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TestStrategy Lesson 2

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Test Strategy

Prepared by:
Company Name
Project Management Office (PMO)
1. Revision History 3
2. Approvals 3
3. Definitions 4
4. Reference Documents 4
5. Project Overview 4
6. Test Plan Purpose 4
6.1 Testing Objectives 4
7. Scope 5
7.1 In Scope Requirements 5
7.2 Out of Scope Requirements 5
8. Integrations and Intersystem Interfaces 5
9. Test estimate 6
10. Testing Schedule 6
10.1 Unit 6
10.2 QA & SIT 6
10.3 UAT 6
11. Test Environments 6
11.1 Hardware Configuration 7
12. Test Data 7
13. Test Users 8
14. Testing Responsibilities 9
14.1 VMODEL with Accountability 9
14.2 Roles and Responsibilities for Major Test Events 9
15. Test Types 11
15.1 Unit testing 11
15.2 Functional Integration Test (QA) 11
15.3 System Test 13
15.4 User Acceptance Test (UAT) 14
16. Performance Testing 16
16.1 Performance Test Approach 16
16.1.1 Test Objective 16
16.2 Scope and Assumptions 16
16.2.1 In Scope 16
16.2.2 Out of Scope 16
16.3 Business Volume Metrics 16
16.3.1 Transaction SLAs 16
16.4 Performance Testing Methodology 16
16.4.1 Test Scripting Entrance Criteria 16
16.4.2 Test Execution Entrance Criteria 16
16.4.3 Performance Test Runs 16
16.4.4 Test Description 16
16.4.5 Workload Mix Distribution 16
16.5 Test Schedule 16
16.6 Key Milestones 16
16.7 Environment Setup 16
16.7.1 Application Environment Setup 16
16.7.2 Test Tool Setup 16
16.8 Tools used in the project 17
16.8.1 Silk Performer – Controller and Agent details 17
16.8.2 Tool Settings for Load Test 17
16.9 Performance Test Data 17
16.9.1 Test Data Definitions 17
16.10 6 Performance Metrics 17
16.10.1 Client-Side Metrics 17
16.10.2 Server-Side Metrics 17
16.10.3 Server-Side Applications 17
16.10.4 Server Side Monitoring Counters 17
16.11 Test Deliverables 17
16.12 Status and Issue Reporting 17
17. Project Testing Related Tools 17
18. Defect Management 18
19. Objectives of the defect review meetings 18
19.1 Purpose of the defect review meeting 18
19.2 Defect reporting and resolution process 18
19.3 Defect escalation procedure 19
19.4 Defect severity definitions 20
19.5 Defect life cycle stage 21
20. Results and metrics reporting 23
21. Communication and Escalation 24
22.1 Assumptions 25
22.2 Constraints 25
22.3 Issues 25
22.4 Risks 25
1. Revision History
Version No. Date Revised By Description of Change

2. Approvals
The undersigned acknowledge that they have reviewed the Master Test Plan and agree with the
information presented within this document. Changes to this plan will be coordinated with, and
approved by, the undersigned, or their designated representatives. The Project Sponsor will be notified
when approvals occur.
Signature: Date:
Print Name: Janina Johnson
Title: Deputy PMO Director
Role: Program PMO Director

Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: Program Director

Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: Test Manager

Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Role: PMO TCOE Auditor
3. Definitions
Term Meaning

4. Reference Documents
Documents Repository Path

5. Project Overview
6. Test Strategy Purpose
7. Application Scope
7.1 In Scope Applications
<List the applications or technologies that are covered by this Test Strategy >
Application Name Application Owner Technology

8. Integrations and Intersystem Interfaces

The following tabular contents will list down the various Interfaces/Applications involved in the
Integration Testing of Superdome Project and also contains the individual point of contact that will be
used for coordinating any Integration Testing.
A diagram might work better or nice to have in addition
System ID Application/Functional Area Testing Responsibility/SME

9. Test Environments
The following diagram identifies the environments used for testing.
Identify environment to be used for production fixes v. development

