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Modbus Interface Manual 551700A

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Level Plus

Magnetostrictive Liquid Level Transmitters

with Temposonics® Technology

Modbus Interface Manual

LP Series
Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

Table of contents
1. Contact information.....................................................................3
2. Terms and definitions..................................................................4
3. Introduction..................................................................................6
4. Safety instructions.......................................................................6
5. Quick start-up guide....................................................................6
5.1 Before you begin.................................................................... 6
5.2 Quick start-up procedure....................................................... 6
6. Modbus interface.........................................................................6
6.1 Modbus implementation........................................................ 6
6.2 Modbus function codes......................................................... 6
6.3 Device Modbus register maps................................................ 8
6.4 How units are used.............................................................. 11
6.5 Modbus register Map note references................................. 11
7. Formulas used in volume calculation.......................................13
8. Installing digital setup software...............................................14
9. Setting up and calibrating the Modbus Interface......................15
9.1 Data from Device tab............................................................ 15
9.2 Volume Calculations tab....................................................... 17

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

1. Contact information

United States Japan

General General
Tel: +1-919-677-0100 Tel.: +81-42-775-3838
Fax: +1-919-677-2343 Fax: +81-42-775-5516
E-mail: e-mail:

Mailing and shipping address Mailing and shipping address

MTS Systems Corporation MTS Sensors Technology Corporation
Sensors Division 737 Aihara-cho, Machida-shi
3001 Sheldon Drive Tokyo 194-0211, Japan
Cary, North Carolina, 27513, USA
Technical support and applications
Customer service Tel.: +81-42-775-3838
Tel: +1-800-633-7609 Fax: +81-42-775-5512
Fax: +1-800-498-4442

Technical support and applications

24 Hour Emergency Technical Support
Tel: +1-800-633-7609


Tel.: +49-2351-9587-0
Fax: +49-2351-56491

Mailing and shipping address

MTS Sensor Technologie, GmbH & Co. KG
Auf dem Schüffel 9
D - 58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany

Technical support and applications

Tel.: +49-2351-9587-0

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

2. Terms and definitions FOUNDATION™ fieldbus

An all digital, serial, two-way communications system that serves as
the base-level network in a plant or factory automation environment.
6A Heavy Oils Developed and administered by the fieldbus FOUNDATION™.
‘Generalized Crude Oils’, Correction of Volume to 60 °F against API
Gravity. G

6B Light Oils GOVI

‘Generalized Products’, Correction of Volume to ‘Gross Observed Volume of the Interface’ – The total volume of the tank
60 °F against API Gravity. occupied by the interface liquid. The GOVI is only given when mea-
suring two liquids and is calculated by subtracting the volume of the
6C Chemical product from the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT – GOVP).
‘Volume Correction Factors (VCF)’ for individual and special applica-
tions, volume correction to 60 °F against thermal expansion coeffi- GOVP
cients. ‘Gross Observed Volume of the Product’ – The total volume of the tank
occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is
6C Mod also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two
An adjustable temperature reference for defining VCF. liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of
the interface liquid (GOVT – GOVI).
API Gravity ‘Total Gross Observed Volume’ – The total volume of liquid in the tank.
The measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to When measuring only one liquid it is equal to the volume of the product
water. Allowable values are 0 to 100 degrees API for (6A) and 0 to 85 (GOVP). When measuring two liquids it is equal to the volume of the
degrees API for (6B). product and interface liquids (GOVP + GOVI).

‘Gross Observed Volume Ullage’ – the difference in volume between the
DDA working capacity of a tank and the total volume in the tank (Working
‘Direct Digital Access’ – The proprietary digital protocol developed by Capacity – GOVT).
MTS for use in intrinsically safe areas.
Mass divided by the volume of an object at a specific temperature. The HART®
density value should be entered as lb / cu. ft.. A Bidirectional communication protocol that provides data access
between intelligent field instruments and host systems.
Type of protection based on enclosure in which the parts which can Interface
ignite an explosive gas atmosphere are placed within, and which can Noun; The measurement of the level of one liquid when that liquid is
withstand the pressure developed during an internal explosion of an ex- below another liquid.
plosive mixture, and which prevents the transmission of the explosion
to the explosive gas atmosphere surrounding the enclosure. Interface
Adj.; The Software Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows the user
F to access software protocols (HART, DDA, MODBUS).

Flameproof Intrinsic safety

Type of protection based on enclosure in which the parts which can ‘Intrinsically safe’ - Type of protection based on the restriction of
ignite an explosive gas atmosphere are placed within and which can electrical energy within apparatus of interconnecting wiring exposed to
withstand the pressure developed during an internal explosion of an ex- potentially explosive atmosphere to a level below that which can cause
plosive mixture, and which prevents the transmission of the explosion ignition by either sparking or heating effects.
to the explosive gas atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

M Strap Table
A table of measurement correlating the height of a vessel to the volume
Mass that is contained at that height. The transmitter can contain up to 100
The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational points.
field, calculated by density at the reference temperature multiplied by
the volume correction factor (Density * VCF). T

A serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use ‘Thermal Expansion Coefficient’ - a value correlating the change in tem-
with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has become a de fac- perature for an object with the change in its volume. Allowable values
to standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the most are 270.0 to 930.0. TEC units are in 10 E-6/Deg F.
commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices.
Temperature Correction Method
N One of five product correction methods used to correct the product
volume in the tank due to changes in temperature from 60 °F including
NEMA Type 4X (6A, 6B, 6C, 6C Mod, and Custom Table.
A product Enclosure intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to
provide a degree of protection against corrosion, windblown dust and V
rain, splashing water, and hose-directed water; and to be undamaged by
the formation of ice on the enclosure. They are not intended to provide Volume Calculation Mode
protection against conditions such as internal condensation or internal One of two methods use to calculate volume measurements from level
icing. measurements, including Sphere and Strap Table.

