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Aocs Method CD 3-25

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Aocs method cd 3-25 pdf

Aocs official method cd 3-25 pdf.

Since the 1920s AOCS methods have been internationally recognized for trade, and several are listed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Offered in several different formats, the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS is essential for a lab testing edible fats and oils, surfactants, phospholipids, plant proteins, or similar
compounds. AOCS Official Method Cd 3-25Reapproved 2017Saponification Value of Fats and Oils DEFINITIONThe saponification value is the amount of alkali necessary to saponify a definite quantity of the test sample. It is expressed as the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to saponify 1 gram of the test sample.
SCOPEApplicable to all normal fats and oils. Back to Search AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 17a-18Approved 2018Determination of Trace Elements in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy DEFINITION Solvent-diluted vegetable oils are analyzed for trace elements directly by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission
Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).SCOPE Conditions are described for analysis of 22 trace elements. Almost all forms of vegetable oils may be analyzed, from crude oil to degummed, refined, bleached, deodorized, and hardened, and nearly all types of lecithins and phosphatides, depending on dilution solvent. This procedure is suitable only when the elements
are present in a solubilized form.When trace elements are present as fine particles (bleaching earth, catalysts, or rust), ICP-OES analysis results in poor recovery due to nebulization and atomization problems. The only suitable non-ashing direct method for these samples is graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. AOCS Official Method Ca
5a-40Revised 2017Free Fatty Acids in Crude and Refined Fats and Oils DEFINITIONThis method determines the free fatty acids existing in the sample.SCOPEApplicable to all crude and refined vegetable oils, marine oils and animal fats. AOCS Official Method Ca 3a-46Revised 2021Insoluble Impurities in Fats and Oils DEFINITION This method
determines dirt, meal, and other foreign substances insoluble in kerosene and petroleum ether. SCOPE Applicable to all normal fats and oils. Replaces Ca 3-25 and Ca 3-46. AOCS Official Method Ca 2a-45Reapproved 2017Moisture in Fats and Oils, Distillation Method DEFINITION This method determines the moisture by distillation with an
immiscible solvent.SCOPE This method is applicable to all normal fats and oils, including emulsions, for the determination of moisture only, as differentiated from moisture and volatile matter. It is not applicable to samples containing water-miscible volatile substances or to samples containing added monoglycerides. AOCS Official Method Ca 15-
75Revised 2017Analyses for Chromium, Copper, Iron, and Nickel in Vegetable Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry DEFINITION Vegetable oils dissolved in methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) are analyzed for metals by direct aspi-ration. Calibration is based on MIBK solutions of organometallic reference compounds solubilized in purified
vegetable oil.SCOPE This method is intended for the analysis of crude or partially refined vegetable oils that contain at least 2.0 ppm of each measured metal in the form of oil-soluble derivatives. Hardened oils and animal fats have limited solubilities in MIBK and, even at reduced solute concentrations, they readily foul the burner. For these reasons
this method is not recom-mended for such samples.AOCS Method Ca 18-79 has a lower detection limit (0.1 mg/kg, or 0.1 ppm, for an individual metal) as opposed to 2 mg/kg, or 2 ppm, for AOCS Method Ca 15-75. Therefore, when lower detection limits are required, as in the case of contractual trade methods, AOCS Method Ca 18-79 should be used.
AOCS Official Method Ca 12a-02Revised 2017Phosphorus in Oils,Colorimetric (ISO Method) DEFINITION The test portion is carbonized in the presence of magnesium hydroxycarbonate and then ashed. The ash is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid after which the phosphorus is determined colorimetrically by the molybdenum blue
method.SCOPE This method specifies a colorimetric method for the determination of the phosphorus content of animal and vegetable oils and fats. AOCS Official Method Ca 9a-52Revised 2023Refining Loss This method references one or more additional AOCS methods, which will be included with the purchase of this method.
DEFINITION This method determines the loss of free fatty acids, oil, and impurities when the sample is treated with alkali solutions under the specific conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to crude peanut oil, crude coconut oil, crude corn oil, crude sunflower oil, crude soybean oil (expeller and hydraulic), extracted soybean oil, degummed hydraulic
and extracted of soybean oil, degummed expeller-type soybean oil, and crude cottonseed oil (expeller and hydraulic). Also applicable to solvent-extracted crude cottonseed oil and to the reconstituted whole mixture of crude cottonseed oil from prepressing and subsequent solvent processing of cotton-seed. This method is not applicable to crude
cottonseed oil extracted from prepressed cake by solvent. AOCS Official Method Ca 11-55Reapproved 2017Ash in Fats and Oils DEFINITION This method determines the residue remaining after incineration under the specific conditions of the test.SCOPE Applicable to animal fats and vegetable and marine oils. Not applicable to bodied oils containing
lead or zinc. Formerly Ca 11-46. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the
normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Ca 8a-35Declared Surplus 1990Detection of Sulfur (Coin Test) DEFINITIONThis method determines qualitatively the presence of sulfur.SCOPEApplicable to the detection of sulfur in carbon bisulphide-extracted olive oil. AOCS Official Method Ca 6a-40Revised 2017Unsaponifiable Matter in
Fats and Oils, Except Marine Oils DEFINITION Unsaponifiable matter is determined gravimetrically after saponification of the sample with KOH in ethanol and liquid-liquid extraction.SCOPEApplicable to normal animal and vegetable fats and oils. This method is not suitable for fats and oils containing an excessive amount of unsaponifiable matter,
such as marine oils. This method does not apply to feed-grade fats. AOCS Official Method Ca 18b-91Revised 2017Copper, Iron, and Nickel by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry DEFINITION This method is for the determination of trace amounts (µg/kg) of copper, iron, and nickel. The method requires the vaporization of the oil
or fat in a suitable graphite furnace connected to an atomic absorption spectrometer (previously calibrated using standard solutions of organocompounds of copper, iron, and nickel), followed by the measurement of the metal content from the observed absorptions at selected wavelengths. The elements are analyzed sequentially (see References, 1
and 2).SCOPEApplicable to the determination of copper, iron, and nickel in all types of crude or refined oils and fats, including contaminants from bleaching earth and/or catalysts. This method is equivalent to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry standard method 2.631 (References,1 and 2). AOCS Official Method Ca 5b-71Reapproved
2017Crude Fatty Acids, Total Plus Saponifiable Matter DEFINITIONThis method determines the total hexane-soluble fatty acids and unsaponifiable matter in a test sample, whether present in neutral or hydrolyzed form. A procedure is included for removal of hexane-soluble unsaponifiable matter as a separate fraction when desired.SCOPEApplicable
to all oils or hydrolyzed fats, except coconut, palm kernel, and similar oils. This is a joint AOCS-AOAC International method (References, 1).
AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 14b-96Reapproved 2017Free Glycerol in Selected Glycerides and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by HPLC with Evaporative Light-Scattering Detection DEFINITION The method determines free glycerin, glycerides and fatty acid methyl esters by HPLC with evaporative light scattering detection.SCOPE Applicable to
glycerides and fatty acid methyl esters. AOCS Official Method Ca 3b-87Revised 2017Hexane Residues in Fats and Oils DEFINITION “Residual hexane content of extracted meals is determined by heating the sample at 80 °C in a closed vessel after addition of an internal standard and determining hexane in the headspace by gas chromatography.

SCOPE This method is applicable to the determination of “free” volatile hydrocarbons, expressed in terms of hexane, remaining in animal and vegetable fats and oils after extraction with hydrocarbon-based solvents. It is suitable for the determination of quantities of hexane between 10 and 1500 mg/kg (ppm) in fat or oil.
This method is equivalent to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Standard Method (IUPAC) 2.607 (References, 1 and 2). AOCS Official Method Ca 2b-38Reapproved 2017Moisture and Volatile Matter in Butter, Fats, Margarines, and Oils, Hot Plate Method DEFINITION;This method determines the moisture and any other material
volatile under the conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to all of the ordinary fats and oils, including emulsions, such as butter, oleomargarine, and high-acid coconut oil. It is not applicable to certain abnormal samples, such as solvent-extracted fats and oils, which may contain residues from solvents with fairly high boiling points or to samples
containing added monoglycerides. AOCS Official Method Ca 12b-92Revised 2017Phosphorus in Oils, Direct Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry DEFINITION This method, based on International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Method 2.423 (see References, 1), determines the total phosphorus present in oils and fats,
expressing the value as mg/kg (parts per million, ppm). The method requires the vaporization of the oil or fat in a suitable graphite furnace, with or without a L’vov platform, connected to an atomic absorption spectrometer, previously calibrated using standard solutions of soy lecithin and the measurement of the phosphorus content from the observed
absorption at a wavelength of 213.6 nm.SCOPE This method is for the determination of trace amounts (mg/kg) of phosphorus in all types of crude or refined edible oils and fats. Spectral interference by other elements is not to be expected, provided the measurements are carried out at the wavelength specific for phosphorus (213.6 nm). Replaces Ca
12b-87. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 15b-87Revised 2017Sodium and Calcium by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry DEFINITION Sodium (sodium soap) and calcium (calcium soap) present in a fat or oil sample are acidified and then extracted into a known volume. The sodium and calcium concentrations are measured using flame AAS and
can be directly measured after calibration of the instrument.SCOPE The method is applicable to unemulsified fats and oils. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer
being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Ca 8b-35Declared Surplus 1990Detection of Sulfur (Silver Benzoate Test) DEFINITIONThis method determines qualitatively the presence of sulfur.SCOPEApplicable to the detection of sulfur in
carbon bisulphide-extracted olive oil. AOCS Official Method Ca 6b-53Reapproved 2017Unsaponifiable Matter, High Level Method DEFINITIONUnsaponifiable matter includes those substances frequently found dissolved in fats and oils that cannot be saponified by the usual caustic treatment, but are soluble in ordinary fat and oil solvents.

