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Energy & Fuels 2007, 21, 1161-1164 1161

Base-Catalyzed Fast Transesterification of Soybean Oil Using

Alok Kumar Singh,† Sandun D. Fernando,*,† and Rafael Hernandez‡
Department of Ag and Biological Engineering and DaVe E. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering,
Mississippi State UniVersity, 100 Moore Road, Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762

ReceiVed October 10, 2006. ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed December 19, 2006

There is an increasing demand for alternative fuels that are environmentally friendly, especially because of
the fact that crude petroleum reserves are dwindling. Also, research on alternative fuels is essential for increased
energy security. Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel. At present, biodiesel is primarily
produced in batch reactors in which the required energy is provided by heating accompanied by mechanical
mixing. Alternatively, ultrasonic processing is an effective way to attain required mixing while providing the
necessary activation energy. We found that, using ultrasonication, a biodiesel yield in excess of 99% can be
achieved in a remarkably short time duration of 5 min or less in comparison to 1 h or more using conventional
batch reactor systems.

Introduction amounts of FFA, while with higher amounts of FFAs, acid-

catalyzed esterification followed by transesterification is better
Biodiesel is generally defined as the monoalkyl esters made
suited. Alkali-catalyzed transesterification is much faster than
from triglycerides. The triglycerides could originate from
acid-catalyzed transesterification and is the most often used
vegetable oils or animal fats. This renewable fuel is as effective
method commercially.1 Putting that together with the fact that
as petroleum diesel in powering unmodified diesel engines. It
the alkaline catalysts are less corrosive than acidic compounds,
is biodegradable and nontoxic, has low undesirable tailpipe
industrial processes usually favor base catalysts, such as alkaline
emission profiles, and, therefore, is environmentally benign.
metal alkoxides and hydroxides as well as sodium or potassium
The most common method for producing biodiesel is trans-
esterification of triglycerides or fatty acids with an alcohol in
The mechanism of the base-catalyzed transesterification of
the presence of a strong catalyst (acid, base, or enzymatic),
vegetable oils is shown in eqs 2a-2d.2 The overall process is
producing a mixture of fatty acid alkyl esters and glycerol.1
a sequence of three consecutive and reversible reactions, in
The stoichiometric reaction requires 1 mol of triglyceride and
which di- and monoglycerides are formed as intermediates. The
3 mol of alcohol. However, excess alcohol is used to increase
first step (eq 2a) is the reaction of the base with the alcohol,
the yields of the alkyl esters and to allow phase separation from
producing an alkoxide and the protonated catalyst. The nucleo-
the glycerol formed. Several aspects, including the type of
philic attack of the alkoxide at the carbonyl group of the
catalyst (alkaline or acid), alcohol/vegetable oil molar ratio,
triglyceride generates a tetrahedral intermediate (eq 2b), from
temperature, purity of the reactants (mainly water content), and
which the alkyl ester and the corresponding anion of the
free fatty acid content, have an influence on the transesterifi-
diglyceride are formed (eq 2c). The latter deprotonates the
cation rates.2 Equation 1 shows the reaction of soybean oil
catalyst, thus regenerating the active species (eq 2d), which is
(triglyceride) with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst producing
now able to react with a second molecule of the alcohol, starting
biodiesel (mixture of alkyl esters) and glycerol.2
another catalytic cycle. Diglycerides and monoglycerides are
converted by the same mechanism to a mixture of alkyl esters
and glycerol. Transesterification reactions are reversible and
typically require an excess of alcohol reactant to help push the
equilibrium in the direction of the product biodiesel and
Since this reaction can occur in the interfacial region between
the liquids3 and also because of the fact that fats and alcohols
Selection of the catalyst depends on the amount of free fatty are not totally miscible,4,5 transesterification is a relatively slow
acid (FFA) content present in the oil. The alkali-catalyzed
reaction gives a better conversion in a short time with lower (3) Benitez, F. A. Effect of the use of ultrasonic waves on biodiesel
production in alkaline transesterification of bleached tallow and vegetable
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: oils: cavitation model. Dissertation (English), University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 2004.
† Department of Ag and Biological Engineering. (4) Stavarache, C.; Vinatoru, M.; Nishimura, R.; Maeda, Y. Conversion
‡ Dave E. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering. of vegetable oil to biodiesel using ultrasonic irradiation. Chem. Lett. 2003,
(1) Ma, F.; Hanna, M. A. Biodiesel production: A review. Bioresour. 32 (8), 716-717.
Technol. 1999, 70, 1-15. (5) Stavarache, C.; Vinatoru, M.; Nishimura, R.; Maeda, Y. Fatty acids
(2) Schuchardt, U.; Sercheli, R.; Vargas, R. M. Transesterification of methyl esters from vegetable oil by means of ultrasonic energy. Ultrason.
vegetable oils: A review. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 1998, 9 (1), 199-210. Sonochem. 2005, 12 (5), 367-372.