9.1 Hardware Configuration

Assigned “Infrastructure” contact name: __________________________

Test Stress QA Production

Application Server
Box #, Memory,
Database Server

The following diagrams identify the environments used for testing compared to production. Identify
environment to be used for production fixes, development
● Productive Environment
<Insert Diagram Here>
● QA Environment
<Insert Diagram Here>
● Test Environment
<Insert Diagram Here>
● Stress Environment
<Insert Diagram Here>

10.Test Data
Test Lead(s) will define high level data requirements as needed for testing for the key areas. Identify
unique data required by the application such as User Ids and Passwords. Attention to detail such as
drop down boxes and user entered information will need to be passed along to the performance tester.
Also determine if DB needs to be seeded with additional data in order to more closely replicate
production. For example if the production DB has 13 million rows of data in production the same
amount should be used in test.

o Describe data needed by environment

o Test data refresh requirements
o Data seeding requirements
o Data requirements for end-to-end business processes
o Means by which Certify Data can be utilized for test data creation during development
Application/Service Assigned Resource Data Requirements

11.Test Users
Each test case will require one or more test users. Test users must be created to replicate real business
users allowing defects related to authorisation profiles and delegation of duties to be identified. Using
unrealistic role assignment for test users will invalidate all functional tests.
A catalog of test users should be maintained. Automatic provisioning of test users needs to be
established as part of the setup of the test environment.
12.Test Types
12.1 Unit testing
Purpose This preliminary test is performed by the development team for testing of
individual configuration, custom programs and/or technical services (e.g. Fax,
EDI etc.) to ensure that they function according to the detailed technical
Unit test is a white box test and should test all possible flows. Both positive
and negative conditions should be tested.
Development Phase Development and Testing
Test Scope All configurations, code validation, memory testing, integration, code
complexity, etc.
Test Environment Development Environment
Test Data Manual data created by developers
Interface NA
Role Developer
Entry Criteria
● Formal reviews for process models, functional spes and technical
specifications have been completed
● All Inspection related defects have been corrected

● All documentation and design of the architecture must be made available

● Development of the component is complete and compiles without error

● All Unit test cases are documented

Exit Criteria
● All Unit test cases completed successfully

● All source code is unit tested

● No outstanding critical defects

● All outstanding defects are entered into the defect tracker

● All test results have been documented

12.2 Functional Integration Test (QA)

Purpose Functional test validates that full operability of interconnected functions,
methods or objects within a functional area. This includes a set of logically
related activities or business processes to achieve a defined business process.
Functional test cases will typically consist of a series of business processes or
stories joined together to achieve a business process. The smaller size of test
cases will enable testing multiple data sets and permutations.
It happens after or in parallel with the development phase as and when all
components for a specific flow are complete. Functional tests will be done by
an independent testing team in a QA environment.
During subsequent integration testing activities these business process
(functional) tests are combined to build end-to-end integration test
Development Phase Development and Testing
Test Scope All functional tests, requirement/story coverage using test design techniques
like Orthogonal Analysis, Decision Tables, Equivalence Partitioning, etc.
Test Environment Test Environment
Test Data Manual data created by Test team
Interface Interface connectivity required for impacted systems
Role QA Team
Entry Criteria
● All specs are frozen and the requirements change control process has
● Proper test data is available

● Test plans and test cases are reviewed and signed off

● Unit Testing has been completed

● Specifications for the product have been completed and approved

● All test hardware platforms must have been successfully installed,

configured and functioning properly.
● All standard software tools including testing tools must have been
successfully installed and functioning properly.
● All personnel involved in the system test effort must be trained in tools to
be used during the testing process.
● All personnel involved in the system test effort must be trained the usage
of the application and new features.
● All functional test cases are documented
Exit Criteria
● Test case execution completed with 90% passed

● All defects are recorded in Quality Center or Solution Manager

● No outstanding “showstopper or severe” defects

● All test results have been documented

● All code has been migrated into the QA environment

● Coverage of code/functionality/requirements is 100% of functional

12.3 System Test

Purpose SIT validates a set of business processes that define a business scenario in a
comprehensive and self-contained manner on a macro level.
This is an end-to-end test of the business process. Typically a business
scenario will involve testing multiple SAP modules test cases together. The
primary objective of this testing, is to discover errors in the integration
between different modules and to verify that the modules work together
correctly as one function. E2E test validates the integration within SAP and
between SAP and Legacy (all Non-SAP) applications. All testing related to
validation of the data interchange between SAP and Legacy applications are
categorized as Interface testing.

