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IOT Based Smart Agriculture System: Sushanth.g@christuniversity - in Sujatha.s@christuniversity - in

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IOT Based Smart Agriculture System

G. Sushanth1 and S. Sujatha2

Department of ECE, Christ University, Bangalore, India
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Abstract—Smart agriculture is an emerging concept, because and vinca rosea) when the volumetric water content of the
IOT sensors are capable of providing information about agricul- substrate drops below a setpoint.
ture fields and then act upon based on the user input. In this The emerging global water crisis: In addition to managing
Paper, it is proposed to develop a Smart agriculture System that
uses advantages of cutting edge technologies such as Arduino, scarcity and conflict between water users, the available fresh
IOT and Wireless Sensor Network. The paper aims at making water is further contaminated by the human and animal pop-
use of evolving technology i.e. IOT and smart agriculture using ulation and the pollution levels have increased at an alarming
automation. Monitoring environmental conditions is the major rate. This if continues, will be leading to limitation of food
factor to improve yield of the efficient crops. The feature of this production which in turn will affect the human productivity
paper includes development of a system which can monitor tem-
perature, humidity, moisture and even the movement of animals and thus the entire ecosystem will be affected in the years
which may destroy the crops in agricultural field through sensors to come. The primary and the most important reason for this
using Arduino board and in case of any discrepancy send a SMS problem is the tremendous increase in the population which
notification as well as a notification on the application developed has increased at a rate which is faster than the food production
for the same to the farmer’s smartphone using Wi-Fi/3G/4G. The rate. This population growth especially in water short countries
system has a duplex communication link based on a cellular-
Internet interface that allows for data inspection and irrigation will directly have an impact on its growth on the world map.
scheduling to be programmed through an android application. The food production needs to be increased by at least 50%
Because of its energy autonomy and low cost, the system has the for the projected population growth. Agriculture accounts for
potential to be useful in water limited geographically isolated 85% of freshwater consumption globally. This leads to the
areas. water availability problem and thus calls for a sincere effort
Index Terms—IOT WSN Smart Agriculture Gateway Sensors.
in sustainable water usage. For a variety of reasons, feasible
expansion of irrigated agriculture will be able to accommodate
only a portion of this increased demand, and the rest must
come from an increase in the productivity of rain fed agricul-
India has agriculture as its primary occupation. According ture. In the absence of coordinated planning and international
to IBEF (India Brand Equity Foundation), 58% of the people cooperation at an unprecedented scale, the next half century
living in rural areas in India are dependent on agriculture. will be plagued by a host of severe water related problems,
As per the Central Statistics Office 2nd advised estimate, threatening the wellbeing of many terrestrial ecosystems and
the contribution of agriculture to the Gross Value Addition drastically impairing human health, particularly in the poorest
(India) is estimated to be roughly around 8% which is very regions of the world. In this paper, a smart and intelligent agri-
significant contribution. Under such a scenario, the usage of culture system which can help the farmer to utilize the water
water especially the fresh water resource by agriculture will level sensibly and also take care of other discrepancy factors
be enormous and according to the current market surveys it like unrequired animal entry into the fields are discussed. The
is estimated that agriculture uses 85% of available freshwater system consists of a microcontroller and sensors like moisture,
resources worldwide, and this percentage will continue to be temperature, humidity, motion etc. but not limited to only
dominant because of population growth and increased food these. The system uses both wired and wireless connections for
demand. This calls for planning and strategies to use water sen- the communication between the sensors, microcontroller and
sibly by utilizing the advancements in science and technology. the internet. The system also consists of an android application
There are many systems to achieve water savings in various which allows the user to give his/her input based on which
crops, from basic ones to more technologically advanced ones. the watering will be controlled. Smart Agriculture System is
One of the existing systems use thermal imaging to monitor proposed in this paper which will use concept of IOT, WSN
the plant water status and irrigation scheduling. Automation and cloud computing to help farmer plan an irrigation schedule
of irrigation systems is also possible by measuring the water for his farm through a agriculture profile which can be edited
level in the soil and control actuators to irrigate as and when as per his/her requirements. Based on the users input an
needed instead of predefining the irrigation schedule, thus automated irrigation system is developed to optimize water use
saving and hence utilizing the water in a more sensible manner. for agricultural crops. The system has a distributed wireless
An irrigation controller is used to open a solenoid valve and network for soil- moisture and temperature sensors placed
apply watering to bedding plants (impatiens, petunia, salvia, in the root zone of the plants. In addition, a gateway unit