10.1021/ef060507g CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 02/23/2007
1162 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007 Singh et al.

is because of the increase in interfacial area and activity of the

microscopic and macroscopic bubbles formed when ultrasonic
waves of 20 kHz were applied to a two-phase reaction system.
In another experiment,8 the continuous alcoholysis of vegetable
oils with ultrasonic vibrations (800-1200 cycles/s, irradiation
intensity 1-2 W/cm2) resulted in an increased productivity (with
or without catalysts) and an improved quality and color of the
product without high-temperature treatment. It was reported that
ultrasonic mixing had a significant effect on enzymatic trans-
esterification as well. Ultrasonication showed higher (faster)
transesterification rates9,10 and higher operational stability for
the enzymes,10 without changing the characteristics of the
Previous studies had not looked into the effects of ultrasonic
wave amplitudes, cycle times, and frequency on the rate of
transesterification. In the present study, the transesterification
process. As a result, vigorous mixing is required to increase of soybean oil using potassium hydroxide as an alkaline catalyst
the area of contact between the two immiscible phases and, thus, was performed with an ultrasonic processor. This processor used
to produce an emulsion. In the base-catalyzed procedure, some electric excitation to generate ultrasound, which was transmitted
soap is formed and it acts as a phase-transfer catalyst, thus into the liquid sample via a sonotrode that caused mixing and
helping the mixing of the reactants.5 provided the necessary energy for the transesterification. The
Applications of sonochemistry have been developed in main aim of this research was to find the effects of the wave
virtually all areas of chemistry and related chemical technolo- amplitudes and reaction time (and hence, total energy input and
gies.6 Ultrasound is the process of propagation of the compres- temperature) on the yield of biodiesel.
sion (rarefaction) waves with frequencies above the range of
human hearing.3 Ultrasound frequencies range from ∼20 kHz Method
to l0 MHz, with associated acoustic wavelengths in liquids of Reagents and Materials. Solvent-extracted degummed soy-
roughly 100-0.15 mm. These wavelengths are not on the scale bean oil was purchased from Bunge Corp., Marks, MS, U.S.A.
of molecular dimensions.6 Instead, the chemical effects of Potassium hydroxide (90+%) was purchased from Sigma-
ultrasound derive from several nonlinear acoustic phenomena, Aldrich, U.S.A., and used as a catalyst for the reaction. Methanol
of which cavitation is the most important. Acoustic cavitation (99.9%) was purchased from Fisher Scientific, U.S.A.
is the formation, growth, and implosive collapse of bubbles in Equipment. An ultrasonic processor (UP400S, Hielscher,
a liquid irradiated with sound or ultrasound. When sound passes U.S.A.) was used to perform the transesterification reaction. The
through a liquid, it consists of expansion (negative pressure) equipment consisted of the processor, the sonotrode, and the
waves and compression (positive pressure) waves. These cause PC control (UPC400T). The processor operated at 400 W and
bubbles (which are filled with both solvent and solute vapor 24 kHz frequency. The amplitude and the pulse for the reaction
and with previously dissolved gases) to grow and recompress. were adjustable from 20 to 100% and from 0 to 100%,
Under proper conditions, acoustic cavitation can lead to respectively. The titanium sonotrode (H22D) with a diameter
