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Safety Precautions

ŒBefore installing the unit, thoroughly read the following safety precautions.
ŒObserve these safety precautions for your safety.

This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important instructions that must be followed to avoid
the risk of serious injury or death.

This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important instructions that must be followed to avoid
the risk of serious injury or damage to the unit.

ŒAfter reading this manual, give it to the user to retain for future reference.
ŒKeep this manual for easy reference. When the unit is moved or repaired, give this manual to those who provide these
When the user changes, make sure that the new user receives this manual.


Ask your dealer or a qualified technician to install the In the event of a refrigerant leak, thoroughly ventilate
unit. the room.
Improper installation by the user may result in water leak- If refrigerant gas leaks and comes in contact with an open
age, electric shock, smoke, and/or fire. flame, poisonous gases will be produced.

Properly install the unit on a surface that can with- When installing the All-Fresh type units, take it into
stand the weight of the unit. consideration that the outside air may be discharged
directly into the room when the thermo is turned off.
Unit installed on an unstable surface may fall and cause in-
jury. Direct exposure to outdoor air may have an adverse effect
on health. It may also result in food spoilage.
Only use specified cables. Securely connect each ca-
ble so that the terminals do not carry the weight of the Properly install the unit according to the instructions
cable. in the installation manual.
Improperly connected or fixed cables may produce heat Improper installation may result in water leakage, electric
and start a fire. shock, smoke, and/or fire.

Take appropriate safety measures against strong Have all electrical work performed by an authorized
winds and earthquakes to prevent the unit from falling. electrician according to the local regulations and in-
structions in this manual, and a dedicated circuit must
If the unit is not installed properly, the unit may fall and
be used.
cause serious injury to the person or damage to the unit.
Insufficient capacity of the power supply circuit or improper
Do not make any modifications or alterations to the installation may result in malfunctions of the unit, electric
unit. Consult your dealer for repair. shock, smoke, and/or fire.

Improper repair may result in water leakage, electric shock,

smoke, and/or fire.

Do not touch the heat exchanger fins.

The fins are sharp and dangerous.

i GB

Securely attach the terminal block cover (panel) to the After completing the service work, check for a gas
unit. leak.
If the terminal block cover (panel) is not installed properly, If leaked refrigerant is exposed to a heat source, such as a
dust and/or water may infiltrate and pose a risk of electric fan heater, stove, or electric grill, poisonous gases may be
shock, smoke, and/or fire. produced.

Only use the type of refrigerant that is indicated on the Do not try to defeat the safety features of the unit.
unit when installing or reinstalling the unit.
Forced operation of the pressure switch or the temperature
Infiltration of any other type of refrigerant or air into the unit switch by defeating the safety features of these devices, or
may adversely affect the refrigerant cycle and may cause the use of accessories other than the ones that are recom-
the pipes to burst or explode. mended by MITSUBISHI may result in smoke, fire, and/or
When installing the unit in a small room, exercise cau-
tion and take measures against leaked refrigerant Only use accessories recommended by MITSUBISHI.
reaching the limiting concentration.
Ask a qualified technician to install the unit. Improper instal-
Consult your dealer with any questions regarding limiting lation by the user may result in water leakage, electric
concentrations and for precautionary measures before in- shock, smoke, and/or fire.
stalling the unit. Leaked refrigerant gas exceeding the lim-
iting concentration causes oxygen deficiency.

Consult your dealer or a specialist when moving or re-

installing the unit.
Improper installation may result in water leakage, electric
shock, and/or fire.

ii GB
Precautions for handling units for use with R410A


Do not use the existing refrigerant piping. Use a vacuum pump with a reverse-flow check valve.
ŒA large amount of chlorine that may be contained in the re- If a vacuum pump that is not equipped with a reverse-flow
sidual refrigerant and refrigerating machine oil in the exist- check valve is used, the vacuum pump oil may flow into the
ing piping may cause the refrigerating machine oil in the refrigerant cycle and cause the refrigerating machine oil to
new unit to deteriorate. deteriorate.
ŒR410A is a high-pressure refrigerant and can cause the
existing pipes to burst. Prepare tools for exclusive use with R410A. Do not use
the following tools if they have been used with the con-
Use refrigerant pipes made of phosphorus deoxidized ventional refrigerant (gauge manifold, charging hose,
copper. Keep the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes gas leak detector, reverse-flow check valve, refrigerant
clean and free of such contaminants as sulfur, oxides, charge base, vacuum gauge, and refrigerant recovery
dust, dirt, shaving particles, oil, and water. equipment.).
These types of contaminants inside the refrigerant pipes ŒIf the refrigerant or the refrigerating machine oil left on
may cause the refrigerant oil to deteriorate. these tools are mixed in with R410A, it may cause the re-
frigerating machine oil to deteriorate.
Store the pipes to be installed indoors, and keep both ŒInfiltration of water may cause the refrigerating machine
ends of the pipes sealed until immediately before braz- oil to deteriorate.
ing. (Keep elbows and other joints wrapped in plastic.) ŒGas leak detectors for conventional refrigerants will not
detect an R410A leak because R410A is free of chlorine.
Infiltration of dust, dirt, or water into the refrigerant system
may cause the refrigerating machine oil to deteriorate or
Do not use a charging cylinder.
cause the unit to malfunction.
If a charging cylinder is used, the composition of the refrig-
Use a small amount of ester oil, ether oil, or alkylben- erant will change, and the unit may experience power loss.
zene to coat flares and flanges.
Exercise special care when handling the tools for use
Infiltration of a large amount of mineral oil may cause the re-
with R410A.
frigerating machine oil to deteriorate.
Infiltration of dust, dirt, or water into the refrigerant system
Charge liquid refrigerant (as opposed to gaseous re- may cause the refrigerating machine oil to deteriorate.
frigerant) into the system.
Only use refrigerant R410A.
If gaseous refrigerant is charged into the system, the com-
position of the refrigerant in the cylinder will change and The use of other types of refrigerant that contain chlorine
may result in performance loss. (i.e. R22) may cause the refrigerating machine oil to deteri-

iii GB
Before installing the unit


Do not install the unit where a gas leak may occur. When installing the unit in a hospital, take appropriate
measures to reduce noise interference.
If gaseous refrigerant leaks and piles up around the unit, it
may be ignited. High-frequency medical equipment may interfere with the
normal operation of the air conditioner or vice versa.
Do not use the unit to keep food items, animals, plants,
artifacts, or for other special purposes. Do not install the unit on or over things that cannot get
The unit is not designed to preserve food products.
When the humidity level exceeds 80% or if the drainage
Do not use the unit in an unusual environment. system is clogged, the indoor unit may drip water. Drain wa-
ter is also discharged from the outdoor unit. Install a central-
ŒDo not install the unit where a large amount of oil or steam ized drainage system if necessary.
is present or where acidic or alkaline solutions or chemical
sprays are used frequently. Doing so may lead to a re-
markable drop in performance, electric shock, malfunc-
tions, smoke, and/or fire.
ŒThe presence of organic solvents or corrosive gas (i.e.
ammonia, sulfur compounds, and acid) may cause gas
leakage or water leakage.

iv GB
Before installing the unit (moving and reinstalling the unit) and performing
electrical work


Properly ground the unit. Periodically check the installation base for damage.
Do not connect the grounding wire to a gas pipe, water pipe, If the unit is left on a damaged platform, it may fall and
lightning rod, or grounding wire from a telephone pole. Im- cause injury.
proper grounding may result in electric shock, smoke, fire,
and/or malfunction due to noise interference. Properly install the drain pipes according to the in-
structions in the installation manual. Keep them insu-
Do not put tension on the power supply wires. lated to avoid dew condensation.
If tension is put on the wires, they may break and result in Improper plumbing work may result in water leakage and
excessive heat, smoke, and/or fire. damage to the furnishings.

Install an earth leakage breaker to avoid the risk of Exercise caution when transporting products.
electric shock.
ŒProducts weighing more than 20 kg should not be carried
Failure to install an earth leakage breaker may result in alone.
electric shock, smoke, and/or fire. ŒDo not carry the product by the PP bands that are used on
some products.
Use the kind of power supply wires that are specified ŒDo not touch the heat exchanger fins. They are sharp and
in the installation manual. dangerous.
ŒWhen lifting the unit with a crane, secure all four corners
The use of wrong kind of power supply wires may result in to prevent the unit from falling.
current leak, electric shock, and/or fire.
Properly dispose of the packing materials.
Use breakers and fuses (current breaker, remote
switch <switch + Type-B fuse>, moulded case circuit ŒNails and wood pieces in the package may pose a risk of
breaker) with the proper current capacity. injury.
ŒPlastic bags may pose a risk of choking hazard to chil-
The use of wrong capacity fuses, steel wires, or copper dren. Tear plastic bags into pieces before disposing of
wires may result in malfunctions, smoke, and/or fire. them.

Do not spray water on the air conditioner or immerse

the air conditioner in water.
Otherwise, electric shock and/or fire may result.

When handling units, always wear protective gloves to

protect your hands from metal parts and high-tempera-
ture parts.

v GB
Before the test run


Turn on the unit at least 12 hours before the test run. Do not operate the unit without panels and safety
Keep the unit turned on throughout the season. If the unit is
turned off in the middle of a season, it may result in malfunc- Rotating, high-temperature, or high-voltage parts on the unit
tions. pose a risk of burns and/or electric shock.

To avoid the risk of electric shock or malfunction of the Do not turn off the power immediately after stopping
unit, do not operate switches with wet hands. the operation.
Keep the unit on for at least five minutes before turning off
Do not touch the refrigerant pipes with bare hands dur-
the power to prevent water leakage or malfunction.
ing and immediately after operation.
During or immediately after operation, certain parts of the Do not operate the unit without the air filter.
unit such as pipes and compressor may be either very cold
Dust particles may build up in the system and cause mal-
or hot, depending on the state of the refrigerant in the unit
at the time. To reduce the risk of frost bites and burns, do
not touch these parts with bare hands.

vi GB
I Read Before Servicing
[1] Read Before Servicing.............................................................................................................. 3
[2] Necessary Tools and Materials ................................................................................................ 4
[3] Piping Materials ........................................................................................................................ 5
[4] Storage of Piping ...................................................................................................................... 7
[5] Pipe Processing........................................................................................................................ 7
[6] Brazing...................................................................................................................................... 8
[7] Air Tightness Test..................................................................................................................... 9
[8] Vacuum Drying (Evacuation) .................................................................................................. 10
[9] Refrigerant Charging .............................................................................................................. 11
[10] Remedies to be taken in case of a Refrigerant Leak............................................................ 11
[11] Characteristics of the Conventional and the New Refrigerants ............................................ 12
[12] Notes on Refrigerating Machine Oil...................................................................................... 13
II Restrictions
[1] System configuration .............................................................................................................. 17
[2] Types and Maximum allowable Length of Cables .................................................................. 18
[3] Switch Settings and Address Settings .................................................................................... 19
[4] Sample System Connection ................................................................................................... 25
[5] An Example of a System to which an MA Remote Controller is connected ........................... 26
[6] An Example of a System to which an M-NET Remote Controller is connected ..................... 36
[7] An Example of a System to which both MA Remote Controller and
M-NET Remote Controller are connected .............................................................................. 38
[8] Restrictions on Pipe Length.................................................................................................... 40
III Outdoor Unit Components
[1] Outdoor Unit Components and Refrigerant Circuit ................................................................. 47
[2] Control Box of the Outdoor Unit.............................................................................................. 49
[3] Outdoor Unit Circuit Board...................................................................................................... 50
IV Remote Controller
[1] Functions and Specifications of MA and ME Remote Controllers .......................................... 59
[2] Group Settings and Interlock Settings via the ME Remote Controller .................................... 60
[3] Interlock Settings via the MA Remote Controller .................................................................... 64
[4] Using the built-in Temperature Sensor on the Remote Controller.......................................... 65
V Electrical Wiring Diagram
[1] Electrical Wiring Diagram of the Outdoor Unit ........................................................................ 69
[2] Electrical Wiring Diagram of Transmission Booster................................................................ 71
VI Refrigerant Circuit
[1] Refrigerant Circuit Diagram .................................................................................................... 75
[2] Principal Parts and Functions ................................................................................................. 78
VII Control
[1] Functions and Factory Settings of the Dipswitches ................................................................ 85
[2] Controlling the Outdoor Unit ................................................................................................... 94
[3] Operation Flow Chart............................................................................................................ 106
VIII Test Run Mode
[1] Items to be checked before a Test Run................................................................................ 113
[2] Test Run Method .................................................................................................................. 114
[3] Operating Characteristic and Refrigerant Amount................................................................ 115
[4] Adjusting the Refrigerant Amount......................................................................................... 115
[5] Refrigerant Amount Adjust Mode.......................................................................................... 119
[6] The following symptoms are normal. .................................................................................... 121
[7] Standard Operation Data (Reference Data) ......................................................................... 122
IX Troubleshooting
[1] Error Code Lists.................................................................................................................... 163
[2] Responding to Error Display on the Remote Controller........................................................ 166
[3] Investigation of Transmission Wave Shape/Noise ............................................................... 219
[4] Troubleshooting Principal Parts............................................................................................ 222
[5] Refrigerant Leak ................................................................................................................... 242
[6] Compressor Replacement Instructions................................................................................. 244
[7] Troubleshooting Using the Outdoor Unit LED Error Display................................................. 246
X LED Monitor Display on the Outdoor Unit Board
[1] How to Read the LED on the Service Monitor ...................................................................... 249

I Read Before Servicing

[1] Read Before Servicing ....................................................................................................... 3

[2] Necessary Tools and Materials.......................................................................................... 4
[3] Piping Materials ................................................................................................................. 5
[4] Storage of Piping ............................................................................................................... 7
[5] Pipe Processing ................................................................................................................. 7
[6] Brazing............................................................................................................................... 8
[7] Air Tightness Test .............................................................................................................. 9
[8] Vacuum Drying (Evacuation) ........................................................................................... 10
[9] Refrigerant Charging........................................................................................................ 11
[10] Remedies to be taken in case of a Refrigerant Leak ....................................................... 11
[11] Characteristics of the Conventional and the New Refrigerants ....................................... 12
[12] Notes on Refrigerating Machine Oil ................................................................................. 13

HWE0609A -1- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]
I Read Before Servicing

[1] Read Before Servicing

1. Check the type of refrigerant used in the system to be serviced.
Refrigerant Type
Multi air conditioner for building application CITY MULTI Y E eco series R410A

2. Check the symptoms exhibited by the unit to be serviced.

Refer to this service handbook for symptoms relating to the refrigerant cycle.

3. Thoroughly read the safety precautions at the beginning of this manual.

4. Preparing necessary tools: Prepare a set of tools to be used exclusively with each type of refrigerant.
Refer to page 4 for information on the use of tools.

5. Verification of the connecting pipes: Verify the type of refrigerant used for the unit to be moved or replaced.
ŒUse refrigerant pipes made of phosphorus deoxidized copper. Keep the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes clean and free
of such contaminants as sulfur, oxides, dust, dirt, shaving particles, oil, and water.
ŒThese types of contaminants inside the refrigerant pipes may cause the refrigerant oil to deteriorate.

6. If there is a leak of gaseous refrigerant and the remaining refrigerant is exposed to an open flame, a poisonous gas
hydrofluoric acid may form. Keep workplace well ventilated.

ŒInstall new pipes immediately after removing old ones to keep moisture out of the refrigerant circuit.
ŒThe use of refrigerant that contains chloride, such as R22, will cause the refrigerating machine oil to deteriorate.

HWE0609A -3- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[2] Necessary Tools and Materials

Prepare the following tools and materials necessary for installing and servicing the unit.

Tools for use with R410A (Adaptability of tools that are for use with R22 or R407C)
1. To be used exclusively with R410A (not to be used if used with R22 or R407C)

Tools/Materials Use Notes

Gauge Manifold Evacuation and refrigerant charging Higher than 5.09MPa[738psi] on the
high-pressure side
Charging Hose Evacuation and refrigerant charging The hose diameter is larger than the
conventional model.
Refrigerant Recovery Cylinder Refrigerant recovery
Refrigerant Cylinder Refrigerant charging The refrigerant type is indicated. The
cylinder is pink.
Charging Port on the Refrigerant Cylinder Refrigerant charging The charge port diameter is larger
than that of the current port.
Flare Nut Connection of the unit with the pipes Use Type-2 Flare nuts.

2. Tools and materials that may be used with R410A with some restrictions

Tools/Materials Use Notes

Gas Leak Detector Gas leak detection The ones for use with HFC refrigerant
may be used.
Vacuum Pump Vacuum drying May be used if a check valve adapter
is attached.
Flare Tool Flare processing Flare processing dimensions for the
piping in the system using the new re-
frigerant differ from those of R22. Re-
fer to next page.
Refrigerant Recovery Equipment Refrigerant recovery May be used if compatible with

3. Tools and materials that are used with R22 or R407C that may also be used with R410A

Tools/Materials Use Notes

Vacuum Pump with a Check Valve Vacuum drying
Bender Bending pipes
Torque Wrench Tightening flare nuts Only the flare processing dimensions
for pipes that have a diameter of
ø12.70 (1/2") and ø15.88 (5/8") have
been changed.
Pipe Cutter Cutting pipes
Welder and Nitrogen Cylinder Welding pipes
Refrigerant Charging Meter Refrigerant charging
Vacuum Gauge Vacuum level check

4. Tools and materials that must not be used with R410A

Tools/Materials Use Notes

Charging Cylinder Refrigerant charging Prohibited to use

Tools for R410A must be handled with special care to keep moisture and dust from infiltrating the cycle.

HWE0609A -4- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[3] Piping Materials

Do not use the existing piping!

New Piping Existing Piping

1. Copper pipe materials

O-material (Annealed) Soft copper pipes (annealed copper pipes). They can easily be bent with hands.
1/2H-material (Drawn) Hard copper pipes (straight pipes). They are stronger than the O-material (Annealed)
at the same radial thickness.

ŒThe distinction between O-materials (Annealed) and 1/2H-materials (Drawn) is made based on the strength of the pipes them-

2. Types of copper pipes

Maximum working pressure Refrigerant type

3.45 MPa [500psi] R22, R407C etc.
4.30 MPa [624psi] R410A etc.

3. Piping materials/Radial thickness

Use refrigerant pipes made of phosphorus deoxidized copper.
The operation pressure of the units that use R410A is higher than that of the units that use R22.
Use pipes that have at least the radial thickness specified in the chart below.
(Pipes with a radial thickness of 0.7 mm or less may not be used.)

Pipe size (mm[in]) Radial thickness (mm) Type

ø6.35 [1/4"] 0.8t
ø9.52 [3/8"] 0.8t
O-material (Annealed)
ø12.7 [1/2"] 0.8t
ø15.88 [5/8"] 1.0t
ø19.05 [3/4"] 1.0t
ø22.2 [7/8"] 1.0t
ø25.4 [1"] 1.0t
ø28.58 [1-1/8"] 1.0t
H-material (Drawn)
ø31.75 [1-1/4"] 1.1t
ø34.93 [1-3/8"] 1.1t
ø41.28 [1-5/8"] 1.2t

ŒThe pipes in the system that uses the refrigerant currently on the market are made with O-material (Annealed), even if the
pipe diameter is less than ø19.05 (3/4"). For a system that uses R410A, use pipes that are made with 1/2H-material (Drawn)
unless the pipe diameter is at least ø19.05 (3/4") and the radial thickness is at least 1.2t.
ŒThe figures in the radial thickness column are based on the Japanese standards and provided only as a reference. Use pipes
that meet the local standards.

HWE0609A -5- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

4. Thickness and refrigerant type indicated on the piping materials

Ask the pipe manufacturer for the symbols indicated on the piping material for new refrigerant.

5. Flare processing (O-material (Annealed) and OL-material only)

The flare processing dimensions for the pipes that are used in the R410A system are larger than those in the R22 system.

Flare processing dimensions (mm[in])

A dimension (mm)
Pipe size (mm[in])
R410A R22, R407C
ø6.35 [1/4"] 9.1 9.0

Dimension A
ø9.52 [3/8"] 13.2 13.0
ø12.7 [1/2"] 16.6 16.2
ø15.88 [5/8"] 19.7 19.4
ø19.05 [3/4"] 24.0 23.3

If a clutch-type flare tool is used to flare the pipes in the system using R410A, the length of the pipes must be between 1.0
and 1.5 mm. For margin adjustment, a copper pipe gauge is necessary.

6. Flare nut
The flare nut type has been changed to increase the strength. The size of some of the flare nuts have also been changed.

Flare nut dimensions (mm[in])

B dimension (mm)
Pipe size (mm[in])
R410A R22, R407C
ø6.35 [1/4"] 17.0 17.0
ø9.52 [3/8"] 22.0 22.0
ø12.7 [1/2"] 26.0 24.0
Dimension B
ø15.88 [5/8"] 29.0 27.0
ø19.05 [3/4"] 36.0 36.0

The figures in the radial thickness column are based on the Japanese standards and provided only as a reference. Use pipes
that meet the local standards.

HWE0609A -6- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[4] Storage of Piping

1. Storage location

Store the pipes to be used indoors. (Warehouse at site or owner's warehouse)

If they are left outdoors, dust, dirt, or moisture may infiltrate and contaminate the pipe.

2. Sealing the pipe ends

Both ends of the pipes should be sealed until just before brazing.
Keep elbow pipes and T-joints in plastic bags.

The new refrigerator oil is 10 times as hygroscopic as the conventional refrigerating machine oil (such as Suniso) and, if not
handled with care, could easily introduce moisture into the system. Keep moisture out of the pipes, for it will cause the oil to
deteriorate and cause a compressor failure.

[5] Pipe Processing

Use a small amount of ester oil, ether oil, or alkylbenzene to coat flares and flanges.

ŒUse a minimum amount of oil.

ŒUse only ester oil, ether oil, and alkylbenzene.

HWE0609A -7- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[6] Brazing
No changes have been made in the brazing procedures. Perform brazing with special care to keep foreign objects (such as oxide
scale, water, and dust) out of the refrigerant system.

Example: Inside the brazed connection

Use of oxidized solder for brazing Use of non-oxidized solder for brazing

1. Items to be strictly observed

ŒDo not conduct refrigerant piping work outdoors if raining.
ŒUse non-oxidized solder.
ŒUse a brazing material (BCuP-3) that requires no flux when brazing between copper pipes or between a copper pipe and
copper coupling.
ŒIf installed refrigerant pipes are not immediately connected to the equipment, then braze and seal both ends.

2. Reasons
ŒThe new refrigerating machine oil is 10 times as hygroscopic as the conventional oil and is more likely to cause unit failure if
water infiltrates into the system.
ŒFlux generally contains chloride. Residual flux in the refrigerant circuit will cause sludge to form.

3. Notes
Do not use commercially available antioxidants because they may cause the pipes to corrode or refrigerating machine oil to

HWE0609A -8- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[7] Air Tightness Test

No changes have been made in the detection method. Note that a refrigerant leak detector for R22 will not detect an R410A leak.

Halide torch R22 leakage detector

1. Items to be strictly observed

ŒPressurize the equipment with nitrogen up to the design pressure (4.15MPa[601psi]), and then judge the equipment's air tight-
ness, taking temperature variations into account.
ŒWhen using refrigerant instead of a leak detector to find the location of a leak, use R410A.
ŒRefrigerant R410A must be charged in its liquid state (vs. gaseous state).

2. Reasons
ŒOxygen, if used for an air tightness test, poses a risk of explosion. (Only use nitrogen to check air tightness.)
ŒRefrigerant R410A must be charged in its liquid state. If gaseous refrigerant in the cylinder is drawn out first, the composition
of the remaining refrigerant in the cylinder will change and become unsuitable for use.

3. Notes
Procure a leak detector that is specifically designed to detect an HFC leak. A leak detector for R22 will not detect an
HFC(R410A, R407C) leak.

HWE0609A -9- GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[8] Vacuum Drying (Evacuation)

(Photo1) 15010H (Photo2) 14010

Recommended vacuum gauge:
ROBINAIR 14010 Thermistor Vacuum Gauge

1. Vacuum pump with a reverse-flow check valve (Photo1)

To prevent the vacuum pump oil from flowing into the refrigerant circuit during power OFF or power failure, use a vacuum
pump with a reverse-flow check valve.
A reverse-flow check valve may also be added to the vacuum pump currently in use.

2. Standard of vacuum degree (Photo 2)

Use a vacuum pump that attains 0.5Torr(65Pa) or lower degree of vacuum after 5 minutes of operation, and connect it directly
to the vacuum gauge. Use a pump well-maintained with an appropriate lubricant. A poorly maintained vacuum pump may not
be able to attain the desired degree of vacuum.

3. Required precision of vacuum gauge

Use a vacuum gauge that registers a vacuum degree of 5Torr(650Pa) and measures at intervals of 1Torr(130Pa). (A recom-
mended vacuum gauge is shown in Photo2.)
Do not use a commonly used gauge manifold because it cannot register a vacuum degree of 5Torr(650Pa).

4. Evacuation time
ŒAfter the degree of vacuum has reached 5Torr(650Pa), evacuate for an additional 1 hour. (A thorough vacuum drying re-
moves moisture in the pipes.)
ŒVerify that the vacuum degree has not risen by more than 1Torr(130Pa) 1hour after evacuation. A rise by less than
1Torr(130Pa) is acceptable.
ŒIf the vacuum is lost by more than 1Torr(130Pa), conduct evacuation, following the instructions in section 6. Special vacuum

5. Procedures for stopping vacuum pump

To prevent the reverse flow of vacuum pump oil, open the relief valve on the vacuum pump side, or draw in air by loosening
the charge hose, and then stop the operation.
The same procedures should be followed when stopping a vacuum pump with a reverse-flow check valve.

6. Special vacuum drying

ŒWhen 5Torr(650Pa) or lower degree of vacuum cannot be attained after 3 hours of evacuation, it is likely that water has pen-
etrated the system or that there is a leak.
ŒIf water infiltrates the system, break the vacuum with nitrogen. Pressurize the system with nitrogen gas to
0.5kgf/cm2G(0.05MPa) and evacuate again. Repeat this cycle of pressurizing and evacuation either until the degree of vac-
uum below 5Torr(650Pa) is attained or until the pressure stops rising.
ŒOnly use nitrogen gas for vacuum breaking. (The use of oxygen may result in an explosion.)

HWE0609A - 10 - GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[9] Refrigerant Charging

Cylinder with a siphon Cylinder without a siphon

Cylin- der

Cylinder color R410A is pink. Refrigerant charging in the liquid state

Valve Valve

liquid liquid

1. Reasons
R410A is a pseudo-azeotropic HFC blend (boiling point R32=-52°C[-62°F], R125=-49°C[-52°F]) and can almost be handled
the same way as a single refrigerant, such as R22. To be safe, however, draw out the refrigerant from the cylinder in the liquid
phase. If the refrigerant in the gaseous phase is drawn out, the composition of the remaining refrigerant will change and be-
come unsuitable for use.

2. Notes
When using a cylinder with a siphon, refrigerant is charged in the liquid state without the need for turning it upside down. Check
the type of the cylinder on the label before use.

[10] Remedies to be taken in case of a Refrigerant Leak

If the refrigerant leaks out, it may be replenished. The entire refrigerant does not need to be replaced. (Charge refrigerant in the
liquid state.)
Refer to "IX [5] Refrigerant Leak".

HWE0609A - 11 - GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[11] Characteristics of the Conventional and the New Refrigerants

1. Chemical property
As with R22, the new refrigerant (R410A) is low in toxicity and chemically stable nonflammable refrigerant.
However, because the specific gravity of vapor refrigerant is greater than that of air, leaked refrigerant in a closed room will
accumulate at the bottom of the room and may cause hypoxia.
If exposed to an open flame, refrigerant will generate poisonous gases. Do not perform installation or service work in a con-
fined area.

New Refrigerant (HFC type) Conventional Refriger-

ant (HCFC type)
R410A R407C R22
R32/R125 R32/R125/R134a R22
Composition (wt%) (50/50) (23/25/52) (100)
Type of Refrigerant Pseudo-azeotropic Non-azeotropic Single Refrigerant
Refrigerant Refrigerant
Chloride Not included Not included Included
Safety Class A1/A1 A1/A1 A1
Molecular Weight 72.6 86.2 86.5
Boiling Point (°C/°F) -51.4/-60.5 -43.6/-46.4 -40.8/-41.4
Steam Pressure 1.557/226 0.9177/133 0.94/136
(25°C,MPa/77°F,psi) (gauge)
Saturated Steam Density 64.0 42.5 44.4
Flammability Nonflammable Nonflammable Nonflammable
Ozone Depletion Coefficient (ODP)*1 0 0 0.055
Global Warming Coefficient (GWP)*2 1730 1530 1700
Refrigerant Charging Method Refrigerant charging in Refrigerant charging in Refrigerant charging in
the liquid state the liquid state the gaseous state
Replenishment of Refrigerant after a Refrigerant Available Available Available

*1 When CFC11 is used as a reference

*2 When CO2 is used as a reference

2. Refrigerant composition
R410A is a pseudo-azeotropic HFC blend and can almost be handled the same way as a single refrigerant, such as R22. To
be safe, however, draw out the refrigerant from the cylinder in the liquid phase. If the refrigerant in the gaseous phase is drawn
out, the composition of the remaining refrigerant will change and become unsuitable for use.
If the refrigerant leaks out, it may be replenished. The entire refrigerant does not need to be replaced.

3. Pressure characteristics
The pressure in the system using R410A is 1.6 times as great as that in the system using R22.

Pressure (gauge)
Temperature (°C/°F) R410A R407C R22
MPa/psi MPa/psi MPa/psi
-20/-4 0.30/44 0.18/26 0.14/20
0/32 0.70/102 0.47/68 0.40/58
20/68 1.34/194 0.94/136 0.81/117
40/104 2.31/335 1.44/209 1.44/209
60/140 3.73/541 2.44/354 2.33/338
65/149 4.17/605 2.75/399 2.60/377

HWE0609A - 12 - GB
[ I Read Before Servicing ]

[12] Notes on Refrigerating Machine Oil

1. Refrigerating machine oil in the HFC refrigerant system

HFC type refrigerants use a refrigerating machine oil different from that used in the R22 system.
Note that the ester oil used in the system has properties that are different from commercially available ester oil.

Refrigerant Refrigerating machine oil

R22 Mineral oil
R407C Ester oil
R410A Ester oil

2. Effects of contaminants*1
Refrigerating machine oil used in the HFC system must be handled with special care to keep contaminants out.
The table below shows the effect of contaminants in the refrigerating machine oil on the refrigeration cycle.

3. The effects of contaminants in the refrigerating machine oil on the refrigeration cycle.

Cause Symptoms Effects on the refrigerant cycle

Water infiltration Frozen expansion valve Clogged expansion valve and capillary tubes
and capillary tubes Poor cooling performance
Compressor overheat
Motor insulation failure
Sludge formation and ad-
Burnt motor
Hydrolysis hesion
Coppering of the orbiting scroll
Acid generation
Burn-in on the orbiting scroll
Oil degradation
Air infiltration Oxidization
Adhesion to expansion valve and capillary Clogged expansion valve, capillary tubes, and
tubes drier
Poor cooling performance
Dust, dirt Compressor overheat

Infiltration of Infiltration of contaminants into the com- Burn-in on the orbiting scroll
contaminants pressor
Sludge formation and adhesion Clogged expansion valve and capillary tubes
Mineral oil Poor cooling performance
etc. Compressor overheat
Oil degradation Burn-in on the orbiting scroll

*1. Contaminants is defined as moisture, air, processing oil, dust/dirt, wrong types of refrigerant, and refrigerating machine oil.
HWE0609A - 13 - GB
- 14 -
II Restrictions

[1] System configuration ....................................................................................................... 17

[2] Types and Maximum allowable Length of Cables ........................................................... 18
[3] Switch Settings and Address Settings ............................................................................. 19
[4] Sample System Connection............................................................................................. 25
[5] An Example of a System to which an MA Remote Controller is connected..................... 26
[6] An Example of a System to which an M-NET Remote Controller is connected............... 36
[7] An Example of a System to which both MA Remote Controller and
M-NET Remote Controller are connected........................................................................ 38
[8] Restrictions on Pipe Length ............................................................................................. 40

HWE0609A - 15 - GB
- 16 -
[ II Restrictions ]
II Restrictions

[1] System configuration

1. Table of compatible indoor units
The table below summarizes the types of indoor units that are compatible with different types of outdoor units.

Outdoor Composing units Maximum total capacity Maximum number of Types of connectable in-
units of connectable indoor connectable indoor door units
units units
200 - - - 100 - 260 1 - 13 P20 - P200 models
R410A series indoor units
250 - - - 125 - 325 1 - 16
300 - - - 150 - 390
350 - - - 175 - 455 1 - 20 P20 - P250 models
R410A series indoor units
400 - - - 200 - 520 P20 - P250 models
R410A series indoor units
450 - - - 225 - 585
500 250 250 - 250 - 650
550 300 250 - 275 - 715
600 350 250 - 300 - 780 1 - 32
650 350 300 - 325 - 845
700 350 350 - 350 - 910
750 400 350 - 375 - 975
800 450 350 - 400 - 1040
850 450 400 - 425 - 1105 1 - 42
900 450 450 - 450 - 1170
950 400 300 250 475 - 1235
1000 400 300 300 500 - 1300 2 - 42
1050 400 350 300 525 - 1365
1100 400 350 350 550 - 1430
1150 450 350 350 575 - 1495
1200 450 400 350 600 - 1560
1250 450 450 350 625 - 1625

1) "Maximum total capacity of connectable indoor units" refers to the sum of the numeric values in the indoor unit model names.
2) If the total capacity of the indoor units that are connected to a given outdoor unit exceeds the capacity of the outdoor unit, the
indoor units will not be able to perform at the rated capacity when they are operated simultaneously. Select a combination of
units so that the total capacity of the connected indoor units is at or below the capacity of the outdoor unit whenever possible.

HWE0609A - 17 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[2] Types and Maximum allowable Length of Cables

1. Wiring work
(1) Notes
1) Have all electrical work performed by an authorized electrician according to the local regulations and instructions in this man-
2) Install external transmission cables at least 5cm [1-31/32"] away from the power supply cable to avoid noise interference.
(Do not put the control cable and power supply cable in the same conduit tube.)
3) Provide grounding for the outdoor unit as required.
4) Run the cable from the electric box of the indoor or outdoor unit in such way that the box is accessible for servicing.
5) Do not connect power supply wiring to the terminal block for transmission line. Doing so will damage the electronic compo-
nents on the terminal block.
6) Use 2-core shielded cables as transmission cables (Marked with OK in the figure below)
Use a separate 2-core control cable for each refrigerant system. Do not use a single multiple-core cable to connect indoor
units that belong to different refrigerant systems. The use of a multiple-core cable may result in signal transmission errors and
malfunctions. (Marked with NO in the figure below)

Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

Indoor unit Indoor unit

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

2-core shielded cable multiple-core cable

Remote Controller Remote Controller

3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7

2-core shielded cable

TB3: Terminal block for indoor-outdoor transmission line TB7: Terminal block for centralized control

(2) Control wiring

Different types of control wiring are used for different systems.
Refer to section "[5] An Example of a System to which an MA Remote Controller is connected - [7] An Example of a System
to which both MA Remote Controller and M-NET Remote Controller are connected" before performing wiring work.

Types and maximum allowable length of cables

Control lines are categorized into 2 types: transmission line and remote controller line.
Use the appropriate type of cables and observe the maximum allowable length specified for a given system. If a given system
has a long transmission line or if a noise source is located near the unit, place the unit away from the noise source to reduce
noise interference.

1) M-NET transmission line

All facility types
Type Shielded cable CVVS, CPEVS, MVVS
Cable type
Number of
2-core cable
Cable size Larger than 1.25mm2 [AWG16]
Maximum transmission
line distance between the
200 m [656ft] max.
outdoor unit and the far-
thest indoor unit
Maximum transmission
line distance for central-
500 m [1640ft] max.
ized control and Indoor/
*The maximum overall line length from the power supply unit on the transmission lines for
outdoor transmission line
centralized control to each outdoor unit or to the system controller is 200m [656ft] max.
(Maximum line distance
via outdoor unit)

HWE0609A - 18 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

2) Remote controller wiring

MA remote controller*1 M-NET remote controller*2

Number of
2-core cable 2-core cable
Cable type
0.3 to 1.25mm2 *3 0.3 to 1.25mm2 *3
[AWG22 to 16] [AWG22 to 16]
Cable size
(0.75 to 1.25mm2 ) *4 (0.75 to 1.25mm2 ) *4
[AWG18 to 16] [AWG18 to 16]
The section of the cable that exceeds 10m
Maximum overall line
200 m [656ft] max. [32ft] must be included in the maximum in-
door-outdoor transmission line distance.

*1 MA remote controller refers to MA remote controller (PAR-20MAA, PAR-21MAA), MA simple remote controller, and
wireless remote controller.
*2 M-NET remote controller refers to ME remote controller and ME simple remote controller.
*3 The use of cables that are smaller than 0.75mm2 (AWG18) is recommended for easy handling.
*4 When connected to the terminal block on the Simple remote controller, use cables that meet the cable size specifi-
cations shown in the parenthesis.

[3] Switch Settings and Address Settings

1. Switch setting
Refer to section "[5] An Example of a System to which an MA Remote Controller is connected - [7] An Example of a System
to which both MA Remote Controller and M-NET Remote Controller are connected" before performing wiring work.
Set the switches while the power is turned off.
If the switch settings are changed while the unit is being powered, those changes will not take effect, and the unit will not
function properly.

Units on which to set the switches Symbol Units to which the power must be shut off
CITY MULTI indoor unit Main/sub unit IC Outdoor units *3 and Indoor units
LOSSNAY, OA processing unit *1 LC Outdoor units *3 and LOSSNAY
M-NET remote controller Main/sub remote RC Outdoor units *3
MA remote controller Main/sub remote MA Indoor units
CITY MULTI outdoor unit*2 OC,OS1,OS2 Outdoor units *3

*1. Applicable when LOSSNAY units are connected to the indoor-outdoor transmission line.
*2. The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the order of
capacity from large to small (if two or more units have the same capacity, in the order of address from small to large).
*3. Turn off the power to all the outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit.

HWE0609A - 19 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

2. M-NET Address settings

(1) Address settings table
The need for address settings and the range of address setting depend on the configuration of the system.

Unit or controller Address setting Setting method Ad-

range dress
CITY MULTI in- Main/sub unit 0, 01 to 50*1 Assign the smallest address to the main indoor unit in the 00
door unit group, and assign sequential address numbers to the rest
of the indoor units in the same group. *4
M-NET adapter
M-NET control in-
Free Plan adapt-
LOSSNAY, OA processing unit 0, 01 to 50*1 Assign an arbitrary but unique address to each of 00
these units after assigning an address to all indoor
M-NET remote Main remote 101 to 150 Add 100 to the smallest address of all the indoor units 101
controller controller in the same group.
Sub remote 151 to 200*2 Add 150 to the smallest address of all the indoor units
controller in the same group.
MA remote controller No address settings required. (The main/sub setting must be made if 2 Main
remote controllers are connected to the system.)
CITY MULTI outdoor unit 0, 51 to 100*1,*3 Assign sequential addresses to the outdoor units in the 00
same refrigerant circuit. The outdoor units in the same
refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC
and OS. *5
System controller Group remote 201 to 250 Assign an address that equals the sum of the smallest 201
controller group number of the group to be controlled and 200.
System remote Assign an arbitrary but unique address within the
controller range listed on the left to each unit.
ON/OFF re- Assign an address that equals the sum of the smallest
mote controller group number of the group to be controlled and 200.
Schedule timer Assign an arbitrary but unique address within the 202
(compatible range listed on the left to each unit.
with M-NET)
Central con- 0, 201 to 250 Assign an arbitrary but unique address within the 000
troller range listed on the left to each unit. The address must
G(B)-50A be set to "0" to control the K-control unit.
LM adapter 201 to 250 Assign an arbitrary but unique address within the 247
range listed on the left to each unit.

*1. Address setting is not required for a City Multi system that consists of a single refrigerant circuit (with some exceptions).
*2. To set the M-NET remote controller address to "200", set it to "00".
*3. To set the outdoor unit address to "100," set the switches to "50."
*4. Some indoor units have 2 or 3 controller boards that require address settings.
(1) The address to be assigned to the No.1 controller board (by the power supply terminal block) must be 1 smaller than
that to the No.2 controller board.
(2) No. 2 controller board address must be equal to the sum of the No. 1 controller board address and 1, and the No.3
controller board address must equal to the No. 1 controller address and 2.
*5. The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the order of
capacity from large to small (if two or more units have the same capacity, in the order of address from small to large).

HWE0609A - 20 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

(2) Power supply switch connector connection on the outdoor unit

(Factory setting: The male power supply switch connector is connected to CN41.)

System configu- Connection to Power supply Group operation Power supply switch connector connection
ration the system con- unit for transmis- of units in a sys-
troller sion lines tem with multiple
outdoor units
System with one _ _ _ Leave CN41 as it is
outdoor unit (Factory setting)
System with Not connected _ Not grouped
multiple out-
door units Grouped Disconnect the male connector from the fe-
male power supply switch connector (CN41)
With connec- Not required Grouped/not and connect it to the female power supply
tion to the in- grouped switch connector (CN40) on only one of the
door unit outdoor units.*2
*Connect the S (shielded) terminal on the ter-
With connec- Not required*1 Grouped/not minal block (TB7) on the outdoor unit whose
tion to the cen- (Powered from grouped CN41 was replaced with CN40 to the
tralized control the outdoor unit) ground terminal ( ) on the electric box.
Required *1 Grouped/not Leave CN41 as it is
grouped (Factory setting)

*1 The need for a power supply unit for transmission lines depends on the system configuration.
*2 The replacement of the power jumper connector from CN41 to CN40 must be performed on only one outdoor unit in the
(3) Settings for the centralized control switch for the outdoor unit (Factory setting: SW2-1 are set to OFF.)

System configuration Centralized control switch settings *1

Connection to the system controller Not connected Leave it to OFF. (Factory setting)
Connection to the system controller Connected * ON

*1 Set SW2-1 on all outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit to the same setting.
*2 When only the LM adapter is connected, leave SW2-1 to OFF (as it is).
(4) Selecting the position of temperature detection for the indoor unit (Factory setting: SW1-1 set to "OFF".)
To stop the fan during heating Thermo-OFF (SW1-7 and 1-8 on the indoor units to be set to ON), use the built-in thermistor
on the remote controller or an optional thermistor.
1) To use the built-in sensor on the remote controller, set the SW1-1 to ON.
ŒSome models of remote controllers are not equipped with a built-in temperature sensor.
Use the built-in temperature sensor on the indoor unit instead.
ŒWhen using the built-in sensor on the remote controller, install the remote controller where room temperature can be detected.
(Note) Factory setting for SW1-1 on the indoor unit of the All-Fresh Models is ON.
2) When an optional temperature sensor is used, set SW1-1 to OFF, and set SW3-8 to ON.
ŒWhen using an optional temperature sensor, install it where room temperature can be detected.
(5) Various start-stop controls (Indoor unit settings)
Each indoor unit (or group of indoor units) can be controlled individually by setting SW 1-9 and 1-10.

Operation of the indoor unit when the operation is resumed after the unit was Setting (SW1)*4 *5
stopped 9 10
Power ON/OFF by Indoor unit will go into operation regardless of its operation status before power OFF ON
the plug*1,*2,*3 off (power failure). (In approx. 5 minutes)
Automatic restora- Indoor unit will go into operation if it was in operation when the power was turned ON OFF
tion after power fail- off (or cut off due to power failure). (In approx. 5 minutes)
Indoor unit will remain stopped regardless of its operation status before power off OFF ON
(power failure).

*1. Do not cut off power to the outdoor unit. Cutting off the power supply to the outdoor unit will cut off the power supply to the
crankcase heater and may cause the compressor to malfunction when the unit is put back into operation.
*2. Not applicable to units with a built-in drain pump or humidifier.
*3. Models with a built-in drain pump cannot be turned on/off by the plug individually. All the units in the same refrigerant cir-
cuits will be turned on or off by the plug.
*4. Requires that the dipswitch settings for all the units in the group be made.
*5. To control the external input to and output from the air conditioners with the PLC software for general equipment via the
G(B)-50A, set SW1-9 and SW1-10 to ON. With these settings made, the power start-stop function becomes disabled. To
use the auto recovery function after power failure while these settings are made, set SW1-5 to ON.

HWE0609A - 21 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

(6) Miscellaneous settings

Cooling-only setting for the indoor unit: Cooling only model (Factory setting: SW3-1 "OFF.")
When using indoor unit as a cooling-only unit, set SW3-1 to ON.
(7) Various types of control using input-output signal connector on the outdoor unit (various connection options)

Type Usage Function to be Option
Input Prohibiting cooling/heating operation (thermo OFF) by an ex- DEMAND (level) CN3D*2 Adapter for
ternal input to the outdoor unit. external input
*It can be used as the DEMAND control device for each sys- (PAC-
tem. SC36NA-E)
Performs a low level noise operation of the outdoor unit by an Low-noise mode (lev-
external input to the outdoor unit. el)*3*4
* It can be used as the low-noise operation device for each re-
frigerant system.
Forces the outdoor unit to perform a fan operation by receiving Snow sensor signal in- CN3S
signals from the snow sensor.*5 put (level)
Cooling/heating operation can be changed by an external in- Auto-changeover CN3N
put to the outdoor unit.
Out- How to extract signals from the outdoor unit Operation status of the CN51 Adapter for
put *It can be used as an operation status display device. compressor external out-
*It can be used for an interlock operation with external de- put
vices. Error status (PAC-
*1. For detailed drawing, refer to "Example of wiring connection".
*2. For details, refer to 1) through 4) shown below.
*3. Low-noise mode is valid when Dip SW4-4 on the outdoor unit is set to OFF. When DIP SW4-4 is set to ON, 4 levels of
on-DEMAND are possible, using different configurations of low-noise mode input and DEMAND input settings.When 2 or
more outdoor units exist in one refrigerant circuit system, 8 levels of on-DEMAND are possible. When 3 outdoor units
exist in one refrigerant circuitsystem, 12 levels of on-DEMAND are possible.
*4. By setting Dip SW5-5, the Low-noise mode can be switched between the Capacity priority mode and the Low-noise pri-
ority mode.
When SW5-5 is set to ON: The Low-noise mode always remains effective.
When SW5-5 is set to OFF: The Low-noise mode is cancelled when certain outside temperature or pressure criteria are
met, and the unit goes into normal operation (capacity priority mode).

Low-noise mode is effective Capacity priority mode becomes effective

Cooling Heating Cooling Heating
TH7<30°C[86°F] TH7>3°C[37°F] TH7>35°C[95°F] TH7<0°C[32°F]
and and or or
63HS1<32kg/cm2 63LS>4.6kg/cm2 63HS1>35kg/cm2 63LS<3.9kg/cm2

*5. When multiple outdoor units exist in one refrigerant circuit system, settings on every outdoor unit (signal input) are re-

HWE0609A - 22 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

Example of wiring connection

Outdoor unit
Distant control Relay circuit Adapter 2 control board
board Relay circuit Adapter 1
Outdoor unit
L1 control board 1
Lamp power source

X X 2
Y CN51
X Y 5
L2 4

in the field
Maximum cable
Preparations length is 10m
in the field Maximum cable
length is 10m X : Relay Contact rating voltage >= DC15V
L1 : Outdoor unit error display lamp Contact rating current >= 0.1A
L2 : Compressor operation lamp (compressor running state) Minimum applicable load =< 1mA at DC
X, Y : Relay (coil =<0.9W : DC12V) Snow sensor : The outdoor fan runs when X is closed
1. Optional part : PAC-SC37SA-E or field supply. in stop mode or thermostat mode.
2. Optional part : PAC-SC36NA-E or field supply.
CN3D Outdoor unit Outdoor unit
Relay circuit Adapter 2 control board Relay circuit Adapter 2 control board

X 1 X 1
2 2
Y 3 3

Preparations Preparations
in the field in the field
Maximum cable Maximum cable
length is 10m length is 10m
X : Low-noise mode X : Relay Contact rating voltage >= DC15V
Y : Compressor ON/OFF Contact rating current >= 0.1A
Minimum applicable load =< 1mA at DC
X,Y : Relay Contact rating voltage >= DC15V
Contact rating current >= 0.1A 2. Optional part : PAC-SC36NA-E or field supply.
Minimum appicable load =< 1mA at DC Low-noise mode
: : The noise level is reduced by controlling the maximum
2. Optional part : PAC-SC36NA-E or field supply. (Night mode) fan frequency and maximum compressor frequency.

Relay circuit Adapter 2 Outdoor unit
control board X
2 OFF Normal
Y 3 ON Cooling Heating
X : Cooling / Heating
Y : Validity / Invalidity of X
Preparations X,Y : Relay Contact rating voltage >= DC15V
in the field Maximum cable Contact rating current >= 0.1A
length is 10m Minimum applicable load =< 1mA at DC
2. Optional part : PAC-SC36NA-E or field supply.

1) SW4-4: OFF (Compressor ON/OFF, Low-noise mode)

CN3D 1-3P Compressor ON/OFF *1

Open Compressor ON
Short-circuit Compressor OFF

CN3D 1-2P Low-noise mode*2

Open OFF
Short-circuit ON

*1. When SW4-4 on the outdoor unit in one refrigerant circuit system is set to ON, this function cannot be used.
*2. This function and the 4 levels or 8 levels on-DEMAND function can be used together. Input the order to CN3D 1-2P on
the outdoor unit whose SW4-4 is set to OFF.

HWE0609A - 23 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

2) When SW4-4 on one outdoor unit in one refrigerant circuit system is set to ON (4 levels of on-DEMAND) (*3)

CN3D 1-2P
CN3D 1-3P Open Short-circuit
Open 100% (No DEMAND) 75%
Short-circuit 0% (Compressor OFF) 50%

Note the following steps to be taken when using the STEP DEMAND
(Example) When switching from 100% to 50%

(Wrong) 100% 0% 50%

Demand control
steps (Correct) 100% 75% 50%
If the step listed as the wrong example above is taken, thermo may go off.
The percentage of the demand listed in the table above is an approximate value based on the
compressor volume and does not necessarily correspond with the capacity.
When this function is enabled, the night mode cannot be enabled.

