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The Biology of Human Behavior 1st

Edition Thomas Rowland

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Exercise and Children’s Health
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Pediatric Exercise Medicine (with Oded Bar-Or)
The Athlete’s Clock
Biological Regulation of Physical Activity
A Philosophy of Tennis, or You Kant Be Serious
Controversies in Exercise Science
The Fatigue Chronicles. Searching for the
Limits of Human Physical Performance
The Biology of Human

A Brief Inquiry


Thomas Rowland
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry

By Thomas Rowland

This book first published 2020

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Rowland

Cover: Hercules, revealed by Thomas Rowland

All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN (10): 1-5275-4476-1

ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4476-5
We are so small in every way compared with what there is,
and so ignorant.
Mystery surrounds us on every side.
—Bryan Magee

Picture Credits ......................................................................................... viii

Preface ....................................................................................................... ix

1. Love ........................................................................................................ 1

2. Travelling ............................................................................................. 18

3. Jealousy ................................................................................................ 36

4. Meaning ................................................................................................ 51

Entr’Acte I. Créativité et Le Petit Déjeuner ............................................. 65

5. Suicide .................................................................................................. 69

6. Eternal Recurrence ............................................................................... 88

7. Aging .................................................................................................. 104

8. Reflections .......................................................................................... 124

Entr’Acte II. Foucault for the Television Football Watcher .................. 140

9. Music .................................................................................................. 144

10. Adultery ............................................................................................ 163

11. Reality .............................................................................................. 182

12. Regret ............................................................................................... 203

Closing Comments ................................................................................. 219


Figure 2.1. Personal collection of the author

Figure 3.1. Wikimedia Commons/ Public domain
Figure 5.1. Personal collection of the author
Figure 8.1. Personal collection of the author
Figure 10.1. Rembrandt
Figure 11.1 Andrew Schmidt/ public domain

Biological science. And human behavior. Hardly expected to be close

travelling companions, these two. The first describes the quest for
understanding the objective reality in the living world around us (including
Homo sapiens), while the second involves a confusion of emotions and
experiences shared by the human psyche as we act out our lives, uncertain
and subjective to say the least. The series of chapters that follow, however,
will examine how evidence is gradually emerging that the two might
surprisingly interface, and that much of what we experience and drives our
behavior in our daily lives is controlled—at least to some extent—by
objective biological processes. That’s what this book is all about—what
science can tell us about the ways we behave and relate to our fellow
humans. A spoiler alert: on reaching the final chapter, the reader should not
expect to have discovered any facile solutions or definitive insights to such
“inquiries,” but, rather, the author hopes, an awakening to lines of thinking
that may ultimately provide us with such understandings.
Of course, it would demand an inappropriate expenditure of ink and
paper to consider all the means that science and its applications through
technology have impacted our modern lives. Science has brought us the
ability to communicate instantaneously with all our friends, back up our car
in a tight parking lot without risk of collision, permit a denizen of Miami to
demand a restaurant reservation for tomorrow night in Vancouver just by
making an oral command. We no longer worry about contracting
poliomyelitis, going blind from cataracts, or suffering gnawing heartburn
from over-indulgences. One can be transported from Boston to any of the
major capitals of Europe in not much more time than it takes to cook a 25-
pound Thanksgiving turkey. The list could go on and on.
Without doubt, science and technology have served us well in making
our lives easier, safer, and more efficient. At the same time, one hesitates to
be convinced that such advances have provided any advances in the more
meaningful—and often challenging—aspects of the human experience.
Here we can make a different list: establishing satisfying relationships with
other persons, forming a loving, supportive family, working at a fulfilling
occupation, behaving in an ethical manner, providing for the common good,
finding a true meaning for one’s life. Again, the list could go on. But here,
on these more substantial aspects of human existence, little appreciation
x Preface

exists for the input of science.1 And that’s it, the point of this book: in this
more elevated and meaningful atmosphere of scholarly inquiry, evidence
grows that biological science is beginning to shed light on the complexity
of human behavior.
Before embarking on this “brief inquiry,” let’s be certain we know what
we’re talking about. Science is essentially a method, a means by which the
reality of the natural world can be logically and accurately examined. The
scientific method is a step-wise approach which assesses a hypothesis (a
conjecture based on previous experience, observation, or studies) by a
careful structured and controlled experiment. This method, then, is based on
inductive empiricism rather than assuming that truths of the natural world
can be revealed by reason alone. The assumption here is that there exists in
any field of inquiry an objective truth, and that the scientific method is the
means for discovering it.
Despite its time-tested validity, a number of issues swirl about this
conclusion. To start with, does an ultimate truth actually exist? Is the human
brain—or even, by extension, a computer—capable of understanding this
truth? Does use of the scientific method to examine a hypothesis imply that
truth can be assumed only when there exists a test to determine if it is
“falsifiable”? Is there a “real” objective universe that surrounds us? Or, does
reality only exist in light of how we human beings observe it?2
The link of science and what constitutes the “real world” has undergone
a series of serious upheavals, beginning with the teachings of Euclid, which
held that the universe conformed to rules set forth by geometrical principles,
then Newton, who described a deterministic, mechanistic universe based on
physical laws of motion, which was superseded by Einstein’s theories of
relativity, by which reality depends on the condition and motion of the
observer, to, most recently the bizarre subatomic world of quantum
mechanics, where uncertainty rules, and chance replaces cause and effect.3
Even within the realm of deterministic behavior, chaos theory indicates that
minor differences in initial conditions can be manifest as random and
unpredictable outcomes (such as weather forecasting).
Each of these approaches truly describes an aspect of the “real world.”
But they reflect a reality only in a certain perspective, and these domains
are often mutually exclusive. The conclusion therefore is that the goal of
science as an endeavor to describe the natural world must be appreciated
only within certain restrictions of the form of “reality” being addressed.
Living beings share functions that obey the laws of physics and
chemistry, yet there exists the obvious observation that “something” sets
apart living systems, or biological truths, from those of other scientific
disciplines. Whether such biological “laws” exist (most would think so),
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry xi

