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Internet of Things likewise considered the Internet of Objects refers to the idea that the

Internet is never again only a worldwide system for individuals to communicate with

each other using computers, but it is also a platform for devices to communicate

electronically with their general surroundings. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a typical

example that is quickly making progress in the modern wireless telecommunication. IoT

is the system of physical devices, home appliances, vehicles and different things

embedded with hardware, software, sensors, and network which empowers these things

to connect, collect and exchange data. The Internet of Things allows objects to be

controlled and sensed remotely across existing network and creating opportunities for

more direct co-ordination of the computer-based systems with physical world and

bringing about accuracy, improved efficiency and economic benefit. IoT is continuously

changing and developing. There are difficulties related with the IoTs. The zones of trust


security, standardization and administration required to guarantee a reasonable and

reliable open IoT which offers some benefit to every one of the things in the society. The

Internet of things incorporates a three-layer framework. They are network layer,

perception layer and application layer. Perception layer incorporates sensor nodes. Sensor

nodes and Information communication technology enabled devices are the basic

components of the sensor technology. It comprises of cameras, RFID tags, sensors and

sensor network used to distinguish items and gathering data. Network layer is framework

layer of IoT. It coordinates towards the combination of the application layer and the

perception layer. The application layer incorporates the IoT with the innovation of

explicit industry. The IoT is connected in the vast majority of the fields including

agriculture. ‘Things’ in the IoT can refer to different objects. These objects gather

valuable data with the assistance of different existing technologies and after that


transfer the information between different objects. IoT is likewise expected to produce a

lot of information from different areas that is aggregated in all respects rapidly, in this

manner expanding the need to record, store and process such information. In the first

place, so as to interface everyday devices

and objects to network and to extensive databases and in reality, to the network of

networks (the internet), a cost effective, simple and unobtrusive system of item

identification is critical. Only then information about things be gathered and handled.

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) offers this function. Second, information

accumulation will profit by the capacity to recognize changes in the physical status of

things utilizing sensor technologies. Embedded knowledge in the things themselves can

additionally improve the intensity of the network by degenerating data preparing

capacities to the edges of the network. At last, progresses smaller and smaller things to be

able to associate and interface. A combination of these advancements will make an

Internet of Things that associates the world’s objects in both an intelligent and sensory


background information

When I was at home during august holiday our farm was robbed and all our animals were

stolen. We were left with nothing, I came up with the idea that can control theft in the

farm as well increasing productivity. I shared the idea with my collegue and came up

with this project so that we can automize farming convenient and most reliable

techniques emerging in our country really pushed us to come up with this project.

Statement of the problem

In Kenya a greater part of the population relies upon agriculture and its natural income

originate from agriculture. Despite this and even the cutting edge innovation is found all

over the place, the farming area is following the old customary innovation. Our farmers

still retreat to convectional techniques like manual distribution of seeds and ploughing an

evenness of availability of water through the year causes a major problem. All this lead to

inadequate yields and low productivity.

Advantages of smart farming

Improve crop health. Optical smart farming technologies allow

farmers to identify crop diseases and other problems earlier.

Reduce the ecological footprint of farming. Precision agriculture

systems can reduce the use of harmful chemicals and carbon emissions.

Help feed the increasing global population. The UN

data suggests that the world’s population will grow from 7.7 billion in 2020

to 9.7 billion in 2050.

Provide food security in climate change scenarios. More efficient

smart farming helps to adapt to changing climates while maintaining

production levels.

Achieve higher yields while reducing operating costs. Smart

farms achieve higher yields

➨It allows farmers to maximize yields using minimum resources such as

water, fertilizers, seeds etc.

➨Solar powered and mobile operated pumps save cost of electricity.

➨Smart agriculture use drones and robots which helps in many ways.

These improves data collection process and helps in wireless monitoring

and control.

➨It is cost effective method.

➨It delivers high quality crop production.

Disadvantages Of Smart Agriculture

➨The smart agriculture needs availability of internet continuously. Rural part of most of the

developing countries do not fulfil this requirement. Moreover internet connection is slower.

➨The smart farming based equipments require farmers to understand and learn the use of

technology. This is major challange in adopting smart agriculture farming at large scale across

the countries


 To increase level of productivity using an electronic system proposed for efficient

monitoring and effective control of different parameters related to the field.

 To maximize the productivity with minimal use of water through developed wireless

sensor network aiming for real time in the field sensing variables irrigation and

controlling of site specific precision..


