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Elements, Atoms and Compounds

What do you

Any questions that I have?

Elements, Atoms and Compounds
Lesson The Big Question Key words
1 How are atoms Proton, neutron,
structure electron, nucleus, shells,
positive, negative,
2 What are elements? Element, symbol,

3 What are the Property, flexible,

properties of conductor, dense, brittle,
elements? (practical) metal, non-metal,
malleable, magnetic
4 What is the Periodic Periodic table, period,
table? group, element,

5 How are compounds Element, mixture,

and mixtures different compound, iron sulphide
to elements?
6 How do you write State symbol, reactants,
chemical formulas? products, element,
compound, symbol

7 How can we linking our Elements, symbols,

learning? compounds, periodic
8 Revision
9 End of Unit Test
Topic Overview

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

Key Words

Element – A substance made from one type of atom e.g. hydrogen

Compound – A pure substance made from two or more elements chemically

bonded together e.g. water

Mixture – Two or more substances in the same space but not chemically
bonded e.g. air (oxygen, carbon dioxide & nitrogen)

Property - an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something.

Conductor – Type of material that allows the flow of electrical current

Dense – How closely compacted the atoms in a substance is

Example: Gas= Low density Metal= High density

Magnetic – Objects that are affected by magnets

Malleable – able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or


Period – A horizontal row on the periodic table (7 periods)

Group – A vertical row on the periodic table (8 groups)

State Symbol – A symbol used to show how compounds are found: l, g, s, aq

Reactants – Chemicals or elements that are present before the chemical

change takes place

Products – Compounds and substances produced by the chemical reaction

Atom – the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist.

Nucleus – The middle of an atom containing the proton and neutron

Elements, Atoms and Compounds
Lesson 1 – Atoms
Atoms are the smallest unit of any substance. Lots of the same type of atom
make up an element. Here is a list of the most common elements in a human
body what are the missing ones?

We can draw atoms like this below. TASK: Label the atom using the words

middle of the atom is called the N __ __ __ __ __ __

EXTENSION: The rings around the nucleus are called

shells. This is where the electrons sit. Depending on the
shell only a certain amount of electrons can be on there.
We draw electrons with a cross or dot

Shell 1: ___ Shell 2: ___ Shell 3: ___

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

 Put into the google search “Scale of the Universe 2”
 Launch the application and zoom down to the size of atoms and particles which is
Nanometres or smaller. Find 1 thing at this size and write down the information
about it into this booklet (clicking the picture gives you the information)
 Find any other 2 objects in the application and record the facts about them.
Use the boxes to add a picture or draw a picture of your object




















Elements, Atoms and Compounds
Lesson 2 – Introduction to the Elements

Chemistry is the study of the chemical elements and how they react to form compounds.
There are about 90 naturally occurring elements and they are the basic building blocks of all
substances including you.

An element is made up of only one type of atom. The atoms of one element are different
from the atoms of other elements and each element has a symbol consisting of one capital
letter and usually a lower case letter. The elements are found in a Periodic Table, which you
will meet in more detail in the next lesson.

Complete the following table by finding the symbol or the name of some of the more
commonly studied elements.

Element Symbol Element Symbol

Hydrogen P
Fe Ne
Lithium Carbon
Lead Argon
Mercury O
Cl Zn
N Fluorine
Cu He
Potassium Br
S Iodine
Sodium Ba
Mg Silicon
Al Lead
Calcium Sn

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

Homework: Learn the names and symbols of the elements on the

left hand side of the table. Be prepared for a short test next lesson.

Homework Test Score

out of

Elements I need to remember


Elements, Atoms and Compounds

3. What Are the Properties of Elements

 Set up a circuit as shown below.
 Place each of the elements in turn into the circuit to see if it conducts
 Record your observations in the table
 Once all have been tested. Hit each with a hammer and describe what
happens. Can they be bent into shape?
 Final use a magnet to test whether they are magnetic
Elements available; carbon (charcoal), copper, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron

Metals Non-metals
High melting and boiling points Low melting and boiling points (many
(all except mercury solid at room are gases at room temperature)
Good conductors of electricity and Poor conductors of electricity (except
heat graphite – a form of carbon)
Malleable (change shape when Brittle (break when hit)
Shiny when polished Dull
Dense (heavy) Less dense
Elements, Atoms and Compounds
Three metals are magnetic None are magnetic


Element Observations

In a circuit When hit Magnetic

(Tick box)


Which substances were metals how did you know?


A vertical column is called a
__________. A horizontal row is
called a _________

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

T___________ M______
Elements, Atoms and Compounds
How did Hennig Brand discover phosphorus?




