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Telework Before Anf After Covid-19

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Telework: Before and after COVID-19

Mirela Cătălina Türkes, 1, * and Daniela Roxana Vut, ă 2

1 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,

Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, 040051 Bucharest, Romania
2 Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration,
Transilvania University of Brasov, 1 Colina Universitatii Street, Building A, 500068 Brasov, Romania;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +40-728-176-475

Definition: Telework is, today, a voluntary form of work organization in which the employee is lo-
cated outside the employer’s premises, at home or elsewhere, under a telework contract, uses informa-
tion and communication technologies (ICT) and works according to a predetermined schedule on the
basis of an agreed supervisory mechanism and an online reporting system on the work undertaken.

Keywords: teleworking evolution; COVID-19; work legislation; work–life balance

1. History
During the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking became the “new normal,” chang-
ing people’s lives and affecting working relationships. More than ever, it has inspired
researchers from different fields of activity: economic, sociology, medical, ethical, etc. Re-
viewing the literature, this entry rediscovered the concept of “teleworking” and how it
evolved in the context of socio-economic development from 2000 to 2019. In the context of
the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this entry looked for answers regarding the
Citation: Türkes, , M.C.; Vut, ă, D.R.
changes produced by teleworking, one of the main forms of adapting employment to social
Telework: Before and after COVID-19.
distancing. What changes have been made to the legal and contractual regulations? How
Encyclopedia 2022, 2, 1370–1383.
was the work schedule organized and the working time recorded? How was the training
provided and performance management carried out? What measures have been taken
regarding the socio-fiscal protection, occupational safety, and work health of employees?
Academic Editors: Stephen Bustin, What were the effects of digitalization? How has the work–life balance changed? In terms
Milva Pepi and Raffaele Barretta
of results, there is clear evidence that telework leads to increased professional satisfaction,
Received: 30 March 2022 higher productivity, and reduced administrative costs, representing a viable future option.
Accepted: 14 July 2022 Telework is a compound term originated by joining two components, “telou” (distance)
Published: 18 July 2022 from the Greek language and the word “tripalliare” (work) of Latin origin [1]. The term can
also be found in the specialized literature under the appellation of remote work [2], working
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
at a distance [3], teleworking [4], telecommuting [5], working from home (WFH) [6], mobile
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
work [7], remote e-working [8], and work from anywhere [9]. It is worth noting that the term
published maps and institutional affil-
“telecommuting” appears almost exclusively in articles published in the North American
media, while in European publications, the preferred term seems to be “telework.”
The premises for the emergence of telework were created during the Industrial Rev-
olution in telecommunications in the early nineteenth century. Once the federal postal
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. service, telegraphs, photographs, and telephones were introduced, it generated the transi-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. tion from a society based on voice communication, art, and writings (letters, newspapers,
This article is an open access article and books) to an industrialized one, marked by the development of the social division of
distributed under the terms and labor, emergence of new branches of production, new industrial, commercial and transport
conditions of the Creative Commons centers, and expansion of economic, commercial, and communication relations.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// Over time, researchers have tried to provide a unitary and well-accepted definition for telework, but with little success. A definition that covers the essence of telework and

Encyclopedia 2022, 2, 1370–1383.

Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1371

differentiates it from other forms of work in the context of changes over time seems an
impossible endeavor.
In the 1980s, Grant et al. (1985) [10] characterized teleworking as “one kind of remote
working, or doing normal work activities while away from one’s normal workplace.” Other
researchers have issued narrow definitions, such as: “working away from the central
office” [11], “for employees to work out of their homes” [12], and “working at home” [13].
If computer and communications technology are considered [14], the definition of remote
work is expanded to include aspects of the processes required to organize work outside the
normal organizational boundaries of space and time.
In the second half of the twentieth century, the digital revolution, through the integration
of digital computers and communication technologies, gradually allowed the transition from
mechanical and analog electronic technology to digital electronics. The advent of the Internet,
the introduction of the home computer, the invention of the World Wide Web, the provision
of the first online services by its members, the transition to digital television, the use of mobile
phones, online social networks, and the increase in the number of users have marked the
beginning of an era of information and communication technologies in the production process,
machines gradually diminishing the need for human intervention. In this context of the
digital economy, the interest in teleworking has increased and international institutions, and
contemporary researchers have developed new modern approaches to this concept.
In 1996, the International Labor Organization (ILO) saw work from home as a form of
work organization in which the employee is located at a distance from the organization’s
headquarters or production units and cannot have personal contact with co-workers [15].
In 2020, the same organization expands the definition of telework, saying that it repre-
sents work performed outside the employer’s headquarters, at the employee’s home, or
elsewhere by using information and communication technologies (ICT), such as smart-
phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers, etc., and carried out based on a voluntary
agreement between the employer and the employee, based on some previously established
hours/ schedule, agreed on surveillance mechanism, and some arrangements for reporting
the work undertaken [16].
In addition to the above, in 2008, the European Commission proposed several recom-
mendations on teleworking, such as voluntary choice of teleworking, the right to return
to work at the organization’s headquarters, the guarantee of maintaining the status of
the employee, providing equal treatment, the employer’s obligation to inform, train and
evaluate the teleworker, coverage of the costs of teleworking arrangements by the employer,
ensuring the protection of all teleworkers in the field of occupational safety and health
(OSH), concluding insurance and confidentiality contracts with teleworkers, respecting the
rights and obligations of teleworkers, and facilitating access to telework [17].
In the context of the European Employment Strategy, negotiated agreements between the
European Council and several social partners for the modernization of the labor organization
led to the issuance of Directives 91/533/EEC [18] and 2019/1152 [19], which regulated
new teleworking-specific information, such as a telework employment agreement, telework
voluntariness and reversibility, telework working instruments, equal treatment and non-
discrimination of teleworkers, the privacy of teleworkers, and vulnerable groups of workers.
Some older studies present teleworking as a flexible way of working that involves the ac-
complishment of a wide range of remote work activities, electronic information processing, and
using telecommunications to maintain the employer–employee relationship while performing
full-time or part-time work [20,21]. Authors use terms such as “telework,” “telecommuting,”
or “remote work,” which generally refer to lucrative activities or work tasks carried out
outside the office, either at home or elsewhere, and relying on new technologies [22–25].
The aim of the entry is to analyze the evolution of telework as a flexible and modern
way of working before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the psycho-socio-
economic implications generated on the activity of European enterprises.
The first objective of the entry is to identify several specific aspects of telework, also
highlighting its evolutionary change and socio-economic implications until 2019. Following
The aim of the entry is to analyze the evolution of telework as a flexible and modern
way of working before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the psycho-socio-eco-
nomic implications generated on the activity of European enterprises.
The first objective of the entry is to identify several specific aspects of telework, also
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1372
highlighting its evolutionary change and socio-economic implications until 2019. Follow-
ing the change in the way we connect, communicate, and work, the second objective ex-
amines the changes in telework regarding legal and contractual regulations, work ar-
the change working
rangements, in the way we connect,
time, measurescommunicate, and work,protection,
regarding socio-fiscal the second work
objective examines
safety, the
the changes
health in telework
of employees, regardingand
digitalization, legal and contractual
work-life balance, allregulations, work
as a form of arrangements,
adapting to the
sensitive time, measures
socio-economic regarding
context socio-fiscal
generated by theprotection,
COVID-19 work safety,The
pandemic. thethird
health of em-
ployees, digitalization, and work-life balance, all as a form of adapting
tive involves making a forecast of the evolution of the number of teleworkers between to the sensitive
2022 and 2025 in the context
EU (27 generated by which
countries), the COVID-19
was made pandemic.
by usingThe the third
Time objective involves
Series Modeler
procedure. a forecast of the evolution of the number of teleworkers between 2022 and 2025 in
theInEUthe(27 countries),
context which wascompetitive
of increasingly made by using the Time Series
and intensely Modeler
digitized procedure.
economies, this en-
In the context
try contributes to the of increasingly
literature competitive
by presenting theand intensely
deepest digitized economies,
transformations suffered this entry
by this
contributes to the literature by presenting the deepest transformations
voluntary form of work organization, from its appearance to the present. suffered by this
voluntary form of work organization, from its appearance to the present.
2. The Evolution of Telework between 1990–2019
2. The Evolution of Telework between 1990–2019
Current trends and future evolutions of telework have been the subject of numerous
Current trends and future evolutions of telework have been the subject of numerous
international studies. Specialists grouped the statistics related to telework, considering the
international studies. Specialists grouped the statistics related to telework, considering
degree of penetration in different countries, the potential for adaptation, and future
the degree of penetration in different countries, the potential for adaptation, and future
growth. Thus, Huws (1991) [26] explored the meanings attributed to homeworkers and
growth. Thus, Huws (1991) [26] explored the meanings attributed to homeworkers and
the present and future extent of teleworking. According to Gareis and Kordey (2000) [27],
the present and future extent of teleworking. According to Gareis and Kordey (2000) [27],
at the end of 1999, nine million EU residents were teleworking, and their number was to
at the end of 1999, nine million EU residents were teleworking, and their number was to
increase between
increase between 5–22.8%
5–22.8%byby2005 in in
2005 thethe
developed countries, such
countries, as France,
such as France, Italy,
Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
From 2011 to to
2011 2019, thethe
2019, share of of
share employed
employed persons
persons working
working from
home in in
employment hashas
experienced a different
a differentevolution
evolution from
fromcountry to to
country country.
country.In In
share ofof
share employed
workingfrom fromhome
from 9.9%
9.9% in
in 2011
2011 toto 6.6%
6.6% in
in 2018.
2018. In
In Figure
evolutionis is observed in Denmark, where the share
observed in Denmark, where the share of employed of em-
ployed persons working from home decreased from 12.0% (2011) to 7.9%
persons working from home decreased from 12.0% (2011) to 7.9% (2019). At the opposite (2019). At the
opposite pole are Malta and Finland, where the share of employees working
pole are Malta and Finland, where the share of employees working at home increased at home in-by
creased byrespectively,
4.2 and, 4.2 and, respectively,
3.6 in the 3.6
samein the
periodsame period [28].