U.S. standard defining tapered pipe threads used to join pipes and ‘Volume Correction Factor’ – A table of measurements correlating
fittings. temperature points with correction factors for the liquids expansion/
contraction. The transmitter can contain up to 50 points.
‘Net Standard Volume of the Product’ – The temperature corrected W
volume for the product liquid in the tank, requires the transmitter to
be ordered with temperature measurement capabilities. The NSVP is Working Capacity
calculated by multiplying the volume of the product liquid by a volume The maximum volume of liquid that the user desires for their vessel to
correction factor based on temperature (GOVP * VCF). hold, typically 80% of the vessels maximum volume before overfill.

Reference Temperature
The temperature at which the density measurement is given, the allow-
able values are 32 °F to 150 °F (0 °C to 66 °C).

Specific Gravity
The density ratio of a liquid to the density of water at the same condi-

Sphere Radius
The internal radius of the sphere that contains the liquid, the value is
used to calculate the volume along with the Sphere Offset.

Sphere Offset
An offset value that accounts for additional volume in a sphere from
non-uniform sphere geometry, the value is used to calculate the volume
along with the Sphere Radius.

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6. Change the address to one that is suitable for the installation

3. Introduction
7. Verify proper operation of product and or interface floats and
3.1 Purpose and use of this manual
8. Turn off power to the transmitter.
Before starting the operation of the equipment read this documentation
9. Remove data lines.
thoroughly and follow the safety information.
10. Install the transmitter into the vessel (see Installation and mounting
on page 11).
The content of this technical documentation and of its various
11. Reconnect power and data lines.
annexes is intended to provide information on mounting, installation
12. Verify communications with the host system (repeat step 5).
and commissioning by qualified service personnel according to
13. Calibrate current tank level (optional). Setup is complete.
IEC 60079-14 and/or MTS trained service technicians and local
Default communication parameters
3.2 Used symbols and warnings Modbus: 4800 BAUD 8, N, 1
Warnings are intended for your personal safety and for avoidance
of damage to the described product or connected devices. In this
documentation, safety information and warnings to avoid dangers that
might affect the life and health of personnel or cause material damage
6. Modbus Interface
are highlighted by the preceding pictogram, which is defined below.

Symbol Meaning Note:

NOTICE This symbol is used to point to situations

that may lead to material damage and/or personal Termination and biasing of RS-485 data lines are as follows:
  Each M-Series transmitter has internal high impedance biasing
4. Safety instructions   resistors (30K Ω) on both RS-485 data lines. No additional biasing
  resistors should be present on the
4.1 Intended use   connecting devices (PLC, DCS, PC, Converter).
The purpose of this document is to provide detailed information on
the protocol interface. All safety related information is in the product Termination
specific operation manual. Consult the operation manual before   Each M-Series transmitter has an internal termination resistor
connecting to the level transmitter.   (100K Ω) installed across the RS-485 signal lines. No additional    
  termination resistors are necessary in the connecting devices (PLC,
  DCS, PC, Converter).
5. Quick start-up guide

5.1 Before you begin

6.1 Modbus implementation

The Modbus implementation for the digital transmitter conforms to
the ‘Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide, PIMBUS-300 Rev. G’
You must use a RS-485 converter with “Send Data Control” and the
available from Modicon, Inc. The information provided below assumes
M-Series Set-up Software to ensure proper operation.
familiarity with the Modbus protocol as outlined in this reference guide.
Example: All information provided applies to Modbus RTU protocol only.
B & B Electronics 485BAT3 (815-433-5100
6.2 Modbus function codes

Communication parameters:
5.2 Quick start-up procedure
1. Connect +24 Vdc to terminals. Modbus: 4800 BAUD or 9600   8, N, 1
2. Connect data lines to terminals. (Reference) Monitor: Modbus RTU Variable BAUD Rate   8, E, 1
3. Connect the PC (or other device) to data lines.
(If you are using a PC, use a RS-232 to RS-485 converter. See
Note above for more information.)
The following Modbus function codes are supported:
4. Turn on power to the transmitter.
Function 03 ­­- Read Holding Registers
5. Start the Digital Setup Software. Click the ‘Data From Device’
Function 04 - Read Input Registers
tab. Click the ‘Device’ pull down menu (located in the upper right
Function 06 - Preset Single Register
corner of the window) to verify communications using factory
Function 08 - Diagnostics (Subfunction 00, Return Query Data)
default address ‘247 ’ for Modbus.
Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

Function 08 - Diagnostics (Subfunction 01, Restart Communications Subfunction low: 01H

Option) Query data (16-bit): echoed (0000H or FF00H)
Function 08 - Diagnostics (Subfunction 04, Force Listen Only Error check: 16-bit CRC/8-bit LRC
Function 16 - Preset Multiple Registers Function 08 - Diagnostics
Function 17 - Report Slave ID (Subfunction 04, Force Listen-Only Mode)
The device responds to this request by switching to listen-only
Function 03 - Read Holding Registers
mode. Messages are still received and parsed, but no responses
are transmitted. To switch out of listen-only mode, issue a ‘Restart
The device responds to this message by returning the contents of the
Communications Option’ request (function 08, subfunction 01) or
requested data register(s).
cycle power.
(See ‘Device Modbus Register Maps’ on page 22).