and of what these consist (no one yet knows) remain issues that have drawn
controversy for centuries. Particularly, for the discussion at hand, one can
reasonably ask (without expecting an answer) whether such unique
biological determinants are responsible for human behavior, or, on the other
hand, how we act is simply an outcome of the cerebral interaction of
molecular attractions, biochemical neurotransmitters, and ion-derived
electrical charges—all conforming to traditional physical and chemical
Defining human behavior proves to be even more problematic. Perhaps
one could start by thinking how one would respond to an alien visitor from
outer space who asks “What is it like to be a human being?” You might start
by answering “Well, I am a biological machine, although it remains a
mystery as to precisely how, as a living being, I differ from non-living
matter. This machine that I am has evolved through many millions of years
by a process of natural selection so that my working parts are in fine
harmony with each other and resist perturbations of environmental
disturbances. For the most part, this machine operates beyond my awareness,
automatically responding to my physiological needs. I have a brain inside
my head, though, that thinks, and since I can in this way “talk” within myself
(gratefully in my native language) I feel like I am the captain of a ship,
providing orders of where I should go and what I should or should not do.
It seems, though, that I am often deceived by this sense of free will and self-
determination by my thinking brain, because it is now understood that a
large part of how I behave is dictated by subconscious actions deep within
its gray matter that, in fact, often direct what I mistakenly feel are my own
thinking decisions and behaviors.”
You could continue: The relationship of my sense as an individual and
that of a member of an organized group, or society, is a complex one. For
example, although “civilized,” I still possess the instincts and drives of my
animal ancestors. So, I must channel my appetites, aggression, sexual
desires, and so on into socially acceptable ways. I have certain desires, or
goals, in my life, and I direct many actions towards satisfying these—
finding a love partner, raising a family, finding a satisfying life’s work,
financial security, seeking pleasure and courage in facing the challenges in
life’s ups and downs, and so forth. To accomplish this my behaviors must
satisfy the requirements of the culture in which I live. And this sometimes
requires that I sacrifice my desires as an individual for the collective good
of that society. At the same time, it is clear that I need a surrounding society
to provide me with an infrastructure—food, clothing, shelter, protection,
health care—that allows me to survive. So, the relationship between myself
as an individual and that of a constraining but nourishing society is a highly
xii Preface

complex one which must be satisfactorily negotiated to reach one’s goals in

life. The drive for individualism must be balanced against the demands of
society, and my will for personal freedom must also be tempered by my
requirements to find security and personal identity as part of a human group.
In fact, this “escape from freedom” has been considered as an essential
aspect of my psyche, paradoxically contradicting the will toward my nature
to exist as an individual. That we should seek “freedom or death” is
everywhere from historical accounts to New Hampshire license plates, but
the meaning here (one supposes) is freedom against tyranny of society (or
more precisely, society’s government). Yet, in fact, freedom from acting as
a member of a society would be intolerable. Edward Wilson wrote
insightfully about this:

“An hereditary peculiarity of human behavior is the overpowering

instinctual urge to belong to groups in the first place. To be kept in solitude
is to be kept in pain and put on the road to madness. A person’s membership
in his group—his tribe—is a large part of his identity. It also confers upon
him to some degree or other a sense of superiority….All thing being equal
(fortunately things are seldom equal, not exactly), people prefer to be with
others who look like them, speak the same dialect and hold the same

All of these multi-directional arrows of that link me with my society

influence the human experience. The ultimate human condition that looms
over my daily existence, though, is that my time here on Earth is a limited
one. We human beings are, in fact, the only living beings who are aware of
their own mortality. How to face this inevitable reality is perhaps the most
confounding of my difficulties in defining a meaning for my short stay. For
many a certain fatalism can thus haunt their lives, the resigned acceptance
that any of our actions and behaviors are of temporary consequence; others,
particularly those with a belief in God and the reward of an after-life, find
this faith to be a more accepting resolution.
“It probably strikes you,” you say to your Martian visitor, “that each
morning a human being awakes with a blank slate of behaviors, unlimited
options, which can be freely adopted to satisfy one’s need for pleasure and
happiness in life.” “Yes,” he replies. “Then why don’t you just do that?” “It
just doesn’t work like that,” you say. “There is a line in popular song by the
Eagles which says ‘we are just prisoners here of our own device,’ which
says it all. We are obligated to elect certain behaviors (some would insist
that these are pre-determined instead of subject to free will) for not only our
benefit but also for the good of living in a nurturing society as well.”
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry xiii

It has not been lost on dramatists (including the Bard himself) that in our
daily lives we behave as if we are acting roles—father, boss, rock star,
spouse, best friend, and so on—in a giant play, which we adopt to satisfy
the complicated arrangements we have with personal goals and ego-
supportive activities consistent with our part in organized society. Think
about a list of what governs how we learn to behave, or act out our roles.
You might include:

x Parents and family members

x Behavior of peers
x School teachers
x Religious leaders, athletic coaches as role models
x Imitation of behaviors in films, plays, literature, television shows
x Legal constraints

Looking at this compilation, one might easily conclude that the

determinants of human behavior are all culturally-derived—that the script
of our lives that we play out reflects the influence of family, community,
and society in general. That is, we adopt behaviors according to what is
expected of us by the culture in which we live. At least theoretically, one
could cognitively decide to do or not to do this (or at least some of this). We
have, it could be argued, a choice.
However, this perspective ignores the central role of emotions in
triggering human behavior as well—sadness from personal loss, jealousy,
euphoria, the pain of rejection, anger at being cut off in traffic, etc. A good
many would argue that these reactions which guide behavior are biological,
being evolutionary-derived (as witnessed even in animals). And, in
accepting this concept, one is left with a more deterministic outlook on
human behavior. Controlling emotions is difficult, although the behavioral
reactions to such emotions may be managed.
Just why biological determinants should underlie human emotions is, of
course, a fabulous mystery. What would be the evolutionary value of all the
sentiments that flood our minds on a daily basis? How do they fit into a
general picture of an advantageous reproductive capability? Now we’re
getting down to what this book is about. Again, no answers will be provided,
but food for thought will be gratuitous.

Now that we have a general sense of the meanings of biological science

and human behavior, we can proceed with a description of the focus of this
book--an examination of how the former might impact the latter. What
follows is a series of factual discussions of just how different aspect of
xiv Preface

human behavior and experience—love, travel, aging, jealousy, and so on—

can be placed in the context of the growing awareness of both philosophical
and scientific inquiry. Thrown in, too, are a pair of fictional pieces, a short
story and a play, as well as two brief discussions to fill up the intermissions
(Les Entr’actes) provided for those readers wishing a break for refreshments
or other human needs. As much of this material transgresses on rather
combative grounds of opinion, each chapter is replete with quotations from
those who have weighed in on these issues. The references provided will
offer the reader whose imagination is stimulated by these discussions the
availability of further resource material.
Hopefully not necessary to say, but still important to emphasize, the
author asks that the reader approach each of the issues in this book with an
open and receptive mind. Much of this subject material has previously been
trivialized and strait-jacketed into opinions which should be popular or
“correct.” One of the purposes of writing this book is to offer the reader the
opportunity to free oneself from the shackles of these conventions and strike
out on unexplored intellectual and behavioral territory. In the course of this
exploration one is presented with the possibility of gaining greater insights
into the nature of this extraordinary complex creature we call Homo sapiens.
Bonne route!

