Boq Comparison Block A
Boq Comparison Block A
Boq Comparison Block A
Qty Actual Quantity in bill RATE RATE(2017) Amount
Description of iems Unit
1.1 Excavation (by mechanical/manual) in all kinds of soil, wet or dry (such as
yellow murrum, hard murrum / or mixture of any kind, in loose and slushy
condition, to the required level for foundations, trenches, rafts, plinths, plinth area
leveling, etc. as directed etc. all complete as per drawing , design and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
1.3 Backfilling (on completion of RCC works) and banking with approved good
quality earth in plinths, etc. in layers not exceeding 200mm in depth, breaking
clods, watering, compacting each layer with vibratory compactor and at
inaccessible places with wooden/steel rammers to achieve 95% proctor density at
optimum moisture content; dressing up embankments; if required, 0.00 0.00
bailing/pumping out of water to keep site dry while back filling; costs includes
conveyance of all materials, labour, machinery etc. complete as per direction of
the PM to his entire satisfaction
a) With selected excavated earth available within plot. Cu.M 2433.30 2431.18 35.75 83.80 86914.69 203732.88
b) Providing and filling with approved earth obtained from outside Cu.M 0.00 0.00
2.1 Providing, machine mixing and laying M15(1:2:4) grade plain cement concrete
(PCC) with minimum cementetious content 220Kg/Cum ; using 20mm &40mm
nominal size well-graded approved quality aggregate and river sand as approved,
maximum water cement ratio - 0.5; including ompacting, curing, establishing
approved dewatering system to keep site dry all time, cleaning, preparing 4969.95 0.00 0.00
surfaces, junctions, etc. excluding shuttering complete to the satisfaction of the
PM at all depths and leads.
a) Below Pile cap/Plinth beams/Foundations etc. Cu.M 169.88 169.88 342.00 900.00 58098.96 152892.00
2.2 Providing, machine mixing and laying designed mix, grade M 25, reinforced Cu.M 956.09
cement concrete (RCC) in substructure for raft, footings, stub
columns/columns, beams, walls etc., with minimum cementitious content 400
Kg/Cum inlcuding use of fly ash about 25% of minimum cement content, using
20 mm nominal size well-graded approved quality aggregate and river sand as per
approved design mix; maximum water cement ratio 0.42 including using
approved admixtures, vibrating / compacting, curing, scaffolding, cleaning,
preparing surfaces, junctions, hacking closely surfaces to be plastered etc; further 956.09 423.00 10000.00 404426.07 9560900.00
excluding centering/shuttering of any shape and design, with required height of
mild steel stagging & supporting and its removal but excluding reinforcement;
complete to the satisfaction of the PM at all depths, heights and leads.
3.1 Providing, straightening, cutting, bending and binding in position reinforcement
bars, to correct shape and size as per detailed drawings, specifications and
checking bar bending schedules as issued by PM, for all reinforced concrete work
in sub structure such as footings, walls, columns / stub columns, plinth beams,
slabs, rafts etc.; with correct size PVC cover blocks or approved concrete cover
blocks of same grade as of concrete and galvanized/MS binding wire of 18 gauge;
where required carryout dewatering, provide required labour and machines /
equipments / tools /tackles for handling, shifting, bending, binding, etc. all
complete to the satisfaction of the PM at all depths & leads.