implosive compression in such cavities. Such implosive bubble of 22 mm and a length of 100 mm was used to transmit the
collapse produces intense local heating, high pressures, and very ultrasound into the liquid.12 Using the PC control, the process
short lifetimes. Cavitation is an extraordinary method of parameters such as amplitude, pulse, and operating time were
concentrating the diffuse energy of sound into a chemically modulated. The control system automatically recorded the actual
useable form.6 Ultrasonication provides the mechanical energy energy input and resultant temperature variation.
for mixing and the required activation energy for initiating the Transesterification. A mixture of 25 mL of methanol and 1
transesterification reaction. Low-frequency ultrasonic irradiation g of potassium hydroxide was agitated using a magnetic stirrer
is a useful tool for emulsification of immiscible liquids. The (∼5 min stirring) to form the methoxide. Soybean oil (100 mL)
collapse of the cavitation bubbles disrupts the phase boundary was mixed with the previously prepared potassium methoxide
and causes emulsification, by ultrasonic jets that impinge one (1:6 molar ratio) in a conical flask. Then the mixture was
liquid to another.5 transferred to the reaction chamber to be subjected to ultrasound
On the basis of the above principle, base-catalyzed transes- waves. The sonotrode was submerged up to 25 mm into the
terification of vegetable oil was performed4,5 using low- solution. The amplitude and time of the reaction were adjusted
frequency ultrasound (28-40 kHz). Previous studies reported by the PC controller. The four different amplitudes were 25%,
excellent ester yields (98-99%) with a low amount of catalyst 50%, 75%, and 100%, and the four different durations were 5,
in a much shorter time than with mechanical stirring. Excellent
yields of biodiesel were further observed7 in an alkaline- (8) Gol’dberg, K. M.; Fal’kovich, M. M.; Zarskii, I. A. Continuous
catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil using ultrasonic alcholysis [of vegetable oils] with sonic vibrations. Journal written in
Russian. 1966, 2, 63-67.
mixing in a shorter time at three different levels of temperature (9) Shah, S.; Sharma, A.; Gupta, M. N. Extraction of oil from Jatrophe
and four different levels of alcohol-to-oil ratios. The rate curcas L. seed kernels by combination of ultrasonication and aqueous
constants of this reaction were found to be 3-5 times higher enzymatic oil extraction. Bioresour. Technol. 2005, 96, 121-123.
(10) Wu, H.; Zong, M.-h. Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on enzymatic
than those reported in the literature for mechanical mixing. This transesterification of waste oil to biodiesel. Prepr. Symp.sAm. Chem. Soc.,
DiV. Fuel Chem. 2005, 50 (2), 773-774.
(6) Ertl, G.; Knozinger, H.; Weitkamp, J. Handbook of heterogeneous (11) Xiao, Y.-m.; Wu, Q.; Cai, Y.; Lin, X.-f. Ultrasound-accelerated
catalysis. enzymatic synthesis of sugar esters in nonaqueous solvents. Carbohydr.
(7) Colucci, J. A.; Borrero, E. E.; Alape, F. Biodiesel from an alkaline Res. 2005, 340, 2097-2103.
transesterification reaction of soybean oil using ultrasonic mixing. J. Am. (12) Ultrasonic laboratory deVices (manual); Hielscher: Ringwood, NJ;
Oil Chem. Soc. 2005, 82 (7), 525-530.
Base-Catalyzed Fast Transesterification of Soybean Oil Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007 1163

Figure 2. Effect of input energy on the fatty acid methyl esters yield.