3) When SW4-4 on the two outdoor units in one refrigerant circuit system is set to ON (8 levels of on-DEMAND) (*3, *4)

8 levels of on-DEMAND No.2 CN3D

1-2P Open Short-circuit
No.1 CN3D 1-2P 1-3P Open Short-circuit Open Short-circuit
Open Open 100% 50% 88% 75%
Short-circuit 50% 0% 38% 25%
Short-circuit Open 88% 38% 75% 63%
Short-circuit 75% 25% 63% 50%

4) When SW4-4 on the all outdoor units in one refrigerant circuit system is set to ON (12 levels of on-DEMAND) (*4)

12 levels No.2 CN3D 1-2P Open

of on-DE-
MAND 1-3P Open Short-circuit
No.3 CN3D 1-2P Open Short-circuit Open Short-circuit
No.1 1-2P 1-3P Open Short- Open Short- Open Short- Open Short-
CN3D circuit circuit circuit circuit
Open Open 100% 67% 92% 84% 67% 34% 59% 50%
Short- 67% 34% 59% 50% 34% 0% 25% 17%
Short-circuit Open 92% 59% 84% 75% 59% 25% 50% 42%
Short- 84% 50% 75% 67% 50% 17% 42% 34%

12 levels No.2 CN3D 1-2P Short-circuit

of on-DE-
MAND 1-3P Open Short-circuit
No.3 CN3D 1-2P Open Short-circuit Open Short-circuit
No.1 1-2P 1-3P Open Short- Open Short- Open Short- Open Short-
CN3D circuit circuit circuit circuit
Open Open 92% 59% 84% 75% 84% 50% 75% 67%
Short- 59% 25% 50% 42% 50% 17% 42% 34%
Short-circuit Open 84% 50% 75% 67% 75% 42% 67% 59%
Short- 75% 42% 67% 59% 67% 34% 59% 50%

*3. Input the order to CN3D on the outdoor unit whose SW4-4 is set to ON.
*4. CN3D of No. 1, 2, 3 can be selected arbitrary with the outdoor unit whose SW4-4 is set to ON.

HWE0609A - 24 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[4] Sample System Connection

Examples of typical system connection are shown on pages [5] to [7].
Refer to the Installation Manual that came with each device or controller for details.

(1) An example of a system to which an MA remote controller is connected

System Address start up for in-

Connection to the system controller Notes
configuration door and outdoor units
System with one out- Automatic
1. NO
door unit address setup
Connection of
System with one out- Manual
2. NO multiple LOSS-
door unit address setup
NAY units
Grouping of units in a
3. system with multiple NO
address setup
outdoor units
System with one out- With connection to transmission line Manual
door unit for centralized control address setup
System with one out- With connection to indoor-outdoor Manual
door unit transmission line address setup

(2) An example of a system to which an M-NET remote controller is connected

System Address start up for indoor

Connection to the system controller Notes
configuration and outdoor units
System with one out- With connection to transmission line Manual
door unit for centralized control address setup

(3) An example of a system to which both MA remote controller and M-NET remote controller are connected

System Address start up for in-

Connection to the system controller Notes
configuration door and outdoor units
System with one out- With connection to transmission Manual
door unit line for centralized control address setup

HWE0609A - 25 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[5] An Example of a System to which an MA Remote Controller is connected

1. System with one outdoor unit (automatic address setup for both indoor and outdoor units)
(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
the ventilation unit
L1 L2 L3 L4
Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male Group Group
connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is.

00 00 00
00 00 00
TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
TB3 TB7 TB3 TB7 TB3 TB7 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S



L12 L13
Group Group


00 00 00
TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15
M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2





(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Maximum distance (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
2) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected L1 +L2+L3+L4 200m[656ft]
to a group of indoor units. L1 +L2+L11+L12+L13 200m[656ft]
3) A transmission booster is required in a system to which 2) Transmission line for centralized control
more than 32 indoor units (26 units if one or more indoor No connection is required.
units of the 200 model or above is connected) are con- 3) MA remote controller wiring
nected. Maximum overall line length
4) Automatic address setup is not available if start-stop in- (0.3 to 1.25mm2 [AWG22 to 16])
put (CN32, CN51, CN41) is used for a group operation of m1 200m [656ft]
indoor units. Refer to "[5] 2. Manual address setup for m2+m3 200m [656ft]
both indoor and outdoor units". m4+m5 200m [656ft]
5) To connect more than 2 LOSSNAY units to indoor units
in the same system, refer to the next section "[5] 2. An
example of a system with one outdoor unit to which 2 or
more LOSSNAY units are connected".

HWE0609A - 26 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

MA remote controller function selection or the installation

(4) Wiring method
manual for the MA remote controller for the setting meth-
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line od.)
Daisy-chain terminals A and B on the terminal block for Group operation of indoor units
indoor-outdoor transmission line (TB3) on the outdoor To perform a group operation of indoor units (IC), daisy-
units (OC, OS1, OS2) (Note 1), and terminals M1 and M2 chain terminals 1 and 2 on the terminal block (TB15) on
on the terminal block for indoor-outdoor transmission line all indoor units (IC) in the same group, and then connect
(TB5) on each indoor unit (IC). (Non-polarized two-wire) terminals 1 and 2 on the terminal block (TB15) on the in-
ŒOnly use shielded cables. door unit on one end to the terminal block on the MA re-
mote controller. (Non-polarized two-wire)
The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are au- ŒWhen performing a group operation of indoor units that
tomatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the or- have different functions, "Automatic indoor/outdoor ad-
der of capacity from large to small (if two or more units dress setup" is not available.
have the same capacity, in the order of address from 4) LOSSNAY connection
small to large). Connect terminals M1 and M2 on the terminal block
Shielded cable connection (TB5) on the indoor unit (IC) to the appropriate terminals
Daisy-chain the ground terminal ( ) on the outdoor on the terminal block (TB5) on LOSSNAY (LC). (Non-po-
units (OC, OS1, OS2), and the S terminal on the terminal larized two-wire)
block (TB5) on the indoor unit (IC) with the shield wire of ŒInterlock operation setting with all the indoor units in the
the shielded cable. same system will automatically be made. (It is required
2) Transmission line for centralized control that the Lossnay unit be turned on before the outdoor
No connection is required. unit.)
3) MA remote controller wiring ŒRefer to "[5] 2. Manual address setup for both indoor and
outdoor units" in the following cases: performing an inter-
Connect terminals 1 and 2 on the terminal block for MA lock operation of part of the indoor units in the system
remote controller line (TB15) on the indoor unit (IC) to the with a LOSSNAY unit, using LOSSNAY alone without in-
terminal block on the MA remote controller (MA). (Non- terlocking it with any units, performing an interlock oper-
polarized two-wire) ation of more than 16 indoor units with a LOSSNAY unit,
When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys- or connecting two or more LOSSNAY units to indoor
tem units in the same system.
When 2 remote controllers are connected to the system, 5) Switch setting
connect terminals 1 and 2 of the terminal block (TB15) on No address settings required.
the indoor unit (IC) to the terminal block on the two MA
remote controllers.
ŒSet one of the MA remote controllers to sub. (Refer to
(5) Address setting method

Proce- Address setting Setting Factory

Unit or controller Notes
dures range method setting
1 Indoor unit Main unit IC No settings re- - To perform a group oper- 00
quired. ation of indoor units that
Sub unit IC have different functions,
refer to [5] 2.
2 LOSSNAY LC No settings re- - 00
3 MA Main MA No settings re- - Main
remote con- remote con- quired.
troller troller
Sub MA Sub Settings to
remote con- remote controller be made ac-
troller cording to
the remote
function se-
4 Outdoor unit (Note) OC No settings re- - 00
OS1 quired.

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 27 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

2. An example of a system with one outdoor unit to which 2 or more LOSSNAY units are connected
(manual address setup for both indoor and outdoor units)
(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
the ventilation unit
L1 L2 L3 L4

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male Group Group
connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is.

01 02 05
53 52 51
TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
TB3 TB7 TB3 TB7 TB3 TB7 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S



L12 L13


03 04 06
TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2 S



(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Same as [5] 1.
2) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected 2) Transmission line for centralized control
to a group of indoor units.
No connection is required.
3) A transmission booster is required in a system to which 3) MA remote controller wiring
more than 32 indoor units (26 units if one or more indoor
Same as [5] 1.
units of the 200 model or above is connected) are con-

HWE0609A - 28 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

4) LOSSNAY connection
(4) Wiring method
Connect terminals M1 and M2 on the terminal block
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
(TB5) on the indoor unit (IC) to the appropriate terminals
Same as [5] 1. on the terminal block (TB5) on LOSSNAY (LC). (Non-po-
Shielded cable connection larized two-wire)
Same as [5] 1. ŒInterlock setting between the indoor units and LOSS-
2) Transmission line for centralized control NAY units must be entered on the remote controller. (Re-
No connection is required. fer to "4 [3] Entering the Interlock Settings into the MA
3) MA remote controller wiring Remote Controller" or the installation manual for the MA
remote controller for the setting method.)
Same as [5] 1. 5) Switch setting
When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-
Address setting is required as follows.
Same as [5] 1.
Group operation of indoor units
Same as [5] 1.
(5) Address setting method

Proce- Factory
Unit or controller setting Setting method Notes
dures setting
1 Indoor unit Main IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest ad- To perform a group op- 00
unit dress to the main unit in the eration of indoor units
group. that have different func-
tions, designate the in-
Sub unit Assign sequential numbers door unit in the group
starting with the address of with the greatest num-
the main unit in the same ber of functions as the
group +1. (Main unit ad- main unit.
dress +1, main unit ad-
dress +2, main unit
address +3, etc.)
2 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these address- 00
unique address to each of es may overlap any of
these units after assigning the indoor unit address-
an address to all indoor es.
3 MA Main MA No - Main
remote con- remote settings re-
troller control- quired.
Sub MA Sub Settings to be made ac-
remote remote cording to the remote con-
control- controller troller function selection
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential address To set the address to 00
OS1 to the outdoor units in the 100, set the rotary
OS2 same refrigerant circuit. switches to 50.
The outdoor units are auto-
matically designated as
OC, OS1, and OS2.(Note)

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 29 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

3. Group operation of units in a system with multiple outdoor units

(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
L11 L12 the ventilation unit
Leave the male Leave the male CN41 CN40 Replace
connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. SW2-1 OFF Group Group Group

53 52 51 01 03 06 07

TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1M2S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2S 1 2 M1M2 S

Not Not
Connect Connect



L21 L22

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. Group

56 55 54 02 04 05
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15
A B A B A B M1M2S 1 2 M1M2 S 1 2 M1M2S 1 2


Not Not
Connect Connect Not


(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Maximum distance (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
2) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected L11+L12 200m [656ft]
to a group of indoor units. L21+L22 200m [656ft]
3) Do not connect the terminal blocks (TB5) on the indoor 2) Transmission line for centralized control
units that are connected to different outdoor units with Maximum line distance via outdoor unit
each other. (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
4) Replacement of male power jumper connector (CN41) L12+L31+L22 500m [1640ft]
must be performed only on one of the outdoor units. L11+L31+L21 500m [1640ft]
5) Provide grounding to S terminal on the terminal block for 3) MA remote controller wiring
transmission line for centralized control (TB7) on only Same as [5] 1.
one of the outdoor units.
6) A transmission booster is required in a system to which
more than 32 indoor units (26 units if one or more indoor
units of the 200 model or above is connected) are con-

HWE0609A - 30 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

ŒOnly use shielded cables.

(4) Wiring method
Shielded cable connection
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
Daisy-chain the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on
Same as [5] 1. the outdoor units (OC, OS1, OS2) with the shield wire of
ŒOnly use shielded cables. the shielded cable. Short-circuit the earth terminal ( )
Shielded cable connection and the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on the out-
Same as [5] 1. door unit whose power jumper connector is mated with
2) Transmission line for centralized control CN40.
3) MA remote controller wiring
Daisy-chain terminals A and B on the terminal block for
transmission line for centralized control (TB7) on the out- Same as [5] 1.
door units (OC) in different refrigerant circuits and on the When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-
OC, OS1, and OS2 in the same refrigerant circuit tem
If a power supply unit is not connected to the transmis- Same as [5] 1.
sion line for centralized control, replace the power jump- Group operation of indoor units
er connector on the control board from CN41 to CN40 on
Same as [5] 2.
only one of the outdoor units.
4) LOSSNAY connection
Same as [5] 2.
The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are au- 5) Switch setting
tomatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the or-
Address setting is required as follows.
der of capacity from large to small (if two or more units
have the same capacity, in the order of address from
small to large).

(5) Address setting method

Proce- Address setting Factory

Unit or controller Setting method Notes
dures range setting
1 Indoor Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest ad- To perform a group 00
unit dress to the main unit in operation of indoor
the group. units that have differ-
ent functions, desig-
Sub unit Assign sequential num- nate the indoor unit in
bers starting with the ad- the group with the
dress of the main unit in greatest number of
the same group +1. (Main functions as the main
unit address +1, main unit unit.
address +2, main unit ad-
dress +3, etc.)
2 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these ad- 00
unique address to each of dresses may overlap
these units after assigning any of the indoor unit
an address to all indoor addresses.
3 MA Main MA No - Main
re- remote settings required.
mote controller
troller Sub MA Sub Settings to be made ac-
remote remote controller cording to the remote con-
controller troller function selection
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential address To set the address to 00
OS1 to the outdoor units in the 100, set the rotary
OS2 same refrigerant circuit. switches to 50.
The outdoor units are au-
tomatically designated as
OC, OS1, and OS2.

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 31 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

4. A system in which a system controller is connected to the transmission line for centralized control and which is pow-
ered from an outdoor unit
(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
L11 L12
the ventilation unit

Leave the male Leave the male CN41 CN40 Replace

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. SW2-1 OFF ON
SW2-1 OFF ON SW2-1 OFF ON Group Group Group

53 52 51 01 02 03 07
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S


Not Not
Connect Connect


L21 L22

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is.


OS2 OS1 OC Group Group

56 55 54 04 05 06 08
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2S 1 2 M1 M2S 1 2 M1 M2S



Not Not
Connect Connect
Not A B

Note1 When only the LM adapter is connected,

leave SW2-1 to OFF (as it is).
Note2 LM adapters require the power supply
Note1 capacity of single-phase AC 208/230V.

System controller

(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Same as [5] 3.
2) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected 2) Transmission line for centralized control
to a group of indoor units.
Maximum line distance via outdoor unit
3) Do not connect the terminal blocks (TB5) on the indoor (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
units that are connected to different outdoor units with L32+L31+L12(L11) 500m [1640ft]
each other. L32+L22(L21) 500m [1640ft]
4) Replacement of male power jumper connector (CN41) L12(L11)+L31+L22(L21) 500m[1640ft]
must be performed only on one of the outdoor units. 3) MA remote controller wiring
5) Short-circuit the shield terminal (S terminal) and the Same as [5] 1.
earth terminal ( ) on the terminal block for transmission
line for centralized control (TB7) on the outdoor unit
whose power jumper connector is mated with CN40.
6) A transmission booster is required in a system to which
more than 32 indoor units (26 units if one or more indoor
units of the 200 model or above is connected) are con-
7) When a power supply unit is connected to the transmis-
sion line for centralized control, leave the power jumper
connector on CN41 as it is (factory setting).

HWE0609A - 32 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

Daisy-chain the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on

(4) Wiring method
the outdoor units (OC, OS1, OS2) with the shield wire of
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line the shielded cable. Short-circuit the earth terminal ( )
Same as [5] 1. and the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on the out-
Only use shielded cables. door unit whose power jumper connector is mated with
Shielded cable connection
3) MA remote controller wiring
Same as [5] 1.
2) Transmission line for centralized control Same as [5] 1.
When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-
Daisy-chain terminals A and B on the system controller,
terminals A and B on the terminal block for transmission
line for centralized control (TB7) on the outdoor units Same as [5] 1.
(OC) in different refrigerant circuits and on the outdoor Group operation of indoor units
units (OC, OS1, and OS2) in the same refrigerant circuit. Same as [5] 1.
If a power supply unit is not connected to the transmis- 4) LOSSNAY connection
sion line for centralized control, replace the power jump- Connect terminals M1 and M2 on the terminal block
er connector on the control board from CN41 to CN40 on (TB5) on the indoor unit (IC) to the appropriate terminals
only one of the outdoor units. on the terminal block for indoor-outdoor transmission line
If a system controller is connected, set the central control (TB5) on LOSSNAY (LC). (Non-polarized two-wire)
switch (SW2-1) on the control board of all outdoor units
to "ON." ŒIndoor units must be interlocked with the LOSSNAY unit
using the system controller. (Refer to the operation man-
ual for the system controller for the setting method.) In-
The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are au- terlock setting from the remote controller is required if the
tomatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the or- ON/OFF remote controller alone or the LM adapter alone
der of capacity from large to small (if two or more units is connected.
have the same capacity, in the order of address from 5) Switch setting
small to large). Address setting is required as follows.
ŒOnly use shielded cables.
Shielded cable connection
(5) Address setting method

Proce- Factory
Unit or controller setting Setting method Notes
dures setting
1 Indoor unit Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest ad- To perform a group oper- 00
dress to the main unit in ation of indoor units that
the group. have different functions,
designate the indoor unit
Sub unit Assign sequential num- in the group with the
bers starting with the ad- greatest number of func-
dress of the main unit in tions as the main unit.
the same group +1. (Main
unit address +1, main unit
address +2, main unit ad-
dress +3, etc.)
2 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these addresses 00
unique address to each of may overlap any of the
these units after assign- indoor unit addresses.
ing an address to all in-
door units.
3 MA Main MA No - Enter the same indoor Main
remote remote settings re- unit group settings on the
controller controller quired. system controller as the
ones that were entered
Sub MA Sub Settings to be made ac- on the MA remote con-
remote remote con- cording to the remote troller.
controller troller controller function selec-
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential ad- To set the address to 00
OS1 dress to the outdoor units 100, set the rotary
OS2 in the same refrigerant switches to 50.
The outdoor units are au-
tomatically designated as
OC, OS1, and

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 33 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

5. An example of a system in which a system controller is connected to the indoor-outdoor transmission line (except
LM adapter)
(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
L11 L12 the ventilation unit

Leave the male Leave the male CN41 CN40 Replace

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. SW2-1 OFF ON
SW2-1 OFF ON SW2-1 OFF ON Group Group Group

53 52 51 01 02 03 07
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S


Not Not
Connect Connect
Connect A B A B A B


L21 L22

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is.


OS2 OS1 OC Group Group

56 55 54 04 05 06 08
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S



Not Not
Connect Connect

Note1 LM adapters cannot be connected to the
System controller indoor-outdoor transmission line.

(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Maximum distance (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
2) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected L11+L12 200m [656ft]
to a group of indoor units. L21+L22 200m [656ft]
3) Do not connect the terminal blocks (TB5) on the indoor L25 200m [656ft]
units that are connected to different outdoor units with 2) Transmission line for centralized control
each other. Maximum line distance via outdoor unit
4) Replacement of male power jumper connector (CN41) (1.25mm2 [AWG16] or larger)
must be performed only on one of the outdoor units. L25+L31+L12(L11) 500m [1640ft]
5) Provide grounding to S terminal on the terminal block for L12(L11)+L31+L22(L21) 500m [1640ft]
transmission line for centralized control (TB7) on only 3) MA remote controller wiring
one of the outdoor units. Same as [5] 1.
6) A maximum of 3 system controllers can be connected to
the indoor-outdoor transmission line, with the exception
that only one G-50A may be connected.
7) When the total number of indoor units exceeds 26, it may
not be possible to connect a system controller on the in-
door-outdoor transmission line.
8) In a system to which more than 18 indoor units including
one or more indoor units of 200 model or above are con-
nected, there may be cases in which the system control-
ler cannot be connected to the indoor-outdoor
transmission line.

HWE0609A - 34 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

Set the central control switch (SW2-1) on the control

(4) Wiring method
board of all outdoor units to "ON."
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line ŒOnly use shielded cables.
Daisy-chain terminals A and B on the terminal block for Shielded cable connection
indoor-outdoor transmission line (TB3) on the outdoor
Daisy-chain the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on
units (OC, OS1, OS2) (Note 1), terminals M1 and M2 on
the outdoor units (OC, OS1, OS2) with the shield wire of
the terminal block for indoor-outdoor transmission line
the shielded cable. Short-circuit the earth terminal ( )
(TB5) on each indoor unit (IC), and the S terminal on the
and the S terminal on the terminal block (TB7) on the out-
system controller. (Non-polarized two-wire)
door unit whose power jumper connector is mated with
ŒOnly use shielded cables. CN40.
3) MA remote controller wiring
The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are au- Same as [5] 1.
tomatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the or- When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-
der of capacity from large to small (if two or more units tem
have the same capacity, in the order of address from Same as [5] 1.
small to large).
Group operation of indoor units
Shielded cable connection
Same as [5] 1.
Daisy-chain the ground terminal ( ) on the outdoor 4) LOSSNAY connection
units (OC, OS1, OS2), the S terminal on the terminal
block (TB5) on the indoor unit (IC), and the S terminal on Connect terminals M1 and M2 on the terminal block
the system controller with the shield wire of the shielded (TB5) on the indoor units (IC) to the appropriate termi-
cable. nals on the terminal block for indoor-outdoor transmis-
2) Transmission line for centralized control sion line (TB5) on LOSSNAY (LC). (Non-polarized two-
Daisy-chain terminals A and B on the terminal block for
transmission line for centralized control (TB7) on the out- ŒIndoor units must be interlocked with the LOSSNAY unit
door units (OC) in different refrigerant circuits and on the using the system controller. (Refer to the operation man-
OC, OS1, and OS2 in the same refrigerant circuit. ual for the system controller for the setting method.) In-
If a power supply unit is not connected to the transmis- terlock setting from the remote controller is required if the
sion line for centralized control, replace the power jump- ON/OFF remote controller alone is connected.
er connector on the control board from CN41 to CN40 on 5) Switch setting
only one of the outdoor units. Address setting is required as follows.
(5) Address setting method

Proce- Address set- Factory

Unit or controller Setting method Notes
dures ting range setting
1 Indoor Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest address To perform a group op- 00
unit to the main unit in the group. eration of indoor units
that have different func-
Sub unit Assign sequential numbers tions, designate the in-
starting with the address of door unit in the group
the main unit in the same with the greatest num-
group +1. (Main unit address ber of functions as the
+1, main unit address +2, main unit.
main unit address +3, etc.)
2 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these address- 00
unique address to each of es may overlap any of
these units after assigning an the indoor unit address-
address to all indoor units. es.
3 MA Main MA No - Enter the same indoor Main
remote remote settings re- unit group settings on
controller controller quired. the system controller as
the ones that were en-
Sub MA Sub Settings to be made accord- tered on the MA remote
remote remote con- ing to the remote controller controller.
controller troller function selection
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential address to To set the address to 00
OS1 the outdoor units in the same 100, set the rotary
OS2 refrigerant circuit. switches to 50.
The outdoor units are auto-
matically designated as OC,
OS1, and OS2. (Note)

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 35 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[6] An Example of a System to which an M-NET Remote Controller is connected

(1) Sample control wiring
Interlock operation with
L11 L12 the ventilation unit

Leave the male Leave the male CN41 CN40 Replace

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. SW2-1 OFF ON
SW2-1 OFF ON SW2-1 OFF ON Group Group Group

53 52 51 01 02 03 07
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2S


Not Not
Connect Connect
101 102 103

L21 L22

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male


connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is.

OS2 OS1 OC Group Group

56 55 54 04 05 06 08
TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5
A B A B A B M1 M2S 1 2 M1 M2S 1 2 M1 M2S 1 2 M1 M2 S



Not Not
Connect Connect

Connect A B A B A B

154 104 106



Note1 When only the LM adapter is connected,

leave SW2-1 to OFF (as it is).
Note2 LM adapters require the power supply
capacity of single-phase AC 208/230V.
System controller

(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. Same as [5] 3.
2) No more than 3 M-NET remote controllers can be con- 2) Transmission line for centralized control
nected to a group of indoor units.
Same as [5] 4.
3) Do not connect the terminal blocks (TB5) on the indoor 3) M-NET remote controller wiring
units that are connected to different outdoor units with
Maximum overall line length
each other.
(0.3 to 1.25mm2 [AWG22 to 16])
4) Replace the power jumper connector of the control board m1 10m [32ft]
from CN41 to CN40 on only one of the outdoor units. m2+m3 10m [32ft]
5) Provide an electrical path to ground for the S terminal on If the standard-supplied cable must be extended, use a
the terminal block for centralized control on only one of cable with a diameter of 1.25mm2 [AWG16]. The section
the outdoor units. of the cable that exceeds 10m [32ft] must be included in
6) A transmission booster must be connected to a system the maximum indoor-outdoor transmission line distance
in which the total number of connected indoor units ex- described in (1).
ceeds 20. When connected to the terminal block on the Simple re-
mote controller, use cables that meet the following cable
7) A transmission booster is required in a system to which
size specifications: 0.75 - 1.25 mm2 [AWG18-14].
more than 16 indoor including one or more indoor units
of the 200 model or above are connected.
8) When a power supply unit is connected to the transmis-
sion line for centralized control, leave the power jumper
connector on CN41 as it is (factory setting).

HWE0609A - 36 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-

(4) Wiring method
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line Refer to the section on Switch Setting.
Same as [5] 3. Performing a group operation (including the group
Shielded cable connection operation of units in different refrigerant circuits).
Same as [5] 1. Refer to the section on Switch Setting.
2) Transmission line for centralized control 4) LOSSNAY connection
Same as [5] 4. Same as [5] 4.
Shielded cable connection 5) Switch setting
Same as [5] 4. Address setting is required as follows.
3) M-NET remote controller wiring
M-NET remote controller is connectable anywhere on
the indoor-outdoor transmission line.

(5) Address setting method

Proce- Address setting Factory

Unit or controller Setting method Notes
dures range setting
1 Indoor Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest ad- To perform a group oper- 00
unit dress to the main unit in ation of indoor units that
the group. have different functions,
designate the indoor unit
Sub unit Assign sequential num- in the group with the
bers starting with the ad- greatest number of func-
dress of the main unit in tions as the main unit.
the same group +1.
(Main unit address +1,
main unit address +2,
main unit address +3,
2 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these addresses 00
unique address to each may overlap any of the
of these units after as- indoor unit addresses.
signing an address to all
indoor units.
3 M-NET Main RC 101 to 150 Add 100 to the main unit ŒIt is not necessary to 101
remote remote address in the group set the 100s digit.
controller controller ŒTo set the address to
200, set it to 00.
Sub RC 151 to 200 Add 150 to the main unit
remote address in the group
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential ad- To set the address to 00
OS1 dress to the outdoor 100, set the rotary
OS2 units in the same refrig- switches to 50.
erant circuit. The out-
door units are
automatically designat-
ed as OC, OS1, and
OS2. (Note)

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 37 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[7] An Example of a System to which both MA Remote Controller and M-NET Remote Controller are connected
(1) Sample control wiring
L11 L12

Leave the male Leave the male CN41 CN40 Replace

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. SW2-1 OFF ON Group Group

53 52 51 01 02 06

TB3 TB3 TB3 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15

A B A B A B M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2


Not Not
Connect Connect


L21 L22

Leave the male Leave the male Leave the male

connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. connector on CN41 as it is. Group


56 55 54 03 04 05
TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15 TB5 TB15
M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2 M1 M2 S 1 2


Not Not
Connect Connect
Connect 104

Note1 When only the LM adapter is connected,

leave SW2-1 to OFF (as it is).
Note2 LM adapters require the power supply
Note1 capacity of single-phase AC 208/230V.
System controller

(2) Cautions (3) Maximum allowable length

1) Be sure to connect a system controller. 1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
2) M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller can- Same as [5] 3.
not both be connected to the same group of indoor units. 2) Transmission line for centralized control
3) Assign to the indoor units connected to the MA remote
Same as [5] 4.
controller addresses that are smaller than those of the in- 3) MA remote controller wiring
door units that are connected to the M-NET remote con-
Same as [5] 1.
4) M-NET remote controller wiring
4) No more than 2 M-NET remote controllers can be con-
nected to a group of indoor units. Same as [5] 1.
5) No more than 2 MA remote controllers can be connected
to a group of indoor units.
6) Do not connect the terminal blocks (TB5) on the indoor
units that are connected to different outdoor units with
each other.
7) Replace the power jumper connector of the control board
from CN41 to CN40 on only one of the outdoor units.
8) Provide an electrical path to ground for the S terminal on
the terminal block for centralized control on only one of
the outdoor units.
9) A transmission booster must be connected to a system
in which the total number of connected indoor units ex-
ceeds 20.
10) A transmission booster is required in a system to which
more than 16 indoor including one or more indoor units
of the 200 model or above are connected.
11) When a power supply unit is connected to the transmis-
sion line for centralized control, leave the power jumper
connector on CN41 as it is (factory setting).

HWE0609A - 38 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

Same as [5] 1.
(4) Wiring method
Group operation of indoor units
1) Indoor/outdoor transmission line
Same as [5] 1.
Same as [5] 3. 4) M-NET remote controller wiring
Shielded cable connection Same as [5] 1.
Same as [5] 1. When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys-
2) Transmission line for centralized control tem
Same as [5] 4. Same as [5] 1.
Shielded cable connection Group operation of indoor units
Same as [5] 4. Same as [5] 1.
3) MA remote controller wiring 5) LOSSNAY connection
Same as [5] 1. Same as [5] 4.
When 2 remote controllers are connected to the sys- 6) Switch setting
tem Address setting is required as follows.
(5) Address setting method

Proce- Factory
Unit or controller setting Setting method Notes
dures setting
1 Opera- Indoor Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest address ŒAssign an address smaller 00
tion with unit to the main unit in the group. than that of the indoor unit
that is connected to the M-
the Sub unit Assign sequential num- NET remote controller.
MA re- bers starting with the ad- ŒEnter the same indoor unit
mote dress of the main unit in group settings on the system
controller as the ones that
controller the same group +1. were entered on the MA re-
(Main unit address +1, mote controller.
main unit address +2, ŒTo perform a group operation
main unit address +3, of indoor units that have dif-
etc.) ferent functions, designate
the indoor unit in the group
with the greatest number of
functions as the main unit.

MA Main MA No - Main
re- remote settings re-
controller quired.
con- Sub MA Sub Settings to be made ac-
troller remote remote cording to the remote
controller controller controller function selec-
2 Opera- Indoor Main unit IC 01 to 50 Assign the smallest ad- ŒEnter the indoor unit group 00
tion with unit dress to the main unit in settings on the system con-
troller (MELANS).
the the group. ŒAssign an address larger than
M-NET those of the indoor units that
remote Sub unit Assign sequential num- are connected to the MA re-
bers starting with the ad- mote controller.
controller dress of the main unit in ŒTo perform a group operation
the same group +1. of indoor units that have dif-
ferent functions, designate
(Main unit address +1, the indoor unit in the group
main unit address +2, with the greatest number of
main unit address +3, functions as the main unit.
M-NET Main RC 101 to Add 100 to the main unit ŒIt is not necessary to set 101
re- remote 150 address in the group. the 100s digit.
controller ŒTo set the address to 200,
set the rotary switches to
con- Sub RC 151 to Add 150 to the main 00.
troller remote 200 unit address in the
3 LOSSNAY LC 01 to 50 Assign an arbitrary but None of these addresses 00
unique address to each may overlap any of the in-
of these units after as- door unit addresses.
signing an address to all
indoor units.
4 Outdoor unit OC 51 to 100 Assign sequential ad- To set the address to 100, 00
OS1 dress to the outdoor set the rotary switches to
OS2 units in the same refrig- 50.
erantcircuit. The outdoor
units are automatically
designated as OC, OS1,
and OS2.(Note)

The outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2.

HWE0609A - 39 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

[8] Restrictions on Pipe Length

(1) End branching
P200 - P450 models

Outdoor unit

H (Outdoor unit above indoor unit)
H' (Outdoor unit below indoor unit)

D Branch header
First branch
(Branch joint)
B cap

C d e f
Indoor Indoor Indoor
Branch joint
4 5 6
a b c

1 Indoor 2 Indoor 3 Indoor

Unit: m [ft]
Allowable length of
Operation Pipe sections
Length Total pipe length A+B+C+D 300 [984] or less
Total pipe length (L) from the outdoor unit to the A+B+C+c or 150 [492] or less
farthest indoor unit A+D+f (Equivalent length 175
[574] or less)
Total pipe length from the first branch to the far- B+C+c or 40 [131] or less
thest indoor unit ( ) D+f
Height Between indoor and Outdoor unit above in- H 50 [164] or less
difference outdoor units door unit
Outdoor unit below in- H' 40 [131] or less*1
door unit
Between indoor units h 15 [49] or less

*1. 4m [13 ft] or below when performing a cooling operation at the outdoor temperature of 10°C [50 °F] or below

HWE0609A - 40 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

P500 - P1250 models

Provide a trap on the pipe (gas pipe only) within 2 m from the
Note1 Install the pipe that connects the branch pipe and the outdoor units in
joint pipe if the total length of the pipe that connects the joint
the way that it has a downward inclination toward the branch pipe.
pipe and the outdoor unit exceeds 2 m.

To indoor unit To indoor unit


Downward inclination
2m[6ft] Joint pipe
(gas pipe
A B D only)

C To indoor unit To indoor unit

Upward inclination 2m[6ft] Max. Joint pipe
Second gas refrigerant distributor
Second liquid refrigerant distributor L
First liquid refrigerant distributor E F G I
First gas refrigerant distributor
First branch a b c d
To downstream units

Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor
1 2 3 4 Note : "Total sum of downstream unit model numbers"
in the table is the sum of the model numbers
J K M of the units after point E in the figure.

e f g i
Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor
5 6 7 8

Unit: m [ft]
Allowable length of
Operation Pipe sections
Length Between outdoor units A+B+C+D 10 [32] or less
Total pipe length A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J 300 [984] or less
Total pipe length (L) from the outdoor unit to the A(B)+C+E+J+K+M+i 150 [492] or less
farthest indoor unit (Equivalent length 175
[574] or less)
Total pipe length from the first branch to the far- G+I+J+i 40 [131] or less
thest indoor unit ( )
Height Between indoor and outdoor units H 50 [164] or less
difference (40 [131] or below if
outdoor unit is below in-
door unit)
Between indoor units h1 15 [49] or less*1
Between outdoor units h2 0.1[0.3] or less

*1. 4m [13 ft] or below when performing a cooling operation at the outdoor temperature of 10°C [50 °F] or below

HWE0609A - 41 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

1. Refrigerant pipe size

(1) Diameter of the refrigerant pipe between the outdoor unit and the first branch (outdoor unit pipe size)

Outdoor unit set name Liquid pipe size (mm) [inch] Gas pipe size (mm) [inch]
(total capacity)
P200 model ø9.52 [3/8"] ø19.05 [3/4"]
P250 model ø9.52 [3/8"]*1 ø22.2 [7/8"]
P300 model ø9.52 [3/8"] ø22.2 [7/8"]
P350 model ø12.7 [1/2"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P400 model ø12.7 [1/2"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P450 model ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P500 model ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P550 model ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P600 model ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P650 model ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P700 - P800 model ø19.05 [3/4"] ø34.93 [1-3/8"]
P850 - P1250 model ø19.05 [3/4"] ø41.28 [1-5/8"]

*1. Use ø12.7 [1/2"] pipes if the piping length exceeds 90 m [295 ft].
*2. Use ø12.7 [1/2"] pipes if the piping length exceeds 40 m [131 ft].

(2) Size of the refrigerant pipe between the first branch and the indoor unit (indoor unit pipe size)

model Pipe diameter (mm) [inch]

20 - 50 models Liquid pipe ø6.35 [1/4"]
Gas pipe ø12.7 [1/2"]
63 - 140 models Liquid pipe ø9.52 [3/8"]
Gas pipe ø15.88 [5/8"]
200 model Liquid pipe ø9.52 [3/8"]
Gas pipe ø19.05 [3/4"]
250 model Liquid pipe ø9.52 [3/8"]
Gas pipe ø22.2 [7/8"]
400 model Liquid pipe ø12.7 [1/2"]
Gas pipe ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
500 model Liquid pipe ø15.88 [5/8"]
Gas pipe ø28.58 [1-1/8"]

(3) Size of the refrigerant pipe between the branches for connection to indoor units

Total capacity of the Liquid pipe size (mm) [inch] Gas pipe size (mm) [inch]
downstream units
- 140 ø9.52 [3/8"] ø15.88 [5/8"]
P141 - P200 ø9.52 [3/8"] ø19.05 [3/4"]
P201 - P300 ø9.52 [3/8"] ø22.2 [7/8"]
P301 - P400 ø12.7 [1/2"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P401 - P650 ø15.88 [5/8"] ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P651 - P800 ø19.05 [3/4"] ø34.93 [1-3/8"]
P801 - ø19.05 [3/4"] ø41.28 [1-5/8"]

HWE0609A - 42 - GB
[ II Restrictions ]

(4) Size of the refrigerant pipe between the first distributor and the second distributor

Liquid pipe size (mm) [inch] Gas pipe size (mm) [inch]
ø19.05 [3/4"] ø34.93 [1-3/8"]

(5) Size of the refrigerant pipe between the first distributor or the second distributor and outdoor units

Liquid pipe size (mm) [inch] Gas pipe size (mm) [inch]
P250 model ø9.52 [3/8"] ø22.2 [7/8"]
P300 model ø12.7 [1/2"]
P350 model ø28.58 [1-1/8"]
P400 model ø15.88 [5/8"]
P450 model

* Only applicable to the P500 model and below

HWE0609A - 43 - GB
- 44 -
III Outdoor Unit Components

[1] Outdoor Unit Components and Refrigerant Circuit .......................................................... 47

[2] Control Box of the Outdoor Unit....................................................................................... 49
[3] Outdoor Unit Circuit Board............................................................................................... 50

HWE0609A - 45 - GB
- 46 -
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]
III Outdoor Unit Components

[1] Outdoor Unit Components and Refrigerant Circuit

1. PUHY-P200, P250, P300, P350, P400, P450THM-A
(1) Front view of a outdoor unit

Fan guard



Heat exchanger

Front panel

Fin guard

HWE0609A - 47 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

2. PUHY-P200, P250, P300, P350THM-A

(1) Refrigerant circuit

Check valve
High pressure sensor(63HS1)

High pressure check joint

High-pressure switch(63H1)
Low pressure sensor(63LS)
Compressor cover
4-way valve(21S4a)
Low pressure check joint

Linear Expansion Valve(LEV1)


Subcool coil
Solenoid valve (SV1a) Oil separator
Linear Expansion Valve(LEV2)
Liquid side valve Gas side valve
3. PUHY-P400, P450THM-A
(1) Refrigerant circuit

4-way valve(21S4b)
Check valve High-pressure switch(63H1)
4-way valve(21S4a)
High pressure sensor(63HS1)

High pressure check joint

Compressor cover

Linear Expansion

Solenoid valve(SV5b)

Subcool coil Compressor

Oil separator
Solenoid valve (SV1a)
Linear Expansion Valve(LEV2)
Liquid side valve Gas side valve

Low pressure check joint Low pressure sensor(63LS)

HWE0609A - 48 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

[2] Control Box of the Outdoor Unit

1. PUHY-P200, P250THM-A

Control board
Fan board
DC reactor (DCL)

Electromagnetic relay(72C)

Rush current
protection resistor
(R1) Note.2

Noise filter

Note.2 M-NET board

Terminal block for

power supply
INV board Terminal block for
transmission line
Note.1 Ground terminal (TB3, TB7)
Smoothing capacitor(C1)

2. PUHY-P300, P350, P400, P450THM-A

Fan board Control board

INV board
Current sensor(ACCT3)

DC reactor (DCL)

Diode stack

Noise filter

M-NET board
Current sensor

Terminal block for

power supply IPM Terminal block for
(TB1) Current sensor transmission line
Ground terminal Note.1 (ACCT2) Current sensor (TB3, TB7)
Smoothing capacitor(C1)

1) Exercise caution not to damage the bottom and the front panel of the control box. Damage to these parts affect the water-
proof and dust proof properties of the control box and may result in damage to its internal components.
2) Faston terminals have a locking function. Make sure the cable heads are securely locked in place. Press the tab on the ter-
minals to remove them.

HWE0609A - 49 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

[3] Outdoor Unit Circuit Board

1. Outdoor unit control board
(1) PUHY-P200, P250, P300, P350, P400, P450THM-A

Serial communication signal input
CNDC GND(INV board) CN332 CN4
Bus voltage input Output 17VDC Output 18VDC GND
P CN801 GND Serial communication signal output
N Pressure switch (Fan board)


driving output LEV
driving output

Service LED
Output 12VDC
ON/OFF output
Error output

Address switch
Dip switch

driving output Sensor

when powered

Lit during normal
CPU operation

Output 12VDC
Output 5VDC
External signal input (contact input)
L1 Fuse Power supply for Output 12VDC
L2 250V AC/3.15A centralized control OFF GND
Output 5VDC
Power supply for Power supply detection input
centralized control ON Power supply ON/OFF signal output

Power supply input for centralized control system (30VDC) CNS2
Indoor/outdoor transmission line input/output (30VDC) Transmission line input/output
for centralized control system (30VDC)

HWE0609A - 50 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

2. M-NET board

Power supply output for centralized control system Input 12VDC
CN03 CN04 Indoor/outdoor transmission line input/output GND
F01 Bus voltage input Bus voltage ouput
P CNS2 Input 5VDC
Fuse P
N Transmission line input/output for Power supply detection output
250VAC 3.15A N Grounding centralized control system Power supply ON/OFF
signal input

Power supply
for indoor

Grounding TB3 Ground terminal TB7 TP1,2

Indoor/outdoor for transmission Terminal block Check pins for
transmission line for transmission indoor/outdoor
block line for transmission line

HWE0609A - 51 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

3. INV board
(1) PUHY-P200, P250THM-A

Open: No-load operation setting
SC-P1 Short-circuited: Normal setting
Rectifier diode output (P) Output 5VDC
Lit: Inverter in normal operation
IGBT Blink: Inverter error

Serial communication signal output

Smoothing capacitor
Bus voltage output
Overcurrent detection

Serial communication signal output
SC-P2 Input 17VDC
Bus voltage Input(P)
Inverter output(V)

Inverter output(W)
Bus voltage output(P)

Bus voltage output(N) CT12 CT22
Current sensor(U) Current sensor(W)
CT3 Input(L1) Inverter output(U)
Current sensor(L3)


Faston terminals have a locking function. Make sure the cable heads are securely locked in place. Press the tab on the ter-
minals to remove them.

HWE0609A - 52 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

(2) PUHY-P300, P350, P400, P450THM-A

Thermistor input Current (AC) sensor input
CNCT2 Inverter error
Function setting input
Current (AC) sensor input
(Z26) LED4
ACCT2 Inverter in Lit during normal SW1
normal operation CPU operation ON: No-load operation setting
OFF: Normal setting
: Fixed to OFF

Output 5VDC

Current (DC) sensor input CN2
Serial communication
signal output
Output 17VDC
BUS voltage output(N)
(Fan board)
Serial communication
signal input

Lit while charging

Bus voltage input/output
Functional earth
BUS voltage output(P) IPM driving power supply output BUS voltage output
(IPM input) and signal output P
N F02
IPM error signal input (IPM output) Fuse
250VAC 3.15A
BUS voltage input/output(N)
(IPM input)

BUS voltage input BUS voltage output

Faston terminals have a locking function. Make sure the cable heads are securely locked in place. Press the tab on the ter-
minals to remove them.

HWE0609A - 53 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

4. Fan board

Bus voltage input F01 LED3 CN18V  Serial communication signal output
 N Fuse Lit during normal  Input 18VDC  GND(Control board)
 P 250VAC 15A CPU operation  GND  Serial communication signal output

 GND(INV board)
 Input 5VDC
 Serial communication signal input
 GND(INV board))
 Input 17VDC

 Serial communication signal output
 GND(INV board)
 Input 17VDC

(Control box internal temperature

Inverter in normal operation

Inverter error

Overcurrent detection CNINV (Rear)
resistor Inverter output

HWE0609A - 54 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

5. Noise Filter
(1) PUHY-P200, P250THM-A

TB21 CN02
Input/output(L1) Output

F2 Input/output(L2)
250VAC 6.3A


250VAC 6.3A


HWE0609A - 55 - GB
[ III Outdoor Unit Components ]

(2) PUHY-P300, P350, P400, P450THM-A

R1,2 TB42 TB31 CN03

Rush current Bus voltage output(N) (P) 72C drive input
Bus voltage output
protection resistor

F3 Electromagnetic relay
Fuse (72C)
250VAC 6.3A

Grounding Diode stack rectified voltage

input (Diode stack output)

(Diode stack input)

 L1 TB23
 L2 Input

F1 Input
Fuse (L2)
250VAC 6.3A
F2 (L1)
250VAC 6.3A


HWE0609A - 56 - GB
IV Remote Controller

[1] Functions and Specifications of MA and ME Remote Controllers ................................... 59

[2] Group Settings and Interlock Settings via the ME Remote Controller ............................. 60
[3] Interlock Settings via the MA Remote Controller ............................................................. 64
[4] Using the built-in Temperature Sensor on the Remote Controller ................................... 65

HWE0609A - 57 - GB
- 58 -
[ IV Remote Controller ]
IV Remote Controller

[1] Functions and Specifications of MA and ME Remote Controllers

There are two types of remote controllers: M-NET (ME) remote controller, which is connected on the indoor-outdoor
transmission line, and MA remote controller, which is connected to each indoor unit.

1. Comparison of functions and specifications between MA and ME remote controllers

Functions/specifications MA remote controller*1*2 M-NET (ME) remote controller*2*3

Remote controller address settings Not required Required
Indoor/outdoor unit address set- Not required (required only by a system Required
tings with one outdoor unit)*4
Wiring method Non-polarized 2-core cable Non-polarized 2-core cable
∗To perform a group operation, daisy-
chain the indoor units using non-polar-
ized 2-core cables.
Remote controller connection Connectable to any indoor unit in the Connectable anywhere on the indoor-out-
group door transmission line
Interlock with the ventilation unit Each indoor unit can individually be in- Each indoor unit can individually be inter-
terlocked with a ventilation unit. (Set up locked with a ventilation unit. (Set up via
via remote controller in the group.) remote controller.)
Changes to be made upon group- MA remote controller wiring between in- Either the indoor unit address and remote
ing change door units requires rewiring. controller address must both be changed,
or the registration information must be
changed via MELANS.

*1. MA remote controller refers to MA remote controller (PAR-20MAA, PAR-21MAA), MA simple remote controller, and wire-
less remote controller.
*2. Either the MA remote controller or the M-NET remote controller can be connected when a group operation of units in a
system with multiple outdoor units is conducted or when a system controller is connected.
*3. M-NET remote controller refers to ME remote controller and ME simple remote controller.
*4. Depending on the system configuration, some systems with one outdoor unit may require address settings.

2. Remote controller selection criteria

MA remote controller and M-NET remote controller have different functions and characteristics. Choose the one that better
suits the requirements of a given system. Use the following criteria as a reference.

MA remote controller*1*2 M-NET (ME) remote controller*1*2

ŒThere is little likelihood of system expansion and group- ŒThere is a likelihood of centralized installation of remote
ing changes. controllers, system expansion, and grouping changes.
ŒGrouping (floor plan) has been set at the time of instal- ŒGrouping (floor plan) has not been set at the time of in-
lation. stallation.
ŒTo connect the remote controller directly to the OA pro-
cessing unit.

*1. M-NET remote controller and MA remote controller cannot both be connected to the same group of indoor units.
*2. A system controller must be connected to a system to which both MA remote controller and M-NET remote controller are

<System with MA remote controller> <System with M-NET remote controllers>

M-NET transmission line M-NET transmission line

Outdoor unit (indoor/outdoor transmission line) Outdoor unit
(indoor/outdoor transmission line)

group group group group

MA remote controller Indoor unit M-NET remote controller Indoor unit

HWE0609A - 59 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

[2] Group Settings and Interlock Settings via the ME Remote Controller
1. Group settings/interlock settings

Make the following settings to perform a group operation of units that are connected to different outdoor units or to manually set up the
indoor/outdoor unit address.
(A) Group settings...........Registration of the indoor units to be controlled with the remote controller,
and search and deletion of registered information.
(B) Interlock settings........Registration of LOSSNAY units to be interlocked with the indoor units,
and search and deletion of registered information
[Operation Procedures]
(1) Address settings

Register the indoor unit to be controlled with the remote controller. DAILY


1 Bring up either the blinking display of HO by turning on the unit or the ˚C

normal display by pressing the ON/OFF button. TEMP. ON/OFF

The display window must look like one of the two figures below to proceed to the C CLOCK→ON→OFF FILTER
next step. A



[Blinking display of HO ] [Normal display]

(A) Group Settings (B) Interlock Settings

2 Bring up the Group Setting window. 6 Bring up the Interlock Setting window.
-Press and hold buttons A [FILTER] and B [ ] -Press button G [ ] to bring up the following display.
simultaneously for 2 seconds to bring up the display as Press again to go back to the Group Setting window as shown
shown below. under step 2 .

Both the indoor unit address and

interlocked unit address will be
displayed together.

Indoor unit address display window Indoor unit Interlocked unit

address address To search for an address,
display window display window go to section (2) Address Search.
3 Select the unit address.
- Select the address of the indoor unit to be registered by pressing
button C [TEMP. ( ) or ( )] to advance or go back 7 Bring up the address of the indoor unit and the address of the
through the addresses. LOSSNAY to be interlocked on the display.
4 Register the indoor unit whose address appears on the - Select the address of the indoor unit to be registered by pressing
display. button C [TEMP. ( ) or ( )] to advance or go back through
- Press button D [TEST] to register the indoor unit address the addresses.
whose address appears on the display. - Select the address of the LOSSNAY unit to be interlocked by
- If registration is successfully completed, unit type will appear pressing button H [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] to advance or go back
on the display as shown in the figure below. through the interlocked unit addresses.
- If the selected address does not have a corresponding indoor
unit, an error message will appear on the display. Check the
address, and try again.

<Successful completion of registration>

8 Make the settings to interlock LOSSNAY units with indoor
- Press button D [TEST] while both the indoor unit address and
the address of the LOSSNAY units to be interlocked
are displayed to enter the interlock setting.
Unit type (Indoor unit in this case) - Interlock setting can also be made by bringing up the
LOSSNAY address in the indoor unit address display
<Deletion error> window and the indoor unit address in the interlocked unit
address display window.

If registration is successfully
completed, the two displays as
blinks to indicate a registration error. shown on the left will appear
(Indicates that selected address does not have a alternately.
corresponding unit.) If the registration fails,
(Displayed alternately)
will blink on the display.
5 To register the addresses for multiple indoor units, repeat
(Indicates that the selected
steps 3 and 4 above. address does not have a
corresponding unit.)

To search for an address,

go to section (2) Address Search.
NOTE : Interlock all the indoor units in the group with the
LOSSNAY units; otherwise, the LOSSNAY units will
not operate.
To next page.

HWE0609A - 60 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

9 Repeat steps 7 and 8 in the previous page to interlock

all the indoor units in a group with the LOSSNAY unit.

(C) To return to the normal display

When all the group settings and interlock settings are made, take the To go back to the normal display, To search for an address,
following step to go back to the normal display. follow step 10 . go to section (2) Address Search.
10 Press and hold buttons A [FILTER] and B [ ]
simultaneously for 2 seconds to go back to the
window as shown in step 1 .

(2) Address search

To search for the address of indoor units that have been entered into
the remote controller, follow steps 1 and 2 .

(A) To search group settings (B) Interlock setting search

11 Bring up the Group Setting window. After performing step 6 , proceed as follows:
- Each pressing of button E [ ] will bring up the address of a 12 Bring up the address of the indoor unit to be searched on
registered indoor unit and its unit type on the display. the display.
- Select the address of the indoor unit to be searched by pressing
<Entry found> button H [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] to advance or go back
through the interlocked addresses.

Unit type
(Indoor unit in this case)
LOSSNAY can be searched in the same manner by bringing up
<No entries found> the LOSSNAY address in the Interlocked unit address display window.

