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Liebert Exl s1 - 300 To 1200 KW

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Liebert® EXL™ S1

300kW - 1200kW
Enhanced Design and
Improved Efficiency
Liebert® EXL™ S1

Liebert® EXL™ the New T-free Monolithic UPS Generation

Delivering Secure Power and Maximized Energy Saving

Liebert® EXL™, the new generation of Liebert® EXL™ can operate with both
HIGHLIGHTS 80-NET UPS, delivers unsurpassed standard VRLA and new Li-ion batteries
performance to medium-large data thus adapting to all possible
centers as a result of proven track requirements in terms of runtime, life
yy Extraordinary double
record, successes, a reliable large expectancy and TCO, and showing
conversion efficiency
installed base and more than 10 years extreme flexibility.
up to 97%
of acquired experience with the 80-NET
yy Intelligent ECO mode efficiency technology.
Furthermore, its higher power density in
above 99%
a minimum footprint optimizes the
yy Intelligent paralleling feature The new Liebert® EXL™ is a monolithic availability of IT space and reduces
optimizes efficiency at partial product that features a transformer-free related costs.
load design with a full IGBT three-level
topology, providing extraordinary
yy Maximized active power at Liebert® EXL™, available from 100 to
features including a double conversion
unity power factor 1200 kW, delivers secure power while
efficiency of up to 97% plus intelligent
providing first class load protection and
yy Compact footprint for optimum paralleling to optimize efficiency at
maximum energy saving for mission
space utilization partial load, thus achieving superior
critical applications.
running cost savings as well as reduced
yy Backward compatibility with
previous 80-NET generation
TCO and CO2 emissions.

yy Li-ion battery option to adapt

to all scenarios



Maximized active power, Capacity & Installation Flexibility from
high efficiency and complete 100 kW up to 9.6 MW
compatibility for modern,
mission critical IT loads.
Liebert® EXL™ features a transformer-
FEATURES free design with full IGBT three-level
double conversion technology, providing
extraordinary savings on installation and
yy Transformer-free design running costs, while at the same time kVAr
yy Full IGBT three-level NPC2 delivering first class load protection. % Leading
k VA
100 Cosφ 0.5
yy Excellent input performances: Liebert® EXL™ also features a full IGBT
- PF > 0.99 three-level rectifier allowing for electrical 80
- THDi < 3% infrastructure cost saving, reducing the 60 Cosφ 0.8
yy Automatic output power size of gensets, circuit protection, Cosφ 0.9
upgrade of up to +10% cabling and transformers. 40

10 0
% kVA
yy Output PF diagram
symmetrical respect to zero Cosφ 1
Flexibility and Compatibility 0
25 50 75 100% kW
yy Three and four wire electrical Liebert® EXL™ can be fully adapted to

compatibility meet diverse system requirements in

1 0 0%
yy Centralized and distributed terms of power capacity and redundancy Cosφ 0.9
parallel capabilities allowing for different system designs, 60
Cosφ 0.8
thus ensuring maximum flexibility:
yy Seismic compliance 80
• Output Power Factor up to 1 Cosφ 0.5
100 k VA
1 0 0%
• Output Power Factor diagram
symmetrical respect to zero
• Permanent 100% kVA - no derating
with any load (lagging or leading)
• Optimum space/power ratio

Liebert® EXL™ S1

Improved Efficiency Liebert® EXL™ levels of efficiency and Fast transfer technology ensures the
consequent electricity cost savings can quickest response time under various
Liebert® EXL™ delivers an outstanding be attribuited to: conditions:
double conversion efficiency of up to
97%, consequently reducing operating • Latest generation IGBT • Network fault (voltage variation,
costs and energy dissipation (kW) to a • Adoption of a three-level NPC2 high/low impedance mains failures)
minimum. This significantly minimizes topology for both rectifier and
the consumption of the cooling system, inverter • Load fault (short circuit downstream
providing an overall TCO reduction and • DC controlled fan speed of the UPS)
rapid payback time. • Intelligent paralleling mode
• Advanced digital technology and • Type of load connected
Furthermore, through its intelligent fast transfer (PDU transformer)
ECO mode efficiency and the intelligent
paralleling feature Liebert® EXL™ can The seamless activation of Liebert® The unit is able to discriminate between
optimize efficiency even at partial load EXL™ functioning modes ensures the various types of interferences and
achieving additional superior cost highest level of efficiency without rapidly respond, while at the same time
savings. compromising power quality and ensuring compatibility with downstream
availability. equipment such as servers,transformers,
STS or mechanical loads.

Manual Bypass
Double Conversion Mode (VFI)
provides the highest level of power Static Bypass

conditioning and protects the load from Rectifier Inverter

all electrical network disturbances.