The following implementation-specific considerations apply: Function 16 - Preset Multiple Registers

The device response returns the slave address, function code, starting
»» If an unsupported or reserved register is requested, exception code address, and quantity of registers preset.
#2 is returned (See ‘Device Modbus Register Maps’ on page 212
for unsupported/reserved registers). Function 17 - Report Slave ID
»» If a register contains an device error a maximum negative value The device responds to this request with the following data:
is returned. Slave address: echoed
»» If a register is blank, indicating that the desired function is not Function: 11H
enabled (e.g., volume calculations) a max negative value is returned. Byte count: 05H
»» Unsupported or reserved bits will always be set to 0. See ‘Device Slave ID: FFH
Modbus Register Maps’ on page 22 for alarm bit definitions. Run indicator status: FFH (ON)
Additional data: ‘DMS’
Function 04 - Read Input Registers Error check: 16-bit CRC/8-bit LRC
This function is handled exactly the same as Function 03. (Be advised
that all registers are read-only in this implementation). Modbus Exception Codes
The following standard Modbus exceptions are implemented:
Function 06 – Preset Single Registers
Confirmation of successful transmission is confirmed when the device Error code 01 (Illegal Function)
responds by echoing back what was sent. Reported when:
»» A function other than 03, 04, 06, 08, 16 or 17 is requested
Function 08 - Diagnostics (Subfunction 00, Return Query Data) »» Function 08 is requested, and a subfunction other than 00, 01,
The device responds to this request with the following data: or 04 is requested, or when invalid register within set is requested
Slave address: echoed
Function: 08H Error code 02 (Illegal Data Address)
Subfunction high: 00H Reported when:
Subfunction low: 00H »» Function 03 or 04 is requested and the starting register number
Query data (16-bit): echoed is greater than 5198 (register greater than 35198 or 45198)
Error check: 16-bit CRC/8-bit LRC »» Function 03 or 04 is requested and a register within the requested
register set is invalid
Function 08 - Diagnostics
(Subfunction 01, Restart Communications Option) Error code 03 (Illegal Data Value)
Reported when:
Note: »» Function 03 or 04 is requested and the number of data points
The communications event log is not supported. The “Query data” field is greater than 800.
is irrelevant (normally, FF00H would clear the log).

If the device is in listen-only mode, the device responds to this

message by switching out of listen-only mode - (resulting in no response
being sent to the request).

If the device is not in listen only mode, it responds as follows:

Slave address: echoed
Function: 08H
Subfunction high: 00H

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.3 Device Modbus register maps Modbus Data Data Note

Register Address Description Reference
Modbus Data Data Note ‡ denotes duplicate
Register Address Description Reference register
‡ denotes duplicate 30031 0030 Temperature Cor- 11, Page 12
register rection Method High
30001 0000 Product Level High 2, Page 12 Word
Word (x 1000) 3, Page 12 30032 0031 Temperature Cor-
30002 0001 Product Level Low rection Method Low
Word (x 1000) Word
30003 0002 Interface Level High 30033 0032 API Gravity High
Word (x 1000) Word (x 100)
30004 0003 Interface Level Low 30034 0033 API Gravity Low Word
Word (x 1000) (x 100)
30005 0004 Roof Level High Word Inactive 30035 0034 Working Capacity
(x 1000) High Word (x 10)
30006 0005 Roof Level Low Word Inactive 30036 0035 Working Capacity
(x 1000) Low Word (x 10)
30007 0006 Temperature 1 High 4, Page 12 30037 0036 TEC High Word (x 12, Page 12
Word (x 10000) 10000000)
30008 0007 Temperature 1 Low 30038 0037 TEC Low Word (x
Word (x 10000) 10000000)
30009 0008 Temperature 2 High 30039 0038 Density High Word 13, Page 12
Word (x 10000) (x 100)
30010 0009 Temperature 2 Low 30040 0039 Density Low Word (x
Word (x 10000) 100)
30011 0010 Temperature 3 High 30041 0040 Reference Tempera- 14, Page 12
Word (x 10000) ture High Word (x 10)
30012 0011 Temperature 3 Low 30042 0041 Reference Tempera-
Word (x 10000) ture Low Word (x 10)
30013 0012 Temperature 4 High 30043 0042 Volume Calculation 15, Page 12
Word (x 10000) Mode High Word
30014 0013 Temperature 4 Low 30044 0043 Volume Calculation
Word (x 10000) Mode Low Word
30015 0014 Temperature 5 High 30045 0044 Sphere Radius High 16, Page 12
Word (x 10000) Word (x 10)
30016 0015 Temperature 5 Low 30046 0045 Sphere Radius Low
Word (x 10000) Word (x 10)
30017 0016 Temperature Average 5, Page 12 30047 0046 Sphere Offset High 17, Page 12
High Word (x 10000) Word (x 10)
30018 0017 Temperature Average 30048 0047 Sphere Offset Low
Low Word (x 10000) Word (x 10)
30019 0018 GOVP High Word 6, Page 12 30049 0048 Average Interval High 18, Page 12
30020 0019 GOVP Low Word
30050 0049 Average Interval Low
30021 0020 GOVI High Word 7, Page 12 Word
30022 0021 GOVI Low Word 30051 0050 Alarm/Status High 19, Page 13
30023 0022 GOVT High Word 8, Page 12 Word
30024 0023 GOVT Low Word 30052 0051 Alarm/Status Low
30025 0024 GOVU High Word 9, Page 12 Word
30026 0025 GOVU Low Word 30053 0052 VCF Calculation Error 20, page 13
30027 0026 NSVP High Word 10, Page 12
30054 0053 Volume Calculation 21, page 13
30028 0027 NSVP Low Word Error Status
30029 0028 MASS High Word 30055 0054 Resets the EEPROM
30030 0029 MASS Low Word CRC