Included in this group of compounds are higher aliphatic alcohols, sterols, pigments, and hydrocarbons.SCOPEApplicable to fats and oils containing higher levels of unsaponifiable matter than usually found in normal tallows and greases. This method is especially suited for marine oils, but is also applicable to vegetable oil deodorizer distillates and
sludges. This method does not apply to feed-grade fats. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 3c-01Revised 2017Detection of a Volatile Organic Contaminant by GC-MS DEFINITION This method describes the identification and quantitative determination of a volatile organic contaminant in edible oils using GC-MS.SCOPEThis method is suitable for
identification of the following compound classes: saturated halogenated hydrocarbons; un-saturated halogenated hydrocarbons; esters; aldehydes; alcohols; amines; ketones; ethers; cyclic and aromatic com-pounds; nitrogen compounds; acrylates; etc. The method has been evaluated for the 1–0 mg/kg range and is not applicable to very volatile or
nonvolatile chemicals. The concentration of chemicals that may react with the edible oil or one of its natural components cannot be determined using this method. AOCS Official Method Ca 18-79Revised2017Chromium, Copper, Iron, Nickel, and Manganese in Triglyceride Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Using a Graphite Furnace
DEFINITION Vegetable and animal oils dissolved in methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) or MIBK + HNO3 are analyzed for metals by direct injection into a graphite tube furnace. Calibration is based on MIBK or MIBK + HNO3 solutions of organometallic reference compounds.SCOPE This method is intended for the analysis of crude and refined vegetable
oils and animal fats that contain trace metals that may be present in the form of oil-soluble adducts. The detection limit of this method is approximately 0.1 mg/kg (0.1 ppm). This method has a lower detection limit than AOCS Method Ca 15-75, which has a detection limit of approximately 2 mg/kg (2 ppm). Therefore, when lower detection limits may
be required, as in the case of contractual trade methods, AOCS Method Ca 18-79 should be used. AOCS Official Method Ca 6c-65Reapproved 2017Hydrocarbons (Mineral Oil in Triglycerides) DEFINITIONThe sample in solvent is passed through a chromatographic column and the hydrocarbons re-covered from the effluent by removal of
solvent.SCOPEApplicable to the determination of saturated hydrocarbons in glycerides. This is a joint AOCS-Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method (References, 1 and 2). AOCS Official Method Ca 18c-91Reapproved 2017Lead by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry DEFINITION This method is used for the
determination of trace amounts (µg/kg) of lead. The method requires the vaporization of the oil or fat in a suitable graphite furnace, with or without a platform, connected to an atomic absorption spectrometer (previously calibrated using standard solutions of an organocompound of lead), followed by the measurement of the metal content from the
observed absorption at a wavelength of 283.3 nm (see References, 1 and 2).SCOPE Applicable to the determination of lead in all types of crude or refined edible oils and fats. This method is equivalent to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Standard Method (IUPAC) 2.632 (References, 1 and 2).

AOCS Official Method Ca 2c-25Reapproved 2017Moisture and Volatile Matter, in Animal and Vegetable Fats, Air Oven Method DEFINITION This method determines the moisture and any other material volatile under the conditions of the test. SCOPE Applicable to animal and vegetable fats, but not to drying or semidrying oils or oils of the coconut

It is not applicable to fats containing added monoglycerides. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical
and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Ca 5c-87Declared Surplus 2009Butyric Acid DEFINITIONThe butyric acid content of milkfat, butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat and butterfat is the quantity, expressed as a percentage by weight, of butyric acid determined in the sample by the
following method. Saponification of the fat with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution is followed by acidification with phosphoric acid to liberate the fatty acids. Water-soluble fatty acids are separated by filtration and direct determination of butyric acid is carried out by gas-liquid chromatography in the presence of an internal standard.SCOPEThis
method is applicable to the determination of the butyric acid content of milkfat or butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat or butterfat. This method is equivalent to International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry standard method 2.310. AOCS Official Method Ca 18d-01Reapproved 2017Cadmium Content by Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometry DEFINITION The oil or fat is incinerated and atomized in a suitable graphite tube furnace with a platform connected to an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, previously calibrated using standard solutions of an organocompound of cadmium. The metal content is determined from the observed absorption at a
wavelength of 228.8 nm. Palladium is added as a matrix modifier in order to prevent loss of cadmium during the thermal pretreatment.SCOPE Applicable to the determination of trace amounts (µg/kg) of cadmium in all types of crude or refined edible oils and fats. This method is equivalent to International Organization for Standardization Method
15774:2000 (References, 1).
AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 17-01Revised 2020Determination of Trace Elements in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy DEFINITION Solvent-diluted vegetable oils are analyzed for the elements above by ICP-OES.
The method determines calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, nickel, silicon, sodium, lead, and cadmium in vegetable oils by ICP-OES.SCOPE This procedure describes a method to quantify calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, nickel, silicon, lead, sodium, and cadmium in oil. Almost all forms of vegetable oils may be analyzed, from crude oil to degummed,
refined, bleached, deodorized, and hardened, and nearly all types of lecithins and phospha​tides, depending on dilution solvent. This procedure is suitable only when the elements are present in a solubilized form. When they are present as fine particles (bleaching earth, catalysts, or rust), inductively coupled plasma optimal emission spectroscopy (ICP-
OES) analysis results in poor recovery due to nebulization and atomization problems. The only suitable non-ashing direct method for these samples is graphite furnace AAS. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 5d-01Revised 2017Free Fatty Acids in Crude Vegetable Oils by Capillary Gas Chromatography DEFINITIONFatty acids are trimethylsilyl
derivatized and determined by gas chromatography using an internal standard for quantitation.SCOPEThis method is applicable to most crude vegetable oils and other oil-bearing materials that contain free fatty acids. AOCS Official Method Ca 2d-25Reapproved 2017Moisture and Volatile Matter, in Fats and Oils, Vacuum Oven Method
DEFINITION This method determines the moisture and any other material volatile under the conditions of the test. SCOPE Applicable to all normal fats and oils, except those of the coconut oil group containing 1 percent or more of free fatty acids.
For those fats, use the hot plate method, AOCS Official Method Ca 2b-38. Method Ca 2d-25 is not applicable to fats containing added monoglycerides. AOCS Official Method Ca 3d-02Reapproved 2017Sediment in Crude Fats and Oils, Centrifuge Method DEFINITION A homogenized test sample is subjected to centrifuging as specified. The amount of
separated material, called sediment (part of the insoluble matter in a crude fat or oil which can be centrifugally separated and is the total amount of the unclear layer of components collected at the bottom of the measuring tube after centrifuging) is volumetrically measured in a calibrated centrifuge tube.SCOPEThis method determines sediment that
can be separated from crude fats and oils by centrifugal force. The method is applicable to crude oils and to oils with a sediment content of 0.03 mL per 100 g to 15 mL per 100 g, obtained by means of extraction and/or crushing. The method is not applicable to fats which are not liquid at a temperature of 20 °C. This method is identical to
International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 15301. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 5e-13Reapproved 2017Butyric Acid, Capillary Column GLC Method DEFINITION The butyric acid content of milkfat, butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat and butter-fat is the quantity, expressed as a percentage by weight, of butyric acid
determined in the sample by the following method. Saponification of the fat with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution is followed by acidification with phos-phoric acid to liberate the fatty acids. Water-soluble fatty acids are separated by filtration and direct determination of butyric acid is carried out by gas-liquid chromatography in the presence of an
internal standard.
SCOPE This method is applicable to the determination of the butyric acid content of milkfat or butterfat, or mixtures of fats containing milkfat or butterfat. AOCS Official Method Ca 2e-84Reapproved 2017Moisture, Karl Fischer Method DEFINITION This method determines the actual water content of fats and oils by titration with Karl Fischer
reagent, which reacts quantitatively with water. SCOPEApplicable to fats and oils that do not react with, and are soluble in, the reagents and that do not contain impurities leading to secondary reactions. Such impurities are alkaline compounds and peroxides, which react with the reagent and therefore show high results (see Reference 1). Replaces
Ca 2e-55. AOCS Official Method Ca 3e-02Reapproved 2017Visible Foots in Crude Fats and Oils DEFINITION A homogenized test portion of crude fat or oil is allowed to stand at a controlled temperature for a period of 96 h. The volume of separated material, called “visible foots,” is read off from the graduated vessel. “Visible foots” refers to the
insoluble matter in fats and oils, together with occluded oil, which settles out from oil or fat within 96 h at the temperature specified in this method.SCOPEThis method specifies a method for the determination in crude fats or oils of visible matter which can be separated by gravity. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 2f-93Reapproved 2017Moisture and
Volatile Matter in Fats and Oils, Modified Method DEFINITION This method determines moisture and volatile matter in fats and oils by the addition of acetone to the fat or oil, followed by heating at 100 °C. The moisture and volatile matter are removed during the evaporation of the acetone and are determined by the loss in weight of the original
sample.1 SCOPE Applicable to crude fats and oils. This moisture and volatile matter method can be completed in one hour without the use of elaborate equipment, permitting a rapid determination of the commercial value of crude fats and oils. AOCS Official Method Ca 9f-57Reapproved 2017Neutral Oil and Loss DEFINITIONThe total neutral oil of
natural fats and oils consisting essentially of triglycerides and unsaponifiable matter is determined by this method. The free fatty acids and miscellaneous nonfat substances are removed by passing through a column of activated alumina. The loss is the difference between total neutral oil and 100%.SCOPEThis method has been satisfactorily applied to
cottonseed, soybean, peanut, linseed, coconut, and sunflower oils. Application of this method to other oils has not been investigated, but it is probably applicable to practically all natural animal and vegetable fats and oils. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 19-86Revised 2017Phospholipids in Vegetable Oils, Nephelometric Method DEFINITION The
nephelometric method measures turbidity in oil-acetone mixtures due to phospholipids. The turbidity is correlated to the phosphorus level.SCOPE This method is applicable to crude, degummed, once-refined, bleached, and deodorized vegetable oils. The presence of soap in oil samples may give erroneous results. AOCS Official Method Ca 20-
99Reapproved 2017Phosphorus in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy DEFINITION This method describes a procedure for the quantification of phosphorus in oil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES).SCOPE Depending on the dilution solvent, nearly all forms of vegetable oils may be
analyzed—from crude oil to degummed, refined, bleached, deodorized, and hardened—and nearly all types of lecithins and phosphatides. This procedure is suitable only when the elements are present in a solubilized form. When they are present as fine particles such as bleaching earth, catalysts, or rust, ICP-OES analysis results in poor recovery due
to nebulization and atomization problems. The only suitable non-ashing direct method for these samples is graphite furnace AAS.