Security role based authorization test is performed to ensure that all the
security profiles and roles are being implemented as designed. Security
profile is designed and built based on the job role (i.e., positions) of the end
users. Security roles are assigned at the business transaction level.
The objectives of security testing are

● Ensure that user has access to the required transactions to perform their job

● Ensure that the user does not have access to transactions other than what is required
for the role
● Ensure that accesses to critical system administration transactions are controlled.

● Ensure that only authorized person has the right to view the information on Screens
and Reports.

● Ensure that Delegation being done in SAP (where ever system allows user to delegate
his authority to other user/s) are tested from the viewpoint of the Delegator and to
whom it is being delegated.
Test Scope
● Full End to end business process

● Performance Testing

● Regression

● Interface testing with interfacing systems

● Security role based authorization testing

● End to End scenarios executed with user id mapped to actual security roles

● batch jobs execution using scheduled runs

● Printers and other devices

Development Phase Development and Testing
Test Environment QA Environment or Pre-Prod
Test Data Data from Mock cutover or Test Data Management tool
Interface Interface connectivity required for all interfacing systems
Role QA Team
Entry Criteria
● All specs are frozen and the requirements change control process has
● Proper test data is available

● Test plans and test cases are reviewed and signed off

● SIT 0 has been completed

● All functional test cases are documented

Exit Criteria
● Test case execution completed with 100% passed

● All defects are recorded in Quality Center or Jira

● No outstanding “showstopper or severe” defects

● All test results have been documented

● All code has been migrated into the Pre-Prod environment

● No new defects have been discovered for a week prior to System Testing.

● Coverage of code/functionality/requirements is 100% of functional


12.4 User Acceptance Test (UAT)

Purpose User acceptance test is performed by business users. The users test the
complete, end-to-end business processes to verify that the implemented
solution performs the intended functions and satisfies the business
Development Phase Final Prep or Implementation
Test Scope

● Full Regression
Test Environment Pre-Prod or Implementation
Test Data Mock cutover or Test Data Management tool
Interface Interface connectivity required for all interfacing systems
Role Process Team & Business Users
Entry Criteria
● The application works functionally as defined in the specifications

● No outstanding “showstopper or severe” defects

● All areas have had testing started on them unless pre agreed by UAT stakeholder/Test
and Project managers

● Entire system functioning and all new components available unless previously agreed
between UAT stakeholder/Test manager and project managers
● All test cases are documented and reviewed prior to the commencement of UAT

Exit Criteria
● The Acceptance Tests must be completed, with a pass rate of not less than 98%.

● No outstanding “showstopper or severe” defects

● Less than 5 significant defects outstanding

● All Test cases have been complete

● No new defects have been discovered for a week prior to Production Implementation.

● All test results recorded and approved

● UAT test summary report documented and approved

● UAT close off meeting held.

13.Performance Testing
13.1 Performance Test Approach
13.1.1 Test Objective

13.2 Business Volume Metrics

13.2.1 Transaction SLAs

13.3 Performance Testing Methodology

13.3.1 Test Scripting Entrance Criteria
13.3.2 Test Execution Entrance Criteria
13.3.3 Performance Test Runs
13.3.4 Test Description
13.3.5 Workload Mix Distribution

13.4 Tools used in the project

13.4.1 Controller and Agent details
13.4.2 Tool Settings for Load Test

13.5 Performance Test Data

13.5.1 Test Data Definitions

13.6 6 Performance Metrics

13.6.1 Client-Side Metrics
13.6.2 Server-Side Metrics
13.6.3 Server-Side Applications
13.6.4 Server Side Monitoring Counters
13.7 Test Deliverables

