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New Technol Work Employ - 2016 - Messenger - Three Generations of Telework New ICTs and The R Evolution From Home Office

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New Technology, Work and Employment 31:3

ISSN 1468-005X

Three generations of Telework: New ICTs

and the (R)evolution from Home Office to
Virtual Office
Jon C. Messenger and Lutz Gschwind

‘New ICTs’, such as smartphones and tablet computers, have

revolutionised work and life in the 21st Century. Crucial to
this development is the detachment of work from traditional
­office spaces. Today’s office work is often supported by Internet
connections, and thus can be done from anywhere at any time.
­Research on detachment of work from the employer’s premis-
es actually dates back to the previous century. In the 1970s and
1980s, Jack Nilles and Allan Toffler predicted that work of the
future would be relocated into or nearby employees’ homes with
the help of technology, called ‘Telework’. Analysing technological
advancements—the enabling forces of change in this context—
over four decades sheds new light on this term: they have fos-
tered the ­evolution of Telework in distinct stages or ‘generations’.
­Today’s various location-­independent, technology-­enabled new
ways of working are all part of the same revolution in the inter-­
relationship b
­ etween paid work and personal life.
Keywords: Telework, telecommuting, work from home, mobile
work, New ICTs, new ways of working.

In the summer of 2013, Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer gave a public interview at the Twelfth
Annual Templeton Lecture for Economic Liberty and the Constitution,1 where she explained
why the company decided to abandon its popular ‘work from home’ policy:
I had heard from lots of people all over the company, who said ‘Hey, the fact that our team is dis-
tributed, or the fact that we sometimes have to stop and coordinate with someone from home,
causes drag. And so we said that, as a general principle […], we want people in the office.

This statement was followed by another note on the same topic.

By the way, it has also gotten taken to sort of hyperbole, in terms of, like, ‘Wait! Are you not even al-
lowed to type an e-mail when you are not in the office?’ – No, obviously we all do that, we all work from
home all the time. But during normal business hours, generally, we want people to be there.

Jon C. Messenger is Team Leader of the Working Conditions Group and Senior Research Officer at the
Conditions of Work and Equality Department, International Labour Office in Geneva, Switzerland. He
specialises in policy-­focused research on working time, work organisation and work-­life balance, with
a particular interest in issues relating to working time flexibility, new forms of work organisation such
as telework, work sharing, and gender equality.
Lutz Gschwind is a PhD candidate at the Department of Government, Uppsala University in Sweden.
His research interests encompass working conditions, industrial relations, survey methodology and
comparative welfare state research. [Email:]

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These two statements describe succinctly the inner ambiguity of a fast growing,
multidimensional phenomenon. The idea of working from home with the help of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) was promoted by California-­
based companies like Yahoo already in the 1980s under the term Telecommuting,
also known as Telework (Nilles, 1988). Three decades later, markets are being
flooded with cheaper, smaller and increasingly connected devices, like smart-
phones and tablet computers accompanied by a vast dispersion of the Internet and
the World Wide Web (ITU, 2016). These devices, also called New ICTs (Golden and
Geisler, 2007), enable employees to stay connected to their colleagues from any-
place at any time. Yet, conceptually the two forms of work, Telework as described
in the first statement and the use of New ICTs as described in the second, are not
studied or debated in relation to each other. The definition of ‘work from home’
thus becomes blurred and confusing. Mayer’s comments also highlight the chang-
ing roles of Telework and New ICTs. In recent years, the adoption of traditional
Telework has faced stagnation (Hjorthol, 2006) or even decline (Brenke, 2014),
while the spread of New ICTs has accelerated, especially in many emerging econo-
mies (ITU, 2016).
The above example shows that to study Telework and New ICTs in this context we
need both a broad understanding of the phenomenon’s history and a solid conceptual
basis that embraces the wide range of potential research approaches and dimensions.
‘The three generations of Telework’ section of this paper will review and analyse the
literature regarding Telework and ICTs from its origins in the 1970s up to the most
recent publications, in order to show how Telework has evolved over four decades in
three distinct but overlapping generations. The findings of this analysis will allow us,
in the ‘New technologies, new concepts?’ section, to identify three key elements that
we can use to create a categorisation of the whole spectrum of Telework from its ori-
gins up to the latest developments; this categorisation, in turn, will help us to identify
some basic patterns in the terms and definitions used in studies focused on Telework
and/or work with New ICTs, culminating in the creation of a conceptual framework
of Telework. The last section will conclude.

