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Iot Based Control and Automation of Smart Irrigation System

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Proceeding International conference on Recent Innovations is Signal Processing and Embedded Systems (RISE -2017) 27-29 October,2017

IoT Based Control and Automation of Smart

Irrigation System
An Automated Irrigation System Using Sensors, GSM, Bluetooth and Cloud Technology

Monica M1, B.Yeshika2, Abhishek G.S2, Sanjay H.A3,Sankar Dasiga4

UG Student, Department of Information Science and Engineering,
UG Students, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Professor & Head of Department, Information Science and Engineering,
Senior Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
NitteMeenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.

Abstract—India has a population of more than a billion and its year. This makes it difficult for farmers to decide which crops
requirement for water increases each year as the demand for are best to plant in which season order to get the highest yields
food increases hence management of water resources to sustain during that particular season. [1]
this massive population is of high importance. The agricultural Technology advancement has played an important role in
sector, an important sector of our economy accounts for a good solving the insufficiency of water, techniques like drip
percentage of our nation’s GDP and of the exports. With
irrigation system, sprinkler systems, automated irrigation
advancement in technology we can establish a system that
automates the irrigation process such that there is efficient usage systems, network based systems which work on automation of
of water and create an ease of work load for the farmers. With irrigation. Though there are all these different advancements
embedded technology and Internet of Things, in this work we in technology farmers prefer continuing with their traditional
have designed IoT based automated irrigation system for the irrigation procedures thus this requires some amount of
Indian scenario. Our system is able to deliver optimal water to convincing. Efficient system is to be proposed to minimize the
the plants based on moisture, light and temperature levels which water wastage.
are obtained through sensors. The farmer will be able to monitor Our goal in this project is to help the farmers with their crop
the parameters through the mobile app which is integrated with yields by using efficient methods for helping them during the
cloud storage. By analyzing and comparing previous year’s data
drought season due to deficient rainfall, preventing over
and our current data we are able to efficiently find a way to save
water. flooding of the field due to excess rainfall, decreasing the
work load for the farmers on a day to day basis, periodically
updating the status of soil parameters and any malfunctioning
IndexTerms—India, water, Irrigation, sensors, Automates, of the mechanical systems like pumps/motors can be pin
Embedded, Internet of Things, cloud.
pointed and finally to help the farmers figure out which crop is
I. INTRODUCTION best suited for a particular season.
The main of work falls under the following:
Water is a vital resource for living creatures, each living
creature uses water per its desires, because of this importance
of water in our lives, it is highly necessary to use this resource a) Sensor Based Automatic Irrigation System
as effectively and optimal as possible. There are several Sensors such as soil moisture, luminosity, temperature and
sectors that come under water consumption; the biggest sector humidity sensors are used to determine the appropriate
is the agricultural sector which amounts to about 70% of the schedule for irrigation. The sensors are integrated to an
water consumption. Arduino Uno board and this data is used for operating the
Climate change is a major factor for the unpredictable weather pump in terms of turning it on when the soil moisture level is
and rainfall patterns. As many of the farmers depend on the less and when the temperature is extremely high, the amount
monsoons which occur for about four months of the year, of water let from the pump is more when the temperature is
changes due to this unpredictable nature of weather harm the high to compensate for the loss of water due to evaporation.
crop yield and tend to incur losses. Farmers have stated
several times that the monsoon rains have become
increasingly unpredictable over the past twenty years, both in
the timing of the rainfall and the total amount of rainfall per

