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Master Test Plan

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<Company Name>

<Project Name>
Master Test Plan
Version <1.0>

[Note: The following template is provided for use with the Rational Unified Process (RUP), and is designed
for use in conjunction with the detailed guidance provided within RUP. As with most of the templates
provided with RUP, this template should be customized to suit the context of the specific project it will be
used on.]
[Note: text such as this you are currently reading–enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics
(style=InfoBlue)–is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted before publishing the
document. A paragraph entered following this style will automatically be set to normal (style=Body Text).]
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FileProperties and replace the Title, Subject and Company fields with the appropriate information for this
document. After closing the dialog, automatic fields may be updated throughout the document by selecting
EditSelect All (or Ctrl-A) and pressing F9, or simply click on the field and press F9. This must be done
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<Project Name> Version: <1.0>
Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<document identifier>

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
<dd/mmm/yy> <x.x> <details> <name>

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<document identifier>

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Scope 5
1.3 Intended Audience 5
1.4 Document Terminology and Acronyms 5
1.5 References 5
1.6 Document Structure 6

2. Governing Evaluation Mission 6

2.1 Project Context and Background 6
2.2 Evaluation Missions applicable to this Project/ Phase 6
2.3 Sources of Test Motivators 6

3. Target Test Items 6

4. Overview of Planned Tests 6

4.1 Overview of Test Inclusions 7
4.2 Overview of Other Candidates for Potential Inclusion 7
4.3 Overview of Test Exclusions 7

5. Test Approach 7
5.1 Measuring the Extent of Testing 7
5.2 Identifying and Justifying Tests 7
5.3 Conducting Tests 7

6. Entry and Exit Criteria 8

6.1 Project/ Phase Master Test Plan 8
6.1.1 Master Test Plan Entry Criteria 8
6.1.2 Master Test Plan Exit Criteria 8
6.1.3 Suspension and Resumption Criteria 8

7. Deliverables 8
7.1 Test Evaluation Summaries 8
7.2 Reporting on Test Coverage 8
7.3 Perceived Quality Reports 8
7.4 Incident Logs and Change Requests 8
7.5 Smoke Test Suite and Supporting Test Scripts 8
7.6 Additional Work Products 8
7.6.1 Detailed Test Results 9
7.6.2 Additional Automated Functional Test Scripts 9
7.6.3 Test Guidelines 9
7.6.4 Traceability Matrices 9

8. Testing Workflow 9

9. Environmental Needs 10
9.1 Base System Hardware 10
9.2 Base Software Elements in the Test Environment 10

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9.3 Productivity and Support Tools 10

9.4 Test Environment Configurations 10

10. Responsibilities, Staffing, and Training Needs 11

10.1 People and Roles 11
10.2 Staffing and Training Needs 12

11. Key Project/ Phase Milestones 13

12. Master Plan Risks, Dependencies, Assumptions, and Constraints 13

13. Management Process and Procedures 14

13.1 Measuring and Assessing the Extent of Testing 14
13.2 Assessing the Deliverables of this Master Test Plan 14
13.3 Problem Reporting, Escalation, and Issue Resolution 14
13.4 Managing Test Cycles 14
13.5 Traceability Strategies 14
13.6 Approval and Signoff 15

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Master Test Plan

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Master Test Plan for the <complete lifecycle, specific-phase> of the <Project Name> is to:
 Provide a central artifact to govern the planning and control of the test effort. It defines the general
approach that will be employed to test the software and to evaluate the results of that testing, and is the
top-level plan that will be used by managers to govern and direct the detailed testing work.
 Provide visibility to stakeholders in the testing effort that adequate consideration has been given to
various aspects of governing the testing effort, and where appropriate to have those stakeholders
approve the plan.
This Master Test Plan also supports the following specific objectives:
• [Identifies the items that should be targeted by the tests.
• identifies the motivation for and ideas behind the test areas to be covered.
• Outlines the testing approach that will be used.
• identifies the required resources and provides an estimate of the test efforts.
• lists the deliverable elements of the test project.]
1.2 Scope
[Defines the types of testingsuch as Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, and
Supportabilityand if necessary the levels of testingfor example, Integration or System that will be
addressed by this Master Test Plan. It is also important to provide a general indication of significant elements
that will be excluded from scope, especially where the intended audience might otherwise reasonably assume
the inclusion of those elements.
Note: Be careful to avoid repeating detail here that you will define in sections 3, Target Test Items, and
4,Overview of Planned Tests.]
1.3 Intended Audience
[Provide a brief description of the audience for whom you are writing the Master Test Plan. This helps readers
of your document identify whether it is a document intended for their use, and helps prevent the document from
being used inappropriately.
Note: The document style and content usually alters in relation to the intended audience.
This section should only be about three to five paragraphs in length.]
1.4 Document Terminology and Acronyms
[This subsection provides the definitions of any terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to properly
interpret the Master Test Plan. Avoid listing items that are generally applicable to the project as a whole and
that are already defined in the project’s Glossary. Include a reference to the project’s Glossary in the
References section.]
1.5 References
[This subsection provides a list of the documents referenced elsewhere within the Master Test Plan. Identify
each document by title, version (or report number if applicable), date, and publishing organization or original
author. Avoid listing documents that are influential but not directly referenced. Specify the sources from which
the “official versions” of the references can be obtained, such as intranet UNC names or document reference
codes. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document.]

