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Group 1 - Paper Sanitary Inspector

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By :

Group 1

M. Diko Satriyan NIM. PO7133122004

Reni Yulianti NIM. PO7133122006
Sakinah Ilsa Audia NIM. PO7133122010
Dila Utami NIM. PO7133122011
Desty Pratiwi NIM. PO7133122023
Widhianti Chairunisa NIM. PO7133122026
Tiara Cantia Aprilea NIM. PO7133122039

A complimentary lecturer :

Fider Saputra T , S.Hum., M.Hum.

Polytechnic of Health Ministry of Health



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled Sanitary Inspector right in the calculated time. The purpose in writing this paper
is to helps the readers to gain more knowledge about Sanitary Inspector. Papers are prepared to
fulfill the task of English for Sanitation subjects. In addition, this paper aims to add insight
about the importance of sanitation for readers and also for writers.
The writer would like express her sincere gratitude to Mr. Fider Saputra T., S.Hum.,
M.Hum. As an lecturer in English For Sanitation subject and thanks are also extended to all
those who have assisted in the completion of this paper. The writer realized this paper still
imperfect in arrangment and the content. Therefore, suggestions and constructive critisism are
expected for the perfection od this paper.

Palembang, April 29th 2024

Group 1


PREFACE .......................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 4
A. Background Information ............................................................................ 4
B. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 5
C. Benefits ...................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II THEORY AND DISCUSSION ................................................ 6
A. Definition of Inspection ............................................................................. 6
B. Environmental Health Inspection Implementation .................................... 6
C. Observations Made by the Environmental Health Inspection ...................... 7
D. Environmental Health Inspection Steps ..................................................... 10
E. Role and Duties of Sanitarians as Environmental Health Inspectors ......... 11
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ........................................................................ 12
REFERENCE..................................................................................................... 14
VOCAB ............................................................................................................... 15


A. Background Information
The role of a Sanitary Inspector in Indonesia is a significant position within the field of
public health and environmental sanitation. Sanitary Inspectors play a crucial role in promoting
and maintaining a clean and healthy environment for the population. They are responsible for
enforcing and monitoring sanitation regulations and standards in various settings, including
public spaces, residential areas, commercial establishments, and food handling facilities.
To become a Sanitary Inspector in Indonesia, individuals typically need to have a relevant
educational background in public health, environmental health, or a related field. They may
acquire this education through specialized programs offered by universities, colleges, or
vocational schools. Additionally, obtaining certification from the Indonesian Ministry of Health
is often required to practice as a professional Sanitary Inspector.
The role of a Sanitary Inspector in Indonesia involves a wide range of responsibilities and
tasks. One of their primary objectives is to prevent the spread of diseases and improve overall
public health. They achieve this by conducting regular inspections, investigations, and
assessments of sanitary conditions in various settings.
Sanitary Inspectors are assigned to different regions or districts within Indonesia and work
closely with local authorities, health departments, and other relevant stakeholders. They
collaborate with these entities to ensure compliance with sanitation laws and regulations. They
monitor and enforce the proper implementation of sanitation practices, waste management
systems, and hygiene protocols to maintain a clean and safe environment.
In public spaces such as markets, parks, public restrooms, and recreational facilities,
Sanitary Inspectors conduct inspections to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. They check for
proper waste disposal, including garbage collection and disposal methods. They also evaluate
the maintenance of facilities, such as the cleanliness of public restrooms and the general upkeep
of public areas.
Sanitary Inspectors are responsible for assessing the water supply systems, sewage
systems, and drainage networks in their assigned areas. They inspect these systems to identify
potential health hazards and ensure that they meet the required standards for safe and clean
water supply and effective waste management.
In commercial establishments such as restaurants, hotels, and food processing facilities,
Sanitary Inspectors play a crucial role in ensuring food safety and hygiene. They inspect food
handling practices, storage facilities, and food preparation areas to prevent the contamination
of food products and safeguard public health. Sanitary Inspectors also assess the hygiene
practices of food handlers, ensuring they follow proper handwashing procedures, wear
appropriate protective gear, and maintain clean working environments.
Sanitary Inspectors in Indonesia are also involved in the inspection of public transportation
vehicles, including buses and trains. They assess the cleanliness and sanitation of these vehicles
to ensure the well-being of passengers. Inspections may include evaluating the condition of
seating areas, ventilation systems, and sanitation facilities available to passengers.
Aside from conducting inspections, Sanitary Inspectors in Indonesia play a vital role in
public education and awareness. They provide guidance and training to individuals and
businesses on proper sanitation practices, waste management, and the prevention of
communicable diseases. Sanitary Inspectors may organize public health campaigns, workshops,
and seminars to disseminate information and promote good hygiene habits among the public.
Administrative tasks are also a part of the Sanitary Inspector's role. They prepare reports,
maintain records, and document their findings from inspections and investigations. These
reports are crucial for identifying trends, areas of improvement, and potential risks to public
health. Sanitary Inspectors also collaborate with other health professionals and authorities to
develop and implement policies and regulations related to sanitation and public health.
The role of a Sanitary Inspector in Indonesia is of utmost importance in safeguarding public
health and preventing the outbreak of diseases. Through their enforcement of sanitation
standards and promotion of good hygiene practices, they contribute to the overall well-being of
communities and ensure a safe and healthy environment for all individuals residing in

