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Computer Networks Internal Exam

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Class: S.Y.B.C.A.


Name of the Course: Computer Networks Course Code: BCA233

Q.1) Multiple Choice question. (1 mark each)

1. __ ___ type of noise is caused due to spikes.
a) Thermal b) Crosstalk c) Induced d) Impulse

2. UTP stands for___________.

a) Universal twisted pair b) Unique twisted pair c) Unshielded twisted pair d) Unit twisted pair

3. A pair of wires twisted with each other is known as .

a) Twisted pair cable b) STPT cable c) Jacket d) Co-axial wire

4. Physical or logical arrangement of network is .

a) Routing b) Networking c) Casting d) Topology

5. In___________topology computers are connected in circular fashion.

a) Star b) Bus c) Ring d) none of these
6. ___________topology requires a central controller or HUB.
a) Ring b) Bus c) Star d) All of these
7. The length of IP address is bits.
a) 46 b) 32 c) 16 d) 64

8. The length of Physical address is ___________bits.

a) 32 b) 48 c) 16 d) 64
9. The entities in the same layer on different machines are called as___________ .
a) Hosts b) Peers c) IMP’s d) Protocols
10. layer is not network support layer.
a) Network layer b) Physical layer c) Transport layer d) none of these

11. ___________layer is network support layer

a) Application layer b) Physical layer c) Session layer d) Presentation layer

12. Packet switching based on _____________ principle.

a) Stop and wait b) Store and forward c) Wait and watch d) Store and wait

13. _____ encoding has a transition at the beginning of each zero bit.
a) Diff. Manchester b) Manchester c) RZ d) NRZ-I

14. Ports from 1024 to 49,151 are ____________ ports.

a) Well-known b) Registered c) Dynamic d) none of these

15. The internet uses _________ type of subnet.
a) Circuit switched b) Packet switched c) Message switched d) none of these

Q.2) State: True or False (1 mark each)

1. UTP stands for Universal twisted pair.
2. Polar coding uses three voltage levels
3. The length of Physical address is 16bits.
4. In simplex method data can flow in both directions.
5. Data link layer is network support layer.
6. FDM is analog multiplexing technique.
7. HAN is Hybrid Area Network.
8. Repeater is a device that operates at the network layer.
9. Thermal noise is caused due to spikes.
10. Trailers are usually added at layer 2.
11. Parallel data transmission is slower than that of serial transmission.
12. Resource sharing is the main goal of computer Network.
13. In Asynchronous transmission start and stop bits are used.
14. In ring topology all nodes are connected to a central cable.
15. Broadband transmission means changing digital signal to analog for transmission.

Q.3) Define or Explain (2 marks each)

1). Define computer network. write any two advantages.

2). Define Data communication? List characteristics of data communication?

3) Define analog signal. Give difference between analog and digital signal

4) Define the terms: a) Bit Interval b) Bit Rate

5) Define the terms: a) Data element b) Signal Element
6) Define computer network. write any two advantages.

7) Define Data communication? List characteristics of data communication?

8) Define bitrate. Calculate the maximum bit rate for a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of 3000Hz,
transmitting a signal with two signal levels?

9) Define line coding. Draw graph using NRZ-I coding for 11110000.

10) Define Channel Capacity. Write Nyquist Bit Rate formula for noiseless channel?

11) Define line coding. Draw graph using NRZ-L coding for 00110011.

12) Explain Host-to-Network Layer in TCP/IP model.

13) Explain encapsulation and decapsulation in networking models.

14) Explain parallel and serial transmission mode.
15) Explain broadcasting and multicasting.

Q.4) Answer the following 10 Marks

1. Write a note on LAN. Give its advantages and disadvantages.

2. Write a note on WAN with its advantages and disadvantages.)
3. Discuss functions of Data Link layer.
4. Discuss functions of physical layer.
5. Explain Frequency Division Multiplexing.
6. State and explain components of data communication.
7. Compare Bus, Ring and Star topology.
8. Explain line coding characteristics.
9. State the goals of computer networks.
10. Compare TCP/IP and OSI model.


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