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Tender/Proposal Detail: View Notice

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Tender/Proposal Detail

Invitation Reference ET/BAG/3722; Date:

Tender/Proposal ID : 871288
No. : 05/09/2023
Closing Date and Opening Date and
25-Sep-2023 13:00 25-Sep-2023 13:00
Time : Time :

Procuring Entity : Bagerhat O&M Division

Construction of Flushing Cum Drainage Outlet at Km.11.007 of Polder-35/1 under
Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), Phase-1 as deposit work under
Brief :
Bagerhat O&M Division, BWDB, Bagerhat during the year 2022-23 & 2023-24.
(Package No.- CEIP-1/DS/P35/1/DPM-9/1-14)
Live View Notice
Status :
Form Name : Section 6. Bill of Quantities
Construction of Flushing Cum Drainage Outlet at Km.11.007 of Polder-35/1 under Coastal
Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), Phase-1 as deposit work under Bagerhat O&M
Form Header :
Division, BWDB, Bagerhat during the year 2022-23 & 2023-24. (Package No.-
Table Name : Bill of Quantities
Unit Total Total
Price Price Price
Ite Cod
Grou Measurem Quantit Unit Price (In (In (In (In
m e Description of Item
p ent Unit y figures: BDT) word figure word
no. (if
s: s: s:

1 1 1 Site preparation by sqm 2730.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

manually removing all 0 Tenderer/Consu
miscellaneous ltant - Money
objectional materials Positive(3 digits
from entire site and after decimal)
removing debris
including uprooting
stumps, jungle clearing,
levelling dressing etc.
complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.

2 2 2 Manufacturing, supplying each 2.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

& fixing in position RCC Tenderer/Consu
(1:2:4) Bench Mark ltant - Money
Pillars of size 150mm x Positive(3 digits
150mm x 750mm, with after decimal)
400mm x 400mm x
100mm base having 3
nos. 10mm dia MS bar
each way at base, 4 nos.
10mm dia vertical bar
and 8 nos. 6mm dia tie,
including cost of form
works, concreting,
reinforcement, plastering
at top, inscribing on
exposed surface,
finishing surface, curing,
earth cutting, embedding
450mm below GL.,
backfilling, ramming etc.
complete as per direction
of E-I-C.

3 3 3 Earth work in excavation cum 2204.39 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

of foundation of 6 Tenderer/Consu
structures by mechanical ltant - Money
(Hydraulic excavator - Positive(3 digits
Long Boom)/ manual after decimal)
means in all sorts of soil
up to specified depth in
accordance with
requirements of lines,
grades, cross sections
and elevation as shown
in the drawing including
setting out, removal of
stumps, logs, boulders
and other deleterious
materials, providing
necessary tools and
plants, construction of
shoring and bracing,
cleaning the excavated
materials to a safe
distance out of the site
premises, cut to a firm
surface including
pumping/ bailing out
water, removal of spoils
to a safe distance,
dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling of
trenches up to original
level with approved
material etc. all complete
as per approval of E-I-C.
Contractor shall get
acquainted with site
conditions, nature of soil
and adopt suitable
adequate dewatering
system as deemed fit for
the nature of soil and
prevailing water table to
get the surface
reasonably dry for laying
PCC at the time of
execution so that
execution will not be
hampered or delayed.
Back filled materials shall
be compacted to a
density comparable with
the adjacent undisturbed
For depth 3m to 6m

4 4 4 Earth work by carried cum 1820.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

earth (by truck/boat or 0 Tenderer/Consu
any other means) ltant - Money
supplied at contractor's Positive(3 digits
own cost (including after decimal)
royalty) in constructing
cross bundh or ring
bundh, with clayey soil
(minimum 30% clay, 0-
40% silt and 0-30%
sand) beyond initial lead
of 300m with all leads
and lifts, throwing the
earth in layer not
exceeding 150mm in
thickness, including clod
breaking, benching the
side slopes, rough
dressing, clearing the
jungles, removing the
stumps, dug bailing and
75mm cambering etc.
complete as per design
specification and
direction of Engineer in
300m to 1.00 km.