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
<document identifier>

1.6 Document Structure

[This subsection outlines what the rest of the Master Test Plan contains and gives an introduction to how the
rest of the document is organized. This section may be eliminated if a Table of Contents is used.]
2. Governing Evaluation Mission
[Provide an overview of the mission(s) that will govern the detailed testing within the iterations.]
2.1 Project Context and Background
[Provide a brief description of the background surrounding the project with specific reference or focus on
important implications for the test effort. Include information such as the key problem being solved, the major
benefits of the solution, the planned architecture of the solution, and a brief history of the project. Note that
where this information is defined sufficiently in other documents, you might simply include a reference to those
other documents if appropriate; however, it may save readers of the test plan time and effort if a limited amount
of information is duplicated here: so you should use your judgment. As a general rule, this section should only
be about three to five paragraphs in length.]
2.2 Evaluation Missions applicable to this Project/ Phase
[Provide a brief statement that defines the mission(s) for the test and evaluation effort over the scope of the
plan. The governing mission statement(s) might incorporate one or more concerns including:
 find as many bugs as possible
 find important problems, assess perceived quality risks
 advise about perceived project risks
 certify to a standard
 verify a specification (requirements, design or claims)
 advise about product quality, satisfy stakeholders
 advise about testing
 fulfill process mandates
 and so forth
Each mission provides a different context to the test effort and changes the way in which testing should be
2.3 Sources of Test Motivators
[Provide an outline of the key sources from which the testing effort in this Project/ Phase will be motivated.
Testing will be motivated by many thingsquality risks, technical risks, project risks, use cases, functional
requirements, non-functional requirements, design elements, suspected failures or faults, change requests, and
so forth.]
3. Target Test Items
The listing below identifies those test itemssoftware, hardware, and supporting product elements that have
been identified as targets for testing. This list represents what items will be tested.
[Provide a high level list of the major target test items. This list should include both items produced directly by
the project development team, and items that those products rely on; for example, basic processor hardware,
peripheral devices, operating systems, third-party products or components, and so forth. In the Master plan,
this may simply be a list the categories or target areas.]
4. Overview of Planned Tests
[This section provides a high-level overview of the testing that will be performed. The outline in this section

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
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represents a high level overview of both the tests that will be performed and those that will not.]
4.1 Overview of Test Inclusions
[Provide a high-level overview of the major testing planned for project/ phase. Note what will be included in
the plan and record what will explicitly not be included in the following section titled Overview of Test
4.2 Overview of Other Candidates for Potential Inclusion
[Give a separate overview of areas you suspect might be useful to investigate and evaluate, but that have not
been sufficiently researched to know if they are important to pursue.]
4.3 Overview of Test Exclusions
[Provide a high-level overview of the potential tests that might have been conducted but that have been
explicitly excluded from this plan. If a type of test will not be implemented and executed, indicate this in a
sentence stating the test will not be implemented or executed and stating the justification, such as:
 “These tests do not help achieve the evaluation mission.”
 “There are insufficient resources to conduct these tests.”
 “These tests are unnecessary due to the testing conducted by xxxx.”
As a heuristic, if you think it would be reasonable for one of your audience members to expect a certain aspect
of testing to be included that you will not or cannot address, you should note it’s exclusion: If the team agrees
the exclusion is obvious, you probably don’t need to list it.]
5. Test Approach
[The Test Approach presents an overview of the recommended strategy for analyzing, designing, implementing
and executing the required tests. Sections 3, Target Test Items, and 4, Overview of Planned Tests, identified
what items will be tested and what types of tests would be performed. This section describes how the tests will
be realized.
As you identify each aspect of the approach, you should update Section 10, Responsibilities, Staffing, and
Training Needs, to document the test environment configuration and other resources that will be needed to
implement each aspect.]
5.1 Measuring the Extent of Testing
[Describe what strategy you will use for measuring the progress of the testing effort. When deciding on a
measurement strategy, it is important to consider the following advice from Cem Kaner, 2000 “Bug count
metrics reflect only a small part of the work and progress of the testing group. Many alternatives look more
closely at what has to be done and what has been done. These will often be more useful and less prone to side
effects than bug count metrics.”
A good measurement strategy will report on multiple dimensions. Consider the following dimensions, and select
a subset that are appropriate for your project context: coverage (against the product and/ or against the plan),
effort, results, obstacles, risks (in product quality and/ or testing quality), historical trend (across iterations
and/ or across projects).]
5.2 Identifying and Justifying Tests
[Describe how tests will be identified and considered for inclusion in the scope of the test effort covered by this
strategy. Provide a listing of resources that will be used to stimulate/ drive the identification and selection of
specific tests to be conducted, such as Initial Test-Idea Catalogs, Requirements documents, User documentation
and/ or Other Reference Sources. Examples of Test-Ideas Catalogs can be found in the process components
shipped with RUP.]
5.3 Conducting Tests
One of the main aspects of the test approach is an explanation of how the testing will be conducted, covering

