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LESSON PLAN - Demo Reading - Group 1A

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I. Background information
1. Description of students:
- Students are at the intermediate level, most of whom are already familiar with
reading techniques and strategies. Therefore, they can guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words and comprehend the content of the reading passage.
2. Setting:
- Room 406, Hong Bang Secondary School
3. Materials:
- Oxford Discover 5, 1st edition, Intermediate (B1).
4. Teachers:
- Lê Thị Tuyết Phương, Võ Dương Bảo Ngọc, Võ Ngọc Lan Nhi, Phạm Thị Khánh
II. Lesson objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Inferring links and connections between ideas by comparing different
communicative ways of specific animals.
2. Recognizing a particular meaning may be expressed in different grammatical forms.
3. Implementing a skimming reading strategy to interpret some main ideas of the text.
4. Implementing a scanning reading strategy to identify the specific information in the
5. Integrating and synthesizing the reading material using L2
III. Teaching aids:
- Textbook, Whiteboard, Computer, Speaker, Microphone, Projector.
IV. Teaching methods and approaches:
- Pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading framework.
- SQ3R sequence.
V. Procedure
Stage & Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purposes of Anticipated
Time Activities Problems and

Warm-up Game: Hot Seat

activity: Problem: Ss may
- T divides the class - Ss listen to T’s - Reviewing
10’ not be confident to
into 2 teams. instruction carefully. some of the
go to the board.
- T gets one member (animal names) Solution: T
from each team to stand that students encourages
in front of the class so learned in the volunteers, or joins
they face their previous the activity with
teammates and cannot session. students from their
see what is on the seats.
screen. - Ss mimic animals’
voices or sounds so
- T shows a picture of that their friends can
an animal on the screen guest the correct
and says “Go!” animals.

- T checks which team

has the correct answer

- Ss share their ideas

on how people
- T asks ss how can
people communicate.

- T discusses the
ways people use to

- T asks if Ss know how animals communicate with each other Leading to the lesson.

Pre-reading Activity 1: Activity 1 and 2 Problem:

10’ - T asks Ss to share - Ss listen to T’s (Observations - Ss may not be
about animals that instructions and on Pre- confident to answer.
they know. answer. Reading):
- Increasing Ss'
Activity 2: interest in a text
- T asks Ss whether
animals can
communicate or not. Activity 3: Solution:
(Understand - T assigned Ss to
Activity 3: the Purpose of answer.
Pre-Reading): -
- T introduces some - Increasing Ss’
vocabulary in the capacity to
text. Then let Ss understand the
guess the definition material.
via provided pictures.

While- Activity 1: bottom-up Problem: Ss may

reading process and top-down write a long answer
10’ process (LO2, LO3, or short answer
Solution: T should
-Let Ss
- T cuts a passage into 5 - Ss go around and choose keywords to
raise hand to answer recognize a
small paragraphs and give them points.
mixes them up. T shows the question
- Ss roll a dice meaning may
the questions and asks
be expressed in
Ss to go around the
class and use
whiteboards to answer
questions. After 3
- Let them use a
minutes, T asks them to
go back to their seats
reading strategy
and discuss with their
to interpret
friends in 1 minute. Ss
some main
show the answers.
ideas of the
Which team has the
fastest and correct
- Let them use a
answer will get a
chance to roll a die. Ss
reading strategy
get the point that is
to identify the
displayed on a dice. specific

Activity 2: Bottom-up information in

process and top-down the text.

process (LO1, LO4)

- Ss note down the - Let Ss infer
- T keeps the old 4
answer and use the links and
groups. T cuts a passage
given picture to connections
into 5 small paragraphs
match with the given between ideas
and mixes them up. T
animals. by comparing
lets Ss stand up and go
around to read and note
-Ss roll a dice communicative
down how snakes,
ways of specific
lizards, and
- Let Ss use a
- T gives each group 6 reading strategy
pictures (the ways they to identify the
communicate) and specific
writes 6 animals on the information of
board for each group. the text.

- T asks Ss to stand in 4
lines and take turns to
match the pictures to
the correct animals.
Which team finishes
first can roll a dice
twice. Which team
finishes second can roll
a dice once.

Post-reading First activity:

10’ - The Ss cannot use - Ss stay in the same Problem:
their book during team. - Ss may find it
this post-reading - Ss make as many difficult to make
stage questions as they can questions. Maybe
- Introducing the with the given because they don’t
“Interview game” template in 4 Checking for Ss know what to ask.

- Making a sample of minutes. comprehension.

the question list with - Then each team has Solution:

the Ss as a stimulus. 2 minutes to answer - T should check on
- Noting down the the questions from each team to suggest
results and the Ss’ another team. Each them some ideas and
mistakes during team member needs encourage them to
practice. to take turns asking ask more questions.
and answering the
questions. The
winning team from
the last round can
have 2 minutes and
30 seconds to
answer (1 correct
- When their friends
give answers, they
can shout
with their friend’s

Second activity: Problem: Ss don’t

Checking for Ss
- T gives instructions - Ss stay in the same know how to
and regularly checks team. organize their ideas
on the Ss to help Ss - Ss try to recall for the mind map.
draft their ideas for the and gather the Solution: T should
mind map information which help them draw
they remember several main
from the reading branches of the mind
passages. Then, put map beforehand.
those pieces of
information into a
mind map that they
draw on the board.

Back-up - T lets each team choose - Ss search for

- Let Ss use a
activity an animal (these animals information about
scanning reading
can differ from what they their chosen animal
strategy to
learned) randomly. Each and present it
decide what
team needs to present to
information they
others facts about their
want to read
chosen animal. Other
teams guess what an - Let Ss use a
animal is. Which team skimming
has the fastest and reading strategy
correct answer will roll a to decide the
dice. information they
want to include

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