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.3 Device Modbus register maps (continued) Modbus Data Data Note
Register Address Description Reference
Modbus Data Data Note ‡ denotes duplicate
Register Address Description Reference register
‡ denotes duplicate
30212 211 Temperature 4 High
30056 0055 Resets the EEPROM Word (x10000)
data to factory 30213 212 Temperature 4 Low
30057 0056 Resets the EEPROM Word (x10000)
data to defaults 30214 213 Temperature 5 High
30058 0057 Temperature sensor Word (x10000)
status high word 30215 214 Temperature 5 Low
30059 0058 Temperature sensor Word (x10000)
status low word 30216 215 Temperature 6 High
30060 - 0059 - Reserved 22, page 13 Word (x10000)
30099 0098 30217 216 Temperature 6 Low
30100 0099 Temperature Units 23, page 13 Word (x10000)
High 30218 217 Temperature 7 High
30101 0100 Temperature Units Word (x10000)
Low 30219 218 Temperature 7 Low
30102 0101 Density Units High 24, page 13 Word (x10000)
30103 0102 Density Units Low 30220 219 Temperature 8 High
Word (x10000)
30104 0103 Volume Units High 25, page 13
30221 220 Temperature 8 Low
30105 0104 Volume Units Low Word (x10000)
30106 0105 Length Units High 26, page 13 30222 221 Temperature 9 High
30107 0106 Length Units Low Word (x10000)
30108 0107 Mass Units High 27, page 13 30223 222 Temperature 9 Low
30109 0108 Mass Units Low Word (x10000)
30110 0109 Set New Device 28, page 13 30224 223 Temperature 10 High
Address Word (x10000)
30111 0110 Reboot the device 30225 224 Temperature 10 Low
Word (x10000)
30112- 0111-0108 Reserved 22, Page 13
30199 30226 225 Temperature 11 High
Word (x10000)
30200 199 Product Level High 2, Page 12
Word (x1000) ‡ 3, Page 12 30227 226 Temperature 11 Low
Word (x10000)
30201 200 Product Level Low
Word (x1000) ‡ 30228 227 Temperature 12 High
Word (x10000)
30202 201 Interface Level High
Word (x1000) ‡ 30229 228 Temperature 12 Low
Word (x10000)
30203 202 Interface Level Low
Word (x1000) ‡ 30230 229 Temperature Average 5, Page 12
High Word (x10000)
30204 203 Roof Level High Word Inactive
(x1000) ‡ 30231 230 Temperature Average
Low Word (x10000)
30205 204 Roof Level Low Word Inactive
(x1000) ‡ 30232 231 GOVP High Word ‡ 6, Page 12
30206 205 Temperature 1 High 4, Page 12 30233 232 GOVP Low Word ‡
Word (x10000) 30234 233 GOVI High Word ‡ 7, Page 12
30207 206 Temperature 1 Low 30235 234 GOVI Low Word ‡
Word (x10000) 30236 235 GOVT High Word ‡ 8, Page 12
30208 207 Temperature 2 High 30237 236 GOVT Low Word ‡
Word (x10000)
30238 237 GOVU High Word ‡ 9, Page 12
30209 208 Temperature 2 Low
Word (x10000) 30239 238 GOVU Low Word ‡
30210 209 Temperature 3 High 30240 239 NSVP High Word ‡ 10, Page 12
Word (x10000) 30241 240 NSVP Low Word ‡
30211 210 Temperature 3 Low 30242 241 MASS High Word ‡
Word (x10000)

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.3 Device Modbus register maps (continued) Modbus Data Data Note
Register Address Description Reference
Modbus Data Data Note ‡ denotes duplicate
Register Address Description Reference register
‡ denotes duplicate
30267 266 Volume Calculation 21, page 13
Error Status ‡
30243 242 MASS Low Word ‡
30268 267 Temperature 13 High
30244 243 Temperature Cor- 11, Page 12 Word (x10000)
rection Method High
30269 268 Temperature 13 Low
Word ‡
Word (x10000)
30245 244 Temperature Cor-
30270 269 Temperature 14 High
rection Method Low
Word (x10000)
Word ‡
30271 270 Temperature 14 Low
30246 245 API Gravity High
Word (x10000)
Word (x100) ‡
30272 271 Temperature 15 High
30247 246 API Gravity Low Word
Word (x10000)
(x100) ‡
30273 272 Temperature 15 Low
30248 247 Working Capacity
Word (x10000)
High Word (x10) ‡
30274 273 Temperature 16 High
30249 248 Working Capacity
Word (x10000)
Low Word (x10) ‡
30275 274 Temperature 16 Low
30250 249 TEC High Word 12, Page 12
Word (x10000)
(x10000000) ‡
30276 275 Temperature 17 High
30251 250 TEC Low Word
Word (x10000)
(x10000000) ‡
30277 276 Temperature 17 Low
30252 251 Density High Word 13, Page 12
Word (x10000)
(x100) ‡
30278 277 Temperature 18 High
30253 252 Density Low Word
Word (x10000)
(x100) ‡
30279 278 Temperature 18 Low
30254 253 Reference Tempe- 14, Page 12
Word (x10000)
rature High Word
(x10) ‡ 30280 279 Temperature 19 High
Word (x10000)
30255 254 Reference Tempe-
rature Low Word 30281 280 Temperature 19 Low
(x10) ‡ Word (x10000)
30256 255 Volume Calculation 15, Page 12 30282 281 Temperature 20 High
Mode High Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30257 256 Volume Calculation 30283 282 Temperature 20 Low
Mode Low Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30258 257 Sphere Radius High 16, Page 12 30284 283 Temperature 21 High
Word (x10) ‡ Word (x10000)
30259 258 Sphere Radius Low 30285 284 Temperature 21 Low
Word (x10) ‡ Word (x10000)
30260 259 Sphere Offset High 17, Page 12 30286 285 Temperature 22 High
Word (x10) ‡ Word (x10000)
30261 260 Sphere Offset Low 30287 286 Temperature 22 Low
Word (x10) ‡ Word (x10000)
30262 261 Average Interval High 18, Page 12 30288 287 Temperature 23 High
Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30263 262 Average Interval Low 30289 288 Temperature 23 Low
Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30264 263 Alarm/Status High 19, Page 13 30290 289 Temperature 24 High 22, Page 12
Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30265 264 Alarm/Status Low 30291 290 Temperature 24 Low
Word ‡ Word (x10000)
30266 265 VCF Calculation Error 20, Page 13 30292 291 Temperature 25 High
Status ‡ Word (x10000)