1. Rothman T, Sudarshan G. Doubt and Certainty. Reading MA: Perseus
Books, 1998.
2. See Lewens T. The Meaning of Science. An Introduction to the Philosophy
of Science. New York: Basic Books, 2016; Holt J. When Einstein Walked
with Gödel. Excursions to the Edge of Thought. New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2018.
3. Davies P, Gribbin J. The Matter Myth. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
4. Wilson EO. Evolution and our inner conflict. In: Catapano P, Critchley S.
The Stone Reader. New York: Liveright Publishing, 2016, pp. 270-274.

Love, unrequited love, robs me of my rest:

Love, hopeless love, my ardent soul encumbers:
Love, night-mare like, lies heavy on my chest,
And weaves itself into my midnight slumbers!
—From Iolanthe (Gilbert & Sullivan)

The French, as usual, have a better way of saying it: un coup de foudre.
To English speakers it’s “love at first sight;” for les Parisiens it’s a “bolt of
lightning.” Which is just what it is. Flash! Boom! Crash! It doesn’t much
matter if it’s “across a crowded room,” or “strangers in the night,
exchanging glances,” or just that you “saw her standing there.” It ranks
among the most supreme feelings of emotional euphoria that a human being
can experience.
Of course, romantic love often comes more gradually, too, in a sense
“sneaking up” on one unexpectedly. (In the standard cinematic fare this is
predictable by two oil-and-water protagonists at the beginning of the film,
who initially detest each other but then…) Thus one, in this more restrained
process, “falls in love,” so that “on est tombé amoureux.” It’s interesting
here that in both languages this process is considered in terms of “falling,”
perhaps a bit of insight that will be dealt with later in this chapter.
The reader will no doubt agree that the subject of romantic love has
always taken on a rather frivolous flavor. Not serious, somewhat amusing,
thanks to Cupid and shooting arrows, tunnels of love, puppy love, love
boats, lyrics of popular music, and so on. Add to this the fact that falling in
love is often first experienced in the pubertal throes of adolescence, with its
naivety, immaturity, and social awkwardness. The past several decades,
however, have brought a realization on the part of researchers, psychologists,
psychiatrists, and the like, that romantic love is, to the contrary, a very serious
business. Falling in love is attended by a suspension of normal social and
moral judgements, while rejection and/or termination of a romantic
relationship can be emotionally devastating and accompanied by very real
risks of non-frivolous matters such as severe depression, stalking, suicide,
and homicide. Indeed, in these features—ecstatic pleasure and insupportable
nightmare of withdrawal—the entire process of falling in and out of love is
not dissimilar to that of narcotic addiction, an affliction considered to be of
2 1. Love

much greater import and significance than that of “simply” falling in love
with the girl or guy next door.
This chapter will examine what this new research attention has revealed
regarding the nature of romantic love. Much of this scientific information
has served to simply confirm centuries-old ideas of what it means to fall in
love. But some fascinating new concepts have arisen as well, such as the
neurochemical basis of romantic love, its similarity to addictive behaviors,
why breaking up with a love object is, indeed, “hard to do,” and
relationships that may exist between emotions of love and hate. All of this
is witness, then, to the growing role of science in understanding human
behavior. The reader is forewarned, however, that the essential question
once posed by the young singer Frankie Lymon—“Why Do Fools Fall in
Love?”—will not be likely resolved in any satisfying manner.1
(The psychological and philosophical implications of this question
presumably were not appreciated by Mr. Lymon when he recorded this song
with The Teenagers in 1956. What causes one person to fall in love with
another? Does one, in fact, possess free will to choose or not to choose to
fall in love? Based on much of the evidence outlined in the discussions that
follow, perhaps the answer to the latter question is “probably not.”)

Defining Romantic Love

So what exactly are we talking about here? One could probably devote
a full chapter to the various interpretations of the meaning of the word
“love.” The discussion in this chapter is restricted to that coup de foudre
kind of falling in love that we’ll call romantic love, an intensely passionate
yearning for another person. The exhilaration on seeing or thinking of the
other person can be overwhelming. Sleep is troubled by a constant thinking
of the beloved. “Besotted lovers may also compulsively call, write, or
unexpectedly appear, all in an effort to be with their beloved day and night.
Paramount to this experience is intense motivation to win him or her.”2 In
contrast to other forms of love, romantic love is both irrational and
unrealistic. The positive features of one’s obsession becomes all-
consuming, to the exclusion of all negative else. When this torrent of
emotional focus is reciprocated, the ecstasy is further compounded.3
Two other forms of love have often been considered associated with this
kind of romantic love—sexual attraction (lust), and the emotion that links
married couples, which we’ll label spousal love. The former is goal-directed
with or without emotional attachment, while the latter is a rational bond
based on trust and respect that grows from shared emotional, experiential,
and physical intimacy. Throughout history many have felt that some
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 3

common ground, either simultaneously or, more likely, in temporal

succession (i.e. one leading to the other), exists between these three, but, at
the same time, it is not difficult to claim certain differences. It would not be
expected, for instance, that falling in love at a tenth-grade sock hop would
by necessity include a desire for sexual union;4 certainly a sexually desirable
person might be courted with the goal of physical intimacy in mind without
the emotional accoutrements of romantic love. Too, these same volcanic
emotional features of falling in love, one might confidently suggest, don’t
exist in the majority of long-term marital love relationships. (To draw
parallels to other used terms, spousal love (or its companions, filial and
maternal love) here is considered as mature love, while romantic love—the
topic at hand—is immature love.) As will be addressed below, recent neuro-
imaging studies have substantiated such proposed relationships between the
three—overlapping but with distinct anatomic functions.