The three generations of Telework

The conceptual separation of Telework and New ICTs mentioned in the introduction
is mirrored in the vast amount of scholarly work on the topic. Firstly, many scholars
describe Telework as a predecessor or an early form of work with New ICTs (e.g.:
Bailey and Kurland, 2002). Highly flexible ‘cloud-­based’ work2 accessible through
smartphones and tablets from basically anywhere on the planet makes ‘Telework’ in
the terms of its original understanding sound old-­fashioned. It is associated with sta-
tionary computers, fixed telephones and fax machines—nothing like the devices used
by today’s ‘digital nomads’ (Makimoto and Manners, 1997). The concept of Telework
is, thus, either considered to be antiquated (Towers et al., 2006; Anderson et al., 2007) or
not even taken into account (Cascio, 2000; Tu et al., 2005; Golden and Geisler, 2007;
Jones et al., 2008; Wajcman et al., 2008; Bittman et al., 2009; Heijstra and Rafnsdottir,
2010; Sayah, 2013).
In a second way, Telework is inserted in a typological order with other work ar-
rangements. Here, the emphasis is less on development and more on variety. Telework
is perceived as one of many co-­existing modes of work like traditional office work,
mobile work or virtual work (Di Martino and Wirth, 1990; Kurland and Bailey, 1999;
Hill et al., 2001, 2003, 2010; Golden et al., 2008; Golden and Fromen, 2011), or as one
type of many, so-­called, ‘flexible work arrangements’ alongside part-­time work, flexi-­
time arrangements, and others (Stavrou, 2005; Stavrou and Kilaniotis, 2010). Either
way, historically or typologically, scholars tend to describe Telework separately from
the use of New ICTs. As we will discuss in more detail in the ‘New technologies, new
concepts?’ section, these approaches tend to neglect the definitional potential of
Telework and limit the possibilities of studying its development over time.

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In contrast to the perceptions of Telework outlined above, Craipeau (2010) offers a
more flexible approach. Telework is described as undergoing an ‘evolutionary’ pro-
cess. According to this author, ICTs and their advancement are the main contributors
to this development. They enable the transformation of what we generally perceive as
office work. Personal computers and telephones initiated the relocation of one part of
traditional office work away from the employer’s premises and either into or closer to
employees’ homes. With the dispersion of mobile devices like laptops and mobile
phones, this part lost its stationary grounds and entered places like trains, subways
and cafés. The dispersion of Internet access then virtualised work and made it accessi-
ble on smaller and more powerful devices like smartphones and tablet computers. This
part of office work is what Craipeau calls ‘télétravail’. Building on this author’s evolu-
tionary perspective, we will develop our own chronicle of Telework’s evolution over
three generations: Home Office, Mobile Office and Virtual Office.

Home Office
The term ‘Telework’ originates in Jack Nilles’ analysis of the growing information in-
dustry in the U.S. State of California during the 1970s and what the author calls the
‘telecommuting network’ (Nilles, 1975). As the term indicates, its main focus lies on the
reduction in commuting time, which was and remains a major issue in the United
States—especially in large metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles. The workplace was
relocated entirely or in part outside the employer’s premises and close to or into the
employee’s home to avoid long, costly hours of commuting between home and work.
New technologies—namely the coupling of computers and telecommunication tools—
enabled such forms of decentralisation. The largest scales of cost reduction were cre-
ated for the growing information industry, due to its heavy reliance on work in front
of computer screens and monitors:
We anticipate increased use of telecommunications by information industry organisations, particu-
larly of teleconferences supplemented by periodic face-­to-­face meetings.
(Nilles, 1975, p. 1143)

The author subsumes the term Telecommuting to the more general term ‘Telework’
in later publications, in order to include all kinds of work-­related activities enabled by
ICTs outside the employer’s premises (Nilles, 1988). Here, again it is the advancement
of technology that transforms the mode of work. Teleconferences, electronic mail and
the fast dispersion of the Internet and the World Wide Web began to displace tradi-
tional means of correspondence in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and also enlarged the
set of cost reduction possibilities for organisations (Wellman et al., 1996). In the vein of
this narrative, it thus makes sense to mention the evolution from ‘Telecommuting’ to
‘Telework’, despite the fact that the two terms are mostly treated as synonyms by con-
temporary scholars.3
Nilles’ conceptual and visionary work on what we call first-­generation Telework in
this review inspired many other authors, scientists and politicians to glorify its seem-
ingly infinite possibilities. In the chapter ‘The Electronic Cottage’ of Alvin Toffler’s The
Third Wave (1980), these hopes and dreams are densely and luminously formulated:
[…] the new production system could shift literally millions of jobs out of the factories and offices
into […] where they came from originally: the home.
(Toffler, 1980, p. 210)