B. Purpose
1. Knowing the Definition of Inspection
2. Knowledge of Environmental Health Inspection Implementation
3. Knowledge of Observations Made by the Environmental Health Inspection
4. Knowledge of Environmental Health Inspection Steps
5. Knowledge of the Role and Duties of Sanitarians as Environmental Health Inspectors

C. Benefits
1. Add insight and knowledge about sanitary inspector.
2. Can understand and explain the existing aspects of sanitary inspector.
3. Can practice and maintain sanitary inspector on a daily basis.


A. Definition of Inspection
1. Inspection
Inspection is an examination that is carried out carefully or directly examines the
implementation of regulations, duties, and so on. In addition, the Big Indonesian
Dictionary (KBBI) also defines an inspection as a careful inspection of troops to
determine readiness in their respective locations.
2. Environmental Health Inspection
Environmental Health Inspection is an activity of direct inspection and observation of
environmental media in the framework of supervision based on applicable standards,
norms and quality standards to improve the quality of a healthy
environment.Environmental Health Inspections are carried out based on the results of
Counseling of Patients and/or trends in the development or spread of disease and/or
morbidity due to Environmental Risk Factors. Environmental Health Inspections are
also carried out periodically, in the framework of investigations into Extraordinary
Events (KLB) and other health programs in accordance with statutory provisions.
3. Sanitarian as Inspector
Sanitarian is a professional who is responsible for maintaining and improving public
health through supervision of environmental cleanliness and sanitation. As an
environmental health inspector, the Sanitarian's role includes carrying out inspections,
monitoring, and assessments of various public places and facilities to ensure
compliance with established health and sanitation standards.

B. Environmental Health Inspection Implementation

1. Environmental Health Inspection Officer

Environmental Health Inspections are carried out by Environmental Health Workers
(sanitarians, entomologists and microbiologists) who bring an assignment letter from
the Head of the Puskesmas with complete task details. In carrying out the Environmental
Health Inspection Environmental Health Workers should involve Health Center staff
who handle related programs as much as possible or invite staff from the Sub-Health
Health Center, Poskesdes, or Midwives in the village. Related to this, Cross Program
Community Health Center plays a role in:
a. Carry out synergism and cooperation so that promotive, preventive and curative
efforts can be integrated.
b. Assist with counseling and during home and neighborhood visits.
c. If in the field you find sufferers of disease due to Environmental Risk Factors, you
must report them during the Health Center mini-workshop, to be identified and
followed up.

2. Time for Environmental Health Inspection

The time for carrying out the Environmental Health Inspection as a follow-up to the
results of the Counseling is in accordance with the agreement between the
Environmental Health Worker and the Patient, which is attempted to be carried out no
later than 24 (twenty four) hours after the Counseling.

3. Environmental Health Inspection Methods

Environmental Health Inspection is carried out in the following way/method:
a. physical observation of environmental media;
b. on-site environmental media measurement;
c. laboratory tests; and/or
d. environmental health risk analysis.

C. Observations Made by the Environmental Health Inspection

Environmental Health Inspections are carried out on the media of water, air, soil, food,
facilities and buildings, as well as vectors and disease-carrying animals. In its implementation,
it refers to guidelines for monitoring the quality of environmental media in accordance with
statutory provisions.
1. Physical Observation of Environmental Media

Broadly speaking, physical observations of environmental media are carried out as
a. Water
1) Observing the facilities (type and condition) of supplying drinking water and water
for hygiene and sanitation purposes (dug wells/hand pump wells/KU/pipes/rainwater
2) Observing the quality of water physically, whether it tastes, colors, or smells.
3) Know the ownership of the facilities for supplying drinking water and water for
hygiene and sanitation purposes, whether owned individually or collectively.

b. Air
1) Observing the availability and hygiene condition of ventilation.
2) Measure the area of permanent ventilation (at least 10% of the floor area),
specifically for kitchen ventilation of at least 20% of the kitchen floor area, smoke
must come out perfectly or with an exhaust fan or other equipment.