5 5 5 Earth work by manual cum 1638.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

labour, in all kinds of soil 0 Tenderer/Consu
in removing the cross ltant - Money
bundh/ ring bundh, Positive(3 digits
including all leads and after decimal)
lifts complete and placing
the spoils to a safe
distance, (minimun 15m
apart from the bank) as
per direction of Engineer
in charge.

6 6 6 Earth work by cum 3210.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Mechanical Excavator 0 Tenderer/Consu
( Long Boom ) in all ltant - Money
kinds of soil in Positive(3 digits
excavation / re- after decimal)
excavation of
channel/canal/khal etc.
Including disposal of
spoil-soil upto 30m away
from the point of
excavation with rough
dressing and levelling
etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer-in-

7 7 7 Construction of sump each 4.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

well with dug holes of Tenderer/Consu
size 1.80 m x 2.0 m, ltant - Money
laying in position the Positive(3 digits
perforated empty after decimal)
diesel/petrol drum sheet
of 1.00 m dia to a depth
1.5m having slot area of
1000, slot dia
being 30mm each with
supply of necessary
shrouding materials
comprising of 60%
40mm down graded
khoa and 40% coarse
sand of FM >=2.50 and
placing those around and
beneath the drum sheet
having thickness of 40cm
and 50cm respectively
including necessary
welding, fitting etc.
complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.

8 8 8 Bailing out of water with cum 3202.40 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
all leads and lifts by 3 Tenderer/Consu
manual labour or pump, ltant - Money
with all arrangements for Positive(3 digits
protection of ring bund after decimal)
and side slopes of
foundation pit against
erosion or washout etc.
complete actual volume
of work will be measured
by sounding method
before starting the work)
as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
by pump.

9 9 9 Supplying at site U- m.ton 14.496 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

shape hot rolled steel Tenderer/Consu
sheet pile of different ltant - Money
section of Positive(3 digits
Phosphorus=0.04% after decimal)
(Maximum), Sulphur =
0.04% (Maximum),
Tensile strength= > 490
N/mm2 , Yield strength =
>296 N/mm2, Elongation
=15% (Minimum)
including all taxes,
freights, incidental
charges etc. complete as
per direction of the
Engineer -in charge.
U-shape, hot- rolled steel
sheet pile width= 400mm
to 600mm:

10 10 10 Cutting of steel sheet m 20.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

piles to design length Tenderer/Consu
and shape as per ltant - Money
requirement in design Positive(3 digits
and drawing and as per after decimal)
direction of Engineer in
Upto 10mm thick.

11 11 11 Driving steel sheet piles sqm 109.475 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
of various sections and Tenderer/Consu
weights of any type of ltant - Money
soil, by monkey hammer Positive(3 digits
including handling and after decimal)
placing in position,
staging and supplying of
all equipments like
monkey hammer, pully,
rope, bamboo, bullah
etc. including correcting
leaning beyond tolerance
& other defects and any
other incidental cost etc.
complete (measurement
will be taken on
projected width x height)
as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
U-type or any other
type : Upto 4.50 m depth.

12 12 12 Supplying and placing sqm 22.650 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

20mm thick hessian cloth Tenderer/Consu
impregnated with ltant - Money
bitumen in expansion Positive(3 digits
joints or on top of sheet after decimal)
piles as per specification
and direction of Engineer
in charge.

13 13 13 Plain cement concrete cum 22.784 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

work in foundation with Tenderer/Consu
minimum compressive ltant - Money
strength of 10 MPa at 28 Positive(3 digits
days (sugessted mix after decimal)
proportion 1:3:6) on
standard cylinder as per
standard practice of
and cement conforming
to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003
42.5N, sand of minimum
FM 1.8 and 20mm down
well graded 1st class/
picked brick chips (LAA
value not exceeding 40)
comforming to ASTM C
33 including breaking
bricks into chips,
shuttering, mixing by
concrete mixer machine,
casting, laying
compacting and curing
for the requisite period
etc. all complete as per
direction of the E-I-C.
Additional quantity of
cement to be added if
required to attain the
strength at the
contractor's own cost.