For Toffler, the potential of Telework expanded far beyond the mere reduction in
commuting time and costs. The author’s predictions included greater community sta-
bility, reduced pollution, flourishing new industries and new family structures. All
these hopeful visions where nourished by many early studies that underpinned the
rising success of Telework in these areas (Olson, 1982; Clutterbuck, 1985; Curson, 1986;
Daniels, 1987; Nilles, 1988; Kraut, 1989). As a result, Telework increased slowly but

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steadily. First, new organisational Telework forms like ‘satellite centres’ emerged (Di
Martino and Wirth, 1990; Handy and Mokhtarian, 1995). Then work outside of the
employer’s premises became more sophisticated, causing Telework to evolve and
spread out to other industries and countries (see Haddon and Lewis, 1994). Finally,
academic debate caught up with the rising new mode of work, and its advantages and
disadvantages were discussed across many disciplines (Di Martino and Wirth, 1990;
Zedeck, 1992; Fritz et al., 1994; Haddon and Lewis, 1994; Handy and Mokhtarian, 1995;
Wellman et al., 1996; Duxbury et al., 1998; Mokhtarian, 1998; Duxbury and Neufeld,
1999; Kurland and Bailey, 1999; Cascio, 2000; Bailey and Kurland, 2002).
Following the evolution of Telework, legal regulations on its use were first put into
place by the State of California, the birthplace of Jack Nilles’ pioneering studies. The
State’s implementation of a policy for Telework enhancement from 1990 reflects the
nature of these first years. Its explicit goal is ‘to encourage and promote the use of the
telecommuting work option for home offices and telecentres’. (Telecommuting
Advisory Group, 1992, 26). Similar statutes and directives exist today in several other
US States.4
The literature on first-­generation Telework is clearly concentrated on one mode of
work: the Home Office. Workplaces in or close to employees’ homes are remote, cheap
and ecological—but also stationary. This does not come as a surprise. Computers and
telephones at that time, thus first-­generation ICTs, were not yet capable of mobilising
employees while working. Moreover, these studies have clear sectoral and geographi-
cal limits. Before Telework spread to other industries, states and countries, the main
objects of study were the 1970s and 1980s information industries on the U.S. West
Coast. There, jobs were flexible, commuting costs high and access to ICTs already
prevalent enough to create an inspiring new production system. The first government
regulations followed these early developments and promoted telework in the public

Mobile Office
It is rather difficult to separate out the first from the second generation of Telework, the
Mobile Office. Changes were incremental and took place on different stages across
organisations, industries and countries. In essence, the first and second generations of
Telework can be separated by technological advancements. As Alvin Toffler predicted,
ICTs evolved very rapidly. Smaller and lighter wireless devices like laptops, notebooks
and mobile phones enabled employees to work not just from home, but from basically
anywhere they needed to work (Bailey and Kurland, 2002). However, research on
Telework remained limited. Even towards the end of the 20th century, and thus a time
when these ICTs were already powerful and cheap enough to replace many stationary
workplaces, scholars still focused on the ‘classic’ form of Telework as home-­based full-­
time or part-­time employment (Kitamura et al., 1990; Handy and Mokhtarian, 1995;
Mokhtarian, 1998). In one of the first cautious essays on the subject, Di Martino and
Wirth (1990) extended the menu of Telework options to ‘mobile work’ without devel-
oping this concept in detail. Others followed with similar short and often anecdotal
pieces (e.g., Kurland and Bailey, 1999). At this point the image of an evolution of
Telework driven by the development of ICTs seems interrupted. In a short time ICTs
were getting smaller, lighter and wireless, but the perception of Telework seemed to
remain rooted in its home-­based, stationary grounds.
The lag of empirical research on second generation Telework can be explained in
several ways. A first explanation relates to the lag of Telework adoption as such.
Working remotely from the employer’s premises requires a certain amount of trust
and managerial flexibility. Research on working conditions in call centres, for example,
indicates how the advancement of ICTs can lead to the polar opposite of Telework as
described so far, particularly if it is combined with socialisation into strict hierarchies
and managerial control via electronic surveillance (Taylor and Bain, 1999; Messenger
and Ghosheh, 2010). In this vein, some scholars argue that mobile Telework did not