a) Tor HYSD bars - Fe-415 grade confirming to IS 1786. Kg 73004.07 73004.07 3.00 8.00 219012.21 584032.56
4.1 Providing, Fixing & removal of formwork /shuttering of any shape and
design with required height of staging & supporting etc for sub structure
as per design, drawing & specifications, including all materials, labour 0.00 0.00
and T&P complete as per directives by Engineer-In- Charge to his entire
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Qty Actual Quantity in bill RATE RATE(2017) Amount
Description of iems Unit
1.2 Providing, machine mixing and laying designed mix, grade M 25, reinforced
cement concrete (RCC) in superstructure for stub columns/columns, beams,
slabs, staircase waist slabs, pardi, walls etc., with minimum cementitious content
400 Kg/Cum inlcuding use of fly ash about 25% of minimum cement content,
using 20 mm nominal size well-graded approved quality aggregate and river sand
as per approved design mix; maximum water cement ratio 0.42 including using
approved admixtures, vibrating / compacting, curing, scaffolding, cleaning,
preparing surfaces, junctions, hacking closely surfaces to be plastered etc; further
excluding centering/shuttering of any shape
and design, with required height of mild steel stagging & supporting and its
removal but excluding reinforcement; complete to the satisfaction of the PM at all
depths, heights
i) Columns, Pardi & Wall etc Cu.M 420.66 430.47 718.72 1300.00 309383.74 559605.80
ii) Beams, Slabs, Staircase & Waist Slabs, OH Tanks etc. Cu.M 1339.17 1324.92 736.20 1400.00 975400.64 1854886.60
2.1 Providing, straightening, cutting, bending and binding in position reinforcement
bars, to correct shape and size as per detailed drawings, specifications and
checking barbending schedules as issued by PM, for all reinforced concrete work
in superstructure such as footings, walls, columns / stub columns, plinth beams,
slabs, rafts etc.; with correct size PVC cover blocks or approved concrete cover
blocks of same grade as of concrete and galvanized/MS binding wire of 18 gauge;
where required carryout dewatering, provide required labour and machines /
equipments / tools /tackles for handling, shifting, bending, binding, etc. all
complete to the satisfaction of the PM at all depths & leads.
a) Tor HYSD bars - Fe-415 grade confirming to IS 1786. Kgs 219389.07 219289.09 5.54 10.00 1215260.25 2192890.88
3.1 Providing, Fixing & removal of formwork /shuttering of any shape and
design with required height of staging & supporting etc for sub structure
as per design, drawing & specifications, including all materials, labour 0.00 0.00
and T&P complete as per directives by Engineer-In- Charge to his entire
a) Sup-Structure( column footing & combined footing, columns up to Sq.M 16083.58 16087.56 67.92 120.00
plinth). 1092681.63 1930507.08
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Qty Actual Quantity in bill RATE RATE(2017) Amount
Description of iems Unit
4.2 Providing and constructing half brick (115mm thick) masonry with locally
available good quality bricks having minimum crushing strength 105 Kg/Sq. cm
and maximum water absorption 20%, in cement mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement :
4 C. Sand) in specified courses and of approved bond; including providing RCC
patli beam of 115mm x 100 mm at every 1.00m C/C with 2 nos. 8 mm dia Tor
bars and 6 mm dia links at 300 c/c in cement concrete of grade M 20,/anchor
fastners required formwork complete with raking out joints, curing, doing 0.00
independent double legged scaffolding as per specifications etc. at all heights and
leads and as directed by PM to his entire satisfaction.(Patli beam /anchor fastners
are part of the item, concrete, reinforcement & shuttering will not be measured
5.2 Providing and applying of 12mm thick plaster in cement mortar mix ratio 1:6 (1 Sq.M 9385.92 16770.79 43.80 153.25
cement : 2 coarse. sand: 4 fine sand) on smooth side of internal wall of masonry
work/concrete work ; including raking of joints, preparing junction of concrete /
masonry by neat cleaning, pointing /grouting using non- shrink mortar and further
grouting junctions by pressing square crush aggregate, preparing jambs, sills,
pattas, wattas, rounding of corners, providing and fixing 20 gauge G.I chicken
wire mesh @ 150 mm wide to junctions of concrete and masonry scaffolding
including all material (except cement), labour and T&P, curing etc complete as 734476.75 2570123.57
per design, drawings specifications etc. at all heights & leads and as per directive
by Engineer-In-Charge to his entire satisfaction. (Making grooves & Chicken
wire mesh shall be measured & paid separately under item no.5.5 & 5.6).