14 14 14 RCC-25SCCM: cum 120.249 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Reinforced cement Tenderer/Consu
concrete work with ltant - Money
minimum cement content Positive(3 digits
relates to mix ratio after decimal)
1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4
having minimum required
average strength, f'cr =
33.5 MPa and satisfying
a compressive strength
f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days
on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of
and cement conforming
to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003
42.5N, high range water
reducing admixture of
complying type A or F
under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to
be fixed by the mix
design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and
20mm down well graded
crushed stone chips
broken from boulders
(Preferably stone chips
from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not
exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33
including breaking chips,
screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing
shutter in position,
making shutter water-
tight properly, placing
reinforcement in position,
mixing in standard
mixture machine with
hoper, maintaining
allowable slump of
75mm to 100mm, casting
in forms, compacting by
mechanical vibrator
machine, curing for 28
days, removing
centering-shuttering after
approved specified time
period, other incidental
charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing,
specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of
reinforcement and it's
fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding
etc. is not included but
the cost of admixture is
included in this unit rate.
Additional quantity of
cement to be added if
required to attain the
strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete
For pile caps, abutment
base, facing elements of
Stabilized Earth
Structure, bottom slab of
Box Culvert etc.

15 15 15 RCC-25SCCM: cum 134.953 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Reinforced cement Tenderer/Consu
concrete work with ltant - Money
minimum cement content Positive(3 digits
relates to mix ratio after decimal)
1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4
having minimum required
average strength, f'cr =
33.5 MPa and satisfying
a compressive strength
f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days
on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of
and cement conforming
to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003
42.5N, high range water
reducing admixture of
complying type A or F
under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to
be fixed by the mix
design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and
20mm down well graded
crushed stone chips
broken from boulders
(Preferably stone chips
from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not
exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33
including breaking chips,
screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing
shutter in position,
making shutter water-
tight properly, placing
reinforcement in position,
mixing in standard
mixture machine with
hoper, maintaining
allowable slump of
75mm to 100mm, casting
in forms, compacting by
mechanical vibrator
machine, curing for 28
days, removing
centering-shuttering after
approved specified time
period, other incidental
charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing,
specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of
reinforcement and it's
fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding
etc. is not included but
the cost of admixture is
included in this unit rate.
Additional quantity of
cement to be added if
required to attain the
strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete
For diaphragm walls,
wing walls, piers,
columns, projected pile
cap above water level,
pier caps, abutments of
bridges and vertical
members of box culverts.
For height up to 5m

16 16 16 RCC-25SCCM: cum 4.725 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Reinforced cement Tenderer/Consu
concrete work with ltant - Money
minimum cement content Positive(3 digits
relates to mix ratio after decimal)
1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4
having minimum required
average strength, f'cr =
33.5 MPa and satisfying
a compressive strength
f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days
on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of
and cement conforming
to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003
42.5N, high range water
reducing admixture of
complying type A or F
under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to
be fixed by the mix
design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and
20mm down well graded
crushed stone chips
broken from boulders
(Preferably stone chips
from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not
exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33
including breaking chips,
screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing
shutter in position,
making shutter water-
tight properly, placing
reinforcement in position,
mixing in standard
mixture machine with
hoper, maintaining
allowable slump of
75mm to 100mm, casting
in forms, compacting by
mechanical vibrator
machine, curing for 28
days, removing
centering-shuttering after
approved specified time
period, other incidental
charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing,
specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of
reinforcement and it's
fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding
etc. is not included but
the cost of admixture is
included in this unit rate.
Additional quantity of
cement to be added if
required to attain the
strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete
For RCC deck
supported on PSC Girder
using suspended type
staging/ centering and
shuttering for any height