ISBN 978-1-5090-4760-4/17/$31.00©2017 IEEE
b) Internet Of Things In their system the use of NRF24L01 for wireless transfer of
Internet of things is the internetworking of physical devices data is different from our system where data is transferred
interacting with each other to collect, control and exchange through our Wi-Fi module ESP8266 and then uploaded to
data. This system is in accordance with collecting real time cloud. [3]
values from the sensors with the objective of automating
irrigation on comparison with the threshold values. The data Joaquín Gutiérrezet. al[4] developed an automated irrigation
collected can be stored on Sparkfun, a free web services using solar power for organic that are geographically isolated.
platform that allocates a user or registrant with 50mB data Their work on internet controlled duplex communication
space. Prototype here developed is programmed to store data system holds a good decision making concept for adaptation
on Sparkfun at an interval of 45 seconds, that is, after every to several different scenarios. The internet link is provided
sensor reading iteration. Analysis of this data stored can be where access through mobile devices are established. Our
used to evaluate the water usage per day, per week or per year system concentrates on cloud storage and GSM technology to
even. water the crops efficiently.[4]

c) GSM Technology Jia Uddin et. al[6] proposed a system for automated Irrigation
System that involves two levels of decision making to turn the
Integration of the GSM module to the Arduino helps us
motor ON/OFF. The microcontroller has the threshold values
achieve real time updates on the conditions of the plot of land.
embedded in it called secure and unsecure values which are
Any malfunction in the hardware will be sent via message.
0cm and 10cm to turn the motor ON or OFF respectively. If
the sensor values reach a mid level the farmer or the user
d) Wi-Fi Technology intervenes to make the decisions accordingly. This decision is
Wi-Fi technology is used to update our soil parameters to the made using a decoder to read the message sent by the owner to
cloud to keep track of the field status using sensors.[2]. turn the motor ON or OFF. The entire system is driven using
solar power to overcome the use of electricity as an
The novelty about our project is the use of the luminosity alternative.[5]
sensor that senses the light intensity of the surrounding To overcome the drawback of too many decision makers, the
environment and can provide artificial light in case of low threshold values can be made to be operated on different water
intensity, this gives us an upper hand on areas with low content levels implemented in our proposed system. This
sunlight. We have also used sparkfun as a platform to store all involves coding on the basis of trail and error procedures to
the data of the sensors, this is then processed and summarised build up on moisture levels.
as to how much more beneficial our system is in terms of
water management. The temperature sensor plays an important R. Suresh et. al[5] proposed a system for automatic Irrigation
role in watering the plant as the plants are watered prototype wherein the sensor nodes sends sensed values to the
comparatively more when the temperature is higher such that microcontroller that operates the solenoid valve. This
there is a compensation for the high evaporation that occurs. microcontroller is interfaced to a mobile phone that is in auto
Lastly, we have collected previous years data for the ground answering mode to activate the buzzer that then switches off
nut plant and are currently comparing the monthly data we the motor by sending this activation signal to the
obtain to it and then come to a conclusion on how much water microcontroller. This system is based on microcontroller
we have saved. application that results in lower power consumption.
The above system involves interfacing of two communicating
devices to turn the motor on and off which can be simplified
II. LITREATURE SURVEY by letting only the microcontroller turn the motor ON or OFF
There have been many studies on done on the area of smart based on the levels of moisture content and decision
irrigation system to provide an easy and efficient method to embedded in the code as implemented in our system.[6]
automate the irrigation process. The different studies done are
aimed towards irrigation its inefficient water consumption,
absence of remote farm monitoring and lack of useful III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
inference. In this paper we figure out an efficient method to Our system consists of three sensors namely, soil moisture
integrate sensors with Arduino and come up with an automated sensor, luminosity sensor and the temperature sensor, as
irrigation system. The following are a few studies that we have shown in figure 1. The soil moisture sensor’s value varies
referred to. according to the moisture level on the field. The temperature
sensor records the temperature of the surroundings. The
Rajalakshmi.P and Mrs.S. Devi Mahalakshmi developed a luminosity sensor is used to measure the intensity of light
system using sensors to monitor the crops. The use of wireless falling on the plant. Each of these sensors are designed to have
transmission of sensor data from the field and storing it on a a threshold value which we obtained on a trial and error basis,
database along with control through mobile application these threshold values are divided into different levels in our
proposed a proof of concept to automate the irrigation system. code. The sensors are interfaced to the Arduino Uno which is