13 Bring up on the display the address of the LOSSNAY unit

that was interlocked with the indoor unit in step 12 .
- With each pressing of button E [ ], the address of the
- When only one unit address is registered, the same address LOSSNAY and indoor unit that is interlocked with it will be
will remain on the display regardless of how many times the displayed alternately.
button is pressed.
- When the address of multiple units are registered
(i.e. 011, 012, 013 ), they will be displayed one at a time in
an ascending order with each pressing of button E [ ] .
Address of an interlocked
LOSSNAY unit (Displayed alternately)

14 Bring up the address of another registered unit on the

To delete an address, go to
section (3) Address Deletion.
- After completing step 13 , a subsequent pressing of button
E [ ] will bring up the address of another registered
(The display method is the same as the one in step 13 .)

To go back to the normal display,

follow step 10 . Address of another
interlocked unit (Displayed alternately)

To delete an address,
go to section (3) Address Deletion .
(3) Address deletion
The addresses of the indoor units that have been entered into the remote controller can be deleted by deleting the group settings.
The interlock settings between units can be deleted by deleting the interlock settings.
Follow the steps in section (2) Address Search to find the address to be deleted and perform deletion with the address being displayed in the
display window. To delete an address, the address must first be bought up on the display.
15 Delete the registered indoor unit address or the interlock setting between units.
- Press button F? [CLOCK ON OFF] twice while either the indoor unit address or the address of the interlocked unit is displayed on the
display to delete the interlock setting.

HWE0609A - 61 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

(A) To delete group settings (B) To delete interlock settings

<Successful completion of deletion>

If deletion is successfully
completed, - - will appear in
the unit type display window.
will be displayed in the room temperature display window. (Displayed alternately) If the deletion fails, will
appear in the unit type display
- If a transmission error occurs, the selected setting will not be window. In this case, repeat the
deleted, and the display will appear as shown below. steps above.
In this case, repeat the steps above.

<Deletion error>

will be displayed in the room temperature display window.

To go back to the normal display, follow step 10 .

(4) Making (A) Group settings and (B) Interlock settings of a group from any arbitrary remote controller

(A) Group settings and (B) Interlock settings of a group can be made from any arbitrary remote controller.
Refer to (B) Interlock Settings under section 1 Group Settings/Interlock Settings for operation procedures.
Set the address as shown below.
(A) To make group settings
Interlocked unit address display window...Remote controller address
Indoor unit address display window...........The address of the indoor unit to be controlled with the remote controller
(B) To make interlock settings
Interlocked unit address display window...LOSSNAY address
Indoor unit address display window..........The address of the indoor unit to be interlocked with the LOSSNAY

2. Remote controller function selection via the ME remote controller

In the remote controller function selection mode, the settings for four types of functions can be made or changed as necessary.
1) Skip-Auto-Mode setting
The automatic operation mode that is supported by some simultaneous cooling/heating type units can be made unselectable via the ME remote
2) Operation mode display selection mode (Display or non-display of COOL/HEAT during automatic operation mode)
When the automatic operation mode is selected, the indoor unit will automatically perform a cooling or heating operation based on the room
temperature. In this case, or will appear on the remote controller display.
This setting can be changed so that only will appear on the display.
3) Room temperature display selection mode (Display or non-display of room temperature)
Although the suction temperature is normally displayed on the remote controller, the setting can be changed so that it will not appear on the
remote controller.
4) Narrowed preset temperature range mode
The default temperature ranges are 19 C to 30 C in the cooling/dry mode and 17 C to 28 C in the heating mode and 19 C to 28 C in the auto mode.
By changing these ranges (raising the lower limit for the cooling/dry mode and lowering the upper limit for the heating mode), energy can be saved.
When making the temperature range setting on the simultaneous cooling/heating type units that supports the automatic operation mode to save on
energy consumption, enable the Skip-Auto-Mode setting to make the automatic operation mode unselectable. If the automatic operation mode is
selected, the energy-saving function may not work properly.
When connected to the air conditioning units that do not support the automatic operation mode, the setting for the Skip-Auto-Mode, restricted preset
temperature range mode (AUTO), and operation mode display selection mode are invalid. If an attempt is made to change the preset temperature range,
“LIMIT TEMP.” appears on the display.
Normal display [Function selection mode sequence on the remote controller]
1 1
Remote controller function selection mode
Skip-Auto-Mode setting
*2 2 3
Temperature range setting mode (AUTO) [Normal display]
3 2
TEMP. ON/OFF 2 3 *1 *1 1 : Press and hold the [CHECK] and
CLOCK→ON→OFF FILTER 5 Operation mode display selection mode (Display or non-display of the automatic mode) [ ] buttons simultaneously
2 3 *2 for two seconds.
PAR-F27MEA TIMER SET Restricted preset temperature range mode (Cooling) 2 : [SET TEMP. ( ) ] button
4 2 3 3 : [SET TEMP. ( ) ] button
Restricted preset temperature range mode (Heating) 2 3
2 3
*1 : Skip-Auto-Mode is enabled
Room temperature display selection mode
*2 : Skip-Auto-Mode is disabled

HWE0609A - 62 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

[Operation Procedures]
1. Press the [ON/OFF] button on the remote controller to bring the unit to a stop. The display will appear as shown in the previous page (Normal
2. Press buttons 1 [CHECK] and [ ] simultaneously for 2 seconds to go into the “Skip-Auto-Mode setting.”
under the remote controller function selection mode. Press button 2 [SET TEMP. ( )] or 3 [SET TEMP. ( )] to go into the other four modes
under the remote controller function selection mode.

Skip-Auto-Mode setting (Making the automatic operation mode unselectable)

This setting is valid only when the controller is connected to the simultaneous cooling/heating type air conditioning units that
support the automatic operation mode.
“ ” blinks and either “ON” or “OFF” lights up on the controller. Pressing the 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] button switches
between “ON” and “OFF.”

[TIMER SET ( ) (( ))] button

When set to “ON,” the automatic operation mode is available for selection in the function selection mode.
When set to “OFF,” the automatic operation mode is not available for selection in the function selection mode, and an automatic operation
cannot be performed.
(The automatic operation mode is skipped in the function selection mode sequence.)

Operation mode display selection mode (Changing the type of display that appears during the automatic mode operation)
When connected to the air conditioning units that do not support the automatic operation mode, the setting for this mode is invalid.
will blink, and either “ON”or “OFF” will light up. Press button 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] in this state to
switch between “ON” and “OFF.”

[TIMER SET ( ) (( ))] button

When it is set to ON, will appear on the display during automatic operation mode.
When it is set to OFF, only will appear on the display during automatic operation mode.
Restricted preset temperature range mode (The range of preset temperature can be changed.)
1) Temperature range setting for the cooling/dry mode
will light up in the display window, and the temperature range for the cooling/dry mode will appear on the display.
[Lower limit temperature]: Appears in the preset temperature display window [Upper limit temperature: Appears in the time display window
Switch between the Lower and Upper limit temperature setting by pressing the 5 [CLOCK-ON-OFF] button. The selected temperature setting blinks.

[TIMER SET ( ) (( ))] button

[The left figure shows the display that appears when the current temperature range setting is between 19 C and 30 C in the Cool/Dry mode,
and the lower limit temperature is selected to be set.]
Press button 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] to set the lower limit temperature to the desired temperature.
[Settable range for the lower limit temperature] : 19 C 30 C (Settable up to the upper limit temperature that is shown on the display)
[Settable range for the upper limit temperature] : 30 C 19 C (Settable up to the lower limit temperature that is shown on the display)

2) Temperature range setting for heating

“ ” and the settable temperature range for heating appear on the display.
As with the Cool/Dry mode, use the 5 [CLOCK-ON-OFF] button and the 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] to set the temperature range.
[Settable range for the lower limit temperature] : 17 C 28 C (Settable up to the upper limit temperature that is shown on the display)
[Settable range for the upper limit temperature] : 28 C 17 C (Settable up to the lower limit temperature that is shown on the display)

3) Temperature range setting for the automatic mode

When connected to the air conditioning units that do not support the automatic operation mode, the setting for this mode is invalid.
“ ” and the temperature range for the automatic operation mode appear on the display.
As with the Cool/Dry mode, use the 5 [CLOCK-ON-OFF] button and the 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] to set the temperature range.
[Settable range for the lower limit temperature] : 19 C 28 C (Settable up to the upper limit temperature that is shown on the display)
[Settable range for the upper limit temperature] : 28 C 19 C (Settable up to the lower limit temperature that is shown on the display)

Room temperature display selection mode (Switching between the display or non-display of room temperature on the controller)
“ 88 C ” blinks and either “ON” or “OFF” lights up on the controller. Pressing the 4 [TIMER SET ( ) or ( )] button
switches between “ON” and “OFF.”
˚C ˚C

[TIMER SET ( ) (( ))] button

When set to “ON,” room temperature always appears on the display during operation.
When set to “OFF,” room temperature does not appear on the display during operation.

HWE0609A - 63 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

[3] Interlock Settings via the MA Remote Controller

1. LOSSNAY interlock setting (Make this setting only when necessary.)

Make this setting only when necessary.

Perform this operation to enter the interlock setting between the LOSSNAY and the indoor units to which the remote controller is connected, or to
search and delete registered information.
In the following example, the address of the indoor unit is 05 and the address of the LOSSNAY unit is 30.

[Operation Procedures]
1 Press the [ON/OFF] button on the remote controller to bring the unit to a stop.
The display window on the remote controller must look like the figure below to proceed to step 2 .

2 Press and hold the [FILTER] and [ ] buttons simultaneously for two seconds to perform a search for the LOSSNAY that is interlocked with the
indoor unit to which the remote controller is connected.

3 Search result
- The indoor unit address and the interlocked LOSSNAY address will appear alternately.

<Indoor unit address and indoor unit> <LOSSNAY address and LOSSNAY>
- Without interlocked LOSSNAY settings

4 If no settings are necessary, exit the window by pressing and holding the [FILTER] and [ ] buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds.
Go to step 1. Registration Procedures to make the interlock settings with LOSSNAY units, or go to step 2. Search Procedures to search for a
particular LOSSNAY unit.
Go to step 3. Deletion Procedures to delete any LOSSNAY settings.

< 1. Registration Procedures >

5 To interlock an indoor unit with a LOSSNAY unit, press the [
TEMP. ( ) or ( )] button on the remote controller that is connected to the indoor
unit, and select its address (01 to 50).
6 Press the [ CLOCK ( ) or ( )] button to select the address of the LOSSNAY to be interlocked (01 to 50).

Indoor unit address LOSSNAY address

7 Press the [TEST] button to register the address of the selected indoor unit and the interlocked LOSSNAY unit.
- Registration completed
The registered indoor unit address and IC, and the interlocked LOSSNAY address and LC will appear alternately.

- Registration error
If the registration fails, the indoor unit address and the LOSSNAY address will be displayed alternately.

Registration cannot be completed: The selected unit address does not have a corresponding indoor unit or a LOSSNAY unit.
Registration cannot be completed: Another LOSSNAY has already been interlocked with the selected indoor unit.

HWE0609A - 64 - GB
[ IV Remote Controller ]

< 2. Search Procedures >

8 To search for the LOSSNAY unit that is interlocked with a particular indoor unit, enter the address of the indoor unit into the remote controller that is
connected to it.

<Indoor unit address>

9 Press the [ MENU] button to search for the address of the LOSSNAY unit that is interlocked with the selected indoor unit.
- Search completed (With a LOSSNAY connection)
The indoor unit address and IC, and the interlocked LOSSNAY address and LC will appear alternately.

- Search completed (No interlocked settings with a LOSSNAY exist.)

- The selected address does not have a corresponding indoor unit.

< 3. Deletion Procedures >

Take the following steps to delete the interlock setting between a LOSSNAY unit and the interlocked indoor unit from the remote controller
that is connected to the indoor unit.
10 Find the address of the LOSSNAY to be deleted (See section 2. Search Procedures. ), and bring up the result of the search for both the
indoor unit and LOSSNAY on the display.

11 Press the [ ON/OFF] button twice to delete the address of the LOSSNAY unit that is interlocked with the selected indoor unit.
- Registration completed
The indoor unit address and , and the interlocked LOSSNAY address and will appear alternately.

-Deletion error
If the deletion fails

[4] Using the built-in Temperature Sensor on the Remote Controller

1. Selecting the position of temperature detection (Factory setting: SW1-1 on the controller board on the indoor unit is
set to OFF.)
To use the built-in sensor on the remote controller, set the SW1-1 on the controller board on the indoor unit to ON.
ŒSome models of remote controllers are not equipped with a built-in temperature sensor. Use the built-in temperature sensor
on the indoor unit instead.
ŒWhen using the built-in sensor on the remote controller, install the remote controller where room temperature can be detected.

HWE0609A - 65 - GB
- 66 -
V Electrical Wiring Diagram

[1] Electrical Wiring Diagram of the Outdoor Unit ................................................................. 69

[2] Electrical Wiring Diagram of Transmission Booster......................................................... 71

HWE0609A - 67 - GB
- 68 -
V Electrical Wiring Diagram

FAN Board 21 12 45 CNDC 6
4 pink 12 1 3 12 21 12 5
CN18V CN4 CN21 3 1 3 CN801
blue 2 CNT01 CNT02 CN332 CN4 M
blue 1
PCB power yellow blue
F01 supply 2 LEV1
AC250V 7 1
CNVDC 15A T 6 CNAC2 circuit
CN22 5 5
2 black Power CN2
3 IPM LED3: CPU in red 4 6
3 1 failure 2
Fan motor C630 operation 1 CNLVB 54
1 2 red detection M
1 A2 3 red 3
(Heat exchanger) R630 CN505 circuit 2
U 1 black X72 1
6 THBOX A1 white
4 t° 6
3~ LED1: Normal Control Board
W 2 operation CNLVC 54
red 3 M
1 LED2: Error 2 LED1 2 LEV2b
[ V Electrical Wiring Diagram ]

SV1a CN502 1
(1) PUHY-P200, P250 models

*5 R1 1
red black CH11 3
14 13 1 blue X03
SWU2 SWU1 1 1 1 1 1
24 23 12 1 3
INV Board SC-P1 3 10's digit 1's digit
DCL 34 33 CN6 CN5V CN4 12
21S4a CN504
yellow 1 green X04
44 43
72C LED1: Normal operation(lit) Unit address setting 10 10 10 10 10
red /Error(blink) 1 SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1
3 LED1
SC-P2 CN51 Function setting Display
U R30 C30 C31 C32 CNDC 12V
pink 1 setting
*5 *5 C1 4 Compressor ON/OFF output CNTYP5 3
red 1 5 green 1
IGBT 2 Error detection output Z24
C1 t° CNTYP4 2
black THHS 5 1
1. Electrical wiring diagram of the outdoor unit

7 4
SC-V 3 t° TH6
CN2 CN213
red 2 t° TH7
Noise Filter 1 3 CN02 SC-T SC-R SC-U SC-W 2
CN212 t° TH3
LED3:Lit when powered
CY1 CN990 21 t° TH5
CT3 CT12 CT22

Z4 Z3 CX4 CX5 1
CN202 32 63LS
[1] Electrical Wiring Diagram of the Outdoor Unit

U 2
TB21 red 1 3
U red black white red red white black LED2: CPU in operation 3 1

- 69 -
Z1 Z2 CN40 CN201 2 2 63HS1
U U white 1 3
CX3 TB22 1 2 3 4 ON
black F01
CX1 TB23 AC250V CN215 2 t° TH2
F1 CX2 Power selecting
3.15A T black 1
AC250V F2 connector
6.3A T AC250V yellow blue red yellow red 1 t° TH4
L1 L2 L3 red CN211 2
5 3 1 CNAC
CN01 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5

red white black *3

TB1 L1 L2 L3
CN03 1 3 1 3 CN04 4321 21 54321
red white black black red
V yellow red
F01 M-NET power
Power supply U W AC250V LED1: Power supply to
MS 3.15A T supply Indoor/Outdoor
3~ circuit transmission cable
60Hz TB3 TB7
Motor A B A B S
208/220/230V (Compressor) TP1 TP2
L1 L2 L3 M-NET Board
*1.Single-dotted lines indicate wiring
<Symbol explanation> not supplied with the unit.
Symbol explanation Symbol Explanation *4
21S4a 4-way valve(Cooling/Heating switching) TB1 Terminal Power supply
*2.Dot-dash lines indicate the control Central control
63H1 Pressure High pressure protection for the TB3 block Indoor/Outdoor transmission box boundaries.
switch outdoor unit cable
transmission transmission
63HS1 Pressure Discharge pressure TB7 Central control transmission
*3.Refer to the Data book for connecting cable cable
63LS sensor Low pressure cable input/output signal connectors.
72C Magnetic relay (inverter main circuit) TH2 Thermistor Subcool bypass outlet
CT12, 22, 3 Current sensor (AC) temperature *4.Daisy-chain terminals (TB3) on the
CH11 Crankcase heater (for heating the compressor) TH3 Pipe temperature outdoor units in the same refrigerant
DCL DC reactor TH4 Discharge pipe temperature
Linear HIC bypass,Controls refrigerant TH5 ACC inlet pipe temperature
system together.
expansion flow in plate-type HEX in HIC TH6 Subcooled liquid refrigerant *5.Faston terminals have a locking
valve circuit temperature
Pressure control,Refrigerant flow TH7 OA temperature
function. Make sure the terminals
LEV2a, b
rate control THBOX Control box internal temperature are securely locked in place after
SV1a Solenoid valve (for opening/closing the bypass THHS IGBT temperature
circuit under the O/S) Z24, 25 Function setting connector
insertion. Press the tab on the
terminals to removed them.


FAN Board 21 12 45 CNDC 6
4 pink 12 1 3 12 21 12 5
CN18V CN4 CN21 3 1 3 CN801
blue 2 CNT01 CNT02 CN332 CN4 M
blue 1
PCB power yellow blue
F01 supply 2 LEV1
AC250V 7 1
CNVDC 15A T 6 CNAC2 circuit
CN22 5 2 black Power CN2
3 IPM LED3: CPU in red 4 6
3 1 failure 2
Fan motor C630 operation 1 CNLVB 54
1 2 detection red 3 M
(Heat exchanger) 1 3 circuit
R630 CN505 2 LEV2a
U 1 black
M V 3
4 t° 6
3~ LED1: Normal *6 21S4b CN501 X01 Control Board
operation 1 CNLVC 45
W 2 red 3 M
1 LED2: Error 2 LED1 2 LEV2b
[ V Electrical Wiring Diagram ]

SV1a CN502 1
1 X02
CH11 3
THHS 1 blue X03
SWU2 SWU1 1 1 1 1 1
t° Z26 3 10's digit 1's digit
21S4a CN504
1 green X04
4321 21 21 21 LED1: Normal operation 321 Unit address setting
LED2: Error 6 10 10 10 10 10
blue green black yellow SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1
1 *6 SV5b CN506
3 LED1
LED4: CPU in X05 CN51 Function setting Display
red 7 1 12V
(2) PUHY-P300, P350, P400, P450 models

operation 6 setting
5 1
Noise R1 R2 SW1 CN2 *3
1 3 Z25
72C 2 Function 2
Filter TB31 3 CNCT 1 4 Compressor ON/OFF output CNTYP5 3
1 3 CN03 4 setting 5 green 1
black Error detection output Z24
1 CNTYP4 2
72C INV Board CN4 2 1
TB42 R01 4 t° TH6
black CN213 3
LED3: Charge red 2 t° TH7
CN02 1 3 F3 1
AC250V Z5
6.3A T U C41 black *5 CN212 2 t° TH3
FT-N 1
LED3: Lit when powered
red IPM power CN990 21 t° TH5
CY1 - + CNIPM supply
Diode Stack circuit
~ ~ ~ 1 25

CNDC1 blue 1
1 F02 1

1 4 AC250V
CN202 32 2 63LS
C007 C008

red 1 3

U 4 3.15A T LED2: CPU in operation
Z3 3 1

- 70 -
U N CN40 CN201 2 2 63HS1
Z1 Z2 W V U pink 1 3

TB23 1 2 3 4
IPM 4 1 3 1 F01
CX3 TB21 TB22 AC250V CN215 2 t° TH2
Power selecting black 1
black white red 3.15A T

F1 CX1 CX2 connector
AC250V black yellow blue red yellow red 1
F2 CN211 t° TH4
6.3A T red CN3K CN3N CN3S CN3D CN102 CN41 CNS2 CNIT 2
AC250V L1 L2 L3 CNAC
5 3 1 6.3A T 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5

red white black *3

L1 L2 L3
CN03 1 3 1 3 CN04 4321 21 54321
black red
black white red CN102 CNS2 CNIT
yellow red
V F01 M-NET power
Power supply AC250V LED1: Power supply to
W MS U supply Indoor/Outdoor
3.15A T
3~ circuit transmission cable
60Hz TB3 TB7
208/220/230V Motor TP1 TP2
L1 L2 L3 M-NET Board
<Symbol explanation> *1.Single-dotted lines indicate wiring
Symbol Explanation Symbol Explanation
21S4a 4-way valve Cooling/Heating switching TB1 Terminal Power supply not supplied with the unit. *4
21S4b *6 HEX capacity switching TB3 block Indoor/Outdoor transmission *2.Dot-dash lines indicate the control Indoor/Outdoor Central control
63H1 Pressure High pressure protection for the cable
switch outdoor unit box boundaries. transmission transmission
TB7 Central control transmission
63HS1 Pressure Discharge pressure cable cable cable
*3.Refer to the Data book for connecting <Difference of appliance>
63LS Low pressure TH2 Thermistor Subcool bypass outlet
72C Magnetic relay (inverter main circuit) temperature input/output signal connectors. Model name Appliance
ACCT1, 2, 3 Current sensor (AC) TH3 Pipe temperature PUHY-P300,350THM-A(-BS) *6 do not exist
CH11 Crankcase heater (for heating the compressor) TH4 Discharge pipe temperature
*4.Daisy-chain terminals (TB3) on the PUHY-P400,450THM-A(-BS) *6 exist
DCCT1 Current sensor (DC) TH5 ACC inlet pipe temperature outdoor units in the same refrigerant
DCL DC reactor TH6 Subcooled liquid refrigerant
system together.
LEV1 Linear HIC bypass,Controls refrigerant
expansion flow in plate-type HEX in HIC TH7 OA temperature *5.Faston terminals have a locking
valve circuit THBOX Control box internal temperature
Pressure control, Refrigerant flow THHS Heat sink temperature
function. Make sure the terminals
LEV2a, b
rate control Z24, 25, 26 Function setting connector are securely locked in place after
SV1a Solenoid For opening/closing the bypass insertion. Press the tab on the
valve circuit under the O/S
SV5b *6 HEX capacity switching terminals to removed them.

[ V Electrical Wiring Diagram ]

[2] Electrical Wiring Diagram of Transmission Booster

Terminal block for power supply

250V 5A
L Red Red Red Black
Red White White
1 3
100V/200VAC Green/Yellow
Varistor Noise filter E
White White White White Black
2 4

4 Black
Red 1
Blue Stabilized power supply 2
2 Black
Grounding 3
Choke coil CN2

Red White Red Blue

1 2 1 2 1 2 S
White White Terminal block 2 for
CN3 CN4 B transmission line (TB3)
Red Red Expanded (indoor unit) side
Electronic control board A
2 1
Black Black Terminal block 1 for
B transmission line (TB2)
Red Red Expanded (outdoor unit) side

HWE0609A - 71 - GB
- 72 -
VI Refrigerant Circuit

[1] Refrigerant Circuit Diagram ............................................................................................. 75

[2] Principal Parts and Functions .......................................................................................... 78

HWE0609A - 73 - GB
- 74 -
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]
VI Refrigerant Circuit

[1] Refrigerant Circuit Diagram

1. Outdoor unit
(1) PUHY-P200, P250, P300, P350 models

21S4 BV1









SCC (HIC Circuit)

(2) PUHY-P400, P450 models


21S4a ST1


63HS1 63H1 CJ1




SV5b TH3 LEV2a BV2


HWE0609A - 75 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

(3) PUHY-P500, P550, P600, P650, P700, P750, P800, P850, P900 models

[1] ST1


63H1 CJ2

TH5 Gas
O/S separator
SV1a TH5



LEV2 × 2



SCC (HIC Circuit) LEV1

21S4 ST1

TH7 CV1 separator


SV1a TH5 63LS







SCC (HIC Circuit) LEV1

*1. The diagram above shows the refrigerant circuit of the P500, P550, P600, P650, and P700 models,
which consist of two units that are smaller than P400. The P750, P800, P850, and P900 models
consist of at least one P400 or P450 unit, whose refrigerant circuit diagram is different from that of
the smaller units that is shown in the diagram above.

HWE0609A - 76 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

(4) PUHY-P950, P1000, P1050, P1100, P1150, P1200, P1250 models

21S4 ST1 BV1



63HS1 CJ1
O/S TH5 Gas
SV1a TH5






SCC (HIC Circuit) LEV1

21S4 BV1

CJ2 Liquid
CV1 separator


ST3 Liquid
63LS separator
SV1a TH5







SCC (HIC Circuit) LEV1

21S4a ST1 BV1








SV5b TH3 BV2


SCC (HIC Circuit)

* The diagram above shows the refrigerant circuit of the P950, 1000, 1050, 1100, and 1150 models,
which consist of one P400 or P450 unit ([3] in the diagram above.) and two units that are smaller
than P400 ([1] and [2] in the diagram above.) Since the P1200 and P1250 models consist of two
units that are P400 and above, their refrigerant circuit diagrams will look slightly different from the
one shown above.

HWE0609A - 77 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

[2] Principal Parts and Functions

1. Outdoor unit

Part Symbols
Notes Usage Specifications Check method
name (functions)
Compres- MC1 Adjusts the amount of circulating P200 - P250 models
sor (Comp1) refrigerant by adjusting the oper- Low-pressure shell scroll
ating frequency based on the compressor
operating pressure data Wirewound resistance
20°C[68°F] : 0.268ohm
P300 - P450 models
Low-pressure shell scroll
Wirewound resistance
20°C[68°F] : 0.161ohm
High 63HS1 1) Detects high pressure Pressure
pressure 2) Regulates frequency and 63HS1 0~4.15 MPa [601psi]
Vout 0.5~3.5V
sensor provides high-pressure pro- 123 0.071V/0.098 MPa [14psi]
Pressure [MPa]
tection Con-
=1.38 x Vout [V]-0.69
Pressure [psi]
=(1.38 x Vout [V] - 0.69) x 145
1 GND (Black)
2 Vout (White)
Vcc (DC5V) (Red)

Low 63LS 1) Detects low pressure Pressure

pressure 2) Provides low-pressure pro- 63LS 0~1.7 MPa [247psi]
Vout 0.5~3.5V
sensor tection 123 0.173V/0.098 MPa [14psi]
Pressure [MPa]
Con- =0.566 x Vout [V] - 0.283
nector Pressure [psi]
=(0.566 x Vout [V] - 0.283) x 145

1 GND (Black)
2 Vout (White)
Vcc (DC5V) (Red)

Pressure 63H1 1) Detects high pressure 4.15MPa[601psi] OFF setting

switch 2) Provides high-pressure

HWE0609A - 78 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

Part Symbols
Notes Usage Specifications Check method
name (functions)
Ther- TH4 1) Detects discharge air tem- Degrees Celsius Resistance
mistor (Discharge) perature R 120 = 7.465k check
2) Provides high-pressure R 25/120 = 4057
Rt =
protection 1 1
7.465 exp 4057
273 t 393
0°C[32°F] :698kohm
10°C[50°F] :413kohm
20°C[68°F] :250kohm
30°C[86°F] :160kohm
40°C[104°F] :104kohm
50°C[122°F] : 70kohm
60°C[140°F] : 48kohm
70°C[158°F] : 34kohm
80°C[176°F] : 24kohm
90°C[194°F] :17.5kohm
100°C[212°F] :13.0kohm
110°C[230°F] : 9.8kohm
TH2 LEV 1 is controlled based on the Degrees Celsius Resistance
TH2, TH3, and TH6 values. R 0 = 15k check
R 0/80 = 3460
TH3 1) Controls frequency R t = 15 exp 3460
1 1
(Pipe 2) Controls defrosting during 273 t 273
temperature) heating operation
3) Detects subcool at the heat
0°C[32°F] :15kohm
exchanger outlet and con- 10°C[50°F] :9.7kohm
trols LEV1 based on HPS 20°C[68°F] :6.4kohm
data and TH3 data 25°C[77°F] :5.3kohm
30°C[86°F] :4.3kohm
TH7 1) Detects outdoor air temper-
40°C[104°F] :3.1kohm
(Outdoor ature
temperature) 2) Controls fan operation
TH5 LEV2a and LEV2b are con-
trolled based on the 63LS and
TH5 values.
TH6 Controls LEV1 based on TH2,
TH3, and TH6 data.
THHS P300 Controls inverter cooling fan Degrees Celsius
Inverter model based on THHS temperature
R 50 = 17k
heat sink only R 25/120 = 4016
temperature R t = 17 exp 4016
1 1
273 t 323
Control box
internal tem- 0°C[32°F] :161kohm
perature de- 10°C[50°F] :97kohm
tection 20°C[68°F] :60kohm
25°C[77°F] :48kohm
30°C[86°F] :39kohm
40°C[104°F] :25kohm
Solenoid SV1a 1) High/low pressure bypass AC208-230V Continuity
valve Discharge- at start-up and stopping, Open while being powered/ check with a
suction and capacity control during closed while not being powered tester
bypass low-load operation
2) High-pressure-rise preven-
SV5b P400- Controls outdoor unit heat ex-
Heat P450 changer capacity
exchanger models
capacity only

HWE0609A - 79 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

Part Symbols
Notes Usage Specifications Check method
name (functions)
Linear ex- LEV1 Adjusts the amount of bypass DC12V Same as in-
pansion (SC control) flow from the liquid pipe on the Opening of a valve driven by a door LEV
valve outdoor unit during cooling stepping motor 0-480 pulses The resistance
(direct driven type) value differs
from that of the
indoor LEV.
(Refer to the
section "LEV
LEV2a Adjusts refrigerant flow during DC12V Same as in-
LEV2b heating Opening of a valve driven by a door LEV
(Refrigerant stepping motor 1400 pulses
flow adjust-
Heater CH11 Heats the refrigerant in the com- Cord heater AC230V Resistance
pressor P200 - P250 models check
1511 ohm 35W
P300 - P450 models
1176 ohm 45W
4-way 21S4a Changeover between heating AC208-230V Continuity
valve and cooling Dead: cooling cycle check with a
Live: heating cycle tester
21S4b P400- 1) Changeover between heat- AC208-230V
P450 ing and cooling Dead: cooling cycle
models 2) Controls outdoor unit heat Outdoor unit heat exchanger
only exchanger capacity capacity at 100%
Live: heating cycle
Outdoor unit heat exchanger
capacity at 50%
or heating cycle

HWE0609A - 80 - GB
[ VI Refrigerant Circuit ]

2. Indoor Unit

Part Symbol
Notes Usage Specification Check method
Name (functions)
Linear LEV 1) Adjusts superheat at the DC12V Refer to the section
expan- indoor heat exchanger Opening of stepping motor "Continuity Test with a
sion valve outlet during cooling driving valve 0-(1400) puls- Tester".
2) Adjusts subcool at the es Continuity between
heat exchanger outlet of white, red, and or-
the indoor unit during
Continuity between
cooling yellow, brown, and

Yellow Brown Blue

Ther- TH1 Indoor unit control (Thermo) Resistance check

mistor (Suction air R0=15k
temperature) R0/80=3460
Rt = 1 1
TH2 1) Indoor unit control (Frost 15exp{3460( - )}
273+t 273
(Pipe temper- prevention, Hot adjust)
ature) 2) LEV control during heat- 0°C [32°F]:15kohm
10°C [50°F] :9.7kohm
ing operation (subcool
20°C [68°F]:6.4kohm
detection). 25°C [77°F] :5.3kohm
TH3 LEV control during cooling op- 30°C [86°F] :4.3kohm
(Gas pipe eration (superheat detection) 40°C [104°F] :3.1kohm
TH4 Indoor unit control (Thermo)
Outdoor air
Temperature Indoor unit control (Thermo)
sensor (In-
door air tem-

HWE0609A - 81 - GB
- 82 -
VII Control

[1] Functions and Factory Settings of the Dipswitches ......................................................... 85

[2] Controlling the Outdoor Unit ............................................................................................ 94
[3] Operation Flow Chart..................................................................................................... 106

HWE0609A - 83 - GB
- 84 -
[ VII Control ]
VII Control

[1] Functions and Factory Settings of the Dipswitches

1. Outdoor unit
(1) Control board

Units that re-

quire switch
Function according to switch setting Switch setting timing
Switch Function setting
SWU 1-2 Unit address setting Set to 00 or 51-100 with the dial switch Before power on C C
For self-diagnosis/ C C
Refer to the LED monitor display on the
SW1 1-10 operation monitor- Anytime after power on
outdoor unit board.
Without connec- With connection to B B
Centralized control
1 tion to the central- the centralized Before power on
ized controller controller
Deletion of connec- A -
2 Normal control Deletion Before power on
tion information
(OC) Deletion of C C
(OC) Storage of
IC/OC error histo- Anytime after power on
Deletion of error IC/OC error history
3 ry (When switched from OFF to
history SW
(OS) Storage of (OS) Deletion of ON)
OS error history OS error history
After being energized and A -
4 Pump down mode Normal control Pump down mode while the compressor is
SW2 stopped
5 - - - - - -
6 - - - - - -
Anytime after A A
10 minutes power on
Forced defrost after com- (When
7 Forced defrost Normal control
starts pressor start- switched
up from OFF to
Anytime after power on B B
Defrost timer set-
8 50 minutes 90 minutes (When switched from OFF to
ting (Note 3)
9 - - - - - -
10 - - - - - -

1) Unless otherwise specified, leave the switch to OFF where indicated by "-," which may be set to OFF for a reason.

2) A: Only the switch on either the OC or OS needs to be set for the setting to be effective on both units.
B: The switches on both the OC and OS need to be set to the same setting for the setting to be effective.
C: The setting is effective for the unit on which the setting is made.

3) Refer to "7 [2] Controlling the Outdoor Unit" for details.

HWE0609A - 85 - GB
[ VII Control ]

Units that re-

quire switch
Function according to switch setting Switch setting timing
Switch Function setting
Test run mode: en- A -
1 SW3-2 disabled SW3-2 enabled Anytime after power on
Test run mode: ON/ Sends a test-run After power on and when A -
2 Stops all ICs
OFF signal to all IC SW3-1 is on.
P200 - P350 B B
Defrost start tem- -10°C [14°F]
3 -5°C [23°F] Anytime after power on
perature P400 - P450
-8°C [18°F]

SW3 P200 - P300 P200 - P300 B B

10°C [50°F] 15°C [59°F] Anytime after power on (ex-
Defrost end tem-
4 cept during defrost opera-
perature P350 - P450 P350 - P450 tion)
7°C [45°F] 12°C [54°F]
5 - - - - - -
6 - - - - - -
7 - - - - - -
8 - - - - - -
9 - - - - - -
10 - - - - - -
1 - - - - - -
2 - - - - - -
Anytime after being ener- A -
gized (except during initial
Refrigerant amount Normal operation startup mode.
3 amount adjust
adjustment mode Automatically cancelled 90
minutes after compressor
Low-noise mode/ C C
Low-noise mode Step demand
4 step demand Before being energized
SW4 (Note 3) mode
5 - - - - - -
Cumulative com- Cumulative com- C C
Cumulative com-
pressor operation pressor operation Anytime after power on
6 pressor operation
time data is re- time data is delet- (when the unit is turned on)
time data deletion
tained. ed.
7 - - - - - -
8 - - - - - -
9 - - - - - -
10 - - - - - -

1) Unless otherwise specified, leave the switch to OFF where indicated by "-," which may be set to OFF for a reason.

2) A: Only the switch on either the OC or OS needs to be set for the setting to be effective on both units.
B: The switches on both the OC and OS need to be set to the same setting for the setting to be effective.
C: The setting is effective for the unit on which the setting is made.

3) The noise level is reduced by controlling the compressor frequency and outdoor fan rotation speed.
Setting of CN3D is required.

HWE0609A - 86 - GB
[ VII Control ]

Units that re-

quire switch
Function according to switch setting Switch setting timing
Switch Function setting
1 C C
2 Model selection See the table below (Note 4). Before being energized
Low-noise mode Capacity priority Low-noise priority A -
5 Before being energized
SW5 selection mode (Note 3) mode
6 - - - - - -
7 Model selection See the table below (Note 4). Before being energized B B
8 - - - - - -
9 - - - - - -
10 - - - - - -

1) Unless otherwise specified, leave the switch to OFF where indicated by "-," which may be set to OFF for a reason.

2) A: Only the switch on either the OC or OS needs to be set for the setting to be effective on both units.
B: The switches on both the OC and OS need to be set to the same setting for the setting to be effective.
C: The setting is effective for the unit on which the setting is made.

3) When set to the capacity priority mode and if the following conditions are met, the low-noise mode will terminate, and the unit
will go back into the normal operation mode.
Cooling: Outside temperature is high or high pressure is high.
Heating: Outside temperature is low or low pressure is low.

4) The table below summarizes the factory settings for dipswitches SW5-1 through SW5-4, and SW5-7. The factory setting for
all other dipswitches is OFF.

SW 5
1 2 3 4 7
OFF ON OFF OFF ON P200 model
ON ON OFF OFF ON P250 model
OFF OFF ON OFF ON P300 model
OFF ON ON OFF ON P350 model
ON ON ON OFF ON P400 model
OFF OFF OFF ON ON P450 model

HWE0609A - 87 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(2) INV board

1) P200, P250 models
There are no dipswitches on these models. Functions are switched with the following connector.

Function according to connec-

Setting timing
Connector Function tor
Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
CN6 short- Enabling/disabling the following error Error detec- Error detec- Anytime after power on
circuit con- detection functions; tion enabled tion disable
nector ACCT sensor failure (No load op-
(5301 Detail No. 115) eration is pos-
ACCT sensor circuit failure sible.)
(5301 Detail No.117)
IPM open/ACCT erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No. 119)
Detection of ACCT erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No.120)

ŒCN6 short-circuit connector is mated with the mating connector.

ŒLeave the short-circuit connector on the mating connector during normal operation to enable error detection and protect the
equipment from damage.

2) P300, P350, P400, P450 models

Function according to switch

Switch setting timing
Switch Function setting
SW1 1 Enabling/disabling the following error Error detec- Error detec- Anytime after power on
detection functions; tion enabled tion disable
ACCT/DCCT sensor failure (No load op-
(5301 Detail No. 115, 116) eration is pos-
ACCT/DCCT sensor circuit failure sible.)
(5301 Detail No.117,118)
IPM open/Disconnected CNCT2
(5301 Detail No. 119)
Detection of erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No.120)
2 - - - - -
3 - - - - -
4 - - - - -
5 - - - - -
6 - - - - -

ŒAll are set to OFF at factory shipment. Unless otherwise specified, set the switch to OFF where indicated by "-," which may
be set to a certain setting for a reason.
ŒLeave SW1-1 to OFF during normal operation. If it is set to ON, errors cannot be detected and the unit may be damaged.

HWE0609A - 88 - GB
[ VII Control ]

2. Function of the switch (Indoor unit)

(1) Dipswitches
1) SW1,3

Function according to switch setting Switch setting timing

Switch Function
Set to ON (built-in sensor on the remote controller)
Room temperature Built-in sensor on
1 detection position Indoor unit inlet the remote controller on All Fresh (PEFY-VMH-F) model units

2 Clogged filter detection Not available Available

3 Filter check reminder time setting 100h 2500h
4 Outside air intake Disabled Enabled Always set to OFF on PKFY-AM model units

5 Remote display option Fan output Thermo-ON signal

SW1 6 Humidifier control During heating operation Always on while in the heating mode
Fan speed setting for
Heating Thermo-OFF Very Low Low
7 Applicable to All Fresh model units
Forced heating operation Available
at OA temp of 5 C or below Not available (PEFY-VMH-F) only

Fan speed setting for According to the

Heating Thermo-OFF SW1-7 setting Preset speed
8 Applicable to All Fresh model units
- - - (PEFY-VMH-F) only
While the unit is stopped
9 Self-recovery after power failure Disabled Enabled (Remote controller OFF)
10 Power source start-stop Disabled Enabled
1 Unit model selection Heat pump Cooling only
2 Louver Not available Available
3 Vane Not available Available
4 Vane swing function Not available Available Always set to OFF on PKFY-VAM model units

SW3 5 - - -
Vane angle limit setting Always set to Downblow B or C on
for cooling operation Downblow B,C Horizontal PKFY-VAM model units
Initial vane position Enabled Disabled PLFY-VLMD model only

7 Automatic LEV value

Not available Available
conversion function
Set to OFF on floor-standing
8 Heating 4°C [7.2°F] up Enabled Disabled (PFFY) type units
The setting depends on the
9 SHm setting 2°C [3.6°F] 5°C [9°F] model and type.
The setting depends on the
10 SCm setting 10°C [18°F] 15°C [27°F] model and type.

Note 1. Settings in the shaded areas are factory settings.(Refer to the table below for the factory setting of the switches whose factory settings are not indicated by the shaded cells.)
Note 2. If both SW1-7 and SW1-8 are set to ON, the fan remains stopped during heating Thermo-OFF.
To prevent incorrect temperature detection due to a build-up of warm air around the indoor unit, use the built-in temperature sensor on the remote controller (SW1-1)
instead of the one on the indoor unit inlet thermistor.
Note 3. By setting SW3-1, SW1-7, and SW1-8 to a certain configuration, the fan can be set to remain stopped during cooling Thermo-OFF. See the table below for details.

Switch setting Fan speed during Thermo-OFF

Cooling-only/heat pump
SW3-1 SW1-7 SW1-8 Heating Cooling
OFF Very Low
OFF ON Low Preset speed Heat pump
OFF Preset speed
ON Stop
OFF Preset speed Cooling-only
OFF − Stop
ON Stop Stop Heat pump

HWE0609A - 89 - GB
[ VII Control ]


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5

HWE0609A - 90 - GB
[ VII Control ]

2) SW2

Model P20 P25 P32 P40 P50 P63 P71 P80 P100 P125 P140 P200 P250
Capacity (model) code 4 5 6 8 10 13 14 16 20 25 28 40 50
SW2 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456

Note. The setting timing for SW2 is before power is turned on.

(2) Slide switches

Switch Function Function according to switch setting Switch setting timing


SW5 240V

ON ON : 220V
OFF OFF : 240V

Ceiling height
SWA Ceiling height Anytime after power on
3 3 3.5m[11ft]
setting 2 2 2.8m[9ft]
1 1 2.3m[7ft]

(PDFY-P20-80VM-E, PEFY-P20-80VMM-E)
3 100Pa
2 50Pa
1 30Pa
SWA Static pressure For the models other than the ones listed above, change
setting the static pressure setting by changing the connectors.
Anytime after power on
5Pa 1 Option
15Pa 1 Standard
35Pa 2 Standard
50Pa 3 Standard

2 directions
3 directions
4 directions
SWB Number of SWB
unit setting SWA
1 2 3 Anytime after power on
4.0m[13ft] 4.2m[13ft]
2 directions (3.3m[10ft]) (3.5m[11ft])
3.6m[11ft] 4.0m[13ft] 4.2m[13ft]
3 directions (3.0m[9ft]) (3.3m[10ft]) (3.5m[11ft])
4 directions 3.2m[10ft] 3.6m[11ft] 4.2m[13ft]
(2.7m[8ft]) (3.0m[9ft]) (3.5m[11ft])
The figures in the parentheses apply to the P32-P80 models.


SWC Airflow
Standaed Anytime after power on
*When using the optional high-efficiency element, set
this switch to Option to prevent a drop in the airflow.

HWE0609A - 91 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(3) Address switch

Actual indoor unit address setting varies in different systems. Refer to the installation manual for the outdoor unit for details
on how to make the address setting.
Each address is set with a combination of the settings for the 10's digit and 1's digit.
When setting the address to "3", set the 1's digit to 3, and the 10's digit to 0.
When setting the address to "25", set the 1's digit to 5, and the 10's digit to 2.

3. Function of the switch <Remote controller>

(1) MA remote controller (PAR-20MAA)
The SW is located at the bottom of the remote controller under the cover. Operate the switches to perform the remote con-
troller main/sub setting or other function settings. Normally, do not change the settings of switches other than the SW1 (main/
sub switching switch). (All the switches are set to "ON" at factory setting.)


1 2 3 4

Switching switch Remote controller

Switch Function ON OFF Operation by switch settings Switch setting timing

When two remote controllers are connected

1 Remote controller
Main Sub to one group, set either of the remote Before power on
main/sub setting
controllers to "Sub".

When the program timer (only few stock

At power on of the Normal Timer mode products are available) is connected, set to
2 Before power on
remote controller startup startup "Timer mode startup" to resume the operation
with timer mode after power is restored.
When the automatic mode is set and the
Cooling/heating display Displayed Not displayed
3 "Cooling"/"Heating" display is not necessary, Before power on
set by automatic setting
set to "Not displayed".
When the suction temperature (discharge
Suction temperature display
4 Displayed Not displayed temperature) display is not necessary, Before power on
(discharge temperature display)
set to "Not displayed".

The MA remote controller (PAR-21MAA) does not have the switches listed above. Refer to the installation manual for the func-
tion setting.

HWE0609A - 92 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(2) ME remote controller (PAR-F27MEA)

Set the address of the remote controller with the rotary switch.

Rotary switch
01 01

78 9

78 9

4 56 4 56

10's digit 1's digit

01 01

(left) (right)

78 9

78 9

45 6 4 56

Remote controller unit

Example: In case of address 108

Address setting range Setting method

Main remote controller 101-150 Add 100 to the smallest address of all the indoor units in the
same group.
Sub remote controller 151-200 Add 150 to the smallest address of all the indoor units in the
same group.

Setting of rotary switch Address No.

01-99*1 101-199 with the 100's digit automatically being set to 1*2
00 200

*1. At factory shipment, the rotary switch is set to 01.

*2. The address range that can be set with the ME remote controller is between 101 and 200. When the dials are set to
a number between 01 and 99, the 100's digit is automatically set to [1]. When the dials are set to 00, the 100's digit is
automatically set to [2].

To set addresses, use a precision slotted screw driver [2.0 mm [0.08 in] (w)], and do not apply than 19.6N.
The use of any other tool or applying too much load may damage the switch.

HWE0609A - 93 - GB
[ VII Control ]

[2] Controlling the Outdoor Unit

-1- Outline of Control Method
ŒThe outdoor units are designated as (OC, OS1, and OS2) in the order of capacity from large to small (if two or more units
have the same capacity, in the order of address from small to large).
ŒThe OC determines the operation mode and the control mode, and it also communicates with the indoor units.
ŒThe OS basically exercises autonomous control (over defrost, error detection, and actuator control etc.) according to the op-
eration/control mode signals that are sent from the OC, except that the OC exercises direct control over compressor capacity
control and outdoor unit fan capacity control.
ŒAlthough the startup sequence is rotated, the outdoor unit that is designated as the OC remains as the OC. (The compressor
and/or the fan on the OC may be stopped during Thermo-ON.)

Outdoor unit

Outdoor unit with Direction of the

SC the largest capacity OS1 signal flow


IC1 IC2 IC3 IC40 IC41 IC42

Indoor unit


-2- Startup sequence rotation

ŒAt the initial startup, outdoor units start up in the order of OC, OS1, and OS2. After two or more hours of operation, the startup
sequence changes to "OS1 -> OS2 -> OC" or "OS2 -> OC -> OS1".(Startup sequence rotation)
ŒThe outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit are automatically designated as OC, OS1, and OS2 in the order of capacity
from large to small (if two or more units have the same capacity, in the order of address from small to large).
ŒStartup sequence rotation is performed while all the indoor units are stopped. (Even after two hours of operation, startup se-
quence rotation is not performed while the compressor is in operation.)
ŒStartup sequence rotation is also performed at the initial startup in certain systems.
ŒWhether each outdoor unit is designated as the OC or an OS can be checked with the self-diagnosis switch (SW1).

SW1 Display
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The unit is designated as the OC: “oc” appears on the display.
ON The unit is designated as OS1: “oS-1” appears on the display
The unit is designated as OS2: “oS-2” appears on the display.

ŒThe startup sequence of the outdoor units can be checked with the self-diagnosis switch (SW1) on the OC.

SW1 Display
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OC→OS1→OS2: “oc” and the OC address appear alternately on the display.
ON OS1→OS2→OC: “oS-1” and the OS1 address appear alternately on the display.
OS2→OC→OS1: “oS-2” and the OS2 address appear alternately on the display.

-3- Initial Control

ŒWhen the power is turned on, the initial processing of the microcomputer is given top priority.
ŒDuring the initial processing, control processing of the operation signal is suspended. (The control processing is resumed after
the initial processing is completed. Initial processing involves data processing in the microcomputer and initial setting of each
of the LEV opening. This process will take up to 5 minutes.)
ŒDuring the initial processing, the LED monitor on the outdoor unit's control board displays S/W version -> refrigerant type
-> heat pump -> cooling only and capacity -> and communication address in turn every second.

-4- Control at Start-up

ŒThe upper limit of frequency during the first 3 minutes of the operation is 50 Hz.
ŒWhen the power is turned on, normal operation will start after the initial start-up mode (to be described later) has been com-
pleted (with a restriction on the frequency).

HWE0609A - 94 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-5- Bypass Control

Bypass solenoid valves (SV1a), which bypass the high- and low- pressure sides, perform the following functions.

(1) Bypass solenoid valve (SV1a) (ON = Open)

When starting-up the compressor of each ON for 4 minutes.
outdoor unit
After the restoration of thermo or 3 minutes ON for 4 minutes.
after restart
During cooling or heating operation with the Always ON.
compressor stopped Exception: OFF when 63HS1-63LS is 0.2 MPa [29 psi] or less
After the operation has stopped ON for 3 minutes.
Exception: OFF when 63HS1-63LS is 0.2 MPa [29 psi] or less
During defrost operation Always ON
During oil-recovery operation Always OFF during cooling operation and always ON during heating op-
eration when running an oil-recovery operation after running a continuous
operation at low frequency.
While the compressor is operating at the min- When low pressure (63LS) drops When low pressure (63LS) ex-
imum frequency and when the low pressure below 0.23 MPa [33 psi]. ceeds 0.38 MPa [55 psi].
(63LS) drops (3 or more minutes after com-
pressor startup)
When high pressure (63HS1) rises When 63HS1 exceeds When 63HS1 is or below
3.62 MPa [525 psi] 3.43 MPa [497 psi] and 30 seconds
have passed

HWE0609A - 95 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-6- Compressor Frequency Control

ŒDepending on the capacity required, the frequency of the compressor is controlled to keep constant evaporation temperature
(0°C [32°F] = 0.71 MPa [103 psi]) during cooling operation, and condensing temperature (49°C [120°F] = 2.88 MPa [418 psi])
during heating operation.
ŒThe table below summarizes the operating frequency ranges of the inverter compressor during normal operation.
ŒThe OS in the multiple-outdoor-unit system operates at the actual compressor frequency value that is calculated by the OS
based on the preliminary compressor frequency value that the OC determines.

