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Vmu-C-Y em Cpa

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A u t o m a t i o n C o m p o n e n t s

The evolution in Energy Management

The evolution in Energy Management
The VMU-C EM is the ideal web-server based solution
for monitoring small to medium size installations.
With its integrated M2M functionalities it is capable
of automatically transferring data via FTP, HTTP or
MODBUS/TCP to a remote server where a SCADA,
BMS or other specific database software is running.
The VMU-C EM is also the gateway at the core of
distributed architectures based on VMU-Y EM and
Em2-Server data aggregation servers, allowing to
manage multi-site installations.

The VMU-C EM gathers data from:

• Energy meters
• Power analysers
• VMU Series I/O modules

By combining VMU-C EM with VMU-Y EM or Em2-Server

multisite management solutions it is possible to remotely
manage portfolios of installations.

Monitoring system for Energy Management

VMU-C EM Energy meters and power quality analyzers

Integrated web-server unit capable of monitoring up to 32 Carlo Gavazzi provides a full range of instruments to be
meters and managing the following data: used in conjunction with the VMU-C EM.
• Energy (kWh,kvarh) and instantaneous variable data • Mounting: both DIN-rail or panel mounting available
(V,A,W,var,VA,PF,Hz,THD) with setpoints and datalogger • Compact size
• Temperature, analogue and pulse rate inputs (with scaling • Current measurement: direct up to 65 A, by 5A current
capability) transformers, by 0.333 V current sensors
• Digital input status • Optional digital inputs for utility (gas, water) metering,
• Alarms via Web, email or SMS pulse outputs or relay outputs available
• Dual tariff • MID certified versions available for fiscal metering
• Reports in Excel compatible format • Full range of solid and split-core current transformers
All the data of the monitored plant is available via: available
• Web-Surfing
• HTTP on-demand polling VMU Series optional modules
• FTP scheduled data-pushing Additional modules can be added, providing further
• Modbus/TCP (master and slave functions) information:
• Carlo Gavazzi’s DP (data push protocol) in combination • Temperature measurements
with VMU-Y EM and Em2-Server data aggregation • Scalable analogue and pulse rate inputs
solutions. • Digital inputs and digital outputs
• If wired internet is not available, the VMU-D adapter
combined with a USB dongle modem provides 3G or 4G
Internet connection.

2 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Why the VMU-C EM is the ideal Energy Management solution

How much money will you lose The electrical installation is one of You can protect your business if:
if your plant stops because of the most important systems in any • you meet the installation limits;
electrical problems? facility, from a production plant to a • you know the system is working
commercial building. properly;
To ensure everything is running An unexpected fault can lead to • you identify any decrease in
effectively, you need a monitoring serious damage and/or to a very performance so as to plan any
solution. expensive stop in production. maintenance before a fault occurs.

How much money will you save if

your utility contract is based on
your actual needs?

To ensure you optimise your • you identify in detail where the

electrical contract you need a consumption takes place within your
monitoring solution. plant;
• you are able to not exceed the
The electrical utility contract should contractual terms (maximum power
be tailored to the exact needs of your demand, etc.);
facility. In order to avoid excessive • Energy efficiency optimization
expense, or penalties for exceeding targets are strong drivers in any
the limits of the contract, you can Country. Carlo Gavazzi solution
negotiate a well calibrated contract if: for Energy monitoring helps you
• you know the details of your to implement specific policies for
consumption by production load, matching your energy efficiency
time, season, etc.; benchmarks.

The VMU-C EM and its optional I/O modules: just to make it easier

The VMU-C EM is modular and the VMU series modules can be added by
connecting them via their internal bus: up to one environment variable unit
(VMU-P) and up to three I/O units (VMU-O).
If some of the VMU modules are needed remotely, up to ten new arrays can
be connected via RS485 using a master module, VMU-M. All the web-server
functionalities are ready on your browser if wired internet is available. A solution
based on VMU-D adapter plus 3G/4G dongle modem is available for mobile
Internet connection, in the case wired Internet is not available.

• No need for a dedicated PC for
• No crash problems which lead to
data loss.
• No compatibility problems due
to different operating systems,
different languages, libraries, etc.
• Polling device, datalogger, Ethernet
gateway in a single, very compact,
• Modular concept for additional
input/output whenever needed.
• Optional modular modem for 3G
mobile Internet connection.

