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Level 5 - How To Write Good Paragraphs

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Writing Good Paragraphs

A paragraph is a group of sentences about the same topic. The main idea
of the paragraph is usually given in the first sentence. This sentence is
called the topic sentence. It introduces the topic and controls the
information given in the other sentences. The other sentences add details
to the topic and are called the supporting sentences.

Identifying Topic Sentences


The students in the class come from many different parts of the world. Some are from
European countries such as France, Spain, and Italy. Others are from Middle Eastern
countries, like Saudi Arabia and Israel. Many are from Asian countries like Japan. The
largest number are from Latin American countries, such as Venezuela and Mexico.

What is the topic sentence?

The students in the class come from many different parts of the

Notice that all the sentences relate to the topic sentence. Read the
following paragraphs and answer the questions.

1. There are many reasons why millions of Americans move every year. Some move to find
better jobs or to advance their careers. Others are attracted to places with better weather. Still
others want to move to a place with less crime. Finally, many people want to move to a place
with a lower cost of living.

What is the topic sentence?

Do all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence? Yes/No

2. Many men are now employed in what were traditionally women's jobs. For example,
there are now twice as many male nurses as there were ten years ago. Since 1972, the number

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of male telephone operators has almost doubled and the number of male secretaries is up about
24 percent.

What is the topic sentence?

Do all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence? Yes/No

3. Video games are very popular on college campuses in the United States. Most colleges
have at least one video game. These games, which cost fifty cents to play, make hundreds of
dollars per week and thousands of dollars per year! in many cases, the schools use the money
from the machines for school improvements and scholarships.

What is the topic sentence?

Do all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence? Yes/ No

So we can see that usually the first sentence is the topic sentence.

Choosing a Topic Sentence

Choose the best topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs

a. The city needs the money.

b. The city needs money to fix the buses.
c. The state has lots of money.

Many of the buses need repair work. City officials say there is not enough
money to fix them. They will borrow money from the state.

1. a. Taxes should be raised.

b. Many teachers are not paid.
c. Tax money is used to build new roads.

The city needs more money and will have serious problems if it is not
raised soon. We need money to pay for new roads and the repair of old

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roads. We also need Money to pay teachers' salaries and to pay for
services such as trash collection. In addition, more tax money is needed
for financial aid to the poor.

2. a. Shopping is difficult.
b. The stores are crowded at Christmas.
c. It is better to do your Christmas shopping early.

It will be more difficult for you if you wait until just before Christmas. Many
stores run out of the more popular items, so it will be harder for you to find
what you want. The stores are also more crowded, and the lines are much

3. a. Skiing is expensive.
b. Skiing is a popular sport.
c. Skiing has many disadvantages.

Many people enjoy it even though it is expensive and dangerous. A lot of

people spend every winter weekend skiing, and many families go on
winter ski vacations. Neither the high cost of equipment nor the severe
cold keeps skiers away from the slopes.

4. a. Airplanes have changed our lives.

b. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c. The telephone was an important invention.

For example, a person can have breakfast in New York City, board an
airplane, and have dinner in Paris. A businessman in London can instantly
place an order with a factory in Hong Kong by picking up the telephone.
Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo can turn on a TV set and watch a
baseball game being
played in Los Angeles.

5. a. It is expensive to attend a university in the United States.

b. There are many things to consider when choosing a university.
c.A good education is important.

First of all, you must consider the quality of the university's academic
program. The university's size and location should also be given careful
thought. Finally, you must always be sure to consider the tuition before
you decide which
university to attend.

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Writing a Topic Sentence

Decide what each of the following paragraphs is about. Then write a topic
sentence in the space provided. Make sure your topic sentence is general
enough. Remember that a topic sentence controls the information for the
rest of the paragraph.


Miami is a nice place to take a vacation.

It is always sunny and warm. The beaches are gorgeous with soft, white
sand and beautiful, blue water. There are many fine restaurants in the
Miami area, and most of the big hotels offer terrific entertainment nightly.

1. _______________________________________________________________


He has collected stamps and coins ever since he was a child. He is very
proud of his valuable collections. He also enjoys painting and drawing.
Recently he has become interested in gardening. Out of all his hobbies,
Paul's favorite one is reading. He tries to read at least one book every


First of all, the plumbing doesn't work properly and the landlord refuses to
fix it. I also have noisy neighbors who keep me up every night.
Furthermore, there are so many bugs in my apartment that I could start
an insect collection.


