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Science 5 Week 1

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Teacher: FLORDELYN M. GONZALES Subject: Science
Teaching Dates: (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


a. Content Standards Weathering and soil erosion shape the Earth’s surface and affect living things and the environment
b. Performance Participate in projects that reduce soil erosion in the community
c. Most Essential Describe how rocks turn into soil (S5FE - IVa – 1)
Learning Competencies
d. Learning Objectives a. identify the different types of mechanical weathering;
b. appreciate the importance of weathering; and
c. perform how mechanical weathering occurs.

II. LEARNING CONTENT LABOR DAY How Rocks Turn into Soil How Rocks Turn into Soil How Rocks Turn into Soil
(Subject Matter) (REGULAR HOLIDAY) (Mechanical Weathering) (Mechanical Weathering) (Mechanical Weathering)
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Orlanda, N. (2020). Quarter Orlanda, N. (2020). Quarter Orlanda, N. (2020). Quarter Orlanda, N. (2020). Quarter
(SLMs/LASs) 4 – Module 1: How Rocks 4 – Module 1: How Rocks 4 – Module 1: How Rocks 4 – Module 1: How Rocks
Turn into Soil(Self-Learning Turn into Soil(Self-Learning Turn into Soil(Self-Learning Turn into Soil(Self-Learning
Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle. Module]. Moodle.
Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education
Retrieve (March 19, 2023) Retrieve (March 19, 2023) Retrieve (March 19, 2023) Retrieve (March 19, 2023)
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/mod/folder/view.php? /mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
id=13096 id=13096 id=13096 id=13096
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning paper, quiz notebook or
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, test paper
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: Read and Directions: Directions: Box the words
lesson/Drill understand the sentences related to mechanical
well. Fill in the blanks with The figure shows a boulder weathering.
the correct answer. that was separated from a
larger mass of rock and has Animals Plants
1. ________________ is been exposed to the heat
the physical wearing away of the sun during the day Air Exfoliation
of rocks. and has been cooled off at
night time. Because of the Temperature
2. _________ is the breaking temperature changes the
of rocks into smaller pieces boulder eventually cracked
and broke up further into
smaller pieces and particles.
What causes the boulder to
crack? What will happen if
the boulder is constantly
subjected to temperature

C. Establishing a Why do roads have cracks? Have students model the What do you observe in the
purpose for the lesson/ process of physical picture? Do you think this is
Motivation weathering using polvoron. possible? Why?
Place a tray on the table
and put polvoron in a
plastic bag. Put this plastic
bag containing the polvoron
on the tray. Have students
press down on the polvoron
so that they crush apart.
Encourage students to
discuss and make note of
what they observe.