13.8 Status and Issue Reporting

14.Project Testing Related Tools

Phase/activity Test tool requirement
Test case documentation (Manual & Automation) Konoah or Zephyr
Requirement Management JIRA
Test cases automation development and Sahi or Worksoft Certify
Test execution and results reporting Konoah or Zephyr
Defect reporting and tracking Jira
Document storage Confluence
Business Process Flow BizAgi
Test Data Management IBM Optim
Service Virtualization NA
Code Analysis
Code profiler
Code Coverage
System Monitoring (during performance testing)

15.Defect Management
Defect Review Meetings will be held on a daily basis with SME leads, test leads from all location, test
managers, business leads and integration manager. The goal of this meeting is to ensure that defects
are being resolved in a timely fashion and that any issues or questions are resolved. It is at these
meetings that progress tracking of defect resolution and closure is communicated.

16.Objectives of the defect review meetings

16.1 Purpose of the defect review meeting
● To help prioritize defect fixes for Implementation, Legacy support, and Conversion
● To discuss and assign priority and severity to defects, discuss the expected turnaround
time and the planned turnaround time.
● To monitor and review the progress of defect fixes that is due or overdue as of current
● To determine the extent of retesting required due to a fix/ enhancement.

● To escalate defects/ issues to PMO when a quick resolution is required, or in case of a

deadlock on ownership of defects/ issues.
● To identify whether defect is assigned to right team

● Identify defects that need to be deferred to subsequent releases

16.2 Defect reporting and resolution process

Prerequisite: Development team & Business Team should have access to defects section of Jira and are
able to update the defect details. Quality center should be configured to send auto emails when a new
defect is logged, assignee is changed and the status is moved to re-test

Below diagram help in understand the defect life cycle process quickly and easily. Defect severity
definition and recommended SLAs are available in appendix. Various stages of defects and the
subsequent stages are also listed in appendix in detail.
Defect life cycle

16.3 Defect escalation procedure

Below table provides information on when to escalate a defect

Defect Severity # Blocking test Slipped SLA Candidate for

cases escalation
Any Level >10% of total test Yes

Critical >5% of total test Yes


Any Level Any number Yes / Go–No Go meeting is

scheduled within 5 days from current

Defect communication and escalation procedure

First level of notification: As soon as the defect is logged in to quality center, auto generated email
would be sent to the assigned person. Since the defect will be assigned to development team alias, all
the team who are subscribed to the alias would get the email.

Daily status review meeting: Along with the test execution status discussions, all the outstanding
defects would be discussed in the meeting. Development team, business team, basis team, QA
management and other stakeholders as appropriate would join the meeting. Defect details and
estimated time of fix would be documented in the quality center accordingly.

Defect disposition meeting: this is a twice a week meeting where in only high impact defects as
identified are the candidates for escalation would be discussed in detail. Development team
management, QA team management along with respective leads would discuss the finer details and put
an action plan to resolve them.

Escalation email to development team/SME team manager: QA Manager from would send an email
with details of defects which need immediate attention to development team/SME team manager and
on need bases a triage call involving senior management would be organized to discuss associated risks,
have a resolution plan, and to review the status.


1. Above mentioned escalation criteria can be adjusted during execution based on number
of days left for the release go-no go decision.

16.4 Defect severity definitions

Severity Definition Expected time
for Closure

Critical A complete software system, or a subsystem, or software unit 1 Business Day

(program or Module) within the system lost its ability to perform its
required function (=Failure) and no workaround available


Testing of a significant number of tests cannot continue without



Potential show stopper for Go/ No-Go decision to enter next stage or
Cutover without closure

Major The software system, or subsystem, or software unit (program or 2 Business days
module) within the system produces Incorrect, Incomplete, or
Inconsistent results


Defect impairs the usability (capability of software to be understood,

learned, used and attractive to the user when used under specified
conditions [ISO 9126]

Minor Everything that not Major or Critical 3 Business days

16.5 Defect life cycle stage

As part of the Defect Life Cycle definition and Defect Management process, various Defect stages will be
identified as mentioned below