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
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the selection of quality-risk areas or test types that will be addressed and the associated techniques that will be
used. If you are maintaining a separate test strategy artifact that covers this, simply list the test types or
quality-risks areas that will be addressed by the plan, and refer to the test strategy artifact for the details. If
there is no separate test strategy artifact, you should provide an outline here of how testing will be conducted
for each technique: how design, implementation and execution of the tests will be done, and the criterion for
knowing that the technique is both useful and successful. For each technique, provide a description of the
technique and define why it is an important part of the test approach by briefly outlining how it helps achieve
the Evaluation Mission(s).

6. Entry and Exit Criteria

6.1 Project/ Phase Master Test Plan
6.1.1 Master Test Plan Entry Criteria
[Specify the criteria that will be used to determine whether the execution of the Master Test Plan can begin.]
6.1.2 Master Test Plan Exit Criteria
[Specify the criteria that will be used to determine whether the execution of the Master Test Plan is complete
or that continued execution provides no further benefit.]
6.1.3 Suspension and Resumption Criteria
[Specify the criteria that will be used to determine whether testing should be prematurely suspended or ended
before the plan has been completely executed, and under what criteria testing can be resumed.]

7. Deliverables
[In this section, list the various artifacts that will be created by the test effort that are useful deliverables to the
various stakeholders of the test effort. Don’t list all work products; only list those that give direct, tangible
benefit to a stakeholder and those by which you want the success of the test effort to be measured.]
7.1 Test Evaluation Summaries
[Provide a brief outline of both the form and content of the test evaluation summaries, and indicate how
frequently they will be produced.]
7.2 Reporting on Test Coverage
[Provide a brief outline of both the form and content of the reports used to measure the extent of testing, and
indicate how frequently they will be produced. Give an indication as to the method and tools used to record,
measure, and report on the extent of testing.]
7.3 Perceived Quality Reports
[Provide a brief outline of both the form and content of the reports used to measure the perceived quality of the
product, and indicate how frequently they will be produced. Give an indication about to the method and tools
used to record, measure, and report on the perceived product quality. You might include some analysis of
Incidents and Change Request over Test Coverage.]
7.4 Incident Logs and Change Requests
[Provide a brief outline of both the method and tools used to record, track, and manage test incidents,
associated change requests, and their status.]
7.5 Smoke Test Suite and Supporting Test Scripts
[Provide a brief outline of the test assets that will be delivered to allow ongoing regression testing of
subsequent product builds to help detect regressions in the product quality.]
7.6 Additional Work Products