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.3 Device Modbus register maps (continued) Modbus Data Data Note
Register Address Description Reference
Modbus Data Data Note ‡ denotes duplicate
Register Address Description Reference register
‡ denotes duplicate 31124 1123 Temperature Average
register High Alarm Low
30293 292 Temperature 25 Low (x 100)
Word (x10000) 31125 1124 Temperature Average 37, Page 14
30294 293 Temperature 26 High Low Alarm High (x
Word (x10000) 100)
30295 294 Temperature 26 Low 31126 1125 Temperature Average
Word (x10000) Low Alarm Low
30300 299 Temperature Units 23, page 13 31127– 1126-7215 Reserved 22, Page 12
High ‡ 37216
30301 300 Temperature Units
Low ‡
30302 301 Density Units High ‡ 24, page 13
30303 302 Density Units Low ‡
30304 303 Volume Units High ‡ 25, page 13
30305 304 Volume Units Low ‡
30306 305 Length Units High ‡ 26, page 13
30307 306 Length Units Low ‡
30308 307 Mass Units High ‡ 27, Page 13
30309 308 Mass Units Low ‡
30310 309 Set New Device 28, page 13
Address ‡
30311- 310-1107 Reserved 22, Page 12
31109 1108 Alarm Units High 29, Page 13
31110 1109 Alarm Units Low
31111 1110 Interface High Alarm 30, Page 14
High (x 100)
31112 1111 Interface High Alarm
Low (x 100)
31113 1112 Interface Low Alarm 31, Page 14
High (x 100)
31114 1113 Interface Low Alarm
Low (x 100)
31115 1114 Product High Alarm 32, Page 14
High (x 100)
31116 1115 Product High Alarm
Low (x 100)
31117 1116 Product Low Alarm 33, Page 14
High (x 100)
31118 1117 Product Low Alarm
Low (x 100)
31119 1118 Roof High Alarm High 34, Page 14
(x 100)
31120 1119 Roof High Alarm Low
(x 100)
31121 1120 Roof Low Alarm High 35, Page 14
(x 100)
31122 1121 Roof Low Alarm Low
(x 100)
31123 1122 Temperature Average 36, Page 14
High Alarm High
Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.4 How units are used 10. NVSP = Net Standard Volume of Product
Registers that are read or preset are done so using the current unit
type’s programmed unit. 11. Temperature Correction Method
There are five methods to choose from:
For example: 1 = (6A) Heavy Oils
If the current unit type is ‘Length’ and you currently have selected ‘Feet’ 2 = (6B) Light Oils
as your unit, then the value returned will be in that unit. Make sure 3 = (6C) Chemicals
the value programmed is also done so using that unit. 4 = Chemicals with wider coefficients than 6C and a
     movable reference temperature (6C Mod).
6.5 Modbus Register MAP Note references 5 = Custom Table.
1. All registers can be accessed using either Modbus Function
12. Thermal Expansion Coefficient (TEC)
03 (Read Holding Registers) or Modbus Function 04
Temperature correction method ‘6C’ uses the thermal expansion
(Read Input Registers). However, all registers are read-only in
coefficient of the product being measured to determine
this implementation.
the volume correction factor. Allowable values are 270.0 to
930.0. TEC Units are in 10E-6/Deg F.
For example:
Registers 30001 and 30002 (using Function 03) can also be
13. Density
read as registers 40001 and 40002 (using Function 04).
Temperature correction method ‘6C’ and ‘Custom Table’
requires you to enter the density (at the given reference
2. Pairs of registers identified as ‘High Word’ and ‘Low Word’
temperature) of the product being measured for the net mass
must be read together reading the ‘High Word” first.
Both values need to be concatenated by the master to form a
32-bit unsigned ‘long word’ quantity.
14. Reference Temperature

This is the desired base temperature for the VCF calculation
For example:
when Temperature Correction Method ‘6C Mod’ is used.
Register 30001 (16-bit high word) = 0002H (Must be read
first) Register 30002 (16-bit low word) = 3F8CH
15. Volume Calculation Mode
Long word (32-bit) = 00023F8CH (decimal 147340)
This is the mode you wish the volume calculations to be
performed by:
1 = Use Strap Table
0 = Use Sphere Calculation
Register 30001 (high word) = 2
Register 30002 (low word) = 16268
16. Sphere Radius
Multiply register 30001 x 65536 : 2 x 65536 = 131072
The radius of the sphere when volume calculations are
Add result to register 30002 : 131072 + 16268 = 147340
performed (using the sphere calculation mode).

3. All registers identified as ‘(x 10)’,’(x 100)’ ,’(x 10000)’ ,’

17. Sphere Offset
(x 100000000)’ or ‘(x 1000)’ have been scaled (multiplied) by
The offset of the sphere when volume calculations are
a factor of 10, 100, 1000, 10000 or 10000000 before
performed (using the sphere calculation mode).
transmission to preserve the fractional portion of the data
value. The master must divide these values by the scale factor
18. Average Interval
as necessary.
All level, temperature and volume calculation can be
averaged using timed method. Allowable values are as
For example:
Register 30001 (16-bit high word) = 0002H
0 = 1 second (default)
Long word (32-bit) = 00023F8CH (decimal 147340)
5 = 5 seconds
Divide by 1000, actual value = 147.340
10 = 10 seconds
15 = 15 seconds
4. Individual digital temperature
20 = 20 seconds
25 = 25 seconds
5. Average submerged temperature
30 = 30 seconds
35 = 35 seconds
6. GOVP = Gross Observed Volume Product
40 = 40 seconds
45 = 45 seconds
7. GOVI = Gross Observed Volume Interface
50 = 50 seconds
55 = 55 seconds
8. GOVT = Gross Observed Volume Total
60 = 60 seconds