a 14 I/O Pin, ATmega328 based microcontroller. The design
made such that if the moisture sensor senses moisture less than
the set threshold value then the plant is watered. The GSM
module is interfaced with the Arduino to establish cellular
communication between the system and the user. Live data is
sent through the GSM module to the user via text message
after insertion of the sim card into the GSM module, The data
contains the motor, pump and the sensor conditions, this helps
the farmer to keep track of his field and know if there are any
malfunctions. We have also established the control of the
motor through Bluetooth. A generic application is downloaded
and in case of any manual requirement to operate the motor,
we can make use of this. The Wi-Fi Module used here is to
transmit all the data to the cloud. Sparkfun offers 50mb of
cloud storage for a particular user, we use this portal to upload
our data at regular intervals of 45 seconds.
As a test case we considered the ground nut crop and obtained
the previous year’s data through the package of practices in
India’s farmers’ portal. This was an essential part of our study
as we compared the collected data and the previous data to
obtain the desired threshold values for temperature and
moisture such that any overflow or underflow doesn’t occur.
With this comparison we also could figure out how much
millilitres water we saved on a monthly basis.

Fig 2. Flow Chart

In order to build the proposed framework for the automated
irrigation system, we have used following hardware and
software components:

a) Soil moisture sensor:

A soil moisture sensor measures the amount of moisture
content that is present in the soil, this is of great importance
Fig. 1. Block Diagram for the irrigation system. [7]
A generic soil moisture sensor operating at 3.3v-5v, consisting
of an on board LM393 comparator is used here. The
volumetric content of the soil is represented in percentages
which we have then converted to four levels L0-L3, Zero
being driest and three being flooded. When the soil moisture
happens to be L0, the motor turns on and the water is pumped
to the plant.

b) Temperature sensor:
The LM35 is an integrated circuit temperature device with an
output that is linearly proportional to the Centigrade
temperature. The LM35 device does not require any external
calibration or trimming to provide accuracy of ±¼°C and ±
3/4 °C at room temperature and externally respectively. [8]

c) Luminosity sensor:
The LDR sensor is a photo resistor whose resistivity works on
EMR. These are made up of semiconductor materials having
high resistance sensitivity to light. The resistance of the LDR

decreases when light falls on it and is increased when the light V. IMPLEMENTATION
is low. [9] In this section we will discuss about the different modules that
make the project a whole.
d) Arduino uno:
The Arduino uno is a microcontroller board based on the A. Integration of Moisture, Temperature and Luminosity
ATmega 328P datasheet. It has 14 digital I/O pins, 6 analog sensors with the Arduino Uno:
pins, a power jack, USB connection, reset button, and an ICSP The soil moisture sensor records the moisture level of the soil,
header[10]. The main purpose of the usage of Arduino here is we have categorized the moisture content in four levels namely
to interface all the sensors and actuators conveniently. The L0 for Dry soil, L1-L2 for moderately wet soil and level L3 for
Arduino is where all the code is dumped. flooded soil. When the soil moisture is of level 0, the pump is
The Arduino is interfaced with the Wifi module and Bluetooth turned on. The temperature sensor records the temperature of
Module. the environment in a resolution of 5/1024 ADC, this needs to
be incorporated retrieve the data in a digital form, according to
e) Relay and pump: how high the temperature is and the water through the pump is
The relay is used to turn on and off the pump according to the increased by 20ml to compensate for the loss of water through
moisture level of the soil. It is controlled by interfacing it to a evaporation. The luminosity sensor has levels ranging from L0-
microcontroller, in this case the Arduino uno. The pump is L10 where L0 is dark and l10 is high, the main function of the
triggered on and off by the relay. luminosity sensor is to send a signal in case there is an overly
cloudy day such that artificial light can be used on certain
crops to improve their growth. All the sensor values are
f) GSM module:
displayed on the LCD. The Arduino board is powered by the
The GSM Module used works with the SIM900 Quad-band laptop or an external adapter of 9V, Arduino IDE is used to
solution which is embedded in the customer applications. In edit, write and upload the code. Whenever the moisture is less
india we use 900MHz for communication of SMS, Data and the relay turns on and the pump is turned on for about 10-20
Fax. The GSM module consumes low power and hence is seconds. As only 1 UART is present in Arduino board second
widely used. The GSM Module is interfaced to the Arduino UART is emulated using software serial function, mySerial
Uno and transmits the sensor data to the user via text message object is created and it inherits all the function of Serial object.
and any malfunction observed will also be sent.
B. Sending a message to smartphone using GSM:
g) Bluetooth Module: The GSM HC-05 is powered by 12V supply, the TX and RX
The HC-05 is an easy Bluetooth device working designed for pins are responsible for transmitting the message to the user.
transparent wireless serial connection setup. Serial port has a Currently an SMS is sent every 3rd cycle which is
data rate of 3mbps with complete 2.4GHz radio transreciever approximately 3 minutes but this can be altered according to
and baseband. [11] convenience as shown in figure 3.

