance with
a different type of gas than those provided for is The appliance can have the following 2 phrases:

ATTENTION !!! Make sure the gas and supply

2H-G20-20mbar METHANE
it means the appliance is regulated to work with type H
pressure are those for which the appliance is regulated. second family gas (methane) at a supply pressure of 20
The appliance is equipped with the specific gas conversion
Before installation, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the 3P-G31-37mbar L.P.G.
it means the appliance is regulated to work with type P third
inside of the gas adduction pipe;
family gas (propane, also known as LP gas) at a supply
it is mandatory to always install a shut-off cock on the pressure of 37 mbar.
gas adduction pipe;
to prevent damaging the appliance gas control unit, run
a seal test at a pressure no greater than 50 mbar;
if the gas system test must be run at pressures
exceeding 50 mbar, use the cock located immediately
upstream of the appliance to cut if off from the rest of the

In figures 8-1, 8-2, 9-1 and 9-2, you can check the gas
fitting positioning. The sections of piping that make up the
gas adduction system must always ensure sufficient gas
supply to cover the maximum required.

60T - 280T 47 COSMOGAS

15.4 - Converting 60T and 70T Contents:
The Kit (standard supplied with the appliance) is made up of
model appliances from one - label bearing the new type of gas, a gas nozzle for each
type of gas to another burner and an instruction sheet;
To change the gas, proceed as follows:
1 - Switch off the appliance by turning the main switch to
the OFF position (part “T” in figure 16-1);
ATTENTION !!! Read these instructions carefully 2 - Close the gas supply cock;
before changing the gas: 3 - open the boiler casing as described in section 17.2;
- The gas equipment must be installed, calibrated or 4 - Unscrew fitting “H” in figure 15-2;
modified by specialised personnel according to the 5 - With the help of a screwdriver, remove fork “A” in figure
terms of the law; 15-2;
- Check and be sure that the type of gas that is supplying 6 - Remove the gas valve with fitting “C” as in figure 15-3
the appliance is compatible with the regulation kit you (being careful of OR “L” in figure 15-3);
have; 7 - Replace nozzle “G” in figure 15-4 with the one in the kit,
- Do not supply the appliance with a different type of gas checking table 15-8 to make sure the diameter corresponds;
than those provided for. 8 - Reinstall the gas valve, taking care to correctly position
OR “L” in figure 15-3 and the gasket of fitting “H” in figure
9 - Reposition fork “A” in the locking seat;
10 - Screw on fitting “H” in figure 15-2;
11 - Open the gas supply valve;
12 - Make sure there are no leaks from fitting “H” in figure
M 15-2;

ATTENTION !!! Run the seal test exclusively

with a soap-based water solution. Using naked
flames is absolutely prohibited.
020010.01.020 13 - Switch on the appliance by turning the main switch to
A the ON position (part “T” in figure 16-1);
14 - Completely unscrew screw “E” in figure 15-6
H anticlockwise;
Figure 15-2 - Gas valve disassembly 15 - Check the gas pressure, following section 15.7; the
minimum pressure must not be less than 10 mbar, while
the maximum must not exceed 45 mbar;
16 - Check and regulate the CO2 following the procedure
C referred to in section 15.8 and checking the value in
B L figure 15-8;

NO ATTENTION !!! The measurements must be

taken with calibrated, guaranteed instruments
that ensure an accurate reading.
17.- Check the appliance output heat following section 15.9;
18.- on the front casing of the appliance, in the place of
the label identifying the old adjustment status, apply the
self-adhesive plate (see figure 15-7), bearing the new
adjustment status of the appliance, as follows: apply label
“B” if the appliance was converted from methane to LP
gas; apply label “A” if the appliance as converted from LP
gas to methane.
ATTENTION !!! If you smell gas:
A - Do not activate any electrical appliances,
Figure 15-3 - Gas valve lifting including telephones or any objects that could
create sparks;
B - Immediately open the doors and windows to
create an air current to quickly rid the room of
C - From another room or from a neighbour’s
if there is no other room, immediately call a
020010.01.019 professionally qualified technician or the gas
G supply company. If they are unavailable, call the
Fire Brigade.

Figure 15-4 - Gas nozzle replacement

COSMOGAS 48 60T - 280T

Burner 2

Burner 1

Burner 3

Burner 4

A - Connector from Burner 1 (MASTER)

B - Connector from display
C - Connector from Burner 2
D - Connector from Burner 3
E - Connector from Burner 4
Figure 15-5 - Burner Position

60T - 280T 49 COSMOGAS

15.5 - Converting appliance LP gas to methane.
models from 100T to 280T from
one type of gas to another ATTENTION !!! If you smell gas:
Appliances from 100T to 280T are multi-burners, which means A - Do not activate any electrical appliances,
that the type of gas must be converted on every burner. including telephones or any objects that could
create sparks;
B - Immediately open the doors and windows to
ATTENTION !!! Read these instructions carefully create an air current to quickly rid the room of
before changing the gas: gas;
- The gas equipment must be installed, calibrated or C - From another room or from a neighbour’s
modified by specialised personnel according to the if there is no other room, immediately call a
terms of the law; professionally qualified technician or the gas
- Check and be sure that the type of gas that is supplying supply company. If they are unavailable, call the
the appliance is compatible with the regulation kit you Fire Brigade.
- Do not supply the appliance with a different type of gas
than those provided for.

The Kit (standard supplied with the appliance) is made up of
- label bearing the new type of gas;
- a gas nozzle for every burner;
- an instruction sheet;

To change the gas, proceed as follows:

1 - Convert “Burner 1” (MASTER). See figure 15-5 to
identify “Burner 1” (MASTER);
2 - Convert “Burner 1” (MASTER), following points 1 to 16
in section 15.4;

After converting “Burner 1”, proceed with “Burner 2” as

described below:

3 - Convert “Burner 2”, following points 1 to 16 in section


After converting “Burner 2”, proceed with “Burner 3” (if

present) as described below:

4 - Convert “Burner 3”, following points 1 to 16 in section


After converting “Burner 3”, proceed with “Burner 4” (if

present) as described below: E
5 - Convert “Burner 4”, following points 1 to 16 in section F
After converting all the Burners, proceed as described

6 - Check the gas inlet pressure as described in section

7 - Check the appliance output heat as described in section

ATTENTION !!! The measurements must be 020010.01.022

taken with calibrated instruments that ensure an

accurate reading.

8.- on the front casing of the appliance, in the place of the

label identifying the old adjustment status, apply the
self-adhesive plate (see figure 15-7), bearing the new D - Gas inlet pressure plug.
adjustment status of the appliance, as follows: apply E - CO2 adjustment screw.
label “B” if the appliance was converted from methane to F - Factory default adjustment screw (do not touch).
LP gas; apply label “A” if the appliance as converted from
Figure 15-6 - Gas valve
COSMOGAS 50 60T - 280T

Figure 15-7 - Label bearing the new adjustment

status of the appliance

U.M 60T 70T 100T 115T 140T 180T 280T

Gas supply minimum pressure mbar 10
Gas supply maximum pressure mbar 45
Nozzle diameter for Methane gas (G20) mm 8,9 9,5 8,9 8,9 9,5 9,5 9,5
Nozzle diameter for Methane gas (G25) mm N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P. N.P.
Nozzle diameter for LP gas (G31) mm 6,2 6,5 6,2 6,2 6,5 6,5 6,5
Nozzle diameter for LP gas (G30) mm 5,7 6,0 5,7 5,7 6,0 6,0 6,0
Methane gas CO2 (G20) at maximum output heat % from 8,4 to 9,0
Methane gas CO2 (G20) at minimum output heat % from 8,3 to 8,7
Methane gas O2 (G20) at maximum output heat % from 4,7 to 5,1
Methane gas O2 (G20) at minimum output heat % from 5,6 to 6,0
Methane gas CO (G20) at maximum and minimum output heat ppm Less than 150
Methane gas CO2 (G25) at maximum output heat % from 8,5 to 9,1
Methane gas CO2 (G25) at minimum output heat % from 8,1 to 8,5
Methane gas O2 (G25) at maximum output heat % from 4,7 to 5,1
Methane gas O2 (G25) at minimum output heat % from 5,6 to 6,0
Methane gas CO (G25) at maximum and minimum output heat ppm Less than 150
LP gas CO2 (G31) at maximum output heat % from 9,9 to 10,5
LP gas CO2 (G31) at minimum output heat % from 9,6 to 10,0
LP gas O2 (G31) at maximum output heat % from 5,2 to 5,6
LP gas O2 (G31) at minimum output heat % from 5,8 to 6,2
LP gas CO (G31) at maximum and minimum output heat ppm Less than 250
LP gas CO2 (G30) at maximum output heat % from 10,3 to 10,9
LP gas CO2 (G30) at minimum output heat % from 9,9 to 10,3
LP gas O2 (G30) at maximum output heat % from 4,9 to 5,3
LP gas O2 (G30) at minimum output heat % from 5,7 to 6,1
LP gas CO (G30) at maximum and minimum output heat ppm Less than 250

Figure 15-8 - Settings for the various operating gases

60T - 280T 51 COSMOGAS

15.6 - Ignition 15.7 - Checking the supply gas
pressure and any adjustments
15.6.1 - Boiler ignition The gas supply pressure must correspond with what is in
1.- open the gas cock; the table in section 18. To check it, proceed as follows:
2.- power the appliance and position the main switch to ON 1.- close the gas cock;
(part “T” in figure 16-1); 2.- access the inner components of the appliance by
3.- the appliance only switches on when the temperature following the procedure in section 17.2;
required by the room thermostat is higher than the current 3.- loosen pressure plug “D” (see figure 15-6);
supply temperature. Adjust the desired temperature for 4.- connect to a manometer with a resolution of at least 0,1
mbar (1 mmH2O). For models from 115T to 280T you
heating service using the and keys. If the
can use any one of the valves;
external probe is connected (see section 13.1.4), make
5.- open the gas cock;
sure that the calculated temperature (see section 16.14,
6.- make sure the pressure does not exceed 45 mbar;
parameter 1012 or parameter 1107 for appliances 7.- position the main switch to ON (part “T” in figure 16-
from 115T to 280T) is higher than the current exchanger 1) and generate a heating demand by pressing the
temperature and that the external temperature (see section
key until the maximum value. Make sure the
16.14 parameter 1004 ) is lower than the external room thermostat is being called and the system is in the
temperature that switches off the heating (see section 16.15 conditions to dissipate the heat generated;
parameter 2020 ); 8.- Set parameter 2200 HIGHto (in the 60T and 70T
4.- if the appliance is connected to a storage tank (see section
models, use parameter ). The burners will now
13.2), press the and keys to select the work at maximum output heat for 20 minutes;
desired temperature of the domestic hot water. 9.- with the appliance at maximum flow rate, make sure that
5.- if the display shows a low water pressure error (see section the gas supply pressure does not drop below 10 mbar
16.16.2), bleed the air again. (100 mmH2O). If the pressure is lower, do not attempt to
adjust the appliance; you must work upstream to reset
proper pressure and gas flow rate.