5.3 Providing and applying of 15mm thick plaster in cement sand mortar of mix Sq.M 4022.00 9387.65 55.40 173.30
ratio CM 1:6 (1 cement : 2 coarse. sand: 4 fine sand) on rough surfaces of
internal walls of masonry work/concrete work ; including raking of joints,
preparing junction of concrete / masonry by neat cleaning, pointing /grouting
using non- shrink mortar and further grouting junctions by pressing square crush
aggregate, providing and fixing 20 gauge G.I chicken wire mesh @ 150 mm wide
to junctions of concrete and masonry preparing jambs, sills, pattas, wattas,
rounding of corners doing scaffolding as per specifications, including all material 520075.81 1626879.75
(except cement), labour and T&P,curing etc, complete as per design, drawings
specifications etc. at all heights & leads and as per directive by Engineer-In-
Charge to his entire satisfaction. (Making grooves & Chicken wire mesh shall be
measured & paid separately under item no.5.5 & 5.6).
5.4 Providing and applying of 18 mm thick cement plaster in two coats under layer Sq.M 10525.88
12mm thick cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 2 c.sand : 3 f.sand) and a top layer
6mm cement mortar plaster(1:5) 1cement:2 c.sand:3f.sand) including adding 2%
by weight of cement approved waterproofing compound finished or as required to
receive specified architectural external finish to correct line, plumb and level to
external faces of walls, sofits/ceiling if any, including hacking concrete surfaces,
racking out junctions of masonry and concrete, then pointing and grouting using
non-shrinking compound and joints grouted by pressing square crushed stone,
preparing jambs, sills, pattas, wattas, rounding of corners etc including all 0.00
materials, labour and T&P at all heights, depths and leads and as directive by
Engineer-In-Charge to his entire satisfaction.
5.5 Providing & Fixing of 20 gauge G.I chicken wire mesh 200mm wide to
junctions of concrete and masonary work to internal/external includingall
materials & labour etc.complete in all respect against item no: 5.1,5.2,5.3&5.4. 0.00
i) Stilt to 9th floor (internal)/above R.M 5847.88 4587.12 15.00 63.20 68806.80 289905.98
ii) Stilt to 9th floor (external) /above R.M 4987.12 0.00
5.6 Making of groove of uniform size 25mm x12mm in plaster surface as per
approved pattern and finishing the groove, complete in all repect as per design, 0.00
drawing or as directives by Engineer-In-Charge.
i) Stilt to 9th floor (external)/above R.M 7000.00 5570.98 16.00 72.15 89135.68 401946.21
6.1 Providing and Re-barring work in columns at lintel level at the location where
the doors/windows 0.00
i) For 8mm dia bar, 12mm dia Hole of depth 75mm Nos 550.00 0.00
ii) For 10mm dia bar, 14mm dia Hole of depth 75mm Nos 550.00 0.00
1.1 Providing and Laying of Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles in flooring (as per approved
sample & size), conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved pattern, line,
required level, as per details in drawing or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
Tiles to be bedded in cement sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c.sand, avg.
18 mm to 28 mm thick), mixed with Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-
21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-
Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of cement or equivalent), including cleaning and
preparing the surface for bedding, spreading neat cement slurry by using
minimum cement about 2 kg/sqm prior to bedding and spreading cement paste
using minimum cement about 4.5 kg/sqm over bedding, including joints to be 0.00
cleaned and grouted with matching colour approved quality waterproof grout
(make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc.
Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the drawing,
I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
a) Living & Dining Room, Internal Passage, Bed Room Sq.M 1765.00 1468.44 197.00 786.67 289282.68 1155172.80
1.2 Providing & Fixing of 100mm high Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles skirting (as per
approved sample, Cut from approved tiles used for flooring ), conforming to I.S
Specification, laid in approved pattern, Perfect line, level & plumb, as per details
in drawing. Tiles to be fixed with cement slurry in correct line, level & plumb
with plastered wall / P.O.P with Cement Sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4
c.sand, avg. 12mm thick), mixed with Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit
CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl,
make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of cement or equivalent), including joints 0.00 0.00
to be cleaned and grouted with matching colour approved quality waterproof
grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc.
Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the drawing,
I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
a) Living & Dining Room, Internal Passage, Bed Room R.M 1123.20 1123.20 60.00 220.00 67392.00 247104.00
1.3 Providing and Laying of Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles in flooring (as per approved
sample & size), conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved pattern, line,
required gradient / slopes / level, as per details in drawing or as directed by the
Engineer-In-Charge. Tiles to be bedded in cement sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1
cement : 4 c.sand, Avg. 15 to 28 mm thick), mixed with Plasticizer of approved
make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or
Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of cement or equivalent),
including cleaning and preparing the surface for bedding, spreading neat cement
slurry by using minimum cement about 2 kg/sqm prior to bedding and spreading
cement paste using minimum cement about 4.5 kg/sqm over bedding, including 0.00 0.00
joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching colour approved quality
waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing,
cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the
drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In-
a) Store Room, Common Passage & Lift Lobby / Corridor & Stilt floor , Terrace Sq.M 417.51 463.02 197.00 786.67
Toiet, Store Kitchen.balcony 91214.94 364242.40
1.4 Providing and Fixing of 100mm high Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles skirting (as per
approved sample, Cut from approved tiles used for flooring ), conforming to I.S
specification, laid in approved pattern, Perfect line, level & Plumb, as per details
in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, Tiles to be fixed with
cement slurry in correct line, level & plumb with plastered wall / P.O.P with
cement sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c.sand, avg. 12mm thick), mixed
with Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500
ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg
bag of cement or equivalent), including joints to be cleaned and grouted with 0.00 0.00
matching colour approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite /
Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and
leads, as per details in the drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction
of the Engineer-In-Charge.
a) Balcony, Store Room, Common Passage & Lift Lobby / Corridor & Stilt Floor R.M 909.80 808.02 60.00 220.00
Society Room. 48481.20 177764.40
1.5 Providing and Laying of Anti / Non-Skid Ceramic Tiles in flooring (as per
approved sample & size), conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved
pattern, line, required gradient / slopes / Level, as per details in drawing or as
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Tiles to be bedded in cement sand mortar
mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c. sand, avg. 10 to 20 mm thick), mixed with
Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per
50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of
cement or equivalent), including cleaning and preparing the surface for bedding,
spreading neat cement slurry by using minimum cement about 2 kg/sqm prior to
bedding and spreading cement paste using minimum cement about 4.5 kg/sqm 0.00 0.00
over bedding in most of the part of floor & some part of floor near spout (+15
mm) tiles to be fixed with Adhesive (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or
equivalent) , including joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching colour
approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or
equivalent), curing, cleaning etc.