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 3
The evolution in Energy Management
An integrated wired or wireless Web-Server and Web-Service solution

The memory Ethernet and mini USB Mobile Modem Adapter

Since plant data are very important, The Ethernet interface allows to Where wired Internet access is not
VMU-C EM dedicates 4 GB of memory operate and configure the VMU-C, by available, Carlo Gavazzi provides the
to secure data storage. VMU-C means of LAN or direct connection to VMU-D adapter module, by which a
provides also a micro SD slot (up to a PC, thanks to the integrated web- 3G or 4G USB modem can be used to
32 GB SDHC cards) and a hot-swap interface. In the case Ethernet cannot monitor any remote installation.
USB interface (for direct memory stick be accessed, the mini USB can be
connection) on the top of the unit for: connected to a PC .
• plant configuration backup and
• plant database backup and restore.

Monitoring solution based on web-server communication capability

Example of communication architecture with wired Internet access (only with “VMU-C”) unit or, where wired Internet, is
not available, with additional VMU-D adapter and a 3G modem.

Pulse Pulse RS485

4 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Web-server communication

Examples of VMU-C EM pages

The home page allows the following information to be

available at a glance:
• Energy consumption information (active and reactive
power and energy);
• costs information (yearly, monthly and daily expenses);
• instantaneous 3-phase variables of the plant (voltages
and currents).
The main chart displays the present day’s total energy
consumption of the plant Vs. the previous day’s.

The consumption of each energy meter can be analysed

on a daily, monthly or annual basis.
In the same section information acquired by pulses from
the gas, water or remote heating meters, and also the
analogue and environmental variables acquired by the
VMU modules, can be displayed and analysed.

The logged instantaneous variables relevant to the main

meter, and so to the whole electrical installation, can be
analysed on a daily, monthly or annual basis.
The variables can be monitored by specific setpoints. In
the case of problems or faults, it is possible to analyse the
plant’s history before the event, so as to understand the
relevant reasons and act accordingly.

All the real-time variables of any meter can be displayed The database, including all the history of the plant, can
on the web-browser. This means being on-site and looking be accessed to get a set of data in a defined time period.
directly at any meter display: the whole plant is completely The data is then available in Excel compatible format for
under control. further analysis by the user.

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 5
The evolution in Energy Management
Embedded solution for multi-site applications
VMU-Y EM allows to aggregate information replicated by up to 10 VMU-C EM units within a single centralized database;
information may be accessed by users from wherever by using a standard web-browser.

Embedded solution Mobile connection

VMU-Y EM embeds in a compact 2-DIN module ta VMU-D adapter allows to connect a 3G or 4G USB modem
comprehensive multi-site energy management database as a backup in the case the wired Internet connection fails;
and software, without the need of installing any software the mobile communication may be started up and shut
and operating any IT infrastructure: just set up the network down remotely by SMS commands as soon as the wired
interface and configure the link from VMU-C EM. connection works again.

VMU-Y EM multi-site solution for distributed systems

Web-server and
Gateway level

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 4

Zone1 Zone2

Up to 10 sites
with VMU-Y

RS485 RS485
Up to 320 meters

Up to

32 Energy

Meters and
10 VMU-M
for each

6 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Integrated web based interface
Concurrent access by Internet is possible by using a standard browser. User access to stored information may be allowed
or restricted according to company’s policies at the level of single meter.

Responsive user
The toolbar on the top, the Navigator
on the right, tha alarms view on the
bottom, the main boxes on the left
and the map in the center as the main
tools, always available to the user for
an immediate feedback

Monitoring and
Monitor and Analysis are powerful
tools which allows users to display
both present and historical data from
the different instruments (real energy
meters, virtual energy meters, VMU-P
modules) in the plant

Portfolio management
Alarms and warnings logged by the
VMU-C units may be checked and ac-
knowledged while single VMU-C sta-
tus can be monitored at the same time

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 7
The evolution in Energy Management
Enhanced features for Energy Management

Tariff profiling
Multiple tariffs may be set, splitting
days in hourly slices, and defining
calendars based on different daily
profiles according to company needs;
monthly cost reports are available as
XLS files based on tariffs and real
consumption data.