AOCS Official Method Ca 12-55Revised 2017Phosphorus in Oils, Colorimetric DEFINITION This method determines phosphorus or the equivalent phosphatide content by ashing the sample in the presence of zinc oxide, followed by the spectrophotometric measurement of phosphorus as a blue phosphomolybdic acid complex.SCOPE Applicable to
crude, degummed and refined vegetable oils. Replaces Ca 12-53. AOCS Recommended Practice Ca 16-75Revised 2021Polyethylene in Fats and Oils DEFINITION This method determines, by a gravimetric procedure, polyethylene and other plastic polymers present as contaminants in fats and oils.SCOPE This method is applicable to animal fats, other
fats, and vegetable oils containing polyethylene. For rendered fats, protein could be an interference.
Soaps may interfere, causing high results; however, the initial precipitation from an acid solution is designed to minimize the interference due to soaps. The probable limitation of the method for normal polyethylene is 50 mg/kg (50 ppm). The effect of the presence of biodegradable plastic materials in fats and oils is yet to be determined. *Surplus
methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS
Official Method Ca 4-25Reapproved 2017Soluble Mineral Matter and Fatty Acids, Combined as Mineral Soap DEFINITION This method determines soluble mineral matter as percent of the total mass of the test sample. Soluble mineral matter represents mineral matter combined with fatty acids in the form of soaps in solution in the fat or oil. These
are usually present in the form of lime soaps although phosphates or iron may be present.SCOPE Applicable to all normal animal fats and greases.
*Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.*
AOCS SURPLUS Method Ca 10-40Declared Surplus 1989Break Test (Soybean Oil) DEFINITIONThis method determines the material which under the specific conditions of this test separates from the oil and is rendered insoluble in carbon tetrachloride.SCOPEApplicable to crude soybean oil. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the
AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Ca 7-35Declared Surplus
1990Detection of Chlorinated Solvents (Beilstein Test) DEFINITIONThis method determines qualitatively the presence of chlorine from chlorinated solvents or other sources.SCOPEApplicable to normal vegetable oils. AOCS Official Method Ca 14-56Revised 2017Total, Free and Combined Glycerol in Fats and Oils, Iodometric-Periodic Acid Method
DEFINITION This method determines total, free, and combined glycerol in fats and oils. The total glycerol is determined after saponification of the sample, the free glycerol directly on the sample as taken and the combined glycerol by difference.SCOPE Applicable to the determination of total and free glycerol in fats and oils.
AOCS Official Method Ca 13-56Revised 2022Total Gossypol in Crude Cottonseed Oil and Cottonseed Soap Stock, Spectrophotometric Method DEFINITION Total gossypol defines gossypol and gossypol derivatives, both free and bound, in cottonseed products that are capable of reacting with 3-amino-1-propanol in dimethylformamide solution to form a
diamino- ​propanol complex, which then reacts with aniline to form dianilinogossypol under the conditions of the test method. Gossypol, gossypol analogs and gossypol derivatives having an available aldehyde moiety are measured by the method.SCOPE Applicable to crude cottonseed oil and cottonseed soap stock. AOCS Official Method Cb 6-
86Revised 2017Aflatoxins M1 and M2 in Dairy Products, TLC Method DEFINITIONThis method determines aflatoxins M1 and M2 under the conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to liquid milks, powdered milks, and cheeses. AOCS Official Method Cb 1-25Reapproved 2017Cottonseed Oil Presence, Halphen Test DEFINITIONThis method detects,
qualitatively, the presence of cottonseed oil in vegetable or animal fats or oils.SCOPEKapok oil reacts with an intensity equal to or greater than that of cottonseed oil, and fats from animals that have been fed cottonseed meal may give a positive test. AOCS Official Method Cb 2-40Reapproved 2017Sesame Oil, Modified Villavecchia Test
DEFINITIONThis method detects, qualitatively, the presence of sesame oil in animal and vegetable fats and oils SCOPEApplicable to normal animal and vegetable fats and oils. AOCS Official Method Cb 3-39Revised 2017Teaseed Oil, Fitelson Test (Modified Lieberman-Burchard Test) DEFINITIONThis method determines the presence of teaseed oil in
olive oil.SCOPEApplicable only to mixtures of olive oil and teaseed oil. AOCS Official Method Cb 4-35Revised 2017Identification of Oils, Crismer Test (Fryer and Weston Modification) DEFINITIONThis test determines the miscibility of the test sample with a standard reagent. The values obtained are characteristic within certain limits for each kind of
oil.SCOPEApplicable to normal animal and vegetable fats and oils. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for
historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cb 5-40Declared Surplus 1993Detection of Foreign Fats Containing Tristearin in Pork Fats (Boemer Number) DEFINITIONThis method detects the presence of tallows and similar fats in pork fat. It is based on the difference between the melting point of
glycerides and the melting point of fatty acids, which is large for pure pork fat (unhydrogenated) and small for tallow.
This method is sometimes referred to as the Boemer Number.SCOPEApplicable to the detection of beef fat (tallow) in pork fat (lard), but not in the presence of hydrogenated lard. AOCS Official Method Cc 8a-52Reapproved 2017Bleaching Test for Refined Cottonseed Oil DEFINITIONThis method determines the color of the test sample after treatment
with a specified bleaching earth under the conditions of this test.SCOPE Applicable to refined cottonseed oil. Formerly Cc 8a-47. AOCS Official Method Cc 13a-43Reapproved 2017Color of Fats and Oils, FAC Standards Comparison Methods DEFINITION This method determines the color of fats and oils by comparison with permanent color standards.
SCOPEApplicable to animal fats and all fats and oils too dark to be read by the Wesson method. AOCS Official Method Cc 9a-48Reapproved 2017Smoke, Flash, and Fire Points, Cleveland Open Cup Method DEFINITIONThese methods determine the temperature at which the test sample will smoke, flash, or burn. SCOPEApplicable to animal,
vegetable, and marine fats and oils. Flash point not applicable to test samples that flash below 150 °C (300 °F). Formerly Cc 9-40. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no
longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cc 10a-25Declared Surplus 1995Specific Gravity of Oils and Liquid Fats DEFINITIONThis method determines the ratio of the weight of a unit volume of the sample at 25° C to the weight of a
unit volume of water at 25° C.SCOPEApplicable to all oils and liquid fats. AOCS Official Method Cc 8b-52Revised 2021Bleaching Test for Refined Soybean and Sunflower Oil DEFINITIONThis method determines the color of the test sample after treatment with a specified bleaching earth under the conditions of this test.SCOPEApplicable to refined
soybean oil and refined sunflower oil. Formerly Cc 8b-49.
AOCS Official Method Cc 13b-45Reapproved 2017Color of Fats and Oils, Lovibond (Wesson) Wesson Method Using Color Glasses Calibrated in Accordance with the AOCS-Tintometer Color Scale DEFINITION This method determines color by comparison with glasses of known color characteristics. SCOPEApplicable to all normal fats and oils,
providing no turbidity is present in the test sample. In international trade, the British Standard Lovibond color, AOCS Official Method Cc 13e-92, may be preferred or required. AOCS Official Method Cc 9b-55Reapproved 2017Flash Point, Closed Cup Method DEFINITIONThis method determines the temperature at which the test sample will flash
when a test flame is applied under the conditions specified for the test. (Modified Closed Cup Method, ASTM Designation D 93-80)SCOPEApplicable to animal, vegetable, and marine fats and oils. The fats and oils may or may not contain small amounts of volatile inflammable solvents. AOCS Official Method Cc 3b-92Reapproved 2017Slip Melting
Point, ISO Standard DEFINITIONThe slip melting point in open capillary tubes is defined as the temperature at which a column of fat in an open capillary tube begins to rise under the conditions specified in this method. The method requires the immersion of a capillary tube, containing a column of the fat which has been crystallized under controlled
conditions, to a specified depth in water, the temperature of which is increased at a specified rate. The temperature at which the column fat is observed to start rising in the capillary tube is recorded as the slip melting point.SCOPEThis method, based on the International Standard ISO 6321 (References, 1), specifies two methods for the determination
of the melting point in open capillary tubes, commonly known as the slip point, of animal and vegetable fats and oils. This method is used in the international trading of oils and fats. AOCS Official Method Cc 10b-25Reapproved 2017Specific Gravity of Solid Fats and Waxes DEFINITIONThis method determines the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of
the test sample at 25 °C to the mass of a unit volume of water at 25 °C.
SCOPEApplicable to solid fats and waxes. AOCS Official Method Cc 13c-50Reapproved 2017Color of Fats and Oils, Spectrophotometric Method DEFINITION This method designates the color of fats and oils with a single number.
SCOPEApplicable to cottonseed, soybean, and peanut oils. This method requires revision to accommodate the use of contem-porary double-beam spectrophotometers.
AOCS Official Method Cc 10c-95Revised 2022Determination of Mass per Unit Volume (“Liter Weight”) in Air of Oils and Fats DEFINITIONThis method determines the mass per unit volume (“liter weight”) of oils and fats in order to convert ​volume to mass or mass to volume, and involves the measurement of the mass, at the required temperature, of a
volume of the oil or fat contained in a pycnometer that has been calibrated at the same temperature. The mass per unit volume (“liter weight”) of an oil or fat is defined as the ratio of the mass of the oil or fat to its volume at a given temperature and is expressed in grams per milliliter (g/mL) or kilograms per liter (kg/L).