Model Frequency/cooling Frequency/heating Speed

P200 model 13 - 52Hz 13 - 57Hz 3Hz/second
P250 model 13 - 65Hz 13 - 80Hz 3Hz/second
P300 model 16 - 74Hz 16 - 83Hz 3Hz/second
P350 model 16 - 95Hz 16 - 104Hz 3Hz/second
P400 model 18 - 97Hz 18 - 108Hz 3Hz/second
P450 model 18 - 111Hz 18 - 120Hz 3Hz/second

The maximum frequency during heating operation is affected by the outdoor air temperature to a certain extent.

(1) Pressure limit

The upper limit of high pressure (63HS1) is preset, and when it exceeds the upper limit, the frequency is decreased every 15
ŒThe actuation pressure is when the high-pressure reading on 63HS1 is 3.58MPa[519psi].

(2) Discharge temperature limit

Discharge temperature (TH4) of the compressor in operation is monitored, and when it exceeds the upper limit, the frequency
is decreased every minute.
ŒOperating temperature is 115°C [239°F].

(3) Periodic frequency control

Frequency control other than the ones performed at start-up, upon status change, and for protection is called periodic frequen-
cy control (convergent control) and is performed in the following manner.
Periodic control cycle
Periodic control is performed after the following time has passed
Œ30 seconds after either compressor start-up or the completion of defrost operation
Œ30 seconds after frequency control based on discharge temperature or pressure limit
The amount of frequency change
The amount of frequency change is controlled to approximate the target value based on the evaporation temperature (Te) and
condensing temperature (Tc).

HWE0609A - 96 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-7- Defrost Operation Control

(1) Starting the defrost operation
ŒThe defrost cycle starts when the pipe temperature (TH3), in the following table, or below has continuously been detected for
3 minutes after the integrated compressor operation time of 50 minutes have passed. (90 minutes when the defrost prohibit
timer is set to 90 minutes).
ŒIf 10 minutes have passed since compressor start-up or since the completion of defrost operation, forced defrost operation
will start by turning on the forced defrost switch (DIP SW2-7).
ŒEven if the defrost prohibit timer is set to 90 minutes, the actual defrost prohibit time for the next operation will be 50 minutes
if defrosting took 12 minutes.
ŒIn the multiple-outdoor-unit system, all of the outdoor units that are in operation go into the defrost mode simultaneously. The
unit(s) that is stopped at the time defrost operation starts remains stopped.

SW3 - 3 OFF SW3 - 3 ON
200 model - 10°C [14°F] - 5°C [23°F]
250 model - 10°C [14°F] - 5°C [23°F]
300 model - 10°C [14°F] - 5°C [23°F]
350 model - 10°C [14°F] - 5°C [23°F]
400 model - 8°C [18°F] - 5°C [23°F]
450 model - 8°C [18°F] - 5°C [23°F]

(2) Defrost operation

Compressor frequency Model Compressor frequency

P200 model 60 Hz
P250 model 60 Hz
P300 model 65 Hz
P350 model 65 Hz
P400 model 103 Hz
P450 model 103 Hz
Outdoor unit fan Stopped
SV5b (P400, P450 models only) ON
21S4a OFF
21S4b (P400, P450 models only) OFF
LEV1 480 pulses
LEV2a 1400 pulses
LEV2b 1400 pulses

(3) Stopping the defrost operation

ŒDefrost stops when 12 minutes have passed since the beginning of defrost mode or when the piping temperature (TH3) of
10°C [50°F] or above has been continuously detected for 4 minutes.
ŒDefrost operation will not stop its operation for 2 minutes once started unless the piping temperature exceeds 25°C [77°F]
within 2 minutes, in which case the operation will stop.
ŒIn the multiple-outdoor-unit system, defrosting is stopped on all units at the same time.

(4) Problems during defrost operation

ŒIf a problem is detected during defrost operation, the operation will be stopped, and the defrost prohibition time based on the
integrated compressor operation time will be set to 20 minutes.

(5) Change in the number of operating indoor units during defrost operation
ŒEven when there is a change in the number of operating indoor units during defrost operation, the operation will continue, and
an adjustment will be made after the completion of the defrost operation.
ŒDefrost operation will be continued, even if the indoor units stop or under the Thermo-OFF conditions until it has run its course.

HWE0609A - 97 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-8- Refrigerant Recovery Control

Recovery of refrigerant is performed during heating operation to prevent the refrigerant from accumulating inside the unit while
it is stopped (unit in fan mode), or inside the indoor unit that is in cooling mode or in heating mode with thermo off. It is also
performed during cooling operation to prevent an excessive amount of refrigerant from accumulating in the outdoor heat ex-
It is also performed during cooling operation to prevent an excessive amount of refrigerant from accumulating in the outdoor
heat exchanger.

(1) During heating operation

Starting refrigerant recovery mode
The refrigerant recovery mode in heating starts when all of the following three conditions are met:
Œ15 minutes have passed since the completion of previous refrigerant recovery.
ŒTH4 > 115°C [239°F]
ŒFrequencies below 50 Hz

Refrigerant recovery
1) Refrigerant is recovered with the LEV on the applicable indoor unit (unit under stopping mode, fan mode, cooling, heating with
thermo off) being opened for 30 seconds.

Opening of LEV during refrigerant recovery

Opening of indoor unit LEV: 400 pulses

30 seconds
Initial opening of LEV
Start Finish

2) Periodic capacity control of the outdoor units and periodic LEV control of the indoor units will be suspended during refrigerant
recovery operation; they will be performed after the recovery has been completed.

(2) During cooling operation

Starting refrigerant recovery mode
The refrigerant recovery mode starts when all the following conditions are met:
Œ30 minutes have passed since the completion of previous refrigerant recovery.
ŒWhen the unit keeps running for 3 minutes in a row or more with high discharge temperature
ŒTH4 > 105°C [221°F] or
63HS1 > 3.43 MPa [497 psi] (35 kg/cm2G) and SC0 > 10°C [18°F]

Refrigerant recovery
The opening of LEV1 is increased and periodic control begins again.

-9- Capacity Control of Outdoor Fan and Heat Exchanger

(1) Control method
ŒDepending on the capacity required, the rotation speed of the outdoor unit fan is controlled by the inverter, targeting a constant
evaporation temperature of (0°C [32°F]= 0.71 MPa [103 psi]) during cooling operation and constant condensing temperature
of (49°C [120°F]= 2.88 MPa [418 psi]) during heating operation.
ŒThe OS in the multiple-outdoor-unit system operates at the actual outdoor unit fan control value that is calculated by the OS
based on the preliminary outdoor unit fan control value that the OC determines.

(2) Control
ŒOutdoor unit fan stops while the compressor is stopped (except in the presence of input from snow sensor).
ŒThe fan operates at full speed for 5 seconds after start-up.(Only when TH7<0°C [32°F])
ŒThe outdoor unit fan stops during defrost operation.

-10- Subcool Coil Control (Linear Expansion Valve <LEV1>)

ŒThe OC, OS1, and OS2 controls the subcool coil individually.
ŒThe LEV is controlled every 30 seconds to maintain constant the subcool at the outdoor unit heat exchanger outlet that is
calculated from the values of high pressure (63HS1) and liquid piping temperature (TH3), or the superheat that is calculated
from the values of low pressure (63LS) and the bypass outlet temperature (TH2) of the subcool coil.
ŒLEV opening is controlled based on the values of the inlet (TH6) and the outlet (TH3) temperatures of the subcool coil, high
pressure (63HS1), and discharge temperature (TH4). In a single-outdoor-unit system (P200 - P450 models), the LEV is closed
(0) in the heating mode, while the compressor is stopped, and during cooling Thermo-OFF. In a multiple-outdoor-unit system
(P500 - P1250 models), the LEV closes (0) during heating operation, while the compressor is stopped, or during cooling Ther-
mo-OFF. The LEV opens to a specified position when 15 minutes have passed after Thermo-OFF. (65 pulses)
ŒThe valve remains open at the preset position. (480 pulses)

HWE0609A - 98 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-11- Refrigerant flow control (Linear expansion valve <LEV2a, LEV2b>)

ŒRefrigerant flow is controlled by each unit in the combined models (P500 - P1250) during heating. Refrigerant flow control is
performed by the OC, OS1, and OS2 individually. The valve opens to a specified angle during cooling (Opening: 1400 pulses)
ŒValve opening is controlled based on the values of high pressure (63HS1), discharge temperature (TH4), low pressure
(63LS), and piping temperature (TH5).
ŒThe valve moves to the predetermined position while the unit is stopped.
ŒThe valve remains open at the preset position. (1400 pulses)

-12- Control at Initial Start-up

ŒWhen started up for the first time before 12 hours have elapsed after power on, the unit goes into the initial startup mode.
ŒAt the completion of the initial operation mode on the OC, OS1, and OS2, they will go into the normal control mode.

1. Flowchart of initial operation

(1) P200, P250, P300, P350, P400, P450 models

Initial startup mode starts.

50 F 60Hz
Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
F < 50Hz
Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

Initial startup mode complete

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[ VII Control ]

(2) P500, P550, P600, P650, P700, P750, P800, P850, P900 models

Initial startup mode starts.

The compressor on the OC starts up.

F 60Hz

The total operating load of the indoor unit No

after 3 minutes of operation is P250 or above.
( Qj 50)


The compressor on the OC remains in operation, and the The compressor on the OC starts up.
compressor on the OS starts up. *1
50 F 60Hz (both OC and OS) 50 F 60Hz (OC)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
F < 50Hz (both OC and OS) F < 50Hz (OC)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

The air conditioning load is too small
Both the OC and OS stop.
for both the OC and the OS to
simultaneously stay in operation. The startup sequence of the OC and OS is rotated.

The compressor on the OS starts up.

50 F 60Hz (OS)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
F < 50Hz (OS)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

Initial startup mode complete

HWE0609A - 100 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(3) P950, P1000, P1050, P1100, P1150, P1200, P1250 models

Initial startup mode starts.

The compressor on the OC starts up.

F 60Hz

The total operating load of the indoor unit No

after 3 minutes of operation is P250 or above.
( Qj 50)

The total operating load of the indoor unit after No

3 minutes of operation is between P250 and P1000.
(50 < Qj< 200)


The compressor on the OS remains in operation, and the The compressor on the OC remains in operation, The compressor on the OC starts up.
compressors on the OS1 and OS2 start up. and the compressor on the OS1 starts up.
50 F 60Hz (OC, OS1, and OS2) *1 *2 50 F 60Hz (OC)
50 F 60Hz (both OC and OS1)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
F < 50Hz (OC, OS1, and OS2) F < 50Hz (both OC and OS1) F < 50Hz (OC)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes. Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

The OC, OS1, and OS2 stop.

The startup sequence of the OC,
OS1, and OS2 is rotated.

The compressor on the OS1 starts up.

*1 50 F 60Hz (OS1)
The air conditioning load is too small Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
for the OC, OS1, and OS2 to
F < 50Hz (OS1)
simultaneously stay in operation. Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

The air conditioning load is too small
for both the OC and the OS1 to The OC, OS1, and OS2 stop.
simultaneously stay in operation. The startup sequence of the OC,
OS1, and OS2 is rotated.

The compressor on the OS2 starts up.

50 F 60Hz (OS2)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 30 minutes.
F < 50Hz (OS2)
Completed in the integrated operation time of 90 minutes.

Initial startup mode complete

HWE0609A - 101 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-13- Emergency Operation Mode

1. Problems with the outdoor unit
ŒEmergency operation mode is a temporary operation mode in which the outdoor unit that is not in trouble operates when one
of the outdoor units in the P500 through P900 models is in trouble or when one or two of the outdoor units in the P950
throughP1250 models are in trouble.
ŒThis mode can be started by performing an error reset via the remote controller.

(1)Starting the emergency operation

1) When an error occurs, the error source and the error code will be displayed on the display on the remote controller.
2) The error is reset using the remote controller.
3) If an error code appears that permits an emergency operation in step 1) above, (See the table below.), the retry operation
4) If the same error is detected during the retry operation (step 3 above), an emergency operation can be started by resetting
the error via the remote controller.
Error codes that permit an emergency operation (Applicable to both OC and OS)

Trouble source Error codes that permit an Error code description

emergency operation
0403 Serial communication error
4220, 4225 Bus voltage drop
Compressor 4230 Heatsink overheat protection
Fan motor 4240 Overload protection
Inverter 4250, 4255 Overcurrent relay trip
5110 Heatsink temperature sensor failure (THHS)
5301 Current sensor/circuit failure
TH2 5102 Subcool heat exchanger bypass outlet temperature sensor failure
TH3 5103 Pipe temperature sensor failure
TH4 5104 Discharge temperature sensor failure
TH5 5105 Accumulator inlet temperature sensor failure
TH6 5106 Subcool heat exchanger liquid outlet sensor failure
TH7 5107 Outside air temperature sensor failure

Emergency operation pattern (2 outdoor units)

OC failure OS failure
pattern pattern
OC Trouble Normal
OS Normal Trouble
Emergency Cooling Permitted Permitted
operation Heating Permitted Permitted
Maximum total capacity
of indoor units (Note 1) 60%

Emergency operation pattern (3 outdoor units)

OC failure OS1 failure OS2 failure OC, OS1 failure OC, OS2 failure OS1, OS2 failure
pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern
OC Trouble Normal Normal Trouble Trouble Normal
OS1 Normal Trouble Normal Trouble Normal Trouble
OS2 Normal Normal Trouble Normal Trouble Trouble
Emergency Cooling Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
operation Heating Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
Maximum total capacity
60% 40%
of indoor units (Note 1)
(Note 1) If an attempt is made to put into operation a group of indoor units whose total capacity exceeds the maximum allowable capacity,
some of the indoor units will go into the same condition as Thermo-OFF.

HWE0609A - 102 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(2) Ending the emergency operation

1) End conditions
When one of the following conditions is met, emergency operation stops, and the unit makes an error stop.
ŒWhen the integrated operation time of compressor in cooling mode has reached four hours.
ŒWhen the integrated operation time of compressor in heating mode has reached two hours.
ŒWhen an error is detected that does not permit the unit to perform an emergency operation.

2) Control at or after the completion of emergency operation

ŒAt or after the completion of emergency operation, the compressor stops, and the error code reappears on the remote con-
ŒIf another error reset is performed at the completion of an emergency mode, the unit repeats the procedures in section (1)
ŒTo stop the emergency mode and perform a current-carrying operation after correcting the error, perform a power reset.

2. Communication circuit failure or when some of the outdoor units are turned off
This is a temporary operation mode in which the outdoor unit that is not in trouble operates when communication circuit failure
occurs or when some of the outdoor units are turned off.

(1) Starting the emergency operation (When the OC is in trouble)

1) When an error occurs, the error source and the error code appear on the display on the remote controller.
2) Reset the error via the remote controller to start an emergency operation.
Precautions before servicing the unit
ŒWhen the OC is in trouble, the OS temporarily takes over the OC's function and performs an emergency operation. When this
happens, the indoor unit connection information are changed.
ŒIn a system that has a billing function, a message indicating that the billing system information has an error may appear on
the TG-2000A. Even if this message appears, do not change (or set) the refrigerant system information on the TG-2000A.
After the completion of an emergency operation, the correct connection information will be restored.

(2) Starting the emergency operation (When the OS is in trouble)

1) A communication error occurs. -> An emergency operation starts in approximately six minutes.

Error codes that permit an emergency operation (Applicable to both OC and OS)

Trouble source Error codes that permit an Error code description

emergency operation
Circuit board failure or the power 6607 No acknowledgement error
to the outdoor units is off 6608 No response error

HWE0609A - 103 - GB
[ VII Control ]

Emergency operation pattern (2 outdoor units)

OC failure OS failure
pattern pattern
OC Trouble Normal
OS Normal Trouble
Emergency Cooling Permitted Permitted
operation Heating Permitted Permitted
Maximum total capacity Capacity that matches
the total capacity of the
of indoor units (Note 1) operable outdoor units

Emergency operation pattern (3 outdoor units)

OC failure OS1 failure OS2 failure OC, OS1 failure OC, OS2 failure OS1, OS2 failure
pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern
OC Trouble Normal Normal Trouble Trouble Normal
OS1 Normal Trouble Normal Trouble Normal Trouble
OS2 Normal Normal Trouble Normal Trouble Trouble
Emergency Cooling Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
operation Heating Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
Maximum total capacity
Capacity that matches the total capacity of the operable outdoor units
of indoor units (Note 1)
(Note 1) If an attempt is made to put into operation a group of indoor units whose total capacity exceeds the maximum allowable capacity,
some of the indoor units will go into the same condition as Thermo-OFF.

(3) Ending the emergency operation

When communication is restored, the emergency mode is cancelled, and the units go into the normal operation mode.

-14- Operation Mode

(1) Indoor unit operation mode
The operation mode can be selected from the following 5 modes using the remote controller.

1 Cooling mode
2 Heating mode
3 Dry mode
4 Fan mode
5 Stopping mode

(2) Outdoor unit operation mode

1 Cooling mode All indoor units in operation are in cooling mode.

2 Heating mode All indoor units in operation are in heating mode.
3 Stopping mode All indoor units are in fan mode or stopping mode.

When the outdoor unit is performing a cooling operation, the operation mode of the connected indoor units that are not in the
cooling mode (Stopped, Fan, Thermo-OFF) cannot be changed to heating from the remote controller. If this attempt is mode,
"Heating" will flash on the remote controller. The opposite is true when the outdoor unit is performing a heating operation. (The
first selection has the priority.)

HWE0609A - 104 - GB
[ VII Control ]

-15- DEMAND Control

Cooling/heating operation can be prohibited (Thermo-OFF) by an external input to the indoor units.

When DIP SW4-4 is set to ON, the 4-step DEMAND control is enabled.
Eight-step demand control is possible in the system with two outdoor units.
Twelve-step demand control is possible in the system with three outdoor units.

Refer to Chapter 2 -[3]- 2. -(7) "Various types of control using input-output signal connector on the outdoor unit (various con-
nection options)" for details.

HWE0609A - 105 - GB
[ VII Control ]

[3] Operation Flow Chart

1. Mode determination flowchart
(1) Indoor unit (cooling, heating, dry, fan mode)

Normal operation
Breaker NO
turned on Unit in the stopped state

1 From outdoor unit

Operation SW YES
turned on

1. Protection function
self-holding cancelled. *Note 1
2. Indoor unit LEV fully closed.

*Note 2
Remote controller
display lit off NO
Error mode

Operation mode
YES Error stop
Auxiliary heater

Error display Cooling mode Heating mode Dry mode Fan mode
1. Auxiliary heater OFF FAN stop
2. Low fan speed for
1 minute
Self-holding of Cooling display Heating display
protection function Dry display Fan display
*Note 3 *Note 3 *Note 3
Error command
YES Drain pump
to outdoor unit Prohibition Prohibition Prohibition
NO Indoor unit LEV
3-minute fully closed.
drain pump ON
*Note 1
Refer to 2-(1) Refer to 2-(2) Refer to 2-(3) Fan operations
Cooling operation. Heating operation. for dry operation.

"Blinking display on
the remote controller"

Operation command to outdoor unit (to [2])

*Note 1. Indoor unit LEV fully closed : Opening 41.

*Note 2. The system may go into the error mode on either the indoor unit or the outdoor unit side. If some of the indoor units are
experiencing a problem (except water leakage), only those indoor units that are experiencing the problems will stop.
If the outdoor unit is experiencing a problem, all connected indoor units will stop.
*Note 3. The operation will be prohibited when the set cooling/heating mode is different from that of the outdoor unit.

HWE0609A - 106 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(2) Outdoor unit (cooling and heating modes)

Start Normal operation

Breaker NO
turned on Unit in the stopped state

"HO" / "PLEASE WAIT" blinks on
the remote controller *Note 1
Indoor units
registered to the
NO remote controller
2 From indoor unit
NO Operation
1. Protection function self-holding cancelled.
2. LEV1 fully closed. YES

mode Cooling / Heating

*Note 2
Error mode

NO Error stop

1. 72C OFF 72C ON Error display on the

2. Inverter output 0Hz
outdoor unit LED
3. Fan stop *Note 3
4. All solenoid valves OFF Operation
mode Self-holding of
protection function

Error command to
Refer to Cooling/Dry
indoor unit
Refer to heating
Operation 2-(1) and 2-(3) Operation 2-(2).

Operation command to indoor unit To [1].

*Note 1. For about 3 minutes after power on, search for the indoor unit address, for the remote controller address,
and for the group information will start. During this, "HO" / "PLEASE WAIT" blinks on the display of the remote
controller. When the indoor unit to be controlled by the remote controller is missing, "HO" / "PLEASE WAIT" keeps
blinking on the display of the remote controller even after 3 or more minutes after power on.
*Note 2. The system may go into the error mode on either the indoor unit or the outdoor unit side. The outdoor stops only
when all of the connected indoor units are experiencing problems. The operation of even a single indoor unit will
keep the outdoor unit running. The error will be indicated on the LED display.
*Note 3. The outdoor unit operates according to the operation mode commanded by the indoor unit. However, when the
outdoor unit is running a cooling operation, come of the operating indoor units will stop, or the operation of these
indoor units will be prohibited even when the indoor unit mode is switched from fan mode to heating mode.
This also applies when the outdoor unit is running a heating operation.

HWE0609A - 107 - GB
[ VII Control ]

2. Operations in each mode

(1) Cooling operation

Cooling operation
Normal operation

During test run mode

4-way valve OFF
Unit in the stopped state

Indoor unit fan

operation *Note 1

Test run mode YES



Thermostat ON


3-minute restart


1. Inverter output 0Hz 1. Inverter frequency control

2. Indoor unit LEV, LEV1 2. Indoor unit LEV, LEV1 control
LEV2a, LEV2b rated opening LEV2a, LEV2b fully opened
3. All solenoid valves OFF 3. Solenoid valve control
4. Outdoor unit fan stop 4. Outdoor unit fan control
5. 72C OFF 5. 72C control

*Note 1. The indoor fan operates at the set notch under cooling mode regardless of the ON/OFF state of the thermostat.

HWE0609A - 108 - GB
[ VII Control ]

(2) Heating operation

Normal operation

Defrost operation
Heating operation Unit in the stopped state
*Note 1,2
During test run mode
Defrost YES


4-way valve ON 4-way valve OFF

1. Indoor unit fan stops

Test run mode
YES 2. Inverter defrost frequency control
ON 3. Indoor unit LEV fully closed.
4. Solenoid valve control
NO 5. Outdoor unit fan stop
6. LEV1 control
NO 7. LEV2a, LEV2b fully opened.
Thermostat ON 8. 72C control

*Note 1,2
Stopping the NO
3-minute restart defrost operation


Stopping the defrost

1. Indoor unit fan operation at 1. Indoor/outdoor unit fan control operation
Very Low speed 2. Inverter frequency control
2. Inverter output 0Hz 3. Indoor unit LEV, LEV1,LEV2a, LEV2b control
3. Indoor unit LEV, LEV1 Fully closed 4. Solenoid valve control
5. 72C control Return to heating
LEV2a, LEV2b rated opening operation
4. All solenoid valves OFF
5. Outdoor unit fan stop
6. 72C OFF

*Note 1. When outdoor unit starts defrosting, it transmits defrost operations command to indoor unit, and the indoor unit starts
defrosting operations. Similarly when defrosting operation stops, indoor unit returns to heating operation after receiving
defrost end command of outdoor unit.
*Note 2. Defrost end condition: 12 or more minutes must pass after defrost operation.
Outdoor unit piping temperature: refer to "-6-. Defrost operation control" of [2] Controlling the Outdoor Unit.

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[ VII Control ]

(3) Dry operation

Dry operation Normal operation

Thermostat ON
4-way valve OFF
Unit in the stopped state

Test run mode YES

ON *Note 2
Thermostat ON

Suction temperature
18 C[64 F]

*Note 1
1. Indoor unit fan stop 1. Outdoor unit (compressor)
2. Inverter output 0Hz intermittent operation
3. Indoor unit LEV, LEV1 fully closed. 2. Indoor unit fan intermittent operations
LEV2a, LEV2b rated opening. (Synchronized with the compressor:
4. Solenoid valve OFF low speed, OFF operations)
5. Outdoor unit fan stop
6. 72C OFF

[1] or [2]

*Note 1.When the indoor unit inlet temperature exceeds 18°C [64°F], the outdoor unit (compressor) and the
indoor unit fan start the intermittent operation simultaneously. When the indoor unit inlet temperature
becomes 18°C [64°F],or less, the fan always runs (at low speed). The outdoor unit, the indoor unit,
and the solenoid valve operate in the same way as they do in the cooling operation when the compressor
is turned on.

*Note 2.Thermostat is always kept on during test run mode, and indoor and outdoor unit intermittent operation
(ON) time is a little longer than that of normal operation.

HWE0609A - 110 - GB
VIII Test Run Mode

[1] Items to be checked before a Test Run ......................................................................... 113

[2] Test Run Method ........................................................................................................... 114
[3] Operating Characteristic and Refrigerant Amount ......................................................... 115
[4] Adjusting the Refrigerant Amount .................................................................................. 115
[5] Refrigerant Amount Adjust Mode................................................................................... 119
[6] The following symptoms are normal. ............................................................................. 121
[7] Standard Operation Data (Reference Data) .................................................................. 122

HWE0609A - 111 - GB
- 112 -
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]
VIII Test Run Mode

[1] Items to be checked before a Test Run

(1) Check for refrigerant leak and loose cables and connectors.

(2) Measure the insulation resistance between the power supply terminal block and the ground with a 500V megger and
make sure it reads at least 1.0Mohm.

ŒDo not operate the unit if the insulation resistance is below 1.0Mohm.
ŒDo not apply megger voltage to the terminal block for transmission line. Doing so will damage the controller board.
ŒThe insulation resistance between the power supply terminal block and the ground could go down to close to 1Mohm imme-
diately after installation or when the power is kept off for an extended period of time because of the accumulation of refrigerant
in the compressor.
ŒIf insulation resistance reads at least 1Mohm, by turning on the main power and powering the crankcase heater for at least
12 hours, the refrigerant in the compressor will evaporate and the insulation resistance will go up.
ŒDo not measure the insulation resistance of the terminal block for transmission line for the unit remote controller.

(3) Make sure that the stop valve on the gas pipe, liquid pipe, and oil balance pipe are fully open.

Securely tighten the cap.

(4) Check the phase sequence and the voltage of the 3-phase power supply.

(5) [When a transmission booster is connected]

Turn on the transmission booster before turning on the outdoor units.

ŒIf the outdoor units are turned on first, the connection information for the refrigerant circuit may not be properly recognized.
ŒIn case the outdoor units are turned on before the transmission booster is turned on, perform a power reset on the outdoor
units after turning on the power booster.

(6) Turn on the main power to the unit at least 12 hours before test run to power the crankcase heater.

Insufficient powering time may result in compressor damage.

(7) When a power supply unit is connected to the transmission line for centralized control, perform a test run with the
power supply unit being energized. Leave the power jumper connector on CN41 as it is (factory setting).

HWE0609A - 113 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

[2] Test Run Method

The figure shows an MA remote controller (PAR-21MAA).

Set Temperature buttons ON/OFF button

Fan Speed button



Operation Mode button Test Run button




Louver button
PAR-21MAA CLOCK OPERATION Vertical Air Direction button
( Operation button) CLEAR

To preceding
operation number.

Ventilation button
( Operation button)
To next operation

Operation procedures
Turn on the main power. "PLEASE WAIT" appears on the LCD for up to five minutes. Leave
the power on for 12 hours. (Energize the crankcase heater.)

Press the Test button twice. Operation mode display "TEST RUN" and OPERATION MODE are
displayed alternately.

Press the Operation Mode button. Make sure that the air is blowing out.

Switch to cooling (or heating) operation by pressing the Operation Mode button.
Make sure that cold (or warm) air blows out.

Press the Fan Speed button. Make sure that the fan speed changes with each pressing of the button.

Change the air flow direction by pressing the Vertical Air Direction button or the Louver button.

Make sure that the air flow direction changes with each pressing of the button.

Confirm the operation of outdoor unit fan.

Confirm the operation of all interlocked equipment, such as ventilation equipment.

Cancel the test run by pressing the ON/OFF button. Stop

Note 1: Refer to the following pages if an error code appears on the remote controller or when the unit malfunctions.
2: The OFF timer will automatically stop the test run after 2 hours.
3: The remaining time for the test run will be displayed in the time display during test run.
4: The temperature of the liquid pipe on the indoor unit will be displayed in the room temperature display window on the remote
controller during test run.
5: On some models, "NOT AVAILABLE" may appear on the display when the Vane Control button is pressed. This is normal.
6: If an external input is connected, perform a test run using the external input signal.

HWE0609A - 114 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

[3] Operating Characteristic and Refrigerant Amount

It is important to have a clear understanding of the characteristics of refrigerant and the operating characteristics of air conditioners
before attempting to adjust the refrigerant amount in a given system.

1. Operating characteristic and refrigerant amount

The following table shows items of particular importance.
1) During cooling operation, the amount of refrigerant in the accumulator is the smallest when all indoor units are in operation.
2) During heating operation, the amount of refrigerant in the accumulator is the largest when all indoor units are in operation.
3) General tendency of discharge temperature
ŒDischarge temperature tends to rise when the system is short on refrigerant.
ŒChanging the amount of refrigerant in the system while there is refrigerant in the accumulator has little effect on the discharge
ŒThe higher the pressure, the more likely it is for the discharge temperature to rise.
ŒThe lower the pressure, the more likely it is for the discharge temperature to rise.
4) When the amount of refrigerant in the system is adequate, the compressor shell temperature is 10 to 60°C [18 to 108°F] higher
than the low pressure saturation temperature (Te).
-> If the temperature difference between the compressor shell temperature and low pressure saturation temperature (Te) is
smaller than 5°C [9°F] , an overcharging of refrigerant is suspected.

[4] Adjusting the Refrigerant Amount

1. Symptoms
Overcharging or undercharging of refrigerant can cause the following symptoms:
Before attempting to adjust the amount of refrigerant in the system, thoroughly check the operating conditions of the system.
Then, adjust the refrigerant amount by running the unit in the refrigerant amount adjust mode.

The system comes to an abnormal stop, displaying 1500 (overcharged refrigerant) on Overcharged refrigerant
the controller.
The operating frequency does not reach the set frequency, and there is a problem with Insufficient refrigerant amount
The system comes to an abnormal stop, displaying 1102 (abnormal discharge temper-
ature) on the controller.

2. Amount of refrigerant
(1) To be checked during operation
Operate all indoor units in either cooling-only or heating-only mode, and check such items as discharge temperature, subcool-
ing, low pressure, suction temperature, and shell bottom temperature to estimate the amount of refrigerant in the system.

Symptoms Conclusion
Discharge temperature is high. (Normal discharge temperature is below 95°C [203°F].) Slightly under-
charged refrigerant
Low pressure is unusually low.
Suction superheat is large. (Normal suction superheat is less than 20°C [36°F].)
Compressor shell bottom temperature is high. (The difference between the compressor shell
bottom temperature and low pressure saturation temperature (Te) is greater than 60°C [108°F].)
Discharge superheat is small. (Normal discharge superheat is greater than 10°C[18°F].) Slightly overcharged
Compressor shell bottom temperature is low. (The difference between the compressor shell bot-
tom temperature and low pressure saturation temperature (Te) is less than 5°C [9°F].)

HWE0609A - 115 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

3. Amount of refrigerant to be added

The amount of refrigerant that is shown in the table below is factory-charged to the outdoor units.
The amount necessary for extended pipe (field piping) is not included and must be added on site.

Outdoor unit model P200 P250 P300 P350 P400 P450

Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 6.5 6.5 9.0 9.0 11.5 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 14-5 14-5 19-13 19-13 25-6 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P500 P550 P600

P250 P250 P250 P300 P250 P350
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 6.5 6.5 6.5 9.0 6.5 9.0
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 14-5 14-5 14-5 19-13 14-5 19-13
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P650 P700 P750

P300 P350 P350 P350 P350 P400
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 19-13 19-13 19-13 19-13 19-13 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P800 P850 P900

P350 P450 P400 P450 P450 P450
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 9.0 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 19-13 25-6 25-6 25-6 25-6 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P950 P1000

P250 P300 P400 P300 P300 P400
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 6.5 9.0 11.5 9.0 9.0 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 14-5 19-13 25-6 19-13 19-13 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P1050 P1100

P300 P350 P400 P350 P350 P400
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 9.0 9.0 11.5 9.0 9.0 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 19-13 19-13 25-6 19-13 19-13 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P1150 P1200

P350 P350 P450 P350 P400 P450
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 9.0 9.0 11.5 9.0 11.5 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 19-13 19-13 25-6 19-13 25-6 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

Outdoor unit model P1250

P350 P450 P450
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 9.0 11.5 11.5
the outdoor unit (kg)
Amount of pre-charged refrigerant in 19-13 25-6 25-6
the outdoor unit [lbs-oz]

HWE0609A - 116 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

(1) Calculation formula

The amount of refrigerant to be added depends on the size and the length of field piping. (unit in m[ft])

Amount of added refrigerant (kg) = (0.29x L1) + (0.2 x L2) + (0.12 x L3) + (0.06 x L4) + (0.024 x L5) +α
Amount of added refrigerant (oz) = (3.12x L1' ) +(2.15 x L2' ) + (1.29 x L3' ) + (0.65 x L4' ) + (0.26 x L5' ) + α'

L1 : Length of ø19.05 [3/4"] liquid pipe (m) L1' : Length of ø19.05 [3/4"] liquid pipe [ft]
L2 : Length of ø15.88 [5/8"] liquid pipe (m) L2' : Length of ø15.88 [5/8"] liquid pipe [ft]
L3 : Length of ø12.7 [1/2"] liquid pipe (m) L 3' : Length of ø12.7 [1/2"] liquid pipe [ft]
L4 : Length of ø9.52 [3/8"] liquid pipe (m) L 4' : Length of ø9.52 [3/8"] liquid pipe [ft]
L5 : Length of ø6.35 [1/4"] liquid pipe (m) L 5' : Length of ø6.35 [1/4"] liquid pipe[ft]
α, α' : Refer to the table below.

Total capacity of
α(kg) α'(oz)
connected indoor units
- 80 2.0 71
81 - 160 2.5 89
161 - 330 3.0 106
331 - 390 3.5 124
391 - 480 4.5 159
481 - 630 5.0 177
631 - 710 6.0 212
711 - 800 8.0 283
801 - 890 9.0 318
891 - 1070 10.0 353
1071 - 1250 12.0 424
1251 - 14.0 494

Round up the calculation result to the nearest 0.1kg. (Example: 18.04kg to 18.1kg)
Round up the calculation result in increments of 4oz (0.1kg) or round it up to the nearest 1oz.
(Example: 178.21oz to 179oz)

HWE0609A - 117 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

(2) Example: PUHY-P500

9.52 9.52
(3 m) (1 m)
9.52 (10 m)

15.88 (10 m)

separator 9.52 9.52 9.52 9.52 6.35
(10 m) (20 m) (10 m) (10 m) (10 m)
15.88 (30 m)
250 125 80 63 20
model model model model model

[3/8"] [3/8"]
[9 ft] [3 ft]
[3/8"][32 ft]

[3/4"] [32 ft]

[3/8"] [3/8"] [3/8"] [3/8"] [1/4"]
[32 ft] [65 ft] [32 ft] [32 ft] [32 ft]
[3/4"][98 ft]
250 125 80 63 20
model model model model model

(3) Sample calculation

All the pipes in the figure are liquid pipes.

15.88 : 30 m + 10 m = 40 m
9.52 : 3 m + 1m + 10 m + 10 m + 20 m + 10 m + 10 m = 64 m
6.35 : 10 m
According to the above formula
Amount of refrigerant to be charged (kg) = (0.2 X 40) + (0.06 X 64) + (0.024 X 10) + 5.0 = 17.08kg
The calculation result would be 17.08, and it is rounded up to the nearest 0.1.
The final result will be as follows:
Amount of refrigerant to be charged = 17.1kg

All the pipes in the figure are liquid pipes.

[3/4"] : [98 ft] + [32 ft] = [130 ft]
[3/8"] : [9 ft] + [3 ft] + [32 ft] + [32 ft] + [65 ft] + [32 ft] + [32 ft] = [205 ft]
[1/4"] : [32 ft]
According to the above formula
Amount of refrigerant to be charged (oz) = (2.15 X 130) + (0.65 X 205) + (0.26 X 32) + 177 = 598.07oz
The calculation result would be 598.07 oz, and it is rounded up to the nearest 1 oz.
The final result will be as follows:
Amount of refrigerant to be charged = 599 oz

Charge liquid refrigerant (as opposed to gaseous refrigerant) into the system.
ŒIf gaseous refrigerant is charged into the system, the composition of the refrigerant in the cylinder will change and may
result in performance loss.

HWE0609A - 118 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

[5] Refrigerant Amount Adjust Mode

1. Procedures
Follow the procedures below to add or extract refrigerant as necessary depending on the operation mode.

When the function switch (SW4-3) on the main board on the outdoor unit (OC only) is turned to ON, the unit goes into the
refrigerant amount adjust mode, and the following sequence is followed.

SW4-3 on the OS is invalid, and the unit will not go into the refrigerant amount adjust mode.

When the unit is in the refrigerant amount adjust mode, the LEV on the indoor unit does not open as fully as it nor-
mally does during cooling operation to secure subcooling.

1) Adjust the refrigerant amount based on the values of TH4, TH3, TH6, and Tc, following the flowchart below. Check the TH4,
TH3, TH6, and Tc values on the OC, OS1, and OS2 by following the flowchart. The TH4, TH3, TH6, and Tc values can be
displayed by setting the self-diagnosis switch (SW1) on the main board on the OC, OS1, and OS2.
2) There may be cases when the refrigerant amount may seem adequate for a short while after starting the unit in the refrigerant
amount adjust mode but turn out to be inadequate later on (when the refrigerant system stabilizes).
When the amount of refrigerant is truly adequate.
TH3-TH6 on the indoor unit is 5°C [9°F] or above and SH on the indoor unit is between 5 and 15°C [9 and 27°F].
The refrigerant amount may seem adequate at the moment, but may turn out to be inadequate later on.
TH3-TH6 on the indoor unit is 5°C [9°F] or less and SH on the indoor unit is 5°C [9°F] or less.
Wait until the TH3-TH6 reaches 5°C [9°F] or above and the SH of the indoor unit is between 5 and 15°C [9 and 27°F] to
determine that the refrigerant amount is adequate.
3) High pressure must be at least 2.0MPa[290psi] to enable a proper adjustment of refrigerant amount to be made.
4) Refrigerant amount adjust mode automatically ends 90 minutes after beginning. When this happens, by turning off the SW4-
3 and turning them back on, the unit will go back into the refrigerant amount adjust mode.

Self-diagnosis swithes on TH4 Self-diagnosis swithes on TH3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Self-diagnosis swithes on TH6 Self-diagnosis swithes on Tc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

HWE0609A - 119 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Turn on SW4-3 on the OC. YES
Put all indoor units in the test run mode *Refer to the previous page for *Notes 1-4 in the chart.
and run the units in cooling mode.

Has the initial start-up NO

mode been completed?

Has it been at least NO

30 minutes since
start up?

Is the TH4 value of the OC, OS1, NO Gradually add refrigerant from
OS2 at or below 100°C [212°F]? the service port on the low-
Note 1 pressure side.

Has the operating frequency NO

of the compressor on the OC, OS1,
and OS2 become stable?
Note 3


Keep the unit running for 5 minutes after

adjusting the refrigerant amount to NO
determine its adequacy. Does 8°C [14.4°F] Tc-TH3 12°C [21.6°F] hold true?
(Use the largest “Tc - TH3” value of the
Note 2 OC, OS1, and OS2.)
Note 1
YES Keep the unit running for 5 minutes
after adjusting the refrigerant amount
and check(Tc-TH3) Note 2
Gradually add refrigerant from NO
the service port on the low
Does Tc-TH6 20°C [36°F] hold true?
(Check this item on the unit whose “Tc – TH3” value was
Does the following hold true? NO
pressure side. used in the step above.) Tc-TH3 8°C [14.4°F]
Note 1
Keep the unit running for 5 minutes after adjusting the
refrigerant amount to determine its adequacy. Note 2

Gradually add refrigerant from NO

the service port on the low Is the TH4 value of the OC, OS1, Gradually add refrigerant from Gradually draw out
OS2 at or below 95°C [203°F] the service port on the low refrigerant from the service
pressure side.
pressure side. port on the low pressure side.

Adjustment complete
Turn off SW4-3 on the OC.
Note 4

Do not release the extracted refrigerant into the air.

Charge liquid refrigerant (as opposed to gaseous refrigerant) into the system.
ŒIf gaseous refrigerant is charged into the system, the composition of the refrigerant in the cylinder will change and may
result in performance loss.

HWE0609A - 120 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

[6] The following symptoms are normal.

Remote controller
Symptoms Cause
The indoor unit does not start "Cooling (heating)" The unit cannot perform a heating (cooling) operation when other indoor
after starting cooling (heating) icon blinks on the units are performing a cooling (heating) operation.
operation. display.
The auto vane adjusts its posi- After an hour of cooling operation with the auto vane in the vertical posi-
tion by itself. tion, the vane may automatically move into the horizontal position.
Normal display Louver blades will automatically move into the horizontal position while
the unit is in the defrost mode, pre-heating stand-by mode, or when the
thermostat triggers unit off.
The fan stops during heating The fan remains stopped during defrost operation.
The fan keeps running after When the auxiliary heater is turned on, the fan operates for one minute
the unit has stopped. after stopping to dissipate heat.
The fan speed does not reach The fan operates at extra low speed for 5 minutes after it is turned on or
the set speed when operation until the pipe temperature reaches 35°C[95°F], then it operates at low
switch is turned on. speed for 2 minutes, and finally it operates at the set speed.
(Pre-heating stand-by)
When the main power is The system is starting up. Wait until the blinking display of "HO" or
turned on, the display shown "HO" or "PLEASE "PLEASE WAIT" go off.
on the right appears on the in- WAIT" icons blink
door unit remote controller for on the display.
5 minutes.
The drain pump keeps run- The drain pump stays in operation for three minutes after the unit in the
ning after the unit has Unlit cooling mode is stopped.
The drain pump is running When drain water is detected, the drain pump goes into operation even
while the unit is stopped. while the unit is stopped.
Indoor unit and BC controller This noise is made when the refrigerant circuit is reversed and is normal.
make noise during cooling/ Normal display
heating changeover.
Sound of the refrigerant flow is This is caused by the transient instability of the refrigerant flow and is nor-
heard from the indoor unit im- mal.
Normal display
mediately after starting opera-
Warm air sometimes comes This is due to the fact that the LEVs on some of the indoor units are kept
out of the indoor units that are slightly open to prevent the refrigerant in the indoor units that are not op-
Normal display
not in the heating mode. erating in the heating mode from liquefying and accumulating in the com-
pressor. It is part of a normal operation.

HWE0609A - 121 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

[7] Standard Operation Data (Reference Data)

1. Single unit
(1) Cooling operation

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F] 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ] 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 2 2
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 2 2
Operating Model - 100/100 125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 25 [82] 25 [82]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 11 [24] 11 [24]
Electric current A 18.6 26.8
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 52 65
Indoor unit 325/325 387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 80 100
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.77/0.74 [402/107] 3.11/0.86 [451/125]
Discharge (TH4) 89 [192] 85 [185]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 44 [111] 44 [111]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 22 [72] 24 [75]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 47 [117] 38 [100]
LEV inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43] 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 122 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F] 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ] 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 3 3
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 3 3
Operating Model - 100/100/100 100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 35 [114-13/16 ] 35 [114-13/16 ]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 15 [33] 15 [33]
Electric current A 31.2 44.6
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 74 95
Indoor unit 325/325/325 325/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 100 100
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.95/0.84 [428/122] 2.86/0.76 [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 84 [183] 90 [194]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 44 [111] 43 [109]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 22 [72] 22 [72]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 42 [108] 42 [108]
LEV inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43] 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 123 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F] 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ] 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 4 4
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 4 4
Operating Model - 100/100/100/100 100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 45 [147-5/8] 45 [147-5/8]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 19 [42] 19 [42]
Electric current A 40.1 53.2
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 97 111
Indoor unit 325/325/325/325 325/325/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 190 190
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.05/0.84 [442/122] 3.07/0.79 [445/115]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 85 [185]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 45 [113] 48 [118]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [77] 28 [82]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 38 [100] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 17 [63] 17 [63]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [39] 4 [39]

HWE0609A - 124 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

(2) Heating operation

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ] 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F] 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 2 2
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 2 2
Operating Model - 100/100 125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 25 [82] 25 [82]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 11 [24] 11 [24]
Electric current A 19.9 26.2
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 53 71
Indoor unit 332/332 406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0 0
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.81/0.66 [408/96] 2.85/0.61 [413/88]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 82 [180]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 37 [99] 38 [100]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176] 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 125 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ] 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F] 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 3 3
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 3 3
Operating Model - 100/100/100 100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 35 [114-13/16 ] 35 [114-13/16 ]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 15 [33] 15 [33]
Electric current A 31.9 41.4
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 81 101
Indoor unit 332/332/332 332/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0 0
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.78/0.61 [403/88] 2.81/0.57 [408/83]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 82 [180]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [27] -3 [27]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [27] -3 [27]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [27] -3 [27]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [27] -3 [27]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 39 [102] 39 [102]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176] 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 126 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ] 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F] 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 4 4
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 4 4
Operating Model - 100/100/100/100 100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ] 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 45 [147-5/8] 45 [147-5/8]
Fan speed - Hi Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 19 [42] 19 [42]
Electric current A 41.7 50.5
Voltage V 220 220
Compressor frequency Hz 102 117
Indoor unit 332/332/332/332 332/332/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0 0
LEV2 - -
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.74/0.61 [397/88] 2.81/0.61 [408/88]
Discharge (TH4) 89 [192] 89 192
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [27] -3 [27]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [27] -3 [27]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [27] -3 [27]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [27] -3 [27]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 37 [99] 37 [99]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176] 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 127 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

2. 2-unit combination
(1) Cooling operation

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P500TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 4
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 4
Operating Model - 125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4]
Total pipe length 45 [147-5/8]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 22 [49]
Electric current A 60.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 65 65
Indoor unit 387/387/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 100 100
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.11/0.86 [451/125] 3.11/0.86 [451/125]
Discharge (TH4) 85 [185] 85 [185]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 47 [117]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 27 [81] 27 [81]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 38 [100] 38 [100]
LEV inlet 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 128 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P550TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 20/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 25 [55]
Electric current A 61.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 65 71
Indoor unit 222/325/325/325/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 159 237
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.10/0.78 [450/113] 3.10/0.74 [450/107]
Discharge (TH4) 91 [196] 89 [192]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 47 [117]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 27 [81] 27 [81]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 42 [108] 42 [108]
LEV inlet 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 129 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P600TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 50/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 25 [55]
Electric current A 71.2
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 65 92
Indoor unit 362/325/325/325/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 159 237
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.10/0.74 [450/107] 3.10/0.78 [450/113]
Discharge (TH4) 91 [196] 91 [196]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 47 [117]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 27 [81] 27 [81]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 42 [108] 42 [108]
LEV inlet 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 130 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P650TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 100/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 29 [64]
Electric current A 77.1
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 84 85
Indoor unit 325/325/325/325/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 105 105
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.86/0.69 [415/100] 2.86/0.69 [415/100]
Discharge (TH4) 90 [194] 90 [194]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 43 [109] 43 [109]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 24 [75] 24 [75]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 48 [118] 48 [118]
LEV inlet 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 131 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P700TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 100/100/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 31 [68]
Electric current A 89.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 95 95
Indoor unit 325/325/387/387/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 105 105
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.86/0.69 [415/100] 2.86/0.69 [415/100]
Discharge (TH4) 90 [194] 90 [194]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 43 [109] 43 [109]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 24 [75] 24 [75]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [66] 19 [66]
Compressor shell
bottom 48 [118] 48 [118]
LEV inlet 19 [66]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [43]

HWE0609A - 132 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P750TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 125/125/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 34 [75]
Electric current A 92.1
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 96 96
Indoor unit 387/387/387/387/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 185
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.95/0.81 [428/117] 2.86/0.76 [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [204] 95 [202]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 46 [114]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [77] 24 [75]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [67] 19 [67]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [132] 47 [117]
LEV inlet 17 [63]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [39]

HWE0609A - 133 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P800TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 125/125/125/140/140/140
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 34 [75]
Electric current A 101.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 103 103
Indoor unit 387/387/387/310/310/310
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 185
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.95/0.81 [428/117] 2.86/0.76 [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [204] 95 [202]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 46 [114]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [77] 24 [75]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [67] 19 [67]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [132] 47 [117]
LEV inlet 17 [63]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [39]

HWE0609A - 134 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P850TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 140/140/140/140/140/140
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 37 [82]
Electric current A 103.8
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 104 104
Indoor unit 395/395/395/395/395/395
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 171 171
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.12/0.83 [453/120] 3.12/0.83 [453/120]
Discharge (TH4) 98 [208] 98 [208]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 47 [117]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 26 [79] 26 [79]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 20 [68] 20 [68]
Compressor shell
bottom 47 [117] 47 [117]
LEV inlet 17 [63]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [39]

HWE0609A - 135 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P900TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 7
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 7
Operating Model - 100/100/100/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 75 [246-1/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 39 [86]
Electric current A 114.3
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 111 111
Indoor unit 325/325/325/387/387/387/387
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 171 171
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 3.12/0.83 [453/120] 3.12/0.83 [453/120]
Discharge (TH4) 98 [208] 98 [208]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [117] 47 [117]
Accumulator inlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Accumulator outlet 7 [45] 7 [45]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 26 [79] 26 [79]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 20 [68] 20 [68]
Compressor shell
bottom 47 [117] 47 [117]
LEV inlet 17 [ 63 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [ 39 ]