Many countries like kenya, greater part of the population relies upon agriculture and its

national income originates from agriculture. Despite this and even the cutting-edge

innovation is found all over the place, the farming area is following the old customary

innovation. Our farmers still retreat to conventional techniques like manual distribution

of seeds and ploughing, two harvests for each year design, informal frameworks of

development. The monsoons are irregular, and unevenness of availability of water

throughout the year poses a major problem. All this leads to inadequate yield and low

productivity. The newer scenario of drying up of tanks and rivers, unpredictable

environment and decreasing water tables present an urgent need of proper utilization of

water. The use of scientific methods in the agricultural field can bring about rapid

changes in the productivity of crops, due to improved efficiency and accuracy in the

farming methods. To cope up with this use of sensors like soil moisture sensor and

temperature sensors at suitable locations for monitoring of crops is implemented. An

algorithm developed with predefined threshold values of soil moisture and temperature

can be programmed into a microcontroller-based gateway to control water quantity. After

the research in the agricultural field, specialists found that the yield of agricultural

productivity is diminishing day by day. However, utilization of modern technologies in

the field of agriculture plays significant role in increasing the decreasing the additional

labour efforts. A portion of the research attempts are accomplished for the improvement

of farmers which gives the system that use technologies helpful for increasing the

agricultural yield. Of the various advantages that IoT brings to the table, its ability to

innovate the current scenario of farming methods is absolutely ground-breaking. Mostly,

we come across ideas that suggest a wireless sensor network that collects data from the

various sensors present in the field and sends the data to the main central server. This

method focuses on studying the environmental factors to improve crop yield. But it turns

out, monitoring environmental factors alone are never adequate to increase productivity

of crops since a lot of other factors have a role to play. This may include spraying of

insecticides and pesticides to prevent invasion of pests and insects, monitoring the fields

at all times to stay aware of attacks by animals and birds, and thefts of crops during the

stages of harvesting. We need to implement an integrated system that will ensure

increased levels of productivity, and crop monitoring at all stages of cultivation and

harvesting. The real-time monitoring of environmental parameters is very important in

farming. So, an electronic system is proposed for the efficient monitoring and effective

control of different environmental parameters related to the field. A remote detecting and

control irrigation system using distributed wireless sensor network aiming for real time in

field sensing, variable rate irrigation and controlling of a site-specific precision linear

move irrigation system to maximize the productivity with minimal use of water is

developed. The system designed describes details about the instrumentation and design of

wireless sensor network, real time in field sensing, variable rate irrigation, and control by

using appropriate software. The whole system is implemented using sensors which

collects the data and sends the data to the Arduino microcontroller where necessary

actions are taken for controlling irrigation automatically according to the predefined

threshold values. The system provides a low-cost wireless solution as well as remote

controlling for precision irrigation using IoT technologies. The aim of this system is to

modernize farming innovation by using programming segments and construct the

necessary parts for the framework. In the studies related to wireless sensor network

technology, researchers’ monitored soil related parameters such as temperature and

humidity. Sensors were deployed below the soil which communicates with relay nodes

by the use of effective communication protocol providing very low duty cycle and hence

increasing the life time of soil monitoring system







1. Hardware

a) Arduino board

b) Connecting cables (male and female)

c) Adapter (240 Volts)

d) USB cable

e) H-Bridge

f) Soil moisture sensor

g) Temperature sensor

f) ultrasonic

g) wooden plate measuring 60cm by 60cm

h) mini water pump (12volts)

i) water pipe (1m long)

2. software

a) arduino IDE


1. Connect the arduino to your computer

2. Usind software arduino IDE programme the sensors

3. Connect the sensor and LED lights

4. Test the system using your computer


 The block diagram as shown in Figure contains soil moisture sensor, PIR sensor, Gsm

module, motor, beeper, ESP8266 wife module, relay one and two.

 Soil moisture sensor is an input device which sends the data about the moisture level of

soil to Arduino mega. PIR sensor also an input device. If any motion is detected

by the PIR, it sends the signal to the Arduino uno.

B.  Arduino mega is a heart of the system, it controls all component of the system based

upon the program.

 Relay 1 acts as a switch to the water pump. Relay 2 acts as a switch for beeper.

D. Circuit Diagram

 Arduino board is connected with the hardware components module,Temperature

sensor, Soil moisture sensor and ultrasonic sensors.

 Water pump motor is connected to the battery and to the relay which in turn is

connected to the arduino board.

 Beeper is connected to the battery and to the relay which in turn is connected to the

arduino board.

 All the ground pins of the components are connected to the ground pins of the arduino.

 All the VCC pins of the components are connected to the VCC pins of the arduino.