ATTENTION !!! Do not touch screws “E” and

“F” in figure 15-10. They are factory set for proper gas
flow rate and supply pressure.

After having made sure the gas pressure is correct:

2200 back to OFF (in the 60T and
1.- Bring parameter
70T models, use parameter 2010).
2.- close the gas cock;
3.- disconnect the manometer and close pressure plug “D”
4.- check for and gas leaks from pressure plug “D” (figure
Do not force the pressure plug locking screws to avoid
damaging the gas valve.

ATTENTION!!! Run the seal test exclusively with

a soap-based water solution. Using naked flames is
absolutely prohibited.

COSMOGAS 52 60T - 280T

15.8 - Checking the CO2 seal 1. - If there isn’t one already, a hole must be made for
combustion analysis positioned about 200 mm from the
and any adjustments flue exhaust fitting (see figure 15-9 near the plug, part “F”).
Table 15-8 shows the correct CO2 values for an appliance 2.- Switch on the appliance and open the bridge between
working in normal conditions at an altitude of less than terminals “10” and “11”;
1000 metres. Values differing from those shown can cause 3.- Make sure that the required temperature is higher than the
malfunctions. To check and, if necessary, adjust said value a boiler/water heater temperature;
combustion analysis must be done. Proceed as follows: 4.- Access the installer menu (see section 16.15) and set

15.8.1 - Checking the CO2 seal and any parameter 2010 HIGH.
to The appliance will now work
for 20 minutes at maximum output heat;
adjustments on 60T and 70T model 5.- Wait two or three minutes for the CO2 to stabilise;
appliances 6.- Put the CO2 value reading probe into socket “F” shown in
figure 15-9;
7.- Compare the CO2 value detected with the one shown in
ATTENTION!!! If, during this procedure, a CO table 15-8. Be sure to read the value for the type of gas
value greater than 1000 ppm is detected, stop the being used. If the CO2 value does not match the one in table
appliance and contact the retailer. 15-8, it must be adjusted via screw “E” in figure 15-10. Use
a 2,5 mm hex spanner (turn the screw clockwise to reduce
the CO2 value and anticlockwise to increase it). Make small
turns, always waiting for the CO2 value to stabilise before
F continuing, until you reach the desired value.
8.- Once the correct CO2 value as per table 15-8 has been
reached, seal the screw with red paint or a similar system
to discourage tampering.

9.- Set parameter 2010 LOu to The appliance will now work
for 20 minutes at minimum output heat.
10.- Wait two or three minutes for the CO2 to stabilise;
11.- Compare the CO2 value read with the one in table 15-8.
Be sure to read the value for the type of gas being used. The
CO2 value must be within the values shown; if not, stop the
appliance and call the manufacturer.
12- Set parameter 2010 OFF
to to bring the appliance back
to normal operation.
13.- Close the combustion analysis hole in figure 15-9 with
F - Combustion analysis socket appropriate plug “F” as per the instructions from the drain
Figure 15-9 - Combustion analysis socket pipe manufacturer.

ATTENTION!!! Once plug “F” is positioned with

the appliance at maximum output heat, make sure there
are no flue gas leaks.


D - Gas inlet pressure plug.

E - CO2 adjustment screw.
F - Factory default adjustment screw (do not touch).
Figure 15-10 - Gas valve
60T - 280T 53 COSMOGAS
15.8.2 - Checking the CO2 seal and any 15.9 - Checking appliance output heat
adjustments on appliance models from The appliance has a factory set air/gas mixture ratio. The gas
pressure to the burner is indirectly controlled by the fan. The
100T up to 280T only way to check the appliance output heat is to directly use
the gas counter. Proceed as follows:
ATTENTION!!! If, during this procedure, a CO 1. Switch the appliance on by turning the main switch to ON
value greater than 1000 ppm is detected, stop the (part “T” in figure 16-1) and send a heating demand, bring
appliance and contact the manufacturer. the requested temperature to the maximum value via the
1. - If there isn’t one already, a hole must be made for key, making sure that the system is able to dissipate
combustion analysis positioned about 200 mm from the all the heat generated.
flue exhaust fitting (see figure 15-9 near the plug, part “F”).
2.- Put the appliance in stand-by, shutting down all heating 2. For the 60T and 70T models, set parameter 2010 to
demands (remove the room thermostat bridge, if any, or
HIGH . For the other models, set parameter 2200 to
adjust the heating service to off using the key).
3.- Make sure that the required temperature is higher than the
HIGH . The appliance will now work for 20 minutes at
maximum output heat.
boiler/water heater temperature;
3. Measure the gas flow rate to the counter. The value obtained
4.- Access the installer menu (see section 16.15) and set
must be compared with the value given in section 18 under
parameter 2201 The MASTER burner will now “Gas flow rate” with a tolerance of + or - 10%.
work for 20 minutes at maximum output heat; 4. If the flow rate is lower, make sure:
5.- Wait two or three minutes for the CO2 to stabilise; a) That there are no obstructions in the air intake and flue
6.- Put the CO2 value reading probe into socket “F” shown in exhaust ducts;
figure 15-9; b) That the lengths of the air intake and flue exhaust ducts
7.- Compare the CO2 value detected with the one shown in correspond to what is described in section 18;
table 15-8. Be sure to read the value for the type of gas being c) That the air intake filter (part “11” in figures 3-3, 3-5 and
used. If the CO2 value does not match the one in table 15-8, 3-7) is clean;
it must be adjusted via screw “E” in figure 15-10. Use a 2,5 5. If the gas flow rate is within the tolerance, set parameter
mm hex spanner (turn the screw clockwise to reduce the CO2
value and anticlockwise to increase it). Make small turns,
2200 OFF to . In 60T and 70T model appliances, set
always waiting for the value to stabilise before continuing, 2010 OFF
parameter to to bring the appliance back to
until you reach the desired value. normal operation.
8.- Once the correct CO2 value as per table 15-8 has been 6. If the gas flow rate is greater, repeat the procedure in section
reached, seal the screw with red paint or a similar system 15.9.
to discourage tampering.
9.- Set parameter 2201 LOu to . The MASTER burner will 15.10 - Minimum water flow rate
now work for 20 minutes at minimum output heat; The appliance has a protection system against low water flow
10.- Wait two or three minutes for the CO2 to stabilise; rate. The water flow rate measuring device (part “16” in figure
11.- Compare the CO2 value read with the one in table 15-8. 3-1) continuously measures the flow rate on each exchanger.
Be sure to read the value for the type of gas being used. The If the flow rate drops below the “Minimum operating water flow
CO2 value must be within the values shown; if not, stop the rate” referred to in section 18, the appliance automatically
appliance and call the manufacturer. switches off and, if the flow rate does not increase after three
minutes, the corresponding error appears on the display.

ATTENZION!!! The C02 reading, at low fire,

could be affected by the natural draught of the
chimney (negative pressure inside the chimney). If
this is the case, take the CO2 reading removing the
correspondent flue gas sensor.
12.- Set parameter 2201 OFF
to .
13.- Repeat the operations from point “3” to point “11” on the
remaining burners, considering that parameter 2202
corresponds to burner 2, 2203 to burner 3 and 2204
to burner 4.
14.- Close the combustion analysis hole in figure 15-9 with
appropriate plug “F” as per the instructions from the drain
pipe manufacturer.

ATTENTION!!! Once plug “H” is positioned with

the appliance at maximum output heat, make sure there
are no flue exhaust leaks, which could cause damage.

COSMOGAS 54 60T - 280T

16 - USE


Figure 16-1 - Control panel
16.1 - Checking water pressure
16.1.1 - Checking boiler water pressure
FIGURE 16-1 KEY If the pressure inside the heating circuit drops below 0,5

A - Key to reduce water temperature bar, display “N” in figure 16-1 displays Err 59 to
B - Multifunction key: Key to Reset and access the “user show that correct pressure needs to be restored. To do so,
menu” and the “installer menu” proceed as follows:
C - Key to increase water temperature 1.- open the device provided for by the installed upstream
D - Burner state of the appliance to load the system;
Icon off = burner off 2.- check the pressure on view “M” in figure 16-1; it must
Icon on = burner on reach a pressure of 1,5 bar (the Err 59 warning
E - State of heating or domestic service must disappear);
Icon off = Service off 3.- close the filling device provided for by the installer
Icon on = Service active but not working upstream of the appliance.
Flashing icon = Service active and working
F - State of domestic service with accumulation:
Icon off = Service off ATTENTION !!! During normal operation the
Icon on = Service active but not working device provided for by the installer upstream of the
Flashing icon = Service active and working appliance to load the system must always remain in the
G - “Installer menu” access icon closed position.
H - Unit of measurement of the displayed pressure If, over time, the pressure goes down, restore the correct
L - Burner unit indicator value. In the first month of operation, it might be necessary
 = Burner 1 (master) to repeat this operation several times to remove any air
bubbles in the system.
‚ = Burner 2
ƒ = Burner 3
„ = Burner 4
M - Water pressure or indicator of the different parameters
in the various menus
N - Heating or domestic hot water temperature or indicator
of the values assumed by the various parameters
O - Unit of measurement of the displayed temperature
P - Heating service adjusted by the external probe
R - Key to increase the temperature of the domestic hot
water with storage tank and change the parameter
S - Key to reduce the temperature of the domestic hot water
with storage tank and change the parameter values
T - on/off switch