A number of other features characterize romantic love:

x Experiencing the emotional trauma of a romantic breakup or an

unrequited love is common, particularly among teenagers. In a study
of 910 Canadian adolescents, Connolly and McIsaac found that 23%
had experienced a breakup in the past six months.5 In somewhat
older young adults the number is higher. Baumeister reported that
93% described having been rejected by a passionately-loved other.
(Of interest to those who would insist that turn-around is fair play,
95% reported they had served as the rejecting person of someone
who was in love with them.)5
x While euphoria and happiness are considered the “reward” that
transports one into a state of romantic love, such experiences are
often marked by periods of emotional distress as well.6 Similar to
manic-depressive (bipolar) behavior, the love-stricken person not
infrequently experiences swings in emotional state, with anxiety,
depression, and insecurity balancing times of overwhelming ecstasy.
x The emotional forces that put a person “in love” have a limited
lifespan. Ultimately, the neurochemical reactions outlined below
which drive romantic love run down. For most, relationships built
only on romantic love in the end, quite literally, run out of gas. Some
have suggested 12 to 16 months as an average.
x Romantic love is a universal phenomenon, recognized in all societies
when appropriate investigational methods have been utilized, and is
independent of sex. These observations support the conclusion that
4 1. Love

falling in love represents a biological rather than a culturally-derived


The Science of Love

An understanding of the nature of love, once confined to the realm of
folklore, has been provided a scientific foundation by advances in
neuroimaging techniques and insights into cerebral neurochemical
pathways. These have revealed that 1) the centers in the brain responsible
for the euphoria and other exhilarating features of romantic love are discrete
and distinct, but still some cross-over and overlapping functions are
observed with centers responsible for sexual attraction and spousal love, 2)
when falling in love, separate neurologic pathways act to inhibit rational
decision-making and even challenge moral limits, confirming that, in fact,
“love is blind,” and 3) the neurochemical functions underling the emotional
experiences of falling in and out of love mimic directly those of other
established addictions (such as narcotics, sex, gambling, etc.).

Neurophysiological Localization
The advent of neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET scan)
has for the first time permitted key insights into brain function. Particularly,
these methodologies have identified links between subjective mental
processes (i.e., emotions) and anatomic localization. Both of these diagnostic
methods work by identifying areas of the brain demonstrating increased
metabolic rate, which is associated with neuronal activity. In a typical
investigation, then, the act of an individual falling in love is reflected in a
“lighting up” on a scan of a responsible brain regions by these techniques.
A number of such imaging studies have been performed in an attempt to
link the activity of specific brain regions to the act of falling or being in
love. These have quite consistently revealed that one particular area—the
ventral tegmental area (VTA)—is activated in individuals involved in a
passionate love affair, with close connections to the nucleus accumbens and
regions of the cerebral cortex that include the medial insula, anterior
cingulate, and hippocampus.7 The study of Aron et al. is typical.8 These
authors reported fMRI findings in 10 women and 7 men who reportedly had
recently fallen intensely (and happily) in love. (As proof of the
appropriateness of this cohort, all the subjects reported that they spent at
least 85% of their waking hours thinking of the object of their affection.)
When viewing a photo of their loved one, augmented activity was observed
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 5

in the VTA and caudal nucleus, “regions associated with pleasure, general
arousal, focused attention and motivation to pursue and acquire rewards.”
Importantly, such scanning studies indicate that areas associated with
other forms of love (including sexual arousal and maternal love) may
overlap regions associated with romantic love but remain distinct from
them. In 2010, Ortigue et al. reviewed the published literature which has
described fMRI studies indicating brain regions that are linked to different
forms of love (J Sex Med. 2010;7:3541-52). Although all types of love were
associated with activity of brain reward systems, this review “demonstrated
that different types of love involve distinct cerebral networks, including
those for higher cognitive functions such as social cognition and bodily self-
The finding of similar but distinct areas of brain function for different
forms of love coincides with observations from common experience. That
is, one would not confuse the behaviors surrounding a mother’s love or that
of a couple on their 50th wedding anniversary with that of a college
sophomore experiencing a coup de foudre with his chemistry lab partner.
This does raise some interesting thoughts, though, regarding the possible
connection of romantic love, spousal love, and arousal of sexual drive,
which, again, are emotions which demonstrate distinctly separate, though
overlapping, areas of cerebral activity. Specifically, does the former lead to
the latter? And, by extension, if so, can we then ascribe an evolutionary
basis for romantic love as a kind of “jump start” to more mature, sustained
love, sexual activity, and reproductive preservation of the species? Here is
what S. Zeki had to say on the matter (FEBS Letters 2007;581:2575-2579):
“It is noteworthy that sexual arousal activates regions adjacent to—and in
the case of the hypothalamus overlapping with—the areas activated by
romantic love……This intimacy in terms of geographical location between
brain areas engaged during romantic love on one hand and sexual arousal
on the other is of more than passing interest. Judged by the world literature
of love, romantic love has at its basis a concept—that of unity, a state in
which, at the height of passion, the desire of lovers is to be united with one
another and to dissolve all distance between them. Sexual union is as close
as humans can get to achieving that unity. It is perhaps not surprising to
find, therefore, that the areas engaged during these two separate but highly
linked states are juxtaposed.”

Besides activation of brain areas associated with pleasure-seeking

reward systems (see below), falling in love has been observed to trigger a
decrease in activity in areas of the cerebral cortex which are normally
responsible for controlling judgements one uses to assess other persons.
This effect accounts for what is typically observed in persons who are head-
6 1. Love

over-heels in love—a failure to objectively consider the qualities of the

object of their passion. “Here, then, is a neural basis for saying that love is
blind. It is not surprising that we are often surprised by the choice of partner
that someone makes, asking futilely whether they have taken leave of their
senses. In fact, they have. Love is often irrational because rational judgments
are suspended or no longer applied with the same rigour.” Falling in love,
then, is a two-pronged neurological process—“euphoria and suspension of
judgement [which] can lead to states others might interpret as madness”
(Zeki S. 2007;581:2575-2579).9

A Biochemical Basis
Readers owning a pet hamster will be quick to confirm the compulsive
wheel-running that these small animals exhibit in their cages, often for hours
at a time throughout the night. Why do they do that? The answer is that they
are motivated by a “reward” system within certain specific areas of the
brain, fueled by the neurotransmitter dopamine and other biochemical
agents, which provides a strong sense of “pleasure” (assumed but not
reported by the animal).10 (A similar explanation has been suggested for
humans who engage in obsessive distance running.)
Dopamine, an agent chemically related to adrenaline, has received a
good deal of popular attention for its reputation as a conveyor of sensory
pleasure—the “rush” from your morning coffee, the joy of sexual union, the
euphoria of falling in love. This chemical does, in fact, participate in a wide
variety of disparate physiological functions, including lactation,
vasoactivity of arteriolar walls, cellular immune responses, gastrointestinal
motility, and the salt content and volume of urine output (Figure 1.1).
In the central nervous system, dopamine serves to connects signals from
one nerve cell (neuron) to the next across a synaptic space. Dopamine-
secreting neurons are grouped within the brain in specific areas related to a
particular function, although a wide network of connections to other
portions of the central nervous system is typically evident. In the ventral
tegmental area (VTA), the nucleus accumbens, and other areas of the brain
dopamine participates in a “reward system” whereby certain behaviors are
reinforced and thereby motivated by providing positive feelings of pleasure.
Some researchers have contended, however, that dopamine does not
actually serve as a “pleasure chemical” in this regard but instead is
“necessary for ‘wanting’ incentives”.11 That this differentiation between
“wanting” a romantic partner and “liking” an attractive face (or sunset, or
Monet canvas) may have a neurophysiological basis was indicated in the
fMRI study of Aron et al. noted above. These investigators found that when
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 7

viewing an attractive face, study participants activated the left VTA, while
when looking at a photo of a love partner, the right VTA became activated.