F. Software Components required for the Project

The software requirements specification is a description of a software system to be

developed. The software requirements


1) Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment or Arduino Software contains a text

editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for

common functions and a series of menus as shown in the


2) Writing Sketches

Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE) called sketches. These sketches are

written in the text editor and are saved with the file collision. The editor has features for

cutting, pasting and for searching, replacing text. The message area gives feedback while

saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays text output by the

Arduino Software (IDE), including complete error messages and other information. The

bottom right-hand corner of the window displays configured board and serial port. The

toolbar buttons allow you to verify and upload programs, create, open, and save sketches,

and open the serial monitor.

3) Libraries

Libraries provide extra functionality for use in sketches, e.g. Working with hardware or

manipulating data. To use a library

in a sketch, select it from the Sketch Import Library menu. Because libraries are uploaded

to the board with your sketch, they increase the amount of space it takes up.

4) Things Speak Server

Thing Speak is an IoT analytics platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize

and analyses live data streams in the cloud. Thing Speak provides instant visualizations

of data

posted by your devices to thing Speak. With the help of things peak server, we can

perform online analysis and processing of the data as it comes in. thing Speak is often

used for prototyping and proof of concept IoT systems that require analytics. Some of the

key capabilities of things speak include the ability to: Easily configure devices to send

data to

thing Speak using popular IoT protocols. Visualize your sensor data in real-time.

Aggregate data on-demand from third-party sources. Run your IoT analytics


based on schedules or events. Prototype and build IoT

systems without setting up servers or developing web


G. Hardware components required for the project

1) Arduino board

The Arduino mega is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip

ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by The board is equipped with

sets of

digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion

boards (shields) and other circuits. The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins, and

programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B

USB cable. It can be


2) Soil Moisture Sensor

The soil moisture sensor comprises of two probes which are utilized to gauge the

volumetric substance of water as appeared in the Figure 4.4. The two probes enable the


to go through the dirt and after that it gets the opposition incentive to gauge the dampness

esteem. At the point when there is more water, the dirt will direct greater power which

implies that there will be less obstruction. Thusly, the dampness level will be higher. Dry

soil conducts power ineffectively, so when there will be less water, at that point the dirt

will lead less power which implies

Smart Agriculture System

3) ultrasonic sensor

The pyroelectric sensor is actually divided into two halves. When there is no motion, both

halves receive the same amount of IR radiations from the surrounding. When a target

crosses the sensor, the IR radiation level received at one half is more than the radiation at

the other half. This shows that the motion is detected. Then the output will be high. The

range of the PIR sensor goes up to 6 to 10 meters. An input voltage of 3 to 5 volts is

provided in 1 pin and the digital output is obtained from another pin.

4) H-Bridge connects the motor drive to arduino and controls the movement of the motor both

clockwise and anticlockwise

5) Motor drive rotates the green house enabling closure and opening of the green house.

6) Connecting cables connects the sensors and arduino board

7) Charging system supply power to the arduino board.

D. E. Methodology

Methodology of Smart Agriculture System involves soil moisture sensing along with

automated irrigation system and intruders scaring. Smart Agriculture system is controlled

automatically. The farmer will be informed about the situation of the farm even he is not

present in the farm. This improved method includes no workers to control the farm

manually and wastage of water is decreased. Different sensors are deployed in the field

like, moisture sensor and ultrasonic sensor. The sensors play an important role in the IoT

system as they are the whole and sole mechanism required for proper functioning of the

system. These sensors collect real time data continuously from where it was placed. The

data collected from these sensors are sent to the Arduino mega. In control section, that is

in the Arduino mega the data from the sensors are received and the received data is then

analyzed by the Arduino mega and then passes the signal to the devices which it was

connected to. Soil moisture sensor is deployed in to the soil and is connected to Arduino

mega. This measures the moisture level continuously. If the moisture level in the soil is

lower than the given threshold value, the Arduino sends signal to the motor to turn on, it

will result in automatic smart irrigation system where the motor is turned on

automatically and water is pumped to the soil. Similarly, if the soil moisture level value is

less than the threshold value, then the Arduino sends the signal to the motor to turn off

the motor. The sensor has both analog and digital output. LED indicates whether the

output is high or low. If the soil is dry, then the current will not pass through it and it will

act as open circuit. Hence the output is said to be high. Similarly, if the soil is wet, then

E. the current will pass from one terminal to the other terminal and here the circuit is said to

be short. Hence the output is zero. Moisture sensor is platinum coated to increase the

efficiency. The sensor has long life because of its anti-oxidant property. It is also easily

affordable by farmers.. The method of scaring the intruder is done by using PIR sensors.

