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CDEGS v15.6 Release Notes

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SES Software

Release Notes

Version 15.6

New Features in SES Software Release 15.6
This document summarizes the most important features added to version 15.6 of SES Software. For more information on these new features
and enhancements, please read the Users Group Conference Proceedings 2016 (available on the SES web site and on the distribution media,
under the PDF\UsersGroup Documents folder; the latest proceedings document is also installed by default).

Engineering Modules

Module Whats New

The following enhancements have been made to HIFREQ:
It is now possible to model direct contacts (junctions) between wires and metallic plates,
increasing the range of applications that can be studied using combinations of wires and plates.

For example, wire-plate junctions can be used to attach a ground wire to a transformer tank or
HIFREQ other metallic container. They can also be used to energize objects made of plates.

Conductor overlaps are detected more reliably for short conductor segments.

Error messages now indicate the original conductor number in addition to the conductor
segment number.

Improved conductor subdivision in cases involving very short segments (with a length almost equal to
their radius).

The following enhancements have been made to FFTSES:

Introduces the "Frequency Range" feature in the command mode version of FFTSES. This
feature can be used to restrict the range of computation frequencies that can be suggested by
FFTSES based on the shape of the input spectrum or of the frequency-domain response.
Allows extracting and plotting all available field or segment quantities using a single FFTSES

Introduces the notion of signal regularization in the Foward operation. This operation transforms
the signal to avoid sharp discontinuities at the beginning and end of the time window.

Module Whats New
The following enhancements have been made in CDEGS-Specify:
Introduces support for the specification of coating-type on conductors in MALT.
Displays the Chinese help file in the Plate Characteristics Editor screen when run in a Chinese

The following enhancements have been made to SESTLC:
The behavior of the 'Exposed Circuit' data table in 'Fault Condition Interference' mode has been improved.
The diagram displayed for a steady-state interference analysis has been improved.

SESEnviroPlus introduces a new User-Defined method in order to resolve the difficulties in calculating the corona performance
parameters for methods that differ from the built-in methods in SESEnviroPlus.
This new method makes it possible to:
Change the coefficients of the existing (built-in) corona performance calculation methods.
Create new corona performance calculation methods.

Change, add, or ignore corrections.

Right-of-Way Pro
The following enhancements have been made in RightOfWay:
The SES TransposIT tool has been integrated into RightOfWay to allow users to implement automated and flexible
transmission line phase transpositions and cable cross-bondings.
The pipe-enclosure of a Group path can be defined as a Dummy or virtual conductor allowing users to quickly define
a group of cables located within a trench or duct.
Users can now import conductors, profiles and any other MALZ object into a total interference MALZ file directly from
the ROWCAD Entity definition as a Total Interference template file.
The total interference level for steady state conditions is now fully integrated and can be automatically computed without
user interactions, allowing users to account for both the inductive and conductive coupling simultaneously in
RightOfWay. Additional plot options have been added for this feature in the Advanced Process window of the Steady
State option.
In the Total Interference module, users can apply a global shift on the entire network system. Once requested, this shift
consisting of a global Xs and Ys shift value will be added to all conductors X and Y coordinates in the total interference
MALZ model file.
The existing maximum soil breakdown distance and various fault arcing and flashover distance options have been
improved and additional new options have been added. Therefore, it is possible to estimate critical soil breakdown and
flashover distances due to fault conditions, whether initiated by lightning or not, based on different approaches. Users
can select the option that best matches the situation being examined.
Excel plots of the arcing distance can now be created.

The following enhancements have been made in SESShield-3D:
The Accuracy Level concept has been introduced in order to maximize the computation speed by minimizing the number
of sides in each polygons used to approximate the interception surfaces.
All rendering modes are now available for all the analysis methods. Buttons for selecting the rendering mode for the
generated volumes are now available on the toolbar.
Components can now be labeled with their name or component number in the graphical area.
The location of objects imported from the SESShield-3D Object Database can now be specified. A scaling factor can
also be applied to the imported objects.
SESShield-3D now provides options for highlighting components and objects in the graphical area according to whether
they belong to a group or not.
The Construction Tree now has its own toolbar and its overall behavior was improved. In particular, you can now
control which objects are displayed in the graphical area (all objects, only the objects to be protected or only the objects
part of the protection system) from the Construction Tree toolbar.
Some options in the SESShield-3D Settings screen have been moved and new options have been introduced. For
example, the maximum number of recent files can be specified from the On Startup section.
In addition to the possibility to import geometries created with SESShield-3D and with SESCAD (saved as MALT files),
existing geometries saved as MALZ and HIFREQ files can now also be imported in SESShield-3D.
Introduces support for specification of radii in inches in imported MALT, MALZ, and HIFREQ files.
A new How To manual for designing the shielding system of a simple substation has been added to the numerous existing
SES How To manuals.