Manual Bypass

Intelligent ECO Mode (VFD) detects Static Bypass

when conditioning is not required and
Rectifier Inverter
allows the energy flow to pass through
the bypass line. LOAD


Intelligent Paralleling

Liebert® EXL™ Intelligent Paralleling

Efficiency (%)
Activating the intelligent paralleling
feature optimizes efficiency at partial 95%
load, thus achieving superior running
cost savings. Enabling this feature allows
the system to automatically adapt 85%
capacity to meet immediate load
requirements by switching excess units 80%
to standby mode, while ensuring
continued system availability. 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Load (%)
Furthermore, the Intelligent Paralleling
feature allows each Liebert® EXL™ unit
Liebert® EXL™ AC/AC efficiency with Intelligent Paralleling feature
to operate in standby mode for the same
amount of time, ensuring an equal
lifespan of module components.
This intelligent paralleling feature further
maximizes Liebert® EXL™’s double
conversion efficiency at partial load and
allows for an overall energy dissipation
and TCO reduction.

Four units at 33% load each = 96%

Liebert EXL Intelligent Paralleling:
two units at 65% load each =
96.8% efficiency

Liebert® EXL™ S1

Parallel Configurations

The Liebert® EXL™ can be connected with up to 8 units in parallel, where single units can be serviced while the remaining units
continue to power the load. A Liebert® EXL™ unit continues to operate even while it’s being upgraded to a parallel system due to
the upgrade occurring via software settings. Furthermore, Liebert® EXL™ is backward compatible with the previous 80-NET
generation, so as to facilitate any legacy system power upgrade. Liebert® EXL™ can support both distributed and centralized
parallel configurations providing maximum energy saving via double conversion and intelligent ECO mode, allowing to operate with
a system efficiency of up to 99%.

Distributed Parallel Configuration

AC Bypass
Paralleling single Liebert® EXL™ units
offers advanced scalability. In a AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC
distributed parallel configuration, each Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains

unit has a dedicated static bypass

switch, providing parallel operation
without the need for a system control
cabinet, thus reducing initial
installation costs.


Liebert® EXL™ distributed parallel configuration, with 8 UPS units in parallel

Centralized Parallel Configuration

With the Liebert® EXL™’s centralized

parallel configuration, the internal static AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC
bypass switch of each unit is disabled Bypass Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains Mains

and an external Main Static Switch

(MSS) rated for the desired maximum
capacity, is installed. Therefore, the
reserve supply to the loads operates via
one central piece of equipment (MSS).

The MSS can easily be integrated into

any switchgear, thus simplifying cabling
and installation. System level commands Load
are given to the MSS via its integrated
touch screen display.
Liebert® EXL™ centralized parallel configuration, with MSS plus 8 UPS units in parallel

User Interface and Advanced

Liebert® EXL™ makes your mission

critical space a peaceful place
through its advanced diagnostic
capability, measuring and logging,
enhanced event analysis as well as
an intelligent colored multi-language
touch screen display.

Liebert® EXL™ advanced DSP control

platform together with the patented
Vector Control technology enables
increased performance of three-level
power converters and real time
control of output power quality,
guaranteeing continuous operation
and premium protection for your
customer’s business.

Bypass Input Battery

Voltage and frequency measurements. Status/values including temperature, cell
voltage, capacity run time and testing.
Mains Input
Current, voltage and frequency values of Vertiv™ LIFE™ Services
the three input phases. Status of Vertiv LIFE Services
connections and calls.
Alerts of anomalies on bypass, rectifier, Tools
inverter, booster/charger, battery and LCD settings and language selection.
Events log Voltage, current, frequency,
Date and time of important UPS events, and battery measurements.
alarms and other warnings.

Voltage, current and frequency values of
each internal functional block.

Liebert® EXL™ S1

Reduced TCO Advanced control diagnostic, excellent

operating efficiency, intelligent
paralleling feature, minimum footprint
and high energy density make
Liebert® EXL™ the perfect UPS to deliver
Neutral Carbon Footprint
secure power to all mission critical
applications, maximum energy saving
Liebert® EXL’s new generation architecture has been designed to reduce
and rapid return on investment.
energy and heat dissipation, consequently minimizing the demand and
consumption of air conditioning systems.
Liebert® EXL™ provides system capacity
from 100 kW up to 9.6 MW which can be
The combination of these factors, coupled with a double conversion efficiency
adapted according to diverse design
of up to 97%, reduces CO2 emissions to a minimum. This contributes to
requirements in terms of flexibility,
ensuring that your customers’ data centers are a step closer to meeting the
redundancy and system reliability.
industry’s environmental and efficiency compliance standards.
Furthermore, its high power density in a
minimum space allows customers to
maximize the number of racks and
servers housed in their data center, thus

97% CO2
granting more space for IT equipment.