D. Presenting Weathering is an important Weathering is an important Weathering is an important

examples/instances of process that helps shape the process that helps shape process that helps shape
the new surface of the Earth. the surface of the Earth. the surface of the Earth.
lesson/Motivation Weathering is the breaking Weathering is the breaking Weathering is the breaking
up of rocks into smaller up of rocks into smaller up of rocks into smaller
pieces or particles. pieces or particles. pieces or particles.
Weathering may break a Weathering may break a Weathering may break a
large, solid mass of rocks large, solid mass of rocks large, solid mass of rocks
into loose fragments. It into loose fragments. It into loose fragments. It
includes two processes, includes two processes, includes two processes,
disintegration and disintegration and disintegration and
decomposition. The decomposition. The decomposition. The
disintegration of rocks is a disintegration of rocks is a disintegration of rocks is a
physical process of breaking physical process of breaking physical process of breaking
down rocks into fragments, down rocks into fragments, down rocks into fragments,
while the decomposition of while the decomposition of while the decomposition of
rocks is the chemical rocks is the chemical rocks is the chemical
reaction of the minerals reaction of the minerals reaction of the minerals
present in rocks when present in rocks when present in rocks when
exposed to air and water. In exposed to air and water. In exposed to air and water. In
this lesson, we will study the this lesson, we will study this lesson, we will study
chemical process of the chemical process of the chemical process of
weathering. weathering. weathering.
E. Discussing new The crust of the Earth is a The crust of the Earth is a The crust of the Earth is a
concepts and practicing layer that covers the entire layer that covers the entire layer that covers the entire
new skills No. 1 surface of the planet and is surface of the planet and is surface of the planet and is
the top component of the the top component of the the top component of the
lithosphere. The surface of lithosphere. The surface of lithosphere. The surface of
the earth is always changing. the earth is always the earth is always
Some changes occur very changing. Some changes changing. Some changes
slow while others take place occur very slow while occur very slow while
very rapidly. These changes others take place very others take place very
are brought about by many rapidly. These changes are rapidly. These changes are
factors. Some factors are brought about by many brought about by many
caused by natural forces factors. Some factors are factors. Some factors are
such as volcanic eruptions caused by natural forces caused by natural forces
and earthquakes, others such as volcanic eruptions such as volcanic eruptions
from human activities, and earthquakes, others and earthquakes, others
animal actions, or even the from human activities, from human activities,
growth of plants. The main animal actions, or even the animal actions, or even the
cause of soil formation is growth of plants. The main growth of plants. The main
weathering. Weathering is cause of soil formation is cause of soil formation is
the wearing away of rocks or weathering. Weathering is weathering. Weathering is
the breaking of rocks into the wearing away of rocks the wearing away of rocks
fragments. It is an importantor the breaking of rocks or the breaking of rocks
process that helps shape the into fragments. It is an into fragments. It is an
surface of the Earth. important process that important process that
Weathering occurs when helps shape the surface of helps shape the surface of
rocks near or on the surface the Earth. Weathering the Earth. Weathering
of the Earth are exposed to occurs when rocks near or occurs when rocks near or
air, water, and other living on the surface of the Earth on the surface of the Earth
things. Rocks break up into are exposed to air, water, are exposed to air, water,
smaller pieces and resulted and other living things. and other living things.
in the formation of soil and Rocks break up into smaller Rocks break up into smaller
different landforms. This is pieces and resulted in the pieces and resulted in the
also the reason why we have formation of soil and formation of soil and
an amazing rock formation. different landforms. This is different landforms. This is
Weathering can be classified also the reason why we also the reason why we
into two general types: have an amazing rock have an amazing rock
mechanical or physical formation. Weathering can formation. Weathering can
weathering and chemical be classified into two be classified into two
weathering. In this lesson, general types: mechanical general types: mechanical
we will study the processes or physical weathering and or physical weathering and
of mechanical weathering. chemical weathering. In this chemical weathering. In this
lesson, we will study the lesson, we will study the
processes of mechanical processes of mechanical
weathering. weathering.
F. Discussing new Mechanical Weathering is Mechanical Weathering is Mechanical Weathering is
concepts and practicing the breaking down of rocks the breaking down of rocks the breaking down of rocks
new skills No. 2 into different shapes and into different shapes and into different shapes and
smaller pieces. But the smaller pieces. But the smaller pieces. But the
chemical components of the chemical components of chemical components of
rocks are not changed. There the rocks are not changed. the rocks are not changed.
are several causes of There are several causes of There are several causes of
mechanical weathering and mechanical weathering and mechanical weathering and
each process results in the each process results in the each process results in the
rocks breaking apart. The rocks breaking apart. The rocks breaking apart. The
following are the agents of following are the agents of following are the agents of
mechanical weathering. mechanical weathering. mechanical weathering.
1. Temperature and 1. Temperature and 1. Temperature and
Pressure Pressure Pressure
Rocks crumble and decay Rocks crumble and decay Rocks crumble and decay
because of heating and because of heating and because of heating and
cooling, During the day, cooling, During the day, cooling, During the day,
surface rocks are heated by surface rocks are heated by surface rocks are heated by
the sun’s rays. At night time the sun’s rays. At night time the sun’s rays. At night time
rocks cool and contract. The rocks cool and contract. The rocks cool and contract. The
mineral grains are loosened mineral grains are loosened mineral grains are loosened
from the rocks until they from the rocks until they from the rocks until they
break down. Deep below the break down. Deep below break down. Deep below
earth’s surface temperature the earth’s surface the earth’s surface
and pressure are always temperature and pressure temperature and pressure
high. At the surface, are always high. At the are always high. At the
pressure and temperature surface, pressure and surface, pressure and
are much less. When these temperature are much less. temperature are much less.
rocks are composed, the When these rocks are When these rocks are
decrease in pressure causes composed, the decrease in composed, the decrease in
their expansion, resulting in pressure causes their pressure causes their
cracks or joints. Compounds expansion, resulting in expansion, resulting in
like rust may be formed, cracks or joints. Compounds cracks or joints. Compounds
weakening the rocks like rust may be formed, like rust may be formed,
structure. weakening the rocks weakening the rocks
structure. structure.
2. Plants and Animals-
Plants and animals also 2. Plants and Animals- 2. Plants and Animals-
weather rocks. The growth Plants and animals also Plants and animals also
of roots of trees and shrubs weather rocks. The growth weather rocks. The growth
can also break rocks apart. of roots of trees and shrubs of roots of trees and shrubs
Some animals dig holes in can also break rocks apart. can also break rocks apart.
the ground, exposing the Some animals dig holes in Some animals dig holes in
rocks. Examples are the ground, exposing the the ground, exposing the
earthworms. They bring rocks. Examples are rocks. Examples are
weathered minerals to the earthworms. They bring earthworms. They bring
surface. They take in soil to weathered minerals to the weathered minerals to the
grind their food, but the surface. They take in soil to surface. They take in soil to
mineral grains are broken grind their food, but the grind their food, but the
and ground in the process. mineral grains are broken mineral grains are broken
Animals that live and ground in the process. and ground in the process.
underground also contribute Animals that live Animals that live
weathering. As burrowing underground also underground also
animals dig dipper, they contribute weathering. As contribute weathering. As
cause into pieces, too. burrowing animals dig burrowing animals dig
dipper, they cause into dipper, they cause into
Some plants like lichens, pieces, too. pieces, too.
ferns and mosses can also
trigger weathering. It can Some plants like lichens, Some plants like lichens,
grow on rocks and cause it ferns and mosses can also ferns and mosses can also
to break into pieces. trigger weathering. It can trigger weathering. It can
Eventually, metabolic or life grow on rocks and cause it grow on rocks and cause it
processes of these plants will to break into pieces. to break into pieces.
cause the gradual change of Eventually, metabolic or life Eventually, metabolic or life
rocks into small pieces. processes of these plants processes of these plants
Human beings are very will cause the gradual will cause the gradual
important agents of change of rocks into small change of rocks into small
weathering. We break rocks pieces. Human beings are pieces. Human beings are
in building roads and in very important agents of very important agents of
construction of buildings. weathering. We break rocks weathering. We break rocks
We dig rocks like adobe for in building roads and in in building roads and in
fences and houses. We construction of buildings. construction of buildings.
contribute much to We dig rocks like adobe for We dig rocks like adobe for
weathering by quarrying, fences and houses. We fences and houses. We
tunneling, digging, road contribute much to contribute much to
construction, cultivating the weathering by quarrying, weathering by quarrying,
land and cleaning forests. tunneling, digging, road tunneling, digging, road
construction, cultivating the construction, cultivating the
3. Exfoliation - Exfoliation is land and cleaning forests. land and cleaning forests.
the peeling off of the parallel
layers of a rocks surface, on 3. Exfoliation - Exfoliation is 3. Exfoliation - Exfoliation is
a large scale, this process the peeling off of the the peeling off of the
forms rounded rock parallel layers of a rocks parallel layers of a rocks
formation called exfoliation surface, on a large scale, surface, on a large scale,
domes. On a small scale, this process forms rounded this process forms rounded
exfoliation causes the rock formation called rock formation called
rounded appearance of exfoliation domes. On a exfoliation domes. On a
many rocks. Exfoliation small scale, exfoliation small scale, exfoliation
domes develop after a causes the rounded causes the rounded
massive rock formation appearance of many rocks. appearance of many rocks.
becomes exposed. When it is Exfoliation domes develop Exfoliation domes develop
exposed, large cracks, or after a massive rock after a massive rock
joints, form along. formation becomes formation becomes
exposed. When it is exposed. When it is
exposed, large cracks, or exposed, large cracks, or
joints, form along. joints, form along.
G. Developing Mastery Directions: Analyze the Directions: Perform the Directions: Write TRUE if
(Leads to Formative puzzle below. Find five (5) activities by following each the statement is correct
Assessment) words related to mechanical step carefully. Observe it about mechanical
weathering inside the box. properly and write your weathering, FALSE if not.
answers for the guide
questions in your Science 1. Mechanical
notebook/Science Weathering is the breaking
Experiment Activity. down of rocks into different
shapes and smaller pieces.
Mechanical Weathering:
2. Exfoliation
is the peeling off of the
Things you need:
parallel layers of a rocks
♣ 1piece of chalk surface, on a large scale,
♣ hammer this process forms rounded
♣ A piece of cloth rock formation called
exfoliation domes.
♣ Do not play with the
3. The growth
hammer and chalk
of roots of trees and shrubs
can also break rocks apart.
What to Do:
1. Wear goggles. 4. Rocks
2. Get a piece of chalk and crumble and decay because
enclose it with a piece of of heating and cooling.
3. Pound it using a hammer.
5. Animals are
(Be extra cautious in using
the sole agent of
mechanical weathering.
4. Observe what happens to
the piece of chalk. Guide