Figure 1.1. So this is love? (Or rather cupid disguised in the molecular structure of
the neurotransmitter dopamine?)

This action of dopamine-based reward circuits in the central nervous

system has been well-documented as the driving factor in compulsive
wheel-running in rodents. Evidence indicates that the same reward system
is in play during courting and coupling of animals as well. One faces a
difficulty, of course, in interpreting such behaviors in animals as parallels
to the different forms of love defined in human beings. Do animals
experience the same kind of reward-system euphoria as do humans in the
throes of passionate romantic love? One witnesses certain characteristics of
courtship in animals, but do these reflect the same behaviors of humans
afflicted with a coup de foudre (as opposed to sexual or spousal love)? Some
authors have thought so. As Fisher et al. have contended:
“Like humans, all birds and mammals exhibit mate preferences; they focus
their courtship energy on favored potential mates and disregard or avoid
others. Moreover, most of the basic traits associated with human romantic
love are also characteristic of mammalian courtship attraction, including
increased energy, focused attention, obsessive following, affiliative
gestures, possessive mate guarding, goal-oriented behaviors and motivation
to win and keep a preferred mating partner for the duration of one’s species-
specific reproductive and parenting needs.”12

A number of studies have examined neurochemical correlates to mating

and coupling behavior in animals. The role of dopamine systems has been
particularly substantiated. For example, in one study a 50% increase in
dopamine content of the nucleus accumbens was observed during
expression of mating preference of prairie voles. Subsequent injection of a
dopamine antagonist resulted in dissolution of the attraction. Increased
dopamine activity in the central nervous system in association with
courtship attraction has also been observed in sheep and rats.13
In addition, other neurochemical agents appear to be involved in aspects
of animal courtship. Mating behavior has been closely linked to oxytocin,
8 1. Love

produced by the hypothalamus, and vasopressin. Yong and Wan have

suggested that these two agents “facilitate the process of social cues
necessary for partner recognition while dopamine plays a reinforcing role
by signaling reward.”14
That the same anatomical areas of the brains of human beings falling in
love are activated on fMRI as those associated with the dopamine reward
system in animals is strong evidence that these same neurochemical
processes account for romantic love in humans. This conclusion is
supported by some experimental evidence. Particularly convincing is the
study of Takahashi et al. who demonstrated increase in dopamine release
within human brains by administration of a dopamine receptor antagonist
with PET scanning when subjects were viewing pictures of romantic
Other neurochemicals are involved in inter-personal attraction and
coupling in humans that mimic those observed in animals. Falling in love
has been associated with depressed brain levels of serotonin. Limited
research information suggests that oxytocin and vasopressin play important
roles in long-term love relationships in the same manner that they trigger
animal coupling behavior.16 It appears likely, then, that the actions of these
agents effect coupling and connectiveness, and in humans are probably
related more to long-term commitments which reflect mature spousal love
with a secure, reality-based emotional union than romantic love. Sexual
drive, on the other hand, is linked to a different chemical basis—the actions
of the sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen. The combination of
neuroimaging and neurochemical findings suggest, then, that the three types
of human love—romantic, sexual, and spousal—are distinct in terms of
functional brain structures and biochemical pathways responsible for each.
How each evolves over time in a relationship, and the extent that these
individual forms of love interact and might follow each other “in tandem”
remains to be clarified.
All of this discussion of brain chemistry, then, leads to the somewhat
discomforting conclusion that falling in love is perhaps nothing more than
straightforward chemical reactions within the brain.17 When you exchanged
glances with that stranger in the night standing there across a crowded room
your brain became inundated with a tsunamic wave of dopamine and its
chemical traveling companions, and—voila!—an extraordinary rush of
ecstasy (akin to what has been described in response to, for instance,
cocaine). The great mystery—not yet revealed by scientific inquiry—then,
is why that particular stranger, in that particular room, on that particularly
enchanted evening?
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 9

Biological Meaning
The neurochemical mechanisms that likely underlie the process of
falling in love have been identified, but many questions remain to be
answered: can we confidently transpose animal experimental results to
human beings? Which way does the arrow of causation go? Do emotional
responses to visual stimuli trigger release of dopamine-based reward
systems? Or, conversely, are dopamine and its related chemical agents
responsible for the emotional reaction? In essence, then, what is responsible
for launching one into the throes of falling in love? Studies show that, not
surprisingly, visual triggers set it off. But how many strangers have you
exchanged glances with across a crowded room without inaugurating this
cascade of neurochemical events that would put you in the remarkable
mental condition of “being in love”?
If we accept that a coup de foudre is basically just a chemical event, we
are still left with the mystery of why does one fall in love in the first place?
It’s a very singular, irrational emotional state that defies common sense, one
that will typically self-destruct in a matter of months. And, in more cases
than not, that rupture fill one or both parties with pain and depression or
even worse. We again have to stop and wonder: why do fools fall in love?
The siren call of the coup de foudre appears to be irresistible, indicating that
some particular biological “meaning” is at play.
The traditional, seemingly-obvious Darwinian biological explanation
for the experience of falling in love (as defined in this chapter) lies in its
support of evolutionary natural selection of reproductive fitness. As Fisher
et al. proposed, “romantic love is a …survival mechanism to encourage
human pair-bonding and reproduction, seen cross-culturally today in Homo
sapiens….Its [evolutionary] purpose may have been to motivate our
forebears to focus their mating time and energy on a single partner at a time,
thus initiating the formation of a pair-bond to rear their young together as a
team. Thus, as products of human evolution, the neural systems for romantic
love and mate attachment could be considered as survival systems among
Reproduction and successful child-rearing—the obligate markers of
human evolution—require a coupling of humans with subsequent sexual
congress and long-term attachment. So, would go the proposal, the magnetic
attraction of one person to another via romantic love serves as the initial
catalyst which eventuates in these other critical forms of love necessary for
propagation of the species. It is difficult to argue persuasively against this
idea. Still, a number of thoughts provide some hesitancy—or even a
soupcon of skepticism. That euphoric high experienced in the sudden rush
10 1. Love

