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Quarter 1 Module 1 Lesson 1-2

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To My Dear Learner:

How are you?

I am happy writing you, hoping you are all well. Yes, we should be well and strong,
facing together the difficulties we are all experiencing right now. Maybe the pandemic’s
impact differs in gravity to each one of us but for whatever means, you need to continue
learning. This crisis tells us that you, the future decision makers, should not stop learning
to face even worse catastrophe. Likewise, we, your teachers, never stop, too, to facilitate
continuous education for all of you.
Our subject Advanced Chemistry is being offered as additional subject for a school
implementing science curriculum. In my observation, few students take a path toward
careers in Chemistry. From the start, they thought the subject is difficult maybe because
the subject has its own language which differ from any other subject area and because we
are dealing with atoms and molecules which cannot be seen by our naked eye and that
understanding needs a lot of imagination and analyses. But, I want you to observe who are
our heroes right now. Look at the medical frontliners who never stop working to help the
sick. Look at our laboratory technicians who conducts analyses as fast as they can to identify
who are infected by the virus. I want you to look at our chemists who work to find vaccines
and cure for those who are ill. These are only some of the highlighted jobs today because
of the pandemic. Chemistry is said to be the central science. If you take a little or more
space in your heart and brain, you will surely find the purpose of loving the subject as we
walk through learning more of its significance.
I am providing you the outline of our first quarter discussions:
Lesson 1 Atomic Mass
Lesson 2 Quantum Mechanical Model of Atoms
Lesson 3 Electron Configuration
Lesson 1 Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table
Lesson 2 Periodic Trends
Lesson 3 Properties of Elements
Lesson 1 Ionic Bond
Lesson 2 Covalent Bond
Lesson 3 Resonance Structure
Lesson 4 Exceptions to the Octet Rule
Lesson 5 Metallic Bond
Lesson 6 Geometry of Molecules
Lesson 7 Valence Bond Theory
Lesson 8 Molecular Orbital Theory
All your work will be done in your Interactive Spiral Notebook (ISN). We will be using
a Group Chat, too, for easy dissemination of information and concerns for the lessons. Also,
I will provide video lessons for you to view when you can have access to the internet.
In Advanced Chemistry,we will be collating your knowledge in your previous grade
levels and take a deeper plunge in the subject matter.
Have fun learning and take care always!

Yours truly,

Teacher Jane


In Grade Seven,you were able to explain the properties of solids, liquids, and
gases based on the particle nature of matter. In Grade Eight, you explained physical
changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules and
determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a particular atom.

In your Advanced Chemistry class, you will study how the atomic masses of
elements were determined and the the use of these values in Stoichiometry. It is
introduced first in this quarter to facilitate review and understanding of atomic

In Grade Nine, you learned about atomic theory with emphasis on how the
Bohr model of the atom improved Rutherford’s atomic model. The Quantum
Mechanical Model was also introduced and explained how this model of the atom
describes the energies and positions of the electrons.

In this module, you will take a deeper look on the Quantum Numbers and its
relevance to the electron configuration of an element.

Back in Grade Eight, you traced the development of the periodic table from
observations based on similarities in properties of elements and used the periodic
table to predict the chemical behavior of an element.

This time, you will be relating the electron configuration of an element and
its position in the periodic table. You will also see that the electron arrangement
fitted the arrangement of elements in the periodic table which were initially
arranged by Dmitri Mendeleev prior to the ideas of quantum theory.


What I Need to Know Objective: State how the average atomic mass
of an element is obtained

What I Know

Bell Work: In your ISN, draw how you perceive the structure of an atom.

What are the sub-atomic particles? How do they differ from each other? What
information about the sub-atomic particles of an element can be found in the
periodic table?

What’s In

Prerequisite Skills Review. Complete the content of the table. Some clue/s about
the specific element is/are given in each row.

Name of Symbol Atomic Proton Electron Neutron Atomic

Element Number Mass
Hydrogen 1
Zinc 30

What’s New

In the periodic table, you can get information about the atomic mass of an
element. This value is the average atomic mass of an element. How do our scientists
come up with these values?

What Is It

The average atomic mass of an element is the sum of the masses of its
isotopes, each multiplied by its natural abundance.

Each proton and each neutron weigh one atomic mass unit (amu). By adding
together and multiplying by 1 amu, you can calculate the mass of an atom. All
elements exist as a collection of isotopes. The word ‘isotope’ come from the Greek
word ‘isos’ (meaning ‘same’) and ‘topes’ (meaning ‘place’) because the elements

can occupy the same place in the periodic table while being different in subatomic

To calculate the atomic mass of an element, multiply the mass of each

isotope by its natural abundance, expressed as a decimal, and then add the products.