SCOPEThis method is applicable to animal and vegetable fats and oils that do not deposit crystals at the temperature of determination. The determination may be made directly on test samples that are liquid at ambient temperature, or after complete melting of other test samples, preferably at 40, 50, or 60 °C. If necessary, a higher temperature may
be used.This method, identical to ISO 6883 (1987), is used in the international trade of oils and fats. AOCS Official Method Cc 9c-95Reapproved 2017Determination of the Flashpoint by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Tester DEFINITIONThe method determines whether a test sample of oil or fat at a specific temperature will flash when a test flame
is applied to the test sample under the conditions (described in the method) of the test. SCOPEApplicable to animal, vegetable, and marine fats and oils, to determine if a cargo of edible oil or fat is hazardous to the point of being explosive due to residual technical hexane or other solvents being present. The fats and oils may or may not contain small
amounts of volatile inflammable solvents. When determining if a cargo of edible oil or fat is hazardous to the point of being explosive, this method should be used rather than AOCS Official Method Cc 9b-55. This revised flashpoint method is based on an international collaborative study carried out by the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations
Limited (FOSFA) International during 1995, and it is recommended for use in international trade. AOCS Official Method Cc 6-25Reapproved 2017Cloud Point Test DEFINITIONThe cloud point is that temperature at which, under the conditions of this test, a cloud is induced in the test sample caused by the first stage of crystallization.SCOPEApplicable
to all normal animal and vegetable fats. AOCS Official Method Cc 11-53Reapproved 2017Cold Test for Fats and Oils DEFINITION This method measures the resistance of the test sample to crystallization and is commonly used as an index of the winterization and stearin removal processes.SCOPEApplicable to all normal, refined and dry animal and
vegetable oils. Replaces Cc 11-42. AOCS Official Method Cc 14-59Reapproved 2017Congeal Point DEFINITIONThe congeal point is a measure of the solidification temperature of fat under the conditions prescribed by the test method. The congeal point differs from the titer point in that the congeal point is based on triglyceride composition, while the
titer point is based on fatty acid composition.SCOPEApplicable to fats and oils and fat mixtures that congeal or solidify within the temperature range of 25–45 °C. AOCS Official Method Cc 16-60Reapproved 2017Consistency, Penetrometer Method DEFINITIONThe penetrometer method provides an arbitrary measure of the firmness of plasticized fats
by measuring the distance a given weight of defined shape will penetrate the fat in a certain period of time. The firmness of fat is related to the composition and character of the fat, to the temperature of the test sample at the time of measurement, and to the previous history of the test sample. SCOPEThis method is applicable to plastic fats and solid
fat emulsions such as shortenings, margarine, butter, and similar products.
AOCS Official Method Cc 13d-55Reapproved 2017Chlorophyll Pigments in Refined and Bleached Oils DEFINITIONThis method is used to determine mg/kg (ppm) of chlorophyll-related pigments (predominantly pheophytin a) in oils from spectrophotometric absorption measurements at 630, 670, and 710 nm.SCOPEApplicable to expelled oils. For
crude or expeller pressed oils, use AOCS Method Cc 13k-13. This method is not applicable to hydrogenated oils, deodorized oils and finished products, because in these processed oils, the absorption maximum does not occur at 670 nm. AOCS Official Method Cc 8d-55Reapproved 2017Refined and Bleached Color in Tallow and Greases Intended for
Soap Production DEFINITIONThis method determines the color of the test sample after treatment with alkali and a specified bleaching earth.SCOPEApplicable to tallows and greases intended for soap production. Formerly Cc 8d-53. AOCS Official Method Cc 13e-92Reapproved 2017Color of Fats and Oil, Lovibond (ISO Method)Lovibond Method
Using Color Glasses Calibrated in Accordance with the Lovibond Tintometer Color Scale DEFINITIONThe method determines color by matching the color of the light transmitted through a specific depth of liquid fat or oil to the color of the light originating from the same source, transmitted through glass color standards.SCOPEApplicable to all
normal animal and vegetable fats and oils, providing no turbidity is present in the test sample. This method is harmonized with ISO 15305. This method is the accepted international standard for the measurement of color in animal and vegetable fats and oils.< AOCS Official Method Cc 8e-63Reapproved 2017Modified Bleach Test for Soybean Oil
DEFINITIONThis method determines the color of the test sample after treatment with a specified bleaching earth under the conditions of the test.SCOPE Applicable to soybean oil. AOCS Analytical Guidelines Cc 8f-91Reapproved 2017Evaluation of Bleaching Clays and Adsorbents SCOPE This method describes the procedures recommended for the
evaluation of bleaching clays and adsorbents. The listed methods are recommended for the evaluation of test oils before and after conducting a bleaching test.
The method contains recommendations for experimental apparatus and procedures for conducting bleaching tests. AOCS Recommended Practice Cc 13f-94Revised 2017Refined and Bleached Color and Saponification Color of Tallows and Greases Intended for Soap Production DEFINITIONThis recommended practice determines the color of the test
sample after treatment with alkali and a specified bleaching earth (Part I) and after saponification of the refined and bleached test sample (Part II).SCOPEApplicable to tallows and greases intended for soap production. Part I determines bleached and refined color and Part II determines saponification color. AOCS Recommended Practice Cc 13g-
94Reapproved 2017Saponification Color, High-Quality Tallows and Coconut Oils DEFINITIONThe color of the test sample is determined after saponification of the test sample with a caustic.SCOPEApplicable to high-quality tallows and coconut oils. AOCS Recommended Practice Cc 13h-94Reapproved 2017Saponification Color Tallows and Coconut
Oils DEFINITION The color of the test sample is determined after saponification of the test sample with a caustic. This method includes the use of the Automatic Lovibond Tintometer.SCOPEApplicable to tallows and coconut oils. AOCS Official Method Cc 13i-96Revised 2017Determination of Chlorophyll Pigments in Crude Vegetable Oils
DEFINITIONThe content of chlorophyll pigments in vegetable oils is expressed as mg of pheophytin a in 1 kg of oil.SCOPEReplaced by AOCS Official Method Cc 13k-13.This method determines total chlorophyll pigments, expressed as pheophytin a, in crude vegetable oils. The method is suitable for the determination of quantities of chlorophyll
pigments higher than 1 mg/kg (1 ppm). The chlorophyll pigments are determined by measuring the absorbance at 670 nm, correcting the result for the background absorption, and calculating the content with the use of the absorptivity of pheophytin a, which is the main chlorophyll pigment in crude vegetable oils. AOCS Official Method Cc 13j-
97Revised 2021Color of Fats and Oils, Automated Method DEFINITIONThis method determines the color of crude, raw, once refined, refined and bleached (RB) or refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) oils, and washed-dried filtered and deodorized tallow, providing that the oils are free of turbidity (free of particulates and moisture) in the test
sample. The automated method gives results in the AOCS-Tintometer Color (Wesson method) or the Lovibond Color Scales. SCOPEApplicable to crude, raw (unheated), and refined animal and vegetable fats and oils. If the samples contain particles, they must be removed via simple filtration. If the samples are wet and turbid, the samples must be
dried prior to analysis. AOCS Official Method Cc 13k-13Revised 2022Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll-Related Pigments in Vegetable Oil, Spectrophotometric Determination DEFINITIONThis method is used to determine mg/kg (ppm) of chlorophyll in cold pressed oil (e.g., virgin olive oil) and chlorophyll-related pigments (predominantly pheophytin a) in
crude heated oils from spectrophotometric absorption measurements at 630, 670 and 710 nm.SCOPEThis method is applicable to cold pressed and expelled oils.
This method is not applicable to hydrogenated oils, deodorized oils and finished products because in these processed oils the absorption maximum does not occur at 670 nm. AOCS Official Method Cc 1-25Reapproved 2017Melting Point, Capillary Tube Method DEFINITIONThe natural fats and oils, that is, those of animal and vegetable origin, are
mixtures of glycerides and a ​number of other minor components (pigments, sterols, tocopherols, etc.). They do not exhibit either a definite or a sharp melting point. Therefore, the term “melting point” does not imply the same ​characteristics that it does with pure substances of a definite crystalline nature. Fats pass through a stage of gradual ​‐
softening before they become totally liquid. The melting point then must be defined by the specific ​conditions of the method by which it is determined and, in this case, it is the temperature at which the test sample becomes completely clear and liquid.SCOPEApplicable to all normal animal and vegetable fats. AOCS Standard Procedure Cc 18-
80Reapproved 2017Mettler Dropping Point DEFINITIONThe dropping point of a fat or oil is the temperature at which the test sample will become fluid to flow under the conditions of the test.SCOPEApplicable to hydrogenated and nonhydrogenated fats and oils that solidify sufficiently when held at -5 °C or lower for the allotted time. AOCS Official
Method Cc 7-25Reapproved 2017 Refractive Index of Fats and Oils DEFINITIONSThe refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the substance. For practical measurements, including this method, the scales of standard instruments indicate refractive indices with respect to air, rather than
vacuum. The index of refraction of oils is characteristic within certain limits for each kind of oil. It is related to the degree of unsaturation, but it is affected by other factors, such as free fatty acid content, oxidation, and heat treatment. SCOPE Applicable to all normal oils and liquid fats. AOCS Official Method Cc 3-25Reapproved 2017Slip Melting
Point, AOCS Standard Open Tube Melting Point DEFINITIONThe slip point is an index of the temperature at which fat softens and becomes sufficiently fluid to slip in an open capillary tube.SCOPEThis method is used in the characterization of palm oil in international trade. This method is applicable to palm oil and hard fats, including palm kernel oil,
coconut oil, stearin, hydrogenated fats, and hard tallows.
It is less satisfactory for lard, soft tallows, and animal fats. It is unsatisfactory for lard compounds, mixtures of hard and soft fats, and emulsions. AOCS Recommended Practice Cc 17-95Reapproved 2017 Soap in Oil, Titrimetric Method DEFINITIONThe titrimetric method determines the alkalinity of the test sample as sodium oleate.SCOPEApplicable
only to refined vegetable oils (see References, 1). Formerly Cc 17-79.
*Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed.
Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cc 5-25Declared Surplus 1989Flow Test DEFINITIONThe flow test is the lowest temperature at which the sample will flow under the prescribed conditions of this method. SCOPEApplicable to neatsfoot oil, lard oil,
grease oil, and similar products. Not applicable to the harder fats and fatty mixtures. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still
available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cc 4-25Declared Surplus 1989Slipping Point (Soft Fats) DEFINITIONThis method determines the slipping (softening) point of the sample as it exists. This is not necessarily a constant of the fat itself. SCOPEThis method is applicable to lard,
lard substitutes, butter, margarine, emulsions and fatty substances in their natural state. The test is not applicable to samples which have been melted or otherwise modified. *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a
product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cc 15-60Declared Surplus 1989Soap in Oil (Conductivity) DEFINITIONThe Conductivity Method estimates the soap as sodium oleate by a 4 minute
hot water extraction of the oil and measurement of the conductivity of the water extract.SCOPEThis method is applicable to normal refined, waterwashed, and neutral clay bleached glyceride oils. It is not applicable to glyceride oils refined with acidic refining reagents or oils bleached with an acid activated earth or clay. *Surplus methods have been
declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method
Cc 2-38Declared Surplus 1991Wiley Melting Point DEFINITIONThe Wiley melting point is the temperature at which, under the conditions of this test, the sample disk assumes a spherical shape and is, thus, an index of the temperature at which the sample is melted.SCOPEThis method is applicable to all types of normal fats, but the method is not
suitable for frying fats. The dropping point method, AOCS Official Method Cc 18-80, may be used as an alternate method for all types of normal fats, but results may differ slightly from those obtained using the Wiley melting point method. It is the intention of the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee to declare the Wiley melting point method obsolete
(i.e., “surplus”) in 1994. AOCS Official Method Cc 12-59Reapproved 2017Titer Test for Fats and Oils DEFINITION This method determines the solidification point of a mixture of fatty acids from a saponified test sample of either fat or oil.SCOPEApplicable to normal animal fats, vegetable oils, and marine oils. Replaced Cc 12-41. AOCS Official Method
Cd 29a-13Revised 20172- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidol Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Acid Transesterification and GC/MS DEFINITIONThis method is used for the determination of fatty acid esters of 2-chloropropane-1,3-diol (2-MCPD), 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidol in edible oils and fats; see also AOCS
Official Methods Cd 29b-13 or Cd 29c-13. Glycidyl esters are converted to 3-monobromopropanediol (3-MBPD) monoesters in an acid solution containing a bromide salt. 3-MBPD esters, together with 2- and 3-MCPD esters, are then converted into the free (non-esterified) form in acid methanolic solution. The fatty acid methyl esters generated during
the reaction are extracted from the sample; and 2- and 3-MCPD as well as 3-MBPD, are then derivatized with phenylboronic acid prior to GC-MS analysis.SCOPEApplicable for the determination of 2- and 3-MCPD fatty acid esters and glycidyl fatty acid esters (as a sum of all the respective esters) in edible oils/fats. AOCS Official Method Cd 30-15
Approved 2017 Analysis of 2- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Oil-Based Emulsions DEFINITION This extraction procedure enables the isolation of fatty acid esters of 2-chloropropane-1,3-diol (2-MCPD), 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidol from various oil-based emulsions, such as spreads, margarines,
dressings and mayonnaise. The complete determination of these compounds is achieved by combining this extraction procedure with the previously published indirect method developed for the analysis of oils and fats, e.g., AOCS Cd 29a-13, Cd 29b-13 or Cd 29c-13. SCOPEThis extraction procedure (1) is applicable to spreads, margarines, dressings,
and mayonnaise. AOCS Recommended Practice Cd 3a-94Revised 2022Saponification Value of Fats and Oils, by Calculation DEFINITIONThe saponification value is calculated from the normalized fatty acid composition determined by gas-liquid chromatography.SCOPEThe method may be applied to all normal fats and oils, including linseed oil,
provided they contain low concentrations of free fatty acids (= 0.1%) and mono- and diglycerides (= 0.1%). To meet this specification a freshly deodorized oil would have to be chromatographically fractionated over 5% water-deactivated silica gel to isolate the pure triglyceride fraction. The method is not directly applicable to fats and oils having a
large unsaponifiable fraction. AOCS Recommended Practice Cd 25a-00Revised 2017Thermal Heating Fluids in Edible Oils and Oleochemicals—Dowtherm A™ by HPLC Coupled with Fluorescence Detector DEFINITIONThis method describes a procedure for the determination of Dowtherm A™ in edible oils and oleochemicals by HPLC. The procedure
does not require a pre-treatment step.SCOPEApplicable to edible oils and oleochemicals which have no interfering components that fluoresce in the same region as Dowtherm A™. The method is also applicable to other thermal heating fluids based on mixture of biphenyl and diphenyl oxide, e.g., Therminol VP-1™ (see References, 1). The method may
be used either semi-quantitatively or quantitatively. AOCS Official Method Cd 29b-13Revised 20172- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidol Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Alkaline Transesterification and GC/MS DEFINITIONThis method is used for the determination of fatty acid esters of 2-chloropropane-1,3-diol (2-MCPD), 3-
chloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) and glycidol in edible oils and fats; see also AOCS Official Methods Cd 29a-13 or Cd 29c-13. Bound glycidol is the sum of all glycidyl derivatives that are cleaved by alkaline-catalyzed alcoholysis. The content of bound glycidol is reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Bound 2-MCPD is the sum of all 2-MCPD-
derivatives that are cleaved by alkaline-catalyzed alcoholysis. The content of bound 2-MCPD is reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Bound 3-MCPD is the sum of all 3-MCPD-derivatives that are cleaved by alkaline-catalyzed alcoholysis. The content of bound 3-MCPD is reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).SCOPEThis method describes
a procedure for the parallel determination of glycidol together with 2-MCPD and 3-MCPD present in bound or free form in oils and fats. The method is based on alkaline-catalyzed ester cleavage, transformation of the released glycidol into monobromopropanediol (MBPD) and derived free diols (MCPD and MBPD) with phenylboronic acid (PBA).
Though free MCPD and glycidol are only present in fats and oils in low to negligible quantities, significant con-tent would increase proportionately the determination of bound analytes. This method is applicable to solid and liquid fats and oils. AOCS Official Method Cd 21-91Reapproved 2017Benzo(a)pyrene in Edible Oils and Fats DEFINITIONA
suitable amount of oil or fat in light petroleum is absorbed on an alumina column; subsequently any benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) present is eluted with light petroleum. Final analysis is carried out by reversed-phase, high-performance, liquid chromatography using a fluorimetric detector (References, 1).SCOPEThis method can be used for determining
benzo(a)pyrene in crude and refined edible oils and fats with a lowest limit of detection of about 0.1 µg/kg. Interference by other polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons should not occur if the specified excitation and emission wavelengths are used with the fluorimetric detector. AOCS Recommended Practice Cd 1b-87Reapproved 2017Iodine Value of
Fats and Oils, Cyclohexane Method DEFINITIONThe iodine value is a measure of the unsaturation of fats and oils and is expressed in terms of the number of centigrams of iodine absorbed per gram of test sample (% iodine absorbed).SCOPEApplicable to all normal fats and oils with iodine values in the range of 15 to 70 that do not contain ​conjugated
double bonds. AOCS Official Method Cd 11b-91Reapproved 2017Mono- and Diglycerides by Capillary Gas Chromatography DEFINITIONThis method is for the determination of mono- and diglycerides by capillary GLC. Mono- and diglycerides are converted with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) and trimethylchlorsilane (TMCS) in pyridine
into more volatile trimethylsilylether derivatives and determined by capillary GLC.SCOPEThis method is applicable to mono- and diglyceride concentrates and mono- and diglycerides in fats and oils (see References, 1). Other emulsifiers and components of fats and oils, such as glycerol, fatty acids, sterols, etc., may be converted into the
trimethylsilylether derivatives and analyzed by the same GLC procedure. For the identification of the components, coupled GC/MS may be advantageous. AOCS Official Method Cd 12b-92Revised 2022Oil Stability Index DEFINITIONThis method determines the resistance to oxidation of an oil by passing a stream of purified air thorough a test sample
held at a constraint temperature. The effluent air from the oil or fat test sample is then bubbled through a vessel containing deionized water. The conductivity of the water is continually monitored, and changes when volatile organic acids created from oxidation of the oil dissolve in the water.SCOPEThis method is applicable in general to all fats and
oils and has been subjected to a collaborative study (see References, 2) covering a broad range of test samples. It can be used to analyze crude oils, or other oils that are prone to foaming, if one drop of silicone antifoam is added prior to analysis.