978-1-5386-3624-4/18/$31.00 2018
handles sensor information, triggers actuators, and transmits
data to a web application. An algorithm was developed with
threshold values of temperature and soil moisture that was
programmed into a micro controller-based gateway to control
water quantity. Proper scheduling of irrigation and fertilization
is very important for proper development of crops. The several
factors which affect the amount of water required by crops in
various climatic conditions are:
• Temperature
• Humidity
• Sunshine
• Wind speed
Fig. 1. Hardware block diagram.
• Passive infrared sensor
• Seed monitoring
• pesticide. all phases like growing, harvesting, packaging, transportation.
The collected and sensed climatic data from field along Real time data provided by sensors, RFID tags in all the above
with weather data from web repositories can be used to phases of cultivation of crop will help farmers and all the stake
take several effective decisions for increasing production of holders to have complete view of the product right from the
crops. If environmental condition is hot, dry, sunny, windy production to sales.
then there is need of high amount of water for crops and Automated agriculture system proposed in [7] finds the
if these factors are like cold, humid, cloudy, little wind moisture values from the moisture sensor and turn the lights
then the need of water is less for the crops. Previous study in the green house ON or OFF based on light sensors and
model abstracted a system that consist of six parts that are actuators are used to control the motor. Automated system
monitoring, management, planning, Information Distribution, definitely helps farmer in increasing the yield of crops.
decision support and control action. The above study model Paper [8] produces an agricultural model in IOT environ-
does data analysis for better decision support [1]. In [2], ment which is human centric. It incorporates IOT and cloud
a GSM based smart agriculture system was proposed for computing universally to remove the inadequacy and lack of
doing automation of several agriculture tasks. Automation is management, which are the root of problems in agriculture.
proposed by smart irrigator that moves on mechanical bridge
slider arrangement. The smart irrigator receives signal from II. P ROPOSED S YSTEM
smart farm sensing system through GSM module. The sensed The development of a smart agriculture system using sen-
data is transferred towards central database from which all sors, microcontroller within an IOT system is presented. The
crop details are analyzed and transferred to irrigator system to aim of the implementation is to demonstrate the smart and
perform automatic actions. IOT based smart Agriculture [3] intelligent capabilities of the microcontroller to allow the
gives information about irrigation and has services like smart decisions to be taken on watering the plants based on the
control and making intelligent decision depending upon real continuous monitoring of the environmental conditions in the
time data from fields. All these operations will be controlled field. The system is as shown in Fig. 1. It also aims at a
through any smart device placed remotely and the interfacing predefined irrigation schedule as per the farmers convenience,
sensors are used to perform operations along with Wi-Fi, uploaded into the application developed for the same. The
actuators and other hardware devices. The entire system was implementation is a photovoltaic powered automated irrigation
established using infield sensors which collects data from farm system that consists of a distributed wireless network of
and using GPS data is sent to the base station where neces- soil moisture and temperature sensors deployed in plant root
sary actions are determined to control irrigation according to zones. These sensors continuously monitor the parameters and
database available with the system. Researcher’s measure soil send it to the Arduino board for further processing which
related parameters such as humidity and moisture as important acts as an IOT gateway. This gateway has been given the
factors for the growth of any crop. Auto mode and Manual wireless capability by installing a WiFi module which will
mode are the two modes of operation of the system. System be updating the data to the cloud. The IOT gateway also
takes its own decisions and controls the installed devices and has the GSM capability through the module connected. This
user can control the operations of system using android app or receiver unit also has a duplex communication link based
commands in auto and manual mode respectively. Internet of on a cellular-Internet interface, using general packet radio
Things is proven to be a cost effective and reliable technology service (GPRS) protocol, which is a packet-oriented mobile
to implement smart systems [5]. In smart village system data service used in 2G and 4G cellular global system for
advance rural connectivity is enabled through web service and mobile communications (GSM).
measuring different environmental factors in real time. The data being uploaded to the cloud allows the user to
The work proposed in [6] provides the use of IOT in almost continuously view the parameters from the comforts of his/her
Fig. 2. Android application.