Figure 1. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2011–
Figure 1. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2011–

In the European Union (EU), the share of people aged between 15 and 64 working
In the European Union (EU), the share of people aged between 15 and 64 working
from home out of the total employment increased from 5.4% in 2019 to 12.0% in 2020 and
from home out of the total employment increased from 5.4% in 2019 to 12.0% in 2020 and
13.2% in 2021 [28]. The highest shares of females working from home were recorded in
13.2% in 2021 [28]. The highest shares of females working from home were recorded in
Finland (13.3%), the Netherlands (12.5%), and Luxembourg (12.4%). A special situation is
observed in the Netherlands (15.4%) and Finland (14.7%), where the share of males who
worked from home during the pandemic was higher than that of females (see Figure 2).
Encyclopedia 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 4

Finland (13.3%), the Netherlands (12.5%), and Luxembourg (12.4%). A special situation is
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 observed in the Netherlands (15.4%) and Finland (14.7%), where the share of males who
worked from home during the pandemic was higher than that of females (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Employed
Figure 2. Employed persons
persons working
working from
from home
home as
as aa percentage
percentage of
of the
the total
total employment
employment in

Dangelmaier et al., in 1999 [29], estimated that the penetration of teleworking in the
Dangelmaier et al., in 1999 [29], estimated that the penetration of teleworking in the
U.S. would have increased to 25% by 2001. At the same time, other surveys indicated high
U.S. would have increased to 25% by 2001. At the same time, other surveys indicated high
rates of telework in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands [30]. Grimes (2000) [31],
rates of telework in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands [30]. Grimes (2000) [31],
analyzing the development perspectives of rural areas, considered that the social dimen-
analyzing the development perspectives of rural areas, considered that the social dimen-
sion must be connected with the technological dimension, focused on the installation of
sion must be connected with the technological dimension, focused on the installation of
the necessary infrastructure and equipment, and that teleworking is the ideal form to be
the necessary
promoted infrastructure
in these areas. The and equipment,
results of a 1993and that teleworking
study showed thatisinthe New ideal form tothe
Zealand, be
promoted in these areas. The results of a 1993 study showed
number of teleworkers had increased, especially among low-skilled technical workers,that in New Zealand, the
number of teleworkers
professionals, had small
or innovative increased, especially
businesses among
at home [32].low-skilled
Another studytechnicalfromworkers,
professionals, or innovative small businesses at home [32]. Another
shows that, in the context of globalization, the integration of information and communi- study from Latvia
shows that, in the context of globalization, the integration of information
cation technologies, as well as the change of professional responsibilities, the demand for and communi-
cation technologies,
telework as well asofthe
increases regardless change
criteria, of professional
such as gender, age, responsibilities, the demand
and place of residence for
of the
telework increases regardless of criteria, such as gender, age, and place
respondents. Moreover, the inhabitants of less populated areas are interested in socializing, of residence of the
and professional Moreover, the inhabitants
networking activities andof less populated
are looking for areas
a job inaresmart
centers inspecially
created for remote work [33]. Hesse (1995) [34] shows that the potential for teleworking spe-
ing, and professional networking activities and are looking for a job in smart centers will
cially created
increase for remote
over time, workthe
presenting [33]. Hesse of
example (1995) [34]Department
the U.S. shows that of theDefense,
potential for tele-
which has
working will
expanded increase overarrangements
telecommuting time, presenting the
for its example of
employees withthedisabilities
U.S. Department of De-
and designed
the which hasneeded
technologies expanded for telecommuting
this form of work arrangements
in the short andfor its employees
long term. with disabili-
ties and designed
In recent themore
years, technologies
and moreneeded
studiesfor thisshown
have form ofthat
workthein theofshort
use and longbrings
teleworking term.
In recent years, more and more studies have shown that the use
many benefits to individuals, organizations, and society. These are presented in Table 1. of teleworking brings
many benefits to individuals, organizations, and society. These are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. The multiple benefits brought by telework.
Table 1. The multiple benefits brought by telework.
The Benefits Brought by Telework
The Benefits Brought by Telework
1. Individuals
1. Individuals
→ → contribute totoachieving
contribute achieving aa better work–lifebalance;
better work–life balance;
→ → obtaining a flexible schedule, working in a coworking
obtaining a flexible schedule, working in a coworking space or onor
space vacation;
→ decreasing the expenses regarding transport, clothes, and food; [35–39]
→ reducing stress and burnout syndrome (professional burnout); [35–39]
→ → decreasing
expenses regarding
skills. transport, clothes, and food;
→ reducing stress and burnout syndrome (professional burnout);
2.→ developing telework-specific skills.
2. Organizations
→ reducing administrative costs;
→ growing labour productivity;
→ increasing employee engagement; [39–41]
→ finding new ways of employee recruitment.
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1374

Table 1. Cont.

