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Techniques for Measuring Oil in Water

Oil in water analysis is a global issue that crosses many industries, analytical
methods, and regulatory agencies. Due to the negative effects of oil on the
environment, there are strict limits on the amounts of oil allowed in water. Failure to
meet these limits can lead to heavy fines. While any industry that discharges produced
water needs to test for oil in water, their specific needs can differ from industry to
industry. The petroleum industry is most concerned with measuring Total Oils and
Grease (TOG) in both their upstream and downstream wastewater. For industrial
pretreatment of wastewater, public water treatment plants, and most other nonpetroleum industries discharging produced water, it is most important to test for Fats,
Oils and Grease (FOG) in their effluent. FOG differs from TOG in that it tends to contain
large amounts of animal and vegetable components in the oil. FOG can be especially
concerning in effluent streams because it can lead to clogged sewer lines which
causes Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs).
The people responsible for conducting oil in water measurements understand that
the measurement can be quite challenging. Wastewater from different sources can
contain many different types of hydrocarbons, each with different chemical make-ups.
On top of the lack of chemical uniformity in different oils, there has been a large
variety of methods developed to quantify the oil in the wastewater. While none of the
following methods is perfect, each will have its own advantages and disadvantages
for oil in water analysis.

Techniques for Measuring Oil in Water | 2

Methods for Measuring Oil in Water


Typical setup for EPA 1664


Agilent GC-FID


EPA accepted method

Gravimetric analysis measures any material extracted from an
(EPA 1664)
oil in water sample by a solvent and is the EPA accepted method
Can use SPE in order
(EPA 1664) for oil in water analysis. This means that any industry
to use less solvent
producing oil in water is required to submit samples for testing
Can determine TPH
value separately
by EPA 1664 in order to avoid fines. EPA 1664 requires 1 liter of
sample that is acidified to a pH of 2. The sample is then extracted
Analysis can only be
3 times with hexane and those extracts are combined and dried.
done in a lab
The method may also use a solid phase extraction (SPE) where
Procedure is long and
the sample is passed through a specific filter and then the trapped
Requires large amount
oil is dissolved into hexane. The collected extracts are distilled
of solvent
at 85 C and weighed in order to determine the value. The
Expensive and
extracts may also be filtered through silica gel in order to provide
time consuming for
companies to send in
a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) value as well. The sample
preparation required for gravimetric analysis precludes the use of
this technique in the field. This means companies are required to
send in samples to a lab which is both time consuming and expensive. While this is acceptable
for regulatory agencies, the companies producing oil in water need field methods to keep up
operations without delay.


Provides details on
different hydrocarbons
Follows ISO 9377-2

GC-FID is an ISO (ISO 9377-2) approved method for the

determination of oil in water. Unlike other methods, GC-FID
analysis can provide details on different types of hydrocarbons in
a sample as well as the total amount of oil in water. The GC-FID
Mainly suitable for lab
method first requires the sample to be acidified and extracted by
a solvent (hexane or pentane). The extract is then dried/purified
Equipment is
and injected into the GC instrument where a carrier gas moves
Equipment requires
the extract through the column. Once the GC column separates
trained personnel
the different types of hydrocarbons, each type is burned and
detected by the Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The sum of all the
responses from each of the hydrocarbon types is calculated in order to determine the total oil
in water. While GC-FID is a precise method for oil in water analysis, it is mainly suitable for lab
use due to the expense of the equipment and the need for technical users.

Techniques for Measuring Oil in Water | 3


Advanced Sensors
UV Fluorescence

Requires no solvent
UV Fluorescence is a common field technique for oil in water
Can be setup as an
analysis which typically uses either a UV lamp or a Laser Induced
online system
Fluorescence (LIF) as a light source. Because it does not require
a solvent extraction, the technology is ideal for online analysis of
Ideal for field use
a wastewater stream. UV fluorescence works by illuminating an
oil in water sample with UV light. The aromatic hydrocarbons in
Only detects aromatic
the sample emit fluorescent light that the instrument can detect.

Does not follow any
The amount of oil in water in the sample is based on the intensity
international method
of the light emitted. Instruments that contain a UV lamp typically
use a by-pass stream for analysis, however LIF instruments can
use probes that are fitted in-line with the produced water stream so that a by-pass stream is
not required. While UV fluorescence is a great technology for detecting aromatic hydrocarbons,
it will not detect any aliphatic compounds. Since typical oil in water samples are mainly
aliphatic, any change in the ratio of aliphatic to aromatic hydrocarbons can drastically affect
the results.