HWE0609A - 136 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

(2) Heating operation

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P500TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/ 6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 4
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 4
Operating Model - 125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 45 [147-5/8]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 22 [49]
Electric current A 58.7
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 71 71
Indoor unit 406/406/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.81/0.66 [408/96] 2.81/0.66 [408/96]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 82 [180]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 37 [99]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 137 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P550TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/ 6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 20/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 25 [55]
Electric current A 62.8
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 71 79
Indoor unit 229/332/332/332/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.61/0.61 [379/88] 2.68/0.57 [389/83]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 83 [181]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [86] 34 [93]
LEV inlet 35 [95]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 138 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P600TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 50/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 25 [55]
Electric current A 70.3
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 71 99
Indoor unit 373/332/332/332/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.61/0.61 [379/88] 2.76/0.57 [400/83]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 86 [187]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [86] 34 [93]
LEV inlet 35 [95]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 139 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P650TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 100/100/100/100/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 29 [64]
Electric current A 73.2
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 91 91
Indoor unit 350/350/340/340/330/330
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.59/0.57 [376/83] 2.59/0.57 [376/83]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 82 [180]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 22 [72] 22 [72]
LEV inlet 35 [95]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 140 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P700TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 100/100/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 31 [ 68]
Electric current A 81.5
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 101 101
Indoor unit 332/332/406/406/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.59/0.57 [376/83] 2.59/0.57 [376/83]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 82 [180]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -2 [28] -2 [28]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -2 [28] -2 [28]

unit Accumulator outlet -2 [28] -2 [28]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -2 [28] -2 [28]
Compressor shell
bottom 22 [72] 22 [72]
LEV inlet 35 [95]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 141 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P750TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 125/125/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 34 [75]
Electric current A 84.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 101 102
Indoor unit 332/332/406/406/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1160 1280
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.90/0.62 [421/90] 2.91/0.60 [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 89 [192]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [26] -4 [25]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [26] -4 [25]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [26] -4 [25]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [26] -4 [25]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [85] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 39 [102]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 142 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P800TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 125/125/125/140/140/140
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 34 [75]
Electric current A 90.4
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 109 109
Indoor unit 406/406/406/414/414/414
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1160 1280
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.90/0.62 [421/90] 2.91/0.60 [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [180] 89 [192]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [26] -4 [25]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [26] -4 [25]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [26] -4 [25]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [26] -4 [25]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [85] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 39 [102]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 143 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P850TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 6
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 6
Operating Model - 140/140/140/140/140/140
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 65 [213-1/4]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 37 [82]
Electric current A 92.3
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 109 110
Indoor unit 414/414/414/414/414/414
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1280 1280
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.91/0.60 [422/87] 2.91/0.60 [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 89 [192] 89 [192]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -4 [25] -4 [25]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -4 [25] -4 [25]

unit Accumulator outlet -4 [25] -4 [25]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -4 [25] -4 [25]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104] 40 [104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [102]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 144 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P900TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 7
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 7
Operating Model - 100/100/100/125/125/125/125
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 75 [246-1/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 39 [86]
Electric current A 98.3
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 117 117
Indoor unit 332/332/332/406/406/406/406
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1280 1280
High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa
pressure (before accumulator) [psi] 2.91/0.60 [422/87] 2.91/0.60 [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 89 [192] 89 [192]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -4 [25 ] -4 [25]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -4 [25 ] -4 [25]

unit Accumulator outlet -4 [25 ] -4 [25]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -4 [25 ] -4 [25]
Compressor shell
bottom 40 [104 ] 40 [104]
LEV inlet 39 [102]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [176]

HWE0609A - 145 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

3. 3-unit combination
(1) Cooling operation

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P950TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/200/200/125/100/32/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 42 [ 93 ]
Electric current A 98.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 65 84 84
Indoor unit 388/324/324/387/325/261/261/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 130 141 116
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 3.06/0.79 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [444/115] [428/117] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 89 [ 193 ] 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 49 [ 119 ] 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 44 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 44 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 27 [ 80 ] 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 47 [ 117 ] 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 19 [ 65 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [ 42 ]

HWE0609A - 146 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1000TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/125/63/63/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 45 [ 99 ]
Electric current A 104.2
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 81 82 82
Indoor unit 388/388/324/387/441/441/261/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 130 141 138
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [428/117] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 19 [ 67 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [ 43 ]

HWE0609A - 147 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1050TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in oper-
ation 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/125/100/71/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 45 [ 99 ]
Electric current A 115.8
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 88 89 89
Indoor unit 388/388/324/387/325/253/261/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 141 185
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [428/117] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 19 [ 67 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [ 43 ]

HWE0609A - 148 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1100TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/200/100/50/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 47 [ 104 ]
Electric current A 128.1
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 95 96 96
Indoor unit 388/388/324/324/325/362/261/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 141 185
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [428/117] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 19 [ 67 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [ 43 ]

HWE0609A - 149 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1150TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/200/100/50/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 47 [ 104 ]
Electric current A 138.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 100 100 101
Indoor unit 388/388/324/324/325/362/261/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 141 185
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [428/117] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 19 [ 67 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 6 [ 43 ]

HWE0609A - 150 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1200TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/250/250/100/50/32/32
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 49 [ 108 ]
Electric current A 141.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 101 101 101
Indoor unit 388/388/388/388/325/362/261/261
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 185 185
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [415/110] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 17 [ 63 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [ 40 ]

HWE0609A - 151 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1250TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 27°C/19°C [81°F/66°F]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 35°C/ - [95°F/ - ]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/250/250/100/100/25/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 50 [ 110 ]
Electric current A 150.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 105 106 106
Indoor unit 388/388/388/388/325/325/222/222
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 141 185 185
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.81 2.86/0.76 2.86/0.76

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/117] [415/110] [415/110]
Discharge (TH4) 96 [ 204 ] 95 [ 202 ] 95 [ 202 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) 47 [ 117 ] 46 [ 114 ] 46 [ 114 ]
Accumulator inlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Accumulator outlet 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ] 7 [ 45 ]
Temp. of
SCC outlet (TH6) 25 [ 77 ] 24 [ 75 ] 24 [ 75 ]
each sec- °C [°F]
tion Compressor inlet 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ] 19 [ 67 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 56 [ 132 ] 47 [ 117 ] 47 [ 117 ]
LEV inlet 17 [ 63 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 4 [ 40 ]

HWE0609A - 152 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

(2) Heating operation

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P950TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/200/200/125/100/32/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 42 [ 93 ]
Electric current A 94.9
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 72 90 90
Indoor unit 400/332/332/406/332/254/254/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.95/0.62 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [428/90] [421/90] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 81 [ 178 ] 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 86 ] 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 153 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1000TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/125/63/63/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 45 [ 99 ]
Electric current A 101.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 88 88 88
Indoor unit 400/400/332/406/455/455/254/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 1400 1400 1400

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.90/0.62 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [421/90] [421/90] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 154 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1050TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/125/100/71/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 45 [ 99 ]
Electric current A 108.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 94 95 95
Indoor unit 400/400/332/406/332/259/254/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 800 960 1050

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.90/0.62 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [421/90] [421/90] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 155 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1100TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/200/100/50/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 47 [104 ]
Electric current A 116.6
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 101 101 102
Indoor unit 400/400/332/332/332/373/254/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 960 960 1050

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.90/0.62 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [421/90] [421/90] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 156 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1150TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/200/200/100/50/32/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 47 [104 ]
Electric current A 123.0
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 105 105 106
Indoor unit 400/400/332/332/332/373/254/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 960 960 1050

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.90/0.62 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [421/90] [421/90] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 157 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1200TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/250/250/100/50/32/32
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 49 [ 108 ]
Electric current A 125.2
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 106 107 107
Indoor unit 400/400/400/400/332/373/254/254
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 960 1050 1050

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 0.90/0.62 2.91/0.60 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [421/90] [422/87] [422/87]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 158 - GB
[ VIII Test Run Mode ]

Outdoor unit model

Operation PUHY-P1250TSHM-A
Ambient Indoor 20°C/ - [68°F/ - ]
tempera- DB/WB
ture Outdoor 7°C/6°C [45°F/43°F]
No. of connected
units 8
Indoor Unit
No. of units in opera-
tion 8
Operating Model - 250/250/250/250/100/100/25/25
Main pipe 5 [16-3/8 ]
Piping Branch pipe m [ft] 10 [32-3/4 ]
Total pipe length 85 [278-13/16]
Fan speed - Hi
Amount of refrigerant
[lbs-oz] 50 [ 110 ]
Electric current A 129.7
Voltage V 220
Compressor frequency Hz 111 112 112
Indoor unit 400/400/400/400/332/332/229/229
LEV open-
SC (LEV1) Pulse 0
LEV2 960 1050 1050

High pressure (after O/S)/low MPa 2.90/0.62 2.91/0.60 2.91/0.60

pressure (before accumulator) [psi] [ 421/90 ] [ 422/87 ] [ 422/87 ]
Discharge (TH4) 82 [ 180 ] 89 [ 192 ] 89 [ 192 ]
Heat exchanger out-
let (TH3) -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]

Outdoor Accumulator inlet -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]

unit Accumulator outlet -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Temp. of
each sec- Compressor inlet °C [°F] -3 [ 26 ] -4 [ 25 ] -4 [ 25 ]
Compressor shell
bottom 30 [ 85 ] 40 [ 104 ] 40 [ 104 ]
LEV inlet 39 [ 102 ]
unit Heat exchanger
outlet 80 [ 176 ]

HWE0609A - 159 - GB
- 160 -
IX Troubleshooting

[1] Error Code Lists ............................................................................................................. 163

[2] Responding to Error Display on the Remote Controller................................................. 166
[3] Investigation of Transmission Wave Shape/Noise......................................................... 219
[4] Troubleshooting Principal Parts ..................................................................................... 222
[5] Refrigerant Leak ............................................................................................................ 242
[6] Compressor Replacement Instructions.......................................................................... 244
[7] Troubleshooting Using the Outdoor Unit LED Error Display.......................................... 246

HWE0609A - 161 - GB
- 162 -
[ IX Troubleshooting ]
IX Troubleshooting

[1] Error Code Lists

Searched unit


Remote controller
Error nary

Outdoor unit
inary) Error code definition Notes

Indoor unit
Code error

0403 05 Serial communication error O
0900 - - Test run O
1102 1202 - Discharge temperature fault O
1301 - - Low pressure fault O
1302 1402 - High pressure fault O
1500 1600 - Refrigerant overcharge O
- 1605 - Preliminary suction pressure fault O
2500 - - Drain sensor submergence O
2502 - - Drain pump fault O
2503 - - Drain sensor (Thd) fault O O
2600 - - Water leakage O
2601 - - Water supply cutoff O
4102 4152 - Open phase O
4106 - - Transmission power supply fault O
4115 - - Power supply signal sync error O
4116 - - RPM error/Motor error O O
[108] Abnormal bus voltage drop O
4220 4320 [109] Abnormal bus voltage rise O
4225 4325
(Note) (Note) [110] VDC error O
[111] Logic error O
4230 4330 - Heatsink overheat protection O
4240 4340 - Overload protection O
[101] IPM error O
[102] ACCT overcurrent (Hardware detection) O
[103] DCCT overcurrent (Hardware detection) O
4250 4350
4255 4355 [104] Short-circuited IPM/Ground fault O
(Note) (Note)
[105] Overcurrent error due to short-circuited motor O
[106] Instantaneous overcurrent O
[107] Overcurrent O
4260 - - Heatsink overheat protection at startup O
Return air temperature
Temperature sensor (TH21)
5101 1202 -
fault OA processing unit inlet
temperature (TH4)

HWE0609A - 163 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Searched unit


Remote controller
Error nary

Outdoor unit
inary) Error code definition Notes

Indoor unit
Code error

Indoor unit pipe tempera-

ture (TH22)
Temperature sensor OA processing unit pipe
5102 1217 - O
fault temperature (TH2)
HIC bypass circuit outlet
temperature (TH2)
Indoor unit gas-side pipe
temperature (TH23)
OA processing unit gas-
Temperature sensor side pipe temperature O
5103 1205 00
fault (TH3)
Pipe temperature at
heatexchanger outlet O
OA processing unit intake
air temperature (TH1)
Temperature sensor Outside temperature only by the All-
5104 1202 - O
fault (TH24) Fresh type in-
door units
Outdoor unit discharge
temperature (TH4)
Temperature sensor Accumulator inlet tempera-
5105 1204 - O
fault ture (TH5)
Temperature sensor HIC circuit outlet tempera-
5106 1216 - O
fault ture (Th6)
Temperature sensor
5107 1221 - Outside temperature (TH7) O
Temperature sensor Heatsink temperature
5110 1214 01 O
fault (THHS)
5201 - - High-pressure sensor fault (63HS1) O
[115] ACCT sensor fault O
[116] DCCT sensor fault O
[117] ACCT sensor circuit fault O
5301 4300
[118] DCCT sensor circuit fault O
[119] Open-circuited IPM/Loose ACCT connector O
[120] Faulty ACCT wiring O
5701 - - Loose float switch connector O
Remote controller board fault (nonvolatile memory
6201 - - O
error )
6202 - - Remote controller board fault (clock IC error ) O
6600 - - Address overlap O O O O
6601 - - Polarity setting error O
6602 - - Transmission processor hardware error O O O O
6603 - - Transmission line bus busy error O O O O

HWE0609A - 164 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Searched unit


Remote controller
Error nary

Outdoor unit
inary) Error code definition Notes

Indoor unit
Code error

Communication error between device and trans-

6606 - - O O O O
mission processors
6607 - - No ACK error O O O O
6608 - - No response error O O O O
MA controller signal reception error (No signal re-
6831 - - O O
MA remote controller signal transmission error
6832 - - O O
(Synchronization error)
MA remote controller signal transmission error
6833 - - O O
(Hardware error)
MA controller signal reception error (Start bit de-
6834 - - O O
tection error)
7100 - - Total capacity error O
7101 - - Capacity code setting error O O O
7102 - - Wrong number of connected units O
7105 - - Address setting error O
7106 - - Attribute setting error O
Connection information signal transmission/recep-
7110 - - O
tion error
7111 - - Remote controller sensor fault O O
7113 - - Function setting error O
7117 - - Model setting error O
7130 - - Incompatible unit combination O

The last digit in the check error codes in the 4000's and 5000's and two-digit detail codes indicate if the codes apply to com-
pressor inverter on fan inverter.
Code 4225 (detail code 108): Bus voltage drop in the fan inverter system
Code 4230 : Heatsink overheat protection in the compressor inverter system

The last digit Inverter system

0 or 1 Compressor inverter system
5 Fan inverter system

HWE0609A - 165 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[2] Responding to Error Display on the Remote Controller

1. Mechanical system

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
0403 Serial Serial communication error be- (1) Faulty wiring Check the following wiring
communi- tween the control board and the connections.
cation er- INV board on the compressor,
ror and between the control board 1) Between Control board
and the INV board on the fan and Fan board
Detail code 01: Control board - FAN
Between the control board and board
the INV board CN2 - CN21
Detail code 05: CN4 - CN4
Between the control board and CN332 - CN18V
the Fan board 2) Between Fan board and
INV board
FAN board - INV board
CN22 - CN2, CN5V
CN4 - CN4
(2) INV board failure Replace the INV board or
Fan board failure the FAN board when the
Control board failure power turns on automati-
cally, even if the power
source is reset.

Refer to section - 6 - "Inverter" under part [4] "Trouble shooting principal parts" for error codes related to the inverter.

HWE0609A - 166 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
1102 Dis- 1. If the discharge temperature of (1) Gas leak, gas shortage Refer to the page on refrig-
charge 120 °C [248°F] or more is detect- erant amount evaluation.
temper- ed during the above operation
ature (the first detection), the outdoor (2) Overload operation Check operating condi-
fault unit stops once, turns to anti-re- tions and operation status
start mode for 3 minutes, and re- of indoor/outdoor units.
starts after 3 minutes
2. If the discharge temperature of (3) LEV failure on the indoor Perform a cooling or heat-
120° C [248°F] or more is detect- unit ing operation to check the
ed again (the second detection) operation.
within 30 minutes after the sec- Cooling: Indoor unit LEV
ond stop of the outdoor unit de- LEV1
scribed above, the mode will be LEV2a,b
changed to 3 - minute restart Heating: Indoor unit LEV
mode, then the outdoor unit will LEV2a,b
restart in 3 minutes. Refer to the section on
troubleshooting the LEV.
3. If the discharge temperature of (4) Outdoor unit LEV1 actua-
120°C [248°F] or more is detect- tion failure
ed (the third detection) within 30 Outdoor unit LEV2a, b actu-
minutes after the stop of the out- ation failure
door unit described above (re-
gardless of the first or the second
stop), the outdoor unit will make
an error stop, and the error code
"1102" will be displayed.
4. If the discharge temperature of (5) Closed ball valve Confirm that the refrigerant
120°C [248°F] or more is detect- service valve is fully open.
ed more than 30 minutes after
the previous stop of the outdoor
unit, the detection is regarded as
the first detection, and the opera-
tion described in step 1 above
will start.
5. For 30 minutes after the stop (the (6) Outdoor fan (including fan Check the fan on the out-
first stop or the second stop) of parts) failure, motor failure, door unit.
the outdoor unit, preliminary er- or fan controller malfunction Refer to the section on
rors will be displayed on the LED Rise in discharge temp. by troubleshooting the out-
display. low pressure drawing for (3) door unit fan.
- (6).
(7) Gas leak between low and Perform a cooling or heat-
high pressures ing operation and check
(4-way valve failure, Com- the operation.
pressor failure, Solenoid
valve (SV1a) failure)
(8) Thermistor failure Check the thermistor resis-
(TH4) tor.
(9) Input circuit failure on the Check the inlet air temper-
controller board thermistor ature on the LED monitor.
1301 Low When starting the compressor (1) Inner pressure drop due to a Refer to the section on
pres- from Stop Mode for the first time leakage. troubleshooting the low
sure if low pressure reads pressure sensor.
fault 0.098MPa [14psi] immediately (2) Low pressure sensor failure
before start-up, the operation im- (3) Short-circuited pressure
mediately stops. sensor cable due to torn
outer rubber
(4) A pin on the male connector
is missing.
(5) Disconnected wire
(6) Failure of the low pressure
input circuit on the controller

HWE0609A - 167 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
1302 High pres- 1. If the pressure of 3.78MPa (1) Indoor unit LEV2a, b actua- Perform a cooling or
sure fault [548psi] or higher is detected tion failure -> Cooling heating operation to
1(outdoor by the pressure sensor during Indoor unit LEV actuation check the operation.
unit) operation (the first detection), failure -> Heating Cooling: Indoor unit
the outdoor stops once, turns to LEV2a, b
antirestart mode for 3 minutes, Heating: Indoor unit
and restarts after 3 minutes au- LEV
tomatically. Refer to the section on
troubleshooting the
(2) Closed ball valve Confirm that the refrig-
erant service valve is
fully open.
(3) Short cycle on the indoor unit Check the indoor units
side for problems and cor-
rect them, if any.
2. If the pressure of 3.78MPa (4) Clogged filter on the indoor
[548psi] or higher is detected unit
by the pressure sensor again
(the second detection) within (5) Reduced air flow due to dirty
30 minutes after the first stop of fan on the indoor unit fan
the outdoor unit, the outdoor (6) Dirty heat exchanger of the
unit stops once, turns to anti-re- indoor unit
start mode for 3 minutes, and
restarts after 3 minutes auto-
3. If the pressure of 3.87MPa (7) Indoor fan (including fan
[561psi] or higher is detected parts) failure or motor failure
by the pressure sensor (the Rise in high pressure caused
third detection) within 30 min- by lowered condensing ca-
utes of the second stop of the pacity in heating operation
outdoor unit, the outdoor unit for (2) - (7).
will make an error stop, and the
error code "1302" will be dis- (8) Short cycle on the outdoor Check the outdoor
played. unit units for problems and
correct them, if any.
(9) Dirty heat exchanger of the
outdoor unit
4. If the pressure of 3.78MPa (10) Outdoor fan (including fan Check the fan on the
[548psi] or higher is detected parts) failure, motor failure, outdoor unit.
more than 30 minutes after the or fan controller malfunction Refer to the section on
stop of the outdoor unit, the de- Rise in discharge temp. by troubleshooting the
tection is regarded as the first low pressure drawing for (8) - outdoor unit fan.
detection, and the operation (10).
described in step 1 above will
start. (11) Solenoid valve (SV1a) mal- Refer to the section on
function (The by-pass valve troubleshooting the so-
(SV1a) can not control rise in lenoid valve.
high pressure).
(12) Thermistor failure (TH3, Check the thermistor
TH7) resistor.
5. For 30 minutes after the stop of (13) Pressure sensor failure Refer to the page on
the outdoor unit, preliminary er- the troubleshooting of
rors will be displayed on the the high pressure sen-
LED display. sor.
(14) Failure of the thermistor in- Check the temperature
put circuit and pressure sen- and the pressure of the
sor input circuit on the sensor with LED moni-
controller board tor.
6. The outdoor unit makes an er- (15) Thermistor mounting prob- Check the temperature
ror stop immediately when not lem (TH3, TH7) and the pressure of the
only the pressure sensor but sensor with LED moni-
also the pressure switch de- (16) Disconnected male connec- tor.
tects 4.15+0,-0.15 MPa tor on the pressure switch
[601+0,-22 psi] (63H1) or disconnected wire

HWE0609A - 168 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
1302 High pres- If the pressure of 0.098MPa (1) Inner pressure drop due to a Refer to the page on
sure fault [14psi] or lower is registered on leakage. the troubleshooting of
2 (outdoor the pressure sensor immedi- the high pressure sen-
unit) ately before start-up, it will trig- (2) Pressure sensor failure sor.
ger an abnormal stop, and error (3) Shorted-circuited pressure
code "1302" will be displayed. sensor cable due to torn out-
er rubber
(4) A pin on the male connector
on the pressure sensor is
missing or contact failure
(5) Disconnected pressure sen-
sor cable
(6) Failure of the pressure sen-
sor input circuit on the con-
troller board
1500 Refriger- An error can be detected by the (1) Overcharged refrigerant Refer to the page on
ant over- discharge temperature super- refrigerant amount
charge heat. evaluation.
1. If the formula "TdSH 10°C (2) Thermistor input circuit fail- Check the temperature
[18°F]" is satisfied during oper- ure on the control board and pressure readings
ation (first detection), the out- on the sensor that are
door unit stops, goes into the 3- displayed on the LED
minute restart mode, and starts monitor.
up in three minutes.
2. If the formula "TdSH 10°C (3) Faulty mounting of ther- Check the temperature
[18°F]" is satisfied again within mistor (TH4) and pressure readings
30 minutes of the first stoppage on the thermistor that
of the outdoor unit (second de- are displayed on the
tection), the unit comes to an LED monitor.
abnormal stop, and the error
code "1500" appears.
3. If the formula "TdSH 10°C (4) Outdoor unit LEV2a, b actua- Refer to the section on
[18°F]" is satisfied 30 minutes tion failure -> Heating troubleshooting the
or more after the first stoppage LEV.
of the outdoor unit, the same
sequence as Item "1 above
(first detection) is followed.
4. For 30 minutes after the stop of
the outdoor unit, preliminary er-
rors will be displayed on the
LED display.

HWE0609A - 169 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2500 Drain sen- 1. If an immersion of the drain (1) Drain water drainage prob- Check for proper
sor sub- sensor in the water is detected lem drainage.
mergence while the unit is in any mode ŒClogged drain pump
(Models other than the Cool/Dry mode ŒClogged drain piping
with a and when the drain pump goes ŒBackflow of drain water
drain sen- from OFF to ON, this condition from other units
sor) is considered preliminary water
leakage. While this error is be-
ing detected, humidifier output
cannot be turned on.(Applica-
ble to the units manufactured in
or after October 2006)
2. If the immersion of the sensor (2) Adhesion of water drops to 1) Check for proper lead
in the water is detected four the drain sensor wire installation.
consecutive times at an hour ŒTrickling of water along the
interval, this is considered wa- 2) Check for clogged fil-
lead wire
ter leakage, and "2500" ap- ter.
ŒRippling of drain water
pears on the monitor. caused by filter clogging
3. Detection of water leakage is (3) Failure of the relay circuit for Replace the relay.
also performed while the unit is the solenoid valve
4. Preliminary water leakage is (4) Indoor unit control board fail- If the above item
cancelled when the following ure checks out OK, re-
conditions are met: ŒDrain sensor circuit failure place the indoor unit
ŒOne hour after the prelimi- control board.
nary water leakage was de-
tected, it is not detected that
the drain pump goes from
OFF to ON.
ŒThe operation mode is
changed to Cool/Dry.
ŒThe liquid pipe temperature
minus the inlet temperature
is -10°C [ -18°F] or less.

HWE0609A - 170 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2500 Drain sen- 1. If an immersion of the float (1) Drain water drainage prob- Check for proper
sor sub- switch in the water is detected lem drainage.
mergence while the unit is in any mode ŒClogged drain pump
(Models other than the Cool/Dry mode ŒClogged drain piping
with a float and when the drain pump goes ŒBackflow of drain water
switch) from OFF to ON, this condition from other units
is considered preliminary water
leakage. While this error is be-
ing detected, humidifier output
cannot be turned on.
2. If the drain pump turns on with- (2) Stuck float switch Check for normal oper-
in one hour after preliminary Check for slime in the mov- ation of the float
water leakage is detected and ing parts of the float switch. switch.
the above-mentioned condition
is detected two consecutive
times, water leakage error wa-
ter leakage is detected, and
"2500" appears on the monitor.
3. Detection of water leakage is (3) Float switch failure Check the resistance
also performed while the unit is with the float switch
stopped. turned on and turned
4. Preliminary water leakage is
cancelled when the following
conditions are met:
ŒOne hour after the prelimi-
nary water leakage was de-
tected, it is not detected that
the drain pump goes from
OFF to ON.
ŒThe operation mode is
changed to Cool/Dry.
ŒThe liquid pipe temperature
minus the inlet temperature
is - 10°C [ -18°F] or less.

Drain pump operation triggered by a submergence of the liquid level sensor

(except during the Cooing/Dry mode)
6 minutes 6 minutes

Drain pump
output OFF

Float switch
OFF 15 15 15 15 15
input seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds

Submergence of Sensor in the air Submergence of Sensor in the air Submergence of

the sensor the sensor the sensor
Preliminary water leakage Water leakage
Within 1-hour period Within 1-hour period

HWE0609A - 171 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2502 Drain 1. Make the drain sensor ther- (1) Drain pump failure Check for proper func-
pump fault mistor self-heat. If the tempera- tioning of the drain
(Models ture rise is small, it is pump mechanism.
with a interpreted that the sensor is
drain sen- immersed in water. This condi-
sor) tion is considered to be a pre-
liminary error, and the unit goes
into the 3-minutes restart delay
2. If another episode of the above (2) Drain water drainage prob- Check for proper
condition is detected during the lem drainage.
preliminary error, this is consid- ŒClogged drain pump
ered a drain pump error, and ŒClogged drain piping
"2502" appears on the monitor.
3. This error is always detected (3) Adhesion of water drops to 1) Check for proper lead
while the drain pump is in oper- the drain sensor wire installation.
ation. ŒTrickling of water along the
2) Check for clogged fil-
lead wire
ŒRippling of drain water
caused by filter clogging
4. The following criteria are met (4) Indoor unit control board fail- If the above item
when the criteria for the forced ure checks out OK, re-
stoppage of outdoor unit (sys- ŒDrain pump drive circuit place the indoor unit
tem stoppage) are met. failure control board.
Œ"Liquid pipe temperature - in- ŒDrain heater output circuit
let temperature - 10°C failure
[ -18°F]" has been detected
for 30 minutes.
ŒThe immersion of drain sen-
sor is detected 10 consecu-
tive times.
∗The conditions that are listed
under items 1 through 3
above are always met before
the criteria for the forced
stoppage of the outdoor unit.
5. The indoor unit that detected (5) Items (1) through (4) above Check the solenoid
the conditions that are listed in and an indoor unit electronic valves on the indoor
item 4 above brings the outdoor valve closure failure (leaky unit for leaks.
unit in the same refrigerant cir- valve) occurred simulta-
cuit to an error stop (compres- neously.
sor operation prohibited), and
the outdoor unit brings all the
indoor units in the same refrig-
erant circuit that are in any
mode other than Fan or Stop to
an error stop.
"2502" appears on the monitor
of the units that came to an er-
ror stop.
6. Forced stoppage of the outdoor (Note)
unit The address and attribute
Detection timing that appear on the remote
This error is detected whether controller are those of the
the unit is in operation or indoor unit (or OA pro-
stopped. cessing unit) that caused
the error.
7. Ending criteria for the forced stoppage of outdoor unit
Power reset the indoor unit that was identified as the error source and the outdoor unit that is con-
nected to the same refrigerant circuit.
Forced stoppage of the outdoor unit cannot be cancelled by stopping the unit via the remote con-
(Note) Items 1. - 3. and 4. - 7. are detected independently from each other.

HWE0609A - 172 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2502 Drain 1. The immersion of sensor tip in (1) Drain pump failure Check for proper func-
pump fault water is detected by the ON/ tioning of the drain
(Models OFF signal from the float pump mechanism
with a float switch.
switch) ŒSubmergence of the sen-
When it is detected that
the float switch has been
ON for 15 seconds, it is in-
terpreted that the sensor
tip is immersed in water.
ŒSensor in the air
When it is detected that
the float switch has been
OFF for 15 seconds, it is
interpreted that the sensor
tip is not immersed in wa-
2. If it is detected that the float (2) Drain water drainage prob- Check for proper
switch has been ON for 3 min- lem drainage.
utes after the immersion of the ŒClogged drain pump
sensor tip was detected, this is ŒClogged drain piping
considered a drain pump fail-
ure, and "2502" appears on the
∗The total time it takes for this
error to be detected is 3 min-
utes and 15 seconds, includ-
ing the time it takes for the
first immersion of the sensor
tip to be detected.
3. Detection of drain pump failure (3) Stuck float switch Check for normal oper-
is performed while the unit is Check for slime in the mov- ation of the float
stopped. ing parts of the float switch. switch.
4. The following criteria are met (4) Float switch failure Check the resistance
when the criteria for the forced with the float switch
stoppage of outdoor unit (sys- turned on and turned
tem stoppage) are met. off.
Œ"Liquid pipe temperature - in-
let temperature -10°C
[ -18°F]" has been detected
for 30 minutes.
ŒIt is detected by the float
switch that the sensor tip has
been immersed in water for
15 minutes or more.
∗The conditions that are listed
under items 1 through 3
above are always met before
the criteria for the forced
stoppage of the outdoor unit.
5. The indoor unit that detected (5) Indoor unit control board fail- Replace indoor unit
the conditions that are listed in ure control board.
item 4 above brings the outdoor ŒDrain pump drive circuit
unit in the same refrigerant cir- failure
cuit to an error stop (compres- ŒFloat switch input circuit
sor operation prohibited), and failure
the outdoor unit brings all the
indoor units in the same refrig-
erant circuit that are in any
mode other than Fan or Stop to
an error stop.

HWE0609A - 173 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2502 Drain 6. Forced stoppage of the outdoor (6) Items (1) through (5) above Check the solenoid
pump fault unit and an indoor unit electronic valves on the indoor
(Models Detection timing valve closure failure (leaky unit for leaks.
with a float This error is detected whether valve) occurred simulta-
switch) the unit is in operation or neously.
(Note) The address and at-
tribute that appear on the
remote controller are
those of the indoor unit (or
OA processing unit) that
caused the error.
7. Ending criteria for the forced stoppage of outdoor unit
Power reset the indoor unit that was identified as the error source and the outdoor unit that is con-
nected to the same refrigerant circuit.
Forced stoppage of the outdoor unit cannot be cancelled by stopping the unit via the remote con-
(Note) Items 1. - 3. and 4. - 7. are detected independently from each other.
2503 Drain sen- 1. If the open or short circuit of the (1) Faulty connector (CN31) in- 1) Check for connector
sor (Thd) thermistor has been detected sertion. connection failure.
fault for 30 seconds, this condition is Reinsert the connec-
considered to be a preliminary tor, restart the opera-
error, and the unit goes into the tion, and check for
3-minute restart delay mode. proper operation.
2. If another episode of the above (2) Broken or semi-broken ther- 2) Check for a broken
condition is detected during the mistor wire thermistor wire.
preliminary error, this is consid-
ered a drain sensor error.(If the
short or open circuit of the ther-
mistor is no longer detected,
normal operation will be re-
stored in 3 minutes.)
3. This error is detected when one (3) Thermistor failure 3) Check the resistance
of the following conditions are of the thermistor.
met. 0°C[32 °F]:6.0k
ŒDuring Cool/Dry operation 10°C[50 °F]:3.9k
ŒLiquid pipe temperature mi- 20°C[68°F]:2.6k
nus inlet temperature is 30°C[86°F]:1.8k
equal to or smaller than 40°C[104 °F]:1.3k
- 10°C [ -18°F] (except during
(4) Indoor unit control board (er- 4) Replace the indoor
the defrost cycle)
ror detection circuit) failure unit control board if the
ŒWhen the liquid temperature
problem recurs when
thermistor or suction temper-
the unit is operated
ature thermistor or short or
with the No.-1 and No.-
open circuited.
2 pins on the drain
ŒDrain pump is in operation. sensor connector
ŒOne hour has elapsed since (CN31) being short-cir-
the drain sensor went off. cuited.
Short: 90 °C [194 °F] or above If the above item
Open: - 20 °C [-4 °F] or below checks out OK, there
are no problems with
the drain sensor.
Turn off the power and
turn it back on.
2600 Water - Water leaks from the pipes in Check the location of
leakage such as the humidifier. the leak.

HWE0609A - 174 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
2601 Water - (1) The water tank of the humid- Check the amount of
supply ifier is empty. supply water.
cutoff Check for the solenoid
valve and for the con-
(2) The solenoid valve for hu- Check the connector.
midification is OFF.
(3) Disconnected float switch Check the connecting
(4) Poor operation of float switch Check for the float
(5) Frozen water tank Turn off the power
source of the water
tank to defrost, and
turn it on again.

HWE0609A - 175 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4102 Open phase 1. An open phase of the (1) Power supply problem Check the input voltage to
power supply (L1 phase, ŒOpen phase voltage of the power supply terminal
L2 phase) was detected the power supply block TB1.
at power on. ŒPower supply voltage
2. The L3 phase current is (2) Noise filter problem ŒCheck the coil connec-
outside of the specified ŒCoil (L1 - L3) problem tions.
range. ŒCircuit board failure ŒCheck for coil burnout.
ŒConfirm that the voltage
at the CN02 connector is
188 V or above.
(Note) (3) Wiring failure Confirm that the voltage at
The open phase of the the control board connec-
power supply may not al- tor CNAC is 188 V or
ways be detected if a above.
power voltage from an- If the voltage is below
other circuit is applied. 188V, check the wiring
connection between the
noise filter board CN02
and control board CNAC.
P200 and P250 models
Confirm that the wiring be-
tween TB23 and INV board
SC-T is put through CT3.
P300 - P450 models
Confirm that the wiring be-
tween the coil L3 and TB23
is put through ACCT3.
(4) Blown fuse Check for a blown fuse
(F01, F02) on the control
->If a blown fuse is found,
check for a short-circuiting
or earth fault of the actua-
(5) CT3 failure Replace the inverter if this
problem is detected after
the compressor has gone
into operation.
(6) Control board failure Replace the control board
if none of the above is
causing the problem.

HWE0609A - 176 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4106 Transmis- Transmission power out- (1) Wiring failure Check the following items
sion power put failure on all outdoor units in the
supply fault same refrigerant circuit.
Error detail
FF (2) Transmission power sup- 1) Turn off the outdoor unit,
(Outdoor ply cannot output voltage disconnect the wiring from
unit) because overcurrent was TB3 and TB7, and turn the
detected. power back on. Confirm
that the voltage of at least
25 V is output to each TB,
120 seconds after turning
on the power. If the male
power supply switch con-
nector is connected to
CN41, no voltage will be
output to TB7.
(3) Voltage cannot be output If no voltage is output
due to transmission pow- when item 1) above is
er supply problem. checked
(4) Transmission voltage de- 2) Confirm that CN102,
tection circuit failure CNS2, and CNIT, which
connect the control board
4106 Transmis- Transmission power re- One of the outdoor units and M-NET board, are
sion power ception failure stopped supplying pow- properly connected.
supply fault er, but no other outdoor
ŒCheck items 1) and 2)
Other than units start supplying pow-
above, and if no voltage
Error Detail er.
is output, either the con-
Code FF
trol board or the trans-
mission power board
has a problem.
ŒIf voltage is output when
items 1) and 2) above
are checked.
3) Confirm that the indoor/
outdoor transmission line
and M-NET control are not
shorted out.
4) Confirm that the transmis-
sion line for centralized
control and indoor/outdoor
transmission line are not
mixed up.
5) Confirm that only one unit
is supplying power to the
transmission line for cen-
tralized control. (Confirm
that the male power supply
switch connector is con-
nected to CN40 on only
one outdoor unit.)
Confirm that no other pow-
er supply units or outdoor
units (LED1 on the trans-
mission power board is lit.)
are supplying power to the
given indoor unit system.

HWE0609A - 177 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4115 Power supply The frequency cannot be (1) Power supply error Check the voltage of the
signal sync determined when the power supply terminal
error power is switched on. block
(2) Noise filter problem ŒCheck the coil connec-
ŒCoil (L1 - L3) problem tions.
ŒCircuit board failure ŒCheck for coil burnout.
ŒConfirm that the voltage
at the CN02 connector is
188 V or above.
(3) Faulty wiring Check fuse F01 on the
control board (or F1, F2).
(4) Wiring failure Confirm that the voltage at
Between noise filter the control board connec-
board CN02 and control tor CNAC is 188 V or
board CNAC above.
(5) Control board failure If none of the items de-
scribed above is applica-
ble, and if the trouble
reappears even after the
power is switched on
again, replace the control
4116 RPM error/ 1. LOSSNAY (1) Board failure Replace the board.
Motor error
ŒThe motor keep run-
ning even if the power
is OFF.
ŒThe thermal overload
relay is ON. (Only for
the three-phase model)
2. Indoor unit (2) Motor malfunction Check for the motor and
If detected less than the solenoid switch.
180rpm or more than (3) Solenoid switch malfunc-
2000rpm, the indoor unit tion
will restart and keep run-
ning for 3 minutes.If de-
tected again, the display
will appear.

HWE0609A - 178 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4220 Abnormal If Vdc 160V or less is de- (1) Power supply environ- Check whether the unit
4225 bus voltage tected during Inverter op- ment makes an instantaneous
drop eration. (S/W detection) stop when the detection re-
(Detail code sult is abnormal or a power
108) failure occurs. Check
whether the power voltage
is 188V or less across all
(2) Voltage drop detected 4220
P200 and P250 models
Check the voltage be-
tween the tab terminal TB-
P and TB-N on the INV
board while the inverter is
-> Check the following
items if it is 253V or above.
1) Confirm on the LED moni-
tor that the bus voltage is
above 160 V.
Replace the INV board if it
is below 160 V.
2) Check the voltage at
CN505 on the control
->Go to (3).
3) Check the coil connections
(L1 - L3) and for coil burn-
4) Check the wiring connec-
tions between the following
Between the noise filter
board and INV board. Be-
tween the INV board and
Between the INV board
and C1.
Replace 72C if no prob-
lems are found.
-> Check the following
items if the voltage is be-
low 253V.
1) Check the coil connections
(L1 - L3) and for coil burn-
2) Check the wiring between
the noise filter board and
INV board.
3) Check the connection to
SCP1 and SC-P2 on the
INV board.
4) Check the in-rush current
resistor value.
Replace the INV board if
no problems are found.

HWE0609A - 179 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4220 Abnormal If Vdc 160V or less is de- (2) Voltage drop detected P300 - P450 models
4225 bus voltage tected during Inverter op- Check the voltage be-
drop eration. (S/W detection) tween SCP1 and IPM N
(Detail code terminals on the INV board
108) while the inverter is
-> Check the following
items if it is 253V or above.
1) Confirm on the LED moni-
tor that the bus voltage is
above 160 V.
Replace the INV board if it
is below 160 V.
2) Check the voltage at
CN505 on the control
->Go to (3).
3) Check the coil connections
(L1 - L3) and coil burnout.
4) Check the resistance of
the diode stack.
->Refer to [4]-6-(6).
5) Check the wiring connec-
tions between the following
Between the noise filter
board and INV board.
Between the INV board
and C1.
Replace the noise filter
board if no problems are
-> Check the following
items if the voltage is be-
low 253 V.
1) Check the connection to
SCP1 and IPM N on the
INV board.
2) Check the wiring between
the noise filter board and
INV board.
3) Check the resistance of
the diode stack.
->Refer to [4]-6-(6).
4) Check the in-rush current
resistor value.
->Refer to [4]-6-(4).
5) Replace the noise filter

HWE0609A - 180 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4220 Abnormal If Vdc 160V or less is de- (2) Voltage drop detected 4225
4225 bus voltage tected during Inverter op- Check the voltage at CN-
drop eration. (S/W detection) VDC on the Fan board
(Detail code while the inverter is
108) stopped.
->Check the following
items if it is 253 V or above.
1) Check the voltage at
CN505 on the control
board. ->Go to 3).
2) Check the coil connections
(L1 - L3) and for coil burn-
3) Check the wiring connec-
Replace 72C if no prob-
lems are found.
(P300 - P450 models: Re-
place the noise filter
If the problem recurs after
replacing 72C, replace the
Fan board.
-> Check the following
items if the voltage is be-
low 253V.
1) Check the CNVDC con-
nector connection.
(3) Control board failure Confirm that a voltage of
208-230 VAC is applied to
the connector CN505 on
the control board during in-
verter operation.
->If voltage is absent,
check the control board,
fuse F01, or (F1, F2). If no
problems are found, re-
place the control board.
Abnormal If Vdc 400V is detected (1) Different voltage connec- Check the power supply
bus voltage during inverter operation. tion voltage on the power sup-
rise ply terminal block (TB1).
(Detail code
109) (2) INV board failure Replace the INV board
when no fault is found.
In the case of 4220: INV
In the case of 4225: Fan
VDC error Bus voltage abnormality Same as detail code Same as detail code
(Detail code If Vdc 400V or Vdc No.108 and 109 of 4220 No.108 and 109 of 4220
110) 160V is detected. (H/W error error.

Refer to section - 6 - "Inverter" under part [4] "Trouble shooting principal parts" for error codes related to the inverter.

HWE0609A - 181 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4220 Logic er- H/W error In the case of 4220
4225 ror If only the H/W error logic
(Detail circuit operates, and no (1) External noise
code identifiable error is de- (2) INV board failure Refer to [4] - 6 - (2) [1].
111) tected.
(3) IPM failure(P300 - P450 Replace the IPM.
models only)
(4) DCCT failure (P300 - Replace the DCCT.
P450 models only)
In the case of 4225
(1) External noise
(2) Fan board failure Refer to [4] - 6 - (2) [1].
4230 Heat- When the heat sink tem- (1) Fan board failure Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [6].
sink perature (THHS) remains
over- at or above TOH is de- (2) Outdoor unit fan failure Check the outdoor unit fan oper-
heat pro- tected. ation.
tection If any problem is found with the
Model TOH fan operation, check the fan mo-
P200, P250
100°C tor. ->Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [6]
90°C (3) Air passage blockage Check that the heat sink cooling
P300 - P450 [194°F] air passage is not blocked
(4) THHS failure P200 and P250 models
1) Check for proper installation of
the INV board IGBT. (Check for
proper installation of the IGBT
2) Check the THHS sensor reading
on the LED monitor.
->If an abnormal value appears,
replace the INV board.
P300 - P450 models
3) Check the THHS sensor reading
on the LED monitor.
->If an abnormal value appears,
check the sensor resistance,
and replace the sensor as nec-
4240 Over- If the output current of (1) Air passage blockage Check that the heat sink cooling
load pro- "(Iac) >Imax (Arms)" or air passage is not blocked
tection "THHS > TOL" is continu-
ously detected for 10 (2) Power supply environ- Power supply voltage is188 V or
minutes or more during ment above.
inverter operation. (3) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4] - 6 -
Model Imax(Arms)
(4) Current sensor (ACCT) Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (4)
P200, P250 35 failure
P300, P350 50
(5) Compressor failure Check that the compressor has
P400, P450 53 not overheated during operation.
TOL -> Check the refrigerant circuit
(oil return section).
P200, P250 [203°F] Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2)
P300 - P450 [175°F]

Refer to section - 6 - "Inverter" under part [4] "Trouble shooting principal parts" for error codes related to the inverter.

HWE0609A - 182 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
detection method
4250 IPM error In the case of 4250 In the case of 4250
4255 (Detail code 101) P200 and P250 models P200 and P250 models
Overcurrent is detected by
the overcurrent detection (1) Inverter output related Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [1] -
resistor (RSH) on the INV (4)
board. P300 - P450 models
P300 - P450 models
IPM error signal is detected. (1) Inverter output related Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [1] -
(2) Same as 4230 error Same as 4230 error
In the case of 4255 In the case of 4255
IPM error signal is detected.
(1) Fan motor abnormality Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [5].
(2) Fan board failure Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [6].
4250 ACCT overcurrent Overcurrent 88Apeak or (1) Inverter output related Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2)
(Hardware detec- 42Arms and above is de- [1] - [4].
tion) tected (P200 and P250
(Detail code 102) models) OR 128Apeak or
DCCT overcurrent 60Arms and above is de-
(Hardware detec- tected (P300-P450 model
tion) and above) by the current
(Detail code 103) sensor.
Instantaneous over-
(Detail code 106)
(Detail code 107)
4250 Short-circuited IPM/ When IPM short damage or In the case of 4250
4255 Ground fault grounding on the load side
(Detail code 104) is detected just before start- (1) Grounding fault compres- Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [2]
ing the inverter. sor
(2) Inverter output related Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [1]-
In the case of 4255
(1) Grounding fault of fan Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [5].
(2) Fan board failure Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [6].
Overcurrent error When a short is detected on In the case of 4250
due to short-circuit- the compressor or the fan
ed motor motor just before the invert- (1) Short - circuited com- Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [2].
(Detail code105) er operation. pressor
(2) Output wiring Check for a short circuit.
In the case of 4255
(1) Short - circuited fan mo- Refer to 9 [4] - 6 - (2) [5].
(2) Output wiring Check for a short circuit.
4260 Heatsink overheat The heatsink temperature Same as 4230 error Same as 4230 error.
protection at startup (THHS) remains at or above
TOH for 10 minutes or more
at inverter startup.
Model TOH
P200, P250 [212°F]
P300 - P450 90°C

Refer to section - 6 - "Inverter" under part [4] "Trouble shooting principal parts" for error codes related to the inverter.

HWE0609A - 183 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Temperature sensor fault (indoor unit)

Error definition and error detection
Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5101 Air inlet If a short or an open is detected (1) Thermistor failure Check the thermistor re-
during thermostat ON, the out- sistor.
5102 Liquid door unit turns to anti-restart (2) Connector contact failure 0°C [32°F]: 15 kohm
pipe mode for 3 minutes. When the 10°C [50°F]: 9.7 kohm
5103 Gas pipe error is not restored after 3 min- (3) Disconnected wire or 20°C [68°F] : 6.4 kohm
utes (if restored, the outdoor unit partial disconnected ther- 30°C [86°F] : 4.3 kohm
runs normally), the outdoor unit mistor wire 40°C [104°F] : 3.1 kohm
makes an error stop.
Short: (4) Unattached thermistor or
detectable at 90°C [194°F] or contact failure
5104 Outdoor Open : (5) Indoor board (detection Check the connector
air tem- detectable at -40°C [-40°F] or circuit) failure contact.
perature lower When no fault is found,
*Sensor error at gas-side cannot the indoor board is a fail-
be detected under the following ure.
ŒDuring heating operation
ŒDuring cooling operation
for 3 minutes after the com-
pressor turns on.

(OA processing unit)

Error definition and error detection
Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5104 Outdoor - (1) The connector (CN29) is Check the contact of the
air tem- not connected tightly. connector.
perature Replace the sensor.
(2) The outdoor air tempera-
ture sensor is broken.

HWE0609A - 184 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Temperature sensor fault (outdoor unit)

Error definition and error detection
Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5102 SC coil 1. When a short (high tempera- (1) Thermistor failure Check thermistor resis-
outlet ture intake) or an open (low tance.
(TH2) temperature intake) of the ther-
mistor is detected (the first de-
tection), the outdoor unit stops,
turns to anti-restart mode for 3
minutes, and restarts when the
detected temperature of the
5103 Pipe 2. When a short or an open is de- (2) Pinched lead wire Check for pinched lead
temper- tected again (the second de- wire.
ature at tection) after the first restart of
heatex- the outdoor unit, the outdoor
changer unit stops, turns to anti-restart
outlet mode for 3 minutes, and re-
(TH3) starts in 3 minutes when the
detected temperature is within
the normal range.
5104 Dis- 3. When a short or an open is de- (3) Torn wire coating Check for wire coating.
charge tected again (the third detec-
(TH4) tion) after the previous restart
of the outdoor unit, the outdoor
unit makes an error stop.
5105 Accu- 4. When a short or an open of the (4) A pin on the male con- Check connector.
mulator thermistor is detected just be- nector is missing or con-
inlet fore the restart of the outdoor tact failure
(TH5) unit, the outdoor unit makes an
error stop, and the error code
"5102", "5103", 5104", "5105",
"5106"or "5107"will appear.
5106 SC coil 5. During 3-minute antirestart (5) Disconnected wire Check for wire.
outlet mode, preliminary errors will be
(TH6) displayed on the LED display.
5107 Outdoor 6. A short or an open described (6) Thermistor input circuit Check the intake temper-
air tem- above is not detected for 10 failure on the control ature of the sensor with
perature minutes after the compressor board the LED monitor.
(TH7) start, during defrost mode, or When the temperature is
for 3 minutes after defrost far different from the ac-
mode. tual temperature, replace
the control board.

Short detection Open detection
TH2 70 C [158 F ] and above (0.4 k ) -40 C [ -40 F ] and below (130 k )
TH3 110 C [230 F ] and above (0.4 k ) -40 C [ -40 F ] and below (130 k )
TH4 240 C [464 F ] and above (0.57 k ) 0 C [ 32 F ] and below (698 k )
TH5 70 C [158 F ] and above (0.4 k ) -40 C [ -40 F ] and below (130 k )
TH6 70 C [158 F ] and above (1.14 k ) -40 C [ -40 F ] and below (130 k )
TH7 110 C [230 F ] and above (0.4 k ) -40 C [ -40 F ] and below (130 k )

HWE0609A - 185 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5110 Heat When a short or an open of (1) Fan board failure If the problem recurs when
sink THHS is detected just before the unit is put into operation,
temper- or during the inverter opera- replace the Fan board.
ature tion.
sensor P300 - P450 models Check the THHS sensor
fault reading on the LED monitor.
(2) THHS sensor failure Replace the sensor if it
code 01 reads below - 30°C[ -22°F]
or above 150°C[302°F].
P300 - P450 models Check the connector con-
nection (CNTH) on the INV
(3) Contact failure board.

Refer to section - 6 -"Inverter" under part [4] "Trouble shootiong principal parts" for error codes related to the inverter.

Error definition and error detection

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5201 High- 1. If the high pressure sensor (1) High pressure sensor Refer to the page on the
pres- detects 0.098MPa [14psi] or failure troubleshooting of the high
sure less during the operation, the pressure sensor. (9 [4] -1-)
sensor outdoor unit stops once, turns
fault to anti-restart mode for 3 min-
(63HS1) utes, and restarts after 3 min-
utes when the detected high
pressure sensor is 0.098MPa
[14psi] or more.
2. If the high pressure sensor (2) Pressure drop due to re-
detects 0.098MPa [14psi] or frigerant leak
less just before the restart, the
outdoor unit makes an error
stop, and the error code
"5201" will appear.
3. During 3-minute antirestart (3) Torn wire coating
mode, preliminary errors will
be displayed on the LED dis-
4. A error is not detected for 3 (4) A pin on the male con-
minutes after the compressor nector is missing or con-
start, during defrost operation, tact failure
or 3 minutes after defrost op-
eration. (5) Disconnected wire
(6) High pressure sensor in-
put circuit failure on the
control board
5301 ACCT When the formula "output cur- P200 and P250 models
sensor rent < 2Arms" remains satis-
fault fied for 10 seconds while the (1) Inverter open output Check the output wiring
(Detail inverter is in operation. phase connections.
code (2) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2)[2].
(3) INV board failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2)[1].
P300 - P450 models
(1) Inverter open output Check the output wiring
phase connections.
(2) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2)[2].
(3) INV board failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2)[1].
(4) Contact failure Check the connection of the
connector (CNCT2) on the
INV boardINV board.
(5) ACCT sensor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(4).