The Benefits Brought by Telework

3. Society

→ new job opportunities for rural residents and small communities;

→ more time for parents to spend with their children while balancing their
professional and personal interests;
→ reduced commuting to and from work;
→ facilitates its replacement with voluntary actions directed at people without
food or shelter or with abandoned pets;
→ reducing environmental pollution, consumption of non-renewable [42]
resources, and lowering waste levels;
→ leads to reduced discrimination;
→ increases the opportunity to find a job for people with health problems and
→ improves public health;
→ creates the opportunity to extend one’s career beyond retirement.

The existing literature highlights a series of studies that analyze the attitudes and
perceptions of managers and employees related to telework. Some managers, although
reporting positive attitudes towards telework, still show high resistance, although this
could become a significant form of work [43]. Silva-C (2019) [44] noted that specific
managerial practices, employee productivity, and the improvement of information security
tools in organizations are the main factors affecting managers’ attitudes towards adopting
teleworking practices. For young workers who use information and communication
technologies (ICT) easily, telework has become a natural part of work, while for older
workers, it has become a form of postponing or staying active after retirement.
For enterprises, teleworking can also be seen as an opportunity to hire young and
older people, ensure working patterns’ diversification, and experience exchange [45].

3. Telework and COVID-19 Pandemic

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, telework represented, on the one
hand, a form of workforce adaptation to new social distancing conditions and, on the
other hand, a method of organizing the activity of enterprises and employment. Telework
rapidly extended, and many employees were forced to work from home, which, for a
significant part of them, was a novelty. Moreover, the implementation of telework was
one of the measures highly recommended or imposed by government institutions, which
had to be accepted by employees and employers through agreements as a measure of
maintaining an important part of the human capital and an opportunity to implement
new informational communication technologies. In addition to the legal and contractual
implications, both EU and national regulations on teleworking during the COVID-19
pandemic have undergone a series of changes related to work organization, tasks, working
time, training, and performance management, and socio-fiscal protection, occupational
safety and health measures, digitalization, and work–life balance.

3.1. Legal and Contractual Implications

In most EU countries, teleworking has been regulated by one of the following three
methods: statutory legislation, social dialogue, and collective bargaining. If in some
countries, there were statutory definitions and specific legislation included in the labor
code and related rules (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Estonia, France,
Greece, Hungary, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Slovakia), in others (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland,
Ireland, Latvia, and Sweden), statutory legislation on teleworking has been regulated by
laws on data protection, working time, and the safety and health of employees [46].
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1375

Individual and collective labor contracts were updated with new conditions in coun-
tries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Slovenia, while in others
(France, Estonia, Spain, Malta, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, and Greece) it was enough only
to conclude written agreements. According to Hendrickx et al. (2020) [47], the Belgian
government adopted a series of labor market-related measures, amending the legal regu-
lations on teleworking and social distancing while implementing the Belgian temporary
unemployment system. To reduce the effects of the pandemic, the French government
introduced partial unemployment measures, thus distributing the efforts between the state,
employers, and employees and limiting the loss of jobs [48].

3.2. Work Organization and Working Time

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly, more and more European enterprises were
forced to introduce temporary leave, reduce wages, reduce working hours, temporarily
or permanently suspend their activities, operate redundancies, or reduce the number of
jobs. A significant part of the active European population was forced to choose between
teleworking or part-time work, where the activities of the enterprises allowed it. In the case
of teleworking, most of the changes included: work schedule modifications agreed upon
by both parties or a pre-set schedule introduced by the employer, workload management,
recording (monitoring) of the hours worked (limited, normal, and overtime), defining
job autonomy with consequences on the priority and content of professional tasks, and
others. Recent studies have shown that most teleworkers have experienced extended work
schedules as a result of prolonged working hours during the evening and on weekends
or due to the extension of meetings with clients or work teams to meet the demands of
work [49–51]. Other theorists studying the effects of team member diversity on work
dynamics and performance in the Global Virtual Team (GVT) showed that it generally has a
substantial effect on effectiveness, while contextual diversity has a positive influence on task
outcomes, and personal diversity has a negative impact on psychological outcomes [52–54].
Andrade and Petiz Lousã (2021) [55] showed that teleworking has brought about major
changes in employees’ work routines, such as increased overtime, overloaded roles, training
on the use of technology after working hours, low work autonomy, and a blurred line
between paid work and personal life.