XLS export and custom

It is possible to extract any combina-
tion of variables from whatever meter
either as Excel file or as a customized
chart; extraction profiles can be saved
for later use.

Virtual meters creation

and management
It is possible to create virtual meters
as aggregation of real meters, allow-
ing to consolidate variables from mul-
tiple sources into aggregating items,
with the proper authorization rights to
access data.

8 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Improving Energy Efficiency with Carlo Gavazzi solutions

EM24 DIN, 3-phase energy analyzer:

• 5A CT or 65A direct connections;
• DIN rail mounting;
Energy Metering

• 3 digital input for extra pulse counting

(gas, H2O, Heating);
• MID certified.

EM26 96, 3-phase energy analyzer:

• 5A CT connections;
EM24DIN VMU-C • panel mounting;
• 3 digital input for extra pulse counting
(gas, H2O, Heating);
• MID certified.

GAS H2O Electricity

Multi site Ene



Process efficiency

EM26-96 WM30-96 VMU-C

WM30 96, 3-phase power quality analyzer:

• 5A CT connections;
• Panel mounting;
• Modular concept;
• Class 0.2 (active energy accuracy);

• Touch key pad.

EM210, 3-phase energy analyzer:

• 5A CT connection;
• DIN rail or Panel mounting with patented
detachable display;
EM210 EM210 VMU-C • self power supply;
• MID certified (EM21);
• Retrofit solution available (EM2172R,

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 9
Em -Server 2
The evolution in Energy Management
Cloud solution for multi-site applications
Em2-Server allows to aggregate information replicated by up to 100 VMU-C EM units within a single centralized database;
information may be accessed by users from wherever by using a standard web-browser.

Cloud Solution Centralized database

Em2-Server is a software solution provided as a Virtual Installation and operation of Em2-Server are based on the
Machine software appliance, to be hosted in the cloud, flexibility and ease of the Virtual Machine technology.
either in the customer’s facility or in a hosting farm. Setting up Internet communication between VMU-C EM
and Em2-Server is a plug’n play process based on the
reliability and effectiveness of the Carlo Gavazzi’s DP(Data
Push) protocol.

Em2-Server multi-site solution for centralized data management

Web-server and
Gateway level

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 4

Zone1 Zone2

Up to 100 Sites
with Em2-Server

RS485 RS485
Up to 3200 meters

Up to

32 Energy

Meters and
10 VMU-M
for each

10 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Centralized data base and web server
Em2-Server is the solution for aggregating data from multiple installations, including the database and the web interface
in the same comprehensive package.

Multiple screens,
multiple views
Em2-Server’s web interface allow
users to match the needs of control
rooms, by allowing the simultaneous
displaying of different charts and in-
formation on the same monitor or on
the same screens. Position and size
of the desired displaying tools can be
saved for later use.

Multi-site information
By using the Map and Navigator tools
it is possible to locate information from
distributed installations with ease, ac-
cording to user’s access rights. Pre-
sent or historical values and charts
are displayed according to the select-
ed parameters and filters.

Devices’ status and

installations’ alerts
Dedicated tools allow user to immedi-
ately check if any abnormal situation
or unexpected condition is affecting
the monitored plants and the monitor-
ing devices. Distributed VMU-C EM
units can be surfed via VPN, and com-
mands may be broadcasted to pools
of units.

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 11
Em -Server 2
The evolution in Energy Management
Powerful data analysis and management tools

Tariff profiling
Multiple tariffs may be set, splitting
days in hourly slices, and defining
calendars based on different daily
profiles according to company needs;
monthly cost reports are available as
XLS files based on tariffs and real
consumption data.

It is possible to create synoptic views
as combinations of maps, diagrams,
schematics and live icons represent-
ing the desired meters.

Load profiling
The Load Profile tool allow statisti-
cal calculation of consumption in the
single demand interval for the chosen
interval of analysis. It is possible to
estimate the typical daily consumption
profile according to the desired confi-
dence ratio.