It may be used for other types of oils outside the range of test samples tested in the collaborative study2 (see reference 3). This analysis is an automated replacement for the Active Oxygen Method (AOM) for fat stability, Surplus AOCS Official Method Cd 12-57. AOCS Official Method Cd 8b-90Reapproved 2017Peroxide Value, Acetic Acid, Isooctane
Method DEFINITIONThis method determines all substances, in terms of milliequivalents of peroxide per 1000 grams of test sample, that oxidize potassium iodide under the conditions of the test. The substances are generally assumed to be peroxides or other similar products of fat oxidation.SCOPEApplicable to all normal fats and oils, including
margarine. This method is highly empirical, and any variation in the test procedure may result in erratic results. This method gives erratic results at peroxide values =70. AOCS Official Method Cd 3b-76Reapproved 2017Saponification Value of Deodorizer Distillates and Sludges DEFINITIONThe saponification value is the amount of alkali necessary to
saponify a definite quantity of the test sample. It is expressed as the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to saponify 1 gram of the test sample. SCOPEApplicable to vegetable oil deodorizer distillates and sludges. AOCS Official Method Cd 16b-93Revised 2022Solid Fat Content (SFC) by Low-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance, Direct Method DEFINITIONThis method describes procedures for the determination of the solid fat content (SFC) by low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), using the direct method. An alternative NMR method to determine the SFC, the indirect method, is described in the AOCS Official Method Cd 16-81. The SFC-NMR
method determines what percentage of all hydrogen nuclei (protons) in the test sample, composed of hydrogen nuclei in both liquid and solid phases, is due to hydrogen nuclei in the solid phase. This percentage is called the solid fat content.SCOPENone *Surplus methods have been declared obsolete by the AOCS Uniform Methods Committee for one
of the following reasons: obsolescence, replacement by another method, or a product associated with the method is no longer being marketed. Surplus methods are still available for historical and research purposes at the normal individual-method rate.* AOCS SURPLUS Method Cd 14b-93Declared Surplus 1995Fatty Acid Composition of Partially
Hydrogenated Oils; A Combined GLC-IR Method DEFINITIONThis method is for the determination of fatty acid composition of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and animal fats, containing more than 5% trans fatty acids, by a combined capillary gas–liquid chromatography (GLC)–infrared spectrophotometry (IR) procedure.SCOPEThis method is a
research method and is not practical for use in normal operations, especially QA/QC work. The method will provide accurate values, but requires considerable experience in its application. This method is designed to evaluate, by combining the fatty acid data determined using capillary GLC with a very polar flexible fused silica column, with the total
trans content determined by IR, the fatty acid composition, including the percentages of cis- and trans-octadecenoates, of partially hydrogenated oils. The international collaborative study showed that there was no advantage in using the combined GLC–IR method for samples containing < 5% trans fatty acids. Trans-octadecenoate (18:1t), mono-trans-
octadecadienoate (18:2ct or tc, written collectively as 18:2t), trans,trans-octadecadienoate (18:2tt) and mono-trans-octadecatrienoate (18:3cct, ctc and tcc, written collectively as 18:3t) are the trans fatty acids normally encountered in hydrogenated vegetable and animal fats. All these contribute to the total trans content. The total trans content
determined by IR using methyl elaidate as the external standard is related to the above component trans fatty acids by the following equation. IR trans = % 18:1t + 1.74(% 18:2tt) + 0.84(% 18:2t + 18:3t). Where— 1.74 = correction factor for trans,trans fatty acids; 0.84 = correction factor for mono-trans fatty acids. By GLC, with very polar columns,
the various isomers of 18:2tt, 18:2t and 18:3t are resolved with very little interference ; hence, their weight percentages are determined by GLC. IR yields the total trans content and, therefore, the percentage of 18:t is calculated from the above equation. The difference between the total methyl octadecenoate (18:1), which is the sum of all the 18:1
peaks in GLC, and the calculated 18:1t gives the percentage of cis-octadecenoate. The method is applicable to partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and animal fats, and such oils and fats isolated from food products containing more than 5% trans fatty acids. It is not applicable to partially hydrogenated fish oils, which contain large levels of cis and
trans isomers of C16, C18, C20 and C22 chain lengths. Home Attain Lab Services Methods Use quotes to search for a method number - “Cd 23-93” or an exact phrase -“Olive Oil”. If you need assistance please contact Any downloadable products that you have ordered will be available on the 'Downloads & Digital Content' page of
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Section A: Vegetable Oil Source Materials Aa 1-38 Sampling Cottonseed Aa 10-88 Aflatoxin Standards Aa 11-05 Aflatoxins by HPLC Using Postcolumn Photochemical Derivatization Aa 2-38 Foreign Matter in Cottonseed Laboratory Sample Aa 3-38 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Cottonseed Aa 4-38 Oil Content, Crude in Cottonseed Aa 5-38 SURPLUS
Modified Kjeldahl Method (Cottonseed) Aa 5-91 Nitrogen and Protein in Cottonseed and Cottonseed Meals, Modified Kjeldahl Method Aa 6-38 Free Fatty Acids in Cottonseed Aa 7-55 Residual Lint in Cottonseed Aa 8-83 Aflatoxins in Cottonseed and Cottonseed Products, Thin-Layer Chromatography Method Aa 9-86 Thin-Layer Chromatography
Confirmation of Aflatoxins Aa 9a-97 Aflatoxins in Corn and Peanuts by Thin-Layer Chromatography Method Ab 1-49 Sampling Peanuts Ab 2-49 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Peanuts Ab 3-49 Oil in Peanuts Ab 4-50 SURPLUS Modified Kjeldahl Method (Peanuts) Ab 4-91 Nitrogen and Protein in Peanuts, Modified Kjeldahl Method Ab 5-49 Free Fatty
Acids in Peanuts Ab 6-68 Aflatoxins in Peanuts and Peanut Products, Thin-Layer Chromatography Method Ab 7-91 Aflatoxins in Peanuts and Peanut Products, HPLC Fluorescence Method Ac 1-45 Sampling Soybeans Ac 2-41 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soybeans Ac 3-44 Oil in Soybeans Ac 4-41 SURPLUS Method Modified Kjeldahl Method
(Soybeans) Ac 4-91 Nitrogen and Protein in Soybeans, Modified Kjeldahl Method Ac 5-41 Free Fatty Acids in Soybeans Ac 6-16 Extraction and Indirect Enzyme-Linked-Lectin-Assay (ELLA) Analysis Ad 1-48 Sampling Tung Fruit Ad 2-52 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Tung Fruit and Hulls Ad 3-52 Oil in Whole Tung Fruit Ad 4-52 Physical Analysis of
Tung Fruit Ad 5-52 Oil in Tung Kernels Ad 6-52 Oil in Hulled Tung Fruit Ae 2-52 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Castor Seeds Ae 3-52 Oil in Castor Seeds Ae 4-52 Free Fatty Acids in Castor Seeds Af 1-54 SURPLUS Sampling (Flaxseed) Af 2-54 SURPLUS Moisture and Volatile Matter (Flaxseed) Af 3-54 SURPLUS Oil Content (Flaxseed) Ag 1-65 Oil in
Safflower Seed Ah 1-72 Aflatoxins in Copra and Copra Meal, Thin-Layer Chromatography Method Ai 1-80 SURPLUS Sampling (Sunflower Seed) Ai 2-75 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Sunflower Seed Ai 3-75 SURPLUS Oil Content (Sunflower Seed) Ai 4-75 SURPLUS Modified Kjeldahl Method (Sunflower) Ai 4-91 Nitrogen and Protein in Sunflower
Seed, Modified Kjeldahl Method Aj 1-86 Aflatoxins in Corn, Minicolumn Method Aj 2-86 Zearalenone and a-Zearalenol in Corn, HPLC Method Aj 3-87 Aflatoxins in Corn, Thin-Layer Chromatography Method Aj 4-89 Oil in Corn Germ Aj 5-93 Fumonisins B1 and B2 in Corn and Corn-Based Food by Liquid Chromatography Aj 5a-97 Fumonisins B1, B2, and
B3 in Corn by Liquid Chromatography Aj 6-95 Aflatoxins B1, B2, and G1 in Corn, Cottonseed, Peanuts, and Peanut Butter, ELISA Method Aj 6a-97 Aflatoxins B1, B2, and G1 in Corn by ELISA Method Ak 1-92 Glucosinolate Content in Rapeseed and Canola by HPLC Ak 2-92 Chlorophyll Content in Rapeseed/Canola (Colza) by Spectrometry Ak 3-94 Oil
Content of Oilseeds by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Ak 4-95 Simultaneous Determination of Oil and Moisture Contents of Oilseeds Using Pulsed NMR Spectrometry Ak 5-01 Simultaneous Determination of Oil and Moisture Contents of Oilseeds Residues Pulsed NMR Spectrometry Am 1-92 Oil, Moisture and Volatile Matter, and Protein by Near-
Infrared Reflectance Am 1a-09 Near Infrared Spectroscopy Instrument Management and Prediction Model Development Am 2-93 Oil Content in Oilseeds Am 3-96 Oil in Oilseeds, Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method Am 4-02 Impurities in Oilseeds Am 5-04 Rapid Determination of Oil/Fat Utilizing High-Temperature Solvent Extraction Section C:
Commercial Fats and Oils C 1-47 Sampling of Commercial Fats and Oils Ca 10-40 SURPLUS Break Test (Soybean Oil) Ca 11-55 Ash in Fats and Oils Ca 12-55 Phosphorus in Oils, Colorimetric Ca 12a-02 Phosphorus in Oils,Colorimetric (ISO Method)nt in Fats and Oils Ca 12b-92 Phosphorus by Direct Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Ca 13-56 Total Gossypol in Crude Cottonseed Oil and Cottonseed Soap Stock, Spectrophotometric Method Ca 14-56 Total, Free and Combined Glycerol Iodometric-Periodic Acid Method Ca 14b-96 Free Glycerol in Selected Glycerides Ca 15-75 Analyses for Chromium, Copper, Iron, and Nickel in Vegetable Oils Ca 15b-87 Sodium and Calcium by
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Ca 16-75 Polyethylene in Fats and Oils Ca 17-01 Determination of Trace Elements in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy Ca 17a-18 Determination of Trace Elements in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy Ca 18-79 Chromium, Copper, Iron, Nickel, and