a) Kitchen utility, terrace(at Ist floor & pent house) &Toilet Sq.M 728.23 728.23 197.00 786.67 143461.31 572874.27
1.6 Providing and Fixing of 100mm high Ceramic Tiles skirting (as per approved
sample, Cut from approved tiles used for flooring ), conforming to I.S
specification, laid in approved pattern, Perfect line, level & Plumb, as per details
in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, Tiles to be fixed with
cement slurry in correct line, level & plumb with plastered wall with cement sand
mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c.sand, avg. 12mm thick), mixed with
Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per
50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of 0.00 0.00
cement or equivalent), including joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching
colour approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or
equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per
details in the drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the
a) Kitchen utility, terrace(at Ist floor & Pent house) R.M 594.00 594.00 60.00 220.00 35640.00 130680.00
3/8 483654973.xlsx/BOQ(Type A)
Qty Actual Quantity in bill RATE RATE(2017) Amount
Description of iems Unit
1.7 Providing and Fixing of Ceramic Tiles in Dado (as per approved sample & size ),
conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved pattern, Perfect line, level &
Plumb, as per details in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, Tiles
to be fixed by cement slurry to correct line, level & plumb on wall plastered
with cement sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c. sand, avg. 12mm thick),
mixed with Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite,
dosage-500 ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg
Per 50 kg bag of cement or equivalent), including joints to be cleaned and grouted
with matching colour approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / 0.00 0.00
Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect,
heights and leads, as per details in the drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions &
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
a) Granite Stone Kitchen Platform (Top of the Counter) & Facia Sq.M 129.60 129.60 1275.00 3083.40 165240.00 399608.64
2.2 Providing and Laying of 15 mm thick machine polished Granite Stone in flooring
(as per approved sample & size), conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved
pattern & size, line, required gradient / slopes / level, as per details in drawing or
as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Stone to be bedded in cement. Sand
mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c.sand, avg. 15 mm thick), mixed with
Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per
50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of
cement or equivalent), including cleaning and preparing the surface for bedding,
spreading neat cement slurry by using minimum cement about 2 kg/sqm prior to
bedding and spreading cement paste using minimum cement about 4.5 kg/sqm 0.00 0.00
over bedding, including joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching colour
approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or
equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per
details in the drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the
a) Stilt Floor Common Passage & Lift Lobby / Corridor Sq.M 47.76 47.76 376.00 1466.35 17957.76 70032.88
2.3 Providing & Fixing of 100mm high machine polished Granite Stone in skirting
(as per approved sample & size, Cut from approved Stone used for flooring ),
conforming to I.S Specification, laid in approved pattern, Perfect Line, Level &
Plumb, as per detail in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, Stone to
be fixed with cement slurry in correct line, level & plumb with plastered wall /
P.O.P with Cement.Sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c. sand, avg. 12mm
thick), mixed with Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite
or Cico Acryl, make-Cico or any equivalent Brand ) in specified ratio of cement
(by weight) recommended by the manufacturer, including joints to be cleaned and
grouted with matching colour approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika 0.00
/ Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect,
heights and leads, as per details in the drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions &
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
a) Stilt Floor Common Passage & Lift Lobby / Corridor R.M 38.77 38.77 114.80 335.20 4450.80 12995.70
3.1 Providing and Fixing of 30mm thick(approx) Red sand stone / Local Stone for Sq.M 114.08 114.08 463.00 1894.75
Kitchen Platform ( bottom of the counter ) as per approved sample , conforming
to I. S specification, laid in perfect line, level, as per details in drawing or as
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, red sand / local stone to be fixed over
vertical members & horizontal support one side brick wall in cement sand mortar
mix ratio 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c. sand ), including curing, cleaning, required cutting
52819.04 216153.08
in stone to receive stainless steel sink, rounded / chamfered of cut edges etc,
Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the drawing,
specifications, instructions & I.S. satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
3.2 Providing and Fxing of 30mm thick(approx) Red sand / Local Stone for Vertical Sq.M 112.94 112.64 440.00 1207.90
Support of Kitchen Platform (as per approved sample ), conforming to I.S
specification, laid in perfect line, & plumb, as per details in drawing or as
directed by the PM, stone to be fixed in cement sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1
cement : 4 c. sand, including chase cutting, curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all 49561.60 136057.86
respect, heights and leads, as per details in the drawing, specifications,
instructions & I.S. satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
4.2 Providing and Fixing and polishing of cut size Locally available kota Stone in Sq.M 90.44 90.44 500.00 954.10
Riser of Staircase (162mm wide) as per approved sample, size & avg. thickness
18-22mm thick, conforming to I.S specification, fixed in perfect line, level, as per
details in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Riser to be fixed in
cement slurry over plastered/finished surface in cement mortar mix ratio 1:3 (1
cement : 3 c. sand ), including preparing and cleaning surfaces, joints to be 45220.00 86288.80
cleaned and grouted with matching colour approved quality waterproof grout
(make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing, cleaning etc.
Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the drawing.
4.3 Providing and Fixing and polishing of cut size Locally available kota Stone in R.M 450.00 441.49 119.00 350.10
Skirting ( as per approved stone used for flooring), conforming to I.S
specification, laid in approved pattern, perfect line, level & plumb as per details
in drawing or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge. Skirting to be fixed with
cement slurry in correct line, level & plumb with plastered wall/P.O.P with
cement sand mortar mix 1: 4 (1 cement : 4 c. sand, avg. 12mm thick), mixed with
Plasticizer of approved make ( Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per
50 kg bag of cement or Cico Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 kg per 50 kg bag of
cement or equivalent), including preparing and cleaning surfaces, spreading
52537.31 154565.65
cement slurry using minimum cement 2 kg/sqm over prepared surface and 4.5
kg/sqm over bedding, including joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching
colour approved quality waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or
equivalent), curing, cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per
details in the drawing.
a) Polished Granite Stone in Lift Wall Cladding Sq.M 54.18 55.53 918.50 2515.00 51004.31 139657.95
5.2 Providind and Fixing of Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles in Lift Wall Cladding (as per
approved sample& size ), conforming to I.S specification, laid in approved
pattern, perfect line, level & plumb, as per details in drawing or as directed by the
Engineer-In-Charge, Tiles to be fixed with cement slurry in correct line, level &
plumb with plastered wall / P.O.P with cement. Sand mortar mix ratio 1:4 (1
cement : 4 c. sand, avg. 20 mm thick), mixed with Plasticizer of approved make (
Dr. Fixit CF-21, make-Pidilite, dosage-500 ml Per 50 kg bag of cement or Cico
Acryl, make-Cico, dosage-1 Kg Per 50 kg bag of cement or equivalent), including
joints to be cleaned and grouted with matching colour approved quality 0.00
waterproof grout (make-Bal / Sika / Pidilite / Laticrete or equivalent), curing,
cleaning etc. Complete in all respect, heights and leads, as per details in the
drawing, I.S.specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In-
a) Vitrified / Ceramic Tiles in Lift Wall Cladding Sq.M 47.60 46.60 280.00 601.20 13048.00 28015.92
i) P/L up to 40mm thick cement concrete flooring , including plaster. Sq.M 1067.76 0.00
ii) P/L 8mm thick imported Laminated Wooden Flooring(3 Strip Merbau or Sq.M 1067.76
Equivalent) in Master Bed Room
iii) P/L imported Laminated Wooden Skirting 75mm high Strip Merbau or R.M 1056.60
Equivalent) in Master Bed Room.
iv) Providing and Laying of 50 mm thick C.C flooring with hardner Sq.M 626.89 0.00
4/8 483654973.xlsx/BOQ(Type A)
Qty Actual Quantity in bill RATE RATE(2017) Amount
Description of iems Unit
1.1 Providing, making and fixing of approved Hard wood ( Ist class Red Meranti )
double rebate door frames, Kiln-seasoned, anti-termite treated, shaped, grooved,
mitered joint arrangement including use of exterior quality approved water
repellent adhesive, G.I screws, pins, etc. Also the frame shall be finished with
polish, as per approved, for all exposed sides and moulds, surfaces of frame in
contact with masonry / concrete surfaces shall be painted with one coat of hot
bitumen of approved quality and fixed with 10 mm Anchor Fastener (Polymaide
anchor body and T40 countersunk headed screw, steel galvanized to 5 microns,
minimum 140 – 175 mm Length) with HRD-UGT 10X 140/70 of make HILTI or
S-H-RT - Pre-assembled with zinc plated fischer safety screw for bit size T-30 0.00
and T-40, S 10 H 135 RT of make FISCHER or equivalent (4-nos on each side of
frame ). including all materials, labour, lift/lead and cutting/repairing and making
good the surfaces of opening . Complete in all respect, as per details in the
drawing, I.S. specifications, instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In-
a) 125mm x 75mm ( Main Entrance Door - D1, Size - 1050mm x 2100mm) R.M 378.00 377.28 628.00 1425.20 236931.84 537699.46
1.2 Providing, making and fixing of Panelled Door for Main Entrance, 40 mm thick
Hard Wood( Ist class Red Meranti) Top, Middle / Lock, Bottom Rail and Both
Side Vertical Style ) & 12 mm thick commercial ply of make Donear ( Top &
Bottom Panels ) finished with 4 mm thick teak veneer melamine matt finish of
make Donear ( both side) with 4 mm wide groove, beading by adding adhesive
& nails, as per detail in the drawing, design & specifications, including required
beading, nail and screws etc, confirming to IS code, including shutters shall be 0.00
fixed with approved fittings and fixtures & shutters shall be finished with
melamine matt finish polish, as per approved, including all materials, labour,
lift/lead. Complete in all respect, as per details in the drawing, I.S. specifications,
instructions & satisfaction of the Engineer-In Charge.