1. What happened to the

piece of chalk when beaten
with a hammer?

2. What sort of progress did

the piece of chalk go
through? Why?

H. Finding Practical Why is mechanical Why is mechanical Why is mechanical

Application of Concepts weathering an important weathering an important weathering an important
and Skills in Daily Lives process in the environment? process in the process in the
environment? environment?
I. Making What is mechanical What is mechanical What is mechanical
Generalization and weathering? weathering? weathering?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Read and Directions: Write a EXPERIMENT TIME!
understand the sentences conclusion and reflection in Things you need:
well. Encircle the number of your activity “Mechanical ∙ Clean can (large size)
the statement in the Weathering: Pounding”. ∙ A glass of water
sequence that describes ∙ 6 pcs of soft rocks/stones
mechanical weathering. Conclusion: ∙ A piece of cloth
∙ A Rubberband
1. When rocks are exposed
to hot and cold temperature What to do:
2. When rocks are exposed 1. Put some delicate/soft
to air. stones in a clean can loaded
3. Breaking of rocks due to up with water and cover it
different human activities Reflection: firmly.
4. When quarrying and 2. Shake the can vigorously
blasting the rocks for about thirty (30)
5. When plants grow in rocks seconds.
3. Drain the water, at that
point, put the substance in
a compartment with a piece
of fabric.
4. Remove the stones and
analyze what is left.