Manganese in Triglyceride Oils by AAS Using a Graphite Furnace Ca 18b-91 Copper, Iron, and Nickel by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Ca 18c-91 Lead by Direct Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Ca 18d-01 Cadmium Content by Direct Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Ca 19-86
Phospholipids in Vegetable Oils Nephelometric Method Ca 20-99 Phosphorus in Oil by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy Ca 2a-45 Moisture in Fats and Oils, Distillation Method Ca 2b-38 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Butter, Fats, Margarines, and Oils, Hot Plate Method Ca 2c-25 Moisture and Volatile Matter, in Animal and
Vegetable Fats, Air Oven Method Ca 2d-25 Moisture and Volatile Matter, in Fats and Oils, Vacuum Oven Method Ca 2e-84 Moisture Karl Fischer Reagent Ca 2f-93 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Fats and Oils Modified Method Ca 3a-46 Insoluble Impurities in Fats and Oils Ca 3b-87 Hexane Residues in Fats and Oils Ca 3c-01 Detection of a Volatile
Organic Contaminant by GC-MS Ca 3d-02 Sediment in Crude Fats and Oils, Centrifuge Method Ca 3e-02 Visible Foots in Crude Fats and Oils Ca 4-25 Soluble Mineral Matter and Fatty Acids Combined as Mineral Soap Ca 5a-40 Free Fatty Acids in Crude and Refined Fats and Oils Ca 5b-71 Crude Fatty Acids, Total Plus Saponifiable Matter Ca 5c-87
SURPLUS Butyric Acid Ca 5d-01 Free Fatty Acids in Crude Vegetable Oils by Capillary Gas Chromatography Ca 5e-13 Butyric Acid, Capillary Column GLC Method Ca 6a-40 Unsaponifiable Matter in Fats and Oils, Except Marine Oils Ca 6b-53 Unsaponifiable Matter, High Level Method Ca 6c-65 Hydrocarbons (Mineral Oil in Triglycerides) Oil) Ca 7-35
SURPLUS Detection of Chlorinated Solvents (Beilstein Test) Ca 8a-35 SURPLUS Detection of Sulfur (Coin Test) Ca 8b-35 SURPLUS Detection of Sulfur (Silver Benzoate Test) Ca 9a-52 Refining Loss Ca 9f-57 Neutral Oil and Loss Cb 1-25 Cottonseed Oil Presence, Halphen Test Cb 2-40 Detection of Sesame Oil Modified Villavecchia Test Cb 3-39
Detection of Teaseed Oil Fitelson Test (Modified Lieberman-Burchard Test) Cb 4-35 Identification of Oils Crismer Test (Fryer and Weston Modification) Cb 5-40 SURPLUS Detection of Foreign Fats Containing Tristearin in Pork Fats (Boemer Number) Cb 6-86 Aflatoxins M1 and M2 in Dairy Products, TLC Method Cc 1-25 Melting Point, Capillary Tube
Method Cc 10a-25 SURPLUS Specific Gravity of Oils and Liquid Fats Cc 10b-25 Specific Gravity of Solid Fats and Waxes Cc 10c-95 Determination of Mass per Unit Volume (Liter Weight) in Air of Oils and Fats Cc 11-53 Cold Test for Fats and Oils Cc 12-59 Titer Test Cc 13a-43 Color of Fats and Oils, FAC Standards Comparison Methods Cc 13b-45
Color Wesson Method Using Color Glasses Calibrated in Accordance with the Color Scale Cc 13c-50 Color of Fats and Oils, Spectrophotometric Method Cc 13d-55 Chlorophyll Pigments in Refined and Bleached Oils Cc 13e-92 Color of Fats and Oil, Lovibond (ISO Method) Cc 13f-94 Refined and Bleached Color and Saponification Color Cc 13g-94
Saponification Color, High-Quality Tallows and Coconut Oils Cc 13h-94 Saponification Color Tallows and Coconut Oils Cc 13i-96 Determination of Chlorophyll Pigments in Crude Vegetable Oils Cc 13j-97 Color of Fats and Oils, Automated Method Cc 13k-13 Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll in Vegetable Oil, Spectrophotometric Determination Cc 14-59
Congeal Point Cc 15-60 SURPLUS Soap in Oil (Conductivity) Cc 16-60 Consistency Penetrometer Method Cc 17-95 Soap in Oil, Titrimetric Method Cc 18-80 Mettler Dropping Point Cc 2-38 SURPLUS Wiley Melting Point Cc 3-25 Slip Melting Point, AOCS Standard Open Tube Melting Point Cc 3b-92 Slip Melting Point, ISO Standard Cc 4-25 SURPLUS
Slipping Point (Soft Fats) Cc 5-25 SURPLUS Flow Test Cc 6-25 Cloud Point Test Cc 7-25 Refractive Index of Fats and Oils Cc 8a-52 Bleaching Test for Refined Cottonseed Oil Cc 8b-52 Bleaching Test for Refined Soybean and Sunflower Oil Cc 8d-55 Refined and Bleached Color in Tallow and Greases Intended for Soap Production Cc 8e-63 Modified
Bleach Test for Soybean Oil Cc 8f-91 Evaluation of Bleaching Clays and Adsorbents Cc 9a-48 Smoke, Flash and Fire Points, Cleveland Open Cup Method Cc 9b-55 Flash Point, Closed Cup Method Cc 9c-95 Determination of the Flashpoint by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Tester Cd 1-25 SURPLUS Wijs Method for Iodine Value Cd 10-57 SURPLUS
Solid Fat Index (Dialometric) Cd 11-57 SURPLUS a-Monoglycerides Cd 11b-91 Mono- and Diglycerides by Capillary Gas Chromatography Cd 11c-93 Monoglycerides, Diglycerides, and Triglycerides by Silica Gel Column Chromatography Cd 11d-96 Mono- and Diglycerides HPLC-ELSD Cd 12-57 SURPLUS Fat Stability, Active Oxygen Method Cd 12b-92
Oil Stability Index Cd 12c-16 Accelerated Oxidation Test for the Determination of Oxidation Stability Cd 13-60 Hydroxyl Value of Fatty Oils and Alcohols Cd 14-61 SURPLUS Isolated trans Isomers (FTIR) Cd 14-95 Isolated trans Isomers, Infrared Spectrometric Method Cd 14b-93 SURPLUS Fatty Acid Composition of Partially Hydrogenated Oils; A
Combined GLC-IR Method Cd 14c-94 SURPLUS trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography Cd 14d-99 Isolated trans Geometric Isomers in Fats and Oils by Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy Cd 14e-09 Total Isolated trans Fat by Negative Second Derivative Infrared Spectroscopic Method Cd 14f-14 Rapid
Determination of Total SFA, MUFA, PUFA, and trans Fatty Acid Content of Edible Fats and Oils by Pre-Calibrated FT-NIR Cd 15-78 cis, cis Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) Cd 16-81 Solid Fat Content (SFC) by Low-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Indirect Method Cd 16-b-93 Solid Fat Content (SFC) by Low-Resolution
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Direct Method Cd 17-85 SURPLUS trans Unsaturation in Margarine by Gas Chromatography Cd 18-90 p-Anisidine Value Cd 19-90 2-Thiobarbituric Acid Value, Direct Method Cd 1b-87 Iodine Value of Fats and Oils Cyclohexane Method Cd 1c-85 Calculated Iodine Value Cd 1d-92 Iodine Value of Fats and Oils,
Cyclohexane-Acetic Acid Method Cd 1e-01 Iodine Value by Pre-calibrated FT-NIR Cd 2-38 SURPLUS Thiocyanogen Value Cd 20-91 Polar Compounds in Frying Fats Cd 21-91 Benzo(a)pyrene in Edible Oils and Fats Cd 22-91 Polymerized Triglycerides by Gel-Permeation HPLC Cd 23-93 Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticide Residues from
Edible Oils Using Multiple Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges Cd 24-95 Dimethylpolysiloxanes in Fats and Oils Cd 25-96 Heat Transfer Fluids in Oils—Dowtherm by GC Cd 25a-00 Thermal Heating Fluids in Edible Oils and Oleochemicals—Dowtherm A by HPLC Coupled with Fluorescence Detector Cd 25b-07 Thermal Heating Fluids in Vegetable Oils by
GC Cd 26-96 Stigmastadienes in Vegetable Oils Cd 27-96 Steroidal Hydrocarbons in Vegetable Oils Cd 28-10 Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils Cd 29a-13 2- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidol Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Acid Transesterification and GC/MS Cd 29b-13 2- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidol Fatty
Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Alkaline Transesterification and GC/MS Cd 29c-13 2- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidol Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by GC/MS (Difference Method) Cd 29d-19 2-/3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Enzymatic Hydrolysis Cd 29e-19 2-/3-MCPD
Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Fish Oils by Enzymatic Hydrolysis Cd 29f-2021 2-/3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidyl Fatty Acid Esters in Edible Oils and Fats by Fast Alkaline Transesterification and GC-MS/MS Cd 3-25 Saponification Value of Fats and Oils Cd 30-15 Analysis of 2- and 3-MCPD Fatty Acid Esters and Glycidyl
Fatty Acid Esters in Oil-Based Emulsions Cd 3a-94 Saponification Value of Fats and Oils, by Calculation Cd 3b-76 Saponification Value of Deodorizer Distillates and Sludges Cd 3c-91 Saponification Value, Modified Method Using Methanol Cd 3d-63 Acid Value of Fats and Oils Cd 3e-02 Alkalinity in Fats and Oils Cd 4-40 SURPLUS Acetyl and Hydroxyl
Values Cd 5-40 Reichert-Meissl, Polenske, and Kirschner Values, Modified AOAC Methods Cd 6-38 SURPLUS Liquid and Solid Fatty Acids Cd 7-58 Polyunsaturated Acids, Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method Cd 8-53 SURPLUS Peroxide Value—Acetic Acid-Chloroform Method Cd 8b-90 Peroxide Value, Acetic Acid, Isooctane Method Cd 9-57 Oxirane
Oxygen in Epoxidized Materials Ce 1-62 SURPLUS Fatty Acid Composition by Gas Chromatography Ce 10-02 Non-Cocoa Butter Vegetable Fats and Oils in Chocolate by the Analysis of Hydrocarbon Sterol Degradation Products Ce 11-05 Cocoa Butter Equivalents in Cocoa Butter and Plain Chocolate Ce 11a-07 Cocoa Butter Equivalents in Milk
Chocolate Ce 12-16 Sterols and Stanols in Food and Dietary Supplements Containing added Phytosterols Ce 13-16 Determination of Cyclopropenoic and Nutritional Fatty Acids in Cottonseed and Cottonseed Oil by Gas Chromatography Ce 1a-13 Fatty Acids in Edible Oils and Fats by Capillary GLC Ce 1b-89 Fatty Acid Composition of Marine Oils by
GLC Ce 1c-89 SURPLUS Fatty Acid Composition by GLC, cis, cis and trans Isomers Ce 1d-91 SURPLUS n-3 and n-6 Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Capillary GLC Ce 1e-91 SURPLUS Fatty Acid Composition by Capillary GLC Ce 1f-96 SURPLUS cis and trans Fatty Acids in Oils and Fats by Capillary GLC Ce 1g-96 trans Fatty Acids by Silver-Ion Exchange
HPLC Ce 1h-05 Determination of cis-,trans-, Saturated, Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Ce 1i-07 Saturated, cis-Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Ce 1j-07 cis-, trans-, Saturated, Monounsaturated, and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Ce 1k-09 SURPLUS Fatty Acids by GC Ce 2-66 Preparation of Methyl Esters of Fatty Acids Ce