3.3. Training and Performance Management

During the COVID-19 pandemic, enterprises identified new opportunities and faced new
challenges related to staff training and professional improvement. On the one hand, telework
required a different way of managing remote work teams and a distinct way of recruiting
staff, while, on the other hand, it led to developing new skills needed to cope with a crisis,
protecting the well-being of employees, and maintaining organizational performance.
Through the available devices and platforms, the enterprises had the opportunity
to implement multiple initiatives, such as communication and collaboration with their
employees, training programs to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for successful
teleworking, and motivation to support labor productivity and business performance. To
foster performance, enterprises had to provide their employees with high-effective work
equipment, adequate security conditions, training for leadership and communication skills
in times of crisis, instructions for efficient time management, indications for minimizing
health risks, options for maintaining the balance between work and personal life, and
recommendations for adopting healthy eating habits and sufficient time for rest, etc. Buom-
prisco et al. (2021) [56] analyzed the effects of teleworking on workers’ health and safety
and highlighted the need to raise awareness among managers and teleworkers on the
importance and right of having rest breaks during the working day, as well as the positive
impact on health. Organizations had to teach their employees about the inherent risks
in using data display screens [57], the use of e-learning platforms [58], or telementoring
platforms for practical training [59].
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1376

One important challenge managers had to face was to maintain a high standard
of performance, from the team level to the overall organizational performance, while
fulfilling their commitments to employees, customers, stakeholders, and other beneficia-
ries. Kim et al. (2021) [60], assessing the role of supervisors in managing/ motivating
teleworkers, showed that supervision, which includes results-based management and
confidence-building efforts, has contributed substantially to improving organizational
performance where teleworking has been applied. Buşu and György (2021) [61] demon-
strated the influence of professional teleworking activities on employee performance in
the context of adapting the new work system. Moreover, they claimed that the impact of
teleworking on business performance was conditioned by several determining factors, such
as the adequate management of human resources, capitalization of the positive aspects of
teleworking, the ability to actively involve all staff, and the ability to reward teleworkers
for the work performed and to prevent their resistance to change. The study conducted by
Jamal et al. (2021) [62] showed that the presence of autonomy, the flexibility of working
hours, and the existence of technological resources have contributed to improving the
work–life balance, raising work productivity and performance, and increasing employees’
satisfaction in full-time telework.

3.4. Socio-Fiscal Protection, Occupational Safety, and Health

With the transition to telework, employees have been exposed to various physical
and psychological risks to their health and safety when working. For this reason, the
organizations responsible for the health and safety of their teleworkers had to identify and
effectively manage these occupational risks. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking
for most employees meant longer time spent in front of the computer.
Therefore, the physical health threats category includes the risks generated by pro-
longed office work in front of laptops. Ergonomic problems often lead to many diseases,
such as scoliosis, myopia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and/or can cause
negative effects on the health of employees, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain,
tired eyes, etc. The psychological risks faced by teleworkers refer to isolation, overwork,
stress, anxiety, depression, anger, insomnia, etc. [63].
Analyzing the significant impact of the intrusive type of management on employees
during telework, Magnavita et al. (2021) [64] showed that performing tasks outside the
working hours generated occupational stress, less happiness, anxiety, and depression.
According to Brooks et al., 2021 [65], multi-week quarantine and social distancing had a
strong impact on the entire population, leading to “emotional disorders, depression, stress,
low mood, irritability, insomnia, post-traumatic stress symptoms, anger, and emotional
exhaustion.” Carillo et al., 2021 [49], highlighted how the crisis generated by the COVID-19
pandemic had profound implications on teleworkers, leading to professional isolation,
a difficult work environment, and increased work and stress. Overall, the coronavirus
pandemic has led to changes in occupational safety and health rules. Regarding how to
promote employee health while working from home, several studies revealed the significant
influence of teleworking on the mental and physical health of employees and proposed new
recommendations for employers and employees to optimize their health (Oakman et al.,
2020 and Turkes et al., 2021) [66,67]. Belzunegui-Eraso and Erro-Garcés (2020) [68] analyzed
how to implement telework as a security practice to cope with the first wave of the COVID-19
disease crisis. Baert et al. (2020) [69] examined the perceptions of Flemish employees about
teleworking and observed that some consider telework and digital conferencing as actions
needed to retain employment during the COVID-19 crisis, while others admit that it diminishes
their opportunities and weakens ties with their colleagues and their employer (43%).
Authorities have adopted socio-fiscal measures to help employees overcome the
problems generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and to support those who carry out
telework activities. For example, the Italian government targeted multiple measures, such
as income support, parental leave, rest and/or leave, dismissal, and specific legislation to
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1377

maintain the health and safety of employees in telework but also to prevent the spread of
the coronavirus at the workplace (Biasi*, 2020) [70].
According to Budacia (2021) [71], one of the social protection measures implemented in
Romania during the pandemic was a non-taxable income within the limit of 400 lei per month,
granted to employees who carried out teleworking activities to cover the expenses of utilities
and purchases of office equipment. Cuerdo-Vilches (2021) [72] conducted an online survey
to study the perception of Spanish employees about the workspace and its adequacy. The
adequacy of teleworking spaces was insufficient for one-third of households, the number of
people working or studying at home was extremely high, employees had to quickly improvise
exclusive teleworking spaces, and the availability of digital resources was limited.