HWE0609A - 186 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5301 DCCT When the bus current less (1) Contact failure Check the contact of the
sensor than 18 Apeak is detected at connector (CNCT) on the
fault startup (6Hz) INV board, and the contact
(Detail the connector on DCCT
code side.
(2) Misorientation Check the installation direc-
tion of DCCT.
(3) DCCT sensor failure Replace the DCCT sensor.
(4) INV board failure Replace the INV board.
ACCT When an error value is detect- (1) INV board failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [1].
sensor ed with the ACCT detection
circuit circuit just before the inverter (2) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].
fault starts
DCCT When an error value is detect- (1) Contact failure Check for good contact of
sensor ed with the DCCT detection the INV board connector
circuit circuit just before the inverter CNCT and the connector on
fault starts the DCCT side.
code (2) INV board failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [1].
118) (3) DCCT sensor failure Replace the DCCT sensor.
(4) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].
(5) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
Open- Presence of enough current P200 and P250 models
circuited cannot be detected during the
IPM/ self-diagnostic operation im- (1) Inverter output wiring Check output wiring connec-
Loose mediately before inverter star- problem tions.
ACCT tup. Confirm that the U- and W-
connec- phase output cables are put
tor through CT12 and CT22 on
(Detail the INV board respectively.
code (2) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
(3) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].
P300 - P450 models
(1) ACCT sensor disconnec- Check the connection of the
tion connector (CNCT2) on the
INV board.
Check for proper mounting
of ACCT.
(2) ACCT sensor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
(3) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
(4) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].

HWE0609A - 187 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
5301 Faulty Presence of target current P200 and P250 models
ACCT cannot be detected during the
wiring self-diagnostic operation im- (1) Inverter output wiring Check output wiring connec-
(Detail mediately before startup. (De- problem tions.
code tection of improperly mounted Confirm that the U- and W-
120) ACCT sensor) phase output cables are put
through CT12 and CT22 on
the INV board respectively.
(2) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
(3) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].
(4) INV board failure Replace the INV board.
P300 - P450 models
(1) Wrongly mounted ACCT Check for proper mounting
sensor of ACCT.
Refer to 9 [4]-6-(4).
(2) ACCT sensor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(4).
(3) Inverter failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [4].
(4) Compressor failure Refer to 9 [4]-6-(2) [3].
5701 Loose Detection of the disconnected (1) CN4F disconnection or Check for disconnection of
float float switch (open-phase con- contact failure the connector (CN4F) on the
switch dition) during operation indoor unit control board.

HWE0609A - 188 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

2. Transmission error

Error Error definition and error detection

Cause Check method and remedy
Code method
6201 Remote controller board fault Remote controller failure Replace the remote control-
(nonvolatile memory error ) ler.
This error is detected when the
data cannot be read out from
the built-in nonvolatile memory
on the remote controller.
6202 Remote controller board fault Remote controller failure Replace the remote control-
(clock IC error ) ler.
This error is detected when the
built-in clock on the remote con-
troller is not properly function-
6600 Address overlap Two or more of the following Find the unit that has the
An error in which signals from have the same address: Out- same address as that of the
more than one indoor units with door units, indoor units, error source.
the same address are received. LOSSNAY units, controllers Once the unit is found, cor-
Note: The address and at- such as M-NET remote con- rect the address. Then, turn
tribute that appear on the re- trollers. off the outdoor units, in-
mote controller indicate the <Example> door units, and LOSSNAY
controller that detected the 6600 "01" appears on the re- units, keep them all turned
error. mote controller off for at least five minutes,
Unit #01 detected the error. and turn them back on.
Two or more units in the sys-
tem have 01 as their address.
6601 Polarity setting error (1) No voltage is applied to the Check if power is supplied to
The error detected when trans- M-NET transmission line that the M-NET transmission line
mission processor cannot dis- G(B)-50A is connected to. of the G(B)-50A, and correct
tinguish the polarities of the M- any problem found.
NET transmission line. (2) M-NET transmission line to
which G(B)-50A is connected
is short-circuited.

HWE0609A - 189 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error de-

Error Code Check method and remedy
tection method
6602 Transmission processor (1) When the wiring work of or the polarity of either the indoor or outdoor
hardware error transmission line is performed or is changed while the power is on, the
Although "0" was surely transmitted data will collide, the wave shape will be changed, and an er-
transmitted by the trans- ror will be detected.
mission processor, "1" is
displayed on the transmis- (2) Grounding fault of the transmission line
sion line. (3) When grouping the indoor units that are connected to different outdoor
Note: The address/at- units, the male power supply connectors on the multiple outdoor units
tribute appeared on the are connected to the female power supply switch connector (CN40).
display on the remote
controller indicates the (4) When the power supply unit for transmission lines is used in the system
controller where an er- connected with MELANS, the male power supply connector is connect-
ror occurred. ed to the female power supply switch connector (CN40) on the outdoor
(5) Controller failure of the source of the error
(6) When the transmission data is changed due to the noise on the trans-
mission line
(7) Voltage is not applied on the transmission line for centralized control (in
case of grouped indoor units connected to different outdoor units or in
case of the system connected with MELANS)
Check method and remedy

Is the transmission line work YES Turn off the power source of outdoor/indoor
performed while the power is on? units, and turn them on again.


Check the power source of the indoor unit.

188 / 253V? Faulty power source work

Check the transmission line work is performed
and the shielded wire is treated properly.

Grounding fault or does the shielded YES

Improper transmission line work
wire contact with the transmission line?
System ?

System with the power supply

Single-outdoor-unit system Multiple-outdoor-unit system unit for transmission lines

Confirm that the power supply Confirm that the power supply
connector on the outdoor connector on the outdoor
unit is not plugged into CN40. unit is not plugged into CN40.

YES Is the male power supply connector Is the male power supply connector
connected to the female power supply NO
switch connector (CN40) on only one connected to the female power supply
of the outdoor unit? switch connector (CN40) ?
Tightly reconnect the male power Disconnect the male
supply connector to the female power supply on
power supply switch connector (CN40). CN40 and connect it to CN41

Investigation into the *For the investigation method, follow

transmission line noise <Investigation method of transmission wave shape/noise>

YES Investigation into the

Noise exist?
cause of the noise

Controller failure of the

source of the error

Correct the error.

HWE0609A - 190 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection

Error Code Cause Check method and remedy
6603 Transmission line bus busy error (1) The transmission proces- No noise indicates that the
sor cannot be transmitted error source controller is a
as the short-wavelength failure.
voltage like noise exists If noise exists, investigate
consecutively on the trans- the noise.
mission line. -> No noise indicates that
the error source controller is
1. Generated error when the com- (2) Error source controller fail- a failure.
mand cannot be transmitted for ure -> If noise exists, investigate
4-10 minutes in a row due to bus- the noise.
2. Generated error when the com-
mand cannot be transmitted to
the transmission line for 4-10
minutes in a row due to noise
Note: The address/attribute ap-
peared on the display on the
remote controller indicates the
controller where an error oc-
6606 Communication error between (1) Data is not properly trans- Turn off the power source of
device and transmission proces- mitted due to accidental er- the outdoor and the indoor
sors roneous operation of the units.(When the power
Communication error between controller of the error source is turned off sepa-
the main microcomputer on the source. rately, the microcomputer
indoor unit board and the micro- will not be reset, and the er-
computer for transmission ror will not be corrected.)
-> If the same error occurs,
Note: The address/attribute ap- (2) Error source controller fail- the error source controller is
peared on the display on the ure a failure.
remote controller indicates the
controller where an error oc-

HWE0609A - 191 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(1) System with one outdoor unit

source Error display Detection method Cause Check method and remedy
Outdoor M-NET re- No acknowledge- (1) Contact failure of transmission Turn off the power source of the
unit (OC) mote controller ment (ACK) at IC line of OC or IC outdoor unit, and turn it on
(RC) transmission to again.
MA remote OC (2) Decrease of transmission line If the error is accidental, it will
controller (MA) voltage/signal by exceeding run normally. If not, check the
acceptable range of transmis- causes (1) - (4).
sion wiring.
200 m [656ft] or less
Remote controller wiring:
10m [32ft] or less
(3) Erroneous sizing of transmis-
sion line (Not within the range
below). Wire diameter:
1.25mm2 [AWG16] or more
(4) Indoor unit control board fail-
Indoor M-NET re- No acknowledge- (1) When IC unit address is Turn off the outdoor/indoor units
unit (IC) mote controller ment (ACK) at changed or modified during for 5 or more minutes, and turn
(RC) RC transmission operation. them on again.
MA remote to IC If the error is accidental, they
controller (MA) (2) Faulty or disconnected IC will run normally.
transmission wiring If not, check the causes (1) - (5).
(3) Disconnected IC connector
(4) Indoor unit controller failure
(5) M-NET remote controller fail-
LOSS- M-NET re- No acknowledge- (1) The power source of LOSS- Turn off the power source of
NAY (LC) mote controller ment (ACK) at IC NAY has been shut off. LOSSNAY and turn it on again.
(RC) transmission to If the error is accidental, it will
MA remote LC (2) When the address of LOSS- run normally.
controller (MA) NAY is changed in the middle If not, check the causes (1) - (5).
of the operation
(3) Faulty or disconnected trans-
mission wiring of LOSSNAY
(4) Disconnected connector
(5) Controller failure of LOSSNAY
M-NET re- M-NET re- No acknowledge- (1) Faulty transmission wiring at Turn off the power source of the
mote con- mote controller ment (ACK) at IC IC unit side. outdoor unit for 5 minutes or
troller (RC) transmission to more, and turn it on again.
(RC) MA remote RC (2) Faulty wiring of the transmis- If the error is accidental, it will
controller (MA) sion line for M-NET remote run normally.
controller If not, check the causes (1) - (4).
(3) When the address of M-NET
remote controller is changed
in the middle of the operation
(4) M-NET remote controller fail-

HWE0609A - 192 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(2) Grouping of units in a system with multiple outdoor units

source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
Outdoor M-NET re- No acknowl- Same cause as that for system Same remedy as that for sys-
unit mote controller edgement with one outdoor unit tem with one outdoor unit
(OC) (RC) (ACK) at IC
MA remote transmission to
controller (MA) OC
Indoor M-NET re- No acknowl- (1) Same causes as (1) - (5) for sys- 1) Turn off the power sources of
unit mote controller edgement tem with one outdoor unit the outdoor and indoor units for
(IC) (RC) (ACK) at RC 5 or more minutes, and turn
MA remote transmission to them on again. If the error is ac-
controller (MA) IC cidental, the will run normally.If
not, check the cause 2).
(2) Disconnection or short circuit of 2) Check the causes of (1) - (5). If
the transmission line for the out- the cause is found, correct it. If
door unit on the terminal block no cause is found, check 3).
for centralized control line con-
nection (TB7)
(3) When multiple outdoor units are 3) Check the LED displays for
connected and the power troubleshooting on other re-
source of one of the outdoor mote controllers whether an er-
units has been shut off. ror occurs.
(4) The male power supply connec- If an error is found,
tor of the outdoor unit is not con- -> If an error is found, check the
nected to the female power check code definition, and cor-
supply switch connector (CN40). rect the error.
If no error is found,
(5) The male power supply connec- -> Indoor unit board failure
tors on 2 or more outdoor units
are connected to the female
power supply switch connector
(CN40) for centralized control.
If an error occurs, after the unit
runs normally once, the follow-
ing causes may be considered.
ŒTotal capacity error (7100)
ŒCapacity code error (7101)
ŒError in the number of con-
nected units (7102)
ŒAddress setting error

HWE0609A - 193 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(2) Grouping of units in a system with multiple outdoor units

source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
LOSS- M-NET re- No acknowl- (1) Factors (1) through (5) in the 1) Turn off the power source of
NAY mote controller edgement "Factors in system with one out- LOSSNAY for 5 or more min-
(LC) (RC) (ACK) at IC door unit" (When performing an utes, and turn it on again. If the
MA remote transmission to interlocked operation of the error is accidental, it will run
controller (MA) LC LOSSNAY unit and the indoor normally.If not, check the
units that are connected to dif- cause 2).
ferent outdoor units.)
(2) Disconnection or short circuit of 2) Check the causes of (1) - (5). If
the transmission line for the out- the cause is found, correct it. If
door unit on the terminal block no cause is found, check 3).
for centralized control line con-
nection (TB7)
(3) When multiple outdoor units are 3) Same cause as that for indoor
connected and the power unit described in 3)
source of one of the outdoor
units has been shut off.
(4) The male power supply connec-
tor of the outdoor unit is not con-
nected to the female power
supply switch connector (CN40).
(5) The male power supply connec-
tors on 2 or more outdoor units
are connected to the female
power supply switch connector
(CN40) for centralized control.
If an error occurs, after the unit
runs normally once, the follow-
ing causes may be considered.
ŒTotal capacity error (7100)
ŒCapacity code error (7101)
ŒError in the number of con-
nected units (7102)
ŒAddress setting error

HWE0609A - 194 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(2) Grouping of units in a system with multiple outdoor units

source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
M-NET re- M-NET re- No acknowl- (1) Same causes as (1) - (4) for sys- 1) Turn off the power source of
mote con- mote controller edgement tem with one outdoor unit LOSSNAY for 5 or more min-
troller (RC) (ACK) at IC utes, and turn it on again. If the
(RC) MA remote transmission to error is accidental, it will run
controller (MA) RC normally.If not, check the cause
(2) Disconnection or short circuit of 2) Check the causes of (1) - (5). If
the transmission line for the out- the cause is found, correct it. If
door unit on the terminal block no cause is found, check 3).
for centralized control line con-
nection (TB7)
(3) When multiple outdoor units are 3) Same cause as that for indoor
connected and the power unit described in 3)
source of one of the outdoor
units has been shut off.
(4) The male power supply connec-
tor of the outdoor unit is not con-
nected to the female power
supply switch connector (CN40).
(5) The male power supply connec-
tors on 2 or more outdoor units
are connected to the female
power supply switch connector
(CN40) for centralized control.
If the problem recurs after nor-
mal operation is restored, the
problem is caused by one of the
following factors:
ŒTotal capacity error (7100)
ŒCapacity code setting error
ŒError in the number of con-
nected units (7102)
ŒAddress setting error

HWE0609A - 195 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the trans-
(Contin- mission. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the
ued) error is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indi-
cates the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(3) System connected to the system controllers (MELANS)

Error display tion Cause Check method and remedy
Out- M-NET re- No ac- Same cause as that for system with one out- Same remedy as that for
door mote control- knowl- door unit system with one outdoor
unit ler (RC) edgeme unit
(OC) System con- nt (ACK)
troller (SC) at IC
MA remote transmis-
controller sion to
Indoor M-NET re- No ac- Same as grouping of units in a system with mul- Same remedy as that for
unit mote control- knowl- tiple outdoor units grouping of units in a
(IC) ler (RC) edgeme system with multiple out-
MA remote nt (ACK) door units
controller at RC
(MA) transmis-
sion to IC
System con- No ac- 1. Error occurrence on some IC Same remedy as that for
troller (SC) knowl- system with one outdoor
edgeme (1) Same cause as that for system with one out- unit
nt (ACK) door unit
at SC 2. Error occurrence on all IC in the system with 1) Check the LED display
transmis- one outdoor unit for troubleshooting on
sion to IC the outdoor unit.
(1) Total capacity error (7100) ŒIf an error is found,
check the check code
(2) Capacity code error (7101) definition, and correct
(3) Error in the number of connected units (7102) the error.
ŒIf no error is found,
(4) Address setting error (7105) check 2).

(5) Disconnection or short circuit of the transmis- 2) Check (5) - (7) on the left.
sion line for the outdoor unit on the terminal
block for centralized control line connection
(6) Turn off the power source of the outdoor unit
(7) Malfunction of electrical system for the outdoor
3. Error occurrence on all IC Check voltage of the
transmission line for cen-
(1) Same causes as (1) - (7) described in 2. tralized control.
(2) The male power supply connectors on 2 or Œ20V or more: Check (1)
more outdoor units are connected to the female and (2) on the left.
power supply switch connector (CN40) for the ŒLess than 20V: Check
transmission line for centralized control. (3) on the left.

(3) Disconnection or shutdown of the power source

of the power supply unit for transmission line
(4) System controller (MELANS) malfunction

HWE0609A - 196 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(3) System connected to the system controllers (MELANS)

Detection meth-
source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
M-NET re- M-NET re- No acknowl- Same as grouping of units in a Same remedy as that for
mote con- mote controller edgement system with multiple outdoor grouping of units in a system
troller (RC) (ACK) at IC units with multiple outdoor units
(RC) System con- transmission to
troller (SC) RC
MA remote
controller (MA)
System con- No acknowl- 1. Error occurrence on some IC Same remedy as that for sys-
troller edgement tem with one outdoor unit
(SC) (ACK) at (1) Same cause as that for system
MELANS trans- with one outdoor unit
mission to RC 2. Error occurrence on all IC in the 1) Check the LED display for
system with one outdoor unit troubleshooting on the out-
door unit.
(1) An error is found by the outdoor ΠIf an error is found, check
unit. the check code definition,
Total capacity error (7100) and correct the error.
Capacity code error (7101) ŒIf no error is found, check
Error in the number of connect- the cause 2).
ed units (7102)
Address setting error (7105)
(2) Disconnection or short circuit of 2) Check (2) - (4) on the left.
the transmission line for the
outdoor unit on the terminal
block for centralized control line
connection (TB7)
(3) Turn off the power source of the
outdoor unit
(4) Malfunction of electrical system
for the outdoor unit
3. Error occurrence on all IC Check (1) - (4) on the left.
(1) Same causes as (1) - (4) de-
scribed in 2.
(2) When the power supply unit for
transmission lines is used and
the male power supply connec-
tor is connected to the female
power supply switch connector
(CN40) for the transmission line
for centralized control
(3) Disconnection or shutdown of
the power source of the power
supply unit for transmission line
(4) System controller (MELANS)

HWE0609A - 197 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(3) System connected to the system controllers (MELANS)

source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
System M-NET re- No acknowl- 1. Error display on some displays Check (1) - (3) on the left.
controller mote controller edgement on M-NET remote controllers
(SC) (RC) (ACK) at IC
MA remote transmission to (1) Faulty wiring of the transmis-
controller SC sion line for M-NET remote
(MA) controller
(2) Disconnection or contact fail-
ure of the transmission con-
nector for M-NET remote
(3) M-NET remote controller fail-
2. Error occurrence on all IC in 1) Check the LED display for trou-
the system with one outdoor bleshooting on the outdoor unit.
(1) An error is found by the out- ΠIf an error is found, check the
door unit. check code definition, and
Total capacity error (7100) correct the error.
Capacity code error (7101) ŒIf no error is found, check the
Error in the number of con- cause 2)
nected units (7102)
Address setting error (7105)
(2) Disconnection or short circuit 2) Check (2) - (4) on the left.
of the transmission line for the
outdoor unit on the terminal
block for centralized control
line connection (TB7)
(3) Turn off the power source of
the outdoor unit
(4) Malfunction of electrical sys-
tem for the outdoor unit
3. Error display on all displays on Check (1) - (4) on the left
M-NET remote controllers
(1) Same causes as (1) - (4) de-
scribed in 2.
(2) When the power supply unit for
transmission lines is used and
the male power supply con-
nector is connected to the fe-
male power supply switch
connector (CN40) for the
transmission line for central-
ized control
(3) Disconnection or shutdown of
the power source of the power
supply unit for transmission
(4) System controller (MELANS)

HWE0609A - 198 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error definition and error detection method
6607 No ACK error The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmis-
(Contin- sion. (eg. When the data is transmitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error
ued) is detected on the transmission side.)
Note: The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates
the controller which did not provide the response (ACK).

(4) Errors that are not limited to a particular system

source Error display Cause Check method and remedy
Address - - (1) Although the address of M- Delete unnecessary information
which NET remote controller has of non-existing address which
should not been changed after the group some indoor units have.
be existed is set using M-NET remote Use either of the following two
controller, the indoor unit is methods for deletion.
keeping the memory of the pre-
vious address. The same
symptom will appear for the
registration with SC.
(2) Although the address of LOSS- 1) Address deletion by M-NET re-
NAY has been changed after mote controller
the interlock registration of Delete unnecessary address in-
LOSSNAY is made using M- formation using the manual set-
NET remote controller, the in- ting function of M-NET remote
door unit is keeping the memo- controller. Refer to this service
ry of the previous address. handbook "4. [2]. Group set-
tings and interlock settings via
the ME remote controller 1. (3)
Address deletion".
2) Deletion of connection informa-
tion of the outdoor unit by the
deleting switch
Note that this switch deletes
all the group information set
via M-NET remote controller
and all the interlock informa-
tion of LOSSNAY and the in-
door unit.
ŒTurn off the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
ŒTurn on the dip switch (SW2-
2) on the outdoor unit control
ŒTurn on the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
ŒTurn off the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
ŒTurn off the dip switch (SW2-
2) on the outdoor unit control
ΠTurn on the power source of
the outdoor unit.

HWE0609A - 199 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error definition and error de-

Cause Check method and remedy
Code tection method
6608 No response error (1) The transmission line work is 1) When an error occurs at commis-
When no response com- performed while the power is on, sioning
mand is returned although the transmitted data will collide, Turn off the power source of the
acknowledgement (ACK) is and the wave shape will be outdoor unit, indoor unit, and
received after transmission, changed. LOSSNAY for 5 or more minutes,
an error is detected. and turn them on again.
When the data is transmit-
ted 10 times in a row with 3 (2) The transmission is sent and re- ΠWhen they return to normal op-
seconds interval, an error is ceived repeatedly due to noise. eration, the cause of the error is
detected on the transmis- the transmission line work per-
sion side. formed with the power on.
Note:The address/at- ŒIf an error occurs again, check
tribute appeared on the the cause 2).
display on the remote (3) Decrease of transmission line 2) Check (3) and (4) on the left.
controller indicates the voltage/signal by exceeding ac-
controller where an error ŒIf the cause is found, correct it.
ceptable range of transmission ΠIf no cause is found, check 3).
occurred. wiring.
200m [656ft] or less
Remote controller wiring:
12m [39ft] or less
(4) The transmission line voltage/ 3) Check transmission wave shape/
signal is decreased due to erro- noise on trans-mission line by fol-
neous sizing of transmission line. lowing <Investigation method of
Wire diameter: transmission wave shape/noise>.
1.25mm2[AWG16] or more
Noise is the most possible
cause of the error "6608".

HWE0609A - 200 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error definition and error de-

Cause Check method and remedy
Code tection method
6831 MA controller signal reception (1) Contact failure of the remote 1) Check for disconnected or loose
error (No signal reception) controller lines of MA remote transmission lines for the indoor
Communication between the controller or the indoor unit. units or MA remote controllers.
MA remote controller and the
indoor unit is not done proper-
ly. No proper data has been
received for 3 minutes.
6834 MA controller signal reception (2) All the remote controllers are 2) Confirm that the power is supplied to
error (Start bit detection error) set to SUB. the main power source and the re-
Communication between the mote controller line.
MA remote controller and the
indoor unit is not done proper- (3) Failure to meet wiring regula- 3) Confirm that MA remote controller's
ly. tions capacity limit is not exceeded.
No proper data has been re- ŒWire length
ceived for 2 minutes. ŒWire size
ŒNumber of remote controllers
ŒNumber of indoor units
(4) The remote controller is re- 4) Check the sub/main setting of the
moved after the installation MA remote controllers.One of them
without turning the power must be set to MAIN.
source off.
(5) Noise interference on the re- 5) Diagnose the remote controller (de-
mote controller transmission scribed in the remote controller in-
lines stallation manual).
[OK]: no problems with the remote
controller (check the wiring regula-
[NO]: Replace the MA remote con-
[6832, 6833, ERC]:
due to noise interference
<Go to 6)>
(6) Faulty circuit that is on the in- 6) Check wave shape/noise on MA re-
door board and performs trans- mote controller line by following <3.
mission/ reception of the signal Investigation method of transmission
from the remote controller wave shape/noise>.
(7) Problems with the circuit on the 7) When no problems are found with
remote controller that sends or items 1 through 6, replace the indoor
receives the signals from the unit board or the MA remote control-
remote controller ler.The following status can be con-
firmed on LED1 and 2 on the indoor
6832 MA remote controller signal (1) Contact failure of the remote unit board.
transmission error (Synchroni- controller lines of MA remote
ŒLED1 is lit.
zation error) controller or the indoor unit.
The main power source of the in-
Communication between the
door unit is turned on.
MA remote controller and the (2) 2 or more remote controllers
indoor unit is not done proper- are set to MAIN. ŒLED2 is lit.
ly. MA remote controller line is being
(3) Overlapped indoor unit address powered.
Failure to detect opening in the
transmission path and unable
to send signals
Indoor unit : 3 minutes
Remote controller : 6 seconds
6833 MA remote controller signal (4) Noise interference on the re-
transmission error (Hardware mote controller lines
Communication between the (5) Failure to meet wiring regula-
MA remote controller and the tions
indoor unit is not done proper- ŒWire length
ly. ŒWire size
An error occurs when the ŒNumber of remote controllers
transmitted data and the re- ŒNumber of indoor units
ceived data differ for 30 times
in a row. (6) Problems with the circuit on the
remote controller that sends or
receives the signals from the
remote controller

HWE0609A - 201 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

3. System error

Error Error Error definition and error

Cause Check method and remedy
Code source detection method
7100 Outdoor Total capacity error (1) The model total of indoor units 1) Check the model total
unit in the system with one outdoor (capacity code total) of
unit exceeds the following table. indoor units connected.
The model total of in- 2) Check the model name
door units in the system Model Capacity Total (capacity code) of the
with one outdoor unit ex- P200 model 260 connected indoor unit set
ceeds limitations. P250 model 325 by the switch (SW2 on in-
door unit board).
P300 model 390
P350 model 455 When the model name
P400 model 520
set by the switch is differ-
ent from that of the unit
P450 model 585 connected, turn off the
P500 model 650 power source of the out-
P550 model 715 door and the indoor units,
and change the setting of
P600 model 780
the model name (capaci-
P650 model 845 ty code).
P700 model 910
P750 model 975
P800 model 1040
P850 model 1105
P900 model 1170
P950 model 1235
P1000 model 1300
P1050 model 1365
P1100 model 1430
P1150 model 1495
P1200 model 1560
P1250 model 1625

(2) The model selection switches Check the setting for the
(SW5-1 - 5-4) on the outdoor model selection switch
unit are set incorrectly. on the outdoor unit
(Dipswitches SW5-1 - 5-4
on the outdoor unit con-
Model SW5 trol board).
1 2 3 4
P200 model OFF ON OFF OFF
P250 model ON ON OFF OFF
P300 model OFF OFF ON OFF
P350 model OFF ON ON OFF
P400 model ON ON ON OFF
P450 model OFF OFF OFF ON

(3) The outdoor unit and the auxil- Confirm that the TB3 on
iary unit (OS) that is connected the OC and OS are prop-
to the same system are not erly connected.
properly connected.

HWE0609A - 202 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error Error definition and error

Cause Check method and remedy
Code source detection method
7101 Outdoor Capacity code setting (1) The model name (capacity 1) Check the model name
unit error code) set by the switch (SW2) is (capacity code) of the in-
Indoor Connection of incompat- wrong. door unit which has the
unit ible (wrong capacity error source address set
code) indoor unit or out- *The capacity of the indoor unit by the switch (SW2 on in-
door unit can be confirmed by the self-di- door unit board).
agnosis function (SW1 opera- When the model name
tion) of the outdoor unit. set by the switch is differ-
ent from that of the unit
connected, turn off the
power source of the out-
door and the indoor units,
and change the setting of
the capacity code.
Outdoor (2) The model selection switches Check the setting for the
unit (SW5-1 - 5-4) on the outdoor model selection switch
unit are set incorrectly. on the outdoor unit
(Dipswitches SW5-1 - 5-4
on the outdoor unit con-
trol board).
Model SW5
1 2 3 4
P200 model OFF ON OFF OFF
P250 model ON ON OFF OFF
P300 model OFF OFF ON OFF
P350 model OFF ON ON OFF
P400 model ON ON ON OFF
P450 model OFF OFF OFF ON

HWE0609A - 203 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error Error definition and error

Cause Check method and remedy
Code source detection method
7102 Outdoor Wrong number of con- (1) Number of indoor units con- 1) Check whether the num-
unit nected units nected to the outdoor terminal ber of units connected to
The number of connect- block (TB3) for indoor/ outdoor the outdoor terminal
ed indoor units is "0" or transmission lines exceeds lim- block (TB3) for indoor/
exceeds the allowable itations described below. outdoor transmission
value. lines does not exceed the
Restriction on the limitation. (See (1) and
Number of units number of units (2) on the left.)
Total number of 1-13 : P200 model
indoor units 1-16 : P250 - P300 models
1-20 : P350 - P550 models
1-32 : P600 - P800 models
1-42 : P850 - P950 models
2-42 : P1000 - P1250 models
Total number of
units 0 or 1
(During auto
start-up only)

Total number of 1 : P200 - P450 models

outdoor units 2 : P500 - P900 models
3 : P950 - P1250 models

(2) Disconnected transmission line 2) Check (2) - (3) on the left.

of the outdoor unit
(3) Short-circuited transmission 3) Check whether the trans-
line mission line for the termi-
When (2) and (3) apply, the fol- nal block for centralized
lowing display will appear. control (TB7) is not con-
nected to the terminal
ŒM-NET remote controller block for the indoor/out-
->Nothing appears on the re- door transmission line
mote controller because it is not (TB3).
ŒMA remote controller
-> "HO" or
"PLEASE WAIT" blinks.
(4) The model selection switch 4) Check the setting for the
(SW5-7) on the outdoor unit is model selection switch
set to OFF. (Normally set to on the outdoor unit
ON) (Dipswitches SW5-7 on
the outdoor unit control
(5) Outdoor unit address setting er- board).
The outdoor units in the same
refrigerant circuit do not have
sequential address numbers.
7105 Outdoor Address setting error Erroneous setting of OC unit Check that the address of
unit address OC unit is set to 51-
Erroneous setting of OC The address of outdoor unit is 100.Reset the address if
unit address not being set to 51 - 100. it stays out of the range,
while shutting the power
source off.

HWE0609A - 204 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error Error definition and error

Cause Check method and remedy
Code source detection method
7106 Attribute setting error A remote controller for use with To operate the OA pro-
indoor units, such as the MA re- cessing unit directly via a
mote controller, is connected to remote controller for use
the OA processing unit whose with indoor units, such as
attribute is FU. the MA remote controller,
set the DIP SW 3-1 on
the OA processing unit to
Operation Method SW3-1
Interlocked operation
with the indoor unit OFF

Direct operation via the ON

MA remote controller

7110 Outdoor Connection informa- (1) Power to the transmission 1) Confirm that the power to
unit tion signal transmis- booster is cut off. the transmission booster
sion/reception error is not cut off by the boost-
er being connected to the
The given indoor unit is switch on the indoor unit.
inoperable because it is (The unit will not function
not properly connected properly unless the trans-
to the outdoor unit in the mission booster is turned
same system. on.)
(2) Power resetting of the transmis- ->Reset the power to the
sion booster and outdoor unit. outdoor unit.
(3) Wiring failure between OC and 2) Confirm that the TB3 on
OS the OC and OS are prop-
erly connected.
(4) Broken wire between OC and 3) Check the model selec-
OS. tion switch on the outdoor
unit (Dipswitch SW5-7 on
(5) The model selection switch the control board.).
(SW5-7) on the outdoor unit is
set to OFF. (Normally set to
7111 Indoor Remote controller The remote controller without Replace the remote con-
unit sensor fault the temperature sensor (the troller with the one with
OA pro- wireless remote controller or built-in temperature sen-
cessing This error occurs when the M-NET compact remote sor.
unit the temperature data is controller (mounted type)) is
not sent although the re- used and the remote controller
mote controller sensor is sensor for the indoor unit is
specified. specified. (SW1-1 is ON.)
7113 Outdoor Function setting error (1) Wiring failure 1) Control board connector
unit Resistor connection er- Check the CNTYP4,5
ror connector connection.
INV board connector
Check the CNTYP con-
nector connection(P300 -
P450 models only)
(2) Disconnected connector, short 2) Check the compatibility
circuit, contact failure of the circuit board, and
replace it with a correct
one if necessary.
(3) Incompatibility between the 3) Check the model selec-
control board and INV board tion switch on the outdoor
(Replacement of the circuit unit (Dipswitch SW5-7 on
board with the wrong one) the control board.).
7117 Outdoor Model setting error (1) Wiring failure 1) Control board connector
unit Check the CNTYP4,5
(2) Disconnected connector, short connector connection.
circuit, contact failure INV board connection
Check the CNTYP con-
nector connection (P300
- P450 models only)

HWE0609A - 205 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error Error Error definition and error

Cause Check method and remedy
Code source detection method
7130 Outdoor Incompatible unit The connected indoor unit is for Check the connected in-
unit combination use with R22 or R407C. Incor- door unit model.
rect type of indoor units are con- Check whether the con-
The check code will ap- nected. necting adapter for M-
pear when the indoor The M-NET connection adapter NET is not connected to
units with different re- is connected to the indoor unit the indoor unit.
frigerant systems are system in a system in which the (Connect the connecting
connected. Slim Model (A control) of units adapter for M-NET to the
are connected to the M-NET. outdoor unit.)

HWE0609A - 206 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

4. Troubleshooting according to the remote controller malfunction or the external input error
(1) In the case of MA remote controller

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

1 Even if the operation button on 1. The power is not supplied to the in- (1) Measure voltages of the MA re-
the remote controller is pressed, door unit. mote controller terminal (among
the display remains unlit and the 1 to 3).
unit does not start running.(Pow-
er indicator does not appear 1) The main power of the indoor unit ŒIf the voltage is between DC 9
on the screen.) is not on. and 12V, the remote control-
ler is a failure.
ŒIf no voltage is applied Check
1. 3) described on the left. If
the cause is found, correct it.
If no cause is found, refer to 2.
2) The connector on the indoor unit (2) Remove the wire for the remote
board has come off. controller from the terminal
block (TB13) on the MA remote
controller for the indoor unit,
and check voltage among 1 to
3) The fuse on the indoor unit board ŒIf the voltage is between DC 9
has melted. and 12V
Check the 2. 4) described on
4) Transformer failure and discon-
the left.
nected wire of the indoor unit.
ŒIf no voltage is applied
2. Incorrect wiring for the MA remote Check 1. described on the left.
controller If the cause is found, correct it.
If no cause is found, check the
1) Disconnected wire for the MA re-
wire for the remote display out-
mote controller or disconnected
put (the relay polarity).
line to the terminal block.
If no further cause is found, re-
2) Short-circuited MA remote control- place the indoor unit board.
ler wiring
3) Incorrect wiring of the MA remote
controller cables
4) Incorrect connection of the MA re-
mote wiring to the terminal block for
transmission line (TB5) on the in-
door unit
5) Wiring mixup between the MA re-
mote controller cable and power
supply cable
6) Reversed connection of the wire for
the MA remote controller and the
M-NET transmission line on the in-
door unit
3. The number of the MA remote con-
trollers that are connected to an in-
door unit exceeds the allowable
range (2 units).
4. The length or the diameter of the
wire for the MA remote controller
are out of specification.
5. Short circuit of the wire for the re-
mote display output of the outdoor
unit or reversed polarity connection
of the relay.
6. The indoor unit board failure
7. MA remote controller failure

HWE0609A - 207 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

2 When the remote controller op- 1. The power for the M-NET transmis- When 2. and 3. apply, check
eration SW is turned on, the op- sion line is not supplied from the code 7102 will be displayed
eration status briefly appears on outdoor unit. on the self-diagnosis LED.
the display, then it goes off, and
the display lights out immediate- 2. Short circuit of the transmission
ly, and the unit stops. line.
3. Incorrect wiring of the M-NET
transmission line on the outdoor
ŒDisconnected wire for the MA re-
mote controller or disconnected
line to the terminal block.
ŒThe indoor transmission line is
connected incorrectly to the
transmission terminal block for
centralized controller (TB7).
ŒThe male power supply connec-
tors on the multiple outdoor units
are connected to the female
power supply switch connector
In the system to which the power
supply unit for transmission lines
is connected, the male power
supply connector is connected to
the female power supply switch
connector (CN40) on the outdoor
4. Disconnected M-NET transmission
line on the indoor unit side.
5. Disconnected wire between the ter-
minal block for M-NET line (TB5) of
the indoor unit and the indoor unit
board (CN2M) or disconnected
Check method and remedy

Same symptom for all units in a NO

system with one outdoor unit?
Measure voltages of the
YES terminal block for transmission
line (TB5) on the indoor unit.
Check the
self-diagnosis LED
Check 4. 17 - 30V?

Is the error code 7102

YES Check for
displayed? 2 and 3. YES
Check 5.

Check 1). YES

Error found?
the error.
Refer to [4] - 7 - (2) "Outdoor unit transmission power source circuit
failure judgment" for the check method. NO
Indoor unit board or
MA remote controller failure

Correct the error.

HWE0609A - 208 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause
3 "HO" or "PLEASE WAIT" dis- 1. The power for the M-NET transmission line is not supplied from the outdoor
play on the remote controller unit.
does not disappear, and no
operation is performed even if 2. Short-circuited transmission line
the button is pressed. ("HO" or 3. Incorrect wiring of the M-NET transmission line on the outdoor unit.
"PLEASE WAIT" display will
normally turn off 5 minutes lat- ŒDisconnected wire for the MA remote controller or disconnected line to the
er after the power on.) terminal block.
ŒThe indoor transmission line is connected incorrectly to the transmission
terminal block for centralized controller (TB7).
ŒThe male power supply connectors on the multiple outdoor units are con-
nected to the female power supply switch connector (CN40).
In the system to which the power supply unit for transmission lines is con-
nected, the male power supply connector is connected to the female pow-
er supply switch connector (CN40) on the outdoor unit
4. Disconnected M-NET transmission line on the indoor unit.
5. Disconnected wire between the terminal block for M-NET line (TB5) of the
indoor unit and the indoor unit board (CN2M) or disconnected connector.
6. Incorrect wiring for the MA remote controller
ŒShort-circuited wire for the MA remote controller
ŒDisconnected wire for the MA remote controller (No.2) and disconnected
line to the terminal block.
ŒReversed daisy-chain connection between groups
ŒIncorrect wiring for the MA remote controller to the terminal block for
transmission line connection (TB5) on the indoor unit
ŒThe M-NET transmission line is connected incorrectly to the terminal
block (TB13) for the MA remote controller.
7. The sub/main setting of the MA remote controller is set to sub.
8. 2 or more main MA remote controllers are connected.
9. Indoor unit board failure (MA remote controller communication circuit)
10 Remote controller failure
11 Outdoor unit failure (Refer to I9 [7] Troubleshooting Using the Outdoor Unit
LED Error Display.)
When 2. and 3. apply, check code 7102 will be displayed on the self-
diagnosis LED.
Check method and remedy

Same symptom for all units in a NO

system with one outdoor unit?
Measure voltages of the
YES terminal block for transmission
line (TB5) on the indoor unit.

Check the self-diagnosis LED

Check 4. 17 - 30V?

Is the error code 7102 YES Check

displayed? 2 and 3. YES
Check for 5 and 6.

Correct Error found?
the error.
YES Replace the M-NET remote
Error found? controller with the MA NO
remote controller
NO Indoor unit board or
MA remote controller failure
Check (1).

Refer to [4] - 7 - (2) "Outdoor unit transmission power source the error.
circuit failure judgment" for the check method.

HWE0609A - 209 - GB
After turning the power on, check whether "HO"/
"PLEASE WAIT" is displayed on the remote controller.


Flow chart

Is " " displayed on YES

the remote controller? Turns off within approximately 5 minutes.
After the main power on, start the MA remote
NO "HO"/"PLEASE WAIT" keeps controller. "HO" display will appear.
When the unit is operated with YES blinking on the MA remote controller.
the remote controller, will "ON"
Running group operation with YES appear on the display?
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Keep displaying YES

the MA remote controller?
NO YES for 5 or more minutes. Is operation possible?
Thermo is OFF?
YES To 4.(1) 3 NO
Error display? NO Normal
Normal "Centralized" is displayed.
YES Is LED2 on the indoor unit NO YES
Refer to the self-diagnosis list YES If operated afterwards,
control board blinking? Error display? error 6602 or
Check the indoor unit on for the displayed error code.
which LED2 is lit. 6607 occurs.
Is "Centralized" YES
displayed? Refer to the self-diagnosis list for NO Refer to the error code list.
the displayed error code.
All the indoor unit YES NO YES
power failure? DEMAND by MELANS? Is only the power source of the YES
Is the operation by MELANS indoor unit turn turned on again?
Power on forbidden or the input from external control NO Normal
equipment allowed (SWC=ON)? NO

When all wires used for Normal External thermo YES Although No.1 refrigerant circuit
input setting? To 4.(1) 2 YES
grouping are disconnected, is at YES (Operate the unit with No.1 Refrigerant circuit check is normal, No.2 or No.3
NO (SW3-3=ON)
least one of the LED2 on the external control equipment) refrigerant circuit remain stopped.
grouped indoor units lit? NO Normal
YES To 4.(1) 2
Replace the MA remote controller. Does an error occur when (Is the thermo OFF
Check the malfunctioning
the power is reset? signal input?) NO
NO refrigerant circuit.
NO Replace the remote controller Is the compulsory Check for the M-NET
or the indoor control board. thermo OFF (SWA) transmission line.
Is there an indoor unit on YES switch set to "2" or "3"?
which LED2 is turned off? Keep the operation.
Set the SWA to "1".
Running group operation with YES
NO To 4.(1) 1 NO
the MA remote controller?
*After correcting the error, daisy-chain
the wire for the MA remote controller again. Replace the indoor unit control board.
Does the unit work properly YES NO
when the wire for the MA Is the unit grouped YES
remote controller is with the equipment package
daisy-chained again? YES indoor unit?
Does an error occur when
NO the power is reset?
Does the MA remote controller YES NO
work properly when it is connected NO No fault with the equipment YES
to the specified indoor unit? Replace the remote controller package indoor unit?
After more than 20 seconds since Check whether the screw

- 210 -
YES or the indoor control board.
turning the power on, is LED2 check on the wire is not loose. Keep the operation.
of the indoor control board still NO Check the equipment
displayed? Replace the MA package indoor unit.
remote controller.
NO Replace the indoor unit control Check that no error occurs in other indoor units.
board where an error occurs.
When no error occurs

Is LED1 on the indoor YES Blinking?

(Turns on momentarily YES
unit control board lit? approximately every
20 seconds) Does an error occur when YES
NO the power is reset?
Does the indoor unit make YES NO
an instantaneous stop?
Is LED1 on the indoor unit NO Replace the remote controller or
NO Check the voltage between control board lit? YES
Check the the MA remote controller the indoor control board.
YES (Blinks for 2 or 3 seconds
power supply. terminals (A and B). approximately every
Replace the indoor 9-13VDC if the voltage is applied Keep the operation.
20 seconds)
unit control board. and 0V if no voltage is applied. Short circuit of the YES
All the indoor unit YES
NO remote controller?
power failure? NO
Replace the indoor unit control board. NO
NO Check for the wire for
Power on Does the number of the MA
remote controllers that are the remote controller.
To 4.(1) 1 - 2) YES
To 4.(1) 1 connected to an indoor Replace the indoor unit control board.
unit exceed the allowable
range (2 units)?
Connect 2 remote controllers or less.

Check the voltage

between the MA remote controller
terminal blocks (TB15) (A and B). YES
9-13VDC if the voltage
is applied and 0V if no voltage
is applied.
Power supply voltage YES
Disconnected wire for NO
the remote controller? Replace the indoor
YES unit control board.
Disconnected wire to
the terminal block? Check the
Disconnected relay connector? power supply.
Check the wire for
NO the remote controller.

Are the length or the diameter YES

of the wire for MA remote controller
out of specification?
Even if the operation button on the remote controller is pressed, the indoor and the outdoor units do not start running.

Use the wire that meets the specification.


Replace the wire for the MA remote controller.

[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(2) In case of M-NET remote controller

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

1 Even if the operation 1. The power for the M-NET transmission line is not Check voltage of the transmis-
button on the remote supplied from the outdoor unit. sion terminal block for of the
controller is pressed, M-NET remote controller.
the display remains
unlit and the unit does 2. Short circuit of the transmission line. (1) If voltage between is 17V and
not start running. 30V
(Power indicator 3. Incorrect wiring of the M-NET transmission line -> M-NET remote controller
does not appear on the on the outdoor unit. failure
ŒDisconnected wire for the MA remote control- (2) When voltage is 17V or less
ler or disconnected line to the terminal block. -> Refer to [4] - 7 - (2) "Outdoor
ŒThe indoor transmission line is connected in- unit transmission power
correctly to the transmission terminal block for source circuit failure judg-
centralized controller (TB7). ment".

4. Disconnected transmission line on the remote

5. Remote controller failure When 2. and 3. apply, check
code 7102 will be displayed
6. Outdoor unit failure (Refer to 9 [7] Troubleshoot- on the self-diagnosis LED.
ing Using the Outdoor Unit LED Error Display.)
2 When the remote con- 1. The power is not supplied to the indoor unit.
troller operation SW is ŒThe main power of the indoor unit (AC220V) is not on.
turned on, a temporary ŒThe connector on the indoor unit board has come off.
operation display is in-
dicated, and the dis- ŒThe fuse on the indoor unit board has melted.
play lights out ŒTransformer failure and disconnected wire of the indoor unit
immediately. ŒThe indoor unit board failure
2. The outdoor control board failure
As the indoor unit does not interact with the outdoor unit, the outdoor unit model cannot
be recognized.
Check method and remedy

Check voltage of the power supply

terminal on the indoor unit.
Check LED1 on the
indoor unit control board.
NO Check the main power of
AC220V? Turn on the
the power supply wire
power again.
Is it lit? YES
When it is off Check the fuse on
When it is lit or cannot be checked the circuit board.

Melted? Check 200V circuit for
short circuit and ground fault
Check the connection
of the connector.

Disconnected? Connector contact failure
Check the resistance value *1 *1
of the transformer
Check the cause of the
NO disconnected transformer.
Within specification?
Ground fault on the circuit board
Ground fault of the sensor and the LEV
Check for the change of LED Check self-diagnosis function
of outdoor unit
display by operating dip
switch SW1 for self-diagnosis.
Check self-diagnosis function of
YES outdoor unit after the power on.
YES Indoor unit control
Accidental board failure

Outdoor unit board failure Correct

the error.
*1. Refer to the parts catalog “transformer check”.

HWE0609A - 211 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause
3 "HO" display on Without using MELANS
the remote con-
troller does not 1. Outdoor unit address is set to "00"
disappear, and 2. A wrong address is set.
no operation is
performed even if ŒA wrong address is set to the indoor unit to be coupled with the remote controller.
the button is 100 must be subtracted from the address of the M-NET remote controller.
pressed. ŒA wrong address is set to the M-NET remote controller.
(100 must be added to the address of the indoor unit.)
3. Faulty wiring of the terminal block for transmission line (TB5) of the indoor unit in the same
group with the remote controller.
4. The centralized control switch (SW2-1) on the outdoor unit is set to ON.
5. Disconnection or faulty wiring of indoor unit transmission line.
6. Disconnection between the terminal block for M-NET line connection (TB5) of the indoor
unit and the male connector (CN2M)
7. The male power supply connectors on 2 or more outdoor units are connected to the female
power supply switch connector (CN40) for the transmission line for centralized control.
8. Outdoor unit control board failure
9. Indoor unit board failure
10. Remote controller failure
Interlocking control with MELANS

11. No group registration is made using MELANS. (The indoor unit and the M-NET remote con-
troller are not grouped.)
12. Disconnected transmission line for centralized control (TB7) of the outdoor unit
13. The male power supply connector is connected to CN40 on more than one outdoor unit, or
the connector is connected to CN40 on the outdoor unit in the system to which a power sup-
ply unit for transmission line is connected.
3 Check method and remedy
Without using MELANS

Are all the units in the system NO

experiencing the same problem?

YES Check the address of the M-NET remote controller

on which "HO" is displayed.
Check the address of
the outdoor unit.
A wrong address is Indoor unit + 100?
*1 set to the M-NET
NO remote controller.
51 - 100? A wrong address is
set to the outdoor unit.
YES Check the address of the
indoor unit to be coupled.
Check the centralized centralized
switch (SW2-1) on the outdoor unit.
M-NET remote controller
YES A wrong address is - 100?
ON? Wrong switch setting set to the indoor unit.
Change it from
Measure voltages of the terminal
Indoor unit control board failure block for M-NET transmission line
on the indoor unit.
Wrong wiring of the NO
M-NET transmission 17 - 30V?
line of the indoor unit
Check connection between indoor M-NET
transmission terminal block (TB5) and the
male connector (CN2M)
Disconnected Disconnected?
connector (CN2M)

Indoor unit board or

remote controller failure

the error.

*1. When the indoor unit address is set to 1 - 50, the address will be forcibly set to 100.

When MELANS is used, "HO" display on the remote controller will disappear when the indoor unit and the local re-
mote controller (M-NET remote controller) are grouped.
If "HO" does not disappear after the registration, check the 11. - 13.

HWE0609A - 212 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause
4 "88" appears on the re- An error occurs when the address is (1) Confirm the address of unit to be
mote controller when registered or confirmed. (common) coupled.
the address is regis-
tered or confirmed. 1. A wrong address is set to the unit to (2) Check the connection of transmis-
be coupled. sion line.
2. The transmission line of the unit to be (3) Check voltage of the terminal block
coupled is disconnected or is not for transmission line of the unit to be
connected. coupled.
3. Circuit board failure of the unit to be 1) Normal if voltage is between DC17
coupled and 30V.
4. Improper transmission line work 2) Check (4) in case other than 1).
Generates at interlocking registration (4) Check for the main power of LOSS-
between LOSSNAY and the indoor unit NAY.
5. The power of LOSSNAY is OFF.