Tools and Utilities

Module Whats New

In CDEGS-Examine, AutoGridPro, AutoDesign, and GRServer, the Safety module was
Safety Module upgraded for the standard and safety limits calculations to use IEEE Std.80-2013.

SESBat Allows batch database conversions performed by the BINASC and ASCBIN tools.

The following enhancements have been made in SESCAD:

SESCAD is now a complete editor for MALT, MALZ, and HIFREQ files: all
settings for those programs that could not be edited in previous versions of SESCAD
can now be defined on the new Advanced Options screen.
The Outer Radius of conductors can be specified on their Conductor-Type for
In MALZ and HIFREQ, Conductor-Type information can be imported from the
SES Conductor Database.
The Delete Unused Characteristics command was introduced to delete
SESCAD characteristics that are currently not used in a document, re-adjusting the
characteristics type codes assigned to conductors and other objects so that they keep
on pointing to the same Characteristics Definitions.
The detection of network gaps in the Ambiguity Viewer screen was improved with
the addition of a few options.
Selection Handles were introduced to help select plates and soil volumes using the
Energizations can be specified on metallic plates in HIFREQ.
The Default Conductor Type, Coating Type and Lead Type are now imported
when importing a file.

The following enhancements have been made in ROWCAD:

The program is now outfitted with a convenient Keyhole Markup Language (kml) file
import feature. Latitude and longitude are converted via a Universal Transverse
Mercator projection: Google Earth paths and placemarks are converted to ROWCAD
Polylines and Entities, respectively.
In addition, you can choose how the system is centered to avoid large coordinates,
thereby streamlining your work with GPS coordinates and Right-of-Way, resulting in
ROWCAD a simpler, more accurate model creation process.
It is now possible to directly specify the minimum region cut length in order to have
better control of the region matching behavior.
A light grey grid with graduated axes has been added to the drawing area.
The following enhancements were made to PathExport:
- Introduces support for Fixed-Points in ROWCAD projects.
- Adds a version stamp in log file.

Tools and Utilities

Module Whats New

SESeBundle introduces the possibility to create equivalent hollow conductors. This can be
useful, for instance, when modeling power cables that include concentric wires and/or a wire
armor composed of several individual conductors.
SESeBundle (Beta)
The characteristics of the equivalent hollow conductor calculated by SESeBundle can be used
to specify a single hollow conductor as a sheath or armour in a cable model.

The following enhancements have been made in CORRCAD:

The effective resistance of the coating of pipelines and other structures can now be
modeled using discrete or distributed elements. This can be useful, for instance, when
modeling a coated pipe for which polarization data in the presence of coating is not
Different cross-sections can be assigned along the polyline defining the structure to
be protected. This makes it easier, for instance, to model cases where the
characteristics of the structure (e.g., radius of a pipeline) change along its length, to
model the presence of insulating joints.
New curve fitting component for SESCurveFit and CORRCAD.
The SESCurveFit tool, which is used in CorrCAD to fit polarization curves to
analytical formulas, was enhanced with the addition of a new, more accurate form of
polynomial fit. This new Chebyshev polynomial option can be useful when trying to
fit polarization data that does not conform well to the traditional Butler-Volmer
Several options were added to control the display of the results.
Background items were added in the main drawing area to provide useful information
about the drawing

The following enhancements have been made in SESTralin:

A View Report button has been added in the Computation Results panel. This
allows a quick access to the output (F09) results file once the results have been
SESTralin (Beta)
The program now uses the new Soil Model Editor component to display and edit
the properties of the soil model.

Tools and Utilities

Module Whats New

The following enhancements have been made in SESThreshold and Zone Editor:
The IEEE80-2000 standard options have now been updated to IEEE80-2013.
Improved handling of IGNORED zones in threshold plots.
Drag-and-drop of input (F05) and database (F21) files is now possible.
Zones and specifications can now be transferred from Touch to Step and vice-
Within a given quantity (Touch or Step), specifications can now be copied from
one zone to another.
SESThreshold (Beta) A Decrement Factor Tool is offered to help explain and visualize the decrement
factor concept.
A Typical Range of Resistivities window is now available to give information
about the typical resistivity of different soil materials.
Primitive shapes can now be created and exploded in Zone Editor.
The characteristics of a shape in Zone Editor can be controlled during its
Undo/Redo actions are now possible in SESThreshold and Zone Editor.
A Quick-start Guide is now available when SESThreshold or Zone Editor
help is invoked.

SESImpedance Improves the printing of information in the output (F09) file.