c. Land
Observing the condition of soil quality that has the potential to be a medium for disease
transmission, including land used for final disposal sites or TPA garbage, located in
flooded areas, riverbanks or streams or landslides, and former mining sites.

d. Food
Observing the condition of the quality of food media, which meets the principles of hygiene
and sanitation in food management starting from the selection and storage of food
ingredients, food processing, storage of cooked food, food transportation and food serving.

e. Facilities and Buildings

Observing and checking the condition of the quality of buildings and facilities in the
patient's house/residence, such as roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, windows, lighting,
latrines, waste water disposal facilities, and garbage disposal facilities.
f. Vectors and Disease-Carrying Animals
Observing signs of vector life and disease-carrying animals, including breeding grounds
for larvae, mosquitoes and traces of rats.

2. Measurement of Environmental Media in Place

On-site measurement of environmental media is carried out using in situ tools to determine
the quality of environmental media, the results of which are immediately known in the field.
When measuring environmental media, if necessary, samples can also be taken for further
examination in the laboratory.

3. Laboratory Test
If the results of in situ measurements require further confirmation, laboratory tests are
carried out. Laboratory tests are carried out in an accredited laboratory according to the
parameters. If necessary, laboratory tests can be supplemented by taking biomarker specimens
on humans, fauna and flora.

4. Environmental Health Risk Analysis

Environmental health risk analysis is an approach by examining or examining in depth to
recognize, understand and predict environmental conditions and characteristics that have the
potential to cause health risks, by developing procedures for sources of changes in
environmental media, exposed communities and health impacts that occur. An environmental
health risk analysis is also carried out to examine the magnitude of the risk which begins with
identifying known environmental health problems and involves determining the risks to human
health associated with the environmental health problems concerned.

Environmental health risk analysis is carried out through:

a. Hazard Identification
Recognize the adverse health effects caused by exposure to a substance and ascertain the
quality and strength of the evidence to support it.
b. Evaluate Dose Response
Seeing the toxicity contained in a material or to explain how an exposure condition
(method, dose, frequency, and duration) by a substance that has an impact on health.
c. Exposure Measurement
Estimating the magnitude, frequency and duration of exposure to humans by a substance
through all pathways and produces an estimate of exposure.
d. Risk Determination
Integrate toxicity and exposure into an “upper estimate” of the health risk involved in a

The results of environmental health risk analysis are followed up with risk communication
and risk management in a follow-up plan in the form of Environmental Health Interventions.

D. Environmental Health Inspection Steps

1. Preparation
a. Studying the results of Counseling.
b. The Environmental Health Worker makes an appointment to visit his home and
environment with the Patient and his family.
c. Prepare and bring various equipment and field equipment needed (environmental
health inspection forms, environmental health status recording forms, counseling
media, measuring devices for environmental quality parameters)
d. Docoordination with village/kelurahan officials (village/lurah heads, secretaries,
hamlet heads or RW/RT heads) and village health workers/midwives.

2. Implementation
a. Observing environmental media and community behavior.
b. Perform on-site environmental media measurements, laboratory tests, and risk
analysis as needed.
c. Make discoveries of other sufferers.
d. Perform noisy population mapping
e. Provide follow-up advice to the target (patient's family and surrounding family).
Follow-up suggestions can be in the form of an immediate Environmental Health
Intervention. Suggestions for follow-up are accompanied by considerations of the
level of difficulty, effectiveness and cost.

In carrying out an Environmental Health Inspection, the Environmental Health

Worker uses an Environmental Health Inspection guide in the form of a chart and list of
questions for each disease as in the sample list of questions attached. The Environmental
Health Officer can develop the list of questions as needed. The results of the
Environmental Health Inspection are followed up with a follow-up plan in the form of
an Environmental Health Intervention.