12 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Features matrix

Group Feature VMU-C EM
VMU-Y EM Em2-Server
Single Installation Yes Yes Yes
Multiple installations
Installation type and No UP TO 10 UP TO 100
Number of meters 32 320 3200
Form factor 2-DIN 2-DIN Virtual machine
User and Admin pro-
Yes Yes Yes
files (multiple users)
Access rights man-
User management
agement at instru- No Yes Yes
ment level
Online Help Yes Yes Yes
Variable Monitoring Yes Yes Yes
Custom Trend analy-
Yes Yes Yes
sis tool
Virtual main meter
Yes Yes Yes
Variable monitoring management
Free virtual meter
No Yes Yes
Synoptic tool No No Yes
Excel data export Fixed Free Free
Tariff profiles 2 Free Free
Tariffs and costs
Custom calendars No 1 Free
Dedicated web-view Yes Yes Yes
Email Yes Yes Yes
Alarms management
With optional VMU-D With optional VMU-D With optional VMU-D
on VMU-C on VMU-C on VMU-C
With optional VMU-D With optional VMU-D With optional VMU-D
SMS commands
on VMU-C on VMU-C on VMU-C
VMU-C remote
management Remote broadcast
commands via Web N/A Yes Yes

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 13
The evolution in Energy Management
The heart of the system



h (DP
u s

SCADA solution


Remote Database
Cloud Storage

RS485 ModBus

VMU- modules

14 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
The OPC server link

Monitoring solution based on the System Integrator’s own SCADA software

The new freeware OPC server is

available for driver-less integration

with SCADA.

SIU-TCP2 (RS485 to TCP/IP)

SIU-PC2 (RS485 to RS232)


monday, october

• Architectural freedom
• Measurement features depending on the selected meter or analyser
• Free communication protocols available on request.

SIU-FO: the solution for an electrically-disturbed environment

This unit converts the standard Mod- • Fibre optic dual loop communication
Bus communication from the RS485 (redundant communication: no
wired to the fibre-optic type, with the communication loss in case of one
aim to increase the communication loop cut).
distance and providing extremely high • 10 to 24VDC/12 to 18VAC power
communication immunity in the case of supply.
an electrically -disturbed environment. • DIN-rail mounting type.

Features Fibre type and communication

• RS485 to glass fibre optic adaptor. distances
• Two way communication capability • Single-mode and multimode glass
(wire to fibre optics and fibre optics fibre optic compatibility.
to wire). • Point to point distance of up to 800m
• Fibre optic single loop communication with 50/125 μm multimode fibre.
(cascade connection: communication • Point to point distance of up to
loss in the case of loop cut). 2000m with 62.5/125 μm multimode
• Fibre optic dual loop communication fibre.
(dual cascade connection: partial
communication loss in the case of
one loop cut).

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 15
CPA family
The evolution in Energy Management
Contactless power analyzers
CPA is a family of power analyzers for both DC and AC applications

Flexible solution

A contactless Hall effect sensor allows CPA to measure both Ease of set-up by means of the UCS (Universal configuration
DC and AC currents; a comprehensive set of measured software) and a smart mounting system (allowing either
variables, including voltage,power,energy,frequency, power DIN-rail or panel mounting) are the key points to reduce
factor and THD are available through RS485/Modbus installation time.

Architecture example (process industry)

Main Facility


Process Process
control control

16 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.
Some CPA applications
CPA is a power analyzer which matches The application areas:
the needs of many applications in • Energy management • Battery charging
both industrial automation and energy • Industrial processes control • AC and DC motors control
efficiency monitoring. • Monitoring of distorted currents

PV plants Heating control Galvanic baths

Datacenters Electric vehicles Pump control

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 17
CPA family
The evolution in Energy Management
CPA versions

Group Feature CPA0501LS1X CPA3001LS1X

AC monitoring YES YES
DC monitoring YES YES
Hall effect sensing YES YES
Current measurement AC Range 50 A 300 A
DC Range 50 A 400 A
Shunt sensing YES YES
Voltage measurement AC Range 800V 800V
DC Range 1000V 1000V
AC applications 800V 800V
Max system voltage
DC applications 1000V 1000V
Output RS485 Modbus Modbus