a) Main Entrance Door - D1, Size - 1050mm x 2100mm R.M 378.00 372.24 80.00 200.00 29779.20 74448.00
1.5 Providing , making and fixing of door frames of approved Hard wood(Red
Meranti), Kiln-seasoned, anti-termite treated, shaped, grooved, mitered joint
arrangement including use of exterior quality approved water repellent adhesive,
G.I screws, pins etc. Surfaces of frame in contact with masonry / concrete
surfaces shall be painted with one coat of hot bitumen/ black Japan paint of
approved quality and fixing of door frame(at all height in high rise building) in
existing opening fixed with Anchor bolt( HRD UGT dia-10mm of length
140mm) 03nos on each sides of vertical side( total 06 nos) and making good the 0.00
damages to walls and floors as required complete all i/c disposal of rubbish as per
drawing, design & specification complete in all respect and entire satisfaction of
the Engineer-In-Charge( anchorfastners/ bolt shall be supplied by SPCL free of
a) Finished size 100mm x 65mm (internal door size as per site requirement) R.M 1080.00 1076.24 315.00 700.00 339015.60 753368.00
1.6 Providing, making and fixing of Teak wood(Ist class) Architrave of size 35mm x R.M 1036.00 1036.80 58.00 130.00
8/5mm (as per approved shape & grooves) along outer side of door frames etc,
including supply of necssary adhesive nails / screws etc, confirming to relevant
I.S specifications, including Architrave shall be fixed with approved fittings or
fixtures, Complete in all respect as per details in the drawing, design & 60134.40 134784.00
specifications & satisfaction of the Engineer- In- Charge.
1.7 Providing and fixing 35mm thick solid core flush door shutter confirming to IS
2202 (Part I), shutters hot pressed using exterior quality synthetic adhesive
conforming creating BWP ply surfaces, internally lipped and beaded with 35mm
x 6mm teak wood beading fixed with exterior quality synthetic adhesive and fixed
with head less nails,as manufactured by Shreeji / Kutty / Anand or equivalent
approved, further shutters shall be fixed with ironoxidised fittings and fixtures
finished with two coats of wood primer and two under coat and one finishing coat
of synthetic enamel paint system of approved paint manufacurer in approved
shade / colour, all complete to to entire satisfaction of PM. in Bed room, Toilet, 0.00
Store, Utility at all floors , with necessary Ironmongery/Hardwares fittings and
making holes in door shutters for fixing of lock body etc complete in all respect
as per drawing, & direction of Engineer-In- Charge.(including polish)
a) Internal wall of Living/Dining Room & Bed Rooms Sq.M 6743.01 6743.01 92.00 130.00 620356.92 876591.30
b) Internal wall of Kitchen & Store Room Sq.M 1581.18 1581.18 92.00 130.00 145468.56 205553.40
2.2 Providing and applying two or more coats of Plastic Emulsion Paint in
Sparkling White Shade, Make Asian Paint (approved make & Colour) to
Internal wall of Lift Corridor & Lobby, conforming to I.S specification, including
preparing surfaces, applying acrylic putty, filling up & finishing, sanding, smooth
surface (crack filler / binder); cleaning and making the surface dust-free &
smooth, applying sealer or primer coat of paint as recommended by approved
paint manufacturer, painting over prepared surfaces, required scaffolding, 0.00 0.00
protecting till the handing over of site to the employer all complete to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-charge. (Surface and finish acceptable to the P.M.