Generates at confirmation of control- (5) Check the power supply of the out-
lers used in the system in which the in- door unit which is coupled with the
door units connected to different unit to be confirmed.
outdoor units are grouped
6. The power of the outdoor unit to be (6) Check that the transmission line for
confirmed has been cut off. centralized control (TB7) of the out-
door unit is not disconnected.
7. The transmission line for centralized (7) Check voltage of the transmission
control (TB7) is disconnected. line for centralized control.
8. When the indoor units connected to 1) Normal when voltage is between 10V
different outdoor units are grouped and 30V
without MELANS, the male power
supply connector is not connected to
the female power supply switch con-
nector (CN40) for the transmission
line for centralized control.
9. The male power supply connectors 2) Check 8 - 11 described on the left in
on 2 or more outdoor units are con- case other than 1).
nected to the female power supply
switch connector (CN40) for the
transmission line for centralized con-
10. In the system to which MELANS is
connected, the male power supply
connector is connected to the female
power supply switch connector
(CN40) for the transmission line for
centralized control.
11. Short circuit of the transmission line
for centralized control

HWE0609A - 213 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(3) Both for MA remote controller and M-NET remote controller

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

1 Although cool- 1. Compressor frequency does not rise suffi- (1) Check pressure difference between the
ing operation ciently. detected pressure by the pressure sen-
starts with the ŒFaulty detection of pressure sensor. sor and the actual pressure with self-di-
normal remote ŒProtection works and compressor frequen- agnosis LED.
controller dis- cy does not rise due to high discharge tem-
play, the capaci- -> If the accurate pressure is not detect-
perature ed, check the pressure sensor. (Refer to
ty is not enough
ŒProtection works and compressor frequen- the page on Troubleshooting of Pressure
cy does not rise due to high pressure Sensor).
ŒPressure drops excessively. Note: Lower inlet pressure by the low
pressure sensor than the actual pressure
causes insufficient capacity.
SW1 setting

High pressure sensor SW1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Low pressure sensor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(2) Check temperature difference between

the evaporating temperature (Te) and the
target evaporating temperature (Tem)
with self-diagnosis LED.
Note: Higher Te than Tem causes insuffi-
cient capacity.
SW1 setting

Evaporating temperature Te
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Target evaporating temperature Tem

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Note: Protection works and compressor

frequency does not rise even at higher Te
than Tem due to high discharge tempera-
ture and high pressure.
At high discharge temperature:
Refer to 1102.
At high pressure:
Refer to 1302.
2. Indoor unit LEV malfunction Refer to the page of LEV troubleshooting
([4] -5- ).
ŒInsufficient refrigerant flows due to LEV
malfunction (not enough opening) or pro-
tection works and compressor frequency
does not rise due to pressure drop.
ŒRefrigerant leak from LEV on the stopping
unit causes refrigerant shortage on the run-
ning unit.
3. RPM error of the outdoor unit FAN Refer to the page on troubleshooting of
the outdoor unit fan.
ŒMotor failure or board failure, or airflow rate Refer to 5106.
decrease due to clogging of the heat ex- Refer to 1302.
ŒThe fan is not properly controlled as the out-
door temperature cannot be precisely de-
tected by the temperature sensor.
ŒThe fan is not properly controlled as the
pressure cannot be precisely detected by
the pressure sensor.

HWE0609A - 214 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

1 Although cool- 4. Long piping length Check the piping length to determine if it
ing operation The cooling capacity varies greatly depend- is contributing to performance loss.
starts with the ing on the pressure loss. (When the pressure Piping pressure loss can be estimated
normal remote loss is large, the cooling capacity drops.) from the temperature difference between
controller dis- the indoor unit heat exchanger outlet
play, the capaci- 5. Piping size is not proper (thin) temperature and the saturation tempera-
ty is not enough. ture (Te) of 63LS. ->Correct the piping.
6. Insufficient refrigerant amount Refer to 1-1. (Compressor frequency
Protection works and compressor frequency does not rise sufficiently.)Refer to the
does not rise due to high discharge tempera- page on refrigerant amount adjustment
7. Clogging by foreign object Check the temperature difference be-
tween in front of and behind the place
where the foreign object is clogging the
pipe (upstream side and downstream
side). When the temperature drops signif-
icantly, the foreign object may clog the
-> Remove the foreign object inside the
8. The indoor unit inlet temperature is exces- Check the inlet air temperature and for
sively. (Less than 15°C [59°F] WB) short cycling. Change the environment
where the indoor unit is used.
9. Compressor failure Check the discharge temperature to de-
The amount of circulating refrigerant de- termine if the refrigerant leaks, as it rises
creases due to refrigerant leak in the com- if there is a leak.
1 LEV1 malfunction Refer to the page of LEV troubleshooting
0. Sufficient liquid refrigerant is not be supplied ( [4] -5- ).
to the indoor unit as sufficient sub cool cannot It most likely happens when there is little
be secured due to LEV1 malfunction. difference or no difference between TH3
and TH6.
1 TH3, TH6 and 63HS1 sensor failure or faulty ŒCheck the thermistor.
1. wiring ŒCheck wiring.
LEV1 is not controlled normally.
1 LEV2 actuation failure Refer to the page on troubleshooting the
2. A drop in the low pressure that is caused ei- LEV ([4] - 5 -).
ther by a blockage of liquid pipe or by a pres-
sure loss and the resultant slowing of
refrigerant flow causes a tendency for the dis-
charge temperature to rise.

HWE0609A - 215 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

2 Although heat- 1. Compressor frequency does not rise suffi- (1) Check pressure difference between the
ing operation ciently. detected pressure by the pressure sen-
starts with the ŒFaulty detection of pressure sensor. sor and the actual pressure with self-di-
normal remote ŒProtection works and compressor frequen- agnosis LED.
controller dis- cy does not rise due to high discharge tem-
play, the capaci- -> If the accurate pressure is not detect-
perature ed, check the pressure sensor.(Refer to
ty is not enough.
ŒProtection works and compressor frequen- the page on Troubleshooting of Pressure
cy does not rise due to high pressure. Sensor)
Note: Higher inlet pressure by the high
pressure sensor than the actual pressure
causes insufficient capacity.
SW1 setting

High pressure sensor SW1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Low pressure sensor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(2) Check the difference between the con-

densing temperature (Tc) and the target
condensing temperature (Tcm) with self-
diagnosis LED.
Note: Higher Tc than Tcm causes insuffi-
cient capacity.
SW1 setting

Condensing temperature Tc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Target condensing temperature Tcm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Protection works and compressor fre-

quency does not rise even at lower Tc
than Tcm due to high discharge tempera-
ture and high pressure.
At high discharge temperature:
Refer to 1102
At high pressure:
Refer to 1302

HWE0609A - 216 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

2 Although heat- 2. Indoor unit LEV malfunction Refer to the page of LEV troubleshooting
ing operation Insufficient refrigerant flows due to LEV mal- ( [4] -5- ).
starts with the function (not enough opening).
normal remote
controller dis- 3. Temperature reading error on the indoor unit Check the thermistor.
play, the capaci- piping temperature sensor
ty is not enough. If the temperature reading on the sensor is
higher than the actual temperature, it makes
the subcool seem smaller than it is, and the
LEV opening decreases too much.
4 RPM error of the outdoor unit FAN Refer to the page on outdoor unit fan ([4]
-4- ).
ŒMotor failure or board failure, or airflow rate
decrease, pressure drop due to clogging of
the heat exchanger leading to high dis-
charge temperature
ŒThe fan is not properly controlled as the
temperature cannot be precisely detected
with the piping sensor.
5. Insulation failure of the refrigerant piping
6. Long piping length Confirm that the characteristic of capacity
Excessively long piping on the high pressure drop due to piping length.
side causes pressure loss leading to increase -> Change the pipe
in the high pressure.
7. Piping size is not proper (thin)
8. Clogging by foreign object Check the temperature difference be-
tween the upstream and the downstream
of the pipe section that is blocked. Since
blockage in the extended section is diffi-
cult to locate, operate the unit in the cool-
ing cycle, and follow the same
procedures that are used to locate the
blockage of pipe during cooling opera-
->Remove the blockage in the pipe.
9. The indoor unit inlet temperature is exces- Check the inlet air temperature and for
sively high.(exceeding 28°C [82°F]) short cycling. Change the environment
where the indoor unit is used.
1 Insufficient refrigerant amount Refer to 2 - 1. (Compressor frequency
0. Protection works and compressor frequency does not rise sufficiently.)
does not rise due to low discharge tempera- Refer to the page on refrigerant amount
ture adjustment.
Refrigerant recovery operation is likely to
1 Compressor failure (same as in case of cool- Check the discharge temperature.
1. ing)
1 LEV2 actuation failure Refer to the page on troubleshooting the
2. A drop in the low pressure that is caused ei- LEV ([4] -5-).
ther by a blockage of liquid pipe or by a pres-
sure loss and the resultant slowing of
refrigerant flow causes a tendency for the dis-
charge temperature to rise.

HWE0609A - 217 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Phenomena Cause Check method and remedy

3 Outdoor unit The first stop is not considered as an error, as (1) Check the mode operated in the past by
stops at times the unit turns to anti-restart mode for 3 min- displaying preliminary error history on
during opera- utes as a preliminary error. LED display with SW1.
Error mode (2) Reoperate the unit to find the mode that
stops the unit by displaying preliminary
1) Abnormal high pressure error history on LED display with SW1.
2) Abnormal discharge air temperature Refer to the reference page for each error
3) Heatsink thermistor failure *Display the indoor piping temperature
table with SW1 to check whether the
4) Thermistor failure freeze proof operation runs properly, and
5) Pressure sensor failure check the temperature.

6) Over-current break
7) Refrigerant overcharge
Note1: Frost prevention tripping only under
cooling mode may be considered in addition
to the above. (Freeze protection is detected
by one or all indoor units.)
Note2: Even the second stop is not consid-
ered as an error when some specified errors
occur. (eg. The third stop is considered as an
error when the thermistor error occurs.)

HWE0609A - 218 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[3] Investigation of Transmission Wave Shape/Noise

1. M-NET transmission
Control is performed by exchanging signals between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit (M-NET remote controller) through
M-NET transmission. Noise interference on the transmission line will interrupt the normal transmission, leading to erroneous
(1) Symptoms caused by noise interference on the transmission line

Cause Erroneous operation Error code Error code definition

Signal is transformed and will be misjudged as the 6600 Address overlap
signal of another address.
Transmission wave pattern is transformed due to 6602 Transmission pro-
the noise creating a new signal cessor hardware er-
Transmission wave pattern is transformed due to 6607 No ACK error
Noise interference on
the noise, and will not be received normally leading
the transmission line
to no acknowledgement (ACK).
Transmission cannot be performed due to the fine 6603 Transmission line
noise. bus busy error
Transmission is successful; however, the acknowl- 6607 No ACK error
edgement (ACK) or the response cannot be re- 6608 No response error
ceived normally due to the noise.

(2) Wave shape check

No fine noise


52 52 52 52 52
[With transmission] Logic "0" Logic "1"

No fine noise allowed

[Without transmission]

Wave shape check

Check the wave pattern of the transmission line with an oscilloscope. The following conditions must be met.
1) Small wave pattern (noise) must not exist on the transmission signal. (Minute noise (approximately 1V) can be generated by
DC-DC converter or the inverter operation; however, such noise is not a problem when the shield of the transmission line is
2) The sectional voltage level of transmission signal should be as follows.

Logic Voltage level of the transmission line

0 VHL = 2.5V or higher
1 VBN = 1.3V or below

HWE0609A - 219 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(3) Check method and remedy

1) Measures against noise
Check the followings when noise exists on the wave or the errors described in (1) occur.

Error code definition Remedy

Check that the wiring 1. The transmission line and Isolate the transmission line from the power line (5cm [1-31/32"] or
work is performed ac- the power line are not more). Do not insert them in the same conduit.
cording to wiring wired too closely.
2. The transmission line is The transmission line must be isolated from another transmission
not bundled with that for line.
another systems. When they are bundled, erroneous operation may be caused.
3. The specified wire is used Use the specified transmission line.
for the transmission line. Type: Shielded wire CVVS/CPEVS/MVVS (For M-NET remote
Diameter: 1.25mm2 [AWG16] or more
(Remote controller wire: 0.3 - 1.25mm2 [AWG22-16])
4. When the transmission The transmission is two-wire daisy-chained. The shielded wire
line is daisy-chained on must be also daisy-chained.
the indoor unit terminals, When the shielded cable is not daisy-chained, the noise cannot be
are the shields daisy- reduced enough.
chained on the terminals,
Check that the 5. Is the shield of the indoor- Connect the shield of the indoor-outdoor transmission cable to the
grounding work is outdoor transmission ca- earth terminal ( ) on the outdoor unit.
performed according ble grounded to the earth If no grounding is provided, the noise on the transmission line can-
to grounding specifi- terminal on the outdoor not escape leading to change of the transmission signal.
cations. unit?
6. Check the treatment meth- The transmission cable for centralized control is less subject to
od of the shield of the noise interference if it is grounded to the outdoor unit whose power
transmission line (for cen- jumper cable was moved from CN41 to CN40 or to the power sup-
tralized control). ply unit.
The environment against noise varies depending on the distance
of the transmission lines, the number of the connected units, the
type of the controllers to be connected, or the environment of the
installation site. Therefore, the transmission line work for central-
ized control must be performed as follows.
1. When no grounding is provided:
Ground the shield of the transmission cable by connecting to
the outdoor unit whose power jumper connector was moved
from CN41 to CN40 or to the power supply unit.
2. When an error occurs even though one point grounding is
provided: Ground the shield on all outdoor units.

2) Check the followings when the error "6607" occurs, or "HO" appears on the display on the remote controller.

Error code definition Remedy

7. The farthest distance of transmission line is Check that the farthest distance from the outdoor unit to the indoor
200m [656ft] or longer. unit and to the remote controller is within 200m [656ft].
8. The types of transmission lines are different. Use the specified transmission line.
Type: Shielded wire CVVS/CPEVS/MVVS (For M-NET remote con-
Diameter: 1.25mm2 [AWG16] or more
(Remote controller wire: 0.3-1.25mm2 [AWG22-16])
9. Outdoor unit circuit board failure Replace the outdoor unit control board or the power supply board
for the transmission line.
10. Indoor unit circuit board failure or remote con- Replace the indoor unit circuit board or the remote controller.
troller failure
11. The MA remote controller is connected to the M- Connect the MA remote controller to the terminal block for MA re-
NET transmission line. mote controller (TB15).

HWE0609A - 220 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

2. MA remote controller transmission

The communication between the MA remote controller and the indoor unit is performed with current tone burst.

(1) Symptoms caused by noise interference on the transmission line

If noise is generated on the transmission line, and the communication between the MA remote controller and the indoor unit
is interrupted for 3 minutes in a row, MA transmission error (6831) will occur.

(2) Confirmation of transmission specifications and wave pattern

A 1
B 2 A, B : No polarity
Across terminal No. 1-2
MA remote controller Indoor unit : Power supply (9V to 12VDC)

Transmission waveform (Across terminal No.1 - 2)

Satisfies the formula
DC9~12V 12 msec/bit 5%
Voltage among terminals must
Logic 1 Logic 0 Logic 1 Logic 1
be between DC9 and 12 V.
12msec 12msec 12msec 12msec

HWE0609A - 221 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[4] Troubleshooting Principal Parts

-1- High-Pressure Sensor (63HS1)
1. Compare the pressure that is detected by the high pressure sensor, and the high-pressure gauge pressure to check
for failure.
By configuring the digital display setting switch (SW1) as shown in the figure below, the pressure as measured by the high-
pressure sensor appears on the LED1 on the control board.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) While the sensor is stopped, compare the gauge pressure and the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the gauge pressure is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], internal pressure is caused due to gas leak.
2) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], the connector may be defective or
be disconnected. Check the connector and go to (4).
3) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 exceeds 4.15MPa [601psi], go to (3).
4) If other than 1), 2) or 3), compare the pressures while the sensor is running. Go to (2).
(2) Compare the gauge pressure and the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 while the sensor is running. (Com-
pare them by MPa [psi] unit.)
1) When the difference between both pressures is within 0.098MPa [14psi], both the high pressure sensor and the control board
are normal.
2) When the difference between both pressures exceeds 0.098MPa [14psi], the high pressure sensor has a problem. (perfor-
mance deterioration)
3) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 does not change, the high pressure sensor has a problem.
(3) Remove the high pressure sensor from the control board to check the pressure on the self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], the high pressure sensor has a
2) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 is approximately 4.15MPa [601psi], the control board has a problem.
(4) Remove the high pressure sensor from the control board, and short-circuit between the No.2 and 3 connectors
(63HS1) to check the pressure with self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the pressure displayed on the self-diagnosis LED1 exceeds 4.15MPa [601psi], the high pressure sensor has a problem.
2) If other than 1), the control board has a problem.

2. High-pressure sensor configuration

The high pressure sensor consists of the circuit shown in the figure below. If DC 5V is applied between the red and the black
wires, voltage corresponding to the pressure between the white and the black wires will be output, and the value of this voltage
will be converted by the microcomputer. The output voltage is 0.071V per 0.098MPa [14psi].

The pressure sensor on the body side is designed to connect to the connector. The connector pin number on the body side
is different from that on the control board side.

Body side Control board side

Vcc Pin 1 Pin 3
Vout Pin 2 Pin 2
GND Pin 3 Pin 1

4.5 [653]

63HS1 4.0 [580]

Pressure (MPa [psi])

123 Pressure 0 ~ 4.15 MPa [601psi] 3.5 [508]

Vout 0.5 ~ 3.5 V
3.0 [435]
0.071 V / 0.098 MPa [14 psi]
2.5 [363]

2.0 [290]
1.5 [218]
GND (Black) 1.0 [145]
Vout (White) 0.5 [73]

3 0
Vcc (DC 5 V)(Red) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Output voltage (V)

HWE0609A - 222 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-2- Low-Pressure Sensor (63LS)

1. Compare the pressure that is detected by the low pressure sensor, and the low pressure gauge pressure to check
for failure.
By configuring the digital display setting switch (SW1) as shown in the figure below, the pressure as measured by the low-
pressure sensor appears on the LED1 on the control board.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(1) While the sensor is stopped, compare the gauge pressure and the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the gauge pressure is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], internal pressure is caused due to gas leak.
2) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], the connector may be defective or
be disconnected. Check the connector and go to (4).
3) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 exceeds 1.7MPa [247psi], go to (3).
4) If other than 1), 2) or 3), compare the pressures while the sensor is running. Go to (2).
(2) Compare the gauge pressure and the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 while the sensor is running.(Com-
pare them by MPa [psi] unit.)
1) When the difference between both pressures is within 0.03MPa [4psi], both the low pressure sensor and the control board are
2) When the difference between both pressures exceeds 0.03MPa [4psi], the low pressure sensor has a problem. (performance
3) When the pressure displayed on the self-diagnosis LED1 does not change, the low pressure sensor has a problem.
(3) Remove the low pressure sensor from the control board to check the pressure with the self-diagnosis LED1 display.
1) When the pressure displayed on the self-diagnosis LED1 is between 0 and 0.098MPa [14psi], the low pressure sensor has a
2) When the pressure displayed on self-diagnosis LED1 is approximately 1.7MPa [247psi], the control board has a problem.
ŒWhen the outdoor temperature is 30°C [86°F] or less, the control board has a problem.
ŒWhen the outdoor temperature exceeds 30°C [86°F], go to (5).
(4) Remove the low pressure sensor from the control board, and short-circuit between the No.2 and 3 connectors
(63LS:CN202) to check the pressure with the self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the pressure displayed on the self-diagnosis LED1 exceeds 1.7MPa [247psi], the low pressure sensor has a problem.
2) If other than 1), the control board has a problem.
(5) Remove the high pressure sensor (63HS1) from the control board, and insert it into the connector for the low pres-
sure sensor (63LS) to check the pressure with the self-diagnosis LED1.
1) When the pressure displayed on the self-diagnosis LED1 exceeds 1.7MPa [247psi], the control board has a problem.
2) If other than 1), the control board has a problem.
2. Low-pressure sensor configuration
The low pressure sensor consists of the circuit shown in the figure below. If DC5V is applied between the red and the black
wires, voltage corresponding to the pressure between the white and the black wires will be output, and the value of this voltage
will be converted by the microcomputer. The output voltage is 0.173V per 0.098MPa [14psi].

The pressure sensor on the body side is designed to connect to the connector. The connector pin number on the body side
is different from that on the control board side.

Body side Control board side

Vcc Pin 1 Pin 3
Vout Pin 2 Pin 2
GND Pin 3 Pin 1

1.8 [261]

1.6 [232]
Pressure (MPa [psi])

1.4 [203]
123 Pressure 0 ~ 1.7 MPa [247psi]
Vout 0.5 ~ 3.5 V 1.2 [174]
0.173 V / 0.098 MPa [14 psi] 1.0 [145]

0.8 [116]
0.6 [87]

1 0.4 [58]
GND (Black)
2 0.2 [29]
Vout (White)
3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Vcc (DC 5 V)(Red)
Output voltage (V)

HWE0609A - 223 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-3- Solenoid Valve

Check whether the output signal from the control board and the operation of the solenoid valve match.
Setting the self-diagnosis switch (SW1) as shown in the figure below causes the ON signal of each relay to be output to the LED's.
Each LED shows whether the relays for the following parts are ON or OFF. LEDs light up when relays are on.

The circuits on some parts are closed when the relays are ON. Refer to the following instructions.

Upper 21S4a CH11 SV1a

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lower 21S4b SV5b

When a valve malfunctions, check if the wrong solenoid valve coil is not attached the lead wire of the coil is not disconnected, the
connector on the board is not inserted wrongly, or the wire for the connector is not disconnected.

(1) In case of 21S4a (4-way switching valve)

About this 4-way valve
When not powered:
Conducts electricity between the oil separator outlet and heat exchanger AND the gas ball valve (BV1) and the accumulator
to complete the circuit for the cooling cycle.
When powered:
The electricity runs between the oil separator and the gas ball valve, and between the heat exchanger and the accumulator.
This circulation is for heating.

Check the LED display and the intake and the discharge temperature for the 4-way valve to check whether the valve has no
faults and the electricity runs between where and where.Do not touch the pipe when checking the temperature, as the pipe
on the oil separator side will be hot.

Do not give an impact from outside, as the outer hull will be deformed leading to the malfunction of the inner valve.

(2) In case of 21S4b (4-way switching valve) (only for P400-P450 models)
About this 4-way valve
When not powered:
Conducts electricity between the oil separator outlet and the heat exchaner1 (the top heat exchanger) and opens and closes
the heat exchanger circuit for the heating and cooling cycles.
When powered:
The electricity runs between the heat exchanger and the accumulator, and the valve opens or closes the heat exchanger cir-
cuit when cooling or heating.

Check the LED display and the switching sound to check whether the valve has no faults, however, it may be occasionally
difficult to check by the sound, as the switching coincides with 21S4a and 21S4c. In this case, check the intake and the dis-
charge temperature for the 4-way valve to check that the electricity runs between where and where.

ŒDo not touch the valve when checking the temperature, as it will be hot.
ŒDo not give an impact from outside, as the outer hull will be deformed leading to the malfunction of the inner valve.

(3) In case of SV1a (Bypass valve)

This solenoid valve opens when powered (Relay ON).
1) At compressor start-up, the SV1a turns on for 4 minutes, and the operation can be checked by the self-diagnosis LED display
and the closing sound.
2) To check whether the valve is open or closed, check the change of the SV1a downstream piping temperature while the valve
is being powered.Even when the valve is closed, high-temperature refrigerant flows inside the capillary next to the valve.
(Therefore, temperature of the downstream piping will not be low with the valve closed.)
(4) In the case of SV5b (Solenoid valve) (only for P400-P450 models)
This solenoid valve is a switching valve that opens when energized. Proper operation of this valve can be checked on the LED
and by the switching sound. During the cooling mode, SV5b is switched simultaneously with 21S4b, which may make it difficult
to check for proper operation of the SV5b by listening for the switching sound. If this is the case, the temperature before and
after SV5b can be used to determine if the refrigerant is flowing in the pipe.

Do not give an impact from outside, as the outer hull will be deformed leading to the malfunction of the inner valve.

HWE0609A - 224 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-4- Outdoor Unit Fan

ŒTo check the revolution of the fan, check the inverter output state on the self-diagnosis LED, as the inverter on the outdoor
fan controls the revolutions of the fan.The revolution of the fan is approximately 680rpm(P200 - P350 models),790rpm(P400
- P450 models) at full speed.
ŒWhen starting the fan, the fan runs at full speed for 5 seconds.
ŒWhen setting the DIP SW1 as shown in the figure below, the inverter output [%] will appear. 100% indicates the full speed
and 0% indicates the stopping.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ŒAs the revolution of the fan changes under control, at the interphase or when the indoor unit operation capacity is low, the
revolution of the fan may change.
ŒIf the fan does not move or it vibrates, Fan board problem or fan motor problem is suspected. Refer to - 6 - (2) [5] "Check the
fan motor ground fault or the winding." and - 6 - (2) [6] "Check the Fan board failure."

HWE0609A - 225 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-5- LEV
LEV operation
LEV (Indoor unit: Linear expansion valve), LEV2a, and LEV2b (Outdoor unit: Linear expansion valve) are stepping-motor-driv-
en valves that operate by receiving the pulse signals from the indoor and outdoor unit control boards.

(1) Indoor LEV and Outdoor LEV (LEV2a, LEV2b)

The valve opening changes according to the number of pulses.
1) Indoor and outdoor unit control boards and the LEV (Indoor unit: Linear expansion valve)

Outdoor control board

Intermediate connector

LEV 2 Brown 6

Blue 5 Red 5
4 Drive circuit

Brown 4 1 Blue 4 4
M 6
Yellow 3 3 Orange 3 3
5 2
1 3 2 Yellow 2
4 2
White Red Orange
1 6 White 1 1

Note. The connector numbers on the intermediate connector and the connector on the control board differ. Check the color of the lead wire
to judge the number.

2) Pulse signal output and valve operation

Output pulses change in the following orders when the

Output Output state
(phase) Valve is closed; 1 2 3 4 1
number 1 2 3 4 Valve is open; 4 3 2 1 4
2 ON ON OFF OFF *1. When the LEV opening angle does not change,
3 OFF ON ON OFF all the output phases will be off.
*2. When the output is open phase or remains ON,
the motor cannot run smoothly, and rattles and vibrates.

3) LEV valve closing and opening operation

C *When the power is turned on, the valve closing signal of 2200 pulses
will be output from the indoor board to LEV to fix the valve position.
It must be fixed at point A.
Valve opening (refrigerant flow rate)

When the valve operates smoothly, no sound from LEV or no vibration

occurs, however, when the pulses change from E to A in the chart or
the valve is locked, a big sound occurs.

*Whether a sound is generated or not can be determined by

Valve closed holding a screwdriver against it, then placing your ear against the handle.

Valve open
E Fully open: 1400 pulses

B Pulses

80 - 100 pulses

HWE0609A - 226 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(2) Outdoor LEV (LEV1)

The valve opening changes according to the number of pulses.
1) Connections between the outdoor control board and LEV1 (outdoor expansion valve)

Outdoor control board

DC 12V

6 Red 6

5 Brown 5 Drive circuit

4 Blue 4 4
M 6
3 Orange 3 3
5 2
1 3 2 2 2

1 White 1 1

2) Pulse signal output and valve operation

Output state Output pulses change in the following orders when the
(phase) Valve is open; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Valve is closed; 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8
*1. When the LEV opening angle does not change,
2 ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF all the output phases will be off.
*2. When the output is open phase or remains ON,
the motor cannot run smoothly, and rattles and vibrates.

3) LEV valve closing and opening operation

*When the power is turned on, the valve closing signal of 520 pulses
B will be output from the indoor board to LEV to fix the valve position.
It must be fixed at point A.
(Pulse signal is output for approximately 17 seconds.)
Valve opening (refrigerant flow rate)

When the valve operates smoothly, there is no sound from the LEV and no
vibration occurs, but when the valve is locked, noise is generated.

*Whether a sound is generated or not can be determined by

holding a screwdriver against it, then placing your ear against the handle.
Valve closed
*If liquid refrigerant flows inside the LEV, the sound may become smaller.

Valve open

Fully open: 480 pulses


HWE0609A - 227 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(3) Judgment methods and possible failure mode

The specifications of the outdoor unit (outdoor LEV) and the indoor unit (indoor LEV) differ.Therefore, remedies for each failure
may vary. Check the remedy specified for the appropriate LEV as indicated in the right column.

Malfunction Judgment method Remedy Target

mode LEV
Microcomputer Disconnect the control board connector and connect When the drive circuit has a Indoor
driver circuit fail- the check LED as shown in the figure below. problem, replace the control Outdoor
ure board.
1k LED

resistance : 0.25W 1k
LED : DC15V 20mA or more
When the main power is turned on, the indoor unit cir-
cuit board outputs pulse signals to the indoor unit LEV
for 10 seconds, and the outdoor unit circuit board out-
puts pulse signals to the outdoor unit LEV for 17 sec-
If any of the LED remains lit or unlit, the drive circuit is
LEV mechanism If the LEV is locked, the drive motor runs idle, and Replace the LEV. Indoor
is locked makes a small clicking sound. Outdoor
When the valve makes a closing and opening sound,
the valve has a problem.
Disconnected or Measure resistance between the coils (red - white, red Replace the LEV coils. Indoor
short-circuited -orange, brown - yellow, brown - blue) using a tester. Outdoor
LEV motor coil They are normal if resistance is 150ohm 10%. (LEV2a,
Measure resistance between the coils (red - white, red Replace the LEV coils. Outdoor
-orange, brown - yellow, brown - blue) using a tester. (LEV1)
They are normal if resistance is 46ohm 3%.
Incomple sealing When checking the refrigerant leak from the indoor If there is a large amount of Indoor
(leak from the LEV, run the target indoor unit in the fan mode, and the leakage, replace the LEV.
valve) other indoor units in the cooling mode. Then, check the
liquid temperature (TH22) with the self-diagnosis LED.
When the unit is running in the fan mode, the LEV is ful-
ly closed, and the temperature detected by the ther-
mistor is not low. If there is a leak, however, the
temperature will be low. If the temperature is extremely
low compared with the inlet temperature displayed on
the remote controller, the LEV is not properly sealed,
however, if there is a little leak, it is not necessary to re-
place the LEV when there are no effects to other parts.

(liquid piping
temperature detection)
Linear Expansion Valve

Faulty wire con- 1. Check for loose pins on the connector and check Check the continuity at the Indoor
nections in the the colors of the lead wires visually points where an error occurs. Outdoor
connector or
faulty contact 2. Disconnect the control board's connector and
conduct a continuity check using a tester.

HWE0609A - 228 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(4) Outdoor unit LEV (LEV1) coil removal procedure

1) LEV component
As shown in the figure, the outdoor LEV is made in such a way that the coils and the body can be separated.


Lead wire

2) Removing the coils

Fasten the body tightly at the bottom (Part A in the figure) so that the body will not move, then pull out the coils toward the
top.If the coils are pulled out without the body gripped, undue force will be applied and the pipe will be bent.

Part A

3) Installing the coils

Fix the body tightly at the bottom (Part A in the figure) so that the body will not move, then insert the coils from the top, and
insert the coil stopper securely in the pipe on the body. Hold the body when pulling out the coils to prevent so that the pipe
will not be bent.
If the coils are pushed without the body gripped, undue force will be applied and the pipe will be bent. Hold the body when
pulling out the coils to prevent so that the pipe will not be bent.

Part A

HWE0609A - 229 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-6- Inverter
ŒReplace only the compressor if only the compressor is found to be defective. (Overcurrent will flow through the inverter if the
compressor is damaged, however, the power supply is automatically cut when overcurrent is detected, protecting the inverter
from damage.)
ŒReplace only the fan motor if only the fan motor is found to be defective. (Overcurrent will flow through the inverter if the fan
motor is damaged, however, the power supply is automatically cut when overcurrrent is detected, protecting the inverter from
ŒReplace the defective components if the inverter is found to be defective.
ŒIf both the compressor and the inverter are found to be defective, replace the defective component(s) of both devices.

(1) Inverter-related problems: Troubleshooting and remedies

1) The INV board has a large-capacity electrolytic capacitor, in which residual voltage remains even after the main power is
turned off, posing a risk of electric shock. Before inspecting the inverter-related items, turn off the main power, wait for 5 to 10
minutes, and confirm that the voltage at both ends of the electrolytic capacitor has dropped to a sufficiently low level.
2) The IPM on the inverter becomes damaged if there are loose screws are connectors. If a problem occurs after replacing some
of the parts, mixed up wiring is often the cause of the problem. Check for proper connection of the wiring, screws, connectors,
and Faston terminals.
3) To avoid damage to the circuit board, do not connect or disconnect the inverter-related connectors with the main power turned
4) Current sensors become damaged if electricity is passed through without them being connected to the circuit board.
Connect the current sensor to the appropriate connectors on the circuit board before operating the inverter.
5) Faston terminals have a locking function. Make sure the terminals are securely locked in place after insertion.

Press the tab on the terminals to remove them.

6) When the IPM, diode stack, or IGBT is replaced, apply a thin layer of heat radiation grease that is supplied evenly to these
parts. Wipe off any grease that may get on the wiring terminal to avoid terminal contact failure.
7) Faulty wiring to the compressor damages the compressor. Connect the wiring in the correct phase sequence.

HWE0609A - 230 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Error display/failure condition Measure/inspection item

[1] Inverter related errors Check the details of the inverter error in the error log at 10.[1] Table of
4250, 4255, 4220, 4225, 4230, 4240,4260, 5301, 0403 LED codes.
Take appropriate measures to the error code and the error details in ac-
cordance with 9. [2] Self-diagnosis on the basis of Error Display on Re-
mote Controller and Remedy for Error.

[2] Main power breaker trip <1> Check the breaker capacity.

<2> Check whether the electrical system is short-circuited or ground-


<3> If items cause is not <1>or <2> are not the causes of the problem,
see (3)-[1].

[3] Main power earth leakage breaker trip <1> Check the earth leakage breaker capacity and the sensitivity cur-

<2> Meg failure for electrical system other than the inverter

<3> If the cause is not <1>or <2>, see (3)-[1]

[4] Only the compressor does not operate. Check the inverter frequency on the LED monitor and proceed to (2) -
[4] if the compressor is in operation.

[5] The compressor vibrates violently at all times or makes an abnor- See (2)-[4].
mal sound.

[6] Only the fan motor does not operate. Check the inverter frequency on the LED monitor and proceed to (2)-
[6] if the fan motor is in operation.

[7] The fan motor shakes violently at all times or makes an abnormal Check the inverter frequency on the LED monitor and proceed to (2)-
sound. [6] if the fan motor is in operation.

[8] Noise is picked up by the peripheral device <1> Check that power supply wiring of the peripheral device does not
run close to the power supply wiring of the outdoor unit.

<2> Check that the inverter output wiring is not in close contact with the
power supply wiring and the transmission lines.

<3> Check that the shielded wire is used as the transmission line when
it is required, and check that the grounding work is performed prop-
erly on the shielded wire.

<4> Meg failure for electrical system other than the inverter

<5> Attach a ferrite core to the inverter output wiring. (Contact the fac-
tory for details of the service part settings.)

<6> Provide separate power supply to the air conditioner and other
electric appliances.

<7> If the error occurred suddenly, a ground fault of the inverter output
can be considered. See (2)-[4].

*Contact the factory for cases other than those listed above.

[9] Sudden malfunction (as a result of external noise.) <1> Check that the grounding work is performed properly.

<2>Check that the shielded wire is used as the transmission line when
it is required, and check that the grounding work is performed prop-
erly on the shielded wire.

<3>Check that neither the transmission line nor the external connec-
tion wiring does not run close to another power supply system or
does not run through the same conduit pipe.

* Contact the factory for cases other than those listed above.

HWE0609A - 231 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(2) Inverter output related troubles

Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy

[1] <P200 and P250 models> 1) IPM/overcurrent breaker trip Replace the INV board.
Check the INV (4250 Detail code No. 101, 104,
board error 105, 106, and 107)
detection cir-
cuit. (1) Disconnect the invert- 2) Logic error Replace the INV board.
er output wire from (4220 Detail code No. 111)
the terminals of the
INV board (SC-U,
SC-V, SC-W).
(2) Put the outdoor unit 3) ACCT sensor circuit failure Replace the INV board.
into operation. (5301 Detail code No.117)
4) IPM open Normal
(5301 Detail code No.119)
<P300 and P450 models> 1) IPM/overcurrent breaker trip See the section "Troubleshooting
(4250 Detail code No. 101, 102, the IPM" ( Refer to - 6 - [5] ).
103, 104, 105, 106, and 107) Replace the IPM, and put the out-
door unit back into operation.
If the problem persists, replace the
INV board.
(1) Disconnect the invert- 2) Logic error See the section "Troubleshooting
er output wire from (4220 Detail code No. 111) the IPM" ( Refer to - 6 - [5] ).
the output terminals Replace the IPM, and put the out-
(U, V, W) of the IPM. door unit back into operation.
If the problem persists, replace the
INV board.
Replace the INV board, and put
the outdoor unit back into opera-
If the problem persists, replace the
(2) Put the outdoor unit 3) ACCT sensor circuit failure Replace the INV board.
into operation. (5301 Detail code No.117)
4) DCCT sensor circuit failure Replace the DCCT board.
(5301 Detail code No.118) Replace the DCCT, and put the
outdoor unit back into operation.
If the problem persists, replace the
INV board.
5) IPM open Normal
(5301 Detail code No.119)
[2] Disconnect the compres- 1) Compressor Meg failure Replace the compressor
Check for sor wiring, and check the Error if less than 1 Mohm. Check that no liquid refrigerant in
compressor compressor Meg, and coil When no liquid refrigerant in the the compressor.
ground fault or resistance. compressor
coil error.
2) Compressor coil resistance failure
Coil resistance value of 0.16 ohm
(20°C [68°F])

HWE0609A - 232 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy

[3] <P200 and P250 models> 1) Inverter-related problems are de- Connect the short-circuit con-
Check whether tected. nector to CN6, and go to sec-
the inverter is tion [1].
(No load) (1) Disconnect the inverter 2) Inverter voltage is not output. Replace the INV board.
output wire from the ter-
minals of the INV board
(SC-U, SC-V, SC-W).
(2) Disconnect the short-cir- 3) There is an voltage imbalance be- Replace the INV board.
cuit connector from CN6 tween the wires.
on the INV board. Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V
(3) Put the outdoor unit into 4) There is no voltage imbalance be- Normal
operation. tween the wires. *Reconnect the short-circuit
Check the inverter output connector to CN6 after check-
voltage after the inverter ing the voltage.
output frequency has sta-
<P300 - P450 models> 1) Inverter-related problems are de- Turn off SW1-1 and go to [1]
(1) Disconnect the inverter 2) Inverter voltage is not output. Check the connection be-
output wire from the out- tween the IPM and the
put terminals (U, V, W) of CNIPM on the INV board.
the IPM. Replace the IPM.
If the problem persists, re-
place the INV board.
(2) Turn on SW1-1 on the 3) There is an voltage imbalance be- Replace the IPM.
INV board. tween the wires. If the problem persists, re-
Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V place the INV board.
(3) Put the outdoor unit into 4) There is no voltage imbalance be- Normal
operation. tween the wires. *Turn off SW1-1
[4] Put the outdoor unit into oper- 1) There is an voltage imbalance be- <P200 and P250 models>
Check whether ation. tween the wires. Replace the INV board.
the inverter is Check the inverter output volt- Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V <P300 - P450 models>
damaged. age after the inverter output Replace the IPM.
(During com- frequency has stabilized. If the problem persists, re-
pressor opera- place the INV board.
tion) If the problem persists after
replacing the above parts, go
to section [2].
[5] Remove the wire for the out- 1) Fan motor megger failure Replace the fan motor.
Check the fan door fan motor, and check the Failure when the megger is 1Mohm
motor ground fan motor megger and the or less.
fault or the winding resistance.
winding. 2) Fan motor disconnection
Standard: The winding resistance
is approximately several ohm.
(It varies depending on the temper-
ature, or while the inner thermo is
operating, it will be ohm)
[6] (1) Check the fan output wir- Connector contact failure Connect the connector.
Check the FAN ing. ŒBoard side (CNINV)
board failure. ŒFan motor side
(2) Check the connector CN- Cnnector contact failure Connect the connector.
VDC connection.
(3) Check the FAN board 1) The voltage imbalance among Replace the FAN board.
failure. each motor wiring during operation
(The voltage imbalance is greater
than the larger of the values repre-
sented by 5% or 5 V.)
2) The same error occurs even after
the operation is restarted.

HWE0609A - 233 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(3) Trouble treatment when the main power breaker is tripped.

Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy

[1] Perform Meg check between the Zero to several ohm, or Meg failure Check each part in the main inverter
terminals on the power terminal circuit.
block TB1. *Refer to "Simple checking Proce-
dures for individual components of
[2] Turn on the power again and 1) Main power breaker trip main inverter circuit".
check again.
2) No remote control display ŒDiode stack
ŒRush current protection resistor
ŒElectromagnetic relay
ŒDC reactor
[3] Turn on the outdoor unit and check 1) Operates normally without tripping a) The wiring may have been short-
that it operates normally. the main breaker. circuited. Search for the wire that
short-circuited, and repair it.
b) If item a) above is not the cause of
the problem, the compressor may
have a problem.
2) Main power breaker trip A compressor ground fault can be con-
sidered. Go to (2)-[2].

HWE0609A - 234 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(4) Simple checking procedure for individual components of main inverter circuit

Before checking, turn the power off and remove the parts to be checked from the control box.

Part name Judgment method

Diode stack Refer to "Diode stack" ( 9 [2] - 6 - (6) )
IPM (Intelligent Refer to "Intelligent power module (IPM)" ( 9 [2] - 6 - (5) )
power module)
Rush current <P200 and P250 models>
protection resis- Measure the resistance between terminals: 22 ohm 10%
tor <P300 - P450 models>
R1(R2) Measure the resistance between the + terminal on the diode stack and terminal TB31. (*Can be mea-
sured without the need to remove the noise filter board): 22 ohm 10%
relay This electromagnetic relay is rated at 200VAC and is driven by a coil. The resistance between the
72C coils in row A cannot be measured with a tester.Check only for shorting.

<P200 - P250 models>

Installation direction
Check point Checking criteria
Row Row Row Row Row
A B C D E Coil Row A Not to be short-circuited
A2 44 34 24 14 With the test button
turned off :
Contact Row B to Row E With the test button
turned on : 0

A1 43 33 23 13
<P300 - P450 models>
Test button Check point Checking criteria
Between No. 1 pin and
Coil No. 3 pin of the CN03 on Not to be short-circuited
the noise filter board
With the test button
+ terminal on the diode turned off :
Contact stack and terminal
TB31 on the noise filter With the test button
turned on : 0

DC reactor DCL Measure the resistance between terminals: 1ohm or lower (almost 0 ohm)
Measure the resistance between terminals and the chassis:
Current sensor <P300 - P450 models>
ACCT Disconnect the CNCT2 connector and measure the resistance between terminals: 280 ohm 30 ohm
1 - 2 PIN (U-phase),3 - 4 PIN (W-phase)


*Check the ACCT connection phase and the

direction of the connection

HWE0609A - 235 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(5) Intelligent power module (P300 - P450 models)

Measure resistances between each pair of terminals on the IPM with a tester, and use the results for troubleshooting.

1) Notes on measurement
ŒCheck the polarity before measuring. (On the tester, black normally indicates plus.)
ŒCheck that the resistance is not open ( ohm) or not shorted (to 0 ohm).
ŒThe values are for reference, and the margin of errors is allowed.
ŒThe result that is more than double or half of the result that is measured at the same measurement point is not allowed.
2) Tester restriction
ŒUse the tester whose internal electrical power source is 1.5V or greater
ŒUse the dry-battery-powered tester.

(The accurate diode-specific resistance cannot be measured with the button-battery-powered card tester, as the applied volt-
age is low.)
ŒUse a low-range tester if possible. A more accurate resistance can be measured.

Judgment value (reference)

Black ( + )
P - - 5 - 200 ohm 5 - 200 ohm 5 - 200 ohm
N - -
Red (-) U 5 - 200 ohm - - -
V 5 - 200 ohm - - -
W 5 - 200 ohm - - -

External view Internal circuit diagram

3 P
1 4 7 10 16 2
Drive circuit
Drive circuit

N 4 V
W V U 9

Drive circuit

7 W

13 Drive circuit


Drive circuit

Drive circuit

12 B

Overheating -protection
16 circuit

HWE0609A - 236 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(6) Diode stack (P300 - P450 models)

Measure resistances between each pair of terminals on the diode stack with a tester, and use the results for troubleshoot-
ing.Refer to (5) " Intelligent power module (IPM) " for notes on measurement and tester selection.

Judgment value (reference)

Black ( + ) External view
+ (P) - (N) to (L1) to (L2) to (L3)
+ (P) - - 5 - 200 5 - 200 5 - 200
ohm ohm ohm
- (N) - -

L1 L2 L3

to (L1) 5 - 200 - - -
ohm Internal circuit diagram
Red (-) to (L2) 5 - 200 - - -
ohm +
to (L3) 5 - 200 - - -
ohm L1

HWE0609A - 237 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

-7- Control Circuit

(1) Control power source function block
1) P200 and P250 models
Power source system (AC 208 / 230 V)
Control system (DC 5 ~ 30 V)

Noise filter INV board

TB1 Noise filter Rectifier 72C DCL Smoothing capacitor Inverter Compressor
AC 208 / 230 V
Terminal block for Fuse Inverter drive
power source 17V Power supply circuit

Surge protection
5 V Power supply Microcomputer

Control board Fan board

Smoothing capacitor Inverter exchanger
Fuse Inverter reset
72C circuit Fuse fan
Solenoid valve

Outdoor unit
4-way valve Inverter drive
Microcomputer 18 V Power supply circuit
CH11 Relay, LEV
Drive circuit
LEV 5 V Power supply
5 V Power supply Microcomputer
12V Power supply DC / DC converter

M-NET board
Detection circuit for
the power supply to
TB7 the transmission line Relay drive circuit
Terminal block for DC / DC
transmission line converter
for centralized control
(DC 24 ~ 30 V)
30 V Power supply
Indoor/outdoor Relay
transmission block
(DC 24 ~ 30 V)

transmission line
(Non-polar 2 wire)
AC Power source
AC 208 / 230 V
Terminal block for
power source
Terminal block
Indoor unit
for MA remote
To next unit TB5 controller
(Indoor unit)
Terminal block
for transmission
line connection
DC 17 ~ 30 V
MA remote controller wiring
(Non-polar 2 wire)

A, B

DC 17 ~ 30 V M-NET remote

A, B

DC 9 ~ 12 V MA remote

* MA remote controllers and M-NET remote controllers cannot be used together.

(Both the M-NET and MA remote controller can be connected to a system with a system controller.)

HWE0609A - 238 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

2) P300 - P450 models

Power source system (AC 208 / 230 V)

Control system (DC 5 ~ 30 V)

Noise filter
Noise filter Rectifier 72C DCL Smoothing capacitor Inverter Compressor
AC 208 / 230 V INV board
Terminal block for Fuse 15V Power supply Inverter drive
power source circuit
Surge protection converter Microcomputer

12 V Power supply 5 V Power supply

Fan board
Control board Heat
Fuse Inverter exchanger
Inverter reset Fuse fan
72C 63H1

Outdoor unit
Solenoid valve Inverter drive
4-way valve Microcomputer 18 V Power supply circuit
CH11 Relay, LEV
Drive circuit
LEV 5 V Power supply
5 V Power supply Microcomputer
12V Power supply DC / DC converter

M-NET board
Detection circuit for
TB7 the power supply to
the transmission line Relay drive circuit DC / DC
Terminal block for
transmission line converter
for centralized control CN40
(DC 24 ~ 30 V)
30 V Power supply
Indoor/outdoor Relay
transmission block
(DC 24 ~ 30 V)

AC Power source
AC 208 / 230 V Terminal block for
power source
Indoor unit
Terminal block
for MA remote
TB5 controller
To next unit
(Indoor unit) Terminal block
for transmission
line connection
DC 17 ~ 30 V
MA remote controller wiring
(Non-polar 2 wire)

A, B

DC 17 ~ 30 V M-NET remote

A, B

DC 9 ~ 12 V MA remote

* MA remote controllers and M-NET remote controllers cannot be used together.

(Both the M-NET and MA remote controller can be connected to a system with a system controller.)

HWE0609A - 239 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

(2) Troubleshooting transmission power circuit of outdoor unit

1) P200 and P250 models
Check the voltage at the indoor/outdoor
transmission terminal block (TB3) of outdoor unit.

DC 24 ~ 30 V Check whether the transmission line is disconnected,
NO check for contact failure, and repair the problem.

Check the voltage at TB3 after removing transmission line from TB3.

DC 24 ~ 30 V Check if the indoor/outdoor transmission line is not
short-circuited, and repair the problem.
Check whether the male connector is connected to
the female power supply connector (CN40).



Check voltage of terminal block for centralized control (TB7).

YES Check the wiring between the control board and power
DC24 ~ 30V supply board for the transmission line (CN102 and CNIT),
and check for proper connection of connectors.
NO Is there a wiring YES Fix the wiring and connector
Check voltage of TB7 by removing transmission line from TB7. error or a connector
disconnection? disconnection.

YES Check for shorted transmission

DC24 ~ 30V
line for centralized control.
Check the voltage between No.1 and No.2 pins of the
CNS2 on the control board.

DC24 ~ 30V Replace the control board.
Check the voltage between No.1 and No.2 pins of the
CN102 on the power supply board for the transmission line.

Check the wiring between the control board and power

YES supply board for the transmission line (CN102 and CNIT),
DC24 ~ 30V
and check for proper connection of connectors.

Is there a connector YES

Fix the connector disconnection.

Check the voltage between No.5 and No.2 pins
of the CNIT on the control board.

Check the voltage between No.1 and No.3 pins of NO Is the voltage YES
measurement between Replace the M-NET board
the CNDC on the INV board. 4.5 and 5.2 VDC?

DC265 ~ 357V Replace the M-NET board

Check the voltage between SC-P1 and TB-N on the INV board.

DC265 ~ 357V Check the inrush current resistance (R1).

NO Replace the inrush current

Check the voltages among SC-R, SC-S, and 22 10% limiting resistor.
SC-T on the INV board.
Replace the INV board.
AC188 ~ 253V Replace the INV board.

Check the voltages among TB21, TB22, and

TB23 on the noise filter.

YES Check the wiring between the noise filter and the
AC188 ~ 253V INV board as well as screw tightness, and fix any
problems found.
Check the voltage at the power supply terminal block TB1.

AC188 ~ 253V Replace the noise filter.
Check and fix any power supply wiring and main power
supply problems found.

Turn on the
power again.

HWE0609A - 240 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

2) P300 - P450 models

Check the voltage at the indoor/outdoor
transmission terminal block (TB3) of outdoor unit.

DC 24 ~ 30 V Check whether the transmission line is disconnected,
check for contact failure, and repair the problem.
Check the voltage at TB3 after removing transmission
line from TB3.

YES Check if the indoor/outdoor transmission line is not

DC 24 ~ 30 V
short-circuited, and repair the problem.
Check whether the male connector is connected to
the female power supply connector (CN40).

NO Connected


Check voltage of terminal block for centralized control (TB7).

YES Check the wiring between the control board and power
DC24 ~ 30V supply board for the transmission line (CN102 and CNIT),
and check for proper connection of connectors.
NO Is there a wiring
Fix the wiring and connector
Check voltage of TB7 by removing transmission line from TB7. error or a connector
disconnection? disconnection.

YES Check for shorted transmission

DC24 ~ 30V line for centralized control.
Check the voltage between No.1 and No.2 pins of the
CNS2 on the control board.

DC24 ~ 30V Replace the control board.
Check the voltage between No.1 and No.2 pins of the
CN102 on the power supply board for the transmission line.

Check the wiring between the control board and power

YES supply board for the transmission line (CN102 and CNIT),
DC24 ~ 30V
and check for proper connection of connectors.