17 17 17 RCC-25SCCM: cum 1.406 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Reinforced cement Tenderer/Consu
concrete work with ltant - Money
minimum cement content Positive(3 digits
relates to mix ratio after decimal)
1:1.5:3 and maximum
water cement ratio 0.4
having minimum required
average strength, f'cr =
33.5 MPa and satisfying
a compressive strength
f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days
on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of
and cement conforming
to BDS EN 197-1 : 2003
42.5N, high range water
reducing admixture of
complying type A or F
under ASTM C 494
(Doses of admixture to
be fixed by the mix
design), sand of
minimum FM 2.5 and
20mm down well graded
crushed stone chips
broken from boulders
(Preferably stone chips
from Madhyapara,
Dinajpur, LAA value not
exceeding 30)
conforming to ASTM C33
including breaking chips,
screening through proper
sieves, cleaning, placing
shutter in position,
making shutter water-
tight properly, placing
reinforcement in position,
mixing in standard
mixture machine with
hoper, maintaining
allowable slump of
75mm to 100mm, casting
in forms, compacting by
mechanical vibrator
machine, curing for 28
days, removing
centering-shuttering after
approved specified time
period, other incidental
charges, etc. all
complete as per drawing,
specification & direction
of the E-I-C. The cost of
reinforcement and it's
fabrication, welding,
coupling, placing, binding
etc. is not included but
the cost of admixture is
included in this unit rate.
Additional quantity of
cement to be added if
required to attain the
strength at the
contractor's own cost.
Note: Using Concrete
For cast-in-situ/ pre-cast
railing and rail post of
bridges & culverts
For cast-in-situ railing
and rail post

18 18 18 Supplying and fitting, each 23.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

fixing dowel bar in Tenderer/Consu
expansion joints of ltant - Money
hydraulic structures with Positive(3 digits
32 mm dia M.S.plain bar after decimal)
2000 mm long, hooked in
one end and painted at
the other end for a |
length of 900 mm with 40
mm dia 100) each mm
long G.I./M.S. pipe
closed at one end and
filled with 30 mm thick
compressible filler,
including placing in
position, binding with G.I.
Wire etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer
in charge.

19 19 19 Providing cork sqm 3.600 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

sheet/polysterene sheet Tenderer/Consu
in expansion joints of ltant - Money
concrete works including Positive(3 digits
supply of all materials after decimal)
etc,complete as per
direction of Engineer in
25 mm thick Sheet.

20 20 20 Supplying and fabrication kg 22832.4 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

of Ribbed or deformed 97 Tenderer/Consu
bar reinforcement for all ltant - Money
types of RCC work Positive(3 digits
including straightening, after decimal)
removing ruts, cleaning,
cutting, hooking,
bending, lapping and/or
welding wherever
required as directed,
placing in position, tieing
with 22 BWG black
annealed binding wire
(PVC coated in case of
FBEC rebar) double fold,
cost of binding wire and
anchoring to the
adjoining members
wherever necessary,
supplying and placing
with proper cover blocks
(1:1), supports, chairs,
spacers, splices or laps
etc. including cost of all
materials, cost of labour,
cost of equipment &
machinery, loading and
transportation, all other
incidental charges and
work at all leads and lifts
etc. to complete the work
as per design, drawing,
specifications and
direction of the E-I-C.
Measurement relating to
nominal mass,
dimensions and
tolerances of various
types of steel shall
conform to relevant BDS/
ASTM codes.
Reinforcement shall be
measured only in lengths
of bar as actually placed
in position on standard
weight i.e. 7850 kg/m3
(BNBC Table 6.2.1)
basis. No separate
payment shall be allowed
for chairs of any shape &
profile, spacer bar of any
shape & profile,
lap/splice & welding
unless otherwise shown
in the drawing,
wastages, binding wire
etc. as the cost of these
is included in the unit
Note: Tests for
reinforcing bars shall be
conducted at LGED/
Grade B420DWR:
Ribbed or Deformed bar
produced and marked as
per ISO 6935-2:2016/
ASTM A706M - 16 with
minimum yield strength,
fy(ReH) = 420 MPa but
fy(ReH) not exceeding
540 MPa, the ratio of
ultimate tensile strength,
fu(Rm) to actual yield
strength, fy(ReH) shall
be at least 1.25 and
minimum elongation in
200mm shall be at least
14% for bar sizes 10mm
through 20mm, at least
12% for bar sizes 22mm
through 32mm and at
least 10% for bar sizes
40mm and 50mm. - Using
retail rate of reinforcing

