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Harjas Kaur Nehal 5500 Exam-1

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ITECH 5500


Section A: Multiple choice questions.

Answer 1
a) Uses inductive reasoning is associated with Qualitative Research
b) Uses numerical data is associated with Quantitative Research
c) Focuses on testing of theories is associated with Qualitative Research

Answer 2
The correct answer for this question is b.) An independent variable

Answer 3
The correct answer for this question is d.) Fabrication of research results

Answer 4
The correct answer for this question is c.) Applying for research grant

Answer 5
The correct answer for this question is d.) Ratio

Answer 6
The correct answer for this question is c.) The rights of the participants

Answer 7
The correct answer for this question is b.) p-value = 0.01

Section B: Short answers questions.

Answer 8
1.) Pure Basic Research
This kind of research is performed to acquire fresh knowledgeable information without
ascertaining the long-term benefits other than the addition in knowledge.

2.) Strategic Basic Research

This kind of research is performed to acquire fresh knowledge which is inclined towards the
important areas of the data that can be used in performing useful discoveries. It provides a
complete pack of knowledge required for analysing the required practical problems.
3.) Applied Research
This kind of research is performed usually to acquire fresh knowledge that can have a
particular application. It is performed either to learn possible uses of the conclusion of the
research or to develop new ways of completing the particular and pre-decided goals.

Answer 9
The various methods of reducing plagiarism are -
Usually under this method, a check is kept to make sure that the data is not directly copied
from the source of information which has been researched. This will ensure that the data is
not repeated in the final submission and only a conclusion with required information is
produced in own words.

Even though the data is re-written in own words, giving reference to the original author of the
information is essential with proper use referencing. This is done by providing required
citation in the research so the examiner can cross-verify the original source of data.

Answer 10
a) Total Weights of the Students = 51.2 + 70.5 + 61.4 + 67.0 + 83.0 + 61.1 + 82.4 +
94.4 + 62.6 + 78.4 + 63.9 + 89.6 + 71.4 + 58.4 + 79.2 = 1074.5
Total Number of Students =15
Mean = Total of the Weight of the Students/Total Number of Students
= 1074.5/15
= 71.63

b)Arrangement of Data in Ascending Order = 51.2, 58.4, 61.1, 61.4, 62.6, 63.9, 67.0, 70.5,
71.4, 78.4, 79.2, 82.4, 83.0, 89.6, 94.4
Total Number of Students = 15 (N)
Median = {(N+1)/2} th term
= {(15+1)/2}th term
= 8 th term
= 70.5
Weight of Students (W) A=W–M A2
51.2 -20.43 417.38
58.4 -13.23 175.03
61.1 -10.53 110.88
61.4 -10.23 104.65
62.6 -9.03 81.54
63.9 -7.73 59.75
67.0 -4.63 21.44
70.5 -1.13 1.28
71.4 -0.23 0.05
78.4 6.67 44.49
79.2 7.57 57.30
82.4 10.77 115.99
83.0 11.37 129.28
89.6 17.97 322.92
94.4 22.77 518.47
Total of Values = 2560.41

Mean Weight = 71.63 (M), Total Number of Students = 15 (N)

Variance = A^2/N
= 2560.41/15
= 170.69

d)Standard Deviation = (Variance) ^1/2

= (170.69) ^1/2
= 13.06

Answer 11
a) Civil status of participants
It is an example of Categorical Variable. The best type of graph which can be drawn for this
type of data is a bar graph.

b) Height of participants
It is an example of Numerical Variable. The best type of graph which can be drawn for this
type of data is a histogram.
Answer 12
Full Name is an example of Nominal Data as it includes information in the form of non-
parametric variables.
Student ID Number is an example of Nominal Data as it includes information in the form of
non-parametric variables.
Date of Birthday is an example of Ordinal Data as it includes information in the form of
non-parametric ordered variable.
Sex is an example of Nominal Data as it includes information in the form of non-parametric
Age is an example of Ordinal Data as it includes information in the form of non-parametric
ordered variable.
Year of Joining the University is an example of Ordinal Data as it includes information in
the form of non-parametric ordered variable.

Answer 13
a) The time student spends for the study and her/his final score –
Time spent on study is a type of an Explanatory and Numerical Variable.
Final Score is a type of a Response and Numerical Variable.

b) The car engine size and car’s maximum speed –

Car engine size is a type of an Explanatory and Categorical Variable.
Maximum speed is a type of a Response and Numerical Variable.

Answer 14
The given case of the research on the performance of two groups of various students involves
two-sample hypothesis testing. Also, the scenario is involving the use of independent
By assuming that the appropriate methods have been used for testing, a conclusion can be
made that the results of the students who had the knowledge of Theory of Algorithms were
able to do and perform better than the students who were not equipping the knowledge of
Theory of Algorithms. This is supported from the mean time hours which are taken by both
groups of students for completing the training course of C++. A p-value of 0.14 is a relatively
low value and this minimizes the probability of the wrong hypotheses getting selected.
Section C: Research scenarios.
Answer 15
1. It is being highlighted that the performance of the students which were taught using
the online methods is better than the students which were taught under the offline
method. There is a good chance that the statement might be true for only some
students. To consider this statement as a base for all of the students is not an efficient
method of research. To minimize this, detailed analysis of the performance of every
student should be done and then should be compared with other students to get a
better and effective result.

2. The students of both the groups have been evaluated on the basis of only test
conducted by a university which might not be able to highlight the actual performance
of the students as there is good chance that the mean value of the results might not
highlight the true essence of the performance of all the students.

3. There is a probability that the online program might be developed in a better way than
the on-campus program which has led to the superior performance of the online
course’s students. There is a requisite need for improvement in the teaching methods
of the on-campus program so as to ensure that there is an equal balance in both the

4. There are chances that the students of the on-campus students might have to work for
continuous time as compared to that of the online course students which can work
according to their will and comfort level. This might be one of the main reasons for
the reduced performance levels between both the groups of students.

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