Is there a connector YES

Fix the connector disconnection.

Check the voltage between No.5 and No.2 pins
of the CNIT on the control board.

Check the voltage between No.1 and No.3 pins of NO Is the voltage YES
the CNDC3 on the INV board. measurement between Replace the M-NET board
4.5 and 5.2 VDC?

DC265 ~ 357V Replace the M-NET board
Check the voltage between TB31 and TB42 on the noise filter.

DC265 ~ 357V Replace the INV board.

Check the voltage between the + and – terminals

on the diode stack.

DC265 ~ 357V Replace the noise filter.

Check the voltages among TB21, TB22, and

TB23 on the noise filter.

AC188 ~ 253V Replace the diode stack.

Check the voltage at the power supply terminal block TB1.

AC188 ~ 253V Replace the noise filter.
Check and fix any power supply wiring and main power
supply problems found.

Turn on the
power again.

HWE0609A - 241 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[5] Refrigerant Leak

1. Leak spot: In the case of extension pipe for indoor unit (Cooling season)
1) Mount a pressure gauge on the service check joint (CJ2) on the low-pressure side.
2) Stop all the indoor units, and close the liquid ball valve (BV2) on the outdoor unit while the compressor is being stopped.
3) Stop all the indoor units; turn on SW2-4 on the outdoor unit control board while the compressor is being stopped.(Pump down
mode will start, and all the indoor units will run in cooling test run mode.)
4) In the pump down mode (SW2-4 is ON), all the indoor units will automatically stop when the low pressure (63LS) reaches
0.383MPa [55psi] or less or 15 minutes have passed after the pump mode started. Stop all the indoor units and compressors
when the pressure indicated by the pressure gauge, which is on the check joint (CJ2) for low-pressure service, reaches
0.383MPa [55psi] or 20 minutes pass after the pump down operation is started.
5) Close the gas ball valve (BV1) inside the outdoor unit.
6) Collect the refrigerant that remains in the extended pipe for the indoor unit. Do not discharge refrigerant into the atmosphere
when it is collected.
7) Repair the leak.
8) After repairing the leak, vacuum the extension pipe and the indoor unit.
9) To adjust refrigerant amount, open the refrigerant service valves (BV1 and BV2) inside the outdoor unit and turn off SW2-4.

2. Leak spot: In the case of outdoor unit (Cooling season)

(1) Run all the indoor units in the cooling test run mode.
1) To run the indoor unit in test run mode, turn SW3-2 from ON to OFF when SW3-1 on the outdoor control board is ON.
2) Change the setting of the remote controller for all the indoor units to the cooling mode.
3) Check that all the indoor units are performing a cooling operation.

(2) Check the values of Tc and TH6.

(To display the values on the LED screen, use the self-diagnosis switch (SW1) on the outdoor unit control board.)
1) When Tc-TH6 is 10°C [18°F] or more : See the next item (3).
2) When Tc-TH6 is less than 10°C [18°F] : After the compressor stops, collect the refrigerant inside the system, repair the leak,
perform evacuation, and recharge new refrigerant. (Leak spot: 4. In the case of outdoor unit, handle in the same way as heat-
ing season.)

Tc self-diagnosis switch TH3 self-diagnosis switch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(3) Stop all the indoor units, and stop the compressor.
1) To stop all the indoor units and the compressors, turn SW3-2 from ON to OFF when SW3-1 on the outdoor control board is ON.
2) Check that all the indoor units are being stopped.

(4) Close the refrigerant service valves (BV1 and BV2).

(5) To prevent the liquid seal, extract small amount of refrigerant from the check joint of the liquid ball valve (BV2), as
the liquid seal may cause a malfunction of the unit.
(6) Collect the refrigerant that remains inside the outdoor unit.Do not discharge refrigerant into air into the atmosphere
when it is collected.
(7) Repair the leak.
(8) After repairing the leak, replace the dryer with the new one, and perform evacuation inside the outdoor unit.
(9) To adjust refrigerant amount, open the refrigerant service valves (BV1 and BV2) inside the outdoor unit.

When the power to the outdoor/indoor unit must be turned off to repair the leak after closing the refrigerant service valves
specified in the item 4, turn the power off in approximately one hour after the outdoor/indoor units stop.
1) When 30 minutes have passed after the item 4 above, the indoor unit lev turns from fully closed to slightly open to prevent the
refrigerant seal.
LEV2a and LEV2b open when the outdoor unit remains stopped for 15 minutes to allow for the collection of refrigerant in the
outdoor unit heat exchanger and to enable the evacuation of the outdoor unit heat exchanger.
If the power is turned of in less than 5 minutes, LEV2a and LEV2b may close, trapping high-pressure refrigerant in the outdoor
unit heat exchanger and creating a highly dangerous situation.
2) Therefore, if the power source is turned off within 30 minutes, the lev remains fully closed and the refrigerant remains sealed.
When only the power for the indoor unit is turned off, the indoor unit LEV turns from faintly open to fully closed.

HWE0609A - 242 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

3. Leak spot: In the case of extension pipe for indoor unit (Heating season)
(1) Run all the indoor units in heating test run mode.
1) To run the indoor unit in test run mode, turn SW3-2 from ON to OFF when SW3-1 on the outdoor control board is ON.
2) Change the setting of the remote controller for all the indoor units to the heating mode.
3) Check that all the indoor units are performing a heating operation.

(2) Stop all the indoor units, and stop the compressor.
1) To stop all the indoor units and the compressors, turn SW3-2 from ON to OFF when SW3-1 on the outdoor control board is ON.
2) Check that all the indoor units are stopped.

(3) Close the refrigerant service valves (BV1 and BV2).

(4) Collect the refrigerant that remains inside the indoor unit. Do not discharge refrigerant into air into the atmosphere
when it is collected.
(5) Repair the leak.
(6) After repairing the leak, perform evacuation of the extension pipe for the indoor unit, and open the refrigerant service
valves (BV1 and BV2) to adjust refrigerant.

4. Leak spot: In the case of outdoor unit (Heating season)

1) Collect the refrigerant in the entire system (outdoor unit, extended pipe and indoor unit).Do not discharge refrigerant into the
atmosphere when it is collected.
2) Repair the leak.
3) After repairing the leak, replace the dryer with the new one, and perform evacuation of the entire system, and calculate the
standard amount of refrigerant to be added (for outdoor unit, extended pipe and indoor unit), and charge the refrigerant.
Refer to "8 [4] 3. "

If the indoor or outdoor units need to be turned off for repairing leaks during Step 1) above, turn off the power approximately
1 hour after the units came to a stop.
If the power is turned off in less than 15 minutes, LEV2a and LEV2b may close, trapping high-pressure refrigerant in the out-
door unit heat exchanger and creating a highly dangerous situation.

HWE0609A - 243 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[6] Compressor Replacement Instructions

[Compressor replacement procedures]

Follow the procedures below (Steps 1 through 6) to remove the compressor components and replace the compressor.
Reassemble them in the reverse order after replacing the compressor.

Service panel Control box

Compressor cover

1. Remove both the top and bottom service panels 2. Remove the control box and the compressor
(front panels). cover (front).


3. Remove the wires that are secured to the frame,

and remove the frame.

HWE0609A - 244 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

Compressor covers
(right and left)
(The inside of the compressor
cover is lined with sound
insulation material.)

Compressor cover
Belt heater

4. Remove the compressor cover (top). 5. Remove the compressor wires, compressor covers
(right and left), and belt heater.

Protection for the

sealing material

Suction piping

Protection for the

compressor cover

6. Place protective materials on the insulation lining of

the compressor cover and on the sealing material
on the compressor suction pipe to protect them from
the torch flame, debraze the pipe, and replace the

HWE0609A - 245 - GB
[ IX Troubleshooting ]

[7] Troubleshooting Using the Outdoor Unit LED Error Display

If the LED error display appear as follows while all the SW1 switches are set to OFF, check the items under the applicable item
numbers below.
1. Error code appears on the LED display.
Refer to 9. [2] Responding to Error Display on the Remote Controller.

2. LED is blank.
Take the following troubleshooting steps.
(1) If the voltage between pins 1 and 3 of CNDC on the control board is outside the range between 220 VDC and 320 VDC,
refer to 9 [4] -7- (2) Troubleshooting transmission power circuit of outdoor unit.
(2) If the LED error display becomes lit when the power is turned on with all the connectors on the control board except
CNDE disconnected, there is a problem with the wiring to those connectors or with the connectors themselves.
(3) If nothing appears on the display under item (2) above AND the voltage between pins 1 and 3 of CNDC is within the
range between 220 VDC and 320 VDC, control board failure is suspected.

3. Only the software version appears on the LED display.

(1) Only the software version appears while the transmission cables to TB3 and TB7 are disconnected.
1) Wiring failure between the control board and the transmission line power supply board.(CN1T, CNS2, CN102)
2) If item 1) checks out OK, the transmission line power supply board failure is suspected.
3) If items 1) and 2) check out OK, control board failure is suspected.

(2) If the LED display appears as noted in 10. [1] 2. "LED display at Initial setting" while the transmission cables to TB3
and TB7 are disconnected, failure with the transmission cable or the connected equipment is suspected.

HWE0609A - 246 - GB
X LED Monitor Display on the Outdoor Unit Board

[1] How to Read the LED on the Service Monitor ............................................................... 249

HWE0609A - 247 - GB
- 248 -
[ X LED Monitor Display on the Outdoor Unit Board ]
X LED Monitor Display on the Outdoor Unit Board

[1] How to Read the LED on the Service Monitor

1. How to read the LED
By setting the DIP SW 1-1 through 1-10 (Switch number 10 is represented by 0), the operating condition of the unit can be
monitored on the service monitor. (Refer to the table on the following pages for DIP SW settings.)
The service monitor uses 4-digit 7-segment LED to display numerical values and other types of information.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SW1-10 is represented as “0” in the table.

Pressure and temperature are examples of numerical values, and operating conditions and the on-off status of solenoid valve
are examples of flag display.

1) Display of numerical values

Example: When the pressure data sensor reads 18.8kg/cm2 (Item No. 58)
ŒThe unit of pressure is in kg/cm2
ΠUse the following conversion formula to convert the displayed value into
a value in SI unit.
Value in SI unit (MPa) = Displayed value (kg/cm2) x 0.098

2) Flag display
Example: When 21S4a, 21S4b, SV1a are ON. (Item No. 3)



Example: 3-minutes restart mode (Item No. 14)


2. LED display at initial setting

From power on until the completion of initial settings, the following information will be displayed on the monitor screen.
(Displays No. 1 through No. 4 in order repeatedly.)

No Item Display Remarks

Software version
1 [0103] : Version 1.03

Refrigerant type
2 [ 410] : R410A

Model and capacity [H-20] : Cooling/Heating 20 HP

For the first few minutes after power on, the capacity of
each outdoor unit is displayed. Thereafter, the com-
bined capacity is displayed.

Communication address
4 [ 51] : Address 51

After the initial settings have been completed, the information on these items can be checked by making the switch setting
that corresponds to No. 517 in the LED display table.

Only item No. 1 "Software Version" appears on the display if there is a wiring failure between the control board and the trans-
mission line power supply board or if the circuit board has failed.

HWE0609A - 249 - GB
[ X LED Monitor Display on the Outdoor Unit Board ]

3. Time data storage function

The outdoor unit has a simple clock function that enables the unit to calculate the current time with an internal timer by receiv-
ing the time set by the system controller, such as G(B)-50A.
If an error (including a preliminary error) occurs, the error history data and the error detection time are stored into the service
The error detection time stored in the service memory and the current time can be seen on the service LED.

1) Use the time displayed on the service LED as a reference.

2) The date and the time are set to "00" by default. If a system controller that sets the time, such as G(B)-50A is not connected,
the elapsed time and days since the first power on will be displayed.
If the time set on a system controller is received, the count will start from the set date and the time.
3) The time is not updated while the power of the indoor unit is turned off. When the power is turned off and then on again, the
count will resume from the time before the power was turned off. Thus, the time that differs the actual time will be displayed.
(This also applies when a power failure occurs.)
The system controller, such as G(B)-50A, adjusts the time once a day. When the system controller is connected, the time will
be automatically updated to the correct current time after the time set by the system controller is received. (The data stored
into the memory before the set time is received will not be updated.)

(1) Reading the time data:

1) Time display
Example: 12 past 9

* Disappears if the time data is deviated due to a power failure, or if a

system controller that sets the time is not connected.

2) Date display
ŒWhen the main controller that can set the time is connected
Example: May 10, 2003

Alternate display

Alternate display of year and month, and date

* Appears between the year and the month, and nothing appears
when the date is displayed.

ŒWhen the main controller that can set the time is not connected
Example: 52 days after power was turned on

Alternate display

Day count
* Appears between the year and the month, and nothing
appears when the date is displayed.

HWE0609A - 250 - GB
XLED monitor display on the outdoor unit board

LED monitor display

Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

Relay output display 1 Comp in op- CPU in oper-

72C OC A A
Lighting eration ation
0 0000000000
Check (error) display 1
0000 to 9999 (Address and error codes highlighted) B B
OC/OS error

Check (error) display 2 Display of the latest pre-

OC/OS error liminary error
1 1000000000 0000 to 9999 (Address and error codes highlighted) A A If no preliminary errors
are detected, "----" ap-
pears on the display.

Check (error) display 3 If no errors are detected,

2 0100000000 (Including IC and BC) 0000 to 9999 (Address and error codes highlighted) B "----" appears on the dis-
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]


Relay out- Top 21S4a CH11 SV1a

3 1100000000 put display A A
2 Bottom 21S4b SV5b

Relay out- Top Power sup-

put display ply for indoor

- 251 -
4 0010000000 3 transmis- A A
sion line


5 1010000000

6 0110000000

Special control Communica-

tion error
Retry opera- Emergency Oil recovery tion error be-
7 1110000000 3-minute re- B
tion operation complete tween the
start delay
OC and OS

8 0001000000

Communication de- If not demanded con-

9 1001000000 mand capacity 0000 to 9999 B trolled, "----" [ % ] ap-
pears on the display.

Contact point demand If not demanded con-

10 0101000000 capacity 0000 to 9999 B trolled, "----" [ % ] ap-
pears on the display.

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

External signal Contact Low-noise Cooling- Cooling-

(Open input contact point de- mode heating heating
11 1101000000 Snow sensor A A
point) mand (Capacity changeover changeover
priority ) (Cooling) (Heating)

External signal Low-noise

(Open input contact mode
12 0011000000 A A
point) (Quiet priori-

13 1011000000

Outdoor unit operation 3-minutes

status restart after Preliminary
3-minutes Compressor Preliminary
14 0111000000 Error instanta- low pres- A A
restart mode in operation error
neous power sure error
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]


15 1111000000 OC/OS identification OC/OS-1/OS-2 A A

Indoor unit Top Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Unit No. 3 Unit No. 4 Unit No. 5 Unit No. 6 Unit No. 7 Unit No. 8 B The lamp that corre-
16 0000100000 check sponds to the unit that
Bottom Unit No. 9 Unit No. 10 Unit No. 11 Unit No. 12 Unit No. 13 Unit No. 14 Unit No. 15 Unit No. 16 came to an abnormal stop

- 252 -
Top Unit No. 17 Unit No. 18 Unit No. 19 Unit No. 20 Unit No. 21 Unit No. 22 Unit No. 23 Unit No. 24
17 1000100000 The lamp goes off when
Bottom Unit No. 25 Unit No. 26 Unit No. 27 Unit No. 28 Unit No. 29 Unit No. 30 Unit No. 31 Unit No. 32 the error is reset.
Each unit that comes to
Top Unit No. 33 Unit No. 34 Unit No. 35 Unit No. 36 Unit No. 37 Unit No. 38 Unit No. 39 Unit No. 40
18 0100100000 an abnormal unit will be
Bottom Unit No. 41 Unit No. 42 given a sequential num-
ber in ascending order
Top starting with 1.
19 1100100000

Indoor unit Top Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Unit No. 3 Unit No. 4 Unit No. 5 Unit No. 6 Unit No. 7 Unit No. 8 B Lit during cooling
20 0010100000 Operation Lit during heating
mode Bottom Unit No. 9 Unit No. 10 Unit No. 11 Unit No. 12 Unit No. 13 Unit No. 14 Unit No. 15 Unit No. 16 Unlit while the unit is
Top Unit No. 17 Unit No. 18 Unit No. 19 Unit No. 20 Unit No. 21 Unit No. 22 Unit No. 23 Unit No. 24 stopped or in the fan
21 1010100000 mode
Bottom Unit No. 25 Unit No. 26 Unit No. 27 Unit No. 28 Unit No. 29 Unit No. 30 Unit No. 31 Unit No. 32

Top Unit No. 33 Unit No. 34 Unit No. 35 Unit No. 36 Unit No. 37 Unit No. 38 Unit No. 39 Unit No. 40
22 0110100000
Bottom Unit No. 41 Unit No. 42

23 1110100000

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

Indoor unit Top Unit No. 1 Unit No. 2 Unit No. 3 Unit No. 4 Unit No. 5 Unit No. 6 Unit No. 7 Unit No. 8 B Lit when thermostat is on
24 0001100000 thermo- Unlit when thermostat is
stat Bottom Unit No. 9 Unit No. 10 Unit No. 11 Unit No. 12 Unit No. 13 Unit No. 14 Unit No. 15 Unit No. 16 off
Top Unit No. 17 Unit No. 18 Unit No. 19 Unit No. 20 Unit No. 21 Unit No. 22 Unit No. 23 Unit No. 24
25 1001100000
Bottom Unit No. 25 Unit No. 26 Unit No. 27 Unit No. 28 Unit No. 29 Unit No. 30 Unit No. 31 Unit No. 32

Top Unit No. 33 Unit No. 34 Unit No. 35 Unit No. 36 Unit No. 37 Unit No. 38 Unit No. 39 Unit No. 40
26 0101100000
Bottom Unit No. 41 Unit No. 42

27 1101100000

28 0011100000
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

29 1011100000

30 0111100000

31 1111100000

32 0000010000

- 253 -
33 1000010000

34 0100010000

35 1100010000

36 0010010000

37 1010010000

38 0110010000

Outdoor unit Operation Permissible

39 1110010000 Standby Cooling Heating B
mode stop

40 0001010000

41 1001010000

Outdoor unit control Low fre-

Abnormal Scheduled Initial start
42 0101010000 mode Stop Thermo OFF Defrost Oil balance quency oil A A
stop control up

43 1101010000 A A

44 0011010000

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

45 1011010000 TH4 -99.9 to 999.9 A A The unit is [°C]

46 0111010000 TH3 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

47 1111010000 TH7 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

48 0000110000 TH6 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

49 1000110000 TH2 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

50 0100110000 TH5 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

51 1100110000

52 0010110000

53 1010110000
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

54 0110110000

55 1110110000

56 0001110000 THHS1 -99.9 to 999.9 A A The unit is [°C]

57 1001110000 THBOX -99.9 to 999.9 A A

- 254 -
High-pressure sensor The unit is [kgf/cm2]
58 0101110000 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

Low-pressure sensor
59 1101110000 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

60 0011110000

61 1011110000

62 0111110000

63 1111110000

64 0000001000

65 1000001000

66 0100001000

67 1100001000

68 0010001000

69 1010001000

70 0110001000

71 1110001000

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

72 0001001000

73 1001001000

74 0101001000

75 1101001000

76 0011001000

77 1011001000

78 0111001000 Qj 0000 to 9999 B B

79 1111001000 Qjc 0000 to 9999 B B

80 0000101000 Qjh 0000 to 9999 B B

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

81 1000101000 Target Tc -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

82 0100101000 Target Te -99.9 to 999.9 B

83 1100101000 Tc -99.9 to 999.9 A A

84 0010101000 Te -99.9 to 999.9 A A

- 255 -
85 1010101000

86 0110101000 Frequencies (OC+OS) 0000 to 9999 B Control data [ Hz ]

87 1110101000 Frequency 0000 to 9999 A A

Control frequency of
88 0001101000 0000 to 9999 A A

89 1001101000

90 0101101000

91 1101101000

92 0011101000

93 1011101000 All AK (OC+OS) 0000 to 9999 B

94 0111101000 AK 0000 to 9999 A A

95 1111101000 FAN 0000 to 9999 A A Fan output [ % ]

Fan inverter output fre- Twice the actual output

96 0000011000 0000 to 9999 A A
quency frequency

97 1000011000

98 0100011000

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

99 1100011000

100 0010011000

101 1010011000

102 0110011000

LEV1 Outdoor LEV opening

103 1110011000 0 to 480 A A
(Fully open: 480)

LEV2 Outdoor LEV opening

104 0001011000 60 to 1400 A A
(Fully open: 1400)

105 1001011000

106 0101011000
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

107 1101011000

COMP operation cur- Peak value

108 0011011000 00.0 to 999.9 A A
rent (DC) [A]

109 1011011000

110 0111011000

- 256 -
COMP bus voltage The unit is
111 1111011000 00.0 to 999.9 A A

112 0000111000

113 1000111000

114 0100111000

115 1100111000

Number of times the

unit went into the mode
116 0010111000 0000 to 9999
to remedy wet vapor

COMP Operation time The unit is

117 1010111000 0000 to 9999 A A
Upper 4 digits [h]

COMP Operation time

118 0110111000 0000 to 9999 A A
Lower 4 digits

Integrated cleaning
119 1110111000 0000 to 9999 B
time (minute)

120 0001111000

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

Backup mode High pres- Control box Stays lit for 90 seconds
Abnormal High-pres- Low-pres- Abnormal Td
121 1001111000 sure during temperature A A after the completion of
pressure rise sure drop sure drop rise
defrost rise backup control

122 0101111000

COMP number of start- Count-up at start-up

123 1101111000 stop events 0000 to 9999 A A The unit is [Time]
Upper 4 digits

COMP number of start-

124 0011111000 stop events 0000 to 9999 A A
Lower 4 digits

125 1011111000

126 0111111000
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

127 1111111000

128 0000000100

Integrated operation The unit is [ h ]

129 1000000100 time of compressor (for 0000 to 9999 B
rotation purpose)

- 257 -
130 0100000100

131 1100000100

132 0010000100

133 1010000100

134 0110000100

135 1110000100

136 0001000100

137 1001000100

138 0101000100

139 1101000100

140 0011000100

141 1011000100

142 0111000100

143 1111000100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

144 0000100100

145 1000100100

146 0100100100

147 1100100100

148 0010100100

149 1010100100

150 0110100100

151 1110100100

152 0001100100
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

153 1001100100

154 0101100100

155 1101100100

156 0011100100

- 258 -
157 1011100100

158 0111100100

159 1111100100

160 0000010100

161 1000010100

162 0100010100

163 1100010100

164 0010010100

165 1010010100

166 0110010100

167 1110010100

168 0001010100

169 1001010100

170 0101010100

171 1101010100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

172 0011010100

173 1011010100

174 0111010100

175 1111010100

176 0000110100

177 1000110100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

- 259 -
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

178 0100110100 Error history 1 0000 to 9999 B B Address and error codes
179 1100110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A If no errors are detected,
180 0010110100 Error history 2 0000 to 9999 B B "---- " appears on the dis-
181 1010110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A Preliminary error informa-
tion of the OS does not
182 0110110100 Error history 3 0000 to 9999 B B
appear on the OC.
183 1110110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A Neither preliminary error
information of the OC nor
184 0001110100 Error history 4 0000 to 9999 B B error information of the IC
appears on the OS.
185 1001110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

186 0101110100 Error history 5 0000 to 9999 B B

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

187 1101110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

188 0011110100 Error history 6 0000 to 9999 B B

189 1011110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

190 0111110100 Error history 7 0000 to 9999 B B

- 260 -
191 1111110100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

192 0000001100 Error history 8 0000 to 9999 B B

193 1000001100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

194 0100001100 Error history 9 0000 to 9999 B B

195 1100001100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

196 0010001100 Error history 10 0000 to 9999 B B

197 1010001100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

Error history of inverter

198 0110001100 (At the time of last data 0000 to 9999 B B
backup before error)

199 1110001100 Error details of inverter Error details of inverter (0001-0120) A A

200 0001001100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Error history

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

Outdoor unit operation 3-minutes

status restart after Preliminary
3-minutes Compressor Preliminary
201 1001001100 Error instanta- low pres- A A
restart mode in operation error
neous power sure error

202 0101001100 OC/OS identification OC/OS-1/OS-2 A A

203 1101001100

204 0011001100

Outdoor unit Operation Permissible

205 1011001100 Standby Cooling Heating B
mode stop

206 0111001100
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

207 1111001100

Outdoor unit control Low fre-

Abnormal Scheduled Initial start
208 0000101100 mode Stop Thermo OFF Defrost Oil balance quency oil A A
stop control up

- 261 -
209 1000101100 A A

210 0100101100

Relay output display 1 Comp in op-

211 1100101100 72C OC Always lit A A
Lighting eration

Relay out- Top 21S4a CH11 SV1a

put display
212 0010101100 Bottom A A
2 21S4b SV5b

Relay out- Top Lit while

put display power to the
3 indoor units
213 1010101100 Lighting is being sup- A A


214 0110101100

215 1110101100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Error history

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

216 0001101100 TH4 -99.9 to 999.9 A A The unit is [°C]

217 1001101100 TH3 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

218 0101101100 TH7 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

219 1101101100 TH6 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

220 0011101100 TH2 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

221 1011101100 TH5 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

222 0111101100

223 1111101100

224 0000011100
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

225 1000011100

226 0100011100

227 1100011100 THHS1 -99.9 to 999.9 A A The unit is [°C]

228 0010011100 THBOX -99.9 to 999.9 A A

- 262 -
High-pressure sensor The unit is [kgf/cm2]
229 1010011100 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

Low-pressure sensor
230 0110011100 -99.9 to 999.9 A A

231 1110011100

232 0001011100

233 1001011100

234 0101011100

235 1101011100

236 0011011100

237 1011011100

238 0111011100

239 1111011100

240 0000111100

241 1000111100

242 0100111100

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Error history

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

243 1100111100

244 0010111100

245 1010111100

246 0110111100

247 1110111100

248 0001111100

249 1001111100 Qj 0000 to 9999 B B

250 0101111100 Qjc 0000 to 9999 B B

251 1101111100 Qjh 0000 to 9999 B B

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

252 0011111100 Target Tc -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

253 1011111100 Target Te -99.9 to 999.9 B

254 0111111100 Tc -99.9 to 999.9 A A The unit is [°C]

255 1111111100 Te -99.9 to 999.9 A A

- 263 -
256 0000000010

257 1000000010 Frequencies (OC+OS) 0000 to 9999 B Control data

[ Hz ]
258 0100000010

259 1100000010 Frequency 0000 to 9999 A A

260 0010000010

261 1010000010

262 0110000010

263 1110000010

264 0001000010 All AK (OC+OS) 0000 to 9999 B

265 1001000010 AK 0000 to 9999 A A

FAN Fan inverter output

266 0101000010 0000 to 9999 A A

Fan inverter output fre- Twice the actual output

267 1101000010 0000 to 9999 A A
quency frequency

268 0011000010

269 1011000010

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Error history

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

270 0111000010

271 1111000010

272 0000100010

273 1000100010

LEV1 Outdoor unit LEV opening

274 0100100010 0 to 480 A A
(Fully open: 480)

LEV2 Outdoor unit LEV opening

275 1100100010 60 to 1400 A A
(Fully open: 1400)

276 0010100010

277 1010100010
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

278 0110100010

COMP operation cur- Peak value [ A ]

279 1110100010 00.0 to 999.9 A A
rent (DC)

280 0001100010

281 1001100010

- 264 -
282 0101100010 COMP bus voltage 00.0 to 999.9 A A The unit is [ V ]

283 1101100010

284 0011100010

285 1011100010

286 0111100010

287 1111100010

COMP Operation time The unit is [ h ]

288 0000010010 0000 to 9999 A A
Upper 4 digits

COMP Operation time

289 1000010010 0000 to 9999 A A
Lower 4 digits

290 0100010010

291 1100010010

292 0010010010

293 1010010010

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Error history

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

COMP number of start- Count-up at start-up

294 0110010010 stop events 0000 to 9999 A A The unit is [Time]
Upper 4 digits

COMP number of start-

295 1110010010 stop events 0000 to 9999 A A
Lower 4 digits

296 0001010010

297 1001010010

298 0101010010

299 1101010010

Integrated operation The unit is [ h ]

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

300 0011010010 time of compressor (for 0000 to 9999 B

rotation purpose)

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.

- 265 -
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

301 1011010010 Power supply unit OC/OS-1/OS-2 <-> Address B

302 0111010010 Start-up unit OC/OS-1/OS-2 <-> Address B

303 1111010010

304 0000110010

305 1000110010

306 0100110010

307 1100110010

308 0010110010

309 1010110010
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

310 0110110010

311 1110110010

312 0001110010

313 1001110010

- 266 -
314 0101110010

315 1101110010

316 0011110010

317 1011110010

318 0111110010

319 1111110010

320 0000001010

321 1000001010

322 0100001010

323 1100001010

324 0010001010

325 1010001010

326 0110001010

327 1110001010

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Current data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

328 0001001010

329 1001001010

330 0101001010

331 1101001010

332 0011001010

333 1011001010

334 0111001010

335 1111001010

336 0000101010
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

337 1000101010

338 0100101010

339 1100101010

340 0010101010

- 267 -
341 1010101010

342 0110101010

343 1110101010

344 0001101010

345 1001101010

346 0101101010

347 1101101010

348 0011101010

349 1011101010

350 0111101010

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

351 1111101010 IC1 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999 B Displayed alternately ev-
ery 5 seconds
352 0000011010 IC2 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

353 1000011010 IC3 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

354 0100011010 IC4 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

355 1100011010 IC5 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

356 0010011010 IC6 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

357 1010011010 IC7 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

358 0110011010 IC8 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

359 1110011010 IC9 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

360 0001011010 IC10 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

361 1001011010 IC11 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

362 0101011010 IC12 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

363 1101011010 IC13 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

- 268 -
364 0011011010 IC14 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

365 1011011010 IC15 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

366 0111011010 IC16 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

367 1111011010 IC17 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

368 0000111010 IC18 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999 B Displayed alternately ev-
ery 5 seconds
369 1000111010 IC19 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

370 0100111010 IC20 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

371 1100111010 IC21 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

372 0010111010 IC22 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

373 1010111010 IC23 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

374 0110111010 IC24 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

375 1110111010 IC25 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

376 0001111010 IC26 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

377 1001111010 IC27 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

378 0101111010 IC28 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

379 1101111010 IC29 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

380 0011111010 IC30 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

- 269 -
381 1011111010 IC31 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

382 0111111010 IC32 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

383 1111111010 IC33 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

384 0000000110 IC34 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

385 1000000110 IC35 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

386 0100000110 IC36 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

387 1100000110 IC37 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

388 0010000110 IC38 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

389 1010000110 IC39 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

390 0110000110 IC40 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

391 1110000110 IC41 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

392 0001000110 IC42 Address/capacity code 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999

393 1001000110

394 0101000110

395 1101000110

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

396 0011000110

397 1011000110

398 0111000110

399 1111000110

400 0000100110

401 1000100110

402 0100100110

403 1100100110

404 0010100110
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

405 1010100110

406 0110100110

407 1110100110

408 0001100110 IC1 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

- 270 -
409 1001100110 IC2 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

410 0101100110 IC3 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

411 1101100110 IC4 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

412 0011100110 IC5 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

413 1011100110 IC6 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

414 0111100110 IC7 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

415 1111100110 IC8 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

416 0000010110 IC9 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

417 1000010110 IC10 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

418 0100010110 IC11 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

419 1100010110 IC12 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

420 0010010110 IC13 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

421 1010010110 IC14 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

422 0110010110 IC15 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

423 1110010110 IC16 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

424 0001010110 IC17 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

- 271 -
425 1001010110 IC18 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

426 0101010110 IC19 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

427 1101010110 IC20 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

428 0011010110 IC21 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

429 1011010110 IC22 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

430 0111010110 IC23 Suction temperature1 -99.9 to 999.9

431 1111010110 IC24 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

432 0000110110 IC25 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

433 1000110110 IC26 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

434 0100110110 IC27 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

435 1100110110 IC28 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

436 0010110110 IC29 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

437 1010110110 IC30 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

438 0110110110 IC31 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

439 1110110110 IC32 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

440 0001110110 IC33 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

441 1001110110 IC34 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

442 0101110110 IC35 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

443 1101110110 IC36 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

444 0011110110 IC37 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

445 1011110110 IC38 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

446 0111110110 IC39 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

447 1111110110 IC40 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

448 0000001110 IC41 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

- 272 -
449 1000001110 IC42 Suction temperature -99.9 to 999.9

450 0100001110

451 1100001110

452 0010001110

453 1010001110

454 0110001110

455 1110001110

456 0001001110

457 1001001110

458 0101001110 IC1 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

459 1101001110 IC2 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

460 0011001110 IC3 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

461 1011001110 IC4 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

462 0111001110 IC5 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

463 1111001110 IC6 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

464 0000101110 IC7 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

465 1000101110 IC8 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

466 0100101110 IC9 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

467 1100101110 IC10 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

468 0010101110 IC11 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

469 1010101110 IC12 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

470 0110101110 IC13 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

471 1110101110 IC14 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

472 0001101110 IC15 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

473 1001101110 IC16 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

474 0101101110 IC17 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

475 1101101110 IC18 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

476 0011101110 IC19 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

- 273 -
477 1011101110 IC20 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

478 0111101110 IC21 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

479 1111101110 IC22 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

480 0000011110 IC23 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

481 1000011110 IC24 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

482 0100011110 IC25 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

483 1100011110 IC26 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

484 0010011110 IC27 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

485 1010011110 IC28 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

486 0110011110 IC29 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

487 1110011110 IC30 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

488 0001011110 IC31 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

489 1001011110 IC32 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

490 0101011110 IC33 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

491 1101011110 IC34 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

492 0011011110 IC35 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

493 1011011110 IC36 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

494 0111011110 IC37 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

495 1111011110 IC38 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

496 0000111110 IC39 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

497 1000111110 IC40 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

498 0100111110 IC41 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

499 1100111110 IC42 Liquid pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

500 0010111110
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

501 1010111110

502 0110111110

503 1110111110

504 0001111110

- 274 -
505 1001111110

506 0101111110

507 1101111110

508 0011111110

509 1011111110

510 0111111110

511 1111111110

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Setting data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

512 0000000001 Self-address Alternate display of self address and unit model A A

513 1000000001 IC/FU address Count-up display of number of connected units B

514 0100000001 RC address Count-up display of number of connected units B

515 1100000001 BC/BS/TU address Count-up display of number of connected units

516 0010000001 OS address Count-up display of number of connected units B

517 1010000001 Version/Capacity S/W version -> Refrigerant type -> Model and capacity -> Communication address A A

518 0110000001 OC address OC address display B

519 1110000001

520 0001000001
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

521 1001000001

522 0101000001

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.

- 275 -
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

523 1101000001 IC1 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

524 0011000001 IC2 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

525 1011000001 IC3 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

526 0111000001 IC4 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

527 1111000001 IC5 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

528 0000100001 IC6 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

529 1000100001 IC7 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

530 0100100001 IC8 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

531 1100100001 IC9 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

532 0010100001 IC10 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

533 1010100001 IC11 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

534 0110100001 IC12 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

535 1110100001 IC13 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

- 276 -
536 0001100001 IC14 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

537 1001100001 IC15 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

538 0101100001 IC16 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

539 1101100001 IC17 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

540 0011100001 IC18Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

541 1011100001 IC19 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

542 0111100001 IC20 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

543 1111100001 IC21 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

544 0000010001 IC22 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

545 1000010001 IC23 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

546 0100010001 IC24 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

547 1100010001 IC25 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

548 0010010001 IC26 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

549 1010010001 IC27 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

550 0110010001 IC28Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [°C]

551 1110010001 IC29 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

552 0001010001 IC30 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

553 1001010001 IC31 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

554 0101010001 IC32 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

555 1101010001 IC33 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

556 0011010001 IC34 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

557 1011010001 IC35 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

558 0111010001 IC36 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

559 1111010001 IC37 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

560 0000110001 IC38 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

561 1000110001 IC39 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

562 0100110001 IC40 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

- 277 -
563 1100110001 IC41 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

564 0010110001 IC42 Gas pipe temperature -99.9 to 999.9

565 1010110001

566 0110110001

567 1110110001

568 0001110001

569 1001110001

570 0101110001

571 1101110001

572 0011110001

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

573 1011110001 IC1SH -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [ °C ]

574 0111110001 IC2SH -99.9 to 999.9

575 1111110001 IC3SH -99.9 to 999.9

576 0000001001 IC4SH -99.9 to 999.9

577 1000001001 IC5SH -99.9 to 999.9

578 0100001001 IC6SH -99.9 to 999.9

579 1100001001 IC7SH -99.9 to 999.9

580 0010001001 IC8SH -99.9 to 999.9

581 1010001001 IC9SH -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

582 0110001001 IC10SH -99.9 to 999.9

583 1110001001 IC11SH -99.9 to 999.9

584 0001001001 IC12SH -99.9 to 999.9

585 1001001001 IC13SH -99.9 to 999.9

- 278 -
586 0101001001 IC14SH -99.9 to 999.9

587 1101001001 IC15SH -99.9 to 999.9

588 0011001001 IC16SH -99.9 to 999.9

589 1011001001 IC17SH -99.9 to 999.9

590 0111001001 IC18SH -99.9 to 999.9

591 1111001001 IC19SH -99.9 to 999.9

592 0000101001 IC20SH -99.9 to 999.9

593 1000101001 IC21SH -99.9 to 999.9

594 0100101001 IC22SH -99.9 to 999.9

595 1100101001 IC23SH -99.9 to 999.9

596 0010101001 IC24SH -99.9 to 999.9

597 1010101001 IC25SH -99.9 to 999.9

598 0110101001 IC26SH -99.9 to 999.9

599 1110101001 IC27SH -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

600 0001101001 IC28SH -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [ °C ]

601 1001101001 IC29SH -99.9 to 999.9

602 0101101001 IC30SH -99.9 to 999.9

603 1101101001 IC31SH -99.9 to 999.9

604 0011101001 IC32SH -99.9 to 999.9

605 1011101001 IC33SH -99.9 to 999.9

606 0111101001 IC34SH -99.9 to 999.9

607 1111101001 IC35SH -99.9 to 999.9

608 0000011001 IC36SH -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

609 1000011001 IC37SH -99.9 to 999.9

610 0100011001 IC38SH -99.9 to 999.9

611 1100011001 IC39SH -99.9 to 999.9

612 0010011001 IC40SH -99.9 to 999.9

- 279 -
613 1010011001 IC41SH -99.9 to 999.9

614 0110011001 IC42SH -99.9 to 999.9

615 1110011001

616 0001011001

617 1001011001

618 0101011001

619 1101011001

620 0011011001

621 1011011001

622 0111011001

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

623 1111011001 IC1SC -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [ °C ]

624 0000111001 IC2SC -99.9 to 999.9

625 1000111001 IC3SC -99.9 to 999.9

626 0100111001 IC4SC -99.9 to 999.9

627 1100111001 IC5SC -99.9 to 999.9

628 0010111001 IC6SC -99.9 to 999.9

629 1010111001 IC7SC -99.9 to 999.9

630 0110111001 IC8SC -99.9 to 999.9

631 1110111001 IC9SC -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

632 0001111001 IC10SC -99.9 to 999.9

633 1001111001 IC11SC -99.9 to 999.9

634 0101111001 IC12SC -99.9 to 999.9

635 1101111001 IC13SC -99.9 to 999.9

- 280 -
636 0011111001 IC14SC -99.9 to 999.9

637 1011111001 IC15SC -99.9 to 999.9

638 0111111001 IC16SC -99.9 to 999.9

639 1111111001 IC17SC -99.9 to 999.9

640 0000000101 IC18SC -99.9 to 999.9

641 1000000101 IC19SC -99.9 to 999.9

642 0100000101 IC20SC -99.9 to 999.9

643 1100000101 IC21SC -99.9 to 999.9

644 0010000101 IC22SC -99.9 to 999.9

645 1010000101 IC23SC -99.9 to 999.9

646 0110000101 IC24SC -99.9 to 999.9

647 1110000101 IC25SC -99.9 to 999.9

648 0001000101 IC26SC -99.9 to 999.9

649 1001000101 IC27SC -99.9 to 999.9

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)*1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

650 0101000101 IC28SC -99.9 to 999.9 B The unit is [ °C ]

651 1101000101 IC29SC -99.9 to 999.9

652 0011000101 IC30SC -99.9 to 999.9

653 1011000101 IC31SC -99.9 to 999.9

654 0111000101 IC32SC -99.9 to 999.9

655 1111000101 IC33SC -99.9 to 999.9

656 0000100101 IC34SC -99.9 to 999.9

657 1000100101 IC35SC -99.9 to 999.9

658 0100100101 IC36SC -99.9 to 999.9

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

659 1100100101 IC37SC -99.9 to 999.9

660 0010100101 IC38SC -99.9 to 999.9

661 1010100101 IC39SC -99.9 to 999.9

662 0110100101 IC40SC -99.9 to 999.9

- 281 -
663 1110100101 IC41SC -99.9 to 999.9

664 0001100101 IC42SC -99.9 to 999.9

665 1001100101

666 0101100101

667 1101100101

668 0011100101

669 1011100101

670 0111100101

671 1111100101

672 0000010101

673 1000010101

674 0100010101

675 1100010101

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Setting data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

676 0010010101 INV board S/W version 0.00 to 99.99 A A

677 1010010101

678 0110010101

679 1110010101 Fan board S/W version 0.00 to 99.99 A A

680 0001010101

681 1001010101

682 0101010101

683 1101010101

684 0011010101
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

685 1011010101

686 0111010101

687 1111010101

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.

- 282 -
Setting data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

688 0000110101 Current time 00:00 to 23:59 A A Hour: minute

Current time -2 Year and month, and date

689 1000110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

690 0100110101 Time of error detection 1 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 1-2 Year and month, and date

691 1100110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

692 0010110101 Time of error detection 2 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 2-2 Year and month, and date

693 1010110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

694 0110110101 Time of error detection 3 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 3-2 Year and month, and date

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

695 1110110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31

alternate display

696 0001110101 Time of error detection 4 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 4-2 Year and month, and date

697 1001110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

- 283 -
698 0101110101 Time of error detection 5 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 5-2 Year and month, and date

699 1101110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

700 0011110101 Time of error detection 6 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 6-2 Year and month, and date

701 1011110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Setting data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

702 0111110101 Time of error detection 7 00:00 to 23:59 A A Hour: minute

Time of error detection 7-2 Year and month, and date

703 1111110101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

704 0000001101 Time of error detection 8 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 8-2 Year and month, and date

705 1000001101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

706 0100001101 Time of error detection 9 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 9-2 Year and month, and date

707 1100001101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
alternate display

708 0010001101 Time of error detection 10 00:00 to 23:59 Hour: minute

Time of error detection 10-2 Year and month, and date

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

709 1010001101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31

alternate display

Time of last data backup be- Hour: minute

710 0110001101 00:00 to 23:59
fore error

Time of last data backup be- Year and month, and date
711 1110001101 00.00 to 99.12/1 to 31
fore error -2 alternate display

- 284 -
712 0001001101

713 1001001101

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

714 0101001101 IC1 LEV opening 0000 to 9999 B Fully open: 2000

715 1101001101 IC2 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

716 0011001101 IC3 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

717 1011001101 IC4 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

718 0111001101 IC5 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

719 1111001101 IC6 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

720 0000101101 IC7 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

721 1000101101 IC8 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

722 0100101101 IC9 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

723 1100101101 IC10 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

724 0010101101 IC11 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

725 1010101101 IC12 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

726 0110101101 IC13 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

- 285 -
727 1110101101 IC14 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

728 0001101101 IC15 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

729 1001101101 IC16 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

730 0101101101 IC17 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

731 1101101101 IC18 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

732 0011101101 IC19 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

733 1011101101 IC20 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

734 0111101101 IC21 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

735 1111101101 IC22 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

736 0000011101 IC23 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

737 1000011101 IC24 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

738 0100011101 IC25 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

739 1100011101 IC26 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

740 0010011101 IC27 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

741 1010011101 IC28 LEV opening 0000 to 9999 B Fully open: 2000

742 0110011101 IC29 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

743 1110011101 IC30 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

744 0001011101 IC31 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

745 1001011101 IC32 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

746 0101011101 IC33 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

747 1101011101 IC34 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

748 0011011101 IC35 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

749 1011011101 IC36 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

750 0111011101 IC37 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

751 1111011101 IC38 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

752 0000111101 IC39 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

753 1000111101 IC40 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

- 286 -
754 0100111101 IC41 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

755 1100111101 IC42 LEV opening 0000 to 9999

756 0010111101

757 1010111101

758 0110111101

759 1110111101

760 0001111101

761 1001111101

762 0101111101

763 1101111101

764 0011111101 IC1 Operation mode B

765 1011111101 IC2 Operation mode

766 0111111101 IC3Operation mode 0000 : Stop 0001 : Ventilation 0002 : Cooling 0003 : Heating 0004 : Dry

767 1111111101 IC4 Operation mode

768 0000000011 IC5 Operation mode

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

769 1000000011 IC6 Operation mode B

770 0100000011 IC7 Operation mode

771 1100000011 IC8 Operation mode

772 0010000011 IC9 Operation mode

773 1010000011 IC10 Operation mode

774 0110000011 IC11 Operation mode

775 1110000011 IC12 Operation mode

776 0001000011 IC13 Operation mode

777 1001000011 IC14 Operation mode

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

778 0101000011 IC15 Operation mode

779 1101000011 IC16 Operation mode

780 0011000011 IC17 Operation mode

781 1011000011 IC18 Operation mode

- 287 -
782 0111000011 IC19 Operation mode
0000 : Stop 0001 : Ventilation 0002 : Cooling 0003 : Heating 0004 : Dry
783 1111000011 IC20 Operation mode

784 0000100011 IC21 Operation mode

785 1000100011 IC22 Operation mode

786 0100100011 IC23 Operation mode

787 1100100011 IC24 Operation mode

788 0010100011 IC25 Operation mode

789 1010100011 IC26 Operation mode

790 0110100011 IC27 Operation mode

791 1110100011 IC28 Operation mode

792 0001100011 IC29 Operation mode

793 1001100011 IC30 Operation mode

794 0101100011 IC31 Operation mode

795 1101100011 IC32 Operation mode

796 0011100011 IC33 Operation mode

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

797 1011100011 IC34 Operation mode B

798 0111100011 IC35 Operation mode

799 1111100011 IC36 Operation mode

800 0000010011 IC37 Operation mode

801 1000010011 IC38 Operation mode 0000 : Stop 0001 : Ventilation 0002 : Cooling 0003 : Heating 0004 : Dry

802 0100010011 IC39 Operation mode

803 1100010011 IC40 Operation mode

804 0010010011 IC41 Operation mode

805 1010010011 IC42 Operation mode

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

806 0110010011

807 1110010011

808 0001010011

809 1001010011

- 288 -
810 0101010011

811 1101010011

812 0011010011

813 1011010011

814 0111010011 IC1 filter 0000 to 9999 B Hours since last mainte-
nance [ h ]
815 1111010011 IC2 filter 0000 to 9999

816 0000110011 IC3 filter 0000 to 9999

817 1000110011 IC4 filter 0000 to 9999

818 0100110011 IC5 filter 0000 to 9999

819 1100110011 IC6 filter 0000 to 9999

820 0010110011 IC7 filter 0000 to 9999

821 1010110011 IC8 filter 0000 to 9999

822 0110110011 IC9 filter 0000 to 9999

823 1110110011 IC10 filter 0000 to 9999

824 0001110011 IC11 filter 0000 to 9999

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

825 1001110011 IC12 filter 0000 to 9999 B Hours since last mainte-
nance [ h ]
826 0101110011 IC13 filter 0000 to 9999

827 1101110011 IC14 filter 0000 to 9999

828 0011110011 IC15 filter 0000 to 9999

829 1011110011 IC16 filter 0000 to 9999

830 0111110011 IC17 filter 0000 to 9999

831 1111110011 IC18 filter 0000 to 9999

832 0000001011 IC19 filter 0000 to 9999

833 1000001011 IC20 filter 0000 to 9999

[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

834 0100001011 IC21 filter 0000 to 9999

835 1100001011 IC22 filter 0000 to 9999

836 0010001011 IC23 filter 0000 to 9999

837 1010001011 IC24 filter 0000 to 9999

- 289 -
838 0110001011 IC25 filter 0000 to 9999

839 1110001011 IC26 filter 0000 to 9999

840 0001001011 IC27 filter 0000 to 9999

841 1001001011 IC28 filter 0000 to 9999

842 0101001011 IC29 filter 0000 to 9999

843 1101001011 IC30 filter 0000 to 9999

844 0011001011 IC31 filter 0000 to 9999

845 1011001011 IC32 filter 0000 to 9999

846 0111001001 IC33 filter 0000 to 9999

847 1111001011 IC34 filter 0000 to 9999

848 0000101011 IC35 filter 0000 to 9999

849 1000101011 IC36 filter 0000 to 9999

850 0100101011 IC37 filter 0000 to 9999

851 1100101011 IC38 filter 0000 to 9999

852 0010101011 IC39 filter 0000 to 9999

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Data on indoor unit system

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B)* 1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

853 1010101011 IC40 filter 0000 to 9999 B Hours since last mainte-
nance [ h ]
854 0110101011 IC41 filter 0000 to 9999

855 1110101011 IC42 filter 0000 to 9999

856 0001101011

857 1001101011

858 0101101011

859 1101101011

860 0011101011

861 1011101011
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

862 0111101011

863 1111101011

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.

- 290 -
Other types of data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

864 0000011011

865 1000011011

866 0100011011

867 1100011011

868 0010011011

869 1010011011

870 0110011011

U-phase current effec- The unit is [ A ]

871 1110011011 -99.9 to 999.9 A A
tive value 1
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

W-phase current effec-

872 0001011011 -99.9 to 999.9 A A
tive value 1

Power factor phase an- The unit is [ deg ]

873 1001011011 -99.9 to 999.9 A A
gle 1

874 0101011011

- 291 -
875 1101011011

876 0011011011

877 1011011011

878 0111011011

879 1111011011

Control board The unit is [ time ]

880 0000111011 0 to 254 A A
Reset counter

INV board
881 1000111011 0 to 254 A A
Reset counter

882 0100111011

883 1100111011

Fan board A A The unit is [ time ]

884 0010111011 0 to 254
Reset counter

885 1010111011

886 0110111011

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.
Other types of data

SW1 Display
No. Item (A, B) *1 Remarks
1234567890 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 OC OS

887 1110111011

888 0001111011

889 1001111011

890 0101111011

891 1101111011

892 0011111011

893 1011111011

894 0111111011

895 1111111011
[ X LED monitor display on the outdoor unit board ]

896 0000000111

897 1000000111

898 0100000111

899 1100000111

- 292 -
900 0010000111

901 1010000111

902 0110000111

903 1110000111

904 0001000111

905 1001000111

906 0101000111

907 1101000111

1020 0011111111

1021 1011111111

1022 0111111111

1023 1111111111

*1 A: The condition of either OC or OS is displayed individually. B: The condition of the entire refrigerant system is displayed.

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