Average atomic mass= [(mass #1) x (abundance #1)] + [(mass #2) x (abundance #2)] +

Sample Problem 1:

Element X has two isotopes:

#1: Mass=6 amu #2 Mass=7 amu
Relative Abundance= 7.5% Relative Abundance=92.5%
What element is it?

Average atomic mass = [(mass #1) x (abundance #1)] + [(mass #2) x (abundance #2)]
= (6 x 0.075) + (7 x 0.925)
= 0.45 + 6.475
= 6.925 amu
Answer: Lithium 6.9

Sample Problem 2:

Rubidium has two common isotopes, Rb-85 and Rb-87. If the abundance of
Rb-85 is 72.2% and the abundance of Rb-87 is 27.8%, what is the average atomic mass
of rubidium?

Average atomic mass = [(mass #1) x (abundance #1)] + [(mass #2) x (abundance #2)]
= (85 x 0.722) + (87 x 0.278)
= 61.37+ 24.186
= 85.6 amu

What’s More Learning Activity 1: Calculating Average Atomic Mass

given the Mass and Percent Abundance of the Isotopes of
an Element. Write your solution in your ISN.

1. Calculate the average atomic mass of copper. The element copper has naturally
occurring isotopes with mass numbers of 63 and 65. The relative abundance and
atomic masses are: 69.2% for a mass of 62.93 amu and 30.8% for a mass of 64.93

2. Calculate the average atomic mass of sulfur if 95.00% of all sulfur atoms have a
mass of 31.972 amu, 0.76% has a mass of 32.971 amu and 4.22% have a mass of
33.967 amu.

What I Have Learned

Complete the sentences/ideas by filling the blank.

1. An element can have differing numbers of neutrons in its nucleus, but

always has the same number of ________.

2. The versions of an element with different neutrons have different masses
and are called _______. These have the same atomic number but
different mass number.
3. The ____________ for an element is calculated by summing the masses of
the element’s isotopes, each multiplied by its natural abundance on

Key Terms:

Mass Number: The total number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus.
Natural abundance: The abundance of a particular isotope naturally found on
the planet.
Average atomic mass: The mass calculated by summing the masses of an
element’s isotopes, each multiplied by its natural abundance
on Earth.
Atomic Number: Defines element’s identity of and signifies the number of
protons in the nucleus of one atom.

What I Can Do

In your ISN, discuss the application or uses of the isotopes of Iodine

and Carbon.


Answer the following problems in your ISN.

1. How is the average atomic mass determined? Answer in one sentence only with
complete idea to get a score of 2/2, incomplete idea will get a score of 1/2.

2. Calculate the average atomic mass of bromine. One isotope of bromine has an
atomic mass of 78.92 amu and a relative abundance of 50.69%. The other major
isotope of bromine has an atomic mass of 80.92 amu and a relative abundance
of 49.31%.

Who Discovered the Isotope?

The term isotope was first used by Scottish doctor Margaret Todd in a
conversation with her cousin, renowned chemist F. Soddy, in 1913. F. Soddy is
believed to have taken the first steps in isolating the isotope by degenerating
uranium. H.N. McCoy and W.H. Ross later conclusively showed the method of
isolating the radioactive isotope of uranium. J.J. Thompson and his associate, F.W.
Aston, conducted many experiments to show that many substances, when ionized,
had species that were much heavier than the main content. In 1931, Harold Urey and
G.M. Murphy discovered the effect of isotopes on the mass of an atom.


What I Need to Know Objective: Describe the Quantum Mechanical

Model of an Atom

What I Know

In your previous grade levels, you have learned about the Atomic Theory.
You can go back to the contributions of the scientists in the development of this
theory using the timeline below.

Given the ideas in each item; (1) identify which picture or model is being
referred to from the options below and (2) name the scientist who developed the
idea. Write your answer in your ISN.

A. B. C. D. E. F.

_____1. Matter is made up of water, earth, fire and air

_____2. Atom-smallest unit of matter; Indivisible

_____3. Atom is divisible: It has smaller particles which is negatively charged


_____4. Atom has a tiny dense positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons.

_____5. Electrons orbit the nucleus

What’s In

Today’s atomic model is based on the principles of wave mechanics.

According to the theory of wave mechanics, electrons do not move about an atom in
a definite path, like the planets around the sun. In fact, it is impossible to determine
the exact location of an electron. The probable location of an electron is based on
how much energy the electron has. According to the modern atomic model, an atom
has a small positively charged nucleus surrounded by a large region in which there
are enough electrons to make an atom neutral.