The Liebert® EXL™ technology, has

brought extraordinary benefits in terms
Double Conversion 950 tons of:
Efficiency of CO saved every year
• Zero impact on upstream

• Perfect compatibility with modern

mission critical loads

• Enhanced performances for

maximum energy saving

• CO2 emission reduction

• Maximum system flexibility for all


• Reduced TCO

Vertiv™ LIFE™ Services Remote Diagnostic and Preventive Monitoring

Vertiv's service program is designed to ensure that your critical power protection system is maintained in an optimum state of
readiness at all times.

The Vertiv™ LIFE™ Services Remote Proactive Analysis Reporting

Diagnostic and Preventive Monitoring From Vertiv LIFE Services centers, our You will receive a comprehensive report
provides early warning of UPS experts proactively analyze the data detailing the working order of your
conditions and out of tolerances. This and trends of your equipment, to equipment and its operational
allows effective proactive maintenance, recommend actions to ensure their performance.
fast incident response and remote best performance.
trouble shooting, giving customers
complete security and peace of mind. Minimized Total Cost of Ownership
With Vertiv LIFE Services you will benefit of Your Equipment
The continuous monitoring of all
Uptime Assurance relevant parameters in turn maximizes
Constant monitoring of UPS parameters, unit performance, reduces on-site
thus maximizing the system’s availability. maintenance and extends the life of
your equipment.
First Time Fix Rate
Pro-active monitoring and data Fast Incident Response
measuring ensure that when our Vertiv LIFE Services allows for
customer engineers are dispatched immediate definition of the best course
on-site, they arrive prepared for first of action, as a result of the regular
time resolution. communication between your Liebert®
EXL system and our Vertiv LIFE
Services centers.

Liebert® EXL™ S1

Customer Monitoring Interfaces

LCD Touch Screen Features Software Connectivity

• High security access with separate Vertiv’s Trellis platform is a

Liebert® Nform™ will monitor the realtime infrastructure optimization
password levels for users and
Liebert® EXL™ via SNMP protocol. platform that enables the unified
service engineers management of data centre IT
Authenticated alarm management, trend
and facilities infrastructure.
• User-friendly graphical interface analysis and event notification delivers a
comprehensive monitoring solution. The Trellis platform software can
• Single-line mimic diagram showing Available in a variety of versions to suit manage capacity, track inventory,
system status anything from small computer rooms to plan changes, visualize configurations,
multiple location distributed IT networks, analyze and calculate energy usage,
Liebert Nform enables: and optimize cooling and power
• Dedicated warning/fault and event equipment.
log page used to monitor USP
• Condition based system state
status and important events The Trellis platform monitors the
data center, providing a thorough
• Dedicated measurements page for understanding of system
• Alarm event exporting to disk dependencies to help IT and facilities
all UPS internal functional blocks
organizations keep the data center
• SMTP email running at peak performance. This
Hardware Connectivity
unified and complete solution, delivers
• Execution of external program the power to see the real situation
Liebert® EXL™ allows for the monitoring in your data center, make the right
and control of networked UPS, through decision and take action with
different protocol options: • Shut down clients

Liebert SiteScan® is a centralized site

• The integration of UPS with Building monitoring system which ensures
Monitoring and Automation maximum visibility and availability of
Systems via MODBUS RTU, MOD critical operations. Liebert SiteScan Web
BUS/TCP or JBUS protocols allows users to virtually monitor and
control any piece of critical support
• The integration of UPS in Network equipment. Its features include real-time
Management Systems through monitoring and control, data analysis,
SNMP protocol trend reporting, and event management.

• Two slots for additional connectivity

cards are available for specific
protocol requirements.

Customer Experience Center up to 1.2 MVA of capacity. Testing Our Customer Experience Center offers
includes individual modules, as well three validation experiences:
Vertiv™ state-of-the-art Customer as complete power systems, with the
• Demo - carried out on new products
Experience Center located in added possibility of the customer’s
to demonstrate UPS performance
Castel Guelfo (Bologna - Italy), switchgear support systems being
• Standard - validation test showing
enables our customers to connected, thus guaranteeing smooth,
UPS standard technical perfor
experience first-hand a wide rapid installation and commissioning of
mances in compliance with UPS
variety of data center large power systems.
catalogue and IEC 62040-3
technologies, supported by standards
constant consultation from R&D Testing is also customized based on the
• Customized - session tailored to
and engineering specialists. complexity, size and number of UPS
validating customer’s specific
components in the configuration.
technical performance needs.
Customers visiting the center will be
able to witness pre-installation
demonstrations, covering the technical
performance, interoperability and
efficiency of Vertiv UPS systems under
real field conditions. These processes
can be experienced from the facility’s
control room, where real-time
performance measurements and
reporting will be available while providing
full visibility of the demonstration area.
The center can host simultaneous tests
at full load of up to 4000 A.