21 21 21 M.S. Work in plates, kg 2000.03 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

angles, channels, flat 0 Tenderer/Consu
bars, Tees etc. including ltant - Money
fabricating, machining, Positive(3 digits
cutting, bending, after decimal)
welding, forging, drilling,
revetting, embedding
anchor bars, staging and
fitting, fixing, local
handling etc. comlpete
with energy consumption
and supply of labours
including the cost of
materials as per design,
specification and
direction of Engineer in

22 22 22 Supply and fitting and m 27.560 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

fixing 23cm wide P.V.C Tenderer/Consu
water stops having ltant - Money
minimum strength of Positive(3 digits
13.80 N/mm² at 225% after decimal)
elongation and of
approved quality in
cntraction and expansion
joints with necessary
arrangments for
modification in shuttering
and kepping the water
stop in position etc.
complete as per design,
specification and
direction of Engineer in
3 bulb type.

23 23 23 Manufacturing and no 410.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

supplying C.C. blocks in Tenderer/Consu
leanest mix. 1:2:4 with ltant - Money
cement, sand (FM >=1.5) Positive(3 digits
and Stone Chips (40mm after decimal)
down graded) to attain a
28 days cylinder strength
of 15 N/mm² including
grading, washing stone
chips, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation,
curing for at least 21
days, preparation of one
layer of brick flat soling
platform finishing with
sand cement mortar,
shuttering (steel shutter
to be used) and stacking
in measurable stacks,
cost of all materials and
charges, etc. complete
as per technical
specification, approved
design and direction of
Engineer in charge.
Block size: 40cm x 40cm
x 40cm

24 24 24 Manufacturing and no 842.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

supplying C.C. blocks in Tenderer/Consu
leanest mix. 1:2:4 with ltant - Money
cement, sand (FM >=1.5) Positive(3 digits
and Stone Chips (40mm after decimal)
down graded) to attain a
28 days cylinder strength
of 15 N/mm² including
grading, washing stone
chips, mixing, laying in
forms, consolidation,
curing for at least 21
days, preparation of one
layer of brick flat soling
platform finishing with
sand cement mortar,
shuttering (steel shutter
to be used) and stacking
in measurable stacks,
cost of all materials and
charges, etc. complete
as per technical
specification, approved
design and direction of
Engineer in charge.
Block size: 30cm x 30cm
x 30cm

25 25 25 Supplying and placing sqm 80.880 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

non-woven needle Tenderer/Consu
punched type geotextile ltant - Money
fabric (97% Positive(3 digits
Polypropylene Fabric after decimal)
with 3% additives, unit
weight : 855 Kg/m3 to
946 Kg/m3, EOS<
=0.075 mm, Test of
service life according to
ISO 13438:2018, Test of
exposure time according
to EN 12224 :2000) as
filter materials of
elongation at maximum
force machine direction
(MD) >=60% and < =
100 % , elongation at
maximum force (CMD) =
> 40% and < =
100% ,horizontal and
vertical permeability
(under 2 kn/m²
pressure)= >2x10E-3
m/sec. for effective
erosion protection in
hydraulic structures/river
training works including
local handling, placing in
position, providing
machine seamed joints
(with 100%
polypropylene or nylon
thread) or 35cm lap in
dry condition or minimum
100cm lap under water
including protecting the
geotextile material from
UV ray and from any
other damages including
supply of all materials,
labours, equipment's etc.
complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
Mass = >400 gm/m²,
thickness(Under 2 kpa
pressure) = >3.00 mm,
EoS< =0.08mm, strip
tensile strength = >23
kn/m, grab strength =
>1500 N, CBR puncture
resistance = >3800 N.

26 26 26 Supplying and laying cum 19.668 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

sand as filter layers as Tenderer/Consu
per specific size ranges ltant - Money
and gradation including Positive(3 digits
preparation of surface, after decimal)
compacting in layer etc.
complete with supply of
all materials and as per
direction of Engineer in
FM : 1.0 to 1.5

27 27 27 Supplying and laying dry cum 15.062 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
1st class or pick jhama Tenderer/Consu
chips as filter in two ltant - Money
layers (top and bottom) Positive(3 digits
as per specific size, after decimal)
range and gradation,
including breaking chips,
grading, preparation of
surface, compacting
each layer etc. complete
with supply of all
materials and as per
direction of Engineer in
Well graded between
40mm to 20mm size