must be achieved by the contractor)
a) Internal wall of Lift Corridor & Lobby Sq.M 1188.54 988.54 92.00 130.00 90945.68 128510.20
2.3 Providing and applying two or more coats of Plastic Emulsion Paint in
Sparkling White Shade, Make Asian Paint (approved make & Colour) to
Internal ceiling surface of Living / Dining Room, Bed Rooms, Kitchen, Store
Room, Lift Corridor & Lobby, conforming to I.S specification, including
preparing surfaces, applying acrylic putty, filling up & finishing, sanding, smooth 5/8 483654973.xlsx/BOQ(Type A)
surface (crack filler / binder); cleaning and making the surface dust-free &
S/No. Year BILL NO. order no. Cement Bricks 8mm 10mm 12mm 16mm
1 2007 RA-1 186 7916 0 50.75 0 0 42701.81
2 2007 RA-2 186 821 0 5901.17 0 2133.32 3945.38
3 2009 RA-3 186 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 2007 RA-1 289 1323 0 8372.22 585.58 2076.43 3469.24
5 2008 RA-2 289 2689 0 16080.04 489.9 4256.18 6855.82
6 2008 RA-3 289 2594 15490.966 575.716 4201.081 6916.399
7 2008 RA-4 289
8 2008 RA-5 289 255 80322 0 0 0 0
9 2008 RA-1 473 1297 0 8160.996 2761.9 2761.9 4482.75
10 2008 RA-2 473 1263 0 8182.99 276.19 2135.01 4560.53
11 2009 RA-3 473 1315 0 7929.94 276.21 2251.33 4882.66
12 2009 RA-4 473 1287 0 7972.09 588.69 1887.46 4586.21
13 2009 RA-5 473 258 81073 0 0 0 0
14 2009 RA-6 473 231 71523 0 0 0 0
15 2010 RA-7 473 1294 0 7030 2644 1794 4958
16 RA-6 289
17 2010 RA-7 289 3815 22672 172.53 29.57 149.52 0
18 2010 RA-8 289 74 22192 0 0 0 0
19 2010 RA-8 473 243 35762 172.53 29.37 149.52 0
20 2010 RA-9 473 687 145113 0 0 0 0
21 RA-10 473
22 2010 RA-9 289 127 0 172.53 29.37 149.32 0
23 2010 RA-10 289 241 74737 0 0 0 0
24 2011 RA-11 289 246 0 2004.32 0 897.17 1074.9
25 2011 RA-12 289 159 0 0 0 0 0
26 2011 RA-11 473 446 2004.34 0 897.17 1074.9
27 2011 RA-12 473 322 0 0 0 0 0
28 2011 RA-13 473 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 2012 RA-13 289 69 0 7.17 4.71 6.76 0
30 2012 RA-14 289 894 12317 29.3 151.36 35.86 0
31 2011 RA-14 473 733 26389 1153 2687.3 658.8 664.51
32 2012 RA-15 473 310 49419 0 0 0 0
33 2012 RA-1 108 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
4292.96 1044.03
4094.17 1041.825
3756.62 921.705
3362.4 726.74
0 0
0 0
3421 793
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1381.73 305
0 0
1381.73 305
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
705.03 14.78
0 0
0 0
56680.61 20374.45
58975.58 20359.67
-2294.97 14.78