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expand as rapidly as predicted due to managerial resistance and a lack of trust-­based
working arrangements (Welz and Wolf, 2010; Scott et al., 2012).
A second explanation for the lag of empirical research on what we call second gen-
eration Telework can be approached when considering that, traditionally, the Mobile
Office is located in a different sectorial and organisational context than the Home
Office. From its beginnings in the 1970s and 1980s, the Home Office was promoted for
clerical workers across industries, while the Mobile Office of the 1990s instead tended
to be mainly adopted by managers and professionals in marketing and finance
(Kurland and Bailey, 1999, p. 56). Scholars who focused on ‘traditional’ Teleworkers,
thus, tended to overlook the Mobile Office as a growing alternative mode of work. Yet,
with more and more partial (part-­time) Telework arrangements, these clerical workers
were separated from Teleworking professionals merely by the type of ICTs that they
used to perform their work. With further technological advancements, both groups
made use of the same new mobile form of office work (Bailey and Kurland, 2002).
In addition, during this period government regulations were expanded from the
mere promotion of the new mode of work to a more balanced perspective. Policymakers
increasingly responded to the spread of Telework and controversial debates around
working time regulations, working conditions and occupational safety and health.
One example of this development is the EU Framework Agreement on Telework in 2002.
This social partner agreement stipulates concretely how Telework is defined,5 and also
that Teleworkers are to enjoy the same working conditions as their colleagues at the
employer’s premises.
The second generation of Telework was not accompanied by a coherent new re-
search body like the first, but rather by a new attitude towards working. The Mobile
Office broke with the classic bipolar spatial structure of work. Increasingly scholars
had to admit that work could be done at the employers’ premises, at home and also at
various locations in between. Work increasingly became detached from specific fixed
places: It could be performed ‘here, there, anywhere and anytime’ (Kurland and Bailey,
1999). Government regulations reflect this development, responding to changing work
environments and conditions. From this point, it required only the fast growing dis-
persion of the Internet and World Wide Web access to take Telework to the next gen-
eration, the Virtual Office.

Virtual Office
There was something important that Alvin Toffler could not foresee in his visionary
book The Third Wave: The Internet and its effect on the use of ICTs. Toffler saw all work
places of the information society relocated from the employer’s premises to employ-
ees’ homes. At the beginning of the 1990s this seemed to be a promising guess.
However, towards the turn of the 21st century it became clear that the author’s vision
had to be adjusted. In Digital Nomad (1997), Makimoto and Manners predicted that the
work of the future would be neither here nor there, but rather constantly on the move.
Access to the Internet via radio links and the shrinking of transistors would, according
to the authors, inevitably fuse information technologies and communications technol-
ogies and generate the ‘industry’s ideal product’:
The industry’s ideal product will be both more and less than a laptop computer. It will do more
communicating and less computing. And it will be much smaller and lighter than today’s laptops.
(Makimoto and Manners, 1997, p. 30)

Makimoto and Manners’ prediction came true. Smartphones and similar products
changed the use of technology so fundamentally that they allow us to describe the
third generation of Telework in terms of a new type of ICTs, or ‘New ICTs’ (Golden
and Geisler, 2007).
During the former generation work was becoming mobile, but all information still
had to be carried around all the time and information technology could be kept con-
ceptually separate from communications technology. In this new generation of ICTs,

