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Electronic Cigarette Use among Young Adults Students in Universities across

Abu Dhabi

Socio-demographic Characteristics.
1) What is your gender?
 Female
 Male
2) How old are you?
 Below 18
 Between 18 and 25
 Between 25 and 30
 Above 30

3) What is your marital status?

 Single
 Married
 Engaged
4) What is your nationality?
 Emirati
 Other Choose an item.

5) What's is your level of education?

 Undergraduate
 Graduate
 Other
6) Are you a student of any of the following universities.
Abu Dhabi University, Emirates university, Emirates college of technology, Khalifa
 Yes
 No
7) What is your major?
 Health related field (specify)
 Business related field
 Engineering related field
 Other Choose an item.

Personal history of smoking

8) How can you describe your smoking status?
 Never smoked before
 I am an ex e smoker
 I am an ex traditional smoker
 I am an ex-e-cigarette and traditional smoker
 I am s current traditional smoker
 I am a current e cigarette smoker
 I am a current e-cigarette and traditional smoker.

9) At what age did you start smoking e-cigarette?

 Below 18 years.
 Between 18 years and 25.
 After 25 years
 I am not an e-cigarette smoker.

10) How long have you been smoking?

 Less than two years

 Two to five years.
 Five to seven years.
 More than seven years.
 I am not an e-cigarette smoker
11 How many times do you use electronic cigarette per day
 Less than 3 times
 Between 3 and 10 times.
 More than 10 times
 I don’t smoke e cigarette.
12) How much do you spend on e-cigarette weekly?

 Less than AED 50

 Between AED 50 and AED 100
 More than AED 100
13) How did you first learn about E-cigarette?

 From Advertisements
 From News Articles
 From social media.
 From Friends and Classmates.
 Family
 From Colleagues at Work.
 Others (If Others Please Specify)

14) Where do you buy e-cigarettes?

 Tobacco shop
 Online
 Private distributors
 Friends
 Others, please specify
 I do not use e-cigarettes

15. Why did you start smoking e-cigarette?

 Curiosity
 To quite traditional cigarettes
 For its practical use
 Because it is cleaner.
 Because it is cheaper on the long run
 I don’t smoke e-cigarette.
 Other, please specify

16) Where do you usually smoke e-cigarette?

 Private (bedroom, restroom or other)

 With my friends
 Restaurants and cafes.
 At home
 In the car
 Other (please specify)

17) Why do you smoke?

 For pleasure
 Because my friends are smoking
 Am an addict.

Physical and mental health

178) Have you ever tried to quit traditional smoking?

 Yes
 No

198) Have you visited a physician in the past 6 months?

 Yes
 No

1920) If yes we're you advised to stop smoking?

 Yes
 No
 I have not been to physician in the past 6 months.

2120) Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

 Dry cough
 Shortness of breath
 Headache
 Anxiety
 Difficulty concentrating
 Other (please specify)

Attitude towards smoking

2221) Do you think the use of cigarette harms your physical health?

 Yes, I think traditional smoking harms mmy physical health

 Yes, I Think e-smoking harms mmy physical health
 Yes, I Think all types of smoking harm my physical health.
 No, I Don’t think any type of smoking harms my physical health.
 I Don’t Know

223) Do you think the use of cigarettes harms your mental health?

 Yes, I Think traditional smoking harms my mental health

 Yes, Ii think e-smoking harms my mental health.
 Yes Ii think all types of smoking harms my mental health.
 No, I Don’t Think Any Type Of Smoking Harms My Mental Health.
 I Don’t Know

The following part is addressed assess attitude towards smoking e-cigarette using the 5-
point likert-scale ranging from firmly disagreeing to firmly agreeing.
2423) traditional cigarette E-cigarette smoking is more harmful than E-cigarette traditional
cigarette smoking to a person’s physical health.

 Firmly agree
 Firmly Disagree
 Neither disagree nor agree
 Disagree
 Agree

2524) Traditional smoking is more harmful than e-cigarette smoking to a person’s mental health.

 Firmly agree
 Firmly disagree
 Neither disagree nor agree
 Disagree4
 Agree

2625) E-cigarette smoking should be allowed in non-smoking areas among university students
on campus.

 Firmly Agree
 Agree
 Neither Disagree Nor Agree
 Disagree
 Firmly Disagree

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