60T - 280T 55 COSMOGAS

16 - USE
16.2- General information 16.5 - Boiler domestic hot
The appliance leaves the factory set with standards water adjustment
parameters. However, you can consult or make a series If the appliance is installed for double service (heating and
of changes to the parameters through the “user menu” domestic hot water production), adjust the domestic hot water
(section 16.14) and the “installer menu” (section 16.15).
During operation, the display shows the appliance operating temperature using the and keys (see figure
status in addition to other information as described in
section 16.16 (Diagnostics). 16-1). When the keys are pressed, the display, part “N” in
figure 16-1, shows the requested D.H.W. temperature. The
16.3 - Display temperature adjustment ranges goes from 40°C to 60°C.
During normal operation, you can consult further
parameters through the “User menu” (see section 16.14) ATTENTION!!! Domestic water temperature over
that are helpful in understanding appliance operation and 51°C can cause scalding. Children, the disabled and
check the latest blocks or errors that have occurred. the elderly are at high risk for scalds. Check the water
After 5 minutes of normal operation, the display switches off temperature before getting into a bath or shower.
completely to save energy. Simply press any key to switch it
back on. In the event of any anomaly, the display switches
back on automatically. This function can be modified by 16.6 - Boiler heating adjustment
following section 16.13 (Energy saving).
Adjust the appliance heating temperature using the or
16.4 - Ignition and shutdown procedure keys (see figure 16-1). The room thermostat switches
To switch ON the appliance, proceed as follows: on the circulation pump in order to meet heating requests.
1.- open the gas cock;
2.- power the appliance;
16.7 - Thermostat type
3.- If the display showsErr 65 , it means that phase and heating adjustment
neutral polarity were not respected (call customer service
to solve the problem without attempting to fix it yourself). The boiler is standard adjusted with parameter 2003 0 at ,
4.- adjust the domestic hot water temperature, if any, and the that is, the boiler supplies the heating system with hot water
heating temperature respectively as per sections 16.5,
16.6 and 16.7. at a temperature adjusted using the and keys,
The command and control equipment will ignite the burner. Any room thermostats enable or disable the heating function
If ignition is unsuccessful within 3 minutes, the appliance to adjust the temperature of the rooms. To take full advantage
of boiler performance, it is advisable to adjust the heating
automatically attempts ignition five times, after which, if it
continues not to switch on, it locks up and the display willtemperature to a value that is just enough to obtain the desired
room temperature. If the season grows colder, progressively
show Loc 1 along with the icon and the corresponding increase the heating temperature value. Do the opposite when
the season grows milder.
flashing  ‚ ƒ „ burner icon. Press the RESET key
to restore normal operating conditions. The appliance will
automatically attempt another ignition.

ATTENTION!!! If the appliance frequently stops

because it locks up, contact a qualified technician to reset
normal operating conditions.
Once started properly, the appliance will continue to work for
the service requested.
To switch OFF the appliance, proceed as follows:
1.- Use switch “T” in figure 16-1 to cut power;
2.- close the gas cock;

COSMOGAS 56 60T - 280T

16 - USE
16.8 - Climatic adjustment 16.9 - Timing of the various functions
To protect the lifespan of the appliance, improve the comfort
Adjust parameter 2003 1
to using the “Installer menu”. generated and increase energy savings, timers were put in
The heating supply temperature is related to the external during operation. These timers are:
temperature sensor according to the algorithm refered to in - Pump post-circulation: every time the room thermostat
figure 16-2. To adapt the calculation line to the various rooms/ detects the end of a heating service, the pump continues
climatic conditions, all the adjustment parameters must be set to work for 4 minutes;
according to the following sections. - Pump anti-lock: every 24 hours, the heating pump and the
domestic hot water pump (if present) are forced;
16.8.1 - Climatic adjustment: setting the - Ignition delay: In all operating modes, every time the burner
parameters switches off, it waits 3 minutes before switching back on.
Through the “Installer menu” (see section 16.15), set:
- 2020 = “External heating switch-off temperature”, 16.10 - Pump anti-locking
adjustable between 0 and 35°C. When the external During the summertime, the circulator switches on once
temperature reaches the value set in this parameter, the every 24 hours for 15 seconds to prevent any limescale
heating switches off automatically. When the external build-ups from clogging it. At the same time, the diverter
temperature drops below that value again, the heating valve and the hot water tank pump (if present) are activated
automatically switches back on. The recommended start for the same reason.
value is 22°C.
- 2021 = “External design temperature (winter)”,
16.11 - Antifreeze protection
adjustable between -20 and 5°C. This is the external design
temperature used to define the output heat the system ATTENTION !!!
requires. The recommended start value for a typical home In order for the antifreeze protection to be effective, the
is -5°C; appliance must be left with the power and gas supply
- 2022 = “Supply temperature corresponding to the external on and the two services (domestic water and heating)
design temperature (winter)”, adjustable between 0 and in the OFF
80°C. The supply temperature takes on the value set in
this parameter when the external temperature correspond
with what is set in parameter 2021 . The recommended The antifreeze protection provided by the appliance
start values are: 40°C for low temperature systems (floor cannot ensure antifreeze protection for the heating
heating); 70°C for high temperature systems (radiators); system, the domestic water system, nor for the building
- 2023 = “Spring external temperature”, adjustable being served or parts of it.
between 0 and 30°C. This is the external temperature at
which you wish the heating to reach its minimum supply Once the boiler temperature of 10°C is reached, the heating
temperature. The recommended start value is 18°C. pump automatically switches on. If the temperature drops
further below 5°C, the burner also switches on in order to
- 2024 = “Supply temperature corresponding to spring protect the appliance from the effects of frost.
external temperature”, adjustable between 0 and 40°C. The If you do not use the appliance for a long period of time (over
supply temperature takes on the value set in this parameter a year), we recommend draining it, following the procedure
when the external temperature correspond with what is set in section 17.10.
in parameter2023 . The recommended start values are:
30°C for low temperature systems (floor heating); 42°C for 16.12 - Energy Saving
high temperature systems (radiators); To reduce display energy consumption (figure 16-1), it switches
- In addition, you can set the minimum and maximum heating off automatically 5 minutes after the last operation done. You
temperature, using respective parameters 3016 and can disable this function or edit the time via parameter2100
in the “installer menu” (section 16.15). If you set the parameter
3015 in section 19.
If, for some reason, the heating service does not correspond to 0, the display will remain on constantly.
to the load, using parameters 2022 (Supply temperature
corresponding to the external design temperature (winter)),
you can raise or lower the calculated temperature and match
the desired room temperature.

16.8.2 - Climatic adjustment: switching the

heating system on and off
The climatic adjustment service is completely automatic, even
as far as switching off at the end of the season and reignition
at the beginning of the season is concerned, via parameter
2020. When the external temperature exceeds the value
set in this parameter, the heating switches off automatically.
When the external temperature drops below the value set in
this parameter, the heating switches back on automatically.

60T - 280T 57 COSMOGAS

16 - USE
Calculated temperature (°C)





Par. 2021 External temperature (°C)

Par. 2023
Par. 2020

Par. 2020 = External heating switch-off temperature

Par. 2021 = External design temperature (winter)
Par. 2022 = Supply temperature corresponding to the external design temperature (winter)
Par. 2023 = Spring external temperature
Par. 2024 = Supply temperature corresponding to spring external temperature
Par. 3016 = Minimum supply temperature
Par. 3015 = Maximum supply temperature

Figure 16-2 - Climatic adjustment graphic

COSMOGAS 58 60T - 280T

16 - USE
16.13 - “User menu” If no keys are pressed for more than 60 seconds, it
Pressing the RESET key for 2 seconds accesses the “user automatically exits the menu.
menu”. Display “M” in figure 16-1 begins to show parameter For models from 100T to 280T, all the parameters indicated as
“Burner 1” refer to the appliance Master Burner. To display the
1001 to tell the user that the mode has changed. same parameters for the other burners, you must connect the
display to the burner in question as described in section 17.8.
Using the and keys, you can scroll through The following parameters can be accessed in this menu:
the parameters in the menu.
To exit the menu, simply press the RESET key again for 2

Parameter Parameter description U.M.

1001 Burner 1 - Water supply temperature °C
1002 Hot water storage tank temperature (if present) °C
1004 External temperature (visible when an external temperature sensor is installed) °C
1006 Burner 1 - Flue gas temperature °C
1007 Burner 1 - Return temperature °C
1008 Burner 1 - Ionisation current uA
1009 Burner 1 - Main circuit pump and motorised valve status ON/OFF
1010 Heating circuit pump status ON/OFF
1011 Domestic hot water circuit pump status ON/OFF
Calculated heating setpoint (with external probe enabled)
1012 °C
(only for 60T and 70T models. See Parameter 1107 for the other models)
1040 Burner 1 - Current fan rotation speed rpm
1041 Burner 1 - Fan rotation speed at ignition rpm
1042 Burner 1 - Fan rotation speed at minimum output heat rpm
1043 Burner 1 - Fan rotation speed at maximum output heat rpm
1051 Burner 1 - Last recorded lock-up (Loc) (see section 16.16.1) (255 means no block) /
1052 Burner 1 - Last recorded error (Err) (see section 16.16.2) (255 means no error) /
1053 Burner 1 - Number of times the burner lost its flame No.
1055 Burner 1 - Number of failed burner ignitions No.
1056 Burner 1 - Number of hours worked h x 10
1057 Burner 1 - Number of hours worked in domestic water with hot water storage tank h x 10
1059 * interval of time between the last two errors (Err) 1 value in minutes; 2 value in hours;
1060 * interval of time between the last two lock-ups (Loc) 3 value in days; 4 value in weeks;
1062 Burner 1 - Water flow rate l/min
1101 Multi-burner: Number of burners on No.
1102 Multi-burner: Manifold temperature °C
1103 Multi-burner: Number of burners locked (Loc) No.
1104 Multi-burner: Number of burners in Error (Err) No.
1106 Multi-burner: Appliance in emergency Yes/No
Multi-burner: Calculated heating setpoint
1107 °C
only 100T, 115T, 140T, 210T and 280T models) (see Parameter 1012 for the other models)
1120 Multi-burner: Burner 1 modulation level %
1121 Multi-burner: Burner 2 modulation level %
1122 Multi-burner: Burner 3 modulation level %
1123 Multi-burner: Burner 4 modulation level %
* How to read the values of parameters 1059 and 1060:
i.e.: If it shows 1:29, it means 29 minutes;
i.e.: If it shows 2:12, it means 12 hours;
i.e.: If it shows 3:15, it means 15 days;
i.e.: If it shows 4:26, it means 26 weeks.
60T - 280T 59 COSMOGAS
16 - USE
16.14 - “Installer menu” b.- edit the parameter value using the and
ATTENTION !!! Editing these parameters c.- press the RESET key to confirm the edited data and
could cause the appliance and, therefore, the go back to the list of parameters;
system to malfunction. For this reason, only 4.- To exit the “installer menu”, hold down the RESET key
technicians with in-depth knowledge and
awareness of the appliance can edit them. for 5 seconds until the symbol disappears from the
The appliance command and control board makes this
parameter menu available to technicians for operating and If no keys are pressed for more than 60 seconds, it
appliance adaptation to the system analyses. automatically exits the menu. Any data changes that are not
To access the “installer menu”, proceed as follows: confirmed with the RESET key will be lost.
For 100T to 280T models, the parameters indicated as “Burner
1.- hold down the RESET and keys at the same 1” refer only to Burner 1 (Master). To display or edit the same
time for 5 seconds until parameter 2001 is displayed. parameters for the other burners, you must connect the display
to the burner in question as described in section 17.8.
The symbol appears at the centre of the display to
show access to the “installer menu”.
ATTENTION !!! In order to facilitate any
2.- you can use the and keys to scroll command and control board replacements, it is
through the parameters in the menu; essential to make a note of any changes made
3.- once the parameter you are interested in is displayed, to the parameters in the “customised values”
you can edit it as follows: column in the following table.
a.- press the RESET key to access the parameter The following parameters can be edited or consulted in this
(display “N” in figure 16-1 will begin flashing); menu:

Parameter Parameter description U.M. Setting field BOILER WATER Cus-

default HEATER tomised
value default values
2001 Minimum output heat level % From 1 to 50 1 1
2002 Maximum output heat level % From 1 to 100 100 100
2003 Heating operating mode nn 0 = With room thermostat
1 = External probe with TA
2 = External probe
closing TA reduce of 2027
00 00
3 = Permanent heating
closing TA reduce of 2027
4 = With 0-10 Volt input
5 = N/A
2004 Stand-by time after differential maximum sec From 10 to 30 30 30
2005 Heating pump post-circulation sec From 10 to 260 240 240
2010 Burner 1 - Burner forcing / Off = No forcing
Low = Minimum output heat
Ign = Ignition output heat
High = Maximum output heat
2011 Main circuit pump and motorised 2-way valve forc- / On or OFF
ing (Burner 1)
2012 Heating circuit pump forcing / On or OFF OFF OFF
2013 Domestic hot water circuit pump forcing / On or OFF OFF OFF
2014 Icon test on the display. All the icons on the display / /
come on by pressing the RESET key. The display
/ /
goes back to normal function by pressing the
RESET key again.
2020 Climatic adjustment: external heating switch-off °C From 0 to 35
22 N/A
2021 Climatic adjustment : external design temperature °C From -20 to 5
-5 N/A
2022 Climatic adjustment: supply temperature correspond- °C From 0 to 80
80 N/A
ing to the external design temperature (winter)

COSMOGAS 60 60T - 280T

16 - USE
2023 Climatic adjustment : spring external design °C From 0 to 30
20 N/A
2024 Climatic adjustment: supply temperature °C From 0 to 40
40 N/A
corresponding to the spring external temperature
2027 Nighttime Reduction °C From 0 to 50 10 N/A
2040 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2041 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2042 Burner 1 - Protection against frequent ignitions: time sec From 10 to 900 180 180
2043 Burner 1 - Protection against frequent ignitions: °C From 0 to 20
16 5
temperature differential
2062 Domestic water pump post-circulation sec From 10 to 255 240 240
2063 Maximum D.H.W. priority time min From 1 to 60 30 N/A /
2067 D.H.W. production priority / 0 = The priority lasts the amount
of time set in parameter 2063;
1 = OFF, domestic water does
2 N/A
not have priority over heating;
2 = ON, domestic water always
has priority over heating;
2100 Display energy saving min From 0 to 30 = delay to switch-
5 5
off in minutes.
2101 Multi-burner: emergency mode / Yes or No Yes Yes
2102 Multi-burner: Emergency temperature adjustment °C from 20 to 65 45 45
2103 Multi-burner: ignition delay sec from 1 to 900 180 15
2104 Multi-burner: switch-off delay sec from 1 to 900 180 15
2105 Multi-burner: burner ignition temp. delta °C from 0 to 20 5 5
2106 Multi-burner: burner switch-off temp. delta °C from 0 to 20 5 5
2107 Multi burner: maximum temp. increase with respect °C from 0 to 20
10 4
to calculated temp.
2108 Multi burner: maximum temp. decrease with °C from 0 to 20
20 4
respect to calculated temp.
2109 Multi-burner: Subsequent burner ignition % from 1 to 100 70 70
2110 Multi-burner: Subsequent burner switch-off % from 1 to 100 10 10
2111 Multi-burner: Burner rotation dd from 0 to 9 6 6
2113 Multi-burner: Modulation start delay min from 0 to 60 5 0
2114 Burner 1: Main circuit pump shutdown time sec from 0 to 255 240 240
2200 Forcing: All the Burners together. \ Off, Low, Ign, High OFF OFF
2201 Forcing: Burner 1 (Master). \ Off, Low, Ign, High OFF OFF
2202 Forcing: Burner 2. \ Off, Low, Ign, High OFF OFF
2203 Forcing: Burner 3. \ Off, Low, Ign, High OFF OFF
2204 Forcing: Burner 4. \ Off, Low, Ign, High OFF OFF
N/A = Not Applicable

16.15 - Diagnostics
During normal appliance operation, display “N” in figure 16-1
continuously shows the appliance work status via the following

Parameter Parameter description Display on display “N” in figure 16-1

AFro Antifreeze function active Boiler temperature (°C)

Domestic hot water with storage tank operating status Domestic hot water temperature (°C)

Heating or instantaneous domestic hot water operating status Supply temperature (°C)

60T - 280T 61 COSMOGAS

16 - USE
16.15.1 - Diagnostics: “Loc” lock
Lock- Lock-up description Checks Solutions
Loc 1 No flame detected after A - Supply gas pressure (see section 15.7); A - If the pressure is incorrect, it must be restored
5 consecutive ignition B - Sparks on the ignition electrodes (see section upstream of the appliance;
attempts. 17.5); B - Check and correct electrode positions (section
C - Correct gas pressure and CO2 value (see 17.5);
sections 15.7 and 15.8); C - Remove any obstructions in the air intake and
D - 230Vac power supply to the gas valve; flue exhaust ducts;
E - 0,88 Kohm and 6,59 Kohm electrical resistance D - If the supply current to the gas valve is not 230
of the two gas valve coils Vac, replace the control board;
E - If the resistance does not match, replace the gas
F - If the burner ignites and goes out at the end of valve;
the ignition attempt, make sure: that the ionisation F - If the ionisation current does not match,
current value is greater than 4 (follow the procedure check the CO2 as per section 15.8. Make sure
in section 17.12) the detection electrode is in good condition and,
if necessary, replace it. Make sure the detection
electrode connection cable is in good condition and,
if necessary, replace it.
Loc 2 (*) Gas valve not supplied A - Check whether the supply safety thermostat has
during ignition attempts tripped; ATTENTION !!! If the flue exhaust
B - Check whether the flue exhaust safety fuse has temperature safety fuse trips, you must contact
tripped; the appliance manufacturer to avoid serious
damage to the exchanger.
Loc 3 Gas valve loses power Make sure the electrical connections between the A - If the electrical connections are interrupted, restore
during operation gas valve and control board are in good condition; them;
B - If the connections are in good condition, try
replacing the gas valve or the control board;
Loc 4 Gas valve relay does not Make sure the electrical connections between the A - If the electrical connections are interrupted, restore
close gas valve and control board are in good condition; them;
B - If the connections are in good condition, try
replacing the gas valve or the control board;
Loc 5 (*) Gas valve circuit A - Check whether the supply safety thermostat has
tripped; ATTENTION !!! If the flue exhaust
B - Check whether the flue exhaust safety fuse has temperature safety fuse trips, you must contact
tripped; the appliance manufacturer to avoid serious
damage to the exchanger.
Loc 6 Safety relay opening Replace the command and control board
Loc 7 Safety relay closing error Replace the command and control board
Loc 11 Locking error exceeding Press the RESET key to see the type of error (Err)
20 hours and proceed accordingly;
Loc 12 Fan error A - Check the 230Vac power supply to the fan; A - If the power supply does not match, replace the
B - Check the PWM connection to the fan; control board;
B - If there is no fan PWM dialogue, replace the control
C - Try replacing the fan;
Loc 13 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 14 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 15 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 16 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 17 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 18 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 19 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board

COSMOGAS 62 60T - 280T

16 - USE
Loc 20 Flame lost three times Make sure: that the ionisation current is at a value If the ionisation current is not over 4, you must check the
higher than 4 (follow the procedure in section 17.12) CO2 (follow section 15.8) and restore the proper value.
Check the ionisation glow plug and, if necessary, replace
it. Make sure the ionisation current electrical circuit cables
are intact.
Make sure: that the flue exhaust is appropriately
protected from obstructions caused by gusts of wind If the flue exhaust is positioned on a vertical wall,
it must be protected by a windproof grid. If the flue
exhaust is positioned on the roof, make sure it is not
in a reflux area and that the windproof chimney, if any,
is actually efficient.
Loc 21 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 22 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 23 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 24 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 25 (*) Gas valve circuit A - Check whether the heating supply safety thermostat
has tripped; ATTENTION !!! If the flue exhaust
B - Check whether the flue exhaust temperature safety temperature safety fuse trips, you must contact
fuse has tripped; the appliance manufacturer to avoid serious
damage to the exchanger.
Loc 26 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 27 Flame with gas valve Replace the gas valve
Loc 28 Flame with gas valve Replace the gas valve
Loc 29 (*) Interlock input A - Check LWCO connection; A - If LWCO intervenes, try to reset it.
B - Check flue blocked pressure switch; B - Check if flue gas line is free from any blockage
Loc 30 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 31 Flame lost three times A - Check the detection electrode; A - Try replacing the detection electrode.
B - Make sure that the flue exhaust is appropriately B - Check for and, if necessary, remove any
protected from obstructions caused by gusts of wind. obstructions from the air intake and flue exhaust ducts;
C - Check for any flue exhaust recirculation C - Find the cause of the flue exhaust recirculation
Loc 32 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 33 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 34 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 35 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 36 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 37 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Loc 38 The flue exhaust sensor a-make sure the flue gas sensor meets the require- a-If the flue gas sensor does not meet section 17.14,
temperature does not ment in section 17.14. it must be replaced.
rise when the burner b - Make sure that the flue gas sensor (parameter b - If the temperature does not rise, replace the flue gas
ignites 1006) increases the temperature when the burner temperature sensor or the command and control board.
* This error stops all the burners