Defect Status Description Required Next Possible

Previous Status

New - Defect identified and raised by a Team Open

- Defect is not reviewed by the Assigned Team Assigned

Open - Assigned Team acknowledges the defect by moving Assigned

the defect to open status Rejected
- No one has been assigned to analyze the defect Deferred
Defect Status Description Required Next Possible
Previous Status

Assigned -Defect is assigned to a user (developer) for Need more

analyses. info Rejected

Need More - Defect is assigned to the tester for getting Assigned

Info additional information about the problem for more Rejected
analysis. Deferred

Rejected - An invalid defect has been logged. The defect can

be rejected by the Assigned Team for various
- Invalid data used by tester
- Invalid test case executed by tester Open
- Test steP&A followed by the tester were incorrect Assigned
Note: If the defect is rejected because requirements
were changed and the Testing team was not notified
for the update requirement, then the defect
shouldn't be rejected. It should be Closed

Fixed - Assigned Team moves the defect to fixed when the

Assigned Retest
defect is fixed and is ready to be deployed

Retest - Assigned team moves the defect to Retest when

the defect has been deployed for testing on the Fixed
required environment
Defect Status Description Required Next Possible
Previous Status

Re-Open - If a defect in Retest Fails, then the defect is

Reopened and assigned back to the previous team
which fixed the defect
Note: If the retest of the defect fails because of a
Retest Fixed
reason different than what the defect was logged
for then a new defect should be open for the new
issue. The current defect shouldn't be reopened in
such cases

Closed - Defect passes the retest and can be closed Fixed


Deferred - Defect is acknowledged by the Assigned Team and

cannot be fixed with the Release timeline because
of any constraints. The defect then will be deployed
to production with known risk
- To be able to move a defect to Deferred status an Assigned
approval from all the key stakeholders is required Re-Open
- A CR needs to be initiated for doing the change in
- The approval email for deferring the defect needs
to be attached as a part of the defect

Duplicate - The defect is a duplicate of and existing open

defect and is same as the previous one. Assigned
- Previous defect Id needs to be updated in this case

17.Results and metrics reporting

Below listed metrics would be published to provide Testing CoE stakeholders with an update and status
of the release.

Report Name Details Frequency

Weekly status report Weekly
● PMO status report to be sent every
Tuesday by 3.00
● Participate in Thread leads status meeting
every Wednesday

Daily Status Report Test Execution status of all the tracks. This report Every working
during test execution contains day
● Test execution planned Vs completed
● Test Case pass/fail numbers,
● Defects open/close , age and severity
● Risks and Issues
● Milestone achievements

Defect Churn Rate

● Need definition from Richa

QA/UAT Velocity Rate

● Need definition from Richa

Closure Report End of each test

● Summary of test execution phase just
concluded to all stakeholders for their sign

18.Communication and Escalation

Below details will provide a view of how communication and escalation can be done against IBM QA

Category Type Participants Mode Type of reporting

Bi-Weekly project Project Telephonic

● test lead ● High level project
meeting conference
● IBM test manager status,
● Key issues and risks,
● IBM test lead
● Action tracker

Weekly status PMO Telephonic

● test lead ● Progress as against
meeting conference plan
● IBM test lead
● Key issues and risks

● Action tracker
Daily status Project QA stakeholders Email Daily reporting of tasks and
reporting progress of the same against
IBM QA team plan

Escalation hierarchy –

Name Role Issue Age Email address

Track Leads Thread leads >3 days

Test Manager >5 days

PMO > 7days

Assumptions, constraints, risks and issues are external factors that the decision maker has little or no
control over, thus they inhibit the decision making process.

19.1 Assumptions
Assumptions are entered using Microsoft® SharePoint Decision Data Entry Form that populates the
Decision Log.

19.2 Constraints
Constraints are entered using Microsoft® SharePoint Decision Data Entry Form that populates the
Decision Log.

19.3 Issues
Issues are entered using Microsoft® SharePoint Issue Data Entry Form that populates the Issue

19.4 Risks
Risks are entered using Microsoft® SharePoint Risk Data Entry Form that populates the Risk

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