The following enhancements have been made in GRServer:

GRServer Plots of electric field for the MALT and MALZ modules have been added.
Plots of Instantaneous and Semi-Major axis values for vector quantities in the MALZ
and HIFREQ modules have been added.

Preview of New Tools and Utilities

Module Description
A complete overhaul of the main CDEGS program offers the benefits of working with features
that use the same user-interface standards of the new lineup of SES Software programs and
provides rich, flexible, and intuitive functionalities to the existing features.

At this early stage, the following are some of the enhancements:

CDEGS (Beta) Being able to quickly add jobs into the Job-ID list by dropping multiple files and
folders, with sub-folders also being captured automatically.
Each program button has its dedicated session selection for those that are available
for the selected job.
A convenient undo/redo on the operations made in the Job-ID list.

Being able to do all that the existing RESAP in CDEGS can do, the new program additionally
offers the following enhancements:
Clearer schematics with electrode labelling that follows popular conventions from
instrument manufacturers,
Measurements data grid with optional columns that help verify the input data,
SESResap (Beta) Possibility of adding comments for any data point,
Interactive plot of the data,
Clearer specification of analysis parameters,
Useful field data sheet that helps achieve quality measurements.

Being able to do all that the existing FFTSES in CDEGS can do, the new program additionally
offers the following enhancements:
Direct visualization of the frequency spectrum of the input signal in Forward mode.
Specification of window or regularization functions to smooth out time-domain
signals and attenuate undesired high-frequency components.
SESFFT (Beta) It is now possible to apply the frequency recommendation algorithm only within a
user-defined range instead of the whole spectrum.
It is now possible to request the computation of multiple quantities for conductor
segments and profiles at the same time.

The new standalone tool allows to create new soil structure data or edit existing soil data for
integrated the SoilModelEditor component to model the soil data.
SoilModelEditor (Beta)
Future versions will extend support to all of the other SES Software programs, allowing soil
models to be shared easily.

Preview of New Tools and Utilities

Module Description
SESLibrary is another new program included in this version of the software. This program
allows you to inspect the properties of a large number of components that can be part of models
for many SES Software engineering programs. It currently includes a comprehensive database
of conductors as well as several power cables; many other components will be added to the
library in the near future.
SESLibrary (Beta)
This module is currently available as a stand-alone program but will eventually be integrated
as a component in several other SES programs, where it will act as a replacement for the
existing SES Conductor Database and other libraries currently available in the software.

SESPlotViewer is a new program that can display data as plots of various types. The program
also displays that same data in tabular format, and optionally allows editing it. The main use
of this program is as a plotter for the computation results produced by some SES Software
engineering programs, but it can also be used to create plots from scratch, using your own
SESPlotViewer (Beta)
The program uses the centralized SES Plotting Engine component at its core; SESFFT is an
example of another program using the same component. Eventually, all programs will fulfill
their plotting requirements with this component.

Notable Bug-fixes
Module Description
The potential of terminals defining a single circuit (earth impedance) could be computed
SPLITS incorrectly in cases involving both terminals with multiple circuits and terminals with a single

CDEGS-Compute FFTSES cases where only Graphics (no Computations) are requested would not run.

In the Ampacity module of AutoGridPro, user-defined decrement factors could not be

specified when using regional settings where the decimal separator is not a period.

The following bug-fixes have been made in Right-of-Way:

Paths that are Dummy over an entire terminal in ROWCAD can now be imported
successfully in Right-of-Way.
Right-of-Way The second 'Monitor Fault' operation run during the same Right-of-Way session
could fail.
The 'Monitor Fault' operation could fail due to the presence of spaces in the names
of busses or terminals

The 'Shielding Failure Analysis' option was made unavailable for all 'Shielding System
Placement Methods' for which it is either inapplicable or not implemented.

A Data Execution Prevention (DEP) error has been fixed. This error could occur on some
platforms when executing the Generate Regions command in ROWCAD.

The following bug-fixes have been made in GRSPLITS-3D:

When viewing SPLITS data, the Transformer Information panel now shows the
correct characteristics of a transformer.
When opening a large SPLITS file, the program may become unresponsive.

SESShield Fixes a software activation problem.

The following bug-fixes have been made in SESThreshold:

Opening a MALZ or HIFREQ project that had been associated to a corresponding
F21 file would not read its units correctly and the program would always interpret it
SESThreshold (Beta) as metric.
The Search Radius for the Touch voltage was not communicated correctly for
projects that were using imperial units, resulting in potentially lower Touch voltages
displayed in the plot.

Safe Engineering Services & technologies ltd.
3055 Blvd. Des Oiseaux, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7L 6E8
Tel.: (450) 622-5000 FAX: (450) 622-5053
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