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Adjectives. Worksheet

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Compara1ves and Superla1ves

1. Do you compare the market when you buy the following things? How do you get
the informa<on you need?
a. clothes
b. electronic devices (computers, phones, cameras etc.)
c. cars

2. Read the ques<on. Then choose the correct op<on to complete each response:
Imagine you have to buy a new camera. How do you decide which one to buy?

• I always look for the one that has the more / most features for a / the cheapest price.
• I just buy the same brand as / than I had before.
• I read all the customers reviews to see what people say is the be9er / best one.
• I go to the shop to look at them. AAer that I go online to see if I can find beCer price
than / as in the shop.
• I don’t worry about it much. Cameras aren’t very different than / from each other.
• I think the more / most important thing is to find a reliable camera. I don’t mind if it
is a liCle more / less expensive than the others.

3. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the informa<on in the
infographic to help you.

• Car C is ___________________ of the three cars. (safe)

• Car C is ___________________ then Car A. (comfortable)
• Car A is ___________________ to run of the three cars. (expensive)
• Car B has __________________ performance of the three cars. (bad)
• Car A is ___________________ of the three cars. (pracJcal)
• Car C has a ___________ price than Car A, but it isn’t ____________ Car B. (low)

4. Look at the infographic below. Complete the facts about cars in the UK with the
given words in the box.

as as as least less more most most the than

1. One in three men spend longer looking for a new car _________ for a girlfriend.
2. __________ women than men feel emoJonally aCached to their cars.
3. The __________ popular name for a car in the UK is “BeCy”.
4. Black, white and silver are ________ most common colors for cars in the UK.
5. Drivers of black cars are the __________ likely to have an accident and drivers of
silver cars are the ________ likely.
6. FiAy per cent of car drivers spend _________ money on holidays each year than on
their cars.
7. BriJsh people do not spend ________ much Jme socializing with friends ________
they spend driving.
8. FiAy per cent of people buying a new car buy the same brand _____ they had before.

5. Read the text. Correct the mistakes in bold.

The most popular car in the world.
When the first Corolla rolled out of Toyota’s Takaoka factory in Japan in 1966, the company
announced that they planned to produce 30,000 of them a month – a greater number as any
model of car ever. The company wanted it to be best family vehicle in the world – and the
succeeded, eventually. Or at least the Corolla is the world’s more popular car, with sales now
much high than any car in history: 40 million units. For many years, the Corolla sold similar
numbers to the Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle, which was as popular and pracJcal as the Corolla.
In fact, the Beetle was the first car ever to sell two million units, which happened in 1981. But
then the Beetle had an advantage, because its producJon began nearly thirty years early than
the Corolla, in 1938. But then type 1 Beetle producJon ended in 2003, the Corolla conJnued
to become more popular every year, and finally took its place as the world’s most favorite car.
1.________________________________ 4. _______________________________________
2.________________________________ 5. _______________________________________
3.________________________________ 6. _______________________________________

1. Match each descrip<on with the canal in the map below.
a. goes through the desert in Egypt, connecJng the Mediterranean with the Red Sea
b. connects the AtlanJc and Pacific Oceans by crossing Central America
c. connects the Chinese capital city of Beijing with several rivers and other ciJes

2. Listen. Match each canal with two facts.

The Grand Canal: _________ The Suez Canal: __________ The Panama Canal: ________

a. took the longest to build. d. is the oldest.

b. was more expensive than expected. e. took ten years to build.
c. was cheaper than expected. f. opened in 1914.

3. Listen again. Complete the informa<on about each project.

4. Listen and complete the extras.

1. It’s the _________ arJficial waterway in the world.
2. But what’s _________ than the length of the canal is its age.
3. When they were working the _________ on the project, five million men and women
were involved in the construcJon.
4. They finished __________ than planned.
5. It is sJll one of the ___________ shipping routes in the world.
6. The canal makes the journey between the North AtlanJc and the Indian Ocean much
_________ than going around Africa.
7. It reduces the trip by 7,000 km, making the journey _______ and Jme-consuming.
8. The Panama team had to work a lot ______ than the Suez team.
9. ConstrucJon in the jungles of Panama wasn’t ________ digging in Egypt’s dry desert.
10. In fact the digging itself was the __________ part of the job.

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