home or wherever on the go. The system has the capacity to

adapt based on the user input which the farmer can input
through the smart agriculture application. The farmer can
select a profile based on the season and the crop for irrigation
and schedule and plan the water resource utilization sensibly Fig. 3. IOT implementation.
as shown in Fig. 2. The volumetric water content in the soil
is a primary factor which gives a suggestion that the water is The Arduino Uno board controls all the activities taking place
required for the crops. In the absence of this system the farmer on board and acts as the IoT gateway. Sensors sense all
has to manually inspect these for all the crops by inspecting the physical parameters and convert the analogue value to
the soil in the fields which is tedious, time consuming and digital value. Temperature and humidity sensors are used to
straining. This can be taken care by the intelligent system measure the temperature and humidity respectively on field.
which informs the user whenever the water content goes below Soil Moisture Sensor are of capacitive type, and are used to
the threshold set by the farmer himself. measure the moisture of the soil.
Intrusion of animals especially cows, monkeys, dogs etc to The yield of crops is affected by the speed with which
the fields is a very common issue and one of the factors for the wind blows also. This is also measured in our developed
disruption or disturbance to the yield. This requires one person system. For capturing data in real time from the sensors, a RTC
to continuously guard the fields at all the times which will module is also incorporated. This data is then transmitted to
not be accurate and the productivity of one person is wasted. the IOT gateway. The IOT gateway then transmits the data to
This can be overcome by this system which has a motion the cloud using the Wi-Fi module.
sensor to detect the presence of any animal in the fields and The cloud in our system will include a Web Server, a
send notifications to the farmer in their presence. The distance database and a decision logic. The database will maintain
range for which the farmer needs to detect the animals can be the data received from the IOT gateway. The decision logic
allowed to set by the farmer himself in the application in the then decides whether the farmer action is needed to water the
beginning. plants. For example, in the developed system a threshold for
temperature is kept at 25 ◦ C. Whenever the temperature goes
above the threshold temperature, the database will trigger an
The system architecture consists of a Arduino Uno R3 action to the decision logic which then sends a notification to
microcontroller board, sensors like LM 35 temperature sensor, the developed Smart Farming Android application. The farmer
humidity, moisture and motion sensor, a Wi-Fi module i.e. will also get notified by a SMS to his registered mobile phone.
ESP8266 and a GSM module as shown in Fig. 3. The software Based on the farmers action whether to turn ON/OFF the
consists of an android application which includes setting up watering, a signal will be sent to the cloud and from the cloud
of the profile for predefined irrigation based on the seasons to the gateway which will then send a signal to trigger the relay
or on daily and weekly mode. The software has also been and turn on the water pump.
programmed to send a notification to the farmer whenever the
physical parameters sensed are below the threshold value and IV. I MPLEMENTATION
based on the farmers input a control signal will be sent to IOT based smart agriculture system is used to generate
the Arduino Uno to either switch ON/OFF the irrigation [9]. decisions regarding irrigation using real time data. First of
all, farmer logs in to the system using his credentials such to stop the irrigation. This facilitates the farmer to invest
as username and password from an Android application. He his time in some other productive work. The application
is then allowed to select the crop for that season. System is profile also allows the farmer to select the same schedule
implemented in three phases. for a week or a month
• Sensing 3. Suggestion to the farmer to use a particular pesticide for
• Processing their crop
• Information distribution. 4. Notify the farmer on the invasion of the field by animals.
The sensing phase involves the sensing of the physical V. C ONCLUSION
parameters which includes temperature, moisture, humidity
IOT based smart agriculture system can prove to be very
and motion. All these sensors are attached to the Arduino
helpful for farmers since over as well as less irrigation is not
Uno R3 microcontroller board. This board acts as the IOT
good for agriculture. Threshold values for climatic conditions
gateway in the developed system as it has the capacity to
like humidity, temperature, moisture can be fixed based on
transmit the data to the cloud. This transmission is done using
the environmental conditions of that particular region. The
Wi-Fi ESP8266 module.
system also senses the invasion of animals which is a primary
The processing phase takes place in the cloud. The cloud
reason for reduction in crops. This system generates irrigation
consists of a Web Server, a database where the sensed data is
schedule based on the sensed real time data from field and
maintained and a decision logic which takes decisions based
data from the weather repository. This system can recommend
on the sensed data. In the information distribution phase,
farmer whether or not, is there a need for irrigation. Contin-
the output of the decision logic will be sent to the android
uous internet connectivity is required. This can be overcome
application and then to the IOT gateway. The end-to-end
by extending the system to send suggestion via SMS to the
algorithm of the smart farming system is given below
farmer directly on his mobile using GSM module instead of
mobile app.
◦ Continuously acquire sensor data
◦ A/D conversion of the sensed data on the Arduino Board R EFERENCES
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