Eralytics QCL-IR Analyzer

QCL-IR is a new infrared method being

used to measure the content of oil in
water. This method differs from other
technologies in that it is measuring
the CH3 absorption peak located in
the region 1350-1400 cm-1 (Figure 1).
This means that a cyclic hydrocarbon
Figure 1: Measurement of oil in water by QCL-IR
such as cyclohexane can be used as
an extraction solvent. The advantage
of a cyclic hydrocarbon as a solvent is
that it is more environmentally friendly and much cheaper than
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) solvents. The method works by first
Does not require CFC
extracting and drying the oil in water sample with cyclohexane

Can be used in the lab
or cyclopentane. The extract is then measured on the instrument
or field
and the intensity of the absorbance in the region of 1350-1400
Correlates to
cm-1 is correlated to a concentration value. The extract may
approved methods
also be filtered in order to measure TPH separately. While the
Can measure TPH
measurement in this region of the spectrum allows for more
ideal solvents, it limits the instrument to detecting only CH3
compounds. This means that any aromatic or cyclic hydrocarbons
Only detects CH3
in the oil will not be detected. However, most oil hydrocarbons

Does not follow any
contain CH3 and this method has shown to correlate very well
international standards
with other international standards such as EPA 1664, ASTM
More expensive than
other types of IR
D7678 and ISO 9377-2.

Techniques for Measuring Oil in Water | 4



Non-dispersive/fixed filter IR analyzers

are the most common method used
in the field for analyzing oil in water.
The use of a fixed filter enables the
instrument to be simple, inexpensive
and rugged. The technology requires
an extraction of the oil in water sample
Figure 2: Infrared Spectrum of mineral oil using a 3.44 m
where the solvent used depends on
fixed filter
the type of non-dispersive/fixed filter
analyzer. The extract is then dried and
measured on the instrument which uses a filter centered in the region between 3.4-3.5 m
(figure 2). Although the filter is centered over the CH2 absorption peak, the bandwidth of
the filter will also allow the instrument to detect the CH3 absorption peak and any aliphatic
hydrocarbons attached to aromatic compounds. However, this means that high concentrations
of aromatics in the sample will lead to inaccurate results. Currently there are two different
types of non-dispersive/fixed filter IR analyzers that are used.

Spectro Scientific InfraCal 2

ATR-SP Analyzer

Spectro Scientific InfraCal 2

TRANS-SP Analyzer

Horizontal Attenuated Total Reflection (HATR) While HATR

style instruments do not comply with any international standards,
they correlate well with both EPA 1664 and ASTM D7066.
Since the procedure is very similar to that of EPA 1664, HATR
instruments are commonly used to pre-check the compliance of
samples before they are submitted to the EPA. These instruments
measure samples by evaporating a portion of the extract on the
HATR crystal. This is a simple procedure for non-technical users
which has the benefit of using volatile hydrocarbons such as
hexane or pentane as the solvent. These volatile hydrocarbons
tend to be much less expensive than CFC solvents used on
transmission instruments. However, since the method requires
evaporation, any volatile hydrocarbons in the oil will not be
Transmission Transmission style instruments follow an ASTM
accepted method (ASTM D7066) which requires the use of a
CFC solvent for extraction. While many CFC solvents have been
banned, tetrachloroethylene and S-316 are still allowed for use
in oil in water analysis. While these solvents are expensive and
not the most environmentally friendly option, they do provide
the ability to measure volatile hydrocarbons since the extract is
measured directly, as opposed to measuring the residue after
the solvent (and any volatile components in the sample) has
evaporated. Also, the use of a transmission cell extends the level
of detection of the instrument to lower levels of oil in water
compared to the HATR instruments.


Ideal for field use

(rugged and simple)
Inexpensive equipment
Simple sampling
Inexpensive solvents
Correlates to ASTM
D7066 and EPA 1664

Does not detect

volatile hydrocarbons
Does not comply with
any international


Ideal for field use

(rugged and simple)
Inexpensive equipment
Can measure volatile
Complies to ASTM

Solvents are expensive

Solvents are not
Sampling procedure is
more cumbersome

Techniques for Measuring Oil in Water | 5

There are several methods available for both laboratory and field analysis of oil in water. The
choice of methods depends on budget, location of testing, time, and other factors. The most
important thing is to consistently test for the amount of oil in water in your wastewater stream
in order to avoid any regulatory fines and prevent potential damage to environment.

ASTM International D7066-07: Standard Test Method for dimer/trimer of chlorotrifluoroethylene (S-316) Recoverable Oil and Grease
and Nonpolar Material by Infrared Determination
EPA Method 1664, revision A (1999): N-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM; Oil and Grease) and Silica Gel Treated N-Hexane
Extractable Material (SGT-HEM; Non-polar material) by Extraction and Gravimetry
ISO ISO 9377-2:2000 (2000) Water quality determination of hydrocarbon oil index Part 2: Method using solvent extraction and
gas chromatography

Spectro Scientific | One Executive Drive, Suite 101, Chelmsford, MA 01824-2563

978-431-1120 | | | An ISO 9001:2008 company
Copyright 2016 Spectro Scientific. All rights reserved. While every effort is made to assure the information in this document is accurate,
Spectro Scientific does not accept liability for any errors or mistakes that may arise. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
WP_Measuring Oil in Water_2016-05-03

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