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
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[In this section, identify the work products that are optional deliverables or those that should not be used to
measure or assess the successful execution of the Master Test Plan.]
7.6.1 Detailed Test Results
[This denotes either a collection of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets listing the results determined for each test
case, or the repository of both test logs and determined results maintained by a specialized test product.]
7.6.2 Additional Automated Functional Test Scripts
[These will be either a collection of the source code files for automated test scripts, or the repository of both
source code and compiled executables for test scripts maintained by the test automation product.]
7.6.3 Test Guidelines
[Test Guidelines cover a broad set of categories, including Test-Idea catalogs, Good Practice Guidance, Test
patterns, Fault and Failure Models, Automation Design Standards, and so forth.]
7.6.4 Traceability Matrices
[Using a tool such as Rational RequisistePro or MS Excel, provide one or more matrices of traceability
relationships between traced items.]
8. Testing Workflow
[Provide an outline of the workflow to be followed by the Test team in the development and execution of this
Master Test Plan.]
The specific testing workflow that you will use should be documented separately in the project's Development
Case. It should explain how the project has customized the base RUP test workflow (typically on a phase-by-
phase basis). In most cases, we recommend you place a reference in this section of the Master Test Plan to the
relevant section of the Development Case. It might be both useful and sufficient to simply include a diagram or
image depicting your test workflow.
More specific details of the individual testing tasks are defined in a number of different ways, depending on
project culture; for example:
 defined as a list of tasks in this section of the Master Test Plan, or in an accompanying appendix
 defined in a central project schedule (often in a scheduling tool such as Microsoft Project)
 documented in individual, "dynamic" to-do lists for each team member, which are usually too detailed to be
placed in the Master Test Plan
 documented on a centrally located whiteboard and updated dynamically
 not formally documented at all
Based on your project culture, you should either list your specific testing tasks here or provide some descriptive
text explaining the process your team uses to handle detailed task planning and provide a reference to where
the details are stored, if appropriate.
For Master Test Plans, we recommend avoiding detailed task planning, which is often an unproductive effort if
done as a front-loaded activity at the beginning of the project. A Master Test Plan might usefully describe the
phases and the number of iterations, and give an indication of what types of testing are generally planned for
each Phase or Iteration.
Note: Where process and detailed planning information is recorded centrally and separately from this Master
Test Plan, you will have to manage the issues that will arise from having duplicate copies of the same
information. To avoid team members referencing out-of-date information, we suggest that in this situation you
place the minimum amount of process and planning information within the Master Test Plan to make ongoing
maintenance easier and simply reference the "Master" source material.]

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Master Test Plan Date: <dd/mmm/yy>
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9. Environmental Needs
[This section presents the non-human resources required for the Master Test Plan.
Note: This section may be delegated in whole or part to the Test Strategy artifact.]
9.1 Base System Hardware
The following table sets forth the system resources for the test effort presented in this Master Test Plan.
[The specific elements of the test system may not be fully understood in early iterations, so expect this section to
be completed over time. We recommend that the system simulates the production environment, scaling down the
concurrent access and database size, and so forth, if and where appropriate.]
[Note: Add or delete items as appropriate.]
System Resources
Resource Quantity Name and Type

9.2 Base Software Elements in the Test Environment

The following base software elements are required in the test environment for this Master Test Plan.
[Note: Add or delete items as appropriate.]
Software Element Name Version Type and Other Notes

9.3 Productivity and Support Tools

The following tools will be employed to support the test process for this Master Test Plan.
[Note: Add or delete items as appropriate.]
Tool Category or Type Tool Brand Name Vendor or In-house Version

9.4 Test Environment Configurations

The following Test Environment Configurations needs to be provided and supported for this project.

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Configuration Name Description Implemented in Physical


10. Responsibilities, Staffing, and Training Needs

[This section presents the required resources to address the test effort outlined in the Master Test Plan—the
main responsibilities, and the knowledge or skill sets required of those resources
Note: This section may be delegated in whole or part to the Test Strategy artifact..]
10.1 People and Roles
This table shows the staffing assumptions for the test effort.
[Note: Add or delete items as appropriate.]
Human Resources
Role Minimum Resources Specific Responsibilities or Comments
(Number of full-time roles

Test Manager Provides management oversight.

Responsibilities include:
 planning and logistics
 agree mission
 identify motivators
 acquire appropriate resources
 present management reporting
 advocate the interests of test
 evaluate effectiveness of test effort
Test Analyst Identifies and defines the specific tests to be
Responsibilities include:
 identify test ideas
 define test details
 determine test results
 document change requests
 evaluate product quality
Test Designer Defines the technical approach to the
implementation of the test effort.
Responsibilities include:
 define test approach
 define test automation architecture
 verify test techniques
 define testability elements
 structure test implementation

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Human Resources
Role Minimum Resources Specific Responsibilities or Comments
(Number of full-time roles

Tester Implements and executes the tests.

