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Unit 7, Lesson 3.1 - Listening & Reading

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Date of prepation: …………………………..
PERIOD 69- Lesson 3.1 – Listening & Reading, (page 62)
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to…
1. Language knowledge & skills
- practice listening and reading for gist and specific information.
- talk about useful inventions.
- improve their listening and reading skills.
2. Competences
- improve Ss’ communication, collaboration, analytical and critical thinking skills.
3. Attributes
- highly appreciate inventors and useful inventions.
II. Teaching aids and materials
- Teacher’s aids: Student’s book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, Digital Book, (DCR phần
mềm tương tác SB, DHA (từ vựng/ cấu trúc) phần mềm trò chơi tương tác) projector /
interactive whiteboard /TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.
- Students’ aids: Student’s book, Workbook, Notebook.
III. Procedures
1. Warm up: 5 minutes
a. Objectives: to raise Ss’ interest and get them ready for the lesson.
b. Content: Searching a website
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can get to know some new inventions.
d. Organization

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Searching a website
- Introduce the link. - Search the site.
- Show/write the link. - Choose an invention that interests them and say why.
eco-friendly-inventions-of-2021/ - Present their answers.
- Get Ss to work in groups of 4
- Elicit the information from Ss. Ss’ own answers
- Check the answers and lead to new lesson.

2. Presentation:10 minutes
a. Objectives: to prepare Ss for the Listening and reading tasks.
b. Content: Let’s talk.
In pairs: Can you think of three useful inventions in your house? Why are they
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can share their personal view about the three useful inventions in
the home.
d. Organization
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Let’s talk.
- Introduce the task (using DCR). - Work in pairs.
- Have Ss discuss the questions with a partner. - Do as told.
- Give them time to work. - Give answers.
- Move around to give help if necessary.
- Call some Ss to present the answers. Ss’ own answers
- Elicit some more information related.
- Give feedback.

3. Practice: 15 minutes
a. Objectives: to help Ss practice listening and reading about internet.
b. Content: Listening, task a, b, and Reading, task a, b.
Listening, task a. Listen to a lecture about the internet. What is the main topic of the
Listening, task b: Now, listen and circle the correct answers.
Reading, task a: Read Tâm's essay and choose the main idea.
Reading, task b. Now, read and answer the questions.
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can complete the tasks correctly and develop their listening and
reading skills.
d. Organization:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Listening, task a.
- Introduce the task (using DCR). - Look at the options and predict the
- Get Ss to look at the two options and predict answer.
the answer. - Listen and do the task individually.
- Play the audio file twice. - Share the answers in pairs.
- Have Ss work individually before comparing - Give the answers.
the answers with a partner.
- Get answers from Ss. Answer Keys (Use the DCR)
- Give feedback if needed.
Listening, task b.
- Introduce the task (using DCR). - Look though the questions and underline
- Ask Ss to look though the questions and the key words.
underline the key words. - Listen and do the task individually.
- Explain some new words if required. - Share the answers in pairs.
- Play the audio file twice. - Give the answers.
- Have Ss work individually before comparing
the answers with a partner. Answer Keys (Use the DCR)
- Get answers from Ss.
- Give feedback if needed.
Reading, task a.
- Ask Ss to have a look at the two options. - Work individually to find the answer.
- Give them time to read the text and choose the - Give it to T.
answer. - Provide the evidence from the reading
- Call some to give their choice and explain. text.
- Check their answers. Answer Keys (Use the DCR)
Reading, task b.
- Get Ss to underline key words in the questions. - Work individually to answer the
- Ask Ss to read and do the task individually, and questions.
then share their answers with a partner. - Share the answers with a partner.
- Give them time to work. - Give their answers to teacher.
- Elicit the answers from Ss. Answer Keys (Use the DCR)
- Check the answers and give feedback.
4. Production: 10 minutes
a. Objectives: to help Ss to use the language and information in a real situation.
b. Content: Reading, Task c
Task c: In pairs: Has the internet made people's lives better or worse? Why?
c. Expected outcomes: Ss can express their personal view about pros and cons of the
d. Organization

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Task b:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. - Work in pairs
- Introduce the task to Ss. - Talk to their partner about their personal view
- Set the time for Ss to do. about the issue mentioned.
- Get around to give help and take notes of - Present their answers.
some mistakes.
- Call some to talk to the whole class. Ss’ own answers
- Check and give comment.

* HOMEWWORK: 5 minutes
- Write a short paragraph about how to use the internet appropriately.
- Do exercises in workbook on page 42.
- Prepare the next lesson: Lesson 3.2 – Writing, (page 63).
- Practice vocabulary in the Notebook page 42.
* Self-evaluation:………………………

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