60T - 280T 63 COSMOGAS

16 - USE
16.15.2 - Diagnostics: “E” errors

Error Error description Checks Solutions

Err 0 A sensor is out of the Make sure all the temperature sensors are in a Replace any sensors that are not in the proper
measurement range plausible measurement range temperature range or replace the main board
Err 45 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 46 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 47 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 48 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 49 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 50 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 51 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 52 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 53 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 54 Flame detected at a time Replace the command and control board
in which it should not be
Err 55 Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 56 Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 57 Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 58 Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 59 (*) Low water pressure error Check the system pressure and, if necessary, If the detected pressure is greater than parameter
increase it. 3022, replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 60 Flue exhaust tempera- A - Check the combustion output of the burner in A - If the output is lower than 97%, try cleaning
ture high error error; the output must be higher than 97% (referring the flue gas side and the water side of the heat
to the PCI). exchanger.
B - Make sure the flue exhaust temperature sensor B - If the sensor does not match, it must be re-
resistance matches with the graphic in section placed.
Err 61 Return temperature Make sure the return sensor electrical resistance If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
greater than supply matches with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 62 (*) Condensate level sensor A - Make sure the condensate exhaust duct is not A - Free the condensate exhaust duct of any
error obstructed; obstructions;
B - Check the state of the condensate neutraliser; B - Replace the product contained in the condensate
Err 64 Frequency signal error A - Check the signal frequency. It must be between A - If the frequency does not fall within the values,
or WD communication 55 and 65 Hz. ask the electrical service provider. Otherwise, try
error B - Make sure the grounding and the neutral are at replacing the control board.
0 volt B - If the neutral is not at zero, restore the correct
electrical power supply. If the neutral is at 0 volt, try
replacing the board.
Err 65 Polarity inverted Check proper polarity between phase and neutral. Invert the polarity between phase and neutral.
between phase and
Err 66 Frequency signal error A - Check the signal frequency. It must be between A - If the frequency does not fall within the values,
55 and 65 Hz. ask the electrical service provider. Otherwise, try
B - Make sure the grounding and the neutral are at replacing the control board.
0 volt B - If the neutral is not at zero, restore the correct
electrical power supply. If the neutral is at 0 volt, try
replacing the board.

COSMOGAS 64 60T - 280T

16 - USE
Err 67 Grounding error Make sure the appliance is correctly grounded. Restore correct appliance grounding.
Err 68 Watchdog communica- Replace the command and control board
tion error
Err 72 Supply sensor open Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 73 Return sensor open Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 76 D.H.W. sensor open Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 80 Supply sensor in short Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
circuit with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 81 Return sensor in short Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
circuit with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 84 D.H.W. sensor in short Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
circuit with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 86 Flue exhaust sensor in Make sure the sensor electrical resistance matches If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
short circuit with the graphic in section 17.14.
Err 87 RESET key error RESET key pressed too many times in 60 seconds
Err 93 Appliance selection error Check the 3000 parameters list (section 19)
Err 107 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 108 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 109 Error burner 2,3 or 4 When burner 1 (MASTER) goes in a general error, Resolve the error to burner 1 (MASTER)
will stops all others burner generating an Err 109
Err 110 Flapper valve not open A - Check for and, if necessary, remove any obstruc-
error tions in the air intake and flue exhaust ducts;
B - Check the flapper valve (part 31 fig 3-2)
Err 111 Flapper valve not closed Check the flapper valve (part 31 fig 3-2)
Err 112 Flapper inlet error Make sure parameter 3005 is set to 0 or 4 If parameter 3005 is 0 or 4, replace the command
Err 113 Software error inside Replace the command and control board
command board
Err 114 Water flow rate too low Check the flow rate to the burner (parameter 1062), A - Increase the water flow rate to the system;
it must be greater than parameter 3035. B - Check for and, if necessary, remove any obstruc-
tions from the system.
Err 115 Master board error Reset via parameter 3013.
Err 116 (*) Multiple burner commu- A - BUS communication interrupted A - Check the BUS connection.
nication failure B - A burner is not powered B - Restore power to all the burners
NO CONN Microprocessor locked A - Make sure that the pressure measuring device A - If it is not short circuiting, replace the pressure
up wires are not short circuiting measuring device (or disconnect it via menu 3000).
B - Make sure that the supply measuring device B - If it is not short circuiting, replace the supply
wires are not short circuiting measuring device (or disconnect it via menu 3000).
C - Check display wires are connected to the burner C - If the display is not connected to burner 1 (MAS-
1 (MASTER) TER) shows “NO CONN”.
D - If it is none of the above cases, replace the
control board and/or the display.
* This error stops all the burners

60T - 280T 65 COSMOGAS

17.1 - General warnings 17.1.1 - Gas leak check
This section must be brought to the installer’s attention, 1.- Make sure there are no gas leaks in the system;
highlighting the tasks to maintain proper system operation; 2.- Check for gas leaks using a leak detector (with bubbles
The installer is also obligated to inform the user that failure or the like) or an equivalent system, thoroughly checking
to take care of and service this appliance could cause the entire gas route from the counter to the appliance.

It is advisable to follow scheduled annual system ATTENTION!!! Do not carry out these checks in
maintenance for the following reasons: the presence of naked flames.
- to keep appliance output high, thereby saving fuel;
- to keep a high level of working safety; 17.1.2 - Making sure the air intake and flue
- to keep the level of fuel environmental compatibility high; exhaust ducts are in good conditions
1. - Check whether the air intake and flue exhaust ducts
have obstructions, signs of corrosion, physical damage,
ATTENTION!!! The appliance must only be
water spots or signs of rust.
serviced by a professionally qualified technician.
2. - Make sure the externally assembled intake grids and
flue exhaust outlets have no residue and are clean.
ATTENTION!!! Before any maintenance
operations, disconnect the appliance from the electrical 17.1.3 - Checking the system water
mains using the specific switch located nearby. pressure
1.- Make sure the system is full of water and under
pressure as shown in section 18 technical features.
ATTENTION!!! Close the gas cock before any
2.- Make sure there are no leaks in the hydraulic
maintenance operations
The box below shows the operations to do at every
maintenance session. ATTENTION!!! Repair any system or appliance
leaks. Continuously adding new water leads to
increased minerals that reduce the flow cross-section,
MAINTENANCE PROTOCOL decreasing heat exchange and causing the heat
exchanger to overheat. All of this leads to failures and
- Make sure there are no gas leaks reduced appliance life.
(Follow section 17.1.1.);
- Make sure the air intake and flue exhaust system is in good conditions 17.1.4 - Checking the ignition and
(Follow section 17.1.2); detection electrodes
1.- Remove the burner fan unit (as shown in section 17.3).
- Make sure the system water pressure is correct
2.- Clean any operating material build-up from the
(Follow section 17.1.3.); electrodes.
- Check the ignition and detection electrodes 3.- Make sure the electrodes are in the correct position as
(Follow section 17.1.4.); shown in section 17.5.
- Clean the burner and the flue gas side main exchanger and make sure
the heat insulators are in good condition
(Follow section 17.4.);
- Clean the air intake filter
(Follow section 17.6.);
- Clean the condensate exhaust system
(Follow section 17.7.).
- Check appliance performance
(Follow section 17.13.);

COSMOGAS 66 60T - 280T

17.2 - Disassembling the casing and 4.- disassemble air manifold “A” in figure 17-3, turning it
clockwise then removing it towards the left;
accessing the inner components 5.- unscrew nut “H” in figure 17-4, being careful of the
To disassemble the casing, proceed as follows (refer to gasket on the connection;
figure 17-1): 6.- with the aid of a flathead screwdriver, remove spring “A”
in figure 17-4;
1.- Lift cover “A”; 7.- remove the electrical plug from the gas valve;
2.- Unscrew screws “B”; 8.- pull the gas valve out upwards, being careful of O-ring
3.- Lower front casing “C”; “L” (see figure 17-4);
4.- Remove lower casing “E”; 9.- Unscrew the four bolts “B” in figure 17-5;
5.- Open panel “D” by unscrewing the fixing screw located 10.- remove the fan/burner unit (part “C” in figure 17-5).
on the left and turning it as shown in the figure.
6.- Unscrew screw “G”; Reassembling the fan/burner unit
7.- Lift cover “F”; To reassemble the burner/fan unit, work backwards
compared to the disassembly operations and adopt the
17.3 - Disassembling the burner fan unit following precautions:
To disassemble the burner fan unit, proceed as follows: a - replace gasket “M” in figure 17-4, taking care to
1.- close the gas adduction cock and disconnect power; thoroughly clean the seat of said gasket, as well as the
2.- access the inner components following section 17.2; support seat.
3.- disassemble spark generator “A” in figure 17-2, b - check the state of the gasket of nut “H” and Oring “L” in
unscrewing screws “D” in figure 17-2 and disconnecting it figure 17-4. If they are ruined, they must be replaced.
from the ignition glow plugs. c - Once everything has been reinstalled, open the gas
supply and run a seal test on nut “H” in figure 17-4.

ATTENTION!!! Run the seal test exclusively with

a soap-based water solution. Using naked flames is
A absolutely prohibited.




Figure 17-1 - Disassembling the casing and opening the control panel

60T - 280T 67 COSMOGAS

17.4 - Cleaning the burner and the 6.- using the same extractor, suction the surface of the
burner and around the electrodes;
primary exchanger, flue gas side 7.- reassemble the components in reverse order;
To properly clean the burner and the exchanger body (flue 8.- open the gas cock;
gas side), proceed as follows (refer to figure 17-5 when not 9.- restore power.
otherwise specified): 10.- make sure there are no gas leaks between the
1.- access the inner components following section 17.2; removed joints;
2.- disassemble the fan burner unit following section 17.3;
4.- Run a cylindrical brush with nylon bristles inside
combustion chamber “H” ATTENTION !!! Run the seal test exclusively with
a soap-based water solution. Using naked flames is
absolutely prohibited.
ATTENTION !!! DO NOT use metallic brushes. Only
use brushes with nylon or equivalent material bristles.
5.- Using an extractor, suction the unburnt residues inside ATTENTION !!! Every time you clean the burner
combustion chamber “H”; and the main exchanger, you must first make sure heat
insulators “R” and “S” are in good condition (see figure
17-5). If necessary, replace them along with burner gasket
“T” (see figure 17-5), requesting the specific kit, code
020009.01.012 62632006.