28 28 28 Supplying and laying dry cum 15.062 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
1st class or pick jhama Tenderer/Consu
chips as filter in two ltant - Money
layers (top and bottom) Positive(3 digits
as per specific size, after decimal)
range and gradation,
including breaking chips,
grading, preparation of
surface, compacting
each layer etc. complete
with supply of all
materials and as per
direction of Engineer in
Well graded between
20mm to 5mm size
29 29 29 Labour charge for cum 48.948 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
protective works in laying Tenderer/Consu
CC blocks of different ltant - Money
sizes including Positive(3 digits
preparation of base, after decimal)
watering and ramming of
base etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer
in charge.
Within 200 m.

30 30 30 Back filling in hydraulic cum 351.970 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

structures including all Tenderer/Consu
leads and lifts with sand ltant - Money
in 150mm layer including Positive(3 digits
watering, ramming, after decimal)
compacting to 30%
relative density etc.
complete by compactor
or any other suitable
method as per direction
of Engineer in charge.
Sand of FM >=0.80

31 31 31 Supplying and filling cum 152.534 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

sand in foundation of Tenderer/Consu
hydraulic structures, ltant - Money
buildings and in Positive(3 digits
protective works with after decimal)
selected sand, in 150mm
thick layer, including
levelling, dressing,
ramming, watering etc.
complete (compacted to
50% relative density by
manual labour using
mallet/vibro compactor)
as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
sand of FM >=1.50

32 32 32 Earth work by carried cum 2160.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

earth (by truck/boat or 0 Tenderer/Consu
any other means) ltant - Money
supplied at contractor's Positive(3 digits
own cost (including after decimal)
royalty) in
of the embankment/
canal bank/ road etc. by
Mechanical Excavator
(Long Boon) compacted
to 85%/90% maximum
dry density at optimum
moisture content with
reference to laboratory
density test AASHTO
modified hammer, with
clayey soil (minimum
30% clay, 0-40% silt and
0-30% sand) beyond
initial lead of 300m
including throwing the
spoils to profiles in layer
not exceeding 230mm in
thickness with clod
breaking to maximum
size of 100mm, benching
the side slopes,
removing roots and
stumps of trees of girth
upto 200mm, stripping/
ploughing the base of
embankment and borrow
pit area, dug bailing,
clearing jungles, rough
dressing including
150mm cambering at the
centre of crest with all
leads and lifts complete
(compaction will be done
by the contractor with
approved equipment
including all ancillary
charges for compaction
and testing) as per
direction of Engineer in
300 m to 1 km and
Embk. ht: 0 to 4 m with
90% Comp.

33 33 33 Fine dressing and close sqm 1092.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
turfing of the slopes and 0 Tenderer/Consu
the crest of embankment ltant - Money
with 75mm thick, good Positive(3 digits
quality durba or after decimal)
charkanta sods of size
200mm x 200mm, with
all leads and lifts
including ramming,
watering until the turf
grows properly,
maintaining etc.complete
(measurement will be
given on well grown
grass only). as per
direction of Engineer in

34 34 34 Manufacturing & no 1.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Supplying of M.S. Tenderer/Consu
Vertical Lift Gate shutter ltant - Money
having 8mm thick M.S. Positive(3 digits
skin plate and stiffener after decimal)
with minimum 75mm x
75mm x 9mm M.S. angle
(Top & Bottom beam,
Horizontal main beam
and End vertical beam)
as frame, 28mm x 53mm
x 15mm P-type top &
side rubber seal fixed
with 10mm x 55mm S.S.
counter shank bolts with
nuts and 25mm x 6mm
S.S. strip as clamp
drilled spaces @ 150mm
c/c, U-type or Flat bottom
rubber seal, threaded
stem attachment with
bottom socket, nut bolts,
cotter pin and washer as
per approved design
including the cost of all
materials of proper grade
& brand new with a
prime coat of red-oxide
and three final coat of
coaltar epoxy paint
(marine quality) where
necessary as per
specification and
direction of Engineer in
Size 1.05m x 1.275m
(Vent 0.9m x 1.2m)

35 35 35 Manufacturing & no 1.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