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information is stored in clouds and networks and only needs a tiny device to be ac-
cessed. This ultimately changes our perception of Telework. Checking emails, recent
trades, messages, and news can all be done instantaneously in the palm of the hand.
This enables work outside of the employer’s premises within a miniscule time frame
(Cascio, 2000; Tu et al., 2005; Golden and Geisler, 2007; Jones et al., 2008; Wajcman et al.,
2008; Bittman et al., 2009; Heijstra and Rafnsdottir, 2010; Sayah, 2013).
The clearer these changes seem in retrospect, the less clear they are with regard to
empirical research. Virtualised offices have been growing ever since the World Wide
Web was created by Tim Berners-­Lee at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research
in 1989. Early work on ‘virtual offices’ or ‘virtual workplaces’ thus focused more on
computer-­supported cooperative work (CSCW) and less on the shrinking and empow-
erment of ICTs (Wellman et al., 1996; Igbaria and Tan, 1998; Cascio, 2000; Orlikowski
and Barley, 2001). The first empirical studies that clearly pinpoint the value of New
ICTs for the Virtual Office are based on surveys conducted within the industry that fed
this evolution since the very beginning: the information industry (Hill et al., 2001,
2003). Here the Virtual Office, accessible through portable devices, is described as an
‘emerging work form’ (Hill et al., 2001), but not yet conceptualised in a coherent way.
Major interest in New ICTs as a tool for work outside of the employer’s premises only
came into play with a broad and still ongoing discussion on work intensification, man-
agerial control and the balance between paid work and private life (Green and
McIntosh, 2001; Green, 2002, 2004; Chesley, 2005; Tu et al., 2005; Duxbury et al., 2006;
Towers et al., 2006; Fonner and Stache, 2012; Sardeshmukh et al., 2012; Hilbrecht et al.,
2013; Dery et al., 2014; Van Yperen et al., 2014). The character of the Virtual Office,
mainly its accessibility from anywhere at any time, lies at the heart of this debate.
New ICTs enabled the mobile virtual connection of workers. As with the previous
generations, it is precisely this technological advancement that triggered the further
evolution of Telework. Telework has evolved constantly over four decades from the
crude initial desire to reduce commuting costs to the mobilisation of office work and
finally to the virtualisation of a whole new mode of work. Nowadays it has grown to
involve any possible aspect of life: the ‘omnipresent connectivity’ through New ICTs
(Holtgrewe, 2014, p. 13) has made work itself omnipresent.
To be clear, putting technological advancement at the centre of this heuristic model
should not obscure the role of technology as one facilitator among many when it comes
to Telework adoption. Technological advancement as a necessary, if not sufficient, con-
dition of Telework development carries an obvious heuristic value for a study of the
evolution of the phenomenon itself over time. The actual adoption of Telework by
employers and employees, in contrast, is largely contingent on wider political, eco-
nomic, organisational, locational and spatial contexts (Haddon and Brynin, 2005;
Neirotti et al., 2013; Vilhelmson and Thulin, 2016).
An evolution-­based view of Telework leads us to acknowledge that, in essence,
every current debate about the effects of ICT use for paid work outside of the employ-
er’s premises is, implicitly or explicitly, a debate about Telework in one form or an-
other. This in turn creates the need to discuss the enigmatic diversity of definitions of
this phenomenon spread across the literature and to put them into a coherent

New technologies, new concepts?

Literature on New ICTs and Telework is dealing with a rapidly changing techno-
logical environment; effects discussed in one publication are often outdated and
inapplicable in another. This section of the paper will thus focus mainly on litera-
ture during roughly the last decade. This time period is characterised by an explo-
sive dispersion of neologisms, definitions and concepts all struggling to cope with
the many advantages and disadvantages of Telework and work with New ICTs.
This proliferation profoundly hampers comparability among studies, a problem
that has always accompanied research on work with ICTs. In times when scholars

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more commonly used the term ‘Telework’, different definitions led to confusion
and large variations in reported results. As pointed out by Kraut (1989) and more
recently by Bailey and Kurland (2002), different studies reported different shares of
employees who Telework regularly simply because scholars applied different defi-
nitions of the term. Hence, to identify different forms of Telework today, it is nec-
essary to develop a basic categorisation which allows us to classify and compare
Already at the beginning of research on Telework, scholars were concerned with
three key elements: technology, location and organisation (see e.g., Beer, 1985; Di
Martino and Wirth, 1990). We can use these three elements to create a basic typology
for the whole spectrum of changes in Telework up to the latest developments.
Technology is the enabling force behind the evolutionary process of Telework, rapidly
developing from Old to New ICTs. This development extended workplaces from the
traditional office at the employer’s premises first to employees’ homes and then to
places like cars and train stations and now to basically anyplace one can imagine.
Something similar can be said for the organisation of work. Initially, Telework was
meant to be a total substitute for traditional office work (see Nilles, 1988). Over time,
however, it was more and more employed on a partial (part-­time) basis, with employ-
ees taking only a few days per week or per month for Telework parallel to their main
workplace at the employer’s premises (see Bailey and Kurland, 2002). Nowadays, with
the technological possibilities of instantaneous Teleworking, more occasional forms
have been added to the menu of options (see Sayah, 2013).
This categorisation helps us to identify some basic patterns among the chaotic
diffusion of terms and definitions and leads us to a choice of the specific definition
that best suits our purpose of developing a conceptual framework of the evolution
of Telework over the three generations identified in ‘The three generations of
Telework’ section. Studies focused on Telework and/or work with New ICTs are
first discussed regarding their terms (see ‘Terms’ section) and attributes (see
‘Attributes’ section). The results of these discussions are the building blocks for
creating a conceptual framework of Telework, which is presented in ‘Conceptual
framework’ section.