Figure 17-2 - Spark generator disassembly






Figure 17-3 - Air manifold disassembly
Figure 17-4 - Gas valve disassembly

COSMOGAS 68 60T - 280T



Figure 17-5 - Disassembling the burner fan unit




ATTENTION !!! The gasket ensures combustion chamber seal. If the gasket is damaged, do
NOT reuse it. It must be replaced along with the burner unit. To replace it, consult the manufacturer.

60T - 280T 69 COSMOGAS

17.4.1 - Thermal insulations
Thermal insulations must be checked every year and replaced
if they are cracked or damaged. See Figures below where the
thermal insulations (items “C” and “E”) are showned already
disassembled from heat exchanger and burner.
For replacement information see the spare parts section.

A = Fixing screw
B = Washer
C = Thermal Insulation
D = Stainless steel tube
E = Thermal Insulation
F = White thermal insulation A B D C

G = Burner R
H = Gasket
L = Ignition electrodes E F Q
M = Screws
N = Detection Electrode L
Q = White thermal insulation
R = Gasket
S = Gasket


Figure 17-6 - Thermal insulations

17.5 - Positioning the ignition and

ionisation electrodes properly
For the appliance to work well, it is essential for the
electrodes to be positioned properly (refer to figure 17-7):
- the distance between ignition electrodes “A” and “B” must
be between 2,0 and 2,5 mm;
- the distance of the ignition electrodes from the burner surface
must be between 5 and 5,5 mm;
- the distance of the ionisation electrode from the burner
surface must be between 5,5 and 6,5 mm.

To accurately position the electrodes, it is a good idea to

use a vernier caliper to respect the tolerances shown in
figure 17-7.

A - LH ignition electrode
B - RH ignition electrode
C - Detection electrode
Figure 17-7 - Positioning electrodes on the burner

COSMOGAS 70 60T - 280T


A 020010.01.018
17.6 - Cleaning the air intake filter
B The air filter must be cleaned for the appliance to work
properly. Refer to figure 17-8 and proceed as follows:
1.- access the inner components of the appliance by
following section 17.2;
2.- slide out the filter, part “A”, as shown in the figure;
3.- clean the filter with compressed area until the surface is
4.- reassemble the filter and the appliance casing.

17.7 - Condensate drain system

maintenance and cleaning
During appliance maintenance, the condensate drain pipe (part
“5” in figures 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7) must be disassembled and any
residue cleaned. Reassemble the clean pipe and
restore the liquid level in the siphon as per section 15.1.2.
Check the pH level every three years for the first year. To
run the test, you can use specific litmus test strips or a
specific electronic instrument that allows for more accurate
measurement (access the box via plug “E” in figure 12-1). The
Figure 17-8 - Air intake filter disassembly subsequent frequency of these checks can be reduced to every
six months or year, depending on the local standards in force.
The neutralising content of the box must be replaced when
the pH level drops below the level required by the standards
in force. The allowed acidity level goes from pH 5,5 to 9,5.
To replace the neutraliser, proceed as follows:
1. Follow what is shown in section 17.2 to remove covering
“E” in figure 17-1;
2. Extract box “A” (figure 17-9);

ATTENTION !!! When removing the box, take care

to tilt it in order to prevent the liquid from spilling, which
could cause damage.
3. Open cover “C” (figure 17-9) upwards;
4. Make sure the box is in good condition;
5. Make sure the neutralising material is in good condition
and, if necessary, add or replace it;
A 6. Fill it with fresh water until the water begins to flow out of
the drain;
7. Reposition the box in the correct seat;

ATTENTION !!! The neutralisation box must be

filled with water to prevent gas from leaking out of the
drain during unit operation.
8. Open the gas supply;
9. Restore power to the appliance.

ATTENTION !!! Follow figure 17-9 carefully to

but box “A” back in the right position. After the above
maintenance, restore the liquid level in the siphon as per
section 15.1.2.


Figure 17-9 - Disassembling and opening the

condensate neutraliser box

60T - 280T 71 COSMOGAS

17.8 - Connecting the Display 2. Follow what is described in section 17.2 to access the inner
to the other burners 3. Disconnect terminal “B” (coming from the display) from
In 100T to 280T appliances, being multi-burners, the display terminal “A” (coming from “Burner 1 (Master)”);
in figure 16-1 is always connected directly to “Burner 1 4. Connect terminal “B” to terminal “C”, “D” or “E”, depending
(Master)”. All the parameters that can be consulted on the on which burner you wish to view or edit, considering that:
display (sections 16.14, 16.15 and 19) that refer to Burner 1 terminal “C” is for “Burner 2”; terminal “D” is for “Burner 3”
(Master) exclusively concern this burner. If you wish to see/ and terminal “E” is for “Burner 4”
change the same parameters for the other burners, you must 5. Once the terminal is connected to the burner to be checked,
move the display connection from “Burner 1 (Master)” to the repower the appliance and switch it on;
burner you wish you view/edit; proceed as follows: 6. The display will now show all the information regarding the
(refer to figure 17-10): connected burner. Make all consultations or modifications
1. Disconnect power to the appliance; following what is described in sections 16.14, 16.15 and 19.
7. Once the check is complete, reconnect terminal “B” to
terminal “A” as it was previously.

Burner 2

Burner 1

Burner 3

Burner 4

A = Connector for Burner 1 (Master) dialogue

B = Connector from display
C = Connector for Burner 2 dialogue
D = Connector for Burner 3 dialogue (Only in 180T, 210T and 280T models)
E = Connector for Burner 4 dialogue (Only in 280T models)
Figure 17-10 Connecting the display in the other burners


17.9 - How to move a control board 9. Move selector “S4” as shown in figure 17-11 from the OFF
100T to 280T model appliances are configured to be managed position to the new ON position;
by a control board (Burner 1 Master). All the devices are 10. Be very careful with the connectors from the board that was
connected on this board: room thermostat, external probe, removed. They must be insulated to avoid short circuiting
pump controls, external safety devices and all the internal and damage;
safety devices: condensate level sensor, flue exhaust 11. Electrically insulate each of these connections;
differential pressure switch, etc. 12. Replace the appliance casing;
If the Burner 1 control board has an error, the appliance stops 13. Reconnect power and turn on the appliance main switch;
working. If the technician does not have spares to replace 14. Access the forced menu, follow section 19 and set all
the board, he/she can temporarily replace it with one of the the parameters as per the “Burner 1 (Master)” column.
boards from another burner in the appliance so that the latter Parameter 3050 must be reduced by a unit compared
can be restarted. to the previous state, as the appliance now has one less
To this end, proceed as follows: Slave Burner.
(when not otherwise specified, refer to figure 17-10) 15. Cut power;
1. Turn off the main switch and disconnect power; 16. Repower the appliance; The new Burner 1 control board
2. access the inner components following what is described now controls the appliance;
in section 17.2;
3. Disconnect connector “B” (connector coming from the
display) to connector “A” (connector coming from “Burner
1 (Master)”);
4. Disconnect all the other connectors from the Burner 1
(Master) control board;
5. Remove the Burner 1 (Master) control board from the
6. Follow points 3 to 5 to remove the control board from the
burner positioned lower;
7. Assemble the board in place of the Burner 1 (Master) board;
8. Restore all the connections in the new Burner 1 (Master)




Figure 17-11 - Command board

60T - 280T 73 COSMOGAS






Figure 17-12 Setting parameters 3001, 3050 and selectors S4

COSMOGAS 74 60T - 280T

17.10 - Emptying the appliance
1.- generate a heating demand by increasing the domestic
hot water and heating temperature (also close any room ATTENTION!!! If, during forcing, the output heat
dispensed by the appliance is much greater than the
thermostat bridges in the boiler version);
output heat absorbed by the system, the appliance
2.- wait for the burner to ignite (in the multi-burner versions, switches off continuously to reach the maximum
wait for all the burners to ignite) (make sure as many allowed temperature (93°C).
corresponding “L” icons in figure 16-1 as burners are on);
3.- switch off the appliance. This way, any motorised valves The same procedure above can also be applied to 100T to
stay open); 280T model multi-burner appliances but consider that only
4.- close the system loading cock provided for by the one burner can be forced at a time, moving the display from
installer; one burner to another, as described in section 17.8.
5.- connect a flexible rubber hose to the drain cocks “38” in
figures 3-3, 3-5 and 3-7, and direct it to the drain in a sink 17.12 - Checking the ionisation current
or the like; At any operating state, even during maximum and minimum
6.- wait for the water inside the appliance to cool to below output heat checks as per section 17.11, it is possible to see
about 40°C; the ionisation current value on parameter 1008 in the “user
7.- open the drain cocks slowly; menu” (section 16.14). This value must be between 4 and 7
8.- open the heating element bleed valves. Start from the uA (microamperes).
higher heating elements and continue with the lower
9.- once all the water has been drained, close the bleed Being that parameter 1008 on multi-burner appliances
(models from 100T to 280T) corresponds to Burner 1 (Master),
valves on the heating elements and the drain cocks
in order to check the other burners, you must refer to section
provided for by the installer. 17.8.

ATTENTION!!! Recovering and/or reusing the 17.13 - Checking combustion

water leaving the heating circuit for any purpose is
prohibited, as it could be polluted.
Based on national laws on gas appliances, combustion
performance must be checked periodically;
17.11 - Minimum and To this end, do exactly what is described in section
maximum output heat 15.8 and, along with the output heat, check combustion
It is possible to force operation to your own minimum, performance, which must be greater than 96%.
maximum or ignition output heat. Proceed as follows:
1.- make sure the heat generated by the appliance can be
dissipated by the system;

ATTENTION!!! During forcing, the supply

temperature automatically goes to 93°C to allow the
heat generated by the appliance to be assimilated as
much as possible. Make sure the system can withstand
this temperature.
2.- access parameter 2010 2200( for multi-burner
models) located in the “installer menu” (see section 16.15);
3.- set the parameter to the following value:
a) LOu to force the burner, or all the burners, to minimum
output heat;
b) Ign to force the burner, or all the burners, to ignition
output heat;
a) HIgH to force the burner, or all the burners, to
maximum output heat;
4.- To end forcing, bring parameter 2010 (2200 for multi-
burner models) back to 0FF and press the RESET key.