The farmland is deployed with PIR sensors. The PIR sensor is used to detect the object

crossing the farmland. If any motion is detected by the PIR, it sends signal to the

Arduino, the Arduino further sends signal to the other devices which it has been informed

before, such as buzzer. Farmland is deployed with PIR sensors. PIR sensor

stands for passive infrared sensor. The main component of a PIR sensor is the

pyroelectric sensor. The pyroelectric sensor is actually divided into two halves. When

there is no motion, both halves receive the same amount of IR radiations from the

surrounding. However, when a target crosses the sensor, the IR radiation level received at

one half is more than the radiation at the other half. The PIR reacts to this change and

makes the output HIGH. The range of detection goes up to 6- 10 meters. When any

motion is detected by the PIR sensor, it automatically turns on the buzzer. When the

motion is detected an alert, message is also sent to the farmer. The alert messages are sent

using GSM module. SIM is inserted into the GSM modem and it works as same as the

mobile phone. Soil moisture content will be passed to the ‘Things Speak’ server where

the graph will be displayed accordingly. Similarly, motion detection graph will be

displayed in the ‘Things Speak’ server which shows fluctuations whenever the motion is


Smart Agriculture System



The project uses sensors like soil moisture sensor and PIR sensor which are connected to the

Arduino . The sensors give input to the controller and according to that microcontroller control

the devices in auto mode. For soil

moisture sensor, threshold value is defined at the beginning of the procedure. The soil moisture

sensor takes the moisture content level from the place where the sensor is deployed and the soil

moisture sensor sends the input data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller computes the

result depending on the program. If the moisture level in the soil is lower than the given

threshold value, then automatic smart irrigation system is implemented where the motor is turned

on automatically and water is pumped to the soil. Similarly, if the value of the soil moisture level

reaches a certain threshold

value, then the motor is turned off automatically. Controlling actions will be taken by relay

which is connected to the output side. Motion is detected using PIR sensor. PIR sensor sends the

input data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller computes the result depending on the

program. The PIR sensor absorbs the IR radiation emitted by the body. Once the motion is

detected by the PIR, the buzzer

gets on which will scare the intruders off.. In this project serial monitor acts as a output device. It

displays current soil moisture level and status of motion detection. Soil moisture content will be

displayed on the computer or the LCD display.

Expected Actual
case Action
output output

1 When the The LED lights on and Same as

soil moisture is below 30%
indicates on the computer. expected

When the
Same as
2 soil moisture is above 30% The LED lights off.

This table shows action and response of the soil moisture level detection. Soil moisture level can

be controlled using water pump. This table contains 2 events, based upon these events the motor

can be controlled to maintain optimal

moisture level in the soil. If the soil moisture level is low, motor will be turned on and when the

moisture level reaches the threshold value, the motor will be turned off

Expected Actual
case Action
output output

When the
Same as
1 motion is LED is
detected turned on

When there
Same as
2 is no LED is
motion turned off

This table shows the results of motion detection and control. This table shows action and

response of motion detection. Motion is detected using PIR sensor. The PIR sensor

absorbs the IR radiation emitted by the body. Once the motion is detected by the PIR, the

buzzer gets turned on which will scare the intruders. An alert message is also sent to the

farmer using GSM when motion is detected. If the motion is not detected then the buzzer

will remain turned off.


Better improvement of production in crop is a major requirement in the countries like India,

where the majority

people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Implementing smart agriculture system using

IoT in the field can definitely help to improve the yield of the crops and overall production. The

system also provides cost effective method which can be carried out by the farmers easily. The

system also consumes less power and reduces water

consumption to a great extent. So this is very useful in areas where the water availability is a

major problem. The system also provides a method for intruder detection which is a primary

reason for reduction in crops.

A. Direction for Future Work The intrusion detection system implemented in the project just

detects the intruder’s motion. This can be made more accurate and reliable by capturing the

image of the intruder using a camera and sending that to the owner whenever intrusion is

detected. PIR sensor ranges up to 10 meters which is fine for the project purpose. This can be

overcome by using any advanced device in the farmland which has a longer range than PIR



[1] H N.Kamalaskar, Dr. P H.Zopeissn. International journal

of engineering sciences and research technology survey of smart irrigation system

[2] B. P. Ladgaonkar and A. M. Pawar, “Design and

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High-Tech Polyhouse Environment”, IJAET July 2011 ISSN: 2231-1963 1

Vol. 1, Issue 3.

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Monitoring System for Agriculture”, (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2,

Issue-4, March, 2013.

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Of Drip Irrigation System and Monitoring Of Soil By Wireless”, (IOSR-JAVS) E-ISSN:

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