Electron Cloud (orbital) is a space in which electrons are likely to be found.

Electrons whirl about the nucleus billions of times in one second. They are not
moving around in random patterns. Depending on their energy they are locked into
a certain area in the cloud. Electrons with the lowest energy are found in the energy
level closest to the nucleus. Electrons with the highest energy are found in the
outermost energy levels, farther from the nucleus. Location of electrons depends
upon how much energy the electron has.

What’s New

Do you know why fireworks emit different colors? Or have you ever wondered
why you see different colors of flame when you cook using your gas stove or firewood?
The explanations would lie on the electron structure of an element which is
described in the quantum mechanical model of an atom.

What Is It

The Quantum Theory developed by Planck successfully explains the emission

of radiation by heated solids. The quantum theory states that radiant energy is
emitted by atoms and molecules in small discrete amounts (quanta), rather than
over a continuous range.

Bohr’s Model of an Atom

Bohr developed a model of the hydrogen atom in which the energy of its
single electron is quantized-limited to certain energy values determined by an
integer, the principal quantum number.

Bohr orbits are like steps of a ladder, each at a specific distance from the
nucleus and each at a specific energy.
The lowest allowable energy state of an
atom is called its ground state.
When an atom gains energy, it is in an
excited state. This state is unstable.

From excited state, the electron releases
energy as it falls back towards the ground
state. The color of light emitted reflects how
much energy was released.

Bohr’s model explained the hydrogen’s spectral lines but failed to explain any
other element’s lines. For this and other reasons, the Bohr model was replaced with
a more sophisticated model called the quantum-mechanical or wave-mechanical
Louis de Broglie (1892–1987) hypothesized that particles, including electrons,
could also have wavelike behaviors. Electrons do not behave like particles flying
through space. We cannot, in general, describe their exact paths.

Heisenberg showed it is impossible to take any measurement of an object

without disturbing it. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is
fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity and position of a
particle at the same time. The only quantity that can be known is the probability for
an electron to occupy a certain region around the nucleus.

Schrödinger treated electrons as waves. Schrödinger’s equation applied

equally well to elements other than hydrogen (unlike Bohr’s model).

Bohr orbits were replaced with quantum-mechanical orbitals. Orbitals are

different from orbits in that they represent probability maps that show a statistical
distribution of where the electron is likely to be found. In the quantum-mechanical
model, a number and a letter specify an orbital.

Quantum Numbers

In quantum mechanics, the quantum numbers are required to describe the

distribution of of electrons in hydrogen and other atoms. These numbers are derived
from the mathematical solution of the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom.
They are called principal quantum number, the angular momentum or azimuthal
quantum number, and the magnetic quantum number. These numbers will be used
to describe the atomc orbitals and to label electrons that reside in them. A fourth
quantum number-the spin quantum number-describes the behavior of a specific
electron and completes the description of electrons in atoms.

The Principal Quantum Number (n),

indicates the relative size and energy of atomic
orbitals. It can have an integral values of 1, 2,
3 and so forth. Energy sublevels are contained
within the principal energy levels.

Each energy sublevel relates to orbitals of different shape. This is called the
Angular Momentum (Azimuthal) Quantum Number, l. The values of l depend on
the value of the principal quantum number, n. For a given value of n, l has a possible
integral values from 0 to (n-1). If n=1, there s only one possible value of l; that is, l=
n-1 =1-1 = 0. If n=2, there are two values of l, given by 0 and 1. If n=3, there are
three values of l, given by 0,1 and 2. The value of l is generally designated by the
letters s, p, d, ... as follows:

l 0 1 2 3 4 5

Name of s p d f g h

s, p, d, f
s, p, d
s, p
The Magnetic Quantum Number, ml describes the orientation of the orbital
in space. Within a subshell, the value of ml depends on the value of the angular
momentum number, l. For a certain value of l, there are (2l +1) integral values of ml
as follows:

-l, -l +1, ...0, ...(+l -l), +l

If l=0, then ml =0. If l=1, then there are [(2x1) + 1], or three value so ml, namely
-1, 0,and 1. If l=2, there are [(2x2) + 1], or five values of ml, namely, -2, -1, 0 1, 2.
The number of ml values indicates the number of orbitals in a subshell with a
particular l value.

The Electron Spin Quantum Number ms, is the fourth quantum number
which has a value of -1/2 or +1/2. Physicists assume that electrons act like tiny
magnets. If electrons are thought of as spinning on their own axes, as Earth does,
their magnetic properties can be accounted for. According to electromagnetic
theory, a spinning charge generates a magnetic field, and it is this motion that causes
an electron to behave like a magnet. The two possible spinning of an electron, one
clockwise and the other counter clockwise, are shown below. This explains why two
electrons can occupy the same orbital despite having the same charge. The Pauli’s
Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons in the same atom can have the same
four quantum numbers.