60T - 280T 75 COSMOGAS

17.14 - Temperature and water 17.15 - External temperature probe
measurement probes The 1004 external temperature sensor (see section 13.1.4)
There are various temperature sensors on the exchanger comes standard. The electrical resistance between the two
body. The electrical resistance between the two sensor sensor contacts must match what is shown in figure 17-14.
contacts must match what is shown in figure 17-13.
The temperature probes are: 1001, 1002, 1006 and

Figure 17-13 - Water sensor curve

Figure 17-14 - External temperature sensor curve

COSMOGAS 76 60T - 280T
17.16 - 60T and 70T models
multi-line wiring diagram

Figure 17-15 - Multi-line wiring diagram part 1 - continues on the following page

60T - 280T 77 COSMOGAS


Figure 17-15 - Multi-line wiring diagram part 2 - continued from the previous page

COSMOGAS 78 60T - 280T

17.17 - 100T, 115T, 140T, 180T 210T and
280T models multi-line wiring diagram

Figure 17-16 - Multi-line wiring diagram part 1 - continues on the following page

60T - 280T 79 COSMOGAS



Figure 17-16 - Multi-line wiring diagram part 2 - continues on the following page

COSMOGAS 80 60T - 280T


Figure 17-16 - Multi-line wiring diagram part 3 - continued from the previous page

60T - 280T 81 COSMOGAS

Figures 17-15 and 17-16 wiring diagram key

6 - Water outlet safety thermostat

7 - Water outlet temperature sensor
9 - Flue exhaust temperature probe
10 - Flue exhaust temperature safety fuse
11 - Command and control board
Fuse - F1 5x20 3A
13 - Ignition electrodes
14 - Spark generator
15 - Water inlet temperature sensor
16 - PWM modulating fan
17. Flapper valve
19 - Water pressure measuring device
20 - Gas valve
22 - Detection electrode
28 - Flue exhaust differential pressure switch
29 - Condensate level sensor
32 - Main ON/OFF switch
34 - Display
35 - 885 IF board (on request)
Fuse - F1 5x20 3A
47 - Water flow rate sensor
48 - Motorised two-way valve (on request)
51 - Connection diagrams
Fuse - F1 5x20 10A
Fuse - F2 5x20 10A
Fuse - F3 5x20 3A
Fuse - F4 5x20 3A
Fuse - F6 5x20 3A
RGPR - Heating circuit pump relay
RGPS - Domestic hot water circuit pump relay
RPP1 - Burner 1 (MASTER) main circuit pump relay
RPP2 - Burner 2 main circuit pump relay
RPP3 - Burner 3 main circuit pump relay
RPP4 - Burner 4 main circuit pump relay

COSMOGAS 82 60T - 280T



Destination country UK; IE UK; IE UK; IE
Type (Flue exhaust/air intake type) B23; C43 ; C53 ; C63; C83
Category II2H3P II2H3P II2H3P
CE-type Certificate (PIN) 0476CR1272 0476CR1272 0476CR1272
Maximum heating input heat “Q” kW 57,8 69,9 99,0
Minimum heating input heat kW 12,0 14,7 12,0
Maximum output heat (80/60) “P” kW 55,8 67,9 95,6
Efficiency at 100% load (80/60) % 97 97 97
Minimum output heat (80/60) kW 11,5 14,1 11,5
Efficiency at minimum output heat (80/60) % 96 96 96
Maximum output heat (50/30) kW 61,2 74,0 104,7
Efficiency at maximum output heat (50/30) % 106 106 106
Minimum output heat (50/30) kW 12,8 15,6 12,8
Efficiency at minimum output heat (50/30) % 107 106 107
Efficiency at 30% load (80/60) % 106 106 106
Chimney loss burner on (80/60) % 1 1 1
Chimney loss burner on at minimum output heat % 0,5 0,5 0,5
Chimney loss burner off % 0,1 0,1 0,1
Casing loss burner on % 0,1 0,1 0,1
Casing loss burner off % 0,05 0,05 0,05
Loss at no load % 0,05 0,05 0,05
G20 m3/h 6,11 7,40 10,47
G25 m3/h 7,11 8,61 12,17
Gas flow rate
G30 kg/h 4,55 5,52 7,80
G31 kg/h 4,49 5,43 7,68
G20 mbar 20 20 20
G25 mbar 25 25 25
Gas supply pressure
G30 mbar 30 30 30
G31 mbar 37 37 37
G20 mbar 10 10 10
G25 mbar 10 10 10
Gas supply minimum pressure
G30 mbar 10 10 10
G31 mbar 10 10 10
G20 mbar 45 45 45
G25 mbar 45 45 45
Gas supply maximum pressure
G30 mbar 45 45 45
G31 mbar 45 45 45
Main exchanger water content It 6,34 7,57 12,68
Minimum operating water flow rate with motorised valve l/h 1620 1620 1620
Minimum operating water flow rate without motorised valve l/h 1620 1620 3240
D.H.W with storage tank adjustment range °C 40 - 60 40 - 60 40 - 60
Maximum temperature for safety intervention °C 95 95 95
Heating maximum temperature °C 80 80 80
Heating minimum temperature °C 20 20 20
“PMS” heating maximum pressure bar 11 11 11
Heating minimum pressure bar 1 1 1
Rated power supply voltage V 230 230 230
Rated power supply frequency Hz 50 50 50
Absorbed electrical power W 110 150 220
Degree of electrical protection IP20 IP20 IP20

60T - 280T 83 COSMOGAS


115T 140T 180T 210T 280T

B23; C43 ; C53 ; C63; C83
0476CR1272 0476CR1272 0476CR1272 0476CR1272 0476CR1272
115,6 140,0 173,4 210,0 280,0
12,0 14,7 14,7 14,7 14,7
111,7 135,8 168,2 203,7 271,6
97 97 97 97 97
11,5 14,1 14,1 14,1 14,1
96 96 96 96 96
122,3 148,0 183,3 222,0 296,0
106 106 106 106 106
12,8 15,6 15,6 15,6 15,6
106 106 106 106 106
106 106 106 106 106
1 1 1 1 1
0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05
0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05
12,22 14,80 18,30 22,20 29,61
14,22 17,22 21,32 25,83 34,43
9,11 11,03 13,66 16,55 22,06
8,97 10,87 13,50 16,30 21,73
20 20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25 25
30 30 30 30 30
37 37 37 37 37
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
45 45 45 45 45
45 45 45 45 45
45 45 45 45 45
45 45 45 45 45
12,68 15,14 22,70 22,71 30,28
1620 1620 1620 1620 1620
3240 3240 4860 4860 6480
40 - 60 40 - 60 40 - 60 40 - 60 40 - 60
95 95 95 95 95
80 80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20 20
11 11 11 11 11
1 1 1 1 1
230 230 230 230 230
50 50 50 50 50
220 300 430 430 590
IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20

COSMOGAS 84 60T - 280T



Burner electrical power W 110 150 220
Electrical power absorbed by the pump W N.A. N.A. N.A.
Air intake and flue exhaust duct diameter (split) mm 80 80 110
Max. flue exhaust duct length (split) m 10 10 10
Max. air intake duct length (split) m 10 10 10
Equivalent length of one curve m 4 4 4
Weighted CO (0% O2) G20 ppm 15 15 15
Weighted NOx (0% O2) (EN 483 class 5) G20 ppm 15 15 15
G20 % 8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7
G25 % 8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8
CO2 (%) at minimum / maximum output heat
G30 % 10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6
G31 % 9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2
G20 % 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9
G25 % 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9
O2 (%) at minimum / maximum output heat
G30 % 5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1
G31 % 6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4
Maximum flue gas recirculation in case of wind % 10 10 10
Maximum flue gas temperature at boiler outlet °C 90 90 90
Minimum flue gas temperature at boiler outlet °C 30 30 30
Δt temperature fumes/Return (at 100% of the load) (80/60) °C 16 17 16
Δt temperature fumes/Return (at 30% of the load) (37/30) °C 1 1 1
Flue gas mass flow rate kg/h 95 115 163
Flue gas mass flow rate at minimum output heat kg/h 20,7 25,4 20,7
Head available at exhaust Pa 110 110 110
Maximum combustion air temperature °C 40 40 40
Maximum CO2 content in combustion air % 0,9 0,9 0,9
Maximum over-heating flue gas temperature °C 92 92 92
Max. admissible vacuum in the flue exhaust/intake system Pa 50 50 50
Maximum condensate flow rate l/h 7,2 8,7 12,0
Condensate average degree of acidity PH 4 4 4
Operating ambient temperature °C 0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50
Boiler weight (empty) kg 96 98 142

60T - 280T 85 COSMOGAS


115T 140T 180T 210T 280T

220 300 430 430 591
N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
110 110 160 160 160
10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
4 4 4 4 4
15 15 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15
8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7 8,5 / 8,7
8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8 8,3 / 8,8
10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6 10,1 / 10,6
9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2 9,8 / 10,2
5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9
5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9 5,8 / 4,9
5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1 5,9 / 5,1
6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4 6,0 / 5,4
10 10 10 10 10
90 90 90 90 90
30 30 30 30 30
16 17 17 17 17
1 1 1 1 1
190 230 284 345 460
20,7 25,4 25,4 25,4 25,4
110 110 110 110 110
40 40 40 40 40
0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9
92 92 92 92 92
50 50 50 50 50
14,4 17,4 21,5 26,1 34,8
4 4 4 4 4
0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50 0 ; + 50
142 147 211 211 249

COSMOGAS 86 60T - 280T

Boiler parameters

Ref. Parameter description Adjustment range Default Individual burner Burner 1 (Master) Burners from
value (mod. 60T and (mod. 100T, 2 to 4
70T) 115T, 140T, 180T, (mod. 100T,
210T and 280T) 115T, 140T, 180T,
210T and 280T)
3001 Burner operation address 0 = Not in cascade
1 = Burner 1 (Master), 2 0 1 from 2 to 4
2 to 4 = Burner from 2 to 4 (slave burners)
3002 Fan adjustment range from 0 to 4 60 = 0 100 and 115 = 0
0 70 = 2 140, 180, 210 and 280 = 2
3003 Display unit of measurement C = °C and bar;
F = °F and PSI; C C C C