9. GOVU = Gross Observed Volume Ullage

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

6.6 Modbus Register MAP Note references (cont‘d.) 23. Temperature Units
The value for temperature units can be one of the following
19. Alarm/Status bit definitions: codes:
D1 Interface Alarm High 0 = Celsius
D2 Interface Alarm Low 1 = Fahrenheit
D3 Product Alarm High
D4 Product Alarm Low 24. Density Units High
D5 Roof Alarm High The value for density units can be one of the following codes:
D6 Roof Alarm Low 0 = Grams/Milliliters
D7 Average Temperature Alarm High 1 = Grams/Liter
D8 Average Temperature Alarm Low 2 = Kilograms/Cubic Meters
D9 Magnet Is Missing 3 = Kilograms/Liter
D10 Digital Temperature 0 Error 4 = Pounds/Cubic Inch
D11 Digital Temperature 1 Error 5 = Pounds/Cubic Foot
D12 Digital Temperature 2 Error 6 = Pounds/Gallon
D13 Digital Temperature 3 Error 7 = Tonnes/Cubic Meter
D14 Digital Temperature 4 Error 8 = Tons/Cubic Yard
D15 Digital Temperature Average Error
D16 – D32 Reserved 25. Volume Units
The value for volume units can be one of the following codes:
For each corresponding alarm bit: 0 = Liters
0 = ALARM OFF 1 = Cubic Millimeters
1 = ALARM ON 2 = Cubic Meters
Reserved bits will always be set to 0 (OFF). 3 = Cubic Inches
4 = Cubic Feet
20. Volume Correction Factor Calculation Error Status. 5 = Gallons
This value can only be read. If there is no error performing 6 = Barrels
the volume correction factor then the value is zero otherwise,
the value is a non-zero code and one of the following: 26. Length Units
1 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature input value for The value for length units can be one of the following codes:
   6A or 6B VCF calculation. 0 = Millimeters
2 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature input range for 1 = Centimeters
   6A VCF calculation. 2 = Meters
3 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature input range for 3 = Kilometers
   6B VCF calculation. 4 = Inches
4 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature input value for 5 = Feet
   6C VCF calculation. 6 = Yards
5 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature range for 6C
   VCF calculation. 27. Mass Units
6 = Invalid API value or invalid temperature range for 6C The value for mass units can be one of the following codes:
   Wide VCF calculation. 0 = Kilograms
7 = Invalid delta temperature for 6C VCF calculation. 1 = Grams
8 = Interpolation error, temperature value not found in the 2 = Ounces
   table. 3 = Pounds
9 = Invalid or No VCF method selected. 4 = Tons
5 = Tonnes
21. Volume Calculation Error Status
This value can only be read. If there is no error performing the 28. Set New Device Address
volume calculations then the value is zero otherwise the value This register will program the new device address. Valid values
Is a non-zero code and one of the following: for Modbus are between: 1 – 247.
1 = Negative table entries are not allowed.
2 = Interpolation error, level value not found in the table. 29. Alarm Units
3 = Sphere Calculation error, level exceeds sphere This register programs the unit type for which you can
   radius x 2. configure alarms. Product and Interface can be ‘Volume or
4 = Calculated a negative volume value. ‘Length’ unit type, however Roof can only be ‘Length’ unit
22. Undefined or reserved registers within the register map will Valid Values are as follows:
return a maximum negative value (8000H, or 80000000H for 2 = Volume Units Type.
register pairs). Attempting to read registers outside the 3 = Length Units Type.
register map (35198 or higher) will cause a Modbus Exception
Error Code 02 (Illegal Data Value) to be returned.
Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

30. Interface High Alarm (see 4. VOLUME CORRECTION FACTOR) for details.
The value for which the Interface cannot be >=. Make sure the
value is programmed in the current Alarm Units type. 3. MASS = NSVP x DENSITY
(See Note 29) The mass of the product (MASS) is equal to the net standard
volume of the product (NSVP) multiplied by the density of the
31. Interface Low Alarm prod­uct (DENSITY) programmed by the user.
The value for which the Interface cannot be <=.
Make sure the value is programmed in the current Alarm Units 4. VOLUME CORRECTION FACTOR
type. (See Note 29) VCF = EXP {- A(T) X (t-T) x [1 +(0.8 x A(T) x (t-T))]}

32. Product High Alarm Where:

The value for which the Product cannot be >=. t = any temperature*
Make sure the value is programmed in the current Alarm Units T = BASE TEMPERATURE (60 DEGREES F)
type. (See Note 29) A(T) = coefficient of thermal expansion at the base
temperature T
33. Product Low Alarm
The value for which the Product cannot be <=. Where:
Make sure the value is programmed in the current Alarm Units EXP is the exponential function (eX).
type. (See Note 29)
The coefficient of thermal expansion at the base
34. Roof High Alarm temperature is related to the density of the product at the
The value for which the Roof cannot be >=. base temperature T by:
This value can only be in unit type of Length. (See Note 29)
A (T) = [K0 + K1 x DEN (T)] / [DEN (T) x DEN (T)]
Roof Low Alarm
The value for which the Roof cannot be <=. Where:
This value can only be in unit type of Length. (See Note 29) Density is defined in units of KG/M3
K0 and K1 are constants related to each product.
35. Temperature Average High Alarm *API 2540 states that temperature data is rounded to the
The value for which the Average Temperature cannot be >=. nearest tenth (0.1) degree.

36. Temperature Average Low Alarm This section includes all the constants used by the software to calculate
The value for which the Average Temperature cannot be <=. the volume correction factors and valid ranges for the API (density) and
temperature data.