E. Role and Duties of Sanitarians as Environmental Health Inspectors
The role and duties of a Sanitarian as an environmental health inspector in the community
are very important in maintaining public hygiene and health. Following are some of the roles
and duties that are usually carried out by Sanitarians:
1. Inspection and Assessment
Sanitarians carry out routine inspections of public places, such as restaurants, hotels, food
factories, shopping centers, recreation areas and other public facilities. They evaluate
hygiene, sanitation and waste management conditions to ensure compliance with
applicable regulations and standards.
2. Public Place Inspection
A Sanitarian conducts routine inspections of public places such as restaurants, cafes,
shopping centers, hotels and other public facilities. They check cleanliness, sanitation,
water supply, sewage treatment, food hygiene, and general maintenance to ensure that the
premises meet established health standards.
3. Testing and Monitoring
Sanitarians conduct testing and monitoring of drinking water, wastewater and other
hazardous chemicals that have the potential to affect public health. They take samples of
water and other materials for analysis in a laboratory to ensure the quality meets health
4. Water and Waste Monitoring
Sanitarians are responsible for ensuring safe drinking water quality and proper waste
treatment. They carry out routine testing and monitoring of water sources, water
distribution systems, and liquid and solid waste management. If problems are found, they
will provide suggestions and guidelines for improvement.
5. Vector Control of Pests and Disease Carriers
Sanitarians assist in the control of vectors such as rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other
insects that can carry disease. They carry out inspections of potential pest breeding sites,
provide recommendations on effective pest prevention and control measures, and oversee
the implementation of these measures.
6. Counseling and Education
Sanitarians play an important role in spreading knowledge and awareness about good
health practices to the community. They provide counseling and education to the public
about the importance of personal hygiene, safe food processing, waste management, and

disease prevention measures. The aim is to encourage the adoption of healthier behaviors
and reduce the risk of disease.
7. Investigation of Specific Diseases and Occurrences
Sanitarians are involved in the investigation of infectious diseases and certain health events
in the community. They carry out investigations to determine the cause of the disease or
event, trace the source of the outbreak, and take appropriate precautions. In addition, they
also assist in responding to disease outbreaks and natural disasters by organizing necessary
public health measures.

The Sanitarian's role as an environmental health inspector is very important in maintaining

the cleanliness and health of the community. They work with governments, health agencies and
communities to create healthy environments, prevent disease and improve quality of life. This
is to ensure that the living environment, workplace, and other public places meet established
health standards and provide protection against diseases and health risks.

In conclusion, the role of a sanitary inspector in Indonesia plays a crucial part in ensuring
public health and safety by monitoring and maintaining sanitation standards across various
sectors. These professionals act as guardians of public health, working tirelessly to prevent the
spread of diseases and maintain a clean and hygienic environment for the Indonesian
Sanitary inspectors in Indonesia are responsible for enforcing and implementing
regulations related to sanitation, hygiene, and environmental health. They work closely with
government agencies, local authorities, and communities to educate, inspect, and enforce
compliance with sanitation standards. Through their efforts, they strive to prevent outbreaks of
diseases, reduce environmental pollution, and promote a healthy living environment.
One of the primary areas of focus for sanitary inspectors is the food industry. They ensure
that food establishments, such as restaurants, food processing plants, and street vendors, adhere
to proper hygiene practices, food storage protocols, and waste management systems. By
conducting regular inspections, they help prevent the contamination of food, safeguarding
consumers from foodborne illnesses.
Sanitary inspectors also play a vital role in monitoring water quality and sanitation
practices. They assess water sources, treatment facilities, and distribution systems to ensure that

safe and clean water reaches households and communities. By identifying potential hazards and
taking appropriate measures, they prevent waterborne diseases and contribute to the overall
well-being of the population.
In addition to food and water, sanitary inspectors oversee the sanitation practices in public
spaces, such as schools, hospitals, markets, and recreational areas. They enforce proper waste
management and disposal systems, ensuring that waste is handled safely and efficiently. By
doing so, they minimize the risk of environmental pollution, reduce the breeding grounds for
disease vectors, and create a healthier living environment for all.
Furthermore, sanitary inspectors play a crucial role in responding to public health
emergencies and disease outbreaks. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals,
epidemiologists, and disaster management teams to assess risks, implement control measures,
and provide guidance to the public. During times of crisis, their expertise and knowledge
contribute to effective emergency response strategies, helping to mitigate the impact on public
In recent years, the role of sanitary inspectors in Indonesia has gained increased recognition
and importance. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical need for robust sanitation
systems and effective monitoring to combat the spread of infectious diseases. Sanitary
inspectors have been at the forefront, working tirelessly to enforce safety protocols, conduct
contact tracing, and educate the public on preventive measures.
However, despite their essential role, sanitary inspectors in Indonesia face various
challenges. These challenges include limited resources, inadequate staffing, and the need for
continuous training and professional development. To strengthen the role of sanitary inspectors,
it is crucial to invest in their training, provide them with necessary resources and equipment,
and promote collaboration and information sharing among relevant stakeholders.
In conclusion, the role of sanitary inspectors in Indonesia is pivotal in safeguarding public
health and maintaining a hygienic environment. Their efforts in ensuring food safety, water
quality, waste management, and disease prevention are indispensable for the well-being of the
population. By recognizing their significance and addressing the challenges they face,
Indonesia can further enhance the effectiveness of its sanitary inspection systems and promote
a healthier and safer nation for all.


