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8251 USART

• Data Bus Buffer :

This tri-state, bi-directional, 8-bit buffer is used to interface 8251 Block
Diagram in Microprocessor to the system data bus. Along with the data,
control word, command words and status information are also transferred
through the Data Bus Buffer.

• Read/Write control logic :

This functional block accepts inputs from the system control bus and
generates control signals for overall device operation. It decodes control
signals on the 8085-control bus into signals which controls the internal and
external I/O bus. It contains the control word register and command word
register that stores the various control formats for the device functional
• Transmit Buffer:
• The transmit buffer accepts parallel data from the CPU, adds the
appropriate framing information, serializes it, and transmits it on the
TxD pin on the falling edge of TxC.
• It has two registers : A buffer register to hold eight bits and an output
register to convert eight bits into a stream of serial bits. The CPU
writes a byte in the buffer register, Which is transferred to the output
register when it is empty. The output register then transmits serial
data on the TxD pin.
• In the asynchronous mode the transmitter always adds START bit;
depending on how the unit is programmed, it also adds an optional
even or odd parity bit, and either 1, 1 1/2, or 2 STOP bits. In
synchronous mode no extra bits (other than parity, if enable) are
generated by the transmitter.
8251 Transmitter Control :
• It manages all activities associated with the transmission of serial
data. It accepts and issues signals both externally and internally to
accomplish this function.
• TxRDY (Transmit Ready ) : This output signal indicates CPU that buffer
register is empty and the USART is ready to accept a data character. It
can be used as an interrupt to the system or, for polled operation, the
CPU can ‘check TxRDY using the status read operation. This signal is
reset when a data byte is loaded into the bliffer register.
• TxE (Transmitter Empty) : This is an output signal. A high on this line
indicates that the output buffer is empty. In the synchronous mode, if
the CPU has failed to load a new character in time, TxE will go high
momentarily as SYN characters are loaded into the transmitter to fill
the gap in transmission.
• TxC (Transmitter Clock) : This clock controls the rate at which
characters are transmitted by USART. In the synchronous mode TxC is
equivalent to the ‘baud rate, and is supplied by the modem. In
asynchronous mode TxC is 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate. The clock
division is programmable. It can be programmed by writing proper
mode word in the mode set register.
Receiver Buffer:
• The receiver accepts serial data on the RxD line, converts this serial data
to parallel format, checks for bits or characters that are unique to the
communication technique and sends an “assembled” character to the
• When 8251 Block Diagram in Microprocessor is in the asynchronous
mode an4 it is ready to accept a character, it looks for a low level on the
RxD line. When it receives the low level, it assumes that it is a START bit
and enables an internal counter, At a count equivalent to one-half of a hit
time, the RxD line is sampled again. If the line is still low, a valid START bit
is detected and the 8251A proceeds to assemble the character. After
successful reception of a START bit the 8251A receives data, parity and
STOP bits, and then transfers the data on the receiver input register. The
data is then transferred into the receiver buffer register.
• In the synchronous mode the receiver simply receives the specified
number of data bits and transfers them to the receiver input register and
then to the receiver buffer register.
Receiver Control:
• It manages all receiver-related activities. Along with data reception, it
does false start bit detection, parity error detection, framing error
detection, sync detection and break detection.
• RxRDY (Receiver Ready) : This is an output signal. It goes high
(active), when the USART has a character in the buffer register and is
ready to transfer it to the CPU. This line can be used either to indicate
the status in the status register or to interrupt the CPU. This signal is
reset when a data byte from receiver buffer is read by the CPU.
• RxC (Receiver Clock) : This clock controls the rate at which the
character is to be received by USART in the synchronous mode.
RxC is equivalent to the baud rate, and is supplied by the modem. In
asynchronous mode RxC is 1, 16, or 64 times the baud rate. The clock
division is programmable. It can be programmed by writing proper
mode word in the mode set register.
Modem Control:
• The 8251 Block Diagram in Microprocessor has a set of control inputs
and output’s that can be used to simplify the interface to almost any
modem. It provides control circuitry for the generation of RTS and
DTR and the reception of CTS and DSR. In addition, a general purpose
inverted output and a general purpose input are provided. The output
is labeled DTR and the input is labeled DSR. DTR can be asserted by
setting bit 2 of the command instruction; DSR can be sensed as bit 7
of the status register. When used as a modem control signal DTR
indicates that the terminal is ready to communicate and DSR indicates
that it is ready for communication.
Control Word of 8251:
• The Control Word of 8251 defines the complete functional definition
of 8251 Block Diagram in Microprocessor and they must be loaded
before any transmission or reception. The control words of Block
Diagram of 8251 Microcontroller are split into two formats
1.Mode Instruction Control Word
2.Command Instruction Control Word
• The instruction can be considered as four 2-bit fields. The first 2-bit field (D1-D0)
determines whether the USART is to operate in the synchronous (00) or
asynchronous mode. In the asychronous mode, this field determines the division
factor for clock to decide the baud rate. For example, if D1 and D0 are both ones,
the RxC and TxC will be divided by 64 to establish the baud rate.
• The second 2-bit field (D3-D2) determines number of data bits in one character.
With this 2-bit field we can set character length from 5-bits to 8 bits.
• The third 2-bit field, (D5-D4), controls the parity generation. The parity bit is
added to the data bits only if parity is enabled.
• The last field, (D7-D6), has two meanings depending on whether operation is to
be in the synchronous or asynchronous mode. For asynchronous mode, (i.e.
D1D0 ≠ 00), it controls the number of STOP bits to be transmitted with the
character. In synchronous mode, (i.e. D1D0) = 00) this field controls the
synchronizing process. It decides whether to operate with external
synchronization or internal synchronization and whether to transmit single
synchronizing character or two synchronizing characters.
Command Instruction:
• After the mode instruction, command character should be issued to the
USART. It controls the operation of the USART within the basic frame work
established by the mode instruction.
8251A Status Word:
• In the data communication systems it is often necessary to examine
the “status” of the transmitter and receiver. It is also necessary for
CPU to know if any error has occurred during communication. The
8251 Block Diagram in Microprocessor allow the programmer to read
above mentioned information from the status register any time
during the functional operation.

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