What’s More

Study and analyze the following examples.

Example 1: List the values of n, l, and ml for orbitals in the 4d subshell.

Strategy: What are the relationships among n, l and ml? What do “4” and “d”
represent in the 4d?

Solution: As we saw earlier, the number given in the designation of the subshell is
the principal quantum number, so in this case, n= 4. The letter designates the type

of orbital. Because we are dealing with d orbitals, l=2. The values of ml can vary
from -l to +l. Therefore, ml can be -2, -1, 0,1, or 2.

Check: The values of n and l are fixed for 4d, but ml can have anyone of the five
values, which correspond to the five d orbitals.

Example 2: What is the total number of orbitals associated with the principal
quantum number n=3?

Strategy: To calculate the total number if orbitals for a given n value, we need to
first write the possible values for l. We then determine how many ml values are
associated with each value of l. The total number of orbitals is equal to the sum of
all ml values.

Solution: For n=3, the possible values of l are 0, 1 and 2. Thus, there is one 3s
orbital (n=3, l=0, and ml=0); there are three 3p orbitals (n=3, l=1, and ml =-1,0,1);
there are five 3d orbitals (n=3, l=2, ml= -2, -1, 0, 1, 2). The total number of
orbitals is 1+3+5=9.

Check: The total number of orbitals for a given value of n is n2. So here we have
32= 9. Can you prove the validity of this relationship?

Learning Activity 2: In your ISN, answer the following sets of problems on Quantum

1.Tell how many electrons of an atom can have the following sets of quantum
A. n=2
B. n=2, l=1, ml=-1
C. n=4, l=2, ml=-1,0
D. n=3, l=2, ml=1, ms =+1/2

2.Tell what type of orbital is described by each of the following sets of quantum
A. n=2, l=0
B. n=4, l=2
C. n=3, l=1

What I Have Learned

one atom.
Complete the sentences/ideas by filling the blank.

1. An _________ is a function that defines the distribution of

electron density in space.
2. For quantum numbers characterize each electron in an atom:
________________ identifies the main energy level, or shell, of
the orbital; the _________________________ indicates the shape
of the orbital; the _____________________ specifies the
orientation of the orbital in space ; and the
____________________ indicates the direction of the electron’s
spin on its own axis.

What I Can Do

Identify at least three (3) metals used in fireworks and describe

the colors they emit when displayed. Write in your ISN.


1. Multiple Choices. Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your
answer in your ISN.

1. What term refers to the region of an atom where an electron is most likely
to be found?
a) quantum b) spectrum c) orbital d) orbit

2. The spin quantum number (ms) refers to

a) Energy level the electron is in
b) Direction of electron spin
c) Orientation of orbitals around the nucleus
d) Sublevel or shape of the orbital the electron is in

3. The magnetic quantum number (ml) refers to

a) Energy level the electron is in
b) Direction of electron spin
c) Orientation of orbitals around the nucleus
d) Sublevel or shape of the orbital the electron is in

4. The angular momentum quantum number (l) refers to

a) Energy level the electron is in
b) Direction of electron spin
c) Orientation of orbitals around the nucleus
d) Sublevel or shape of the orbital the electron is in

5. The principal quantum number (n) refers to

a) Energy level the electron is in
b) Direction of electron spin
c) Orientation of orbitals around the nucleus
d) Sublevel or shape of the orbital the electron is in

2. Give the values of the quantum numbers associated with the orbitals in the 3p

3. Now that you learned about the quantum mechanical model of an atom, draw
how an atom of Carbon look likes. Important features of your drawing are the
showcasing of the orbitals other than the number of protons. You may add
description of the structure of carbon atom to emphasize your drawing.

What is quantum technology?

Quantum technology is a class of technology that works by using the

principles of quantum mechanics (the physics of sub-atomic particles),
including quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. Your
smartphone is a type of quantum technology – its semiconductors use
quantum physics to work.

Quantum technology promises improvements to a vast range of

everyday gadgets, including more reliable navigation and timing systems,
more secure communications, more accurate healthcare imaging, and more
powerful computing. All these applications could, to some extent, be useful
but it’s hard to know which will be a simple evolution and which will be truly
disruptive. That uncertainty gives proactive businesses an opportunity as the
difference between evolution and revolution will likely be early investment.

Chang, Raymond (2009). Chemistry (10th Edition). New York: Mc-Graw Hill College


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