Guide Questions
1. Where did the small
grains of rocks/stones come

2. What might have caused

it? Why?

K. Additional activities
for application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of the purpose and
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the objectives of the lesson
learners learners learners because the learners
VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in
teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process the teaching-learning
when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating process when

A.No. of learners who earned ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next
objective. objective. objective. objective. objective.
80% in the evaluation ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties in
their lesson. their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
additional activities for ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their ___Pupils found difficulties in answering ___Pupils found difficulties in answering ___Pupils found difficulties in answering
remediation lesson. lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson.
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson
of lack of knowledge, skills and interest of lack of knowledge, skills and interest of lack of knowledge, skills and interest of lack of knowledge, skills and interest because of lack of knowledge, skills and
about the lesson. about the lesson. about the lesson. about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
___Pupils were interested on the lesson, ___Pupils were interested on the lesson, ___Pupils were interested on the lesson, ___Pupils were interested on the lesson, ___Pupils were interested on the
despite of some difficulties encountered in despite of some difficulties encountered in despite of some difficulties encountered in despite of some difficulties encountered in lesson, despite of some difficulties
answering the questions asked by the answering the questions asked by the answering the questions asked by the answering the questions asked by the encountered in answering the questions
teacher. teacher. teacher. teacher. asked by the teacher.
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of ___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of
limited resources used by the teacher. limited resources used by the teacher. limited resources used by the teacher. limited resources used by the teacher. limited resources used by the teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished their work ___Majority of the pupils finished their work ___Majority of the pupils finished their work ___Majority of the pupils finished their work ___Majority of the pupils finished their
on time. on time. on time. on time. work on time.
___Some pupils did not finish their work on ___Some pupils did not finish their work on ___Some pupils did not finish their work on ___Some pupils did not finish their work on ___Some pupils did not finish their work
time due to unnecessary behavior. time due to unnecessary behavior. time due to unnecessary behavior. time due to unnecessary behavior. on time due to unnecessary behavior.

C.Did the remedial work? ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
No.of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation activities for remediation
continue to require
Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
___Metacognitive Development: Examples:
Strategies used that work well:
___Metacognitive Development: Examples:
Strategies used that work well:
___Metacognitive Development: Examples:
Strategies used that work well:
___Metacognitive Development: Examples:
Strategies used that work well:
___Metacognitive Development:
strategies worked well? Self assessments, note taking and studying Self assessments, note taking and studying Self assessments, note taking and studying Self assessments, note taking and studying Examples: Self assessments, note taking
Why did these work? techniques, and vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary assignments. and studying techniques, and vocabulary
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, assignments.
quick-writes, and anticipatory charts. quick-writes, and anticipatory charts. quick-writes, and anticipatory charts. quick-writes, and anticipatory charts. ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory
___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare charts.
and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, ___Schema-Building: Examples:
and projects. and projects. and projects. and projects. Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning,
peer teaching, and projects.
___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization:
Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples: Demonstrations, media, Examples:Demonstrations,
manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and local media,manipulatives, repetition,andlocal
opportunities. opportunities. opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.
___Text Representation:
___Text Representation: ___Text Representation: ___Text Representation: ___Text Representation: Examples: Student created drawings,
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, Examples: Student created drawings, videos, Examples: Student created drawings, Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games.
and games. and games. videos, and games. videos, and games. ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly slowly and clearly, modeling the
and clearly, modeling the language you want and clearly, modeling the language you want and clearly, modeling the language you and clearly, modeling the language you language you want students to use, and
students to use, and providing samples of students to use, and providing samples of want students to use, and providing want students to use, and providing providing samples of student work.
student work. student work. samples of student work. samples of student work. Other Techniques and Strategies used:
___ Explicit Teaching
Other Techniques and Strategies used: Other Techniques and Strategies used: Other Techniques and Strategies used: Other Techniques and Strategies used: ___ Group collaboration
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___Gamification/Learning throuh play
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Answering preliminary
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___Gamification/Learning throuh play activities/exercises
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Carousel
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Diads
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method Why?
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs
Why? Why? Why? Why? ___ Availability of Materials
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Group member’s
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn collaboration/cooperation
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s in doing their tasks
collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation ___ AudioVisual Presentation
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks of the lesson
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson

Principal II

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