As explained in ‘The three generations of Telework’ section, the fast-­shrinking and
powerful New ICTs have led to the emergence of new studies that are largely detached
from the origins of Jack Nilles’ early work on Telework in the 1970s and 1980s. This
detachment is reflected by the many neologisms that have been created in sharp con-
trast with the term Telework. A first example was Makimoto and Manners’ digital no-
mad. This term is frequently repeated in academic and public discourse, since it
pinpoints the turn from ‘Old’ to ‘New’ ICTs. It has inspired the creation of a wide
range of other neologisms, such as ‘e-­nomad’ (Parent-­Thirion et al., 2012), ‘Job 2.0’
(Williams, 2010), ‘New Ways of Work (New WoW)’ (Popma, 2013), ‘Workscapes’
(Felstead et al., 2005), ‘Work Extending Technologies’ (Duxbury et al., 2006), ‘Location
Independent Living (LIP living)’,6 ‘e-­work’ (Lister et al., 2009), etc. In these terms we
can already identify the three key conceptual elements of Telework. Technology is re-
flected by the term ‘digital’, the prefix ‘e-­’ and the upgrade indicator ‘2.0’. The location
of workplaces is described with terms such as ‘nomadism’, ‘location independency’,
etc. New forms of work organisation are designated by the ‘New Ways’, the ‘-­scapes’
and work extension.
One could argue that the terms Telework and Telecommuting may have lost their
importance because they only emphasised ‘tele’—the Latin prefix for ‘far’—and thus
the location element. To conclude that this is the only reason why these terms are often
avoided nowadays would, however, be incomplete. Research on work with New ICTs
is still in its infancy, and most probably has been influenced by the Zeitgeist of the 21st
Century. Contemporary scholars, along with authors of popular books, bloggers and

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journalists, may hesitate to use the term ‘Telework’ simply because it does not seem to
resonate with a 21st Century perception of technology and work.

Terms by themselves do not provide complete information. It is only in combination
with attributes that a definition is constituted. In the case of ICT-­based work, these at-
tributes mostly follow the focus of the term to the extent that they cover the same key
elements. For example, in their report for the 5th European Working Conditions Survey,
Parent-­Thirion and colleagues follow the focus of Makimoto and Manners (1997) on
nomadism with their definition of ‘e-­nomads’: ‘[…] individuals who use ICT at least
sometimes and do not have their employer’s premises (or their own premises if self-­
employed) as their main place of work, or, if they do, they have worked in another
location in the 3 months prior to the survey’ (Parent-­Thirion et al., 2012). These attrib-
utes reflect the focus of the term: location and technology.
A different take on the subject is to extend the perspective from a focus only on flex-
ible workplaces to flexible working arrangements, and thus to work organisation as
well. As Duxbury et al. (2006) argue, in their study of Canadian knowledge workers,
New ICTs are often used as ‘Work Extending Technologies’ or ‘WETs’. Not only is the
traditional workplace altered by the new technologies, but also working time policies,
work schedules, and, consequently, work-­life balance, too. The main point for the con-
ceptual aspect is the consideration of working time as, perhaps not the main, but an-
other crucial aspect of the use of New ICTs at work. In a similar vein, Popma (2013)
reviews the literature on ‘New Ways of Work’ or ‘New WoW’, which the author de-
fines briefly as ‘place-­and time-­independent working’. The attributes in these ap-
proaches cover the key element of work organisation as well. However, this comes
with a cost. Both terms and attributes are broadened in comparison with other defini-
tions to make them fit the breadth of the phenomenon, which in turn leads to less
precise and less informative definitions.
A very frequently applied definition that covers all three key elements is the one
used in the European Framework Agreement on Telework of 2002:
Telework is a form of organising and/or performing work, using information technology, in the
context of an employment contract/relationship, where work, which could also be performed at the
employer’s premises, is carried out away from those premises on a regular basis.
(European Framework Agreement on Telework, 2002, p. 15)