h) Wi-Fi Module:
The ESP8266 is a low cost Wi-Fi module which ads
functionality to the existing Arduino unovia the UART serial
connection. This module is reprogrammed in such a way that
the data from the sensors are transmitted to the cloud storage
provide by sparkfun every 45 seconds.

i) Arduino IDE:
The Arduino Software is an open source software that can be
downloaded from the Arduino website, this is used to write
codes and upload it on to the board. The Arduino software Fig 3. Arduino Uno and HC-05 connection
supports Windows, Linux, and Mac etc and is written in Java.
All sensors and actuators are controlled by varying the code.
C. Control of motor through Mobile application:
We use a generic application to turn on and off the motor, this
j) Sparkfun: is a safety unit in case any malfunction occurs during the
Sparkfun is a free open source service which pushes all the process of automation. After pairing the Bluetooth of the
data of the sensors to cloud. Sparkfun provides 50mb of space system to our smartphone, the motor can be turned on and off
to store and analyse data. To access this, one must create a according to convenience.
stream and after receiving the public and private key on the
hardware we have created a string with the data obtained from D. Send sensor data to the cloud:
the sensors.

The sensors detect and measure changes in the parameters such
as temperature, humidity, light and moisture content in the soil.
These parameters are in electrical and numerical values.
ESP8266 is Wi-Fi module that works with UART serial
communication pin, via this, AT commands are sent to the Wi-
Fi module, first at commands are to connect the Wi-Fi spot and
later to send the data to internet using HTTP GET request. In
our project we use sparkfun to store the data on cloud. This
allows the sensors, instruments and websites to communicate
the data in cloud. [12]

E. Collection and Comparison of data to obtain threshold

As a test case we considered the groundnut crop and used it for Fig 5. Monthly Average Moisture for the years 2015 to 2017
our studies. We collected data from the years 2015-2016
through our government website for farmers i.e. Farmers
portal: Package of practices as shown in figure 5, 6 on how
much the temperature and moisture level changes throughout
each season such that we could determine the threshold
temperature and moisture values for each season. In this way
we can efficiently know if a particular plant is favorable for the
given weather conditions. By collecting our monthly data as
shown in figure 5, 6 we were able to determine how much
water is saved on a monthly basis as compared to an average
groundnut crop.

Fig 6. Monthly Average Temperature for the years 2015 to 2017

Through this project we have been able to control the motor
according to the soil moisture level and control the amount of
water being pumped according to the temperature of the
environment to compensate for the loss of water due to
evaporation. We have made it such that the pump is turned on
whenever the moisture level goes below the threshold
value(L0). In case of any error, the motor can be manually
controlled through the app. All sensor values are uploaded on
a real time basis on the cloud and can be accessed anytime
through the URL specified:
Fig 4. Implemented Project
The GSM module sends updates to the mobile phone (as
shown in figure 8) as to when the soil moisture is low and
when the pump is turned on along with the present values of
the luminosity sensor and the temperature sensor.The monthly
updates of soil parameters are then compared with the
previous year’s data and observed that the moisture level
required for the ground nut plant is lesser than what had been
used in the years 2015-2016 as shown in figure 5 and 6. The
comparison can be used for data processing and analysis to
predict which crop is well suited for a particular season.