3.5. Digitalization
Digitalization, a socio-technical process that continuously evolves at the individual,
organizational, societal, and global levels [73], is considered the key to innovation, com-
petitiveness, and the growth of society [74]. Through its specific tools (cloud computing,
software, platforms for teaching and learning, etc.) and complex technologies, digitalization
creates the opportunity to increase organizational performance and work productivity,
improve management practices, and create higher remuneration for new jobs created. In
the context of teleworking and extensive usage of the Internet, the adoption of digital
technologies by enterprises has led to new opportunities for teleworkers, a different way of
organizing work, additional safety and health norms, new requirements for digital skills,
labor standards, and a high interest towards the well-being of teleworkers. According to
Stoica et al. (2021) [75], the spectacular development of information and communication
technology corroborated with modern management (anthropocentric, systemic, product-
oriented, etc.) led, in particular, to the creation of a new infrastructure for telework and, in
general, to the creation of a global Internet network, in which digital technologies (cloud
computing, Big Data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything
(IoE), etc.) are an integral part of the ecosystem of today’s telemarketing paradigm. Sap-
firova et al. 2021 [76], studying the impact of digitalization on legal regulations, labor relations,
and the protection of labor rights, noticed the need to redefine the rights and obligations of
employees and employers who have adopted this modern form of teleworking. It reiterated
the employee’s obligation to inform the employer about the equipment used during tele-
working, as well as the employer’s obligation to provide the teleworker with the equipment,
technical support, and digital training necessary for carrying out the work activity.

3.6. Work–Life Balance

During the COVID-19 pandemic, telework was implemented in different circum-
stances than usual, more involuntary than voluntarily. For a significant part of the employ-
ees, work was carried out either remotely or working in the employer’s location, full-time
or part-time.
Few studies highlight the positive experiences employees had while working from
home during the pandemic. Several employees admitted that telework has also produced
positive effects, such as increased efficiency, a flexible work schedule [77], less commuting
time, lower stress of travel to the employer’s location, reduced risk of exhaustion [69], and
new technology-related skills [78].
However, the biggest challenge for teleworkers during the pandemic remains the
conflict between work and personal life. Recent studies show that maintaining a work–life
balance has been an impossible task. Most employees said that teleworking generated a
series of negative effects, such as an increased number of overtime hours, lack of hours
reserved for rest and personal life, inefficient management of their workload [79], expansion
availability of work-related functions, reduced well-being, higher risk of stress, etc. [56]. In
part, these have created an inability to effectively disconnect from work due to a combi-
nation of daily stressors, which eventually leads to anxiety, burnout syndrome, or other
associated illnesses [80].
a series of negative effects, such as an increased number of overtime hours, lack of hours
reserved for rest and personal life, inefficient management of their workload [79], expan-
sion availability of work-related functions, reduced well-being, higher risk of stress, etc.
[56]. In part, these have created an inability to effectively disconnect from work due to a
combination of daily stressors, which eventually leads to anxiety, burnout syndrome, or
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 other associated illnesses [80]. 1378
Investigating the impact of telework on employee life and its contribution to the pro-
spect of work–life conflict, Zhang et al. (2020) [81] demonstrated that children play a vital
role Investigating
in telework behaviorthe impactas anofimportant
telework feature
on employeeof the life
stage of family
and life that istocom-
its contribution the
plexly associated
prospect of work–lifewithconflict,
telework behavior.
Zhang et al. Consequently, telework increases
(2020) [81] demonstrated that children the conflict
play a
vital role “work–family”
in telework behavioror “family–work,”
as an important triggering
feature theofredistribution
the stage of family of domestic tasks
life that is
in couples associated
complexly and aggravating gender behavior.
with telework differences. Before the pandemic,
Consequently, teleworkthe
telework increases was asso-
ciated with
between large genderordifferences,
“work–family” especially
“family–work,” with housework
triggering the redistribution and work interruptions
of domestic tasks
women. and aggravating
During gender differences.
the pandemic, more than aBefore thethe
third of pandemic,
employees telework
worked wasfromassociated
withlarge gender
the share of differences,
the female especially
being higherwiththan
housework and work
that of men. interruptions
A recent UK studyfor women.
shows an
During the pandemic,
illustrative more than
case law relevant a third
to the of the Act,
Equality employees worked from
demonstrating that home, with the share
the challenges faced
bythe female being
employees, higher than
regardless that of are
of gender, men. A recent
similar whenUKteleworking
study showsisan illustrative
applied in thecase law
term [82]. to the Equality Act, demonstrating that the challenges faced by employees, regardless
of gender, are similar pandemic
The COVID-19 when teleworking is applied
has profoundly in the longer
affected the sphereterm of [82].
human life but also
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the
the protective behavior adopted by each country. Beyond the negative effects sphere of human life but
protective behavior adopted by each country. Beyond the negative effects
health (anxiety, depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.), the crisis has af- on mental health
fected the depression, stress, post-traumatic
cultural dimension, creating more stress disorder, etc.),
individualism, the crisis
distance from has affected
power, uncer-the
tainty, anddimension, creating more
lack of transparency fromindividualism, distance
public institutions from power, uncertainty, and
lack of
opinion pollfrom among public institutions
Austrian employees[83–85].
revealed that men have a more favorable
An opinion poll among Austrian employees
attitude towards teleworking than females, and gender and revealed that
agemen have a more
stereotypes havefavorable
no effect
on the 41% of Austrian employees who worked remotely during the pandemicno
towards teleworking than females, and gender and age stereotypes have effect
on the 41% of Austrian employees who worked remotely during
At the end of 2020, the share of males (employees) working from home in the total em- the pandemic [86–88]. At
the end of 2020, the share of males (employees) working from home
ployment in the EU reached 11.2%, while that of females reached 13%. (See Figure 3). In in the total employment
in the EU reached
Romania, the share11.2%, while that
of employed of females
persons working reached
from home13%. registered
(See Figure an3). In Romania,
upward trend,
the share offrom
increasing employed
0.8% in persons
2019 toworking
2.5% infrom
2020.home registered
The highest an upward
shares among trend,the “maleincreasing
were in recorded
2019 to 2.5% in 2020. The (22.5%)
in Luxembourg highest and shares among
Ireland the “male
(21.3%), population”
followed were
by the Neth-
recorded in Luxembourg (22.5%) and Ireland (21.3%), followed
erlands (18.8%), Austria (17.5%), and Belgium (16.2%). On the opposite spectrum were by the Netherlands (18.8%),
Austria (17.5%), and Belgium (16.2%). On the opposite spectrum were situated countries
situated countries such as Bulgaria (0.6%) and Turkey (0.9%). In terms of the “female pop-
such as Bulgaria (0.6%) and Turkey (0.9%). In terms of the “female population” who
ulation” who worked from home, the first places are occupied by Finland (25.5%) and
worked from home, the first places are occupied by Finland (25.5%) and Luxembourg
Luxembourg (23.9%), and the last places are attributed to North Macedonia (3.8%), Ro-
(23.9%), and the last places are attributed to North Macedonia (3.8%), Romania (3.7%),
mania (3.7%), and Bulgaria (1.9%) (See Figure 4) The share of men who worked from home
and Bulgaria (1.9%) (See Figure 4) The share of men who worked from home continues
continues to exceed that of the “females” in several countries, as follows: Netherlands
to exceed that of the “females” in several countries, as follows: Netherlands (18.8% male;
(18.8% male; 16.7% female), Germany (13.8% male, 13.0% female), Iceland (9.1% male; 8.3%
16.7% female), Germany (13.8% male, 13.0% female), Iceland (9.1% male; 8.3% female) and
female) and Norway (5.1% male; 4.1% female).
Norway (5.1% male; 4.1% female).