In this definition, location is included as work away from the employer’s premises.
Work organisation is mentioned explicitly and also specified, with Telework being
carried out away from those premises on a regular basis. In addition the attribute of
technology is covered with ‘information technology’. Given the breadth of this defini-
tion, with it Telework can be defined across all three generations.
Essentially, and in contrast to many other definitions, the European Framework
Agreement on Telework definition covers not only the first and second generations of
Telework, but also the third generation as well. New ICTs, especially Smartphones,
enable employees to check their emails and receive phone calls ‘on a regular basis’,
away from the employer’s premises. Nowadays work with New ICTs is done to such
an extent that it can be considered as a separate form of work. Hence, working ‘occa-
sionally’ with New ICTs outside the employer’s premises does not imply that Telework
is done ad hoc, but rather as an integral part of one’s regular work pattern. A typical
example is the checking of emails on the Smartphone as one’s first morning task (Maier
et al., 2010).
Another important characteristic of the above definition is its precision for the kind
of work that is performed. Often Telework is confused with similar-­sounding work
arrangements. For example, some authors treat industrial homework as a predecessor of
Telework (see, e.g., Kaufman-­Scarborough, 2006). With homework, production is done
at home, often in the form of an independent business and not based on an

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employment contract. Similar confusion can be created if work is outsourced or off-
shored with the help of ICTs,7 which is termed remote work. Here employees perform
work remotely from their customers and not remotely from the employer’s premises
(Messenger and Ghosheh, 2010).
Essentially, the definition in the European Framework Agreement on Telework cov-
ers all the forms of Telework that have emerged over the last four decades. And even
if the term itself does not necessarily resonate with the common perception of current
technologies, it is still worth retaining. It emphasises a crucial element that still charac-
terises the new work arrangements: the location. With a small alteration, the addition
of communications technology, Telework can be defined in terms of all three key ele-
ments without descending into vagueness.

Conceptual framework
Based on this evolutionary perspective of Telework and the discussions of terms and
attributes in the preceding subsections, a conceptual framework of Telework can be
created that encompasses the entire evolution of Telework from the 1970s until today.
This framework, with its segmentation into the three generations of Telework (Home
Office, Mobile Office and Virtual Office) and the three key elements (technology,
location and organisation), is illustrated in Figure 1 and discussed in the following





Mobile Smart- Communication
Phone phone Technology

At home

Third spaces

Intermediate spaces


First generation Second generation Third generation

Home Office Mobile Office Virtual Office

Figure 1: A Conceptual Framework of the Evolution of Telework

[Colour figure can be viewed at]

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As Figure 1 illustrates, our conceptual framework covers studies regarding the latest
developments, namely work with New ICTs outside of the employer’s premises, along
with those that capture more ‘traditional’, still existing forms of Telework. The first
generation constitutes the core of the framework split into the three key elements—
technology, location and organisation. It is the ‘model’ of Telework as pictured by Jack
Nilles in the 1970s: use of fixed computers and telephones, thus stationary Old ICTs, at
or close to the employee’s home as a total substitute to traditional office work. Studies
rarely deal exclusively with this form of Telework, mainly due to a relatively rare use
of Telework as one’s total and thus only work arrangement. However, some opera-
tional definitions include Telework as ‘the main employment’ (see, e.g., Parent-­Thirion
et al., 2012). In these cases it comes down to a determination of whether or not Telework
is de facto used as a full replacement for traditional office work.
The second generation of Telework is layered around the core described above:
Partial Telework with mobile Old ICTs, like laptops and mobile phones, in third spaces
as well. ‘Partial’ in this case means that a share of total working hours at the employer’s
premises is replaced by Telework. Additionally, the term indicates that work can be
arranged more flexibly, including working hours in the evenings and on weekends.
These observations are mirrored in the measurement of partial Telework as a share of
working time. Characteristic locations of the second generation are spaces such as ve-
hicles, cafés, airports, train stations and the client’s premises—basically any place
where work can be done regularly with the help of ICTs and which is neither the em-
ployee’s home nor the employer’s premises. For the purpose of efficient discussion, we
call these locations third spaces.
In the third generation of Telework, New ICTs such as smartphones and tablet com-
puters enable occasional Telework in intermediate spaces as well. It is important to
keep intermediate spaces conceptually separate from third spaces, the location of the sec-
ond generation. Intermediate spaces lie in between the employer’s premises, third spaces
and employees’ homes (e.g., they include elevators, parking lots, and even the side-
walk). They are made available for work activities by the special features of New
ICTs—the fusion of information technology and communications technology, and re-
mote access to information. Intermediate spaces complete the coverage of workplaces
made available by ICTs to basically anywhere one can imagine. The typical mode of
organisation in this case is occasional Telework. As for other forms, this term also de-
scribes organisation beyond the mere amount of time spent Teleworking. Occasional
Telework is a less formal and less regulated work arrangement than the others. Typical
forms of occasional Telework, like responding to phone calls or emails, are also less of
a voluntary arrangement set up by employees themselves.8
The evolution of Telework serves as the conceptual ‘backbone’ that leads us to cate-
gorise and compare the many forms of Telework that exist today. However, to apply
our framework to the most recent studies and developments, we need to acknowledge
the blurred boundaries between the segments of technology, and thus between Old
and New ICTs, in today’s reality. Old ICTs, especially stationary computers, now share
many of their features with those of the latest generation, such as Internet connections
and the fusion of information and communications technology. Furthermore, New
ICTs are nowadays powerful enough to fulfil highly complex tasks, a characteristic
which was once unique to stationary computers. This blurring of boundaries between
technologies is illustrated in Figure 1. The segments of technology overlap and the
separation between information technology and communications technology fades
away towards the outer circles of the figure.
The hybrid character of technology leads, among other factors, to a whole new set of
possible combinations with segments across the key elements and generations of
Telework. Today, powerful smartphones and tablets, for example, are also used for par-
tial Telework at home and in third spaces (Yun et al., 2012) and stationary computers for
occasional email correspondence with colleagues, clients or supervisors (Chesley, 2010).
Furthermore, New ICTs can be used anywhere and not only in intermediate spaces
(Bittman et al., 2009), and partial Telework is performed to an even larger extent at home
than in third spaces (Pfisterer et al., 2013). Such combinations are an integral part of the