A,V,W,var,VA,kWh,PF, Hz, A,V,W,var,VA,kWh,PF, Hz,

Available variables Modbus communications

18 CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.

CARLO GAVAZZI Automation Components. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only. 19
Carlo Gavazzi GmbH Carlo Gavazzi Sarl Carlo Gavazzi SpA Carlo Gavazzi SA
Ketzergasse 374, Zac de Paris Nord II, 69, rue de la Belle Etoile, Via Milano 13, Avda. Iparraguirre, 80-82,
A-1230 Wien F-95956 Roissy CDG Cedex I-20020 Lainate E-48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)
Tel: +43 1 888 4112 Tel: +33 1 49 38 98 60 Tel: +39 02 931 761 Tel: +34 94 480 4037
Fax: +43 1 889 10 53 Fax: +33 1 48 63 27 43 Fax: +39 02 931 763 01 Fax: +34 94 431 6081


Carlo Gavazzi NV/SA Carlo Gavazzi GmbH Carlo Gavazzi BV Carlo Gavazzi AB
Mechelsesteenweg 311, Pfnorstr. 10-14 Wijkermeerweg 23, V:a Kyrkogatan 1,
B-1800 Vilvoorde D-64293 Darmstadt NL-1948 NT Beverwijk S-652 24 Karlstad
Tel: +32 2 257 4120 Tel: +49 6151 81000 Tel: +31 251 22 9345 Tel: +46 54 85 1125
Fax: +32 2 257 41 25 Fax: +49 6151 81 00 40 Fax: +31 251 22 60 55 Fax: +46 54 85 11 77


Carlo Gavazzi Handel A/S Carlo Gavazzi UK Ltd Carlo Gavazzi AS Carlo Gavazzi AG
Over Hadstenvej 40, 4.4 Frimley Business Park, Melkeveien 13, Verkauf Schweiz/Vente Suisse
DK-8370 Hadsten Frimley, Camberley, Surrey GU16 7SG N-3919 Porsgrunn Sumpfstrasse 3,
Tel: +45 89 60 6100 Tel: +44 1 276 854 110 Tel: +47 35 93 0800 CH-6312 Steinhausen
Fax: +45 86 98 15 30 Fax: +44 1 276 682 140 Fax: +47 35 93 08 01 Tel: +41 41 747 4535 Fax: +41 41 740 45 40
Carlo Gavazzi OY AB Carlo Gavazzi Lda
Petaksentie 2-4, Rua dos Jerónimos 38-B,
FI-00661 Helsinki P-1400-212 Lisboa
Tel: +358 9 756 2000 Tel: +351 21 361 7060
Fax: +358 9 756 20010 Fax: +351 21 362 13 73


Carlo Gavazzi Inc. Carlo Gavazzi Inc. Carlo Gavazzi Mexico S.A. de C.V. Carlo Gavazzi Automação Ltda.Av.
750 Hastings Lane, 2660 Meadowvale Boulevard, Calle La Montaña no. 28, Fracc. Los Pastores Francisco Matarazzo, 1752
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA Mississauga, ON L5N 6M6, Canada Naucalpan de Juárez, EDOMEX CP 53340 Conj 2108 - Barra Funda - São Paulo/SP
Tel: +1 847 465 6100 Tel: +1 905 542 0979 Tel & Fax: +52.55.5373.7042 Tel: +55 11 3052 0832
Fax: +1 847 465 7373 Fax: +1 905 542 22 48 Fax: +55 11 3057 1753


Carlo Gavazzi Automation Singapore Pte. Ltd. Carlo Gavazzi Automation (M) SDN. BHD. Carlo Gavazzi Automation Carlo Gavazzi Automation
61 Tai Seng Avenue D12-06-G, Block D12, (China) Co. Ltd. Hong Kong Ltd.
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Tel: +65 67 466 990 Selangor, Malaysia. Middle Shennan Zhong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fax: +65 67 461 980 Tel: +60 3 7842 7299 Shenzhen, China Tel: +852 23041228 Fax: +60 3 7842 7399 Tel: +86 755 83699500 Fax: +852 23443689 Fax: +86 755 83699300


Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S Carlo Gavazzi Ltd Carlo Gavazzi Controls SpA Uab Carlo Gavazzi Industri Kaunas
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are for example only.

Hadsten Zejtun Belluno Kaunas

Carlo Gavazzi Automation (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
8028252 BRO VMU-C-Y EM CPA ENG 04-2016

Carlo Gavazzi Automation SpA
Via Milano, 13
I-20020 - Lainate (MI) - ITALY
Tel: +39 02 931 761

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