Responsibilities include:
 implement tests and test suites
 execute test suites
 log results
 analyze and recover from test failures
 document incidents
Test System Administrator Ensures test environment and assets are managed
and maintained.
Responsibilities include:
 administer test management system
 install and support access to, and recovery of,
test environment configurations and test labs
Database Administrator, Ensures test data (database) environment and
Database Manager assets are managed and maintained.
Responsibilities include:
 support the administration of test data and test
beds (database).
Designer Identifies and defines the operations, attributes,
and associations of the test classes.
Responsibilities include:
 defines the test classes required to support
testability requirements as defined by the test
Implementer Implements and unit tests the test classes and test
Responsibilities include:
 creates the test components required to
support testability requirements as defined by
the designer

10.2 Staffing and Training Needs

This section outlines how to approach staffing and training the test roles for the project.
[The way to approach staffing and training will vary from project to project. If this section is part of a Master
Test Plan, you should indicate at what points in the project lifecycle different skills and numbers of staff are
Give thought to your training needs, and plan to schedule this based on a Just-In-Time (JIT) approach—there
is often a temptation to attend training too far in advance of its usage when the test team has apparent slack.
Doing this introduces the risk of the training being forgotten by the time it's needed.

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Look for opportunities to combine the purchase of productivity tools with training on those tools, and arrange
with the vendor to delay delivery of the training until just before you need it. If you have enough headcount,
consider having training delivered in a customized manner for you, possibly at your own site.
The test team often requires the support and skills of other team members not directly part of the test team.
Make sure you arrange in your plan for appropriate availability of System Administrators, Database
Administrators, and Developers who are required to enable the test effort.]
11. Key Project/ Phase Milestones
[Identify the key schedule milestones that set the context for the Testing effort. Avoid repeating too much detail
that is documented elsewhere in plans that address the entire project.]

Milestone Planned Actual Planned Actual

Start Date Start Date End Date End Date
Project/ Phase starts
Master Test Plan agreed
Testing resources requisitioned
Testing team 1st training complete
Phase 1 exit milestone
Requirements baselined
Architecture baselined
User Interface baselined
Phase 2 exit milestone
Test Process Audit Conducted
System Performance Test starts
Customer Acceptance Testing
Project Status Assessment review
Project/ Phase ends

12. Master Plan Risks, Dependencies, Assumptions, and Constraints

[List any risks that may affect the successful execution of this Master Test Plan, and identify mitigation and
contingency strategies for each risk. Also indicate a relative ranking for both the likelihood of occurrence and
the impact if the risk is realized.]
Risk Mitigation Strategy Contingency (Risk is realized)

[List any dependencies identified during the development of this Master Test Plan that may affect its successful
execution if those dependencies are not honored. Typically these dependencies relate to activities on the critical

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path that are prerequisites or post-requisites to one or more preceding (or subsequent) activities You should
consider responsibilities you are relying on other teams or staff members external to the test effort completing,
timing and dependencies of other planned tasks, the reliance on certain work products being produced.]
Dependency between Potential Impact of Dependency Owners

[List any assumptions made during the development of this Master Test Plan that may affect its successful
execution if those assumptions are proven incorrect. Assumptions might relate to work you assume other teams
are doing, expectations that certain aspects of the product or environment are stable, and so forth].
Impact of Assumption being
Assumption to be proven incorrect Owners

[List any constraints placed on the test effort that have had a negative effect on the way in which this Master
Test Plan has been approached.]
Constraint on Impact Constraint has on test effort Owners

13. Management Process and Procedures

[Outline what processes and procedures are to be used when issues arise with the Master Test Plan and its
13.1 Measuring and Assessing the Extent of Testing
[Define any management and procedural aspects of the measurement and assessment strategy outlined in
Section 5.1 Measuring the Extent of Testing.]
13.2 Assessing the Deliverables of this Master Test Plan
[Outline the assessment process for reviewing and accepting the deliverables of this Master Test Plan]

13.3 Problem Reporting, Escalation, and Issue Resolution

[Define how process problems will be reported and escalated, and the process to be followed to achieve
13.4 Managing Test Cycles
[Outline the management control process for a test cycle.]
13.5 Traceability Strategies
[Consider appropriate traceability strategies for:
 Coverage of Testing against Specifications — enables measurement the extent of testing
 Motivations for Testing — enables assessment of relevance of tests to help determine whether to

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maintain or retire tests

 Software Design Elements — enables tracking of subsequent design changes that would necessitate
rerunning tests or retiring them
 Resulting Change Requests — enables the tests that discovered the need for the change to be identified
and re-run to verify the change request has been completed successfully]
13.6 Approval and Signoff
[Outline the approval process and list the job titles (and names of current incumbents) that initially must
approve the plan, and sign off on the plans satisfactory execution.]

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