Figure 3. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2020.
Encyclopedia 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 10
Encyclopedia 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 10

Encyclopedia 2022, 2 Figure 3. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2020.
Figure 3. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2020.

Figure 4. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2021.
Figure 4. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2021.
Figure 4. Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment in 2021.
In 2021, the share of employees working from home in the total employment slowly
itsthe share of
upward employees working from home in the total employment slowly
In 2021, the share trend (see Figure
of employees 4), reaching
working from homemaximum
in the levels for men in Finland
total employment slowly
(25.8%), its upward
Luxembourg trend
(24.3%),(see Figure
and 4),
Ireland reaching
(21.9%), maximum
while for levels
women for
in men
the in Finland
continued its upward trend (see Figure 4), reaching maximum levels for men in Finland
(19.6%), Luxembourg
Germany (14.7%), (24.3%), and Ireland
Iceland (11.2%) (21.9%),
[28]. while for women in the Netherlands
(19.6%), Luxembourg
Germany (24.3%),
(14.7%), and(11.2%)
Iceland Ireland[28].
(21.9%), while for women in the Netherlands
(19.6%), both the above-mentioned
Germany aspects and the database provided by Eurostat, a
Given both the(14.7%), Iceland (11.2%)
above-mentioned [28].and
aspects the database provided by Eurostat, a
forecast has
Given been made to highlight the future trends in the number of people who will
forecast hasboth
beenthe madeabove-mentioned
to highlight theaspects
future and thein
trends database
the numberprovided by Eurostat,
of people who willa
work remotely
forecast has been (teleworkers)
made to highlightuntil 2025 in the trends
the in
future EU (27 countries), using the Time Series
work remotely (teleworkers) until 2025 the EU (27 in the number
countries), usingof people
the Timewho will
Modeler procedure
work remotely from
(teleworkers)the SPSS
untilprogram. Figure
2025 in Figure 5 shows
the EU5 (27 the clear,
countries), strong upward trend
Modeler procedure from the SPSS program. shows the clear,using
strong the Time Series
upward trend
of the number
Modeler of teleworkers
procedure from the in theprogram.
SPSS EU fromFigure2011 to52021
the clear,tostrong
the previous
upward period.
of the number of teleworkers in the EU from 2011 to 2021 compared to the previous period.
of the number of teleworkers in the EU from 2011 to 2021 compared to the previous period.

