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TCP Scan

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Assignment – Hamza Tasneem


Please have network foot-printing and scanning simulation, with screen shot and comments to submit

You can use NMAP to discover/scan, with simulation screen shot, save it to word file and add some
comments, then upload to submit


NMAP is used to run the diagnostic and scan of an IP/Domain

I have used as a Target to run scan on
Running a normal aggressive scan with following command

• Command: nmap -A -sT -T4 -v p 1-65535

o -A → Aggressive Scan
o -sT → TCP Scan
o -T4 → Level
o -v → Detailed Output
o → Domain
o p → Port
o 1-65535 → No of Ports
Assignment – Hamza Tasneem
Following is the screenshot of the footprint scan being scanned:
Assignment – Hamza Tasneem
Comments are explained as follows:
• Starting Nmap 7.93 ( at 2023-07-30 16:11 CTD
This line indicates that Nmap version 7.93 is being executed, and it shows the date and
time when the scan started, which is July 30, 2023, at 16:11 in CTD.
• NSOCK ERROR [1.3140s] ssl_init_helper(): OpenSSL legacy provider failed to load.
This line is an error message. It indicates that there was a problem with the SSL
initialization process due to the failure of the OpenSSL legacy provider to load.
• NSE: Loaded 155 scripts for scanning.
This line shows that Nmap's NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) has loaded 155 scripts, which
are used for various scanning and probing tasks during the network scan.
• NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
Nmap is pre-scanning the loaded scripts before using them for the actual scanning
• Initiating NSE at 16:11
Nmap is starting the NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) at the specified time, 16:11.
• Completed NSE at 16:11, 0.00s elapsed
The Nmap Scripting Engine has completed its execution in no time (0.00 seconds) at
• Initiating Ping Scan at 16:11
Nmap is initiating a ping scan to check if the target host ( with IP address is online or reachable.
• Scanning ( [4 ports]
Nmap is scanning the target host ( with IP address for open
ports, and it is scanning 4 ports during this step.
• Completed Ping Scan at 16:11, 0.15s elapsed (1 total hosts)
The ping scan has completed, and it took 0.15 seconds to scan 1 host ( to
determine its online status.
• Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 16:11
Nmap is initiating parallel DNS resolution to convert hostnames (like to
their corresponding IP addresses.
• Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 16:11, 0.01s elapsed
The DNS resolution for the target host ( has completed, taking 0.01 seconds.
• Initiating Connect Scan at 16:11
Nmap is now initiating a Connect Scan, which involves connecting to the discovered
open ports to gather more information about the services running on those ports.
Assignment – Hamza Tasneem
• Scanning ( [65535 ports]
The Connect Scan is scanning all 65,535 ports on the target host ( with IP
• Discovered open port 80/tcp on
The scan has discovered an open port with number 80 using the TCP protocol on the
target host (
• Discovered open port 443/tcp on
The scan has discovered another open port with number 443 using the TCP protocol on
the target host (
• Completed Connect Scan at 18:08, 7057.38s elapsed (65535 total ports)
The Connect Scan has completed, and it took 7057.38 seconds (approximately 1 hour
and 57 minutes) to scan all 65,535 ports on the target host.
Assignment – Hamza Tasneem

After the scanning is complete it translates

Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response):

This line indicates that there were 65533 TCP ports that were not shown in the output because they
were filtered and did not respond to the scan.
This line shows a summary of the open ports and the services that are running on those ports.
80/tcp open http:
This line indicates that port 80, which is used for HTTP traffic, is open and the service running on it is
443/tcp open https:
This line indicates that port 443, which is used for HTTPS traffic, is open and the service running on it is
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7155.65 seconds:
This line indicates that the scan is complete and shows the number of IP addresses and hosts that were
scanned, as well as the total time it took to complete the scan.
Assignment – Hamza Tasneem
• Ports/Hosts

• Host Details

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