of romantic love has not, by itself, been considered to driven by a desire for
sexual relations. Typically, such romantic love is short-lived, and it would
be expected that the frequency of a transition to a more mature, committed
spousal form of love is not high. That is, romantic break-ups must well
outnumber—by multi-fold—those that proceed to marriage. Consider: an
experience of romantic love is characterized by emotional instability,
irrational obsessions, anxiety, towering feelings, anorexia with weight loss,
and insecurity, as well as a suspension of a rational awareness of the
qualities of the love object. Hardly, it could be argued, does this sound like
a mental state that should serve as a valid basis for coupling in order to
maintain the species.
Are there other possible means of providing a biological “meaning” to
falling in love? Here’s one idea: in the end, despite obsession with another
person, falling in love could be considered as a egocentric, self-centered act.
That is, the ultimate desire is that this magnetic attraction be reciprocated,
that the loved object will respond with love and undying affection as well.
In this way, falling in love might be considered as an ego-supportive, self-
affirming search to bolster a sense of self-worth. In this sense, the insecure
individual with a poor self-image, full of self-doubts, might be particularly
vulnerable to falling in love, as displayed by a pattern of repeated attempts
at romantic liaisons.
Perhaps a more central question would seek the biological meaning of
the dopamine-based pleasure-reward system in the brain itself. In animals,
to secure pairing and reproductive success for propagation of the species,
yes. But why should the same system trigger obsessive wheel-running by
caged rodents for hours at end? The concept that similar reproductive
outcomes in human beings via marriage are proffered by this system seems
logical. But one immediately runs head on into the fact that the same reward
system is responsible for the life-destructive, tragic scenario of drug
addiction. Within this spectrum of effects, one’s morning coffee habit, not
usually fatal, is driven by the brain’s pleasure-reward system as a mildly-
addictive, pleasurable, but not a convincing Darwinian exercise. The same
could be said for other “obsessive habits” driven by dopamine—gambling,
eating, shopping, promiscuous sex, and the like. Where would these fit into
a drive for reproductive survival of the fittest? It is evident that the dopamine
reward system plays out in both positive adaptive and negative outcomes.
In essence, then, the biological meaning behind a coup de foudre may
not be as straightforward as it would seem. Certainly, there is much to be
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 11

Breaking Up is Hard to Do
The euphoria and “soaring feelings” of falling in love come with a price.
No one who has experienced the spirit-crushing anguish of rejection of
unrequited love or break up of a love relationship needs (nor desires) to be
reminded. What goes up must come down. Breaking up with a love partner
is not only simply hard to do; it is, for all, at least painful and for some,
emotionally destructive and even dangerous. Of course, most romantic
breakups are survived with eventual resolution over time of the incurred
emotional wounds. For some, however, the insult to self-esteem leaves
chronic scars of depression and other mental disorders. The frequency of
incapacitating, extended emotional distress following a romantic breakup is
not known. Anecdotal reports would suggest, however, that the magnitude
of such outcomes is grossly underestimated and has been overlooked as a
significant mental health issue.
Unfortunately, in some cases the mental disturbance accompanying
unrequited love or break down of a romantic relationship can eventuate in
homicide, stalking, or suicide. Such tragic outcomes are the stuff of legend,
but also, sadly, of the everyday.18 Romantic breakup is commonly assumed
to be responsible for suicidal behaviors, but statistical confirmation of this
relationship is hard to come by. In one study of 142 successful suicides
among youth 10-17 years in the state of Utah between the years of 2011 and
2015, 37 (26%) were said to be related to “intimate partner problems” or
“dating partner problems.”19
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a given year
around 10% of murders in the United States are committed by the lover of
the victim.20 Excessive jealousy in a romantic relationship may serve as a
source of such tragedies, even before a romantic relationship is severed.21
Many of these, too, are sad outcomes of stalking, in which a jilted lover
obsessively haunts a former romantic partner. Such situations are not rare,
estimated to have affected 8-15% of women and 2-14% of men. As
Marazitti et al. have remarked, “the deactivation of cognitive processes that
take place when we fall in love (even though this is a short lived process!),
may imply a sort of stalker blindness to understand the risks involved and
the consequences of his/her behavior, and the misconception that he/she
might be able to change the victim’s feeling via the persistence, harassment,
and constraints.”22
12 1. Love

Is Romantic Love an Addiction?

The similarities between falling in love and substance addiction have not
been lost on neuroscientists, psychologists, and composers of popular songs
alike.23 Helen Fisher and her co-authors have nicely described these parallel
behaviors (Front Psychol. 2016;7:687):
“Mean and women in the early stage of intense passionate romantic love
express many of the basic traits associated with all addiction. Like all
addicts, they focus on their beloved (salience); and they yearn for the
beloved (craving). They feel a ‘rush’ of exhilaration when seeing or thinking
about him or her (euphoria/intoxication). As their relationship builds, the
lover seeks to interact with the beloved more and more frequently
(tolerance). If the beloved breaks off the relationship, the lover experiences
the common signs of drug withdrawal, too, including protest, crying spells,
lethargy, anxiety, insomnia, or hypersomnia, loss of appetite or binge
eating, irritability and chronic loneliness. Like most addicts, rejected lovers
also often go to extremes, even sometimes doing degrading or physically
dangerous things to win back the beloved.”

This parallel between romantic love and drug addiction is supported,

too, by the finding that the dopamine-based reward system acting in the
brain which underlies these behaviors is similar in the two. At the same
time, there exist, it can be readily pointed out, certain differences that
distinguish falling in love from opiate addiction. The proposed evolutionary
“purpose” of romantic love, a universal phenomenon, as a Darwinian
survival mechanism is hardly consistent with the destructive force of
narcotic addiction. Unlike the sad outcome of drug addiction, unrequited
love, by itself, is presumably not fatal. And people, perhaps abetted by
popular culture, seek to fall in love, which is certainly not an antecedent to
drug addiction.
Such considerations of the addictive nature of love may bear more than
just academic interest. Some authors have suggested, in fact, that given the
potential for romantic love to induce serious and destructive emotional
disease, treatment is a viable option. “Although one would not normally
think of offering ‘treatment’ to individuals who are in love, once we begin
to realize that at least some cases of love and love-related phenomena are
similar to behavioral or substance addictions—in form, function, as well as
effect—then the possibility becomes worth taking seriously.”24 This might
include traditional psychiatric strategies such as cognitive-behavior
approaches as well as psychoanalysis, and drug-based therapies could be
ethically-appropriate in some situations.
The Biology of Human Behavior: A Brief Inquiry 13

To Be “In Love” Just to be “In Love”?