Lesson 5 – Compounds and molecules

Compounds are made up of elements chemically joined together in specific amounts. Two
common compounds that are found on earth are water and salt. We draw elements as
circles. To tell two different elements making a compound we colour in one of the circles.

A molecule is two or more atoms strongly bonded together.

TASK: Under each box state whether the box contains;

a. an element - all atoms the same
b. a compound - two or more different elements chemically joined
c. a molecule - two or more atoms strongly bonded
d. All

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

Practical Activity

Step 1: Look at the iron filings. What do you observe about the colour, feel, shape?
Record your observations

Step 2: Test irons filing with a magnet does the magnet attract the filings?

Step 3: Now test the Sulphur… record observations. Is it magnetic?

Step 4: With the mixture try and separate the iron from the sulphur using the magnet

Step 5: Use the Bunsen burner to produce a reaction fill in the rest of your table

Substance Observations

Iron filings


Mixture of iron filings

and sulphur

When the mixture is


Elements, Atoms and Compounds

The product FeS _ _ _ _ Sulphide

How did you know when a reaction was taking place?

Lesson 6 – Chemical Formulae

When writing the formula of a compound e.g. Li2O the subscript number (little number)
tells you how many elements are found in whatever came immediately before.
TASK 1: Write down how many of each element are found in this substance
Lithium Oxide:
___ x Lithium
___ x Oxygen
An element starts with a capital letter. We can count the number of capital letters so we can
find out how many elements there are.
TASK 2: How many elements are in this impossible formula?

FeONCaNaPKPbAgLiZnCB There are ________ elements

Name of compound Symbol Elements present

Carbon dioxide CO2 1 x Carbon and 2 x Oxygen

Calcium carbonate CaCO3 ____ x Calcium ____ x Carbon

____ x Oxygen
Magnesium sulphate MgSO4 1x________________
1x____________ 4x _____________

Sodium nitrate NaNO3

Potassium sulphate K2SO4

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

Magnesium hydroxide Mg (OH)2

Calcium chloride CaCl2

TASK 3: Use what you have learnt to complete the table of formulas for
different compounds

When iron reacts with sulphur a new compound called iron sulphide is
formed. All reactions can be written as chemical equations. These can be word
equations or symbol equations.

There are two sides of an equation, before the arrow and after. One side is
the products the other is the reactants.
TASK 4: Label the reactant and product side.

…………………………… …………………………

Iron + Sulphur  Iron sulphide

Fe …. + S ….  FeS ….

Formulas have state symbols which tell us how each element or compound is
found. TASK 5: Add symbols to the symbol equation above.

State Symbols
(s) = Solid
(g) = Gas
(l) = Liquid
Elements, Atoms and Compounds
(aq) = in solution (Aqueous)

TASK 6: Turn these word equations into symbol equations with state symbols

1) Iron + Oxygen  Iron Oxide

2) Hydrogen + Oxygen  Water

Lesson 7 – Linking Learning

Below is a periodic table square. It can tell us a lot of information about an element

1. Oxygen is in group ____ and period ____ on the periodic table.

2. Oxygen is a metal non-metal (tick the right box)

3. This means that oxygen can’t conduct electricity? TRUE FALSE (circle the answer)

4. How many Oxygen’s are in the formula for carbon dioxide? ____

5. Write a formula that includes oxygen

Elements, Atoms and Compounds


Here is an oxygen atom. It has two shells. The

atomic number tells us how many electrons there
are. Use the atomic number of oxygen to work
out how many electrons to draw on each shell.

Shell 1 has a maximum of 2

Shell 2 has a maximum of 8

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

The Atoms Family - Atomic Math Challenge

Atomic number equals the number of ELECTRONS or PROTONS.

Atomic mass equals the number of PROTONS + NEUTRONS

TASK: Use the above information to fill in the information for these element squares

Elements, Atoms and Compounds

What do you Know Tick

I can recall the names and symbols for 14 elements in the periodic
I can state what an element is.

I can state what a compound is.

I can state what a mixture is.

I could identify some examples of elements, compounds and

mixtures from names, symbols and diagrams.
I know where metals and non-metals are found on the periodic
I could show using chemical equations how elements react to
produce compounds
I could look at an equation and say which side is products or
I know the 4 different type of state symbols.

I could label an atom.

I know what the middle of an atom is called.

I can state what an atom is and where they are found.

I know where to find the atomic number or mass.

Topic test mark =


Targets for the next topic:

 18
Elements, Atoms and Compounds

What I

Write the answer to any questions you had…


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