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sanitarian Jenjang Terampil-Pelaksana, Kemenkes RI.

Buku Pedoman Pengajaran Mata Kuliah Dasar- dasar Kesehatan Lingkungan pada PAM SKL,
Pusdiknakes, 1993.

Hadi Siswanto, dkk, 2010, Etika Profesi Sanitarian dan Pembangunan Berwawasan Kesehatan,
Yogyakarta, Graha Ilmu Press.

Lagiono dan Nurul Qomariah. Buku Ajar Kesehatan Lingkungan Etika Profesi. Jakarta: Pusat
Pendidikan Sumber Daya Manusia. Kesehatan Edisi Tahun 2018.

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 1996 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan.

Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI, N0.13 Tahun 2015, Pelayanan Kesehatan Lingkungan di

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 66 Tahun 2014, tentang Kesehatan Lingkungan.

Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan, 2014, Kurikulum inti DIII Kesehatan Lingkungan, ,
BPPSDM Kesehatan Kemkes RI Jakarta.

Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan, 2017, Kurikulum dan Modul, Peningkatan Kapasitas
Tenaga Pendidik dalam Penerapan pendidikan Antar Profesi pada Pelayanan Kesehatan
Komunitas, BPPSDM Kesehatan, Kemkes RI, Jakarta.

Sanitarian’s handbook, Theory and Administratif Practice for Environmental Health. Ben
Freedman, New Orleans, USA, 1977.


Application of sanitation Penerapan sanitasi
Preventing disease Mencegah penyakit
Public health Kesehatan masyarakat
Sanitary monitoring Pemantauan sanitasi
Building construction Kontruksi bangunan
Risk factors Faktor risiko
Examination results Hasil pemeriksaan
Improves health Meningkatkan kesehatan
Food processing Pengolahan pangan
Examination form Formulir pemeriksaan
Sanitary facilities Sarana sanitasi
Clean living behavior Perilaku hidup bersih
Personal hygiene Kebersihan perorangan
Qualify Memenuhi syarat
Sewerage Saluran air limbah
Puddle Genangan air
Deplete Menguras
Rainwater reservoir Penampungan air hujan
Fecal discharge Pembuangan tinja
Artificial ventilation Ventilasi buatan
Maintain cleanliness Menjaga kebersihan
Spread of germs Penyebaran kuman
Food safety Keamanan pangan
Mosquito brood Perindukan nyamuk
Community service Pengabdian masyarakat
Natural ventilation Ventilasi alami
Cross ventilation Ventilasi silang
Food additives Bahan tambahan pangan
Disposal while Pembuangan sementara
Market sanitation Sanitasi pasar
Hotel sanitation Sanitasi hotel

Sanitation of shopping centers Sanitasi pusat perbelanjaan

Sanitation of land transportation Sanitasi terminal transportasi darat

terminals and train stations dan stasiun kereta api
Sanitation of water and air Sanitasi terminal angkutan air dan
transport terminals udara
Sanitation of recreational areas Sanitasi tempat rekreasi
Hospital sanitation Sanitasi rumah sakit
Restaurant sanitation Sanitasi restoran
Swimming pool sanitation Sanitasi kolam renang
School sanitation Sanitasi sekolah
Cinema sanitation Sanitasi bioskop
Sanitation of places of worship Sanitasi tempat ibadah
Sanitize the beauty salon Sanitasi salon kecantikan
Control Pengendalian
Surveillance Pengawasan
Environmental conditions Kondisi lingkungan
Observation Pengamatan
Quality standards Baku mutu
Community safety Keselamatan masyarakat
Occupational diseases Penyakit akibat kerja
Profession Profesi
Neighbourhood Lingkungan
Safety Keamanan
Health Kesehatan
Inspector Inspektor
Disease Penyakit
Disposal Pembuangan
Collection Pengumpulan
Waste Limbah
Solid waste Limbah padat

Radiation Radiasi
Noise Kebisingan
Pollution Polusi
Hospital Rumah Sakit
Food Pangan
Safety Keselamatan
Protective Pelindung
Labour Tenaga
Monitoring : Pengawasan
Community Masyarakat
Clean Bersih
Beverages Minuman
Training Pelatihan
Restaurant Restoran
Diarrhoea Diare
Dangerous Berbahaya
Extension Penyuluhan
Protective Pelindung
Collection Pengumpulan
Water Air
Management Pengelolaan
Equipment Peralatan
Testing Pengujian
Storage Penyimpanan
Cooking Memasak
Inspector Inspektor
Protective Pelindung
Surface Permukaan
Preventing Mencegah


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