2b-11 Direct Methylation of Lipids in Foods by Alkali Hydrolysis Ce 2c-11 Direct Methylation of Lipids in Foods by Acid-Alkali Hydrolysis Ce 3-74 Tocopherols and Sterols in Soy Sludges and Residues by Gas-Liquid Chromatography Ce 4-86 SURPLUS Erucic Acid by TLC Ce 4-95 SURPLUS Erucic Acid by GLC Ce 5-86 Triglycerides by Gas
Chromatography Ce 5b-89 Triglycerides in Vegetable Oils by HPLC Ce 5c-93 Individual Triglycerides in Oils and Fats by HPLC Ce 6-86 Antioxidants, Liquid Chromatographic Method Ce 6a-2021 HPLC Analysis of Phenolic Antioxidants Ce 7-87 Total Tocopherols in Deodorizer Distillate Ce 8-89 Tocopherols and Tocotrienols in Vegetable Oils and Fats
by HPLC Ce 9-01 b-Carotene in Margarine-Carotene in Margarine Cf 1-68 Analytical Guidelines for Testing Feed Grade Fat Products Cg 1-83 Correlation of Oil Volatiles with Flavor Scores of Edible Oils Cg 2-83 Flavor Panel Evaluation of Vegetable Oils Cg 3-91 Analytical Guidelines for Assessing Oil Quality and Stability Cg 4-94 Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC) in Fats and Oils by Gas Chromatography Cg 5-97 Oven Storage Test for Accelerated Aging of Oils Cg 6-01 Accelerated Light Exposure of Edible Vegetable Oils Cg 7-05 Techniques for Assessing the Effects of Antioxidants in Oils and Fats Ch 1-91 Preparation of Methyl Esters of Long-Chain Fatty Acids Ch 2-91 Determination of Fatty
Acids in Olive Oils by Capillary GLC Ch 2a-94 trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Capillary Column Gas Chromatography Ch 3-91 Fatty Acids in the 2-Position in the Triglycerides of Oils and Fats Ch 3a-19 Determination of the Composition of Fatty Acids at the 2-Position of Oils and Fats-Enzymatic Transesterification Method using Candida antarctica
Lipase Ch 4-91 Chlorophyll Pigments in Olive Oils Ch 5-91 Specific Extinction of Oils and Fats, Ultraviolet Absorption Ch 6-91 Composition of the Sterol Fraction of Animal and Vegetable Oils and Fats by TLC and Capillary GLC Ch 7-09 International Trade Standard Applying to Olive and Olive-Pomace Oils Ch 8-02 Wax Content by Capillary Column
Gas-Liquid Chromatography Ci 1-91 Analytical Guidelines for Jojoba Oil Quality and Purity Ci 2-91 Triglyceride Adulteration of Jojoba Oil Ci 4-91 Acid Value of Jojoba Oil Cj 1-94 DSC Melting Properties of Fats and Oils Cj 2-95 X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Fats Cj 3-99 Calibration of Rheological Instruments Cj 4-00 Spreadability Ck 1-07 Analytical
Guidelines for Assessing Feedstock to Ensure Biodiesel Quality Ck 2-09 Determination of Various Properties of Biodiesel by the QTA® System Method Ck 3-14 Analytical Guidelines for Assessing Corn Distillers Oil Quality Section D: Soap and Synthetic Detergents D 1-99 Comparison of AOCS and ASTM Methods for Soaps and Synthetic Detergent
Analysis Da 1-45 Sampling and Preparation of Laboratory Sample of Soap and Soap Products Da 10-42 SURPLUS Unsaponified Plus Unsaponifiable Matter Da 11-42 Unsaponifiable Matter in Soap and Soap Products Da 12-48 Rosin in Soap and Soap Products, McNicoll Method Da 13-48 Titer Test for Soap and Soap Products Da 14-48 Acid Value of
Fatty Acids Da 15-48 Iodine Value, Soap and Soap Products, Wijs Method Da 16-48 Saponification Value of Soap and Soap Products Da 17-52 Borax in Soap and Soap Products Da 18-48 Alkaline Silicates in Soap and Soap Products Da 19a-42 Carbonates, Gravimetric Absorption Method Da 19b-42 Carbonates, Volumetric Evolution Method Da 20a-48
Phosphates in Soap and Soap Products, Gravimetric Method Da 20b-57 Phosphates in Soap and Soap Products, Titrimetric Method Da 21-48 Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate Da 22-48 Sulfates in Soaps and Detergents, Gravimetric Method Da 23-56 Free Glycerol Iodometric-Periodic Acid Method Da 24-48 Sugars in Soap and Soap Products, Munson and
Walker Method Da 25-48 Starch in Soap and Soap Products, Munson and Walker Method Da 26-42 Volatile Hydrocarbons in Soap and Soap Products Da 27-48 Combined Sodium and Potassium Oxides in Soap and Soap Products Da 28-39 Screen Test for Soap Powders Da 2a-48 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soap Moisture and Volatile Matte, Air
Oven Method Da 2b-42 Moisture in Soap and Soap Products, Distillation Method Da 3-48 Alcohol-Soluble and Alcohol-Insoluble Matter in Soap and Soap Products Da 31-58 Copper in Soap and Soap Products Da 4a-48 Free Acid or Free Alkali in Soda Soap Da 5-44 Free Alkali and Potassium Carbonate in Potash Paste Soaps Da 6-48 Water-Insoluble
Matter in Soap and Soap Products Da 7-48 Total Alkalinity of Alcohol-Insoluble Matter in Soda Soap and Soda Soap Products Da 8-48 Total Anhydrous Soap and Combined Alkali Da 9-48 Chlorides in Soap and Soap Products Db 1-48 Moisture and Volatile Matter in Soaps Containing Synthetic Detergents, Air Oven Method Db 10-48 Fatty Matter in
Soaps Containing Synthetic Detergents Db 11-48 Rosin in Soaps Containing Synthetic Detergents, McNicoll Method Db 2-48 Alcohol-Soluble and Alcohol-Insoluble Matter in Soap and Soap Products Containing Synthetic Detergents Db 3-48 Free Acid or Free Alkali in Soap and Soap Products Db 4-48 Water-Insoluble Matter in Soap and Soap Products
Db 5-48 Total Alkalinity of Alcohol-Insoluble Matter in Soda Soaps and Soda Soap Products Containing Synthetic Detergents Db 6-48 Total Anhydrous Soap Db 7-48 Chlorides in Soap and Soap Products Containing Synthetic Detergents, Indicator Method Db 7b-55 Potentiometric Determination of Chlorides Db 8-48 Saponification Value of Soap and
Soap Products Containing Synthetic Detergents Db 9-48 Alkaline Silicates in Soap Containing Synthetic Detergents Dc 1-59 Sampling and Preparation of Laboratory Sample Dc 2-59 Moisture in Fatty Alkyl Sulfate Products, Distillation Method Dc 3a-59 Alcohol-Soluble Matter in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dc 3b-59 Alcohol-Insoluble Matter of Fatty Alkyl
Sulfates Dc 4-59 Ester Sulfites in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dc 5-59 Ester Sulfites in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dc 6-59 Alkalinity or Acidity in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dc 7-59 Sodium Sulfate in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dc 8-59 Unsulfated Material in Fatty Alkyl Sulfates Dd 1-59 Sampling and Preparation of Sample for Soap and Soap Products Dd 2a-59 Moisture in Fatty
Alkyl Sulfates, Distillation Method Dd 2b-59 SURPLUS Modified Karl Fischer (Alkylbenzene Sulfonates) Dd 3-60 Sodium Alkylbenzene Sulfonate by Ultraviolet Absorption Dd 4-60 Neutral Oil (Unsulfonated Material) in Alkylbenzene Sulfonates Dd 5-92 Sodium Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) Color Section H: Specifications for Reagents, Solvents,
and Apparatus Section T: Test Methods for Industrial Oils and Derivatives Ta 1-09 Sampling of Industrial Oils and Derivatives Ta 1e-70 Sampling of Dibasic Acids Tb 1a-64 Moisture and Volatile Matter Fatty Acids, Hot Plate Method Tb 2-64 SURPLUS Moisture, Modified Karl Fischer Reagent Tb 2a-64 SURPLUS Modified Karl Fischer Method (Fatty
Nitrogen Compounds) Tc 1a-64 Nonvolatiles (Solids) Solutions of Drying Oils, Hot Plate Method Tc 2a-64 Nonvolatiles (Solids) of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides, Vacuum Oven Method Td 1a-64 Color, Gardner 1963 (Glass Standards) Td 1b-64 Platinum-Cobalt Scale for Light-Colored Liquids Td 2a-64 Color, Photometric Index of Commerical
Fatty Acids Td 3a-64 Color Measurement by Color Stability for Fatty Acids, after Heating Te 1a-64 Acid Value of Commercial Fatty Acids Te 2a-64 Acid Value of Neutral and Synthetic Drying Oils, Epoxidized Oils, Fatty Alcohols, and Fatty Esters Te 3a-64 Acid Value and Free Amine Value of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides Te 4a-70 Purity by
Total Acidity and Acid Value, Dibasic Acids Tf 1a-64 Total Amine Value of Fatty Amines, Potentiometric Method Tf 1b-64 Total Amine Value of Fatty Amines, Indicator Method Tf 2a-64 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Amine Values of Fatty Amines, Potentiometric Method Tf 2b-64 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Amine Values of Fatty Amines,
Indicator Method Tf 3a-64 Percent Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Amines in Fatty Amines Tf 4a-77 Primary Amine Composition By Gas Chromatography Tf 5-91 Composition of Dimer Acids by High- Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Tg 1-64 Iodine Value, Wijs Method Tg 1a-64 Iodine Value of Fatty Acids, Wijs Method Tg 2a-64Iodine
Value of Fatty Amines, Diamines, and Amidoamines, Modified Wijs Method Tg 3a-64 Iodine Value of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides, Modified Wijs Method Th 1a-64 Diene Value of Drying Oils Ti 1a-64 Spectrophotometric Determination of Conjugated Dienoic Acid in Dehydrated Castor Oils and Acids Tj 1a-64 SURPLUS Polyunsaturated Acids,
Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method Tk 1a-64 Unsaponifiable Material in Drying Oils Tl 1a-64 Saponification Value of Industrial Oils and Derivatives Tm 1a-64 Ash in Drying Oils Tm 2a-64 Ash of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides Tn 1a-64 Flash and Fire Points for Fatty Acids and Drying Oils, Cleveland Open Cup Method Tn 2a-86 Flash Point
of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chloride, Closed Cup Method To 1a-64 Specific Gravity of Fatty Acids, Commercial To 1b-64 Specific Gravity of Drying Oils Tp 1a-64 Refractive Index of Drying Oils Tq 1a-64 Viscosity of Transparent Liquids (Drying Oils) by Bubble Time Method Tr 1a-64 Titer Test for Fatty Acids, Commercial Ts 1a-64 Rosin Acids in
Fatty Acids Tt 1a-64 Acetone Tolerance of Heat-Bodied Drying Oils Tu 1a-64 pH of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides Tv 1a-64 Average Molecular Weight of Fatty Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides Tw 1a-64 Percent Non-Amines in Fatty Amines and Diamines Tx 1a-66 Hydroxyl Value of Epoxidized Oils Ty 1a-76 Dicarboxylic Acid Composition by
Gas-Liquid Chromatography of Dimethyl Esters Tz 1a-78 Activity of Hydrogenation Catalysts AOCS Recommended Practice Tz 1b-79 Selectivity of Hydrogenation Catalysts

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