Supplying of M.S. Flap Tenderer/Consu
Gate shutter of 8mm ltant - Money
thick M.S. skin plate and Positive(3 digits
stiffener with minimum after decimal)
75mm x 75mm x 9mm
M.S. angle as frame,
horizontal & vertical
beam, 28mm x 53mm x
15mm P-type rubber
seal, fixed with 10mm x
55mm S.S. counter
shank bolts with nuts and
25mm x 6mm S.S. strip
as clamp drilled spaces
@ 150mm c/c, hinge
assy with gate and wall
bracket, link arm of
16mm thick M.S. plate, 4
nos .35mm S.S. hinge
pin with proper thread,
nut-bolts, cotter pin and
washer as per approved
design including the cost
of all materials of proper
grade & brand new with
a prime coat of red-oxide
and three final coat of
coaltar epoxy paint
(marine quality) where
necessary as per
specification and
direction of Engineer in
Size 1.05m x 1.275m
(Vent 0.9m x 1.2m)

36 36 36 Labour charge for fitting each 2.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
and fixing of M.S. vertical Tenderer/Consu
lift gate/ flap gate ltant - Money
shutters of different size Positive(3 digits
including making holes in after decimal)
concrete for hooking
arrangements with
supply of necessary
materials, tools and other
accessories required for
fitting the same to
Regulator/ sluice and
mending the damages
with CC (1:2:4),
removing the spoils etc.
complete including the
cost of all materials as
per direction of Engineer
in charge.
Size: 1.00m x 1.00m or
1.35m x 1.35m

37 37 37 Manufacturing, supplying each 1.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

and Installation of Tenderer/Consu
Padestal type lifting ltant - Money
device for slide gate with Positive(3 digits
63mm dia threaded steel after decimal)
shaft, 146mm outer dia
bronze nut, thrust
bearing, steel bevel gear
etc. as per approved
design including supply
of all components,
labours with a prime coat
of redoxide where
necessary etc. complete
including the cost of all
materials as per
specification and
direction of Engineer in

38 38 38 Execution of sand pile m 2678.00 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

through displacement 0 Tenderer/Consu
method by using tripod ltant - Money
rig, mechanical winch, Positive(3 digits
special type drop after decimal)
hammer (weighing
minimum 1.00 ton) and
casing pipe of inner dia
250mm to 300mm upto a
maximum depth of 6.5m,
compacting the sand
with desired sand force
volume and FM value of
sand upto desired
relative density (60% to
65%), to attain the
desired SPT value
between sand piles etc.
complete including the
cost of compacted sand
as per design,
specification and
direction of Engineer in
Sand force Vol. 0.35
cum/m, FM >=2.0

39 39 39 Constructing at site, m 6.000 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

cement mortar gauge on Tenderer/Consu
masonry wall, including ltant - Money
engraving in meter, Positive(3 digits
decimeter & centimeter, after decimal)
painting and figuring with
black and red water
proof paint, etc. complete
as per direction of
Engineer in charge.
150mm x 25mm
40 40 40 Supplying, fitting and m 12.600 Fill By Auto Auto Auto
fixing of G.I. pipe with all Tenderer/Consu
special fittings, such as ltant - Money
bends, elbows, sockets, Positive(3 digits
reducing sockets, Tee, after decimal)
unions, jam-nuts etc.
including cutting
trenches where
necessary and fitting the
same with earth duly
rammed and fixing in
walls with holder bats
and making hole in
floors, walls and
consequent mending
good the damages etc.
all complete in all
respects approved and
accepted by the
Engineer- in- charge.
40 mm dia G.I. pipe with
wall thickness 3.25 mm,
outside diameter min
46.5 mm, weight 3.83
kg/m, can withstand min
50 kg/cm2 hydraulic

41 41 41 Supplying, fitting and sqm 1.080 Fill By Auto Auto Auto

fixing 18mm thick marble Tenderer/Consu
Name plate including ltant - Money
cost of materials, labour, Positive(3 digits
form work, engraving after decimal)
neatly the approved
Sample given by the
engineer etc. complete
as per drawings and
direction of the Engineer-

Fill By Auto Auto Auto

ltant - Money
Positive(3 digits
after decimal)

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