Table 1. Effects of Amplitude and Reaction Time on Yield of

amplitude, reaction input temperature, yield,
% time, min energy, J °C %
25 5 79 538 64 95
50 5 91 039 74 97
75 5 125 201 79 98
100 5 131 177 89 99
25 10 147 022 69 95
50 10 214 951 91 97
75 10 216 911 107 91
100 10 274 085 124 77
25 15 151 975 72 99
50 15 303 461 110 88
75 15 325 500 136 58
100 15 409 828 136 47
25 20 236 971 74 87
50 20 310 414 107 69
75 20 464 485 120 52
100 20 546 569 149 43

the results, data on input energy, temperature, and yield for slices
across Figure 1 at 5, 10, 15, and 20 min are depicted in Table
At 5 min after the initiation of the reaction, it was clearly
established that increasing wave amplitude resulted in an
increase of chamber temperature as well as biodiesel yields. At
the 100% amplitude level, the ester yield was >99% (highest
Figure 1. Biodiesel yield, input energy, and temperature variation with in all the 16 combinations) and the corresponding input energy
time and sonic wave amplitude. and temperature was 131 177 J and 89 °C, respectively (Table
1). Also, all four amplitudes generated >95% biodiesel yield
10, 15, and 20 min. The pulse of the reaction was kept constant in 5 min.
for all combinations at 100%. After completion of the reaction, Subjecting ultrasonication for 10 min produced high ester
the solution was treated with concentrated sulfuric acid in order yields only at lower amplitudes. For example, an increase in
to neutralize the potassium hydroxide and to immediately stop amplitude from 25 to 50% resulted in an ester yield increase
the reaction. The product, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters from 95 to 97%. However, at higher amplitudes, ester yields
(FAMEs) and glycerol, was then transferred to a freezer before reduced drastically. This was attributable to cracking followed
sending it for gas chromatography (GC) analysis. by oxidation of the fatty acid methyl esters to aldehydes,
Gas Chromatography Analysis. Samples obtained from the ketones, and lower-chained organic fractions. It was observed
top layers of the mixture (after stabilization) were sent to that the ester yields were maximized at an optimum energy level.
Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory, Mississippi State Uni- Similar trends were observed for 15 and 20 min of ultrasoni-
versity, for GC analysis. cation at different amplitude levels.
Effect of Input Energy. The data for input energy (i.e., sound
Results and Discussion energy) and yield of FAMEs are shown in Figure 2.
According to Figure 2, it is evident that, as the input energy
Figure 1 depicts overlaid images of biodiesel yield, input increased, the FAME yield increased, reached a maximum, and
energy, and reactant temperature variation with sonic amplitudes started to decline. Accordingly, for input energies less than ∼150
and time. kW, yields are relatively constant and maximized near 97%.
Effect of Amplitude. The amplitude of sound waves had a Higher input energies tend to decrease yields, mainly because
large effect on the transesterification reaction. To better explain of cracking and degradation. It was observed that, in order to
1164 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007 Singh et al.

obtain biodiesel yields >97%, the range for input energy to the amplitudes, respectively, gave biodiesel yields that met the
transesterification should be maintained between 125 and 215 ASTM D 6751 standard. It was observed that, in order to obtain
kJ. biodiesel yields >97%, the range for input energy should be
Conclusions maintained between 125 and 215 kJ. Since ultrasonication could
reduce the transesterification retention times to 5 min compared
The base (KOH) catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil to over 1 h or more necessary for conventional batch processing,
using ultrasonic mixing produced high biodiesel yields at this method could be effectively used for continuous production
significantly shorter times in comparison to those reported of biodiesel using plug-flow or continuous stirred tank reactor
previously using batch systems with external heating and
mechanical stirring. At a 24 kHz frequency, combinations of 5
min/75%, 5 min/100%, and 15 min/25%, reaction time/ EF060507G

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