7. Formulas used in volume calculation

K0 = 341.0952
K1 = 0.0
1. GOVP = GOVT - GOVI (two float system)
GOVP = GOVT (one float system) Valid temperature range Valid gravity ranges (API)
GOVT= GOVP + GOVI (two float system)
GOVT= GOVP (one float system)
0 to +300.0 °F 0 to 40.0 °API
GOVU = WORKING CAPACITY - GOVT (one or two float
system) 0 to +250.0 °F 40.1 to 50.0 °API
0 to +200.0 °F 50.1 to 100.0 °API
The gross observed volume of the product (GOVP) is equal
Table 1. 6A heavy oils
to the total volume of the tank (GOVT) minus the interface
volume (GOVI). The GOVT is measured by the product
float (the float closest to the flange of the transmitter) and the Product type Constants Valid gravity ranges (API)
GOVI is meas­ured by the interface float (the float closest to
the tip of the transmitter). The level information from the Fuel oil K0 = 103.8720 0.0 to 37.0 °API
transmitter is used along with the strap table to calculate the K1 = 0.2701
corresponding gross observed volumes. Jet group K0 = 330.3010 37.1 to 47.9 °API
K1 = 0.0
2. NSVP = GOVP x VCF Transition K0 = 1489.0670 48.0 to 52.0 °API
The net standard volume of the product (NSVP) is equal to the group K1 = -0.0018684
gross observed volume of the product (GOVP) multiplied by Gasoline K0 = 192.4571 52.1 to 85.0 °API
the volume correction factor (VCF). The VCF is calculated from K1 = 0.2438
thermal expansion properties of the product (programmed by
the user) and the temperature information from the gauge. Table 2. 6B light oils

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

Valid temperature range Valid TEC ranges Software Order number

0 to +300.0 °F 0 to 40.0 °API PC Digital Setup Software (Modbus) CD 625051
and RS-485 to RS-232 converter
0 to +250.0 °F 40.1 to 50.0 °API
PC Digital Setup Software (Modbus) CD 625052
0 to +200.0 °F 50.1 to 85.0 °API
RS-485 to USB converter 380114
Table 3. 6B light oils
Table 6. MTS part number references

Valid temperature range Valid TEC ranges Perform the following steps to install the transmitter setup software to
0 to +300.0 °F 270.0 to 510.0 * 10E-6/ °F establish communications with the transmitter:
0 to +250.0 °F 510.5 to 530.0 * 10E-6/ °F
1. Install Setup Software from the CD that came with your transmitter
0 to +200.0 °F 530.5 to 930.0 * 10E-6/ °F
or go to to download the latest version.
*For the transition group, A(T) = [K1 + K0 (DEN (T) x DEN (T))] 2. Connect transmitter to the RS-485 to RS-232 converter and attach
**TEC is the thermal expansion coefficient of the product being measured the converter to your PC. Some PC’s will require an additional Serial
to USB converter.
Table 4. 6C chemicals
3. Open the Software program.
4. Select COM Port. If you do not know which COM port to select,
right click My Computer and select Properties -> Hardware Tab ->
Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) to view the list.
Valid temperature range Valid TEC ranges
5. Click the Device: pull-down window and select the ‘transmitter
0 to +300.0 °F 100.0 to 999.0 * 10E-6/ °F address’, the factory default for Modbus is 247.

*For the transition group, A(T) = [K1 + K0 (DEN (T) x DEN (T)) measured

Table 5. 6C MOD


Volumetric modes 6C MOD and CUST TAB are not intended for
custody transfer applications since they do not follow API standard
2540 exactly. The software for 6C MOD incorporates a moveable
temperature reference and allows for a wider range of TEC values.

8. Installing the digital setup software Figure 1.  Data From Device tab window

Adjustments to the calibration and set up parameters of the

transmitter can be performed using the Digital Setup Software
package. The software can be run from any PC using a RS-485 to
RS-232 converter (See Table 9 MTS part number references). In the
‘MTS Digital Gauge Configuration - Modbus -COM’ window, you will
see two tabs labeled ‘Data From Device’ (see Figure 14 ) on page 32
and ‘Volume Calculations’ (see Figure 15 on page 32). You will use
these tabs to calibrate the transmitter and change setup parameters.

You must use a RS-485 converter with ‘Send Data Control’ when
using the LP-Series Digital Setup software to ensure proper
Example: B & B Electronics 485BAT3 (815-433-5100

Figure 2.  Volume calculations tab window

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

9. Setting up and calibrating the Modbus Interface

The following is software parameter information for ‘Data From Device’

»» Units
»» Alarms
»» Offset
»» Address
»» Backup/Restore File
»» Adjust
»» COM Port
»» Continuous Update
»» Data Logging

9.1 Data from Device tab

Figure 4.  Alarm Configuration window

To change Unit parameters, click the ‘Units’ button in the ‘Data From
Device’ tab window. In the ‘Select Units’ window (See Figure 16) you
can update units of measurement for length, temperature, volume, mass When you click the ‘Offset’ button in the ‘Data From Device’ tab window,
and density can be changed by selecting the appropriate parameter in the ‘Offsets’ window opens. There are two calibration ‘Offset Methods’ to
the drop down menu, then click ‘Send’. A confirmation popup window choose from, ‘Enter Current Tank Level’ and ‘Enter Level Offset’. Click to
confirms the send is successful. open the ‘Offset Method:’ drop down menu and select a calibration me-
thod. Choose either method ‘Enter Current Tank Level’ or ‘Enter Current
Interface Level’ and type a value in the active field, then click the ‘Send’
button. A confirmation popup window confirms the send is successful.