Some people write books for political reasons. Others do it for financial
reasons or because they want to be famous. Others write to share their

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To me, books are the most wonderful things in the world. I can pick up a
book and be in another place or another time without leaving my room. I
could spend my whole life reading books.


I can't wait to come home from school to eat the delicious meals she has
prepared. She is always experimenting with different ingredients and
recipes. No one in the world can cook the way my mother does.


It never starts in cold weather and uses too much gasoline. The horn and
the left turn signal don't work properly. I wish I could get a new car.


First of all, the work is very interesting. 1 learn new things every day, and
1 get to travel a lot. Secondly, my boss is very nice. He is always willing
to help me when 1 have a problem. 1 have also made many new friends
at my job. And last, but not least, the salary is fantastic.


My plane was six hours late. The hotel was horrible. On the third day my
wallet was stolen, so 1 lost all my credit cards. it rained every day 1 was
gone except for one day, and on that day I got a terrible sunburn.

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Supporting Sentences

Recognising Irrelevant Sentences

The following paragraphs each contain one sentence that is irrelevant.

Irrelevant means it is not connected to the topic sentence or does NOT
support its idea.
Cross out that sentence and be prepared to explain why it does not
belong in the paragraph. The first one has been done for you. Can you say
why that sentence was crossed out ?

1. Cats make wonderful house pets. They are very loving and friendly.
They are also clean. They don't eat much, so they are not expensive.
Many people are allergic to their hair. They look beautiful.

2. There are several reasons why many American women are waiting
until they are thirty years old or older to have their first baby. Some
women have good jobs and want to continue their careers. Many
American couples have two children. Other women don't want the
responsibility of having children until they are older. Still others are
waiting until they are financially secure before they start a family.

3. Running has many positive effects on the body. First of all, it increases
the efficiency of the heart and lungs. However, many people prefer
swimming. Running also helps the body develop greater physical
endurance. Finally, it helps the body become more mechanically

4. The Japanese automobile industry uses robots in many phases of its

production process. In fact, one large Japanese auto factory uses
robots in all of its production stages. Some Japanese universities are
developing medical robots to detect certain kinds of cancer. Another
automobile factory in Japan uses robots to paint cars as they come off
the assembly line. Furthermore, most Japanese factories use robots to
weld the parts of the finished car together.

5. The packaging of many products is very wasteful. Often the packaging

is twice as big as the product. Packaging is used to protect things that

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are breakable. Many food items, for example, have several layers of
extra packaging. Most of these extra layers are absolutely useless.

Identifying Topic and Supporting Sentences


Read the following sentences about San

Francisco. The sentences will form two different
paragraphs so two of the sentences are topic
sentences, and the rest are supporting sentences.
Put a T1 or T2 in front of each topic sentence, and an S 1 or S 2 in front
of each supporting sentence.

1. San Francisco is usually warm and pleasant during the day. ___

2. Some of the country's most famous restaurants and hotels are in San Francisco.

3. There are many things to see and do in San Francisco. _T1__

4. The city has many interesting tourist attractions.


5. There are many excellent art galleries. ___

6. The weather in San Francisco is very pleasant. ___

7. It is never too hot or too cold. ___

8. The nightlife is exciting. ___

9. San Francisco has a ballet company, an opera house, and a symphony orchestra.

10. It is cool and breezy at night. ___

11. The winters are mild and it rarely snows.


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What are the two paragraphs about ?


Put the sentences for each paragraph into a better order and rewrite each
paragraph in your note book.


Read the following sentences about Springfield Academy, a boarding school

for high-school students. There is too much information here for one
paragraph. Some of the sentences are about the quality of education.
Label these Q.
Some are about the rules of the school. Label these R.

1. - Springfield Academy is famous for the high quality of its

education. ___

2. - Students are not allowed to leave campus without

permission. ___

3. - Students are required to wear uniforms. ___

4. - The laboratories have the latest equipment. ___

5. - Stereos and televisions cannot be played after 7 p.m. ___

6. - Most of its graduates attend very good universities. ___

7. - Many of the students at Springfield Academy feel that the

rules are too strict and old-fashioned. ___

8. - Students who do not maintain a B average are put on probation. ___

9. - Teachers assign a minimum of one hour of homework per class. ___

Decide which is the topic sentence and which are the supporting
sentences for each paragraph. Write the two paragraphs.


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