One cannot leave the topic of romantic love—the “rush” of a coup de
foudre—without raising the possibility that it’s just “being in love” that
provides the euphoria, not “being in love with somebody.” That is, perhaps
romantic love is in reality selfish and intrinsic, sought after for its “kick,”
rather than being directed at some person (albeit with mythical qualities).
We’re talking here about “being in love with being in love.” Certainly, this
idea is portrayed in a raft of popular songs, all on the theme that one is
“looking for someone (anyone?) to love.” (For definitive evidence of this
concept, one need look no further than the movie When Harry Met Sally, in
which Sally Albright (played by Meg Ryan) confesses to Harry Burns
(portrayed by Billy Crystal) that she does not yearn for her recent boyfriend
after a break-up, but she does miss the “idea of him.”)

Conclusion: Love is Strange

In the spectrum of human emotional experience, romantic love is truly
unique. Consider: the deal is almost truly Faustian—an exquisite, euphoric,
mind-blowing “high” gained in accepting the high risk of an eventual hellish
withdrawal payback—except that in this case one doesn’t have a choice in
the matter. Instead, in falling in love one is at the mercy of yet-unknown,
powerful subconscious biological and psychological factors, outside of
one’s control. Here is a clear violation of any contention of the strength of
free will in human beings. “We do not ordinarily choose to love someone
(at least not consciously) and it would be a hard thesis to defend that we
should be held responsible for falling in love—even though such an
occurrence can have very far-reaching and sometimes destructive
consequences for those involved.”25 Falling in love, then, is something that
happens to you, for the better or worse.26 The seriousness of the “worse”, it
has been contended, has not been adequately appreciated by mental health

1. Frank Zappa would not be pleased with this author’s employment of lyrics
of popular music in discussing romantic love. Zappa felt that such songs of
love’s joy and lament to vulnerable youth were sadly disillusionary. As the
iconoclastic musician expressed in The Real Frank Zappa Book (Poseidon
Press, 1989), “I detest love lyrics. I think one of the causes of bad mental
health in the United States is that people have been raised on ‘love
lyrics’…It’s a subconscious training that creates a desire for an imaginary
14 1. Love

situation which will never exist for you. People who buy into that mythology
go through life feeling that they got cheated out of something.”
That said, it must be admitted that popular music has remarkably-well
documented the highs and lows, the ecstasy and the anguish, the futility and
inescapability of romantic love. Indeed, a connoisseur of popular music
lyrics—particularly of songs written during the early rock ‘n roll era—would
be well-acquainted with the majority of concepts presented in this chapter.
(It would seem that more recently popular music has largely moved on to
more mundane themes—learning to fly, consuming margaritas, shooting
sheriffs, and the like.)
2. This quote is from Fisher HE, Xu X, Aron A, Brown LL. Intense, passionate,
romantic love: a natural addiction? How the fields that investigate romance
and substance abuse can inform each other. Front Psychol. 2016;7:687.
Helen Fisher, from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, is also author
of a comprehensive book entitled Why We Love (New York: Owl Books,
2004) which provides an excellent overview of this field.
3. Many colorful expressions have described the exhilarating experience of
falling in love. Andrew Christy and his colleagues at Texas A&M University
noted that many of these involved the idea of physical force—such as love
“sweeps us off our feet, causes sparks to fly, and ignites flames of passion.”
Of course, too, the entire coup de foudre is based on attraction of one body
to another. According to what is known as conceptual metaphor theory,
“activating the concrete concept in a metaphor should alter perceptions and
judgements related to the linked abstract concept.” (Translation:) These
researchers performed a study (PLoS ONE 2016; 11:e0155943) in which 80
female college students (78% who were currently in a romantic relationship)
held blocks together for one minute which were either magnetized to attract
or not-attract each other, followed by a questionnaire seeking subjects’
interpretation of their romantic relationship (past or present). They found
that, overall, subjects who held the attracted magnetic blocks reported higher
levels of satisfaction, attraction, intimacy, and commitment with their
romantic partner. One possible explanation for this result, suggested Christy
et al., was that “exposure to magnetism may actually have changed
participants’ experience of romantic attraction in certain ways that led them
to report greater satisfaction” in their love relationships.
4. Choukas-Bradley et al. (J Adolesc. 2015;45:112-26) compiled questionnaire
data from 18,392 American adolescents ages 12-19 years which asked for
their expected desires in a hypothetical romantic relationship. The most
common behavioral temporal sequence was “holding hands, going out alone,
telling others they were a couple, kissing, saying ‘I love you,’ sexual
touching, and finally having sex.” Several other authors have emphasized
that individuals having fallen in passionate love are, at least initially,
obsessed with an emotional union rather than sexual intercourse. That is, the
romantic love being detailed in this chapter would—at least initially—
appear to not overtly driven by concupiscent goals.
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These Eight Examples of How an Ordinary Safety Pin can be Used for
Practical Purposes Are Suggestive of Many Others
It is surprising to note how many uses can be made of an ordinary
safety pin, both as an emergency-repair device, and for other
purposes. I found 40 simple uses for safety pins, a few of which are
shown in the illustration. Some of the many other uses are as a
chain, a candle holder, a spring, a cover holder for a kettle, and as a
pencil clip. Most of these can be made by twisting the safety pin with
a small plier. By using a cutting plier, many more useful kinks can be
devised.—George G. McVicker, North Bend, Neb.
Moving Heavy Objects with a Broom

The Broom Is Slippery and Rides over the Floor or Even Carpets without

After trying to move a heavy trunk alone, the attempt is usually

given up until some friend can be called in to lend a hand, because a
truck or other means of handling such heavy objects is not at hand.
An ordinary sweeping broom will serve as a sled to move a stove or
similar object in the home without heavy lifting. The straw in the
broom is slippery and can be drawn over carpets without injuring
them. In handling a stove, the legs must of course be removed, one
person drawing the load and the other steadying it.—Samuel H.
Avery, Chicago, Ill.
Rear Seat for Motorcycle or Bicycle

This Light-Weight Homemade Rear-Seat Fixture Is a Convenience for a

Strong Bicycle or Motorcycle
A rear seat mounted on a light support that can be quickly
attached to a strong bicycle or a motorcycle is handy, and one like
that shown in the sketch can be made in the home workshop. The
supporting frame, consisting of two main sections forming a fork over
the rear axle, and a brace extending to the bicycle frame, are made
of ¹⁄₄ by 1¹⁄₄-in. strap iron. The seat and the handlebars are
supported on posts of the usual type, flattened at their lower ends,
and riveted to the fixture. The lower ends of the fork are bent to form
foot rests. The detailed construction of the seat post and the method
of clamping the brace at A are shown in the smaller sketches. The
fastenings on the seat and handlebar posts are made with rivets or
bolts.—P. P. Avery, Garfield, N. J.
Changing Wheels Equalizes Wear on Baby-Cab
The front and rear wheels of a baby cab are usually of the same
size and the tires on the rear wheels are worn much more rapidly
than those on the front wheels. By changing the position of the
wheels, the wear on the tires is equalized, making it unnecessary to
renew them until all are worn out.—J. Cecil Alter, Cheyenne, Wyo.
A Craftsman Leather Billfold