Figure 5.  Offsets window - Enter Current Tank Level

Figure 3.  Select Units window When you choose ‘Enter Level Offset’ from the ‘Offset Method:’ drop
down menu, you can adjust the offset where the transmitters zero point is
located. This adjustment will significantly shorten the span of the trans-
mitter or counter inactive zones. Adjust the value accordingly and click
‘Send’. A confirmation popup window confirms the send is successful.
To set the Alarms, select the ‘Alarms’ button in the ‘Data From Device’
tab window. A high and low alarm is offered for the product, interface,
and average temperature and can be set to either length units or volume
units from the pull down menu (See Figure 17) . Each alarm needs to be
checked and entered before you click the ‘Send’ button. A confirmation
popup window confirms the send is successful.

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

Data From Device tab (Continued)

Figure 6.  Offsets window - Enter Level Offset method

To change the transmitter address, click the ‘Address’ button in the ‘Data
From Device’ tab window. In the ‘Change Address’ window, type the
‘New Address’ in the active field and click ‘Send’. A confirmation popup
window confirms the send is successful.

Figure 8.  Backup and Restore Device Settings window

To adjust the Gain, click the ‘Adjust’ button located in the ‘Data From
Device’ tab window. The ‘Modbus Adjust Gain’ window displays diffe-
rent parameter settings depending on the firmware of the transmitter.
Figure 7.  Change Address window - New Address entry All transmitters will have the ability to adjust the ‘Gain’ from this menu.
Other transmitters will have the ability to adjust the gain, and display the
Backup / Restore File following; magnet blanking, delta, and blanking reference. None of these
parameters should be changed without MTS Technical Support and are
If your electronics requires a replacement or if your current settings need
password protected. ~mtsdda~
to be refreshed, it is recommended that you create a backup or restorati-
on file. To create a backup, click the ‘Backup/Restore’ button in the ‘Data
From Device’ tab window . In the ‘Backup and Restore Device Settings”
window, click the ‘Get Data From Sensor’ button and ‘Save Settings to
File’ button. When prompted, save the file to a designated place where
you can find it. To upload a file, click the ‘Read Settings from File’ button
and select your backup file. Click ‘Write Data to Sensor’. A confirmation
popup window confirms the upload is successful.

Figure 9.  Modbus Adjust Gain window

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

COM Port Reference Temperature

To select the Setup Software communication port, click the ‘COM Port’ When selecting correction method 6C Mod you will need to enter the
button in the ‘Data From Device’ tab window. Select the desired base temperature for the volume calculations in the ‘Reference
appropriate communication port and click ‘OK’. Temperature’ field. The allowable values are 32 deg F to 150 deg F.

Entering a density is required when using Temperature Correction
Method ‘6C’ or ‘Custom Table’ for net mass calculations. The density
measurement should be entered as ‘LB/cu.ft’. at the given reference

Volume Correction Factor Table

When Custom Table is chosen as the temperature correction method the
user has to enter the volume correction factor table. The table will hold up
to 50 entries of temperature points and correction factors. Once the file is
Figure 10.  Select a COM Port window created it can be saved to a file and kept on a computer for safe keeping
or transferred to multiple transmitters. Before closing the user must click
Continuous Update ‘Send’ to send the VCF table to the transmitter.

To view realtime data using the Setup Software interface, select the
‘Continuous Update’ box. The Interval may be changed to slow down
updates but is not necessary.

Data Logging
To download a transmitter data log, Click ‘Select File’ in the ‘Data From
Device’ tab window. Select an Excel file and check the ‘Log Data to File’
box to save your data.

9.2 Volume calculations tab

As a first step always press the ‘Read’ button to determine the trans-
mitter’s current configuration. After editing any parameters always
press the ‘Write’ button to program the transmitter.

Correction Method
The correction method is selected by clicking the pull down menu and
selecting the appropriate correction method. Available selections include
6A (Heavy Oils), 6B (Light Oils), 6C (Chemical), 6C Mod, Custom Table,
and Disabled. If ‘Custom Table’ is chosen, you must click ‘Volume
Figure 11.  Volume Correction Factor Table window
Correction Factor Table’ and enter the table.

Volume Calculation Mode

API Gravity
Select between ‘Use Sphere’ and ‘Use Strap Table’ as the volume
Enter the ‘API gravity’ (normalized density) value for the product being
calculation mode.
measured in the applicable field. Allowable values are:
6A - 0.0 deg to 100.0 deg API
6B - 0.0 deg to 85.0 deg API Sphere Radius
Enter the radius of the sphere the transmitter is mounted in.
TEC (Thermal Expansion Coefficient)
Temperature Correction Method ‘6C’ uses the thermal expansion Sphere Offset
coefficient of the product being measured to determine the volume In the ‘Sphere Offset’ field, enter the ‘sphere offset parameter’ which
correction factor. Allowable values are 270.0 to 930.0. TEC units are in 10 is used to add or subtract a fixed volume from the calculated sphere
E-6/deg F. In the ‘TEC (6C)’ field, enter the appropriate value. volume. This parameter is typically used to account for volume errors
created by non-uniform sphere geometry (i.e. Flat bottoms or internal

Modbus Interface Manual
LP Series

9.2 Volume calculations tab (cont.d)

Working Capacity
In the working capacity field, enter the volume of safe fill level using
the same units defined in the strap table. to calculate Gross Observed
Volume Ullage (GOVU).

Average Readings
In the ‘Average Ratings’ pull-down menu, select from preset averaging
for the data being calculated. Selections are available from 5 to 60

Strap Table
When selecting the ‘Use Strap Table’ volume calculation mode the user
must enter a strap table. The interface is capable of handling a 100 point
strap table. To enter a strap table click ‘Strap Table’ and click ‘Add’ to
start entering each volume and distance point. Once the strap table is
entered save a copy to your PC by clicking ‘Write to File.’ Before closing
the user must click ‘Send’ to send the strap table to the transmitter.
The Strap Table default password is ‘becareful’.

Document Part Number:
551700 Revision A (EN) 09/2015

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