Figure Asimple
Figure 5. A simple line means of teleworkers in the UE during 2011–2021 by date.
In Table2,2,the
1) indicates
indicatesaa good,
good, correct
of theInmodel
model and
and explains
explains the
the variation
variation observed
observed in
in the
the Ljung–Box
Ljung–Box statistical
statistical series.
Table 2, the value of the stationary R-square (0.530 < 1) indicates a good, correct fit
of the model and explains the variation observed in the Ljung–Box statistical series.
Table Modelfit
Table 2. Model fit statistics—teleworkers between
Model 2022–2025. Ljung–Box Q (18)
Fit Statistics
Model Fit
Number of Ljung–Box Q (18) Number
Number of
Model Number StatisticsModel
Stationary R-
Fit Statistics Ljung–Box Q (18)
Model Predictors
of Number of Statistics DF Sig. Outliers
Number of
ModelPredictors Stationary StationarySquaredR- Outliers
Predictors Statistics DF
Statistics Sig. Sig. Outliers
R-Squared Squared
0 0.530 0.934 20.843 15 0.142
Encyclopedia 2022, 2, FOR PEER REVIEW 11

Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1380

Teleworkers-Model_1 0 0.530 0.934 20.843 15 0.142

The significance value
value (0.142),
greaterthan 0.05,
than is not
0.05, significant;
is not therefore,
significant; the model
therefore, the
is specified
model correctly.
is specified correctly.
Figure indicatesthe
forecast period, the values for the estimation period, and the confidence intervals
forecast period, the values for the estimation period, and the confidence intervals for the for the
forecast period. In conclusion, the model predicted an upward evolution of the numberof
forecast period. In conclusion, the model predicted an upward evolution of the number
from 2022–2025.

Figure 6. Predicted and observed values—teleworkers between 2011–2025.

Figure 6. Predicted and observed values—teleworkers between 2011–2025.
4. Future Direction
4. Future Direction
While before the COVID-19 pandemic, telework seemed an unrealizable dream for
some While before the
employees, COVID-19
today pandemic,
it represents telework
the future of work.seemed an unrealizable
Rejected in the past,dreamdue tofor the
some employees,
lack of certaintiestoday it represents
regarding the future of
the implementation ofwork. Rejected and
labor relations in theduepast,
to adue
low to the
lack of certainties
of technology, andregarding
temporarily the implementation
recommended byofgovernments
labor relations and due
during to a low
the state degree
of alert and
technology, and temporarily recommended by governments during
unilaterally on employees, telework required a complete, modern design for the the state of alert
and imposed unilaterally
professional activity to be oncarried
out attelework
optimal required
parameters. a complete,
Moreover, modern
it came design for
as a vital
the professional
alternative activity to to
for enterprises beensure
out at optimal
continuityparameters. Moreover,
and performance it came as a
vital alternative
By 2020, many for enterprises
enterprisestohave ensure business continuity
implemented telework and performance
in full or temporarily standards.
or have
By 2020,mixed
introduced many working
enterprises have implemented
solutions, teleworkpresence
in which a physical in full orattemporarily or have
the office alternates
introduced mixed
with telework, andworking solutions,
most likely, in which
they intend to usea physical
this viable presence
model in atthe
office alternates
with telework,
of the and most likely, they
official recommendations intend todistance
for physical use thisorviable model in of
the limitation thesocial
future. Regard-
less of the official telework within enterprises
recommendations was distance
for physical mainly possible due to five
or the limitation of recognizable
social inter-
actions, of teleworking,
implementing telework namely:
withintested productivity,
enterprises was mainly employee
possible motivation,
due to fivereduced
nizable fluctuation,
advantages reduction ofnamely:
of teleworking, administrative costs, and environmental
tested productivity, protection.
employee motivation, re-
ducedGiven that more
employee and more
fluctuation, employees
reduction of are working from
administrative home,
costs, teleworking
and environmental is no longer
a Millennial trend but a way of life, where employees are happier and more productive,
that more operate more employees
and more efficiently andare profitably.
working from home, teleworking is no
Further research should focus,
longer a Millennial trend but a way of life, where during and after the COVID-19
employees are happier crisis,
andbothmoreon pro-the
ductive, andof the situationoperate
organizations of remote morework within organizations
efficiently and profitably. and on the knowledge of
the Further
perceptions of Romanian
research employees
should focus, duringregarding
and after thethe
of telework.crisis, both on the
evaluation of the situation of remote work within organizations and on the knowledge of
the Contributions:
perceptions Conceptualization,
of Romanian employeesM.C.T.; methodology,
regarding the use M.C.T.; software, M.C.T. and D.R.V.;
of telework.
validation, M.C.T.; formal analysis, M.C.T.; investigation, M.C.T. and D.R.V.; resources, M.C.T. and
D.R.V.; data curation, M.C.T.; writing—original draft preparation, M.C.T. and D.R.V.; writing—review
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.C.T.; methodology, M.C.T.; software, M.C.T. and
and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
D.R.V.; validation, M.C.T.; formal analysis, M.C.T.; investigation, M.C.T. and D.R.V.; resources,
M.C.T. andThis
Funding: D.R.V.; data received
research curation,noM.C.T.; writing—original
external funding. draft preparation, M.C.T. and D.R.V.;
writing—review and editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the man-
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Funding: Consent received Not
research applicable.
no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Encyclopedia 2022, 2 1381

Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

Entry Link on the Encyclopedia Platform:

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