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evolution of Telework. New technologies, and consequentially new forms of Telework,
did not fully replace old ones but rather changed and complemented them. Hence, much
like any other evolution-­based conceptualisation, we need to interpret the different cir-
cles of our framework as a typical rather than exclusive combination of segments.

New ICTs, such as smartphones and tablet computers, have revolutionised everyday
work and life in the 21st Century. On the one hand, they enable us to constantly con-
nect with friends and family as well as with work colleagues and supervisors; on the
other hand, paid work becomes increasingly intrusive into the time and space nor-
mally reserved for personal life. Crucial to this development is the detachment of work
from traditional office spaces. Much of today’s office work is supported by Internet
connections, and can thus be done from basically anywhere at any time. This new spa-
tial independence changes the role of technology in the work environment dramati-
cally, offering both new opportunities and new challenges.
A close analysis of the relevant literature reveals that research on the detachment of
work from the employer’s premises actually dates back to the previous century. In the
1970s and 1980s, visionaries like Jack Nilles and Alvin Toffler predicted that the work
of the future would be relocated into, or close to, employee’s homes with help of mod-
ern technology—so-­called ‘Telecommuting’ or ‘Telework’. What remains of these vi-
sions is a plethora of new technologies, workplaces and work arrangements revolving
around using ICTs to perform paid work outside the employer’s premises.
To fully understand the effects of New ICTs, it is thus important to create a concep-
tual link between the early days of Telecommuting/Telework and today. Technological
advances are the motor of change in this context, and they fostered the evolution of
Telework in separable stages. Analysing advancements in technology from the 1970s
up to most recent trends sheds a new light on the term ‘Telework’. Drawing upon this
evolutionary perspective, this paper has provided a broad, new conceptual framework
of Telework over these three generations—the Home Office, the Mobile Office and the
Virtual Office. Today’s location-­independent, technology-­enabled new ways of work-
ing—from a mobile, full-­time sales person to the occasional work-­related phone call or
email from home—are all part of the same revolution in the inter-­relationship between
paid work and personal life.

1. Conference video at:
Internet_Giant (accessed: 26 September 2016)
2. ‘Cloud computing’ means that files and applications are stored in and shared by a network of com-
puters and servers accessible through the Internet (Miller, 2008).
3. ‘Telecommuting’ has become the most common term used by U.S. scholars. ‘Telework’ is mainly
used in Europe and Asia (Andreev et al., 2010).
4. Arizona, Montana, Connecticut, Florida, North Carolina and Oregon (see Goldman, 2007).
5. For a discussion of this definition see ‘Attributes’ section.
6. See: (accessed: 26 September 2016)
7. As it is done, for example, with call centres (Messenger and Ghosheh, 2010)
8. The conceptualisation of partial and occasional Telework beyond the mere amount of working
time largely embraces the differentiation between formal and informal Telework made by Kossek
and Lautsch (2007). However, the focus remains on time since partial Telework may lack formal
agreement as well (Kelliher and Anderson, 2008).

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