The customer validation area specifically

dedicated to UPS consists of four
testing stations, each one providing

Liebert® EXL™ S1

Technical Specifications

UPS Rating (kVA) 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200
Output active power at 35 °C*(kW) 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200
Output active power at 40 °C (kW) 270 360 450 540 720 900 1080
Nominal mains input voltage / voltage range* (V) 400 (200 to 460), 3Ph or 3Ph + N
Nominal bypass input voltage / voltage range* (V) 400 (380/415 selectable), 3Ph or 3Ph + N
Nominal frequency / frequency tolerance (Hz) 50±10%(60 selectable)
Input Power Factor ≥ 0.99
Input current distortion (THDi) (%) ≤3
Nominal output voltage (V) 400 (380/415 selectable). 3Ph or 3Ph + N
Nominal output frequency (Hz) 50 (60 selectable)
Output voltage stability by load variation 0-100% (%) -
• static
Complies with IEC/EN 62040-3, Class 1"
• dynamic"
Output frequency stability
"±2 (2, 3, 4, 5 selectable)
• synchronized with bypass mains (%)
• synchronized with internal clock (%)
Inverter Overload Capacity* 110% continuous, 125% for 10mins, 150% for 1min
Short circuit current for 200 ms 2.2 In
Load crest factor handled without derating the ups (Ipk/
Compatibility with loads Any power factor (leading or lagging) up to 1
Permissible battery voltage range (V) 396 to 700
Float voltage for VRLA @ 20 °C (V/cell) 2,27
End cell voltage for VRLA (V/cell) 1.65
Float Voltage stability in steady state condition (%) ≤1
DC ripple voltage without battery (%) ≤1
Battery Switch Not included
Manual Maintenance Bypass Included 300-500 kW Not included 600-1200 kW
General and System Data
Classification according to IEC/EN 62040-3 VFI-SS-111
Operating Temperature (°C) 0-40
Maximum relative humidity @ 20 •C (non condensing) (%) up to 95
Protection degree with open doors IP 20
Frame colour (RAL scale) 7021
69 71 76 78
Noise @ 1 metre as per ISO 3746 (dBA ± 2dBA) "70 dBA@partial "72 dBA @partial
65 dBA @partial load
load" load"
Parallel configuration up to 8 units in parallel
Access Front and Top (no rear access required)
AC/AC efficiency:
• VFI according to IEC/EN 62040 definition (%) up to 97%
• VFD according to IEC/EN 62040 definition (%) up to 99%
Dimension and Weight
Height (mm) 1950
Width (mm) 1000 1250 2000 2650
Depth (mm) 900
Net Weight (kg) 725 990 1550 2275
*Conditions apply

Data Center Infrastructure for Large Applications

Static Transfer Switch

Liebert® CROSS
• Ensures redundant power
for critical loads, switching
between two independent
power sources
• Solid-state transfer switch
available as 2/3/4P 4
versions with full PF range
to guarantee compatibility
with all load types 4 7
• Extremely reliable and
flexible architecture.

3 1 5
Liebert® Trinergy™ Cube 3.4 MW 2
• Highest average operating efficiency
in the industry: 98.5%
• Unprecedented levels of installation
• Hot scalability up to 3.4 MW. 4
Liebert® EXL 1200 kW Remote Diagnostics
• Three-level double conversion efficiency Vertiv™ LIFE™ Services
of up to 97% plus intelligent paralleling Remote Diagnostic and
• Intelligent ECO mode (VFD) efficiency Preventive Monitoring
above 99% With Vertiv LIFE Services
• Enhanced energy density and compact you will benefit from:
footprint • Uptime assurance
• Parallel system configuration up to 8 • First time fix rate
units with both centralized and • Proactive analysis
distributed parallel capabilities • Minimized total cost of
ownership of your equipment
Liebert® NXL 800 kVA • Fast incident response
• UPS for critical high power applications • Reporting.
• Provides greater power capacity along
with superior reliability
• Meets power requirements and energy
efficiency in high availability data

1 AC POWER 3 Power Switching & Controls 5 Racks & Integrated Cabinets

2 Infrastructure Management 4 Thermal Management 6 Surge Protection

& Monitoring
7 DC Power

13 I E-mail : I Toll free : 1-800-2096070

Vertiv Energy Private Limited I Plot C-20, Rd No.19, Wagle Ind Estate, Thane (W), 400604. India
© 2019 Vertiv Co. All rights reserved. Vertiv, and the Vertiv logo trademarks or registered trademarks of Vertiv Co. All other names and logos referred to are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
owners. While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Vertiv Co. assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages resulting from use of this information or for any errors or
omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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