T he making of a billfold is easily within the range of an amateur in

leather work, who will observe the instructions carefully. Seal,
morocco, pigskin, and ooze sheep are satisfactory. Skiver, or thin
leather, and silk moiré make suitable linings. When the processes
involved in the making of the billfold are mastered, numerous other
small articles in leather will suggest themselves, and can be made
Fig. 1. Place the Pattern on the Leather and Trim It to Size Even with the
Edges of the Pattern

The finished billfold is shown with the cardcase side up; folded,
and with the bill compartment open, in Fig. 2. Begin the making of it
by cutting a pattern of stiff cardboard for the main portion, or body
part No. 1, as shown in Fig. 1.
Make a second pattern for body part No. 2, as shown in Fig. 1.
Trim the leather to fit the patterns, a straight edge of metal being
placed over the pattern as a guide for the knife. A close-grained
hardwood board, or a piece of sheet zinc, is suitable as a base for
cutting the leather.
Cut pieces of lining slightly larger than the patterns. If skiver is
used, it must be glued to the leather with a good quality of leather
glue, which should be pliable so as not to crack the leather. Do not
stretch the lining, but merely smooth it gently, as otherwise it may
cause the leather to buckle. Place the glued parts under a light
weight to dry. In fitting the silk lining into place, apply a thin stripe of
glue around the edges only, and permit them to extend beyond the
leather. Then trim them off neatly.
Part No. 1 is to be folded to form the back of the billfold and also
the two pockets for cards. The parts are glued as shown in Fig. 3.
Weight the billfold and permit the glue to dry. The sewing may then
be undertaken.
Fig. 2. The Photographs Show the Cardcase Side, the Folded Billfold, and
the Silk-Lined Money Compartment
Fig. 3. Glue the Parts Together Carefully along the Edges, and Fold the
Ends as Indicated

The neatness of the billfold will depend largely on the care with
which the sewing is done, and the finish on the edges. Draw a
straight line with a blunt-point tool along the edges to be sewed, ³⁄₁₆
in. from them. Mark the spacing for an inch of the stitches on a strip
of paper and transfer them to the stitching line. Punch the holes,
making certain that each is made with the awl held vertical, as
shown at D. Back the open ends with strips of cardboard when
punching holes in them. Heavy, waxed silk of a color to match the
leather is used for the sewing. The work may be done by hand
without a holder, clamped between two boards. Thread the two
needles and start them from the right side, as at E. Pass the needle
from the first hole through the second as at F. With the needles then
in position, as at G, continue this stitch. Tie the ends of the thread
neatly at the end of the stitching. Trim the edges and tool them to a
smooth finish with a suitable metal tool, or rod, heated moderately,
applying water with the finger tip.
¶The taper of a key is generally ¹⁄₈ in. per foot of length, and keys
having a head are preferable because of greater ease in removing
them. The width of a key is usually ¹⁄₄ the diameter of the shaft, plus
¹⁄₈ inch.
Lawn Mower Sharpened Efficiently with Simple

The Lawn Mower is Sharpened Quickly by the Use of This Rigging

With this device, one can quickly sharpen the lawn mower, or
perhaps earn money sharpening the neighbors’ machines. Because
several knives in a lawn mower work against the cutting blade, it is
difficult to sharpen a mower satisfactorily with a file or stone. A usual
method is to reverse the cutting-wheel cogs, turn the mower upside
down, and run it backward over the ground. By the use of grinding
paste on the cutting blade the cutting wheel tends to sharpen itself.
This process can be improved by supporting the mower, as shown at
A, the blocks permitting the mower’s driving wheels to rest outside
them. A block, B, supports the wooden roller. Remove the driving
wheels, and the gears which turn the cutting wheel. Take the gear
from one end and put it in the other end, replacing the driving wheel.
By revolving the latter backward, the cutting wheel will also turn
backward. Apply a paste of emery powder and lubricating oil to the
cutting blade, and adjust the blade so that it comes fairly into contact
with the cutting wheel. Turn the driving wheel backward, and
gradually tighten the adjustment until a good edge on the cutting
blade and the knives is produced.
A handle fixed on the driving wheel, as shown at C, makes turning
it easier. After sharpening, replace the gears, clean the bearings
thoroughly, and replace the driving wheels.—Ed. M. Hawes, Everett,
Rubber Pads for Opening Screw Watch Bezel
The modern screw case for watches is primarily for the purpose of
keeping dust from getting into the delicate works. Unless one is
possessed of a strong grip, it is hard not only to set the case tight
enough to keep out dust, but also to open the watch when
adjustment is necessary. To make this work easy, a jeweler has, as a
part of his tool kit, several rubber dies to fit the different sizes of
watch cases. He made them from old rubber heels, cut to fit the
watch cases closely. Danger of breaking the crystal is also
overcome.—C. E. Drayer, Cleveland, Ohio.
Spring Roost Releases Poultry-House Door Latch

The Door is Opened Automatically When the Fowl Leave Their Roost

Those in the habit of shutting their poultry houses at night to

prevent disturbance or loss by night-prowling animals, will be
interested in a contrivance that makes this unnecessary. The
principle of the mechanism, as illustrated is that the opening to the
poultry house is closed after the fowls have gone to roost, and in the
morning when they descend from the roost, the door automatically
opens, and they are free to go out. The spring door opens inside with
hinges at the side, and a suitable bumper. The spring has just
sufficient tension to cause the door to open when the catch is
The roost is fitted up as shown in the detail. One end is held by a
bolt, while the other rests on a coil spring compressed by the weight
of the fowls on the roost. A cord is attached at the spring end,
passing through pulleys to the door, where it is fastened to the end of
the bolt catch. The door is closed after the fowls are on the roost.
The spring end is compressed to a level position, by their weight.
The instant the birds leave the roost, it rises and pulls the cord,
releasing the catch, and permitting the door to open.—George S.
Brown, Norwich, Conn.
A Child’s Bell-Ringing Hoop
In making this useful toy, first, a wheel from an old baby carriage
was stripped of the tire; then two laths are fastened together at one
end, and the wheel inserted between them, at the other end, and
held by a bolt. A strong cord was passed around the groove in the
wheel, and around a spool, nailed so as to turn on the side of the
lath when the wheel is rotated. Driven into the rim of the spool are
three nails, which strike against the old alarm-clock bell, fastened as
indicated.—W. F. MacGregor, Toronto, Can.

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