a) Alarm System can be used to alert the Farmer/Land
Owner in case of any Unusual activities on the field:this can
be obtained by having sensors around to monitor the Field of
by installing a live surveillance which can detect unusual
movement by image processing.
b) Installation of a solar panel for providing electricity
instead of a Pump:As solar energy is a renewable source and
is in abundance, this can be used to save energy.
c) Providing Different types of Irrigation according to
crops: Not limiting ourselves to one type of watering method
but using Drip irrigation, sprinklers etc as different crops need
different type of watering system.
Fig 7. Sparkfun Data Storage []
d) Taking weather into account:To be able to control the
irrigation according to the weather such that we can predict
when to water the crops and when not to according to when
the next rainfall would be, this prevents over flooding.

It is with profound gratitude that we express our deep
indebtedness to our guide Prof.SankarDasiga (Department of
Electronics and communication) and Dr. Sanjay H A (Dept of
Information Science and Engineering) whose dedication to the
project, whose knowledge and references got our job done in a
short time frame. We thank them for taking out time from
their schedule to clear our doubts and for guiding us at each
and every step towards completion of this project.

Fig 8. Sensor status received through SMS [1] Indian Farmers Cope With Climate Change and Falling Water
Tables by Meha Jain, National Geographic Explorer
The irrigation system on automation uses optimal resources to [2] R.Suresh, S.Gopinath, K.Govindaraju, T.Devika,
improve the efficiency of the irrigation. This system can be N.SuthanthiraVanitha, “GSM based Automated Irrigation
implemented in places that face water shortage to improve Control using Raingun Irrigation System”, International Journal
of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
agricultural sustainability. In this project a prototype includes
Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2014.
sensing element node and data storage. The sensing element
node is deployed on the field for sensing the soil parameters [3] P. Rajalakshmi and S Devi Mahalakshmi “IOT Based Crop-
such as temperature, moisture, luminosity and humidity. Field Monitoring And Irrigation Automation” Intelligent
According to the soil parameters the automation is achieved Systems and Control (ISCO), 2016 10th International
by turning the motor on and off using the threshold values conference.
embedded in the code. The status for the same is alerted to the
users through messages using GSM. The same principle is
also extended to access the data from cloud using sparkfun. [4] Joaquín Gutiérrez, Juan Francisco Villa-Medina, Alejandra
Nieto-Garibay, and Miguel Ángel Porta-Gándara “Automated
Collecting the data of the groundnut crop from 2015-2016 and
Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS
comparing it to the 2017 data obtained from our test Module” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION
groundnut plant we can see that the required moisture content AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 63, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014
to water the plant decreases and hence we can say that we
have successfully conserved water.The functionality of the [5] Jia Uddin , S.M. Taslim Reza , QaderNewaz , Jamal Uddin2 ,
system on various tests is said to be successful and can be Touhidul Islam , and Jong-Myon Kim “Automated Irrigation
used to analyse different crops.The extension of this project System Using Solar Power” 2012 7th International Conference
can be the use of solar panels in the project to run the motor to on Electrical and Computer Engineering 20-22 December, 2012,
save energy, which we are working on now. Dhaka, Bangladesh

[6] R.suresh1 , S.Gopinath2 , K.Govindaraju3 , T.Devika4 ,
N.SuthanthiraVanitha5 “GSM based Automated Irrigation
Control using Raingun Irrigation System” International Journal
of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication
Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2014

[7] Review Paper based on automatic irrigation system IJAICT

Volume 1, Issue 9, January 2015, Doi:01.0401/ijaict.2015.09.01
Published on 05 (02) 2015

[8] Texas Instrument, LM35, SNIS159G –AUGUST 1999–


[9] Light dependant resistor, electronics4u.

[10] Arduino uno,

[11] ITEAD studio electronicaestudio, istd016A.pdf

[12] Sanket Salvi , Pramod Jain S.A , Sanjay H.A, Harshita

T.K , M. Farhana , Naveen Jain4 , Suhas M V “Cloud
Based Data Analysis and Monitoring of Smart Multi-level
Irrigation System Using IoT” International conference on
I-SMAC, 978-1-5090-3243-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE


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