3004 Water pressure switch 0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled;

2 = N/A; 3 = N/A 1 1 1 0

3005 Burner flapper valve 0 = Disabled; 4 = Enabled;

8 = N/A; 12 = N/A 4 0 4 4

3006 Water flow rate sensor 0 = Disabled; 16 = N/A;

32 = N/A; 48 = Enabled 48 48 48 48

3007 Condensate level sensor EnAb = Enabled;

dISA = Disabled Enab Enab Enab dISA

3008 Combustion gas sensor type SEnS = Sensor; StCH = Switch SEnS SEnS SEnS SEnS
3009 External sensor type 10 = 10kohms; 12 = 12kohms; 10 10 10 10
3010 Other sensor type 10 = 10kohms; 12 = 12kohms; 10 10 10 10
3011 pump mode 0 = main c pump; 1 = N/A; 0 0 0 0
2 = N/A; 3 = N/A;
3012 domestic hot water operating mode 0 = only heating; 0 = only 0 = only
1= hot water storage tank; heating; heating;
2 = storage tank with 1= hot water 1= hot water
thermostat; 0 storage tank; storage tank; 0
3 = N/A; 4 = N/A; 5 = N/A

3013 Reset Err 115 EnAb = Enabled;

dISA = Disabled Enab Enab Enab Enab

3015 Climatic adjustment: heating supply from 20°C to 90°C

maximum temperature (this parameter 82°C 82°C 82°C 82°C
is overwritten by parameter 3017)
3016 Climatic adjustment: heating supply from 20°C to 90°C
minimum temperature 20°C 20°C 20°C 20°C

3017 Supply maximum temperature (this from 20°C to 90°C

parameter takes priority with respect to 82°C 82°C 82°C 82°C
parameter 3015)
3018 Minimum supply temperature from 20°C to 90°C 32°C 32°C 32°C 32°C
3020 Water flow rate sensor type 0 = N/A; 1 = DN8;
2 = DN 10; 3 = DN 15; 3 4 4 4
4 = DN 20; 5 = DN 25
3022 Water minimum pressure from 0 to 5 bar 1 1 1 1
3035 Minimum water flow rate from 0 to 100 l/min 27 27 27 27
3050 Slave burner number from 0 to 3 100, 115 and
140 = 1
3 3 3
210 = 2
280 = 3
3085 Modbus address 0 to 126 1 1 1 1
3086 Number of Stopbits 1 or 2 1 1 1 1
3100 Material selection ABS; CPVC; PVC; SST; PP. PVC PVC PVC PVC
3101 Nation Selection US, CA US US US US
Switch Switch “S4” position (see fig 17-11 and On or Off
17-12) On On On Off
N/A = Not Applicable
60T - 280T 87 COSMOGAS
Water heater parameters

Individual burner Burner 1 (Master) Burners from Customised ATTENTION!!! Editing these parameters
(mod. 60T and (mod. 100T, 115T, 2 to 4 values could cause the appliance and, therefore, the system
70T) 140T, 180T, 210T (mod. 100T, 115T,
and 280T) to malfunction. For this reason, only professionally
140T, 180T, 210T
and 280T) qualified technicians with in-depth knowledge and
awareness can edit them.
0 1 from 2 to 4
ATTENTION!!! When accessing the forced
60 = 0 100 and 115 = 0 menu, it is possible for the appliance to start up;
70 = 2 140, 180, 210 and 280 = 2 ignoring this could cause damage to persons, animals
or objects.
ATTENTION!!! In the event of the multi-burner
1 1 0 appliances (100T to 280T models), the display is always
connected to burner 1 (MASTER). To set the parameters
0 4 4 in the other burners, the display must be connected to
them as described in section 17.8
48 48 48 The forced menu allows the appliance to be set based
on the system to serve. Setting occurs by adjusting the
Enab Enab dISA available parameters (shown in the table).
To access the forced menu, proceed as follows:
SEnS SEnS SEnS 1.- Power off the appliance by turning the main switch to the
OFF position;
10 10 10
10 10 10 2.- Holding down the RESET and keys at the same
time, turn the main switch to the ON position;
0 0 0 3.- Wait for the word “INIT” or the 3000 parameters to
appear on the display.
0 = only 0 for
heating; instantaneous 4.- Using the and keys, scroll through the
1= hot water domestic hot
storage tank; 0 list of 3000 parameters;
1 per hot water
storage tank. 5.- Navigate the menu using the and
keys. Once you have selected the parameter, press
Enab Enab Enab the RESET key to make it editable via the and
N/A N/A N/A 6.- Press the RESET key to save the changes;
7.- Wait 10 seconds;
N/A N/A N/A 8.- Power off the appliance;
9.- Repower the appliance to exit the forced menu and go
back to its normal operation.
82°C 82°C 82°C

32°C 32°C 32°C

4 4 4

1 1 1
27 27 27
100, 115 and
140 = 1
3 3
210 = 2
280 = 3
1 1 1
1 1 1

On On Off

COSMOGAS 88 60T - 280T


Symbol Description
Press and release the RESET key

Hold down the reset key for 2 seconds

Hold down the reset key for 5 seconds

Hold down at the same time for a time in seconds,

indicated by the number, the RESET and keys

Press and release the key

Press and release the key

Installer menu access

(see section 16.15)

Installer menu
User menu access (see
(see section 16.14) section 16.15)

displayable Installer
under normal menu
operating parameters
conditions (see
(see section 16.16) section 16.15)
User menu
section 16.14)

Go back to normal operation

Go back to normal operation

Figure 20-1 - Command menu diagram

60T - 280T 89 COSMOGAS


operation Is the supply NO The burners keep

sequence temperature
Is the supply
power the appli- temperature NO The burners keep
ance near the demand working

NO After 1 minute YES

Check fan speed
Lock 12
NO Err 64 Every burner re-
is the electrical
frequency 60Hz?
Err 66 YES duces output heat

YES Ignition attempt

(50% of the output
heat) The burner output NO The burners keep
was the neutral NO heat is less than
phase polarity Err 65 10%

Are pressure and NO YES

After 5 ignition at-
YES gas flow rate tempts Lock 01
adequate? After 3 minutes, the
corresponding motorised
external safety OPEN
valve (if any) is closed
device (contacts 103 Loc 02 YES
and 104)

CLOSED Burner in opera-

tion YES Is the supply
Is the water pres- NO decreasing?
sure greater than Err 59
1 bar? NO
Appliance with
YES only one burner?
The appliance output
heat is equal to the load
OPEN demanded
Heating demand
contacts 12
Stand by NO
and 13
CLOSED The heating demand is disa-
3 minute delay bled: TA opens or the external
probe is met

Motorised valve (if

any) open and main
circuit pump on
The burner output NO No demand or
The burners will
heat be switched off
other burners
is >70%

Is the water flow NO After 3 minutes YES

rate greater than Err 114 The pumps and motorised valves
15 l/min?
(if any) will be switched off after a
YES Request for other burners
to intervene
post-circulation time

Is the heating tem-

Burner off
higher than the Stand by
manifold temperature?


NO Are all the burners YES


COSMOGAS 90 60T - 280T


The undersigned company, CSOSMOGAS S.r.L., with registered office in

via L. Da Vinci no. 16 - 47014 Meldola (FC) ITALY,


under its own responsibility that the product:


subject of this declaration, is compliant with the model described in the

type Test Certificate, issued by the notified body Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.,
whose references are shown in the table in the TECHNICAL FEATURES
section under “CE-type certificate (PIN)” and fulfils the requirements of
the following Directives: Gas Appliances, (2009/142/EC), Performance,
(92/42/EEC modified by EU Reg. 813/2013), Low Voltage, (2014/35/EU),
Electromagnetic Compatibility, (2014/30/EU).
Product surveillance is done by the notified body according to form “C”.

(The warranty number is the same as the serial number)

This declaration is issued as established by the aforementioned Directives.

Meldola (CFC) ITALY, (Date of manufacture).

Arturo Alessandrini
Sole Project Manager

COSMOGAS 91 60T - 280T

The name or brand of the supplier COSMOGAS
Reference of the model given by the supplier
60T 70T
Condensing boiler YES YES
Low temperature boiler NO NO
B1 Boiler type NO NO
Cogeneration space heater NO NO
Combination heater NO NO
Equipped with supplementary heater NO NO
Energy efficiency class A A
Item Symbol Unit
Rated heat output Pn kW 56 68
Seasonal space heating energy efficiency ηs % 91 91
Useful heat output at rated heat output and high-temperature regime (*) P4 kW 55,8 67,9

Useful efficiency at rated heat output and high-temperature regime (*) η4 % 87,3 87,3

Useful heat output at 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature

P1 kW 16,7 20,4
regime (**)

Useful efficiency at 30 % of rated heat output and low-temperature

η1 % 95,8 95,8
regime (**)

Auxiliary electricity consumption

At full load elmax kW 0,14 0,14
At part load elmin kW 0,06 0,06
In standby mode Psb kW 0,005 0,005
Other items
Standby heat loss Pstby kW 0,1 0,1
Ignition burner power consumption Pign kW 0 0
Annual energy consumption QHE GJ 104 130
Sound power level, indoors LWA dB 70 70
Emissions of nitrogen oxides NOx mg/kWh 20 20
For combination heaters
Declared load profile N/A N/A
Water heating energy efficiency ηwh % N/A N/A
Daily electricity consumption Qelec kWh N/A N/A
Annual electricity consumption AEC kWh N/A N/A
Daily fuel consumption Qfuel kWh N/A N/A
Annual fuel consumption AFC GJ N/A N/A

According commission delegated regulation (EU) No 811/2013 and No 813/2013.

N/A = Not applicable.
(*) High-temperature regime means 60 °C return temperature at heater inlet and 80 °C feed temperature at heater outlet.
(**) Low temperature means for condensing boilers 30 °C, for low-temperature boilers 37 °C and for other heaters 50 °C
return temperature (at heater inlet).

60T - 280T 92 COSMOGAS

100T 115T 140T 180T 210T 280T
- - - - - -

96 112 136 168 204 272

91 91 91 91 91 91
95,6 111,7 135,8 168,2 203,7 271,6

87,3 87,3 87,3 87,3 87,3 87,3

28,7 33,5 40,7 50,5 61,1 81,5

95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8 95,8

0,28 0,28 0,28 0,42 0,42 0,56

0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06 0,06
0,01 0,01 0,01 0,015 0,015 0,02

0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4

0 0 0 0 0 0
169 195 237 288 345 452
70 70 70 70 70 70
20 20 20 20 20 20



COSMOGAS 93 60T - 280T

For the UK contact:


01256 587 800

65 Basepoint Business Centre Aviation

Business Park
Enterprise Close
BH23 6NX

Via L. da Vinci 16 - 47014

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